Bba General Sem

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1st YEAR - SEM-I



Course Code:

Course Objectives: At the end of the semester the students would be able to-
- Explain & understand management, evolution of management thought, social and ethical
responsibilities of management, span of control and various functions management in the

Module I: Introduction of Management

 Definition of Management
 Need of Management Principles
 Management Science or Art
 Management as an Art
 Management as Science
 Management as both Science and Art
 Functions of Management
 Needs of Levels of Management
 Levels of Management
 Managerial Skills
 Managerial Roles

Module II: Evolution of Management Thought

 Early Approaches to Management
o Robert Owen: Human Resource Management Pioneer
o Charles Babbage
o Andrew Ure & Charles Dupin
o Henry Robinson Towne
 Classical Approach
 Scientific Management
o 4 Steps of Scientific Management
o Taylor’s Approach to Management
o Limitation of Scientific Management
 Administrative Theory
o Fayol Outlined 14 Principles of Management
 Bureaucratic Management
o Mary Parker Follet: Focusing on Group Influences
o Elton Mayo: Focusing on Human Relations

o Four Parts of Hawthorne Studies / Experiments
o Conclusions of Hawthorne Studies / Experiments
o Criticism of Hawthorne Studies / Experiments
o Abraham Maslow: Focusing on Human Needs
o Douglas McGregor
o Chris Argyris
 Quantitative Approach
o Management Science
o Operations Management
 Modern Approaches to Management
o Systems Theory
o Contingency Theory

Module III: Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Management

 Social Responsibilities of Management
 Arguments for Social Responsibilities of Business
 Arguments Against Social Responsibilities of Business
 Social Stakeholders
 Measuring Social Responsiveness
o Social Audits
 Managerial Ethics
o Factors that Influence Ethical Behavior
o Stages of Moral Development
o Ethical Guidelines for Managers
o Geographic Segmentation

Module IV: Span of Control

 Meaning of Span of Control
 Importance of Span of Control
 Factors Affecting Span of Control
 Graicuna’s Formula

Module V: Managerial Decision Making

 Introduction
 Significance of Rational Decision Making
 Limitations of Rational Decision Making
 Managers as Decision Makers
o The Rational Model
o Non-Rational Model
 Decision Making Process
 Types of Managerial Decisions
o Decision Making Under Certainty
o Decision Making Under Risk
o Decision Making Under Uncertainty
o Modern Approaches to Decision-making under Uncertainty
 Management Information System Vs Decision Support System
 The Systems Approach to Decision Making
 Group Decision Making

o List of the advantages of Group Decision Making
o List of the disadvantages of Group Decision Making
o Forms of Group Decision Making
 Decision Making Techniques

Module VI: Fundamentals of Organizing

 Introduction
 Definitions of Organizing
 Modern Organizationvs. Traditional Organization
 Closed Systems Vs Open Systems
o Characteristics of Open Systems
o Developing an Open System Model
 Formal vs. Informal Organization
 Span of Management
 Factors Determining an Effective Span
 Use of Objective Standards
 Uses of Staff Assistance

Module VII: Strategic Organization Structure

 Introduction
 Strategy or Structure
 Factors Influencing Organization Design
 Major Structural Alternatives
o Functional Structure
o Divisional Structure
o Matrix Structure
o Hybrid Structure
 Other Bases for Departmentation
o Departmentation by simple numbers
o Departmentation by time
o Departmentation by process or equipment
 Strategic Business Units
 Choosing the Pattern of Departmentation

Module VIII: Group Decision Making

 Introduction
 Developing a Culture for Group Decision Making
 Advantages of Group Decision Making
 Disadvantages of Group Decision Making
 Effective Practices in Group Decision Making
o Deal with Conflict as it Arises

Module IX: Conflict Negotiation and Intergroup Behavior

 Introduction
 Sources of Conflict
 Classification of Conflict
 The Conflict Process

 Negotiation
o Distributive Bargaining
o Integrative Bargaining
 Negotiation Process
 Issues in the Negotiation Process
 Intergroup Relations

 Reference Books:
 Principles of Management, By Tripathi, Reddy Tata McGraw Hill
 Principles & practice of management - Dr. L.M.Parasad, Sultan Chand & Sons - New Delhi


Course Code:

Course Objectives: To familiarize the students with the basic concept of microeconomics.
To make student understand the demand and supply analysis in business applications. To understand
the pricing and output decisions under various market structure.

Module 1: Introduction Micro Economics

 Definition of Micro-Economics
 Difference between Micro and Macro-economics
 Introduction to Micro-Economics
 Circular flow
Module 2: Consumer Equilibrium & Demands
 Law of demand
 Difference between demand and quantity demanded
 Demand curve
 Equilibrium
Module 3: Producer Behavior & Supply
 Law of supply
 Difference between supply and quantity supplied
 Supply curve
 Equilibrium

Module 4: Form of Marketing

 What is market
 Market structure
 Types of market
 Perfect competition and its features
 Monopoly and its features
 Monopolistic competition and its features
 Oligopoly and its features

Module 5: Price Determination

 Price determination under perfect competition
 Price determination under monopoly
 Price determination under oligopoly

Module 6: Economics of Consumer Analysis
 Law of diminishing marginal utility
 Law of substitution and consumer analysis
 Price elasticity of demand
 Income elasticity of demand
 Gross elasticity of demand
 Total revenue elasticity of demand

 Reference Books:
 Microeconomics: For BBAT. R. Jain
 Principles of Microeconomics, 7th Edition (Mankiw’s Principles of Economics)by N. Gregory
 Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, & Policies (McGraw-Hill Series in Economics)by
Campbell McConell, Stanley Brue, and Sean Flynn


Course Code:

Course Objectives: To impart to the learners the basic accounting knowledge. To train in the
accounting process from entering business transactions to Journal, understand ledger posting, cash
book and preparation of trial balance.

Module 1: Introduction –Accounting:

 Accounting & Accountancy
 Advantages of Accounting
 Origin of Accounting
 Distinction between Accounting & Accountancy
 Accounting– An Art or Science

Module 2: Journal:
 Introduction, Features,
 Advantages, Performa
 Journalizing & Journal Entry
 Problems on Journalizing

Module 3: Ledger:
 Introduction, Importance of Ledger
 Distinction Between journal & ledger
 Format of ledger
 Ledger posting and steps involved in posting
 Balancing of ledger accounts

Module 4: Subsidiary Books:

 Introduction, Subsidiary Books & IT features
 Advantages of subsidiary books
 Types of subsidiary books

Module 5: Trial Balance:
 Introduction, features of trial Balance
 Preparation of trial Balance

Module 6: Bank Reconciliation Statement

 Bank Reconciliation statement – Meaning & need

 Need of preparing Bank Reconciliation Statement
 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation statement

 Reference Books:
 Mukherjee & Hanif, ‘Fundamentals of Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill.
 Khatri, ‘Financial Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill
 Libby, ‘Financial Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill
 S.N. Maheshwari, ‘An Introduction to Accountancy’, Vikas Publication.
 Guruprasad Murthy, ‘Financial Accounting’, Himalaya Publishing


Course Code:

Course Objectives: To make students knowledgeable of communication skills.

