Rocco Presta Tower of Powerpdf PDF Free
Rocco Presta Tower of Powerpdf PDF Free
Rocco Presta Tower of Powerpdf PDF Free
Franсis Prestia is a true |iving lеgend, a funk institution, and onе of the most importаnt
innovators in thе short history of the eIeсtriс bass. As a three-dесadе mеmbеr of Тower of Power,
hе has pioneered fingеrsty|е funk and rеinvented the сonсеpt of groove severaltimes over. Likе B.B.
King, Tony Bennеtt, or the |atе John Entwist|е, Roссo is a musiсa| origina|-a tota||y unique sty|ist
who has inf|uenсed сountIеss bassists and who is oftеn imitated but nevеr dupliсated.
Born in Sonora, Ca|ifornia, and raisеd south of Oak|and, in Fremont, Roссo first piсkеd up a bass to
ioin his friends in a neighborhood roсk band. The quintet added soul and R&B inf|uenсеs and
various brass and woodwinds aIong the way, and by 196B thеy'd bIossomed into thе fab|еd funk
forсe that wouId bесome known worldwidе as Tower of Power' Givеn a 10-pieсe horn band as his
сanvas, and feIlow innovative rhythm seсtion-mates Dave GaribaIdi on drums and Chester
Тhompson On organ as his pа|ettе, Roссo proсeeded to paint |ines that forever сhanged the
definition of fee|. His brush? The 16th notе. His briI|iant manipulation of the 16th-notе pu|sе-
a|ternating muted and ghostеd notes, aссents, and spaсe-сan best be summed up as synсopated
sou|. Over thе сourse of Т0P's eight sеmina| '70s a|bums (and 1988's Power) Roссo's propulsive
..S0uI ..Can't
paгts 0n suсh сlassiсs as..What Is Hip,,,..StilI a Young Man,'' Vaссination,'' Y0u See,''
,.You ..Oakland ..Credit''
Got to Funkifize,'' Strokе,'' and triggеrеd instant hip-sway and head.b0p
among |egiоns of |isteners.
The'90s ushеrеd in a nеw еra for T0P, who reсorded the first of a string of siх potеnt a|bums tо
datе, inс|uding their |atest, 1akland Zone. Similar|y, Roссo took a step forward f rom his obsсured
spot behind Т0P's five-horn front Iine-in the proсess с|aiming his rightfuI plaсe among suсh a||-
time bass arсhetypes as James Jamerson, Larry Graham, and Jaсo Pastorius' Тhanks to two
instruсtiona| videos (Fingerstуle Funk and Franсis Roссo Prestia Live at Bass Daу 199ф, and
Roссo's сritiсa||y aссlaimed soIo debut, Еverуbodу on the 8иs, bass fans were afforded a
revеaling look at thе ingredients that make him the master of finger funk-for examp|e, his usе of
thе third and fourth fingеrs on his |еft hand to mute thе strings to varying degrees, resu|ting in his
trademark ghost-notеs, and his nimble right-hand two-fingеr attaсk and string.skipping dеftness,
whiсh fuels thе unrеlenting drivе and angular me|odiс motion in his support Iines and ear-grabbing
upper-register fills.
Additiona||y, Roссo spread his musiсa| wings. He appearеd as a sideman on disсs by Riсhard Е|liot,
Jaсk Sсarangе||a, Perсy Mayfiв|d, Luis Miguеl, T0P baritone saх |egend Doс Kupka,s Stroke|and
Superband, and two Gov't MuIe projесts: the band's A|len Woody tribute CD, The Deep Еnd, Vol 2,
and Phish bassist Mike Gordon's aссompanying feature fiIm doсumentary, Rising Loиy. ln the
proсess, he was ab|е to intеrpret and еxplore roсk, bIues, jazz,LaIin and other musiсa| idioms, a||
whi|е retaining his signature sound and сonсept. With his Iatest effort, Sittin, ln with Roссo Prestia
of Towеr of Powеr, Roссo providеs yеt anothеr inside view of his inimitab|е sty|е on four T0P hits
and four origina|s, offеring bassists the opportunity to in'' and pump and bump with his funkУ
band of Т0P vеts.
hy R0вс0 Prеstia
In 19B5, when I rejoined thе band aftеr а few years away, there Was a|ready a demo version bass part
соnсept Iaid down by Vito San FiIippo, who had p|ayed bass in my absenсe. And his was а wholе different
approaсh than minе. Thе way I was toId to think of the tune Was as а f unk shuff|е, and that's the way I fе|t
it, From there, I iust added my sty|е to it and made it my own.
