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BT Exam

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1. Attempt ALL questions in this paper
2. Read and understand before answering questions
3. No reference material of any kind is allowed into the examination room
4. The invigilator reserves the right to investigate suspected examination irregularities
5. Cheating or attempted cheating will lead to disqualification
6. Each answer is awarded ONE mark unless otherwise stated
7. Duration: ONE hour
8. Ensure you write your full official names as registered name of local church and
assigned Senior Youth Test number in the space provided below.
9. This paper consists of four sections A – True or False, B – Multiple choices, C – Short
answer questions and D - Matching


LOCAL CHURCH _____________________________________________________

NAME __________________________________________________

DATE ……………………………………………

Page 1 of 4
TRUE or FALSE – Indicate the correct answer by writing TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) in the
column provided. (15 marks)
1. The righteous will dwell in heaven forever
2. The feet and iron and clay in the book of Daniel represent the kingdoms of Europe
3. Man was made for the Sabbath
4. God created vegetation on the 4th day of creation week
5. The resurrection at the second advent is the resurrection of the righteous/just
6. Doctrine of last things has 4 fundamental beliefs
7. The Medes were stronger than the Persians (Dan 8:3)
8. Altar of sacrifice was found in the Holy place of the sanctuary
9. The righteous shall inherit heaven as their future home
10. There were prophets in the church soon after Christ’s ascension to heaven
11. Executive judgment will take place in heaven
12. The last seven plagues will have desolated the surface of the earth
13. The author of the book of Luke was a Physician
14. Tithing is God’s plan for the systematic support of the work of the gospel
15. The writer of the 1st and 2nd chronicles is Ezra

Answer the following questions by circling the correct answer A, B, C or D (15 marks)
1. The body temple CANNOT be defiled through
A. Watching obscenities B. Impure
B. thoughts C. Strong drink D. Talking to a drunkard
2. Jesus was crucified on Friday at A. Friday 9th hour B. Friday 5pm
C. Friday Sunset D. Saturday Sunrise
3. Man’s original diet constituted of
A. Milk and honey B. Manna and Quails C. Fish and birds D. Grains and fruit
4. Which of the following is NOT a primary test of a true prophet?
A. Harmony with the revealed will of God
B. Proven by modern science
C. Loyal to all aspects of the Bible’s teaching about Christ
D. Fulfilled predictions
5. Which of the following is TRUE on creation. Which one is not

A. Human beings were created on the 5th day

B. The three Beings of the trinity were involved
C. It took six literal days
D. After creation God rested on Sabbath

6. Which of the following is one of the end time signs in the religious world?
A. Great earthquake B. Famines and pestilence

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C. False prophets shall arise D. The Dark day
7. The following are steps of Salvation in Order
A. Justification, Sanctification, Glorification
B. Sanctification, Glorification, Justification
C. Justification, Glorification
D. Confession, Glorification, Sanctification
8. Which of the following events does NOT fall within the 70 weeks?
A. Rebuilding of Jerusalem B. Baptism of Jesus
C. Crucifixion of Jesus D. Investigative Judgment
9. Which of the following is a warning and admonition of the second advent of Christ?
A Read the bible B. Watch and Pray C. Walk softly in God’s sanctuary D. Do not kill
10. Which of the tribes of Israel served in the sanctuary as priests
A. Judah B. Benjamin C. Levi D. Reuben
11. Which prophet was touched by the hand of God on his mouth during his calling?
a. Isaiah B. Jeremiah C. Ezekiel D. Malachi
12. The message of the third angel warns us against
a. Staying in Babylon for it has fallen
b. Receiving the mark of the beast
c. Drinking the wine of the wrath of Babylon’s fornication
d. Fearing God and giving Him Glory
13. According to Exodus 20:11 “The LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them
is, and __________ the seventh day: wherefore the LORD ___________ the Sabbath day,
and ________________ it. (KJV)
A. Rested, Blessed, Hallowed
B. Blessed, Rested, Hallowed
C. Hallowed, Rested, blessed
D. Rested, hallowed, blessed
14. The following are symbols used in Daniel’s prophecy EXCEPT one
A. Ears B. Mouth C. Eyes D. Head
15. One of the following was found in the outer court of the sanctuary?
A. Altar of Sacrifice B. Mercy seat
C. Pot of Manna D. Aaron’s rod that budded

Fill in the blank spaces. All questions require short answers. (15 marks)
1. The Holy Spirit during the baptism of Jesus Christ in the form of ___ and during Pentecost
as _____________
2. And he said unto me, unto __________ then shall the sanctuary be cleansed (Daniel 8:14).
3. The decree of King Cyrus in 537 B, C gave the Jews permission to ______restore sacred
vessels and _________
4. _ time left
5. The two books of the Bible named written by a physician are___ ______ and _______
6. _____________is the Second person of the Godhead

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7. The period between the close of probation and the second advent of Christ when there will
be no mediator between God and mankind is known as the time of ----------------
8. In bible prophecy _____ represents strife, waters represent ___Multitudes________ whereas
beasts represent _____ and/or ________
9. ___________was the father of Moses

Match the following Bible verses and their respective texts from the options given below (15
Verse Text
1 Dan 12:2
2 Proverb 1:7
3 2 Chronicles 7:14
4 Matthew 23:23
5 Mark 16:9
6 Joshua 1:9
7 Luke 9:26
8 John 1 :12
9 LUKE 4:16
10 Gen 1 :1
11 Amos 3:3
12 Romans 6:6
13 Psalms 6:5
14 ECC 3:1
15 Hebrews 13:17

God will hear His people if the humbly pray, can two walk together, except they be agreed? Be
strong and of a good courage, The dead sleep in the dust of the earth , The basis of wisdom , God will
hear His people if they humbly pray, Tithing principle is divine obligation , Jesus resurrected Sunday
early morning , Be strong and of good courage , Second Advent would be an event of magnificent
glory , To believe in Christ is to receive him , Christ kept the Sabbath , Material Universe created by
God , Can two walk together unless they agree, The old nature must die , God is known by the dead,
A time for every purpose, Church members must submit to the chosen leaders

The End

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