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Latest Masterpiece
110 years Joseph - 33rd in spiritual election generations, 23rd natural g. (Right Hand of Power, Complete Type of Christ, Coat of Many Colors) 110 years Joshua 26th generation (English) (Jehovah-Saviour) One of 12 Spies who went into the promised-land and came back with evidence. Joshua topped the Sun by the power to command Gods Word. Of Ephraim
A Fiery Golden
Now - the candlestick is a lamp-stand. And notice when he turned, he saw One like the Son of Man standing in the midst of the seven golden lamp-stands, which meant the seven church ages to come. Each lamp-stand, hooked into the main big oil censer. And in this oil come forth up to a little odd-
shaped lamp that set with a wick in it and the wick hung down into the oil. They poured oil into the top of the stand, which filled up the main big stem, and the big branch, and it ran out into the stems. And the lamp with the wick hanging down kept burning, day and night. You never had to light it, it never went out; they just kept pouring oil in the main pipe. And these lamp-stands that come out had the lamps setting on top of them. The wick from the lamp run down into there, got its life out of there. Oh, how different it is from a candle today. How different! It's a lamp-stand, and it's pulling oil. In the Old Testament - when they lit one lamp, they could not light the next lamp with the same fire they had in their hand. They lit one lamp and then picked that lamp up and lit the other lamp with it, then they set the lamp they just lit down. And then they light the next lamp with the same fire that they started at the beginning on the first lamp, every other lamp being lit from the same fire that was lit upon the first lamp. Oh, I hope that doesn't go over your head. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever," the same fire (Holy Ghost) lit every one of those churches right down through the ages.
Israel was usually considered an olive tree in the Scriptures. And God's tree.. I believe in Ezekiel, He gave the both the wild tree and the tame tree, and how that through the censer pipe the oil was coming from both trees into one candlestick. Hebrews 9: 2-5 There was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shew-bread; which is called the sanctuary. And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid roundabout with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; And over it the Cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy-seat; of which we cannot now speak
particularly. Rev 8: 2-6 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thundering, and lightning, and an earthquake. And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
(555) 1110
The LORD God - I Am Love Jehovah Elohim Love Our Fathers Love The Love of Christ Our LORD is Love The Holy Fire Love Lovely Star Come The Law is Love Grace Love through Grace Love is the One Law Love Thy Neighbor Love Paradigm Shift Love Deputizing Agape Love Immortal
Bible Love - Immortal 1110 We have known and believed the Love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwells in love has piled Word upon Word upon His Soul, and His Soul dwells in the Word Body Cells and the Spirit of God dwells within Him as He dwells in the Word that has been laid down line upon line. Thus I am resting in the Bosom of God and God is in me, my body I and my Father are One. Love Deep - Immortal 1110 To Him who keeps the Word of God in His heart, verily in there is the Love of God perfected! Love Ark - Immortal 1110 Beloved, let us love one another with the Love Gifts of God which God has given us, which are
not to be kept for our own little secret, but to be ones that might humbly share and rejoice in the gifts that we are for each other, with each other. Everyone that has love- gifts to love with is born of God and knows the attributes God has placed within him to be made manifest, and knows the God who is the Attributor and Manifesting Agent behind every one that loves! Let not one brother think of another brother that because it appears he is putting himself forth that he is, for we know better that rather we would offend a man who can`t discern an act of Love, than offend God for not doing the command to Love One another. He who does not act out the Word of Identification that God has revealed unto Him does not Love, and the Love of God is not in made manifest in him, though it was made known to him, and thus Love makes no increase in the body and the body is not increased to Love. Love Paradigm Shift 1110 And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another by inspiration and revelation, and toward all men! For God has given us the Spirit of Power, even Love, and a sound mind! Love will abound more and more in knowledge and judgement. Christ dwells in your heart by revelations which give faith, wherein the Word Seed has put forth its roots and thy soul is able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, which is the prize set before us, even to know the Love of Christ which passeth knowledge of the Capstone Revelation, so that ye might be filled with all the fullness of the Godhead bodily all those Attributes there poured into His Bride. The hearts of the Bride are comforted as they are knit together in Love, becoming One in Spirit at the Sealing in of the entire Body at which time shall be given unto her all the riches of the full assurance of a complete understanding, wherein we super impose upon our old way of thinking the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ - for in the Father and the Son are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge! The heaven is for height and the earth is for depth. Love Thy Neighbor 1110 Gal 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. James 2:8 - If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: Love works no ill to his neighbour:
Noah - the tenth generation from Adam- completing the antediluvian age, Tithing is a tenth . Abraham is the tenth generation from Noah. The Ten Virgins Ten Plagues representing a total complete circle of God's judgment upon Egypt The Ten Commandments
111 + 999 = 1110 222 + 888 = 1110 333 + 777 = 1110 444 + 666 = 1110 555 + 555 = 1110 666 + 444 = 1110 777 + 333 = 1110 888 + 222 = 1110 999 + 111 = 1110 159 + 951 = 1110 258 + 852 = 1110 357 + 753 = 1110 456 + 654 = 1110 555 + 555 = 1110 654 + 456 = 1110 753 + 357 = 1110 852 + 258 = 1110 951 + 159 = 1110 123 + 987 = 1110 234 + 876 = 1110 345 + 765 = 1110 456 + 654 = 1110 567 + 543 = 1110 678 + 432 = 1110 789 + 321 = 1110 891 + 219 = 1110 912 + 198 = 1110
I just love to think on the numerics of the Bible - threes, sevens, twelve, twenty-four, forty, and fifties are Gods mathematical numbers. If you get those numbers running right you can just place the Bible like one great picture. If you think theres nothing in numbers then you don't know the numerics of the Bible. You're sure to get It wrong now. All the Bible runs in mathematics. It runs completely through the Scripture. The numerics of the Bible must run perfect or you'll get your picture all mixed up. If you can't understand it, just keep praying. You watch, it'll cut right in, exactly. -You must get the numerics of the scripture running perfect to place the great picture of the Bible. -If you dont know the numerics of God your sure to get it wrong. God is "perfected" in three's. If you'll notice in the Bible, mathematically speaking, three is God's perfected number. The Godhead is perfected in three: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit offices which are three Attributes of the One true God. There are justification, sanctification and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Even the dispensations are perfected in three. You have to keep your threes together. Watch those numbers and you'll never get it mixed up. Don't let those threes out of your mind. Three is that perfection number: first, God coming to redeem His Bride; second, God coming to catch His Bride away; and third, God coming with His Bride: all in threes, all through the Bible. Water, Blood, and Spirit, makes one Birth. Shout Voice Trumpet Father Son Holy Spirit Pillar of Fire Flame of Fire Flaming Ball of Fire Prophet Teacher Evangelist 1st Pull 2nd Pull 3rd Pull William Branham Lee Vayle Shawn Janzen Son of Man Son of God Son of David Abraham Isaac Israel John Jesus Paul
Moses Aaron Joshua God is perfected in threes. Dont let those threes out of your mind. You have to keep your threes together. 62-3-19 The End Time Seed Sign Three is God's number in His numerology. God is known by His numbers. All of His numbers, The numerals of God are perfected, are in perfection. When the little baby Christ was born, three stars went together and made the one morning star, that reflected the coming of the infant Christ, a perfect One. Here Brother Branham says God has a Numerology and that God is known by His Numbers. The numerals of God are perfected. 63-3-18 The First Seal You always have to make it run in threes. Fours are wrong. Once again it has to run in those unbroken numbers threes, sevens, twelve, twenty-four, forties and fifties. God runs His messages of the Bible in the numerals of those numbers. If you get something that flies off of one of those numbers, you'd better watch. It won't come out right on those next things. You have got to bring it back here to where you start from. Now look at the age now that where we're living. We are living right in that Sodom time! Watch the messenger to Abraham's group. Watch the numbers, letters, and the numerology of his name! You say, "There's nothing in a name." Don't you ever let anybody tell you that. Thats why He changed Abram's name, to Abraham, and Sara to Sarah! He changed Simon to Peter, and Saul to Paul. God, in His numerals, He's perfect in His numerals. He's perfect in His Word. He's perfect in His action. He's perfect in everything, because He's a perfect God. Yeah. You have to keep your twelves together. There are 12 Foundations of the New Jerusalem which are the names of the 12 Apostles. There are 12 Pearly Gates of the City each had the name of One of the 12 Tribes of Israel. We look at that and see 12 elders, the 12 tribes, the 12 apostles, 12 foundations, and 12 gates! Oh, my! Take them numerals of God and you can't miss it nowhere, she'll run right smack straight everywhere every time. Twenty Four is Worship. The number of "temptation" is forty. "Jubilees" are fifty's Pentecost. God, who numbers the feathers in the birds wings, knows where every one of them is. The God Who numbers the hairs of your head, God Who rides on the wings of morning, He Who created the heavens and earth, knows every creature and every being. He is God. This is His Word. Heavens and earth will pass away, but It never will. Now, in Ephesians 1:10, it is not called. a dispensation, not the seventh day. It's called, "The fullness of time." And when "the fullness of time" has come, that's when time has been fulfilled. When there is no more time, then you go into Eternity, after the seventh church age is over. Then you go into Eternity; no more seven's, no more three's, no more other. You are in Eternity, where there is no such time as numbers, and times, and things. Amen! Oh, my! You see it now? 63-0322 THE.FIFTH.SEAL The first time he came he was Elijah himself. The next time he came, he was Elisha. The next time he came he was John the Baptist. The next time he comes is for the seventh angel. And the fifth time he comes, he's with Moses over yonder. Yes, sir. Don't confuse him. Five, if you know your numerals of the Bible, five is the number of laboring grace; and that's what He did. Now, watch, you want to know what it is. Was Jesus a labor of grace? J-e-s-u-s--five; l-a-b-o-r (Is that right?)--labor for--for love for you. And if you get to Him, how you come? By what? F-a-i-t-h, in l-a-b-o-r. Is that right. Labor is the number of grace. All right, to the believers... Notice, the first Elijah, that was him. The second was Elisha. The third was John. The fourth was the seventh angel or the last messenger to the church, according to Malachi 4 and Revelations 10:7. Now, the fifth time, he is a messenger to the Jews, to the hundred and forty-four thousand, to the Jews after the Church is gone. 63-0627 We haven't time to go through the numerals of God in His (numerology), (of) what (number) He is perfected in; and what (form) His Coming (unto us at the time of His full Appearing) will be in, and so forth, and what (the) number (of His name will be), but we're in it -( that is to say, we are in the numbers as well with Him the perfect Mathematics of God). 60-1208 Your name has a bearing on your life. Now, I can't go too much into that because the Devil has a false numerology; we know that; it starts people feeling and so forth like that, which runs into spiritualism. And spiritualism is of the Devil. We know that. And that's the way, you have to watch. 61-0423 "Your name was called Simon; hereafter you'll be called Peter. You were Saul, but from now on you' will be called Paul. What is with all these names being changed if they don't mean something? "Oh," you say, "that's numerology." The devil's got one - that's right, but only because God's got one. Everything the devil has he's patterned it off of God. Exactly right. After Jesus overcame He received (the understanding of) a new Name Himself. Every over-comer (receives the understanding of what the new-name is.) The church when it has completely overcome (their unbelief in the Word that is delivered by the stumbling stone and rock of offence that was given unto them) then the revelation of it (what the new name really is) begins to become real to them...57-0901M And, oh, the teachings of this Book! We could stay with It, for on one verse, for three months, and just show that the entire Bible ties into every verse in the Bible. Did you ever think of that? There's not one verse that you can put your finger on, but what, with the grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, that we can tie Genesis to Revelation right into It. There's not another piece of literature written anywhere that can do that. Mathematically, and geographically, in every way, there's not a Book in the world written like the Bible. There's nothing. The pneumatics of the Bible is perfectly in harmony; even chapters, and punctuations, and everything, are perfect. There is not another book like it; you couldn't read a chapter out of it without crossing itself back. But there's not one cross-up in the entire Bible. And was wrote by many, many, many people; and hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of years apart. Not knowing one piece; one wrote It here, and one wrote It here, and one wrote It over here. When It was all formed together, It made God's Bible. And not one contradicts the other one, and, no, not mathematics, geography. Anything else of the Bible, everything, pneumatic, everything runs perfectly together. That isn't inspired, I don't know, what will you call inspiration? I'm so glad for the blessed, old Bible. Oh, my! I say, the Scripture is mathematically inspired. I say, the Scripture is, and in every way, inspired. The mathematics of the Bible are perfect. Yet (you) don't know God by mathematics (alone). Neither do you know Him by science (alone). You know God by faith (which is a revelation), and by faith (revelation) alone do you know Him. So don't ever leave these three! (Faith by revelation, scripture, mathematics) like Father, Son, Holy Ghost. (Dont) leave those mathematics (when it comes according to scripture by the revelation of faith.) If you stay with them, it'll make the picture come into itself right, just like when you put your jig-saw puzzle together. 63-0322 THE.FIFTH.SEAL If you're trying to explain something by mathematics, remember, He's even put it in the Bible in Isaiah 35, that it's so simple that even a delinquent person would understand it - so that even a fool shall not err therein. 63-0324E THE.SEVENTH.SEAL Now, and we notice this interval now between the 6th and the 7th chapter of Revelation reveals a happening It's not in there just for nothing. It is there for a purpose, and it's a revelation that reveals something. Notice, how mysterious and how mathematically it fits right into the Scripture exactly. Do you believe in God's mathematics? If you don't, you'll sure get lost in the Word. If you start putting a four or six or something besides those mathematical words, (which are) running in (perfect) order, you'll have in your scene a cow picking grass in top of a tree. You'll certainly run out (of place) because God His whole Word runs completely in mathematics. Yes, sir. It is perfect, the most perfect... There's no other literature written like It
1110 Beware It is finished 1110 1110 Satan and Hell Are Defeated 1110 1110 Set Free From Satan 1110 1110 Beware the Squeeze 1110 1110 Bottomless Pit 1110 1110 And Have Done Wickedly 1110 Hell is Vanquished 1110 1110 Get Thee behind Me Satan 1110
Saith the Son of God Saints of the Lord Salvation Revealed Saved by Jesus Name Saved by the Cross The Key and the Scales
1110 Key Prophet of All 1110 The Key and the Scales 1110 The Key of the Rose 1110 The Book of Malachi Key 1110 Secret Gemetria Key 1110 The Book of Isaiah Key 1110 Secret Key Jewels, 1110 Secret Energy Key 1110 Secret Key Point 1110 Secret Quanta Key 1110 Secret Tarot Key 1110 Secret Occult Key 1110 One Chosen Key of All 1110 The God of Israel Key 1110 Sagittarius Key
Saved by the Gospel A Message Seal From God One Universe Palace 1110
Secret Ox Master Voice the Lords Day The Triumph of God Deputizing Elisha The Lords Day Elisha The Jubilee Year Angel Hath A Message From God Saith I The Holy God In His Right Hand Seal Saith the Holy Pen Sweet Grace Words Without a Blemish Wondrous Light Gabriel Light of Sun Simple English Seal Slaying of Christ Son of David - Age of War Son of the One Lord
Strong Numbers The Four Corners The God of Israel Awake The God of Israel Key The Healing of the Sick The Holy Fire Breath The Holy Fire Gabriel The Holy Fire Voice The King Jesus Flame The Light for All Men The Masterpiece Bride The Squeeze Voice The Truth The Life The Ultimate Price The Veil Being Torn The Way of the Lord The Wise End-Stone To Seven Churches Truth of the Faith Ultimate Sparks Unchanging Truth Unconditional Grace Victorious Grace Victorious One Victor Over Death Yshua God of Israel
A=1 1110 - `Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth salve, ye know that
summer is nigh!`` 1110 - And further, by these, my Son, be admonished Of Making many books there is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 1110 - When Christ the Lord God knows His pen number- in the year two thousand ten - the arm graft, Father Israel, fans big reveal! The Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - plus the Book of Revelations have 111 Chapters. Revelation Chapter 4 # 3 Throne of Mercy and Judge William Branham 1:11:00 Numbers, Jewish Gemetria (1110) White Bear, Project Monarch, In Jesus Name, Wrapped, The Dream Master and Other Dream Angels, Mount Etna Eruption, Rider is Called Faithful and True, Symbolized, Sojourn, True Holy Angel of Death
1110 The LORD of All - Christ Act 10:36 The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) I - The LORD God of Time One Lord of Hosts Our LORD is Love One Son of the Lord
Sound the trumpet." Ten thousand Angels come in arm. The Father... "Where You going to be, Lord?" I'll be always on the receiving end. Gabriel sounded a little trumpet and it crossed the corridors of eternity. Ten thousand armed angels walked down. So, the whole air is charged again expecting something to happen. The world doesn't know what's fixing to happen. When the trumpet sounds, there won't be one thing to do but be caught away? It'll be done so quick, you won't have time to do nothing else. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, what will it be one of these days? When It's preached, the acceptable time and the time of Jubilee, anybody, no matter who you are, how far you've stooped in sin, or what's wrong with you, you can go free when you hear the--God's Gospel trumpet sound out. You are free. But if you turn your back upon the Message you have crossed the line between grace and judgment and you will never hear the Gospel again. You'll never get any further; you must be a slave to the system you're in the rest of your days, if you refuse to hear the acceptable year. We are now ready for a battle; the Trumpet's to sound. The hymns have been sang; now comes the Word. "O God, one of these hours there's coming a scream from heaven; the trumpet of God shall sound, and every Christian shall fly on to the wings of the old rugged cross, piercing the storms of life out into the cleft in the Rock, Christ Jesus."
The Holy Fire Gabriel 1110, Jehovah Elohim Gabriel 1110, Gabriel Light of Sun 1110 Deputizing Gabriel 1110 The QBLH Trumpet 1110 The Trumpet Art 1110 A Word That Means I Am I A Self Existing God I - A God - Self Existing The Name of My One God El - God King Melchizedek El Divine El Elah Elohim, El El Elah Elohim The Bible El El Elah Elohim: Absalom, El El Elah Elohim: El Shaddai El Shaddai - A Almighty God El Shaddai The Blood of Abel Holy - Most High God Most High Holy God God is Our Christ One God The One Father I Am Jehovah-Majesty I Am the Wise Stone Jehovah Elohim Breath Jehovah Elohim Elisha Jehovah Elohim Gabriel Jehovah Elohim Sun Jehovah Elohim Voice Jehovah-Eagle-Cyrus Father of the Living Father of Nobility Father of Prophecy Father of a Divine Gift The Bible A Gift of Father The Powers That Be
The End Time Sign Seed The Prophet King of All In His Omega Presence In His Presence Awake The Anointed One Come A Fiery Gift of Father Father of Energy Dew Father of Peace Vault The Eternal Christ Christ The Lamb of God The Omega God of Israel The God King of Israel One Holy Spirit Great Counselor The Lion of Judah Rod Son of Master David Kingdom of Heaven Come I Am the King Grandeur A Magnificence of the King A Magnificent King-Gift Hail the King of Kings A King Among the Kings One Chosen King of All King in His Presence King Jesus Rejected Key Prophet of All O Revealed Prophet The Alpha Masterpiece The Perfect Yeshua One Jesus Christ Christ Child Revealed Jesus Christos Temple of the One God Jesus God Incarnate Lord Jesus is Kin Kin Shed Blood for Man The Name of My God Kin House of I God Of the Saviour God A Lamb Sacrificed For Us The Sacrificed Lamb of God The Messiah Crucified - The Lamb Hung for Our Sin He Died on Behalf of Mankind A Shepherd of the Flock, The One Anointed Child Anointed of the Lord True Messiah of God The Bethlehem Messiah A Nazarene Carpenter The King on Calvary Bearer of Our Sins An Innocent Victim He Was Hung For Us
Jesus on Calvary Cross On Calvary The Cross of Wood The Crucified Jesus The Messiah from God The Messiah on a Tree His Death on Calvary Kin Jesus Christ A Sacrifice for All Time It Is Finished Love All Works Finished An Eternal Gift of Life A Salvation by Faith A Remission of Sin A Redeemer of the Jews The Meaning of Easter Holy Bible of the King Being Gods Perfect Bible The Bible of Holiness Called Gods Perfect Bible The Book Spells God A KJV Bible - English Seal Teach a KJV English Bible A KJV English Bible Flame Holy Book of the Lamb New Testament God Bible Christianity A Trust in the Bible The Secret Bible Door Foretold by the Bible Book of Genesis Math, Regal Book of Genesis, A Government in Eden, Adam Tracing Seed to God, Alas the First Man Adam, A Substitute Lamb, The Abraham Communion A Gift of Brother Abraham The Book of Exodus The Proverbs Seal, Keep the Proverbs The Book of Isaiah Key, the Book of Isaiah Omega The Book of Hosea Robe, Mind the Book of Hosea The Book of Amos Robe, Mind the Book of Amos The Book of Jonah Robe, Mind the Book of Jonah The Book of Micah Breath, the Book of Micah Oracle, The Book of Micah Voice The Book of Zephaniah The Book of Malachi Key, the Book of Malachi Omega Gospel of Matthew The Book of St. Luke I Am First John Book, The Book of James Robe, Mind the Book of James Thee Book of Laodiceans Book of Revelation, A Secret Glory Seal Apocalypse Revealed A Juror Selection Angel Enlightenment
Alpha Servant - John Bride Servant - John Servant John - A Flame, A Rainbow Warrior And The Bride Church Grace All is One Holy Palace Amethyst Beauty Amethyst Fruit Amethyst Jewels I Am the Quickening Adam A Lip Message from God An Act of Restoring Alphabet plus Six Angel of the Sun-Fire Angels Protecting Axle Oil of the Wheel Beginning of Wisdom Biblical Prophet Rod Called Holy Truth Christ Revealed Law Continuous Grace Deputizing Gabriel Divine Presence Rod Divine Secret Door Edible Word is Pure Element Perfection Element Strength Elijah Revelations Engage Collective Mind English Perfection Engage Doctor Moses Enoch Revelations Ephesian Church Age Heat Exploits of Faith Faith and Truth Image Finished For All Time Fire-Water-Air-Earth Flaming Ball of Fire Seal Flame in His Right Hand Forgiveness of All Freedom From All Sin Free Holy Spirit Fruit of the Rose Gate Vault of Heaven Gematria of the Rose Gematria Seal Code of God Gods Numbering Seal Gods Numbering Rod, God Elijah Evangelist God in His Word Mind God in His Word Robe
God of Abraham Saves Man Gods Messiah Saves Gods Only Messiah God Owns All Aright God Owns All the Ark Gods Perfect Bible Flame Gods Perfect Bible-Fold Gods Perfect Bible Rod Gods Perfect Bible Seal Gods Revelations God Sat in His Word God Spells the Mark Gods Testimony God the Artist Angel Grace Healing Promise - The God of My Name Grace Grace the Queen of Sheba He Which Testifieth He Whom Is Glorified His Self-Existing Holy is All Revealed Holy Mystery Holy of Holies Oil Holy One Saith Grace Holy Spirit Grace Holy Spirit Heat Holy Spirit Ink Holy Spirit Kin Holy Truth Being Holy Truth Flame Holy Truth Rod Holy Truth Seal In Jehovah-Majesty Inner Sun Temple Inner Temple Bodies Inner Temple Eyes Inner Temple Voice Judgment Warning Keep Gods Numbering Kerubim of the Earth Key in His Presence Law of Love Chariot Light of Sun Engine ificent King Eli Magnificent Manna King Magnificent Regal King Main Gospel Parables Main Holy Truth Manifestation Angel Mans Sins Forgiven Melchisedek Salem King Messiah Jesus Flame
Messiah Named Jesus Messiah of the Jews Morning Star Flame New Covenant Lord No - Nor Ever Shall Be Old Testament Flam Old Testament Fold Old Testament Rod Old Testament Seal Omega Prophet of All One Chosen Key of All One Church of Osler One Jesus Glory One Jesus Sacrificed One-One-One and Zero (1110) One Prophetic King Ox Enlightenment Perfect Divinity Pleasant Word Seal Poet God The Last Deed Price of Salvation Prince - Priest Amen Raptured Saints Regal Forth-Speaker Rejected By His Own Repent and Be Born Again Repent of Sinning
66 Cecile B. DeMille invited preachers from across the Land to see a rehearsal ofThe Ten Commandments They seen the rehearsal of it before the picture was ever released! They saw it before the public seen it. To be critics if needs be The Table of the Lord IS Busy With Progress Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed Be Thy Name Peter James and John saw the kingdom of God come in power. They saw the coming of the Kingdom of God rehearsed. Amen. Oh they were brought into view of watching the Kingdom of God be rehearsed as it cameThe issuing in of the MillenniumThey saw the rehearsal. Jesus as the Sun Throughout History It Giveth Light unto All That Are in the House Now Jesus promised Peter James and John that they would see the Kingdom of God coming in power! Paul was caught up into the 3rd Heaven and heard things that it was unlawful for him to utter! He was forbidden to speak of it or tell it out to the public. Oh My I dont believe He could do it. I guess he didnt even have words to! Praise the LORD - From Whom All Blessings Flow Jesus Loves the Little Children of the World
How different when John was caught up and seen Jesus! He was told to write in a book what he had seen so that it would go all down through the all the ages and is revealed nowJohn being a type of the raptured church that goes right up into the Presence of God. Now over in this place where John was taken he saw the coming, the rehearsal. The First thing he saw in the coming was Moses: Moses represented the dead saints that would be resurrected thats all these six church ages that sleptAnd Elijah was there, the Messenger of the Last Day with his group the transfigured in glorified bodies and rapturedAmen. Now, this was then in the future waiting for the coming in this hour! They saw the rehearsal of the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom! Principality of the Palace of Spiritual Arts And Christ brought John up into Heaven and rehearsed the whole thing to him Glory he saw the preview. He saw it just as though he lived on earth and saw the whole church ages come to pass to the coming of the Lord, the whole Book of Revelation Oh my! He showed Him the whole thing before he even died, just like he lived the whole thing through: showed him what it would be! He showed Him a screening of things which was which is and what shall come. He showed Him the Church Age and the Coming of the Jews He Saw the pouring out of the plagues, the rapture, the coming again, and the millennium, even the eternal home of His saved; Just as though he lived right down through the whole thing - he saw it all happen. The Harvest of the Earth Total Destruction See He just took him and showed him the film that Hes turning let him see the whole thing rehearsed! John lived to see the coming of the Lord rehearsed in Power, the whole scene from His time until the judgments was over and the millennium was issued in. John saw every bit of it, and the Millenium Over, and the Kingdom Age started. So He Keeps His Word Doesnt He! Holy Palace of Living Waters The Royal Family I Ams written Contract of Gods Perfected Laws You can take one piece of scripture and tie the whole Bible together with it! Yes Sir not a leak! POET IS Seventh Day Author Yahweh God Rest
The Last Books of the Chronicles 11:11 13: 29:29 Now the firstH7223 actsH1697 of DavidH1732 the king,H4428 Now the firstH7223 in place and in time Is Reel-Shone - the ancestor memory of us who were from Eternity. The Re-el Shone is the beginning of our story and the eldest in generations, the fore-Father and most ancient of all times past el of the Re, The First - was a primitive particle in manifestation, the eternal small one, who captures His own lonely origins on the Gabreel the Great alpha-bet recorder el-em-ent. and shares the deep emotions it wrought in Him! He seen that his purpose as the el, who is the smallest in number, and the Small One in size, is only to become El for a spell and a season (the Spirit of God Almighty for a time), to set in motion an end vision of Creation, where He gives the honour and glory of being God to His First Born. the only begotten Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is to become the one true Object of worship God, according to the creation of the small one having started every motion towards the eventual establishment of Jubilee worship in all the heaven and earth, in which every knee bows and tongue confesses with Praise the name of Jesus - the Son of God- in true worship; to the glory of the object of worship, for the Praise of his name and for the glory of Gods increase!
Genesis 1:1:1 In the beginningH7225 GodH430 createdH1254 (H853) the heavenH8064 and the earth.H776 Genesis 1:1:11 And GodH430 said,H559 Let the earthH776 bring forthH1876 grass,H1877 the herbH6212 yieldingH2232 seed,H2233 and the fruitH6529 treeH6086 yieldingH6213 fruitH6529 after his kind,H4327 whoseH834 seedH2233 is in itself, uponH5921 the earth:H776 and it wasH1961 so.H3651 Genesis 1:11:1 And the wholeH3605 earthH776 wasH1961 of oneH259 language,H8193 and of oneH259 speech.H1697 Genesis 1:11:11 And ShemH8035 livedH2421 afterH310 he begatH3205 (H853) ArphaxadH775 fiveH2568 hundredH3967 years,H8141 and begatH3205 sonsH1121 and daughters.H1323 1 Kings 11:1:1 Now kingH4428 DavidH1732 was oldH2204 and strickenH935 in years;H3117 and they coveredH3680 him with clothes,H899 but he gat no heat.H3808 H3179 1 Kings 1:11: 1:11 Wherefore NathanH5416 spakeH559 untoH413 BathshebaH1339 the motherH517 of Solomon,H8010 saying,H559 Hast thou notH3808 heardH8085 thatH3588 AdonijahH138 the sonH1121 of HaggithH2294 doth reign,H4427 and DavidH1732 our lordH113 knowethH3045 it not?
156 468 78
183 468 78 200 468 78 78 78 78 78 210 468 246 468 246 468 272 468
290 468 308 468 335 468 371 468 711 468 808 468
78 78 78 78 78 78 78
H1 ' ab A primitive word; father in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application: - chief, (fore-) father ([-less]), X patrimony, principal. Compare names in Abi- 1) father of an individual
2) of God as father of his people 3) head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan 4) ancestor 4a) grandfather, forefathers - of person 4b) of people 5) originator or patron of a class, profession, or art 6) of producer, generator (figuratively) 7) of benevolence and protection (figuratively) 8) term of respect and honour 9) ruler or chief (specifically) Total KJV Occurrences: 1136
H 11 Part of Speech: noun masculine proper locative 'abaddon Intensively from H6; abstractly a perishing; concretely Hades: - destruction. 1) place of destruction, destruction, ruin,
Destruction de-strukshun: In the King James Version this word translates over 30 Hebrew words in the OT, and 4 words in the NT. Of these the most interesting, as having a technical sense, is 'abhaddon (from verb 'abhadh, to be lost, to perish). It is found 6 times in the Wisdom Literature, and nowhere else in the Old Testament; noun 1. The act of destroying; demolition; a pulling down; subversion; ruin, by whatever means; as the destruction of buildings, or of towns. Destruction consists in the annihilation of the form of any thing; that form of parts which constitutes it what it is; as the destruction of grass or herbage by eating; of a forest, by cutting down the trees; or it denotes a total annihilation; as the destruction of a particular government; the destruction of happiness. 2. Death; murder; slaughter; massacre. There was a deadly destruction throughout all the city. 1 Sam 5. 3. Ruin. 4. Eternal death. Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction. Mat 7. 5. Cause of destruction; a consuming plague; a destroyer. The destruction that wasteth at noon-day. Psa 91. Total KJV Occurrences: destruction, 5 Job_26:6, Job_28:22, Job_31:12, Pro_15:11( 2)
H111 Part of Speech: noun proper masculine ' adad Probably an orthographical variation for H2301; Adad (or Hadad), an Edomite: - Hadad = I shall move softly: I shall love
1) an Edo-mite enemy God raised up to punish Solomon for his sins!
H1111 Part of Speech: noun proper masculine balaq From H1110; waster- Balak = devastator 1) a king of Moab who hired Balaam to curse Israel
Total KJV Occurrences: 2 -waste Isa_24:1, Nah_2:10
-al'-fah Of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet: figuratively only (from its use as a numeral) the first. Often used (usually an, before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from G427) in the sense of privation; so in many words beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of G260): - Alpha. 1) first letter of Greek alphabet
2) Christ is the Alpha to indicate that he is the beginning and the end KJV Occurrences: 4 alpha, 4 Rev_1:8, Rev_1:11, Rev_21:6, Rev_22:13
Abraam ab-rah-am' Of Hebrew origin [H85]; Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch. In Act_7:16 the text should probably read Jacob: - Abraham. Father of a multitude 1) the son of Terah and the founder of the Jewish nation
athemitos From G1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of themis (statute; from the base of G5087); illegal; by implication flagitious: abominable, unlawful thing. 1) contrary to law and justice, prohibited by law, illicit, criminal Part of Speech: adjective 1Pe 4:3 ForG1063 the timeG5550 pastG3928 of our lifeG979 may sufficeG713 usG2254 to have wroughtG2716 theG3588 willG2307 of theG3588 Gentiles,G1484 when we walkedG4198 inG1722 lasciviousness,G766 lusts,G1939 excess of wine,G3632 revellings,G2970 banquetings,G4224 andG2532 abominableG111 idolatries:G1495 Act 10:28 AndG5037 he saidG5346 untoG4314 them,G846 YeG5210 knowG1987 howG5613 that it isG2076 an unlawful thingG111 for a manG435 that is a JewG2453 to keep company,G2853 orG2228 come untoG4334 one of another nation;G246 butG2532 GodG2316 hath shewedG1166 meG1698 that I should not callG3004 anyG3367 manG444 commonG2839 orG2228 unclean.G169
gogguzo gong-good'-zo Of uncertain derivation; to grumble: - murmur. 1) to murmur, mutter, grumble, say anything against in a low tone 1a) of the cooing of doves 1b) of those who confer secretly together 1c) of those who discontentedly complain 1Co 10:10 NeitherG3366 murmurG1111 ye, asG2531 someG5100 of themG846 alsoG2532 murmured,G1111 andG2532 were destroyedG622 ofG5259 theG3588 destroyer.G3644 Atomic Number 1 Hydrogen Atomic Weight 1.0094 Boil -259.34 Melt -252.57 Atomic Number 11Sodium Atomic Weight 22986768 Atomic Number 111Uuu Unununium Atomic Weight 272-276
13 11--22-(33) 33-55-(88) 88+33=111
88 -111111+88=199 HHH=888
l Am Christ Enoch 888 SHone 1110
3 1
19- 9
A Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with him an Hundred Forty and Four thousand, having His Fathers 7543 7524 1254 name written in their foreheads Speak Not that which thou seest and reveal it unto none for the ear is not framed that shall hear it nor the 6145 7524 1254 tongue that can speak it!
