TTS - The New Service Tool: The Service Magazine of The PRÜFTECHNIK Group
TTS - The New Service Tool: The Service Magazine of The PRÜFTECHNIK Group
TTS - The New Service Tool: The Service Magazine of The PRÜFTECHNIK Group
, an acceler-
ometer with a low lower limit
frequency and a suitable vibra-
tion foot, the vibrations
emitted in the foundation
can be recorded with high
Monitoring Center
now certified
Germanische Lloyd Industrial Services
GmbH has certified the Monitoring Cen-
ter of the PRFTECHNIK AG and con-
firmed that its process flows are in
conformity with GL Directive IV Part 4
of GL Wind. Thus, PRFTECHNIK cus-
tomers now have the opportunity not
only to purchase hardware and software
from PRFTECHNIK but also to take
advantage of the diagnosis services of-
fered by this newly certified Monitoring
Center. Certification involved adapting
the procedures followed in the Monitor-
ing Center to the ISO 9001 system.
Condition Monitoring GmbH
85737 Ismaning, Germany
Fax: +49 89 99616-0
Fax: +49 89 99616-341
eMail: [email protected]
Alignment Systems GmbH
85737 Ismaning, Germany
Tel: +49 89 99616-0
Fax: +49 89 99616-100
eMail: [email protected]