RU A QB 14-15 Set B@T

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"SIIISt-11� f<l11f<l,..o ,..,fl [� ""lffi-.1: :>s-:>a-J
[A-Unit:]� <51-J..'"'l"T, Odd, Set:- B
[�-""f'---t= '8i'tn (<01:.""'fl 'S �'-�)]
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01. "1Jl��l<t � ��?
®"IT��®� ©"1'il<:!l'ill.. @��
02. �""�ffi... ��?
®� ®� ©� @�
03. ��"5"l:"1" '"'(<l'ilt."IJ �;/��-l<IIC'"'I �. <l'""'f"'f­
� 1• l>'sr� � � C�? (� fsiC"IW,)
® �Of ®� ©� @ �,r
04. � � � �· � � �?
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©� � @ <:IJN>..Q..iR:14 -
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® <ltt� ®-
© <£i<l'ffl qcu '2:11..,. @ � � �lffl
-.-,..-F-"6� � � �?
06. ..1�c..,.., �'!l"l""'"' - <z::l<l�Sb
®'""fil.:z,1,....,, ®� ©� @"'""li.s!>l<:,;,I
07. �-�""t-'ft· ....f.ills:slfi> � �? (� fsic..<11"1)
®� ®"'li.£ll"1"3
08. '"'(1"41.,. <£1�<:. �·

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® \83J�"il>i
© �........1... @ "11�
16. •Beyond the river lay a little village'. JVanie Jthe
paril of speech of Jthe underlined u,ord:
® interjection @ conjunction
© exclamation @ preposition
17. An introvert is one who is mostly:
® social ® interesting
© interactive @ self-absorbed
01.D 02.C 03.A 04.A OS.A 06.A 07.B 08.D 09.C
IO.A 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D

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Complete the following sentence: 'I-�: �wt,!-)))
18. His pride has -- his ruin. 31. ,,,�(IC'tt"lt � 1lfftl! �-
® brought up ® brought down ®�"'-"' ®�lit!!
© brought about @brought around ©�1111ro'! @�roll!
19. Even a foo� when he holdout his peace, is counted- 32. ����C'l'f
® peaceful ® true © foolish @wise ®�'Rll ®��
20. The synonym of the word 'Anarchy' is: ©� @"1"1ll�
® lawlessness ® order 33. QlR�f
© discipline @democracy
®�ITTA @��,,�
21. The verb form of the word 'able' is
® unable ® enable © ably @ability ©��� @;,rofflc$M
22. 'If today were Saturday, --.' Complete the 34. •c,n.nfir,n• � � C'l'f
sentence with an appropriate clause: ®�<!!CIIC'!I ®
® I can play cricket ® I will play cricket .©l!!JR'f'l II)
© I could play cricket @I would have played cricket 35. 'Cl!lC'tttfR OOt11J-·-..i;,�....,;..;,-:
23. The translation of M � � � �· ®�."1"1.
® He is suffering from fever for five days ©� @��
® He has been suffering from fever since five days 36. �11Rt'!T'{C'! '11' �'lfflt-
© He had been suffering from fever since five days
@He has been suffering from fever for five days ® ®
24. 'Internet is a necessary evil'. The sentence means ©'0....,/....,,, l'!¥I @�� �"'11"1'!
® internet is unnecessary 37. ��illltOOOC.7

® internet has more negative side than the positive ® lftffl ®�'11"1 ©'li:t'll"I @lll'!'ll"I
© internet is destructive 38. � mim�r
@ internet is good and necessary though it has so e ®� 10�� @�'l,ll
bad effects 9.�.m1'5TC'l'7
®� ®cffl"IJ

