Hilge TP 1020
Hilge TP 1020
Hilge TP 1020
GEA Hilge
离心泵 TPS 系列,自吸式 带 IEC-电机
Centrifugal Pump TPS, selfpriming with IEC motor
B 版 / Version B
版本 / Issue 2016-12
中文 / English
附录 Annex
备件明细表 / 尺寸数据表 Spare parts lists / Dimension sheets
机械密封的改装套件 Conversion kit for mechanical seals
一致性声明 Conformity Declaration
C 碳 (Carbon) C Carbon
SS 钼钢 SS Molybdenum steel
人员 Personnel
操作和维护保养人员必须具备符合从事这些工作的资质。 Personnel entrusted with the operation and mainte-
必须接受过如何处置出现的危险的专门指导,必须了解并 nance of the pump must have the suitable qualification
注意遵守文件资料中所提及的安全提示。 to carry out their tasks. They must be informed about
仅允许由按照相关的 VDE 规范经过培训和授权的电气 possible dangers and must understand and observe the
专业人员执行在电气设备上的作业。 safety instructions given in the relevant manual. Only
allow skilled electricians who are properly qualified and
have been trained in accordance with pertinent VDE
regulations to carry out any work on the electrical
– General enumeration
– 一般列举
发生功能故障时停止运行离心泵(切断供电),锁住以防 In the event of malfunctions, set the pump out of opera-
止重新接通。 tion (disconnect the power supply) and secure it against
立刻排除故障。 inadvertent reactivation.
Immediately remedy the malfunction.
离心泵运转时,不要将手伸入到联接架 (5)、电机风 Never put your hand into the lantern (5), into the fan
扇外壳 (60)、抽吸 (S) 或压力套管 (D) 中。 housing of the motor (60), the suction (S) or pressure
port (D) while the pump is running.
小心 After maintenance, never forget to take the hex. offset
保养后,不要忘记将 L 形内六角扳手 (B) 从轴上的圆 screwdriver (B) out of the cheese head screw on the
柱头螺栓中取出。 shaft.
Transport and
运输和存放 Storage
Checking the consignment
On receipt of the pump check whether the
– type and serial number on the type plate correspond
接收离心泵时,应检查 to the data in the order and delivery documents
- 铭牌上的型号及序列号与订购及交货资料中的数据是 – equipment is complete and all components are in
否一致; good order.
- 装备是否完全,所有部件是否处于完好状态下。 The forwarding agent must immediately be notified of
如果发现设备外观有运输造成的损伤和 / 或遗漏托 运件 any transport damage detectable from the outside
,就要立即在货物托运单上写明,交给货物承运商。收货 and/or missing packages (confirmation on the consign-
人必须立即向运输公司以书面形式追索赔偿,同时将此过 ment note). The consignee shall take recourse against
程通知 GEA 公司。未能立即发现的运输损 坏可在 6 the forwarding agent immediately in writing and
日内向货物承运商提出索赔。 inform GEA accordingly.
以后要求的损坏赔偿则用由收货人承担。 Transport damages which cannot be recognized imme-
diately shall be brought to the forwarder´s notice within
6 days. Later claims on damages shall be born by the
包装单元/离心泵只允许用合适的起重工具和吊具进行 For transport of the package units/pumps only use suit-
搬运。注意遵守贴在包装上的图形符号 。 able lifting gears and slings. Observe the instruction
symbols on the package.
储存 Storage
存放地点必须有顶棚并且通风良好。必须防止空气湿度 The storage area must be roofed and adequately venti-
过高。 lated. High atmospheric humidity must be avoided.
如果温度低于冰点,必须将离心泵排空。 Temperatures below zero require draining of the pump.
63 58 51 60 16
3 1 4 5 15
结构 Design
The pump consists of the following components:
– Pump housing (4) pump cover (3), lantern (5)
– 泵壳 (4)、泵盖 (3)、联接架 (5)
– Impeller (1), shaft (7), inducer (58), flange (63)
– 工作轮 (1)、轴 (7)、叶轮 (58)、法兰 (63)
– Three-phase asynchronous motor (60)
– 三相交流异步电机 (60)
– Frame with height adjustable calotte type feet (15)
– 半球帽支脚架 (15)
– Protection hood (16)
– 防护罩 (16)
The pump shaft (7) is fitted onto the shaft end of the
泵轴 (7) 被插到三相交流异步电机的轴端部。
three-phase asynchronous motor.
泵轴已被 2 根圆柱头螺栓 (51) 轴向固定。
The pump shaft is axially fixed using 2 set screws (51).
联接架 (5) 可使不同规格的电机与离心泵连接。
The lantern (5) allows the connection of different motor
联接架 (5) 将电机与泵壳 (4) 连接。泵壳上有 2 个孔,
sizes with the pump.
The lantern (5) connects the motor with the pump hous-
离心泵根据结构设计分为单机 (EW)、冲洗式单机
ing (4). The lantern has 2 bores for indicating leaks.
(QU) 或双机械密封 (DW)。
Depending on its design, the pump is equipped with a
single-acting mechanical seal (EW), a flushed single-act-
ing mechanical seal (QU) or a double-acting mechanical
seal (DW).
功能 Function
The TPS centrifugal pump is self-priming, i.e. it is able to
TPS 系列离心泵为自吸式,也就是说,即使液位为 负值
evacuate pipe lines on the suction side even if the liquid
level is below the pump inlet. The inducer produces a
ring of liquid in the inducer housing. This liquid ring
seals the space between the inducer and the inducer
housing. Any gases that enter the pump are conveyed
through the pump via the clearance between the inducer
hub and the liquid ring.
抽吸管路应设计得尽可能地短,管道阻力小,以防止液体 The length of the supply pipe should be kept to a mini-
在离心泵入口处蒸发 (造成气蚀现象)。 mum and produce little friction loss, so that the liquid in
the pump inlet cannot vapourize (cavitation).
输送比例 > 10 % 的气体时,必须以至少 2900 1/min To enable gas contents > 10% to be conveyed, the pump
的转速运行离心泵。为使液体停留在离心泵中并防止其 must be operated at a speed of min. 2900 rpm.
从已连接的管路流出,抽吸侧和压力侧管路必须按图 To ensure that the liquid stays in the pump and is not
敷设。 drained via the connected pipes, the pipes on the sucti-
on and on the pressure side must be fitted as shown.
