History of Blood Transfusion

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TOPIC 1: History of Blood Transfusion


FEBRUARY 02, 2024


BLOOD BANKING Five Transfusion-Transmissible

— Encompasses activities, procedures, and tests done to ensure Diseases (TDLs):
blood for transfusion is properly COLLECTED, PRESERVED, 1. HIV
STORED, and DISPENSED for later use in blood transfusion 2. Hepatitis B
3. Hepatitis C
4. Syphilis
5. Malaria
— A branch of medicine that is concerned with the transfusion of
blood and blood components.
— It also deals with the proper selection, utilization, and removal of
Two Types of Blood Transfusion:
blood and blood components in the treatment or prevention of
disease. 1. Autologous transfusion
These refer to those transfusions
BLOOD TRANSFUSION in which the blood donor and
— The process of taking blood or blood components from one transfusion are the same (rare
individual and inserting them into the circulatory system of phenotypes, rare blood types).
another (done in cases of massive blood loss due to trauma, Sarili mong dugo ang isasalin
surgery, shock, and where the cell producing mechanism fails). sayo.

2. Allogenic transfusion
These refer to blood transfused
to someone other than the donor;
by the patient or recipient
dugo ng iba isasalin sayo

— This is any laboratory or institution with the capability to recruit
Blood Components that can be
and screen blood donors; and collect, process, store, transport,
and issue blood for transfusion.
1. Whole blood
2. Red Cell Products
— This is a type of blood bank that exists for profit. They pay 3. Plasma Products
money to those individuals who donate their blood. 4. Plasma Derivatives
— This is now regarded as illegal because blood should be donated
by will (for free); not paid nor compensated for.


— Any institution or facility duly
— This is a blood bank located within hospital premises which can
authorized by DOH to recruit,
perform compatibility testing (via cross-matching).
screen, and collect blood.


Giacomo di Three young men were taken as blood donors and had been given to drink by
San Genesio Pope Innocent VIII in an attempt to cure his illness.

William Harvey published his groundbreaking work on the circulation of blood in

1628 William Harvey his book “Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus”
(An Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart & Blood in Animals).

1666 Richard Lower Richard Lower transfused blood from one dog to another.

Samuel Pepys stated that “bad blood” can be mended by borrowing good blood
1666 Samuel Pepys
from a “healthier or better body.”

1667 Richard Lower & They both performed sheep-to-human blood transfusions that led to deaths.
(June 15) Jean Baptiste Denis This is the point at which blood transfusion was banned.

John Henry Leacock published in 1816 his experimental thesis entitled

1816 John Henry Leacock
'On the transfusion of blood in extreme cases of hemorrhage'

James Blundell James Blundell of England successfully transfused human blood to women
of England suffering from postpartum hemorrhage.

Attempts to find a non-toxic anticoagulant began.

1869 Braxton Hicks
Braxton Hicks recommended sodium phosphate.

1876 First photograph of blood transfusion by medical staff at Bellevue Hospital.

1901 Karl Landsteiner Karl Landsteiner discovered the ABO blood groups.

Adriano Sturli & Adriano Sturli and Alfren von Decastello discovered the fourth blood-group
Alfren von Decastello (the AB blood type).

Albert Hustin reported the use of sodium citrate as an anticoagulant for

1914 Albert Hustin

Richard Lewisohn determined the minimum amount of sodium citrate as an

1915 Richard Lewisohn
anticoagulant to transform the transfusion procedure from direct to indirect.

Rous and Turner introduced a citrate-dextrose solution for the preservation of

1916 Rous and Turner

1931 Dr. Charles Drew was appointed as the first Director of the American Red Cross
Dr. Charles Drew
(February 13) Blood Bank in a Presbyterian hospital.

1924 Felix Bernstein Felix Bernstein discovered the inheritance patterns of ABO blood groups.

1936 The first blood bank in Spain was opened during the Spanish War.

John Loutit & John Loutit and Patrick Mollison introduced the formula for the preservative
Patrick Mollison acid-citrate dextrose (ACD).

Gibson introduced an improved preservative solution which is the

1957 Gibson
citrate-phosphate dextrose (CPD).
Edward Lindemann Dr. Carl Walter Unger Emil Ponfick &
— He came up with an — He designed a plastic valve — He designed his syringe Leonard Landois
appropriate design for for blood collection. The valve apparatus that made — They both established
performing blood plastic valve was made with transfusion from donor to the basis of blood
transfusion. He carried out high-molecular weight patient even simpler group incompatibility.
vein-to-vein transfusion of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) without a physician They observed cell lysis
blood by using multiple assistant. in sheep blood
syringes and a special transfusion.
cannula for puncturing the
vein through the skin.
— Disadvantages include:
complicated procedures,
and requiring many skilled

Blundell’s Impellor Gesellius’ Method James Aveling Lewisohn’s Method of

— This consisted of a — The donor’s back is lanced Transfusion Set Transfusion of Citrated
double-walled funnel in multiple times and capillary — Two silver cannulae are Blood
which the outer blood is extracted using inserted in the recipient — Blood is collected in a
compartment was filled suction cups. and donor, and then graduated flask and is
with warm water. connected by a rubber promptly transfused to
— The donor blood flowed tubing with a the patient.
into the funnel, was compressible bulb in the
sucked into a syringe, and middle to promote and
was forced along tubing sustain blood flow.
into a cannula inserted
into the patient’s vein by
means of two oppositely
acting spring valves below
the funnel.

● Since the beginning of human history, prehistoric men drew on caves showing individuals bleeding
from wounds.
● The Romans and Egyptians bathed in blood for spiritual and physical restoration
● The Romans drank from the fallen gladiators’ blood for the belief that their vitality and strength will be
transferred to them.
● Blood has been the central theme in ancient rituals.
● In the middle ages, people drank blood for the tonic rejuvenation and for the cure of various diseases
● People used to believe that disease is caused by the imbalance of one of the four humors by
Hippocrates: phlegm, blood, yellow bile, and black bile.
● After being banned for more than 150 years, blood transfusion was revived in the 18th century.
● In the 18th century, blood transfusion was the most popular treatment for various diseases.
Blood letting was very popular even without the proper knowledge about blood circulation
● Dr. Philip Syng Physick; The Father of American Surgery, was the first to perform human to human

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