Draft SEM - V1 - 0 - 2
Draft SEM - V1 - 0 - 2
Draft SEM - V1 - 0 - 2
JULY 2020
भारत सरकार
रे ल मं ालय
भारतीय रे ल
सगनल इंजी नयर नयमावल
भाग – 1
Digitally signed by CHALAMALASETTY MOHAN
ु ई 2020
DN: c=IN, st=Telangana,
ca67094e845befc318cedffd46, postalCode=500017,
JULY 2020
Date: 2020.07.11 20:20:01 +05'30'
Digitally Signed
Director / IRISET
Signal Engineering Manual Issue History
Chapter Section /
Chapter Name Page No.
No. Annexure
Organisation of Signal &
Telecommunication Department
Section 1 Signal and Telecommunication Department- An Overview 1
Section 2 Strength of Officers 3
Section 3 Technical Staff 3
Section 4 Strength, Charges, Designations 5
Section 5 Drawing & Design Staff 6
Section 6 Misc Equivalent Designations/Organisations 6
2 Duties of Signal & Telecommunication
Section 1 Duties of Signal and Telecommunication Engineers in 8
charge of Maintenance or Construction
Section 2 Additional Duties of Signal and Telecommunication 9
Engineer in charge of Maintenance
Section 3 Additional Duties of Dy CSTE in charge of 11
Annexure 2/1 Engineer’s Progress Report 13
3 Duties of Signal Supervisors & Technical
Section 1 Common Duties of SSE Signal In-charge, Sectional 14
SSE/JE Signal
Section 2 Duties Of SSE Signal In-charge 17
Section 3 Inspection certificates 18
Section 4 Accidents 19
Section 5 General responsibilities and duties 20
Section 6 Additional Instructions for SSE Signal In-charge of 23
Section 7 Datalogger management centre 25
Section 8 Duties of signal technicians 25
Section 9 Duties of helpers / assistants 29
Annexure 3/1 Failure Report of Signalling & Interlocking, Electrical 31
Signalling and Block Signalling Appliances
Annexure 3/2 Classification Codes 33
Annexure 3/3 Foot Plate Inspection of Signals 34
Annexure 3/4 Inspection Report 36
Chapter Section /
Chapter Name Page No.
No. Annexure
Annexure 3/5 Site of Accident 37
Annexure 3/6 Hours of Employment Regulations 39
Annexure 3/7 Signal Sighting Committee Report 44
Annexure 3/8 JE/SSE’S(Signal) Progress Report 45
Annexure 3/9 JE/SSE’s(Signal) Completion Certificate 46
Annexure 3/10 Technician’s (Signal) Report 47
Annexure 3/11 Disconnection/Reconnection Notice 48
Annexure 3/12 Situations in which disconnection Notice need not be 49
issued provided suitable precautions are taken
Annexure 3/13 Competency Certificate cum Training History Book. 51 The Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer is the Administrative
and Principal Head of the Signal and Telecommunication Department and is
responsible to the General Manager for the efficient and economical working of
the Department. The Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer may be assisted in
his work by one or more heads of the department (HODs), wherever provided
HODs shall be, the Chief Signal Engineer and Chief Communication Engineer,
Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Planning, Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer/Design& drawing, Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer/projects or works and CWM/S&T/Workshop etc., in
independent charge of their respective areas or control. Their work is, however,
co-ordinated by the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer who
is responsible to the General Manager of the Railway. The Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer will lay down the
duties of each of the Officers of the Headquarters and Divisions. The expression "Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer" wherever used
in this Manual includes Chief Signal Engineer, Chief Communication Engineer
and Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Chief Signal
and Telecommunication Engineer/Planning, Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer/Works, Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/D&D, Chief
Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/ Projects unless the contrary is clear
from the context. The Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer shall be over all in
charge of staff cadre — Gazetted and non-Gazetted.
Page 1 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department
Construction organisation/Project Organisation/RE Organisation The Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction) shall maintain
liaison with the Open Line Organisation and shall follow the general policies and
procedure laid down for the execution of works. In cases where a different policy
or procedure becomes necessary to be followed, he shall do so after due
consultation with the Open Line Organisation to adopt an accepted policy or
procedure. The Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction) shall exercise
necessary budgetary control within the allotment of funds at his disposal and
shall co-ordinate with the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer for compilation of budget at every budgetary stage. The Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction) shall co-
ordinate with the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer with
regards to the placement of personnel for the various assignments under his
charge keeping in view the overall career development of such personnel. In the case of certain major joint projects for Survey, or construction, the Signal
and Telecommunication unit may be constituted as a self contained unit under
the administrative control of the head of the Project. In such cases, the Head of
the Signal and Telecommunication Branch shall be responsible for co-ordination
with the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer as mentioned in
paragraphs and
(b) He is under the technical control of the Principal Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer to whom he is responsible for all technical
matters. He may be assisted by a team of officers of the same grade or in
lower grades. In case more than one officer, in the highest grade is available
Page 2 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department
on a Division, Senior most officers may be nominated as the coordinating
officer who would be branch officer (BO). The Principal Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer will lay down the duties of the various officers of
the Signal and Telecommunication Branch on the Division. The term “Senior Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer" includes
Senior Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer in Junior
Administrative Grade/Selection Grade and Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer (Senior Scale) holding charge of S&T in a division. The following are the extra Divisional Organizations of the Signal and
Telecommunication Department on the Railways :-
(a) Signal and Telecommunication Workshops ;
(b) Signal and Telecommunication Training School/ Centre;
(c) Field Units of Construction Organisation ; The following are the technical staff of the Signal and Telecommunication
Department for the purpose of this Manual.
(c) Senior Section Engineer (SSE), Junior Engineer (JE) and, artisan staff of
Signal and Telecommunication Workshop.
Page 3 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department The Signal supervisors, are classified as Junior Engineer (JE) Signal, Sectional
Senior Section Engineer (Sectional SSE) Signal, Senior Section Engineer In-
charge (SSE In-charge) Signal, Senior Section Engineer SSE Stores (If SSE is
posted for looking after stores only and SSE/JE/Headquarter (Posted in HQ). The duties and responsibilities of Senior Section Engineer/Sectional and Junior
Engineer would be same, unless specifically mentioned and is clear from the
context. The Senior Section Engineer In-charge, Section Senior Section
Engineer and Junior Engineer Signals are directly in charge of installation and
maintenance of signaling on a section. The Sectional SSE/Signal are directly in charge of installation and maintenance
of more important sections. The SSE/Signal In-charge supervises the work of one or more Sectional Senior
Section Engineers and Junior Engineer Signals and are responsible to the
Assistant/Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer in appropriate
grade. The Technical Supervisors are also headquartered in the Office of the Principal
Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer/ Construction/Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer/Projects/Dy Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer
/Construction or Projects/Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer and
assist in discharging his technical duties.
Note (i) :- If the divisional officer is in Selection grade/JA grade, the prefix senior
(Sr) is added to DSTE
(ii) :- Dy. Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Construction shall
be read as Dy. Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Project/Work/as
per executing unit as applicable Each Sectional SSE/JE Signal shall be assisted by one or more Signal
Technicians and maintenance gangs. Each SSE Signal In-charge shall be provided with office/stores clerks and stores
helpers depending on the quantum of office/stores work. Adequate number of
chowkidars for guarding railway material in his custody shall also be provided
where necessary. Pick up van, utility vehicle, Material handling machines,
Material trolleys etc., shall also be provided at stores. Each Sectional SSE/JE Signal shall be assisted by appropriate staff as provided
for a SSE Signal In-charge.
Page 4 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department
Section 4 – Strength, Charges, Designations Strength and Charges of staff : The strength and charges of SSE/JE, Signal Technicians, Sectional gangs and
office staff shall be generally in accordance with an approved yard stick framed
by the Efficiency & Research Directorate of the Railway Board. Where such a
yard stick is not available, the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer shall frame a suitable one with due consideration to the standard of
signalling, type of installation, size of yards, density of train services and general
importance of the section. The designations and code initials of Officers, Supervisors and Signal
Technicians shall be as under Officers
Post Designation
(a) Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer
P.C. S.T. E
Zonal Railway/RE :
(b) Chief Signal Engineer : C. S. E.
(c) Chief Telecommunication Engineer: C. C. E.
(d) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Construction: C.S.T.E/C
(e) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/projects: C.S.T.E/P
(f) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Planning :
(g) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Design & C.S.T.E/
Drawing: D&D
(h) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/ Works: C.S.T.E/ W
(i) Chief Workshop Manager :
(j) Deputy Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer: Dy. C. S. T. E
(k) Senior Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer: Sr. D. S. T. E
(l) Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer: D. S. T. E
(m) Senior/Executive Signal and Telecom Engineer (In HQ) : SSTE/ESTE
(n) Executive Signal & Telecom Engineer (in Extra Divisional
Office) :
(o) Assistant Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (In HQ
and Extra divisional office ) :
(p) Assistant Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer
(In Division) :
Page 5 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department Signal Supervisors
Drawing Office
(a) Drawing and design office of Zonal Railway for open line & Construction
organization is generally situated at Zonal HQ. This will be handled by JAG/SG
officer who will be assisted by Sr. Scale/Jr. Scale officers & SSE's/D&D.
(b) This office is primarily responsible for preparation and checking of various
designs and documents such as Signal Interlocking Plan, Selection Table,
Panel/VDU Diagram, Wiring Diagrams, Application logic Circuits, Interface
circuits etc., as per latest policies and guidelines of Railway Board and HQ office.
(c) All drawings shall be prepared in Auto CAD or similar software. While
proposing alteration in yards, all new work to be shown in red, deletion work to
be shown in green or dotted green,. Future works to be shown in yellow colour
and retention work to be shown in black or as per zonal railway practice. All SSE
posted in drawing office to be given professional training of Auto CAD or similar
(e) Organization for design and drawing with division and other field units of
construction, works, project etc., shall be manned by JE/SIG/D&D or
Page 6 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department
Sr.DSTE(Works), Dy.CSTE/Works, Dy.CSTE/Con, Dy.CSTE/Proj, Dy.CSTE/RE
Page 7 of 273
Chapter 1 : Organisation Of The Signal & Telecommunication Department
Section 1 – Duties of Signal and Telecommunication
Engineers in Charge of Maintenance or Construction Duties of Signal and Telecommunication Engineer in charge of
Maintenance or Construction
(d) Ensuring that all inspection notes of higher authorities receive prompt
action and submit compliance report
(h) Co-ordination with officers and staff of other departments in all other
matters to ensure smooth functioning of Signalling and Telecommunication
(i) Ensuring supply of approved quality materials and tools for the installation
and maintenance of the equipment.
(k) Submission of proposals for Revenue and Works Budget, and for periodic
(m) Ensuring strict discipline amongst his/her staff within the frame work of the
(n) Dealing promptly with appeals and representations from and looking after
the welfare of staff. These instructions with suitable modifications will apply to the other Signal and
Telecommunication Engineers posted to a Division or extra Divisional units for
executions of works.
(d) Having in his possession the under mentioned drawings and registers as
required when called upon to accompany the inspection of superior officers
like Divisional Railway Manager, Principal Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer, General Manager, Commissioner of Railway
Safety or an officer of the Railway Board etc.
(i) Reviewing the position with regard to supply of stores on the Division
(k) (i) Reviewing the staff position periodically to ensure that the strength is
neither in excess nor short of requirements of Rest Giver, Leave
Reserve and Training Reserve to be fulfilled.
(l) Ensure that staff adopt safe working Practices & Arrange for Periodical
Technical briefings and update them of Latest Procedures/Circulars
Note: - The rules in Section '2' will also apply to a Dy. Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer (Construction/Project/ Works), who is entrusted
with the maintenance of any installation as for the time being.
(a) The accuracy, quality and progress of the works entrusted to him and for
ensuring that "each work is efficiently organised and so programmed that it
progresses speedily and is completed within the time specified". If a work is to
be executed through a contractual agency, he shall define Tender Schedules
accurately as per actual requirements at site , without any ambiguity ,
incorporate Special conditions where ever required and ensure quality
execution confirming to laid down Quality standards
(b) Ensuring that all works are carried out strictly in accordance with the
approved plans, Typical drawings issued by PCSTE, standard drawings,
specifications and conforming to the provisions of Manuals. Deviations, if any,
shall have the prior approval of the PCSTE. The Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer in charge of Construction is responsible for :
(c) (i) Ensuring that traffic notices & Programme of Pre –NI and NI shall be
jointly issued by Sr.DSTE/Sr.DOM/Sr.DEN/Sr.DEE(TRD) etc., are
issued in consultation with other Divisional officers before any existing
installation is altered or any new installation is introduced which affects
the safe working of any Signal, points or interlocking :
Note 1:- The rules in Section '3’ will also apply to a Sr. Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer normally in change of maintenance, who is
entrusted with the execution of certain specific works.
Note 3 :- Where ever "His/he " is mentioned in this chapter , it also applies to
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
…………………. RAILWAY
Signature ……………………..
Designation ……………………..
Page 13 of 273
Section 1 – Common duties of SSE (Signal)/in-charge,
Sectional SSE/JE (signal) Technical Duties The Sectional SSE/JE Signal shall report to SSE(Signal)/In-charge for his
work and route his inspection reports to the Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer through the SSE(Signal)/In-charge. The Sectional SSE/JE Signal shall carry out inspection and testing of all
the equipments in his/her charge at intervals not exceeding one month in
accordance with the detailed instructions contained in this Manual and
Maintenance Schedule issued by PCSTE. Telecommunication equipments
entrusted to his maintenance shall be inspected in accordance with
instructions contained in the Telecommunication Manual. While carrying out inspections, the Sectional SSE/JE Signal shall take the
Technician (Signal) of the section with him/her whenever possible.
Chapter 3 - Duties Of Signal Supervisors And Technical Staff
Page 14 of 273 Special attention shall be paid during inspections to the work of each
Technician (Signal) in respect of adjustments, cleaning and lubricating of
moving parts of all points and signal equipment to ensure that they work
smoothly. Any fault detected shall be arranged to be rectified at the
earliest. He shall ensure disconnection of unsafe gear, failure rectification
only after receipt of written memo. The inspection shall be thorough with reference to the prescribed Schedule
of Maintenance and purposeful to ensure that equipments
function satisfactorily, safely and with minimum liability to failures. The Interlocking Plan, Cabin Diagrams, Working Rules etc. shall be
inspected to see that they are up-to-date. Any discrepancy noticed shall be
brought to the notice of the SSE(Signal)/In-charge where ever applicable. A record shall be made in the Signal Failure and Inspection Book at each
station during monthly inspection.
Note: Para is also applicable to all Sectional SSE/JE (Signal) &
Technician(Signal). All signals have adequate visibility as specified in para 7.7 preferably from
the Loco pilot side of the foot-plate. If the visibility of a signal is affected by
growing tree branches or other obstructions, the matter shall be specially
noted. Cases requiring special attention, such as trees in private lands shall
be referred to the Sr. DSTE with full particulars of the topography of the
area for his information, necessary action and instructions. In other cases
the supervisors shall arrange to remove the obstructions as early as
possible. P-Way Staff as per IR P-Way Manual Para-222’’ Anything which may endanger safety or interfere with signalling gears, the
matter shall be brought to the notice of the concerned department. If
immediate action is necessary for reasons of safety, information to be
conveyed to the Station Master and control room. All Signals are correctly focused and are lit brightly. Where a signal light is
not lit bright enough to be visible from an adequate distance, the matter
shall be reported to the SM concerned.