TPS 系列结构尺寸 / Size 抽吸侧 / Suction side (S) 抽吸侧 / Suction side (L) 压力侧 / Pressure side (D)
-- -- -- --
对于带单机械密封的离心泵,当心存在机械密封损坏的 Danger of damage to the mechanical seal on pumps
危险 with single-acting mechanical seal
如果抽吸时间超过 t= 30 s,就会造成空转和机械密封 If the suction time is longer than t = 30 s, the pump may
损坏。在这种情况下,必须使用单机械密封 (QU) 或双 run dry, causing damage to the mechanical seal. In this
机械密封 (DW)。 case we recommend that you use a flushed (QU) or a
double-acting mechanical seal (DW).
小心 The supply voltage must be identical to the information
电源电压必须与电机铭牌上的参数一致。必须注意不得超 printed on the type-plate. Make sure that the specified
过指定的功率值,以防驱动电机过载。 ratings are not exceeded to avoid overloading of the
driving motor.
If you use a protection hood, it may leave you with not
在防护罩使用过程中,有可能出现罩盖与接线盒侧面的电 enough space between hood and lateral cable entry into
缆接口之间的空间过小。在这种情况下,必须旋转接 the terminal box. If so, turn the terminal box by 90° to
线盒 90°,使连接电缆向后经由电机风扇护罩敷设。 allow the connection cable to exit to the rear across the
fan cover of the motor.
W1 V1 L1 L2 L3
W1 V1
L1 L2 L3
如果旋转方向错误,可能存在叶轮松脱的危险。在检查旋 If the sense of rotation is wrong, there is a risk of the induc-
转方向期间,必须将叶轮更换为随附的螺母 M14,以防 er coming off. While the direction of rotation is being che-
止损伤。检查完成后,必须将该叶轮以正确的拧紧扭矩重 cked, the M14 nuts supplied must be fitted in place of the
新安装。 inducer to prevent damage. After the check, the inducer
must be refitted and tightened to the correct torque.
If the pump with mounted inducer was started in the
wrong direction of rotation it is essential that the tighten-
ing torque of the cap nut on the impeller is checked again.
If this is not observed, the impeller may work loose and
cause damage.
Running the pump without sealing liquid will cause
damage to the seal.
故障 原因 补救措施
电机无法启动 未向电机供电 关断离心泵,检查电缆接头和保险丝
电机保护开关已触发 检查电机的耗电情况
电机保护开关或漏电断路器已触发,或者保险丝 检测部件并修理或更换损坏的部件
开开关装置的触点损坏 检检查、拆下清洁开关装置、必要时更换损坏
电机的耗电量过大 输送物料的黏度过高 检查离心泵设备、必要时调小开关、拧下
外壳与叶轮之间的间隙设置不正确 设置间隙
压力管路的阻力过小 检查离心泵设备,必要时调小开关,拧下
(输送流量过大) 叶轮,更换离心泵或电机
叶轮直径过大 安装较小的叶轮
叶轮发生摩擦 检测轴向间隙,按照“检查轴向间隙”一章中
电机轴承损坏 更换轴承
机械密封空转 立即关断离心泵,检查机械密封,必要时更换
输送物料的黏度过高 检查离心泵设备,安装较大的叶轮
O 形环损坏 更换 O 形环
设备未按规定敷设 按规定从抽吸侧和压力侧敷设设备
Too much noise Resistance in the suction pipe too high Check the suction pipe, shorten or extend as
emission required
(also cavitation)
Liquid level in the suction tank too low Fill the suction tank
Pump not drawing in No residual liquid in the pump Fill the pump with a minimum of liquid
System not executed to specifications Execute the system in accordance with specifi-
cations on suction and pressure sides
在拆卸之前,必须将离心泵彻底清空。对有危险的液体 Prior to dismantling, the pump must be completely
而言,要按照数据安全页遵守预防措施,并按专业技术规 drained. If the pump contains dangerous liquids, adhere
定处理泄漏液体,然后将其按规定废弃处理。 to the safety measures specified in the data sheet and
take care that these liquids are properly drained,
handled and disposed of.
每次拆卸前,必须断开离心泵的电源,以防止离心泵 Prior to dismantling, the pump must be disconnected
启动。泵壳必须处于无压状态并且已清空,已经适应了室 from the mains supply, in order to secure the pump
内温度。抽吸管和压力管中的止回阀必须已关闭。 against inadvertent starting. The pump housing must be
depressurized, emptied and cooled down to room tem-
perature. The shut-off devices in the suction and pres-
sure pipes must be closed.
• 将离心泵从管路上取出、清空,然后将其冷却至室内 • Dismount the pump from the pipe system, drain and
温度。 let it cool down to room temperature.
59 64 58 30 48 9 1
• 从泵盖 (3) 拔出法兰 (63)。 • Pull out the flange (63) from the pump cover (3).
• 将 L 形内六角扳手 (S) 插入联接架的孔 (5.2) 内。 • Insert hex. offset screwdriver (S) into the bore (5.2) in
the lantern.
• 叶轮 (58),直至 L 形内六角扳手 (S) 卡入内六角 头 • Turn the inducer (58) until the hex. offset screwdriver
中。 (S) engags in the hex. socket head.
由此防止轴 (7) 意外转动。 This prevents the shaft (7) from turning out of posi-
• 检查叶轮上的 O 形圈 (30),必要时更换。 • Check the O-ring for the inducer (30) and replace if
• 将随附的螺母 M 14 拧到轴 (7) 上,以取代 • Screw the M 14 nut supplied on the shaft (7) in place
叶轮 (58)。 of the inducer (58).
• 将盖形螺母 (48) 交叉地拧松,然后将泵盖 (3) 取下 • Loosen the cap nuts (48) crosswise and draw off the
。 pump cover (3).
• 检查外壳 O 形环 (35),必要时更换。 • Check O-ring (35) of the housing and replace it, if nec-
Detail: Single-acting mechanical seal
9 1 4 7
Take care not to damage the pump shaft (7) when
拆卸机械密封时,不要损伤泵轴 (7)!
dismantling the mechanical seal !
53 详图:单机冲洗式械密封
Detail: Single-acting mechanical seal, flushed
Take care not to damage the pump shaft when
dismantling the mechanical seal!
• 检查盖形螺母 O 形环 (30),必要时更换。 • Check the O-ring (30) of the cap nut and replace it,
if necessary.