Module 1: Fundamentals of Communication

 The importance of communication
 The basic forms of communication
 The process of communication
 Barriers to communication
 Dealing with communication barriers

Module 2: Group Communication

 Definition of Group Communication
 Advantages of Group Communication
 The Do’s and Don’ts of participating in a GD
 Essential Traits & Skills for GD
 Characteristics of GD
 language for Group Discussion

Module 3: Interpersonal Skills

 Building Positive Relationships
 Giving praise
 Dealing with criticism
 Managing conflict

Module 4: Interviewing
 Introduction
 Different Types of Interview
 Planning for the Interview
 Conducting an Interview
 Ethics of an Interview
 Interview Skills

Module 5: Letter Writing

 An Introduction to Letter Writing 
 objectives of letters writing
 Types of Letter
 Main Elements of a Letter
 Key Points of Better Letter Writing
 Elements of a Letter at a Glance

Module 6: Presentation Skills
 Definition
 Features of Presentation Skill
 Types of Presentation Skill
 Preparing Slides for Presentation
 How to Improve Your Presentation Skills

Module 7: Negotiation Skills
 Definition
 Types of Negotiation
 BATNA in Negotiation
 Negotiation Techniques
 Body Language for Negotiation
 Negotiation Skills

Module 8: Nonverbal Communication

 Nonverbal Communication Skills
 Nonverbal Communication Forms
 Para Language

 Reference Books:
 Business Communication Paperback – 1 Dec 2009by R. C. Bhatia
 Business Communication by Pal Rajendra &Korlahalli : Publication - Sultan Chand & Company
 Business Communication by M.J.Mathew : Publication -RBSA Publications
 Business Communication by Pandey H.S, Neelima Pareek, Avantika Srivastava, Rakhi Gulati,
Neha Sharma : Publication - RBD Publications


Course Code:

Course Objectives: Computers are a part of life-personal, social and professional. Use of
computers has pervaded all forms of activities and all aspects of human society. It has become
inevitable for students of management to learn computers and its application. To introduce the
students to the fundamentals of computers and familiarize them with the jargon commonly used by
computer literates. To introduce the students with some basic tools and applications which will
enable them in e-communicating effectively and analyze data for decision making using data of
different kinds? To introduce the student to the internet and its applications and thereby empowering
him to utilize e-sources for upgrading his knowledge base.

Module 1: Computer fundamentals

 Definition of Computers
 Characteristics of Computers
 Evolution of Computers
 Basic Anatomy of the Computers
 Types Of Computers
 Storage Unit (Primary and Secondary)
 Processing Unit 
 Input Devices & Output Devices
 Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
 Computer softwares 
o High-level programming language – COBOL, Fortran, BASIC, PASCAL, ADA, LISP
 Disc operating system
 features of WINDOWS-95
 Unix, Linux
 Data Backup
 Relationship between hardware and software
 Software License

Module 2: Data Communication and Networks

 Data Communication Definition
 Network Definition
 Types of Network – LAN, MAN, SAN, WAN
 Network Structure - Server based network, client server network, Peer to Peer network, Star
Network, Bus Network, Mesh Network 
 Network Media
 Network Hardware
 Common Terms In Internet World: WWW
 Types of internet connection : Analog: Dial-up Internet Access, DSL – Digital Subscriber Line,
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
 Cyber crime, Cyber terrorism, Cyber extortion
 Social Engineering

Module 3: Office Packages
 What is Microsoft Word 2010?
 Starting Microsoft Word
 Ribbon Menu system in MS WORD : Home” Ribbon Menu, Insert” Ribbon Menu, Page Layout”
Ribbon Menu, References” Ribbon Menu, Mailings” Ribbon Menu, Review” Ribbon Menu,
View” Ribbon Menu
 Primary Tasks in MS WORD: Creating a New Document, Opening an Existing Document, Saving
a Document for the First Time, Saving a Document, Working With Text, Formatting – Margins,
Formatting – Headers and Footers, Formatting – Page Numbers, Closing Documents
 Mail merge, Macros
 Templates in MS-Word
 Presentation using PowerPoint
 MS EXCEL - Understanding the Ribbon in MS EXCEL
 Customization Microsoft Excel Environment
 Settings for formulas MS EXCEL
 Important Excel shortcuts

Module 4: Advance excel and Multimedia

 Functions in Excel – Average, MIN;MAX, COUNT IF, Function arguments
 How to enter a function
 Logical operators in EXCEL
 What are Excel Formulas: SUM, IF, Percentage, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, COUNT,
 Definition of Multimedia
 Components of Multimedia
 Applications of Multimedia

 Reference Books:
 Fundamental of Computers =V. Rajaraman B.P.B. Publications
 Fundamental of Computers = P. K. Sinha
 Fundamental of Computers = ReemaThareja
 Computer Today = Suresh Basandra
 MS- Office 2000 (For Windows) = Steve Sagman



Course Code:

Course Objectives: After reading this lesson, you should be able to:
 Understand The Nature Of Management
 Identify And Describe The Functions Of Management
 Understand The Social Responsibilities Of Business
 Appreciate The Interests Of Various Stakeholders In The Business.

Module 1: Nature of Management

 Social Responsibility Ties of Business
 Manager and Environment Levels in Management
 Managerial Skills - Planning - Steps in Planning Process - Scope and Limitations - Short Range
and Long Range Planning - Flexibility in Planning ¬Characteristics of a sound Plan
 Management by Objectives (MBO) - Policies and Strategies - Scope and Formulation
 Decision Making - Techniques and Processes

Module 2: Organizing

 Organization Structure and Design

 Authority and Responsibility Relationships
 Functional Departmentation
 Delegation of Authority and Decentralization
 Interdepartmental Coordination
 Emerging Trends in Corporate Structure, Strategy and Culture
 Impact of Technology on Organizational design
 Mechanistic vs. Adoptive Structures
 Formal and Informal Organization

Module 3: Perception and Learning

 Perception Definition

 Perception affects learning: Need Patterns

 Factors Influencing Perception - – the perceiver, the perceived and the situation

 Learning Theories - Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning

 Individual Differences and Impact on Behaviour

 Locus of Control

 Introversion and Extroversion

 Self – Monitoring
 Motivation and Job Performance - Values, Attitudes and Beliefs
 Importance of Values, Sources of Values, Types of Values
 Sources of Attitudes
 Types of Attitudes: job satisfaction, job involvement, and organizational commitment.
 Stress Management : Managing Work-Related Stress
 Employee Assistance Programmes, Receive Social Support
 Communication- Definition- Types-Process - Barriers - Making Communication Effective

Module 4: Group Dynamics

 Group Dynamics – definition

 Types of Groups : Formal, Informal Group, Command and Task Groups, Interest and Friendship

 Leadership - Styles - Approaches - Power and Politics

 Organizational Structure - The Horizontal Dimension of Organisational Structure , Vertical
Dimension of Organisational Structure 
 Modern Organisational Structures
 Organizational Climate and Culture - Organizational Change andDevelopment

Module 5: Comparative Management Styles and approaches

 Management Styles – Controlling Style, Supporting Style, Leadership style
 Management by walking around
 Unique Features of Japanese Management
 Techniques of Japanese Management
 Creativity and Innovation : The Creativity Process
 Organizational Creativity and Innovation: Climate for Organizational Creativity.
 Factors Hamper Innovation
 Entrepreneurship
 Entrepreneurship vs. Managership
 Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Managers
 Benchmarking : Types of Benchmarking
 Management of Diversity : Meaning , Reasons for Diversity
 Individual Strategies for Dealing with Diversity

 Reference:
 Drucker, Peter, F., 1981. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices, Allied Publishers,
New Delhi.
 Hodgets, Richard M., 1986, Management Theory: process and Practice, Academic Press,
 Stoner, James. A.F. and Freeman.E.R., 1989. Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
 Katz R.L., 1974. Skills of an Effective Administrator, Harvard Business Review, 52(5) 90- 102.

Course Code:

Course Objectives: To understand the functioning of economy at the macro level. To understand
how the economy is regulated through monetary and fiscal policies. To study the important indicators
of the economy and their significance.
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: To explain the concept of
macroeconomics.To apply the circular flow of income and expenditure. To analyze the income
determination through classical and Keynesian economics. To integrate the role of fiscal and
monetarypolicies in regulating economy.