(209) 1254 = THE GOOD NEWS by JOHN, Beverly Ann Beaudry, Wiccan High Priestess The Power of Decision, The Valley of Decision, Purposed in Himself, Faith That Controls, Giver of All Good Gifts, Whom Jehovah Blesses, The First and the Last, So I hue Shawn Soul , Word Equals a Number, Supreme Mathematics, An Androgynous key, I Come to the Garden Alone, The white Lion The wisdom A gene Helps Gods Wife Elixir of Love 1254 888 148 1254 888 148 1254 888 148 1254 912 152 1254 106 177 2 123 205 0 124 207 2 180 300 0 189 316 6 193 322 2 196 327 2
Amazing Prophecy
Return to zion
The King who is Humble This is it Reversed Publish your Book Mind your ps and qs Numerical patterns Supreme mathematics The prophets i am come The little horn mark The Little Horn Plan The angel is Gods Chosen
1501 1384 1231 1168 864 847 694 666 666 632
125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4 125 209 4
Malachi 1:1 The burdenH4853 of the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 toH413 IsraelH3478 byH3027 Malachi.H4401 Job 1:1 There wasH1961 a manH376 in the landH776 of Uz,H5780 whose nameH8034 was Job;H347 and thatH1931 manH376 wasH1961 perfectH8535 and upright,H3477 and one that fearedH3373 God,H430 and eschewedH5493 evil.H4480 H7451 Nahum 1:1 The burdenH4853 of Nineveh.H5210 The bookH5612 of the visionH2377 of NahumH5151 the Elkoshite.H512 Habbakuk 1:1 The burdenH4853 whichH834 HabakkukH2265 the prophetH5030 did see.H2372 Joe 1:1 The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 thatH834 cameH1961 toH413 JoelH3100 the sonH1121 of Pethuel Est 1:1 Now it came to passH1961 in the daysH3117 of Ahasuerus,H325 (thisH1931 is AhasuerusH325 which reigned,H4427 from IndiaH4480 H1912 even untoH5704 Ethiopia,H3568 over
an hundredH3967 and sevenH7651 and twentyH6242 provinces:)H4082 Nehemiah 1:1 The wordsH1697 of NehemiahH5166 the sonH1121 of Hachaliah.H2446 And it came to passH1961 in the monthH2320 Chisleu,H3691 in the twentiethH6242 year,H8141 as IH589 wasH1961 in ShushanH7800 the palace H1002 Exodus 1:1 Now theseH428 are the namesH8034 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 which cameH935 into Egypt;H4714 every manH376 and his householdH1004 cameH935 withH854 Jacob.H3290 Leviticus 1:1 And the LORDH3068 calledH7121 untoH413 Moses,H4872 and spakeH1696 untoH413 him out of the tabernacleH4480 H168 of the congregation,H4150 saying,H559 Numbers 1:1 And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 untoH413 MosesH4872 in the wildernessH4057 of Sinai,H5514 in the tabernacleH168 of the congregation,H4150 on the firstH259 day of the secondH8145 month,H2320 in the secondH8145 yearH8141 after they were come outH3318 of the landH4480 H776 of Egypt,H4714 saying,H559 Deu 1:1 TheseH428 be the wordsH1697 whichH834 MosesH4872 spakeH1696 untoH413 allH3605 IsraelH3478 on this sideH5676 JordanH3383 in the wilderness,H4057 in the plainH6160 over againstH4136 the RedH5489 sea, betweenH996 Paran,H6290 and Tophel,H8603 and Laban,H3837 and Hazeroth,H2698 and Dizahab.H1774 Jos 1:1 Now afterH310 the deathH4194 of MosesH4872 the servantH5650 of the LORDH3068 it came to pass,H1961 that the LORDH3068 spakeH559 untoH413 JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of Nun,H5126 Moses'H4872 minister,H8334 saying,H559 Jdg 1:1 Now afterH310 the deathH4194 of JoshuaH3091 it came to pass,H1961 that the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 askedH7592 the LORD,H3068 saying,H559 WhoH4310 shall go upH5927 for us againstH413 the CanaanitesH3669 first,H8462 to fightH3898 against them? Rth 1:1 Now it came to passH1961 in the daysH3117 when the judgesH8199 ruled,H8199 that there wasH1961 a famineH7458 in the land.H776 And a certain manH376 of BethlehemjudahH4480 H1035 H3063 wentH1980 to sojournH1481 in the countryH7704 of Moab,H4124 he,H1931 and his wife,H802 and his twoH8147 sons.H1121 1Sa 1:1 Now there wasH1961 a certainH259 manH376 ofH4480 Ramathaimzophim,H7436 of mountH4480 H2022 Ephraim,H669 and his nameH8034 was Elkanah,H511 the sonH1121 of Jeroham,H3395 the sonH1121 of Elihu,H453 the sonH1121 of Tohu,H8459 the sonH1121 of Zuph,H6689 an Ephrathite:H673 Zec 1:1 In the eighthH8066 month,H2320 in the secondH8147 yearH8141 of Darius,H1867 cameH1961 the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 untoH413 Zechariah,H2148 the sonH1121 of Berechiah,H1296 the sonH1121 of IddoH5714 the prophet,H5030 saying,H559 Hag 1:1 In the secondH8147 yearH8141 of DariusH1867 the king,H4428 in the sixthH8345 month,H2320 in the firstH259 dayH3117 of the month,H2320 cameH1961 the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 byH3027 HaggaiH2292 the prophetH5030 untoH413 ZerubbabelH2216 the sonH1121 of Shealtiel,H7597 governorH6346 of Judah,H3063 and toH413 JoshuaH3091 the sonH1121 of Josedech,H3087 the highH1419 priest,H3548 saying,H559 Jon 1:1 Now the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 cameH1961 untoH413 JonahH3124 the sonH1121 of Amittai,H573 saying,H559 2Sa 1:1 Now it came to passH1961 afterH310 the deathH4194 of Saul,H7586 when DavidH1732 was returnedH7725 from the slaughterH4480 H5221 of(H853) the Amalekites,H6002 and DavidH1732 had abodeH3427 twoH8147 daysH3117 in Ziklag;H6860 2Ch 1:1 And SolomonH8010 the sonH1121 of DavidH1732 was strengthenedH2388 inH5921 his kingdom,H4438 and the LORDH3068 his GodH430 was withH5973 him, and magnifiedH1431 him exceedingly.H4605 Ezr 1:1 Now in the firstH259 yearH8141 of CyrusH3566 kingH4428 of Persia,H6539 that the wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 by the mouthH4480 H6310 of JeremiahH3414 might be fulfilled,H3615 the LORDH3068 stirred upH5782 (H853) the spiritH7307 of CyrusH3566 kingH4428 of Persia,H6539 that he made a proclamationH5674 H6963 throughout allH3605 his kingdom,H4438 and put it alsoH1571 in writing,H4385 saying,H559 Hos 1:1 The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 thatH834 cameH1961 untoH413 Hosea,H1954 the sonH1121 of Beeri,H882 in the daysH3117 of Uzziah,H5818 Jotham,H3147 Ahaz,H271 and Hezekiah,H3169 kingsH4428 of Judah,H3063 and in. the daysH3117 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of Joash,H3101 kingH4428 of Israel.H3478 Amos 1:1 The wordsH1697 of Amos,H5986 whoH834 wasH1961 among the herdmenH5349 of Tekoa,H4480 H8620 whichH834 he sawH2372 concerningH5921 IsraelH3478 in the daysH3117 of UzziahH5818 kingH4428 of Judah,H3063 and in the daysH3117 of JeroboamH3379 the sonH1121 of JoashH3101 kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 two yearsH8141 beforeH6440 the earthquake.H7494 Obadiah 1:1 The visionH2377 of Obadiah.H5662 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LordH136 GODH3069 concerning Edom;H123 We have heardH8085 a rumourH8052 fromH4480 H854 the LORD,H3068 and an ambassadorH6735 is sentH7971 among the heathen,H1471 AriseH6965 ye, and let us rise upH6965 againstH5921 her in battle.H4421 Micah 1:1 The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 thatH834 cameH1961 toH413 MicahH4318 the MorasthiteH4183 in the daysH3117 of Jotham,H3147 Ahaz,H271 and Hezekiah,H3169 kingsH4428 of Judah,H3063 whichH834 he sawH2372 concerningH5921 SamariaH8111 and Jerusalem.H3389 Hos 1:11 Then shall the childrenH1121 of JudahH3063 and the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 be gathered together,H6908 H3162 and appointH7760 themselves oneH259 head,H7218 and they shall come upH5927 out ofH4480 the land:H776 forH3588 greatH1419 shall be the dayH3117 of Jezreel.H3157 Dan 1:11 Then saidH559 DanielH1840 toH413 Melzar,H4453 whomH834 the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 had setH4487 overH5921 Daniel,H1840 Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4332 and Azariah,H5838 Lam 1:11 AllH3605 her peopleH5971 sigh,H584 they seekH1245 bread;H3899 they have givenH5414 their pleasant thingsH4262 for meatH400 to relieveH7725 the soul:H5315 see,H7200 O LORD,H3068 and consider;H5027 forH3588 I am becomeH1961 vile.H2151 Joe 1:11 Be ye ashamed,H954 O ye husbandmen;H406 howl,H3213 O ye vinedressers,H3755 forH5921 the wheatH2406 and forH5921 the barley;H8184 becauseH3588 the harvestH7105 of the fieldH7704 is perished.H6 Hab 1:11 ThenH227 shall his mindH7307 change,H2498 and he shall pass over,H5674 and offend,H816 imputing thisH2098 his powerH3581 unto his god.H433 Oba 1:11 In the dayH3117 that thou stoodestH5975 on the other side,H4480 H5048 in the dayH3117 that the strangersH2114 carried away captiveH7617 his forces,H2428 and foreignersH5237 entered intoH935 his gates,H8179 and castH3032 lotsH1486 uponH5921 Jerusalem,H3389 evenH1571 thouH859 wast as oneH259 ofH4480 them. Amo 1:11 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LORD;H3068 ForH5921 threeH7969 transgressionsH6588 of Edom,H123 and forH5921 four,H702 I will notH3808 turn awayH7725 the punishment thereof; becauseH5921 he did pursueH7291 his brotherH251 with the sword,H2719 and did cast offH7843 all pity,H7356 and his angerH639 did tearH2963 perpetually,H5703 and he keptH8104 his wrathH5678 for ever:H5331 Mic 1:11 Pass ye away,H5674 thou inhabitantH3427 of Saphir,H8208 having thy shameH1322 naked:H6181 the inhabitantH3427 of ZaananH6630 came not forthH3318 H3808 in the mourningH4553 of Bethezel;H1018 he shall receiveH3947 ofH4480 you his standing.H5979 Nah 1:11 There is one come outH3318 ofH4480 thee, that imaginethH2803 evilH7451 againstH5921 the LORD,H3068 a wickedH1100 counsellor.H3289 Zep 1:11 Howl,H3213 ye inhabitantsH3427 of Maktesh,H4389 forH3588 allH3605 the merchantH3667 peopleH5971 are cut down;H1820 allH3605 they that bearH5187 silverH3701 are cut off.H3772 Hag 1:11 And I calledH7121 for a droughtH2721 uponH5921 the land,H776 and uponH5921 the mountains,H2022 and uponH5921 the corn,H1715 and uponH5921 the new wine,H8492 and uponH5921 the oil,H3323 and uponH5921 that whichH834 the groundH127 bringeth forth,H3318 and uponH5921 men,H120 and uponH5921 cattle,H929 and uponH5921 allH3605 the labourH3018 of the hands.H3709 Zec 1:11 And they answeredH6030 (H853) the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 that stoodH5975 amongH996 the myrtle trees,H1918 and said,H559 We have walked to and froH1980 through the earth,H776 and, behold,H2009 allH3605 the earthH776 sitteth still,H3427 and is at rest.H8252 Mal 1:11 ForH3588 from the risingH4480 H4217 of the sunH8121 even untoH5704 the going downH3996 of the same my nameH8034 shall be greatH1419 among the Gentiles;H1471 and in everyH3605 placeH4725 incenseH6999 shall be offeredH5066 unto my name,H8034 and a pureH2889 offering:H4503 forH3588 my nameH8034 shall be greatH1419 among the heathen,H1471 saithH559 the LORDH3068 of hosts.H6635 2Sa 1:11 Then DavidH1732 took holdH2388 on his clothes,H899 and rentH7167 them; and likewiseH1571 allH3605 the menH376 thatH834 were withH854 him: Rth 1:11 And NaomiH5281 said,H559 Turn again,H7725 my daughters:H1323 whyH4100 will ye goH1980 withH5973 me? are there yetH5750 any more sonsH1121 in my womb,H4578 that they may beH1961 your husbands?H376 Numbers 1:11 Of Benjamin;H1144 AbidanH27 the sonH1121 of Gideoni.H1441 Jon 1:11 Then saidH559 they untoH413 him, WhatH4100 shall we doH6213 unto thee, that the seaH3220 may be calmH8367 untoH4480 H5921 us? forH3588 the seaH3220 wrought,H1980 and was tempestuous.H5590 Exodus 1:11 Therefore they did setH7760 overH5921 them taskmastersH8269 H4522 toH4616 afflictH6031 them with their burdens.H5450 And they builtH1129 for PharaohH6547 treasureH4543 cities,H5892 (H853) PithomH6619 and Raamses.H7486 Est 1:11 To bringH935 (H853) VashtiH2060 the queenH4436 beforeH6440 the kingH4428 with the crownH3804 royal,H4438 to shewH7200 the peopleH5971 and the princesH8269 (H853) her beauty:H3308 forH3588 sheH1931 was fairH2896 to look on.H4758 Job 1:11 ButH199 put forthH7971 thine handH3027 now,H4994 and touchH5060 allH3605 thatH834 he hath, andH518 he will curseH1288 thee toH5921 thy face.H6440 Job 1:11 ButH199 put forthH7971 thine handH3027 now,H4994 and touchH5060 allH3605 thatH834 he hath, andH518 he will curseH1288 thee toH5921 thy face.H6440
Leviticus 1:11 And he shall killH7819 it onH5921 the sideH3409 of the altarH4196 northwardH6828 beforeH6440 the LORD:H3068 and the priests,H3548 Aaron'sH175 sons,H1121 shall sprinkleH2236 (H853) his bloodH1818 round aboutH5439 uponH5921 the altar.H4196 Jos 1:11 PassH5674 throughH7130 the host,H4264 and commandH6680 (H853) the people,H5971 saying,H559 PrepareH3559 you victuals;H6720 forH3588 withinH5750 threeH7969 daysH3117 yeH859 shall pass overH5674 (H853) thisH2088 Jordan,H3383 to go inH935 to possessH3423 (H853) the land,H776 whichH834 the LORDH3068 your GodH430 givethH5414 you to possessH3423 Jdg 1:11 And from thenceH4480 H8033 he wentH1980 againstH413 the inhabitantsH3427 of Debir:H1688 and the nameH8034 of DebirH1688 beforeH6440 was Kirjathsepher:H7158 1Sa 1:11 And she vowedH5087 a vow,H5088 and said,H559 O LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 ifH518 thou wilt indeed lookH7200 H7200 on the afflictionH6040 of thine handmaid,H519 and rememberH2142 me, and notH3808 forgetH7911 (H853) thine handmaid,H519 but wilt giveH5414 unto thine handmaidH519 a manH376 child,H2233 then I will giveH5414 him unto the LORDH3068 allH3605 the daysH3117 of his life,H2416 and there shall noH3808 razorH4177 comeH5927 uponH5921 his head.H7218 2Ch 1:11 And GodH430 saidH559 to Solomon,H8010 BecauseH3282 H834 thisH2063 wasH1961 inH5973 thine heart,H3824 and thou hast notH3808 askedH7592 riches,H6239 wealth,H5233 or honour,H3519 nor the lifeH5315 of thine enemies,H8130 neitherH3808 yetH1571 hast askedH7592 long life;H7227 H3117 but hast askedH7592 wisdomH2451 and knowledgeH4093 for thyself, thatH834 thou mayest judgeH8199 (H853) my people,H5971 overH5921 whomH834 I have made thee king:H4427 1C h 1:11 And MizraimH4714 begatH3205 (H853) Ludim,H3866 and Anamim,H6047 and Lehabim,H3853 and Naphtuhim,H5320 Ezr 1:11 AllH3605 the vesselsH3627 of goldH2091 and of silverH3701 were fiveH2568 thousandH505 and fourH702 hundred.H3967 AllH3605 these did SheshbazzarH8339 bring upH5927 withH5973 them of the captivityH1473 that were brought upH5927 from BabylonH4480 H894 unto Jerusalem.H3389 Neh 1:11 O Lord,H136 I beseechH577 thee, let nowH4994 thine earH241 beH1961 attentiveH7183 toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servants,H5650 who desireH2655 to fearH3372 (H853) thy name:H8034 and prosper,H6743 I prayH4994 thee, thy servantH5650 this day,H3117 and grantH5414 him mercyH7356 in the sightH6440 of thisH2088 man.H376 For IH589 wasH1961 the king'sH4428 cupbearer.H4945 Hos 11:1 WhenH3588 IsraelH3478 was a child,H5288 then I lovedH157 him, and calledH7121 my sonH1121 out of Egypt.H4480 H4714 Exodus 11:1 And the LORDH3068 saidH559 untoH413 Moses,H4872 YetH5750 will I bringH935 oneH259 plagueH5061 more uponH5921 Pharaoh,H6547 and uponH5921 Egypt;H4714 afterwardsH310 H3651 he will let you goH7971 hence:H4480 H2088 when he shall let you go,H7971 he shall surely thrust you outH1644 H1644 (H853) henceH4480 H2088 altogether.H3617 Leviticus 11:1 And the LORDH3068 spakeH1696 untoH413 MosesH4872 and toH413 Aaron,H175 sayingH559 untoH413 them, Numbers 11:1 And when the peopleH5971 complained,H596 it displeasedH7451 H241 the LORD:H3068 and the LORDH3068 heardH8085 it; and his angerH639 was kindled;H2734 and the fireH784 of the LORDH3068 burntH1197 among them, and consumedH398 them that were in the uttermost partsH7097 of the camp.H4264 Deu 11:1 Therefore thou shalt loveH157 (H853) the LORDH3068 thy God,H430 and keepH8104 his charge,H4931 and his statutes,H2708 and his judgments,H4941 and his commandments,H4687 alway.H3605 H3117 Jos 11:1 And it came to pass,H1961 when JabinH2985 kingH4428 of HazorH2674 had heardH8085 those things, that he sentH7971 toH413 JobabH3103 kingH4428 of Madon,H4068 and toH413 the kingH4428 of Shimron,H8110 and toH413 the kingH4428 of Achshaph,H407
Jdg 11:1 Now JephthahH3316 the GileaditeH1569 wasH1961 a mighty manH1368 of valour,H2428 and heH1931 was the sonH1121 of an harlot:H802 H2181 and GileadH1568 begatH3205 (H853) Jephthah.H3316 1Sa 11:1 Then NahashH5176 the AmmoniteH5984 came up,H5927 and encampedH2583 againstH5921 Jabeshgilead:H3003 H1568 and allH3605 the menH376 of JabeshH3003 saidH559 untoH413 Nahash,H5176 MakeH3772 a covenantH1285 with us, and we will serveH5647 thee. 2Sa 11:1 And it came to pass,H1961 after the yearH8141 was expired,H8666 at the timeH6256 when kingsH4428 go forthH3318 to battle, that DavidH1732 sentH7971 (H853) Joab,H3097 and his servantsH5650 withH5973 him, and allH3605 Israel;H3478 and they destroyedH7843 (H853) the childrenH1121 of Ammon,H5983 and besiegedH6696 H5921 Rabbah.H7237 But DavidH1732 tarriedH3427 still at Jerusalem.H3389 2Ki 11:1 And when AthaliahH6271 the motherH517 of AhaziahH274 sawH7200 thatH3588 her sonH1121 was dead,H4191 she aroseH6965 and destroyedH6 (H853) allH3605 the seedH2233 royal.H4467 1Ch 11:1 Then allH3605 IsraelH3478 gathered themselvesH6908 toH413 DavidH1732 unto Hebron,H2275 saying,H559 Behold,H2009 weH587 are thy boneH6106 and thy flesh.H1320 2Ch 11:1 And when RehoboamH7346 was comeH935 to Jerusalem,H3389 he gatheredH6950 (H853) of the houseH1004 of JudahH3063 and BenjaminH1144 an hundredH3967 and fourscoreH8084 thousandH505 chosenH977 men, which were warriors,H6213 H4421 to fightH3898 againstH5973 Israel,H3478 that he might bringH7725 (H853) the kingdomH4467 again to Rehoboam.H7346 Neh 11:1 And the rulersH8269 of the peopleH5971 dweltH3427 at Jerusalem:H3389 the restH7605 of the peopleH5971 also castH5307 lots,H1486 to bringH935 oneH259 ofH4480 tenH6235 to dwellH3427 in JerusalemH3389 the holyH6944 city,H5892 and nineH8672 partsH3027 to dwell in other cities.H5892 1Ch 11:11 And thisH428 is the numberH4557 of the mighty menH1368 whomH834 DavidH1732 had; Jashobeam,H3434 an Hachmonite,H1121 H2453 the chiefH7218 of the captains:H7991 heH1931 lifted upH5782 (H853) his spearH2595 againstH5921 threeH7969 hundredH3967 slainH2491 by him at oneH259 time.H6471 Zec 11:11 And it was brokenH6565 in thatH1931 day:H3117 and soH3651 the poorH6041 of the flockH6629 that waited uponH8104 me knewH3045 thatH3588 itH1931 was the wordH1697 of the LORD.H3068 2Ki 11:11 And the guardH7323 stood,H5975 every manH376 with his weaponsH3627 in his hand,H3027 round aboutH5439 H5921 the king,H4428 from the right cornerH4480 H3802 H3233 of the templeH1004 toH5704 the leftH8042 cornerH3802 of the temple,H1004 along by the altarH4196 and the temple.H1004 Leviticus 11:11 They shall beH1961 even an abominationH8263 unto you; ye shall notH3808 eatH398 of their flesh,H4480 H1320 but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.H8262 (H853) H5038 Numbers 11:11 And MosesH4872 saidH559 untoH413 the LORD,H3068 WhereforeH4100 hast thou afflictedH7489 thy servant?H5650 and whereforeH4100 have I notH3808 foundH4672 favourH2580 in thy sight,H5869 that thou layestH7760 (H853) the burdenH4853 of allH3605 thisH2088 peopleH5971 uponH5921 me? Deu 11:11 But the land,H776 whitherH834 H8033 yeH859 goH5674 to possessH3423 it, is a landH776 of hillsH2022 and valleys,H1237 and drinkethH8354 waterH4325 of the rainH4306 of heaven:H8064 Jos 11:11 And they smoteH5221 (H853) allH3605 the soulsH5315 thatH834 were therein with the edgeH6310 of the sword,H2719 utterly destroyingH2763 them: there was notH3808 anyH3605 leftH3498 to breathe:H5397 and he burntH8313 HazorH2674 with fire.H784 Jdg 11:11 Then JephthahH3316 wentH1980 withH5973 the eldersH2205 of Gilead,H1568 and the peopleH5971 madeH7760 him headH7218 and captainH7101 overH5921 them: and JephthahH3316 utteredH1696 (H853) allH3605 his wordsH1697 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 in Mizpeh.H4709 1Sa 11:11 And it wasH1961 so on the morrow,H4480 H4283 that SaulH7586 putH7760 (H853) the peopleH5971 in threeH7969 companies;H7218 and they cameH935 into the midstH8432 of the hostH4264 in the morningH1242 watch,H821 and slewH5221 (H853) the AmmonitesH5983 untilH5704 the heatH2527 of the day:H3117 and it came to pass,H1961 that they which remainedH7604 were scattered,H6327 so that twoH8147 of them were notH3808 leftH7604 together.H3162 2Sa 11:11 And UriahH223 saidH559 untoH413 David,H1732 The ark,H727 and Israel,H3478 and Judah,H3063 abideH3427 in tents;H5521 and my lordH113 Joab,H3097 and the servantsH5650 of my lord,H113 are encampedH2583 inH5921 the openH6440 fields;H7704 shall IH589 then goH935 intoH413 mine house,H1004 to eatH398 and to drink,H8354 and to lieH7901 withH5973 my wife?H802 as thou livest,H2416 and as thy soulH5315 liveth,H2416 I will not doH6213 (H853) thisH2088 thing.H1697 2Ch 11:11 And he fortifiedH2388 (H853) the strong holds,H4694 and putH5414 captainsH5057 in them, and storeH214 of victual,H3978 and of oilH8081 and wine.H3196 Neh 11:11 SeraiahH8304 the sonH1121 of Hilkiah,H2518 the sonH1121 of Meshullam,H4918 the sonH1121 of Zadok,H6659 the sonH1121 of Meraioth,H4812 the sonH1121 of Ahitub,H285 was the rulerH5057 of the houseH1004 of God.H430 Job 11:11 ForH3588 heH1931 knowethH3045 vainH7723 men:H4962 he seethH7200 wickednessH205 also; will he notH3808 then considerH995 it? Psa 1:1 BlessedH835 is the manH376 thatH834 walkethH1980 notH3808 in the counselH6098 of the ungodly,H7563 norH3808 standethH5975 in the wayH1870 of sinners,H2400 norH3808 sittethH3427 in the seatH4186 of the scornful.H3887 Psa 11:1 To the chief Musician,H5329 A Psalm of David.H1732 In the LORDH3068 put I my trust:H2620 howH349 sayH559 ye to my soul,H5315 FleeH5110 as a birdH6833 to your mountain?H2022 Pro 1:1 The proverbsH4912 of SolomonH8010 the sonH1121 of David,H1732 kingH4428 of Israel;H3478 Pro 1:11 IfH518 they say,H559 ComeH1980 withH854 us, let us lay waitH693 for blood,H1818 let us lurk privilyH6845 for the innocentH5355 without cause:H2600
Pro 11:1 A falseH4820 balanceH3976 is abominationH8441 to the LORD:H3068 but a justH8003 weightH68 is his delight.H7522 Pro 11:11 By the blessingH1293 of the uprightH3477 the cityH7176 is exalted:H7311 but it is overthrownH2040 by the mouthH6310 of the wicked.H7563 Ecc 1:1 The wordsH1697 of the Preacher,H6953 the sonH1121 of David,H1732 kingH4428 in Jerusalem.H3389 Ecc 1:11 There is noH369 remembranceH2146 of formerH7223 things; neitherH1571 H3808 shall there beH1961 any remembranceH2146 of things that are to comeH7945 H1961 withH5973 those that shall comeH7945 H1961 after.H314 Son 1:1 The songH7892 of songs,H7892 whichH834 is Solomon's.H8010 Son 1:11 We will makeH6213 thee bordersH8447 of goldH2091 withH5973 studsH5351 of silver.H3701 Isa 1:1 The visionH2377 of IsaiahH3470 the sonH1121 of Amoz,H531 whichH834 he sawH2372 concerningH5921 JudahH3063 and JerusalemH3389 in the daysH3117 of Uzziah,H5818 Jotham,H3147 Ahaz,H271 and Hezekiah,H3169 kingsH4428 of Judah.H3063 Isa 1:11 To whatH4100 purpose is the multitudeH7230 of your sacrificesH2077 unto me? saithH559 the LORD:H3068 I am fullH7646 of the burnt offeringsH5930 of rams,H352 and the fatH2459 of fed beasts;H4806 and I delightH2654 notH3808 in the bloodH1818 of bullocks,H6499 or of lambs,H3532 or of he goats.H6260 Isa 11:1 And there shall come forthH3318 a rodH2415 out of the stemH4480 H1503 of Jesse,H3448 and a BranchH5342 shall growH6509 out of his roots:H4480 H8328 Isa 11:11 And it shall come to passH1961 in thatH1931 day,H3117 that the LordH136 shall set his handH3027 againH3254 the second timeH8145 to recoverH7069 (H853) the remnantH7605 of his people,H5971 whichH834 shall be left,H7604 from Assyria,H4480 H804 and from Egypt,H4480 H4714 and from Pathros,H4480 H6624 and from Cush,H4480 H3568 and from Elam,H4480 H5867 and from Shinar,H4480 H8152 and from Hamath,H4480 H2574 and from the islandsH4480 H339 of the sea.H3220 Jer 1:1 The wordsH1697 of JeremiahH3414 the sonH1121 of Hilkiah,H2518 ofH4480 the priestsH3548 thatH834 were in AnathothH6068 in the landH776 of Benjamin:H1144 Jer 11:1 The wordH1697 thatH834 cameH1961 toH413 JeremiahH3414 fromH4480 H854 the LORD,H3068 saying,H559 Jer 11:11 ThereforeH3651 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD,H3068 Behold,H2009 I will bringH935 evilH7451 uponH413 them, whichH834 they shall notH3808 be ableH3201 to escape;H3318 (H4480) and though they shall cryH2199 untoH413 me, I will notH3808 hearkenH8085 untoH413 them. Lam 1:1 HowH349 doth the cityH5892 sitH3427 solitary,H910 that was fullH7227 of people!H5971 how is she becomeH1961 as a widow!H490 she that was greatH7227 among the nations,H1471 and princessH8282 among the provinces,H4082 how is she becomeH1961 tributary!H4522 Eze 1:1 Now it came to passH1961 in the thirtiethH7970 year,H8141 in the fourthH7243 month, in the fifthH2568 day of the month,H2320 as IH589 was amongH8432 the captivesH1473 byH5921 the riverH5104 of Chebar,H3529 that the heavensH8064 were opened,H6605 and I sawH7200 visionsH4759 of God.H430 Zep 1:1 The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 whichH834 cameH1961 untoH413 ZephaniahH6846 the sonH1121 of Cushi,H3570 the sonH1121 of Gedaliah,H1436 the sonH1121 of Amariah,H568 the sonH1121 of Hizkiah,H2396 in the daysH3117 of JosiahH2977 the sonH1121 of Amon,H526 kingH4428 of Judah.H3063 Eze 11:1 Moreover the spiritH7307 lifted me up,H5375 (H853) and broughtH935 me untoH413 the eastH6931 gateH8179 of the LORD'SH3068 house,H1004 which lookethH6437 eastward:H6921 and beholdH2009 at the doorH6607 of the gateH8179 fiveH2568 and twentyH6242 men;H376 amongH8432 whom I sawH7200 (H853) JaazaniahH2970 the sonH1121 of Azur,H5809 and PelatiahH6410 the sonH1121 of Benaiah,H1141 princesH8269 of the people.H5971 Eze 11:11 ThisH1931 city shall notH3808 beH1961 your caldron,H5518 neither shall yeH859 beH1961 the fleshH1320 in the midstH8432 thereof; but I will judgeH8199 you inH413 the borderH1366 of Israel:H3478 Dan 1:1 In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of JehoiakimH3079 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 cameH935 NebuchadnezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 unto Jerusalem,H3389 and besiegedH6696 H5921 it. Dan 11:1 Also IH589 in the firstH259 yearH8141 of DariusH1867 the Mede,H4075 even I, stoodH5975 to confirmH2388 and to strengthenH4581 him. Dan 11:11 And the kingH4428 of the southH5045 shall be moved with choler,H4843 and shall come forthH3318 and fightH3898 withH5973 him, even withH5973 the kingH4428 of the north:H6828 and he shall set forthH5975 a greatH7227 multitude;H1995 but the multitudeH1995 shall be givenH5414 into his hand.H3027 Hos 11:11 They shall trembleH2729 as a birdH6833 out of Egypt,H4480 H4714 and as a doveH3123 out of the landH4480 H776 of Assyria:H804 and I will placeH3427 them inH5921 their houses,H1004 saithH5002 the LORD.H3068 Zec 11:1 OpenH6605 thy doors,H1817 O Lebanon,H3844 that the fireH784 may devourH398 thy cedars.H730
True Ministries of God and Books William Marrion Branham (1906-1965) Lee Vayle John Wesley JOHN KNOX (1514-1572) Alexander Campbell (12 September 1788 4 March 1866) Raccoon" John Smith 1784-1868 Charles G. Finney 1792-1875 Dwight Lyman Moody (February 5, 1837 - December 22, 1899) Foxes "Book of the Martyrs, Emphatic Diaglott - The Pember's "Early Ages - Hislop's Two BabylonPre-Nicene Council and the Nicene Council (4 Books -400 pages each) Moody Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Sankey, Wesley, John Smith Charles G. Finney was one of the greatest ministers since Saint Paul. One agonizing soul before God in sincerity can do more to bring a revival than all the other people in the world--That's right. One soul prayed through. Alexander Campbell A celestial throne of high state is erected, and the Father Almighty is seated in it. Earth's brightest and most radiant gems lend their most brilliant rays of beauty and glory to adumbrate the splendors of His Majesty. The jasper and the sardius, with an emerald rainbow,
mingling every color that adorns earth or heaven, conspire with all their powers to set forth his peerless eminence. Four and twenty inferior thrones, at proper distance, encircle the awful throne of the Eternal, pouring forth its floods of light and glory upon them all. These, after reflecting upon each other their respective glories, send back again to their un-wasting fountain all that beauty and grandeur which they have received from it. On these four and twenty thrones sat the grand peers of heaven in senatorial majesty, adorned in the snow-white raiment of absolute purity, each having his majestic brow encircled with a crown of gold. From the central throne perpetually issued coruscations of the most vivid lightnings, accompanied with mighty thunderings and overwhelming voices. Seven lamps of celestial brilliancy flamed before the throne, symbols of the seven spirits of God, and shed their holy light upon a sea of glass, of more than crystal brightness, spreading its unmeasured waves of glory far beyond the horizon of angelic vision. In the circular interval between the four and twenty senatorial thrones stood at proper intervals corresponding with our cardinal points, four living seraphim, creatures of no earthly resemblance, having each six wings, and covered within and without with eyes of soul-piercing brightness. These four combined the courage of the lion, the patience of the ox, the sagacity of man, and the towering fleetness and lofty genius of the eagle. These were all engaged in a rapture of worship at the moment John in spirit drew near. The seraphim sang, "Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was and art, and who art yet to come!" The four and twenty elders fall prostrate before the throne, and cast their crowns at his feet, exclaiming, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Such are the solemn and sublime preparations antecedent to the opening of the Christian Church and its mighty fortunes. The fifth chapter opens with a view of the eternal God, holding in his right hand a roll of parchment, written on both sides, seven times encompassing a roller, and sealed as often with a seal on one of its ends. A mighty angel, herald of that day, standing before him, challenges the whole created universe to present some one capable of breaking the seven seals and reading the seven rolls of that most mysterious parchment inscribed with the entire annals of the Christian Church and the human race. But no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, "was able to break the seal," and unroll the parchment, and read its awful lines replete with the fortunes of the world. So enrapt was John and so eager to know, that, on hearing no one speak, and on seeing no one advance of all created intellects, celestial, terrestrial, or infernal, he burst into a flood of tears. But while in this mournful agony, a celestial senator stooping from his throne, said, "WEEP NOT; Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed" to open the rolls of time and read its wondrous developments. Then appeared the Lamb, bearing the scars of death upon his person, yet living and having seven horns and seven eyes--perfect power and perfect knowledge of all things, past, and to come! Majestically advancing towards the central throne of the universe, he stretches forth his hand and receives the mystic volume. No sooner is he seen turning round to open the first seal, than all the celestial ranks and orders--angels, principalities, and powers--prostrate themselves before the Lamb: "And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and
honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four living creatures said, So LET IT BE. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever." Thus have we seen (thanks to the Father Almighty!) the volumes of providence and of moral government, replete with the church's destiny, committed to Jesus Christ! This verifies the title of the book--"A Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him to show his servants things which must shortly come to pass." The Lord has the rolls of time in his hand; for he alone could open them. His is the power and the intelligence, and he alone can reveal the future. "All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him." To his throne of Grace and to his Apocalypse, let us look for all we desire to know, that we ought to know, of the things that are, and of the things which are yet to come to pass. -We are never to leave the Scripture. Stay exactly with the pattern. The way the first church was patterned at the beginning, is the way every one should be patterned. When we are doing anything we must make sure we are doing it in the pattern that God has set for us.
The Great Masterpiece Drama of Love Give me five hundred people born of the Spirit of God, filled with the Holy Ghost, and on fire for God, I'll do more for the kingdom of God in one year's time, than the whole church has done in two thousand years. What we need, that's God's program. All right, Let's get these things. William Marrion Branham, THE bard who would the storied past rehearse, What things the spirit wrought in word and deed, Should strike a note unerring in his verse, A cypher give that he who runs may read. How answers then the sonnet to his need, Its meter strained, its tangled sleeve of rhyme, The structural artifice true art must heed Where stringent form and soaring thought should chime? Art hath its phases; now it stands sublime I leave the trumpet and full throated horn Of epic to the leaders of the choir, The martial strain, the sigh of love forlorn, To him who smites the loud resounding lyre And chants with lips touched by the sacred fire Imperial themes of patriot fervor born, The joy of combat and the noble ire That withers wrong with fierce consuming fire. The body set in views of 3rd pull higher. In this great love story of the Bible, read between the lines. There's the structure work. The Bible is the structure. Fall in Love with Him and He'll reveal it to you. It's proved to be the truth. And it's a love affair. And she writes it, not so much on the line, but I know what's in between the lines. Now, when you become in love with Christ, that's the way you read the Bible. It's in
between the lines. You get what He's talking about, the real spiritual meaning. And when you come in love with God, you just read between the lines. And all I see is just read between the lines. Just keep looking at it awhile. God will bring it to pass. He will show you where it's at. When you read God's Word, if you love Him, He reveals the in-between-the-lines. And if you want to really read the Bible with a spiritual understanding, get in love with the Writer. Amen. Then you can read between the lines, see where God pulls it out The Eternal Self Existing - The Beginner to beginning The Author of The Lambs Book of Life and `The Holy Bible. The Creator of Angels Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Wormwood God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth The Almighty God El, Elah, Elohim Everlasting Father Jehovah-Elohim The Alpha - Son of God in the Pillar of Fire - the Angel of the covenant -then it was the Lord Jesus; God the Holy Spirit King of Kings Lord of Lords Saviour Governor Healer Lily of the Valley Mediator Prince of Peace Propitiator Redeemer Root and Offspring of David Rose of the Sharon Sun of Righteousness Omega Jehovah-Jireh Jehovah-Rapha Jehovah-Manasses God is the Director, Producer, Composer, Actor, Counsellor, and Finisher - the First and the Last. [3072] Jehovah-Tsidkenu the Lord our Righteousness: Jeremiah 23:5-6 [3073] Jehovah-Shalom the Lord our Peace: Judges 6:24 {3074] Jehovah-Shammah the Lord Ever-Present : is found in Ezekiel 48:35. [7462] Jehovah-Raah the Lord our Shepherd: Psalm 23 [6942] Jehovah-Qadash (which is the one they miss) the Lord who Sanctifies [3071] Jehovah-Nissi the Lord our Victor: Ex 17:15 [7495] Jehovah-Raphah the Lord our Healer: Ex 15:22-26 My Father was the Love of the Son for his Father- a Father who is playing in the role of Son said it was the Seed of Love, that I Am, which he has placed as the soul of earth, which holds all the Creation together until its final completion of harmonic balance the bonds of Love holding fast an Eternal glory whose story must manifest in its time and in the season of Loves Paradigm shift from the Love of a Father to the Love of a Mother, ordering stronger bonds of Love as we strongly stand back in awe as an entire new mystery we never even saw coming
explodes upon the scene and all the order of the complete Universe is established in a stronger family footing balance. and the sure foundations of knowing that we have a true and living mother of our own all along and did not know it - makes us curious for certain that this great ever-unfolding is just curtain after curtain.. Every Creature is promised the experience of True Love the most pure Thought of Righteousness,, the most Pure Thought - as Eternal to His Nature as the Nature of Eternity was to contain in itself its own thought and from all times immemorial of Holiness, the Most Pure Thought of Peace, as was with the Beginner, He was alone. He dwelt alone, and He gave Himself a name Elohim, which is the Strong One Bound by an Oath! And He swore by Himself that He would become God according to the Perfect and True Measure of the fullness of Love. That is the way He was. He was in the beginning of things by Himself, thoughtful and patient in the architecture of what would become a Love Masterpiece The Great Masterpiece Drama of God of which the Author was the Composer of Word, and the Composition , the one who wrote the story, He called Poet-Tree, because its seed was in the beginning of Gods expression and its branches to the end of the Earth, Poet-Tree to write the last line! Whew. Before He was even God He thought about how He could be God. The Creator plumbed His own depths for billions of years. The very beginning of the nature of creation was in building up the idea of God Itself according to all the varied attributes that would eventually manifest the very nature of His Being as the Person of God. The Eternal Self Alone is Immortal, but now His Attributes have to be displayed. In this great Being of the Eternal One there was an attribute to be God, but there was nothing to worship Him, who was the great source of all intelligence. Now, God's secret mystery starts way back here, when He was still the Eternal One. In the back part of God's mind there was something that He was trying and was going to achieve, and He had a motive for doing it, in order to let Himself be expressed. There wasn't even a moon, a star, an atom, a molecule, or anything, just the Eternal One whose own light remained hidden for there was nothing there to reflect its illuminating brilliance. Yet in His great mind, He wanted these attributes to be expressed. And in Him was love and God is Love! So, my opinion, the first thing that He made was Angels. And I will dare to say that these Angels had to be recipients of a special and enduring type of Love, giving them a reason and a purpose of Being, and placing them in positions of honour that would be attended to be fulfilled in due times and seasons. It must have been something special God did for them, because they worshiped Him, and that made Him God. And He started from there. As He asked Job, "Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world, see, when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy? See, now, where were you?" See? That was way back before the earth. They are souls that were once incarnated in the angels; they were once an angel who did not fall. You represent a star in heaven, and every star in heaven represents you! You were just not all always right here. You were once somewhere else. Angelic beings are ordained ministers of God, to come to the earth to bear record of God. And they work through mortal beings. I believe it with all my heart. God still has Angels, and they visit the people... Not a worship of Angels but Angelic Beings who are attributes of God, sent forth to minister to the Church, through the people. The first Attribute of His Being was Spirit, God, in the supernatural, the great Eternal Self
becoming from invisible Soul into the form of Spirit and calling that Spirit God. Two - thirds of the angels of heaven fell; that's these evil spirits working amongst people, very religious. You know the Bible says that. When Light takes its supreme authority, there's no place for darkness. Go find where the darkness went when light come. That's the way it is when all things are turned back to God. Darkness had a beginning; darkness has an end. Light never had a beginning or it never has an end .He is the beginning of creation. God filled all space and all Eternity, so that all was God, without form, forever, for eternities, no beginning, no ending, but notice now, there is nothing; there's just space, and you cant see anything or hear anything. There is light there but the light is hidden; there's no dark; it's just seems like nothing. But in there is a great supernatural Being, Jehovah God, Who covered all space of all places at all times, the Great Spirit of the living God, covering all space and eternity. God filled all space. And in That (Space) was nothing but purity: pure love, pure holiness, pure righteous. It was Spirit. He covered the whole space all from Eternity, where we can't fathom It. It goes beyond anything that we could imagine. There you purposed in your heart to have a creation that would worship Thee, but there was nothing anywhere, just the vastness of space. I can see all that great space begin to move together like this, coming down to a funnel shape like that, and it moved right down, All that great space came down to one four letter word, l-o-v-e. He put the Lamb's Name on the Book. You see the Book, the Bible, was actually planned and written before the foundation of the world was ever laid - God gave you your inheritance. Your inheritance was first. The members of His Bride, their names, were put in the Lamb's Book of Life but the Book was sealed up. And now it's being revealed, whose names were in there. What a great thing. See, we came out of eternity. We were there, chosen before there was a world. Eternity is like a perfect circle; it has no corners or no end. Isa 40:21 Thus ye have known and ye have heard that which was revealed from the beginning, and you have understood His story from the foundations of the earth and have seen a consumption of all things. Isa 40:12 God hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and measured out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance! He weighed every speck that He would use and calculated the perfect appropriation for the entire similitude, and measured the space that it would fit, and calculated the bit by bit assembling of this creation as measurements of time Psalms 147:4 He tells the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. The Stars represent the actors in His drama, the sons and daughters; he tells the numerology of the children and calls them all by their attribute. Isa. 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath created these things that bringeth out their host by number; He calleth them all by names by the greatness of His might. God made man in His own image. "Where were you before I laid the foundation of the world, when the sons of God sang together and the morning stars shouted for joy?
Another Angel was Wormwood who has control of the waters. Back in the antediluvian destruction, God gave Wormwood the authority to break up all the fountains." There could be a lot of morning stars, and lily of the valleys and Rose of the Sharons. You represent a star in heaven, and every star in heaven represents you! They are souls that were once incarnated in the angels; they were once an angel who did not fall. Two - thirds of the angels of heaven fell; that's these evil spirits working amongst people, very religious. You know the Bible says that. You were just not all always right here. You were once somewhere else. Angelic beings are ordained ministers of God, to come to the earth to bear record of God. And they work through mortal beings. I believe it with all my heart. God still has Angels, and they visit the people... Not a worship of Angels but Angelic Beings who are attributes of God, sent forth to minister to the Church, through the people. Angels are sent from His Presence, ministering spirits, sent from the Presence of God, and God never takes His Spirit from the earth? God takes His man, but never His Spirit. If a man has seen an Angel of God, and met one that God has commissioned--that Angel commissioned him from God and It was sent from God, it'll bear record right down to the line, that it's the truth. Now, Seraphim is a mighty word. It's not an Angel. It's a sacrifice Burner. He has something to do with the atonement, because He offers the sacrifice, to make a way for the repented sinner, to the Throne of Mercy. What a position, higher than an Angel, greater than an Angel! Oh, note the Heavenly Seraphim, which means "burners," a special designed Person. Seraphim means, Which it is next to the altar. They're beyond Angels. And God's so holy until they cover their face in the Presence of the holy God. And the only thing they could say was, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty." Whew. A special covering for them to stand in the Presence of God... God lets His Angels have watch over us. "The Angels of God are encamped about." They don't go back and forth; they stay here. I like that. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him."
was moving. Colossians 1:16 Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature literally the pillar of Fire which is the light that formed out of the darkness, and is the beginnings of the birthing process of the Son of Gods body of God in the form that would be Son, of whom it is said that by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, even thrones, dominions, principalities and powers, all things were created by God in Christ, the anointing, by His own power and for his own glory. God is before all things and by God all things exist. Now, God gave Himself birth to this Son which was before there was even an atom in the air to make an atom, rather it was the air that was in the atom of space and you could not see that it was there. Jesus said, "Glorify Me, Father, with the glory that we had before the foundation of the world." See, way back in yonder. Now, He made the sun. Then the first thing you know, a big clinker fell off of it, weighed about, just about like this earth. Then this Logos here now, the Son of God, is watching it. He lets it fall for a hundred million years and He stops it. Then another one flies off, and He let's it fall for millions of years, then He stops it. Now, we're standing, watching it come into existence. Now, He's got something in His mind. And what's He doing? He's writing His first Bible. The first Bible that man ever looked to was the stars, the zodiac. And it's a perfect. It dovetailed with this Bible here. Now, He put that all in the sky and placed it out, all these meteors, pieces of earth, or sun, hanging off here. Now, that was this earth coming into existence, just a big old piece of cinder flew off out yonder. Down beneath it now is nothing but a turning, burning volcano, completely; the eruptions come everywhere, volcanic. Now, watch the little halo yonder. I can see It move out to this earth and get over the top of it and begin to move it over here close to the sun. It's nothing but a big ball of ice. And when it begins to get melting, then great big glaciers begin to cut through up in the northlands and come down. And when it did, it cut out Kansas and Texas and all those places there, and went on into the Gulf of Mexico. And the first thing you know, the whole thing was covered with water. And out of our picture at the Bible: Genesis 1, "The world was without form, and void; and water was upon the face of the deep." Is that right? "And the Spirit of God moved upon the water." Now, He separated the water, brought up the hills and the lands and so forth and dried it off. Vegetation and everything, He made it. And He made the moon and set its boundaries of the sea, so it could not pass. Now, God made the world out of nothing. It's just His Word. He just created. His Word is creation, so He just spoke it, and the world was created because it was the object in God's mind in His heart. He just spoke it, and it come into existence. He was a Creator." Everything came up out of the earth, starting off with the polliwog or the jellyfish, which was just a form of flesh floating on the water, and from that to a frog. From the frog it went to the lizard, and on and on, and every time the Holy Ghost began to breathe, life came again; and greater life came with every breath. And then something came up in the image of God; that was a man. Nothing has ever been, never was, and never will be created any more that is higher than a man, because a man is in the image of God. When God made man, He said, "I am Y-ah-u, J-u-v-u-h, Yahua, Jehovah. What did it mean? "I am the all-existent one who has created something from off of My-self to be a son of mine, an amateur little one of mine." God has come through different stages as the becoming God from El, Elah, Elohim, the self-existent One, to Jehovah, One who exists with a family. He was just like one great big Diamond, and He could not be anything else but what He already was in the potential. Inside of this diamond of His attributes were the attributes of Saviour and Healer, among many others. Well, there was nothing there to save and nothing there to heal, but His attributes produced it. God being a Saviour it was necessary He predestinate a sinner to have a reason for being a Saviour. So then, it was before the foundation of the world that He knew He would be a Saviour, and that there would be a great display of Him here upon the earth, that that He would come and be made flesh as a Son of God, the Father in the Son, and dwell among us. Jehovah" means that He gave man to be an amateur god. Because He is Father God, and He made a man an amateur god, so He isn't self-existence any more; He exists with His family. Amen. Elah, Elah, Elohim... Now He is Jehovah, "Jehovah" meaning the "One who exists with His family." Now, God made man to be predominant over all the earth; he had dominion. And the earth was man's dominion. Then if that's his domain, he was god over the earth. He could speak, and it would be so. He could speak this, and it would be so. Oh. There He is, God, Jehovah, the One Who once existed in self-existence, but now exists with His family, and His little ones with Him... There you are.