• 将叶轮 (1) 连同内置的随动件、O 形环 (53)、 • Draw the impeller (1) together with integrated driver,
动环 (100.1)、O 形环 (100.6) 一起从轴 (7)上取出。 O-ring (53), slide ring (100.1) and O-ring (100.6) off the
shaft (7).
• 将锁紧螺母 (26.1) 从螺纹管接头 (26.2) 上拧下。 • Unscrew cap nut (26.1) from the screwed connection
• 将螺纹管接头 (26.2) 从随动环支架 (11) 上拧下。 • Unscrew screwed connection (26.2) from slide ring
carrier (11).
• 松开盖形螺母 (47),然后将泵壳 (4) 向前推出。 • Remove cap nut (47) and push the pump housing (4)
out to the front.
• 松开内六角头螺栓 (45),然后将其泵壳连同动环 • Loosen hex. socket screw (45) and remove pump
支架 (11) 一起拆卸。 housing together with slide ring carrier (11).
• 检查轴保护套 (110.1) 表面,损坏时更换。 • Check the surface of the shaft protection sleeve (110.1)
for damages and replace, if necessary.
• 将 O 形环 (34) 随动环支架 (11) 上取下。 • Remove O-ring (34) from the slide ring carrier (11)
• 将静环 (100.2) 和 O 形环 (100.7) 从泵壳 (4) 上取 • Take counter ring (100.2) and O-ring (100.7) out of the
下。 pump housing (4).
只有在特定情况下,例如电机损坏时,才需要继续拆卸离 Further dismantling of the pump is required only in spe-
心泵。详情参见“拆下电机上的离心泵”一章。安装见“ cial cases, if for instance the motor is defective.
安装”一章。 Refer to the chapter "Removing the pump from the
motor". For assembly refer to the "Assembly" chapter.
保养 Maintenance
• 检查机械密封的静环 (100.2)、动环 (100.1) • Check counter ring (100.2), slide ring (100.1) and
及 O 形环 (100.6、100.7、53) 是否磨损,损坏 O-rings (100.6, 100.7, 53) of the mechanical seal for
时更换整个机械密封。 wear and tear, and in the case of damage change the
complete mechanical seal.
• 检查动环支架 (34) 密封件,必要时更换。 • Check the seals of the slide ring carrier (34) and
replace if necessary.
• 检查轴保护套 (110.1) 是否损坏,必要时更换。 • Check the shaft protection sleeve (110.1) for damage
轴保护套出厂时热装到泵轴上。如果轴保护套无法 and replace, if necessary.
拔出,建议在这种情况下联系 GEA 公司 维修服务部 The shaft protection sleeve is shrinked on to the pump
。 shaft at the factory and can be removed with a special
pulling-off tool only. In such a case we recommend
you should contact the GEA Service Department.
Detail: Double-acting mechanical seal
9 120.14
120.5 11 120.6
Take care not to damage the pump shaft (7) when
拆卸机械密封时,不要损伤泵轴 (7)!
dismantling the mechanical seal !
使用工具时,注意防止大气侧机械密封的动环 (120.6) If tools are used, take care not to damage the slide ring
和静环 (120.5) 受损。 (120.6) and the counter ring (120.5) of the mechanical
seal against the atmosphere
• 将锁定螺栓 (40) 连同扁平密封圈 (37) 一起松开 • Loosen locking screws (40) with flat seal ring (37) and
并且将静环 (120.5) 和 O 形环 (120.10) 随动环 push counter ring (120.5) and O-rings (120.10) out of
支架 (11) 上向前压出。 the slide ring carrier (11) to the front.
• 松开六角螺栓 (45) 并且将动环支架 (11) 从泵壳 (4) • Loosen hex. socket screws (45) and remove slide ring
上取下。 carrier (11) from the pump housing (4).
• 将 O 形环 (34) 随动环支架 (11) 上取下。 • Remove O-rings (34) from the slide ring carrier (11).
• 将大气侧动环(120.6) 和 O 形环 (120.13) 从轴 (7) • Draw slide ring (120.6) against the atmosphere and
上拔下。 O-ring (120.13) off the pump shaft (7).
• 检查随动件 (120.7) 和 O 形环 (120.14),损坏时 • Check driver (120.7) and O-ring (120.14) and replace,
更换。 if damaged.
只有在特定情况下,例如电机损坏时,才需要继续拆卸离 Further dismantling of the pump is required only in
心泵。详情参见“拆下电机上的离心泵”一章。安装见 special cases, if for instance the motor is defective.
“安装”一章。 Refer to the chapter "Removing the pump from the
motor". For assembly refer to the "Assembly" chapter.
保养 Maintenance
• 检查物料侧机械密封的静环 (120.5)、动环 (120.1) • Check counter ring (120.5), slide ring (120.1) and
及 O 形环 (120.9、120.10、53) 是否磨损,必要时 O-rings (120.9, 120.10, 53) of the mechanical seal
整个更换。 against the product for wear and tear and replace
them completely, if necessary.
• 检查大气侧机械密封的静环 (120.5)、动环 (120.6) • Check counter ring (120.5), slide ring (120.6) and
及 O 形环 (120.13) 是否磨损,必要时更换。 O-rings (120.13) of the mechanical seal against the
atmosphere for wear and tear and replace them, if nec-
• 检查动环支架 (11) 密封件 (34),必要时更换。 • Check the seal (34) of the slide ring carrier (11) and
replace if necessary.
4 47 5 51 15 155 165
• 松开螺栓(165),取下防护罩 (161)。 • Loosen screws (165) and remove the hood (161) .
• 将 4 个盖形螺母 (47) 从联接架 (5) 上拧下。 • Unscrew the 4 cap nuts (47) from the lantern (5).
• 将泵壳 (4) 从联接架 (5) 上拔下。 • Draw-off pump body (4) from the lantern (5).
• 将联接架 (5) 从电机 (60) 上均匀地拉下来。 • Evenly draw off the lantern (5) from the motor (60).
在将轴从电机 (7) 上取下之前务必松开圆柱头螺栓 (51), Before drawing-off the shaft (7) from the motor, it is
否则会造成轴受损。 imperative to loosen the cheese head screws (51), or else
the shaft gets destroyed.
• 将圆柱头螺栓 (51) 从轴 (7) 上松开。
• Remove the cheese head screws (51) from the shaft (7).
