The Essene Religion
The Essene Religion
The Essene Religion
Its Foundations, Its Culture, Its Villages
ISBN: 978-2-89724-379-1
Note from the Hierogrammates................................................... 5
Introduction.................................................................................. 9
F riend reader,
The books of the Essene wisdom are for you.
How do we know? They are simply for all beings.
The Essene wisdom is beyond fashion and cultures.
It is the source from which all traditions, religions and
philosophies are born, it is the current that connects them.
This teaching is addressed to the members of any
religious movement as well as to the spiritualists and
scientists who want to get closer to God through the study
of divine wisdom or who aspire to understand the great
laws of the visible or invisible universe. It is destined for
all men and women who want to know and understand
themselves, understand the world that surrounds us, to
protect themselves from the empty information that is
transmitted to us and be able to consciously choose the
world they want to live in by saying no to certain realities.
Regardless of your religion and your beliefs, regardless
of where you are in your life, these books are really aimed
at you, because they illuminate the world with the light of
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
adopted. With this form, you can feel the friendship and
respect that can be shared by genuine seekers who support
each other on a path of Light, learning and enlightenment.
Each month, his teachings are collected and archived by
the hierogrammates as fragments of wisdom, as a treasure
for humanity and for the future generations.
“Hierogrammate” comes from the Greek words hieros
and grammatik, which mean “sacred” and “art of reading and
writing.” Heirs of the secret science of the ancient scribes of
Egypt, the hierogrammates have the task of collecting the
words, writings, drawings, movements, ceremonies, dances
and sacred chants of the Essene religion,1 formatting them,
archiving them and circulating them worldwide.2
One can have access to the rituals, the initiations, a more
practical and in-depth knowledge of this teaching in the
study circles and the houses of God.
1 - Religion is the link of life that unites man to the divine world, allowing him to
know and to weave good relations with the others and all the kingdoms of nature.
The religion of the Light or Essene religion does not belong to any people, to any
religion of the world of men. It is only divine. It is the higher intelligence that allows
guiding men into wisdom and true royalty.
The Essene Religion
An Ancient Tradition
Asking to Be Recognized
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
A Culture of Openness
Towards Others
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
One God, One Religion,
One Nation, One Earth
1st day - The feet, the soul of life, 7 years of age, entering
the Round of Archangels.
2nd day - The knees, the soul of feelings, 14 years of age,
entering the study circles of the massalas.
3rd day - The sex and the abdomen, the soul of thought,
21 years of age, going deeper into the study circles of the
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
The Essene Religion
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
What Is
the Essene Religion?
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Each religion has its beliefs, its rites, its practices. This
forms a connection, allows cohesion and also identification
of all the individualities, which in this way can form a unit,
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
So, for the Essene, there are no beliefs that are not
founded on:
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
Diagram of the Evolution
of Christianity
Church of Rome
Schism of 1054
Schism of Chalcedony
Nestorian schism
Appearance of Christianity
The Essene Nation
(Source) Birth of Jesus
and Saint John
Apollonius Mani
of Tyana
Saint John
The Essene Nation goes underground (current of the mysteries)
Anabaptists - Mennonites
- Mennonites
Protestant reform reform Unitarians
Restorationist and others
and others
Many currents
Many currents flow flow Pentecostals
from thisfrom this reform
reform Methodists
in secretin secret Anglicans
by the Cathars.
by the Cathars. Calvinists
Oriental Orthodox
Covenant with thewith the 4 Archangels
4 Archangels
Celebration of the of
of the Round Round of Archangels
RebirthRebirth of the Essene
of the Essene NationNation
and of the of the wisdom that
that gave gave birth
to Christianity
to Christianity in purityin purity
Bogomiles CatharsCathars
Rudolf Rudolf
Steiner Steiner Peter Deunov
Peter Deunov OmraamOmraam
MichaelMichael Aivanhov
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
What Is an Essene?
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
The Practice
of the Essene Way
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
Why Do the Essenes
Gather in Villages?
The Essene Religion
recognize all the envoys of God, because they all come from
the one original model: the living body of Enoch.
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
the Light and a continuity of the wisdom from the most ancient
times to the most future times.
Be conscious of your first step on the land of the Essene
Nation and make it consciously, in the silence and the hidden of
your soul, for the victory of the divine world. One day you will see
bloom in your life, and in your lives, everything that you like to
see live to be with the Father and the Mother.
