SOS KALO PAPER Gia LA in CSCL Two Groups Etc
SOS KALO PAPER Gia LA in CSCL Two Groups Etc
SOS KALO PAPER Gia LA in CSCL Two Groups Etc
Online collaborative learning has been an effective pedagogy in the field of educa-
tion. However, productive collaborative learning cannot occur spontaneously. Learn-
ers often have difficulties in collaborative knowledge building, group performance,
coregulated behaviors, learning engagement, and social interaction. To promote pro-
ductive collaborative learning, this study aims to propose and validate a compre-
hensive learning analytics approach in an online collaborative learning context. The
comprehensive learning analytics can automatically construct knowledge graphs,
analyze metacognitive learning engagement and social interaction and provide per-
sonalized feedback. A total of 90 college students participated in this study, and
they were assigned to the experimental group and control group. The students in the
experimental group conducted online collaborative learning with the comprehen-
sive learning analytics approach, while the students in the control group conducted
traditional online collaborative learning without any specific approach. The results
indicated that the comprehensive learning analytics approach significantly improved
collaborative knowledge building, group performance, coregulated behaviors, meta-
cognitive learning engagement, and social interaction compared with traditional
online collaborative learning. In this paper, the results of the study together with the
implications are discussed.
* Lanqin Zheng
[email protected]
School of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, No. 19,
XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District, Beijing 100875, People’s Republic of China
University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76207, USA
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1 Introduction
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The next section contextualizes this study from the literature. Then, the method
and experimental design are explained in detail. Finally, the findings, implications
and conclusions are also presented and analyzed in depth.
2 Literature review
In this section, previous studies on online collaborative learning and learning ana-
lytics are systematically reviewed. In addition, the research gaps and purposes are
clearly presented.
Online collaborative learning has attracted increasing attention in recent years. The
major concerns related to online collaborative learning include how to promote
high-quality collaborative knowledge building, group performance, coregulation,
deep learning engagement, and productive social interaction (Chan, 2012; Scarda-
malia & Bereiter, 2006; Stahl et al., 2014). However, learners often have difficulties
in achieving a high level of collaborative knowledge building, learning engagement,
and high-quality social interaction (Zheng et al., 2022). Learners often do not know
how to coregulate with peers during collaborative learning (Järvenoja et al., 2020).
Previous studies have explored some strategies to promote collaborative knowl-
edge building, group performance, coregulation, learning engagement, and produc-
tive social interaction. With regard to promoting collaborative knowledge building,
researchers have adopted different methods to facilitate a high level of collaborative
knowledge building. For example, Craig et al. (2021) employed a network visualiza-
tion tool to promote collaborative knowledge building in history classrooms. Zheng
et al. (2021) adopted personalized intervention to improve collaborative knowledge
building. Duvall et al. (2020) found that asynchronous online settings, sharing work,
discussion with peers, providing instructions or discussion criteria, and using appro-
priate digital tools could promote collaborative knowledge building. Lei and Chan
(2018) revealed that reflective meta-discourse contributed to collaborative knowl-
edge building. Shin et al. (2018) adopted a representation tool to support collabo-
rative knowledge building. However, few studies have adopted the comprehensive
learning analytics approach to promote collaborative knowledge building.
With respect to promoting group performance, different strategies have been
adopted in previous studies. For example, Chen et al. (2022) proposed a group
incentive mechanism to improve group performance in collaborative problem
solving. Shin et al. (2020) examined hard scaffolding, which refers to static sup-
port; peer scaffolding, which refers to scaffolding from knowledgeable peers; and
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teacher scaffolding, which refers to scaffolding from teachers. They found that only
peer scaffolding could significantly predict group performance. Yilmaz et al. (2020)
examined the vertical versus shared e-leadership approach and revealed that both
leadership approaches could improve group performance. Nevertheless, few stud-
ies have adopted the comprehensive learning analytics approach to enhance group
Regarding coregulation, in the existing research, different methods to facilitate
coregulation in collaborative learning have been explored. For example, Järvenoja
et al., (2020) developed the S-REG tool to enhance the coregulation of groups’ emo-
tions and motivation in collaborative learning. Lim and Lim (2020) examined the
relationships between coregulation and motivation, and they found that mastery
goal orientation, which values improvements, learning new subjects, and using deep
learning strategies (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990), played a dominant role when learn-
ers coregulated with peers in collaborative learning. Nevertheless, few studies have
adopted the comprehensive learning analytics approach to enhance coregulation.
Concerning improving learning engagement in collaborative learning, previ-
ous studies have employed multiple strategies to enhance learning engagement.
