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Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

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Investigation of residual stress distribution of dissimilar Al-7075-T6 and Al- T

6061-T6 in the friction stir welding process strengthened with SiO2

Hasan Jafari, Hadi Mansouri, Mohammad Honarpisheh
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


Keywords: In this study, residual stress distribution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded dissimilar 7075-T6 and
Friction stir welding 6061-T6 aluminum alloys were investigated. Welding and rotational speeds were defined using trial and error
Residual stress method in order to reach non-defect welding samples without any crack or cavity. With the selection of H13 steel
Contour method as the material of the tool, shoulder diameter of 30 mm and Taper Cylindrical Threaded (TCT) pin with 6 mm
SiO2 nanoparticles
diameter, non-defect welds achieved. Rotational speeds of 450, 560, 710, 900 RPM with welding speeds of 25,
31.5, 50, 80 mm/min were set together, respectively. In other conditions defects of cavity and low surface
quality could be obtained. Contour method was used to determine residual stress distribution at the weld zone.
With investigation of the residual stresses distribution, it was observed that they were tensile in the center of the
cut sample, and compressive on the edges. Considering the lowest value of yield strength (YS) for the base metal
in this research which was 292 MPa for Al-6061-T6 alloy and the highest value of residual stress which was
63.2 MPa, it can be concluded that the residual stress amount is 21.6% of the YS of the base Al-6061-T6 alloy.
Also, to increase the metal’s yield strength and ultimate tensile strength, SiO2 ceramic nanoparticles used as a
reinforcing phase. With adding the SiO2 nanoparticles, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) increased but the YS
and the residual stress decreased.

1. Introduction connection for the aluminum alloys [3]. In order to improve the me-
chanical properties of the weld and overcome the FSW imperfections,
Because of the difficulty in creating a fusion welding with high many studies have been carried out and researchers have found ways to
strength and resistance to fatigue and corrosion on aluminum alloys of improve mechanical properties and weld quality. Kadian and Biswas
2000 and 7000 series which are used in advanced industries, the usage [4] investigated material flow behavior in dissimilar AA6061 and Cu-
of fusion welding in the industry had been limited. This series of alu- B370 (aluminum and copper alloys) plates in the FSW process. They
minum alloys are generally classified as non-weldable alloys. Because of present a novel material flow model for dissimilar materials in friction
the widespread usage of these alloys in a variety of industries, such as stir welding based on the temperature and strain rate dependent ma-
automotive, railways, marine and construction industries, the study of terial properties. Ravikumar et al. [5] studied effect of the FSW para-
welding methods on these alloys are very important. In the aerospace meters on dissimilar 6061 and 7075 aluminum alloys. They used three
industry, one of the design elements is lightness of the structure, thus, different kinds of Simple Square (SS), Taper Cylindrical Threaded (TCT)
due to very low density of aluminum alloys comparing with steel alloys, and Taper Square Threaded (TST) pins. The best mechanical properties
aluminum is one of the most important materials used in this industry. achieved at rotational speed of 900 RPM and welding speed of 100 mm/
The friction stir welding process (FSW) is widely used for various items min equipped with the TCT tool. The fracture location of the weld was
such as high melting point metals, austenitic stainless steel and alu- in the heat affected zone (HAZ) on the side of 6061 alloy due to the
minum alloys [1,2]. Fig. 1 shows the schematic drawing of the FSW lower hardness value. Dissolution of the precipitates in the HAZ de-
process. pends on the heat exposure temperature and time, and it is controlled
The FSW process is introduced by The Welding Institute (TWI) in by the rotational and welding speeds. Moradi et al. [6] studied the ef-
Britain with cooperation of Cambridge University as a solid state fect of pre and post welding heat treatment in SiC-fortified dissimilar

