Cbse Ugc Net Paper 1 December 1999
Cbse Ugc Net Paper 1 December 1999
Cbse Ugc Net Paper 1 December 1999
'lote' lit!-' '"'I'" c""'a'''-' M'TJ' i5"! '""lnpi- J. Af '""lonuo! lll>liMron ll pro"d"
,.,,.,.,,, '1 11 """"' fdo/; "<"f)'"'S !H'(' 1,,) Pru<c<;tron trum
! aJ el,men<>
"""" '- .\'"'n<,'ll !!of'"""' Tt"olili<>nl "'''"''';,..,
l>irootions: Rcad ri" _fr>llowmg !"'age mJ """' er Ttorlitn.ol ,.,,,,11 "'"'"'
rhe /cllnH "'r ''""' 1 rr I lr/! lor "r.ool ng
'I he oil grJ, <ehunl'" f,O"ral '" r<nl,<'-i '11- 4. I <chcul hll hdp"d LU m
""lire wa; '" p,,L:I :> 'pcel he- I"J Fum:>l'ne
""''" ;r ' " :Pe:c,.ingly urh;n "mid where >:Jicjcc" /o} s,,.-,,1
S"r.>klll .U c c-.! un UIICCILIC'IIIOIJL. Kon:--d rl Chuncrn larrul;..LrucLurc
G Jl CkWI :.. ho<S :oot trod.HCLI llle locst edu- id! Ch.tngcJII
C,HIL>r. rt ho; he,c.c" rle ,,f,cr school Difl'cnon: Rc<l<i rire IJ!im "'K pam. ur-lr> m.d l"d!-
lhe <'1"<-wh,, of1,,n ,-.!:f lbP i'OT'CcP Gil \\<'et !1 o'IJ('{J o{l... e O,Hf SIC<'IIS {lOIN
ll'nl>red lilc>r Jougblc"' du::dlloln-io H.Jycnu. 5 "' .t
PullfJI, RajO<LhO:J, UnaJ PrJJe>ll. ond CVCII .II !\ep>l. ludio'" '""'" """"" """
Ae"n !'om oLI11in3 :r.e UC>l uf P"''""- .tbcut "'"' ?"' b:Jt lndi'"1 _,II :'le >dmo_ ThiS
otuJJ:nd is pcrhap; Lhc Kony.1 :o do>1 mu>1c r> no: new_ \\lay '"
..:ht<'l-r:ler_\ ,,..,..,; R,,,,,,. De uflh II 'I-n, wl ,,., G''"' '1", "" ,,: tin n, ,Jib tr_,,,oo
Som.11 took tC.c >IOJ' in 1!11-,('. tl,. "' 1,;.,, up"''',;"" ,-,,JC>IH> Rvi ';hao>b'- il "" c.>lbl
wun\o'ol\ Hm,c,cr. nmc dl\'01>0 iuoL<>r.. -l<od.'.J' the P"ll!lcally e<orr<cL u.,oc " "-Orld
"JWio n .b C\i>l A f>ihcr <OLd."] son I ffi\' J.IU)'h- "'""' nnd "' mony '""'""' pn>:ttuon"' "
t\: '1cc ""t '"" "' tmrroc her "1>0 t,l "<c;:vri<Od inh ncoond , .
_,.,, h<t lrc>r.1 rho 1n the hu;e< ri<HI> l'u""" wotld mo>i' i, l,hdbJ nd "'"'k,!"d "
Wllh Ira' cune d>fJ:H":L:cr II\ I",_(,,;,,, g0o:"<1-rnp, :cch1,-dodc,
the""'"' ofLh child ""-'"'"' '()_,,,,, ""' l:c o<hn.c rook onJ HtndL :nok. In !oct goo,_
g"l, JlKh."' I ,.-,.] d ,,.],,,;,.,.,.-ill age' "'o'' rc.1:d "lr'> l1!<0 lh' 11> owr. .11: >:t)'<
"' ,h.,JI ily thot thc:1 were nut cn o "I""''" crr::c !;,.,g TrM-Cl "A rooxnl lrcnd ""'-' :he"'"'-
I'.'CM "ilh LhO kO:IlC<C.- l'r,e \'IIJOge>
Soor,;- <'IIJ'C' n A>l>l tlll"' 1':11 ''"'"" 01 ,,I:IOIIO:nl ,,_
iu-:d<'f lr nm woL-10-d' fomil1c;, 11.,,. tiro" ""'"'' "h1lo t'lo audience 10 1-.umro
1. Tl1e all SC'Ilool< In t> "'"i "'"''; oc'd c.emor"l< o:me A Oil mmio "
ru; lt L>cio r>cl"'''J M.tiWnnO; 0\'.l.>.r ;f, hor cr
r <,; lL imFII> lrl.Jitinn'l k.11n i11r olliJnrs {'i":''' Jnd R:n of " rroo:r uf !hiS JOilu-
,-,-, T'rc or ""OIJCd oncc Bck heme Lllc lc>.guo ul """"V<'r> incl"tk'
