CMPC Pulp: General
CMPC Pulp: General
CMPC Pulp: General
1.1 This Specification provides the requirements for the quality of plain and reinforced concrete, materials,
concreting procedures and concrete finishes.
1.2 All work shall conform to the requirements of the Standards and Design Standards listed below, which,
together with the addenda to the specific sections as listed further on, shall govern in their entirety. Where an
addendum has a more stringent requirement, the addendum shall take precedence
1.3 The Contractor shall, at the start and during the course of Work where appropriate, meet with the Engineer for
the review of the following:
1.3.1 Proposed equipment and methods for storing, mixing, and conveying concrete.
1.3.3 Inspection and testing of cement, aggregate, water, admixtures, reinforcement and storage of these materials.
1.3.4 Proposed form material, form ties, and form release materials.
1.3.5 Concrete mix designs with regard to strength, performance, durability and suitability for Project requirements.
1.3.7 Prior to the erection of formwork, or the placement of reinforcement, or concrete the:
• Proposed methods and materials for supporting and securing reinforcement and formwork.
1.3.8 Immediately prior to concrete placement, the inspection by the Engineer of formwork, reinforcement and
preparation of existing concrete. Inspection by the Engineer of formwork shall be for conformance with the
project specifications, but not for structural strength and stability, which is the sole responsibility of the
1.3.9 During placement, sampling and testing of concrete and inspection of concrete placement procedures.
1.4 All proposals and submissions by the Contractor and all responses by the Engineer shall be in writing.
Acceptance of the Contractor's proposals and submissions by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of
his responsibility for the work as defined by the contract.
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1.5 Hot Weather Concreting - The Contractor shall follow the practices described in ACI 305 (Hot Weather
Concreting) whenever temperatures are expected to exceed those specified in ACI 301 and this Specification.
The planned procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to proceeding with the work.
1.6 Cold Weather Concreting - The Contractor shall follow the practices described in ACI 306 (Cold Weather
Concreting) whenever temperatures are expected to be lower than those specified in ACI 301 and this
Specification. The planned procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer for review prior to proceeding with
the work.
The Contractor shall keep a copy of the following standards on site at all times.
2.6 ASTM A615/A615M-96a Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
The Contractor shall keep a copy of the most recent edition of the following standards on site if the contents of
the Standard are applicable to the work.
2.7 ACI 117-90 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials
2.14 ASTM C618-98a Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as Mineral
Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete
2.15 ASTM A706/A706M-96b Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
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2.16 AWS D1.4-92 Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel
Architectural Concrete: Those surfaces, as designated on the Drawings, which are exposed to public view and
require the highest practical quality of finish.
Stirrups and ties of Grade 60 material must meet the bending requirements of Grade 40 steel. All
reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A615 Grade 60 or ASTM A706 Grade 60 unless noted otherwise.
Documentation substantiating conformance with ACI 318 clause 21.2.5 shall be provided to the Engineer for
review where ASTM A615 Grade 60 reinforcement is proposed for use to resist earthquake-induced flexural or
axial forces in frame members and in walls as indicated on the drawings. Acceptance shall be obtained prior
to fabrication or placing.
Contractor Submissions to the Engineer shall include qualifying documentation for all materials and products
• Proposed concrete mix proportions including supporting trial mix results. For every proposed mix the
anticipated slumps shall be provided before and after the addition of superplasticizer.
• Documentation that the plant, equipment, and all materials to be used in the concrete comply with the
requirements of ACI 301.
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• Mill certificates for reinforcing steel.
• Description of the proposed concrete batching plant including capacity, admixture provision batching
system, cold weather capabilities, hot weather capabilities, quality control procedures.
• Qualifying documentation for all materials and products including mill test reports, certificates of
compliance, material test results, inspection reports indication suitability for the work.
• Documentation that proposed concrete aggregates have been qualified to ASTM C33.
The Contractor may petition the Engineer for the acceptance of:
6.1 Supplementary Cementing Materials (fly ash, silica fume and granulated blast furnace slag)
• Identification of the source, information on its service record in concrete subjected to similar service,
and test data showing conformance with ASTM specifications.