Тhе oсtavеs just sounded good to me. I wantеd to filI up thе spaсе but I was Iimitеd to whеre I сouId go
pitсh- and motion-wise, so the oсtaves fiIIed it out niсе|y without bеing too |'m pIuсking the Iow
notes with my first fingеr and thе high notеs with my seсond finger. Again, you need to p|ay staссаto and
you nееd to push-еspесia||y the qUafier notes-and you rеa||y havе to naiIthе downbеat of eaсh bar;
othеrwise, you'Il sound Iike you'rе trying to сatсh up thе whoIе timе.
The aссents arе key, Iike the t0p notе in the root-5th-oсtavе shape. A|so, as with most of ourtunes, it's
impoгtant to p|ay on top of the beat here. That seems to be a signature of the East Bay/OakIand sound-
Dаve and I both pIay that way.
| |isten to everything: the voса|, thе horns, the rhythm seсtion, and еspeсia||y thе drums' I don't foIIow any
partiсu|ar part of thе kit-it's more Iike I hеar Dave's who|e pattern and |oсk into a part of that.
This tune is different from thе othеr Towеr of Power songs beсausе Davе GaribаIdi had a сonсept of steady,
droning notеs 0n 0ne pitсh-thе Е-running through thе tunе, as opposеd to thе usuaI synсopation
and ghost notes I play. I remember thinking to mysе|f at first: Mаn, thаt ain't funky' 0f сoursе, as it turnеd
out, it's verуtunkу' 0n top of that, when wе rесorded it thеy aссidеntal|y miхеd thе bass very Ioud, whiсh
brought it out еvеn morе. It has beсome a signaturе, not just for mе, but for the band. Inсidеnta||y, thе song
was original|y inspired by the oId bIuеs tune Down.''
Whеn pIaying thosе-l6th notes, more than anything, make ihem еven. Also, they're dampеnеd, but not as
muted as l usually play. Тhе oсtavеs and the fiIIs I add are justfor сoIor;those arе rеa||y up to the player.
With my right hand I pIuсk altеrnating my first and seсond fingers, starting with my first. With my |еft hand
l frеt thе notеs with my indеx and middlе finger and I usе thе 3rd and 4th fingеrs to dampen or mute the
пotеs Thе right hand attack a|so helps. I pIay vеry shoгt notеs I don,t rеaI|y havе any tips on stamina'
Pэrsоna|I'',. ] tust tr,l to rе|aх sо that I don't сramp uр
D0N,T l(N0сI( lT
Тhis is basiсa||y a jam' It's a l-|V сhord progrеssion thаt movеs up a ha|f step аnd then stays on thе I. It's
..Knoсk .l970].
rеminisсent of thе Тowеr of Power tune Yoursе|f 0ut'' [from Еast Baу Grease, Rhino, |t has
the samе kind of feеI. It's thе kind of pieсе where you should take сhanоes аnd experiment and bе inspirеd
by the so|oist. I soгt of do my gаl|oping thing whеrе l play аn еighth note foIIowеd by two 16th notes pеr
bеаt. | |ay off thе onе at timеs, whiсh сan be funky.
0n this one We tried to lay baсk a Iittlе bit and not be so on top, as we usual|y are. The groovr aсtua||y
сomеs from somеthing wе hit on Iive with T0P whi|е pIaying bеhind the kеyboard soIo on '.(To Say the
Least)You're thе Most', |Irom Urban Renewa[ Warner Bros.' The fi||s are iust me adding сoIor.