Module 1: Basic Concepts of Macro Economics

 Definition and Nature of Macro economics

 Issues Addressed by Macroeconomists : Long-Run Economic Growth, Increased Output, Rates
of Growth of Output, Business Cycles, Recessions, Unemployment, Inflation , The International
Economy, Exports and Imports, Trade Imbalances, Budget Deficits,The Exchange Rate
 Macroeconomic Policy
 Effects of Inflation
 What Macroeconomists Do : Macroeconomic forecasting, Macroeconomic analysis,
Macroeconomic research, Data development
 Economic Theory: The Classical Approach, The Keynesian Approach
 Evolution of the Classical Keynesian Debate

Module 2: National Income Accounting

 Scope of Economic Territory

 Related aggregates of national income
 Domestic Aggregates, National Aggregates
 Methods of Estimation of National Income: National Income at Current Price, National Income
at Constant Prices, Value of Output, Value added
 Problem of Double Counting in National Income
 Components of Final Expenditure in National Income
 Components of Domestic Income in National Income
 Net Factor Income from Abroad NFIA
 Net National Disposable Income (NNDI)
 Gross National Disposable Income
 Net National Disposable Income
 Concept of Value Added of One Sector or One Firm
 Personal Disposable Income from National Income

Module 3: Money & Banking
 Introduction
 Money: Meaning and Functions : Primary and Secondary Function
 Classification of Money : Full Bodied Money, Credit Money, Fiat Money
 Supply of Money/ Money Supply
 Banking : bank Definition
 Central Bank : Definition, Features, Functions
 Supervision of Central Banks
 Credit Control Measures/Measures of Monetary Policy : Quantitative & Qualitative measures
 Money Creation by the Commercial Bank (Credit Creation)

Module 4: Determination of Income and Employment

 Aggregate Demand: Components of aggregate demand
 Aggregate Supply: Components of Aggregate Supply(AS) or National Income(Y)
 Consumption Function (Propensity to Consume)
 Types of Propensities to consume
 Difference Between APC and MPC
 Saving Function (Propensity to save): Average Propensity to Save & Marginal Propensity to
 Investment function, Induced Investment & Autonomous investment
 When Aggregate Demand is more than Aggregate Supply, When AD is less than AS
 Saving and Investment Approach : When Saving is more than Investment, When Saving is less
than Investment
 Full Employment Equilibrium, Underemployment Equilibrium, Over Full Employment
 Multiplier, Working of Multiplier, 
 Excess of Demand, Inflationary Gap, Reasons for Excess Demand, Impact of Excess Demand
 Deficient Demand, Deflationary Gap, Reasons for Deficient Demand, Impact of Deficient
 Measures to correct Excess Demand: Quantitative Instrument & Qualitative Instrument
 Measures to correct Deficient Demand: Quantitative Instrument & Qualitative Instrument

Module 5: Balance of payments

 Introduction
 BoP Surplus and Deficit
 Determination of the Exchange Rate
 Flexible Exchange Rates
 Fixed Exchange Rates
 Managed Floating

 Exchange Rate Management: The International Experience

Module 6: Government budget and Economics

 Introduction
 Revenue Budget; Capital Budget
 FISCAL POLICY : Changes in Government Expenditure, Changes in Taxes

 Reference Books:

 Ackley G. – Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. 1978

 Ahuja H.L. – Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.2006

 Gupta S.B. – Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.2002

 Shapiro E. – Macro Economic Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. 1996 5th Ed.

 Jhingan M. L. – Macro Economic Theory: Vrinda Publications, New Delhi. 2006

 William Branson – Macro Economics: Theory and Policy.1988 2nd Edn.

 Dr. T. G. Gite& others: “SthulArthshastra”, AtharvPrakashan, Pune. 2005.

 J. Harvey and H. Johnson – Introduction to Macro Economics

 D. N. Dwivedi – Macro Economics – Tata McGrew Hill, New Delhi-2006

 Samuelson, Nordhaus – Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi-2007

Course Name: Basic ACCOUNTING - II
Course Code:

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to equip the students with the ability to analyze,
interpret and apply the basicconcepts and theories of accounting in business management.To
understand Data Entry system of Book- Keeping, Petty Cash book. Preparing Final and branch

Module 1: Depreciation:
 What is Depreciation?
 How to calculate depreciation in small business?
 Types of depreciation
 Straight-line depreciation method
 Unit of Production method
 Double declining method

Module 2: Final Accounts

 Definition of Final Accounts
 Components of Final Accounts : Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet
 Trading Account: Study of Debit side of Trading Account, Format of Trading Account
 Profit and Loss Account
 Balance Sheet : Assets & Liabilities


 Adjustment Entries in Final Accounts
 Usual adjustments


 Expenditure: 
 Capital & Revenue Expenditure


 Internal Audit: Meaning,
 Internal Audit: Objectives 
 Internal Audit: Advantages 

 Reference Books:

 Mukherjee & Hanif, ‘Fundamentals of Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill.

 Khatri, ‘Financial Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill
 Libby, ‘Financial Accounting’, Tata McGraw Hill
 S.N. Maheshwari, ‘An Introduction to Accountancy’, Vikas Publication.

 Guruprasad Murthy, ‘Financial Accounting’, Himalaya Publishing
 Accounting Made Simple – Accounting Explained in 100 Pages or
Lessby Mike Piper
 FinancialAccounting -P. C. Tulsian
 AdvanceAccounting -Dr. Shukla&DrGrewal
 ModernAccountancyVolume - AMukherjee&M.Hanif

Course Name: Human Resource MANAGEMENT
Course Code:

Course Objectives: After completing this course, the student should be able to –

• To have an understanding of the basic concepts, functions and processes of human

resource management.
• To Design and formulate various HRM processes such as Recruitment, Selection,Training,
Development, etc.

Module I:
and Scope
 Concept of HRM
 Characteristics of HRM
 Scope of HRM
 Objectives of HRM
 Importance of HRM
 Functions of HRM
 Roles of HRM
 Origin, Evolution and Development of HRM

Module II:

 Concept of HRP
 Factors affecting HRP
 Process of HRP

Module III:
Job Design
and its
 Concept of Job Design
 Approaches to Job Design
 Factors affecting Job Design
 Techniques of Job Design

Module IV:
Job Analysis

 Job Analysis
 Significance of Job Analysis
 Process of Job Analysis
 Methods of information collection for Job Analysis
 Job Description
 Components of Job Description
 Job Specification

Module V:
 Concept of Recruitment
 Importance of Recruitment
 Recruitment Process
 Sources of Recruitment
 Meaning of Employee Selection
 Selection Procedure

 Meaning of Employee Placement
 Meaning of Induction
 Induction in Indian companies
 Conducting Effective Induction Programme

 Reference Book:
 Human Resource Management by Dr. T. K. Jain, Dr. Preeti Chugh
 Organization Effectiveness and Change Management by V.G. Kondalkar
 O.D. Interventions and Strategies edited by S Ramanarain, T.V. Rao and Kuldeep Singh
 Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler


Course Code:

Course Objectives: Marketing management course enables a student to understand the

fundamentals of marketing concept and the role marketing plays in business. This course enables a
student to understand the 'Marketing mix' elements and the strategies and principles underlying the
modern marketing practices

Module I: Introduction to marketing

➢Introduction to marketing
➢Marketing concepts
➢Marketing process
➢Marketing environment
➢Buyer Behavior
➢Market segmentation, targeting and positioning
➢Introduction to marketing mix

Module II: Product Marketing

➢Product Decisions
➢Concept Of A Product
➢Product Mix Decisions
➢Brand Decision
➢New Product Development Strategies
➢Product Life Cycle Strategies

Module III: Pricing

➢Pricing Decisions
➢Pricing Objectives and Approaches
➢Pricing Policies and Constraints
➢Pricing Methods

Module IV: Place (Marketing Channels)

➢Nature of marketing channels

➢Structure and design of marketing channels
➢Retailers and Wholesalers

Module V: Advertising and Promotion

➢Promotion Decision
➢Promotion Mix
➢Advertising Decision
➢Objective And Campaign
➢Ad Effectiveness
➢Sales Promotion And Publicity
➢Sales Force Decision

Reference Book:

➢Sales and Marketing Management (Mathur Prakash)

➢The Practical Guide to Sales & Marketing Management Gene Garofalo

Course Name: Legal Aspects of Business

Course Code:

Course Objectives: The objectives of the course are: To provide a basic understanding of various
statutory provisions that confronts business managers while taking decisions.