Do you know the body that you're living in this morning, was here ten thousand years before one speck of life was ever placed on the earth! When God had this old missile hanging out yonder, turning it around the sun and revolving it around this way, He was creating in there calcium, potash, and petroleum, and so forth, He had in His great mind then that you'd set where you are now. Oh, hallelujah, He's the infinite God. God had, before the world was ever had a speck of life on it, He had your body laying right there. If it didn't, where did it come from? That's the reason He was twisting it, and rolling it, and turning it. Your birth here was pre-planned. I guess you believe that. Every one of you knows that our birth was pre-planned. Did you know that your being here never originated just at a myth or a thought? Everything was all pre-planned by God, before the foundation of the world He knew that you would be here. The infinite God knew. And to be infinite, He had to know every flea that ever would be in the earth, and how many times it would bat its eye. That's infinite. See? You, our little--our little minds, cannot fathom what infinite means. The infinite God, He knows all things. Therefore, there's nothing out of cater. If we know the Word of God, we know where we are living. We know the hour that we're living in. We know what lay ahead. We see what we've passed. And the Book of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ; His works through the ages, that was up to the book of Revelation, and then His promises that is to come. So, all of His promises are true. God cannot speak any Word without it being confirmed. Every Word that He says has to come to pass. Jesus set Himself forth as He That is holy, true, (or the only reality) the One with the key of David, the One Who opened and shut. And that is exactly true. He made man a god, a god in his domain. And His domain goes from sea to sea, from shore to shore. He has the control of it. "Verily, I say unto you, you, that's little gods, if you'll say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." Go right back to Genesis, to the original; what is it? The world and nature is groaning, crying; everything's a moving for the manifestation of the sons of God, when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe we're on the border of it right now. Yes, sir. Say to this mountain, let it be so. God ordained it at the beginning. He gave man the domain. Oh, waiting, groaning, all nature, waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God.
Sons of God have got a soul that's worth ten thousand worlds
God seen by His foreknowledge who would be saved and who would not - so He sent Jesus to save those that He had already chosen. That's our inheritance. God chose us, and let Jesus come and pay the price - the shedding of His Blood, that no sin would be accounted to us. Nothing you do. There were only a small number whose names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life. When that last soul comes in, then the time of redemption is finished. When the true vindication of the revealed Truth of God's Word strikes that heart of the last one, he will strike the water, and out yonder with the Holy Ghost, running just as hard as he can, and you can't stop him from doing it, because the new Life has worked it-self forth. Then the Lamb comes forth to claim His rights to what He has redeemed, and that's all creation. The earth and everything belongs to Him. "When that last member of the Body comes in, in this last age, the secret mystery under the opened 7 th seal will be revealed at that time; and here it is, just exactly right. See? We're in the day. Them names that were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world will come forth just as certain as anything. That's why Jesus sets right there and waits with His mediatorial work until that last seed is in and completely child-trained as a student of the Word. He will know exactly when to strike.
Genesis is the seed chapter to every question in the Bible. And you always have to go back to the seed to see what kind of a seed is in the field, to find out what your crops will be. Jesus said, "Go back to the beginning," there was only one pair of anything on earth. There was one Adam and one Eve and they were joined by God alone. Then, we find now that everything "in the beginning" was running in perfect order and harmony with God, nothing was out of cater. Everything in heaven is still in order; all the stars, the galaxies, the solar system, everything is perfectly in order. If one of them moved it would interrupt the whole program. Now listen. One interruption stalls the whole program! Now, when human beings were running in continuity with God, with one man and one woman, this
woman sinned and it threw the whole earthly program out of continuity with God. Therefore, one word added to this Book, or one Word taken from it throws a Christian out of continuity with God, throws a church out of continuity with God, it throws a family out of continuity with God. Every believer can be thrown out by not accepting every Word of God. All over the earth since the day in the Garden of Eden that sin was committed, all heavens was shut off from mankind. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. That's right. "Why art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer?" No man could see into glory. No man could understand because the power is just above us. Heaven means "atmosphere above" and then all these powers were shut off from mankind because of sin. Eve broke her covenant with the Word. Notice, why did she do such a thing, being in that high order? She was right with man, co-equal with him. But we all know now that she lost her co-equality with man, when she sinned, and God said, "Man will be your ruler from here out." Notice the reason she did that. How did Satan ever get to her? Did you know Satan was co-equal with God one day? Sure was, all but a creator; he was everything, stood at the right hand of God, in the Heavens, the great leading Cherubim. Notice the reason that she did this, she was not in the original creation. She is not in God's original creation; she is a by-product. Therefore, "at the beginning" she was not an original creative being of God. She is a by-product of a man. Remember, Adam was both masculine and feminine in the original creation, one, but then he was separated by a rib. Notice, but a by-product, and, notice, the only one of all God's creation, of every animal and anything else, she was the only one designed this way. Every other female was in the original creation. Every other female was in the original creation, but Eve was not in the original creation. See, that had to be made that way. We'll get to it after a while. Notice, this creation that she was in was in the original, but a by-product. There is nothing designed to be so deceitful as a woman that's deceitful. There cannot be anything else; there is nothing made to be that way. Also, there is nothing that can be so easily deceived as a woman. Now, the fall proves this statement to be true, the fall in the beginning. She was not in the original beginning creation. She was in Adam, but not in a female sex, herself, at the beginning. She was the by-product made. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. Think now. There is nothing designed, in all creation, that can stoop as low as a woman can. She can tear a man's heart to pieces easier than anything else there is in the world, is his wife. Now you see where Satan went? See? But still she is the one that's got the power to say "yes" or "no." See, depends on where she wants to hold herself. See? Now here we can see plainly the serpent's seed, where it came in. There is only one place he could go to. If that wouldn't nail it down, somebody is blind. See? See, it had to go to that. She is the only specie of female that is made prettier than the male. There is not another species like this. All other creatures of God are beautiful males, such as in animals, birds, and so forth, always the male is pretty. But in the human race, it's the woman that's pretty, not the man; if he is, there is something wrong, there is crossed-up seed somewhere. Originally it was that way. Why, why was it done? To deceive by! Her designer, Satan, is still working on her, too, in these last days. Now, there is nothing can stoop like her, and she is designed so that she can be deceiving. And Satan is really working on her today, in these last days, because he is her designer. A pretty woman can sway a man any way she wants to. That's the deceiver right there. And she is deadly with it, absolutely deadly. You may question me about Satan being her designer, but that's the Truth. Satan designed her. He still does it. Satan is the one who features that kind of beauty. Also, to show that Cain was his son, he offered a more beautiful worship, decorated his altars with fruits and flowers, and so forth. Is that right? Beautiful! Sin is beautiful, what we call beauty today. And sin is deceiving, by beauty. So now, to show what God had in His great mind, what He had in picture of the Christ and the church, He took not a different piece of clay and made a woman, but He took from the side of Adam, a rib; and took from the spirit of Adam, the feminine, and put it in this rib. A man and a woman are two different spirits. But, together they make one unit: "These two are one." After He made his Angelic beings He made man, "Created He them male and female," all in the same unit. He was both man and woman, feminine and masculine. God is a Spirit, and He took the spirit man and put him in flesh. See! He made the first man, "male and female created He them." Word had just reached heaven that God's child had fallen from grace. He had sinned. And there was a state of emergency called. God had to bring the Angels and come from heaven, because His own child had fallen and disobeyed His laws. And it was death's penalty for disobeying these laws. God had to come in a state of emergency, like any conference is held.
Then I can see all that space, which was God. God had no beginning of days, ending of years. He's forever and forever. I can see all that great space begin to move together like this, coming down to a funnel shape like that, and it moved right down, as He began to eye that little couple down in the Garden of Eden, bloody skins flopping against their leg. He couldn't stand it. And it moved down, oh, it moved it down to the very heart of God, spelled lo-v-e. Something must be done or all is gone to chaos--His own creation. And God selected a certain tree, and he called Adam and Eve together, and brought them up, and held a conference with them. And when He had come to a decision, He made a way of escape for His mortals. And He said, "Thy Seed shall bruise the serpent's head. And his head shall bruise thy heel." In the Garden of Eden sin was so beautiful until it attracted Eve from righteousness to sin. And in the same garden where there was a Tree of Life, there was also a tree of death. We would know it today as the law of contrast that where there is good, there is evil; where there is right, there is wrong. And we will never, no matter what our environment might be, ever be able to shake ourselves from the presence of either. Like Paul said, "When I would do good, then evil is present." The sinner will never be able to shake away from the Christian, the Christian from the sinner. There'll be a witness there of right, and a testimony of wrong always. And you make your choice. You have to take one side or the other. When Eden was created there were two trees for a man to choose from. If he chooses one tree he became full of wisdom; if he chooses the other he came into Eternal Life. There were two boys, Cain and Abel, both of them religious. Abel desired Life Eternal, and he offered to God by faith a more excellent sacrifice than Cain: a perfect type of the churches today: the church natural, church spiritual. But the church spiritual today is like Abel - by revelation. By grace he seen beyond that, and by faith he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. And it testified of his righteousness. His promise was to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. In Abraham we found election; and in Isaac, justification; and in Jacob, grace-You'd have to believe in grace if you read Jacob's life. You'd have to see it was election and calling, 'cause, oh, the things that fellow did. But yet, God had blessed him. God had told him what was going to happen, so He called him. But you notice after he wrestled with this Angel things began to look different. In Joseph was found perfection. This world is now standing in the grip of two great spiritual forces and they are both religious forces. I believe that these great forces are soon coming to a head. Now, both of these great forces were represented in these two sons of Isaac. It is amazing how God in His infinite wisdom has foreshadowed all things to us; that we might by these things know for certain what lay before us. God and His Word have made it so plain, and nature and His universe are so perfectly arranged together that even the sinner can see something's fixing to take place. God has so arranged it, no one is without excuse. Now, we can see in these two sons that before they were ever born they were at war with one another even though the beautiful virgin mother, Rebekah, and the righteous seed of God's promise, Isaac; were two consecrated, Spirit-filled believers in God, foreordained to the very marriage that they united together by. God foreknew this would happen. Now, how could such a thing come to pass even though they both came by the same mother and father? One was a very evil person and another was a very good person; and the good person looked like they were the evil one and the evil person looked like they were the good one. Now, that has always been and it always will be God's program. God cannot change His program. He makes His program perfect, because it's part of Him. In these two sons it is strange to know that before they were born that God loved one and hated the other one, yet they were both of the same seed, from Isaac, who was the promised son of Abraham. We find out that not only were they fussing and fighting in the womb of their mother, but they came out from her fighting, Esau came forth first and Jacob came forth 2nd, holding onto his heel. And they are still fighting today. So we can see that God calls by election - even though both children came from that perfect, pure, elected, holy, consecrated father and mother. It must be. No matter how good your father and mother were it still falls upon you as an individual to find your standing before God. Imagine, Isaac was a holy man and Rebekah a righteous, holy, God-sent and God-called mother, and from that holy seed came forth a renegade and a believer. See, so it lies within God's callings, God's election. Before either one was born, God said, "I love Jacob and hate Esau," before either one was born. So how ought we to feel, someone who has God speak to you and invite you to come to His table and to His home, and be His son or daughter. There's nothing as great as that.
Notice the nature of these 2 boys - one of them was a spiritual man; that was Jacob - and the carnal man was Esau. Yet they were both religious. And that same thing has taken place all down through the ages, the carnal and the spiritual - twins. Esau represented the man of the earth, natural, religiously inclined, but never able to come to the truth, it wasn't in him to do it; he couldn't do it. He never was able to climb past the things of the world, the carnal things. Yet for Jacob it was just so easy for him to do it. Jacob had an overwhelming purpose, he longed for the birthright, no matter how he got it, just as long as he got it. The spirit of that one birth is still represented in the world today and it's coming to a head now: the spiritual believer; and the carnal man, the carnal believer. No one can say they werent both religious. They were. It doesnt say that one served an idol and the other one God. They were both servants of God. Now, pay close attention to the Scriptures on this subject, because I'm sure it'll help you. "Not everyone that saith, 'Lord, Lord' will enter in, but the one that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven." Now, if you notice, Jacob had one thing that he wanted, because according to the Word, the blessings and the good things laid in the birthright. And Jacobs only objective, the only thing he had in mind was to get that birthright. And Esau despised it. The one that actually had it, despised it, he was ashamed of it. But Jacob wanted it regardless of how he got it, he wanted it. That's the way with the spiritual believer today. He doesn't care how much you laugh at him, how much fun you make of him, how ridiculous he has to act to the carnal mind, his only objective is the birthright. He wants to get to God because it's born in him. He can't help it. "Jacob" means "supplanter" or "deceiver." Yet, after finding and coming into possession of the birthright, he was changed from the carnal to a more spiritual man. He was then called, Israel, "a prince with the Lord," who's wrestled with Him But the church spiritual today is like Abel - by revelation. By grace he seen beyond that, and by faith he offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. And it testified of his righteousness. The same thing took place in Ishmael and Isaac. One was of the flesh, and the other one was of the Spirit: one of the bondswoman; one of the freewoman. The same thing happened with Israel and Moab, two great churches coming together. And when Jacob's people, the spiritual church, Israel, on the road, wanted to go to their promised place, Esau's people met them, the Moabites, a powerful church. And the great leader of the church, Balaam came down to curse Esaus brothers people, but he found that he could not curse Israel. He failed with the blindness of his eyes to see the predestinated plan, and to see the Word of God. Now, here came Israel, going up with God's promise and they were headed to the promised land and another group, the Moabites of Lots line, not infidels, but believers in the same God that Israel had, came out to try to curse Israel. They said they surely were unrighteous because they had done lots of things that were bad. You see, they failed to see the election. Moab was a good and great nation, like a brother to the nation of Israel. (Now, see where these two nations came from. Moab was the seed of Lot a type of the remnant foolish virgin that came through the fornication of Lot and his daughter and Israel came forth from Abraham, through Isaac, and then Jacob. So essentially the Moabites were the Church of Lot and the Israelites were the Church of Abraham.)
Notice, when Joseph was rejected by his brethren, he was given a Gentile wife. Or Pharaoh give him a Gentile wife, and he bore Gentile children: half Gentile and Jew. They give a great symbol that when Jacob was blessing them, Ephraim on one side, Manasseh on the other, he crossed his hands and give the younger child the blessing; and the two kids were added unto the twelve tribes, which was only ten at that time, and he blessed them in Jacob himself; and Joseph, his prophet son, standing there said, "Father, you've done wrong." Said, "You put your right hand blessing on the young child, where it ought to have gone upon the old one." He said, "I know my hands were crossed, but God has crossed them." Why? Israel, having the rights to be a Bride, rejected and sold their birthrights, and they went from the old son, Israel, to the new, Gentile, and the blessings went from there through The-cross to the Bride
standing here with one accord, four hundred of them, saying, 'Go on up, the Lord's with you.'" But if I could read Jehoshaphat's mind a few minutes, "There's just something that doesn't register," he'd say. "There's just something that doesn't seem right. Isn't there just one more somewhere?" "Oh," he said, "yes, there is one more, but he doesn't belong to the organization. He's a different sort of a fellow. He's just a renegade." He's like Jacob. "But we might ask him. They say he's a prophet. But I doubt it, because he's always cursing me, saying that this, that, or the other, he never prophesies good about me." How could he? So they said, "Let's go get him. He's the son of Imlah." So they went and got him. And somebody met him on the road and said, "Now, you say the same thing they say. You must agree with the association and if you do not then woe unto you." He said, "I'll say just what God puts in my mouth to say and nothing else." Then after he got up there, and they gave him a night, he said, "Go on up, but I seen Israel scattered like sheep having no shepherd." And Ahab said, "Didn't I tell you?" Now, there's four hundred against one. Four hundred trained, smart, educated, intellectual men against one little ignoramus, as we'd call him, Micaiah, one man, but yet that one man had the Word of the Lord that made the difference. Every one of them was false; it proved out false. What made Micaiah different was that he stayed with the Word. The Word of God's what he stayed with Meshach, Shadrach and Abendego Let's turn our camera now to Meshach, Shadrach and Abendego. All the time there's something going on down here, there's something going on up there at the same time. Amen. We only look to the earthly side. But let's look up there. My, I can see Him setting there in His majesty, His kingly, priestly garments hanging around Him, setting there. I can see a great Angel coming up. You believe God's got angels in heaven? They're at His command. I can see one of them came up; he's called Wormwood. He's the angel over all the waters. I can see him rustle up, quick up beside of the throne and say, "Master, have you looked down there? Why, they're fixing to burn up three faithful believers." I can hear the Master say, "Yes, Wormwood, I've watched them all night long." He said, "I've washed the whole thing off. Let me go down this morning and I'll wash Babylon off the face of the earth." I believe he could've done it. Here comes another angel, Michael, the great Angel that stands in the Presence of God. I can see him draw His sword and say, "Master, look down there. One more step and death's right before them! Have you considered them?" "Yes." "Let me go down there; we'll see who is boss." I believe He could've done it, don't you? I can hear Him say, "Michael, you have obeyed me since the day that I created you, but I can't let you go because I'm going Myself. This is a Man-sized job." My, my! I can see Him rise up from His seat; His robes drop 'round Him; walk out there and say... Way back over there in the north, I can see a great big white thunderhead; I can hear Him say, "Come here." Amen. Everything in the heaven obeys Him, but man thinks he knows more than He does so he can't obey Him. I can see Him say, "Come here, East wind, North, South, and West. Get under this thunderhead; I'm going to drive you like horses this morning." He'd takes that big thunderhead, steps out on it like a chariot, reaches up and gets a-hold of a zigzag lightning out of the skies and cracks it across the sky. King Nebuchadnezzar could hear it down on the earth down there. And about that time He passed by the sea of life and picked off a palm. When they made their last step into the fiery furnace there was one like the Son of God, standing there fanning away all the breezes like that; talking over the future with them. I tell you; He's God today. He knows all things
Queen of Sheba
Then Jesus said, "The queen of the south shall stand in the Day of Judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the utmost parts of the known earth at that day to hear the Wisdom of Solomon." Now, were speaking of the time of Solomon, which was almost the millennium for the Jews. It was when Israel prospered, and great wonders were done and great signs and so forth had taken place. And they built the temple in the reign of Solomon, which was the son of David, a type of the Lord Jesus. David had fought down the nations, till they all feared Israel. And to make their golden age for them, God sent a mighty gift amongst the people. And all the people, with one accord, rallied around that great gift that God gave Solomon. Everybody believed it. What if we all believe it today? What if all the churches would believe the Holy Spirit and rally around the Holy Spirit the way they rallied around Solomon. And which is the greater: Solomon or the Holy Spirit? A greater than Solomon is here. And the people don't want to believe it. All the strangers passing through Israel, going up to Jerusalem, they'd hear about the great gift of God being in operation. So they'd come and look. And there's nobody that has got anything at all concerning God in them that can ever see God's gifts in operation but what it thrills them. So, these strangers passing through Israel from abroad had scattered worldwide on their journeys. Everybody began to hear across the world about God's gift of wisdom operating with His people in Solomon, a great gift He had sent. Finally the word traveled all over to the utmost parts of the earth and down to the queen in Sheba - that up in Israel there was a great gift of God and it was in operation. God had showed a great sign to that generation. You see - faith cometh by hearing. That's how you know. It's when you hear. And everybody was talking about what was going on and it made a hunger come in the little queen's heart. Everybody would come by and say, "Oh, you should stand up there in the courts while Solomon, the servant of the Lord God of Israel, stands up there. And you've never seen such discernment. It's beyond anything." You know if they've got any inkling of God in you, well, that begins to give you a hunger. And finally she made up her mind that she'd go and see for herself. She just wouldn't take everybody's word; she'd go and see for herself. That's a good thing to do. Come, see. So I'd imagine, she'd bought up all the Hebrew Bibles that she could find, and she read in them what Jehovah God was like, because she was a pagan. Now, in order to go to visit and see whether this sign of God was right, she had to get permission from her church. So I can imagine her going over to the church and she said to her pagan priest, "Father, I've heard that there is a God in Israel that's alive, and He's took one of His servants that's manifesting Himself through that church." Oh, I can hear the pagan priest say, "Now, wait a minute, daughter. If there was anything supernatural to be done, it would come through our temple. It would be through us. Don't believe those kinds of things." But you know - when you start to meet God, the devil's going to throw everything in your way that he can throw in your way. That's his duty to do it. And he's going to hinder you in every way. But if you are determined, God will make a way. Let's break in on their conversation, her and the priest. I suppose the priest said, "Now, don't get mixed up in some fanaticism now. Youd better be careful what you're doing, because I've heard about them Israelites screaming and hollering around an ark up there. So you don't want to get mixed up in that, my child because you have big prestige. You are a queen." She said, "But, father, there's something in my heart, burning. I must go." "Oh," he said, "maybe you had better come and take confession of your wrong or something. You mustn't go and see this Solomon. Because remember, we've got the history of our god in our own sacred book there is nothing this Solomon could tell you! The Queen of Sheba answered something like this: "Yes, my grandmother heard that. My mother heard that. I've heard that since I was a little child. You've got words; you've got writings. But up there, they've got a living God. I want to see something that's real, something that's alive. We got all kinds of writing but I want to see One that can write and then come fulfill it." I don't want to serve a God that just wrote something, went off and died. I'll gladly serve a God that can have His Word written unto men and then fulfill what He said He would do. And then she turned her back on the priest and walked out. If you're determined to find Jesus, to get to God, God
will make a way for you. Now, she sets down and thinks it over, "It's a long ways up there. So now, what if I go up there and it is right and everything about that God that I've been told is true - then their God is God. He not only has written Word but He gives confirmation of that Word. He makes His promises true. That would have to be the Spirit of God working. If it is, I owe all that I have to that Spirit." That's exactly right. If God is God, we owe our life to Him. We owe our all to Him. We owe everything to Him. So she said, "If it is so, I will support it." Just in case it was the Spirit of God in operation Sheba ladened camels with gold, with spices, perfumes, and many riches so that she would have something to offer! She thought this: "If it is of God, I will support it. If it isn't of God, I can bring my gifts back. (And that's good, sound sense.) So I will make ready whether it is or not, I'll be prepared." Now, she had to travel with all this gold from Sheba down to Jerusalem. It took three months to make the trip on the back of a camel. No wonder Jesus said she'll stand in the Day of Judgment and condemn this generation. Some won't come across the street to hear or see a gift of God. They'll turn their nose up at it and walk away. But she was determined. No wonder Jesus said, "No man can come unless My Father draws him. And all the Father has given Me will come to Me." And another thing, because she had all those riches she would have been an easy prey to the children of Ishmael - they were robbers in the desert in those days! They had fleet-footed horses that could fall in on her little caravan there and murder her and her escort. They'd take everything she had, all the gold and things. But you know, there's something about it when you want to meet God, that there's nothing will stand in your way. You're going on anyhow; you're blind to the dangers. You're blind to the criticisms. You're blind to anything else. God is your only motive. And you're going to find Him. She was determined. She never thought of dangers. The only thing she thought of was getting to God. So she ladened her camels and she got her princes, her bodyguards, hero-guards to walk with her. And they must have traveled by night, for three months, to see a gift of God. I wonder if there's that much sincerity in the world today. And Jesus said, "She's going to stand with us in the day of the judgment." Wonder what she'll do to the United States in that day? How will her testimony weigh out against the Americans, after we've had thousands of years of testimony of God and a greater than Solomon is here. The Holy Spirit is here. Yet finally she made her way all across the desert, not thinking of the troubles and she arrived at the palace yard. I can see her unladen the tent off her camels, and put up her tents and so forth. So, they were camped in the courts of the palace and the next day she wanted to go and attend one of the meetings to see what it would be all about. She'd, finally, after three months of travel, after, maybe, a year or more of hearing about it, she finally arrived. The next morning, when they brought Solomon out, the servant of the Lord, and the elders gathered, she said, "Now, I'm not coming to criticize. I'm just going to set down and look for my-self and just compare it with the Scriptures and with the testimonies I've heard." And then the hymns were sung, the service started and then they brought someone up to Solomon. He looked just like an ordinary man; that's all he was. Yet there was something about him, like he wasn't himself that morning. God came down. And they'd never seen such discernment - in every case he was perfect. She said, "A man can't be that perfect, just can't be. There has to be something to it that is more than just a man." Out to the tent she goes. And I imagine all night long she read those Hebrew scrolls again. The next morning she goes back. Now, she never came there thinking, "Well, I'll go in and set down for five minutes and if I don't like what he says, I'll get up and go out." That's the American attitude. She came to stay until she was convinced one way or the other. She wanted to examine it and stay with it. She came prepared for that. So the next day, and perhaps the next day, and for many days she watched and thought upon those things that she saw and heard. Finally it came her time to come before Solomon and since she'd watched so many others go before her she said to her-self, "I believe it's going to be all right." And when she got before the gift of God whatever was in Solomon,
why, Solomon told her everything the Bible said. Said their God never withheld one thing and told everything to that woman of what she had a desire of in her heart to know. And when she seen it done on her, she turned and she said to the audience, a pagan; she said, "All that I've heard was right and more than I heard." She said, "Truly God is with you. Blessed is the man whose face which can see these things daily. Blessed are the people and blessed is the God that you serve, who has given these great things as a witness." She believed it. She had an awful time getting to it in her age. That's all God had in her age for her. She believed it. Elijah and the Meal Offering 60-0310 I Kings 14:17 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day the LORD sends rain upon the earth. And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days. And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah. It must have been almost daylight when she was awakened. She turned her weary head on the pillow when she heard a mournful, little cry across the room. And she had not been able to sleep all night; she was tossed about because of this great tragedy. The little boy had wakened again, not being asleep over twenty or thirty minutes, and I can hear his little voice say, "Mama, won't you go out and look in the pantry again and see if there isn't just one little piece of bread? I'm so hungry. I just can't sleep." And as she looked in his little face with the--his little sinking cheeks, and his little eyes turning yellow, his long hair hanging down from failing to be cut, his little ragged nightshirt; the big tears from her eyes spat upon his little face, as she patted him on the cheek and said, "Darling, try to go to sleep and understand." There had been three years there had been no rain on the earth. She knelt down on the floor; I can see her as she cried out to God; she said, "O Lord God Jehovah, Thou art the God of our fathers, Who has fed Thy children and cared for them through the years. And I've tried to live true and upright to Thee, and now I am here seeing my little boy crying for something to eat, and nothing to give him. For many weeks now we've been allowancing ourselves up to a place of one meal every three or four days, and now it's all gone but one little handful of meal and just a spoonful of oil. And I'm trying to hold it off until daylight so that we'll not have to die while it is in the night. What have I done, O God? I, your hands-maid have lived true. My husband was lost in battle, the battle for the Lord, and I've been a widow for several years now, and I've tried to live right and keep Your commandments. And if it's my time to go, I don't mind; but my little boy, it just tears my heart to pieces to hear him beg for something to eat, with nothing to give him." When she'd got finished praying, she raised up. He'd gone back to sleep again for a few moments. And she had her arms up, and the ragged nightgown that she was wearing was just about gone. She goes to the window and looks out, and it's just about to break day. Oh, it was so hot. The hot winds of judgment were blowing upon a nation that had forgotten God. That was during the reign of Ahab, Israel's most cruel and wicked king. And he'd married a sinner, Jezebel, which was an idolater. And a mixed wedding like that never is successful; it just can't be; either the woman will come the man's way or the man will go the woman's way. And she was a very attractive little woman, and Ahab, just kind of a lukewarm believer, had give in to her ideas and said, "Oh, well, religion is nothing for me; I'm a king." And long had they tore down the altars of God and put up the altars of Baal. And the cry had been so much against the true religion till the ministers under the great strain had given away. And so long had the ministers fell under the impact of the king, because sin was permitted; there were no limits. They thought, "As long as the nation said so, it was all right." That's the way they say today, "As long as the nation says it's all right to sell beer, then it's all right to drink it. If the nation permits our women to half dress on the street, and the law won't run them in, why, it's all right to do it." That might be all right to the nation, but in God's great books you're responsible and will have to answer before God. But they'd fallen and they had to give away under the load. And the nation was prospering, and they thought that prosperity was a sign that God was with them. That's not altogether the truth.
But the nation had thought, as long as they were eating well and were well clothed, that everything would be all right. But there was one who still was old fashioned, that believed that there was a God that was old fashion, believed that there was a God that kept His Word, believed that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, was holy and required complete surrender to His holiness. But Jezebel and her modernistic crew hated him. He was their pastor, but they didn't believe it. So he had to hide for his life. And God had sent him up on the mountain, and said--give him a message, and said, "Go down and tell that old wicked king, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD.' It's not going to rain, or even the dew will fall, until you call for it." Give it into Elisha's mouth to call for the rain when it was time for it; but he had the keys of heaven; he could close it or open it. And He said, "I want you to go up into the wilderness out of this chaos. Get out from among them. You've preached to them, and they won't listen to you, and they're continually getting worse. Go on up into the wilderness, and there set down by the brook, Cherith, and Ive already commanded the ravens to take care of you. Oh, if the people won't, God's got crows that can do it. God can do what He wants to. He said, "I've commanded the ravens, and they're going to feed you." And they brought him flesh and bread. It came from the creative hand of God Almighty." They brought him fish and bread, the crows, set down and hand it over to Elijah, and he ate it, and stooped down and drank from the fountain. God was resting His prophet. Oh, I'm so glad that God has a way of escape. And when they thought he was crazy, "That old prophet, an old killjoy," always trying to take the joy out of their little happy parties they were having, telling them that it was sin. And Him following God's commission went up into the mountains and set down on the high place, the driest place in the country. But God kept the brook running. And they were down there gnawing their tongue for water. You know, God has a way of answering prayer. This little woman had lived true. She had not remarried again; she was staying single to meet her husband in glory. She was an honourable woman. And for weeks the barrel had been going down, down, and her continually praying, and still looked like there was no hope in sight nowhere. And she had met every requirement. She'd lived clean; she'd lived decent; she'd lived honourable, and she had met all of God's requirements. But it looked like He was silent. God does that sometime to test you to see what kind of a reaction you'll have. Don't forget it. Now, this little woman knew that she had met all these requirements and still God was silent, it seemed like He didn't even care for her, He didn't care whether she lived or died. But all the time God was working. She didn't know about it, but God told Elijah. He dried up the brook, reached out His hand, and stopped the brook from running. And Elijah said, "Lord, why did it stop?" He said, "I've commanded a widow woman to feed you." He'd already commanded her; she didn't know it. Now, it's a very strange thing that God would send His prophet to a widow woman's house. What a place. But she must've been a real virtuous woman, or He'd have never sent His prophet there. Oh, if a person was worthy, would've had to be a worthy person to entertain a man like Elijah. The little woman was down praying - not knowing that walking down the mountain come the prophet. He'd had a vision where to go to. God doesn't lead His people blindly; He tells them where they're going. He was looking into the city. Oh, it was terrible. People were starving to death, and screaming for water, and hungry people everywhere. It's a reflection of immorality. It's a reflection of sin. Now, notice this poor little woman, after she'd looked out the window and saw that it was about to break day, little did she know what was waiting for her. She was thinking it was death for her and her little boy. So now, while she's asleep, let's just look at her for a few minutes. She goes, after she prays, and she strokes his little hair back out of his eyes, and said, "Darling little fellow, you look so much like your precious, sainted daddy. How he trusted God. How he gave his life for the cause of Israel out on the battlefield, and you look so much like him. And, honey, I don't know why the innocent suffer with the guilty, but they do." Now I can see her go in and say, "I'll fix a little cake now. I've got just enough for one little cake of bread left, and after we eat it, then we'll die." So she goes into the room, and takes the meal out of the meal barrel. I can see her just dusting it with that little bony hand, as she strikes across the little keg that it was in: beating it out, every bit of dust, and she finally got just enough for one cake, goes over to the little cruse and holds it up and drains every bit of the oil out of it, about a spoonful.
Now, the meal, all those things has a meaning. The Meal represented Christ. Christ was the meal-offering. When they ground the meal for the wave-offering, for Christ, which was Christ in the wave- offering in the Old Testament, they ground it with a certain type of burr, that every little piece of meal must be cut just the same, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, she got the meal, which represented Christ. And Christ is the Word - Christ the Meal-offering. Then she went and got the oil. And the oil represents the Spirit. So she put the Word and the Spirit together and began to mix It up. The meal, look what she did, she mixed the Word and the Spirit together. Many people have the Spirit without the Word; some has the Word without the Spirit. But you take and put them both correctly in their places, there's a cake on the road. There's something in the making. Poor little widow didn't know what she was doing, but God said to Elijah, "I have commanded her." And Elijah's on his road over the cobblestones, coming down to see his vision fulfilled somewhere. And here she is standing there, tears she's wiping with her old ragged sleeve, and saying, "O Jehovah God, my faith has never failed, and it won't fail. Somehow or another, I don't know how all this is, but we're taught that all things work together for the good." She's mixing this little meal up; she got the little cake all fixed out and patted up. She said, "Now it's time for me to go out and get some wood." She goes back and opens the door, and said, "O Lord, that poor little hungry belly lying there, and I haven't eaten for two or three weeks. I've give him my piece of cake." That's a mother, a mother's love for her baby. There's nothing like it, only God's love. "A mother may forget her suckling babe, but never can I forget you. Your names are engraved on the palms of My hand." There she looks at her baby; maybe she slipped back and kissed his little forehead, whether if she fainted and died on the outside. She goes out. The sun is just beginning to rise over the Judaean hills. And she looks at the sun begin to peep up. Way down the street she hears cursing and going on. And she goes out in the yard, and notice, she picked up two sticks, not an arm load, two sticks. What is it? The Cross! Now what's she going to do? Light these two sticks. And the Word and the Spirit is brought the self-sacrifice on the cross, ready for duty, ready for life. Putting the Word and the Spirit, that's her faith in the Word of God by the Holy Ghost, leading herself to sacrifice anything else to the cross. And when she got the stick under her arm, two of them, and started back, she started back, and there was a voice came from the gate, "Lady." Just before that, an old, maybe bald-headed, and gray hanging over his whiskers, and his hair hanging down, a little stick in his hand, an old sheepskin or something wrapped around him, walking down the street, saying, "Lord, it's a certain little white fence. There'll be a lovely-looking young woman (She must have been young; the boy was young.) out in the yard. You told me that was the widow that was to feed me. Now, where is she at? I'll keep walking." The Spirit leads him this a-way, and then turns him. Oh, it's so wonderful. Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. No matter how silly it sounds, they are led. He goes down one street and up another, down one street and up another. After while, the Spirit said, "Look to your right." And he looks it around like that, just like He does here at the platform, night after night. Oh, God's still the same. "Look to your right, to your left, there's someone praying who needs it." And he looked to his right. "Say, there's the little white fence. That's just right. I just won't move from here, because there's the old tree standing there. There's everything just the way I saw in the vision. The door opens up and a little thin woman comes out. Now, remember, she's just going to pick up two sticks. She couldn't have picked up three, takes two to make the cross. She picked up two sticks and put it on her arm and she started back, thinking, "I'll have the little cake done when Sonny wakes up. And then I'll feed it to him, I won't eat any myself. And I'll put my little boy in my arms, and there we'll set and die." And she started into the house. She heard a strange voice across the gate, said, "Woman, would you fetch me a little drink of water in a vessel?" And she turned, and she thought, "There stands a kind old man at the gate." She looked at him real close, and maybe wiped the tears from her eyes; it was quite early yet. You know, God does things so strange. She was willing to sacrifice. Water was a scarce thing; it hadn't rained for three years and six months. "Would you fetch me some water." Maybe God told him to say that, to see what she'd do, trying her reaction. "Would you fetch me just a little drink of water in a vessel?"
And she looked at him. "He sounds different. There's something about the old man that I feel sorry for." And so this woman, she said, "I'll just share my water. We're going to die, so I'll sacrifice my drink of water, and give it to the kind old gentleman standing there, 'cause he looks thirsty and tired." She said, "I will bring it." And she started walking on. And again she heard a voice, said, "And in your other hand, would you fetch me a little morsel of bread?" Oh, my, now, now what? Her last hope of the life of her child, the last hope that they had, and the bread would be gone, the oil gone, everything would be gone now. But she looked back, and she wondered; she said, "I just have a little bit of meal left in a barrel. I've got just enough oil that I've dampened it, and I've already mixed it. (I've got the Word and the Spirit mixed together in there. I've got the cross here to lay it upon, to make it into a cake to give Life.)" And that's when the Spirit and the Word gets together on the cross; it makes a Life loaf for you. That's right. "And I've got it together, and I'm going in now to bake it, and give my little dying boy in there, that's cried all night for something to eat, I've got to give it to him. I'm going to sacrifice mine, and I'm going to give it to him. And then I'll take him up in my arms, and we'll both wait for death." He said, "But you make me a little one first." Isn't that strange that a man would ask a widow woman, dying, for the last bit of meal she had in the house, with a dying child? God does things so strange. Said, "Make me a little one first." She studied, "You know, the Bible says that we have entertained strangers. We've entertained strangers; they were angels, not knowing what we were doing. Well," she said, "I'll do it." And as she turned, he said, oh, my, there it was, the greatest consolation that any believer can ever listen to, "For, THUS SAITH THE LORD..." That's the Word she was waiting for. "THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will not go empty; neither will the cruse go dry, until the day that God sends rain on the earth.'" She knew then that was the prophet of God speaking to her. Oh, how her heart must've jumped. She ran in and made that little cake and brought it to him with the water, trembling hand over that old sunk-in cheeks; she knew that God had come to the rescue, over a little piece of bread. Mary and Elizabeth And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which is born of thee shall be called the Son of God. And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she has also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible. And Mary answered and said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. I believe that the sun had already come up and was bathing across the Galilean skies, drawing up the fragrance of the roses, for the night had been quiet, and sweetness came on the air. And she was making her way down along the side of the street to the city well, where the people came to gather their supply of water. And as she made her way along with a little crock under her arm, she was studying, thinking about the day before and the great mighty message that the rabbi had preached. And it was about this message that she and Joseph, her engaged husband, had spoke on their front porch after the midday meal. As they set there, looking across the little hill to where finally the little house would be erected where they were to spend their life in this little building (as far as they knew). Joseph was a carpenter; and he loved his job, and he loved to do things just right. And being a believer in God and he knew that there was someone who watched over him, he wanted all of his work to be just exactly right. But oh, this little house was a special one; the doors had to be just perfect, and the closets in it set just right, because he was bringing the sweetest woman in the entire world there to be his bride. And they, as the customs were, would set out there and look at the little house, and plan just how the roses would be at this little spot, and at the gate must be a little heart, because they were so in love. And then perhaps just behind the house, there was going to be the carpenter's shop, where he would do all of his cabinet work, to make his doors, and the little odds and ends that was brought to him. And in that, they would have their livelihood. And this Sabbath, as soon as they had come out and set on the front porch after the midday meal, it must've been Joseph that said, "That was a striking message this morning, Mary. I'm so thrilled when I hear our rabbi speak of
the greatness of Jehovah. And oh, how he told us of that great, mighty God that came down into Egypt and took our people out, how He opened up the Red Sea when it got in His way. And how He rained bread out of the heaven and blew the quails in out of the field, leading them by a Pillar of Fire by night and a Cloud by day. And how the children of Israel camped under this great Light as they walked in the Light; wherever It went, they went also. And brought them safely into the Promised Land..." And Mary might have said something like this, "Yes, darling. But I want to ask you something. What happened to that great God, that He isn't just as great today as He was then? Did you notice the rabbi after that wonderful message, and then alas, he said, 'Jehovah must've turned His back on us, because that He doesn't perform miracles any more.'" But Joseph quickly picked it up, and said, "But, Mary, I believe that God is just as great and powerful as He ever was." And upon that, Mary's mother, Anna, must have come to the door, and said, "Are you young folks waiting for the Scriptures?" and handed into the hand of Mary, which passed it on to Joseph, the book of Isaiah. Joseph opening up the scroll and began to read. And when he came to Isaiah 9:6, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders. His name shall be called Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, and Everlasting Father. And of His peace and His kingdom there shall be no end." And it must've been that time that Mary's heart was strangely warned. Isn't it strange how God does things? Scripture's made manifest. She said, "Joseph." And he looked at her, and perhaps he always thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. But then there was a certain look in her face that charmed him more than ever. While her pretty eyes looked at him like that of the dove, soft, innocent, I think that's the way a woman should look, innocent, soft, and sweet. She said, "Joseph, what was the prophet speaking of when he said, 'Unto us a Child is born, and unto us a Son is given.' Who is this Son and this Child that he was speaking of?" Joseph looked back to her and said, "Well, my dear, the prophet was speaking of the coming Messiah, the hope of Israel. And you know, Mary, that all down through the ages since Moses, we've looked forward to that One coming. And when He comes, He will deliver us out of that bondage of these Romans, out of the bondage of our sins. And Israel will know their God, and He will keep His Word. And Mary, my dear, if we don't see Him in our generation, He will surely be here in the next. But we'll look for Him in our generation." All night, she couldn't sleep over it. "Unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given." And the next morning, she'd slept late; so she was late getting to the well. That's why the sun was up. And as she made her way down the street it seemed like no one was around. And she was thinking of the Scriptures, that Scripture was being confirmed to her: "A Child is born, a Son is given." And about that time she saw something that flashed before her, and a Light--no doubt in my mind, like the Pillar of Fire--and standing there was a Angel, the mighty Gabriel. He's a messenger to the Jews. Remember, Gabriel announced the first coming of Christ; the Angel Gabriel will announce the second coming of Christ. The Bible said so. Now, there... It frightened the little lady. And she looked at Him and He said, "Hail, Mary. Blessed art thou among the women. Thou art highly favoured of God, for God is with thee." And He told what was going to happen: that she was going to bear a Child, and they should call His Name Jesus, for He'd save the people from the sins. Now she had a right to know that that was the right kind of a Messenger. First thing, He was an Angel standing there; the next thing, He told her who she was: Mary. She knew that was a sign of God down through the age. She looked at Him, and she said, "How can these things be, seeing that I don't know a man?" And he said, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Most High shall overshadow thee. And that holy Thing which will be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. That's how He's coming. You don't need to know no man; God's going to do this. For with God, nothing is impossible. Oh, what that little lady had to believe. She had to believe something that was impossible; she had to believe something that had never happened before. Hannah, when she was told by the priest, "The Lord gave thee thy desire." why, she went home and in nine
months brought the child. That was wonderful. As He said, "Thy cousin Elisabeth, who was called barren, is already six months to be mother." And he told her that with God, nothing was impossible. And she said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to Thy Word." God, when He says anything, it's impossible for it not to happen. Therefore when God says in the Book, "All things are possible to them that believe," it's got to happen! No way to explain it away. You can believe God will perform every promise that He made. Now, she had to believe something that had never happened. But look at her little childish heart... I'm going to think her to be just a young woman about eighteen to twenty years old. She never took the second thought. As soon as she seen and knew that was the Angel of the Lord, that knew those things, and told her exactly according to the Scripture that she had been thinking on, and told her what her name was, she knew that Messenger came from God. And the Scripture that she had been thinking on was confirmed right there to her. "Mary, the Holy Ghost will come upon you, and the Almighty shall overshadow thee. And that Holy Thing that'll be born will not be of man, but He will be called the Son of God." She threw her little hands up, and the tears running out of those beautiful eyes, said, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it unto me according to Thy Word." She didn't wait till she was positive of this; she didn't wait till she felt life, or some kind of a sensation to prove that she was to be a mother. She just took His Word, and that was enough. "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." Why she was so happy about it, she just couldn't stand still, and nothing had shown up yet. But she knew it was going to, because God said so. Then she started on her way. She heard good news of her cousin, Elisabeth, an old woman, around sixty-five, seventy years old, her husband the same age, around seventy or seventy-five years old. And she'd conceived in her old age, because she had believed God would give her a child. So, little Mary takes out up into the hills of Judea, up over that rough path to meet her cousin, to enjoy fellowship together, because God had overshadowed both of them! Mary wanted fellowship. No need in going down to the synagogue, because they didn't believe it. She went to somebody that had an experience like she had, and she went there to fellowship. So on her way she went to somebody that believed God was still just as great as He ever was. Up over the hills--I can see her going--her little cheeks a blushing and those little eyes sparkling, as she thought, "I'll keep this a secret from Joseph. I just can't wait; I've got to go." And up into the hills she went, on up into Judea, up to the house of her cousin. Elisabeth, her cousin, had hid herself, because she was very weary. Because little John in the wombs of his mother, was six months and no life had shown yet. Now, that's altogether unnatural. It isn't just exactly the regular routine. Life appears in three or four months, and this is six months. And she was a little weary about it. I can see her setting back in a room, and there she set praying something like this, "God, I've waited all these years, and I believed in my heart that something was about to happen. There sets my husband out there, dumb. And he can't speak, and he keeps writing on a slate, and saying, 'I saw an Angel; I saw an Angel. An Angel spoke to me at the right hand of the altar; something great is going to happen.'" And she looked out the window, and she saw Mary coming, her teeth shining like pearls, and her eyes just a glistening with joy. And she said, "I ought to know that child." And she had her robe wrapped around her, running as hard as she could. Zacharias stood in the yard; he said, "Oh, hail. I know who you are. You're Anna's daughter; you're Anna's daughter." "Yes, that's who I am." And Elisabeth runs out; she had been setting in there making little booties for the baby. Somehow or another, she believed way down in her heart that God wouldn't let her down. No matter what it appeared to look like.