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Honarpisheh).
Received 12 February 2019; Received in revised form 14 May 2019; Accepted 16 May 2019
Available online 29 May 2019
1526-6125/ © 2019 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

maximum longitudinal residual stress up to 24% in comparison with the

conventional FSW method [22]. Prime et al [23] used contour method
to measure residual stresses in dissimilar 7050 and 2024 aluminum
alloys after the FSW process and found that, the maximum obtained
residual stress was less than 20% of the YS of the base metal. Donne
et al. [24] used 3 methods of Synchrotron, X-ray and Neutron Diffrac-
tion to measure residual stresses and found that the results of all these
methods are qualitatively compatible. Depending on the diameter, ro-
tational speed and linear speed of the pin, the longitudinal stresses
(along the weld line) are always more than latitudinal stresses. The
distribution of residual stresses was similar in the upper and lower
surfaces of the samples. The obtained residual stress value was 20% to
50% of the YS of the base metal. Peel et al. [25] considered residual
stress as a function of FSWed 5083 aluminum alloy and proved that the
input heat has a greater role for determination of weld properties rather
than applied mechanical deformations by the tool. They also found that
increasing the welding speed, reduces the strength of the weld zone and
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of friction stir welding.
increases maximum longitudinal stress. Ma et al. [26] performed FSW
on 2024 aluminum alloy for examination of residual stresses while the
AA6061-AA2024 FSW butt joint. They found that, annealing of base sample was under mechanical drawing and they were successful to
metals as a pre welding heat treatment leads to more uniform dis- reduce residual stresses in the weld zone. Dattoma et al. [27] applied
tribution of SiC particles in the weld nugget. The post welding artificial hole drilling method to investigate residual stress distribution of dis-
aging heat treatment results in joint strength near AA6061-T6 base similar 6082-T6 and 2024-T3 aluminum alloys and found that in
metal strength. Guo et al. [7] investigated effect of FSW process on thicker joints, high values of longitudinal stresses have been created
dissimilar 6061 and 7075 aluminum alloys. They showed that stirring and also revealed that, an optimal shoulder can reduce the amount of
of materials is much effective when the 6061 alloy is on the advancing residual stresses.
side and several vortex centers were formed vertically in the sample. Controlling the process parameters such as rotational speed, tool
The highest welding strength obtained with the highest welding speed penetration, welding speed, torsional torque and tool geometry, is an
while the 6061 alloy plate was on the advancing side. Tavassolimanesh important matter to achieve a proper weld. Adding nanoparticles to the
and Alavi Nia [8] presented a new approach to manufacture bimetallic weld seam is another way to increase the strength of the joint and
tubes. They produced bi-tubes from Copper and Aluminum alloy using create metal matrix composite (MMC). Fouladi and Abbasi [28] in-
the FSW process. They also showed that the joint strength decreased by vestigated the effect of friction stir vibration (FSV) welding process on
increasing the rotational speed. Creation of residual stress is one of the the mechanical properties of weld joint. They used SiO2 nanoparticles
biggest problems after welding in constructions. The thermal and me- in weld seam to reinforce the joint.
chanical welding residual stresses occur in the weld and its surround- To the best of authors’ knowledge, residual stress distribution of
ings due to local temperature and contained fixtures in dependence dissimilar Al-7075-T6 and Al-6061-T6 strengthened with SiO2 nano-
with the base metal’s yield strength. Due to the effect of residual stress particles in the friction stir welding process is not reported so far. So, in
on mechanical properties in the FSW process, and with realizing the current study, residual stress distribution and mechanical properties of
effects of stresses on the safety of the weld structures, especially in FSWed Al-7075-T6 and Al-6061-T6 were investigated and two states
sensitive structures such as pressure vessels, measurement of residual with and without presence of SiO₂ nanoparticles in the weld seam were
stresses becomes an essential matter. Many investigations have been compared.
performed to measure the residual stresses such as contour method
[9,10], slitting method [11–14] and incremental hole drilling method 2. Research method
[15,16]. Weglowski et al. in four papers by the years 2015 and 2016
investigated the relationship between friction stir processing (FSP) The tool consists of a special pin and shoulder. In this study a flat
parameters and longitudinal residual stress profiles in modified cast shoulder and a Taper Cylindrical Threaded (TCT) pin was used which is
aluminum alloy AlSi9Mg [17], used a coupled thermal/material flow schematically shown in Fig. 2.
model to predict residual stress in friction stir processed AlMg9Si By AISI H13 hot work steel was used as the material for the designed
capturing material flow during processing [18], 2016 investigated the tool. In order to increase the strength and abrasion resistance, it was
effect of friction stir processing (FSP) parameters on residual stress in a heat treated and the hardness increased to 56 Rockwell C. Also the
modified cast aluminum alloy AlSi9Mg [19] and investigated the effect tilting angle of the tool was considered to be 2.5 degrees. The used
of FSP modification of cast aluminum alloy AlSi9Mg on residual stress fixture in this study has been shown in Fig. 3.
[20]. They found that increasing in the rotational speed and number of In this study a Heckret315 milling machine was used to perform the
processing passes caused an increasing in the residual stress. Also, FSW process, which has 18 and 16 rotational and longitudinal speeds,
tensile residual stresses are higher on the advancing side than on the respectively. Also SiO2 nanoparticles used in this research had the
retreating side. Alinaghian et al. [21] investigated on measurement of purity of more than 99%, particle size in the range of 11–13 nm, special
residual stress in the FSWed AA 6061-T6 with assistance of ultrasonic surface area of 200 m2/g, white color, and volume density of less than
vibrations and their findings indicated that high-frequency vibrations 0.08 g/Cm3 and actual density of 2.4 g/cm3.
with power of 200 W can reduce the maximum tensile residual stress For execution of the FSW process, dissimilar 7075-T6 and 6061-T6
about 45% and significantly increase the ultimate tensile strength and aluminum alloys were cut in the size of 100×50×5 mm. Tables 1 and 2
also realized, UAFSW generally decreases the welding forces (reaction indicate the chemical composition of these alloys.
force along tool axis) in compared with the conventional FSW process. The fact that in hardened precipitate aluminum alloys, FSW causes
In another study in 2017 they investigated the influence of bending poor welding is not unpredictable. Because these alloys get their high
mode ultrasonic assisted friction stir welding (BM-UAFSW) in Al-6061- strength from their precipitate particles [29]. For this purpose, to in-
T6 alloy on residual stresses, welding force and macrostructures. Their crease the metal yield strength and ultimate tensile strength, ceramic
results indicated that assistance of ultrasonic can decrease the nanoparticles used as a reinforcing phase. A groove was made on each

