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The Essene Religion

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Olivier Manitara

Its Foundations, Its Culture, Its Villages
ISBN: 978-2-89724-379-1

Originally published in French under the title

La religion essénienne
by Olivier Manitara, Quebec, Canada.
© Copyright Olivier Manitara, 2014.

English translation © 2015 by Essenia Books Publishing.

All rights reserved for the world
(texts, drawings, diagrams, logos, layout, concept).

Essenia Books Publishing

345 Brochu Road, Cookshire-Eaton, Quebec, Canada J0B 1M0
[email protected]

Printed in the Essene Village of the Maple Tree.

Realized by the Order of Hierogrammates.

Note from the Hierogrammates................................................... 5
Introduction.................................................................................. 9

One God, One Religion, One Nation, One Earth..................... 17

What Is the Essene Religion?....................................................... 27
What Is an Essene?....................................................................... 45
Why Do the Essenes Gather in Villages?.................................... 63
Words of God for the Essene Villages......................................... 71

For More Information About the Essenes . . ............................. 111

Take Part in the Essene Work...................................................... 115
At the Essene Boutique . . ..........................................................125
Published by Essenia Publishing.................................................. 127
Note from
the Hierogrammates

F riend reader,
The books of the Essene wisdom are for you.
How do we know? They are simply for all beings.
The Essene wisdom is beyond fashion and cultures.
It is the source from which all traditions, religions and
philosophies are born, it is the current that connects them.
This teaching is addressed to the members of any
religious movement as well as to the spiritualists and
scientists who want to get closer to God through the study
of divine wisdom or who aspire to understand the great
laws of the visible or invisible universe. It is destined for
all men and women who want to know and understand
themselves, understand the world that surrounds us, to
protect themselves from the empty information that is
transmitted to us and be able to consciously choose the
world they want to live in by saying no to certain realities.
Regardless of your religion and your beliefs, regardless
of where you are in your life, these books are really aimed
at you, because they illuminate the world with the light of

The Essene Religion

an intelligence that does not belong to any current as such,

except for that of the Light. The Light illuminates all beings
because it is the great truth from which all the points of
view that are presently found have emerged. This knowledge
is reintroduced to humanity through the framework of a
manifestation of beings who are the 4 great forces of life
on earth: the divine beings of air and spring, of earth and
summer, of fire and fall, of water and winter. Since the
autumn of 2003, at the beginning of each season, they give
the teachings that are the revelation for our time, coming
from the origin of all manifestations of life.
Whatever one’s environment and living conditions, a
human being is a human being. Everyone’s origin is unique
and what we live during and after our passage on earth is
subject to universal laws. These books will let you discover
these great laws that humanity has lost much of over the
centuries, as well as ways to implement them in our modern
Olivier Manitara is a pastor of the Christian Essene
Church, a seeker, a man who tries to more deeply understand
the worlds that surround us. So, he meditates, studies and
works on himself to be able to capture a higher truth. It is to
establish an intimate relationship, founded on the love of the
divine and of knowledge, that a familiar form has been often

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

adopted. With this form, you can feel the friendship and
respect that can be shared by genuine seekers who support
each other on a path of Light, learning and enlightenment.
Each month, his teachings are collected and archived by
the hierogrammates as fragments of wisdom, as a treasure
for humanity and for the future generations.
“Hierogrammate” comes from the Greek words hieros
and grammatik, which mean “sacred” and “art of reading and
writing.” Heirs of the secret science of the ancient scribes of
Egypt, the hierogrammates have the task of collecting the
words, writings, drawings, movements, ceremonies, dances
and sacred chants of the Essene religion,1 formatting them,
archiving them and circulating them worldwide.2
One can have access to the rituals, the initiations, a more
practical and in-depth knowledge of this teaching in the
study circles and the houses of God.

1 - Religion is the link of life that unites man to the divine world, allowing him to
know and to weave good relations with the others and all the kingdoms of nature.
The religion of the Light or Essene religion does not belong to any people, to any
religion of the world of men. It is only divine. It is the higher intelligence that allows
guiding men into wisdom and true royalty.

2 - For information on the Order of Hierogrammates, visit www.hierogrammates.org.


The Essene Religion

T his text is intended to make the practice of the

Essene religion better known and also to lay
down its foundations. It is directed towards
establishing communication with the outside world, with
the non-Essenes who aspire to understand certain aspects
of the Essene culture and tradition.
In the following chapters, I will try to be as clear as
possible in order to transmit the validity and legitimacy of
the Essene Nation the best that I can.
I speak to the men of heart, to those who love
righteousness, justice, order and peace.
Sometimes I use the term “we,” for I speak on behalf of
the Supreme Council of the Essene Nation and therefore
the Essenes.

An Ancient Tradition
Asking to Be Recognized

Essenism is a very ancient mother culture, which has

gone through the ages. Not only has it has traveled through
time, but it is and has always been the foundation for the
appearance of a new civilization. Historically, our tradition
is a people that gives birth to peoples and always makes a

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

new way of being in the world appear. So, for an Essene,

no cultures, no peoples are foreign.
The modern era is special in this that it is oriented
towards a globalization and unification of the worlds.
There is a trend towards the emergence of a single thought
under the domination of the materialistic technology.
This essentially technological future destroys nature; the
environment; the ancient traditions and their savoir-faire
are disappearing, the first peoples are dying out.
There are many men of heart who, becoming aware of
this state of affairs, are trying to save what can be. I note
here the honourable actions of UNESCO with its project
of Living Human Treasures and the United Nations with
the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The Essenes are also seeking to save their tradition,
their customs, their way of being in the world.
We are not against technology or the modern world,
but we want this world to be mastered, balanced and that
it does not stop us from living according to the convictions
of our souls, our hearts and our free will.
The weakness of the Essene tradition is that it is not
recognized in the world of men because it is a minority
and that there are ideological and political issues.

The Essene Religion

All religions, all ethnic minorities have been persecuted

by the powerful of this world.
Animism has not been recognized as a religion, for
the majority religions wanted to absorb it and convert the
Another difficulty for the Essenes is that they are a
landless people, a wandering population, in the image of
the Jews before a land was granted to them.
Before, a people did not need to be recognized to be;
they existed and this was enough.
Today, to exist, one must be registered and recognized,
identified by the governments in place.
Through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
or the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
the UN wanted to legalize the existence of minority peoples
and religions.
To give a legal framework is to control, it is also to
absorb, to integrate in order to globalize the world.
We also, the Essenes, ask for the recognition of the
United Nations and the protection of the law.
We are a religion.
We are a people in all peoples, a people of soul and

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

We are a peaceful people, a people of priests and

priestesses dedicated to the service of the worship of God
the Father and the Mother and their Angels.
Our land is our villages, which are for us our holy land,
where we will make the body of God appear, that is, our
way of life.
Our religion is love, respect, tolerance.
We venerate wisdom and the light of knowledge.

One Heaven, One Earth, One Language

It is obvious that the Essenes, being a religion, a culture,

a nation in all peoples, do not put the same meaning, the
same soul, the same energy in certain words that we use
and that we all share.
An Englishman will say love. An Italian, amore. An
Occitan, amor.
An Essene recognizes all languages and can use them,
but he also knows that if the appearance is different, the
meaning is also different. Each people has their language,
their heaven, their land, and it is the same for the Essenes.
Our heaven is that of Archangel Gabriel. Our earth is
the holy land of our Essene Villages.
Our language is that of the Angels.

The Essene Religion

In this way, a materialist, a Buddhist or a Christian will

not put the same meaning, the same soul, the same energy
into the word “love” and it is the same for an Essene.
An Essene must study all languages, and in this he is
peace-loving, but he possesses his own language, which is
the hidden, angelic meaning of the word.
This example of the language that the Essenes speak
is very revealing of what we are: a religion hidden in all
the religions, a people in all the peoples, a land in all the

A Culture of Openness
Towards Others

Our religion, our tradition do not absolutely cultivate

sectarianism in the sense of isolation. Our culture pushes
us towards the other, towards he who thinks differently and
towards open mindedness. We do not cultivate fanaticism,
this is contrary to the Essene philosophy.
Our religion is peace, the search for harmony, beauty
and prosperity.
We recognize the value of the human individuality,
we love individual freedom, individual fulfillment and we
encourage creativity.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

The awakening of individual consciousness is our

education, and we seek the “Common Good,” because
for us, it is one of the Names of God, which has to be
In all things, we search to bring blessing and healing.
We respect the law of the countries that receive us
and we recognize the Declaration of Human Rights of the
United Nations as a good attempt at peace and dialogue
between the peoples and religions.
We are ourselves a sovereign people in all peoples, a
religion of God and a special way of being in the world.
We recognize all the other religions, beliefs and other
ways of being in the world as being part of the richness and
beauty of the diversity of the world and of humanity.
Being part of the earth and of humanity, the Essene
Nation wants to take part in beautifying the lives of the
beings by its special contribution.
We do not proclaim that the Essene Nation, our culture,
our religion, our worship, our way of being in the world are
better than another nation, culture, religion or another way
of being.
We do not try to convert the others, to impose our
convictions, to indoctrinate, for such practices are contrary
to our beliefs and our customs.

The Essene Religion

We believe in the awakening of consciousness and

individual freedom.
We believe in love and the deep conviction of an
Our teaching thus seeks to awaken consciousness and
inner freedom.
We believe in the values of the tradition of the sages
of our nation and in educating towards autonomy. That is
why we do not impose our ideas or our way of being.
We ask only not to be insulted and not to be subjected
to discrimination on the part of the powerful of this world.
We ask to be free to practice our religion, our worships,
and to preserve our tradition and our way of being in the

One God, One Religion,
One Nation, One Earth

O ne God, one religion, one nation, one earth:

these are sacred words that each Essene
carries in his heart.

God is the source of good.

God and the living nature are one.
Everything is divine, everything is sacred.
God is free, sovereign.
God is everything that is good, just, noble and dignified.
God is honoured in the mysteries of the 7 days.
God appears on the seventh day.

1st day - The feet, the soul of life, 7 years of age, entering
the Round of Archangels.
2nd day - The knees, the soul of feelings, 14 years of age,
entering the study circles of the massalas.
3rd day - The sex and the abdomen, the soul of thought,
21 years of age, going deeper into the study circles of the

The Essene Religion

4th day - The heart (breathing), the soul of consciousness,

28 years of age, initiation, individualization, the Essene
5th day - The neck (speech), the soul of destiny, 35 years
of age, the commitment to carry an Angel-virtue in the
Round of Archangels, becoming a father-mother in the
Essene Nation and humanity.
6th day - The head, the immortal soul, 42 years of age,
living in the Essene villages-monasteries, or building there
the house of an Angel.
7th day - The sacred invisible worlds, the divine origin,
49 years of age, the garden of Light in the heart of the
Essene villages-monasteries.

These 7 days of the Creation and of the covenant

with God are very important in the practice of the Essene

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

For the Essene, the covenant with God and therefore

the practice of the Essene religion pass by the creation of a
subtle body through the physical body of man. This body is
generated both by the Essene himself, throughout his life,
and by the community, the Nation. It is an individual and
collective work.