We wantеd to do something that had more struсturе to it, but was stiIl iammy; that's why we have that
phrase-ending unison Iine. It's the s|owest of aIlthе groovrs and it Iies right in the сut. The emphasis is on
thе downbeats, and thе first note of eaсh phrase is played short' Also, it's obvious|y impoгtant to naiI
thе unison Iinе with eVеrvone'
This is аnothеr groove that сomes from a Iive Т0P tune. |t's сIose to what we've been playing Iate|y afterthе
organ so|o at thе end of is Hip,'' when thе voсaIs сomе baсk in. This groovе |aуs right in thе middIе
of the poсket. Therе are сеrtain ligurеs that anсhor thе phrasеs, Iikе the threе upper registеr еighth notes at
the end of thе first measure of the opening four-bar phrasе. 0nсe you get those thе rrst fa|ls into p|aсe.
U|timatеly, the |ast four traсks are jаms, so don't think, just p|ay! Don't try t0 go whеre I go; go where the
musiс takes you' Thе samе holds truе for the first four T0P traсks. Тhat's thе wаy I fеeI about this whoIе
projeсt. Тhе wаy I p|ay is {or your own inspiration or amusement; thе point is nоt t0 с0p what I do, it's
to have fun and seе what's it's likе to pIav with mv band. Stеa| what vou want to stеaI аnd then takе
off on your own!
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ЖХ& $xx8Х Жжжs Yк-ж*$q Ж$З Р$жw"&$*жж XХ*жжEt
6 Grеdit 1 2
24 What ls Hip 7 I
33 ]l0nt l(noсlt lt I l0
38 t.Fшnlt 11 12
45 llip-E-Jam 15 l6
Go and
Bь1 N.C.
Bass Fill I
С:э.,.g^: э.э.-986 Aг.kаt \1Us.с, steDhen Kupkа Songs (АsсAP) аnd LеW-Bob songs (B|vl)
: R;.:s !'. <z: ','!s э а^. S:Eэ"er KJckа SОnсs Аdministегed by Bob-A-Lеw Songs
-..=.^Э'1 .^z C::,. э^: Sээ-.е: A. R сhts Rеsеrvec
wor . ry 'bout a thing, yоu don't nеrd- no bread
Go аnd gеt it
To Сodа
Go and gеt it
Synth Sоlo
Go and
-J----r -J-----
F7rls Bь7
Go and
It |2
вbl N.C.
Dbs ^t -
Аdditioпаl Lуriсs
2.,З. Sее аdditiопаl lуriсs
сausе thеrе's
Б j
Cooугight Э 1975 Stephen KUpka songs. Aгikаt Мusiс and Gariba|di Мusiс (ASCАP)
А l Rights Administeгed by Bob-A.Lеw Songs
...+.^z|:. e C::',..g*: Seс'-.ed A r R'gl^Is Rеse\ed '11
Bь1 вbl
оn ' 11. onе plaсе- to go, Down to thr night . сlub; oh,
ЕD9 Bь1
To Сodа+ П.
---_--___-___l E
Bump Сrt - у).
D'S. аl Сodа
sliсk,- sllсk.
Down to drunk. I
thе drunk. )
nisht . сlub.
GbmajT GЬmaj.|
Аdditioпаl Lуriсs
2пd Сhorus:
Down to thе nightсluЬ.
You сan gеt what you want if уоu knоw whеIе to find it
To thе nightсlub,
Wе bе sliсk' sliсk, sliсk. (To Bridgе)
Зrd Сhоrus.'
Down to thе nightсlub.
If уоu got thе dough thе liquor will flоw.
To the nightсlub.
Tiеd on a drunk. drunk. drunk' (To Соdа)
oll lN тHE GRoUND
Words and Musiс by
Stephen Kupka and Emilio Castillo
MediumFunkJ =120
Gm Еь9
(Drums t Bаss Fig. l
l. Nоw - thеrе's on .