©�C'!'l @�
41. •!t•rP!t� C'll C'l'til "'1\t �I
®lflJ.ill ®'I'll ICC'l'!'ll @�
42. �� � C'l't-l���,
®�"'" ®� ©� @�
43. ��1ff-.ct'!C'l'I
®�� ®��
©�� @��
28. Come and see me if- 44. � C"!'I � m1'! "11 ..,sqfl.�\'I+ � '"1!-
® you were in Rajshahi ®�"ITC'f'l (j "ffl ®��
® you came to Rajshahi ©'Ml'I @"""'1��
© you are ever in Rajshahi 45.�"l1'fti!l��-
@you will come to Rajshahi ®��
29. The correct translation or 'Try not to eat between ®"ffli�
meals' is ©Wofll� @>mffl�
®"1'<llffil'IITTIC'l"C1il'l! 46.<nff�--
@'ll'<llffil'IITTl'<l'<llffilc51T�'l! ®�m+ ®'R'!Tm+
©��="ltm$�C'l"C1il'l1 l!:)("'5lllm+ @'ltil1'f-
@�'11'<3Vlll'!'!m'IITTl"1'<llffilc51T�'l1 47. 'fIT "1 l"" � C1ltl -..ti' � m1'51-
30. Identify the correct spelling @� � ®""Pf'l'IT'!
® discipline ® disipline © dissipline @descipline @+r&\"11!11"'!� @�C'!'l
18.C 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 31.B 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.C 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.B
25.C 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B JO.A 40.A 41.B 42.C 43.C 44.D 45.B 46.C 47.C

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4. �'llf'<[1'flfllrtlh$""1!'- 65. <Ii� -..1ffl ffl-
®'Wf "'"11il>rn ®� ® � 'fl'! @� 'fM
©� @� ©C�'ft'I @�
-8. ��-.\1 66. 'Concert for Bangladesh' OIIC•l•�.,.,ffl l!f!!f�
®�'It� @"'1iITTTC'ffl c...Ji!C'R"il!�?
©�'Im @'fesll'ft'lrn ®mfirot @� ©� @�
- c...Jil�>rull���I 67.��lrlil��,
®��� @�<l'li!(.t,) @<lmfvr� @'115"'! ©� @�
©�<l'l'IR @�"'Wil(m,) 68.���"fi!"ffili!C...I
;J ...,�...,..,t.<tll � '!ll- ®�� @�.Jr
®� @lflf ©iu9!'J."l"'T'l @�
©� @�� 69. C'!1W! 9!1l'ffl' fl1$1f'IT'I"! �-
5l. � 'World Heritage site' fu>rc.. � ® cef.rnT (W!il @ '
�- ©fii!R!il"l� @
® UNESCO ® UNICEP © UNDP @�-Ill 70. c...Ji!C'R"ll!��·'®! ?
53. 'aO>rtlf���� � '11'!1hfflll<>l­ ®� ®C'fif.M � <!�@�
®� 'llffl � ®�� 71. �OO['l'!lflf 7
©�� @"1R'0!11ol ®�@� ©�. @<lmfvrt'u-l
54.�����- 72.�� C"IR'fi\<[>[,m-7
®�� ®�11! ® )o ! "lf� @ �o ("f �
© ,§: '15M @ "llf. � @)��"'l'T<t>U
55. 'NATO' c...Jil 'll!t'ff �I
73 � ?
®�� ®�� �/.'IWll"ll'I @"l�9!1M"!l'I
©�� @'llt�� @ffl�"!l'I @"l�ffl"!fll
3'. � �·'11' � 11'o!t<>t- • 7. ' 'fRA1u �?
®�� ®� ®� @� ©� @'IT!fll "'fl'l'I
©fflo'!!or»t9f111Jll! @�mrrm,,i;,........_ 75. 'l""!<ft"l<f���-
57. lfutl!1!f111;it,f- ®'11'f111 @� ©� @-...wmi
®� @iR"! © 76. c...Jil�JTI,qiC"'l'[<['i'f�?
58.�·�'l{l!�f ®� @� ©�<M @�
77. li1'l't1! ��'If@"!' f.r>f!'! �-
© @ ® � "if-l ®"lqf<! �
59. 'S1M 1
"l<f I ,, ,��!\'! ©�""1Wl'i @�(<11'!!9!�
@'!_[�--. �. C'lfiR 78. �� c...M!!�?