And she laid the little booties down, and she ran out into the yard. And she grabbed Mary around the neck, and began to hug her and kiss her. You know - people then felt for one another different than they do now. You know, there's not much feeling amongst people no more, no fellowship. She said, "Oh, Mary, why the last time I seen you, you was a little freckle faced girl; and here you are, a beautiful woman. And now, I heard that you were going with that fine boy, Joseph." She said, "Yes, that is true, Elisabeth." "Well," she said, "I'm so glad to see you. Why, honey, why don't you come set down, why Zacharias has gone to fetch some water, so I can wash your feet. You must be tired; they're bleeding. Is there anything wrong? Are you in a hurry? You seem to be so happy, but yet you look like you've been hastening." "Oh," she says, "Elisabeth, I just can't wait to tell you. Oh," she said, "you know, I'm going to have a Baby." "Oh, you and Joseph already married?" "No, we're not married yet." "Well, Mary, I'm shocked." "Oh, but Elisabeth, on the road to the well the day before yesterday morning, I was going along, thinking about the Scriptures that Joseph and I had been talking about the day before. And I saw a great big Pillar of Fire stand before me. Stepping out of It was Gabriel, the Angel of God, Who called me by my name, and told me that I'd found favour before God, that the Holy Ghost was going to overshadow me, and that the power of God would be upon me, and I'd have a Child, and He'd be called the Son of God." And said, "He told me that you were to be a mother also, old age like this, and said you were already six months." "Oh," she said, "Mary that is the truth. I'm to be a mother, but honey, I am so worried. I'm already six months to motherhood, and the baby has never moved; it hasn't had one bit of life yet. And I'm just so worried about it." Oh, I can hear Mary say, "Don't worry, because everything will be all right, that Angel knew you and called your name too, 'Your cousin, Elisabeth!' Oh, everything will be all right. And He told me... He even gave me my Baby's Name." "Oh, He did?" "Yes, He gave me my Baby's Name. He said I should call His Name Jesus." Just about the time she said, "Jesus" for the first time that that Name was ever spoke by human lips, little John received the Holy Ghost, and begin jumping and shouting in his mother's womb. Oh, my! Little John begin to leap in the mother's womb for joy. If the Name of Jesus Christ, the first time it was ever spoke through the human lips, brought a dead baby that had never had no life, brought him to life, what ought it to do in this church tonight, with a born again bunch of people that's filled with the Holy Spirit. Oh, there is power, power, and wonder working power in the precious Blood of the Lamb. How that great, wonderful, immaculate, Name, that indescribable Name of the Lord Jesus... It made this little baby come to life in the womb of its mother, and leap for joy. And the Bible said that John was born from his mother's womb full of the Holy Ghost. Not only that, but while he was in the womb and the Holy Ghost upon him, his own mother received the Holy Ghost and gave a prophecy concerning him and concerning the Lord Jesus. Matthew 14:22 And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him to the other side, while he sent the multitude away. And when he had sent the multitude away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with the waves: and the winds were contrary. In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of a good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. It must have been close to sundown when the big fisherman began to move the boat back and forth to push it from the bank. I can see his great, brawny muscles, as he had the boat loaded with the rest of the apostles, as he pushed away from the bank, and shoved it free from the sands of the shore of Galilee. And it moved out into the water, the big rugged fellow climbed over some of their feet, and took his place by the side of Andrew, his brother, picked up the oar, and they started away from the shore. And as they moved steadily out to sea, the people who loved them were standing on the bank waving as the sun was going down; it must have been about twenty minutes before they disappeared out of the sight of the last one waving. I can see each one drop his oar, wave, and then pick up his oar, and start again with the little ship. Way back in the west it looked kindly red and low, as the sun sank over the Judaean hills. There must have been a long silence, then I believe it was the young John that must have let up on his oar, and said something like this, "I remember when I was just a little boy, how that my mother used to take me on her lap and read me the story of God. And how that she used to read that story of God loving His people so well that He provided for them when they had no way to provide for themselves." And said, "That one day when God had called His people to take a journey from the land of bondage to the land of freedom, they run out of bread out in the wilderness, and there was no corn or flour for them to make bread." And he might have said this, "I remember when she told me that every night God rained bread down out of heaven. And of a morning as people would go out and get that bread." And I said to my mother, "Mother, dear, where did God get that bread to feed so many people, two million people or more, out in that wilderness? How did He send it down through the skies when they were asleep, and rained it upon the ground? Where did He get the flour, mother, to make the bread?" Well, she used to say something like this, "My dear son, God is the Creator. He is able to make bread or create whatever He wishes to. When some requirement that God requires, He is so great, John, till He just speaks and it's there, because He is the great Creator." And now he might say this, "My brethren, did you notice His face this afternoon when all those hungry people were standing there?" And one of the disciples might've said, "Yes, I noticed way down along the creek, there was a little boy playing truant from school, and had his lunch, and--and he had five little barley loaves, and two fishes. And when He took the bread into His hands, and broke that bread, handed it out, took those fishes that were fried, and broke them fishes, and handed them out, and when He reached back to get another piece of bread it had already grown on there, already cooked and ready. The fishes were already fried. And out of that little bitty lunch of five biscuits and two pieces of fish, He fed five thousand people. Did it remind you of the story of God feeding His people? So there must be some great connection between this One that we're walking with, and Jehovah God, because there is something about Him that He does the same thing God did. He takes care of His people." They were in a wilderness. "And I am persuaded, brethren," might have young John said, in his youthful way of about--he was about thirty years old, I suppose, maybe thirty-five. He was younger than the rest. He might've said this, "That it was strange when I watched His eyes. There was something godly about Him. He never had one doubt but what when He reached back for another biscuit it would be there. And He pulled one biscuit off of another. Now, brethren, tell me where He got it at? He must have some connection with that great Creator, that could make bread, and could make it already baked, and could make the fish already fried, and ready. Bringing it from five biscuits and two fish, enough to feed five thousand, and take up five baskets full of fragments left over... There must be something about Him that we yet have not understood, but I know that He's some connection with God, because no man could do that unless God would be with Him." Jesus had said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then believe Me not. But if I do the works, then you believe the works." And young John must've dropped his head, and took back his oar, and it must've been Simon then, the big fisherman, that said, "Yes, that was enough to convince anybody that God was in that man, because no one could've done it. That Man could've not have done it Himself, but God was in Him." And then he said, "When I was convinced, I was rather a rugged, little fisherman on the sea. Brethren, you know I had better training than to what I was doing first, because I had a godly old father. He was a Pharisee, but he was a great man. And I can remember down on the sea shore when he would pick me up in his lap, and set me down, and would say, 'Simon, my son, you're just a lad, but maybe in your generation, if your father doesn't see it, there will come someday a Deliver, which we know as to be the Messiah. And Simon, many people will misunderstand Him. Our churches will misunderstand Him. And He will be a Man that will be a strange sort of a Man. But Simon, my son, I never want you to forget this: You'll have to know the Messiah by the Scriptures that wrote of Him. Don't ever leave the Scriptures, my son. And Moses, our leader, has told us what the Messiah would be. For it is written in the Scriptures that, 'The Lord, our God, shall rise up a prophet among us.' And when this Messiah comes, He will be a
God Prophet. He will be different from other prophets. He will be a God Prophet. But you'll know Him, Simon, because He will be that Prophet, and He will do the sign of a prophet.' And when I heard of this Galilean Man, this Jesus of Nazareth, I thought it was just another quack, just another pass overnight. But one day, when He borrowed my boat, been talking to me, as soon as I come into His Presence, He called my by name. The first time I ever saw Him, He told me who I was. And not only that, but He knew that godly old father of mine. He said, 'Simon, you are the son of Jonas.' And when He said that, I knew that was the One my daddy had spoke about, that the Scripture said would come, because He was a God Prophet. I knew His signs were beyond a prophet, so He was a God Prophet. And I knew that would be Him. That's the reason that I fell on my face. When Andrew told me about it, I didn't believe him, my brother setting here." Young John brushed his hair back, few tears with it, and then smiled and said, "When I seen Him break that bread, I knew He was God." But Peter said, "When He told me who I was, and who my father was, I knew Who that was." Well then, it must have been Philip, who shoved his shoulders a little bit, and looked around, and said, "But, brethren, you should have seen the face of Brother Nathanael here, when I found Him. And I knew beyond a shadow of doubt when He told Simon that day whom he was and who his father was; I knew that was the Messiah. And when I heard Him say that, there was something burned within me, that I knew our generation had a visit. And I was going to be determined that every friend that I knew, that I was going to get him to Him just as quick as I could. So I thought of Nathanael, my bosom friend. And when I went around the mountains about fifteen miles, running that day, and over the cobble stones, and the sun was hot... And I heard much talk about it, pro and con, as I went along the sea shore of Galilee to see my friend. I came up and knocked on the door, and his wife came to the door, and I said, "Where is Nathanael?" Said, 'Why, Philip, he had just went out into the olive grove. I think he's gone out to see about the irrigation or something.' Quickly, I run out into the grove, and I found him on his knees as usual." That's a good way to find a man. "I found him on his knees, and I--the message was burning in my heart till I could hardly wait to tell him, but yet, I let him finish his prayer. And when he got up, not knowing I was there, usually I would go to him and said, 'How is the grove getting along, Nathanael? How is everything up at the market? Have you done any trading with the caravans that's coming through?' That is what he usually did, because he was rather a business man. But I had something to tell him." That's what we need today, brethren: A message that's so burning that nothing else takes its place. Quickly, he didn't say, "How do you do, Nathanael?" He said, "Come, see who we found." There's something about when you find Jesus, that it's the--it's your subject day and night. You can't talk about nothing else. "Come, see whom we have found. Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Joseph." And Nathanael being a just man, and a level thinking man, he said, "Now, wait just a minute. Now, you know that there could be nothing good come from Nazareth. And if there was such a thing as the Messiah that was coming, He would come to the high priest first, and make Him self known. He would come to our church." And then when, I told him that if he was going to be critical, the best thing to do was just come, see for him self..." And he said, "Come see for your self." Then he looked back over his shoulder to find Nathanael setting there weeping for joy. And he said, "Brother, do you remember our conversation along the road? I told you that the Scripture said that the Messiah would be a Prophet, a God Prophet that Moses said, 'The Lord your God shall raise up.' And all of our people questioned him, 'Are you that prophet?' And he left them kindly in a daze not telling them exactly what he was." And he told, said, "You remember the old fisherman by the name of Simon?" "Yes," said Nathanael, "I remember him." "You remember when we bought that fish from him that day, and you wanted him to sign a receipt, and he didn't even have enough education to sign his own name. But that same illiterate man came before this One that we know to be the Messiah, and as soon as he came, He told him who he was, and what his father was." And Nathanael said, "I'll come see for myself. He will never tell me anything. My mind's stronger than His. He will never read my mind. He's no mind reader." "And when we come up into the Presence, and then I can hear him say, 'Just a moment.'"
Philip said, "Nathanael, I'm getting filled up. You tell the rest of it." And Nathanael said, "When I came up in to look at Him, He--I knew by His looks that He was a different from other man." And brother, sister, when a man once gets a vision of Jesus Christ, he can never be the same after that. He's different from others. And he said, "When I looked at Him, and He looked back to me, and He looked me right in the face, and He said, 'Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile.'" Well I thought, "Wonder if Philip could have told Him that He was going after me. Wonder if that could have been the case. So I turned around and said to Him, 'Rabbi, when did You ever know me. We are strangers to each other, and when did You know me?' He said, 'Before Philip called you. When you were under the tree, I saw you.'" Said, "That was enough. That settled it. Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God, the King of Israel. Then that look that He gave me and said, 'Oh, you believe Me to be such, because I told you where you was, and told you these things? Then thou shall see greater things.' And truly today, I have seen greater things, when He taken the bread, and broke it, and created bread behind it, and fish. He told me the truth. Therefore, I am persuaded above any measure that that is the Son of God. That Prophet was to come into the world at the ending up of our dispensation." And they sat quiet for a few minutes, then Andrew setting across from Peter pulled his oar in, said, "Let's rest for a few minutes, brethren. Let us all share this, because it's well dark, and we're floating along pretty lively. And we've got all night to cross this little Galilean sea. So we all well remember the day that we'd walked with Him so long, and His feet were so tired. Remember, when we went down to the spring and got some water and poured on His feet, and they were blistered from walking? Yet He said, 'I have a need to go by Samaria.' It was really on His road to Jericho around about way. We wondered why He would go around about way." Say, "You remember how His precious feet were hurting him? And He made His way to Samaria, and it was noon time, and we'd been out bigger part of the night. He'd prayed for so many sick, and He was weary, and walking along the road. And He sat down so tired that He couldn't make His way hardly in the city. And He sent us away to get some food. And the Samaritans wouldn't let us have it. So on our way coming back, we were astonished to see Him, our Master, talking with a woman marked with ill-fame. But when we seen that we were astonished, and did not we all slip up in the bush and stand still to see what He would say? And He said, 'Woman, bring Me a drink.' Do you remember what she said brethren?" "She said, 'It's not customary for you Jews to ask Samaritans such. We have no dealings with each other.' But now listen brethren," They--Andrew might have said. "Listen what He told her." "He said, 'Woman, if you knew who you were talking to, you would ask Me for a drink. And I'd give you waters that you don't come here to draw.'" "And the woman all excited said, 'Well, where--where can You get this water? The well's deep and You have nothing to draw with.'" "And do you remember, brethren, what He said, 'The water that I give is Life Eternal bubbling up.' And the woman wanted that water. And He said to her, 'Go get your husband first and come here.'" "And do you remember we thought He must be trapped or something, when the woman looked Him boldly in the face and said, 'I have no husband.' Thought, how could that be our Lord to make such a mistake as that, when Messiah is perfect? How could it be? This woman is denying that she has a husband." "But then, did you notice the expression in His face, calmly, quietly, said, 'Woman, thou has said true. You've had five husbands, and the one you're now living with is not yours.'" "How it melted that woman. She thought she could lie out of it. But the expression on her face, and the tears in her eyes, she said, 'Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet.' Now, brethren, listen to what He said. She said, 'You must be a prophet. We know that when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us these things. But Who are You?'" "And He said to her, 'I am He that speaks to you.'" "Brethren, when we know that our teaching is that this Prophet would be a God Prophet, and when that Samaritan woman testified against our priest that she knew that when the Messiah came He'd be a--give the Messianic sign, He'd be a God Prophet. And even our priest called Him, 'Beelzebub,' a fortune-teller."
"But this ill-famed woman seemed to have a better understanding of the Scriptures than our priest did. Said--she said, 'You must be a Prophet, but we know when the Messiah cometh, He will tell us all these things. But Who are You?'" "He said, 'I'm He that speaks to you.'" "And on that--when she found out that she'd had a contact with the real Messiah, she run into the city and screamed to the men, 'Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I have done. Isn't this the Messiah? Isn't this the sign of the Messiah?'" "And how many more things," Peter must have spoke of and said, "could we say about Him that has proved that He is the Messiah of God." About that time, Satan looked up over the rim, and he saw the little boat out on the sea without Jesus. He thought, "Here's my opportunity." Said, "I'll rid the whole bunch now. I've got them right where I want them. Now, I'll drown the whole bunch of them." So he begin to breathe in and blow out from his nostrils, great powerful winds, that--and his poison breath hit the sea, it had a nervous prostration. And then, the little boat began to pitch back and forth, and it looked like the time had come. I could think the first thing when the winds begin to blow, Simon being a great fisherman, he said, "Hoist the sail." And Satan said, "I'll rip it off." And a lot times, we hoist up some things. Satan just rips it down for us. And then he reached down, and grabbed his oar, and bent his back to it, and broke the oar. Then the great waves begin to fill up the ship. They thought that maybe they'd made a mistake, that they were forsaken. But you know what happened? Jesus was mindful of them. After He sent them away, He climbed the highest mountain He could find. And no matter how far out they were from the top of the mountain where He was at, He was watching them. -We are never to leave the Scripture. Stay exactly with the pattern. The way the first church was patterned at the beginning, is the way every one should be patterned. When we are doing anything we must make sure we are doing it in the pattern that God has set for us. Try to get that last soul into the Kingdom before that final midnight stroke on the clock of time, when it will strike no more. When it strikes that time, it'll blend into an endless eternity Oh, if God tonight could just reflect His grace upon the Church and His beauty, and He wants to do it, when the Church will get It-self ready for the event. God only reveals Himself to those who will let Him, and expecting Him. See, it's those who are looking for something, those who have a pulsation in their heart--beating, waiting, longing for something to happen. It's those who believe it'll happen, and is waiting for the event, that's who Jesus will come for, for those who love His appearing. If you love anybody, and you're expecting them to appear, you're making every preparation for it. That's the way the Church should be tonight, making every preparation for the coming of the Lord, watching every sign post. And when you see God do something, rejoice, because it's pointing to His coming. And we're down to about the last sign post now. He could appear before morning. How those Magis when this Star appeared, they begin to search the Scrolls. And they found that it was a prophecy being fulfilled. Oh, they must've had an exceeding great joy among them when they seen that God had spoke that that Star would appear, and there it was. Did you notice, a gift will not stay or brighten itself, or make itself known where it's not wanted. It'll fade out, get away. When you come out of the world and its traditions, the glory of God will appear to you and will lead you. When you come out of your self, and out of your sins, out of your unbelief, leave it all behind, and raise your heart to God, God will appear to you. Where Jesus is, there's Gospel Light, for He is Light. Where Jesus is, there is fire, for He is a consuming Fire that burns up all your unbelief and your dross. Then at the end time, He promised there would be Light, there would be the fullness of the power would be coming.
Now, if you notice, I wish to say this about Canada. I believe if Jesus would tarry for say, fifty years that this nation will lead the nations of the world. This will be the outstanding nation of the world, if Jesus tarries, because it's your ironclad government and the natural resource that you have to build from. Now, your lands are covered with oil and minerals and your mountains are full of gold, and silver, and uranium, and potash, and what more. You're about one and two thirds times as big as the United States, the Dominion of Canada. This is a paradise. Maybe you do not realize it. So you're a growing, coming-on nation, where there is a great future to this nation. The Prince/-with Joshua the Holy Spirit is the one that is to bring forth this headstone. Now, remember the great pyramid that Enoch must've built. And the headstone was never put in the pyramid. I've been there. The architecture of it could never be replaced till this day. We have no machines that could build a pyramid, no powers ('less the atomic power) that could build a pyramid, because it's too gigantic. Stones that would weigh tons and tons and tons stands way in the air, so put together that even a thin razor blade could not go between the cracks. And they're not cemented; they're just cut so that they join one with another. That's the way the body of Jesus Christ should be: so cut by the Holy Spirit, by God's great Instrument and Tool, that we'd be joined as one person. We are not divided. We should be one person. And it goes to show that no machinery can do it that that way. It takes God to do that. No mechanics of organization, no lodges, none of these things can ever do it, as good as their intentions are. They can never do it, because that it takes God to do this, the Holy Spirit. The Squeeze One day when the persecution sets in, the church of the living God will be one. A cause that they had stood for was in question, and they were coming to defend the cause. -Now, we notice that in this building there was one stone that was actually too odd to fool with. So the builders rejected it. So they just pitched it over into the corner and said, "That stone is actually too odd to be used. There's no such a place to set Now remember, it was the builders who should've known differently. Jesus spoke of it. They came to find out that as they had built the building of the Word Body as high as they could with all the Word of God that had been given unto them, until they got to a point where they could go no further with the Word, for they missed the revelation of what it was that would cap the building, and they didn't know where the actual Stone was because it had been cast aside as just another odd-ball. It was the chief cornerstone that the builders rejected. Jesus spoke of it and said, "Have not you read of the stone that the builders (ministries) rejected was the chief cornerstone, the head of all of it, where the rest of the building rested upon it as the rock of revelation. And I think in the building today of the spiritual house that God worships in, I think that that's been a great big failure today among the builders, who have come with denominations of their own understanding, and we have laid them in sincerity, but we have laid the wrong thing down, there's something wrong, and it is concerning the mysteries surrounding the Rapture. All these loose ends of the rapture revelation in the prophets vindicated message can not be properly understood in the Bride as long as she has not accepted this odd stone, this peculiar stone this unique understanding. When the building of the builders of the ministry begins to materialize to their understanding, the ministers who are building this Word body up in the hearts of the elect will realize that the hole that was left in their understanding is found in the odd stone it fits it to the dot. That's where the spiritual builders are today and that's why the Bride building of Christ is not ready for the Bridegroom, is because that the builders has rejected the Chief Cornerstone that was laid on the day of Pentecost, which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The materials to build the Temple of Solomon were cut out in their native lands and brought into one place, but when they were brought together they were so perfectly fit, that in the space of the forty years that it had taken to put the construction of the Temple up there wasn't one stone to be sawed over. There wasn't a buzz of a saw or the sound of a hammer for forty years. Now, many of those stones looked very odd, but there was a place in the temple for every odd, peculiar stone. God had a place for them. Our ministries, which are a beautiful antitype to it, showing that with our peculiarity and our way of worship there'll be a place for every odd acting person. We may look a little funny to someone else and act a little funny; but remember, it's the place there for us. God is cutting out His church. And every little stone had its place fit exactly to it.
And remember, each believer is molded and cut away from the place where it would eventually be put together at. When it comes together it wont even need honing. It is already honed. God has made it so it fits perfectly into its place. Oh, what a type there we find of the spiritual, how that every gift of God, every odd act of born again Christians in their peculiarity, yet, it's got its place. It fits in the body. It goes to its right place. And many will try to say, "Now, that's not of God. Now, we stood in church the other night, and we heard suchand-such a thing from the preacher. That can't be of God." But if it's in line with the pattern, if it's in a line with the Scripture, it may be odd but it's going to have its place. See? It'll fit right in, and it won't even need honing or polishing. It'll go to its place, for the great Architect, Christ, is preparing it now: odd one to the other. Let that little duck that's been chosen of God to be the leader, let him honk, and watch them all swarm to a revival. "Where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered." He knows all about it. He has a provided way. And the ducks know the provided because he shows them. No man could ever choose a better route than what the Capstone can. No. No. They think they know a better route than God's provided route, but, they do not know. You could not choose a better leader for them than the provided leader God has given them! There is nothing that'll take the place of the leadership of the Holy Ghost to the Church, and there are none who can dispute the placing of Sons. There's not another thing that lead the Bride into the Rapture except exactly who the Holy predestinated to this glory no other can do it. You see, God's provided way for them is a Leader, and that leader is inspired. He is a natural born leader among them. He'll run right out on that lake and honk four or five times, and there the swarm comes. Yes, sir. They all know him. They know him by the way he honks. Oh, my, the Gospel Trumpet, if it gives an uncertain sound who will hear it. They know the sound of a leader. And the church ought to know it. They know that Gospel sound. "My sheep know My Voice. A stranger they will not follow." God always proves it right. THE.FIRST.SEAL_ -When the Lamb took the Book and broke that First Seal, God spoke from His eternal throne to say what that Seal was to be revealed. But when it's placed before John, it was in a symbol. When John saw it, it was still a mystery. Why? It wasn't even revealed right then. It cannot be revealed until what He said here at the end time. But it came in a symbol. Remember, a loud clapping noise of a thunder is the voice of God. That's what the Bible said, a clap of thunder. They thought it was a thunder, but it was God. He understood it, for it was revealed to Him. See? It was a thunder. And notice when the First Seal it was open in the symbol form it thundered. Now, what about when it's opened in its reality form? It thundered as soon as the Lamb struck back the Seal. And what did it reveal? Not all of itself. First it's with God; next it is in a symbol; then it is revealed: three things. See? It's coming forth from the throne. First it can't be seen, heard, or nothing. It's sealed up. The Lamb's Blood paid the price. It thundered when He spoke it out. And when He did, a white horse rider started out. And it still was a symbol. Now, watch, He said it would be known in the last day, but it comes forth in a church symbol. Do you understand it, church? It comes forth in a--a symbol of a church that they know there is a Seal, but just what it is yet, they don't know, because it's a white horse rider. And it only is to be revealed at the last day when this actual Seal is broken. Broken to whom? Not to Christ, but to the Church. Notice, now. Oh, my, that just makes me tremble. I'm going to call you Bride so that you'll understand it! The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor! Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne. We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would rise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with me on my throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." See? Now, someday He rises from the Father's throne, and goes to take His own throne. Now He comes forth to call His subjects. How's He going to claim them? He's already got the Book of Redemption in His hand. -So, He gets the Eternal Spirit, His attribute displayed in that body, then, like any picture in its negative form, it goes into the darkroom. There it's developed. It comes out to the perfect picture. And we go into the darkroom, but to come out after the negative has been a perfect picture, in the image of Christ. We go into the dark grave, into the darkroom for developing. It takes death to develop it. You have to dump your own out, so that Christ can come in. You have to die to your self. But there is still that attribute that cannot be destroyed. It can never be destroyed. It's God, in the beginning. It's God above us, God with us, God in us. And it's all the attributes of God: Eternal Life to the sons of men. Now an army has to know its objective, which is the general giving a command: Line up for marching orders The marching order is to your City, though it is step-by-step. Now an army has to know its objective: be under leadership; thoroughly able by its equipment; and knowledge to
walk in and take over. They knew who their leader was: Pillar of Fire. They knew their general: Joshua. Go ahead and start singing. Get the praises of God rolling: happy New Jerusalem and the new priesthood. When they got to the river, theyre going to put their feet up; the waters roll back at harvest time, Start playing and singing. Now the real mystery according to ability to set the whole Word of God in order, is this: it is the order of the confusing Scripture, concerning the coming of the new heavens and earth. Gods not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repent. The Rapture Oh boy, when you're in flight you pick up the spiritual vitamins that build a body that's solid, full of muscles, with wing feathers that can lift you up off your feet and show you things that are to come. The Holy Spirit, "When He, the Holy Ghost has come, He will show these things to you, reveal these things to you that I've told you; and will show you things that are to come." And every man that's born of the Spirit of God, there is something there moving in him. He's got to fly into the heavenlies! There is some emotion attached to it and something testified by the Holy Spirit in another that makes it real to him. Now, but if Russia ever comes to the United States, they wouldn't want to blow it up. They could do it, if they wanted to right now, or we could blow them up. But they'll never do it, because they know it would destroy everything. They want the wealth of the nation. So therefore, they'll try to put them to sleep. (Nuclear War upon the United States does come by Russia in the great tribulation It must be the last means of resort for Russia! Sean J) I think it'll be a spiritual warfare, that'll come in and just take the nation over and put them to sleep, till they get in and get a hold. Well, if they get a hold there and take the United States, Canada is a small thing for them. If he is the inspired leader-duck, he'll bring them to God's provided place for them. And if we would only listen to what the Leader says, the Holy Spirit, He will bring us right back to the Word again. That's God's provided way. Notice this little duck. No one has ever been able to route them any different. They know that little leader will lead them just exactly to God's provided place. And how does he do it? By His God-provided instruments. He's got his antennas out, all the time, like we ought to have, catching the Spirit, our spiritual antennas. Now, we find out that he'll go up in the air, way up in the air. He's got his faith antennas out. He knows the kind of food that these little ducks have had to live on, to make this flight, the Word that they must hold in their hearts, of the rapture revelation. When he picks up something on his faith radar way down on the ground, you'll see him soar off in his ship and down he comes to grab the believer. Eventually the whole group of the Bride upon the earth will come right down to Gods provided place by Gods provided way, and there they will have just have a gastronomical jubilee. And he'll honk, up in the air they'll go again, straight on towards the south, unto the end of the heavens. That's right. God has got every move, every action, recorded upon His great supreme tape, even of that which will be, and it is according to His Script exactly the way He wrote it, every Word!. We cannot get out of it. It's right there. And you know that voice never dies. It'll never die. It is possible, if God were so inclined, that if we had the right instrument we could pick up the literal voice of Jesus Christ when He was on earth and play it back to the world. As is it possible with the words that you speak; for they'll meet you in the Day of the Judgment, and will condemn you or save you, and you'll never be able to get away from any of it, from anything that you have said or done. And coming right through this room now are pictures of people, and voices, yet our senses won't pick them up. These can be picked up with a tele-vision, capturing those things that have been broadcast from sending stations, and there is a magnet pole, a tube for viewing, and a crystal that picks up those voices and reproduces them. Now, the only thing the Bible is, actually, is this, the Word of Jesus Christ that He spoke, and they, His Words, are literally alive! Now, if your heart has been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, it becomes a receiving set (Son of God) from that sending Set (God), and since He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and does the same things that He has done before, His living Word will be made manifest in power following the same pattern, now, and ever more. We can receive It right now as receiving sets that are spiritually tuned to audibly pick up the Word, even as it was
originally spoken by God, and can reproduce His Voice by saying the same thing He said back then, yesterday, speaking it today, in the very Spirit that it was spoken in with the fullness of the thought that lie there made manifest unto our awareness of what that Living Word of God is to perform in and through you. -The sunlight is sent to the earth, in the natural, to ripen the grain for the advancing harvest. Each day brings forth a new sun. The sun that's shining today, bringing the wheat up in Canada that same sun, if it didn't have any more sun than that, like the sun coming in July or August, it could never ripen the grain. It's got to be stronger and more powerful, each day it grows and matures, to bring the grain on. But you take the sun that shines in August, and put it on the wheat that sets in the spring and it would kill it. Certainly, you can't do that. It must come in its season. So must God's wheat and grain ripen just in the season it's in! Its oncoming harvest is ripening. The grain should mature with the light. This is the advancement of the Gospel; It is coming to its maturity. We're living in the Light that's predicted for this day. The grain is matured with the Light if it goes ahead with the Light. So should the church bring forth the bread of each age, that Jesus commanded, that. The Bread that we need is in the Bible. It is the complete revelation of God's plan. It's the complete revelation of Jesus Christ. We add nothing to It, or take anything from it! It's written just the way it is supposed to be. We don't add nothing to It, take nothing from It, preach It just the way It is, and God will manifest it. Every promise that He promised, He will manifest it just the same. We're not supposed to take from It or add to It. Just leave It the way It is. "Not just part of the Words; every Word of God, for every age! There are other things that go with it, as we go on into the full course of God's great Dinner that's set before His people, the power of the Holy Ghost, the rejoicing of It, of the power and the Spirit that has been given. "The works that I do shall you do also. -The sun is the king of all lights on this earth, in the natural lights. No matter how much artificial light that we can have, and how many great electric rays we can produce; when that sun rises, all the rest of them dim out. That's the same thing with the Word of God. When the Word of God rises, all other thoughts are spread away, and it shows it just exactly what it is. The Light only comes, the true Light, the king Light, by the Word of God. God separated the light from the darkness, in the beginning. And the Word of God, made manifest, always separates the Light from the darkness. When that king Light of the Bible raises up, all thoughts in opposition are cast down, because it is a vindicated truth, a manifestation of light by the light, and we have no right to argue against that, because it shuts all other light out. You see, we know it's there in the Word, but until it is a vindicated by the manifestation of it, that proves Its Light; then Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and mine be the Truth." His Word is superior over all man's words, over all, anything. His Word is Light. And we know that in the beginning it must have been foggy and dismal and dark, as the world was turning, and His seed was already in the earth, because He had planted it there. Now He needed light to bring forth that seed, to make that seed live, because the seed was already there. Just like it is in each age, God has foretold us what would take place in each age. The only thing He needs is the manifestation of the Light of God upon that Scripture, to make it live for that age. And it will do it as long as the Light can get to the Word. If the Word is Germanized, It'll make it live if it's a promise for that day. You might plant wheat at one time, or grain at another time. Some come slower than others, because it depends on the season. God's Word comes in season, the law and the grace, and so forth, as we've went on down through the ages. And, each time, it's lit up by the manifestation of the Light spreading forth the Life that's in the Seed. By the Word of God, the sun shines today, because the very sun that we're enjoying is God's Word made manifest. This very sunlight that we see outside is nothing but God's Word, when He said, "Let there be light." And so we find out that the sun that we now are enjoying is the manifestation of God's Word spoken in Genesis. -No life can come outside of light. Light produces life. There can be no life outside of light, natural or spiritual. There must be. And only Light can come by the Word of God. God's Word is the Light when It is manifested. Nothing can live, natural or spiritual, without His Light, and His Word is Light and Life. God has allotted so much of His Word for each age, and He always sends somebody to manifest that Word. The hour is at hand now when the Light is shining, the Gospel Light, in Its power of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ, manifesting Himself that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He allotted that for this day. The things that He promised for this day must happen in this day. He'll get His Message over, because He's always done it. He always will do it. He had been thoroughly a vindicated by the Word and by the works that He was doing, but none of them wanted to believe it. It proved His Light was the Word! The Word said it, "Search the Scriptures." His works testified Who He was, if they'd have only read the Bible. They were reading It, but they couldn't see It. "My works identify Me." A man is known by his credentials, the credentials of the Word of God, if he is sent by the Word of God and with the Word of God. Same in every age! It's always been. And He walked out under disguise. He appeared to them in the form of a man. He might appear to you in the form of your neighbor. He might appear to you in the form of a minister, or your mother. Christ appears to you in people. Then treat everybody right. Be kindly; be neighborly, love! Christ is in the person. "Christ in you the hope of glory." And as you go along, and people appear to you, a kind person begins to speak to you, listen to them. You don't know, it might be Jesus speaking to you. See, He appears. " It doesn't become a form of words and a declaration of so many words puts together. It becomes a living reality that Christ is in us now, the Holy Spirit moving back and forth, through every human being, surging through the hearts, searching, condemning the ruins of life in there. As you confess it, He holds it before God, and the Blood cleanses it. Remember, the very heart of the tree is right in the center of the tree. The fruit will always ripen, the last place a tree will ever bear fruit, is right in the top of it, because it's the freshness that comes from the center of the life that's in the seed. Amen. And God Himself is phenomenal. He's the Creator Being; He's Jehovah. He's the great Reality, He's the great Substance of everything, and everything that was made on the earth was made by Him. And He displays His power by raising the sun every morning, and by sending forth His rains, by setting His rainbows, and He comes down to His subjects, healing their sickness, and saving them from their sins. Amen. And no matter whether it was impossible, God can alter circumstances. He can make the impossible become a probable, and not only probable, He can make it a reality when man take God at His Word and accept the way that God provided for the man. I gave her space to repent of her fornication into my provided way; she repented not. What was that space in this age? The space is a vindicated prophet on the scene! And, if you cant have your mind changed by that, its over Death is body and soul in hell. Death is annihilation. Death is an irrevocable separation from God; we are only dead in our trespasses and sins. Listen, we are separated from God in our trespasses and sins. Sheep that went astray! Now this age right here, theres going to be mass death, atomic bomb fodder. Under the 7th Seal is relaxation. The only fear you should have is that your not lining up with this message. That is a healthy fear, because it will cause you to dig in and make certain you are right before God. This is the truth were talking about this morning. Vindicated! God manifested! Reality! Lets get rid of this fear! . Theres always been atonement for ignorance; until the revelation of God comes in, and you turn it down, then youre finished. Theres no more atonement. Dont think were different from Israel, the time when God said, Now you kill everybody in that land, and dont let anybody fool you, because I want that land cleared for a purpose, that purpose is you. So, when you understand Bro. Branham having come with the Message, his message in particular is to loose all creation to come into the liberty of this glorythat illumination and that radiation and reverberation, and scintillating, glowing, literally searing as it comes forth, if you want to use the term. But its a soft glow; it doesnt really sear. It could if it had to. Nature all depends upon that and enters into it. Man gets in harmony first with God and God with man. Then, everything else begins to flow. Thats why God placed love in the church, in order If we ever get the understanding of love in the church then things begin to me. I call it that, because, look; you can even pretend you love somebody, put on a good front. Look, I dont mind; Ill be honest with you. I hope you understand that and read me what Im saying. We know its there and ignore it. God put that in the church, because love worketh no ill toward his neighbor; and love says, I will do to others what I want others to do for me. Love understands a few things that nothing else can understand. God put that in the church until God Himself, Who is Love Himself, takes over. The love of God is not the God of Love. You understand what Im saying? The love of God is the love of the God Who is Love. And that God, Who is Love, puts His Own Love in us by the Holy Ghost, the baptism; and the conduit is the Word.