• Proposed dosage.
• Manufacturer
• Proposed dosage.
The Contractor shall take precautions to ensure concrete is not damaged from construction loads prior to
concrete reaching its specified strength.
The Contractor shall ensure concrete is not loaded in excess of its design capacity after reaching its specified
compressive strength. The Contractor shall review plans for placing construction loads with the Engineer.
The Contractor shall fulfil the requirements of Section 1.6.3 of the Standard. In addition, the Contractor shall
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accept responsibility for retaining a testing agency to ensure the concrete quality mets the specification and
the Standard.
The Contractor's testing agency shall carry out the inspection and testing as described for the Owner's testing
agency Section of the Standard with following addendum:
• At least three test cylinders shall be taken for each day of placing or each 150 cu. yds. of concrete for
each class of concrete.
• One of the cylinders shall be tested at 7 days and two at 28 days. An average of the two 28-day
cylinder strengths shall be considered as one test.
• The Owner may elect to undertake independent testing but this will not relieve the Contractor's
responsibility to perform testing as described above.
Concrete failing to meet the strength requirements may be required by the Engineer to be removed and
replaced with concrete meeting the strength requirements. Such removal and replacement shall be at the
Contractor's expense.
The Engineer shall accept or reject completed concrete work in accordance with Section 1.7 and shall be the
sole judge of the acceptability of proposed repairs, removals or replacement of unacceptable structures and
modifications to remaining work.
The concrete shall be considered to have met strength requirements if the average of every set of three
consecutive tests for each class of concrete exceeds the specified strength and no individual test is more than
500 psi below the specified strength. If these strength requirements are not met, the Engineer will require
adjustments to the mix proportions and additional testing as permitted by Section 1.7.4 of the Standard.
8.1 Forms shall be constructed so that the exposed concrete surface falls into one of the following classes:
• Resulting Surface: Free from color variations, bugholes, fins, voids, grout loss, honeycomb or scaling.
• Construction: Maximum deflection 1/360 of span; plywood joints to be backed and sealed; form panel
pattern approved by the Engineer; patching of form surfaces not permitted.
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8.1.2 CLASS B - Normal Exposed Concrete
• Resulting Surface: Free from honeycombing, large bug-holes or voids greater than 1/2 inch across
and/or depth, fins or misalignments greater than 1/8 inch.
• Resulting Surface: No specific requirements other than freedom from major voids or honeycomb;
minimum dimensions and reinforcement cover to be maintained.
8.2.1 Vertical surfaces to be tile lined shall be constructed by one of the following methods:
• Expanded Metal - Form to be constructed of shiplap or plywood with no release oil agent. Carbon
steel expanded metal flattened style design 1/4 inch x 1 inch x 20 Ga. thick to be adequately attached
to the formwork to ensure stripping with forms.
• Surface Retarder and Hydroblast - Form to be coated with retarder on surface to be tile lined. Surface
to be hydroblasted to 1/4 inch profile immediately after form is removed. All traces of retarder and
retarded concrete must be removed.
• Sandblast - Surface to be given a heavy sandblast with SAE shot size S550 or S460 or SAE grit size
G14 or G16 to a 1/8 inch profile.
8.3 Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, forms shall be constructed to produce the final concrete surfaces in
the following locations:
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• Class C - All concrete not exposed to view such as buried foundations and retaining walls.
• Class B - All interior and exterior columns, walls, beams, and underside of slabs.
• Class A - Feature interior or exterior walls in office buildings and control rooms.
8.4 On the interior face of chest walls or other liquid retaining structures, the embedded portion of form ties, after
the end or end fastener has been removed, shall terminate not less than the specified clear cover for the
reinforcing steel on that face, from the formed surface of the concrete. End fastener recesses or holes shall
be suitably roughened and patched with grout for application No. 3 per Design Standard 1S-05.01.
8.5 Tolerances
The forming system shall be capable of producing finished concrete surfaces within the dimensional
tolerances of ACI 117.