Page 15 of 273 A suitable light is displayed at the token delivery and pick up area for the
driver to clearly drop the incoming token and pick up the outgoing token. All Warning Boards and other boards maintained by Signal department are
in good condition. Signals that are to be replaced to ' ON ' by the passage of trains are being
so replaced. The Sectional SSE/JE(Signal) shall monitor daily all failures on his section.
During his periodical inspection he shall check up the cause indicated as
well as repairs carried out to ensure that similar faults do not recur. In case
of failures of a serious nature, the investigation shall be carried out
immediately, and the SSE(Signal)/In-charge advised. Fully conversant with the rules and regulations, instructions, procedures
and practices of installation, operation and maintenance of all installations
under his charge. The Sectional SSE/JE(Signal) shall ensure that only competent staff are
permitted to work on or make adjustments to any of the signalling gears
which are connected with the safety of trains. The supervisors shall further
ensure that these instructions are clearly understood by all the staff
Page 16 of 273
concerned. The Sectional SSE/JE(Signal) should be conversant with all the new
equipment & technology and shall ensure proper training to subordinate
staff for trouble shooting of the equipment under the charge. The Sectional SSE/JE(Signal) shall ensure that the Technicians are regular
in their maintenance programme and their reports in Form S&T/MR
(Annexure '3/10') are correctly maintained.
(b) Testing, overhauling and carrying out alterations to the existing signal
and interlocking installations in accordance with approved plans and
Page 17 of 273 In his work, the SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall be responsible to the Sr.
DSTE/DSTE/ASTE. Each SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall submit an annual return in duplicate of all
apparatus in service on his section to the Sr.DSTE in prescribed forms. Inspections The SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall carry out all the inspections prescribed in
Para and over his entire jurisdiction at intervals not
exceeding three months. He shall carry out the quarterly foot-plate inspection preferably jointly with
the SSE/Loco and Traffic Inspector by day and by night. He shall also check for Condition of Building and structures in which
equipments are housed; Proper Lighting/Ventilation/Air-conditioning
arrangements (where existing) and take appropriate action. Exception report for a period from last visit to present day visit shall be
taken from Datalogger and action shall be taken against each item to avoid
recurrence A record shall be made in the Signal Failure and Inspection Book at each
station during quarterly inspection. Each SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall maintain a register in which all works that
are beyond the capacity of the Technician(Signal)s shall be entered.
Execution of such works in the order of their importance shall be entrusted
to the section gang. It is desirable that when the gang is sent away from the Headquarters for a
number of days a tool van equipped with all materials and tools for the
work to be done is provided.
Page 18 of 273 Inspection and Testing Certificates The report on each foot-plate inspection must be promptly submitted to the
Sr. DSTE in Form. S&T/FP (Annexure '3/3') every month. At the end of each quarter, the SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall certify that all
signals on his section have been jointly inspected both by day and by night.
He shall also highlight defects and deficiencies noticed during these
inspections which could not be rectified, indicating assistance required.
This certificate shall be kept on record in the office of the Sr. DSTE.
Section 4 - Accidents SSE(Signal)/In-charge, SSE/JE(Signal) and Technicians(Signal) are
responsible for supervision of labour and shall take all precautions to
ensure safety of staff and equipment, prevent accidents to the staff or
damage to apparatus and see that-
Page 19 of 273
Retro reflective Jackets, Safety shoes, belts, pulley blocks, etc.
(c) That all ropes, lifting tackles and staging used for erection of signals,
etc., are adequate and in good condition.
(d) That staff working on the line are vigilant and where necessary
employ look out men The rules for ensuring safety are contained in General Rule 2.11. The
procedures to be followed in regard to accidents are contained in
Chapter VI of General Rules and in the Accident Manual. Each Inspector
shall be well acquainted with the rules concerned. A few salient points in
regard to SSE/JE(Signal) are listed in Annexure ' 3/5'.
Page 20 of 273 Each SSE(Signal)/in charge shall be well acquainted with all the rules
concerned in these publications and circulars issued from time-to-time
which concern his work and duties. These books shall be kept up-to-date
with all the addenda and corrigenda slips issued from time-to-time. He shall
ensure that all staff under his charge are well acquainted with these rules
and regulations to the extent applicable to them.
(d) Point test gauges, Multi-meter, TSR insulation test equipment, Earth
resistance measuring test equipment, Track circuit test equipment,
Cable Fault Locator, Cable Route Locators, a portable telephone to suit
overhead lines or cable circuits depending on the section being
inspected or any other equipment required to test the signalling gears
provided in the section under inspection.
(e) Other tools such as True RMS meter, Clamp meter, measuring tape,
foot rule, sealing plier etc.,
Page 21 of 273
Annexure '3/6'. These only list the broad features and a reference to the
Act and Rules should be made while deciding cases. The SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall arrange to have the blank muster sheets
of staff top-initialed by the Signal and Telecommunication Engineer under
whom he works and issue them to the staff in time. At the end of each
wage period, the muster sheet shall be collected and fresh ones issued. Each SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall inspect and initial the muster sheets of
staff each time that he is on their section. The presence or absence of staff
shall be noted on the spot. The time of inspection and the number of staff
present should be recorded in the muster sheet in ink.
(a) The section particulars with staff, their service and leave records. The SSE(Signal)/In-charge taking over and handing over shall inspect all
important works in progress, check the staff and their tools and plants and
Page 22 of 273
materials-at-site. The relieving SSE(Signal)/In-charge shall examine all Office records and
ledgers and initial them with date. Handing over charge statement shall be jointly signed by the supervisors
taking over and handing over and a copy submitted to the Sr. Divisional
Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. Errors and discrepancies noted
during handing over and taking over, shall be recorded on the statement for
the information of the Sr. Divisional Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer. When the estimate for a new work is sanctioned, the SSE (Signal)/In-
charge shall submit requisitions for the materials without delay and ensure
that all the required materials are made available. No work shall be
physically commenced until it is authorised by the concerned officer. All new signals shall be inspected and passed by a Signal Sighting
Committee consisting of (i) SSE(Signal)/In-charge, (ii) SSE/Loco and (iii)
Traffic Inspector Sighting Certificates should be promptly submitted on form
S&T/SC (Annexure '3/7') to the Dy.CSTE (Construction)/ Sr.Divisional
Signal and Telecommunication Engineer.
Page 23 of 273 Progress Report of Works:- The SSE(Signal)/In-charge of works shall
submit a Progress Report, every month of all the works in his charge to the
Dy.CSTE (Construction) on Form S&T./PR/ (Annexure ' 3/8') which
shall include
(b) Reference to requisitions or work orders against which supply has not
been made; also details of items which are particularly required and on
account of which works are being delayed ;
(a) List of all materials received from the stores and other sources with all
(e) Details of labour with period for which they were employed for the
completion of work.
Page 24 of 273
(g) Transfer unutilised materials from 'Works Registers' of that work to
other works to get the credit for that work. The duties of Signal Technicians are detailed in various Chapters in this
Manual, the most essential being :
(a) Efficient maintenance and testing of all equipments under his charge
such as Mechanical Signalling equipments, Electrical and Electronic
Signalling equipments, Telecommunication equipments etc., so as to keep
them properly maintained and in good working condition, in accordance
with instructions contained in this Manual and such Circulars or
Instructions, as may be issued from time to time. (Note:- The term
Electrical and Electronic Signalling equipments includes all types of Block
(b) Carrying out works and alterations to the existing installations under the
instructions of the SSE/JE (Signal) or S&T officers.
(c) Bringing to the notice of the SSE/JE Signal any emergency and
situation that may be beyond his competence or control by a message on
Chapter 3 - Duties Of Signal Supervisors And Technical Staff
Page 25 of 273
control or phone or other means of communication.
(d) Ensuring that the safety appliances like Safety Belts, lifting tackles and
staging etc., are in good condition and are always made use of in order to
ensure his safety and the safety of staff working under him.
(e) Deploying men for look out duties as and when necessary. The Technician (Signal) shall not remove the covers of interlocking
frames/Control panel or disconnect or alter any connection in the
interlocking circuits of Electrical Interlocking systems except with the
approval of and in the presence of his SSE/JE/Signal. Any action, which
will vitiate interlocking, shall be done only after disconnection notice has
been issued and accepted. A Technician(Signal) shall also ensure that, once the signals have been
suspended as per para, normal working shall not be restored until
the faulty gear has been attended to, tested and certified by the SSE/JE
Signal and the Relay Room, Block Instrument have been closed, pad
locked and sealed. Each Technician(Signal) shall maintain and test all the equipments under
his charge schedule specified for various gears.
Page 26 of 273 Disconnection of Apparatus The Technician(Signal) must seal the equipment opened by him under his
competence. The Signal Technicians shall possess valid Competency Certificate for
handling Signalling equipments like Block instruments, EI, MSDAC etc. The
Competency Certificates are issued to Technician(Signal)s by Training
Centres after successful completion of the training. All failures which are beyond his competence or control must be brought to
the notice of the SSE/JE/Signal section by a message on control or phone
or other means of communication. Record of the date and time of rectification and the nature of the fault
removed must be recorded in the Signal Incidence and Inspection Register
provided at each interlocked station and same will be informed to
JE/SSE(Signal) and signal control also.
Page 27 of 273 ACCIDENTS : On receipt of advice about any accident in his jurisdiction,
the Technician shall proceed to the site of accident by first available
means. He shall not interfere with any equipment on his own but shall act
upon the orders given by the senior most officials at the site of accident. A copy of those portions of each of the books mentioned in Para
as also all circulars and instructions concerning his work, shall be
maintained by him for his reference and information. He shall keep them up
to date in respect of Correction Slips issued from time to time A Technician(Signal) shall not permit any Helper or artisan staff to do any
adjustment to the gear in use except under his personal supervision and he
shall ensure that the staff under him clearly understand this rule. A Technician(Signal), when posted at station where his seniors are not
posted/not available, then, he shall mark his own attendance and that of his
staff on the muster sheets received from the SSE/JE Signal before starting
his work. Erasing and over-writing is not permitted. Loss of muster sheet
shall be brought to the notice of the SSE/JE Signal at the earliest. A Technician(Signal) shall work to the duty rosters provided and see that
the staff under him also works according to the roster. A Technician(Signal) shall always take his tools with him when on duty. All
tools shall be kept in a condition fit for immediate use.
Page 28 of 273
mechanically and controlled electrically. Technician(Signal) shall extend full co-operation to each other in their day-
to-day work.
(vii) Maintaining minimum essential tools with him for day to day works
as per instructions of Technician/JE/SSE.
Page 29 of 273
(ii) Removal of excess bars formation at insulation joints.
(iii) Be aware of working in RE area.
(iv) Check RE bonds, their intactness.
(v) Check water logging in track circuited areas.
(vi) Any other duty assigned by SSE/JE(Signal) or Technician
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
S.no Annexure no Description
1 3/1 Failure Report of Signalling & Interlocking,
Electrical Signalling and Block Signalling
2 3/2 Classification Codes
3 3/3 Foot Plate Inspection of Signals
4 3/4 Inspection Report
5 3/5 Proceeding to Site of Accident:
Hours of Employment Regulations
6 3/6 Workmen’s Compensation Act
Payment of Wages Act
7 3/7 Signal Sighting Committee Report
3/8 JE/SSE’s (Signal) Progress Report
9 3/9 JE/SSE’s(Signal) Completion Certificate
10 3/10 Technician’s (Signal) Report
11 3/11 Disconnection/Reconnection Notice
12 3/12 Situations in which disconnection notice need not
be issued provided suitable precautions are taken
13 3/13 Competency Certificate cum training History book
Page 30 of 273
Annexure ‘3/1’ Form No.S.&T./FS.3.2
Failure Report of Signalling & Interlocking, Electrical Signalling and Block Signalling
appliances for the month of ……………….……Sections ………………
Details of failures for which Signal Branch is responsible
Remarks of
name Trains Detained
Classification of failure
message received by
Date and time failure
Technician arrived.
cause of
and Gear
Duration of failure
failure, how Orders of
S.No. Date Time at
rectified and Sr.D.S.T.E
Time and of Fault
Train any special
necessary to
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
No…………………………. Date…………………
Note:- For further details of failures for which Signal Branch is responsible, please see on the
Forwarded to ………………………….
Date …………………………………... Signature……………………………..
Date…………………………………… Designation…………………………..
Page 31 of 273
S.No. of Name of
Date of last Date of Last Date of last
failure (as Signal Remarks of
visit by Inspection Name of inspection Name of Description
given on the Technician SSE/JE/
Signal by JE/Signal by SSE/Signal of failure
reverse and Head Signal
Technician JE/Signal SSE/Signal
side) quarters
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
Page 32 of 273
Annexure '3/2’
S.No. Department and nature
(a) ‘S’ – Signal Department
16 M.T. Damages.
17 M.D. Interference.
18 M.I.
Total ‘M’ –Miscreants.
Page 33 of 273
Annexure ‘3/3’ Form No.S.&T./FP.3.3
Foot Plate Inspection of Signals
1. Date : Loco Pilot Equipment
2. Section : Detonators
4. Engine No.:
Other Equipments
5. Loco pilot Name : 15. Headlight
11. Speedometer
Note Yes No
Further Remarks :
Page 34 of 273
Annexure ‘3/3’
Page 2
Time Arrival/
Signal .. .. O H S O H S AS O H S O H S
Visibility Insufficie
Out of
Interference from
fixed light/Tree
Loco Pilot following
Lamp Torch
Flag/ Light Off
Showing Guard
Adequacy of lights in
Lighting Board
Page 35 of 273
Annexure '3/4’ Form No.S.&T./IC.3.4
The Sr DSTE,…………………………………
This is to certify that I have personally inspected and tested all the Signals and Telecommunication
gears at the following stations/section on my jurisdiction. The details of inspection carried out are
shown below-
Gear Repairs
Nature of
Station/ done
Inspection Repairs
Date Location during Remarks
and Time Type Condition required
Visited the
Signature ………………………………...
Page 36 of 273
Annexure ‘3/5'
1.1. On receipt of information of the occurrence of an accident, the SSE/JE/Signal shall proceed by
the Quickest-available means to the scene of the accident, with staff and tools and portable control
telephones and establish immediate communication with control.
1.2. He shall make a special note of the exact time of the accident, besides other important details
The SE/JE/Signal shall check his watch, if available with Guard's time, station time and control
time, as the exact time of an accident is often an important clue in determining the cause of the
2. Action at Site.—If the Signal Inspector is not the senior-most official present at the site of the
accident he shall report to the senior-most official and render all possible assistance to him in
taking action detailed in Paras 2.1 to 2.8. If however he is the senior-most official on the spot he
shall himself initiate such action.