The Path of the 7 Days of an Essene

The Essene must:

1) participate in the Round of Archangels and support
its practice; this is the beginning of the creation of the body
of God in him and in the Nation;
2 and 3) participate in the activities of the massalas and
practice the 4 fundamentals: study; devotion to the light
of inner knowledge; rites; participation in the work of the
nation and of the religion of God;
4) enter into the knowledge of his self, the mastery
of his instrument and the conversation with his Angel,
individualize and become free, awaken his consciousness,
his inner life and find his true eternal being;
5) take a sacred vow in front of God, humanity and the
earth and become responsible;

The Essene Religion

6) support the life of the Essene villages-monasteries

and if possible, live in one of them;
7) pass the initiation of the garden of the Light and
support the Garden as the presence of God on earth.

Then God appears again in the garden of silence and

of the Light. It is the sanctuary of God. God must live
in this garden for the good of all beings and the future
generations. In this way when a child is born on earth, the
garden of the sages is present and his whole life path is
drawn in the Light. Whatever the path that this newborn
will take, the blessing of the elders is upon him.
This is how the Essenes interpret the words of Jesus,
one of our elders: “Whoever wants to follow me has to
carry his cross.”
This cross is the path of the 7 days, drawn by God
Himself and honoured by the Essenes:
- a horizontal path, the community of love for the earth
and for humanity;
- a vertical path, the free and creative individuality.

The Essene Religion

Living with God

in the Reality of the Earth

For the Essenes, God, the Father-Mother, the Nameless,

the Common Good, is original, timeless, eternal. He is.
We want to live with God, not only through adoration,
but in a concrete way, in the reality of the earth and of
daily life.
For the Essene, there is no separation between God,
His religion, His science, His justice, His economy and
daily life.

One God, One Religion,

One Nation, One Earth

The Essene religion recognizes all the ancient religions

revealed by God and first and foremost it is animist and
esoteric. The first religion of God was that of the mysteries
and also that of the living nature.
For the Essene, daily life is alive, economy is alive, the
social climate is alive, science, culture, government are alive,
religion is alive, and God is the great Living One. To live
with God, to live for God is to live in harmony with Him
in all these activities.

The Essene Religion

The Essene religion recognizes the attempts of humanity

to seek to live better. Even if it is from the origin, it is
modern and lives with its time. We say that any attempt to
live outside of God, to practice a dead religion, a science
without God, a justice without God, a society without God,
an economy without God, and a daily life without the soul
of God is a failure and leads towards suffering, destruction,
dictatorship, nothingness. With this awareness, the Essene
practices Religion for himself, for his friends and family,
for humanity and the earth.

The Essene religion, promotes peace, tolerance, love,

dialogue, cultivates wisdom, and takes care of the body of
We practice mutual support and solidarity toward all
our members.
We recognize all religions and all envoys of God in the
world of men as coming from the original source of God,
our common Father-Mother.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

We have placed the world headquarters of our church

in Canada, in the province of Quebec, which we call the
land of the Maple tree, for this country respects the rights
of man and the resolutions of the United Nations.
In the presence of God, we bless any country that
welcomes us.

What Is
the Essene Religion?

The Essence of Religion

Religion is the practice of the right relationship with

God, oneself and the visible and invisible universe.
Religion is the gift from God to man, the most precious
connection of life.
God gives Himself in Religion, and He asks man to
take care of the precious that is entrusted to him.
Religion is the seed of God planted in the earth of
man. If the earth is good, Religion grows and blossoms
into happiness.
Man must take care of Religion, in the image of a
garden of beauty.

Why Are There Several Religions?

Each creature is Religion, that is, it receives a privilege

from God, a connection, a direct relationship with Him.
That is why, in the visible world, all creatures, from the
stone up to man, seek to appear and to become special,

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

they seek to individualize themselves. The individualization

of man is the door that leads towards the higher angelic
Man must approach the higher worlds while at the same
time offering his being and having the will to carry what is
going to be entrusted to him, to take care of it.
At another level, men organized in communal religions
in order to share God and to be together in certain values
and in a way of life.
Basically, there is only one religion, which is that of
the mysteries of God. Essentially it belongs to God and
He keeps it for Himself, transmitting it only to those who
stand in the silence and know how to approach Him in a
right way.
This religion is the foundation of all the religions. It
is like for the colours: diamond is the basic colour, but it
is invisible; it is the light, the origin of the colours. Then
come the colours that are the body, the revelation of the
light. The colours take many forms, but they all glorify the
hidden origin and reveal it. There are no bad colours. There
are just degraded, dirtied colours; they made bad mixtures,
bad associations because of the erroneous interpretation of
certain men.
Beyond the divine aspect, which is immutable and
uncreated, Religion possesses a revealed aspect.

The Essene Religion

Next it is an exact science and a culture.

Then it becomes social justice that balances relations.
Then, an economy, that is, some form of management.
And finally, an art of living on earth.
The Essene religion is essentially esoteric. It is tolerant
and respects all revealed religions. It studies them, for
esotericism is the common intelligence and background.
The disagreements that appear between men come from
a bad mix of the colours and a misinterpretation of the
revelation of God. When men distance themselves from
the right understanding of the first revelation and from
esotericism, Religion and therefore the people fall.
If a religion loses its esotericism, it loses its soul, its
vision and therefore, its capacity to direct itself and to guide
the others, as for men. Thus, there are:

- the immutable religion;

- the revealed and therefore alive religion
through the conscious relations with God;
- the religion that has lost the connection
and that is only the guardian of a dead letter
and of a misinterpretation;
- the lost religion.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

The Revealed Religions

God manifested Himself directly to men to reveal

Religion to them. These men were not necessarily superior
to others, but they were chosen by God. What they had
in common is that they were educated in esotericism and
practiced solitude, meditation and prayer. God spoke
to individuals so that in their turn, they speak to the
community of men and of the earth.
God gave the right science, justice, economy and
everyday life to man, saying to him: “Do not let yourself be
invaded by the evil spirit and do no harm.”
In all peoples, there have been chosen ones and envoys
of God. They are the ones who revealed the religion
of God. The first of all of them is called Enoch in the
Egyptian, Judaeo-Christian, Islamic . . . tradition. Enoch is
the founding father of the Essene religion.
Enoch is known to all revealed religions of the world
under other names. That is why an Essene recognizes the
foundation of all revealed religions, for in all things, he
perceives the presence of God in immaculate purity, that is,
beyond what lost men have done with it.
The great revealed religions have often been religions
of the Book: the Avesta of Zoroaster, the Vedas and the

The Essene Religion

Puranas of India, the hieroglyphs of Egypt, the Tora, the

Koran, the Gospels . . .
The Essene religion is also a religion of the Book. God
has again revealed a sacred text, the Essene Bible, which
contains the 4 Gospels of Archangels Michael, Gabriel,
Raphael and Uriel, which are a major message for humanity
and the earth.
There are religions that were not religions of the Book,
but that have kept the connection with God alive, without
any outer support. The Egypt of the pharaohs, the India
of before the Book, the Druids and in general all animist
peoples have practiced this religion without a Book. Man
had to be the living book and he had to make for himself
a subtle body capable of safeguarding the memory and
transmitting it. The Essenes also practice this esoteric
religion, beyond books and the outside transmission. It is
an inner religion.

The beliefs, the Rites, the Practices

Each religion has its beliefs, its rites, its practices. This
forms a connection, allows cohesion and also identification
of all the individualities, which in this way can form a unit,

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

be together, share, support each other, recognize each other,

As we have seen, at the base Religion is uncreated: it is
immutable, eternal, immortal. Afterwards, it reveals itself
under the form of the sun or else through an envoy, like
Mosses, Buddha or Jesus, who become human suns.
Then it becomes a concrete science, knowledge that
enlightens the visible and invisible worlds and gives them
meaning, intelligence and even wisdom. It dispels all
darkness due to ignorance.
By going down into the sphere of the heart, of breathing
and of the feelings, it brings a social dialogue, a social life
field, a harmonious, balancing, dialogue filled relationship
with the other.
By going down into the sphere of influence of the
abdomen and the feet, it becomes an art of living day-to-day
life, of walking on the earth and of managing the resources
with dignity, nobility, freedom and enrichment of God.
God must be rich on earth. He must be honoured,
These are the sacred rites and practices that sanctify and
reveal the divinity, beauty and majesty of life down into the
acts and the gestures of everyday life.

The Essene Religion

So, for the Essene, there are no beliefs that are not
founded on:

- the recognition of the supremacy of the uncreated;

- the living experience of the envoys
of the Tradition and oneself;
- exact science and clear understanding.
- the Common Good;
- the usefulness and good management
that bring wealth;
- the happy and sanctified daily life,
leading towards immortality.

The Essene religion distinguishes 2 forms of rites,

practices and beliefs (through the word “belief,” you should
understand the soul of the practice and of the rite):

- the rites and practices of daily life;

- the rites and practices specific to education,
to awareness, to the formation of the body
of magic and of the body of immortality.

The Essene Religion

The First Religion

of Going Back up to God

The Essene Religion is characterized by devotion to

God and the will to take care of Him.
In the beginning, there was the uncreated religion. It is
God Himself.
Then God made religion appear though the creation
of the visible and invisible worlds. There are the stars, the
planets, the sun and the earth.
Man is the earth and he must be in perfect alignment
with the sun, the planets and the stars. His life must be in
keeping with the will of God.
On earth, there is the principle of the fall, which is there
to test man and to make him free. Man falls and goes out
of the right alignment; he breaks the thread of the religion
of God, of immortality and makes death and the world of
those who have lost their way, the lost ones appear.
The first man to rise up from this fall is called Enoch,
Ankh for the Egyptians. It is said in the ancient texts that
Enoch stood up stones and sanctified the Name of the
Eternal. He pleased God and He blessed him by the Gods,
the Archangels and the Angels.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

From Enoch the first religion of going back towards

God appeared.
In the body of Enoch, God Himself placed Religion,
which allows man to take charge of his life and go back
towards God by making a body of immortality appear in
his mortal body. Enoch was the first to realize this body. In
this way the Essene religion, the Tradition and the Nation
were born, which have travelled through time and the ages.
The body of Enoch has become immortal and it is
he who manifested himself through all the prophets and
the envoys of God, who have, in turn, given birth to the
religions and the civilisations in order to educate men, to
awaken them and incite them to commit to the path of
immortality by getting out of the influences of the world
of the fall.
For an Essene, the great Buddha, who led the beings
towards awakening and who turned the wheel of Dharma,
is a son of Enoch.
Saint John the Baptist, who cried out: “Repent” while
immersing men in holy water, is a son of Enoch. It is the
body of Enoch created by God that acts in him.
Jesus himself is in this body of Enoch, which the
Christians called the “body of Christ.”

The Essene Religion

After the fall of man, God enlightened a man; He

placed in him the principle of going back up and invited,
through him, all humanity and the earth to straighten out
in the religion of the true God.
Each time this body of Light manifested itself through
time; a part of humanity recognized it and received it,
managing to reintegrate the eternal religion of the Father.
Another part received it but did not manage to live it
inside and consequently formed an outer religion with a
special colour.
Another part took this revelation to try to live better in
the world of the fall and of death.
Like the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Christians, the
Jews . . . recognize an envoy of God, we, the Essenes,
recognize one that we call Enoch. We see his body
manifesting itself in all the envoys of God. This is the only
Son of the Father that the Christians speak about.

Why “Christian Essene Church”?