22. So, if this church is built upon the Word, we have got to have that kind of love. And nobodys going to ride herd on you. No one needs to go to your house and peek under the bed to follow you around and see if youre living the life. This is adult season. Its time to be full grownMelchisedec time. Perfection time The Spirit of God comes into the church at the end age, in order to show the church the time in which it was living and various things, the great secret things of God, I knew right away, here was an Ephesians. And here it is. At the end time, ready for a resurrection, ready for the Rapture, this happens. What happens? Elohim comes down. The same as He came down to the Apostle Paul, because Alpha and Omega consist all the way through the Bible, theres nothing you can do about it, even the first resurrection has two parts! Now then if you follow me, you can see what resurrected Christ era, or Christ in His own resurrection ministry has broadly been doing, but we have not looked at how this was done. The ministry, baptizing people with the Holy Ghost, His Own sheep, setting ministries in order to bring the Bride right up to top peak perfection, knowing the blood did its perfect work and now theres a ministry of the Word. A true five-fold ministry for a true sheep who are going to hear that Word and come right up to the peak, right to the Head. And Bro. Branham said it would take a ministry to bring the Head down, it must fit perfectly and that ministry was what? The ministry of the Son of man, what they cut off in His death, and He went back up there and finished it, sent the Spirit down, in order that we might have every single thing ready for Him to come down, and put the final finishing touches on, where the Bride now could have the Spirit of God in her, and as Bro. Branham said, if the hand does it, he said the whole body does it. A man said something, and what he said caused a response in the universe. It said, "The sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down for a whole day." Now, it is prophesied by Jesus, in another man will speak and cause a response in nature." For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast in the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatever he saith. Causing a response in the universe - And the last good news to any believer is, you wont die. Youre back to the Tree of Life. Now you may sit here this morning kind of numbed at what Im saying; and I dont mind that at all, because Im in the same position. To me theyre not just words. They are more than words, but they are not at this point living, liquid, pulsating, reverberating Word. But the more we get the false out of our minds that shouldnt be there and the desires that we really dont want anyway, (Because we know were condemned in them and, as we move more and more and up and up into Christ, it will be that way. Its coming. We find that, as God has come down to deal with creation, He also deals with the Bride by the Gospel, because theyve always got to go together. But, notice how beautiful the opening of the Seals said, The Lambs Bride, is redeemed, and in the next breath, Creation, get in line. What more do you want? See? It is the state of 1 Cor 15:20, the Resurrection, Christ appearing, and everything in divine order. We read it. New Jerusalem is in sight as it never was before, because now man is passing through to immortality. And the next step is the earth. It will take one thousand more years, which is just as a moment. Time blends with eternity: The ushering in of the Millennium is here. We're in it. All are present and waiting to be clothed, as far as we know, or for all we know. Even Jehovah stands here waiting to be clothed. For when that Spirit that's in our midst becomes incarnate to us, we'll crown Him, King of kings, and Lord of lords, and we can't wait for the day. It'll be so nice to cease from self, and just put all the glory on Him. It'll be so nice. Another man will speak, and mountains will be cast in the sea. But it is to a very singular individual, and this is not a type. And as we realize that we're closing the time, time is running out. It is blending in with Eternity. Sun stand thou still. The message of the hour to you and me is that time and eternity has blended. Now listen, no time and space anymore, no time left. Now, if time ceases, then space ceases to be as we understand it. You are no longer, anymore, in a time and a space relationship. Because time and space literally covers everything, because space includes all this. But you are come unto Mount Zion. At this time - no time, no space. Unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable company of messengers - speaking of creation, Time shall be no longer. The earth is now coming to a state of complete immortality. Now its time to be immortal. Time has run out. The time of the curse from the time that Eve and Adam went back on God to the time when God said, Its time for immortality. This is that hour. There will be a man, who says, This day the Judge comes on the scene, and He pronounces the verdict -the mountains will be cast into the sea. Mountains be thou cast in the sea. When God fights for Israel again it is the day of the Lord, and it's going to be done--you know you're with the day of the Lord, when the Lord is going to have to take over for us. And it's going to be a day when you can't put a new patch on an old garment or new wine in old bottles. We want to follow this paradox through, because 'paradox' means 'something is true, and people simply can't believe it, because it's too far fetched. It's too
strange to their reasoning, and to their thinking, but it's nevertheless true.' And the number one proof is the opening of the sixth seal, where Alaska almost falls into the ocean; and remember. The day of vengeance, the day of comforting the mourning! Now he tells you, there'll be an earthquake, before the saints can take over. The earthquake can also get them out of here too, the end at His Presence, when God shall have put down all rule and all authority and power until He's put all enemies under the feet of Jesus, the day of the Lord. There comes a message to the people. Time and eternity blend. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. We have got to be singularly the bride, the Kingdom of God on earth at this time, but we haven't taken the earth over. And men say, "Paradox." Now look, we haven't inherited it yet, but the inheritance has been placed before us. There is nothing you have to do, but believe, just believe God. At the end time, we are to be raised with Him and to sit in the throne. So therefore now, the sun and the moon are standing still. The Father hath put this in His own hands, and He hasn't taken it out of His hands. He's going to bring a bride to glorification in the same glorification He brought the Son. And they're going to be under His feet. Sun, moon; stand still. "And each of you shall flee to the valley of the mountains, and the Lord my God shall come, with all the saints with thee." ""God shall call His (people) children from the dust of the earth, back like they were in the original!" Shekinah Glory, Word of God, Resurrection! There you are, right into the resurrection. The creative act of God proving It is here; that is, this is the hour of the resurrection, and creation of "life manifested" proves it. Now that's the paradox. That's the paradox right there. This Message is not like any other message. The evangelism is not the same. This will be a great hour for all of us, that we might sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Writer of this Word, back in the building of a tabernacle of flesh; you and I cannot write a Bible. The revelation has got to come in the identical manner that an original prophet brought it. Which means an original prophet stood there and opened his mouth and his mind became a literal blank. Now remember Paul was full of the Holy Ghost, and that gave him nothing to the Gospel of Grace. It took God Himself to stand right there and give the revelation--give him Word by Word, the One Who wrote the Book, back now in a human form - Logos, Original, Elohim, into a prophet--bringing us Word in manifesting to us, through that. You got it strictly by a revelation so that you know who I am and what I am. It's been manifested to you. How will You, therefore, manifest to us? How will You illuminate Yourself to us? "I will do it," He said, "through the Word," through the revelation. So therefore, this Bible, which is the letter form of God, and It's no different than another book, when It just lies there, and part of It is already dead and gone, but the Word of the hour, the revelation of the promise of this hour is the manifestation of God Himself, even as the prophet is the living Word of God manifested in this hour. The minute God comes into view, in whichever way God has chosen--and until this hour He came by preaching of Word and this, that, and the other thing--but today He stands here, fully exposed, with no creed and dogma veiling Him, and the people stand there and look at Him. They're going to love Him or hate Him. This is the time of the apocalypse, because the Presence is the apocalypse, is a part of the epiphania, is a part of the Parousia. There's nothing that hasn't started here now even the entering in, or the ushering in of the Millennium! It is now, and I am in it! Oh, "You are going to divide the inheritance to the people." See? Now He said, "Every step you take, that's sealed." Now He said, "Then you're going to bring this to the people." The angels had a message to them, to the people. Bro. Branham had his message. You have your message. "Go speak." Don't you let this Word go out. There has to be a new seed to bring forth the refurnishing of the earth because the other seed failed. Gods got to get a hold of us, and the spirit of this hour has got to get a hold of us. And the Spirit thats in Christ must come together in a people thats truly Bride and manifest that love. And you cant do it apart from this Word this Message. Now listen. Here is what he said. You do have something into it, that's your surrender of your own will, your own idea, to the will and idea of God, and it's finished. The renewed mind. That's all there is. Just take His promise, don't think of nothing else. Walk by it, and God does the rest of it. Now, right there at the time of the ministry of Paul was the cornerstone. And the cornerstone is no different, period, from the capstone. Its one and the same thing, but the position is different. A celestial throne of high state is erected, and the Father Almighty is seated in it. Earth's brightest and most radiant gems lend their most brilliant rays of beauty and glory to adumbrate the splendors of His Majesty. The jasper and the sardius, with an emerald rainbow, mingling every color that adorns earth or heaven, conspire with all their powers to set forth his peerless eminence. Four and twenty inferior thrones, at proper distance, encircle
the awful throne of the Eternal, pouring forth its floods of light and glory upon them all. These, after reflecting upon each other their respective glories, send back again to their un-wasting fountain all that beauty and grandeur which they have received from it. On these four and twenty thrones sat the grand peers of heaven in senatorial majesty, adorned in the snow-white raiment of absolute purity, each having his majestic brow encircled with a crown of gold. From the central throne perpetually issued coruscations of the most vivid lightnings, accompanied with mighty thunderings and overwhelming voices. Seven lamps of celestial brilliancy flamed before the throne, symbols of the seven spirits of God, and shed their holy light upon a sea of glass, of more than crystal brightness, spreading its unmeasured waves of glory far beyond the horizon of angelic vision. In the circular interval between the four and twenty senatorial thrones stood at proper intervals corresponding with our cardinal points, four living seraphim, creatures of no earthly resemblance, having each six wings, and covered within and without with eyes of soul-piercing brightness. These four combined the courage of the lion, the patience of the ox, the sagacity of man, and the towering fleetness and lofty genius of the eagle. These were all engaged in a rapture of worship at the moment John in spirit drew near. The seraphim sang, "Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was and art, and who art yet to come!" The four and twenty elders fall prostrate before the throne, and cast their crowns at his feet, exclaiming, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Such are the solemn and sublime preparations antecedent to the opening of the Christian Church and its mighty fortunes. The fifth chapter opens with a view of the eternal God, holding in his right hand a roll of parchment, written on both sides, seven times encompassing a roller, and sealed as often with a seal on one of its ends. A mighty angel, herald of that day, standing before him, challenges the whole created universe to present some one capable of breaking the seven seals and reading the seven rolls of that most mysterious parchment inscribed with the entire annals of the Christian Church and the human race. But no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, "was able to break the seal," and unroll the parchment, and read its awful lines replete with the fortunes of the world. So enrapt was John and so eager to know, that, on hearing no one speak, and on seeing no one advance of all created intellects, celestial, terrestrial, or infernal, he burst into a flood of tears. But while in this mournful agony, a celestial senator stooping from his throne, said, "WEEP NOT; Behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed" to open the rolls of time and read its wondrous developments. Then appeared the Lamb, bearing the scars of death upon his person, yet living and having seven horns and seven eyes--perfect power and perfect knowledge of all things, past, and to come! Majestically advancing towards the central throne of the universe, he stretches forth his hand and receives the mystic volume. No sooner is he seen turning round to open the first seal, than all the celestial ranks and orders--angels, principalities, and powers--prostrate themselves before the Lamb: "And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne, and the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sits upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four living creatures said, So LET IT BE. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever." Thus have we seen (thanks to the Father Almighty!) the volumes of providence and of moral government, replete with the church's destiny, committed to Jesus Christ! This verifies the title of the book--"A Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him to show his servants things which must shortly come to pass." The Lord has the rolls of time in his hand; for he alone could open them. His is the power and the intelligence, and he alone can reveal the future. "All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in him." To his throne of Grace and to his Apocalypse, let us look for all we desire to know, that we ought to know, of the things that are, and of the things which are yet to come to pass. The crowns were being given out and the great big throne set up there, and Jesus and the recording Angel and all were standing there. And there was a stair-steps coming down this way of white ivory (run down in a circle and made a panoramic like this and went out), so that all this great host standing out there could see what was happening. I'd see a recording Angel would call a certain name, and I knew I recognized that name. I looked and way back out there, here come the brother walking, or the sister, walk up here like that, the recording Angel standing there by the side of Christ and was watching, and their names were on there, found in the Book of Life; He'd look out over them and say, "It was well done, my good and faithful servant. Now, enter in." I looked to where they were going and there was a new world and the joys. And said, "Enter into the joys of the Lord that's been yours since the foundation of the world."
God, the Director of His Eternal Drama! We are at the changing - the junctions of the Word, where the symphonic orchestra throws the curve-ball on a certain beat and it changes everything around. We are in the time of the Symphony of God's Word that the whole drama changes. The change has happened It is upon us. The Word-Drums are beating with fresh rhythm in Rapture-Tones. We are in an accelerated manifestation of revelation and a quickening glory. Listen to how the drums are timing. Thank God you can hear the drums of the finish now, the echo of the music of the heavenly Word singing It-self out! How blessed you are! We are at the scene now where God is making that great thing come to life, just at once. We're standing on a brim watching a drama being set. The actors are ready. What a time to live, the most glorious time. The men of all ages has longed for this time. The prophets of old longed to see this hour, but werent so privileged and now we are here. Now, we have a whole Book full of Divine promises to offer to you and we will not hold any of them back, but we will find every one her place and trace them to her in the Word. We wont try to hide it back from you, because we know that you are the oncoming Queen. We're at the end of the age and it is important for us to believe every Word, every promise, every iota, and claim It for ourselves, and exercise ourselves in these gifts these Love Gifts - that have been given to us. The Holy Spirit is the Dynamics and we become members of the machine of His Body, forming our-self into His Image, and we see Him uniting Himself with us in His works, with His love gifts, and He is handing them to us now - because the wedding supper is at hand - what weve been waiting for, watching on that which was promised us. The Dynamics unto us will be a refilling of the Spirit of Truth into our being, that until now we have worked with in a small measure while the Headstone was coming down to unite with the Body. But now that the Head and the Body are in the last stage of their uniting together the full power of the Spirit of the Resurrection is raising us up in the Dynamics of the Holy Spirit. God guides His gifts because they are gifts to identify Him. Wise men and women of today, will identify God by His Word, because that's what He is. A gift, a real gift, an identified gift of God is identified by His Word. Hell take one here and Hell take one there. Itll be Universal, so it won't look like anything is even happening until it will be too late. The real genuine Bride will bring forth the entire Word of God in Its fullness, the Word Bride of the Word Groom and thus the mystery of God is accomplished - God in you, the hope of glory shining forth. The Bridal-Messengers (Five-Fold Ministry) of the called out ones catch the mystery of God when It is revealed to them from the Head and then they go forth to their people with various expressions and forms of manifestation - making them aware that the time of the final gathering has begun, each to their camps that they are appointed to by the Spirit of Truth. The Composer and Director Director and Composure of the Symphony: Now you see, the Composer is God, Who wrote the Bible and its altogether the revelation of
Jesus Christ. He knew the changes of time. And the man, the director who is directing them, the signs of the age, has to go just exactly with the Bible signs. It's got to be in harmony! The director has got to be with the Word. When it says one thing, don't say something else; it'll give the wrong sign, then the whole thing goes out of rhythm. That's right. God's Word is a great symphony. You must begin like He did, in the Music. You must begin with Him (see numerology of God where His names are.) Get in the rhythm of it. Go back to the Word and see who is out of harmony. See what God promised. See what the Composer said about it. See the way He did it in the beginning, see the way He did it in the middle and you will see the way He is going to do it now! It is always the same. Watch the director, how he does it. A director always pointed you to the Word. The prophets of old, pointed to the Word. They were the Word. They lived the Word. And what did it do? It manifested God. That brought the written Word for that day to life, because it came to them. It was revealed to them. The Scripture is God's Symphony. The composer (The Attribute of Poet) knows every move, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end. Did you know that? The one who wrote it up, he composes this, he knows every little junction. If he knows every junction, so does the director have to, to direct it! The director has to go what the composer said, beat it out just exactly so. (The Director Shawn the Evangelist, is one in Spirit with the Composer of the Attribute Poet. Now watch, it's all done by signs, and it's got to be the right kind of sign, to give the right kind of a sound. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is, but first focus in the symphony! Remember, the Composer knows the end from the beginning. God's great Symphony He has been playing since the dawn of time. Now, you must begin with the Composer if you want to hear a symphony. You must begin in the Symphony then you begin to get into the rhythm of the Word by being born into it, and you get into it when you become part of that Word. When you become part of the Word you will know God's Symphony, and when it's playing you will understand, you're marching with the beat of the time. That's the way you do God. You're watching for it. Find His purpose for the exact hour that we're living in and get into the rhythm of it by starting to act it out. Once you can find out where you are at in the program, just jump in. Let's just keep this Word in our hands, and watch when the changes come, then we'll know what we're doing! If you're listening to the rhythm of the Word and you're watching your sheet as you hold it in your hand, that will tell you these things, when the changes of the music begins to make it act out, then you see what the act is. Oh, my! It is the great changing of the time and we wonder how He does it. If you get into the Word and find out how He did it at the beginning, then you know how He's doing it all the time. Trumpeted with the Trumpets Sounded by the Trumpets Drummed out with the notes Beat on the Drums Beat out with the music - Played with the Violin We are at a time in the symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. . There is to be a little blood-washed group that sings the redemptive songs of the Blood, and the Angels stand around the curvature of the earth, with bowed heads, O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of
the Heavenly Word singing It-self out." When we hear the sympathy beating, changing, fixing to change, it's a junction time. And it shall come to pass in the last days that the symphony of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His symphony at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. The minister of the Word has got to go the way the sheet Music says take it. That's the way the Gospel has got to be preached, the way the Word says take It. It's got to go to make the drama just exactly right. There's only one way for that director to do it. He has to get in the same Spirit that the composer was in, and then he's got it. How are you going to do it until the Spirit of the Composer come down? And when the Church, the symphony Itself, of which the world is watching for these signs and wonders; when the Church (Bride) and the Composer (Christ), and the Director (The Poet), all get in the Spirit of the Composer (Christ), when it gets in the right swing of It, and the right Spirit of It; Amen. The whole symphony is right in harmony with the Word. That's it. Oh! It's a magnificent thing. The director and the Composer must be in the same Spirit. And so must the musicians be in the same Spirit, to act it all out. And the world is wondering what's going on. Man could close his mortal eyes to earthly sight and live in the Presence of Jesus Christ, when you see His Word being beat out in the great symphony that we're living in now. The whole thing together in rhythm makes the drama till you can close your eyes and live in it. Let's get back and get the symphony playing right, where they of the world can see. Jesus said, If I be lifted up from this earth, I'll draw all men unto me. Let the directors get in the right Spirit, with the musicians and with the Composer, everything will be all right. Then we're, no guess work about it, we are identified with Him then. And the composer has written the book, and the director must be in the same spirit of the composer. If he doesn't, he gives the wrong beat, and then the whole thing is out. No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out according to the Sheet Music right here before it, then the great symphony of God's great act is playing out just right, then we can see the hour and where we're standing. Can't you know that God's in them songs when you sing, that something blesses your soul? Some of us are born to be musicians. Some are born musicians, just strike the note. They don't have to have any lessons; they know what they're doing. They know it; it's a gift. Now, a genuine sculptor is inspired, like a genuine poet, or any genuine singer, musician, whatever it might be. You know what the first thing went before the battle? Singer's and musicians went forth singing. They went forth singing; then after that come the Ark of the Covenant. So they went before the ark. And then after that come the fighters. So that's a good thing. It's a very Scriptural order for a religious service. The first thing is the music, then the Word, then the battle. So it's all ordered of the Lord. Each one of us plays a part in this picture and in this song. We're parts of the Kingdom of God. And that is, that we can play our parts, as long as we realize where we are to positionally belong in this place, and then stay right there in that place. In one place we know it's in love, because that's what makes up the picture. Remember, the Composer knows the end from the
beginning. He knows all about it, that's the reason He could write it here. Now, listen. If you can't be the prophet, you can be one of the instruments, you know, that plays the music to bring the Spirit down on the prophet. So they begin to play, so forth, and beat the drums and played the instruments, and oh, they begin to beat and play. The prophet began to get into the Spirit. And the first thing you know, when he got in the Spirit, things begin to happen. That's what's the matter, we can't get anywhere today; we don't get the Spirit of it. That's it. That's right. Yes. You got to get in the Spirit of it. They begin to get to clapping their hands and really having a good time, and the Spirit of God begin to fall on the prophet. His Spirit got on the prophet; then he began to see things. You'll go to seeing things when you get in the Spirit. They begin to get in the Spirit, just now getting in God's provided way to see what's going to happen Be one of the instruments. Make a little music somewhere. Do something. You know, there's something about music and singing that brings the Spirit of God to the meeting. But then if you're given a gift, and don't use it for the glory of God, then God's going to make you answer for it at the day of judgment without any of His blessing. And they went and they got all the music. And they got to playing the music, some real good hymn. And the first thing you know, when the songs returned to Zion, when the music and the children begin to sing from their heart, something takes place. The Spirit of the Lord came on the prophet. And if a real, old fashion, godly singing, and repenting would bring the Spirit of God on the prophet then, it'll do the same thing today. And notice, he wanted to see the way out. And the only way out they could do, would be to have a revival. And the only way you're ever going to see your way out, is an old fashion, spiritual revival, where the hallelujahs of God are ringing from the bottom of your heart, and an old fashion, Holy Ghost sent revival hits the place. Then you begin to see things. Then God will begin to reveal things. Then you'll wonder why these real Christians are hanging on, why they're praying for you. What a revival. And he got in the Spirit. Our heavenly Father, as the music sweetly calling, and this is a message, a Preacher, the Holy Spirit preaching to us now through the music, telling us what to do with this message tonight: And one singing I want to be at, the great singing, is to hear the times when we stand upon this earth and sing the songs of redemption. Angels will stand just out--off the earth with bowed heads, not knowing what we're singing about. They never had to be redeemed. We are the ones will be rejoicing. We were the ones that were lost, and now we're found. And we'll sing the redemption stories, when they won't even understand it. They'll just stand with bowed heads, and listen to us sing. Won't that be a wonderful time? Oh, I long to see that. And I wonder what it will be like when He comes, if this great marvelous song that we sing today of the redemption stories and of the coming of the Lord. Oh, I want to see that in reality. And I believe that we will see it, and I believe that songs are written under inspiration. Put the right kind of music on the piano, the organ, and everybody in the atmosphere will feel that Jesus Christ is there and going to meet everything that they have need of, something will go to taking place: the atmosphere will be changed. But that's the hardest thing there is to do. And that is to get people in that atmosphere, the atmosphere of worship, the atmosphere of believing. Shame on you people that don't believe in music! That's what brings the Spirit of the Lord
sometimes. God doesn't change. If He liked it then, He likes it now. If you can't be Elisha, be one of the instruments, or be one of the minstrels' strings then. Make something, do something for the Lord, 'cause it altogether brought the Spirit of God. That right? The presence of the prophet and the playing of the minstrels! So also if we are a magnetic post of the Holy Spirit, then God sends His message out of glory, we can pick it up, just catch it. And that's wonderful, isn't it? It sure is. Oh, my! No wonder Miriam had a hot spell. She picked up a tambourine, begin to dance, and jump down on the bank. Oh, you know, the Holy Spirit looked like He just caught from one to another, like a atoms in a relay. See? And it began to jump from one to another, and they all got tambourines, and just had a real jubilee. And old Brother Moses got so happy, that he held up his hands and sang in the Spirit. That's right. This is nothing new. It's just a new taped with the old. That's right. There's one good thing, is those real good old fashion songs. It just takes you out somewhere in fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth dimension somewhere, wherever it is out where God lives. Only thing that I could do would be to help you in some way, like preach the Gospel, that's the way... God's set some to preach the Gospel, some to teach the Gospel, some to play music, some to be deacons, some to speak with tongues, and some to interpret tongues, and some to pray for the sick, and some prophets, is that right? All those are set in the Church for what? To edify the Church, to bring the Church together! Now, we're living in the closing of this world's history. The time is at hand. The Gentile dispensation is winding up. Just like He did with the Jews, He's showing a great measure of grace to them, making His last call, so that the unbelievers will blaspheme the Holy Ghost and be worthy of the condemnation they're fixing to receive. David is more or less a poet and a prophet, song writer, musician. And prophecy really in its original, is more like a song when they prophesied. How many believes that the Spirit of God comes in music? But, now, what happens if the composer writes something, and we find out that it isn't just acted out right? We find out then that there is something that happens. There is something lacking, when we see them. He who composed it has made it up and wrote it out, and then the symphony is a playing it, hits a wrong note. There is something wrong. The director gave the wrong motion. You're born into the Word, for you're born into Christ. Christ is the Word, yes, sir, each one in its age. I want to rise up at the last day. And only those who are included in this great Symphony, Lord, as I have tried to explain it this afternoon, that's the one that comes forth at the end of the sheet music, when the great resurrection, and all the Angels clap their hands and the saints go marching in. It's those who have acted out that part in this great drama we play, pray, Lord. We know that in a drama they change masks, they come from one thing to another, and that's what you did. You come from the Spirit, God, the Great Jehovah, and put on the mask of a human being, changed Your strain; You changed. You pitched your tent. You came down from God, and become man, that You might die to redeem man. You changed your mask. Then again you've changed it, and you've masked Your-self into the people who will believe and act out according to the Word that you have written here. Blessed are the eyes that see It, blessed are the hearts that receive It, blessed are the ears that hear It, for there will come a resurrection when the Symphony is over. God, let us all be there, will You? Bless this little group.
The rhythm is God. God is the Word. The Word is God. God's rhythm, is, obeying His Word. Then when you obey the Word, He beats the rhythm right to you and then you take your place. Whenever It goes down, down, down, up, whatever It is, you know those junctions. Sometimes you say, "Oh, heartaches and trials!" Didn't God say, "All things work together for good to them that love Him, while I'm beating out My Symphony"? And you find that then you're afflicted and struck down, and persecuted, made fun of. Remember, that's the part that goes that way. If that isn't like that, then the Symphony is out of tune. The great Composer knows exactly what's in it. He knows. He knew you, from the beginning. He put your name on the Lamb's Book of Life, before the foundation of the world. He knows what you're supposed to do. No matter how low it goes, and how dark it looks, it's got to be that way. Stay in the Symphony! Stay in God's Word! No matter how hard it is, stay right with It, wherever God is beating. Sometimes He causes trouble to break the bands, to set you free. He does that. You say, "Well, I don't know what I'd do." He does. What difference? You're just playing the part. He is the One that's got you in His hand. He directs you. Remember, it's all done by a sign. We see the time we're living in, by the sign we're living in, so we know what the Symphony does today. It's a separating time, taking the Light from the darkness. Let's say it together, so you won't forget it, because I feel to say this" It's taking the Light from the darkness." Let's say it again. "It's taking the Light from the darkness." That's God's Symphony. He's showing it in the heavens. He's showing it on the blackboards. He's showing it by Himself. He promised it in the Word. We see it vindicated. He is separating the wheat from the chaff. He is taking the Light from the dark - the great symphony of God's Word being beat out. The changes and junctions is only God changing times, like the director in the symphony. When we see these changes of ages and changes of times, look down on the Sheet here, and you'll find out we're supposed to be here. They've got to do this; there is no way for them to keep from it. And the music, to a man that doesn't understand the symphony, what is it? It's a bunch of rattling noise. He doesn't understand it. He is not even interested. He is wishing, "I wish they'd shut up, so I could go home." He is not interested, 'cause he doesn't know the symphony. He doesn't know it. But the Composer knows the end from the beginning. See? And if the director isn't in the same Spirit of the Composer, he cannot act it out, because it's all done by signs. And if the sign doesn't vindicate It, how are the musicians going to play It? Amen! That's it. When we get that Composer's Spirit, that original power of God that the Bible said, "Men of old was moved by the Holy Ghost to write this Bible," you'll see them two Chinese pieces of paper will come together, just like God's Bible and a believer will come together, because they're both in the same Spirit. They're both the same thing. They dovetail right straight together. What we need today are directors that point right back to the Word, back and believe It just as It's said. Then you see the God, Himself. That's the unveiling. The drama is made real. If I told you the spirit of some great musician was upon me, you'd expect me to touch those
keys just in a way, because his spirit is upon me. You have got to find out where your loose screws are. Sometimes you have plenty of them. Some of them even get too tight. You have to loosen it up a little to make the right vibration. Like a musician with his guitar, tuning his strings, he has to know the ting of it. A Spirit-filled man could tell the ting of it, whether it is way beyond the Bible, or way behind the Bible. It has to be right in the Bible, exactly with THUS SAITH THE LORD, must be trained in right. Then it'll zero. Then it'll hit the spot. All real has to come by inspiration. God has sent some of us in the world, some to be teachers, and some different things. Don't you believe that? And some of us are to be musicians and different things. "Only Believe," that's the song that the Angel of God likes, and whenever you think of me, sing, "Only Believe," will you. That's my favorite song. Paul Rader wrote that song - Paul Rader was a friend of mine. And I just come into the church one night it was being played. I didn't even know that he wrote the song. And right immediately after the Angel of the Lord had visited me. And something just struck me. And ever since then, it's been the campaign theme song "Only Believe." There's something about that song that the Angel of the Lord loves. Every promise in the Book is mine, Every chapter, every verse, every line, I am trusting in His heart Divine, Every promise in the Book is mine. All things are possible, I am trusting in His Word divine THE.FAITH.OF.ABRAHAM_ 55-1118 Oh, my! How wonderful. How God enters poetry! How He enters songs! How He enters praise! How He enters worship! Yes, some glorious day, Jehovah-jireh... How's He going to do it? He will do it, don't you worry. How's He going to rapture the Church? That's up to Him. Samuel 22:22 And uponH5921 his shoulder; H7926 I will layH5414 the keyH4668 opening instrument - to open wide the path for the Holy Spirit, specifically to appear in revelation, to break forth with the truth and to draw out the illustration of creation, and let go free any loose entanglements of thoughts from thyself, so he shall open, have vent. and noneH369 shall shut;H5462 and he shall shut,H5462 and noneH369 shall open. Daniel5:26 The Supreme God in exceeding and great ways hath numberedH4483 thy kingdom, H4437 and finishedH8000 it. He has applied self to the count that was appointed you before time, and present today God has revealed the number that was ordained and set in the past for you now; weigh out your role properly; by implication that the knowing of it is to allot or constitute officially unto you the resumption of your duties; enumerating each revelation in the Word unto you, for which you did enrol from Eternity: - to appoint you according to that count and number prepared for this set hour and tell-tale time.
The secret manna promised is the secret placing of man according to predestination in the appointed time - as it was set and ordained to be revealed by number and letter in name and birth-date. God has finished the kingdom of the Gentiles with the H8000 She-lam, the she-lamb, who follows in the footsteps of H7999 the shalam - shaw-lam.' For the kingdom to be finished all the lambs must be safe, to be figuratively complete and causatively made to be moving fore-ward in friendliness reciprocation coming from the she-lamb by making amends, making an end to the suffering, finishing the original intent, fully giving again that Word which all Creation received together at the beginning causing peace to fall like the dew off her mountain, performing the Word of God for this hour to make the truth prosperous in the recompense of light to render all darkness obsolete and requite the hard workers, to make restitution for all debts we have claimed, and to restore again the rule of God upon earth at the junction of time surely this will be done
Fire Stone Road (894) True Love is corrective and it is chastisement and as a steward appointed by God to bring thee into the kingdom which your heart desires for and which is predestinated to you as a Daughter of God God is holding me responsible for bringing to your awareness the darkness in which thou art immersed. Revelations 3:14-20- This is the message God gives to the Messenger of the Called-Out Ones in the 7th and Last of the Church Ages. The things I say to you are what the Amen Saith the so be it, by the faithful and true witness, according to scripture, and according to my calling, manifesting the Word of God in my flesh. I know your works. You are not far from the Word of God yet neither are you close to it. You are sitting on a fence. I would rather you were standing on one side or the other side of the fence. But since you will not come off the fence I will either help you into the right way or leave you to your own blind wandering in Satans Eden. You think you are rich in awareness and have increased with good thought and have no need to correct your thinking and yet I tell you that you are wretched in Gods eyes and have been robbed of thy sight thy hearing dimmed, and are spiritually miserable, for you can-not even see yourself in the most finely polished mirror of the Bible in His Word and when the devil heard me stir you you poor thing every stinger he could thrust at thee was commissioned to be thy portion and thy mind became the new battle-ground between God and Satan and Satan has your every channel route and access to the soul blocked and has you locked up in an door-less room. Not that there arent any doors but there are no doors to Love only windows for the false gods that have come upon you. Here is how it works again. Jesus is the Son of God the Father. The Father is named David, the Chief Jehovah and is the Poet Author. David is the Firstborn of the Lord. Jesus, the Son that God had as the father in the beginning -is Son of David. But now the Father is playing in the role of the Son on Earth, Jesus is on the Throne of God, and God is setting at the right hand of his First-Born David, and acts out through my right-hand a word for His people who would listen the hand of His Son is the ready Pen of the Lord. Prophet Poet Sept 19, 2008 Prophet-poet, God's anointed, set apart, chosen, appointed to speak His oracles in prose, and pass His message on to those who need a word from God today, to guide them in His will and way. Thus when the Spirit is upon you, desiring, Willing; And stirring you to note down all He has to say, just follow Him; He'll lead the way. Through your pen His words will flow; a message to help others grow. When the prophet is also a poet language becomes both a balancing rod and divining rod in the journey along those borderlands. Therefore the poet is obligated to answer the need for direct images in our art that will waken, warn, and stir their hearers to action; images that will both appal and empower. The storys power to warn and predict has been returned to our time and the poet-prophet must impart hope as well as articulate dread. Just to tell the Tale of our engulfing shadow and walk away isnt enough, in the epic story of Poetry, Prophecy, Survival a poetry of praise is equally necessary, that we not be overcome by despair but have
Belinda Van Rensburg
the constant incentive of envisioned positive possibility and this because praise is an irresistible impulse of the soul. A Poem for Adam Sha-Mer, Son of Israel
OH Adam, the little worm will continue to slowly gnaw at the roots of this evil house until you literally tear its structure down to the very ground, so that a new and glorious Temple of Light and Truth can and will take its place. OH Adam, the first born son and father of creation, you are called by the voice of maturation to bring forth a new and glorious nation, for you have seen blood every where in the Land. You are my literary Sheik of Sheikhs, my Galilee Flowers, whose sweet, yet wild cherry petals, are softly blown in the moving wind of mind, to effect change and transformation in the heart and souls of men and women who receive, to conceive, and bring forth child that is not still born, your legs are strong and you have beautiful feet, fearing not to speak, and my heart burns in your name and flame to find you once again, consumed of love inside your passion for the Holy and righteous ones that shall soon be born just before the sun must rise and all the Eagles take flight to the sky, Like Lazarus, you have been brought forth from the dead to live all over again, brought forth by the Masters voice to cry aloud, and spare not in commanding what is right and forbidding what is wrong. You sing the ancient song, asking for new Cedar Trees of Lebanon to rebuild the devastated ruins, of Palestines ancient and Holy Glory! You are singing the long lost song of Israels great, historic, and prophetic Martyrs, its Jeremiahs, Ezekiels, and Isaiahs, who were sewn asunder, buried and burned alive, who came long before to show us all the way to pray, who asked us not to stray and foretold of a better day to come rising with a new and Glorious Sun, OH Adam, My Shamir, the studded and brilliant, multi-jewelled crown on Palestines head, A living lament and testament, in breath, of flesh, bone, and blood, for Palestine and her dying children, a son of Israel weeping by the sea, and like Jonah sometimes sitting beneath a solitary tree, Like Elijah, you have arrived and arisen like the wind in a raging desert storm, a severe blast of torrent from the past, blinding sand against the enemies of life and light, you now blow into the storm of the ages with a voice from Eternity. You are a Son of Israel weeping by the sea, a son of Israel bowed down on bending knees, arising to call on the world to once more believe, Like Lazarus, you have been brought forth by the Masters voice resurrected to cry aloud and spare not, for you are the Sheikh of all writers, a Prince of Is-Ra-El sent forth by the school of the legendary mystic prophets on top of Mount Moriah to teach and preach this world once more, wide awake, theres so much at stake; and like John meeting Jesus, I am not worthy to untie the latches of your shoes, yet baptize you I must, in this wind and fire, to sanctify you in witnessing the dove that shall come to proclaim your Holy anointing, and promised coming, your appointment to make the earth stand still and listen once again to Him who still walks in the cool of the evening, asking - Adam, where art thou?
But this time you are not hiding in the cool of the evening breeze; this time you are standing tall in the blazing and searing heat of open day, brazen bold, and strong, and brave, having a heart stronger than strong, and a soul deeper than deep, and I love to see you walking in the night, because you glow in the dark, and I am mesmerized by your lights, so that I often stand dazed and immobilized, forgetting my own. OH Adam, My Shamir, Sheikh of all writers, my long awaited literary and political Ustad, facing the madness of no cares for your peoples land - you stand four cornered base squared, and you are declaring from between the Two Gold Cherubim stretching their wings toward directional front - THE ONENESS of life in no uncertain terms that must be heard by the herd; the herded mentalities and fatalities of little children who are shot down dead in the streets, little children and babies - skulls, crushed in bone, by the police officers rifle butt and feet, little children who will never have an opportunity to know and grow, little children who are cut down before having the chance to become more, little children who live where peoples homes are demolished into oblivion and there is no where to go - where they and their parents, and grandparents, and grandchildren, and grandchildrens children are driven to fear, estrangement, and despair, shot, maimed, cut, and torn to pieces, desecrated, disrespected, blown apart, and raped, in any hour of the night and the day, sometimes buried beneath a shallow grave of sodden lonely clay. OH Adam, My Shamir, my long awaited Prince from Mount Sinai, who carries Aarons rod that budded, and the Tabernacle Curtains that shall hang to protect all eyes from the Glory within,. OH Adam, My Shamir, son of Is-Ra-El returning, churning, yearning, and ever burning on behalf of truth and righteousness, serving before the angels who hold you up to take a determined stand against injustice in the land - you are the New Psalm of Hope, Salvation, Consecration, and Devotion, and no, you do not have false notions, and what courage you possess for the wretched of the earth, the dispossessed, you, who are not afraid to stand in the sun while you dance a naked mad dance before the ancient Ark of Covenant in the streets of Jerusalem all over again. OH Adam, My Shamir, my literary genius of the present age, You are our King David come home and beloved of God once more, And Michael could not, and did not laugh this time, but wept. I know, because I saw you there, a mad frenzied dance of paced distance, of offering oblation, moving obeisance, and there was closeness, with, and in romance, adoration, and circumstance without pomp, but instead, ubiquitous ecstatic cries and luminous praise, of, and to your God. You Adam, My Shamir, the son of Is-Ra-El, I saw you there, I stared at you while hidden behind the rocks and watched you dance in quickened pace, faster, and faster, of grace, and faster still, while twirling, and whirling, your motion of rotation and steps now a blur, earth and rhythm ONE, Sun, Star, and Moon, swiftly falling, YOUR SPIRIT FLYING AWAY, your eyes closed tightly, your head held back, your arms stretched out to your sides, and your face became a Light, that lit up the Palestine Hills against the Eastern Sky, and multitudes wondered in awe at your ecstasy, dancing madly in frenzied ecstatic shouts,
before Jerusalem World, before the day turned into night, and you were gazing with the eye of your heart at your Lord who paid the price for your Palestinian brothers land in full, long before the present occupants arrived.
The End of the Chapter AH, YES, the chapter ends to-day; We even lay the book away; But oh, how sweet the moments sped Before the final page was read! We tried to read between the lines The Author's deep-concealed designs; But scant reward such search secures; You saw my heart and I saw yours. The Master,--He who penned the page And bade us read it,--He is sage: And what he orders, you and I, Can but obey, nor question why. We read together and forgot the world about us. Time was not. Unheeded and unfelt, it fled. We read and hardly knew we read. Until beneath a sadder sun, We came to know the book was done. Then, as our minds were but new lit, It dawned upon us what was writ; And we were startled. In our eyes, Looked forth the light of great surprise! Then as a deep-toned tocsin tolls, A voice spoke forth: "Behold your souls!" I do, I do. I cannot look Into your eyes: so close the book. But brought it grief or brought it bliss, No other page shall read like this! Paul Laurence Dunbar
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John's lineage is the most fascinating, yet most missed. However, "In the beginning was the Word" (John 1:1) shows that His lineage is that of God Himself. While His earthly form had history on earth; His Spirit is that of the Heavenly Father, which has neither beginning nor end. John, without a doubt, is designed to show that Jesus was in fact divine, and not simply a man.
To The Rainbow Triumphal arch, that fills the sky, When storms prepare to part, I ask not proud Philosophy To teach me what thou art; Still seem; as to my childhood's sight, a midway station given for happy spirits to alight Betwixt the earth and heaven have been clearly fixed in sight. Can all that Optics teach unfold thy form to please me so, As when I dreamt of gems and gold hid in thy radiant bow? When Science from Creation's face enchantment's veil withdraws, What lovely visions yield their place to cold material laws! And yet, fair bow, no fabling dreams but words of the Most High, Have told why first thy robe of beams as woven in the sky. When o'er the green, undeluged earth Heaven's covenant thou didst shine, How came the world's gray fathers forth to watch thy sacred sign! And when its yellow lustre smiled o'er mountains yet untrodden, Each mother held aloft her child to bless the bow of God. Methinks, thy jubilee to keep, The first-made anthem rang On earth, delivered from the deep, And the first poet sang. Nor ever shall the Muse's eye Un-raptured greet thy beam; Theme of primeval prophecy, Be still the prophet's theme! The earth to thee her incense yields, The lark thy welcome sings, When, glittering in the freshened fields, The snowy mushroom springs. How glorious is thy girdle, cast O'er mountain, tower, and town, Or mirrored in the ocean vast, A thousand fathoms down! As fresh in yon horizon dark, As young thy beauties seem, As when the eagle from the ark First sported in thy beam: For, faithful to its sacred page, Heaven still rebuilds thy span; Nor lets the type grow pale with age,
That first spoke peace to man Poetry is the uttering of the heart and unless it rhymes it's merely prose, not poetry as some suppose. Poetry is an art form that paints pictures in the mind. The Author The rhapsody is not guided by rules of art, but is an inspired person who derives a mysterious power from being the poet; and the poet, in like manner, is inspired by the God. The poets and their interpreters may be compared to a chain of magnetic rings suspended from one another, and from a magnet. The magnet is the Muse, and the ring which immediately follows is the poet him-self; from him are suspended other poets; there is also a chain of rhapsodies and actors, who also hang from the Muses, but are let down at the side; and the last ring of all is the spectator. The poet is the inspired interpreter of God. God Moves in a Mysterious Way William Cowper (1731-1800) God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform: He plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines With never-failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs And works His Sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His Grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour: The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan His work in vain; God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain.
Psalm 19: Sir Philip Sidney (1554 - 1586) English Gentleman, Poet, and Soldier And the heavenly frame sets forth the fame of him that only thunders!