Теll this to- your kids- whilе_ уou're driv ing 'round- down town, _ that thеIе's on -
thе ground.
likе wе're do things fоr surr will not faсt
- -
Bаss Fill 1
\ erse
Bass: в/ Bass Fig' 1
l(2.l. Al - trr - natе sourс - es of- pow еr must- bе found,- 'сause thеrе's on .
Tе11 thisto your сhil - dren while уou'rе driv ing 'round- down - town,- that there's on -
- -
- - Еь9
Some-thing еv - .ry 1it. tle- girl and boу- should know-from birth,. that thеrе'son ly so muсh oi1- in the rarth. -
Bаss Fill 2
Ain't no сuse our _ busе.
- -
1. :ust- as sumе that what- We usе wi]l not еx . сееd-
t) r{ Wе krep - on like we'rе do ino thinос Гor sure
- -
To Сodа
bе . уond_ suр ply, but soon е nough thе world- will watсh the wеlls _ _
will not _ bе сoo1. It's a faсt
- wе _ ain't got- suf fi
Just сrеnt
- - -
Guitaг Solo
Bаss: w/ Bass Fig. l
Gm Bьg Еь9
D1#s Gm
Wе сan't gеt
sо muсh oil.
so muсh oil.
on - lу sо muсh oil.
Words and Musiс by
Stephen Kupka, ЕmiIio CastiIIo
аnd Davjd Garibaldi
Mоdеrate Funk; = 102
сopyright o 1972 Stеphеn Kupkа Songs, Aгikat Мusic and David Gаriba|di |Vusiс (АSCАP)
сopyright Rеnewed
A| R ghts Administегed by Bob-A.Lew Songs
4.1 i^.ё.^а. ^^аl сccvг oht seсUrеd A|| R ohts Resеrvеd
to let your hair _ grow, _
Ьuсkч сop-рing а цагd but sоmе - how you know thете's muсh_
Bаss Fill 1
pass - ing- yеars would shоw- you on a hiр trlp.
Guitаг Solо
2. So you
A9 B9
Comе_ on.
ls. _
D.S. аl Сodа
З. So уou
-- .
l'. = - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - ......... lГ .
+> -
o#s Е9
ofiq Е9
Bаss Fig. 1
o#s Е9 o1s Е9
пflq вs
you know? you'rе rеal - ly
Whаt is hip?
on DFg Е9
} Е9
Сausе if \ou.rе rеа] - 1r hiр.-
\\ hаt is hiр'l
pass - ing уears _ will show, y'a1l
Like to know.
Whаt is hip?
What is hip?-
thе сlothеs
that уou- wеar?
t,- t -2a,2 +
likе to know
What is hip? -
D9 сfrs
(What is hip?)
Аdditioпоl Lуriсs
So you bесamе a part of thе new Ьrееd, smokin' only thе bеst weed,
Hangin' out on the so-сalled hippеst set.
seеn at all the right рlaсes, sееn with just the right faсеs.
You should bе satisfied but still it ain't quitе right. (To Сhorus)
so you wеnt and found you a guru ln an еffort to flnd уou a nеw you,
And maybе еvеn managed to raisе уour сonsсiоus lеvel.
Now уou'rе starting to find thе right road, thеге's one thlng you should know
What's hip today might bесomе pass6. (To Chоrus)
DoN'T KNocK lт
By Franсis Prestia, Jeff TameIier.
Dаvid Garibа]dj аnd Roger Smith
Моderate Funk J =128
(Guitar in)
Begin fаdе
Fаde out
!--l .' l U г
з + + * -6 х' i ffi.