It is necessary to understand that the Essene Nation

exists by itself. It is one of the most ancient traditions of
the world. Out of concern for communication, respect
and good relations, it incorporated in order to give a legal

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

framework to its activity. This is how the denomination

“Christian Essene Church” was adopted.
This denomination, which is essentially legal, defines
at the same time our aspect of service to God, the fact
we have given birth to Christianity and that we recognize
ourselves in the message of love of Jesus. Of course, we also
recognize ourselves in the message of Buddha and of the
other envoys, for it is God that we serve.
At the base of Christianity, there are the Essenes.
Jesus was not a Christian, he was an Essene. Jesus is
the fruit that matured on the tree of the Essene Nation.
The Essenes of that time were the guardians of the ancient
covenant of Moses and of his reserved teachings. They were
the inheritors of certain Egyptian and Persian mysteries.
The birth of Jesus was announced in the Essene Nation
by the prophet Elijah.
The religion and the government of God was in free
fall, order and peace were threatened. The Essenes of the
time were the silent guardians.
When Jesus and Saint John were born, the Essenes
went into inactivity. Jesus represented the outer aspect,
which gave birth to the different forms of Christianity as it
is known and established in the world of appearances and
of death.

Diagram of the Evolution
of Christianity

Church of Rome

Schism of 1054

Schism of Chalcedony

Nestorian schism

Appearance of Christianity
The Essene Nation
(Source) Birth of Jesus
and Saint John
Apollonius Mani
of Tyana

Saint John
The Essene Nation goes underground (current of the mysteries)
Anabaptists - Mennonites
- Mennonites
Protestant reform reform Unitarians
Restorationist and others
and others
Many currents
Many currents flow flow Pentecostals
from thisfrom this reform
reform Methodists
in secretin secret Anglicans
by the Cathars.
by the Cathars. Calvinists


Oriental Orthodox



Covenant with thewith the 4 Archangels
4 Archangels
Celebration of the of
of the Round Round of Archangels
RebirthRebirth of the Essene
of the Essene NationNation
and of the of the wisdom that
that gave gave birth
to Christianity
to Christianity in purityin purity

Bogomiles CatharsCathars
Rudolf Rudolf
Steiner Steiner Peter Deunov
Peter Deunov OmraamOmraam
MichaelMichael Aivanhov
The Essene Religion

It was not Jesus who founded Christianity, but disciples;

they were sincere, but taken by certain concerns that
were not those of Jesus, of Saint John or of the religion
of God. Saint John was the carrier of the inner religion
and it remained hidden for 2000 years, in the image of a
river that goes underground. No one can see it, but yet it
is always there; it flows and at a certain point, it reappears.
The Essene Nation has always been present in
Christianity in a discreet manner; it is the soul, the
genuineness of the original and eternal Christianity and
now, through the will of God, it is reappearing.
I understand that the words “Church” or “Christian”
can shock some, but one must know that we are Essenes
and that we do not put the same meaning in the words
as a Christian or a materialist. For us, the word “Church”
means “holy assembly.”
Christianity is ours and always has been.
Our prayer is that the different Christianities, which
have separated from the origin, come back to it, that they
straighten out, that they get clear so that all beings can go
hand in hand and glorify life and the one God, the Father-
Mother of all the religions in His one religion.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

The preceding diagram is not detailed, but it will allow

every one to see the Essene point of view on Christianity.
At some point, the spring went underground and the
builders of Christianity in the visible world no longer had
access to it. Some currents were fed by the hidden river,
like those of Apollonius of Tyana, of the great Mani, of the
Bogomiles or of the Cathars. There were many others that
is not useful to name here.
The resurrection of the Essene Nation is the first source
that offers itself again in its wholeness for all those who are
thirsty, who want to be active and make a different world

What Is an Essene?

T o be a friend of the Essenes is to study the

Essene wisdom or else to know an Essene
and be tolerant towards the Essene religion,
maintaining good relations with it.

How to Become an Essene

To enter into the Essene Nation, it is enough to enter

into the sacred circle of the Round of Archangels, which is
the body of God on earth.

To enter into the Round of Archangels is:

- to recognize God as the higher intelligence

that has created the worlds;
- to put oneself under His protection;
- to want to be educated by Him;
- to want to take care of Him.

The Essene Religion

To enter into the Round of Archangels is:

- to give oneself to God;

- to learn to hallow His Name;
- to recognize His kingdom and participate in it;
- accept His will and want to be guided by Him.

God manifests Himself through the Round of

Archangels, which is His body, His universe, His creation,
His presence, His house and the path that He offered to
man so that he follows it and venerates Him.
The Round of Archangels is the round of the year and
the daily life of man in accordance with the creation and
the will of God.
Not honouring the Round of Archangels is to divert
from the path of God and therefore to bring misfortune
into one’s life and on earth. That is why to enter into the

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Round of Archangels and to practice its path is a work of

goodness, of kindness, of love, of science and of service to
One who enters into the sacred space of the Round of
Archangels becomes an Essene, he is part of the Nation
and instantly participates in the work of God and in the
manifestation of His body on earth.
He benefits from the mutual support of the Essenes
and of the higher worlds that are in the service of God. An
angelical world approaches him, he is reconnected with his
soul in order to be guided and supported in the practice of
his new life as an Essene.
A little statue is made, which represents his inner life
and also the stages of his life; it is consecrated and placed in
a temple dedicated to the Round of Archangels, situated on
the sacred land of the Essene Village that he is connected
to. Sacred objects are given to him for his practice.

The Essene Religion

The Round of Archangels is the sanctification of the

Name of God that has 4 letters: fire, air, water and earth.
Fire is connected to Archangel Michael.
Air to Archangel Raphael.
Water to Archangel Gabriel.
The land of Light to Archangel Uriel.
Each Archangel is a pillar of the throne of God.

Each year forms a sacred circle that is a manifestation

of God.
The Essenes gather together to sanctify the Name
of God, His kingdom and His will 4 times a year, at the
solstices and at the equinoxes:

- in the autumn for Michael;

- in the winter for Gabriel;
- in the spring for Raphael;
- in the summer for Uriel.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

It is at the time of these great celebrations that it is

possible to enter the body of God and become an Essene.
The Round of Archangels is a door that allows this meeting
and this consecration.
The candidate emits the conscious desire to enter into
the body of God and the Essenes accept him by making
him pass the threshold of the Nation, symbolized by a cord.

It is possible to celebrate the Round of Archangels

at home, with one’s family, or in a massala (a centre for
study and Essene initiations), but for the consecration,
it is recommended to take part in the great celebration
performed by a priest of the fourth step on the consecrated
land of an Essene Village. The new Essene is then
presented in front of the living presence the Archangel
being celebrated, and this, in his temple.

The Essene Religion

In fact, it is recommended that each Essene presents

himself at least once in his life before the 4 Archangels of
God, Sons of God, servants of God, worshipers of God,
and to bow before them to honour God. I specify here,
to try to avoid any confusion, fanaticism or sectarianism,
that it is not about venerating divinities outside of God,
the Father-Mother and the Nameless, the Unequaled. God
alone must be worshipped.
Everything that God touches becomes divine and any
servant of God takes part in His divinity. In this, it is
possible to worship God through an Archangel, an Angel
or even an animal . . . Idolatry is not seeing God in an
animal, but to see a god other than God, or to see only an
animal, while it is a creation of God and belongs to God
since everything belongs to God and to God alone.

What Are the Obligations

of an Essene?

The Essene must support the practice of the Round of

Archangels 4 times a year. This can be done in his home,
in a massala or in the great celebration.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

The Essene must practice the 4 fundamentals:

- study for Michael;

- devotion towards the knowledge
that enlightens and liberates for Raphael;
- the practice of the sacred rites,
which balance the worlds in him,
in his life and strengthen the body of God on earth
for Gabriel;
- an active participation
in the work of the Essene Nation for Uriel.

Study implies awakening one’s consciousness, the

knowledge of oneself and of those around one and work
on oneself to become a free, creative individuality, who
takes his life in hand and who is useful for the community
of men and of the earth.

The Essene Religion

In the practice of the sacred rites, the prayer to the Angel

and the reading of the Gospels of the Archangels as a service
to God, humanity and the earth should be highlighted.
These are the main obligations that are asked of the

The Essene Nation

puts certain men into greatness,
venerates certain Angels, Archangels and Divinities

The Essenes venerate God through all His manifestations.

No man is great, only God is great.
God is Father-Mother, He considers all beings as His
children. Those who serve Him, He blesses them and for
those who disobey Him, He opens a path of awareness and
God sends messengers, like Jesus or Mani, because it is
for Him and for Him only to legislate and say what is good
and what should be avoided.
It is good to love and listen to the messenger of God, to
make a body of his words for oneself, but God is bigger than
the messenger, whether it is a man, an Angel, an Archangel
or a God.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

All the messengers who have spoken on behalf of God

did not contradict themselves, for God is perfect and man,
in his understanding, is very often limited. That is why God
wants for the teaching, the guidelines He gives to be brought
to life in the heart, in the intelligence of soul, the will and
the acts of each one.

The Belief in the Angels

Through the ages, the Essenes have been the guardians

of the wisdom of the Angels.
The Essenes believe in the visible worlds and in the
invisible worlds.
The visible worlds are populated by a multitude of
creatures, like the stones, the plants, the animals and men.
The invisible worlds are also populated by a multitude of
creatures, like the spirits, the genies, the egregores, the
Angels, the Archangels and the Gods.
The Angels are the servants and the messengers of God.
Each envoy of God was inspired by an Angel.
Every man who comes to earth is accompanied by an
Angel, the lunar Angel, who seeks to protect his soul and to
lead it on the right path of God.

The Essene Religion

The Essenes seek to strengthen the action of the Angels,

particularly through the virtues. Behind each virtue, there
is an Angel who adores God. Each virtue belongs to God.

In God’s creation, man is the intermediary between

heaven (the invisible) and earth (the visible). Man finds
himself placed exactly between the kingdom of the Angels
and that of the animals. His role is to contain and to
sublimate his animal nature and become a man-Angel.
If man does not become conscious and does not
individualize, he cannot unite with an Angel or carry out
the will of God. He then falls into animality and is enslaved
by the spirits of evil, that lead him to perdition.
The Essene seals an alliance with an Angel by entering
into the Round of Archangels. He is then consecrated
as a priest, a priestess, that is, an awakened intermediary
between the worlds, dedicated to carrying out the worship
of God to honour God in all the worlds.

The Essene Religion

The Angels, the Archangels and the Gods were created

from the purest matter and that is why they are immortal.
Men can enter into evolution and they too become
immortal by associating with the Angels.
The Angels, Archangels and the Gods are united to
God; they venerate Him day and night and live only in
Him and by Him.

