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Latihan Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Latihan Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris
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In addition to being pleasant and reducing thirst, drinking tea turns out to be
also beneficial for health. Some research results show that drinking tea is beneficial
for health if the amount of tea consumed is not excessive.
Female First writes that a new study in the United Kingdom shows that
drinking tea regularly can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. To analyze
the relationship between tea consumption and the reduced risk of breast cancer,
researchers conducted 39 studies of the benefits of tea consumption in 13,204 breast
cancer patients. Based on the results of these studies, antioxidant properties in tea
can help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Taking tea regularly causes a 21%
reduction in breast cancer risk. According to a female health specialist, Dr. Catherine
Hood from "The Tea Advisory Panel (TAP)" to Female First, this finding is related to the
level of polyphenols in tea. Tea is rich in polyphenols, including catechins and
gallocatchins, which have been known to function as antioxidants and to have anti-
tumor effects.
The latest research conducted by Dr. Tim Bond from The Tea Advisory Panel
(TAP) shows that consuming black tea lowers cardiovascular risks. Flavonoid in tea
helps improve blood vessel functions. In this study, 20 healthy people consumed tea
three times a day for one week. The result shows that the blood vessel function of
these people increases after consuming tea that is not brewed with hot water.
According to the Daily Mail, scientists from Taiwan reported that consuming
three cups of tea a day helps prevent heart disease and improves blood circulation.
Drinking more than 450 ml of tea every day will reduce the risk of arteries becoming
stiff, with a reduced risk of 22%. Research conducted by the Harvard School of Public
Health, America, also shows that tea has many health benefits. Besides being able to
lower blood pressure, tea can also help prevent the ovaries and digestive system
cancer. Consuming three cups of black tea or green tea every day can help prevent
strokes. Drinking green tea, in particular, can help reduce the risk of breast, prostate,
and endometrial cancer.
5. What topic does the paragraph 7. Which of the following is the best
preceding the passage most likely summary of the passage?
discuss? (A) Arts and crafts have positive
impacts on people's wellbeing.
(A) Creative and energetic people
These creative activities and arts
(B) Popular traditional activities
have been popular among Women's
(C) Thrilling research psychological
Institute members, and they believe
(D) The history of Women's Institute
more people should try them.
(E) Activities considered exciting
Researchers discovered that
participating in arts and crafts
6. Based on the passage, students will helped increase wellbeing in the
be happy and enthusiastic learners if following day.
arts and crafts .... (B) Knitting, crocheting, and jam-
(A) are mandatory subjects in their making are exciting activities for
schools Women's Institute. They state that
(B) are taught in a thrilling way they are pleased to know these arts
(C) become the main part of the and crafts are gaining popularity.
curriculum Many people are interested in trying
(D) are actively promoted by members of them because they are good for
the Woman Institute at school improving sense of creativity.
(E) are included in their daily lessons at (C) A study found that doing activities
school that are usually done by women can
help people increase their
happiness. The activities are usually
boring and uninteresting. However,
they are actually good for improving
intelligence and maintaining
psychological condition.
(E) Performing creative activities, such
(D) Dr. Tamlin Connor found that as knitting, crocheting, and jam-
traditional feminine activities making are surprisingly thrilling for
enjoyed by Women's Institute's many people. Most of them join the
members could be enjoyable and National Federation of Women's
excellent for stabilizing people's Institute and promote the
emotions. In his research, students advantages of arts and crafts for
did various creative activities and wellbeing. They collaborate with
wrote about their feelings in their psychology researchers and prove
diaries. The diaries showed they felt that creative activities significantly
more peaceful and calmer every improve happiness.
time they had some arts and crafts
in the previous day.
14. The author first quotes collar's (A) The African Grey is a prized
statement and then the statement is companion in homes around the
followed by ... world.
(A) an explanation about Collar's study (B) The journal reveals that these birds
(B) a claim from bird life international are in high demand around the
(C) a supporting statement from world.
Annorbah (C) The grey parrot has a wide historic
(D) a contrasting finding about grey range across West and central
parrots Africa.
(E) a description of bird conservation (D) The Grey parrot population in
and habit Ghana has increased
(E) Since 1992 Ghana has lost 90-99
percent of its African greys
15. Which of the following obviously
shows the author's false idea in the
Cermati soal dibawah ini
It is common knowledge women as get older, that pregnancy becomes a riskier
enterprise. Advanced maternal age is linked to a number of developmental disorders
in children, such as Down's syndrome. Now, a study has confirmed that older
mothers are less likely to give birth to a child with autism, too. The authors of the
epidemiology study, published February 8 in Autism Research, examined the parental
age of more than 12,000 children with autism and nearly five million "control"
children, all living in California. The researchers found that mothers over 40 had 51
percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29, and a 77
percent higher risk than mothers under 25.