• 拔下轴 (7)。
• Draw off the shaft (7).
• 松开螺栓 (155),并将半球帽支脚架 (15) 与电机 (60)
上分离。 • Undo screws (155) and separate the calotte feet
frame (15) from the motor (60).
• Fix the calotte frame (15) to the motor (60) using the
• 用螺栓 (155) 将半球帽支脚的横梁 (15) 安装在
screws (155).
电机 (60) 上。
• Check the shaft end and the shaft surface for damage
• 检查轴端部和轴表面是否受损,必要时排除损坏。
and remedy, if necessary.
在安装泵轴 (7) 前,要清除电机轴 (60.1) 上的油脂。 Degrease the motor (60.1) shaft prior to mounting the
pump shaft (7).
• 将轴 (7) 推至电机的轴 (60.1) 上。 • Push the shaft of the pump (7) onto the shaft of the
motor (60.1)
• 将圆柱头螺栓 (51) 在规定的轴孔处用手初步拧紧。 • Screw the cheese head screws (51) into the specified
注意: 在稍后的步骤中设定轴向间隙。然后必须将圆 shaft bores and temporarily hand-tighten them.
柱头螺栓以给出的扭矩拧紧。 Important note: At a later stage, the axial gaps will be
set. Afterwards remember to finally tighten the cheese
head screws to the specified torque.
安装联接架 (5) 时,注意排水孔 (5.2) 一直朝下。 When mounting the lantern (5) take care that the drain
bore (5.2) always points downwards.
44 5
• 用 4 根螺栓 (44) 将联接架 (5) 安装在电机的 • Fix lantern (5) to the flange (60.2) of the motor using
法兰 (60.2) 上,对 B35 型电机而言,还要装上 4 screws (44), in case of B35 motors including washers
垫片和螺母。 and nuts.
Mount the O-rings under clean conditions and very
carefully! Never use force! There is a risk of permanent
deformation and break of ceramic parts.
小心 Degrease the sliding surfaces of the mechanical seal pri-
在安装前要清除动环密封圈表面上的油脂。 or to installation.
小心 When fixing the lantern (5) to the pump housing (4)
using the 4 cap nuts (47), make sure that the cap nuts are
用 4 个盖形螺母 (47) 将联接架 (5) 装到泵壳 (4) 上时, tightened to a torque of Mmin 35 Nm/ Mmax 39 Nm.
必须注意盖形螺母要以 M最小 35 Nm/ M最大 39 Nm
100.2 机械密封
single-acting mechanical seal
EW (A)
Detail: Single-acting mechanical seal
100.1 100.2
9 1
注意 2 个动环 (100.1) 上的随动销与内置随动件一起伸 Make sure that the 2 drive pins in the slide ring (100.1)
入预设的叶轮 (1) 的槽中。 catch into the relevant grooves of the impeller (1) with
动环 (100.1) 和静环 (100.2) 的滑动面必须没有油脂。 integrated driver.
The sliding surfaces of the slide ring (100.1) and the
counter ring (100.2) must be free from grease.
S 110.1
Detail: Single-acting mechanical seal, flushed
1 100.1 S 100.2 7
2 个冲洗孔 (S) 必须处于垂直方向,以防气体从冲洗腔 The 2 flush bores (S) must point in vertical direction so
中泄漏。 that air can escape from the flush chamber.
注意已将轴保护套 (110.1) 挤压至轴 (7) 的轴肩极限 Make sure that the shaft protection sleeve (110.1) is
位置。 pressed up to the limit stop of the shafts shoulder (7)
Make sure that the 2 drive pins in the slide ring (100.1)
注意 2 个动环 (100.1) 上的随动销与内置随动件一起伸 catch into the relevant grooves of the impeller (1) with
入预设的叶轮 (1) 的槽中。 integrated driver.
动环 (100.1) 和静环 (100.2) 的滑动面必须没有油脂。 The sliding surfaces of the slide ring (100.1) and the
counter ring (100.2) must be free from grease.
120.1 S 11 120.6
Detail: Double-acting mechanical seal
120.5 11 120.6
1 120.5 S
2 个冲洗孔 (S) 必须处于垂直方向,以防气体从冲洗腔 The 2 flush bores (S) must be in vertical direction so that
中泄漏。 air can escape from the flush chamber.
大气侧动环 (120.6) 必须经由泵壳 (4) 被压入动环 The slide ring (120.6) against the atmosphere must be
支架 (11),使动环支架 (11) 的锁定孔与大气侧 pressed through the pump housing (4) into the slide
动环 (120.6) 的孔一致。 ring carrier (11) and adjusted so that the locking bore of
the slide ring carrier (11) complies with the bore of the
slide ring (120.6).
Make sure that the 2 drive pins in the slide ring (120.1)
注意 2 个动环 (120.1) 上的随动销与内置随动件一起
catch into the relevant grooves of the impeller (1) with
伸入预设的工作轮 (1) 的槽中。
integrated driver.
动环 (120.1、120.6) 和静环 (120.5) 的滑动面必须没
The sliding surfaces of the slide rings (120.1, 120.6) and
the counter ring ((120.5) must be free from grease.
110.1 7.1
Press seat
4 4
TPS 系列离心泵的机械密封可由 EW 版改装到 The mechanical seal of the centrifugal pump TPS may
QU 版。 be converted from Version EW to Version QU.
同时必须注意以下几点: For this purpose proceed as follows:
• 将泵壳 TPS/EW (4) 更换成泵壳 TPS/QU 版型或改 • Change the pump housing TPS/EW (4) against the
装现有的壳体,预先规定见下页 version TPS/QU or
“EW 改装成 QU” rework the existing housing, for specifications see
Rework EW – QU” on the following page.