2.1. Check that the obstructed line including adjacent lines on a multiple line section is protected as
per rules ;
2.2. Arrange for medical aid to the injured taking the help of medical practitioners, if available;
2.3. After a rapid survey of the position, send brief particulars to the nearest SM to enable him to
issue the all concerned message;
2.4. Record the statements of staff and take whatever steps may be necessary to record or
preserve the evidence which subsequently may not be available. This shall be done by an officer
or SSE/JE/Signal present at the site of the accident even if he is off duty. Evidence shall be
collected and recorded with due care and attention, and later submitted to the Enquiry committee.
2.5. Preserve all clues and record the character and relative position of markings to enable
reconstruction of the scene of the accident. Where immediate repairs are necessary to pass trains,
only such parts of the interlocking gear shall be disconnected as are necessary to carry out the
repairs to the road;
2.6. Scrutinise and initial jointly with the concerned officials noting time and date the Train Register
Books or Train Message Books, Private Number Books, Caution Orders, S. & T./MR, S. & T./DN
forms concerned and any other relevant records. Secure and seal immediately the records directly
connected with the cause of the accident.
2.7. Devote special care and attention in the collection and recording of evidence as prescribed
and in submitting the evidence with all details to the Enquiry Committee;
Note:- The object of recording all available data at site and presenting the evidence at the enquiry
is to ascertain the cause of the accident with a view to prevent its recurrence and, where the cause
is due to negligence, to fix responsibility
2.8. Report the position at site of the accident to the Control Office and to the Sr. DSTE by the
quickest possible means.
3. Special action by SSE/JE/Signal — The SSE/JE/Signal shall pay special attention to the
Page 37 of 273
3.1. Where there is a possibility of signalling being involved, he shall record the following details
which shall be attested by officials of other Departments concerned who are present at the site of
the accident:
Position of levers/Knobs, VDU condition, SM control slides, indication of various points, track
circuits, routes, slot indicators, etc., position of block instrument handles and indications, if any,
aspects of the concerned signals, reading of the counters where provided and conditions of seals
of appliances which are normally kept sealed and any other detail relevant to the accident.
3.2. The Signal Inspector shall along with the other officials at site seal up affected interlocking
gear such as lever frames, cabins, relay rooms, signal location boxes etc ., immediately an
accident occurs in order that these equipments are not interfered with, until necessary tests have
been carried out. The seals shall not be removed until authorised by senior-most official present at
site after conducting necessary tests and recording all necessary facts.
3.3. Furnish a full report to his Sr. DSTE by the quickest possible means.
3.4. After getting permission to restore signalling, every effort shall be made to complete the
restoration as expeditiously as possible.
Page 38 of 273
Annexure '3/6'
(i) Intensive;
(ii) Essentially intermittent;
(iii) Excluded; and
(iv) Continuous.
2.1. Intensive.- Die employment of a railway servant is said to be Intensive when it has been
declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that it is of a strenuous nature involving
continued concentration or hard manual labour with little or no period of relaxation.
The work of a railway servant shall be held to be intensive if it is so declared by the Head of the
Railway on the ground that it involves sustained and strenuous attention or physical exertion—
Such that periods of rest, inaction or relaxation do not aggregate to 6 hours or more in a cycle of
24 hours, and
Such that, in any shift of 8 hours he does not get periods of inaction, rest or relaxation of at least
one hour in the aggregate.
2.3. Excluded.—The employment of a railway servant is said to be ' excluded ' if he belongs to
one of the following categories namely :—
The staff governed by Hours of Employment Regulations will be employed as per the rostered
hours of duty which will in no way exceed the statutory limit of hours of employment. The statutory
limit of hours of employment and the rostered hours of duty will be asunder :—
Page 39 of 273
Statutory limit of hours of employment Rostered hours of duty
(a) A railway servant whose employment is (i) The hours of work shall consist of standard
Intensive shall not be employed for more than hours of duty as under-
45 hours a week and he shall be granted each (a) 42 hours a week in case of Intensive
week commencing an Sunday, a periodical rest workers,
of not less than 30 consecutive hours. (b) 48 hours a week in case of Continuous
(c) In case of E. I. Workers 48 hours a week
plus additional hours of work per week which
will be subject to the prescribed maximum.
(b) A Railway servant whose employment is (ii) In addition to working hours for the three
Essentially Intermittent shall not be employed classifications of workers as in (i) above, the
for more than 75 hours in any week and he shall time required for Preparatory and/or
be granted each week, commencing on Complementary work which includes the work, if
Sunday, a periodical rest of not less than 24 any, of handing and/or taking over charge and
consecutive hours including a full night. has necessarily to be carried on outside the
standard duty hours vide (i) above
(c) A railway servant whose employment is (d) Office staff are rostered for 8 hours a day
continuous shall not be employed for more than including half-an-hour's break, i.e., 7-1/2 hours
54 hours a week and he shall be granted each a day. They enjoy weekly rest on Saturdays and
week commencing on Sunday, a periodical rest Sundays and holidays as declared by the
of not less than 30 consecutive hours. administration
Page 40 of 273
Annexure '3/6' - contd.
4.1. Hours of duty will be exhibited in the duty rosters. (Duties may be shown as running at a
stretch or these may be covered in split shifts). (No duty roster should offend the principle of hours
of work prescribed for concerned workers or should offend the rules against' long ons' and ' short
offs'). Every roster must provide periodic rest as per rules to be enjoyed within the week
commencing from Sunday midnight and ending with Saturday midnight. Weekly rest must nor be
spread over two weeks. Duty rosters for Continuous workers, covered by the principle of
averaging, should be prepared on the basis of 48 hours a week on the average in two weeks plus
time for comp/prep. work, if any. Rosters for those Continuous workers who are not covered by the
principles of averaging should be framed in such a way that their maximum daily statutory hours
are not exceeded. Duty Rosters for Intensive and E. I. workers should also be framed in the same
way in conformity with the two-weekly/weekly average number of hours as prescribed. As fas as
possible, duty rosters should be framed avoiding overtime work as a regular feature. Duty Rosters
of Rest Givers should also be framed in the same way.
4.2. Short off.—A ‘Short off’ means a short period of rest between the end of one rostered duty
and the beginning of the following rostered duty. It is a period of rest where it is less than 12 hours
in a roster of 6 hours' duty and less than 14 hours in a roster mixed of 6 and 8 hours' duty in the
case of Intensive workers, less than 10 hours in the case of Continuous workers and less than 8
hours in the case of E. I. workers (No railway servant should normally be called on duty unless he
has enjoyed rest as above).
4.3. Long on.—A ‘long o' is a period of duty (exclusive of the period or periods of breaks) for long
hours and spread over 8 hours in the case of Intensive workers, over 10 hours in the case of
Continuous workers and over 12 hours if the ease of E. I. workers.
4.4. Split shifts.—Split shift means a shift which is punctuated in the daily tour of duty by breaks
during which the employee is free to leave his place of work. It is a shift which is split up into two or
more parts by intervals (not periods of inaction).
4.5. Night duty.— Night duty means employment during any part of the night from 10.00 p. m. to
6.00 a. m. Full night means the period between 10.00 p. m. and 6.00 a. m. Employment of railway
servants on continuous night duty should be avoided.
4.6. Work beyond ceiling limits.- All Railway workers governed by Hours of Employment
Regulations can be called upon to render duty beyond statutory limits applicable to them by an
order of temporary exemption made under Section 71-C of the Indian Railway Act.
Page 41 of 273
Workmen’s Compensation Act
1. Application:
1.1. The Workmen's Compensation Act applies to all railway servants as also labourers employed
by contractors for the purpose of carrying out railway work but excluding those employed in an
Administrative, District or Sub-Divisional Office and those mentioned in Schedule II of the Act
whose monthly wages exceed Rs. 500.
1.2. The Workmen's Compensation Act does not apply to staff employed hi foreign territories and
no compensation under the Act is, therefore, legally admissible in respect of accidents occurring in
those foreign territories.
2.1. In respect of any injury which does not result in the total or partial disablement of the workman
for a period exceeding three days;
2.2. In respect of any injury not resulting in death caused by an accident which is directly
attributable to—
2.2.1. the workman having been at the time thereof under the influence of drink or drugs, or
2.2.2. the wilful disobedience of the workman to an order expressly given or to a rule expressly
framed, for the purpose of securing the safety of a workman, or
2.2.3. the wilful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or other device which he
knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing the safety of workmen.
3.1. In the case of accidents, which result hi the death of railway servants or Contractor's servants
doing work for the railway, employed otherwise than in clerical capacity, within railway premises,
the Divisional Officer concerned shall, within seven days of the date of death, send a report to the
Commissioner in the prescribed form. In the case of staff governed by the Factories Act, etc, the
forms laid down in those Acts for this purpose shall be used for reporting the fact to the
3.2. This notice shall always be sent irrespective of whether the deceased workman, was or was
not on duty at the time-In the latter case the Commissioner's attention shall be drawn to it
3.3. Copies of such reports shall be sent to the General Manager and the Head of the Department.
Page 42 of 273
Annexure '3/6' - contd.
3.1. Responsibility far Payment of Wages.—Every employer shall be responsible for the payment
to persons employed by him of all wages to be paid under this Act. In factories, the person named
as the Manager of the factory will be responsible for the payment.
3.2. Fixation of wage periods.—Every person responsible for the payment of wages to persons
employed by him shall fix periods in respect of which such wages shall be payable and no wage
period shall exceed one month.
3.3. Time of payment of wages.—Wages shall be paid on a working day within 7 days of the last
day of the wage period in an establishment where less than 1000 men are employed and in other
establishments before the expiry of the tenth day.
When the employment of any person is terminated by or on behalf of the employer, the wages
earned by him shall be paid before the expiry of the second working day from the day on which his
employment is terminated.
3.4. Deductions which may be made from wages.- The wages of an employed person shall be paid
to him without deductions of any kind except those authorised by or under this Act.
3.5. Deductions for absence from duty.—Deductions may be made only on account of the absence
of an employed person from the place or places where he is required to work, such absence being
for the whole or any part of the period during which he is so required to work.
3.6. Deductions for damage or loss.—A deduction for damage to or loss of goods not exceeding
the amount of the damage or loss caused to the employer by neglect or default of the employed
person. Deductions under this clause shall not be made unless it is established—
3.6.1. that the money or goods lost or damaged was expressly entrusted to the custody of the
employees concerned, and
3.6.2. that the cause of such loss or damage is directly attributable to his neglect or default
3.7. Display of notices.—The person responsible for the payment of wages to men employed in a
factory shall cause so be displayed in such a factory a notice containing such abstract of this act
and of the rules made thereunder in English and in the language of the majority of persons in the
factory as may be. prescribed by the Government.
Page 43 of 273
Annexure '3/7’ Form No.S&T./SC 3.7
Signal Sighting Committee Report
Name of Work.……………………………..
Sighting of.…………………………………
We, the undersigned members of the Signal Sighting Committee having met at ……………………….……..and sighted the view of the Signals noted,
below recommend that their dimensions and locations should be given against each -
Is the
Visibility of
Distance Distance in Distance proposed
Distance in Is the existing the Are light Are light
in meters meters of in meters Signal on
Name of the Height of Height of meters of Signal on the proposed indicator indicator
of the the of the the left
station and existing proposed the left hand or Signals from and arm and arm
existing proposed existing hand or
Ref. of Signal Signal Signal proposed right hand Drivers point repeater repeater Remarks
Signal Signal from Signal right hand
(giving Up or above rail above rail Signal from side of the of view in provided to required
from the the from a side of the
Down) level level a fixed track to which normal the existing for the new
adjacent adjacent fixed track to
track it refers weather signal signal
track track track which it
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
Page 44 of 273
Annexure '3/8’ Form No.S.&T./PR/3.8
Signature ………………………………...
Page 45 of 273
Annexure '3/9’
(b) Instructions contained in the Signal Engineering Manual and Schedule of Standard
Dimensions except deviations as sanctioned . Vide your letter No…………………….
Dated…………………..20 ..………….…..(Supervisor).
Page 46 of 273
Annexure ‘3/10’
Date of Visit Name of Train No. and Train No. and Maintenance
Station/Cabin time arrived time departed Work Done
1 2 3 4 5
Signature of Technician/Signal
Page 47 of 273
Annexure 3/11
Disconnection / Reconnection Notice
Page 48 of 273
Annexure ‘3/12’
vi) Inspection and cleaning of inside equipment by opening the covers of point
machines, signal motors, reversers, apparatus cases and detectors.
viii) Cranks, compensators, pullies, wheels, roller stands, counterweights & levers.
x) Insulation joints.
xi) Lens/roundels of signal, point indicator, trap indicator & shunt permitting indicator
provided phantom indication to driver of an incoming train is prevented by covering
A.3.2 Testing of
i) Track locking, approach locking, back locking, indication locking, route release.
ii) Checking various parameters of axle counter without disconnecting the equipment.
iv) Lever frame, SM's control frame, signal operation, point operation, level crossing
gate & slot circuits.
vi) Checking and testing of track circuit parameters when the track is unoccupied,
vii) Focussing of colour light signal provided phantom indication to Loco pilot of an
incoming train is prevented by covering lenses.
Page 49 of 273
A.3.3 Adjustment of
i) Wire transmission except double wire operated point transmission, where existing
ii) Tightening of terminals using insulated tools without causing any shorts on adjacent
A.3.4 Replacement of
vii) G. D. tubes,
ix) Pulley, bottom roller/ top roller in wire and rod transmission one at a time and split
Page 50 of 273
Annexure ‘3/13’
Competency Certificate cum training History book
Certificate number..................
This is to certify that
Shri .
S/o Shri .
Designation .
Staff No. .
Station .
Division .
who has undergone training in....................................has been examined in the relevant rules
and instructions pertaining to his duties stipulated in the Signal Engineering Manual & General
and subsidiary rules and he is competent to undertake independently such work which may
necessitates disconnection of signalling and interlocking gear in service under open line
This certificate is valid upto............................................
He is also qualified to work on the following block instruments and is competent to disconnect
and restore working (Tick the appropriate)
1 Double line block instrument .
2 Single line token block instrument .
3 Single line push button block instrument .
4 Single line handle type block instrument .
5 . .
6 . .
S& T Training centre
Page 51 of 273
Block Instruments
Date Renewed upto Signature
Added Deleted
Last attended
S.No Course No. Next Due Signature
From To
Page 52 of 273
Section 1 : Introduction Budget Terms Demands for Grants :- On the basis of the Budget Estimates received
from the various Railway Administrations and other spending units, the
Railway Board prepare their " Demand for Grants " and present them to
the Parliament or the President, as the case may be, for sanction.