@� ®� @<otT'l!Til ©'l'Tl1!.m @�
© 79. 'aflm<3 "!m<t�oTIT' 'f1-$ffi'llo-ltl
� .. � @�('Ii{ ®��
60, ����- ©fs."l"l.iIT!! @�'1f'ltlf
®)��� 'l1t"! ®)�(!,:) 'l1t"! © )��8 'l1t"! @ )��� 'l1t"! 80.m1IT!l!TC..'i'C>lll���-
61.�C'l'l·��- ® <ft., ...mi ®�
®Cott"I ®s>Tt'! ©� @'Mffi ©�fu,it,i @'Wftffi
62. l:-fhrtl: "I"'!�- 81. 'c'11� "f:lJl'!' 1l'o!t<>t "l" 1Ttq,f c...1'I '!!'llt'lll
®9.(Wf 9ifum­ ffl?
@�91fum­ ®� @� ©� @9fRilt
©fu'iiif � 9ITTif%'1>­ 82. ffl � � ;it,f-
@� ��- ® "'1'C'Of'l "'11"1 � @>rtfffl�
63.� mti!� �t'I'! � 'lt'lt.'t<f � ©C"f'I�� @�W!ffl'8!
� �'lt�'ITT'!1! C'l'[t� C'l'lt�- 48.D 49,C 50.B 51.C 52.A 53.A 54.A 55.A 56.B
®� @- ©illIDf't @� 57.B 58.D 59.D 60.B 61.A 62.D 63.A 64,C 65.B
64. � � C'l"t- 66.C 67.C 68.B 69.C 70.D 71.C 72.D 73.B 74.C
®� @� ©-Rr<lcll @� 75.A 76,C 77.D 78.C 79.B 80.C 81.A 82.A

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83. ������? Read this passage carefully in order to choose t6e m
®'1'/il ®� suitable answers to the queries followed by it. T
©� @� questions arc of equal value.
84. ������'!tt"[?

@)�ltlr @ )-:>o�
® �� ®�m1900!11
©�� @�-
86. � et1JR � >ffi '11- �
@ )l,-:>ll> 'llt'! • @)l,8o'llt'!
I!:!)l,<N,'llt'! @)l,�o 'llt'!
87. ��· ��?
®� ®�91<1
©� @ C'lt'ITT!'IT<l
88. ������7
®'It fflmfil>f . ®'It�
@'It ml.. @'It W'{/��
89. ���·'11'1�7
®� � ® � ��
I!:!�� @��
90. ���"'1Wr�<>fli!7
®�� ®"'f'l<tJC'l'I
l!:)li.�� @�iITTI
91.�,r(���7 • 01. 'We are, first and foremost, Education city'. Th'
®�� ®1>1"'1�� is an example of
l!:l�'fm'll� @� ® compound sentence ® complex sentence
92.�·�- ©simple sentence @ contracted sentence
102.'To speak of academic studies in R3jshahi on an
®���- ®�'fTll I!:!� @�'"11
subject is to speak of them...'. Here 'them' refe
93.� 7
� � to
®� ®
® Rajshahi University, Rajshahi College
l!:l"fT'l'J.ll Q)� � ® Rajshahi College and Collegiate School
94. � .· '11'1'417 © Rajshahi University, Rajshahi College an