The firmament, so strangely bent, shows his handy working wonders. Day unto day doth it display their course doth it acknowledge, And night to night succeeding right in darkness teach clear knowledge. There is no speech, no language which is so of skill bereaved, But of the skies the teaching cries they have heard and conceived. There be no eyen but read the line from so fair book proceeding, their words be set in letters great for everybody's reading. Is not he blind that doth not find the tabernacle building. There by His Grace for sun's fair face in beams of beauty gilded? Who forth doth come, like a bridegroom from out his veiling places, As glad is he, as giants be to run their mighty races. His race is even from ends of heaven about that vault he goeth. There be no realms hid from his beams his heat to all he throweth. O law of His, how perfect 'tis the very soul amending; God's witness sure for aye doth endure to simplest wisdom lending. God's dooms be right, and cheer the sprite, All His commandments being, so purely wise it gives the eyes both light and force of seeing! Of Him the fear doth cleanness bear, and so endures forever, His judgments be self verity they are unrighteous never. Then what man would so soon seek gold or glittering golden money? By them is past in sweetest taste honey or comb of honey. By them is made Thy servants' trade most circumspectly guarded, and who doth frame to keep the same shall fully be rewarded. Who is the man that ever cans his faults know and acknowledge? O Lord, cleanse me from faults that be most secret from all knowledge. Thy servant keep, lest in him creep Presumptuous sins' offences; Let them not have me for their slave Nor reign upon my senses. So shall my sprite be still upright In thought and conversation, So shall I bide well purified From much abomination. So let words sprung from my weak tongue And my heart's meditation, My saving might, Lord, in Thy sight, Receive good acceptation!
Inspired poems are like a wrap of grace on the head of Wisdom, and a band of rubies and opals around her neck. He in the House of Song is the central pillar, firmly embedded in Craftsmanship He came into the Storehouse of Poesy, and robbed its Treasury and carried off its vessels of loveliness. He went out, and closed the gate after him, so that all who follow in his footsteps, seeking to learn the craft of his poems, have not caught up with the dust of his chariots. And all poets mouth his phrases, and kiss the foot of his bed; for in the labor of verse, his language is clear and polished, and with his songs of prayer he doth attract and conquer all men, and in his songs of passion his speech is like the falling of dew, and fire coals blaze forth from him, and in his laments he maketh flow the Cloud of Weeping even to breaking And in the Tent of Song the gates of High Spheres were opened to him, for there Divine Powers were revealed to him ALHARIZI (Veronica McDonald) (1923-1995) "Your warning is given before the Chastisement! Flash, fire, and the voice within you! The final Warning before Chastisement." ...."Man will feel that the very powers of the elements have shaken the very foundations of his being. So great will be the impact of this Warning from the Father that none will doubt that it has come from the Father. It will be a major awakening to many. The rumbling and the shaking of the elements will set fright into many hearts. Hearts will shudder with fear and men will drop from fright. Many signs of an angry God will appear before you." For the Warning is coming upon mankind. There will be a tremendous explosion and the sky shall roll back like a scroll, this force shall go within the very core of the human. He will understand his offenses to his God. However, this Warning will be of short duration and many shall continue upon their road to perdition, so hard are the hearts hardened now, my child." "The Eternal will send a Warning to mankind, a great Warning of such magnitude that very few will doubt that it comes from the Eternal and is not man-made.""... There is to come upon you a great Warning, of such magnitude that every man, woman
and child will feel the burning fires within." "All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass through this great Warning without suffering." ....."As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow soon! Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky, the flash!!! Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky, the flash!!! Close your windows! Draw your shades! Remain inside: do not venture outside your door, or you will not return! Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your floor! Pray with arms outstretched and beg for mercy of your God, the Father. Do not seek or receive your animals into your homes, for the animals of those who have remained of well spirit will be taken care of." "O my children, how many will try to go back and restore their homes when it is too late. Keep blessed candles, water, blankets, food within your homes. The candles of those who have remained in the state of grace shall not be extinguished, but the candles in the homes of those who have given themselves to Satan shall not burn! Amen. I say to you, as night follows day a great darkness shall descend upon mankind." ...."When the Warning is sent upon man, there will be no doubt in the minds of man that it descends from the heavens. However, those who have already committed themselves to Satan will see and yet not believe." ...."The Father chooses to send upon you first a great manifestation, a Warning. And should you not listen to the voice within you, He will have no recourse but to go forth with the plan for full cleansing. My Son has given you His words; you have received one of the final warnings given to man." "There is a secret of Heaven and another one of earth, and the latter is terrifying. It will seem as though it were already the end of the world. And in this cataclysm everything will be separated from the sky, which will turn white as snow."....- "The Warning promised to mankind will not be long in coming. It will be given to you as a merciful act of the Father to awaken mankind before it is too late and the great chastisement will be sent upon you." "I give you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the Pope fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe." "As you know, as I have told you (which must remain secret until it is profitable to be told and I will tell you, my child), there is little time left before the Warning." "The Warning which must be sent upon man must be effective. And in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see. However, the agents of hell will try to prove - disprove the hand of the Father in this Miracle." "You must cleanse your souls of all sin, mortal and venial. Come to my Son in belief. Believe what you see in and turn back from you ways that have been created by Satan. Return to the Father; do penance and atonement, for your chastisement will soon follow upon the great spectacle. I bless you all, my children, as the Father blesses you with a sad heart." "A prodigy of great magnitude - In the merciful heart of the Father, you will receive a great light from Heaven." "Should this great Miracle be cast aside and rationalized by atheistic, scientific men, I assure you, my children, the chastisement will come upon you with them with quick force." "I give you great grace of heart, my children, to know that many shall be taken from your earth before the great Chastisement. It will be of great mirth, my child, to reveal to you that there will be much consternation and conflicting thought when these beloved children disappear from the earth. When the earth was created, a great thundercloud appeared on the horizon. Flashing lightening and thundering it descended toward the treetops. As the mists cleared, there was an eagle perched on the highest branch. He took flight and flew slowly down to the ground. As he approached the earth, he put forward his foot, and as he stepped upon the ground, he became a man. For this reason we recognize the eagle as a messenger of the Creator, and rely upon him to carry word of our actions to the Creator. When an eagle comes to where we are working, we know that someone cares about us and is watching over us. Eagles assume a role in numerous legends involving Native American culture. The legend of the Thunderbird is familiar to most of us. It is usually depicted in the form of a huge eagle. It was believed to cause thunder when it flew, hence its name. Some Indian nations or tribes considered the eagle to be the persona of the Great Spirit. Eagle was the Principle Messenger of the Creator. Since then, it is now a universally accepted principle. Eagle flies the closest to Great Mystery and, therefore, can see the past, present and future at a glance. She sees the flow of change. She alerts us to the changes so that we can respond appropriately. Eagle is the great illuminator and soars above us all, sometimes out of sight to us, but never out of its own sight. Eagle sees and hears all and sits in the east on the Medicine Wheel with the direction of leadership and courage. In other words, Eagle is connected both to the spirit of the Great Mystery and to the Earth and does both with ease. Eagle, therefore, is a powerful symbol of courage; that is why its feathers are such powerful tools for healing, and why there are special ceremonies for Eagle feathers. Eagle teaches us that it is okay to combine wisdom and courage -- it is okay to be wise enough to know that a change needs to be made in one's life and then finding the courage to execute the change. It is okay to gather our courage, for the universe presents us with opportunities to soar above the mundane levels of life; the test is the power to recognize opportunities. Do not, in other words, be afraid of the unknown. A Group of Eagles Recently I saw a vision of a group of eagles. Each one was flying in perfect precision and rank in a V formation through the heavenlies. They were unified on a mission to bring the harvest into Gods Kingdom. Then I saw the Spirit of the Lord come underneath the team of eagles in the form of a huge, Mighty Eagle. His magnificent wing spread far and outreached that of the team of flying eagles. They could easily rest upon His strong pinions as He carried them. Suddenly, the Lord quickly accelerated and moved in front of the V formation of eagles. I saw Newtons law of lift take place. His law states, That every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. We will continue moving in a straight line at the same level unless there is a greater force that comes to alter our path or patterns. As the breath of the Spirit came, it created an updraft that lifted the whole team to a new level of anointing and breakthrough. The large Eagle continued to soar high above and in front of the team of eagles drawing them higher and higher. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you, saying, Destroy him!
The Lord has gone out before us to destroy our enemies so we can soar through the heavenly doors and gates He is opening for us. All we have to do is learn to flow in the draft His Spirit is creating. Then the Holy Spirit gave me several more encouraging Scriptures that go along with this vision. Let your work appear to Your servants, and Your glory to their children. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands. I asked the Lord when He was going to cause His works to appear again. He replied with a question: When are you going to do them? The Lord is getting ready to release some of His greater works upon His servants that are walking with Him in humility and have a pure heart. He wants us to trust Him on a new level. Prepare your hearts to receive a new wave of power that will sweep over you. He also gave me Psalm 91:1-4: He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. We must learn to dwell in the secret place of His presence so we remain covered by His wings. This huge Eagle was leading the way and His wings were covering us. The Lord is going to demonstrate His intentions in this hour to bring you into alignment with your destiny and greater purpose. Set Your Heart to See and Understand The Lord is encouraging us to listen to the sound of the Holy Spirits wind of change as His still small voice whispers a new direction. Anticipate the winds of change. Renew yourself in faith and rise up in victory. These God-directed changes will enable you to take a turn for the better and leave past troubles behind. You have been in a preparation process to receive the love of the Lord in a new way. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit The Spirit of the Lord has been searching the deep things of God to reveal them to His friends. Set your heart to see and understand. He will begin to put all the pieces of your life together so you can see the big picture from His prospective. The time to receive mantles like William Branham has come! Ask the Lord to take you to higher heights to receive these heavenly mantles For Christ still lives. But the heroes, all his sons Have come, and the holy scriptures Concerning him, While earth's deeds clarify The lightning, like a footrace That can't be stopped. And he is there too, Aware of his own works From the very beginning. For far too long The honor of the gods Has been invisible. They practically have to Guide our fingers as we write, And with embarrassment the energy Is torn from our hearts
The Lonely God James Stephens So Eden was deserted, and at eve Into the quiet place God came to grieve. His face was sad, His hands hung slackly down Along his robe; too sorrowful to frown He paced along the grassy paths and through The silent trees, and where the flowers grew Tended by Adam. All the birds had gone Out to the world, and singing was not one To cheer the lonely God out of His grief -The silence broken only when a leaf Tapt lightly on a leaf, or when the wind, Slow-handed, swayed the bushes to its mind.
And so along the base of a round hill, Rolling in fern, He bent His way until He neared the little hut which Adam made, And saw its dusky rooftree overlaid With greenest leaves. Here Adam and his spouse Were wont to nestle in their little house Snug at the dew-time: here He, standing sad, Sighed with the wind, nor any pleasure had In heavenly knowledge, for His darlings twain Had gone from Him to learn the feel of pain, And what was meant by sorrow and despair, -Drear knowledge for a Father to prepare. There he looked sadly on the little place; A beehive round it was, without a trace Of occupant or owner; standing dim Among the gloomy trees it seemed to Him A final desolation, the last word Wherewith the lips of silence had been stirred. Chaste and remote, so tiny and so shy, So new withal, so lost to any eye, So pac't of memories all innocent Of days and nights that in it had been spent In blithe communion, Adam, Eve, and He, Afar from Heaven and its gaudery; And now no more! He still must be the God But not the friend; a Father with a rod Whose voice was fear, whose countenance a threat, Whose coming terror, and whose going wet With penitential tears; not evermore Would they run forth to meet Him as before With careless laughter, striving each to be First to His hand and dancing in their glee To see Him coming -- they would hide instead At His approach, or stand and hang the head, Speaking in whispers, and would learn to pray Instead of asking, 'Father, if we may.' Never again to Eden would He haste At cool of evening, when the sun had paced Back from the tree-tops, slanting from the rim Of a low cloud, what time the twilight dim Knit tree to tree in shadow, gathering slow Till all had met and vanished in the flow Of dusky silence, and a brooding star Stared at the growing darkness from afar, While haply now and then some nested bird Would lift upon the air a sleepy word Most musical, or swing its airy bed To the high moon that drifted overhead. 'Twas good to quit at evening His great throne, To lay His crown aside, and all alone Down through the quiet air to stoop and glide Unkenned by angels: silently to hide In the green fields, by dappled shades, where brooks Through leafy solitudes and quiet nooks Flowed far from heavenly majesty and pride, From light astounding and the wheeling tide Of roaring stars. Thus does it ever seem Good to the best to stay aside and dream In narrow places, where the hand can feel
Something beside, and know that it is real. His angels! silly creatures who could sing And sing again, and delicately fling The smoky censer, bow and stand aside All mute in adoration: thronging wide, Till nowhere could He look but soon He saw An angel bending humbly to the law Mechanic; knowing nothing more of pain, Than when they were forbid to sing again, Or swing anew the censer, or bow down In humble adoration of His frown. This was the thought in Eden as He trod -. . . It is a lonely thing to be a God. So long! afar through Time He bent His mind, For the beginning, which He could not find, Through endless centuries and backwards still Endless forever, till His 'stonied will Halted in circles, dizzied in the swing Of mazy nothingness. -- His mind could bring Not to subjection, grip or hold the theme Whose wide horizon melted like a dream To thinnest edges. Infinite behind The piling centuries were trodden blind In gulfs chaotic -- so He could not see When He was not who always had To Be. Not even godly fortitude can stare Into Eternity, nor easy bear The insolent vacuity of Time: It is too much, the mind can never climb Up to its meaning, for, without an end, Without beginning, plan, or scope, or trend To point a path, there nothing is to hold And steady surmise: so the mind is rolled And swayed and drowned in dull Immensity. Eternity outfaces even Me With its indifference, and the fruitless year Would swing as fruitless were I never there. And so for ever, day and night the same, Years flying swiftly nowhere, like a game Played random by a madman, without end Or any reasoned object but to spend What is unspendable -- Eternal Woe! O Weariness of Time that fast or slow Goes never further, never has in view An ending to the thing it seeks to do, And so does nothing: merely ebb and flow, From nowhere into nowhere, touching so The shores of many stars and passing on, Careless of what may come or what has gone. O solitude unspeakable! to be For ever with oneself! never see An equal face, or feel an equal hand, To sit in state and issue reprimand, Admonishment or glory, and to smile Disdaining what has happend the while! O to be breast to breast against a foe! Against a friend! to strive and not to know The laboured outcome: love nor be aware How much the other loved, and greatly care
With passion for that happy love or hate, Nor know what joy or dole was hid in fate. For I have ranged the spacy width and gone Swift north and south, striving to look upon An ending somewhere. Many days I sped Hard to the west, a thousand years I fled Eastwards in fury, but I could not find The fringes of the Infinite. Behind And yet behind, and ever at the end Came new beginnings, paths that did not wend To anywhere were there: and ever vast And vaster spaces opened -- till at last Dizzied with distance, thrilling to a pain Unnameable, I turned to Heaven again. And there My angels were prepared to fling The cloudy incense, there prepared to sing My praise and glory -- O, in fury I Then roared them senseless, then threw down the sky And stamped upon it, buffeted a star With my great fist, and flung the sun afar: Shouted My anger till the mighty sound Rung to the width, frightening the furthest bound And scope of hearing: tumult vaster still, Throne sing the echo, dinned My ears, until I fled in silence, seeking out a place To hide Me from the very thought of Space. And so, He thought, in Mine own Image I Have made a man, remote from Heaven high And all its humble angels: I have poured My essence in his nostrils: I have cored His heart with My own spirit; part of Me, His mind with laboured growth unceasingly Must strive to equal Mine; must ever grow By virtue of My essence till he know Both good and evil through the solemn test Of sin and retribution, till, with zest, He feels his godhead, soars to challenge Me In Mine own Heaven for supremacy. Through savage beasts and still more savage clay, Invincible, I bid him fight a way To greater battles, crawling through defeat Into defeat again: ordained to meet Disaster in disaster; prone to fall, I prick him with My memory to call Defiance at his victor and arise With anguished fury to his greater size Through tribulation, terror, and despair. Astounded, he must fight to higher air, Climb battle into battle till he be Confronted with a flaming sword and Me. So growing age by age to greater strength, To greater beauty, skill and deep intent: With wisdom wrung from pain, with energy Nourished in sin and sorrow, he will be Strong, pure and proud an enemy to meet, Tremendous on a battle-field, or sweet To walk by as friend with candid mind. --Dear enemy or friend so hard to find, I yet shall find you, yet shall put My breast In enmity or love against your breast:
Shall smite or clasp with equal ecstasy The enemy or friend who grows to Me. The topmost blossom of his growing I Shall take unto Me, cherish and lift high Beside myself upon My holy throne: -It is not good for God to be alone. The perfect woman of his perfect race Shall sit beside Me in the highest place And be my Goddess, Queen, Companion, Wife, The rounder of My majesty, the life Of My ambition. She will smile to see Me bending down to worship at her knee Who never bent before, and she will say, 'Dear God, who was it taught Thee how to pray?" And through eternity, adown the slope Of never-ending time, compact of hope, Of zest and young enjoyment, I and She Will walk together, sowing jollity Among the raving stars, and laughter through The vacancies of Heaven, till the blue Vast amplitudes of space lift up a song, The echo of our presence, rolled along And ever rolling where the planets sing The majesty and glory of the King. Then conquered, thou, Eternity, shalt lie Under My hand as little as a fly. I am the Master: I the mighty God And you My workshop. Your pavilions trod By Me and Mine shall never cease to be, For you are but the magnitude of Me, The width of My extension, the surround Of My dense splendour. Rolling, rolling round, To steeped infinity, and out beyond My own strong comprehension, you are bond And servile to My doings. Let you swing More wide and ever wide, you do but fling Around the instant Me, and measure still The breadth and proportion of My Will. Then stooping to the hut -- a beehive round -God entered in and saw upon the ground The dusty garland, Adam, (learned to weave) Had loving placed upon the head of Eve Before the terror came, when joyous they Could look for God at closing of the day Profound and happy. So the Mighty Guest Rent, took, and placed the blossoms in His breast. 'This,' said He gently, 'I shall show My queen When she hath grown to Me in space serene, And say "'twas worn by Eve."' So, smiling fair, He spread abroad His wings upon the air.
"Are You There, Earth? It's me- God." I have a charge for you, my dear human race. As the world's long-told story comes to an end, So does the time to rest your cold, restless case. All these years you've been trying to find answers To the simplest of questions
Conner Good
Yet you were plagued with the worst of thought cancers. So in these final days, I hope you'll be Enlightened by the rays. And I charge you to find Some answers Beyond the reaches of time. Find a purpose, find a reason To the life I've given youNot limited by the season. Find it in your daily schedulesIn your jobs, houses, cars, and minds. Even find it in your king's jewels. Now you have my chargeGo and preach through the valleys. Change the world at large. Look. Find it. Is it there? Can you see it? In your Christmas trees, In your bibles, Between stars, In pagesThere. It is important to me That at the end of the macroscopic journey, You must be completely free. For if I ended the world without quenching the thirsty question, Heaven would be meaninglessThe devils of our hells would have our heavy sponsored faults to mention. I just cannot leave your kind in the darkI would feel guilty; the stories would make no sense. From the "water to wine" to "Noah's ark." Your lives are fifty percent pain, And yet I hold back the purpose. You ask: "Why? What do you gain?" And I finally respondAt the inopportune time, much to your disgust. With my message you abscond. Hopefully you'll spread the word, Hopefully you have the chancePlease go tell the human herd. There is not much time left Before the end comes, everyone must know. Must be quick, must be deft. Go. Tell them. Don't forget. Not much time left. It is your duty. Atop your Christmas trees, The angel guides you, Like the three kings. Bethlehem! My new Disciples. And yet you ask me: "Why don't you simply tell us?" Why? It's not meant to be. Wrapped up in your own daily lives, Not focusing on what is next. And after your risky high dives,
I ask you now to explainIn your final conclusionThe purpose of your human pain. Answer the question of generationsAge old and twice told. The questions of every living nation. Questions like: "Why do we choke?" "Why do we hurt and cry?" "Why did my house go up in smoke?" Questions unanswerable, Never thought their day would come Their dates unfathomable. So on your bright and right day, You will ask me the final questions. And here's what I have to say: "You can see it in your bibles. It is there, between stars. You will find it your pages. It is there, deep within your scars." Look there. The angel guides you- it is your duty. Go, disciples. Tell them: "You can see it in your bibles. It is there, between stars. You will find it your pages. It is there, deep within your scars." God Love Poem My love of light is my spiritual Will. Within it is the power infinite. I give fear no place in my life. My love of light is God's Smile of satisfaction. God's supreme Love manifests in me and through me To transform my human problems into my divine opportunities. My animal human love is my unnatural experience and uncertain possibility. My divine human love is my natural experience and certain inevitability of my living in the Eternal Now. My love throbbingly says: "God is all blessing." God's Love smilingly says: "My child is all gratitude." Love radiates the life of harmony, brightens the joy consciousness and sharpens the sword of intuition. Love is always ready to meet man's every soulful demand. Love conquers all that is unlike God. It is, indeed, supreme over all. Love gives me my importance in the cosmic Vision of God. Nobody remembers me save my love. My sole treasure is love. Love's treasure is God's Heart. Love is the undeniable truth of my identity as God's son, chosen son. Love is the unique combination of Heaven's freedom and earth's discipline. In Heaven's freedom is earth's emancipation. In earth's discipline is Heaven's manifestation. No time-born desire can rend my love of light. My love of light flies beyond the widespread net of death. Mine is the love that has the birth-less origin and the deathless end. Of this incomparable One it is said that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God"; yet such an One, who thus occupied the highest place of Deity in company with the Father and the Spirit, "was made flesh, and dwelt among us." He who is from everlasting to everlasting was born of a woman and died on a cross. He who according to the mind of the Spirit is Wonderful, was spit upon by men. He who, by the same mind, is Counselor is rejected of men. He who is The Mighty God is crucified in abject weakness. He who is The everlasting Father, is a Son who learned obedience by the things which He suffered.
He who is the Prince of Peace must Himself tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God, for the "day of vengeance" must yet be in His heart and He must yet break the nations with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel. He who said, "I am among you as he that serveth," also said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." He who is the chaste, wooing Lover of the Canticles is the King of glory who is mighty in battle. He who created all things occupied an infant's cradle. He who is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners was made to be sin in behalf of others. He who was the Bread of Life was Himself hungry. He who was the giver of the supernatural Water of Life was Himself thirsty. He who was God's Gift of Life to a lost world was Himself dead. He who was dead is alive forevermore. -- Lewis Sperry Chafer
O for a Thousand Tongues O for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise, The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread thru all the earth abroad The honors of Thy name. Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease, 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life and health and peace. He breaks the pow'r of canceled sin, He sets the pris'ner free, His blood can make the foulest clean, His blood availed for me. Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb, Your loosened tongues employ; Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy. --Charles Wesley The Best Friend of All Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood ... to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1:5-6 How sweet the sunshine after rain, And sweet the rest that follows pain, But sweeter far His face to see, The Son of God who died for me.
But not until He calls me home, No, not till then will I behold The Saviour who did die for me, And bore my sins on Calvary. He suffered, bled and died alone, Alone, alone for you and me, Could I for shame reject such love, A sacrifice from God above? I do accept His sacrifice, Will serve Him now for evermore. For only such a Friend as he, Could pardon, cleanse and make me free. If you receive His pardoning grace, You'll meet Him yonder face to face, And have a home in Heaven above Where all is joy and peace and love. Then when around God's throne we meet And lowly bow at Jesus' feet, A song of praise we'll ever sing To Christ, our Saviour, Lord and King. --Ruby McKenzie He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all! He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, He always is, and He always will be Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone! He was bruised and brought healing! He was pierced and eased pain!
He was persecuted and brought freedom! He was dead and brought life! He is risen and brings power! He reigns and brings Peace! The world cant understand him, The armies cant defeat Him, The schools cant explain Him, and The leaders cant ignore Him. Herod couldnt kill Him, The Pharisees couldnt confuse Him, and The people couldnt hold Him! Nero couldnt crush Him, Hitler couldnt silence Him, The New Age cant replace Him, and Donahue cant explain Him away! He is light, love, longevity, and Lord. He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God. He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure. His ways are right, His word is eternal, His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me. He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, and He is my peace! He is my Joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life! I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the over-comers, and the sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME! He will never leave me, never forsake me, Never mislead me, never forget me, never overlook me, and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book! When I fall, He lifts me up! When I fail, He forgives! When I am weak, He is strong! When I am lost, He is the way! When I am afraid, He is my courage! When I stumble, He steadies me! When I am hurt, He heals me! When I am broken, He mends me! When I am blind, He leads me! When I am hungry, He feeds me! When I face trials, He is with me! When I face persecution, He shields me! When I face problems, He comforts me! When I face loss, He provides for me! When I face Death, He carries me Home! He is everything for everybody, everywhere,
every time, and every way. He is God, He is faithful. I am His, and He is mine! My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world. So, if youre wondering why I feel so secure, understand this He said it and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul. Everyday is a blessing for GOD is in control!
Zion Love
The LORD will roar from Zion, And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from heaven unto the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger! He hath bent his bow like an enemy: he stood with his right hand as an adversary, and slew all that were pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion: he poured out his fury like fire. The LORD hath purposed to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: he hath stretched out a line, he hath not withdrawn his hand from destroying: therefore he made the rampart and the wall to lament; they languished together. Her gates are sunk into the ground; he hath destroyed and broken her bars: her king and her princes are among the Gentiles: the law is no more; her prophets also find no vision from the LORD. O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee? Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining, and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: Again the word of the LORD of hosts came to me, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I was jealous for her with great fury. Thus saith the LORD; I am returned unto Zion, and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain. How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! how is she become as a widow! she that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how is she become tributary! She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks: among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are become her enemies. Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest: all her persecutors overtook her between the straits. The ways of Zion do mourn, because none come to the solemn feasts: all her gates are desolate: her priests sigh, her virgins are afflicted, and she is in bitterness. Her adversaries are the chief, her
enemies prosper; for the LORD hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions: her children are gone into captivity before the enemy. And from the daughter of Zion all her beauty is departed: her princes are become like harts that find no pasture, and they are gone without strength before the pursuer. Zion spreadeth forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her: Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion. The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD. For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your reward. Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. So shall he sprinkle many nations; the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider. For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace. And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. As the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. Behold, the LORD hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken. But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation. The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter! Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and before His ancients gloriously. But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth. They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it? Nevertheless David took the strong hold of Zion: the same is the city of David.
Maid of Eternity camefrom the exalted paradise with harp and with song... with amorous glances.... With dance and with song she came.... With musky tresses, with beauteous ruby lips from nigh unto God. to pierce our heartsall souls in her path, all hearts in her embrace.... With raven locks, like the dragon of Moses.... This sweet Davidic voice... came with the Messianic Spirit.... With the allurement of fidelity... with guiding light from the morn of the Divine Encounter, with Mount Sinai.... With the joyful tidings of reunion this Divine Maiden came.... From the city of Sheba... this Eternal Countenance... came with snow- white hand from the divine command.... This pardoning visage... came with fetching allure.... This Nightingale of mystic meaning came from the sacred rose bush with the hand of ecstasy. This luminous page came with light and splendour from the Midian of Spirit.... This Witness of the Omnipotent, this heady Wine of the Beloved came with the goblet of sovereignty.... That essence of the Beauty of the True One, that jewel of the Glory of the True One, she came.... That Countenance of the desired One, that face of the adored One, she came with the most- supreme mercy.... Souls to her reunion... hearts to her Bestowal, as the Most Exalted Lord she hath come! Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
The Breach Between the 3 Aeons Gods plan has two distinctly different time-lines. One follows the movie time-line script and one follows the real order that it will take place in. The movie-time line script was the one that was openly declared as the actual order of things to be, but it is only the order in which the Movie is to be edited to make the story appear in congruity. 1 We know the end can not come until the gospel has been preached in the demonstration of power. Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel messenger fly in a special ship prepared by God for the hour lift up a message in the midst of heaven with a holographic projector having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. A voice said Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His Judgment has come: - and it is already prepared beforehand as a blessing, something that causes all to worship Him who has made the heavens, the fountains, the trees, and is found worthy of worship unto all because the message is one of seven-fold redemption, nonetheless, Fear God in that respect is shown where respect is due!! This message -that is the Everlasting Gospel is the Brides handy-work. This is what she did with the Word. 2 And there followed giant emanating efflorescent light projections upon the sky, and there were Voices saying with a loud voice to fearfully respect God by acknowledging the manifestation as Gods, and Give His Own Opinion back to Him by believing He is Truth and
God has taken the time to produce these illustrious visions for you not just for fun or to show He is God, but to show as a warning that He is about to do something, and it is on the scale of a global event so global size solutions are required, and global sized solutions require a universal sized God and if a Universal Size God is doing something you had better listen because usually he comes backing his message up with proof by power. It says worship him that made heaven and I go a step further and say, even better, worship him that made the revelation of the new heaven a living reality before your eyes. Showing that the Creator is moving in a big way and we are all to be a part of His new Creation. I have the blue-prints for exactly what God is going to do, and what we are trying to do is to instil worship in God, and what better way than by showing what it is that we will all be living in for eternity. And then we are to worship God for making the Earth, but the key here is to understand that Earth as it is now is about to get renovated in preparation for the coming glory of the Capital Building of the Prime Presence of the Ruling Power of Heaven and Earth upon this world. And now of course, as in any major renovation there is going to be destruction, and these are a complete overhaul, to the point where even the earth shall split open. A call for Salvation must be made, based upon the Blood, 3 And finally the 3rd and most important showing a projection of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church. And that she is the mystery whore of Babalon and God is against her organization, her ministry, the Leadership, and all her evil plans of world Global Domination. Show how the American Gov`t will declare bankruptcy and you will not be able to buy or sell unless you become a Catholic the foolish virgin people must know so they can reject the antichrist system and seal their salvation with blood. All those who do not reject the Catholic Church will be reminded that it was Gods good pleasure to allow whosoever desired so to choose before-time a commitment to know the Wrath of God fulfilling those roles wherewith God, wishing to make His wrath known once and for the benefit of all to come, fitted scripts in whose roles men were made to be destroyed, who shall drink of the wine of the revelation of the wrath of God revealed against them for an Eternal Ministry unto all those time Eternal whom will gain the power of free choice seeing by such example what torment is procured by choosing the way of death over life who shall be tormented with fiery labours of Creation and brimstone in building the rims of the spheres of the one eternal Palace in the Presence of the Holy Angels and the Holy Lamb. And the supreme mark of kingdoms is the effort of their towering ornaments and it Creation, goes up day and night, and they have no rest for ever and ever for times of Creation and times of moving from finished creation to the scaffolding rungs of further labours.
him, ought to have some answers that the onlookers dont have. And, if I want to get an answer, I go to the man that Gods using, or whatever is using him, to get the answer from that source -When we say, I and my Father are one, thats the time that the shuck splits away, because they simply dont understand that oneness. It is uniting time, the mystical union, the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ, all of these things in divine order, espoused to Him. Now, we are going to reveal the great mystery about Satan. Satan is not really a person and God did! Revelation 10:1 And I saw Christ come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, in that it was a great mystery that surrounded his person what he was doing, how he was going to do it. The truth of the matter is such that until He does reveal it by bringing it to pass people wont have a clue and even when He does, once again because it is not what anyone expects, or who they expect it from they do not believe it till it is too late. And a rainbow was upon His head it was the covenant of the Word of God in a final mercy outreach program. Second, it utilizes the full 7 color spectrum of holographic projection. Third the rainbow was upon His head, it was in His thoughts continually about how to bring this great commission of His into manifested Word. His face was, as it were, the Sun. His face is how he appears to other men and women, and we know that the Sun is significant of a flaming ball of fire, and the flaming ball of fire is equated to an Evangelist, who is a special man, He does not have a church of His own, but his mission is to stir up the gifts and set the church on fire running from church to church, or at least those ones God has called Him to. So, Christ, the Evangelist, and you have to note that Christ was not born a child, he is a Mighty Angel come from Heaven, but He uses a vessel, not in, but through and it is for this reason Bro. Branham said, Many people think that the evangelist doesn't need any help. You're mistaken. He's needs more help than the entire congregation does, because he's standing between the enemy and the congregation. William Branham And that is because we are looking at a Capstone Ministry here and if this ministry could ever get the Bride to set still just long enough all her doubt would flee, but you see, they are both having a time of it, Christ, in trying to work with His vessel, which he uses and makes work for him to his end, and will succeed in it, but Satan is not attacking Christ, He is attacking the vessel, because if he can weaken the vessel then he hinders the Evangelist Capstone Ministry of Christ Love from becoming its full potential. So the Evangelist battles the enemy more than you all know, and then he also battles every thought of His own into captivity until Christ is able to freely reflect exactly what His thoughts are, and then His minister is ready, and hopefully, in joint tandem, has the Holy Spirit prepared the people for the blast of light that will knock their blinders off, ruffle their feathers, and drop them off a cliff to see if they can fly. And he had in His hand a little book open. And people think this is a great mystery here, but in fact it is just exactly the opposite. The little book was the Bible, and it was open because this one knew what lye in there, every whit between, it was an open book. And when he had cried 7 Thunders uttered their Voices. The Voices were the 7 Angels of the Presence, and their Thunder was the echo of the lightning energy of the quickening Word that once spoken by God reflected through a sevenfold prism the 7-fold plan of redemption in the 7 dimensions of the 7 different types of spirit.
First, in Revelations 2 it says, and I looked and in the midst of the 7 Churches I saw one who looked like a Son of Man, like God in a prophet. Each of the 7 Churches represents one of 7 dimensions of created Spirit existing alongside the Absolute, Supreme, and Ultimate dimensions of Soul, Body, and Time. Supreme Dimension Zero Silver PURIFIED 7 times in the furnace of Creation a polished mirror The Moon of God Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Dimension Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Deity is out of the 8th Dimension Seed of God Essence of Soul Absolute Gold Dimension Reality issues forth from here and light. The Sun of God. The Ninth Dimension The White Ray is sometimes called Wrath for the White Ray is a piercing seeker of the number of all things in their smallest division. To release the White Ray unbridled is to cause Wrath to come down and utterly dissolve all physical creation down to its Thought Particles. White Ray as Wrath is a One-Time Only demon-stray-shun by God to Creation for the benefit of our understanding unto Eternal Ages the reason why The Lord is God, and He alone has Immortality within Himself and that The Wrath of White Ray is so devastating that Wrath in its end result is The Eternal Self existing Alone -again. Creation starts from square one but the memory remains and the pattern is there to follow. Fathoms of the Mem-Re are deep and can not be touched by white-ray dissolution. The Mem-Re is the Master of the Mind the Element Creator, and the Master Controller of the Re-cord of every sight, sound, feeling, taste, and smell, which are recorded in the Fathoms. The Fathoms are 153 Cubits deep with 3 Stratum of 51 Cubits each. So we can see Redemption is the primary base and is 7-foldSomeone lost- someone to save or help out the Heroic Rescuer Someone sold- sold into Sin for the Price of Character and the gain of humility - Redeployment Someone given- A sacrifice of one for many the purchase price of Redemption Someone kidnapped To Steal back your possession A Thief in the Night Repatriotize Someone given 2 deaths (dispossessed) Eternal Separation from Gods Spirit, No physical Body of their own a soul with no home The Lord shall Repossess the Dispossessed Repossession possess that which possesses nothing Someone offered- A willing takeover by Loves blood token applied to those bound for dispossession Purchase of Lord-Ship Restitution Someone forgotten To Take Back the Memory of and give remembrance of unto others - Remember
So The complete 7 steps of the Redeemer and the 7 sealed Book of Redemptive Blessings are opened. 1. Remember 2. Revelation 3. Repatriate 4. Redeploy 5. Repossess 6. Restitution 7. Rescue
And so is the Resurrection of the Dead Gabriel the time is come. I sound the Resurrection of the Memory of the Sleeping Souls now in flesh a complete remembrance of all they choose to forget a clear recall of Personal Identity, a crisp recollection of immediate duty, and a vivid impression of the 1 st Seal the mystery of the lawless one and understanding of why iniquity worked to this end that only having just risen from total darkness can full enlightenment be most complete in its experience. This age, the 6th day ended in total rejection of its Messenger and thus total darkness for none reflected the Light that was reflected from the North Star so the North Star looked, and there He was, His face was, as it were, the Sun the light from the beginning reaches its port of return the Great Remembrance now sweeping the earth One Creation Epoch to go!!! But 1st, 10% of our choice Re-cords unto Jesus Christ for 10% of your worst rejections, and 10% of our sweetest Re-cords to his Bride, for 10% of her hardest times. And it is done. The greatest hour to ever live. Surprise. White Throne sentences are communicated court is adjourned. Oh the woe some know 220 million years in the Lake of Firegathered with the destitutethis horror of being cast outside the wall -into outer darkness meaning that with weeping is tears, not knowing that weeping is the hidden word sweeping, sweeping the stars, and the wailing of guitars in chord with the gnashing of mechanical teeth separating element from rock and rock from earth and earth from planets and planets from the Universe, dividing the elements with a ferrous iron venting heat furnace in the Lake of Fire Creation House and Restitution Chain of the Lords Dominion. Hell is finished. Next after these 7 steps are complete it is time to gather, time of the gathering, to the great jubilee, to the ball of all who you masked in your drama the 150 cubits are fulfilled to the hour and nothing can be added or removed. Every persona has been enacted. Every memory is pure pleasure. And every life that was ever lived in time the good parts of it can be relived in Eternity- with Infinity variables of experience.. In other words- he comes speaking Judgement and these are right wisdom and true Word inspired from God, revelations tried in the furnace of Mans heart by God Hum-self! And though his judgments do not match preconceived ideas they are the supreme and sovereign rule of Love. And His Voice had the Sound of many waters the Word of ages from people of the times. When He spoke it sounded like all messengers as ONE . And he had in His right hand 7 stars, 7 spirits writing through his hand, and they signify the blessings of the Seven Spirits of God that were sounded down in each of the 7 Church Ages to the 7 dimensions. At the very end-time, God, in a ministry of His choosing is made manifest, and the 7 angels always are with him unless He sends them to carry a message; and out of his mouth went a sharp-two-edged sword, which is none other than the Word of God, and His countenance was as the Sun shineth in its strength. Now what is a mans countenance look upon His face, and once again we are looking at a Sun, a flaming ball of Fire, the Evangelist, and the Evangelist is a man and that man has the ministry of Christ for the Bride, and it is clearly elucidated if you can see with the eyes of the Spirit that we are dealing with 7 Church groups, who are given each 1 Angel Star from the Presence of the Lord, and the Evangelist is to pay them a visit, which will make 8 ministers, as it was in the days of Noah, when only 8 made the ark, so will it be in the coming of the days of the Son of Man, where we have 7 Church groups and an 8 th Party. Its not 8 people exactly, but it is a pattern there for you to give you comfort that this
man knows what He is talking about, and well He should, for there is nothing left for the Gentile Bride after I am done. It is finished. Listen to what He says here, ``I Am the First and the Last. You know I can say I am the Last, he is not really the Last, I Am, He is really the First, but because He is made manifest in my vessel, yeah, He has the right to say it. Now that you know the One in Revelation 2 is the same One as Revelation 10, you know that the 7 candlesticks not only refer to the churches of the 7 church ages but to 7 churches in our age that are considered Gods choice elect, and the Evangelist walks amongst them in the course of His Ministry, representing the Bridegroom to the People, but not the Bridegroom incarnate, though He is the one whom the King is dealing with. The first Gentile Age (the head of gold, Babylonian Age) went out with a message in tongues written on a wall? This age is going out the same way. -In the New Earth, He has already went and prepared the place. It's built. We have nothing to do with the building of it. So after He cries with a loud voice: The thunders never uttered from the heavens; they uttered from the earth.