Chapter- 4 Budget Estimates, Expenditure And Budget Control And Completion Reports
Page 53 of 273 Review of Expenditure :- The sufficiency or otherwise of the sanctioned
budget allotments shall be reviewed periodically by each Railway
Administration on the basis of expenditure actually incurred upto the time
of review and the anticipated expenditure during the remaining portion of
the financial year. The detailed procedure in regard to review of
Expenditure is contained in Chapter III of the Indian Railway Financial
Code, Volume I (extracts at Annexure '4/2 '). Demands for Grants :- All revenue working expenses of the Railway are
classified under 13 sub major heads with separate abstract for each sub
major head. The sub major heads are divided into minor, sub and
detailed heads as detailed in Volume II of the Indian Railway Financial
Code (Minor, sub and detailed heads, relevant to Signaling and
Telecommunication are at Annexure ' 4/3') Revenue and Works Budgets :- Budget estimates of the Signal and
Telecommunication Department comprise mainly of the following :-
Chapter- 4 Budget Estimates, Expenditure And Budget Control And Completion Reports
Page 54 of 273 Compilation of Plant and Machinery Programme The detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of the Plant
and Machinery Programme are contained in Chapter XV of the Indian
Railway Code for the Mechanical Department (Workshops). Accounting All vouchers, such as debit notes for stores supplied, freight bills shall be
carefully scrutinised before acceptance as to the reasonableness and
propriety of the debits raised. Wherever necessary, such debits shall be
correlated and checked with the initial records in the office, such as
indents and work orders on Workshops, and necessary endorsements
made thereon.
Chapter- 4 Budget Estimates, Expenditure And Budget Control And Completion Reports
Page 55 of 273 Register of Works :- The object of maintaining the Register of Works
and Instructions in regard to maintenance of the same are contained in
Paras 1472, 1473, 1474 and 1475 of Engineering Code (Annexure '4/9') When passing requisitions for materials and tools, for works or
maintenance, and also while sanctioning temporary and seasonal labour,
the Sr. Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer in charge
shall ensure that the amounts involved are within the allotments and also
within provision in the sanctioned estimates. Before execution of agreements and work orders with contractors the
Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer shall ensure that
these have been carefully checked in every respect. Rates allowed in
bills received from firms shall be carefully scrutinized before they are
passed for payments.
Chapter- 4 Budget Estimates, Expenditure And Budget Control And Completion Reports
Page 56 of 273
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
S.no Annexure no Description
1 4/1 Powers of the Railway Board
2 4/2 Review of Expenditure
3 4/3 Revenue Expenditure
4 4/4 Preparation of the Budget
5 4/5 Works Machinery and Rolling Stock Budget
6 4/6 Classification of Capital and other Works
7 4/7 Distribution of Funds by the Railway Board
8 4/8 Revenue Allocation Registers
9 4/9 Register of works is a collective record of
expenditure designed
10 4/10 Revenue and Works Expenditure
11 4/11 Completion Estimates
Chapter- 4 Budget Estimates, Expenditure And Budget Control And Completion Reports
Page 57 of 273
Annexure ‘4/1'
(1) Powers of the Railway Board: Within the amount of a grant as voted by the Parliament, the
Railway Board have full power of transferring the provision from one sub-head to another by a
formal order of re-appropriation but re-appropriations, from one grant to another are not
permissible. Under Grant No. 16 no re-appropriation of funds is permissible between Capital,
Railway Funds and Revenue even though re-appropriation is permissible between the various sub-
heads of grant viz., the various plan heads. As regards "Charged" expenditure there are no
restrictions on the powers of the Railway Board to transfer provision from one sub-head to another
by a formal order of re-appropriation but no re-appropriation is permissible from one grant to
another from " Charged " heads to " Voted " heads or Vice Versa. (Para 376)
(2) Powers of Railway Administrations: No re-appropriation is permissible between " Voted "
and " Charged " allotments or between the allotments made under one grant and another. In the
case of Grant No. 16 no re-appropriation is permissible between the Capital Railway funds and
revenue. The re-appropriations. (Para 377)
(i) to and from the provision for the following plan heads under Grant No. 16 :—
(a) New Lines (Construction);
(b) Gauge Conversion;
(c) Electrification Projects;
(d) Track renewals ;
(e) Staff quarters, } Staff Welfare Works.
(f) Amenities for staff } Staff Welfare Works.
(g) Passenger Amenities and other Railway Users' amenities.
(ii) to and from the provision for " Payments to other Railways " in Grant No. 9, and ;
(iii) to and from the provision for " Suspense " in Grant No, 12 require the prior approval of the
Railway Board.
(3) The amount allotted to the Railway administrations under the Civil Grant for " Interest on debt
and other obligations and reduction or avoidance of debt " is distributed under the following units of
re-appropriations, viz.,
(4) Other re-appropriations may be sanctioned by the Railway Administrations but no re-
appropriations are permissible after the close of the financial year i. e., 31st March. The re-
appropriations by Railway administrations should not be made haphazardly on the basis of
individual items of expenditure where the original provision is exceeded, nor should they be
postponed to be made only towards the end of the year. The Railway administration should review
the position as a whole at intervals and carry out the necessary re-appropriations. When funds
have to be provided for new expenditure under one of the sub-heads and the administrations are
definitely in a position to transfer the grant from another sub-head for this purpose, the
appropriations should be made promptly. The whole object is to ensure that, as far as possible,
funds which are not required are withdrawn from disbursing officers as soon as it is definitely
Page 58 of 273
known that they are not required, and incidentally to provide that any really unavoidable
expenditure is met from such savings as far as possible. (Para 379).
(5) All proposals far re-appropriation of funds which are beyond the General Manager's powers
shall be submitted to the Railway Board sufficiently early to admit of action being taken before the
close of the financial year. (Para 380)
Page 59 of 273
Annexure '4/2' Form No. F. 383
(1) Review of Expenditure :—Railway Administrations should review their expenditure in August to see whether any modifications are necessary in
the allotments placed at their disposal. The review in respect of each grant should be submitted to the Railway Board in Form No. F-383 so as to
reach them not later than 1st September each year. (Para 383)
(2) The Administrations should review the position in as much detail as possible at the time, and if there is any new expenditure which was definitely
not anticipated in the budget and which cannot be postponed without serious detriment to safety or efficiency, they should examine whether such
expenditure can be met by saving in expenditure provided for in the budget, when such savings can be foreseen or can be achieved without serious
damage. The review should show whether such examination discloses the necessity of additional grants or the possibilities of net savings, in order to
enable the Board to set off savings on one railway against excesses on another and to arrive at one estimate of the net additional grant required if
any. (Para 384)
(3) Final Modification Statement.— The Railway Board should be furnished, for each grant separately, so as to reach them not later than the 21st
February each year, with statements showing the additional allotments required (both voted and charged) or surrenders to be made, during the cur
rent financial year under each head of appropriation, as prescribed in the budget orders, and requiring the sanction of the President. The variations
Page 60 of 273
between the Final modified allotment required and the revised estimates as fixed by the Board should in all cases be supported by adequate
explanations of the reasons for the demand or surrender. (Para 315)
(4) The railways should, however, continue to review the budgetary position further on submission of the Final Modification statements and any
modification that may be considered necessary as a result of new factors visualized and the further review of budgetary position should be advised
telegraphically to the Board so as to reach them on the 1st of March or any other date in March which would be advised to the Railways by the Board.
(Para 386)
(5) Any important changes subsequently found necessary, should be intimated before the 20th March of the year, to enable President to accord
sanction to them where possible, so that the Railway Administration may sanction in time, before the 31st March of the year, any re-appropriations to
cover the anticipated excess over allotments. (Para 388)
Page 61 of 273
Annexure '4/3’
Revenue Expenditure
Page 62 of 273
Expenses. Welfare.
Note:- Sub heads are further divided into Detailed Heads. The expenditure is classified into primary
Units (objects) of Expenditure. For further details, Revised Classification of accounts of
expenditure and earnings may be referred to.
Page 63 of 273
Annexure ‘4/4'
(1) For the preparation of the Budget by the Railway Board, the Railway Administrations and other
authorities empowered to incur expenditure are required to submit to the Railway Board their
revised estimates for the current year and budget estimates for the following year on the dates
prescribed below— (Para 307)
The revised estimates are required in respect of the current year and Budget Estimates for the
following year.
(2) Responsibility for framing the Estimates.— Preparation of the Revised and Budget Estimates
should commence at the 'grass root level' i. e., Division, Workshop, Stores Depot, etc., as the case
maybe. The entire responsibility for framing the estimates devolves upon the spending/earning
authorities concerned, though the actual work of compilation and scrutiny would rest with the
Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer who would also draw the attention of the General
Manager to matters of purely financial impart. (Para 309)
(3) The estimates should be as accurate as possible and, to achieve this object, care should be
taken to see that the data on which the forecast is based is adequate and reliable and that the
conclusions arrived at from the data can be sustained by past experience and future expectations
of likely events. (Para 310)
(4) No stereotyped method of estimating will be helpful in forecasting accurately, unless the data
on which the forecast is based is selected with due care and all the useful knowledge is brought to
bear on the conclusion to be derived from the data. The manner in which the data required for the
preparation of the estimate should be collected is, therefore, left to the General Managers, but the
general principles on the basis of which the various estimates should be framed are described,
wherever necessary, in the following paragraphs. (Para 311)
(5) The Revised and Budget Estimates should be framed by the various concerned authorities
separately for—
(6) The estimates of expenditure in respect of each demand should be prepared in duplicate, the
figure being given in thousands of rupees. In preparing their estimates the Railway Administrations
should ensure that the figures of actual expenditure for the preceding year shown in the estimate
agree with those reported to the Railway Board. The figures of actual expenditure for the current
year should represent the latest data. (Para 325)
(7) Explanation of variations.—A brief narrative explanation should be given of the causes (with
amounts involved in each case) of substantial differences between the figures adopted for the
revised estimates of the current year and (i) the actual of the previous year, and (ii) budget
allotment for the current year. Similar explanation should be given for differences between the
figures of the budget estimate of the ensuing year and the revised estimate of the current year.
Large variations which compensate each other should also be indicated. (Para 326)
(8) The revised estimate for the current and the budget estimate for the next year should be fixed
after taking into account the expenditure of the previous year and comparing the expenditure
during the first seven months of the year with the corresponding period of the previous year. A full
explanation of special features and any exceptional and abnormal adjustments (with amounts
involved) included in each period of the pervious and current year as also in the next year, should
Page 64 of 273
be given in the explanatory note accompanying the estimates. The financial effect of variations on
account of specific reasons should be clearly brought out under each Demand. (Para 327)
(9) When the expenditure anticipated in the last five months of the year is disproportionate as
compared with (i) the first seven months of the year or (ii) the corresponding period of the previous
year, reasons for the disproportionate expenditure should be given in the revised estimate. Special
and non-recurring items of expenditure in a year should show a corresponding saving in the
following year. Likewise, when transfers are made from one demand to another due to changes in
classification, the saving shown under one demand should agree with the excess shown under the
other demand.
Page 65 of 273
Annexure '4/5 '
1. Works Machinery and Rolling Stock Budget.—The revised and budget estimates for
expenditure on construction acquisition, and replacement of assets (briefly known as the Works
Budget) are prepared in the form of the Works Machinery and Rolling Stock Programmes. The
Works Programme is required to be prepared in accordance with the instructions embodied in
Chapter VI of the Indian Railway Code for the Engineering Department. (Para 5.12 may be referred
to) (Para 346).
2. There is one single Demand for Grant for Works Budget viz., Demand No. 16—Assets
Acquisition, Construction and Replacement ; and expenditure whether met out of loan obtained
from the general exchequer or internal resources of Railways viz, ' Revenue', the ' Depreciation
Fund ', the ' Development Fund ' and ' Accident Compensation,' Safety and Passenger Amenities
Fund in the case of last mamed fund, expenditure on safety works and passenger amenities works
only, is included in this Demand. Works Demand provides for booking of expenditure by— various
plan heads ; the list of Plan Heads is as follows—
Page 66 of 273
Annexure ‘4/6’
The sources of financing will be indicated in the beginning by the following alphabets:-
P – Capital.
Q – DRF.
R – OLW (R)
S - DF
U – Revenue.
The next 4 digits will represent the Main, Sub and Detailed Heads of Classification, as illustrated
Classification of Capital and other Works Expenditure
*(Detailed Heads No.1173, 1177 for S.& T. and 1179 for Motor Vehicles).
Page 67 of 273
Annexure '4/7'
(1) Distribution of Funds by the Railway Board.—The Grants as voted by the Parliament and
the appropriations for the charged expenditure as sanctioned by the President, are distributed by
the Railway Board among the Railway Administrations and other authorities subordinate to them,
as soon as possible, after the Budget is sanctioned. The sums so distributed are called
"Allotments" and the orders by means of which the allotments are made are called "Budget
Orders". The allotments made out of funds voted by the Parliament are shown as "Voted" and
those fixed by President are shown as "Charged". (Para 361)
(2) The Budget Orders are accompanied by the final issues of " Demands for Grants " and " Works,
Machinery and Rolling Stock Programmes" containing the detailed distribution of the Budget
allotment made to The Railway administrations for working expenses and Capital, Depreciation
Reserve Fund, Development Fund, Open Line Works (Revenue) and Accident Compensation,
Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund expenditure. The Budget allotment made to a Railway
administration is intended to cover all charges, including the liabilities for past years to be paid
during the year or to be adjusted in the accounts for it. It shall be operative until the close of the
financial year. Under the ' doctrine of lapse " any unspent balance shall lapse and shall not be
available for utilization in the following year. (Para 362)
(3) In the event of the Budget Orders of the Railway Board not being received before the
commencement of the financial year, the Railway administrations are empowered to incur
expenditure, pending the receipt of the Budget Order, on works which were in progress at the end
of the previous financial year. All expenditure incurred under this rule must be treated as a charge,
against the allotment eventually made for such works. (Para 363)
(4) Distribution of Funds by General Managers to Lower Authorities.— Subject to the other
provisions of this Chapter or of any general or specific orders issued by The Railway Board, a
General Manager is expected to take steps immediately to distribute the funds, placed at his
disposal, to authorities subordinate to him in such manner as he may consider most suitable,
provided that the total of the sums so allocated does not exceed that total of the grant placed at his
disposal. In making this initial distribution, he may, at his discretion, keep a sum unallotted as a
reserve for emergencies that may arise in future. He may also vary the initial distribution as
necessity arises during the course of the year. In regard to " Carry over " works, the latest
information as to the necessity and extent of funds required for such works should be obtained
from the authorities concerned and taken into consideration in making the initial distribution. (Para
(5) No expenditure shall be incurred by an authority without the allotment of necessary funds. The
authorities to whom the funds are allotted, shall be responsible to report at once to the next higher
authority the probability of any lapses or excesses over the sums placed at their disposal. ln
exceptional cases, where expenditure is authorized in anticipation of the allotment of funds, or in
excess of the existing provision, the authorization should be followed, as soon as possible, by a
formal allotment of funds to the extent required. (Para 367)
(6) The expenditure on each work shall be limited to the sum allotted for it. If for exceptional
reasons, expenditure in excess of Budget allotment has to be incurred and if the authority incurring
the expenditure is either not in a position to find funds by reappropriation or is not empowered to
sanction a reappropriation there of, application for additional funds shall be made to the next higher
authority slating how the expenditure is proposed to be met. In doing so, it should invariably be
explained why the need for the expenditure was not foreseen in time for inclusion in the Budget
and why the outlay cannot be postponed to the next financial year. In each case a copy of the
order making the allotment or sanctioning a reappropriation shall be sent to the Accounts Officer
concerned by the authority issuing the order or sanctioning the reappropriation. (Para 368)
Page 68 of 273
(7) Responsibility of Railway Administrations in case of Excesses of Lapses.—The Railway
administrations shall be responsible to ensure that no expenditure is incurred in excess of the
Budget allotments made to them. Should it become apparent at any time that the grant for the year
is likely to be exceeded from any cause whatsoever, the General Manager should report the
position to the Railway Board and apply for additional funds. No liability may be incurred in one
year against anticipated grants of a succeeding year except that advance commitments for
procurement of stores for works may be made as provided in para 812-S to the extent authorised
by the Railway Board from time-to-time. (Para 371)
(8) It shall also be the duty of the administrations to see that the allotments made to them are fully
expended, in so far as in consistent with economy and the prevention of large expenditure in the
last months of the year for the sole purpose of avoiding lapses. They shall be responsible for
ensuring that money which is not likely to be needed during the year is promptly surrendered so as
to allow of its appropriation for other purposes. (Para 372)
(10) Expenditure to meet a sudden increase in traffic or for ensuring the safe operation of traffic
may be incurred with the personal sanction of the General Manager in anticipation of the allotment
of necessary funds by the Railway Board provided that the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts
Officer concurs. This power cannot be delegated and can be exercised by the General Manager
only where the expenditure is within his power of sanction. In all cases where this requires an
allotment of additional funds, a report showing the expenditure involved and the additional funds
required should be submitted to the Railway Board, as soon as possible. (Para 374)
Page 69 of 273
Annexure '4/8 '
The entries in the Revenue Allocation Registers maintained in the Accounts Office shall be sub-
divided as under—
and sufficient space should be left after each head for the entries which normally come under it.