For example, Unal and Cakir (2021) adopted a technology-supported collaborative
problem-solving method to promote learning engagement. Huang (2021) proposed a
smartphone-based collaborative vlog project to enhance learning engagement. How-
ever, very few studies have adopted a comprehensive learning analytics approach to
enhance metacognitive learning engagement.
In terms of facilitating productive social interaction, several effective strate-
gies have been used in previous studies. For example, Liu et al. (2021) developed a
mobile team-based competition environment to promote social interaction. Sun et al.
(2018) adopted a discussion forum to promote social interaction. Wang et al. (2018)
engaged learners in a 3D game‐based collaborative virtual learning environment
to enhance embodied social presence to further facilitate productive social interac-
tion. However, very few studies have adopted the comprehensive learning analytics
approach to enhance social interaction.
There are also learning analytics-based approaches that have been used in the lit-
erature. These approaches can improve learning engagement and learning perfor-
mance. Previous studies on learning analytics are reviewed in the following section.
2.2 Learning analytics
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This section first illustrates how to design the comprehensive learning analytics
approach in detail. Then, the implementation of the comprehensive learning ana-
lytics approach in an online collaborative learning context is clearly described and
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Phase 2:
Conduct Analysis of collaborative
comprehensive knowledge building through
learning constructing knowledge graphs
analytics learning analytics
Analysis of metacognitive
learning engagement
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a powerful framework for building probabilistic models to segment and label sequence
data (Lafferty et al., 2001). Furthermore, other competing models such as BERT and
BERT-LSTM-CRF were also compared with BERT-BiLSTM-CRF. In this study, the
accuracy of BERT-BiLSTM-CRF achieved 0.93, which is higher than those of BERT
(0.89) and BERT-LSTM-CRF (0.90). The second step is to extract relationships based
on the target knowledge graph that consists of target knowledge and correct relation-
ships. The third step is to demonstrate activated and unactivated knowledge graphs as
well as public knowledge graphs. In addition, the analysis of metacognitive learning
engagement is performed based on the same online discussion transcripts and achieved
through the deep neural network model BERT. Metacognitive learning engagement is
automatically classified into planning, monitoring, reflection and evaluation, as well as
off-topic information through BERT. This classification was adapted from Zheng et al.
(2021). A total of 17,113 online discussion transcripts collected by the first author were
employed to train the BERT model, and the accuracy achieved 0.91. In addition, social
interaction was automatically analyzed and presented through the interaction duration,
interaction number, and interaction relationships.
The third phase is to automatically provide personalized feedback and recommend
learning resources. Personalized feedback and recommendations were provided accord-
ing to the particular thresholds and predefined rules. The average of the metacogni-
tive learning engagement, the amount of activated knowledge, interaction duration and
number of the experimental group were used as the particular thresholds based on Lu
et al. (2017). Personalized feedback and recommendations are provided according to
whether a group’s metacognitive learning engagement, the amount of activated knowl-
edge, interaction duration and number are lower, higher, or equal to the thresholds.
4 Methodology
In this section, the participants, experimental procedure, and data collection and
analysis methods are illustrated in detail. These subsections provide a clear picture
of how the present study was conducted.
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4.1 Participants
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in both the experimental and control groups were further divided into collaborative
learning groups of three students each. Thus, there were 15 groups in the experi-
mental condition and 15 groups in the control condition. All participants agreed to
participate in this study, and they were informed that they could withdraw from the
study at any time.
4.2 Procedure
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a poster, discussing the techniques of making a poster, making a poster with group
members through Photoshop software, and evaluating and refining the poster. The
collaborative learning task, duration, and online discussion forum of the experimen-
tal groups were the same as those of the control groups. The only difference was
that the students in the experimental groups conducted online collaborative learning
with the comprehensive learning analytics approach (see Fig. 3), while the students
in the control groups conducted online collaborative learning without any specific
approach (see Fig. 2). Then, each group submitted the poster as the group product.
The poster of each group was evaluated based on the assessment criteria, as shown
in Table 1. The assessment criteria included five dimensions, namely, themes and
content of posters, image stitching, layers, channels as well as filters, paths, layout
and color matching. The full score of each dimension was 20, and the full score of
the five dimensions was 100. The last phase was to conduct semistructured online
interviews. The participants of the experimental groups were interviewed to obtain
their perceptions of using the comprehensive learning analytics approach.
The datasets collected in this study included pretests, groups’ products, groups’
online discussion transcripts, and groups’ interview records. The pretest consisted of
eight multiple-choice questions with one correct answer, four multiple-choice ques-
tions with multiple correct answers, three fill-in-the-blanks questions, and two short
answer questions. The pretest questionnaire is provided in the appendix. The pretest
was developed by an experienced teacher who had taught multimedia technologies
and webpage making for more than 10 years. The full score of the pretest was 100.