Psalms 29
1) The Voice of the Lord is Upon the Waters; Waters means people; The God of Glory Thundereth. It is God who is thundering! The Lord is upon many waters 2) The voice of the Lord is Powerful. Of course it is. He speaks, and His Angels can whip to the other-side of the World for Him. They can carry messages on Paper even, appearing to those they are sent to or they can remain invisible. 3) Voice 3. The Voice of the Lord is Full of Majesty. 4) The Voice of the Lord breaketh the Cedars. 5) The Voice of the Lord divideth the flames of Fire. He makes His ministers a flame of fire. There are seven and Him. The Branham message claims to have near 700 ministers. That is 1 in 100 congregations. So we can see how privileged we are. 6) The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness. 7) The voice of the Lord makes the Hind to Calve. This tells us that it is in mid to late spring. His Blazing Forth was like a Flaming Ball of Fire, an Evangelist to the Bride. Revelation 1:7 The Lord Jesus has made us High-Priests of God, and his Father. The way this ministry is made manifest is for every eye to see and behold, for He, in the form of the HighPriests of God cometh with an expression of His Image as a Moving Record made by the Bride, AND EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, EVEN AS HE WAS ON THE CROSS, and even the Souls in prison now shall bear witness, and those who pierced him shall wail because of it; and all the eyes of everyone in heaven and upon the earth shall look up and down with a single conscious awareness in the truth of the reality of what was done, so that all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Revelation 1:8 He said I Am Alpha and Omega, and I will show my Story from the Beginning to the Ending, for I Am the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places will be made known by the church the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: LV Now, it says here that the Elect Bride Church will make known to the Principalities and Powers
in the heavenly places the wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose of His that He wants to make known which He purposed from the beginning, even from outside of time, in the Eternity that was. Now watch what it says. It says here, To make all see what the fellowship of the mystery is. And I dont think thats just merely all the sons of God, but I think it is angels and everything else, because it tells you are going into a higher level. -To make all--make everybody see the mystery, even unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places, the deep mysteries - made known by the church. God is going to work Himself out by the Church the same as He worked Himself out by Christ Jesus. At this particular time, a Bride is made up of Messiah-ettes to have the church fulfilled and manifest to the whole world the grace and the glory of Almighty God as has been given to us through Jesus Christ in this particular way, concerning what has already been created and now is getting ready for redemption. Thats the big thing were looking at. So the Bride is not interested in creation. Shes looking at being a part of redemption. Now it said: For the earnest expectation of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. Theyre waiting for the Bride to manifest something. Then nature follows, and in the final manifestation where He works through the Bride, the true church, and also the foolish virgin, according to this Word, all heaven will stand back in admiration and everything else. Every created thing with any intelligence and any ability to apprehend and comprehend will stand back and notice--and watch this. Now, so what Im trying to show you is this is our identification with Christ. We definitely as individuals become Messiah-ettes. And the church literally becomes a Messiah in the sense of the trickle down. As God poured into Christ and Christ poured into the church, you must identify with redemption, and you must identify correctly, because redeem means to buy back that which was previously owned. Let's go! The Message is urgent, the time is at hand. That's right. Let's get ready for this midnight cry. It's coming in an hour when you think not. There'll be a cry, not amongst the unbelieving world; it'll be a secret. But the believers, who are looking for this, you see the stars coming in line? See? What did it produce? Just exactly like it did the first time. See, here we are, the signs are coming. Lord, we would ask that you go out among the people and seek out that predestined seed out there, Lord, and bring it around, in some way that the Light will fall across the path, Lord. For, we believe that the hour is getting late, the sun is swiftly sinking in the west, then will soon be that "time shall be no more." Time and Eternity will blend together when God and His people blends together. And we pray God that at that time we will be numbered among those that'll be blended into Christ, that's called His Bride. Our Heavenly Father, knowing that the sun is swiftly going down, time shall be no more, one day the great Archangel will step out on the scene of time, from out of Eternity. And the trumpet of God shall sound, and every man and woman will answer to what we know to be the Truth, the Word of God. There's got to be some standard that God has to have here on earth that we're to be judged by. Ye are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. Every single individual with the baptism with the Holy Ghost is forming a temple which will truly set forth Christ in His true Messiah context. The Son was pre-existent as far as this earthly culture and the things of the earth are concerned. And we were in Him, and as He was a full representation of His Father, we are the full representation of Him. In order to bring about this great redemption, we have a
part, by the Holy Ghost, working through the Word of God. revelation.
Youre all a prophet, all you got to do is just say what the prophet said. You become Gods mouth right at that very point. All the elements are here to carry on what Jesus Christ was and is and what the church is. Each member is a member in particular and all ministries in the church will compliment the five-fold, while the five-fold compliments the prophet and the prophet has complimented Christ and Christ has complimented God. And Im using the term compliment as complete, actually complimenting or completing.
"Those that turn many from sin to righteousness shall outshine the stars forever and ever." What a day. But them wicked shall be turned away into destruction. O God, make men to realize their position just now in life that they might turn to the righteous One before its everlasting too late. Grant it, Father. At this point it is impossible for those who were once and for all enlightened by the Holy Ghost in the demonstration of its power and have tasted of the good Word of the world to come and have seen the future of His heavenly Kingdom, and have born witness to the Love of God reaching out in mercy, that to reject this final call is the Last chance. Now He comes in as Lion of the tribe of Juda.h! The unbelievers will wonder, "What's happened? O God, they'll not understand; they'll not even see Him. But the church shall see Him, the called-out, the elected, and born again; they'll just disappear. They won't know where they're at; they will just know they're missing; they will be with their Lord. At that time, Lord, wouldn't it be a horrible thing, to be left here, knowing that the time of salvation has passed over for all who rejected the final mercy call, no more redemption the day of decision has passed. The Scripture said, "Let him that's filthy be filthy still; let him that's unholy be unholy still." Oh, what a hour that will be. O God, let Your people realize that soon the Angel shall set foot upon the land and sea and raise up His hands and say, " Time shall be no more." The great paradox is when the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more; and the morning breaks Eternal, bright and fair." When the resurrection comes, and we're caught up together, to meet Him in the air, that'll be the final paradox, when we go to be with. Its the King's Message. Let's recognize It, for we are called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet. Wait on your ministry. There is a standard in this end-time, and that is finality of the conclusion of Your Word. We're at the closing of the history of the world. The book is now being finished. The last line will be written across it someday, and she'll be closed up, and then time shall be no more! If you feel a call to this position, be sure that it's God. Be sure that it's right. Be sure that it's timely of what you're saying. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with the wings like an eagle. They shall run and not be weary. If they walk, they'll not faint." Amen. This is me!
Thus Saith the Lord GodIt's a Bride Tree. Jesus was the Bride, He was a Tree. They cut Him down. He was the Tree of Life that was in the garden of Eden. They cut Him down and hung Him on a Roman tree, to make fun of Him. What did He do? God raised Him up the third day, from the dead. And today there is a Bride Tree; It started back there at the beginning, way back at the Day of Pentecost. She's got an elevator waiting for Her. She'll go Home, one of these mornings. Oh, yes. Now, if I understand that right, there is one place to meet your enemy, that's at the Word. That's where he's trying to meet you. You meet him there with THUS SAITH THE LORD. Now, you think Satan is going to let this go on like this, without a hindrance? Oh, no. He sure won't. He is going to fly in, one of these days, just like a whirlwind. But when the--when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God raises a standard against it. Just keep lifting yourself up in prayer before God. Cling to one another. Hold to God. For, if you love one another, it shows you love God. "This will all men know, that you're My disciples, when
you have love one for the other." Look here! Do you know what the Lord says about Los Angeles and these places here? "She's gone!" You remember what I told you, about two years ago, how that earthquake would come in Canada up here, Alaska? I also tell you that "Hollywood and Los Angeles is sliding into the ocean. California, you're doomed! Not only California; but you, world, you're doomed! Church, unless you get right with God, you're doomed!" THUS SAITH THE HOLY SPIRIT! Now, this may be very strong, and I want you to notice. Immediately after choice, election, it's separation from everything else, as soon as He calls. He elects, calls; then when He calls, He separates you from everything that hangs on to you. That proves that it isn't a denomination. It isn't two or three people together. He expects every individual. Amen. It's an individual affair with every person. There was a time that you knew; your--your mind is darkened to that now. Outside of the Lord there's only been one Man on earth that knew that He was before, and that was Jesus. He said, "Glorify Me, Father, with the glory that I had with You before the foundation of the world." He was the incarnate God, He could move back there and know what it was. But our minds are blackened there. But we were ordained, predestinated. You know what predestinate means? The destination of anything was presaw by God. Amen. But He called Abraham and asked him, and told him to separate himself from all he had, and to come over into a strange land. Look, a separation... Going in a strange land that you know nothing about, that's Christianity, separating from the things of the world, because God has called you, going into another land, to dwell among people that you know nothing about, to be a pilgrim. Amen Let the God that answers by Fire, the Holy Ghost and Fire, let Him be God. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.4_ 53-0328 they looked up to the sky, and it looked like brass. What was it? Divine judgment over all the nation. And if you'll look around today, you'll see the color of brass again: Divine judgment coming upon a nation: judgment, the fiery serpent, fiery serpents, Divine judgment in there. "Hell" means " separation." "Death" means " separation." Your body dies, separates. You go from your loved ones here, but that's not what we're talking about. "It's once appointed unto man to die, then after that, the judgment." Now, when you--if you have to stand the judgment of God, you're going to be judged by an angry God. And God is going--has already pronounced what He was going to do. So you know what your judgment will be before you even get there. So the thing to do is to be saved and have this glorified being. ELIJAH.AND.ELISHA_ _ 54-0304 Now, the third stage is coming on. But the Church still follows on, Elisha, following Elijah. And when he gets across... down to the Jordan. Jordan is a meaning of separation or death. You've heard many times "when I come down to the chilly Jordan." Jordan was death. We come to another age now, the age of "dying out." All your worldly pleasures. God has got to do something with you in order 'fore He could give you the Holy Ghost. He's got... Got to die out, get dead. You don't die out, you can't... You remember, life can only come out of death. A seed can only die. Anything else can only die. And out of death comes life. Out of the death of Christ come the resurrection of Life. And the only way that you can tonight, become alive of faith in God, is die out to yourself and symptoms, everything around you, and become alive: Die out, die out to symptoms, die out to circumstances, die out to everything else and become alive in Christ. Now, I want to ask you something." "So what do you want?" He said, "That a double portion of your spirit come upon me." That's the way to ask for it. Don't be scared. Ask for the whole lot. Jesus said, "You have not because you believe--ask not. You ask not because you believe not. Ask abundantly that your joys may be full." Ask a whole lot. "God, just don't make me a little bit better; make me all the way well." Don't just let me have enough religion to make myself miserable; kill me out to sin that I can live in Christ. That's right. Don't make me so I can step back to maybe bow my head once in a while; make me so I can shout. Make me so I
can open up my mouth and sing, and scream praises to God. Give me the whole thing. Let me have the baptism. Kill me to the things of the world, where people's around me. When I go to church, let me worship You. That's right. No matter what anybody else thinks, just kill me out. That's what we need tonight, is a Jordan experience, is that right? Many of us was like the school of prophets, stand over on the other side of the hill, looking off. Let's cross the river, tonight. Keep your eye there. He said, "Now, if you see me when I go," My, he just kept walking, watching him. Watching him. Then when, the first thing you know, down from the heaven come a chariot, horses of fire, and picked Elijah up. And as he went up, he took off this robe that he had opened the sea with, or opened the river, took that robe off, dropped it back down, and Elisha picked it up . A beautiful type of the Church. When Jesus was here on earth. He done great works and great wonders. Elijah when he was here, he did great works. But Elisha had a double portion of his spirit. Elijah done eight miracles, and Elisha done sixteen miracles, a double portion, perfect of the Church. One time, Jesus was asked, "Let my sons set on your right and left hand in the Kingdom." He said, "Can you drink the cup that I drink?" She said, "Yes." Said, "Can you be baptized with the baptism that I'm baptized with?" Said, "Yes." Said, "You can. But the right and left hand is not Mine." So the baptism of the Holy Spirit was upon Christ. When He was taken up on the day of Pentecost, one hundred and twenty people went in the upper room, up there with their eyes straight towards heaven, watching. And when He threw that robe of the Holy Ghost back down there, She picked up a double portion out of the Spirit of God. "The things that I do shall you also, and greater than this, for I go unto My Father." And a Church of the living God, that claims to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, the same Spirit was upon Jesus Christ, has claimed to kiss the blessings off the rim of the cup of His sanctification, I wonder how that we can set still in the time that His power is a moving like that. Oh, my. I wonder if we can't pick up the robe and say, "Where is the God that led Jesus Christ from victory unto victory." Amen. Yes, sir. Here was a man that had a double portion. Said, "Let's go down and see him." That's what's the matter with the world today. They're leper-stricken and everything else. They got to come somewhere and God wants His Church that's got the double portion to shine out. They'll try to put bushel baskets over it, but shove them off and shine again. That's right. Stand toe to toe with him. You got God on your side, so who can be against you? I said, "The Spirit of God didn't come on that stewed up prophet until he got the minstrel out and begin to play a good old fashioned Holy Ghost song. And the Spirit of God come down on the prophet." That's right. God doesn't change. And if God liked music in that day, God likes music today. Yes, sir. He begin to play the song... I don't know what they played in them days, but I imagine a good old song like, There's going to be a Meeting In The Air In the sweet by and by, God's own Son will be the leading one, When... Meeting In the Air. Something like that, some of those good old fashioned Holy Ghost songs. And the Spirit of God come on the prophet. I tell you brother, when we get all the formal shackles shook down, and the Spirit of God in the songs again, and get back to an old place where we can have the Spirit of God moving in the place, then the prophet can see a vision, then the powers of God comes on the church. Then they can see Diving healing. Then they can see the resurrection of Christ. Then they can see He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Well, you say, "Brother Branham, I'm not the prophet." Well, if you ain't the prophet, you can be one of the instruments anyhow. Just keep playing. That's right. You ain't got no more than them ten, just give vent to them
just as hard as you can.. If you can't be the prophet, be part of the minstrels. Do something to bring the Spirit of the Lord down. Amen. Prophet couldn't do it himself, he had to have the minstrel to help him. So it begin to... Then you see when everybody... When the prophet and the people got in harmony with God, the prophet begin to see things. Now, brother if you don't see Divine healing, you don't see the baptism of the Holy Ghost, you don't see this mighty move of the Spirit of God, moving in the last stage here, just get in the Spirit one time and you will see things, things will be revealed to you. You will begin to notice things looking different, what they used to be. That's right. You won't go along with a criticizing spirit; You'll come back humbly. That's right. Oh, my. I feel kindly religious myself tonight. Now, I want you to go down there and dig trenches all around tonight." "Ridiculous," one of them say. But as long as the Word of God said do it, start digging. That's right. Oh, God said so. And remember, they had to see somebody dig out there, and he hit down against something like that, and say, "Oh, my. We hit a snag." Throw the snag out. Lot of times when you're digging, you hit that neighbor that lives next door to you, tells you there's no such a thing as Divine healing. Throw it out. Keep digging. That's right. Throw him out and keep digging. That's right. Dig a little past him. Remember brother, the deeper you dig, more water you're going to get. That's right. We don't want nothing shallow. We want all God's got for us, everything: power of His resurrection. Yes, sir. We'll just keep digging. Oh, my. You run into sister, mother, ever who it is, just throw them out. Keep on digging. Get a great big deep ditch. 'Cause more ditch you get, more water you get. Oh, my. About daylight... Hallelujah! There come water from the way of the desert. Why? Where did that water come from, preacher? I don't know. Did it rain? No. But you remember, Israel had just passed through that wilderness a few years before that. That rock that was smote in the wilderness was still there. That prophet's eyes. Hallelujah! I tell you, that rock still lays here tonight too. That's right. Just start digging and see if the trenches don't fill up. Get all of the world out of the way. Get them old picture shows and hoe-downs and things you been tending to, all those other things, throw it out. Let the waters come in. Give God first place. Amen. Get those things straightened out. Then the waters can come down, from the way of Edom. That's right. Now, notice. When God calls a man... Now, look. Not because he was better than somebody else, but because God called him. Now, this is for Christians. Notice. Then after God called him, He said, "The first thing I want you to do is separate yourself." That's what God does today: separation. God don't want mixers. God wants separators. Separate yourself. That's right. God always calls for separation Said, "Separate yourself from your kindreds, from your peoples. Separate from your associates. Separate from your habits. Separate from everything, and come out and stand alone for God." Amen. That's where the first man was called by election; that's where the last man's been called to do the same thing. Separate yourself from your associates, the things of the world. "Come out from among them. Be ye separate." He said, "Then I'll bless you." If you want a blessing, separate yourself from the things of the world. Separation... And God called Abraham and separated him. Now, the only thing that he had to believe was God's Word. Faith cometh by hearing. All reason and sense knowledge had to pass away and he had to depend exactly on what "THUS SAITH THE LORD." God, grant the day when men and women who profess to be Christians, live what they profess to be. There'll be a difference: a separation from the world. God wants an old separator, brother, who will stand there and separate right from wrong. That's right. When you go to get an operation, you don't go and get one of these little doctors that never had an operation before. You go get an old man who's had a lot of experience. Brother, when I want somebody talk to me about Christ, I want somebody that's been through the deep waters (Hallelujah.), somebody who has an experience to know, that's talked face to face with Him, and know what they're talking about. That's what we need today. That's right. God, when He calls people, He calls for total separation from all the things of the world: annihilation from the worldly things. Separate yourself, and God will bless you. Come out from among them; be not partakers of their sins. Yoke yourself not up among unbelievers, but yoke yourself with believers, fellow citizens of the Kingdom. It is a separation by the blood that has been sprinkled between the heavens and the earth, opening up the gate that every believer that is in Christ Jesus has a right to a blood path to the throne of God. "Seven times for every church age you shall sprinkle it." Now, the people don't associate with you very much when you become a real believer. That right? Kind of a funny
place to be. All right. "No figs," not much fellowship, nobody don't want nothing to do with you. Say, "He's lost his mind, gone crazy. Why, we had just better time out there in the world." Now, watch. Separate yourself from everything. I'll have to say this: look I hope it finds its resting place, 'cause I never thought it, premeditation, maybe that's the reason some of us are not getting along so well; we're holding on to things that we ought to let go. It's separation: a little doubt, a little wonder, a little skeptic, "Wonder if it's right? Could this be? Could that be? How could it be?" Cut loose this morning. Hebrews 12:1 said, Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us (The sin... What is that? The unbelief)... that doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that's set before us,
Brother, we need some Christians, not jellyfish, but with a backbone (That's right.) that'll stand. Oh, I don't mean to fuss with people, but stand for your God given rights that Christ died for. Certainly. Not pushed around, we don't have to be. No, sir. We got an inheritance. Amen. And our inheritance belongs to us. It's your privilege to have anything that you inherited, through accepting Jesus Christ and dying to yourself. How marvelous. Yes, sir. Satan said, "Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do." "No, you ain't going to do nothing." That's the way to talk back to him. Say, "I know my position in Christ, and you just might as well get away. I ain't listening to you no more. I got an inheritance." And we got a title deed to it: abstract, goes all the way back to Calvary. The day of Pentecost, when He said, "This promise is unto you, and to your children, and them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Abstract deed (Amen.), clear all the way back to Pentecost. How far does it go back? How many is it for? As many as the Lord will call. If the Lord calls you, He gives you an abstract title (Amen.), all the way back. And the Blood of Jesus Christ is just as good as it would been shed ten minutes ago. It said, "Every believer..." It's your profession. You're just scared to use your rights; that's all. "Well," he said, "I'm not going to get out." There's a law down here that says he will get out, as long as you can prove it's your house. Is that right? Satan said, "Now, I'm going to take you prematurely. I'm going to do this." "No you're not. We got a title to this property of ours." That's right. And we got a--we got an Attorney setting in glory (Amen.) with a Blood sacrifice of His own Life. Not only that, but we got an FBI Agent (Amen.), the Holy Spirit, God's great detective. Just leave that Blood there, and serve that warrant on him; watch the Holy Ghost put him out. Amen. There you are: yours. "Whosoever will, let him come." Oh, it's marvellous Now, the water of separation separates you from sin. If you are weary, apply the water of the Word. And if you are sick, apply the water of the Word. For it separates us from sickness; it separates us from sin; it separates us from weary; it separates us from every attribute that sin produced. Oh, I love it. For He has washed us and cleansed us through the washing of the water by the Word and separated us unto Himself, a believing people set aside from the world to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; that He might manifest Himself to the outside world through the Holy Spirit operating through this inside of the blood cell. Oh, I hope you see it. The blood cell burst at Calvary. Life was inside the cell. And then it broke the cell, Christ did first, bringing His-self into the womb of a virgin and creating around Himself a cell, a blood cell that multiplied into many cells and brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus. And at Calvary this blood cell was broken by a sinful Roman spear as it pierced Him in the heart. Right in the middle of the heart is a little place in a human being that isn't in a animal, a little place in there which is, they think it's a soul of man. There's not a blood cell touches it or anything. And in there is the human soul. And Christ was speared through there, that the blood cell was pierced like that, tore loose the blood cell, and set the Holy Spirit at liberty for God to call through there and bring believers through the blood cell back into
fellowship with Himself again (Oh, my.) through the washing of the water by the Word. What does it? "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." And we accept the Word and believe the Word, that He was wounded for our transgressions. What was that separation to do? What did it separate them from? As soon as they received the separation, they were free. And what was Christ separated from? What did He separate us from? The Bible said, "He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity: the chastisement of our peace upon Him," and with His stripes we were separated from our diseases, separated from our sins, separated from our weary, separated from our iniquity, and separated from our sins by the Word, which was Christ that was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Word become flesh, and the flesh was broke that the blood cell was broken loose, that the believers could be brought through the spray of the Blood from Calvary. Oh, my. Now, I want you to notice quickly, then all this hyssop, cedar, and so forth, was thrown in with the red heifer and was burned and made a water of separation, that when an unclean person that was defiled had to come and go through the waters of separation, which separated them from their un-cleanliness and made them holy, to enter into fellowship again with the rest of the congregation. Oh, what a beautiful picture, that separation, the waters of separation separated the guilty and made them holy and brought them back into fellowship again. That the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness and makes us holy and puts us back into fellowship again with the Father. "That he might sanctify and cleanse us with the washing of the water by the word," (See?), washing of the water of separation by the Word. And in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, and became (You see it?) the water of separation. Amen. And everything that Christ died for and promised in His Word is yours as freely as the water runs. For if you're--if you have a sin, apply the Word. It's the water of separation.. Isn't that marvelous--God separating us from the things of the world. Nothing we could do. We were dead in sin, trespasses, without hope, without God, in the world, alienated, cut off, going to a devil's hell, a sinner's grave. And in due season Christ died for us all, producing and giving to us the waters of separation. And God, by grace, called us through this waters, separated from our sins and brought us unto Himself, a peculiar people, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifice, the fruits of our lips, giving thanks to His Name. This Word, how It makes us free and sets us free, the water of separation. It sets our thinking free. We don't no longer think with our own mind. We just depend on what He said in the Word. Can't go wrong. God, You- are the One Who said it. You've separated it. And then if we're separated from our own thoughts, separated from our own ideas, we are lost then in You. And we just believe what You said. No matter how unreasonable it may seem, You're the God of circumstance. You're able to keep that what You have promised. And as Paul of old said, "I am persuaded He's able to keep that which I've committed to Him against the day."... Oh, would we just love to get together for a complete winter's vacation sometime, and just take the Old Testament and just teach it, all those little things. I tell you, we would--we'd have a marvelous time. Just stay right with the Word, teaching it, and showing the types and so forth, bringing out those old nuggets and shining them up, just to see what they really are... What they meant to those people in the type, what ought it to mean to us in the antitype. What they done with it there under the law, what could we do under it--with it today, under the baptism of the Holy Spirit? See? If they had the shadow, we got the positive. See? They had the negative; we've got the positive. They had the picture in a negative; we've got it in a positive, after it's been developed at Calvary. Amen. And we went to Calvary with the Lamb. And the preaching of the Word is the water of separation. For God has took His church, and has washed it by the waters of separation to cleanse it for His own glory. And the Word separates. Remember, you're in the courts now. But the next thing is to enter into the fellowship with the believers on the common ground of fellowship. And before they could enter through after the waters of separation had separated them from their sin, then they had to go through the public testimony of seven stripes of blood, showing that death went before them to pay the way. And, every believer, after hearing the Word, has to come to the recognition of the Lord Jesus Christ, death going before them to bring them into the fellowship. Then inside, coming through the sprinkled blood at the door. Remember, it was seven stripes. The seven stripes spoke of the seven ages, seven church ages, that also... Seven is God's perfect number. No other way of redemption only through the Blood through the seven years, six thousand years even to the Millennium. Nothing but the Blood will be recognized any time. A public testimony to the Blood comes Life. And they had to enter through every age through the Blood. And after entering the Blood, they come into fellowship. What a beautiful thing here.
Look, the only grounds that any believer can meet God on, is in the Blood: only ground, no other ground, only... In the Old Testament there was not another place anywhere that God would receive... They had to come to the tabernacle, and the tabernacle represented Christ. For in the temple the lamb, the blood was shed. Only on the basis of shed Blood will God meet the believer. Now, in the Blood of the Lord Jesus... God came down out of glory, brought His-Self into the womb of a woman. And there, God, the Creator, wrapped around Himself and created a Blood cell, the virgin not knowing any man. If you don't believe that, you're still in sin. She had nothing to do with a man. God, Himself... Christ was not a Jew. His Blood wasn't a Jew, neither was it a Gentile. It was God's Blood. The Blood cell come from the Male, and the Male was God. The Bible said we're saved through the Blood of God, no sex into it at all. There it is. Christ died for sinners, the message, we come to hearing the Word. "Faith cometh by hearing." The waters of separation gives us a knowledge of sin, what sin is. Then we find ourselves through the waters of separation, by the Word, that we are sinners by nature. We sin because we are natured sinner. Then there's a provision, a fountain filled with Blood drawn from Immanuel's veins, that sinners plunged beneath the flood. Then through this Blood cell is spray, the Holy Spirit woos us into Himself. Coming to... washing away all guilt, all the taskmasters, like the Red Sea. Then we can dance with Miriam. Then we can sing with unknown tongues like Moses, the song of Moses, the victorious song, when we've come through the Blood, and the taskmasters are left behind. We're over into the promise, the promise that Peter gave at Pentecost, if we would repent and be baptized, every one of us. We thank Thee for this. And we pray, Father, that You'll bring every person now, that believes the Word into this deep fellowship with Thee, that they might have faith to carry them through, and the love of God to wrap them up. For by one time, one Sacrifice, He has perfected forever, Not coming year after year, or meeting after meeting, revival after revival, but one time, perfected. The worshipper has no more conscience or desire to sin. He's passed from death to life then into the fellowship with the Lord. The Word is foolishness unto the world, but a water of separation to them that believe the preaching of the Word. May each one now, that's been separated from their sin, coming by acknowledging the Word, that it's made them--something come to their heart that said, "You're wrong. Oh, you know the Holy Spirit looked like just catches from one to another, like a atoms in a relay. See? And it begin to jump from one to another, and they all got tambourines, and just had a real jubilee. And old Brother Moses got so happy, that he held up his hands and sang in the Spirit. If that ain't a holy-roller meeting, I never seen one. That's right. This is nothing new. It's just a new taped with the old. That's right. There they was, singing in the Spirit, dancing in the Spirit; beating all the music, clapping their hands. What a time they was having. Why? They was annihilated from their enemy. Amen. He still does the same thing, under a better covenant, way better than the old covenant. Now, God promised He'd supply all their needs, not their wants, now, their needs. So they come out with just a little bit of bread, enough to last them for about one day. God doesn't want you to hang on to the things you once had, hang on to your old habits, and things that you once had. Cut loose of them. God will give you something else better. That's right. Did you ever try? He will. You say, "Well, I just couldn't." Yes, you can; you just let loose one time and let God. Just let loose and let Him show what He can do about it. Christ, came down from glory, humiliating Himself in the form of the Bread of Life, Life-giving for the journey. And it never ceased to fall until they went into the millennium. Amen. That right? That same manna fell constantly every day except Sunday, every day the same, until they went into the millennium, the type, over into the promised land. And that's where all the Hebrew prophets, through the years have looked forward to the millennium. And the same Holy Ghost, which was a type that fell on the day of Pentecost, will continue the same until the millennium sets in. Men will still have the Holy Ghost, and the same things will take place, all the way through until the millennium age. Christ, the Bread of Life, come down from heaven, humiliating Himself, giving His Life, that through His Life, you might have journeying mercy. Where did that come from? Out of that Pillar of Fire. That's where it dropped out of. He was up there. That was Christ, Himself, the Logos, the Angel of the covenant, Positionally place yourself now for tonight -get under the blood. All these things that's in your heart, get them out. Go before God under the blood, confessing your wrongs, and call and make it right. "Help me." Moses got a
answer to prayer right away because he went God's way under the blood. 'Fore he could have fellowship, he went in under the blood. Now, notice, the lamb was slain. Back in the Old Testament they had a red heifer. Told Moses when they started this journey, said, "Now, make a provision for the cleansing of the people as they journey on, for if they do it wrong, they're out of fellowship. And before they can fellowship, I want you to make a waters of separation for them." And then Moses was commanded to take a red heifer, a young heifer. Oh, I want you to notice the word "red" means something. To you and I, "red" means danger. But "red" in the Bible means redemption, redemption through the blood. All the way from Genesis to Revelation there's a red streak of blood all the way through, red all the way. Notice, they had to come under the shed blood. God said, "Take a red heifer." Now, did you ever notice scientifically, you take something real red, and look though red to red, and it looks white. Did you ever know that? Red though red looks white. And so God, knowing that man was a sinner by nature, knowing that he was wrong to begin with, He made a preparation of the shed blood. And God, looking through the blood of the Lord Jesus, sees you a red sinner white as snow. You have no more sin. When God looks through the blood of Christ, no matter what you've done, how much sin you've committed, what you've done, if the blood of Christ has been applied to your heart, God sees you perfect. Now, the unbeliever, or the man that sinned was outside. Here's a little part we don't want to pass: that the waters of separation must be kept in a clean place. And the preacher that preaches the Gospel should be a clean upright man, not a cigarette fiend, not a dope addict, not a drunkard, or a golf player on Sunday afternoon, and so forth like that. Notice, it must be kept in a clean sanctified holy vessel, the one that holds the mystery of God in his heart. It must be in a clean church, not where they play bingo in the basement, lotteries, have soup suppers out there, and dances for the young folk. Why, brother, if it ever gets to a place I have to do that to hold a audience, I'll quit and take me a bunch of tents and go up to Canada and build a cabin to live in. Amen. I'd rather do it than to know that I'd compromised upon the pure unadulterated Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Give me fellowship with Him. Amen. Preach the Word. You don't have to have all this nonsense. Keep with the Word. And the Word separates sinners from his sin. You're out of fellowship, can't get prayer answered. Everything's black around you: out of fellowship. Come back to the Word now. The Word goes to cutting, separates you, "Now, you oughtn't to do this, you oughtn't to do that. This is sin. You don't have fellowship no more. You got yourself out of communion." That's the waters of separation, tells you what you should do. Then the first thing you know, the believer after doing that, the next thing he did, he walked forward then. He's coming in, the believer now, he's walking forward. When he comes, gets in the door, he looks and sees seven stripes of blood, which means that blood went before him. Now, he comes under those seven stripes of blood, in under the blood, and then he has fellowship -fellowship with God, no fellowship no where else. And that whole thing in the tabernacle, in the justification under the court, sanctification at the altar, the Holy Spirit behind the veil; it moved in and let down, all a picture of Christ. Then it was to be burnt. All the body was to be burnt, and was to be made a waters of separation, mixed with water, and kept in a clean place outside the court. Just take any Divine promise. Listen to this, and you can make this statement, it's on recordings, everything. But I say this, and challenge anybody. The right mental attitude towards any Divine promise of this Word will bring it to pass, regardless of what it is. If God said so, you take the right mental attitude towards that Word, and see what happens. God's obligated to His Word. He swore by It. Now remember, It was to be kept. Now listen close. It was to be kept in a clean place (You get it?), not in dirty, foul place: playing cards, having games, playing a little lottery in the basement, having social parties, and dancing. The Word of God should be kept in a clean place, holy, consecrated real Church of the living God. Kept in a clean place, for it's the waters of separation I know that kind of burns a little bit, brethren. But it's good for you. Amen. Kept in a clean place, outside the courts, for it's to separate the sinner from his sin before he comes into fellowship. Notice. Then when a man sinned, the first thing he done, was to come to the waters of separation. A believer in his journey, on his road, and he done something wrong, like we in our journey... And this heifer that was to be burned for waters of separation, had cedar, scarlet, and hyssop burnt with it. All of it speaking of the offices of God: Cedar, scarlet, and hyssop; just like Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the offices of the Godhead. How that the same God lived in the Fatherhood, in the Sonship, and in the Holy Spirit dispensation, all the same Father, same
God. And how that each one of those woods represented the same thing, the same God. Those that rejected it was turned away into condemnation to everlasting separation from the Presence of God. But that spiritual seed of the living God, though it has to be a sojourner, though it has to be a rambler, it always causes separation. Esau didn't last very long with Jacob. As soon as Jacob obtained the birthright (Praise God), it called for separation. And when a man... I don't care what church you belong to, if it's carnal, and your associates that you run with, the people you play cards with, and your literature societies, and so forth, when you obtain the birthright, that something that's down in your heart that's hungered for God, when you receive that, it calls for separation. "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith God." Separation. Watch the group of Abraham, the called-out. Now, notice. And He give him this sign, and he believed Him. And He vanished before him and went away. Oh, how it has always been the separation, the called-out. A carnal mind wants God to bring the birthright down to their level. But for me, and I believe all true born Christians, we meet it on God's level. I don't care what I have to do, or what I have to say, how I have to act: the only thing, I want it. That's means more than my popularity. That means more than my job. It means more than my mother, means more than my wife, more than my children, more than every friend I got. Let me have that birthright. I don't care what I have to pay. I want to meet God on His requirement. Whatever He requires, if it's fall in dust, if it's speak with tongues, if it's run through the building and act like a maniac, or stand on my head, I don't care what it is, just so I get it. That's the main thing. That's the spiritual minded people. They want the birthright, regardless. They want it. And as soon as they get it, it sets up the same reaction it was in that family. Finally, it'll come to a place till there come a separation. A man will have to obtain, if he obtains this birthright, he will have to separate himself from the world, just as Jacob had to. My, sometimes it means walk alone. But if you really are sincere, and you really receive the birthright, you don't care to walk alone. As long as you've got the birthright, that's the main achievement of your life. As long as I'm born of the Holy Spirit, what difference does it make? Long as I'm on my road to heaven, what difference does it make what the people say as long as we're walking in the Spirit? And all that's born of the Spirit of God, are led by the Spirit of God. Sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit of God, always walking in the beautiful light of holiness, cleanliness. Just preach the Word just like It is. As John said, "Lay the axe to the root of the tree and let the chips fall where it will." Most of the churches today will vote that out of their pulpit. That's right. It'll come a separation, always does that. God has a preparation. That's the reason these people are happy. That's what makes the people the way they are, because they've into this holiest of holies. Their under the power of God. They're walking in the beauty of His resurrection. Why certainly, that God that resurrected, living in this holiest of holies... I tell you what taken place. You watch them straighten up. Old dead lives that we couldn't do nothing, watch what happens to them. And the Word of God should be kept in a clean place. A dirty heart has no place for the Word of God. It should be kept in a true, unadulterated heart, that's separated from the things of the world. "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love of God isn't in you." The Scripture says so -and it must be kept in a clean place to see manifestations of the Spirit, in a clean heart. Kept in a clean place... Then the sinner come up, and he was--made his confession that he had sinned and done wrong. Then he's sprinkled with the waters of separation. Notice, when you come in separation, making confession... You can fellowship with them. You come in then under the Blood; you can fellowship with them under the Blood. That's true enough. But to fellowship with God, you have to go into the Presence of God, and that is into the Shekinah Glory. And one man once a year was dressed to go into the Shekinah Glory, where he fellowshipped with God face to face. Why, it was so glorious in there one year, he left his rod, and it bloomed out and blossomed in the Presence of the Shekinah Glory. You say, once a year?" Yes. Watch how he had to be dressed. He had to be dressed in a certain garment made by certain hands, holy hands. He had to walk such a way; on his garment he had a pomegranate and a bell. And every time he moved his leg, moving like that, it played "Holy, holy, holy unto the Lord; holy, holy, holy unto the Lord." What's he doing? He's approaching the Shekinah Glory for fellowship with God Himself, carrying before him the blood. Oh, God, I wished I could have the voice of Angel; I could make that sink in. " It was because that today, we just stop at the waters of separation and don't take them into the fellowship with the Holy Ghost and the power of the Shekinah Glory. You get that man in that condition, he will burn a city down with the Gospel; nothing can stop him. He's got the Spirit of God upon him; he don't need nobody to coax him.