Autism a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction
and communication appears to be on the rise. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention now estimates that as many as one in 110 children in the U.S. has an
autistic spectrum disorder - a group of developmental disorders in California in 2007
was 12 times that from 1987, representing an average annual growth of 13 percent,
according to a report from the California Department of Developmental Services. Only
a fraction of these extra cases can be explained by changes to diagnostic criteria and
earlier diagnoses.
Maternal age is also increasing in the U.S. A California-based study reported a
three-fold increase in the number of births to women aged 40 to 44. But this trend
toward delayed childbearing accounted for less than 5 percent of the total increase in
autism diagnoses in California over the decade, according to the study-a finding that
surprised Janie Shelton, a doctoral student in University of California, Davis's
Department of Public Health Sciences and the study's lead author. "I would have
expected to see more of a contribution, because age is risk factor and women are
having kids later," she says.
16. What conclusion can we draw from (E) a study found that women who had
the passage especially on autism in children after the age of 40 were
children? three times more likely to live longer
(A) It is genetically transmitted.
(B) It makes children antisocial.
(C) It is getting more infectious. 18. What topic does the paragraph
(D) It was among Californian children. following the passage most likely
(E) It has not been detected up to now. discuss?
(A) The increase of autism risk and
17. The sentence "A California- based older parents
study reported a three- fold increase in (B) Older women at high risk of having
the number of births to women aged 40 a child with autism
to 44." in paragraph 4 can best be (C) The higher rate of autism with older
restated as .... mothers
(A) the number of Americans giving (D) Paternal age as another factor which
birth in their 40s each year is is linked to a child with autism
increasing (E) More explanation of how maternal
(B) a study reported that the rate of age is related to autism
women in advanced maternal age
giving birth is increasing 19. The author's attitude towards the
(C) studies show that mothers aged 40 topic in the passage is ...
years or older giving birth is (A) Critical
increasing dramatically in numbers (B) Doubtful
(D) the ability to have a child at an (C) Assertive
older age indicates that a woman's (D) Convinced
reproductive system is aging slowly (E) Informative
20. Which of the following obviously
shows the author's false idea in the
(A) Older mothers are less likely to give
birth to a child with autism.
(B) As many as one in 110 children in
the U.S. has an autistic spectrum
(C) Mothers over 40 had 51 percent
higher risk of having a child with
autism than mothers 25 to 29.
(D) Only a fraction of these extra cases
can be explained by changes to
diagnostic criteria and earlier
(E) But this trend toward delayed
childbearing accounted for less than
5 percent of the total increase in
autism diagnoses.
Text for number 1-4
There are many habits I've gained while working from home: snacking when
desired, taking the dog for a midmorning walk, talking to myself and settling in for a
daily nap. That last one will be especially painful to give up if or when I return to an
office: my naps have become essential downtime that act as afternoon pick-me- ups.
Why do my naps feel so needed and so revitalising? And will I have to live without?
There are two biological processes that contribute to daily drowsiness, says
Sara Mednick, a professor of cognitive science at the University of California at Irvine
and author of Take a Nap! Change Your Life.
The first system is the circadian: It prompts you to stay awake when it's light
out and asleep when it's dark. In the middle of the day, it causes the hormone cortisol
to start decreasing from its morning high and your core body temperature to slightly
dip; losing heat helps you fall and stay asleep. The second is the homeostatic: It
makes you sleepier the longer you've been awake. As the day progresses, it
continually increases your "sleep pressure," causing you to have a growing need for
sleep. Together, at midday, these create "kind of a perfect storm that makes people
tired," Mednick says.
For many people who are sleep-deprived, a short shut-eye session is the ticket,
Mednick says. "Your mood gets better, your creativity, your perceptual processing,
your memory processing."
Mednick has found that nappers perform as well on a pattern-recognition task
as people who have slept overnight. She has found that naps enhance creative
problem-solving. Naps can boost and restore brain power. Toddlers who nap express
more joy. Adults nappers can tolerate frustration longer and feel less impulsive. Naps
may help protect older people from cognitive decline and dementia. Runners can use
naps to improve endurance. People who nap once or twice a week have a lower risk of
cardiovascular disease. Memory is better after a nap. And on it goes.
1. What can we conclude from the (C) emphasize the importance of the
effects of taking a nap discussed in word drowsiness
paragraph 5? (D) show that the drowsiness must
(A) The effects of napping include both occur everyday
psychological and physiological (E) indicate which specific drowsiness
(B) If done correctly, napping can have 3. What do the processes in paragraph
a huge range of health benefits. 3 tell us about our body?