There is no evolution without a conscious connection

with the Angels.
Man is destined to take care of the visible worlds (the
garden of God) in order to free them from evil and from
If man does not accomplish his function of priest of
God, he plunges the world and all the lower kingdoms into
The Essenes have developed a very precise science on
the Angels. This wisdom was transmitted to them by the
Angels and the Archangels in the will of God.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

The Holy Books

of the Peoples and Religions

The first legislators of men, those who established the

Law, were envoys of God. It is God who established the
Law and justice through them.
The Essenes respect all the holy books of the different
religions revealed by God through His envoys.
God has again dictated a holy book for our time: the
Essene Bible. It is the book of God.
The ancient books were given for a certain time period,
to a certain people. The new Bible is given for all peoples,
and both for the present time and for the great epoch to
Jesus had spoken these words of God: “I did not come
to abolish the ancient prophets, but to fulfill them.”
A holy book is the presence of God, it is alive. By
reciting the messages of the Gospels of the Archangels,
known as “psalms,” the Essene welcomes the body of God,
the presence of God in him and makes the blessing of God
grow for all humanity and all the kingdoms of the earth.
In this way the book of God is not only a text; it is also a
living word and bread, a sacred practice, an art of studying

The Essene Religion

and of living, of forming inside one’s body a subtle body of

wisdom and immortality.
The Essene Bible, as all the divine texts, has not been
written by a man. It was revealed during the theurgical
celebrations of the Round of Archangels, year after year,
psalm after psalm, following invocations in the midst of the
holy assembly in consecrated temples.

The Practice
of the Essene Way

To be an Essene is first and foremost a state of

consciousness, an inner attitude, an awakening. From this
naturally flows a daily art of living.
As we have seen, there are not really any obligations for
an Essene, apart from supporting the Round of Archangels,
studying and awakening one’s consciousness. That said,
there are many methods and practices that allow one to
awaken, to get stronger and to take one’s life in hand.
To take one’s life in hand in order to be in accordance
with what one believes to be true is very important for

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

the Essenes. Practice is therefore considered as an exercise

of awakening, a training, a way to work on oneself, to
get stronger and also to communicate, to be together, to
participate in a common work.

Study is very important for an Essene, especially the

study of the Essene teaching. It is not about a withdrawal
on one’s self, one’s religion, one’s people, but about an
openness to the other, to the respect of difference and
to other points of view. The love of knowledge must be
maintained while knowing that the ultimate knowledge
belongs to God and remains in the adoration of the

Meditation, which brings calm, harmony and clarity

of thought, is a basic discipline of the Essene Nation. The
Essenes are led to practice different forms of meditation.

The Essene Religion

Prayer, devotion, bowing in front of God, especially

through the Angel worship and the service to the Book, are
very important.

Visits to and retreats in the Essene Villages and the

support of the latter, as well as pilgrimages to any Essene
place are fundamental practices.

The Essene Village is the body of God in incarnation,

the holy land and every Essene is connected to the sacred
activity and to the worship that is performed there daily.
The Essene Village is the breathing, the safeguard and the
future of each Essene.

The Essene culture wants for each Essene to place

his body, his soul and his spirit in deposit in the Essene
Village. A man will put his money in the bank to protect
it and guarantee it. An Essene does the same for his subtle
body, his immortal soul and spirit. The government of
the Essene Nation is placed in the Essene Village and the
worships that protect the divine spirit, the immortal soul,
the destiny, the consciousness, the thought, the feelings,
the will and the subtle body of each Essene and humanity
take place there.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Service is a fundamental concept for an Essene, like the

Common Good, one of the Names of God, which must
be hallowed. To take care of God, the humanity of Light
and the earth is the soul of the practice. Every practice
originates in the organization of the Essene Village. There
is the service to God, the service for humanity and the

The Benefits of Believing in God

The love of God and of his holy mystery is a common

good for all humanity.
The Essene protects his love of God and his intimacy
with God for his own good and also for the Common
The Essene speaks the words of Jesus: “Father, I put my
spirit and my body in Your hands,” and gives himself to
God. In this, he places God above everything and considers
Him as the origin of everything.

Why Do the Essenes
Gather in Villages?

T he founding Father of the Essene Nation is

God Himself.
The Essene Nation is the will of God.
After the fall of man in the world of mortal matter,
God found a man and chose him as priest. He revealed
the religion of God to this man. This man is known in all
the traditions of the peoples. Judaism and Christianity call
him Enoch; Islam calls him Idris; the Pharaohs, Ankh; the
Sumerians, Anki or Enmeduranki.
Enoch is the first representative of God on earth.
Through him God taught and educated men so that from
the darkness they can return towards Him by making a
body of Light for themselves. From Enoch the Essene
Nation and its religion were born. Essene means: to take
care of God.
All the prophets, the envoys of God who came after
Enoch followed the primordial model: the body of God
transmitted through the body of Enoch. The Essenes

The Essene Religion

recognize all the envoys of God, because they all come from
the one original model: the living body of Enoch.

Villages Dedicated to God

The Essene Nation experienced a renewal in the

beginning of the year 2000 of the Christian era, but it is
absolutely not new: it is the oldest religion of the world
and has existed for thousands of years on the earth of men.
In all times, the Essenes have gathered in holy villages,
dedicated to God, to study, to safeguarding the Tradition
and to the divine worship. Gathering in villages is part of
the Essene culture and art of living.
This is what Edmond Bordeaux Szekely (1905-1979),
an archaeologist specialist of the Essenes in the period that
gave birth to Christianity, says: “If you read carefully the
writings of Joseph, Philon, Pliny, etc., you will discover
that in the Essene brotherhood of the Dead Sea, of Lake
Mariout and other places, each one had their own small
house, surrounded by a small garden to meet their needs.
In addition the brothers spent time maintaining a vast
library where they kept their scrolls and where every night
they studied the traditions and the teachings of the great

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Szekely only takes as a reference example the pre-

Christian fraternity, but the Essene Villages served as a
model for the construction of the Egyptian sanctuaries, for
the lifestyle of the priests, up to the Christian monasteries
and to the small towns or villages in the world.

The Principles of the Essene Village

The Essene Village is based on the principle of

worshiping God.
Each Essene is free, independent, autonomous and self-
sufficient in his house. Each one works for the common
good of the Essene Nation and for the village to honour
the work and the Common Good. In this way life and
individual freedom are respected and communal life is put
forwards as a free contribution.
If an Essene or Essene family is in difficulty, help must
be provided by the community in order to protect the
dignity of each individuality.
An Essene Village is a living community of free
An Essene Village is a work of God dedicated to
the Common Good. The land must be offered to God.
Everything in the village belongs to God.

The Essene Religion

Those who come to live in the village can only be Essene

priests and priestesses. They come to live like Essenes, to
take care of God, of His body and of all the Essenes.
The Essenes must organize themselves to build a village
in each country of the world so that God is present for all
The village is the guardian of the soul of the Essenes
and the holy place where its worship is placed. It is the
body of God on earth, like the host can be for a Catholic
or the Tora for a Jew.

Words of Archangel Michael

for the Essene Villages

Archangel Michael often spoke to us of the Essene

Villages. Here are some of his holy words.

“All those who carry a treasure, knowledge, wisdom, savoir-

faire can deposit them in this land of the Essenes and in this way
make the Essene Villages a magnificent garden with many flowers
and different trees. Every day, you will be able to contemplate this
garden, walk there and welcome the sun, which will offer you a
new teaching. Every day will be a rising sun, a new beginning for

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

the Light and a continuity of the wisdom from the most ancient
times to the most future times.
Be conscious of your first step on the land of the Essene
Nation and make it consciously, in the silence and the hidden of
your soul, for the victory of the divine world. One day you will see
bloom in your life, and in your lives, everything that you like to
see live to be with the Father and the Mother.
This first step on the land of the Essene Nation is for God like
your first thought, your first word, your first act. All this carries
the sign of the first impulse of the Light in all the worlds. Then,
through an Essene Village, enter into the new life, into the divine,
universal life, the life of the eternal light that constantly renews
itself and rejuvenates the world.” (72:20-22)

Archangel Michael shows that the village is the place

where the Essene must place the treasure of his life, his
soul, his hope, his future.

“Unite, roll up your sleeves, put all your forces to work to form
this Essene Village, here, on the land of Quebec, as a space where
light can be pure, where freedom will be truth, where kindness
will be the presence of the higher worlds for men, the animals, the
forest and the earth living in alliance of Light.” (76:14)

The Essene Religion

All the Essenes must take part in the construction of

the Essene Villages in their country so that the presence of
God has a place to anchor itself, breathe, live and act in a
concrete way in the world.

“I wish that the Essene Villages become important poles of the

Light on earth, hubs so that the Essene wisdom circulates around
the world.” (83:10)

The Essene Villages are the will of God.

“This year, gather, unite in efficacy. Be concrete so the Essene

Villages are really Essene Villages.” (83:14)

God wants purity to be the foundation of the Essene

Villages. They must not be influenced by the world of men
but offered integrally to God.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“If you come into an Essene Village while being constantly

recalled by the outside world, it is that in reality a part of life
in you is not in the harmony, in the breath, in the energy of the
Light. The Light can offer you a feeling of existence, but this part
keeps you behind, prevents you from taking the step. It still needs
to feel itself exist through material goods and concerns and does
not want to share its life with the Light. So, return into the world
and stop talking of Light, of beauty, of greatness.” (88:7)

Only the consecrated priests and priestesses can live in

an Essene village. It is a sacred discipline, a path, a service
to God and to the good of all beings. One must come into
a village to build and make the body of Light appear in a
concrete way.

Words of God
for the Essene Villages

H ere are some other divine words, transmitted

by the Archangels, which shed light on what
an Essene Village is.

Words of Archangel Michael

“I ask you to realize everything you have heard, starting by

creating Essene Villages in order to be able to live together, in a
pure and living way, the light of this teaching.” (98:10)

“Open a sacred space and make the kingdoms of the Mother

and the Divinities enter into it. This circle is that of the Round
of Archangels, but it must also manifest itself through spaces
dedicated to this work in the Essene Villages. This space must
also be a space in your heart, in your consciousness and in your
life. The kingdoms of nature must be part of your path, of your
meditations, of your prayers.” (162:9)

The Essene Religion

“Open spaces, build villages in which you can live as Essenes.

Open study circles in which you can study, celebrate life, honour
the sacred rites that regenerate the subtle worlds and allow you to
make friends on all the earth.” (162:16)

“It is not because around you there are no longer the conditions
to be what you are that you cannot be it. You must open a path
and recreate conditions not only for yourselves, but for the future
generations. This is the path of the Round of Archangels and the
Essene Villages.” (172:23)

“If you believe in the divine teaching, study the Essene Gospels,
cultivate devotion, carry out the rites, spread the message of the
Light around you, strengthen the Round of Archangels, open study
circles and build villages in which you and the others can live and
entirely rewrite the world by magic and the work. Such is the path
and there is no other; the rest is only psychology, a trick to make
you accept what is unacceptable. All that is only faking, dust in
the eyes, a world that you create to make you believe that you
are well and good, superior and perfect despite your works that
constantly bear witness against you.” (187:40)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“Olivier Manitara then asked Archangel Michael:

Father Michael, can you give your blessing so that an Essene
Village appears on this land of Haiti with the education, the
initiations and the sacred worship?