u!, IL '' :,lc n crOon oohcol Al1>h,1 U.r""' woll h.o ,,lhu Om, I mky nd
2. ThB >eC.ocl oor. oc e<Jo>LdcrcJ " ,.,,c;dul ,.,.,_ [ -,,,.,.,;ul (.,L '""- Soy, Ha1 '-""" aftel the Lelea.>e nf
Co:onial Cou""' ,ocood alhcm Tlr< Wa: We do/!_
''"" "'The prl> liooJ ar "P''" """"1"1,-cc l.e.o
r:!; 'O:Jr> " ""'"'''"""' mu,ic w:tr. an erhnic 'nul It hn>
( V.' ll caLtr; 10 ll wiJc '""' orpealthan e:tOer "'"""'" <-< Jnd1an ol""'""'
<.' l ho' .,.,ulleL ;,, ou:bo' ,.,.,,;, - Tho c,ommmbl '""""" ,,[the. ""
girl<' educ:mon """''"'.I mall\' on thts '-' brd fnr"'ul
1d! Tho sclroc: 'A'O< laflld in " u<hl"'""l '"! ol fhere \ Eup'lcrra .,_;lit Dhc<"'; Ami<-
ture oo rop. gh:LI'l dOd Toik CJrlior rhe Delht-bostd
Rllutl: u<ed a mmhinalinn nf gui1ar. dui l<><lm" "-'"'"
no! and pi ann with lndi"n ciO<<Il"Oi ar.d folk mw.:c '" {a, " r. .>dm"'"'' ,,, ""["'" """
Jts first album Doulm IJ<wb<l (all}l HL"'"'"- >lhum
.,,,,.,;""" l'!\l>ieal '"''"'"
\1"hhn " "l"nk)'. rhy1hm1o molgama""" oi lo.:hn<o ( b; o odmoxtu,c ur 1,,\-.m """i' by lcch
and lnd>an musio. nocraL<
lno.ltdn mw.JCi.rn whu hJd 1r1eoJ ool 1,. , l"<hi,tnWI rOytllmk <JI lecltll" ,I
cro"'"'""" in U1<0 and early w!11ch wcro
-""; 1ndt:m ""'""''" "'"""
lob<lled mordy " o.rorimental o rtl(Orni\LO mu<i' (o'J lini,hoJ .of ""'chm, :.nd muocc1l
.rc "'"' ll>c\C """ic Like f-.,ul
Hu.<.>air. , M)'nla and Lout< Uank" In lac1. '"'"' rti.-..roiun" /lelc,,. w-e 1. '''"" owr!_ 1 'I/ /.w. -id<%..
(f,.. 1'"-'' three l'""" Banb hand h"' done over ]() A uoro' B !1 fi"''
papm euch_ Srud rioe "' ,.. ,J
sha"' and "lmo" CD> l'f his alhu111 Be,wnrl ' 'I I 1
Barrim wilh Ht ipro<ad Chaum_,,, hvc hccn oo!d.
'fril"k Gur_e'> cump,,iriun> link '"htl 1ndi,m
rh;.lilrn> nJ dIIOHI> ot' n J07.l Jfl<J
reck. After
""'' ,.,,.,,",
'' '
Shotho R.ntk. in which .Oc h>< "'"d hi>
_,_.,,,'' -" ,,,,. .. ,.,- ,,,_,,., ,,,
moohor Sh'lblm {,urtu'< !hum;, expertl>e. Tnlok 1>
I,., ' " -"P'' ho/
plannlng sccDnJ ali>urn """ her R""'" Bc<>l " """""T ""'' "
on"" album WHh t:li!S<ioal.'Jngor Shu!oh
anC lhc :r"d"LOnal
lilo m."b
" ''" '
,\ '"'" 111 "II :;"
uf "'' Siwu Dr.-, fer" hvc >lww pJpOr>. whiCh I' II" h"'l r'c''-''"'''"' ,.. ,
5. 'World'""""." l"!'Oilod"'
laZZ-fll<><>n an1l rPckfu;iun
ond lechoo clh<IC
ra l<il
tbl Slu,OcntBioPJporV
i" l'"f"'' II
al11ln: 1'"1"'"
ho Uot.<' ,; wdl ;,; I!
ld) f'omhmaHOn of Europen and A:-rican
(b, ho dooc I>Oll<r ohc, B
rc. R r .. ,,'onck"o' tbnA
r c) hperimtnll\1 Jnd mu>iciHJI> (a} VIJ.\'\'!IT.VI
Ro.,orkcr< ur
(d) cnmrn<iliof\.< ibl V.\'11 VIII, VI
4U<.1/wm[nnn 13 '" l'i: It!
id! Re"l!OilOt}
17. [f\he Statement< I onJ lJ o:c t'uc. ,,;,,-!, uf<Cc
"'r;;----, '""''"''"IUS/am.