• 泵轴 (7) 必须配有轴保护套 (110.1)。与此同时, • Provide the pump shaft (7) with the shaft protection
轴保护套必须被压装至轴肩 (7.1) 的极限位置。 sleeve (110.1). This is done by pressing the shaft
最简单的压装方法是加热轴保护套和用合适的软空 protection sleeve up to the limit of the shaft`s shoulder
芯轴(例如黄铜制)均匀地套装。如果上述方法行 (7.1). Forcing on by pressure is simplified by heating
不通,我们建议请 GEA 的工作人员来完 the shaft protection sleeve and driving it evenly onto
成此项工作。 the shaft using a suitable soft hollow mandrel made of
brass. If any such tools are not available, we recom-
mend that the conversion should be carried out at
Drilling to install a flushing unit for mechanicals seals (single acting flushed)
Sketch for setting of threads for the adaption of the flushing unit
TP /
1020 2030 1540 2050 3050 5060 2575 7060 8080 16040
Centrifugal pump TP
2030 3050 8080
Centrifugal pump TPS
/ borehole B mm 12 12 10.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
G mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Usable thread
Press seat
TPS 系列离心泵的机械密封可由 EW 版改装到 The mechanical seal of the centrifugal pump TPS may
DW 版。 be changed from Version EW to Version DW
同时必须注意以下几点: For this purpose proceed as follows:
• 泵壳 TPS/EW (4) 版必须更换成泵壳 TPS/DW 版。 • Change the pump housing TPS/EW (4) against the
version TPS/DW.
• 泵轴 (7) 必须配有随动件 (120.15)。与此同时, • Provide the pump shaft (7) with a driver (120.15). This
随动件必须被压装至轴肩 (7.1) 的极限位置。 is done by pressing the driver up to the limit of the
最简单的压装方法是加热随动件 (120.15) 和用 shaft`s shoulder (7.1). Forcing on by pressure is sim-
合适的软空芯轴(例如黄铜制)均匀地套装。如果 plified by heating the driver (120.15) and driving it
上述方法行不通,我们建议请 GEA 来完成此项工作。 evenly onto the shaft using a suitable soft hollow man-
drel made of brass. If any such tools are not available,
we recommend that the conversion should be carried
out at GEA.
• 不能使用现有的机械密封 EW。可换上机械密封 DW。
• The removed mechanical seal EW cannot be used.
It is replaced by the mechanical seal DW.
Dismounting and mounting of the mechanical seal is
carried out as described on the previous pages.
每次安装离心泵时,必须按照数据表调整叶轮 (1) 与泵 For pump assembly, the axial gap (S1) between impeller
盖 (3) 之间的轴向间隙 (S1)。 (1) and pump cover (3) needs to be adjusted according
如果轴向间隙设定不正确,叶轮就有可能碰到泵壳,致使 to the table.
两个部件受损。 If the axial gap is not correctly adjusted, the impeller may
hit the pump housing and both parts may get damaged.
离心泵型号 轴向间隙 S1 介于 Pump type Axial gap S1 between
泵盖 (3) 与叶轮 (1) 之间 cover (3) and impeller (1)
TPS 2030 0.3 mm TPS 2030 0.3 mm
TPS 3050 0.5 mm TPS 3050 0.5 mm
-- -- -- --
TPS 8080 0.5 mm TPS 8080 0.5 mm
3 56 35 4 B
48 1 7
• 松开圆柱头螺栓 (51),以便将轴 (7) 与电机轴分离。 • Loosen the cheese head screws (51) in order to sepa-
rate the shaft (7) from the motor shaft.
• 将叶轮 (1) 连同轴 (7) 一起向前拉几毫米。 • Pull forward the impeller (1) together with the shaft
(7) by some millimetres.
圆柱头螺栓 (51) 拧紧扭矩 (Nm) Cheese head screw (51) Torque (Nm)
M8 35 M8 35
M10 60 M10 60
M12 95 M12 95
• 拧下螺栓 (48) 并且取下泵盖 (3)。 • Remove screws (48) and pump cover (3).
It is imperative to remove the distance plate (56) prior to
在进行下一步组装之前,务必将间隔垫圈 (56) 取下。 assembly.
•Remove the distance plate (56).
• 取下间隔垫圈 (56)。 Free-running off the impeller must be ensured.
63 62 63.1 3 35 S
59 64 58 30 48 9 1
• 在 O 形环 (35) 上涂抹润滑脂,然后将其放在泵壳上。 • Grease O-ring (35) and insert into the pump housing.
• 安装泵盖 (3)。同时将所有的盖形螺母 (48) 均匀且交叉 地 • Mount the pump cover (3) and evenly tighten all cap nuts
拧紧并且注意下列拧紧扭矩: (48) cross-wise, observing the following torques:
结构尺寸 盖形螺母的拧紧扭矩 (Nm) Pump size Torques (Nm) for cap nut
泵盖 (48) Pump cover (48)
M最小 M最大 Mmin Mmax
• 旋转工作轮 (1),直至 L 形内六角扳手 (S) 卡入内六 • Turn the impeller (1) until the hex offset screwdriver
角头中。 (S) engages in the hex socket head.
由此防止轴 (7) 意外转动。 This prevents the shaft (7) from turning out of position.
• 将螺母 (9) 从轴 (7) 上拧下。 • Screw off the (9) nut from the shaft (7).
• 给 O 形圈(30) 涂上润滑脂,然后将其放入叶轮 (58) • Grease the O-ring (30) and place it in the groove pro-
上指定的槽内。 vided on the inducer (58).
• 将叶轮 (58) 拧到轴 (7) 上,并将其以以下拧紧扭矩 • Screw the inducer (58) onto the shaft (7) and tighten it
拧紧: to the following torque:
结构尺寸 盖形螺母 (58) 的拧紧扭矩 (Nm) Pump size Torques (Nm) Cap nut (58)
叶轮 (58) / 螺母 (9) Inducer (58) / nut (9)
M最小 M最大 Mmin Mmax
• 将 L 形内六角扳手 (S) 从联接架的孔 (5.2) 中取出。 • Remove the hex. offset screwdriver (S) from the
lantern bore.
• 给 O 形圈 (30) 涂上润滑脂,并将其放入法兰 (63) • Grease the O-ring (30) and insert it into the DN 10
的螺纹管接头 DN 10 中。 pipe union on the flange (63).
• 给 O 形圈 (62) 涂上润滑脂,然后将其放入法兰 (63) • Grease the O-ring (62) and place it in the groove pro-
上指定的槽内。 vided on the flange (63).
• Fit the flange (63) in the pump cover (3). Pay attention
• 将法兰 (63) 插入泵盖 (3) 上。同时注意管路连接件 that the DN 10 pipe union is fitted correctly. Hand-
DN 10 安装正确。手动旋紧锁紧螺母 (63.1)。 tighten the cap nut (63.1).
• 安装半圆环时,要确保螺栓 (60) 保持水平状态。 • Mount the semi-annular clamps (59) so that the screws
are horizontal.
