Read The Monologue and Dialogue Then Discuss With Your Friends

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Read the monologue and dialogue then discuss with your friends.
Are you a user of social media? How long do you spend your time on social media every day? If you
are a frequent social media user, it's a good idea to consider the negative effects of social media on
you and your peers. You might not agree with me but here are some facts why I say so.

According to a book I read, Fear of Missing Out or FOMO is a phenomenon that emerged along with
the growth of social media. FOMO is a granddaddy of text slang because this phenomenon has been
around for years. It is not surprising that FOMO is one of the most common negative consequences
of social media on society.

Just like it sounds, FOMO is a kind of anxiety that occurs when you are afraid of missing out on a
pleasant event that someone else is enjoying. For example, you could continuously check your
messages to see if someone has asked you out, or you might spend all day scrolling through your
Instagram account to ensure that no one is doing anything exciting without you. You can also see
images of something great that your friends were able to do and feel left out since you couldn't
attend because of another commitment.

This anxiety is constantly fuelled by what you see on media. With greater s0cial network usage,
you're more likely to notice that someone is having more fun are right now. That is precisely what
triggers social media, FOMO.

Anxiety, loneliness, and fear of missing out have a serious impact on your mental health. From a
recent statistic, it is forecast that there will be around 3 billion active monthly users of social media.
According to the statistics, it is obvious that social media has become an essential component of our
lives, A wide variety of studies and experiments show that people have become addicted to social
media. It is said that it is potentially more addictive than alcohol and cigarettes. So, are you with me?

James : Look at this article about social media.

Keke : Social media? What does it say?

James : Well, apparently, they've found that social media has a great influence on human life.

Keke : I know that.

James : Yes, well, it says here social media has an impact on many factors of human existence,
including voting, individual perspectives and beliefs, and skewing a person's understanding of a given
issue owing to misleading information.

Keke : Really? Information is facts about a situation. How could there be false facts? | can't believe
that's possible.

James : The survey Says that there are 7 negative effects of social media on people and users.
Keke : Seven?

James : Don't accept this? Continue reading for a list of negative consequences of social media. If
you identify any of these as concerns in your own life, it may be time to minimize or perhaps
discontinue your use of social media.

Keke : Stop using social media? Are you kidding?

James : Why not? It's better than feeling sad due to social media.

Keke : Let me see the article! Depression and anxiety? How come?

James : l agree with this statement. You know social media allows you to witness the deliberately
chosen greatest portions of other people's lives, which you can then compare with your own
problems. Then, can you guess what happens?

Keke : Let me read it for you ... Comparing yourself to other people is a sure path to anxiety and
unhappiness, and social media has made this much easier to do.

James : It's right, isn't it? | felt a complete failure after reading and comparing my idol with my life. I
dread to think what you will say about all this.

Keke: Well, but I disagree with that. I read many articles about everyone else's lives too. | learn a
lot about how they achieved their careers. You know I love to read articles about famous people in
the world. I feel happy and want to try some tips that made them successful.

Read the monologue and dialogue then discuss with your friends.
1. What are the monologue and dialogue about? What clue did you use to make the inference?
2. What is the significant difference between the monologue and dialogue?
3. Why do the users of social media always want to check the other users' activities? What clue
did you use to make the inference?
4. How is Keke's argument about FOMO?
5. Who is the speaker in the monologue, a user of social media or a critic?
6. Write down the words and phrases that help you infer the danger of social media in both
7. Write the tricks used by the speakers to persuade the listeners to agree with their
8. Write the expressions to tell you that the speakers in both texts are showing many
agreements and disagreements in the conversation

Clue = hint, a piece of information or evidence used to solve a problem
Inference = conclusion
Persuade = convince, cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument

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