Module 1:

Contract Act
– 1872
 Introduction – Definition of contract – agreement – offer – acceptance – consideration
 Contractual capacity – contingent contract – Quasi contract – performance – Discharge –
 Remedies to breach of contract.

Module 2:
& Sale of
Goods Act
 Essentials of partnership,
 Rights and duties of partner
 Types of partners.
 Dissolution of partnership.
 Sale of Goods Act: Sale and Agreement to sell, Conditions and Warrantees,
 Transfer of property, Finder of goods, Performance of contract of sale, Rights of an unpaid

Module 3:
Contract of
 Essentials of Contract of Agency – Creation of Agency
 Kinds of Agents – Comparison Between an Agent and Servant – Comparison Between an Agent
 and Independent Contractor
 Relationship of Principal and Agent – Duties of an Agent –Rights of an Agent
 Duties and Rights of the Principal – Delegation of authority by an Agent –
 Sub Agent Position of Principal and Agent in relation to third Parties
 Termination of Agency.

Module 4: Company – Formation

 Memorandum – Articles – Prospective Shares – debentures
 Directors – appointment – Powers and duties.
 Meetings – Proceedings – Management
 Accounts – audit – oppression & mismanagement – winding up.

Module 5:

Act, 1986

 Object – Rights of Consumers –Important Terms

 Consumer Complaint - Consumer Protection Councils
 Redressal Machinery – District Forum – State Commission - National Commission.
 Cyber Law -Need for Cyber laws
 Cyber law In India – Information Technology Act – 2000 – Defining Cyber Crime –
 Types of Cyber Crimes – Preventing of Computer Crime

 Reference Book:
 Law of Business contracts in India by Sairam Bhat, Sage, www.
 Company law, Ashok K Bagrial Vikas publishing House.
 Business Law, chandra Bose, PHI learning India PVT Ltd.

Course Name: Cost and Management Accounting

Course Code:

Course Objectives

1. To impart basic knowledge of both financial and cost accounting.

2. To understand financial statements and reports to make decisions.

Module I: Overview of Cost Management Accounting and Introduction to cost


➢Definition, Scope and functions of Management Accounting

➢Difference between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting
➢The Management Accountant: Strategic Decisions, Decision making,
Planning and
control, Cost-Benefit Approach
➢The Chief Financial Officer and The Controller
➢Costs and Cost Terminology: Direct Costs and Indirect Costs, Cost Allocation,
Variable Costs and Fixed Costs, Cost Drivers, Relevant Range, Total Costs and

Costs, Inventoriable Costs and Period Costs, Prime Cost and Conversion Cost
➢Relationship Of Types Of Costs

Module II: Cost concepts

➢Determination of costs
➢Elements of Cost
➢Cost classification

Module III: Overheads

➢Allocation, Apportionment, Absorption
➢Control over Factory
➢Selling and distribution overheads

Module IV: Marginal costing

 Characteristics/Features of Marginal Costing
 Need for Marginal Costing
 Advantages & Disadvantages of Marginal Costing
➢Distinction between absorption costing and marginal costing
➢Cost volume profit (CVP) Analysis
➢Break Even Analysis
➢Margin of safety

Module V: Budget and budgetary control


➢Advantages and limitations
➢Production budget
➢Sales budget
➢Cash budget
➢Flexible budget

 Reference Book:
 Management Accounting – My Khan & P K Jain. Tata Mcgraw hill.
 Management Accounting – A. Murthy and S. Gurusamy – By Tata Mcgraw Hill.
 Management Accounting – Paresh shaw – Oxford University Press.
 Management Accounting – NM Singhvi and Ruzbeh J. Bodhanwala PHI learning PVT
 Management Accounting, Principles and Applications – HUGH Coombs, David
Hobbs and Ellis Jenkuis – By Sage
 Managerial Accounting – Indian Edition Ronald W.Hicton, G. Ramesh and M.
Jayadev by Tata Mcgraw Hill.

Course Name: Conflict Management Negotiation Skills

Course Code:

Course Objectives: To enhance and improve the techniques and skills in conflict management; To
manage interpersonal disputes among parties; To understand and acquire different negotiation skills.

Module 1:
to Conflict
 Meaning and Source of Conflict
 Types of Conflict
 Levels of Conflict

 Traditional and Modern Approaches to Conflict
 Functional and Dysfunctional Conflicts
 Conflict Process
 Management of conflict Resolution & Stimulation Techniques
 Dual Concern Model of Conflict

Module 2:
 Four Myths about Conflict
 Team Conflict
 Understanding individual styles for handling Inter Personal Conflict
 Cross Cultural differences in Approaches to Conflict
 Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Module 3:
Overview of
 Elements of Negotiation
 Multiparty Negotiations
 Stages of Negotiation Process
 Issues for Negotiation
 Preparation for Negotiations
 Types of Negotiation
 Strategies and Tactics in Negotiation
 Bargaining & Negotiation- Differences and similarities
 Context of Mediation
 Conciliation
 Arbitration
 Principles of Persuasion
 Persuasion Strategy and its Effectiveness

Module 4:

 Need for Developing Negotiation Skills
 Breakdown of Negotiation- Causes and Consequences
 Third Party Intervention
 Impasse and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
 Intractable Negotiations, Characteristics that make a Negotiation more intractable
 Effective Negotiation- Mutual Trust and Understanding
 Challenges for Effective Negotiators

Module 5:
 Understanding Cultural Differences in Negotiation
 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
 Seven Pillars to Negotiational Wisdom
 International Negotiations
 Best Practices in Negotiations

 Reference Book:
 Booth, A., Crouter, A. C., & Clements, M. (Eds). Couples in Conflict. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
 Casing a Promised Land by Goodall: Carbondale: Southern Illinois University
 Conflict Management & Organization Development by Willem F.G. Mastenbroe:
John Wiley & Sons.
 Coser, L. The Functions of Social Conflict. New York: Free Press.
 Cupach, W.R. & Canary, D.J (1997). Competence in Interpersonal Conflict. Prospect
Heights, IL: Waveland.
 International Journal of Conflict Management by Jones, T.S., Remland, NonVerbal
Communication and Conflict Escalation: An attribution Based Model.
 Leading Through Conflict, How Successful Leaders Transform Differences into
Opportunities by Mark Gerzon: Harvard Business School Press.
 Nagy, M. Philosophical Issues in the Psychology of C.G. Jung. Albany: SUNY
“Negotiating the Impossible: How to Break Deadlocks and Resolve Ugly Conflicts” by Malhotra

Course Name: Entrepreneurship development
Course Code:
Course Objectives: The students develop and can systematically apply

an entrepreneurial way of thinking that will allow them to identify and create business
opportunities that may be commercialized successfully. process; protection of intellectual
property involving patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Module I:

 Meaning, Definition And Concept Of Entrepreneur

 Entrepreneurship And Entrepreneurship Development
 Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
 Characteristics And Skills Of An Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneur V/S Manager
 Concepts Of Intrapreneurship
 Types Of Entrepreneurs, Functions Of Entrepreneur
 Advantages Of Becoming An Entrepreneur
 Entrepreneurial Decision-Process, Challenges Faced By Entrepreneurs
 Common Mistakes In Entrepreneurship, And Changing Role Of Entrepreneur
 Women Enterprises
 Social Entrepreneurship
 Rural Entrepreneurship

Module II:
t Agencies
 Estimating Financial Funds Requirement
 Sources of finance – Banks VIEW
 Various Financial institutions (including IFCI, ICICI, IDBI and SIDBI)
 Financing of small scale industries in Developing Countries
 Role of Central Government and State Government in Promoting Entrepreneurship with
Various incentives, Subsidies, Grants
 Export Oriented units – Fiscal & Tax Concessions
 Role of Agencies Assisting Entrepreneurship:
 DICs, SSIs
 Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI)
 New initiatives taken by Government to Promote Entrepreneurship in India at Larger