• 以 45 Nm (33 lbft) 扭矩拧紧半圆环 (59) 上的螺 • Tighten the nuts of the semi-annular clamps (59) with
母。 a torque of 45 Nm (33 lbft).
加装 Additional Assembly
When retrofitting the drain valve into the GEA Hilge
将排放阀加装到 GEA Hilge TP 系列离心泵时,必须将
centrifugal pump TP the pump must completely be
drained, rinsed or cleaned.
Entry of medium from the pipe must be prevented.
If the pump contains dangerous liquids, take care that
these liquids are properly drained, handled and
disposed of.
排放阀关闭 驱动装置 (8) 和阀 给 O 形环涂=上润 Drain valve O-rings dry in the Grease the O-rings
过慢 体 (9) 中的 O 形环 滑脂 closes actuator (8) and in
干燥(摩擦损耗) too slowly the valve housing (9)
(friction losses)
维护 Maintenance
检查 Inspections
监控。 Between the maintenance periods, the drain valves
must be checked for leakage and proper function.
拆卸 Dismantling
• 以气动方式打开阀门。 • Open valve pneumatically.
TPS 系列离心泵上
• 取出卡紧环 (17)。 at the Centrifugal pump TPS • Remove snap ring (17).
小心 1 15 CAUTION
压缩弹簧 (14) 处于预张 The pressure spring (14) is
紧状态。在拧松驱动器罩 14 pretensioned and needs to
盖时,必须小心地将其同时 be cautiously relieved
松开。 18 when turning off the actua-
tor cover.
小心 The valve shaft, the valve
阀盘杆、阀盘 (3) 和阀座 disk (3) and the valve
均属精密范畴。不得受损 seat are precision parts
! which must not be dam-
• 将阀盘 (3) 小心地推入阀箱 (1) 内。 • Place cautiously valve disk (3) into the housing (1).
• 将卡紧环 (18) 装入阀箱 (1) 中的预设凹槽中。 • Insert snap ring (18) into the groove of the housing (1).
• 将弹簧 (14) 装入阀箱 (1) 中。 • Insert spring (14) into the housing (1).
压缩弹簧 (14) 已松开。必须将其缓慢地预张紧。 The pressure spring (14) is detensioned. It must be pre-
tensioned slowly.
英制 材料 PA Inch material PA
外径 6.35 mm outside dia. 6,35 mm
内径 4.3 mm inside dia. 4,3 mm
最小 2 bar / 最大 3 bar 在工作压力范围内
(DW 机型,双机械密封)/ min. 2 bar (29 psi) / max. 3 bar (43,5 psi)
Sealing liquid pressure
above working pressure
(version DW, double-acting mechanical seal)
(DW 机型,双机械密封)/ 至 60 °C(最高 70 °C 短时间)
Sealing liquid temperature up to 60 °C (max. 70 °C short-time)
(version DW, double-acting mechanical seal)
最小 2000 转/分钟:最大 0.35 bar /
(QU 机型,冲洗式单机械密封, up to 2000 rpm: max. 0.35 bar (5 psi)
最小 3500 转/分钟:最大 0.2 bar /
Sealing liquid pressure
up to 3500 rpm: max. 0.2 bar (2,9 psi)
(version QU, single-acting mechanical seal, flushed,
(按照 DIN 3760 acc. to DIN 3760)。
with shaft sealing ring for sealing liquid)
(QU 机型,单机械密封,
带用于阻封液的轴密封圈) 至 60 °C(最高 70 °C 短时间)
Sealing liquid temperature up to 60 °C (max. 70 °C / 158°F short-time)
(version QU, single-acting mechanical seal,
with shaft sealing ring for sealing liquid)
阻封液的耗水量 /
0.25 … 0.5 l/min / 0.066 … 0.132 gpm (US)
Water consumption for sealing liquid
材料 –接触物料 /
Material – product-contacted
泵壳 / Pump housing 1.4404 / 316L
轴封 / 标准 碳 – 碳化硅 (C/SIC)/
Shaft-sealing standard carbon – silicon carbide
(Rotating mechanical seal)
可选 碳化硅 – 碳化硅 (SIC/SIC)/
alternatively silicon carbide – silicon carbide
碳 – 不锈钢 / carbon – stainless steel (C/SS)
备注 所有的机械密封为冲洗式单机械密封或冲洗式双机械密封
remarks All mechanical sealings available in single-acting, flushed
and/or double-acting flushed version.
功率范围 /
0,75 … 7,5 1.1 … 18,5 -- 11 … 45
Power ratings (kW)
工作电压(标准) 至 /up to 3.0 kW:Δ 220 ... 240 V / Y 380 … 420 V(欧洲电压 400 V)
Supply voltage (standard) 起 / from 4.0 kW:Δ 380 ... 420 V / Y 660 … 725 V (Eurovoltage 690 V)
功率 电机尺寸 法兰 重量 转速 最大轴向力 * 轴移动
Power Motor size Weight 电极 Rotational Speed Max. axial forces* Max. axiale
Flange Poles
(kW) (kg) (1/min)/(rpm) (N) shaft movement
标称 /
标称流量 / Nominal flow rate 20 m /h 30 m /h -- 80 m /h
最大 /
最大流量 / Maximum flow rate 35 m /h 68 m /h -- 112 m /h
标称 /
标称扬程 / Nominal flow head 28 m 50 m -- 80 m
最大 /
最大扬程 / Maximum flow head 35 m 64 m -- 93,5 m
允许的最大入口压力 / 最大 /
Max. allowable inlet pressure max.
16 bar 16 bar -- 16 bar
声压级 / 标称 /
Noise level nom.