Alternatively, separate registers may be maintained to record the expenditure in these three
divisions, in which case a separate summary will have to be prepared to arrive at the total
expenditure under the various heads of revenue classification. The sanctions by heads of accounts
as given in the Authorization Rolls or the Distribution Statement of Budget allotment should be
entered in red ink at the head of the several Abstracts so as to form a ready means of comparison
and check with the outlay and to admit of this being done the grand total expenditure for each
month will be deducted at the foot of the abstract form (Form E. 1469), the sanctioned amount and
the balance thus arrived at will be carried forward in red ink from month to month. At the end of the
month when the Registers have been totalled, the ' Cash ' totals will be agreed with the debits to '
Demands Payable ' in the Monthly Classified Abstract of Cash transactions and a journal slip will
be prepared crediting ' Demands Payable' and debiting the various abstracts of the Revenue
Accounts. (Para 1469)
Note: - The expenditure (Other than on surveys) under the major head 345-A/B Policy formulation
direction, research and other Miscellaneous Organizations should be recorded in a separate
register in accordance with the prescribed classification.
Page 70 of 273
Annexure '4/9'
(i) for effecting control of expenditure on works with reference to estimates, by facilitating
comparison between the expenditure incurred on each work and the detailed provision made in the
estimate for work ; (Para 1472)
(ii) for effecting budgetary control, by facilitating a comparison between the budget allotment for the
work and the actual expenditure to the end of the month ; and
(2) Single set of works registers.- Detailed Register of Works in form E-1473 given below should
be kept for all sanctioned works including those chargeable to Revenue, 'New minor works',
showing the amounts of estimates sanctioned. This register shall be maintained in the Accounts
Office both for open line and construction organisation. (Para 1473 )
Name of work……………………………………………………………………………
Capital………………………………………...Rs. Cash……………………………..Rs.
Amenities Fund……………………………………………………………………………
Date of commencement…………………………………………………………………...
Date of completion……………………………………………………………………….
Page 71 of 273
Annexure – Contd.
Date Vouch Development Material at site
ular Capital DRF Revenue supply of advance of Cash store total
er Fund materials payment of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
(3) This register should show the amount of estimate sanctioned, the budget allotment and details of expenditure on each work by heads of accounts
and in addition under sub-heads of estimates in case of track renewal works estimated to cost Rs. 3 lakhs and over and Rs. 1 Lakh over and in the
case of other works. In this register sub-heads of estimate estimated, to cost less than Rs. 10,000 need not be separately detailed, but may be
grouped together as may be found convenient. The Register may be arranged by detailed heads of classification (for works falling under the demand
relating to creation and replacement of assets) separate folios being set apart for each work. At the close of every month the register of works should
be totalled up and the monthly, yearly and 'up-to-date' totals for each work struck. The register of works should be preserved for a period of 10 years.
(Para 1474)
(4) In posting the Register of works in the case of works, the accounts of which are kept by sub-heads, the last column relating to each work will
always show the ' total charges', the last column but one will show ' value of materials received in advance of payment to contractors', the last column
but two will show the value of the 'materials-at-site' and the last column but three will show 'advance payment for supply of materials'. In case of
works, the accounts of which are not kept by sub-heads, the value of 'materials-at-site' need not be separately shown but the value of materials
received in advance of payment to contractor and advance payment for supply of materials, if any, should be shown in all cases. (Para 1475)
Page 72 of 273
Annexure '4/10'
(1) Revenue and Works Expenditure.—As all Railway expenditure, other than that ' charged '
on the Consolidated Fund of India, is voted in the form of the Demands for Grants, the budgetary
control is intended to ensure that expenditure is incurred for the purposes, and within the limits, as
voted by Parliament. (Para 504)
(2) The exercise of authority for incurrence of expenditure carries with it also the responsibility for
control of expenditure within the authorised limits. Further, these powers are subject to provisions
contained in the various Codes, rules and regulations and also observance of the standards of
financial propriety. (Para 505)
(3) Standards of financial propriety.—In the exercise of their financial powers, the sanctioning
authorities must pay due regard to the following principles :— (Para 116)
(i) The expenditure should not prima facie be more than the occasion demands, and that every
Government servant should exercise the same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from
public moneys as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of the expenditure of his
own money.
(ii) No authority should exercise its powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass an order which will
be directly or indirectly to its own advantage.
(iii) Public moneys should not be utilised for the benefit of a particular person or section of the
community unless—
(b) "a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court of law ; or(c) the expenditure is in
pursuance of a recognised policy or custom.
(iv) The amount of allowances, such as travelling allowances, granted to meet expenditure of a
particular type, should be so regulated that the allowances are not on the whole sources of profit to
the recipients.
(4) Revenue Expenditure.—The revised and budget estimates of ordinary working expenses
submitted by the General Manager to the Railway Board are based on detailed estimates of
revenue expenditure obtained by him from the various heads of departments of the railway. On
receipt of the allotment from the Railway Board, these detailed estimates may require modification
consistent with the allotment sanctioned by the Railway Board or as may be deemed necessary by
the General Manager. (Para 506)
(5) Within the amounts of the allotments fixed by General Manager for the various spending
authorities in charge of divisions and departments, such authorities have full power to sanction
expenditure on revenue account during the year, subject to the condition that the specific sanction
of the competent authority must be obtained separately to all items of expenditure on
establishment and experimental or special temporary works where under rules or orders such
sanction is necessary ; in a case in which the General Manager has prescribed that detailed
estimates should be prepared and administrative approval and technical sanction obtained before
the incurrence of expenditure, the procedure laid down by the General Manager must be followed.
(Para 508)
Page 73 of 273
registers is to keep the heads of divisions, and departments informed of the progress of
expenditure against the allotments placed at their disposal by the General Manager, which should
be entered in red ink in the appropriate columns provided for in these registers, so as to form a
ready means of comparsion and check with the outlay. (Para 512)
(7) Monthly Financial Reviews.—The monthly reviews show the expenditure to the end of the
previous month, against the allotments placed at the disposal of the controlling authorities under
each sub-head of the grant for which they are responsible. The review should be prepared in Form
No. 513 and submitted to the controlling authorities every month, by such date as may be fixed in
consultation with them. .
Form No.F.51
Note- The periods have been shown in the Pro forma for the purpose of illustration only.
Page 74 of 273
estimates and against funds. The check should originate in the lowest executive unit, Viz., a
division. (Para 520)
Note.—Estimates are prepared for New Minor Works costing over Rs. 5,000 each which are
chargeable to "Open Line Works-Revenue ". The provisions in paragraph (10) apply equally to
such works.
(10) The Works Registers (Form No. E. 1474) maintained in each division enable a running
comparison to be made between- (Para 521)
(a) the expenditure incurred on each work and the detailed provision made in the estimate for the
work, and
(b) the budget allotment for the work and the actual expenditure to the end of the month.
The executive officer should examine the works registers monthly or at more frequent intervals,
and watch the progress of expenditure on each work, so that any tendency towards excess over
sanctioned estimates may be investigated and curbed or fresh administrative and technical
sanctions obtained in time to cover the anticipated excess.
(11) Review of Expenditure.—The Accounts Officer should prepare every month two reviews, one
by sub-heads/Plan heads of the Grant and the other by individual works, and present them to the
authorities concerned by such dates as may be fixed in consultation with them. (Para 524)
(12) The review of expenditure chargeable to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development
Fund, Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund Open Line Works—
Revenue by sub-heads/Plan Heads of the Grant should be prepared monthly by the Accounts
Officer in Form No. F. 525. (Para 525)
Form No.F.525
Review showing Progress of Expenditure chargeable to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund,
Accident Compensation, Safety and passenger Amenities Fund and Open Line “ Works-Revenue
to end of ……………………………
Department……………………………….. Office……………………………………
Page 75 of 273
The quarterly reviews for period ending June, September and December may be sent to the Board
by 25th of the second following month to which the figures relate. The review for the period ending
March, will be sent to the Board by 6th August, each year.
Reasons for variations and brief remarks as to the rate of progress of expenditure to be indicated
in Col. 12 of the Form, should be meaningful and should be recorded in consultation with the
spending authorities.
Page 76 of 273
Annexure '4/11'
(1) Completion Estimates.—In the case of Railway Projects costing over rupees one crore, the
Construction or Abstract Estimate should be closed at the end of one of the first three financial half
years after the date of " opening " (as defined in para 2) as maybe convenient and a "completion
estimate" prepared. The completion estimate is a "stock taking estimate" and all works not started
on that date are excluded from the scope of the project and are to be dealt with separately. (Para
(2) In the case of open line projects the date of "opening " should be held to be the date on which
the projects fulfills he purpose for which it was sanctioned. (Para 1702)
(3) Closing the Accounts of a Project.—Those items of work which were in progress at the time of
closing of Construction or Abstract should be got completed and the accounts of the project should
be closed as soon as possible. Executive Engineers in-charge of project should therefore take
prompt action to bring to account all charges and credits pertaining to the projects. They should
before closing the accounts of a project, take steps to liquidate all outstanding liabilities, clear
suspense balances, pay up all outstanding contractor's claims and dispose of all surplus stores
and tools and plant returned from works. After all charges and credits relating to the project have
been booked in the accounts of the project a Completion Report of the project should be prepared.
(Para 1704)
(4) Form of Completion Report—The Completion Report should be prepared in the following
form and brief explanations should be furnished for—
(i) excess of not less than 10 per cent or Rs. 25,000 whichever is less over the estimated provision
under each sub-work ;
(ii) saving of not less than 20 per cent or Rs. 1 lakh whichever is less, occurring under any sub-
work. (Para 1706)
(5) Completion of Works.—In common with works costing over Rupees one crore, a work or
scheme costing less than this amount should be considered as completed when it fulfills the
purpose for which it, when sanctioned, was intended, and when there has been no expenditure
thereon for three months thereafter. All outstanding debits and credits pertaining to a completed
work should as a rule be adjusted in the account of the work within three months of the date of
completion. The accounts of a completed work should be closed six months after the date of
completion and a completion report of the work drawn. (Para 1708)
Page 77 of 273
(6) A completion report for works costing Rupees one crore and less should subject to the detailed
instructions issued by the Railway Administration, be prepared in the same form as that for works
costing over Rupees one crore. It should compare the actual expenditure incurred with the
sanctioned amount and should give under each sub work brief explanations of all excesses and
savings of over 5 per cent or Rs. 10,000 whichever is less. The authority sanctioning the estimate
may prescribe any additional information to be submitted along with the completion report.
(Para 1709)
(7) A certificate to the effect that necessary addenda or corrigenda to the list of Buildings have
been issued should be recorded on all completion reports for staff quarters and other buildings. A
certificate to the effect that the necessary entries have been made in the siding registers and the
register of deposit works should be recorded on all completion reports relating to assisted sidings
and deposit works. (Para 1710)
(8) A completion report duly verified by the Accounts Officer should ordinarily be submitted to the
authority who accorded the administrative approval to the work for information or regularisation. In
respect of structural and track renewal works costing over Rupees ten lakhs included in the
sanctioned budget with the prior approval of the Railway Board, and works sanctioned out of turn
with the administrative approval of The Railway Board being beyond the General Manager's power
of sanction, the completion reports may be finally dealt with by General Managers except (a) when
they involve an excess beyond the General Manager's powers of sanction or (b) when a material
modification is involved. For works costing rupees one crore and less the completion report should
be submitted within six months of the completion of work. In the case of works on which no
expenditure is recorded for three consequtive months, the Accounts Officer should call for the
completion reports. If the works are incomplete the executive officer should advise the Accounts
Officer of the probable dates of completion and submission of the completion reports. Abnormal
delay in the submission of reports by the executive officers should be brought to the notice of the
Head of the Railway Administration by the Accounts Officer. (Para 1711)
(9) Completion Reports of Unfinished Works.—If for any reason a work on which expenditure
has been incurred is stopped and if there is no reasonable prospect of completing it in near future,
the account of the work should as in the case of a completed work, be closed and a completion
report drawn and submitted to the authority which accorded the administrative approval to the
work, for information. In the case of structural works, other than Track Renewal works, costing
more than Rupees one crore each for which administrative approval of the Railway Board is
obtained by the submission of separate Abstract Estimates notwithstanding their specific inclusion
in the sanctioned budget, the completion reports in such cases should be submitted to the Railway
Board, duly verified by the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer. (Para 1713)
Note.—The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to works, for which detailed estimates are not
required to be prepared.
Page 78 of 273
(11) Expeditious closing of Accounts of Works.—The account of a work costing rupees one
crore and less should not be kept open beyond three months of the date of its completion. Efforts
should be made to bring to account all liabilities and credits pertaining to the work by liquidating the
former and realising the latter within that period. If a contractor's claim could not be finally settled
within that period whatever the railway considers as legitimately due to the contractors should be
adjusted by debit to the work and credit to " Deposit" and the account of the work finally closed. If
the disposal of released materials is likely to delay the closing of the account of a work, credit
should be afforded to the work on the basis of estimates by the Stores Department in consultation
with the Engineer. (Para 1715)
(12) Entry in the Register of Works.—When a work is completed and its accounts closed, a
double red ink line should be rated below the last entry in the Register of Works and a note made
as under— (Para 1716)
Works completed.