God's right in him, just burning up the sin as he goes. He can't stand still. Why? He's entered into the fellowship by relationship. Relationship: He's born again; he's a new creature in Christ. He come through the waters of separation; he walked through the Blood of sanctification; he went into the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. Yes, sir, he was born, and he-into the fellowship; God's only provided approach. There's no other approach nowhere, no time, or any way, only through that. And the Scripture says, "If you love the world, or the things of the world (that's Abraham's seed), the love of God is not in you." So we must get to a spot in God, a place in His grace, until the things and pleasures of the world... I--I don't mean the physical pleasures like you'd go out and set under a tree to keep cool, or take a little ride in your car, but I mean the worldly pleasures, drinking, gambling, and evil things. If you still love those, the love of God isn't in it. That's how we can check our-self to see whether we got the faith or not when the things of the world is dead and gone from us. 'Cause in the old orients they still have the same thing, the bridegroom that's going to be married, he gives out the invitations and furnishes the robe to everybody he's invited. Oh, how my heart spins around and around when I think it. "No man can come to Me except My Father's give him an invitation first, and all the Father has given Me will come to Me." God setting in there reflecting His-self out to each one of those churches. Look back there and see what they did. We just come through history. They reflected Him as He was, as He is, and like He always will be. "He that was..." As soon as John got the first glimpses of it, he said, "He that Was, which it Is, and Shall Come, the Almighty God, the Creation of God, Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End." That's the true Light's being reflected. Do you see it? Amen. Whew. Now, the very word "church" means " separation. Israel was the people of God until they came into the wilderness, and being called out it was then the church of God. "Church" means "called out, set aside." So I guess the hour of separation is drawing nigh. Oh, Christians, called of God, don't let that be your destination. Look up, look up, cut yourself loose from every line. Sell out to the things of the world. Don't be earthbound; sail out upon the deep. Let down into the deep. Do that, won't you. I know that I've always believed that there come a time of separation, that God would separate the true church." He will; He will take it home. He's getting it ready right now. Now, before this could be done, before the covenant could be confirmed, you have to completely go into obedience. Now, Abraham, God told him to separate himself from his people. And today instead of separating from the world, we try to take the world in with us. God wants a separation. Separate, separate yourself from unbelief. That one you're running around with and says, "Oh, don't listen to that holy-roller bunch; there's nothing to it." Separate yourself from it. Yes, sir. Anything that's contrary to God's Word, separate yourself from it. Don't care what it is. Come out from among them. Touch not their unclean thing. That's--that's good sound sense, spiritual speaking, understanding. The Bible said so, "Come out from among them. Touch not their unclean things; I'll receive you." Can't bring the world, He just won't do it. No, sir. When you're circumcised, the world's cut off of you. That's right. Then you're Abraham's seed. God has recognized His promise like He did with Abraham, circumcised him. And that's the same thing it is when God recognizes your faith, and He cuts the world off of you, and give you the Holy Ghost, and you really believe God then for whatever He says. That's right. Until then, you're just a professor, not a possessor. But what does happen when God has a conference? Men fast and pray and wait on orders, and then move. So now, it's by grace that God called you, not what you did, what you could do, what you will do. If you're the seed of Abraham, God spoke to you by His amazing grace, just like He did Abraham in the 12th chapter of Genesis. Now, now and then notice. As soon as Abraham believed God by justification (Believing on the Lord, we're justified.), immediately God called Abraham to total separation from all unbelief. That's the way He done you? Separate yourself from your kindred, from all your associates; come out of the pool room, come out of the dance
hall; come away from the things of the world. God calls for a total separation to Abraham's seed, 'cause that's what He called Abraham. Are you patterning it? This instrument is Abraham. This instrument represents this seed after him. And the covenant was made to both Abraham and his seed after him. And as Abraham was called by grace, by election, so was his seed called by grace and election. See? They heard the voice of God and believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. Heard the voice of God in a barroom, everywhere It was at, and believed God, and Abraham was commanded to abstain and to separate himself from the things of the world, and so is the seed of Abraham: separate their-selves from the seed- of the things of the world. Justification by faith, we could stay on that the rest of the afternoon, but we got to hurry. Now, as we find out Abraham never fully obeyed. Now, that's the way with a lot of us people. As soon as we go and make a confession, we think, "Well, now, we've joined church and we're going to be pretty good people. It won't hurt to smoke a little." Or "Oh, if I just keep my card party going. That won't hurt anything." But remember, God never did bless Abraham until he fully obeyed. And God will not bless His Seed until you fully obey, separating himself from the things of the world. "Come out from among them. Be ye separate," saith the Lord. "I will receive you. Touch not their unclean things. You abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, and it'll be done to you." See? God called Abraham. And notice, when God called Abraham, He called Him to separate himself from all the rest of the unbelief. No matter how religious they was, how pious they was, how nice they was, He called for a complete separation. And God, when He calls a man, He calls him to complete separation, if he is the seed of Abraham: to separate yourself from the things of the world, from this modern life. Now, He sanctified that church then, cleansed it, separated it. And when separation comes, means to be "set aside." The... Actually the Word "sanctify" is the Greek word, compound, which means "sanctified, cleansed, and set aside for service." When the church separates Itself from all the things of the world, then God applies the Blood to It. Now. Then when He does that, then you don't want more smoking, drinking, no more of this running around, carrying on. You're separated people. That's right. God separates you as a peculiar people. Lot of make-belief's go along in all these things. But yet, the real true church, I'm talking about the--the real seed of Abraham, the one that really is the seed... Though He turns me down at the end of the road, any Christian could say, though He casts me away into eternal separation, yet I love Him, yet He's mine. In hell I can still think the way I think now, I'll still love Him. As the ages roll on, I still love Him; because something happened in my heart; something taken place. "If I had a life, or had I three, like the Lord Jesus Christ I long to be." That's right, 'cause something happened. He is my Life. He came to me. And now, God has such things. Before we are really ready for the communing of God, we must first be washed by the waters of the Word. Separation, the waters of separation separates us from our sins. Now, the first, you cannot talk to God, and you cannot commune with God, and there's... First, you have to repent for what you have done, because you cannot believe right until you are repenting, "Lord, forgive my unbelief. Forgive my unbelief." You have to repent first. And when you repent, then you are--your back sins are forgiven, then you're a candidate then for the baptism. Now, then, He promised the Holy Ghost after the baptism. On the day of Pentecost we find the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, separating Itself and setting upon each member of that church: God putting His-self together. Then with that group of people together, what does it do? Brings back the unified Body of the Lord Jesus. Coming together... Joined in heavenly wedlock to the eternal God, part of Him, part of God... When union with God is part of God... That's the reason that the spirit cannot die. "He that believeth on Me has Everlasting Life. And in the image that he is here on earth, and in his likeness, I'll raise him up in the last days." Not a spirit being, for we'll have a body like God's glorious Body, the glorified Body of the Lord Jesus, raised up in that Image. Now, let's think seriously, because we never be able to think any more after this, after this mortal life is over. Your thinking is now. You cannot choose after this; you must choose now, for this is the day of choosing, making your choice. Now she... One Word, not a whole Decalogue, just one Word, she questioned God, because it was presented to her in that light that that Word was questionable. God's Word cannot be questioned; He meant just what He said. But she questioned it because it was presented to her, "Oh, God surely didn't mean that." But He did mean that. God means every Word He says. And It doesn't need any private interpretation. It's just the way He said It. Well, you say, "How do you know about the Bible?" I believe that my God has guided this Bible; He watches over His Word. He knew that atheists and infidels would rise in the last days, so He's watched over It. This is exactly the way God meant It. It's the way It's to us now. Now, we must believe It. One Word off of It, and we lose our fellowship, go off into--to death, eternal separation from God, just as Adam and Eve did. We must believe God's
Truth. Let me make that again. Do not disbelieve any Word of God's Bible. But just don't say, "Yes, I believe It," say, "but..." No, there's nothing about that. You believe It; you'll accept it. If you lay It aside, say, "Well, my church don't believe It that way," then you do not believe It's God's Word, and you'll walk away under the same condemnation that Eve went away under. You separated yourself from the Eternal when you had a chance to be united with Him. Now, remember, that cannot be questioned, because it was one Word. And now, if God had just a--a few Words there that people must obey, and in them few Words one of them was misrepresented, caused death, look at the Words we got today. See? We must receive every one of them, hold onto them, and enter into them as promises from God. And a true wife of God will do that, true engaged espoused one. Now, I hope these little things go down deep now so we can catch them. God's gathering the elect from the four winds of the earth. He said He'd send angels and gather them. Is that right? Gather them together, separate them from the tares. Amen. The tares will be burnt, not the wheat. That's right. But they're so headstrong; they're going to have it or not, don't make any difference. Oh. But God's chosen Ones are commanded to come out from among them. "Be ye separated," saith God, "and I will receive you. Touch not their worldly things, and I'll be a Father to you, or God, and you'll be My sons and daughters. Yoke yourself not up with unbelievers, but come out of it." God wants separation from the world. He wants to be unionized with you, Himself. And no man-made scheme of organization, denomination, or any manmade theories will ever stand. It'll take God, the Holy Ghost in you to unite you to God. And how do you know you got It? The Holy Ghost that wrote the Word will bear record with every Word; and the same things that the Holy Ghost did in the Old Testament, It'll do in the New Testament: will do now just the same, because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And you're not yoked with organizations and the world. You're not yoked with them. Yoke yourself not up among them, but come out from among them. Ye are yoked to Christ, yoked to the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we are in the end time, coming from the east and west, north and south. What are we doing? Getting ready for that rapture, getting ready for holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fibre is filled with the Holy Ghost. Then she'll go up. Oh, my. Calling His people together to Himself in the true oneness with Himself, because it's His one Holy Spirit. "By one Spirit are we all individually baptized into one body, collectively, the Body of Jesus Christ." And Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh is serving the church and doing the same things He did as a--as a sign, as an ensign to the world, that we're in the last days, getting ready for the rapture. Don't. Don't, Adam. Adam. Eve, Adam, let me cry out to you; don't listen to a lie of the devil any more. Stay with God's Word; It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Stay with His Word. To separate from It is breaking your fellowship with God, God's oneness by the Holy Spirit. Then if you say you got the Holy Spirit and it's not in agree with the Word, then you're not oneness with God. This is God's oneness, when you--the--the spirit that you got agrees with this Word, and manifests this Word and makes this Word power to act the same way It did there. Let's say it together. Oneness. [with God ["with God"] is to have ["is to have"] God's Spirit [God's Spirit"] in you ["in you"] agreeing ["agreeing"] with the Word ["with the Word"] all the Word ["all the Word"] the whole Word ["the whole Word"] and to make It ["and to make It"] manifested ["manifested"] in power ["in power"]. There you are; that's oneness with God. When that power works in me, works in you, we are one. Amen. It works. Amen. It makes It what It is: God made flesh in you by His Word, the Word made power among you, every Word. Now remember, the devil takes a whole lot of that Word, pretty near ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of It. Ninety-nine hundredths and ninety-nine percent of that hundredths, he'll make It just exactly right, but then he'll jump off here, and that's the one that causes death right there. That breaks the chain right in the middle; down you go. Every Word. What did Jesus say? "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not by a few of God's Words shall he live, not by ninety-nine and ninety-nine percent of God's Word. But by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, man shall live by That. God calls us to a total separation from sin. Come out from among it; be not partakers of it; shun it, the very
appearance of evil. Separation, completely annihilated from it, stay your distance away from it. Don't tread upon its grounds, no matter how--how nice it looks. Now, we're in the evening time. And the messengers down through the age... We find out that at the beginning when a messenger was sent, to--to misconstrue His Word or to doubt one Word, it was total annihilation and eternal separation from God, to misconstrue that messenger's Word. And the first Messenger was God Himself. And the--every other messenger has been God speaking through man since, which is God's Word, for there's no man then for Him to speak through but just the one He was talking to. But since He's made man and redeemed man, it's been God speaking through man. He uses not the--the agency of--of any mechanical device, but the agency of man, a man that's surrendered and consecrated to God. How we could bring it down through the prophets, and Samson, and on down through till this very present age. It's always been a individual with God. Now, each age, I said, had its message and its messenger. And God drew the separation line and made them leave their homes and everything. What was it? See that thing? Just exactly what took place back there before the flood, "When the sons of God saw the daughters of men, they were fair to look upon, and they lusted for them and took unto them wives." See? Same thing took place there. And the same thing now. Again it's the same thing. You should see it. Each generation tells what will happen at the next one. Here it is. We see it. We know that it's the same, 'cause the Bible here is to declaring it's the same now as it was. Abraham was changed. And look, when a man meets God... God called Abraham, and He told him He wanted him to separate himself from all of his unbelieving kindred. And when God calls a man to work for Him, He calls you from total annihilation from all the things of the world, and the sins of the earth: separation. . God never did bless Abraham till he fully obeyed Him. He took his father. The old man was always a--a hair in the soup or... excuse that expression. But he was always wrong, and Abraham... And then he got Lot. And then he finally went down there. And after Lot separated himself, then God said to Abraham, "Rise and walk through the land. I've give it all to you. It's all yours." See? He never fully blessed him till Abraham fully obeyed. And you'll never be able to get anything from God, and have favour with God, my brothers and sisters, wherever you are, until we fully obey the Word of God. You make yourself miserable by just half-heartedly approaching it. Yes. Notice, when any person disbelieves God's Word... God's Word is God's provided Way. Nobody should add anything to It or take anything from It. It's got to be just the way It's written. Now, when anybody takes away from It or adds to It, why, he separates himself from God. He's separated then. The Egyptians disbelieved that prophet's sign that he come down there and did in the presence of them all. Now, now, he's... That brings death. Death is separation. And when death was ready to strike, God made a provision to separate the believers from unbelievers, and that was by the blood. The blood made a separation. The one that really believed come under the blood; the ones that didn't believe stayed from under the blood. And that's the same way it is today. Believers stays under the Blood. That's right. It's the only place to stay of safety. All right. The Blood caused separation between believer and unbeliever because the Blood packs Life. The Blood... Life is in the Blood. So Life... Blood is in the Life. And the believer stays in the Blood, which brings him Life Eternal. And the unbeliever takes his creed and goes on. That's right. No way of getting away from it. All right. But to reject God's simple message... To--to--to reject it, God's simple way, is to be destroyed eternally. Now, that's how much we talk how simple it is, and people think, well, they can laugh at it and run over it and treat it any way they want to, but it's eternal separation from God you will never again get to enter into the Millenial Jubilee Worship. Here, God is making ready to fulfill His Divine promised Word that He had give to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob. Years, hundreds of years had passed, but, yet, God never forgets His promise. In the season, the due time, God always makes His promise right. Therefore, you can rest assure that what God has promised in this Bible, He's going to do it. Just no need of trying to think anything else, and say, "Well, the prophet was, maybe, was wrong," or, "that couldn't happen in this day." Looked almost impossible then, more impossible than it does now. But God did it, anyhow, because He promised He would do it. And look how simple He does it. "I have come down. I heard the cry. I remember My promise. I've come down to do it. I'm sending you. You do it. I'm going to be with you. Certainly, I'll be with you. My never-, never-failing Presence will be with you wherever you go. Don't be afraid." See? "I'm coming down to deliver." I'm sure the spiritual mind catches that. See? "I'm going to send you, to bring My people to an exodus. Call them out, and I'll be with you."
Now, how--how we can rest, how faith can catch that hold there. See? God is going to do it. He promised it. No matter how, what the circumstances is, or what anyone else says, God is going to do it, anyhow, 'cause He promised to. And He does it so simple, that, it--it goes over the--the understanding of the cultured mind who would try to reason about it, "How could it be?" I don't mean to say that a man now, with a good, strong mind, fine education, that that man won't understand It. That's all right, and wonderful, as long as he uses that not to reason, but, that culture that he's got, to believe God. Let it be converted unto the simplicity of listening to what God has said, and believe It. His culture will help him then. Notice. But when the man tries to reason, "It couldn't be done," then that drives him away from God, constantly, all the time, when he's trying to--to listen to what, his own understanding. See? If you don't understand, and the Bible says a certain thing, just punctuate It, "Amen." Just let it go like that. Now, the thought, of God's Word calling a total separation! We only know this by as we read the Word and see the Word manifest Itself. Now, in the beginning, Genesis 1:3, we find that. "There was darkness upon the earth. And the Spirit of God moved upon the water. And said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness." So the Word of God began to separate the light from the darkness, from the beginning, so does it remain till this day. God was going to use the earth, and it was in total darkness. The Spirit of God spoke out, and said, "Let there be light," and He separated the light from the darkness. And It's been doing that ever since, separating Light from darkness. God's Word also separated the water from the land, in the beginning. God spoke, and the water was separated from the land. So, that, He had a reason for that. God never speaks a Word unless He's got a reason for speaking that word. He is not like you and I, that we just... or especially myself, that speaks so many foolish things. God speaks every word with a meaning, and something that He is trying to achieve, and will achieve by His Word. And It will perform exactly what He said It will do. Now, if God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then that--that isn't, that wasn't God said that. When God says anything, He must back up what He says. And when the Word of God has been a vindicated, the Word been a vindicated, that is Light. Now, the Word Itself isn't Light until It's a vindicated Light. If God said, "Let there be light," and there was no light, then it wasn't the Word of God. But when light sprung upon the earth, that showed the Word was vindicated, and it was light. Now, today, if God has made a promise, and when that promise is vindicated, then that is Light. That's the Light of the day, when the Word is a vindicated, the Word for the hour is a vindicated. Then, God was going to have a--a earth that He was going to grow vegetation, and He'd have people upon the earth, and then He spoke and separated the waters from the sea. Then, also, He separated, in Genesis, life from death. Now, if we believe the Word of God, It is the Word of Life to us; but if we question the Word of God, It's death to us. For, God has spoken, who can deny It? See? And if we question the Word of God, then It becomes death. Like Eve, now, Eve questioned one little phase of God's Word, and what did it do? Caused all this trouble that we have. If she would have remained behind the Word, fortified behind the Word, the whole armor of God, and not disbelieved It, then it would have never happened the way it has, it would have never been this a way. But, you see, there came death. Then, God also had an atonement. Being merciful to us, He accepted a substitute death for their death, He separated life from death, also, in the garden of Eden, and He did it by His Word. And today He does the same thing. When, we're in gross darkness, as I spoke on, Sunday, darkness upon the land, upon the people, and gross darkness. In the midst of all of this, He is still speaking His Word of Life to those who want to believe It. Jesus has constantly told us that there is a separation. And we find that the last thing that's predicted to the
human race, before the great final Day when we ascend into the Presence of God, there will be a final separation. He will separate the sheep from the goats. God will, continually has been separating, separating, and that's what He's doing tonight. That's what He always does. You can see it in every meeting. He separates faith from unbelief. He speaks out. He declares Himself to those who will believe Him and have faith in Him. It is a total separation. We're not to go back into the world no more, or have anything to do with the world, but cleave only unto God. Jesus is coming after a Bride, a Woman, a Church that's separated from the things of the world, or the cares of the world. She is separated from the fashions of this modern age that we live in. She is separated from the--the cares and the traditions of churches. She is separated only to God, and God is the Word. And as husband and wife is one, so does the Bride and the Word become One, for the Word is living through the Bride. That's how. That's her credentials. That's her identification. It's always a connection with the spoken Word of God, God's promise for the day. And when it comes, it's so unusual till people can hardly grasp it, because we're so sewed into--to forms and ideas of our own, that it's hard for us to grasp what's Truth. A total separation! Jesus said, "I come to separate a man from his wife, tear up a family. And he that won't take up his cross, and follow Me, is not worthy to be called Mine." A separation, from everything, anything; from church, from--from a community, from a belief, or from family, or anything that would stand between you and believing the entire Word of God. If your soul will not punctuate every promise for this hour, with an "amen," there is something wrong somewhere. You need a separation. So Jesus was the Word made flesh, and He was completely separated from sinners, unbelievers, that the Word Itself flowed completely, and--and thoroughly flew through Him, that He said, "I do nothing until I see the Father do it first." They was asking, questioning Him about things. He said, "Verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing." And, watch, everything that He said was perfect. Just, He had not to ask about it, think about it; it was perfect. And His perfect Truth always separated the Truth from error. It's a separation. Always the Word requires total and complete separation, regardless. Jesus said, "Let every man's word be a lie; let Mine be true." All down through the ages, this same thing has happened. It's a separating. Always He Separates His people from the unbelief. He did it at the beginning; He does it same today. Each one of the prophets was separated from unbelief. They, reason they did that, is because the Word of the Lord came to them. And there is a time of separation. There was a time when God separated the light from the darkness. He always does that. There's a time that He separated the land from the earth, or the water. He separated Paul and Barnabas. He separated Moses out of Egypt. See, He is always a separation. And there is times come. People, man who carry these ministries, don't like to do that, but it must be done. See? There is a time that the disciples had to separate themselves from their own people. God called a complete separation, to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do. And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience, to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And, now, He always sets an example, and that was His example, of a complete separation from all of his family, all of his kindreds, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God. He had sent many great signs through the land. He sent them a prophet, showed them signs and wonders, the Pillar of Fire, and all that He had did. And yet, all that He had did, yet they would not repent. They would not come to God. They ignored all of His signs. They ignored His prophet. They ignored the message. They wanted their own way. So God had been fed up with them, so He said, "I'm going to make a separation now between those who do believe and those who do not believe." I think we're living in that time now, where God is making a choice. Man will believe or they won't believe. God, in order to get a man or a woman, boy or girl, to obey Him, you have to separate yourself from all unbelief, that's right, until you totally separate yourself from anything contrary to that Word, and believe It. God calls for a total separation God-Sent, born-again, Holy Ghost filled, Fire-born sons of God, children of Abraham who believe the Word of God to be emphatically the Truth and nothing else but the Truth, rugged, and can stand there upon the promises, in the face of anything, and face it down, that it is the Truth. It's God's Word. All right. Now He said, "Separate yourself from all your kindred, from all your people, everything, and follow Me." God has not changed His way. God is the unchangeable God. The way God does anything, one time, He has to do it the
same way the second time. Remember, when you can see God's action in any time, He said, "He sends His angels to separate them." An angel is coming to bring the separation, the segregation between the right and the wrong. And no one can do that but the Angel of the Lord. He's the One that is going to tell which is right and which is wrong. God said He will send His angels at the last times. Not angels down through here, but angels at the last time, and would gather together. We know that this is the coming harvest time now. Now, an angel is actually interpreted a "messenger." And we see that there is seven angels of the seven churches. They was invited to come over to be a free people, with Him. Come out through the dead sea, the dead sea; the Red Sea, rather, come out through that, to go into a wilderness, to bring a separation between them and the impersonators trying to impersonate it, without circumcision. Usually God let's you get to the last end of the road, the last mile of the way, then He steps in. If you're a seed of Abraham, believe God and hold His promise for healing, for salvation, for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, whatever it is, whatever the enemy is; God let's you get sometime right to the end of the road. And it looks worse than it ever did. The doctor said, "There's not a chance." But you're the seed of Abraham, with a promise that you shall possess the gate of every enemy. God will always keep His promises. Although Moses had failed Him and had done that which was wrong, yet God kept His covenant. When God calls a man to do something, he must do it, just got to do it. If God's called you, He'll place you just exactly where you belong." Usually, those who seek and try to get things, if God would give them something, they'd, more or less, be a stuffed shirt. Usually the man that God calls is the man that's trying to run from Him, if anything; Moses and Paul, and different ones tried to get away from the call. But we find here that God in spite of all the failure that Moses had done, He still had His hand on him. And He called him to go, do His service, calling him to his commission. And what a consolation that must've been to Joshua, when he heard God say, "As I was with Moses, so will I be with you." Although if I'm trying and I fail, God won't leave me. I don't have much confidence in anybody that's too afraid to do anything. I'd rather be found a failure than too lazy to try. God doesn't hold you responsible for your mistakes. He holds you responsible for your will-full sin. But a man that's going to do something is going to blunder; he's going to fall. He's going to make mistakes. But if he's really divinely called and God in his heart, he'll rise again.
Humble Thyself
I wouldn't ask any person to--to make a step in God, that I hadn't already made and know that it's the truth. First, it must be the Word of the Lord, then I must step and see if it's right. And then if it's right, then I can say, "Come on up this way." See, its making the way. And now, I think any minister ought to do that, ought to first go himself. He's supposed to be a leader, a leader of people, not speak something that he wouldn't put his hand on himself. We should go and be leaders of the people. The people that I have tried to tell the--this Gospel truth to, and they turn their back on it, and walk away and laugh at It... Now, to me, that seems like it's an insult. I don't care, to me; but to the things that I've been saying It's the truth trying to help them... Like shoving out a boat, and say, "Here, here it is, cross over. Here, get out of that swelling stream; you're going to die. You, you're going to perish there." And they just laugh at you, and walk away. Well, to me it feels like if they walk away, there's nothing more I can do about it (See?), that I can do.
But I want to run down the bank now and persuade them, "Come on back." See, I've got to have that feeling 'cause I know there's somebody out there that hasn't come in yet. And I'm- going to fish till...the last fish is. Now, I'm looking for something to happen, to start that Third Pull into The Lord Jesus will be coming one of these days. And, you know, I think it'll be so sudden and so--so sweet, until there'll be one hundred per--one hundredth of one hundred percent of the whole world will never know when that rapture takes place. It'll just go so quietly that nobody would know nothing about it.
Across the nation will come, those who are dead in Christ will rise first. The rapture will take place; the Church will be taken home. "Sir, I got my ticket in my hand. It's already punched. And when I come down to the river that morning, I don't want no trouble." Just keep praying, keep digging. Yeah, don't stop. Just like when Elijah told them, said, "Dig ditches out there." When you get down and hear an old tin can say, I'm too tired," throw it out of the way and keep digging. See? Just keep digging, 'cause we've got to dig. We've just got to dig; that's all. 'Cause if you--if you expect to miss the tribulation, you better start digging. And now, for myself, I'm preaching to myself there. I'm going to start digging deeper than I ever dug. Because I feel like, that in the nation and around the world, that this ministry will again, as it's known now about everywhere over the world. I must go again. You think about this, but what about that soul? I want somebody who knows where they're at and knows the road, who's traveled it. Yes, indeed. Now, we look at this watch to find out what time it is. Unless that every instrument in that watch is coordinating one with the other, we'll never know the correct time. Is that right? And that takes all of us, all together, if we want to see the Third Pull really do something for God, and coordination with every one of us together to humble ourselves before God and confess our wrong, and pray, and believe God for these things. God will never put His Spirit in an unholy, unrighteous, disobedient temple. No, It's got to come in the-way of the cleansing of our hearts from all guile and iniquity, that we might be pure before God, that He might work His pure Holy Spirit through us to bring these things to pass. And I've always found out that the man that humbles himself is the man that God exalts. When you take a person with his chest out, knows everything, and you can't tell him nothing, and he is arrogant, and--and, well, that-that's the person that never gets anywhere. But you take that person that humbles themselves and walks sweetly. Above all things, it's our individual souls that we're responsible before God. See, it's you going to heaven. It isn't whether I go, or he goes. It's you going and you first. And you've got to look this out and come sweet before the Lord. Not some big know-it-all's coming in, going to put this in order, and this has to be this way, and cutting things around." I said, "It'll never work. You've just got to..."That's it, every piece in the church must work together, and you must keep up your part of it. So we see what time we're living in. We may be closer than we think we are. So just remember, that your part may be the mainspring, or it may be the little--some little hand, or some little part, or the winding stem, whatever it may be, or it may be the hands on the face of the clock that tells the time. But whatever it is, it takes us all working together in harmony with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bring this to pass. The main thing is, love God and humble yourself with it. Now, surely, after all these years on the field and around the world, and seeing different people, I ought to know a little bit about the gate to enter in at. And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody's done, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God's in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See? Just pray for them and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another. And be humble with God and around one another, and God will bless it, and it's hard telling what He will do. Usually when a church begins to get in numbers and get to getting a little bigger, or something like that, then they get away from the real thing. If the thing's working together, it's telling the time. But if it isn't working, then time is stopped; it won't tell the time no more. So if we want to know what time we're living, just start everybody working together in the Gospel, loving one another, loving God, and the hands itself will tell the time what we're living in. You believe that? Surely. Amen. The Lord bless you, real richly.
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Psa 45:1
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the King: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. My heart. There is no writing like that dictated by the heart. Heartless hymns are insults to heaven. Is inditing a good matter. A good heart will only be content with good thoughts. Where the fountain is good good streams will flow forth. The learned tell us that the word may be read over-floweth, or as others, boileth or bubbleth up, denoting the warmth of the writer's love, the fulness of his heart, and the consequent richness and glory of his utterance, as though it were the ebullition of his inmost soul, when most full of affection. We have here no single cold expression; the writer is not one who frigidly studies the elegancies and proprieties of poetry, his stanzas are the natural outburst of his soul, comparable to the boiling jets of the geysers of Hecla. As the corn offered in sacrifice was parched in the pan, so is this tribute of love hot with sincere devotion. It is a sad thing when the heart is cold with a good matter, and worse when it is warm with a bad matter, but incomparably well when a warm heart and a good matter meet together. O that we may often offer to God an acceptable minchah, a sweet oblation fresh from the pen of hearts warmed with gratitude and admiration. I speak of the things which I have made touching the King. This song has the King for its only subject, and for the King's honour alone was it composed, well might its writer call it a good matter. The Psalmist did not write carelessly; he calls his poem his works, or things which he had made. We are not to offer to the Lord that which cost us nothing. Good material deserves good workmanship. We should well digest in our heart's affections and our mind's meditations any discourse or poem in which we speak of one so great and glorious as our Royal Lord. As our version reads it, the Psalmist wrote experimentally things which he had made his own, and personally tasted and handled concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer, not so much for rapidity, for there the tongue always has the preference, but for exactness, elaboration, deliberation, and skilfulness of expression. Seldom are the excited utterances of the mouth equal in real weight and accuracy to the verba scripta of a thoughtful accomplished penman; but here the writer, though filled with enthusiasm, speaks as correctly as a practised writer; his utterances therefore are no ephemeral sentences, but such as fall from men who sit down calmly to write for eternity. It is not always that the best of men are in such a key, and when they are they should not restrain the gush of their hallowed feelings. Such a condition of heart in a gifted mind creates that auspicious hour in which poetry pours forth her tuneful numbers to enrich the service of song in the house of the Lord. Psa 45:1 Enditing - Heb. boileth, or bubbleth up like water over the fire. This denotes that the workings of his heart, were fervent and vehement, kindled by God's grace, and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Made - Have composed. Pen - He was only the pen or instrument in uttering this song; it was the spirit of God, by whose hand this pen was guided.
/ shoshan / shoshannah
shushan shoshan shoshan shoshannah shoo-shan' (2,3) sho-shawn' sho-shan-naw' From H7797; a lily (from its whiteness), as a flower or architectural ornament; also a (straight) trumpet (from the tubular shape): - lily, Shoshannim
those that shall be changed
Shoshannim (plural.) Titles of Psalm 45; Psalm 69; Psalm 80. The "upon" expresses the object of the psalm. In Psalm 60 the singular SHUSHAN occurs. Shoshannim means "lilies," i.e. beautiful virgins. The beauty of the innocent, pure, lily like "virgins" (Psa_45:9; Psa_45:14) is spiritual; for the other psalms of the authors of Psalm 45, namely, "the sons of Korah," are all spiritual. In Psalm 80 SHOSHANNIM EDUTH is the "testimony" (Psa_78:5; Psa_81:5) which points out the lovely ("lily like") salvation of the Lord. Hence, thrice is repeated "we shall be saved," Psa_80:3; Psa_80:6; Psa_80:19, and Psa_80:2, "save us." The lily is the enigmatic expression for loveliness. David delighted in enigmatic titles. SHUSHAN EDUTH (Psalm 60) is "the lily of testimony"; God's promise (Genesis 49; Deuteronomy 33; Num_24:17-19) of Canaan to Israel (Num_24:6) is His lovely testimony, of which the assurance was already given in a partial deliverance (Num_24:4-5).
H5329 natsach
1) to excel, be bright, be preeminent, be perpetual, be overseer, be enduring 1a) (Niphal) enduring (participle) 1b) (Piel) to act as overseer or superintendent or director or chief naw-tsakh' A primitive root; properly to glitter from afar, that is, to be eminent (as a superintendent, especially of the Temple services and its music); also (as denominative from H5331), to be permanent: - excel, chief musician (singer), oversee (-r), set forward. From H7919; instructive, that is, a didactic poem: - Maschil. 1) (Hiphil) poem, song or poem of contemplation noun masculine et 1) stylus 1a) iron stylus with diamond tip used to write on stone or metal 1b) reed pen used on a roll H5608 saphar saw-far' A primitive root; properly to score with a mark that is, celebrate: - commune, (ac-) count, declare, number, + penknife, reckon, scribe, shew forth, speak, talk, tell (out), writer. 1) to count, recount, relate (verb)as a tally or record, that is, (by implication) to inscribe, and also to enumerate; intensively to recount, 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to count (things) 1a2) to number, take account of, reckon
1b) (Niphal) to be counted, be numbered 1c) (Piel) to recount, rehearse, declare 1c1) to recount (something), rehearse 1c2) to talk 1c3) to count exactly or accurately 1d) (Pual) to be recounted, be rehearsed, be related 2) enumerator, muster-officer, secretary, scribe (noun masculine) 2a) enumerator, muster-officer, secretary 2b) learned man, scribe law-shone', law-shone', lesh-o-naw' lashon lashon leshonah From H3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): - + babbler, bay, + evil speaker, language, talker, tongue, wedge.
Gen 32:24 And JacobH3290 was leftH3498 alone;H905 and there wrestledH79 a manH376 withH5973 him untilH5704 the breakingH5927 of the day.H7837 Gen 32:25 And when he sawH7200 thatH3588 he prevailedH3201 notH3808 against him, he touchedH5060 the hollowH3709 of his thigh;H3409 and the hollowH3709 of Jacob'sH3290 thighH3409 was out of joint,H3363 as he wrestledH79 withH5973 him. Gen 32:26 And he said,H559 Let me go,H7971 forH3588 the dayH7837 breaketh.H5927 And he said,H559 I will notH3808 let thee go,H7971 exceptH3588 H518 thou blessH1288 me. Gen 32:27 And he saidH559 untoH413 him, WhatH4100 is thy name?H8034 And he said,H559 Jacob.H3290 Gen 32:28 And he said,H559 Thy nameH8034 shall be calledH559 noH3808 moreH5750 Jacob,H3290 butH3588 H518 Israel:H3478 forH3588 as a prince hast thou powerH8280 withH5973 GodH430 and withH5973 men,H376 and hast prevailed.H3201 Gen 32:29 And JacobH3290 askedH7592 him, and said,H559 TellH5046 me, I pray thee,H4994 thy name.H8034 And he said,H559 WhereforeH4100 is itH2088 that thou dost askH7592 after my name?H8034 And he blessedH1288 him there.H8033 Gen 32:30 And JacobH3290 calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the placeH4725 Peniel:H6439 forH3588 I have seenH7200 GodH430 faceH6440 toH413 face,H6440 and my lifeH5315 is preserved.H5337 Gen 32:31 And asH834 he passed Gen 32:30 Peniel - That is, the face of God, because there he had seen the appearance of God, and obtained the favour of God. overH5674 (H853) PenuelH6439 the sunH8121 roseH2224 upon him, and heH1931 haltedH6760 uponH5921 his thigh.H3409
H6439 penu'el peny'el pen-oo-ale', pen-ee-ale' From H6437 and H410; face of God; Penuel or Peniel = facing God
I Am He Self Existing 555 Self Existing Child 555 Self Existing Halo 555 Self-Existing Oil 555
The Oddball
You know, there's so many things today that people become oddballs, we call it. And that expression, if anyone that's ever heard it, it means somebody that's peculiar, somebody that's odd to another fellow. And no doubt but what many of us are odd one to another. They're already threaded for it. But while the world is being threaded for a nut, there's a people called the Bride; it's threaded too. And just as sure as I'm standing here, God will send them a nut that'll pull the Bride out of this chaos into the Presence of God. It'll be a Word-threaded nut.
God hiding behind the skin of a man..." When God was manifested in the world, He was hiding behind a Veil, behind a skin of a Man called Jesus. He was veiled and hiding behind the skin of a man called Moses, and they were gods, not gods, but they were God, the one God, just changing His mask, doing the same thing each time, bringing this Word. See, God made it that way. He knows that man's got to see something. So people are not all made, you're not born in that way to break out into that supernatural, but God set some on the earth to represent Him as an ambassador from Him. And that ambassador is ordained of God to go into the great, unknown supernatural, and discern, and bring out things that the natural mind cannot perceive it. It brings out the mystery of God, foretells things that is, and things that has been, and things that will be. What is it? God, God behind skins, human skin. Exactly right. It'll take a nut to wrap that Bride out of here as the Bride and the Bridegroom are one, and the... God is One, and the Word is God. It'll have to be threaded with the Word. One, Jesus, Who was the Fullness of God, the Fullness of the Godhead bodily, that He laid down His precious Life, not taken from Him but willfully laid it down, that we might enjoy Him in the fullness of His Presence in the Shekinah glory that He lived in, that our souls might be sanctified with that Blood, that the great Holy Spirit Itself could live in us. And we become teachers, prophets, and so forth to the people, to those, Lord, who are needy: gifts of God, God, Himself, manifesting, glowing out the great gifts of God in the presence of this modern day. A man who comes forth with the Word is considered a nut, an insane person. Lord, of being a nut... And we know that in this day that it takes sometime when the world gets in a rut like the church is today, As the great apostle Paul, who was trained to be a theologian, a priest, and yet he said he become a fool for the glory of God. people setting here that's considered crazy, because that they're ready to trust God for their healing, for their eternal destination, placing their reputation at stake in worship to Him, God is a great Diamond, the Eternal. And when a diamond is brought out of the blue stones -of Africa. And I liken God to that diamond. Now, a diamond is cut so that it will reflect what's on the inside of it, the fire that's in the Diamond. And it has to be cut to every little way, every little shape, three points. Put the three points to a diamond, and a light against a three point object will give seven colors- makes seven colors. And now notice, God was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities. was cut, bruised, that great Diamond, that from Him might reflect the gifts to the Church. And the light must return back when the sun's off of it to where it has been cut from. But every little piece that comes from that chipping is not destroyed; it's put to use. Many of them are made to victrola needles. And those needles that's been chipped from the diamond--bring forth music that's been canned into a record. I hope you see what I mean. The chip from Christ, the gift from Christ, put upon the Bible speaks out the hidden mysteries of God to the believer. He knows the secret of the heart. He knows every person. Do you believe that? It would not be the diamond saying, "You see what I am"; it's what he come from. The diamond is a diamond, because he's off of a diamond. And that's the way the gifts of the Spirit is to the person; it's a part of that Diamond. It's sent, and been brought down, and brought in to a gift to interpret, to preach, to teach. That's exactly with the Word. Not that the man is God, but that the gift is God -and that's the needle. Now, a pin won't play that record right. but a diamond, it's the best. It brings it out clear, a diamond pointed needle. Your record of life, whatever that's wrong with you, whatever that you're desiring from God, may the great Master Who holds the needle in His hand, may He put it upon your life and reveal to us what you're here for, what you want; then we'll know that He's here. .
Gods Provided Place of Worship 65-0425 And that's what's the matter with the church today. We're full of theology, without any dynamics in it. That's right. See? In other words, you've got to have the spark to the gasoline, or the gasoline is no more than... It's not even as good as water, as long as it hasn't got the spark to fire it. So that's the way. No matter how well we're taught, how well we'll believe, and how much of the Bible that we say is true, and we believe it all true; it's got to be the--the dynamics has got to be there, the spark, to set that Word afire and make it start rolling. It's got to have that. If you don't, the church sets still, the car sets still, you'll set still. But no matter how much you say, "I sympathize. I believe every Word of That." You've got to have something to spark that off to make that one hundred octane go to firing, and the big Church of God go to moving on. It's got to take the dynamics with the mechanics. Nothing wrong with the mechanics, but lacking dynamics. And I think that's what's the matter with the church today; we're lacking that dynamical power to press this Word and make It live for this day. Rising of the Sun 65-0418 That's the running power, the gasoline, because in it is the octane. But now, when you're going to start them, although both of them look just alike, but there's one of them don't have any spark, any firing power.
"Well," you say, "the power is in the gasoline, Brother Branham." But I don't care how much power is in the gasoline, unless there's a spark there to manifest that power, less there's a power there to confirm that that's gasoline, it just might as well be water. Until... No matter how much theologians claim, how well you got your church set, how much education you got, how much like the Bible, until that wave Sheaf, until the Holy Spirit comes upon that person to quicken that Word (The gasoline represents the Word; It's the Truth.); but without the Spirit it won't move. We've put too much stress on the mechanics and nothing on the dynamics. It needs the dynamic power of God, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ upon the church to manifest and to bring to pass that this is gasoline. It might be in a gasoline can; it could still be water. See? But the only proof of it is put the Life on it, and it'll prove whether it's gasoline or not. And when you try to put the Holy Spirit in a denomination, you're as much as trying... You can get a splutter; you'll ruin your engine by getting it full of carbon. But oh, I'm so glad that there is a ten thousand octane power, the Word of God and the Holy Ghost to light It up and to resurrect the power of God into a man's life, or a woman's life, or into a church, that shoved that Cadillac down the road yonder under dynamic power of the Holy Ghost, which came back and was waved over the people at the day of Pentecost, making Him the same yesterday, today, and forever. There was the first Sheaf come up from all the prophets which was the Son of God, the King of all prophets. There has been churches, churches, brides, brides, churches, brides, brides, but there's got to come One. Hallelujah. There has to come a real Bride. There must come One that's not only got the mechanics, but the Dynamics of It, makes that church live, move in the power of His resurrection. Until we come to that place, until we find that place, what good does it do to polish the hubs? What good does it do to give her a facelift or a simonize job, when there's no Dynamics in it? No matter how much the mechanics prove to be right, there's got to be a Dynamics to make it work. That's what He proved. Hallelujah. That's what Easter proved. He wasn't only the Word, but He was God Himself, the Dynamics in the Word, that made the body of Jesus Christ, cold, stiff, and dead in the grave, shake into Life and rise again, and roll away the stone. "I am He that was dead," so dead till the sun said He was dead; the moon said He was dead; the stars said He was dead; all nature said He was dead. And now, the whole world has to recognize that He's alive again. He was not only the Mechanics (God's Word), He was the Dynamics to prove It. And if He, being the Groom, the Bride has to come forth, 'cause It's part of Him. And It can only be the manifestation of the fulfilling of all of revelations and the others that spoke of the Bride. And It can only manifest... And if it does something different from the Groom, it isn't the Bride, because She's flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone, Life of His Life, power of His power. She is Him. As man and woman are one, and woman taken from his side, She has taken His Spirit (the feminish Spirit from Him), the flesh from His side, made both mechanics and Dynamics, the Wife--the Spirit of Him and the flesh of Him and put it together and made mechanics and Dynamics. Until the church or the people... All these Easter bunnies, and ceremonies, and big churches, and finery will fail and pass away, until that church becomes both Dynamics and Mechanics, and the Spirit of God that moved Him to do the things that He did, if He hit on sixteen cylinders, so will the Bride. Amen. For He said in John 14:12, "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, I'll give him a charge of My Dynamics in his mechanics, that the world will not be able to withstand it, and I'll raise him up again at the last day." That's the Easter message: the Dynamics and the mechanics together. The mechanics without the Dynamics, no good; neither is the Dynamics without the mechanics. You can scream and shout and jump up and down all you want to, and deny this Word; it won't do any good. You're just cranking around the--the pistons of--got spark there to fire, but no gasoline to fire it by. It'll only work as they come together. Amen. So one will set still and the other one will go up; that's the only thing there is to it. Yet they both might look like, both claim to be churches, both claim to be brides, but one has mechanics and Dynamics. It brings it to pass. But what He said is the Truth. It just won't move, no matter how good the mechanics is, until the Dynamics come. When the Dynamics come, that Fire is made to connect with that octane in the gasoline. And when that explodes it, it causes a combustion, and that combustion moves every motion, every move, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That's the resurrection; that's the real power of God: mechanics with the
Notice. It's the Spirit that quickens; It's the--it's the spark that fires. It's not the gas that fires; it's the spark that fires the gas. See? "You can do nothing without Me, but with Me you can do all things. As (He is the Word; It's the Father living) Father sent Me, so send I you. As the Father has fired Me and pushed Me into everything, I do only that which is pleasing to God. Now, as He sent Me, so send I you with this same mechanics. And it takes the same Dynamics to operate it. And these signs shall follow them that claim to have the mechanics. The Dynamics will take its place." Paul said, "The Gospel came to us not in word only (through gasoline only), but through spark also to make It move." There you are. It came to us in that manner. It's the same Spirit that raised Him up that quickened the true believer to Eternal Life. Now, remember, potentially now, watch (as we are getting out of our time). Notice, the same Spirit... Now, Romans 8:1... Now, let's just read that again in Romans 8:1, and we'll see what that says. All right. And not Romans--I mean 8:11, I'm sorry: in Romans 8:11 now... But if... (There's the problem; there's this catch.) But if the Spirit of him... (God, the Holy Spirit)... that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you,... Now, there you are: if the Bridegroom's Spirit dwells in the Bride. Now, look - You who were once separated from the Spirit of God at times end, being sealed outside Eternity, who were given up as the total lost, of which it was declared to be impossible for you to be saved, who were cut off by your own unbelief, having trespassed beyond the reaches of the Spirit of God into the outer trails of the Sea of Forgetfulness, dwelling in a darkness made pressing, as the heavy weight of rejected memories and unwanted life records, which lived as your companions - You has He quickened to their meanings by the Soul of the Lord, who hath come as one exiled- so that the exiled might return with great Jubilee. He has done this by the shed blood of His Son, whom He has given the reins of the Spirit of God, even the power to raise the dead who were separated from Eternity. And if the light from Eternity down swells into your mortal bodies It also quickens and brings to Life whatsoever soul or spirit it enlightens and makes it subject to the Word. It will quicken your mortal bodies to the Word. Sure It will. You can't run without It. You'll just sputter if you don't believe all of It. If you have part gasoline and part water, you aint going to go nowhere. See? You've got to take it one hundred percent gasoline. If you don't, you're backfiring; you ain't got no power. See? "But I'll... I believe this, but I don't believe that." Pump-pump-pump-pump. You ain't going nowhere. But, oh, when you take the fullness, let it light up on that. Every Word is Truth.
And who can tame that devil? God. We can't do it by denomination. We can't do it by ecclesiastical forces. But there was a Voice one time that did it (Amen.), that tamed them devils, put them in their right mind and put clothes on them. That same Voice give us a promise, "The works that I do shall you do also." You'll never do it under ecclesiastical gasoline in a carbon-struck car. You'll never do it in a organization. You'll do it when you empty up and become weak, pour out all yourself, and let the Holy Ghost come in and flood over every part of you, saturate every lid of your body. That's the only do it. We don't need any organization.
An Absolute 63-1201 He is the Dynamics of the mechanics of the ministry of all Apostles to set the 7 Universe Dimensions in order, revealing all the prophets as the Poet, elucidating simply the most effectual point of the teachers, Sheppard of the Pastors, and acting out in His most heroic of roles in the entire capacity of all the Power that He can at one time use to prove Himself vindicated before all. He's the Deity-named- One Sovereign Israel, who works that thought of Love carried from Eternity to the end of the earth throughout all worlds of space, gracing out of the Word of Thot-Enoch into Time, mercifully bringing into physical eternality the entire possibilities of every single creatures combined and co-created designs - from blue-print to reality . And it's worked by a certain dynamic, which is called the North Star, in the heart of Earth Israel. The Creator Himself is the Fire that ignites the spark off the Hydrogen, the Nitrogen and the Oxygen in the capstone of the Pyramid heart of zion Holography Lazarus Projections, to fuse together as one new star element a new Sun-exciting the gasses Into the Creation of an element that unites every dimension - Nitro-hydroxy-genes-Isis-zeight. He's the Fire that's in the combine threshing Zions memory chambers to ignite the furnace and turn the gears and wheels of Gods Projector- the revealed Word is poured over that compressed equation causing it to bust in out upon the people gathered before the great mind chamber Canvas of the Creator, the One that sets the Earth afire with worship. He's the One that confirms it with power. He is the power of the resurrection. He is God. He's--He's the Fire; that's what He is.
The Beginning