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Table 3
Process parameters in FSW.
State Rotational speed W (RPM) Welding Speed F (mm/min) Nano particles

i 450 25 –
ii 560 31.5 –
iii 710 50 –
iv 900 80 –
v 450 25 SiO2
vi 560 31.5 SiO2
vii 710 50 SiO2
viii 900 80 SiO2

Fig. 2. Geometrical characteristics of the tool (Dimensions in mm).

Fig. 4. Welding quality in different situations.

meant to be set on the advancing side and the tool deviation angle
considered to be 2.5 degrees. Welding and rotational speed defined by
trial and error method which are shown in Table 3.
To perform the process, the tool is rotating, it is penetrated to the
samples, smoothly, until the shoulder is 0.3 mm inside of the sample.
The mentioned position fixes for 60 s to generate the essential heat for
the process. Then according to Fig. 4, the tool passes the traveling di-
rection, automatically. Due to the generated heat in the welding zone,
the material enters the plastic phase and stirs because of the tool ro-
Fig. 3. Designed fixture for the process. tation which causes both materials to get mixed together. At the end of
the process, the tool expels while it’s still rotating. At the final step, the
Table 1 FSWed samples were cut by electro discharge machine (EDM) equipped
Chemical composition of the 7075-T6 alloy (mass %). by no.500 brass wire with 25 μm diameter and the cutting process was
performed on finishing mode, starting form center of the sample and
Si Cr Fe Cu Mg Zn Al
normal to the welding line. The cutting plane is shown in Fig. 1. The
0.201 0.2095 0.443 1.35 2.272 5.407 90.0235 shape of the samples in welding zone after the process is shown in
Sn Sb Pb Ni Ti Zr Mn Fig. 4. This should be mentioned that in the states of i–iv, SiO2 wasn’t
0 0.016 0.011 0.02 0.0235 0 0.022 used while in the states of v, vi, vii, viii, the cubic groove in the middle
of the samples filled with SiO2 nanoparticles before the process.
The contour method is a relatively new destructive technique to
Table 2
measure a full map of residual stress with the advantages of being
Chemical composition of the 6061-T6 alloy (mass %).
simple, cost effective and insensitive to microstructural variations [30].
Si Cr Fe Cu Mg Zn Al It is a simple process that relies on the available hardware and software
with minimal computing for users. In this method the sample con-
0.563 0.1101 0.528 0.48 0.976 0.111 97.1114
taining the residual stresses is cut and the release of the normal stress in
Sn Sb Pb Ni Ti Zr Mn z direction and the shear stresses (τzx , τyz ) at the cut surface causes
distortion of the surfaces. This level then returns to its original form
0.007 0.0029 0 0.01 0.01885 0.001 0.079867 analytically. Using a finite element model, the opposite of the measured
contour is applied to the surface as a displacement BC, and the residual
sample along the joining direction. After putting them together, a cubic stresses normal to the plane of the cut is computed.
groove was formed to be filled with the SiO2 nanoparticles in the After cutting the samples by EDM, their deformation was measured
welding seam which is shown in Fig. 1. The distance from the center of by Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) with accuracy of 0.001,
the groove to the bottom of the sample is two times more than the 0.005 and 0.0001 toward the x, y and z directions, respectively.
distance of it from top of the sample, because stirring is more on top and Measuring point distribution is an important agenda to reach an ac-
better distribution of nano-powder will be reached. curate surface. In this research, Y direction (thickness) was graded by
According to the previous researches [21,22], the 6061-T6 alloy was 0.5 mm divisions and for X direction (transverse) 40 mm middle of the