80 dB(A) 83 dB(A) -- 88 dB(A)
最大 /
工作转速 / Operating speed 3500 1/min
容许的环境温度 /
- 16 … + 40 °C
Allowable ambient temperature
最大 / 15 次开关 / 小时
开关频度 / Switching frequency
max. 15 switchings / h
拧紧扭矩 / Torques
盖形螺母的拧紧扭矩 (Nm) / Torques (Nm) of the Cap nut
泵轴 / Pump shaft
/ pump type / pump type
/ Designation
Item Material TPS 2030 TPS 3050
/ motor size 90S / 90L 100L / 112M 132S / 132M 100L / 112M 132S / 132M 160M / 160L
TPHD 110 / impeller TPHD 110 1.4409 244-000148 --
TPHD 120 / impeller TPHD 120 1.4409 244-000147 --
TPHD 130 / impeller TPHD 130 1.4409 244-000146 --
TPHD 140 / impeller TPHD 140 1.4409 244-000145 244-000325
TPHD 145 / impeller TPHD 145 1.4409 244-001102 --
TPHD 150 / impeller TPHD 150 1.4409 244-000144 244-000324
TPHD 155 / impeller TPHD 155 1.4409 244-001103 --
TPHD 160 / impeller TPHD 160 1.4409 244-000160 244-000212
1 TPHD 170 / impeller TPHD 170 1.4409 -- 244-000213
TPHD 175 / impeller TPHD 175 1.4409 -- 244-001097
TPHD 180 / impeller TPHD 180 1.4409 -- 244-000214
TPHD 185 / impeller TPHD 185 1.4409 -- 244-001071
TPHD 190 / impeller TPHD 190 1.4409 -- 244-000215
TPHD 195 / impeller TPHD 195 1.4409 -- 244-001098
TPHD 200 / impeller TPHD 200 1.4409 -- 244-000258
TPHD 205 / impeller TPHD 205 1.4409 -- 244-001099
TPHD 210 / impeller TPHD 210 1.4409 -- 244-000259
TPS / pump cover TPS 1.4404 ** **
**3 VTPS /
1.4404 ** **
pump cover VTPS with drain valve
TPS / EW /
1.4404 244-000865 244-000877
pump housing TPS / EW
TPS / DW /
4 1.4404 244-000867 244-000878
pump housing TPS / DW
TPS / QU /
1.4404 244-000866 244-000879
pump housing TPS / QU
/ lantern TP 90 1.4301 244-001276 -- -- -- -- --
/ lantern TP 100/112 1.4301 -- 244-001277 -- 244-001277 -- --
/ lantern TP 132 1.4301 -- -- 244-001278 -- 244-001278 --
/ lantern TP 160 1.4301 -- -- -- -- -- 244-001279
7 TP / shaft TP 1.4301 244-000048 244-000025 244-000023 244-000025 244-000023 244-000190
EPDM / 930-756 930-756
30 O / O-ring
FKM / 930-759 930-759
EPDM / 930-840 930-868
35 O / O-ring
FKM / 930-841 930-869
* 56 /
Item 56 (without illustration). The distance plate is a means for adjusting the axial gap.
/ pump type
/ Designation
Item Material TPS 8080
/ motor size 160M / 160L 200L 225M
TPHD 160 / impeller TPHD 160 1.4409 --
TPHD 165 / impeller TPHD 165 1.4409 --
TPHD 170 / impeller TPHD 170 1.4409 244-000411
TPHD 175 / impeller TPHD 175 1.4409 --
TPHD 180 / impeller TPHD 180 1.4409 244-000412
TPHD 185 / impeller TPHD 185 1.4409 --
TPHD 190 / impeller TPHD 190 1.4409 244-000403
TPHD 195 / impeller TPHD 195 1.4409 --
TPHD 200 / impeller TPHD 200 1.4409 244-000404
1 TPHD 205 / impeller TPHD 205 1.4409 244-001121
TPHD 210 / impeller TPHD 210 1.4409 244-000405
TPHD 215 / impeller TPHD 215 1.4409 244-001122
TPHD 220 / impeller TPHD 220 1.4409 244-000406
TPHD 225 / impeller TPHD 225 1.4409 244-001123
TPHD 230 / impeller TPHD 230 1.4409 244-000407
TPHD 235 / impeller TPHD 235 1.4409 244-001124
TPHD 240 / impeller TPHD 240 1.4409 244-000408
TPHD 245 / impeller TPHD 245 1.4409 244-001125
TPHD 250 / impeller TPHD 250 1.4409 244-000409
TPS / pump cover TPS 1.4404 **
**3 VTPS /
1.4404 **
pump cover VTPS with drain valve
TPS / EW /
1.4404 244-001594
pump housing TPS / EW
TPS / DW /
4 1.4404 244-001815
pump housing TPS / DW
TPS / QU /
1.4404 244-001814
pump housing TPS / QU
/ lantern TP 160 1.4301 244-001279 -- --
5 / lantern TP 200 1.4301 -- 244-001280 --
/ lantern TP 225 1.4301 -- -- 244-000334
7 TP / shaft TP 1.4301 244-000351 244-000329 244-000329
EPDM / 930-757
30 O / O-ring
FKM / 930-761
EPDM / 930-891
35 O / O-ring
FKM / 930-890
* 56 /
** 3 63 - /
Item 3 and item 63 - Pump cover and TPS flange are only available with connection fittings on request.
/ Spare parts list
/ date: 2016-11-23
/ Page 1 / of 1 (DW)
Double-acting mechanical seal (DW)
244ELI001023ZH_1.DOC GEA Hilge TP / TPS
for GEA Hilge TP / TPS centrifugal pump
(**) ** / The parts with ** are not individually exchangeable spare parts.
/ part no.
Item Designation Material
25 30
Mechanical shaft seal size TP 1020;TP 2030;TP 1540;TP 2050;TP 3050 TP 5060;TP 7060;TP 2575;TP 8080;TP 16040
TPS 2030; TPS 3050 TPS 8080
C/SS/EPDM 244-000531 244-000533
C/SIC/EPDM 244-000045 244-000345
SIC/SIC/EPDM 244-000043 244-000382
Mechanical shaft seal kit of wearing parts C/SS/FKM 244-000532 244-000534
C/SIC/FKM 244-000044 244-000381
SIC/SIC/FKM 244-000042 244-000383
100.1 / face seal ring 1.4462 -- (*) (**) -- (*) (**)
100.2 / stationary seal ring SIC -- (*) (**) -- (*) (**)
100-000007 (*) (**) 930-808 (*)
100.6 O / O-ring
100-000013 (*) (**) 930-482 (*)
100-000006 (*) (**) 930-806 (*)
100.7 O / O-ring
100-000012 (*) (**) 930-807 (*)
110.6 / spring 1.4571 -- (*) (**) -- (*) (**)
(*) * /
The mechanical shaft seal kit of wearing parts includes all parts with *.