Module III:
rial Mind-set
 Idea Generation-Sources and Methods
 Identification and Classification of ideas
 Individual Creativity: Roles and Process
 idea to Business opportunity
 Entrepreneurial Motivation, Meaning of Entrepreneurial Competencies
 Major Entrepreneurial Competencies
 Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies
 Opportunity Assessment
 Business opportunities in Various Sectors
 Challenges of New Venture Start-Up
 Reasons for failure of New Venture
 How to begin with Low investment

Module IV:
a Business

 Environmental Scanning and SWOT analysis

 The Business Plan as an Entrepreneurial Tool
 Business Planning Process:
o Elements of Business Planning
o Preparation of Project Plan
 Components of an ideal Business Plan:
o Market Plan, Financial Plan
o Operational Plan
o Feasibility Analysis Aspects
o Economic Analysis
o Financial Analysis
o Market and Technological feasibility

Module V:
Launching a
 Steps involved in launching a business (Process Charts)
 Various Forms of business ownership
 Registration of business units
 Start-up to going IPO
 Revival, exit and end to a Venture

 Reference Book:
1. “Entrepreneurial Development” by Khanka S S
2. “Entrepreneurial Development and Small Business Management” by Dr P T Vijayashree& M
3. “Entrepreneurial Development” by Desai

Course Name: Leader Skills and Managerial Effectiveness

Course Code:
Course Objectives:After completing this course, participants should be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental aspects of managing and leadingorganizations
2. How to practice effective leadership and management
3. How to create Team giving best output.
4. How to Manage Change, Communication and Action Plan

Module 1:

 Differentiating between Management and Leadership

 Factors of Leadership
 Leadership challenges at work
 Management challenges at work

Module 2:
 Recognising Leadership Styles:
 Effective delegation and situational leadership
 The Managerial Grid: Blake and Mouton
 Four development levels of followers
 The four situational leadership styles
 Adapting your leadership style
 Influencing and motivating your team
 The Art of Persuasion and Negotiation
 The Speed of Trust – The Heart of Leadership

Module 3:
 The Essentials of Management: Planning, Organising, Controlling
 The Top Ten Qualities of an Excellent Manager
 Interviewing and Selection Skills
 Running Effective Meetings
 Making Effective and Impactful Presentations
 Managing Performance
 Decision Making and Delegation Skills

Module 4:
e Teams
 Teamwork in Action
 Team Learning and Performance
 Team Evolution Stages
 Managing Remote Teams
 Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Managers
 Managing of Challenging Behaviors
 Managing Pressure: Urgency vs Important
 Strategies for Different Quadrants on the Matrix

Module 5:
ion and
Action Plans
 Understanding Change and How Teams Respond
 The content and process dimensions of change
 Why do Organisations Resist Change?
 Overcoming Resistance
 Managing Change Effectively
 Effective Communication Skills
 Improving internal communications
 Getting Things Done: Practical Action Planning

 Reference Book:
 Bass, B.M. (1990). Bass and Stogdill's Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research
and ManagerialApplications. 3rd Ed. New York: Free Press.
 Bing, John W. (2004, February).―Hofstede‘s Consequences: The impact of his work
and on consulting and business practices.The Academy of Management Executive.
Briarcliff Manor: February 2004. Vol.18, No. 1: pp. 80-87.
 Black, J. Stewart &Porter, Lyman W. (1991) Managerial Behaviours and Job
Performance: A Successful Manager in Los Angeles May Not Succeed in Hong Kong.
Journal of International Business Studies, 1991, 22(1): 99-114., Journal of
International Business Studies, 22(1), 99-114
 Bolman, Lee G., and Deal, Terrence E. (2003). Reframing Organisations: Artistry,
Choice, and Leadership.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Course Name: Project management

Course Code:
Course Objectives:1. To develop critical thinking and knowledge in project Management's theory
• To help students developthe competence of analyzing the feasibility of the project.

• To provide the student with analytical skills for solving problemsrelating to project

Module 1: Introduction to Projects

➢ Definition of Project Management

➢ Project Management
➢ Project Manager and his Responsibilities
➢ PM as a Profession
➢ Selection of a Project Manager
➢ Fitting Projects into Parent Organization
➢ Project Management Team
➢ Phases of Project Management
➢ Project Environment
➢ The 7S of Project Management

Module 2: The Project Life Cycle

➢ Concept of Project Management

➢ Project Life Cycle
➢ Project Classification Extended and Project Life Cycle

Module 3: Strategic Management and Project Selection

➢ Selection Process of Project

➢ Project Selection and Criteria
➢ Nature of Project Selection Models
➢ Types of Project Selection Models
➢ Analysis under Certainty

Module 4: Project Analysis and Selection

➢ Project Initiation and Resource Allocation

➢ Why is Resource Allocation needed?
➢ Market Analysis and Demand Analysis
➢ Criteria for a Good Forecasting Method
➢ Technical Analysis
➢ Material Inputs and Utilities
➢ Basis of Government Regulatory Framework
➢ Project Proposal and Project Portfolio Process

Module 5: Functions of a Project Manager

➢ Functions of a Project Manager

➢ Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager
➢ Delegation of Authority
➢ Building Project Team
➢ Project Organisation
➢ Matrix Organisation
➢ Project Team and Human Factors

➢ Reference Books:
➢ Clements/Gido, Effective Project Management, Thomson
➢ Clifford F. Gray and Erik W. Larson, Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill
➢ Dennis Lock, Project Management, Ninth Edition, Gower
➢ K. Nagarajan, Project Management, Third Edition, New Age International
➢ P.C.K. Rao, Project Management and Control, Sultan Chand & Sons
➢ Prasanna Chandra, Projects – Planning, Selection, Financing, Implementation, and
Review, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill
➢ Vasant Desai, Project Management, Second Revised Edition, Himalaya Publishing

Course Name: Small Business Management

Course Code:

Course Objectives:To enable the students to know the importance of small scale business in
a developing economy like India and motivate the students to start small scale business.

Module 1:
Basics of

 Small Business – Definition – Features

 Role of Small Business in Economic Development
 Reasons for Establishing Small Business
 Quality of Small Businessmen
 Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Business
 Reasons for Failures of Small Business
 Characteristics of Successful Small Businessmen
 Different Stages of Small business

 Steps in Setting up a Small Business
 Crisis Management in Business
 Relationships between Small and Large Units
 Small Sector in India
 A note on Family Business.

Module 2:
Dynamics of
 Concepts and Definitions of Small Scale Industries (SSIs)
 Role of SSIs –
 Government Policy and Development of SSIs
 Growth and Performance –SSI
 Reservation of items for SSI
 Problemsof SSI
 Sickness of SSI: Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Module 3:

 Central, State and Other Institutional Support for SSI

 Technological Upgradation and Institutional facility for SSI
 Incentives and Subsidies for SSI.

Module 4:
of Small

 Production Management in Small Business Enterprises

 Financial Management in Small Business Enterprises
 Marketing Management in Small Business Enterprises
 Strategic Management in Small Business Enterprises
 Personal Management in Small Business Enterprises
 Office Management in Small Business Enterprises

Module 5:
l Small

 Preparing to go International
 International Business Plan
 Establishing Business in Another Country
 Exporting & Importing
 Financial Mechanisms for Going International
 The International Challenge

 Reference Books:
 Small Business Management Hardcover – 26 September 2013by Leslie Palich
(Author), Frank Hoy (Author), Justin G. Longenecker (Author), J.

Course Name:Digital Marketing E –Commerce

Course Code:

Course Objectives: The Course aims to provide an insight into the dynamic and exciting
industry that is digital marketing and e-commerce.