(C) Taking a nap does not only help (A) The sleep pressure is one of our
with metabolism, but also with body's weaknesses.
mood regulation. (B) Sleep is a relaxing mechanism of the
(D) Children are more affected by naps brain.
than adults are. (C) The body regulates sleep through
(E) The advantages of napping for the biological processes.
human brain are its most (D) There are two ways for our body to
significant effects. take a nap.
(E) We can control the body's need for
2. The author uses the word 'daily' in sleep in two ways.
the 2nd paragraph mainly to....
(A) demonstrate the intensity of 4. Which question is answered by
drowsiness paragraph 5?
(B) put forward an idea about (A) Why do many people take naps?
drowsiness (B) What are the benefits of naps?
(C) What are the drawbacks of taking (E) Why does our body need naps?
(D) What makes naps better than
sleeping overnight?
7. What can be inferred from the (D) The guards and prisoners showed
passage? wholesome behavior towards each
(A) Putting people in isolated cells other.
damages their brain. (E) E The experiment was stopped
(B) Possession of power and control because it did not produce the
alters human behavior. desired results.
(C) People enjoy pleasure from others'
stress and anxiety. 9. What can be concluded from the
(D) The researchers had planned the behavior of the participants?
outcome of the experiment. (A) Their behavior was influenced by
(E) Money incentives don't help people the situation they were put into.
to endure torture. (B) Both the guards' and the prisoners'
behavior took an unexpected turn.
8. What is the main idea of paragraph (C) The participants are well-adjusted
4? to their new environment.
(A) The experiment was stopped early (D) The prisoners had a hard time
due to dangerous reactions of the developing an assertive behavior.
participants. (E) The guards' unpredictable behavior
(B) B Prison guards will always be was probably brought on by past
hostile toward prisoners. trauma.
(C) The researchers had already
predicted how the guards and 10. The sentence "... the interactions
prisoners would behave. were hostile or even dehumanizing"
(A) the isolated condition of prisoners (A) consented
was dangerous for their mental (B) yielded
health (C) dissented
(B) the prisoners rebelled and started (D) abided
attacking the guards (E) obeyed
(C) the guards became aggressive and
abusive toward the prisoners
(D) both the guards and the prisoners
felt depressed and anxious 12. Which of the following is true about
(E) the guards started to sympathize the experiment?
more with the prisoners (A) The participants must be free of
11. If we were to add a beginning criminal records and not have any
paragraph preceding the text, what health issues.
would it most likely talk about? (B) The guards were divided into three
(A) The researchers' academic teams that worked eight-hour shifts.
credentials (C) The experiment was cancelled not
(B) The psychology faculty of Stanford even halfway of the initial schedule.
University (D) The prisoners started to get abusive
(C) The selection of the volunteers due to the excessive freedom they
(D) The background of the experiment had.
(E) The mechanism of the experiment (E) The researchers doing the
experiment used the volunteer
13. The experiment involved volunteers guards to observe the prisoners.
who ___ to take part as guards and
prisoners in exchange for money.
Which of the following best fills the
15. Which of the following statements rest of the guys imitate it to better
best expresses the main idea of the their chances.
A. Changes to humpback whale sang 19. It is most reasonable to conclude
may occur when males embellish their that the complexity of humpback songs
own song through addition, can be analyzed by measuring
substitution or deletion at any I. the sound the whales make
hierarchical level II. the length of the sound patterns
B. Humpback songs can morph and III. the duration of a song session
migrate within and between whale IV. the distance of whale migratory
populations in a stepwise fashion. route
C. Underwater recordings have revealed
that humpback males sing during
migration between breeding and feeding (A) I and II
habitats. (B) II and III
D. Whale songs travel in a linear (C) III and IV
pattern with certain variances as some (D) I, II, and III
individuals are sung differently with (E) All of the above
very minor differences.
E. When songs have significant 20. "When they hear his radically
changes performed by an individual different song, they may borrow some
whale, other pod members apply the themes or steal the entire song."
said changes. What meaning does the modal 'may'
carry in this context?
16. All of the following can be inferred (A) It shows permission.
from the passage, except .... (B) It shows suggestion.
(A) Male humpback whales go through (C) It shows possibility.
a cultural revolution by picking up (D) It shows polite offer.
new songs when shoring the same (E) It shows ability.
space as other whales.
(B) During the song, humpbacks
produce an intricate series of
sounds that can be deconstructed
into hierarchical elements.
(C) Some song learning can occur
between whale populations that are
in close proximity and may be able
to hear the other population's song.
(D) Humpback whales can learn an
entire song pattern from another
population very quickly, without
leaving anything out.
(E) E One whale finds mating success
by tinkering with the song style, the