Page 79 of 273
Section 1: Planning Planning General Works initiated by the Headquarters Office shall be sent to the Principal
Financial Adviser for obtaining concurrence and thereafter included in the
Works Programme. In case it is, however, desired to obtain the estimate
from the Division, the Division may be asked to process the work in
which case the procedure as in para shall be followed.
Section 2: Estimates Code Rules :- Instructions regarding the different kinds of estimates and
their preparation are contained in Chapter VII of the Indian Railway Code
for the Engineering Department (Relevant extracts at Annexure ' 5/3')
Page 80 of 273 While preparing the Abstract Estimate in accordance with the Code
Rules, the expenditure for Stores may be grouped under Cabin
Equipment, Point gear and connections, Signal fittings and connection,
Cable and line wire, Track Circuits, Block Instruments, Station Master's
Control Instrument, Control and Cabin telephones, etc., besides Labour,
Tools and Plant, Establishment Charges, Freight and Contingencies,
Works to be done by other Departments, e. g., construction of cabin and
other buildings, construction of staff quarters, provision of sleepers,
power supply arrangements, etc., are to be included where necessary. While preparing the detailed estimates in accordance with, the Code
Rules, the following guidelines shall be observed:
(a) Details of cost of S&T Building, staff quarters and other buildings and
electric power connections shall be included, by obtaining them from the
Departments concerned and shall be provided for under separate sub
(c) Provision shall be made for additional quarters required for additional
maintenance staff to be posted as a result of the scheme. Provision shall
also be made for additional Stores/Office accommodation where
necessary. For preparing estimate for Line Capacity Work, the Traffic Department
will advise 'the Signal and Telecommunication Department of the
detailed traffic projections/requirements. Necessary feasible technical
solution will be submitted by Signal & Telecommunication department
including justification. If the proposed scheme is agreed to by Traffic
department, The estimates shall be prepared on the basis of
requirements furnished by the Traffic Department. The justification for the
proposed work will be furnished by the Traffic Department together with
the anticipated financial implications. A similar procedure shall be
followed for works to be executed for other departments, e.g. Electrical,
Civil Engineering, etc. In regard to grouping of Works, instructions contained in Para 750 of the
Indian Railway Code for Engineering Department and instructions
contained in Para 776 of the Indian Railway Code for finance
Department in regard to allocation of charges, shall be observed
(relevant extracts at Annexure '5/4').
Page 81 of 273
Schedule of Rates is permissible without the specific authority of the
Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/ Chief Signal
and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction). Each Divisional Office shall maintain the Price Lists of Stores as issued
by the Stores Department. A clear description of the work to be carried out and the object to be
gained by its execution together with such information as will enable the
sanctioning authority to appreciate the necessity for the work. Reasons for the adoption of the proposed lay out or design with special
reference to any variations from usual practice and its special feature, if
Section 3: Surveys Code Rules :- General instructions for conducting surveys for Railway Projects are
contained in Chapter II of the Indian Railway Code for the Engineering
Page 82 of 273 Surveys for new lines, line capacity works, electrification, etc. -
Engineering-cum-Traffic Surveys shall be carried out for New lines,
Conversions, Doublings and other Line Capacity Works costing more
than Rs 2.5 Crores before the inclusion of such works in the Works
Programme. Survey for Signalling & Telecommunication Works. Field surveys shall be
carried out for the following categories of Signal and Telecommunication
works costing more than rupees 2.5 crores each before inclusion in the
Works Programme:
(a) Electronic/Relay Interlocking of Major yards;
(b) Integrated telephone networks ;
(c) Modern Signalling Schemes including Centralised Traffic Control,
(d) LTE/OFC/MTRC/5G and other latest Telecommunication systems.
(e) IP Networks/Data Security/Web based Applications Notes to be made in the field :- During the survey, careful notes with
data shall be made at site, from personal enquiry and observation,
regarding any information likely to be useful in working out the details of
the Projects, and in determining the prospects of the proposals. The
following points shall receive special attention:
(a) Availability of required concrete sleepers ;
(d) Special problem like rocky soil, existence of wide rivers which may
have to be traversed by cables or overhead lines, etc.
(f) Detention to trains that can be saved ; additional services that can be
Page 83 of 273 If it is decided to undertake a Survey in connection with any
proposal/modification in Signalling or Telecommunication System, an
estimate of the cost of the proposed Survey shall be prepared, and the
information collected in the course of the preliminary investigation, if any,
shall be embodied in the report accompanying the Estimate of the
Survey. The proposal for Surveys shall be submitted to the Railway Board well in
advance to enable necessary provision being made in the Budget. The Budget allotment for preliminary Survey of a work shall be charged
under Demand No. 2 and when final estimate for that particular work is
sanctioned, the amount charged under Demand No. 2 shall be
transferred to the sanctioned Estimate of the Project. The requirements of the Signal Department shall be obtained from the
Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer by the Principal
Chief Engineer while preparing the Survey Estimates for such Projects.
Page 84 of 273 Progress Reports on Surveys :- The Official-in-charge shall submit
periodical reports of progress in prescribed forms as may be directed by
the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. Covering Note :- The Survey Report and Annexures shall be submitted
to the Railway Board under a covering note, which shrill have the
authority of the Railway Administration submitting the Report. It should
provide a summing up and should contain clear recommendation
together with the views of the Principal Financial Adviser (PFA).
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
S.no Annexure no Description
1 5/1 Preparation of the Preliminary Works Programme
2 5/2 Test of Remuneratiteness
3 5/3 Code Rules for Estimates
4 5/4 Grouping of works
Page 85 of 273
Annexure ‘5/1'
Extract from the Indian Railways Code for the Engineering Department
609. The Chief Engineer of the Railway will be primarily responsible for ensuring that the proposals
prepared by the various departments are complete in all respects and are correctly prepared. The
overall priorities within the ceiling given by the Board will also be fixed by him in consultation with
the General Manager and other Heads of Departments. He will be responsible for the preparation
and timely submission of the Preliminary and the Final Works Programme.
610. In or about June/July each year the Railway Board should convey to each Railway, in respect
of each Plan Head, the total outlay within which the Works Programme should be framed by the
Railway. A list of the Plan Heads is given in Annexure I. On receipt of this financial ceiling the
Railway Administrations should take stock of the schemes already formulated and those under
consideration and select for inclusion in the Works Programme within the financial ceiling such
works as are expected to yield the maximum benefit to the Railway, preference being given to
works in progress. Further necessary changes in the investments schedule may be made in order
to work within the financial ceiling for the year such modifications being taken note of in framing the
Preliminary Works Programme and revising the financial implications, if necessary.
611. The Preliminary Works Programme for the following year should be submitted by the
Railways to the Railway Board by 1st week of September or such earlier date as may be laid down
by the Board. Proper financial appraisal of each work should be given in the Preliminary Works
Programme together with the comments of the Financial Adviser and Accounts Officer.
612. The project cost should be based on firm data both as to quantity and rates at current price
levels, and should any increase occur in prices during the period intervening between the initial
preparation of the project estimate and its inclusion in the Works Programme, the estimate should
be updated taking into account any significant changes in the wages and material prices as well as
increase in freights and fares. No other increase such as on account of change in scope of the
project should be allowed without prior reasons being adduced for acceptance by the Railway
Board. A sketch showing the proposal should accompany each proposal.
613. Each investment proposal should be accompanied by a detailed plan showing the scheduling
of the project to match the traffic requirements and the financial outlay proposed for the year
should be in accordance with this project schedule to enable the Railway Board to arrange for a
realistic funds allocation for implementation of the programme.
614. In deciding the outlays for the various works Railway Administrations must endeavour to
progress all works in progress speedily and bring them into use at the earliest possible date. A
work which has been sanctioned and for which funds have been allotted whether in the original or
supplementary budget of a year should be treated as a "Work in progress" for the next year and
provided for as such in the programme. Such works should be grouped as indicated in para-619.
615. The Railway Administrations should make realistic assessment of the amount required for
each work in progress and necessary provision should be made for it in the Works Programme. In
estimating the provision for works during the budget year a generous allowance should be made
for those delays in execution which though unforeseen are known from experience to be so liable
to arise particularly prior to inception and during the initial stages of large projects. The provision
made should take into account adjustment of charges on surveys connected with a project.
616. In exhibiting the outlay for the current year against individual works in the works programme,
the outlay should be as per Pink Book, and in exceptional cases where the Railways propose any
substantial increase in the outlay with corresponding reductions against other works, such revised
Page 86 of 273
outlay may be shown separately in brackets below the outlay as furnished in the Pink Book duly
explaining the reasons for doing so in foot notes at the appropriate places. As far as possible only
the last sanctioned cost should be exhibited. Wherever it is visualised that the cost would involve
an excess over the last sanctioned cost, effective steps should be taken well in time to have the
revised estimates prepared and sanctioned by the competent authority before the Works
Programme is sent to the Board. In case where the revised estimates are sanctioned subsequent
to the despatch of the final Works Programme but before the end of January of the following year,
the same should be promptly advised to the Board to enable the latest sanctioned cost being
exhibited in the Pink Book to be circulated along with the Budget. In all cases of revised costs
sanctioned by the Board, reference to the letter of sanction should invariably be indicated.
617. Works once introduced through a Works Programme (including Track Renewal Programme)
and taken up after the estimates have been sanctioned by the competent authority should continue
to be included every year till they are finally completed, except in cases where the works have
reached the completion stage and where funds required if meager, could be found by
Page 87 of 273
Annexure '5/1' contd.
Work Programme
Note—'Years have been shown in the form for the purpose of illustration.
In respect of" Works in Progress "reference to item No. of the current year's Pink Book and also
the authority under which the work was first started should be indicated. The works should be
arranged as per the Plan Heads.
619. The items in the Works Programe should grouped under the following categories while
compiling the works Programms.—
(iii) Works approved in earlier years, which have not been actually commenced and on which no
expenditure has been incurred till 30th June of the year previous to the Programme year.
(iv) Works approved in the earlier years but estimates for which have not been sanctioned by 30th
June of the year previous to the Programme year.
620. The works are further made into sub-groups of (i) Works costing more than Rupees Five
Lakhs each, and (ii) works costing upto Rupees Five lakhs each. Under (iii) Works costing upto
Rupees two lakhs each in the case of Track Renewal works and for works costing upto Rupees
one lakh each in the case of other works, only lumpsum provision should be shown without
detailing individual works. Within each sub-group, the works are presented under each Plan Head.
Page 88 of 273
Annexure '5/2'
Test of Remuneratiteness
204. Test of Remuneratiteness: The net financial gain expected to accrue from a project may be
either by way of savings in expenditure or increase in the net earnings (i. e., gross earnings less
working expenses), or a combination of both. Except in the case of residential buildings, assisted
sidings and rolling stock to which special rules are applicable no proposal for fresh investment will
be considered as financially justified unless it can be shown that the net gain expected to be
realised as a result of the proposed outlay would, after meeting the working expenses (see Para
217), yield a return of not less than 10 per cent on the initial estimated cost.
Note— (1) Interest during construction should be added to the cost (excluding that chargeable to
Revenue) of the projects, the construction of which is likely to last for more than one year.
(2) Depreciation should be calculated on the total cost of the scheme and not only on the portion
chargeable to Capital, unless the contrary procedure can be justified in any particular case.
However, depreciation as an element of working expense is to be ignored for assessing annual
cash flows under the B. C. F. method (See Para 228).
(3) In the case of construction of bridges, maintenance charges should include, besides the
maintenance charges on the bridges proper, the maintenance charges of the training works also.
Page 89 of 273
Annexure '5/3'
Extracts from the Indian Railways Code for the Engineering Department -
Should, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1103 regarding urgent works, be scrutinized by the
authority competent to sanction them before any expenditure or liability is incurred thereon. For the
purpose of this scrutiny, all such proposals should be presented in the form of one or other of the
following estimates, according to the- circumstances mentioned in paragraphs 702 to 713.
Note:- (1) for "New Minor Works" costing Rs. 5,000 and less, for renewals and replacement works
chargeable to Revenue costing Rs. 50,000 and less and for " Reconditioning Works " costing Rs.
50,000 and less detailed estimates need not be prepared for formal sanction. Rough estimates
should, nevertheless, be prepared and kept on record by the Executive Engineer.
702. The Abstract Estimate: An abstract estimate is prepared in order to enable the authority
competent to give administrative approval to the expenditure of the nature and the magnitude
contemplated, to form a reasonably accurate idea of the Probable expenditure and such other data
sufficient to enable that authority to gauge adequately the financial prospects of the proposal.
Abstract estimates avoid the expense and delay of preparing estimates for works in detail at a
stage when the necessity or the general desirability of the works proposed has not been decided
upon by competent authority. An abstract estimate should contain a brief report and justification for
the work, specifications and should mention whether funds are required in the current year and to
what extent. It should also show the cost sub-divided under main heads and sub-heads or specific
items, the purpose being to present a correct idea of the work and to indicate the nature of the
expenditure involved. The allocation if each item as between Capital, Development Fund, Open
Line Works-Revenue, Depreciation Reserve Fund and Revenue should be indicated.
Page 90 of 273
…………RAILWAY Form E.702
Abstract Estimate
Estimate No……………………………
Framed By……………………………….Division……………………………
Description of work……………………………………………………………………………
Plan No……………………………………………………………………………………………...
Ordy. Misc.
Capitals DF DRF OLWR Deposit Total
Rev advances
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Existing sanctioned estimate
(if any)
Present Estimate ... ..
Total ...
703. Detailed Estimates.—On receipt of administrative approval to a project or scheme other than
that for which construction estimate in Form E. 553 is prepared and, conveyed through the
sanction to the abstract estimate relating thereto detailed estimates for various works should be
prepared and submitted for technical sanction of the competent authority. It should be prepared in
sufficient detail to enable the competent authority to make sure that the abstract estimate
sanctioned by a higher authority is not likely to be exceeded. No work included in an abstract
estimate should be commenced till a detailed estimate for the same is prepared and sanctioned
and adequate funds are allotted by the competent authority. The detailed estimate of an open line
work will comprise (i) statements showing details of estimated cost and (ii) an outer sheet giving
the abstract of cost of work, the report, the financial justification and the allocation.
Note:-Technical Sanction - The sanction of the competent authority to the detailed estimate of a
work is called the "technical sanction". The authority according technical sanction should satisfy
itself that (i) the details of the scheme as worked out are satisfactory, (ii) the methods proposed for
the execution of the work are adequate; and (iii) the cost has been estimated from reliable data
and is likely to be reasonably accurate.
Page 91 of 273
(2) In the case of works within his power of sanction, the General Manager may, in lieu of the
procedure of preparing Abstract Estimates for administrative approval, prescribe that both the
administrative approval and the technical sanction should be accorded on the detailed estimates.