=At,,..<E B lolk. >'
SlatcmL!DI> 1: S m1c "f th"'" w'Ic ....,_,, rhi< e<am-
" - """" ::1
c - '"'"""';, ,,.,,.,,...., '"''"" >hll '""'her,
," D .bo""""=ilm
[ - Geraia r:m;p .....
All !Cliche" rc II f"'i<l
All thooc P"'' r:"" o>.amn-
,, \lon >hall bo wei'
-" ,,
Sumo of tho"" wh" r"-" '""
"""''" ;hali net 0,
" I ,.,._.,.,-, '' OL"""'
frCl <lw <'' ,.]r, gwen bde.,
: UJlJ.!-
' c ' ' Ooly A
14. In "hich '"' ot nobles """"mere minimum 'C! May t>e '"'e
lmpro.. ment? I di None ot :he Jb<A'e
lnJ lntcrtO>l in life .mJ liing. job-s<01isf11<1iun. It X lo,es y- " !rUe. whot con ,.,fmed abcut
alorui>m ""J "'"'
cf equ.. tily y lOY<:> X"? it i.
lb} P<m-er of concentration. altnllim, mll:rcst in
jaJ True
N. rn r., 6-30 ond 72, wha1" 4?
to! tO
24. C'un>iJ.-r lh<' >!alomonl'
(b-' 12
(:) Th" '""""' i> beautiful
(2) M>1halmu Gandhi bdiovcd iu It) 15
(,., 21
(l) Du ""' loll the w"rl<l wlml Y"" """ do:J""
If ' ' uf"n"thcr
(4) Those y,ho own a <llf, lr< neil.
Which''"' of tho following'' corre::t?
" oumOcr. "hot"
nf numhcr ;, "'1""1 "-"
rono bot ween them'!
Fau Opt'lwn .1dlio:<
'"'"' ' ".o
"' '6:
(a)l 3 2
lbJ2 3 4 !(''
',, '
The number< gwen below'""
(a) All those who suckle th<ir arc m"TIJ it!) ;
mals 32. If tho thtrd Satmd,y tn" mnnLh 1< 11<1. wh.o
All mammo.l< >uoklc ,..;11 Ito tho da10 on .he thld doy belore .he
(<! Some of thoc "ho "'ck:C lh<ir Y"""C "e
secood Wedr.c"'!";'
td) All th, """"
(h) 14
r?. Wt,;d, ono of the "the most lor<eful
ro) 0
to <upport the <tament that 'Women
n11mben "'";} to mde tl.-.,e IN!<r< are""' give" in ld) oct
1M ard.r oj II!< !met' in "'"'l.r. the 411. A i> tailer th"" (" o.,, ,[""'"' .1 "" <;
r'cu.r-nun=bor code >)"stem ques:Jons S i; bnrtol t'>a-, ("]a,- ',l]Ju k l
and 20. ll ;, h"' R (.,t tl.-n
Table 12345 H i1 "lloo '""" :>. 1>,1 ,h,mn lon '-
("hi" Who "and< in the ,;,;die'
Hench flnf,<) IQ) S
34. The O'Jmhor cod tor tho .. ord ''brain"" in the 10> c
order ot the l<Ker< ,; (t/ A
10) &4703 Id! ll
(b) 348/Q 41. Whd. i io :he cr>'l'-
35. Wl\ot word i< coded by-48576
(a) mJO
ra (b! FAI:1oria:.,
(<"' l.cttce< 1<1 the F<litm
(OJ arcli (d) r-;,,,,_
lei "'"'' 42. \ r1f th" [,;J,.,win!' '"'r' W uld ;nu ""-"
(dJ om; .<lde lir<t fnr '" oiCcrhc <:ommu r
Fmd au1 1he number which doe> not share a
( M Selen 1he cltanoel of UJ>">q"J:ni ...>tlnr,
pr"''erly that oth<r thre<
rill f"lar, tltc cal\lation oro"'" ""'
rc 1
(21 CXf>'"rli><
tdi the lime uf noouuctJon (31 lnlfflltsctpltnncy ""lk''T"e
48. f:enorali>oi--ohL)' uf n<w ,;,ooh1og methuJ """ V.1ricl. unc ul fullowJilg Slot< men" is true!
be le<[e.f LhT<'Ugh rt:<Cill>ll OC!OSS {aJ I l>IWTW
D:fferenr '""h''" ( h 1 2 "
(bJ Dft'eren1 suhjecl< (<!
'"' D' c' ' " c' ' c "'
"'' n'
A" c" "' " " "' "' '"c
ra D A
" "
D " " ,." "' '"' "' '""