This first step on the land of the Essene Nation is for God like
your first thought, your first word, your first act. All this carries
the sign of the first impulse of the Light in all the worlds. Then,
through an Essene Village, enter into the new life, into the divine,
universal life, the life of the eternal light that constantly renews
itself and rejuvenates the world.” (72:20-22)
“Unite, roll up your sleeves, put all your forces to work to form
this Essene Village, here, on the land of Quebec, as a space where
light can be pure, where freedom will be truth, where kindness
will be the presence of the higher worlds for men, the animals, the
forest and the earth living in alliance of Light.” (76:14)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
Words of God
for the Essene Villages
The Essene Religion
“It is not because around you there are no longer the conditions
to be what you are that you cannot be it. You must open a path
and recreate conditions not only for yourselves, but for the future
generations. This is the path of the Round of Archangels and the
Essene Villages.” (172:23)
“If you believe in the divine teaching, study the Essene Gospels,
cultivate devotion, carry out the rites, spread the message of the
Light around you, strengthen the Round of Archangels, open study
circles and build villages in which you and the others can live and
entirely rewrite the world by magic and the work. Such is the path
and there is no other; the rest is only psychology, a trick to make
you accept what is unacceptable. All that is only faking, dust in
the eyes, a world that you create to make you believe that you
are well and good, superior and perfect despite your works that
constantly bear witness against you.” (187:40)
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
to God. Then the work will be able to find the path of expansion
through the fervour, the commitment and the strength that will
have been implemented for the realization.
You need to organize a perfect world where this teaching will
be integrated and enhanced. In this way no opposition will come
into your life.
Know that when you transform the knowledge you have
received into concrete realizations, into a daily art of living, it will
be the victory of God in all the worlds.” (228:21-25, 29-30)
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“Light the fire in your villages, establish its worship and live
with this permanent consciousness of the flame in you.” (236:35)
The Essene Religion
“The sun must be the first to fecundate you and to seed your
day. Never let the unconscious and passive forces and intelligences
of the world come in starting from the morning to fill your life
with their projects, their wishes, their suggestions. It is a sacred law
valid for all the men of the earth. Whether you are a Child of the
Light living in an Essene Village or an ordinary man plunged into
the infernal whirlwind of the world, this law must be applied.”
“The Essene Villages must be the arms of the Mother for man
on earth. They must be something gentle, sanctuaries, places of
In these villages, the men must be able to approach the spring
that carries the teaching of Gabriel. It is this spring that makes
nature alive.” (59:2-3)
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“You will see villages created where you can really live in
freedom and harmony, not to succeed in one’s life as a man, but
to carry out the great mission of man on earth: to form a body
for the divine world and to be deeply united with the earth, and
through it to the Mother, to accomplish this work, this design, this
writing.” (81:20)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
you to place the seal of Work and the seal of Family so that we
can stabilize ourselves on a solid base and open the doors in the
space that you have opened on earth by the Round of Archangels
and the Essene Villages.” (137:8)
The Essene Religion
they activate themselves again; they shout and claim their due like
hungry children. They show themselves to you and let you know
that they refuse to leave you.” (184:23-24)
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“The soul likes that the water in man and around man is
clear, pure, alive, genuine. That is why the sacred practice of
the Essene baptism is fundamental, in the image of my temples
placed in the Essene Villages. These are places of strength and
of concentration where discipline can be activated and where the
meeting with the soul can happen.” (227:17)
“I know that you agree, that the Essenes also are going to
agree with my word and that you are going to answer me that
you want to live with God. That is why I underline the capital
importance that there is a central point in your life, a place, a
consecrated space that remains pure and alive. This place is a
point of exchange, of renewal, of communication. It is both the
celebration of the Round of Archangels and the worship of water
in the Essene Villages. I want you to be aware of it, that it becomes
The Essene Religion
obvious for you. To take care of such a sacred place is to take care
of one’s soul and one’s life. When you approach this meeting point,
you must prepare, be pure, in the best of yourselves.” (229:24)
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“Now take your life in hand. Let no obstacle stop you. Join
together and build these villages around a centre-school to celebrate
life, love and the beautiful light of wisdom. In this way you will
have participated in making another choice possible, you will have
demonstrated that another life is possible. Then maybe the earth
will be saved.” (27:28)
The Essene Religion
“I will stand in the Essene Nation like the precious air, the
air-Light, the soft and living air filled with wisdom. I will feed
your breaths, I will live in your soul atmospheres, I will nourish
the divine in the Essenes. I will be the spirit and soul of the life
of your nation, of your villages, of your houses, of your prayers
and of your meditations, of your families, of your works, of your
businesses.” (48:12)
Live Together
in the Essene Villages
Psalm 100 of Archangel Raphael
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
the others. Do not let your impetus for the Light die
and do not allow anyone to extinguish it.
