DLL English 8 q4 w5
DLL English 8 q4 w5
DLL English 8 q4 w5
DLL English 8 Q4 W5
A. Grade Level Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
B. Learning Competencies / Objectives Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text type (narrative in literature, expository, explanatory, factual and personal recount, persuasive.
(Write the LC Code)
The learners are expected to: define the different text types; identify the text types illustrated in sample paragraphs; develop paragraphs that
illustrate specific text types; and explain the importance of knowing the different text types.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learners’ Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Quarter 4 - Module 5 (pp. 1-27)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Activity: Choose the Pre-test: What I Know Video: This Race Called Life Students will share what is Video: This Race Called Life –
Best! – A Narrative Story the average time of sleep they A Narrative Story
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Great! You still remember Previously, you learned A Narrative presents events in What are the reasons why Students will share important
the previous lesson about about composing effective chronological order. people don’t get enough lessons they learned from the
main ideas and supporting paragraphs. In today’s sleep? story.
details. A paragraph or a lesson, you will show your What are the benefits of
series of paragraphs make understanding of the getting enough sleep?
a specific type of text. message and structure of
Today you’ll learn and find a sample paragraph.
out more about text types.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the Show examples of Show examples of Students will read a narrative Students will read an Students will review an
new lesson different text types. different text types. text type titled, “Friendship explanation text type titled, explanation text type titled, “Why
Detour” “Why Sleep is Important” Sleep is Important”
D. Discussing new concepts and Students will learn about Students will learn about Students will learn about the Students will learn about the Students will review the
practicing new skills #1 different text types by different text types by structure/ idea development structure/ idea development structure/ idea development of
completing the table. completing the table. of text types. of text types. text types.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of Activity: Language Activity: Identify and Activity: Please explain… Activity: Write it out! Activity: Write it out!
concepts and skills in daily living Features Arrange Me
H. Making generalizations and You have already analyzed Tell what is your favorite What I Have Learned What I Have Learned What I Have Learned
abstractions about the lesson the structure of the text type and explain why.
different text types. You
can analyze the recurrent
grammar forms, the
transition markers, and
words generally used in
each text type.
I. Evaluating learning Assessment: Express Asessment: Writing Galore! Assessment Additional Activity
your Thoughts!
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the