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Fig. 5. Smoothing the data.

sample was graded by 0.4 mm divisions and the rest graded by 1.2 mm Table 4
divisions. Finally, 10 and 150 points were selected in Y and X direc- The used mechanical properties in simulation.
tions, respectively, which creates total number of 1500 points to ex- Materials Al-6061-T6 Al-7075-T6
amine. Measuring process was done on both sides of the cut sample. In
the next step, the mean value of the reached data from CMM for both Elastic Module (GPa) 68.9 71.7
sides, smoothens in MATLAB software so that only the stress contour Poisson’s Ratio 0.33 0.33
Density (gr/Cm3) 2.7 2.8
remains. Fig. 5 indicates a smoothed example. The reason of smoothing
the data is that, there are always some noises and errors even in the best
condition of cutting and measuring that can be omitted as defects and No. 200-250 sandpaper was used to polish the samples after cutting
smoothing clears these defects. and then according to the ASTM E92 standard, Vickers microhardness
Reversing the contour and using it in a three-dimensional elastic test was performed on the middle depth of the thickness. Static load of
model of finite element, the measurement of the contour from the de- 100 g with pausing time of 15 s were set on the device and 27 points
formation inversion requires the principal stresses obtained by the finite with 2 mm distance between them, were selected in which 13 points
element software output. The polynomial regression model for x and y from the welding line through the advancing side and 13 points through
variables was examined and the cut surface profile was obtained as a the retreating side were measured.
function to be used for ease of simulation. In the next step, the finite By the method of trial and error, optimized rotational and welding
element model of the weld sample was developed in ABAQUSE/ speeds were reached in order to obtain a suitable connection without
Standard software. Fig. 6 shows the boundary condition and FEA model any defect. The relationship between each rotational speed and welding
of deformed plates welded with a deformation scale factor of 50. This speed is shown in Table 5.
simulation is a 3D static elastic model and doesn’t need to define Where, Wn and Fn are the welding speed and rotational speed at
thermal and plastic properties of the material, contacts, and friction each level, respectively. In the FSW process, the defect of cavity is
conditions. usually seen in the advancing side. If the tool design is inappropriate or
The selected element was a hexagonal C3D8R. Mechanical proper- welding speed is too fast, the plastic material won’t be able to fill rear of
ties of the materials which were used in the simulation are shown in the tool because it enters the solid state before reaching the proper
Table 4. position. And also if the generated heat by the shoulder is not sufficient,
In order to find mechanical properties of the welding samples, the material won’t flow properly and the cavity defect will be created
tensile test should be executed. For this purpose, the samples were cut [31].
according to the ASTM E8 standard in subsize scale.

