Muro No 2019
Muro No 2019
Muro No 2019
Received 1 July 2019; accepted 8 October 2019; Accepted article online 25 October 2019
Aim Recently, the accessory middle colic artery dorsal side of the pancreas in 15 (20.3%) of these 74
(AMCA) has been recognized as the vessel that supplies patients. Similarly, the destination of the IMV was
blood to the splenic flexure. However, the positional located on the dorsal side of the pancreas in 65 (31.7%)
relationship between the AMCA and inferior mesenteric of patients.
vein (IMV) has not been evaluated. Herein, we aimed
Conclusion The SFV was observed in most patients,
to evaluate the anatomy of the AMCA and the splenic
and the LCA or AMCA was the common accompany-
flexure vein (SFV).
ing artery. In some patients these vessels were located
Method Two hundred and five patients with colorectal on the dorsal side of the pancreas and not below it.
cancer who underwent enhanced CT preoperatively were Preoperative evaluation of this anatomy may be benefi-
enrolled in the present study. The locations of the cial for lymph node dissection during left-sided hemi-
AMCA and IMV were evaluated, focusing on the posi- colectomy.
tional relationship between the vessels and pancreas –
Keywords Vascular anatomy, splenic flexure, colon
below the pancreas or to the dorsal side of the pancreas.
cancer, accessory middle colic artery, splenic flexure vein
Results The AMCA was observed in 74 (36.1%)
What does this paper add to the literature?
patients whereas the SFV was found in 177 (86.3%)
It is important to have an image of the left colic artery
patients. The left colic artery (LCA) was the major (LCA), the accessory middle colic artery (AMCA), the
artery accompanying the SFV in 87 (42.4%) of patients. splenic flexure vein (SFV) and the pancreas preopera-
The AMCA accompanied the SFV in 65 (32.7%) tively. The LCA or AMCA was the major artery accom-
patients. In 15 (7.8%) patients, no artery accompanied panying the SFV. The AMCA was located behind the
the SFV. The origin of the AMCA was located on the pancreas in 20.3% of patients.
392 Colorectal Disease ª 2019 Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 22, 392–398
K. Murono et al. Vascular anatomy of the splenic flexure
of the IMV and the pancreas must be identified. The 5 mm. Moreover, two patients who underwent surgery
anatomy of the IMV has been evaluated by Arimoto for abdominal aortic aneurysm and two who underwent
et al. [9]. However, the relationship between the artery, colectomy were excluded. A total of 205 patients [122
vein and pancreas has not been evaluated. men and 83 women with a median age of 67 (range
In the current study we aimed to evaluate the anat- 23–90) years] were finally enrolled. This study was
omy of the AMCA and SFV, with a particular focus on approved by the ethics committees of the University of
the branching pattern and positional relationship among Tokyo (no. 3252-(7)).
these vessels and the pancreas.
Protocol of CT scans
Enhanced CT scanning was performed during the arte-
rial and venous phases. Arterial phase CT scans were
Patient selection
performed using the bolus tracking method and a
Of the 229 patients with colorectal cancer who under- method described previously [10]. CT scan images were
went preoperative CT scans from July 2017 to July reviewed using a picture archiving and communication
2018, the 205 who underwent an enhanced thin-slice system workstation (General Electric Medical Systems,
(slice thickness ≤ 1 mm) CT scan were enrolled in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA). The anatomy was anal-
present study. Fifteen patients underwent nonenhanced ysed using both CT angiography and a two-dimensional
CT scan, and the slice thickness in five patients was (2D) axial view. In some typical cases, the artery, vein
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Colorectal Disease ª 2019 Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 22, 392–398 393
Vascular anatomy of the splenic flexure K. Murono et al.
and pancreas were reconstructed using 3D imaging for Table 1 Patient characteristics (n = 205 patients).
presentation of the branching pattern. The arteries were
Feature Value
reconstructed using the 3D volume rendering tech-
nique, and the veins and pancreas were reconstructed
by tracing them manually as a region of interest. Image
Male 122 (59.5%)
processing was performed using OsiriX MD (Pixmeo Female 83 (40.5%)
SARL, Switzerland). Age (years) 67 (23–90)
Body height (cm) 162.1 9.3
Body weight (kg) 61.8 14.0
Definitions of the AMCA and SFV
BMI (kg/m2) 23.3 4.1
Although the AMCA typically originates from the SMA, AMCA
we previously reported that the AMCA sometimes origi- Present 74 (36.1%)
nates from the coeliac artery, hepatic artery and jejunal Absent 131 (63.9%)
artery [7]. Therefore, the AMCA was defined as the Origin of AMCA
SMA 67 (32.7%)
artery running below the pancreas and toward the sple-
Splenic artery 5 (2.4%)
nic flexure.