Archangel Michael answered:

It is not for me to give the blessing; it is already there
through your presence. It is for men to understand the idea of
an autonomous life, the necessity to be out of a certain world of
influences in order to concentrate the energies and try to live on
earth by placing God as foundation and priority.
To honour God and live with Him permanently is the path,
but only a consecrated land, taken from the world, can allow
opening and living such a path. If men understand it and want it,
it will be done.
God wants for men to live in the covenant with Him, but it
up to men to understand the message.
If men organize themselves to make the body necessary for the
realization appear, the divine world will incarnate here, in Haiti,
or in any other country. This is not for me to decide the place, to
favour or to impose one.
A village will appear when the Haitians have gathered the
necessary elements, when there will be all the persons in charge,
the priests and the vestals who are needed and a life consecrated

The Essene Religion

to God. Then the work will be able to find the path of expansion
through the fervour, the commitment and the strength that will
have been implemented for the realization.
You need to organize a perfect world where this teaching will
be integrated and enhanced. In this way no opposition will come
into your life.
Know that when you transform the knowledge you have
received into concrete realizations, into a daily art of living, it will
be the victory of God in all the worlds.” (228:21-25, 29-30)

“I also thank you for having placed the statue of Archangel

Gabriel on the sacred site of the 22 steps during my celebration.
Know that I, Michael, bless this statue and this site, as well
as all those who will come here to gather themselves with respect.
I also bless all the Essenes who have contributed to this beautiful
Now, the Essene Village of Canada becomes the emblem of
God on earth because God is represented among you by a great
image and beauty.
A door has been opened by this work and now, inspirations,
liberations, healing, forces of divine manifestation will incarnate
on this magical site, blessed by God.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

A path is officially announced, proclaimed and those who seek

the Light can come on the lands of the Essene Village of Quebec
to meet Archangel Gabriel or his representatives.
I tell you that it is a great and beautiful work in the life of
a man to have contributed to placing this statue, to have brought
forth this environment, this pyramid that incarnates a sublime
teaching all the way into the stones.
Your offering is accepted with joy by the divine world and the
blessing is for all the earth.” (230:6-12)

“Light the fire in your villages, establish its worship and live
with this permanent consciousness of the flame in you.” (236:35)

The Essene Religion

Words of Archangel Gabriel

“The sun must be the first to fecundate you and to seed your
day. Never let the unconscious and passive forces and intelligences
of the world come in starting from the morning to fill your life
with their projects, their wishes, their suggestions. It is a sacred law
valid for all the men of the earth. Whether you are a Child of the
Light living in an Essene Village or an ordinary man plunged into
the infernal whirlwind of the world, this law must be applied.”

“I will stand in the Essene Villages, at my springs and at my

temples. I will give my son a discipline to approach me in purity
and respect. Then you will have a direct access to the world of
Gabriel in the kingdom of God. Know that the covenant that we
have is active and powerful.” (53:12)

“The Essene Villages must be the arms of the Mother for man
on earth. They must be something gentle, sanctuaries, places of
In these villages, the men must be able to approach the spring
that carries the teaching of Gabriel. It is this spring that makes
nature alive.” (59:2-3)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“The Essene flag contains the secret of the covenant of Light,

of the Round of Archangels and of the Essene Villages. It is a
whole world of Light in your world. It is capable of setting in
movement the greatest energies as well as the most humble.”

“The Essene Nation, the Round of Archangels, the Essene

Villages do not come from a man or from the Angels or the
Archangels, but from a higher will and a divine intelligence.”

“A path is open in front of the Essenes. It is an ancient path

that sees the light of the day again and that really leads towards
the Mother. It is a magnificent work to have opened it in purity
and sincerity. The Mother will be able to inhabit your lives again
and the Father will be present in your villages, your temples, your
prayers, your lives.” (81:1)

“You will see villages created where you can really live in
freedom and harmony, not to succeed in one’s life as a man, but
to carry out the great mission of man on earth: to form a body
for the divine world and to be deeply united with the earth, and
through it to the Mother, to accomplish this work, this design, this
writing.” (81:20)

The Essene Religion

“The land of your villages is now consecrated. When you live

on these lands, you will be blessed. If you live anywhere else, you
will also be, provided that you are Essenes, worthy heirs of the
wisdom, of the splendour, of the word of the divine world and
that you carry this teaching that unifies all the worlds in the great
covenant of the Light and of life.” (81:27).

“May the being of the family continue to live, may you be

solid in solidarity and may your children be able to see the day in
Essene Villages; may they be able to create conscious descendants
and lineages so that one day the Light appears in the world.”

“Remember the Mother, nature. It is the foundation of the

Essene tradition. That is why in the past you went barefoot. Still
today, the Mother has kept the secret of life and She is always
able to transmit it to Her children. So, on the lands of the Essene
Villages, spaces must be consecrated to the Mother and to Her
sacred, pure, impersonal worship.” (112:19)

“Nothing is lost yet. If you awaken, structure yourselves and

organize yourselves to gather together the favourable conditions,
I possibly will be able to open the door of the worship of water
during the next celebration of Archangel Raphael. For this, I ask

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

you to place the seal of Work and the seal of Family so that we
can stabilize ourselves on a solid base and open the doors in the
space that you have opened on earth by the Round of Archangels
and the Essene Villages.” (137:8)

“The 22 commandments must be the inspiration of your life,

the earth on which you walk, on which you build your houses,
your villages and make your families live in harmony and peace.”

“My blessing is present in the sacred spaces, in the temples,

the symbols, the writings, the rites and the works of the Essene
Nation. I bless the Round of Archangels, the 4 Worships, the
Essene Villages, the study of the Teaching, the performing of the
rites, the study circles.” (172:1)

“The Round of Archangels, the Essene Villages and study circles

are the manifestation in the outer worlds of this sacred connection
that must be alive inside you. You must be fully conscious of this
in order to cultivate the right thinking, relationships and acts.
When you enter into the consecrated places of the Essene
Nation, the worlds that inhabit you calm and finish by letting
you study, pray, meditate and work, for they have understood your
determination. But as soon as you leave the Essene environment,

The Essene Religion

they activate themselves again; they shout and claim their due like
hungry children. They show themselves to you and let you know
that they refuse to leave you.” (184:23-24)

“It is not about lulling you to sleep in the shadow of beliefs

that reassure you, but to advance on a path of transformation
that allows you to reach another shore, another land, a new way
of being and living. This land must be the Essene Villages, not
only as a concrete, outer reality, but as an exteriorization of a
living and lived inner reality. “Why a land?,” will you say to me.
Quite simply because it is a place where you can settle yourselves,
fix yourselves, rebuild yourselves.” (196:6)

“We have brought you the teaching of God through the

Gospels, the Round of Archangels, the Essene Nation, the Essene
Villages, the 4 Worships, study, devotion, rites and work. Then,
you must ensure that this wisdom takes on a body and anchors
itself on earth until it becomes a loving and wise mother who will
be able take care of the body and of the soul of all her children by
leading them towards the mysteries of the spirit.” (196:10)

“On the sacred lands of the Essene Villages, arrange spaces

where beings who suffer will be able to come withdraw to take
stock of their lives, hear the answer and find the impetus to enter

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

into the new. By being well supervised by teachers, they will be

able to find the original spring again and commune with its water.
Their intelligence will clear itself, it will awaken like the sun on
the horizon and they will be able to perceive the world from a
different angle.” (223:19)

“The soul likes that the water in man and around man is
clear, pure, alive, genuine. That is why the sacred practice of
the Essene baptism is fundamental, in the image of my temples
placed in the Essene Villages. These are places of strength and
of concentration where discipline can be activated and where the
meeting with the soul can happen.” (227:17)

“Support each other, make the assembly of Light strong, unite

in the Essene Villages.” (228:19)

“I know that you agree, that the Essenes also are going to
agree with my word and that you are going to answer me that
you want to live with God. That is why I underline the capital
importance that there is a central point in your life, a place, a
consecrated space that remains pure and alive. This place is a
point of exchange, of renewal, of communication. It is both the
celebration of the Round of Archangels and the worship of water
in the Essene Villages. I want you to be aware of it, that it becomes

The Essene Religion

obvious for you. To take care of such a sacred place is to take care
of one’s soul and one’s life. When you approach this meeting point,
you must prepare, be pure, in the best of yourselves.” (229:24)

“Take care of my presence in the heart of the celebration of

the Round of Archangels. Take care of my temple in the heart of
the Essene Villages, of my worship, of my school and study the
virtues, the wisdom, the mysteries of water in order to transform
yourselves, to cleanse yourselves, to clear yourselves with the aim
of having a gathering point on earth to honour the great God
Gabriel. If this gathering point does not exist, man will stay in his
world and God in His.” (229:26)

“To take care of water and to make my school appear on

earth in the midst of the Essene Villages is essential. This is part
of the elaboration of the clear and serene body of water in each
one of you. (230:20)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Words of Archangel Raphael

“In each Essene Village, build a temple in which you will

place the seal that I show you. A vestal will maintain a perpetual
flame there. In this way the Essene school will be permanently
seen by the divine world.” (27: 4)

“Withdraw now from all that, build villages around a centre-

school, live in the Light, cultivate love and wisdom, be in harmony
with your Mother, the nature, build temples to honour the Gods
and deepen the knowledge of man, raise your families in the respect
of the Angels and of the divine laws. Then the Light will remain
on earth and many men and women throughout time will be able
to awaken in the Essene Villages.” (27:24)

“Now take your life in hand. Let no obstacle stop you. Join
together and build these villages around a centre-school to celebrate
life, love and the beautiful light of wisdom. In this way you will
have participated in making another choice possible, you will have
demonstrated that another life is possible. Then maybe the earth
will be saved.” (27:28)

The Essene Religion

“The green stone of the Essene Village of Terranova shines the

Light and breathes in the world of the Gods, in larger and larger
spheres. Through your commitment and your work, you contribute
to activate it powerfully.” (35:10)

“I will stand in the Essene Nation like the precious air, the
air-Light, the soft and living air filled with wisdom. I will feed
your breaths, I will live in your soul atmospheres, I will nourish
the divine in the Essenes. I will be the spirit and soul of the life
of your nation, of your villages, of your houses, of your prayers
and of your meditations, of your families, of your works, of your
businesses.” (48:12)

Live Together
in the Essene Villages
Psalm 100 of Archangel Raphael

1  When the beings that populate the subtle - or divine -

worlds turn their look towards men, the different levels
of evolution do not enter into their considerations.
They contemplate humanity as a whole and, regarding
the individuals, they tell themselves that each one puts
himself in the conditions that he wants to live.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

2  Perhaps men do not have the intelligence to

understand what is best for them or the discernment to
protect themselves from the influences and intelligences
that want to subjugate them and reduce them to slavery?
Yet, each man has received a sacred legacy, which he can
squander or multiply. Each one has received the ability
to lead his life towards plenitude.
3  Today, the Essene tradition is reborn from its ashes
and, for the divine world, the Essenes are not men like
the others, for they have received a mission, they have a
work to carry out. In this, they are holders of a fragment
of the divine world and can enter into the covenant of
the Light.
4  The mission of the Essene Nation is to unite with
other worlds and to organize a structure in the world
of men so that the spring of the Father flows in all the
kingdoms and does not stop in the world of men. In
this, the Essenes must be models for all men. If they are
successful, a door will be open for all humanity.
5  The world of men has become very difficult to live,
for it is at the same time hard and flexible, it is filled
with temptations, it leads into illusion.
6  The Essene people must look at the world of men and
know it, but they must not live in it.