707. A supplementary estimate should be prepared for any item of work, which ought to have been
included in the first instance in an estimate already sanctioned but has not been so included, or
which it is found later, should be considered as being a part or a phase of an estimate already
prepared and sanctioned, if it cannot be met out of contingencies (see paragraph 727). Such, a
supplementary estimate should be prepared in the same form and the same degree of detail as the
main estimate and for all purposes be treated as a part of the main estimate.
708. Revised Estimate.—As soon as it becomes apparent that the expenditure on a work or
project is likely to exceed the amount provided therefor in the detailed estimate or construction
estimate a revised estimate should (subject to provision of paragraph 1336) be prepared and
submitted for the sanction of the competent authority. It should , unless otherwise ordered by the
sanctioning authority, be prepared in the same form and the same degree of detail as the original
estimate and should be accompanied by a comparative statement showing the excess or saving
under each sub-head of account against the latest sanction. In cases where a supplementary
estimate; or a previous revised estimate has been sanctioned by the Railway Board, it should be
made clear how the original sanction has been modified by such further sanctions.
709. The Project Abstract Estimate.—The abstract estimate of a Construction Project should be
submitted for the approval of the Railway Board on Form E. 554 " Abstract cost of Railway "
accompanied by (i) an abstract estimate of junction arrangements, (ii) a narrative report explaining
the salient features and major items of expenditure (iii) detailed estimates on Form E. 553
prescribed for a construction estimate under the following heads :—
Note:- Head shown above are for Plan Head ' New Lines' as an example.
Note:- The abstract estimate for an unremunerative project chargeable to Development fund will be
prepared in the same detail as the abstract estimate for a construction project chargeable to
710. The Construction Estimate: When it is decided to undertake the execution of a new line
gauge conversion, or doubling of lines a final location survey should be made ; and based on the
information collected in that survey detailed estimates of all the works included in the project as a
whole should be prepared (of paragraph 540). These detailed estimates are collectively called the "
Construction Estimate " of the Project. It should be prepared after a careful examination of the
various details of construction involved in the Project. It should be in such detail as to render it
possible to dispense with working estimates or any other further estimating after the Construction
Estimate has been sanctioned (except when supplementary or revised estimates are necessary). It
should provide for the buildings and equipment of the Railway upto a standard that will be sufficient
for working such traffic as may be expected during the first year or two after opening of the line. It
is the basis on which technical sanction to the various works included in the construction of a
Project is accorded.
Page 92 of 273
(i) amount of sanctioned estimate ;
(ii) actual expenditure on all works up to the date of construction estimate ;
(iii) commitments on that date ;
(iv) anticipated further outlay ;
(v) total estimated cost ; and
(vi) difference between the sanctioned estimate and the estimated cost.
An abstract of the completion estimate showing the above particulars against the various heads of
capital classification should be submitted for information or sanction, vide paragraph 1703 to the
Railway Board together with brief explanations for excesses of not less than Rs. 10,000 or 10 per
cent over the provision under sub-heads of account and for savings of 20 per cent or one lakh,
whichever is less, occurring under any main head of account. Provision for further outlay should be
made in completion estimate only for those works which are in progress or completed on the date
of closing of the construction estimate. All works not started on that date should be dealt with
separately as open line works both as regards estimate and expenditure. In forwarding, therefore,
estimates for sanction for works in connection with new lines opened, it should be clearly indicated
whether the cost of the work is chargeable to Capital Construction or Open Line Capital.
714. Estimates for Railway Project: Scope - A Construction Estimate (Form E. 553) should be
prepared in such detail as to reduce to a minimum the probability of omission of any item of
expense which is capable of being foreseen. It should be remembered particularly that the
provision for contingencies allowed in the estimate is not intended to meet items of expense which
can be foreseen and which are reasonably likely to occur. With good estimating it should seldom
be necessary to encroach, to any appreciable extent, on the provision for contingencies.
727. Provision for contingencies: Provision for unforeseen contingencies should be made in all
estimates at 3 per cent of the total estimated cost. All incidental expenditure which can be foreseen
such as works establishment, sheds for workmen and stores should be separately estimated and
provided for in the estimates. The provision for contingencies should not be diverted to any new
work or repair which is not provided for the estimate, and of which the cost exceeds Rs. 1,000
without the sanction of the authority who sanctioned the estimate.
729. Schedule of Rates: To facilitate the preparation of estimates, a schedule of rates of each
kind of work commonly executed should be maintained in each open line division, and it will be the
duty of the Chief Engineer when inspecting the divisional offices, to see that correct schedules of
the rates at which work is actually being carried out, are invariably recorded in a complete and
satisfactory manner. The regulations for the due record of rates in a clear and systematic manner
and for their periodical revision to bring them on line with the rates prevailing in the market and
those paid by other government departments will be laid down by the General Manager.
Page 93 of 273
Estimates of Deposit Works
732. A Railway Administration is occasionally required to execute works for and at the cost of other
Government departments, local bodies, private persons, etc. Such works are referred to in this
Code as " Deposit Works " (see also paragraph 1843 for a definition of this term). To meet the cost
of plans and estimates of such works as also those to be carried out for other Departments out of
Railway funds, which are subsequently not carried out, charges at the following sliding scale shall
be levied on the total of the estimate inclusive of departmental charges :-
The acceptance of the government departments or the payment in cash by the local bodies or
private individuals concerned should be obtained to the above percentage charges before the work
of preparation of plans and estimates is taken in hand In cases where the proposed works are
subsequently carried out, these percentage charges should be adjusted against departmental
The levy of the above percentage charge may, at the discretion of the General Manager, be
waived in particular case subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 1138.
Note: The scale of charges prescribed in this rule does not apply to assisted sidings, recovery of
preliminary expense in respect of which has been separately provided for under paragraph 1825.
733. In preparing estimates of works for other departments, local bodies, private individuals, & c,
particular care should be taken to see that.
(i) Railway freight and carriage charges of materials proposed to be used in the works are provided
for at the rates applicable to the public and not at the concessional rates applicable to railway
material; (Works of Branch Line Companies are not governed by this rule, but by the relevant
(ii) departmental charges at the prescribed rates (paragraph 1137) are provided for.
734. All estimates of deposite works should be got accepted by the parties ordering the works
before submission to the competent railway authority for sanction. In the case of works, which
under the rules (see paragraph 1851) are required to be maintained after completion by the
Railway department at the cost of the department, local body, private firms or individuals ordering
the work, the acceptance of the party concerned should also be obtained for the recurring
expenditure that is likely to be incurred on repairs, maintenance, & c.
735. No work asked for by another government department should be commenced till a detailed
estimate for the same has been accepted by the department concerned and sanctioned by the
competent railway authority. No work asked for by local bodies, private individuals, and c, should
be commenced till a detailed estimate for the same has been sanctioned the competent Railway
Page 94 of 273
authority and the estimated cost thereof deposited with the Railway. The amounts so deposited
should be credited to the head "Deposits— Miscellaneous".
Competency of Sanction
748. The previous sanction of an authority higher than the General Managers of Indian Railways is
(i) To expenditure on new lines or rolling stock or surveys not provided in the sanctioned budget
for the year or carried forward from the sanctioned budget of the previous year;
(ii) To expenditure on other works not provided in the sanctioned budget or carried forward from
the sanctioned budget of any previous year except:-
(a) (i) Track renewal works- costing not more than Rupees two lakhs;
(ii) Other works - costing not more than Rupees one lakhs;
(iii) Machinery and Plant - costing not more than Rupees Fifty thousands.
Provided that the total lump-sum provision made in the budget for such works is not exceeded.;
(b) (i) On line capacity works costing above Rupees one lakh but not more than Rupees ten
lakhs each;
(ii) On track renewal works costing above Rupees two lakhs but not more than Rupees five
lakhs each;
(iii) On other than line capacity and track renewal works costing above Rupees one lakh but
not more than Rupees five lakhs each;
Subject to ceiling of Rupees one crore in all in a financial year provided that the sanctioned budget
(other than lump-sum) for works in these categories is not exceeded.
Note:- (1) The works thrown forward from previous years may be taken up only if the funds
required for them can be found by reappropriation within the sanctioned allotment.
(2) The savings in the lumpsum provision made in the sanctioned budget shall not be utilized for
the category of works in (b) above without the prior approval of the Railway Board.
(3) The General Manager may sanction expenditure on new works out of turn in respect of users'
amenities including goods shed and booking office not exceeding Rupees one lakh in each case
provided the funds required for such works as provided in the sanctioned budget for works in these
categories is not exceeded; and expenditure upto Rupees fifty thousand in each case, in respect of
existing Railway schools, institutes, hospitals and dispensaries provided the lumpsum provision in
the sanctioned budget is not exceeded.
(iii) To expenditure on works provided in the sanctioned budget for the year or carried forward the
sanctioned budget of any previous year as follows:-
(a) Works sanctioned under the lumpsum provision - To an excess over the total lumpsum
provision in the sanctioned budget for such works ;
(b) Works outside the lumpsum provision - Rolling Stock, Track renewals and other works - to an
excess over the estimated cost as entered in the sanctioned budget or sanctioned separately, as
(i) of more than 25 per cent over the original estimated cost ;
(ii) of more than 15 per cent over the first revised cost ;
(iii) of more than 10 per cent over the second and further revised estimated cost.
Provided further that all codal provisions regarding sanctions for material modification are strictly
Page 95 of 273
(c) Surveys:- To an excess over 10 per cent on original estimate sanctioned by higher authority
(General Manager can sanction survey estimates costing upto Rupees one lakh each provided the
surveys are included in the sanctioned budget)
Note.—(1) The works thrown forward from previous years may be taken up only if the funds
required for them can be found by reappropriation within sanctioned allotment.
(2) The amount first given in the Budget or sanctioned separately by higher authority shall be the
original estimated cost and the revised amount given in subsequent Budgets or sanctioned
separately by higher authority, the second, third, etc., revised estimated cost.
(3) The powers of sanction to excess over estimated costs allowed in item (b) above shall not
make the cost of such works exceed Rupees one crore in any case.
(4) The powers for sanctioning the excess over the estimated costs of works outside the lumpsum
provision as in item (b) above shall not be redelegated to lower authority in respect of works, the
original estimated cost of which is over Rupees fifty lakhs.
756. Currency of Sanction: The sanction to an estimate will ordinarily remain current for five
years from the date on which it has been accorded unless it has been renewed for a further term
by the acceptance of a revised estimate. Acceptance by competent authority however, of a budget
estimate which includes specific provision/for expenditure on a work which is in progress, may be
regarded as reviving for the year in which provision is made, the sanction to the estimate-
regardless of the five years' limit. But if no work has been commenced on a sanctioned scheme
within two years of the date on which the sanction was accorded to the estimate, such sanction
should be held to have lapsed and fresh sanction should be obtained from the competent authority
by the submission of an up-to-date estimate, if necessary.
758. Scope of the sanction to an Estimate: The authority granted by a sanction to an estimate
should, on all occasions, be looked upon as strictly limited to the precise objects for which the
estimate was intended to provide. Accordingly any anticipated or actual saving on a sanctioned
estimate for a definite project should not, without special authority be applied to carry out additional
work not contemplated in the original projector fairly contingent on its actual execution. Saving due
to the abandonment of a substantial sanction of any project should not be considered as available
for work on other sections
Page 96 of 273
The Execution of Works
1102. The ordinary rule is that no work may be commenced and no liability or expenditure incurred
on a work until a a detailed estimate for it has been sanctioned and an allotment of the requisite
funds made by competent authority. This rule pertaining to preparation of estimates does not apply
in the following cases :—
(i) For the construction or purchase of new work or asset under the category of new minor works if
estimated to cost upto Rs. 5000.
(ii) For renewals and replacements of existing works and assets chargeable to Open Line Works
Revenue as a new minor work if estimated to cost upto Rs. 10,000.
(iii) For renewals and replacements of assets charged to Development Fund and Depreciation
Reserve Fund if estimated to cost upto Rs. 10,000.
(iv) For renewals and replacements of assets charged to Revenue if estimated to cost upto Rs.
50,000; and
(v) For repairs and reconditioning of existing assets if estimated to cost upto Rs. 50,000 (of para
1103. Work started on Urgency Certificates: In addition to the exception mentioned in the
preceding paragraph the following are the only classes of work on which expenditure or liability
may be incurred prior to the receipt of sanction of the authority competent to sanction the estimates
under the ordinary rules:-
(i) Works, which are considered to be urgently necessary to safeguard life or property or to repair
damage to the line caused by flood, accident or other unforeseen contingency, so as to restore or
maintain through communication.
(ii) Works considered urgent but not falling within (i) above, as for instance, works required to meet
the immediate needs to traffic, which are considered by the General Manager so urgent that they
must be started before the earliest date by which detailed estimates could be prepared.
1105. In according administrative approval or sanction and in allotting funds, if required, the
competent authority will give such instructions as he considers necessary regarding the execution
of the work to executive officers subordinate to him and fix a date by which the detailed estimate
for the work should be prepared and got sanctioned. He will at the same time furnish a copy of his
sanction and instructions to the Accounts Officers.
1110. The following may be taken as material modifications on lines under construction and open
line works estimated to cost rupees one crore and over:-
(a) Any change in the alignment likely to affect the facilities offered to the public in the neighbour-
hood or likely to increase or decrease the length of the line by over one kilometre.
Page 97 of 273
(c) Any alteration in the type or number of engines or vehicles provided in an estimate for rolling
(d) A change in the layout of a yard affecting the general method of working or increasing or
reducing the number of trains that can be dealt with.
(e) Any departure from the standards of construction as prescribed in Chapter II or as accepted by
the Railway Board in the Abstract Estimate or use of any second hand material if it affects the
speed of trains or the number of trains to be dealt with than contemplated originally.
(f) The introduction or omission of any work or facility involving a sum of Rs. 5 lakhs and over.
(g) Any modification of a sub-work provided for in the estimate of a sanctioned work involving an
additional outlay on that sub-work of more than Rs. 5 lakhs.
(h) The introduction of any new sub-work not provided for in the estimate of a sanctioned work
involving an outlay of more than Rs. 5 lakhs.
Note:- (1) The above rules do not apply to works undertaken by Engineering Workshops to which
the rules applicable to works undertaken in workshops of the Locomotive and Carriage and Wagon
Department apply.
(2) Railway Units of the Territorial Army:- The charges under the foregoing rules may be remitted in
the case of works not exceeding Rs. 500 in cost executed by the Engineering Department of a
Railway for Railway Units of the Territorial Army provided that no additional establishment is
entertained for such works.
1138. Remission of Departmental Charges: The General Manager may, at his discretion, waive
wholly or partially the recovery of the Departmental charges leviable under Paragraph 1137
provided that -
(a) the Railway gains some advantage, not necessarily financial, by such remission :
(b) the reasons for the remission are recorded in each case and the remission is allowed with the
concurrence of the Financial Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer; and
(c) the non-incurrence of extra charges on accounts of tools and plant and establishment
supervision does not in itself constitute sufficient justification for the remission.