3. Result and discussion

In this research residual stress distribution in FSW process was in-

vestigated by contour method. Because of the displacement in Z di-
rection, residual stresses were measured in this direction. Generally, in
the welding samples, longitudinal residual stress (σz) are measured.

Table 5
Obtained parameters with trial and error method.
Level (n) Rotational speed Welding speed F Wn/Fn Fn+1/Fn Wn+1/Wn
W (RPM) (mm/min)

1 450 25 18 1.26 1.24

2 560 31.5 18 1.6 1.27
3 710 50 14 1.6 1.27
4 900 80 11
Fig. 6. 3D FEA model illustrating mesh distribution (scale factor of 50).

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Fig. 7. Residual stress contour for the states of (a) without nanoparticles and (b) with nanoparticles.

Figs. 7–11 indicate the results of contour method for longitudinal re- heat tolerance strength of nanoparticles is reduced. It is concluded that
sidual stress (σz). the effect of SiO2 nanoparticles in reducing residual stress decreases by
Reduction of residual stress which is created by the heat in the increasing the generated heat.
welding bond is visible in Fig. 9. So it is concluded that SiO2 nano- It’s clearly visible from the above figures that presence of SiO2 re-
particles usage is an effective way to decrease the residual stresses. In duces the amount of residual stress. According to the Fig. 9, with in-
the FSW process with SiO2 particles, residual stresses resulted from creasing the rotational speed, percentage of residual stresses reduction
thermal mismatch between the base materials and the reinforcement. are 23.5, 15.3, 11 and 6.6 percent, respectively and according to the
Due to different thermal expansion behavior of base metals and the Fig. 10, these reductions are, 32.9, 27.3, 17.5 and 5.6 percent, re-
nanoparticles, the cooling procedure of FSW process with the nano- spectively, which are shown in Fig. 11.
particles is done slower than the FSW process without the nano- With investigation of residual stresses it was observed that they are
particles. So, the residual stress is reduced when incorporating the tensile in the center of the cut sample, and are compressive on the
nanoparticles in the weld zone. Dislocation density increases by adding edges. The maximum value of residual stress, achieved in the region
the nanoparticles to the base material [32]. So, the Yield and Tensile near to the edge of the shoulder (boundary between TMAZ and HAZ) in
strength increase due to thermal mismatch between the particles and the welding samples without presence of nanoparticles. In general, the
base material [33]. On the other hand, when a part is subjected to a level of residual stress in samples with nanoparticles is less than that
tensile residual stress, the tensile strength (UTS) is decreased [34]. In samples without nanoparticles.
the presented study, the UTS has increased by adding the SiO2 nano- Vickers microhardness device was used in order to obtain the
particles. It shows that the residual stress can be decreased by using the hardness profile in the welded samples. In this study, according to the
nanoparticles. material of the specimens and ASTM E92 standard, 100 g static load
As it can be seen in the figures, increasing the rotational and and pausing time of 15 s were set on the device. The results of this test
welding speeds which lead to the increasing of the generated heat, will in different states from i to viii, are shown in Figs. 12 and 13.
decrease the effect of SiO2 nanoparticles in reducing the residual stress. According to the hardness results, it was observed that in both Al-
By adding SiO2 nanoparticles to the welding seam, the resistance of the 6061 and Al-7075 alloys, its reduction was similar. In the states without
welding region to the heat increases. Increasing the rotational and presence of SiO2, the hardness value of all welded samples were almost
welding speed increase the generated heat in the welding region, thus, equal but among the states with presence of SiO2, state of viii has the

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Fig. 9. Residual stress in midpoint of the connection line.

Fig. 10. Maximum amount of residual stress in the midline of the thickness.

