Impact de Mediu-VESTAS Wind Turbines
Impact de Mediu-VESTAS Wind Turbines
Impact de Mediu-VESTAS Wind Turbines
: X000-ENI-000-XX-01-EN-R02 2010-04-26
The following document (V-CEU document no.: X000-ENI-000-XX-01-EN-R02) is intended for information purposes only and is subject to changes in content without prior notification as a result of product developments. Prior to use, all users are responsible for ensuring that they are referring to the most recent, valid version.
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
Vestas Central Europe Reg. company name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines Contents
1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3 Emissions from Vestas wind turbines................................................................................. 3 Air turbulence........................................................................................................................... 3 Gloss........................................................................................................................................ 3 Shadowing ............................................................................................................................... 3 Corrosion protection ................................................................................................................ 3 Noise emissions....................................................................................................................... 3 Reduced-noise operating mode............................................................................................... 4 OptiSpeed system.................................................................................................................. 4 Additional information .............................................................................................................. 4 Measures to be taken upon cessation of operation ........................................................... 4 Estimated energy amortisation period ................................................................................ 5 Estimated CO2 reduction....................................................................................................... 5 Fulfilment of demand by Vestas wind turbines .................................................................. 6 List of abbreviations.............................................................................................................. 7
Vestas Central Europe Reg. company name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines Emissions from Vestas wind turbines
This document summarises the key information about the following topics: Emissions from Vestas wind turbines Measures to be taken upon cessation of operation Energy amortisation period CO2 reduction Fulfilment of demand
Air turbulence
Rotor operation in a Vestas WTG causes trailing air turbulence. The minimum distances to be observed between WTGs as a result can be taken from the type test. Vestas WTGs are designed such that there are no other air emissions during standard operation or in the event of a malfunction. Air emissions generated as a result of a fire constitute exceptional circumstances and should therefore be viewed in isolation.
Vestas WTGs are produced in RAL 7035 (light grey) as standard in order to prevent a negative visual impact on the environment. Reduced gloss degrees are used to mute light reflections. As a result, the gloss degrees on the blade surfaces are in line with DIN 67530/ISO 2813-1978 at 30% (for further information, see the "General specification" document for the turbine in question).
Periodic shadowing is generated as the blades fragment the sunlight. Vestas can provide an optional shadowing prevention module if required.
Corrosion protection
The corrosion protection system on Vestas towers comprises the application of zinc onto cleaned steel. A base coat and a top coat are applied on top of this protective layer. Both of these coats are zinc-free, meaning that there is no zinc washout.
Noise emissions
Wind turbines generally emit noise. The noise spectrum of a Vestas wind turbine has the same properties as broadband noise. There are no annoying tones or
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines Measures to be taken upon cessation of operation
pulsating variations in the noise level. One aspect of the noise properties is the aerodynamic noise generated by the rotor tips. The intensity of this noise depends on the speed at which the rotor and blades are rotating. As Vestas OptiSpeedTM wind turbines feature variable-speed operation, the nature of the noise spectrum changes and it is possible to achieve a non-disruptive noise spectrum. The noise level of the wind turbine depends on its type and the mode in which it is operated. The wind turbine operating mode is selected and set based on project-specific requirements. For further information about the reduced-noise operating mode, see sections 2.5.1 to 2.5.3.
In many cases, a reduced-noise operating mode is used at certain times (e.g. at night between 22:00 and 06:00) in order to comply with prescribed national limits relating to nearby housing e.g. the guidelines stipulated within the territory classification imposed by the TA-Lrm, a provision that regulates noise emissions in Germany. Reducing noise emissions results in reduced energy production compared with the performance-optimised standard operating mode. When starting up and switching off Vestas WTGs, the average noise pressure levels for the relevant wind speeds are exceeded by no more than 10 dB.
OptiSpeed system
Vestas WTGs with OptiSpeed technology feature a system that facilitates variable-speed operation of the rotor. Working in conjunction with pitch regulation, the OptiSpeed system, also referred to as the Vestas Converter System (VCS), delivers optimised energy production and reduced-noise operation. These adjustments are designated as operating modes, and it is therefore possible to set the WTG to different operating modes during daytime and night time hours. This means that Vestas WTGs can be operated at differing performance curves and/or acoustic-power levels. WTG operation can thus be tailored to the individual client in order to comply with the specific requirements for the given site.
Additional information
Third parties must not be permitted to manipulate adjustable parameters. Any amendments to machine parameters, including altering the performance curve of a Vestas WTG and thus also its noise emissions, can and may only be performed by Vestas Central Europe technical staff. A special security code that is only available to authorised Vestas Central Europe staff is required to carry out this work.
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines Estimated CO2 reduction
The primary components of the WTG are dismantled first (blades with hub, nacelle, tubular steel tower); this process requires an appropriate crane and specialist staff. The dismantling work, including preparations for work sites and transportation and disposal of the foundation, can take from three to five working days depending on the type of turbine. To dispose of the foundation, the foundation basement is blasted to a depth of approx. 2 m. The material is separated into its various components and disposed of appropriately. The concrete piles are driven into the ground to a deep foundation; they remain there after dismantling, as once the pit has been filled and compacted with topsoil the area can be used for agricultural or cultivation purposes. The crane pad, cabling and access route can also be removed, to aid restoration of the original condition. Following rough crushing, the recyclable materials that have been generated (scrap steel, iron and copper) are disposed of using a specialist company.
The energy expended for the manufacture, transportation, maintenance and dismantling of a Vestas WTG (depending on type, hub height and energy production levels) will be recouped within the example timeframes shown below: Wind turbine type V80 2.0 MW DIBt II (HH 100 m; avg. windspeed in HH 6.5 m/s) DIBt II (HH 125 m; avg. windspeed in HH 7.4 m/s) DIBt III (HH 80 m; avg. windspeed in HH 8.6 m/s) Amortisation period 8.9 months
V90 1.8/2.0 MW
6.1 months
V90 3.0 MW
4.7 months
The emissions generated by a WTG are produced not by the actual operation, but by the use of energy and raw materials during production, transportation and dismantling. The CO2 reduction achieved by a Vestas WTG compared with existing energy production methods in Germany is shown below. This information is based on the saving produced if a kilowatt hour of conventional energy is replaced by a kilowatt hour of wind energy.
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines Fulfilment of demand by Vestas wind turbines
CO2 reduction Wind turbine type Per kilowatt hour DIBt II V80 2.0 MW HH 100 m; 6.5 m/s DIBt II V90 1.8/2.0 MW HH 125 m; 7.4 m/s DIBt III V90 3.0 MW HH 80 m; 8.6 m/s 466 g 5077 t 101,544 t 463 g 3332 t 66,642 t 463 g 2253 t 45,052 t Per year Over 20 years
The data below showing fulfilment of demand by Vestas turbines is based on a demand of 4000 kWh per household per year. Note that a different annual energy yield is produced depending on the site and the hub height; as such, the values vary. V80 2.0 MW DIBt II (HH 100 m) V90 2.0 MW DIBt II (HH 125 m) V90 3.0 MW DIBt III (HH 80 m) : : : 1215 households 1795 households 2725 households
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes
General information about the environmental impact of Vestas wind turbines List of abbreviations
List of abbreviations
Explanation Deutsches Institut fr Bauchtechnik [German Institute for Building Technology] Hub height Technische Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lrm [Technical noise protection instructions] Vestas Converter System Wind Turbine Generator
Term/abbreviation DIBt
Vestas Central Europe Registered name: Vestas Deutschland GmbH Subject to technical changes