The Essene Religion

7  You must take your destiny in hand and, with

determination, create for yourselves all the conditions
so that you and the future generations are able live as
Essenes on Esssene lands.
8  You must have a land and villages in which you will
be able to unite to create atmospheres, pure ethers in
which the Angels, the sages, the animals will be able to
come to share the covenant of the Father and of the
9  You must create healthy atmospheres by uniting quite
simply in a clear, living and concrete collective mission.
10  You who seek the Light, understand once and
for all that you will not be able to succeed by being
isolated in the world of men. You have to unite in a
common autonomy and an atmosphere created by the
Essene wisdom. Such an atmosphere, incarnated and
invigorated by the Essene Villages, will be the Common
Good, the point of rallying and of protection for all the
Essenes scattered in the world of men. It will be a breath
of fresh air for earth and humanity.
11  The Essene Villages must be the anchor point of the
boat of the Light in your world, but they must also be a
positive work for all beings.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

12  The Essene Villages must be places of study, of

training, of life and of rejuvenation, but also places
where the Light is celebrated under all its forms, where
the divine world is welcomed. They must be an example
for the eyes of the world of men, an example of what
the life of a man united with the Light and who makes
a place in his life for it can be.
13  Awaken, clarify yourselves, unite and organize
yourselves in purity so that your villages exist and
become universal places.
14  Grow your vegetables, eat your fruits, breathe your
incenses, light your candles, think in the same world, do
not separate, but unite so that the mission of your guide
can be realized. May your tradition be victorious, from
generation to generation.
15  Gather together and overcome all the obstacles.
Do not look at who you are or think you are, where
you come from, but do what you have to do, for glory
and victory will come towards those who will have
accomplished and not towards those who will have put
barriers on the path.
16  If you feel capable of realizing works for the victory
of this sacred mission, nothing must stop you and
especially not the judgement and misunderstanding of

The Essene Religion

the others. Do not let your impetus for the Light die
and do not allow anyone to extinguish it.
17  Know that the victory will go to the divine world, but
those who will have allowed it will be rewarded first.
18  One who speaks and acts to limit the other in his
creativity will see himself placed behind everything and
will even become a millstone.
19  Unite, ensure that the divine world is placed in power
and victory, that men find balance and peace, harmony,
a joy of living with the beautiful light.
20  The Essene teaching is not just a word, it is a truth in
all the worlds.
21  Do not feed yourselves with words of truth to then
scorn them by not putting them into practice.
22  If you want to meet the great light of the truth, be
yourselves genuine and sincere beings.
23  It is indispensable that if the Light approaches you, it
is welcomed in purity, protected and can at no moment
be led into the dirtiness of the world of men.
24  Any luminous idea of which you think, that you
wish for and talk about without living it inside you and
without putting it into practice, without incarnating it
will die out, will abort in your world. On the other hand,
if you invigorate it from your awakened and conscious

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

inner life, if you allow it to take root in you and give

it force by acts, attitudes, behaviours and achievements
that give it a body, not only will you be in its blessing
and that of the world where it comes from, but you
will know the rejoicing of having brought a being of
the Light into the world and everything that you will
undertake will succeed.
25  Do not hide behind masks, do not take many facets.
Be whole beings.
26  What you are, you are. Do not hide it, for anyway
you will be unmasked.
27  Lying does not work with the Light. It has no power,
it is of no help.
28  Only purity, genuineness, sincerity can approach the
29  I bless you. May the breath of Raphael lighten you,
purify you and clear you by bringing you happiness, joy,
and the impetus towards the Light.
30  Learn to live together and be like the birds that
jump in water, get excited, and then sing out of joy and
31  Do not be dull, dim, do not let the colours of your
petals go out, but live, sing, study, start doing things and
show that life inhabits the Essene Villages.

The Essene Religion

“I offered the green stone to the Essene Nation, which will be

the stone of immortality and of the memory of the Tradition. In
each Essene Village, you will install one of these stones consecrated
by my presence and will cultivate the consciousness that memory is
alive and acting in all the worlds, and doing this, you will live in
accordance with the tradition of the sages and of the justified spirits
in order to keep the earth pure and virgin from any bad memories
that lead to desolation, to confinement, to disease. You will bow in
front of this stone not as idol worshippers and superstitious ones,
but through the intelligence and the understanding that memory
is precious and that by your way of living you must take care of
it. The green stone is my stone, the stone that breathes in all the
worlds and that keeps the memory of what is divine in it. It is on
this stone that you will build the building of your lives and of your
future.” (Dialogue with God in the Air for the Birth of the
Air Worship, verse 4)

“Through the study of the sacred texts, make for yourselves

a body of immortal wisdom, and several times a year make
excursions to the top of the mountains or retreats in the Essene
Villages. This will help you take stock of your life, step back and
purify yourselves from certain invasive influences.” (127:13)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“May the idea, the soul and the strength of the great universal
family be able to live at least in the Essene Villages like oases in
the war of human relations. Then the kingdom of Raphael will be
able to come and settle on the land of Light of Uriel and on the
22 commandments of Gabriel.” (133:44)

“If the thinking is not educated and made conscious, it

generates a separation of the worlds, which leads towards conflict
and destruction. Even within the Essene Nation and your villages,
there are beings who are sick from their thoughts. They are
invaded by worlds they no longer control and that act on their
daily lives, even going as far as to oppress their respiratory sphere
and perturb their sleep, while they are living in spaces consecrated
to regeneration and resurrection.” (134:24)

“I say that the Essenes must never act in this way, that they
must not withdraw into themselves. There is no question that in
the Essene Nation or in the Essene Villages there is this kind of
isolation of beings who work alone, who are not with the other,
who do not think and do not act in the energy of the Common
Good.” (137:5)

“You must, in the midst of your villages and of your study

circles, develop this type of energy field that allows finding a force,

The Essene Religion

a support in life. This allows finding the fundamental values of

existence again.” (137:22)

“Those who live in the Essene Villages must support the

leaders, the ones responsible for activities and ensure that life is
just, simple, beautiful.
I know that many of you who live outside the Essene Villages
have realized works and offered your help, your support in different
ways. Then, continue in this direction and become more and more
active to positively take part in the work of the divine world.”

“So, awaken, pull yourselves together and educate yourselves.

Re-create a garden of Light through the space of the Round of
Archangels, of the Essene study circles and of your Essene Villages.
In this garden, be sure to re-establish study, devotion, rite and the
work so that the true education reappears on earth and that this
work is a living lung for all humanity and the earth.” (161:21)

“Cultivate intelligence in the heart of the Round of Archangels,

of the Essene study circles, of the Essene Villages and of each one
of you.” (161:28)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“If you want to breathe and commune with the world of

Archangels, your life must be organized like a garden, a space, a
delimited land. You must know how to arrange this space, where
to put plants, trees, temples, houses; it must be like a Round of
Archangels that is both an Essene Village and the organization
of the mystery of your daily life. Everything must be thought of in
the worship of a higher intelligence and in the service of its holy
religion.” (196:16)

“Offer the earth and the world of men to God. Build for Him
Essene Villages in which you will live and build for Him churches
over all the earth so that His house is honoured in purity and
truth.” (200:23)

Do not Nourish Yourselves

in the World of Man Anymore,
Be Autonomous
Psalm 212 of Archangel Raphael

1  There was a time when I was known and honoured in

certain stones. Men knew that the stones are alive, that
they breathe and are inhabited by magical virtues linked
to the cosmos, to the stars, that they can speak, teach
and even heal. Some stones, which were sacred, were

The Essene Religion

placed in temples as receptacles for the Divinities. Then,

men came in these temples to be inspired, educated, to
receive a positive force or to be healed. They entered in
the aura of the stone and it would show them what they
did in their lives that was not correct and that created an
imbalance. They were visited by oneiric images, spirits
would talk to them, thoughts inspired them; there were
also oracles that knew how to interpret certain signs in
order to transmit the messages of the Gods.
2  These ancient humanities were more subtle, more in
osmosis with spiritual life and the reality of the magical
worlds than men of today, who have intellectualized
themselves to the extreme and who have become
psychological beings, no longer having contacts with
their bodies and the reality of the earth.
3  The ancients healed themselves with the breath, for
they knew the secrets of breathing. They naturally knew
how to breathe and be in harmony with water, the
mountains, the earth, the sun, the trees, all of nature,
the ancestors and the memory of the worlds. In this way
the Gods could speak to them and show them what was
right deep within them.
4  There came another time when men sculpted images
of the Gods in the stones. Through these statues, the

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

priests brought the breath of the Gods so that men

could harmonize their own respiratory sphere to what
brings blessing and happiness in all the worlds.
5  Originally, the Gods were alive in the statues and in
the holy Scriptures; they were not idols but subsequently
became idols, when some men, greedy for power,
wanted to use the images of the Gods to dominate the
worlds. They no longer wanted to live with the Gods,
but rather to be independent and powerful on earth, by
stealing and diverting the treasure of the temples. From
that moment on, the breath and breathing of man
progressively closed. The great universal religion died
out, the holy Scriptures were emptied of their substance
and man lost his greatness, his breath, his inspiration
and his immortal life to finally live only for the body
and an ephemeral psychological me.
6  Man has lost the awareness of the existence of the
Gods, of the living worlds, of the oneiric images that
direct his life, of the breath that goes in and out of him,
of the seed that animates him, of what he carries as a
heaven above and all around him.
7  Today, man breathes so close to his skin that he
practically has no more breath and he enters into a
phase of survival.

The Essene Religion

8  I want to warn you and incite you to understand

that your atmosphere has become sick and is now truly
9  You no longer know how to breathe, think or feed
yourselves in a right way, with respect for the Gods,
yourselves and living nature.
10  Know that what happened to certain animals that
fell psychically sick is going to happen to you. I do not
want to terrify you, but just to warn you that for many
years the brain of humanity has been receiving many
aggressions, whether it be through food, electromagnetic
waves, radio, telephones, television or the magnetic fields
of computers; I will even add through medicine, which
is degenerating and becoming negative for man also.
Through all these worlds, you are constantly poisoned
by a certain respiratory sphere that is going to make you
lose control of your life because the brain is the base for
the functioning and control of your body.
11  No longer having higher and divine food, no longer
having a communion with his universal soul, man no
longer has any subtlety, living breath, sacred energy or a
regenerative sphere.
12  Man is looking for his breath through telephones,
computers and electric currents, which are harmful

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

and now aggress the brain in a physical way. The brain

weakens more and more and with it, the whole organism
enters into the spheres of death.
13  Man adopts a way of eating unworthy of life, filled
with filth, pesticides and genetically modified organisms.
This food, industrially manufactured, without respect,
value, dignity, without intelligence, with chemicals,
denatures man and cuts off his contact with the divinity
of the earth. I inform you that your body and above all
your brain will not support this permanent aggression
14  You consume poisoned food at all levels: physical,
moral, intellectual, spiritual and divine. This is equally
true in your breathing and your thoughts.
15  You can no longer live without medication, food
supplements and vitamins that are not natural, but
totally chemical and industrial and that are aggressive for
the brain, above all when they are destined to improve
its functioning and increase your intellectual abilities.
16  Any chemical that touches the functioning of the
endocrine glands is a danger.
17  I speak to you in this way, for you must know that the
modern world generates a massive poisoning that makes

The Essene Religion

you sick and leads you into weakness, in this life and for
the future generations.
18  What happened to the cow, which became mad, is
happening to man. Major psychological diseases are
going to become frequent, epileptic seizures, hysteria,
memory loss, delirious episodes, intellectual madness,
emotional loss of control and everything that can appear
when the brain loses its ability to manage and regulate
the life of the body.
19  So, I say it again: take your life, the future of humanity
and the earth in hand.
20  Protect yourselves and protect the future generations
from this poisoning.
21  Limit your exposure to electric currents; grow your
own food and above all prepare it yourselves; make your
own medicine coming from your temples, from your
22  Limit the use of food and medicinal products that
come from factories, for these are only chemicals that
aggress your brain.