The pretest was evaluated by two raters, and the interrater reliability calculated by
the kappa value was 0.89. In addition, the group product of each group was a poster
made using Photoshop software. The online discussion transcripts of each group
were automatically recorded through an online collaborative learning platform.
Interview records were automatically recorded through a real-time communication
The data analysis methods included the content analysis method, computer-
assisted knowledge graph analysis method, lag sequential analysis method, and sta-
tistical analysis method. The content analysis method was adopted to evaluate group
products based on the aforementioned assessment criteria. Two raters interdepend-
ently evaluated the group products of 30 groups, and the interrater reliability calcu-
lated by the kappa value was 0.85, implying high reliability. The computer-assisted
knowledge graph analysis method was employed to analyze online discussion tran-
scripts of 30 groups and calculate the collaborative knowledge building level. The
computer-assisted knowledge graph analysis method has been validated by previous
studies (Zheng et al., 2019, 2022), and it includes three steps. The first step is to
draw the target knowledge graph consisting of target knowledge and their relation-
ships. The second step is to segment online discussion transcripts based on prede-
fined rules. The two coders interdependently analyzed online discussion transcripts
of all groups, and the interrater reliability calculated by the kappa value reached
Table 1 The assessment criteria for posters
Dimensions 16–20 11–15 6–10 1–5
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Themes of posters The theme and content is innova- The theme and content is some- The theme and content lacked The theme and content are copied
tive what innovative innovation from others
Image stitching The image-stitching is very The image-stitching is acceptable The image-stitching is unnatural The images are not stitched
natural and perfect
Layers, channels, and filters Appropriate use of diverse layers, Use of diverse layers and filters Use of layers without filters or Use of only a single layer without
channels, and filters without channels channels filters and channels
Paths Using different paths to create a Using different paths to create Only one type of path is used The poster is made without any
poster, and the effect is natural a poster, but the effect is path
Layout and color matching The layout and color matching The layout and color matching is The layout is acceptable, but Both the layout and color matching
is perfect acceptable color matching is not appropri- are disordered and clashing
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0.90, implying high reliability. The third step is to automatically calculate the col-
laborative knowledge building level, which is equal to the activity quantities of all
knowledge nodes in a knowledge graph. In addition, the lag sequential analysis
method and content analysis method were utilized to analyze coregulated learning
behavioral patterns. Coregulated learning behaviors include orientating goals (OG),
making plans (MP), enacting strategies (ES), monitoring and controlling (MC), eval-
uating and reflecting (ER), and adapting metacognition (AM), which are adapted
from Saariaho et al. (2019) and Zheng et al. (2022), who proposed that these behav-
iors were coregulated learning behaviors. The two coders interdependently analyzed
the coregulated learning behaviors of all groups, and the interrater reliability calcu-
lated by the kappa value reached 0.9, indicating high reliability. GSEQ 5.1 software
developed by Quera et al. (2007) was adopted to analyze the coregulated behavior
transition. Furthermore, the semistructured interview records were independently
analyzed by two coders based on the thematic analysis method (Braun & Clarke,
2006). The interview records were categorized into five themes, including improv-
ing collaborative knowledge building, improving group performance, promoting
coregulated behaviors, promoting metacognitive learning engagement, and facilitat-
ing social interaction. The interrater reliability of the interview calculated by the
kappa value was 0.85, indicating high reliability.
5 Results
In this section, the impacts of the comprehensive learning analytics approach on col-
laborative knowledge building, group performance, coregulated behavior patterns,
metacognitive learning engagement, and social interaction are discussed in detail.
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std. error = 68.65). Moreover, there was a large effect size (η2 = 0.383) according to
Cohen (1988). Furthermore, most of the interviewees (80%) believed that the com-
prehensive learning analytics approach contributed to linking prior knowledge with
new information to promote collaborative knowledge building. Therefore, both the
quantitative and qualitative analysis results revealed that the comprehensive learning
analytics approach had significant and positive impacts on collaborative knowledge
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Tables 4 and 5 show the adjusted residuals of the experimental group and the con-
trol group, respectively. The columns of the two tables indicate the initial behav-
iors, and the rows represent the subsequent behaviors. If the z score is greater than
1.96, then the behavioral sequence has reached significance (Bakeman & Quera,
2011). The results indicated that there were eight significant behavior sequences
that occurred in the experimental group, including OG → OG (repeatedly setting
goals), MP → OG (setting new goals after forming plans), MP → MP (forming
plans continually), ES → MC (monitoring and controlling after enacting strate-
gies), MC → ES (enacting strategies after monitoring and controlling), MC → MP
(forming new plans after monitoring and controlling), ER → ER (evaluating and
reflecting continually), and AM → AM (adapting metacognition continually).