17 Know that the victory will go to the divine world, but
those who will have allowed it will be rewarded first.
18 One who speaks and acts to limit the other in his
creativity will see himself placed behind everything and
will even become a millstone.
19 Unite, ensure that the divine world is placed in power
and victory, that men find balance and peace, harmony,
a joy of living with the beautiful light.
20 The Essene teaching is not just a word, it is a truth in
all the worlds.
21 Do not feed yourselves with words of truth to then
scorn them by not putting them into practice.
22 If you want to meet the great light of the truth, be
yourselves genuine and sincere beings.
23 It is indispensable that if the Light approaches you, it
is welcomed in purity, protected and can at no moment
be led into the dirtiness of the world of men.
24 Any luminous idea of which you think, that you
wish for and talk about without living it inside you and
without putting it into practice, without incarnating it
will die out, will abort in your world. On the other hand,
if you invigorate it from your awakened and conscious
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“May the idea, the soul and the strength of the great universal
family be able to live at least in the Essene Villages like oases in
the war of human relations. Then the kingdom of Raphael will be
able to come and settle on the land of Light of Uriel and on the
22 commandments of Gabriel.” (133:44)
“I say that the Essenes must never act in this way, that they
must not withdraw into themselves. There is no question that in
the Essene Nation or in the Essene Villages there is this kind of
isolation of beings who work alone, who are not with the other,
who do not think and do not act in the energy of the Common
Good.” (137:5)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“Offer the earth and the world of men to God. Build for Him
Essene Villages in which you will live and build for Him churches
over all the earth so that His house is honoured in purity and
truth.” (200:23)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
you sick and leads you into weakness, in this life and for
the future generations.
18 What happened to the cow, which became mad, is
happening to man. Major psychological diseases are
going to become frequent, epileptic seizures, hysteria,
memory loss, delirious episodes, intellectual madness,
emotional loss of control and everything that can appear
when the brain loses its ability to manage and regulate
the life of the body.
19 So, I say it again: take your life, the future of humanity
and the earth in hand.
20 Protect yourselves and protect the future generations
from this poisoning.
21 Limit your exposure to electric currents; grow your
own food and above all prepare it yourselves; make your
own medicine coming from your temples, from your
22 Limit the use of food and medicinal products that
come from factories, for these are only chemicals that
aggress your brain.
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
“Then, you placed the 4 great seals of the divine world and
honoured the 4 worships of the living God on the lands of the
Essene Villages, which has allowed the door of the Covenant to
remain permanently open. All this was born of the first impulse of
the divine world, but now, I tell you that this body has to grow, not
from the first impulse, but from the awareness of the holy assembly
and from the individualization of certain of its members.” (227:3)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
perfection that will enlighten the whole world. Devote time to it,
build temples, open sacred spaces. May men and women dedicate
themselves to the service of this splendour and this greatness. If
you do it, I assure you that you will have contributed to a work
that will live in the midst of you, that will bring you happiness on
earth and that you will take with you, even beyond the doors of
the death of the body.” (67:22)
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
57 If you still need time, you can take it, but this will not be
beneficial for you.” (188)
Related Texts1
For More Information
About the Essenes . . .
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Take Part
in the Essene Work
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
For Quebec
(819) 875-1065
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+33 (0) 5 65 49 57 13
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The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
The Essene Religion
Essenia TV1
Daily Thoughts2
1 - The lectures are given in French. Some of them are dubbed into English.
Its foundations, its culture, its villages
For the great passage to the other side of the veil, the
Essenes offer to all an accompaniment of the soul for the
3 days following death. For Essenes, a ceremony can be
The Essene Religion
For Quebec
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At the Essene Boutique . . .
Cited books:
- Sur les ailes de l’immortalité
(On the Wings of Immortality)
Olivier Manitara
Ultima and Cœur de Phénix, 2008
- Essene Gospels, volume 10,
S’approcher de la source de Gabriel
(Approach the Spring of Gabriel)
Olivier Manitara, Essenia Publishing, 2012
- Le Village Essénien (The Essene Village)
Olivier Manitara, Essenia Publishing, 2015
Published by
Essenia Publishing
Study Books
The Essene Religion
Its foundations, its culture, its villages