Olivier Manitara then asked Archangel Raphael:

Father Raphael, how can we live in this world? Around us,
everything has been done so that we are dependant on this way of

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

life; it is a path of apparent ease that in fact turns out to be much

more complicated and alienating. Many men and women have
noticed what you teach and have organized themselves to propose
natural products. Can we go in this direction?

Archangel Raphael answered:

23  This is a lie, for these organizations are not in alliance
with the divine world.
24  Life comes from the divine world and without an
alliance with the divine world, it is impossible to respect
life and therefore health.
25  Health is the gift from God.
26  Any food that is soluble, dried, dehydrated, that is
not fresh must be considered as a cadaver. How can man
be in good health if he only feeds himself with cadavers?
27  In this world of man, to live is still possible, but to
feed yourselves is not anymore.
28  You have no other choice than to make your own
food, develop your own means of communication, your
own medicine, your earth and heaven.
29  Everything must be developed from the Essene
Villages and without association with the outside world.
30  You can offer your products, but above all, avoid
consuming what the world gives you, for it is lying

The Essene Religion

to you. It makes you believe that it gives you food,

medicine, communication and information, while all of
this is only a poison that destroys your intelligence, good
sense, happiness, the motor of your life, your brain, so
that you become crazy, weak, without resources, totally
31  Stop now all these consumptions that, in the long
term, will harm you.
32  Invest in building the Essene Villages and make the
Essene Nation grow.
33  Become autonomous by the power of the assembly
and take your future in hand again.
34  You will find the essential resource of your life in the
communion with the higher worlds and in this way you
will give to your body what is the best. This will be done
by and in the Essene Villages. Then make your villages
grow, as well as the assembly, to pool your resources and
35  Build your future without chemicals.

“The Essenes are also animists, especially through their villages

and the garden of silence. This must allow the universal language
of the soul to be restored in order to re-establish communication
with the different peoples of God the Mother, which are the deep

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

roots of man, as well as with the intelligence of God the Father,

present in all things.” (223:10)

“Then, you placed the 4 great seals of the divine world and
honoured the 4 worships of the living God on the lands of the
Essene Villages, which has allowed the door of the Covenant to
remain permanently open. All this was born of the first impulse of
the divine world, but now, I tell you that this body has to grow, not
from the first impulse, but from the awareness of the holy assembly
and from the individualization of certain of its members.” (227:3)

Words of Archangel Uriel

“Man has inner senses that can open on to infinity and it is

sad that he limits them to only his mortal life.
Of course, this life must be lived in happiness, but one must
not forget the world of the Light: you must create a space for it so
that it is able to live with you. It is the meaning of the ancient

The Essene Religion

Essene tradition of creating a space in the house, the village

and the life to honour the sacred presence of the world of God.”

“Such is the idea of the Essene Nation and of the Essene

Villages: a sacred space, settled on a solid earth, which is like
a stairway allowing to climb up to the high regions of the spirit
without losing contact with the daily reality of the earth and of
the life of man.” (44:16)

“If you dream of living in an Essene Village, give yourself the

conditions and stop dreaming.” (53:18)

“Gather together to write the word of the Father that will

resonate in the living temple, that of the Round of Archangels, of
the Essene Nation and of your villages on earth.” (57:21)

“Unite in strength, in commitment. Gather together in the

Essene Villages so as to be able to create together the world of the
Essene Nation. Come near to your master and help him build this
work. Your life will be blessed.” (63:10)

“Organize yourselves to live in the Essene Villages and use

the means of the world to manage to accomplish a work of

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

perfection that will enlighten the whole world. Devote time to it,
build temples, open sacred spaces. May men and women dedicate
themselves to the service of this splendour and this greatness. If
you do it, I assure you that you will have contributed to a work
that will live in the midst of you, that will bring you happiness on
earth and that you will take with you, even beyond the doors of
the death of the body.” (67:22)

“Strengthen the idea of the Essene Villages and make it alive

in the midst of you. Do this for yourselves and for the future
generations. In these villages, make alive the tradition of the Light
and the covenant with the divine world of the 7 kingdoms of the
creation, of incarnation all the way down into the depths of the
earth. Cultivate an alliance with your brothers the animals, with
your sisters the plants, and with your mothers the stones. Do it.
React. Stand up. Do not abdicate your life for a decline. You
would lose everything and not have any way to go back.” (70:8)

“Let no Essene hurt another Essene, for the consequences of

division and of war are disorder and the reign of obscurity. Do not
bring this world into the Essene Nation, into your villages, your
families and your lives.” (83:15)

The Essene Religion

“We, the Archangels, have asked that you build temples on

earth because we want to take part in the work of the Essene
Nation and we want to live with you in your villages. We want
there to be a divine life around our temples and not chaos and
disorder. We are not demanding, we know the imperfection of man
and we accept it, we do not condemn it, but there are things that
must not enter into the Essene Nation.” (83:25)

“If today the Essenes have a work to carry out, it is to give, to

write the point of view of the divine world on each manifestation
of life. May in each thing, the Name of the Father be hallowed.
May His kingdom and His will be recognized and carried out.
For this, you must organize yourselves at multiple levels and make
your villages grow in order to be able to increasingly live together.”

“The Essenes must structure themselves until becoming a

living organism on earth, capable of generating certain mastered
activities, like your villages, the publication of documents able to
convey a wisdom, your initiations, the Round of Archangels . . .
In love, recognition of the other, respect, dialogue and pragmatism,
you must then associate with persons who already have means of
existence in the world.” (129:46)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“Olivier Manitara then asked Archangel Uriel:

Father Uriel, what must we do with those who want to remain

Archangel Uriel replied:

32 I say that in the long term such an attitude will not be
positive. It is as if in a family, there was one who does not
talk to anyone, who ignores everyone, who does not take part
in anything and who always stays locked in his room. At
the end of a certain time, he will not really be part of the
family anymore, for he will not share anything with it, neither
the meals, nor the conversations, nor the affection, nor the
connections, nor the projects, nor the accomplishments. He
will only complain, be unhappy and will become a nuisance
in the family. The only thing that remains for him to do is to
come out of his isolation; let him help to prepare the meal, let
him take part in the conversations, let him take part in the
projects and give a part of his time so that harmony reigns in
the home.
33 My answer is clear: the Essene Villages belong to Uriel;
one who lives there and who only has personal projects will
gain nothing apart from solitude in the future, for he will have
shared nothing with the community.
34 It is together that you will be strong and not separated.

The Essene Religion

35 Unite in the name of the Light and develop a common

36 Share, exchange until you find the strength that brings
clarity and the solution.
37 Never let the seed of discontent invade you, may conflict
not take possession of you, may discord not be your master.
Do not let these poisons enter into the living earth of the
community, for problems will appear in the future and you
will have to carry them.
38 Live in a communal way.
39 Carry the wellbeing of the community in your heart and
your life.
40 Share your affinities with the community.
41 If you do not want live in this way, give up your place to
beings who aspire to this ideal and to this art.
42 Let the community not be subjected to the discontent and
the poison of those who do not aspire to integrate themselves
or who only have personal desires for their lives.” (165)

“Learning to centre on the essential is fundamental to create

a centre of force in which the will of God reigns. Let this centre
be your villages, your people, your religion, your offering to the
future.” (171:25)

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

“Let your villages organize themselves, let your economy be

prosperous, let your diet be healthy, let your water be naturally
pure, without the aid of a mechanical and intermediary world
that transforms its virtues.” (188:42)

46 “Seek autarky to preserve your lands, your springs, your

atmosphere, your fire, your life, the elements, the spirits, the
genies, the egregores of your tradition. This is a necessity for
the Common Good. By doing this, you will help humanity, the
earth and will bring the blessing to the future generations.
47 You must make appear and preserve an environment that
will be conducive to evolution. If you do not open this space,
the body of God will not be able to appear.
48 No man can evolve in freedom while he is surrounded and
saturated by a world that is opposed to this evolution; it is a
utopia, it is like wanting to preserve the Light in a world that
is dedicated to the darkness.
49 The real transformation can only happen in a place and
an environment dedicated to the manifestation of God. Make
appear this garden of the Light in the heart of your villages, of
your religion, of your tradition.
50 Get up from the ground to welcome the new sun that
comes. Be Essenes, identify yourselves and organize yourselves to
be autonomous in your villages, through your food, your water,

The Essene Religion

your worships, your philosophy, your economy, your families . . .

Settle this body to be autonomous in your thoughts and above
all, in the creative force, in the future that you give birth to, in
the body that you make appear for God.
51 God is your future or else, there is not one.
52 Do not be puppets that unconsciously give strength to
unconscious worlds that seek to destroy life.
53 Do not give your life to lying, for know that even if man
has the possibility to hide himself behind appearances, it only
lasts a certain time and the truth will remain eternally stronger
than lying.
54 Awaken! Do not hide. Take your life in hand and make the
world appear that will allow you to evolve and to grow what
you believe to be true and just.
55 What is asked for today would not have been yesterday, for
understand that you will be touched in the depths of yourselves,
that is, in what is vital for you like eating, breathing, drinking,
sleeping. If this is destroyed, you will no longer have the strength
to resist what comes from the world of man in order to lead
everything into slavery. You will be exhausted and will not have
enough clarity to find the answer and give it to all these worlds
that will come solicit and harass you.
56 You are warned. Now, understand that the foundation of
your life must be solid before going into action to build.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

57 If you still need time, you can take it, but this will not be
beneficial for you.” (188)

“The Essene Villages are an important organ of the Essene

Nation wanting to favour a life where one is not sectarian or rigid
in knowledge that is not experienced. All beings who want it must
be able to live according to this direction.” (199:13)

“Retreat is an essential method that I recommend you to

implement and supervise in your villages so that each Essene is
protected and can be stronger in his life.” (214:18)

Related Texts1

For additional teachings on the Essene Villages, read:

- the book The Essene Village: A Land for God;

- the introduction of volume 10 of the Essene Gospel of
Gabriel, Approach the Spring of Gabriel;
- the book On the Wings of Immortality, in the chapter
“What is an Essene Village?” (pages 136-145).

1 - Only available in French at the time of printing.

For More Information
About the Essenes . . .

Where Do the Essenes Come From?

The Essene tradition has always existed on earth as the

manifestation of the original source. It has manifested over
the centuries through the various religious currents and
traditions of the peoples. We find it in Egypt, in Judaism,
Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Catharism . . . In our days,
the Essenes are mainly known for having given birth to the
master Jesus through Mary 2000 years ago in Palestine.

Who Are the Essenes?

The Essenes are a people in all peoples, outside of any

limits of time or space. The word “Essene” means above all
a state of being and of consciousness that every man carries
deep within him. If you do not limit your identity to your
biological family or to your nation, if you feel like a citizen
of the world, if you consider the earth and all the creatures
that inhabit it as one big family, you are an Essene, that is,
a real human being.

The Essene Religion

What Are They Today?