In contrast, there were only three significant behavior sequences that occurred
in the control group, namely, OG → OG (repeatedly setting goals), MP → MP
(repeatedly forming plans), and ER → ER (repeatedly evaluating and reflecting).
Figure 5 shows the behavior transition diagram of the experimental and control
groups. It is very clear that the transitions of different coregulated behaviors for
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2.69 2.58 4.21
The behavioral transition diagram of experimental groups The behavioral transition diagram of control groups
Table 6 Significant behavior sequences that only occurred in the experimental group
Starting behaviour Subsequent behaviour
the experimental group were significantly more than those of the control group.
In addition, Table 6 shows the significant behavior sequences that only occurred
in the experimental group. It was found that orientating goals, making plans,
monitoring and controlling as well as enacting strategies are crucial coregulated
In addition, the interview results indicated that 80% of the interviewees believed
that the comprehensive learning analytics approach was very helpful for monitoring
and controlling the online collaborative learning process. Ninety-three percent of
interviewees reported that the comprehensive learning analytics approach was very
useful for reflection and evaluating processes and outcomes. All of the interview-
ees believed that they could adjust strategies and plans based on the comprehensive
learning analytics results. Therefore, the comprehensive learning analytics approach
had significant and positive impacts on coregulated behavioral patterns.
Table 7 shows the metacognitive learning engagement of the experimental and con-
trol groups. The results indicated that there was a significant difference in metacog-
nitive learning engagement between the experimental group and the control group
(t = 5.26, p = 0.000). Furthermore, there was a large effect size for metacognitive
learning engagement according to Cohen (1988). In addition, all of the interviewees
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Table 8 shows the social interactions of the experimental and control groups. The
results indicated that there were significant differences in degree (U = 24, Z = -3.78,
p = 0.000), density (U = 16, Z = -4.19, p = 0.000), and centrality (U = 29, Z = -3.65,
p = 0.000) between the experimental group and the control group. Furthermore,
most of the interviewees (80%) believed that the comprehensive learning analytics
approach contributed to facilitating social interaction among peers. Therefore, the
comprehensive learning analytics approach had significant and positive impacts on
social interaction.
6 Discussion
In this section, the main findings of this study are explained and discussed in depth.
Then, the implications of this study are also analyzed and presented in detail.
Finally, the limitations of the present study are clearly described in this section.
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6.2 Implications
The present study has several practical and technological implications for
teachers, researchers, and practitioners. First, the comprehensive learning ana-
lytics approach is very useful and helpful for promoting collaborative knowl-
edge building level, group performance, coregulated behaviors, metacognitive
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6.3 Limitations
This study has several limitations, and caution should be taken when generalizing
the findings in other contexts. First, the sample size was not large in the present
study. Future studies should expand the sample size to multiple universities to vali-
date the proposed approach. Second, this study selected only one learning domain
to investigate the proposed approach. Future studies should examine the proposed
approach in other learning domains. Finally, the present study investigated the
impacts of the proposed approach on a limited set of variables, namely, collabo-
rative knowledge building, group performance, coregulative behavioral patterns,
metacognitive learning engagement, and social interaction. Future studies should
examine the effects of the proposed approach on other variables, such as higher-
order thinking skills and problem-solving abilities.
7 Conclusions
This study revealed that the comprehensive learning analytics approach is very
effective and useful for improving collaborative knowledge building, group per-
formance, coregulated behavioral patterns, metacognitive learning engagement,
and social interaction in an online collaborative learning context. The main con-
tribution of the present study is to propose and validate the positive impacts of
the comprehensive learning analytics approach. This study also provides insights
into the automated construction of knowledge graphs and analysis of learning
engagement through artificial intelligence technologies. The present study sheds
light on the positive role and value of using a comprehensive learning analytics
approach in online collaborative learning.
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7. Which one is not a multimedia dynamic image file? ()
8. Which one is not a sound file? ( )
A. mid
B. mp3
C. wav
D. avi
Fill-in-the-blanks questions
1. Image files can be divided into and .
2. Three elements of color include , , and .
3. Three elements of sound include , , and .
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Acknowledgements This study is funded by the International Joint Research Project of Huiyan International
College, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University (ICER202101).
Data availability The data of this study cannot be made openly available due to ethical concerns but are
available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Notes on contributors Lanqin Zheng currently works as an associate professor at the Faculty of Education
in Beijing Normal University. Her research interests include computer supported collaborative learning,
learning analytics, and AIED. Kinshuk is a professor in University of North Texas. His research interests
include learning analytics and adaptive learning. Yunchao Fan and Miaolang Long are master students at
the Faculty of Education in Beijing Normal University. Yunchao Fan’s research interests include computer
supported collaborative learning and learning analytics. Miaolang Long’s research interests include computer
supported collaborative learning and learning analytics.
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