® 1_ @�ij<i, � @� Collegiate School
95. �) � �111'fffllfffi� � @ All the educational institutions in Rajshahi
lfti!,m\��- 103. For the writer, the symbol that most characteris
®� . ®�� Rajshahi is
1!:1�"111"1� @� ®Silk ®Mango
96. � '11'! � Cl!"! �7 ©the Padma @Education
104. The above excerpt, finally, seems to create
®� ®� ©�9ft'l @'IITl!Tif'ITT!
image of Rajsbahi
97. C�C'R��-
® negative ® favourable
®� ®� ©� @� ©ambiguous @ utopic
98. ���fffl�1 105. The above passage seems to be
®�)("!� ®��'!rt ® an extract from a long essay
I!:))��� @)8�� ® an independent paragraph
99. 'C'!'!'!'!'l!Jlt5trt' 'lf'ilft � C'lt"tlr��7 I!:) a short essay
®"l'!l'l @= l!:)'fl'l'<t "'l1n @� @ a historical piece
100. ,w11<1i:'G�•l•ffllif'lf'il- 106. The word 'subsequent' here is a/an
®ffl ®� ©l= @'1'1'51l! ® noun ® adverb
@ adjective @ preposition
83.C 84.C 85.D 86.B 87.A 88.C 89.A 90.A 91.C
92.A 93.B 94.B 95.D 96.D 97.A 98.D 99.C JOO.A 101.C ! 102.B 103.D ! 104.B 105.A 106.C !

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a city ofeducation.
®deny ®
® Adverb
© Verb
107. The writer tries to the claim of Rajshahi as being 119. Which part of speech is 'outgrow'?
©ignore @justify
108. The extract reflects the point ofview of
®the people ofBangladesh
® consequent
© following
120. The opposite of 'subsequent' is
® the Historians
©the writer
121. The noun
® useful
(Cl usualness
form of
'usually' is
@ as usual
@die English Professors
109. Which one is not the synonym ormagnificent'? 122. Who is Dr. Johnson?
®Splendid ® Lavish ® An 18th century poet and critic
©Modest @Stately ® A dramatist who is Shakespeare's contemporary
110. What is referred to as the 'pretentious title" for ©A Romantic poet
@A postmodern theorist

® Mangoland 123. Dr. Johnson's full name is
®Silk Cily
® Richard Johnson Sarnue fohnson
©Gift of Padma @ Education City

© Michael Johnso 4) Be o son
111. An area or individual that is not 'well-known' is
124. Which period nglish literature does
®unknown common Shakespeare belong to

©obvious @obscure ®Medieval
112. The 'comparative' form ofThe most important Elizabetlian
things in Rajshahi are its educational institutions' is 125. Who amon the following playwrights, is
® Nothing in Rajshahi is as important as its Shakespeare's c-0ntemporary?
educational institutions. • ® rthur 111er ® Christopher Marlowe
® Nothing is more important in Rajshahi than CSamue Beckel @William Congreve:
educational institutions. 16. W. icH art of speech is 'magnificent'?
©There are no less important things in Rajshahi tha � Adverb ® Adjective
its educational institutions. Preposition @Noun
@There are no things in Rajshahi as important avts IZ7. To be 'pretentious' is not be
educational institutions. ® grandiose ® genuine
I13. Which one is mentioned ©ostentatious @affected
128. In the context of this passage 'We are not Silk
city' actually means:

® Rajshahi is not a Silk City
Rajshahi is a Silk Cily
Rajshahi is an Education City
@Rajshahi is much more than a mere Silk City
129. If rendered in active voice, the sentence 'Rajshahi
is usually associated by the average Bangladeshi
with silk' would be.
® The average Bangladeshi associates Rajahahi with silk
@Preamble ® Hie average Bangladeshi usually associates
116. 'Rajshahites' means Rajshahi wilh silk
®historic sites ofRajshahi ©The average Bangladeshi is usually associated with
® inhabitants ofRajshahi silk by Rajshahi
© people who like Rajshahi @ Rajshahi usually associates the avciage
@people who visit Rajshahi Bangladeshi wilh silk
117. Three 'magnificent symbols' of Rajshahi are 130. The water intends in WTUC an essay on
® the magnificent symbols ofRajshahi
® Rajshahi University, Rajshahi College and
® the status and prospects of English at Rajshashi
Collegiate School

� Dr. Johnson's comments on Shakespeare
® Education, Silk and Mangoes
@Educational institutions ofRajshashi
Silk, Mangoes and the Padma
@None ofthese 107.D 108.A 109.B 110.C 111.D 112.B

®not in any way

@ in no sense
118. The phrase 'by no means' does not mean
certainly not
@ there is no means

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