Common hepatic artery 2 (1.0%)
The AMCA and LCA sometimes merge and supply No AMCA 131 (63.9%)
the splenic flexure (Fig. 1c). In such cases, we defined SFV
the connecting artery between the LCA and AMCA as Present 177 (86.3%)
the Moskowitz artery, which is the collateral artery that Absent 28 (13.7%)
runs more centrally than Riolan’s arch [11,12]. These Artery accompanying SFV
connecting arteries are often called meandering arteries AMCA 67 (32.7%)
[13,14]. LCA 87 (42.4%)
The names of the veins are usually defined according Moskowitz† 7 (3.4%)
to the accompanying arteries. It was difficult to define None 16 (7.8%)
No SFV 28 (13.7%)
the name of the vein from the splenic flexure because
Destination of IMV
the vein sometimes accompanied the LCA and some-
SMV 94 (45.9%)
times the AMCA. Therefore, the drainage vein from the Splenic vein 111 (54.1%)
splenic flexure running below the pancreas was defined LCA
as the SFV [9]. Present 196 (95.6%)
Absent 9 (4.4%)
LCA location
Evaluation of the anatomy of the AMCA and SFV
Ventral to IMV 140 (68.3%)
First, the presence and branching pattern of the AMCA Dorsal to IMV 56 (27.3%)
and SFV were evaluated. If the SFV was observed, the Location of the origin of AMCA
artery accompanying the SFV was evaluated. In the Below pancreas 59 (28.8%)
Dorsal to pancreas 15 (7.3%)
presence of the Moskowitz artery, it is challenging to
Location of the destination of SFV
identify which artery (LCA or AMCA) is the accompa-
Below pancreas 169 (82.4%)
nying artery. Therefore, the Moskowitz artery is defined Dorsal to pancreas 8 (3.9%)
as the accompanying artery in these cases. Location of the destination of IMV
Finally, the location of the origin of the AMCA and Below pancreas 140 (68.3%)
the destination of the SFV and IMV were evaluated Dorsal to pancreas 65 (31.7%)
with a focus on the positional relationship between Location of the origin of SMA
these vessels and the pancreas. Each vessel was classified Below pancreas 94 (46.3%)
according to location, as follows: below, dorsal to or Dorsal to pancreas 88 (42.4%)
above the pancreas. Above pancreas 23 (11.2%)
394 Colorectal Disease ª 2019 Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 22, 392–398
K. Murono et al. Vascular anatomy of the splenic flexure
Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA), and a P- destination of the SFV was located below the pancreas
value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. in 169 of 177 patients. By contrast, the origin of the
AMCA was located on the dorsal side of the pancreas in
20.3% (15/74) of cases. When the origin of the AMCA
was the splenic artery or common coeliac artery, the
AMCA was located on the dorsal side of the pancreas in
Bifurcation patterns of the AMCA and SFV
six (85.7%) of seven patients, which was significantly
The characteristics of the patients and the bifurcation higher than the rate in patients for whom the origin
patterns of the AMCA and SFV are shown in Table 1. was the SMA (P = 0.0003) (Table 2).
The AMCA was observed in 74 (36.1%) patients. In 67
of these 74 patients (90.5%) the AMCA originated from
the SMA, and this accounts for more than 90% of cases.
The AMCA originated from the splenic artery in five
patients and from the common hepatic artery in two
patients. The LCA was absent in 9 (4.4%) of the
patients. Among the nine patients without a LCA, the
AMCA was observed in seven (77.8%) (data not shown).
The SFV was present in 177 (86.3%) patients. In all
cases the destination of the SFV was the IMV. The rela-
LCA Descending branch
tionship between the SFV and the arteries was divided
into one of four types (Fig. 1): the SFV running along
the LCA, the AMCA, the Moskowitz artery and with-
out any artery. The LCA was the major artery accompa-
nying the SFV in 87 (42.4%) of patients. The AMCA
ran along with the SFV in 65 (31.7%) patients. When
the AMCA was present, the accompanying artery was
the AMCA or the Moskowitz artery. In 15 (7.3%)
patients, only the drainage vein was detected below the
pancreas from the splenic flexure, and no artery was
detected. Figure 2 Typical case of the Moskowitz artery (dotted line).
When the Moskowitz artery becomes atrophic or absent, the
AMCA would be the accompanying artery. When the central
Positional relationship between these vessels and the side of the AMCA becomes atrophic, the LCA would be the
pancreas accompanying artery. IMA, inferior mesenteric artery; IMV,
inferior mesenteric vein; LCA, left colic artery; AMCA, acces-
We evaluated the positional relationship between the sory middle colic artery; SVV, drainage vein from the splenic
AMCA, SFV, IMV and pancreas (Table 1). The flexure.
Table 2 Relation between the branching pattern and the location of AMCA and IMV.
AMCA, accessory middle colic artery; CHA, common hepatic artery; IMV, inferior mesenteric vein; SA, splenic artery; SMA,
superior mesenteric artery; SMV, superior mesenteric vein.
Colorectal Disease ª 2019 Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 22, 392–398 395
Vascular anatomy of the splenic flexure K. Murono et al.
The IMV was located on the dorsal side of the pan- IMV
creas in 65 (31.7%) of the patients (Table 1). The rate
was not associated with the destination of the IMV
(Table 2).
396 Colorectal Disease ª 2019 Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 22, 392–398
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