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Essene tradition

was reborn from its ashes under the inspiration of the great
spiritual Bulgarian teacher Peter Deunov, and then of his
disciple Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov. Today, this ancient
tradition regroups the Essenes of the world around Olivier
Manitara. The silent work of the contemporary Essenes for
almost 25 years is becoming a humanitarian and ecological
worldwide work of the first order. The Essene Villages
(present on 3 continents) are the crucible of a new model
of society where each one can develop their abilities and
become an awakened artisan of a better world.

What Do They Have That Is Exceptional

to Offer the World?

The foundation of the Essene religion is the Round

of Archangels. For 4 days, at the time of the spring and
autumn equinoxes and the winter and summer solstices,
the Essenes put their forces together to unite with a higher
world. In this way they create a sacred space in order to
welcome the manifestation of a divine world through the

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

presence of the 4 Archangels who are the 4 faces of God

in our world: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and

What is the Foundation

of Their Philosophy?

Man is an intermediary between the world of the Father

(the Angels, the Archangels and the Gods) and the world
of the Mother (the minerals, the plants and the animals).
The goal of existence is not simply to live on earth, but
rather to concretely realize the union of the world of the
Father and that of the Mother, the union of heaven and
earth, through incarnation in a physical body.

How Do They Work Daily?

The Essene tradition offers 4 paths: study of the divine

word (Essene Gospels and Teaching), devotion (meditation
and prayer), participation in rituals (sacred ceremonies that
connect us to the divine) and work in the service of the
common work (according to the skills and availability of
each one).

The Essene Religion

How Do They Gather Together?

The Essenes gather together in the Christian Essene

Church, which cultivates a universal thought. Beyond any
dogma, it wants to unify all the schools of thought and all
the religions. It works in an alliance of love that targets the
ennobling of man and respects all paths, all choices, all
beliefs, even if they are different from its own. For nature
teaches us that existence is not a monochrome painting; it
offers a multitude of colours and forms that, organized by
the overall intelligence, give birth to beauty and diversity.
An Essene is above all a peacemaker. He strives to
cultivate the virtues that beautify the world and that
everyone can benefit from. He takes care of what is precious
and of the sacred flame that, although sometimes deeply
hidden, burns in all beings.

Take Part
in the Essene Work

T his book stems from the Essene study


What Is the Essene Study?

Today, men look at the world with a smaller and smaller

vision. Looking at a cow, they only see pieces of meat, how
many litres of milk it produces, items that you can make
with the leather . . They no longer see that a cow is God on
earth, that it is the writing of an eternal world.
Through the humanitarian project of Essene study,
the hierogrammates want to rewrite the world in purity by
placing on each thing the writing of the divine world to
counterbalance the concepts that a false world transmitted
to men. The objective of the Essenes is to write what the
stones, trees, animals, men, peace, family . . . are according
to the tradition of the Light.
This charitable work is masterful and to take part in
it is an act of nameless beauty. At a time where so many

The Essene Religion

people ask themselves: “What can we do to change the

course of things?,” the Order of Essenes brings a response
by rewriting the world with the ink of the heart, with the
ink of the soul. Then a stone, a tree, an animal, a man,
peace, family . . . are no longer seen and approached in the
same way. This new consideration, this new look full of
respect generate new relations in the world and transform
It is through our acts that we are able to write our
destiny and that of the generations to come. The Essene
study is a true divine magic that brings balance in all the
worlds. By supporting this work through your membership
and your offering, you participate in the rewriting of the
world in the intelligence of the Light.
To support this divine work is to allow the future
generations to have access to a higher knowledge and a
vision of the world that will not be tainted by the concepts
of a technological and soulless world.
By becoming a student of the Essene wisdom, you
develop a library in your home that becomes richer every
month. In this way, thanks to you, your children, your
grandchildren, your family, your friends can have access
to the wisdom of a higher world. This sacred library also

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

makes a true magical protection for your house and all

those who live there.
By welcoming the Essene books into your home, you
open the door to the divine world. To take part in this
work by your offering is to attract the blessing of God into
your life.
Here are the contact details to receive the different
elements of the Essene study program every month and in
this way participate in the work of the Order of Essenes:

For Quebec
(819) 875-1065
[email protected]

For Europe
+33 (0) 5 65 49 57 13
[email protected]


The Essene Religion

To become a member of the Essene study program is

an offering that allows supporting the manifestation of the
divine world on earth and restoring the tradition of the
Light. By registering, you become an Essene; a being who
takes care of the divine, of what is immortal in you and in
all things.
Through your study, which is a magical work, you build
a body of immortality for yourself, a life that is bigger than
the life in the physical body, bigger than death.

What is the Order of Essenes?

The Order of Essenes is an international order of

awakened men and women who want to shine the universal
wisdom into the world by studying, training and working
together in harmony with nature and the higher worlds.
This alliance is dedicated to research and to the healthy,
harmonious and dignified development of humanity and
of the earth in all areas of life.
The Order of Essenes originates in the most ancient
tradition: the Essene tradition. From shamanism to the
Celts, passing by Taoism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam,

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Christianity . . . , this wisdom has not stopped revealing

itself through time by the intermediary of envoys of God.
Its resurgence in our time of great mutations and
huge challenges is not a coincidence. It appears again in
the world, more alive than ever, to offer the look of an
overall intelligence that federates all the movements, all
the currents and all the good wills in order to take care of
our ecosystem and of the planet that carries us, in order to
protect and strengthen everything that is beautiful and wise
in the world.
The objectives of the Order of Essenes are to bring
consciousness towards a sustainable evolution of humanity,
safeguarding knowledge and rewriting the world. These
objectives are achieved through:

- promoting education and work on oneself;

- protecting culture, art, religion
for the future generations;
- respect for all traditions, all cultures,
all patrimonies and heritages;
- creating massalas, that is, Essene study circles
around the world.

The Essene Religion

By coming together in massalas, the members of the

Order of Essenes work concretely to bring solutions to
planetary problems. They use their creative potential to
increase their awareness in front of the problems and the
challenges of humanity today. Through their active study,
they take part in the coming of a new culture on earth, a
culture of dignity, of harmony and taking care. They not
only transform their destiny, but they also contribute to
restoring the tradition of God and transmitting it to the
future generations.
Become a student of the universal wisdom!


What Are the Massalas?

The wish of the Essenes is that those who study their

teachings do not limit themselves to taking food for their
intellect, but that they welcome it with devotion and
practice the rites that lead to the creation of the body
immortality in man, in this way making their whole life a
work for the Light.
The massalas welcome a brotherhood of beings who
have the same ideal, a group of free individuals, united by

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

the same vision, a circle of friends who practice the same

sacred rites, in this way creating an egregore that strengthens
the Essene tradition and brings positive and beneficial
forces into the destiny of all those who study its wisdom.
Join a massala!


What Is the Round of Archangels?

The Round of Archangels is the inner circle of the

Order of Essenes, the religious practice of this universal
wisdom, studied and implemented in daily life. By the
Round of Archangels, you activate the knowledge that you
have acquired in your study of the Teaching to make of it a
light of understanding that builds an immortal work: your
body of immortality.
The Round of Archangels is not a religion, it is an art
of living, a culture, an education, a new look at the world,
a big family; it is a circle of men and women who take care
of the Angels and of the divine for all of humanity.
Come celebrate the Round of Archangels!


The Essene Religion

Essenia TV1

Would you like to know more about the Essene wisdom

and tradition?
Do you relate to the Essene vision of the world?
Do you appreciate the teaching of the Essenes and want
to know them?
Follow the lectures of Olivier Manitara, representative
of the Essene tradition today, live almost every Sunday at
11 am and available all week long.
Live a unique experience. Discover a teaching that is
astonishing in its richness and precision.


Daily Thoughts2

A beautiful thought every day changes your life!

1 - The lectures are given in French. Some of them are dubbed into English.

2 - Only in French at this time.

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Advice, inspiration, guidance for a beautiful and

harmonious life, avenues of reflection to meditate, shared
ideas . . .


The Circle of Mutual Assistance

Many beings suffer on earth and we cannot remain

insensitive to this reality.
To all those in need the Essenes offer support in the
subtle worlds.


For the Great Passage

For the great passage to the other side of the veil, the
Essenes offer to all an accompaniment of the soul for the
3 days following death. For Essenes, a ceremony can be

The Essene Religion

For Quebec
[email protected]

For Europe
[email protected]

The Essene Villages

Essene Village of the Maple Tree

345 Brochu Road

Cookshire-Eaton, Quebec, J0B 1M0 Canada
+1 (844) 875-1065 (toll free)
+1 (819) 875-3335
[email protected]

Essene Village of Terranova

Hameau de Poulan, route du Roc Blanc

12400 Montlaur, France
+33 (0)6 59 77 87 90
[email protected]

At the Essene Boutique . . .

Cited books:
- Sur les ailes de l’immortalité
(On the Wings of Immortality)
Olivier Manitara
Ultima and Cœur de Phénix, 2008
- Essene Gospels, volume 10,
S’approcher de la source de Gabriel
(Approach the Spring of Gabriel)
Olivier Manitara, Essenia Publishing, 2012
- Le Village Essénien (The Essene Village)
Olivier Manitara, Essenia Publishing, 2015

All the books of Essenia Publishing are available (in

French, and some in English) on the site www.Ordre-des-
Esseniens.org, under the tab « Ce que tu recevras » (What
you will get), then « Les livres d’étude » (Study books), and
on the site www.EditionsEssenia.com.
The lectures, the meditations and the books of Olivier
Manitara as well as the mandalas and meditative drawings
are available on the internet site of the Essene Boutique
at www.Boutique-Essenienne.ca for Canada, and at www.
Boutique-Essenienne.com, for Europe.

Published by
Essenia Publishing

Study Books

- Solve and Coagula

The Secrets of the Philosophical Stone
- The 22 Arcana
Method for Liberation from Karma,
Based on the 22 Commandments of Gabriel
- Theurgic Dialogue with the Mother
The Essenes and the Mother, a Story of Love
- The Mysteries of the Spirit
A Teaching of Archangel Michael
- The Secret Book of the Essene Magi
Learn to Live with an Angel
- The Sense of Touch
Let Magic Give Power to Your Life
- The Sense of Taste
Develop Love in All
- The Prophecy of the Buddha
Will the Wheel of Dharma Really Stop
as Announced in the Sacred Texts?

The Essene Religion

- The Sense of Smell

Let Truth Guide Your Steps
- What Happens After Death
- The Sense of Hearing
Let Wisdom Be Your Inspiration
- The Pyramid of the Initiates
Build a Bridge Between Heaven and Earth
and Restore Access to Divine Knowledge
- The Sense of Sight
Taking Care of Others
- The New World
The Advent of the Man-Angel
- Thought in the Subtle Worlds
The Invisible Bonds of Daily Life
- The Path of Enlightenment
What Lineage Are You From? Cain, Abel or Enoch
- Alchemy and the Secrets of Androgyny
Climb the Ladder of Evolution and Live with Your Soul
- The 4 Elements
Live in Harmony with Earth, Water, Air and Fire

Its foundations, its culture, its villages

Essene Gospels Series

- Volume 1 - Find Your Own Path

Psalms of Archangel Michael - 1-22
- Volume 2 - The Secrets of the 3 Worlds
Psalms of Archangel Gabriel - 1-24
- Volume 3 - Breathe with the Angels
Psalms of Archangel Raphael - 1-23
- Volume 4 - You Are the Hope of a World
Psalms of Archangel Uriel - 1-24


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