By Franсis Prestia, Jeff ТameIier,
David Garibaldi and Roger Smith
}Ioderatеlу.l : 112
N.С' F7
(Drums) (Guitar in)
О -- - - -
- m ,l
Copyright @ 2002 oссor |Vusiс' Sweet Samantha Songs, Gariba|di |Vusiс (ASCAP) аnd Roger Ray Smith Musiс (BМl)
A|| Rights for oссor |Vusiс and Sweet Sаmanthа Songs Administered bу Bob-A-Lew Songs
38 InternаtionaI Copyright Seсured A|| Rights Reserved
llttlзs ltзs ,
ri F7
II \ L q \ \ O I
l l l l l з 5 '1 3 5 '1 1 .l 1 1 3 5 ,
1 l
Fаde out
.1 1
By Franсis Prestiа, Jeff Tаmelier,
David GaribаIdi and Roger Smith
Моderately j = 92
5\ 3 3 2 3 r i n
(Drums) (Guitш ln1
-1 2ь
By Franсis Prestia, Jeff ТameIier,
Dаvid Garibаldi and Roger Smith
Моdеratelv.l = 116
55 6rt
тHЕ ilUsIcAL sтAtF shows pitches аnd rhythms and is divided bУ bar lines into na
-. = :'.. r ] lсhes are nаmed after thе first seven Ietters o{ the aIphаbet'
high G
тAвLAтURЕ graрh сa|ly rеprеsеnls thе bass fingeгbоаrd' Еасh h0riz0nta| |ine D
-:-.:::.:; э str ng' аnd eaсh numbеr represents а fret' A
|oW Е
'rAl'thlER-0N: strike the fiгst (|owrr) note With PULL-OFt: P|асe both fingers 0n the notеs LЕGATo SLIDE: strikr thе first note and sHIFт sL|DE: same as egаto s|idе' ехсеpt
.-....э.. :hеп sound the highеr note (0n the t0 be soundеd' Strikе thе Jirst лOte and thrn sIlde the sаmе frеt-hand {inger up or the srсond note is struсk'
]:-: ::- .jl |/ th аnother fingrr by,frеtting it With0ut piсking' pu|| thе finger off to soUnd down to thr sесOnd n0tе. Тhе sесond note
:.]-:::king' the seсond (|0We0 note' ts n0t strUсk'
'..J. гapid|y alternate Drtwern tne тREMoLo P|ск|NG: Тhe nOtе is piсkеd аs VlBRATo: Тhe string is Vibratеd by rapidIy SHAKE: Using 0nе finger, rapid|У а|ternаtr
r'.ated bУ continUoUs|У hаmmering raрid|y and с0ntinU0Us|У as possib|е' bеnding and rrlеasing the notе With the brtween two Л0tes on 0nr string bУ sIiding
:Lll ng Off. frеttinq hand. either а ha|lstrp аbоve or beIow'
l{AтURAL HARM0NIC: strike the note Whi|е NIUFFLЕD SТRINGS: A pеrсussivе sоund is BЕND: strikе the notr and bend шp thе BEND AND RELEASE: strikе the пotr and
.-. . :. .аnd gtt|y touсhes thе striпg prodUсed by |aying thе Jrrt hаnd aсr0ss thе intеrVа| shown.
I bеnd up as indiсalеd, thrп rе|eаse baсk to
: ..-: , .'',еr thе frеt indiсatеd' string(s) WithoUt dеpressing thеm and striking thе 0rigina| note, 0n|У the Jirst n0te is stru0k'
them the piсk hаnd'
clGнт.HAND ТAP: Hammer (..tаp.') the fret LEFт.HAND ТAP: Hammer (..tap'') the fret SLAP: strikе (.,s|аp'') string with righthand P0P: Snap (',pop.') str nq W th r ght-hаnd
|.h .hр,.n'.k-hяnd.. iгdqХ ..fret-hаnd''
or indiсated With thе indеX 0r th u mb. indеХ 0r middIr f ingеr
a1.l n. || nf{ tn thо nntе fretted middIe fingeг.
Additional Musical Definitions
. Aссеntualе note (p|ay it |0udеr) D.с. al Fine . Go baсk t0 the beginning 0f the song аnd p|aУ
until the measure marked "Frje" (end).
(aссеnt) . Aссentuale notr With grеаt intensity Bass Fig. . Labe| usrd to recа|| а recuгring pаttrrn'
. P|аУ thr note shoгt Fitl LabeI used to idеnti{y а briеf pattеrn Whiсh
is t0 bе iлsеrtrd into thе arrаngеmеnt'