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or advised by the Engineer, formwork must not be removed prior to
the lapsed time after concrete placement before Minimum Stripping Time shown in column A in the following
table. This time may be reduced if it can be demonstrated by testing field cured test cylinders that the
concrete has attained the Minimum % Specified Strength shown in column B.
• The minimum stripping times defined in the Table below may have to be extended if retention of
formwork is chosen as a means of curing and protection as outlined in Section 5 Handling, Placing,
and Constructing - Curing and Protection.
• Stripping times shall be extended if more than 10% of supplementary cementitious material is
incorporated in the mix. The planned extended times must be submitted to the Engineer for review.
• Stripping time shall be adjusted if a retarder or an accelerator is accepted for use by the Engineer.
Adjustment shall be based on time required by Minimum % Specified Strength in column B.
• Stripping times shown are based on minimum ambient temperatures of 40oF. For lower temperatures
the Contractor must extend the times to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
• Stripping times shown are based on no significant superimposed construction loads. For other
precautions see Section 1 - General Requirements - Protection of In-place Concrete.
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8.8 Waterstops
Joints shall be constructed and located as described on the drawings. Whenever PVC waterstop is specified,
it shall be wired to the reinforcing steel with all joints properly fused to provide a continuous seal.
All embedded metal, i.e. anchor bolts, door sills, trench angles, etc. Shall be set true within +/- 1/8 inch of
position as shown on the drawings
9.1 Welding
Reinforcement shall be securely tied at intersections with wire not less than 16 ga. or clips. Slab
reinforcement shall be carried on approved concrete pads or approved chairs providing support spacing of
not more than 4'-0". Top slab steel shall be carried on support bars of No. 5 minimum size carried on
supports not over 3'-6" apart. Where temperature steel is used to support top slab steel and if temperature
steel is No. 4 size, then supports shall not be over 3'-0" apart. Top reinforcement for slabs in process
buildings subject to wash down (i.e. all floors with slopes) shall have a minimum cover of 1", unless
otherwise shown on the drawings.
10.1 Cements
Portland cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150 and be Type II, unless otherwise shown on the
The Contractor may petition the Engineer for the use of Type I if Type II is unavailable. However, under no
circumstances can the C3A (Tricalcium Aluminate) content of the cement exceed 10% generally, nor 8% for
all liquid retaining structures.
The temperature of cement at the time of use shall not exceed 140oF.
The Contractor may petition the Engineer for the use of Type III (High Early) cement.
When sulphate resistant concrete is called for in specifications or on the drawings for aggressive
environments Type V(Sulphate resistant) cement shall be used. Type C fly ash shall not be used unless
reviewed and accepted by the Engineer.
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10.2 Aggregates
4 100
8 85-100
16 55-80
30 30-55
50 15-30
100 2-10
The fineness modulus of the sand shall be not less than 2.5 nor more than 2.9.
Coarse aggregate shall be separated into at least the following nominal sizes:
• 3/4 x No. 4
Where 1-1/2 inch maximum size aggregate is used, the individual sizes shall be proportioned to a combined
grading meeting size 467 of Table 2 of ASTM C33.
The Engineer may accept the use of a 3/8 inch maximum size aggregate mix for thin or highly congested
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10.3 Proportioning
Concrete supply to be on a performance basis in accordance with ASTM C94, Section 5.2, Option A.
Class of concrete Max. Size TOTAL ENT. 28-day Admixtures Max. Water
aggregate AIR compressive required cemente
(in ) ½ in
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When concrete is to be placed by pump, slump and air properties shall be measured at discharge from the
hose. The sand content of the pump mix, as a ratio by weight of total aggregate, shall not be increased
more than 3% from the conventionally-placed concrete.
Concrete mix designs shall be based on trial mixes prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer for review. The trials shall use a minimum of three cement factors separated by 50 lbs/yd 3 with
slumps and air content approximating the maximum values in the above table.
Water reducing high range admixtures (superplasticizers) may be used to obtain higher slumps for
workability subject to the Engineer's acceptance, except that they shall not be used in concrete for floor
Class 5 concrete shall contain one or more supplementary cementing materials. Dosages expressed as
% of mass of cement shall be (approximately):
Dosages shall be varied to meet the optimum blends for local materials.