Module 1: Introduction to E-commerce

 E-Commerce – Meaning, Features of E-Commerce, Categories of E-Commerce,

Advantages and Limitations of E-Commerce, Traditional Commerce and E-Commerce
 E-Commerce Environmental Factors: Economic, Technological, Legal, Cultural and
 Factors Responsible for Growth of E-Commerce, Issues in Implementing E-Commerce,
Myths of E-Commerce.
 Impact of E-Commerce on Business, E-Commerce in India
 Trends in E-Commerce in Various Sectors: Retail, Banking, Tourism, Government,
 Meaning of M-Commerce, Benefits of M-Commerce, Trends in M-Commerce

Module 2: 2 E-Business and Applications

 E-Business: Meaning, Launching an E-Business, Different Phases of Launching an E-

 Important Concepts in E-Business: Data Warehouse, Customer Relationship
Management, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning.
 Bricks and Clicks Business Models in E-Business: Brick and Mortar, Pure Online,

Bricks and Clicks, Advantages of Bricks and Clicks Business Model, Superiority of
Bricks and Clicks, E-Business Applications: E-Procurement, E-Communication, E-
Delivery, E-Auction, E-Trading.
 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in E-Business: Meaning of EDI, Benefits of EDI,
Drawbacks of EDI, Applications of EDI.
 Website: Design and Development of Website, Advantages of Website, Principles of
Web Design, Life Cycle Approach for Building a Website, Different Ways of Building a

Module 3: Payment, Security, Privacy and Legal Issues in E-Commerce

 Issues Relating to Privacy and Security in E-Business.

 Electronic Payment Systems: Features, Different Payment Systems: Debit Card, Credit
Card, Smart Card, E-Cash, E-Cheque, E-Wallet, Electronic Fund Transfer.
 Payment Gateway: Introduction, Payment Gateway Process, Payment Gateway Types,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Payment Gateway.
 Types of Transaction Security.
 E-Commerce Laws: Need for E-Commerce laws, E-Commerce Laws in India, Legal
Issues in E-Commerce in India, IT Act 2000

Module 4: Digital Marketing

 Introduction to Digital Marketing, Advantages and Limitations of Digital Marketing.

 Various Activities of Digital Marketing: Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine
Marketing, Content Marketing and Content Influencer Marketing, Campaign Marketing,
E-mail Marketing, Display Advertising, Blog Marketing, Viral Marketing, Podcasts and
 Digital Marketing on Various Social Media Platforms.
 Online Advertisement, Online Marketing Research, Online PR.
 Web Analytics.
 Promoting Web Traffic.
 Latest Developments and Strategies in Digital Marketing.

Module 5: Managing your career

 What do Digital Marketers do?

 Where to work in Digital Marketing : Client-side, Vendor, Agency
 Digital Disciplines
 Preparing for Job in Digital Marketing & E-commerce

 Reference Books:

 Risk Management for meeting and events by Julia Rutherfordsilvers
 EventRiskManagementandSafety(TheWileyEventManagementSeries)byPeter.
E. Tarlow

Bachelors for Business Administration Common



Course Name: Advertising & Public Relations
Course Code:

Course Objectives The main objective of the course is to provide basic and emerging concepts and
principles in relation to better decision making in the areas of advertising and public relations
Module I: Introduction
 Advertising Definition, Classification, Growth & Development
 Basic Model and process of advertising,
 Motivational & Persuasional Communication of Advertising

Module II: Advertising Public Relation and Publicity

 Publicity, Advantages and Disadvantages of Publicity
 Public Relations
 Extension Education
 Social Advertising

Module III: Advertisement Agencies

 Types of Agency Organisation
 Structure, Function & Empanelling of Advertising Agency
 Agency Compensation System
 Space Selling
 Leading Advertising Agencies of India & World
 Public Relations: Definition, Role & Function, Growth & Development

Module IV: Public and Private Sector

 Difference between Public Relation & Corporate Public Relation
 Public Relation in Public and Private Sector
 Concept of Public Sector
 PR in Public Sector and Private Sector
 Staffing & Training of PR in Private Sector
 Duties and Qualities of PR in Private Sector
 Organisational Structure of PR in Private Sector
 Performance and Tools of PR in Private Sector

Module V: Crisis and Issues
 Crisis Communication and Lobbying
 Public Issue Communication
 Organization response on Public Issue
 Types of Public Issue
 Public Issue and communication Process
 Issue ignored is crises insured

Reference Book:
 Chase, W. Howard, “Issue Management : Origins of the Future, JssueAction Publications, Inc.
Lessburg, Virginia, USA.
 Belch & Belch: Advertising & Promotion; 5th edition; Tata McGraw Hill;2001
 Advertising and Public Relations Research Paperback – 7 March 2014
by Donald W. Jugenheimer (Author), Larry D. Kelley (Author), Jerry Hudson (Author)

Course Name: Financial Institutions and Markets

Course Code:

Course Objectives:
i) To know functions of financial system
ii) To understand structure of Indian financial system

iii) To have overview of role and segments of financial markets.

Module 1: Overview of Financial System

 Overview of financial system: Indian Financial System - Features, functions, components of
 System and Economic development.
 Overview of Global Financial System.
 Regulatory and Promotional Institutions;
 RBI -Functions and role of RBI, Monetary policy – recent policy developments ; SEBI.

Module 2: The Banking and Non-Banking Institutions

 Banking institutions - Banks – Operations, types and special role of banks –
 specialized financial institutions – Universal banking Innovations – Securitization
 RTGS and ECS – Narasimhan committee recommendations
 SEBI regulations
 Non-banking institutions - Meaning, registration, principal business of NBFC’s, other measures
 Mutual funds – Growth of Indian mutual funds and its regulation,
 Insurance companies – Role of IRDA – Privatization of insurance business in India

Module 3: Financial Markets in India

 Financial Markets in India - The stock market in India – Primary and Secondary markets – OTC
markets –regulations – New issues market – underwriting
 Call money market , Treasury bill market – Commercial bill market – market for Commercial
paper and Certificate of deposit – The Discount market
 The Government securities market – SEBI regulations – derivative market – foreign exchange

Module 4: Financial services

 Financial services - Fund based services: Lease, Hire purchase, Consumer credit and Factoring,
Venture capital financing, Housing finance.
 Fee based services: Stock broking, Credit rating, Merchant banking, Portfolio services,
Underwriting, Depository services
 Challenges faced by Investment bankers.

Module 5: Stock Exchange

 Meaning and definition, Role and function, regulatory framework of stock exchange, profile of
 Stock exchanges, listing, trading

Reference Book:
 Financial Markets and services, Appannaiah, Reddy and Sharma, HPH
 Financial services, Gorden & Natarajan, Himalaya publishers.
 Financial Markets & Services, Vasanth desai, Himalaya.
 Financial Institutions and Markets, Gupta Agarwal, Kalyani publishers.
 Financial Services and markets, Dr.Punithavathy Pandian, Vikas
 Indian Financial System, Ramachandra and others, HPH
 Financial Institutions and Markets, L. M. Bhole, 4/e Tata McGraw Hill.
 Investment Institutions and Markets, Jeff Madura, Cengage, 1st Edition.
 Financial services, Thirpati, PHI.
 Management of Financial Services ,C.Rama Gopal ,Vikas

Course Name: Banking Law & Practice

Course Code:

Course Objectives: To acquire specialized knowledge of law and practice relating to Banking

Module 1: An Introduction to Banking System

 Structures of Banks in India
 Types of Banks in India
 Constituents of Indian Banking System
 Functions of Commercial Banks

Module 2: Regulation and Control of Banking in India

 Banking Regulation Act 1949.