Fig. 11. Effect of nanoparticles on reduction of residual stress in the states of


highest value. Because of applied heat cycles in heat treatable alloys,

their precipitates dissolve in the HAZ and the hardness decreased. In the
latter category which are non-heat-treatable, there is a sort of alu-
minum alloys which can be strengthened mechanically. In these alloys,
after the FSW process not only their hardness doesn’t decrease, but it
can also increase, because the FSW process work hardens the aluminum
weld [35].
Analyzing the hardness curves and profiles demonstrate that in the
highest value of welding and rotational speed, the highest amount of
hardness achieved in the stirred zone. Adding the SiO2 nanoparticles to
Fig. 8. Residual stress profile with and without of nanoparticles (a) the welding seam decreased the hardness with low rotational and
F = 25 mm/min, W = 450 RPM (b) F = 31.5 mm/min, W = 560 RPM (c) welding speeds and increased that with high rotational and welding
F = 50 mm/min, W = 710 RPM (d) F = 80 mm/min, W = 900 RPM.
In the next step, tensile test results like, ultimate tensile strength,
yield strength and elongation, were reached which are shown in

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Fig. 12. Vickers micro-hardness profile with and without of nanoparticles (a) F = 25 mm/min, W = 450 RPM (b) F = 31.5 mm/min, W = 560 RPM (c) F = 50 mm/
min, W = 710 RPM (d) F = 80 mm/min, W = 900 RPM.

Fig. 14. 4. Conclusions

Results of tensile test proved the reduction of mechanical properties.
The highest tensile strength achieved for the states of ii and vi which In this study, residual stress distribution of FSWed dissimilar 6061-
was about 63% of the base metal and the lowest value achieved for the T6 and 7075-T6 aluminum alloys were investigated by contour method
states of iii and vii which was about 36% of the base metal. Using SiO2 and also mechanical properties were defined by tensile test, in addition,
in the process slightly increased the ultimate tensile strength. The Vickers hardness test was done. The goal of current research was the
minimum increasing was 2% and maximum increasing was 30% for the improvement of residual stress distribution and mechanical properties
best condition. by adding SiO2 nanoparticles to the welding joint. For this purpose, the
The highest value of yield strength achieved for the states of ii and following results have been obtained:
vi which was about 35% of the base metal and the lowest value
achieved in the states of iii and vii about 24% of the base metal. It was - According to the residual stress curves and profiles, increasing the
concluded that in FSW process, adding SiO2 nanoparticles will lead to welding and rotational speeds increased the residual stress.
reduction of yield strength. - Adding SiO2 nanoparticles, changed the residual stress profile to an
The highest value of elongation achieved for the states of ii and vi ‘M’ type shape and decreased the residual stresses in the welding
which was about 53% of the base metal and the lowest value achieved zone.
for the states of iii and vii which was about 24% of the base metal. Like - The maximum amount of residual stress achieved in rotational
the UTS, using SiO2 in the process increased the elongation in the range speed of 900 rpm and welding speed of 80 mm/min with and
of minimum 5% to maximum 33% for the best condition. without the presence of SiO2 which were the highest values of
Reduction of mechanical properties in FSW process is due to the welding and rotational speeds.
dissolution of precipitates in the matrix metal, resulting in loss of - Considering the lowest value of YS for the base metal in this re-
strengthening property. Continuing the examination on different re- search which was 292 MPa for 6061-T6 alloy and the highest value
gions after the FSW process, proved that these regions exhibit different of residual stress which was 63.2 MPa, it can be concluded that re-
behaviors against stress. Heat Affected Zone (HAZ), had the lowest sidual stress amount was 21.6% of the YS of the 6061-T6 alloy.
value of yield strength due to the dissolution of precipitates and had no - With examination of the tensile test results it was found that the
germination of new grains. When the plastic strain in the HAZ reaches highest UTS gained with the rotational speed of 560 rpm and
to the failure, the nugget area has strain rate of only 2.5%, therefore, welding speed of 31.5, with and without SiO2 nanoparticles and also
failure occurs in HAZ [36]. it should be mentioned that the lowest value of residual stress
The FSW process, considerably decreased the elongation and adding achieved in these conditions. The highest value of YS achieved in the
SiO2 nanoparticles also increased the elongation ability. same condition but without the presence of SiO2 nanoparticles.

H. Jafari, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 43 (2019) 145–153

Fig. 14. The results of (a) ultimate tensile strength, (b) yield strength and (c)
elongation for all conditions.
Fig. 13. Mean value of hardness in (a) the stirred zone, (b) the advancing side,
(c) the retreating side.

Conflict of interest The authors are grateful to University of Kashan for supporting this
work by giving research grant No. 891232/1.
The authors have no conflict of interest related to this manuscript.

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