10.4 Admixtures
• Water-reducing admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C494. Air entraining agent shall
meet ASTM C260.
• Calcium chloride shall not be used. Other admixtures containing chlorides may be used providing
the total chloride ion content in the concrete does not exceed 0.1% by weight of cement.
10.5 Mixing
When concrete is mixed in truck mixers, a complete mixing cycle of 70 - 100 revolutions at mixing speed
shall be completed before the truck leaves the plant.
Addition of mix water to the concrete after batching shall be limited to:
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11. ADDENDUM Section 5 - Handling, Placing, and Constructing
11.1 Depositing
There shall be no vertical drop greater than 5 ft. in the placing of concrete except where suitable
equipment is provided to prevent segregation. Each situation shall be reviewed with the Engineer.
Where beam reinforcing steel would hinder the pouring of concrete for columns, the columns shall be
poured to the beam soffit before the beam reinforcement is placed.
Surfaces of hardened concrete shall be cleaned with high pressure jets or mechanical means to remove
all laitance and loose material. Unless otherwise shown on Drawings, bonding shall be accomplished by:
11.2.1 Vertical Joints - Thoroughly wetting surface as described in of ACI 301.
11.2.2 Horizontal Joints - for those horizontal joints in liquid-retaining structures or those specifically designated
on the drawings or by the Engineer, a 6 inch layer of special bonding mix shall be placed and be well
vibrated to achieve maximum bond. The concrete to be used for this first layer shall be the normal mix
proportions with one-half the stone removed and the slump increased to 5 inches. For other horizontal
joints, treat the same as "Vertical Joints".
Where there is honeycombing, the Engineer may call for the removal and replacement of all concrete,
which in his judgement, is affected.
Projecting imperfections shall be removed, depressed imperfections shall be patched by chipping to sharp
margin and by filling with mortar. Patches exposed to view shall blend with surrounding surfaces. All
patchwork shall be carried out immediately following the stripping of forms and while concrete is still
green. Patches shall be properly installed and cured.
The required quality of formed surface shall be as designated in Section 2 and particular patching
procedure required for each area shall be reviewed with the Engineer prior to starting.
Finishing shall be in accordance with Section 5 of the Standard, and Design Standard 1D-15.03.
For the tolerance requirements for the planeness of concrete flatwork (slabs) see Design Standard 1D-
All exposed concrete surfaces shall be cured. Curing may consist of formwork retained in place and/or an
approved curing method.
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Curing methods may be any one method from except as otherwise specified. Surfaces which are
to be water-proofed, damp-proofed, painted, coated, or which will receive a separate topping or grout or
adjacent pour where good bond is required, shall be wet cured only (curing compounds are not permitted).
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings or advised by the Engineer, curing must be carried out for the
lapsed time (Minimum Cure Times) according to the following table and otherwise prescribed in the notes
below the table.
Minimum cure times are the lesser of Column A or Column B in Table below.
• Cure times shown are based on minimum ambient temperatures ranging between 40oF and 90oF.
For temperatures outside this range the Contractor may need to extend the cure times to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
• For accelerated strength concrete mixes cure times shall be the minimum defined in Table. above.
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• The Contractor may determine the minimum % specified strength by testing field-cure cylinders or
by other non-destructive testing which is acceptable to the Engineer.
The concrete temperature at time of placement shall not exceed 90oF unless otherwise accepted by the
When the air temperature is or is expected to exceed 80oF during the pour and/or the cure period, suitable
protection shall be provided as designated by Section 5 of the Standard and as outlined in ACI 305 (Hot
Weather Concreting) .
When the air temperature is or is expected to fall lower than 40 oF, suitable precautions for concrete
delivery temperatures shall be taken as described in of the Standard.
When the air temperature is expected to fall below 30oF anytime during the pour and/or the cure period,
protection shall be provided as described in Section 5 of the Standard and as outlined in ACI 306 (Cold
Weather Concreting).
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