 Opening of New Banks & Branch Licensing
 New Bank Licensing Policy
 Cash-Currency Management
 Audit, Inspection, Fraud
 Corporate Governance
 Banking Codes and Standard Board of India (BSCSBI)
 The Banking Ombudsman Scheme

Module 3: Banker-Customer Relation

 Meaning of Banking Company.
 Customer, Banker and his Rights
 Various Types of Customer
 Closing of Bank Account
 Insurance of Bank Deposits
 Nomination

Module 4: Legal Aspects of Banking Operations

 Different Types of Cheque
 Crossing a Cheque
 Endorsement
 Legal Aspects of Collection of Cheque
 Duties of Collecting Bank
 Indemnities, Guarantees
 Bank Working Hours
 Complaints, Safe Deposit Locker
 Banking Related Laws

Module 5: Financial Analysis and Risk Management

 Financial Analysis Techniques
 Risk Management Structure
 Reporting of Banking Risks
 Risk Adjustment Performance Evaluation

Module 6: Ethics and Corporate Governance in Banks

 Understanding Ethics and Business Ethics
 CSR in Financial Sector
 Corporate Governance in Banking System
 Compliance Officer
 Clause 49
 Disclosure New Clause 41
 Basel Committee Recommendations
 Auditors Certificate on Corporate Governance

Reference Books

 Banking Law & Practice in India by M. L. Tannan

Course Name: Indian Economy

Course Code:

Course Objectives: A clear understanding of the key concepts and ideals of functioning of Indian
 A set of useful analytical skills, tools and techniques for analyzing Indian Economy.
 To provide a basic understanding of the nature of the policies formulation and their
 To encourage students to think critically and analytically.
 The ability to identify critical issues and design appropriate courses of action.

Module 1: Structure of Indian Economy

 Meaning of Economy,
 Economic growth & development,
 Characteristics of India Economy,
 Concepts of Human development Factors affecting economic development
 Changes in occupational structure in India

Module 2: Historical Perspective & Problems in Indian economy

 Indian economy in Pre & Post Independence period:
o Economy on eve of independence ( challenges & features)
o Economy in post independence India ( Challenges & Features)
 An overview of Economic resources of India,
 Economic problems: Population, Poverty, inequality, Parallel economy, Unemployment,
Balanced Regional development , Low capital formation & Industrial Sicknesson

Module 3: Planning & Economic development of Indian economy

 Economic Planning in India:
o Objectives,
o Critical evaluation of five year plans
o Nehruvian socialist economy
o Niti Ayog
o industrial policy 1991
o New Manufacturing policy
o Agriculture Policy
 Effect of Globalization on Industries
 Government Budgeting:
o Budget terminology
o Types of Budget
o Benefits of Budgeting
o Flaws in budgeting process
o Budget analysis

o Merger of Railway & General Budget

Module 4: Indian Economy- Investment Model & Emerging Issues

 Investment Models:
o Measures of investment,
o factors affecting investment
 Classification of Investment
o (FDI, Venture Capital, Angel Investors & Start-ups, M&A)
o Investment Models
o Role of State,
o PPP, Savings & Investment Trends,
o Portfolio Investment & Foreign Institutional Investment
o Role of Development Banking

Module 5: Indian Economy & Foreign Trade

 Concept, Significance, Foreign exchange reserves,
 Balance of Payment, Balance of Trade, Export- Import Policy
 Foreign exchange management act (FEMA)
 Export Promotion & Qualitative restrictions

Reference Book:

 Datt, G. & Mahajan, A. (2013), Indian Economy (67th Edition), S Chand & Company (P) Ltd.,
New Delhi,India.
 Puri, V.K. (2017), Indian Economy: Its Development Experience , Himalaya Publishing House,
New Delhi,India.
 Mishra, S.K. (2005), Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, India.

Course Name: Manpower Management

Course Code:

Course Objectives: Objective of the course is:

To have a general understanding of Manpower Planning
Understand how training and development can help in Manpower Management
How to motivate the manpower for better output
Introduction to the theory and application of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Module I : Manpower Planning

 Introduction to Manpower Planning
 Meaning and Definitions of Manpower Planning
 Concept & Importance of Manpower Planning

 Pre-Requisites & objective of Manpower Planning
 Strategies of Manpower Planning
 Process, Forms & Types of Manpower Planning
 Techniques of Forecasting the Manpower Demand
 Models of Manpower Planning
 Manpower Supply from External Sources
 Advantages & limitations of Manpower Planning

Module II: Manpower Training and Development

 Role of Training, Meaning and Definition of Training
 Features, Scope, Need for Training
 Philosophy of Training
 Meaning and Definition of Learning & Development
 Principal , Nature/Characteristics of Learning
 Definition: Job Analysis, Job Evaluation, Job Description, Job Specification, Recruitment, Job
 Difference between Training & Development
 Factors Influencing Training and Development
 Training Skills & Training Process

Module III: Motivating Employees

 The concept of motivation

 Herzberg and Maslow
 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
 Need-Based Theories of Motivation
 Process-Based Theories of Motivation
 Developing Your Personal Motivation Skill

Module IV: Human Resource Information System

 Concept, Objectives & Components of HRIS
 HRIS Models :
o Input and output model of a basic HRIS
o Model for HRIS adoption
o HRIS success model
 Users of HRIS
 The role of information systems in HRM
 The role of HR professionals in HRIS
 Need of HRIS for Business
 HRIS in an Organization
 Tactical HRIS
 Strategic HRIS
 Specialized HRIS software

Module V: HR Audit
 Concept of HRD Audit
 Objectives of HRD Audit
 Benefits Accruing from HR Audit

 HRD Score Card
 HRD Audit Questionnaire
 Map Your HRD Practice-Profile
 Competency Mapping
 HRD Competencies Checklist.

Reference Books

 Manpower Management (English, Hardcover, Goyal Swarup K

 Manpower Planning and the Development of Human Resources by Thomas Henry Patten
 The Power of People: Learn How Successful Organizations Use Workforce Analytics to Improve
Business Performance by Nigel Guenole, Jonathan Ferrar, Sheri Feinzig

Course Name: Production & Operation Management
Course Code:

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
 Demonstrate awareness and an appreciation of the importance of the operations
management to the sustainability of an enterprise.
 Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of facility layouts.
 Explain the importance of quality control.
 Apply techniques to measure quality control.
 Demonstrate a basic understanding of the problems of waiting lines.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of just-in-time systems.
 Explain the importance of forecasting.
 Demonstrate the ability to apply some mathematical forecasting techniques.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of aggregate planning.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the problems involved in inventory management.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles underlying materials requirements planning.
 Develop basic materials requirement schedules.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of operations scheduling.

Module I: Operations and Productivity

 Operations Functions and Evolution of POM;
 Framework for Managing Operations; Operations Strategy;
 Trends in Operations Management

Module II: Product, Process and Capacity Design

 Product Development; Product Design Tools; Design of Services; Flexible Manufacturing;

 Process Design: Types of Process, Modern Production Technologies; Process Reengineering.
 Capacity Management; Economies and Diseconomies of Scale and Learning Curve; Capacity
Strategies; Decision Trees

Module III: Facility Location and Layout Design

 Location Strategy and its Importance;

 Factors influencing Plant Location; Globalization; Location Selection Models
 Layout Planning; Layout Types;
 Design of Product and Process Layouts; Job Design; Work Measurement

Module IV: Inventory Management

 Basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model;
 Quantity Discount Models;
 Spare Parts Inventory;
 Material Resources Planning; Manufacturing Resource Planning;
 Purchasing Objectives.