** /
The parts with ** are not individually exchangeable spare parts
53 110.6 100.2 26 45
100.7 26
120.10 11
120.5 120.15
100.2 26
EW / DW /
Mechanical seal EW Mechanical seal DW
Designation part no
Item Material
25 30
TP 1020;TP 2030;TP 1540;TP 2050;TP 3050 TP 5060;TP 7060;TP 2575;TP 8080;TP 16040
Mechanical shaft seal size TPS 2030; TPS 3050 TPS 8080
1.4571/EPDM 244-000041 244-000377
Mechanical shaft seal kit
1.4571/FKM 244-000040 244-000380
TP 1020 1.4404 244-000082 --
TP 2030 1.4404 244-000055 --
TP 1540 1.4404 244-000080 --
TP 2050 1.4404 244-001011 --
TP 3050 1.4404 244-000804 --
TP 5060 1.4404 -- 244-000810
TP 7060 1.4404 -- 244-000810
10 TP 2575 1.4404 -- 244-000807
Pump housing
TP 8080 1.4404 -- 244-000801
TP 16040 1.4404 -- 244-000555
TPS 2030 1.4404 244-000703 --
TPS 3050 1.4404 244-000771 --
(*) * / The mechanical shaft seal kit includes all parts with *.
(**) EW ** 100.1 100.2 100.6 100.7 110.6 /
All Parts of the single-acting mechanical seal EW with ** (items 100.1, 100.2, 100.6, 100.7 and 110.6) are no longer usable.
34 A 11
100.6 45
100.2 110.1
EW / QU /
Mechanical seal EW Mechanical seal QU, flushed
100.7 O / O-ring (**) (**)
110.1 1.4462 (*) (*)
shaft protection sleeve
110.2 / shaft seal (*) (*)
110.6 / spring 1.4571 (**) (**)
/ Designation Material
/ Part no.
/ Motor Size 80 90S 90L 100L 112M 132S 132M
50 Hz / Motor rating at 50 Hz
*TP / calotte rack TP cpl. 304 244-001870 244-001871 244-001872 244-001873 244-001874 244-001875 244-001876
TP / chassis TP 304 244-000844 244-000843 244-000842 244-000841 244-000835
151 / adjustable feet 304 244-001864 244-001865 244-001866
153 / cap HD-PE 922-290 922-290 922-290 922-290 922-290
154 / engine feet 1.4401 754-035 754-035 754-035 754-035 754-035
155 / hex. screw A2-70 901-054 901-054 901-101 901-101 901-104
156 / hex. nut A2-80 910-029 910-029 910-029 910-029 910-029
157 / washer A2 921-014 921-014 921-018 921-018 921-018
158 A2 910-020 910-020 910-025 910-025 910-025
hex. nut, flat, self-locking
161 / hood 304 244-001327 244-001306 244-001305 244-001304 244-001302
165 / ULF / screw ULF 304 919-011 919-011 919-011 919-011 919-011
* TP 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 / In the adjustable feet TP cpl. are completely contained the items 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 and 158.
Using the drain valve VTP/LM on the GEA Hilge TP/TPS centrifugal pump, a modified spiral housing and engine feet (adjustable feet cpl.) will be required. See dimension sheet or spare part lists drain valve VTP/LM
* TP 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 / In the adjustable feet TP cpl. are completely contained the items 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 and 158.
Using the drain valve VTP/LM on the GEA Hilge TP/TPS centrifugal pump, a modified spiral housing and engine feet (adjustable feet cpl.) will be required. See dimension sheet or spare part lists drain valve VTP/LM
/ date 2016-11-23 / Spare parts list
/ Page 1 / of 2 IEC / 50 Hz GEA Hilge TPS B
IEC Motor / 50 Hz for GEA Hilge TPS centrifugal pump, version B
IEC Motor / 50 Hz for GEA Hilge TPS centrifugal pump, version B
/ dimension mm TPS 2030 / pump type TPS 2030 TPS 3050 / pump type TPS 3050
90S / 90L 100L 112M 132S / 132M 100L 112M 132S / 132M 160L
Motor size
∅a 140 160 160 200 160 160 200 250
∅r 259 259 259 259 307 307 307 307
∅s 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 12
dn 1 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN40 DN50 DN50 DN50 DN50
dn 2 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65 DN65
b 348 388 388 473 388 388 473 596
c ** 295 340 340 423 340 340 423 535
d 121.5 131.5 131.5 152 134 134 154 192
e 120 117 117 170 117 117 170 220
f 275 334 334 410 334 334 410 610
g ** 238 264 295 329 264 295 329 410
h 386 386 426 446 386 426 446 573
i 56 64 64 90 64 70 90 108
k 125 140 140 178 140 140 178 210
l 315 374 374 450 374 374 450 650
m 85 85 85 85 103 103 103 103
m1 92 92 92 92 97 97 97 97
n 216 242 276 308 242 242 308 374
p 140 160 190 216 160 / 190 160 / 190 216 254
o 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500 200 / to 500
t* 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5
t1* 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200 200 / about 200
u 90 100 112 132 100 100 132 160
v 135 135 135 135 155 155 155 230
w 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 105
w* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
x 140.5 140.5 140.5 140.5 161.5 161.5 161.5 161.5
y* 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5
y1* 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500 1500 / min. 1500
z 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 40
sw 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
/ Spare parts list
/ date 2016-11-23
VTP/LM / Drain Valve VTP/LM
/ Page 1 / of 1
GEA Hilge TPS /
244ELI011506ZH_1.DOC for GEA Hilge TPS Centrifugal pump
Pump cover VTP
Detail Z
Einzelheit ZZ /Detail Z
10 Pumpendeckel
Pump cover VTP
1 13 11 12
14 16
7 6 8 18 19
Ø 40
38 44
VTP VTP 0˚ /
Part no. for pump cover VTP designed for position of the socket towards drainage valve VTP 0˚
TP 1020 TP 2030 TP 1540 TP 2050 TP 3050 TP 5060 TP 7060 TP 2575 TP 8080 TP 16040
Ø 50
Ø 65
Ø 80
Delivery of spare parts only with serial number, order number or detailed specification of pump cover.
Ø 100
Ø 150
A / pneumatic connection Ø 6/4 mm / for pneumatic hose Ø 6/4 mm
B / drain connection Ø 8/6 mm / for hose or pipe Ø 8/6 mm
/ Dimension
Y (mm) 144 150 155 172 172 181 181 193 192 208
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equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX® Europe 600 index.