Module V: Operations Planning and Scheduling Systems

 Aggregate Planning and its Process; Master Scheduling;
 Aggregate Planning for Service Organizations;
 Operating Schedules; Sequencing Rules;
 Optimized Production Technology and Synchronous Manufacturing;
 Just in Time (JIT) Manufacturing System; Basics of SCM and ERP

Reference Books:

 Production and Operations Management by Everette E. Adam, Jr. Ronald J. Ebert; Publisher:
Prentice Hall of India
 Production and Operations Management by N.G. Nair; Publisher: Tata Mc. Graw Hill
 Production and Operations Management by Panneerselvam R; Publisher: Prentice Hall of
 Operations Management by Shafer Scott M; Publisher: John Wiley
 Succeeding in Project-Driven Organizations by Knutson Joan; Publisher: John Wiley

Course Name: Industrial Relations & Labour laws

Course Code:

Course Objectives:
 To familiarize the students with various aspects of Industrial Relations in India
 To have thorough knowledge of Labour Laws prevalent in India
 To develop an understanding of implications of Labour Laws on Industrial relations

Module 1: Labour Legislation and Factory Act
 Introduction to Labour Legislation: Philosophy of Labour Laws
 Industrial Relations and Human Resource
 Management Labour Laws: Concept, Origin, Objectives and Classification
 Factories Act: approval, licensing and registration: health, safety and welfare measures of
 Provisions regarding employments of adults, women and children in factories

Module 2: Industrial Dispute & Wages Act

 Definitions, Authorities and procedure to settle industrial disputes

 Definitions, Methods for computing and fixing wages.

Module 3: Workmen compensation & Bonus Act

 The Workmen Compensation Act, 1923:Definition of Commissioner, Workmen, Disablement

 Rules regarding Workmen’s compensation, Defences available to employers, Amount and
Distribution of Compensation, Enforcement of Act
 Payment of Bonus Act, 1965: Definition of Accounting Year, Allocable Surplus, Available
Surplus, Eligibility and Disqualification of Bonus, Computation of Bonus,
 Powers of Inspectors Offences and Penalties under the Act

Module 4: Trade Union and Provident Fund Act

 Trade Union Act: Provisions, Authorities and Registration; amalgamation and dissolution
 Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952: Definitions of Pension fund, Pension Scheme,
Superannuation, Employees
 Pension Fund Scheme and Fund, Employees Provident Fund Scheme
 Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme.
 Determination and Recovery of money due from employer, Penalties under the Act.

Module 5: Maternity Benefit & Gratuity Act

 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961: Objective, Coverage, Benefits, penalties
 The Employees’ State Insurance Act,1948: objective, scope, coverage, benefits
 The role of ESI Corporation and ESI Hospitals
 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972: Objective, Coverage, Employers’ obligations, benefits.

Reference Book

 Davis, Ja E (2012). Labour Laws. General Books.

 Davidov, Guy & Langille, Brian (2011). The Idea of Labour Law. Oxford University Press.
 Kumar, H.L. (2010). Labour Laws. Universal Law Publishing.
 Rao, VSP (2008). Industrial Relations & Labour Laws. Excel Books.
 Singh, B.D. (2009). Labour Laws for Managers. Excel Books India

Course Name: Office Management
Course Code:

Course Objectives: This course will help you develop an assertive and organised approach to
managing people and processes in your office, to facilitate harmonious and productive working. It
includes key management skills and planning techniques to improve information flow and
achieve objectives

Module 1: Introduction
 Introduction of Office, Office Manager, Organisational Charts and Manuals
 Meaning of Office, Functions and Importance
 Changing Scene – Paperless Office and Virtual Office
 Centralization and Decentralization of Office Services
 Organizational Chart and Office Manual.

Module 2: Office – Space & Environment Management

 Office Layout, Open and Private Office – advantages and Disadvantages
 Elements of Office Environment

Module 3: Office Forms and Stationery

 Office Forms : Meaning, Advantages, Importance
 Computerization of Office forms
 How to Fill Forms and Principles of form Design
 Methods of Purchasing Stationery
 Purchase Procedure
 Storing stationery and Receipt of Stationery from Supplier
 Stock Register

Module 4: Communication

 Meaning, Importance and Types of Communication

 Elements of Communication Process
 Methods of Communication
 Characteristics of Effective Communication
 Barriers to Communication

Module 5: Office Machines

 Mechanisation
 Factors in selection of Office Machines
 Kinds of Office Equipment/Machines

Module 6: Correspondence – Business and Government

 Essentials of Business Correspondence
 Parts of Business Letter

 Types of Business Correspondence
 Display of Business Letter
 Writing Job Applications & Resume
 Government Correspondence

 Reference Books
 Office Management by Pillai R.S.N. (Author)

Course Name: Corporate Tax Planning

Course Code:

Course Objectives: To study a completely new program and to enhance your knowledge by
learning new concepts of planning taxation. To learn the tax characteristics of business firms.

Module 1: Introduction
 Basic framework of tax laws in India, Residential status of a Company and incidence of tax
 Corporate Tax Planning: meaning, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance. Tax Planning & Tax

Module 2: Taxable Income

 Set-off and Carry Forward of Losses.
 Computation of Taxable Income of Companies
 Tax Planning: FTZ, SEZ and 100 % EOUs

Module 3: Deduction and Financial Management

 Deductions: For Special Conditions
 Tax Planning for Different Organisations
 Financial Management Decisions

Module 4: Tax Consideration

 Tax Consideration in Specific Managerial Decisions.
 Tax Planning for Liquidation
 Advance Tax Planning and Tax Relief
Module 5: Business Restructuring

 Tax Treatment for Business Restructuring

 Restructuring: Conversion and Slump Sale.

 Reference Book:
 Ahuja, G. K. & Gupta, Ravi, Systematic Approach to Income Tax, Bharat Law
 Aggarwal, K., Direct Tax Planning and Management, Atlantic Publications.

 Lakhotia, R.N., Income Tax Planning Handbook, Vision Books.
 Singhania, V. K. & Singhania, Kapil, Direct Taxes law & Practice. Taxmann
 Srinivas E. A., Handbook of Corporate Tax Planning, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Name: Strategic management

Course Code:

Course Objectives:
 To expose students to various perspectives and concepts in the field of Strategic
 The course would enable the students to understand the principles of strategy
formulation, implementation and control in organizations.
 To help students develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of
business problems
 To help students master the analytical tools of strategic management

Module 1: Strategy and Process

 Conceptual framework for strategic management
 the Concept of Strategy
 Formation Process
 Stakeholders in business
 Vision, Mission, Purpose
 Business, definition, Objective, Goals
 Corporate Governance & Social responsibility

Module 2: Competitive Advantage

 External Environment
 Porter‘s Five Forces Model
 Strategic Groups Competitive Changes during Industry
 Evolution, Globalization and Industry Structure
 National Context and Competitive advantage
 Resources, Capabilities, competencies, core competencies
 Competencies & Low cost and differentiation strategies
 Generic Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage
 Distinctive Competencies
 Resources and Capabilities durability of competitive advantage
 Avoiding failures and sustaining competitive advantage.

Module 3: Strategies
 Stability, Expansion, Retrenchment, Combination, Business level strategy
 Strategy in the Global Environment
 Corporate Strategy Vertical Integration
 Diversification Strategy

 Strategic Alliances
 Building and Restructuring the corporation
 Strategic analysis and choice
 Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP)
 Organizational Capability Profile
 SWOT Analysis
 GAP Analysis
 Mc Kinsey's 7s Framework
 GE 9 Cell Model
 Distinctive competitiveness
 Selection of matrix
 Balance Score Card.

Module 4: Strategy Implementation & Evaluation

 The implementation process
 Resource allocation
 Designing organizational structure
 Designing Strategic Control Systems
 Matching structure and control to strategy
 Implementing Strategic
 change
 Politics
 Power
 Conflict
 Techniques of strategic evaluation & control.

Module 5: Other Strategic Issues

 Managing Technology and Innovation

 Strategic issues for Non Profit organizations.
 New Business Models
 Strategies for Internet Economy
 Case Study.

 Reference Book:
 1. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes, Richard Whittington,
2009, Pearson Ed Ltd, United Kingdom, 2nd Ed.
 Crafting and Executing Strategy Arthur A Thompson Jr, Strickland A.J., John E.
Gamble and Arun K. Jain, McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
 Strategic Management Michael Hitt, Ireland, Hoskission, 2010, Cengage Learning,
 Strategic Management – Concepts and Cases, Fred R. David, 2010, PHI Learning,
New Delhi.
 Business Policy and Strategic Management (Text and Cases) , Subba Rao, P 2010,


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