Page 98 of 273
Annexure '5/4'
Grouping of works
Extract from the Indian Railways Code for the Engineering Department
750. Grouping of works: When two or more works are so connected either by their situation or by
the purpose or purposes which they are designed to serve, that construction of one necessarily
involve that of the other or others, the works should be considered as one scheme and the
aggregate estimated cost of the work so connected should determine the authority competent to
sanction expenditure on the scheme. When the works constituting a connected scheme are
situated in more than one executive division separate detailed estimate should be prepared of the
cost of the work in each division in order that the Executive Engineer entrusted with the actual
construction may be in a position to watch expenditure against a sanctioned estimate of the cost of
the work in his charge.
Allocation of Charge
776. Cost of Tools and Plants and Special Posts: No portion of the pay or allowances of
permanent open line staff shall be charged to Capital, Depreciation Reserve Fund, Development
Fund or Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund or Open Line Works-
Revenue, as the case may be, when such staff is employed on special works and the vacancies
thus caused in the open line cadre remain unfilled. The cost (less return value) of tools and plant
specially purchased and the cost of any posts specially created for the supervision or construction
of a work chargeable purely to Capital or Depreciation Reserve Fund or Development Fund or
Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund or Open Line Works- Revenue, as
the case may be. When the cost of work is chargeable partly to Capital or Development Fund,
Accident Compensation, Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund or Depreciation Reserve Fund or
Open Line Works- Revenue, the cost of such posts and tools and plant should be allocated to
Capital or Development Fund or Accident Compensation. Safety and Passenger Amenities Fund or
Depreciation Reserve Fund or Open Line Works- Revenue in the same proportion in which the
estimate for the work excluding the estimated cost of tools and plant and special posts, is
chargeable. For working out the proportion, the gross amount of the estimate (ignoring the
provision for credits on account of released materials) should be taken into account. The cost of a
post, for the purpose of this rule includes the leave salary and contribution towards passages,
pensions provident fund, bonus and special contribution to provident fund, which the holder of the
post may be entitled to.
Note:- The provision for credits on accounts of released materials to be ignored in working out the
proportion of cost of tools and plants and special posts, should be the net credit in terms of
paragraph 710(2).
Page 99 of 273
ACCOUNTAL Classification of Stores - The Stores in the custody of the SSE (Signal)
in-charge and SSE(Signal) Stores may be broadly grouped under the
following Stock Heads Location and Scale of Imprest - Imprest Stores shall be provided with
each SSE (Signal) in-charge and SSE (Signal) Stores on a Division/
Construction /Project or any other as may be nominated for the purpose.
The nature of items of Imprest Stores, location and the scale for each
imprest holder shall be fixed by the PCSTE. The quantity of each item of
imprest stores which each imprest holder may hold at a time shall be
generally based on quarterly average consumption for normal
maintenance and upkeep of equipment. Time for procurement in case of
non-stock items and also time required for Stores Van movements in the
case of stocked items may be taken into consideration for determining the
quantity of imprest. The sanctioned scale shall not be increased or
decreased without prior approval of the sanctioning authority. The Sr DSTE/Dy CSTE in-charge of the work shall see that the
sanctioned scale is not exceeded and the items for which no sanctioned
scales have been fixed are essential and have necessarily to be supplied. Accountal - A numerical accountal of receipt and issue of all items shall
Chapter - 6 : Signalling Stores And Accountal Requisitions for materials shall show the name and particulars of the
estimate and sanctioning authority for the work. The materials on receipt shall be either utilized on the work or if this is not
immediately possible, stored carefully. All receipts and issue of Stores pending their transfer to their appropriate
Ledgers shall be entered in this Register. The Register shall be written up daily. A line shall be drawn across both
pages under the last entry of each date to prevent subsequent entries
Chapter - 6 : Signalling Stores And Accountal There shall be no direct posting of materials in Ledgers from Challan. All
transactions shall first be shown in the Daily Material Transaction
Register. The dates shall be the same in both Ledger and the Register. Issues of materials from outside stocks will be recorded by the SSE
(Signal)/in-charge and SSE (Signal)/Stores in their line note books first.
These entries will then be transferred to the Daily Material Transaction
Register. The date of entry in the Daily Material Transaction Register
shall be recorded on the note book. Spare and second hand materials sent to Stores Depot shall be carefully
loaded to avoid loss or breakage. Material complete but having pins badly worn out and not sufficiently
good to be considered second hand, shall be entered up as serviceable
scrap and their approximate weight shall be stated. If parts are missing,
full details shall be given. In the case of Signals, height condition of post and fittings shall be stated. All cast iron, steel, brass, zinc, copper and lead scrap shall be collected
from Sections regularly and sent to Stores Depot, with description and
approximate weight. Empties such as tins, drums kegs, barrels and cement bags shall be
accounted for along with the materials contained in them and shown in
the Returns. They shall not be held longer than necessary and shall be
returned to Stores Depot for disposal. The credit value allowed in the estimate for the returned Stores which are
not likely to be required again shall be kept within the figure likely to be
realised for it as an obsolete material or as scrap.
Chapter - 6 : Signalling Stores And Accountal
Section – 10 : Requisitions Preparation of Requisitions Nomenclature, price list Nos., and other references shall be correctly
reproduced, in the case of special and non-standard items, description
with complete specifications and drawings shall be given. Blank space, if any, below the last item shall be crossed. The requisition for materials for different sanctioned works and revenue
maintenance shall be distinguished by a mark or a code letter, as laid
down by the Stores Department. In the case of sanctioned works, the number of estimate and the
reference of the sanctioning authority shall be given clearly. The quantity of each material shall be given in correct units in words and
1801. Definition of Imprest Stores: Materials whether stock items or non-stock items, held in
stock not for specific works but as a standing advance for the purpose of meeting day to day
requirements in connection with the repair and maintenance shall, including consumable stores
such as cotton waste, jute, oil, grease etc., be treated as imprest stores, so long as they are under
the control of the authority in charge of the executive unit and have not been issued to works.
1802. Object of Imprest System: The main object of the Imprest System is to control the
expenditure on materials used each month in the running repairs of rolling-stock, etc. But this
involves inter alia, effective financial and departmental control on the stocks of materials held at
outstations and their issue and recoupment.
1805. Schedule of Imprest Stores: Schedules of items of such materials showing the quantities
of each item which should be held as an imprest should be prepared separately for each imprest
holder. This schedule (S. 1805) shall show the following details;—
1806. Copies of the schedule and any subsequent modifications of it should be supplied to the
DRM, immediate superior of the imprest holders, the Stores Department and Accounts Officer,
Stores, who should each keep the same up-to-date.
1811. Control of Imprests: It shall be the duty of the controlling authority in charge of the imprest
holders to see that the imprests are revised from time-to-time so as to ensure that they are the
lowest possible both as regards quantity and value, consistent with actual working requirements.
The imprest holder shall be held responsible to ask for a reduction or deletion of any item of
imprest on the basis of the consumption in his shed or station.
1817. Accounting: Each JE/SSE holding imprest stores shall maintain a numerical ledger on
Form No. S. 1817 showing receipts, issues and balances of imprest materials. Each item of the
imprest stores shall be dealt with on a separate page of the ledger.
1829. Closing of Ledgers and Recoupment of Imprests: The Divisional or District Officers
should fix the dates of accounting period for each imprest holder and intimate the same to the
Accounts Officer, Stores.
1830. Each Imprest Holder should close his ledgers monthly on the dates fixed for him and check
them with the Issue and Recoupment Schedule which should be prepared in the form shown below
from the Monthly Summary of Issues (S. 1823).
Note:- The need for the daily abstracts and monthly summaries provided for in paragraphs 1821 to
1823 does not arise in case the Issue Tickets (S. 1819) themselves are valued.
1838. Authority to Sign Indents: Indents for recoupment may be made directly by the imprest
holders under their signatures and the counter signature of District or Divisional Officers for such
indents is not necessary.
1417. Monthly Stores Returns: At the close of each month, separate returns showing receipts,
issues and balances of all imprest and surplus stores operated on during the month should be
submitted by each engineering subordinate to the Divisional Officer through his Assistant Engineer.
These returns are referred to in this Chapter as Imprest Stores Account and Surplus Stores
Accounts and should be submitted in the form printed below (Form No. E. 1417). Both the
accounts should as far as possible, be supported by the various receipt and issue vouchers, i. e.,
Issue Notes Adjustment Mema and Advice Notes. These accounts should bear a certificate from
the subordinate concerned that no stores other than those included in the accounts have been
received or issued during the month and that the balances of all items of stores not included in the
accounts remain the same as at the end of the previous month.
Account for Engineering Materials Form No. E.1417
Division…………………. Section………………
Receipt Issues
Description of Material
Sanctioned Imprest
Section of Material
receipt documents
and particulars of
Source of receipt
Quantity Number
Quantity Number
Quantity Number
Works for which
Class I or II
U.L. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1418. Check of Monthly Stores Returns: In the Divisional Office, the Imprest and Surplus Stores
Accounts (Form No. E. 1417) received from the subordinates should be checked to see -
(i) that the opening balances of the items appearing in the accounts agree with the closing
balances of the accounts in, which the items last appeared ;
(ii) that all receipts have been taken correctly to account as debits ;
(iii) that the issues of materials are in order and reasonable and have been correctly taken to
account as credits ;
(iv) that all transfers within the Division agree - i.e., that the issues in the account of one
subordinate agree with the receipts in the account of another subordinate, any disagreement
noticed being rectified and the subordinates concerned advised of the correction ; and
(v) that, in the case of Imprest Accounts, the sanctioned imprest has not been exceeded without
proper authority.
Reference to Authority:
Authorized Stock…….Unit……Rate……
Class……………………………… P.L.No…………………………………….
Issue or Issue of
Date of Quantity Date of Quantity
Receipt Receipt Notes Receipt Receipt Notes
or issue or issue
Number Date Receipt Issue Balance Number Date Receipt Issue Balance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1456. Tools and Plant for Maintenance: A scale of Tools and Plant will be fixed for each gang
under a Permanent Way Inspector and the total with his gangs plus a small reserve in his own
godown will form the scale fixed for each Inspector. A scale for tools and plant will similarly be fixed
for other Engineering Supervisors. On issue to the permanent way and other Engineering
Supervisors, the cost of these tools and plant is charged off finally. It will, therefore, be necessary
for the Supervisors to maintain a tools and plant register (Form E. 1462) and submit it after the
close of each financial year to the Divisional Office for check.
Total receipts and
Balance April……………………………… March
Name of Sanctioned balance
Class brought (to show 12 months separately)
articles scale
over Particular of
Date Quantity Cost Quantity cost
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (5c) (5d) (6a) (6b)
Place……………….…………… Signature………………………………..
Dated……..……………….…… Designation…………………………….
A consolidated indent for the supply of uniforms for all the eligible sanctioned staff shall be
prepared by the Sr. DSTE and submitted to the PCMM for compliance. The indent shall be
prepared in accordance with the following guide lines
(1) Clear description of Uniforms with Style number shall be furnished and the category of staff
indicated for whom Uniforms are required.
(2) The year for which the supply is meant shall be furnished and fund certification indicated.
(3) Since one P. L. number has been allotted for one Style of all sizes, indents shall be submitted
accordingly for one style duly indicating the required sizes for that style category wise, consignee
wise for the entire Division and sent to PCMM.
(4) For staff headquartered at places not coming under zones prescribed as " Winter or mild
Winter" but who are required to be supplied with Winter uniforms due to their being rostered for
travel during the course of their duty to " Mild Winter " and " Winter " places at least five times a
month, a certificate to this effect shall be furnished on the reverse of the indent.
(5) Certificate to the effect that the styles and scales furnished are as per standing instructions
shall be given in the indent.
(6) It shall also be certified that the size furnished are as per measurement card maintained for the
staff concerned.
1441. Daily Record: The estimated value of works for which accounts are kept by such-heads in
the Register of Works will be as provided for in Para 1486. A daily numerical record of receipts and
issues of materials shall be maintained by the Stock holder in Form E. 1441.
Division…………………………… Section……………………………
Receipts Issues
Unified nomenclature
Classification I or II
Opening Balance
Closing balance
Sub-head to
Description of
and particulars of
documents under
List No.
1442. Materials obtained for the work should on receipt, be entered as such under the 'Receipts'
together with the date, quantity, issue notes or other reference. In the case of materials obtained
by direct purchase particulars should be entered in a Measurement Book as well.
As materials are issued for consumption on the work, the date, the quantity and the sub-head to
which they are chargeable should be recorded under 'Issues'. Materials so issued, but found
subsequently to be surplus to requirements should be brought back into record as'Minus Issues'.
Such transactions should wherever practicable be avoided by confirming issues to exact and
immediate requirements.
Materials released from the work should, on displacement be recorded separately as such and be
entered with the date and quantity as ‘Receipts’. When subsequently utilized on the work again
they should be shown as ‘Issues’.
1447. The check of Materials at site return: The Materials-at-site returns received in the
Divisional Office should be checked in the following respects:-
(a) The Opening balance should be checked with the closing balance of the previous return;
(b) The receipts during the period covered by the returns should be checked with the relevant issue
notes, the summary of stores, adjustment mema and other receipt vouchers;
(c) The reasonableness of the issues during the period covered by the return should be checked
with reference to the relevant sanctioned estimate, and the progress of work reported during the
(d) As regards materials returned to Stores Depots or transferred elsewhere, the correctness of
credits to site accounts should be checked with the relevant advice of returned stores or
adjustment mema.
(e) The arithmetical accuracy of the returns should be checked.
Division…………………………… Section……………………………
Name of work………………………….……………………..…..Sanction No………………………….………….……….Date………………………………..
Designation of Subordinate……………………………………… Account of Receipts and Issues during the Quarter ending………………………..…..
Sub-head to which
Name of work
Sl. U.N.
and description Rate
No. List No.
of material
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Forwarded to……..…………………………….
Station/office……………………………………. Signature …………………………..
Date……………………………………………… Designation…………………………
1448. Accountal in the Register of Works: All materials obtained specifically for a particular work
should be charged off immediately to the head to which the cost of that work as a whole is
allocated (or if more than one head is involved to that bearing the greatest cost); but should, so
long as they are not consumed on the work be borne under a suspense head "Materials-At-Site"
opened under that head. All materials released from a work should also be borne under the same
suspense head. The adjustment from the "MAS" suspense to the relevant final detailed heads
should be carried out as soon as the materials are shown in the monthly return as having been
issued for use on work.
1449. The responsibility for having a daily record maintained, a monthly return prepared, checked
and valued and cost adjusted as prescribed in these rules devolves on authority in executive
charge of the works. The Accounts Officer who maintain the works Register is responsible for the
final adjustment of all materials-at-site transactions.
1450. Verification of Materials-at-site: The authority in executive charge of works for which
material at site accounts are maintained should arrange for a periodical verification of the following
materials at site pertaining thereto-
(b) Other materials at site which can be readily separated and distinguished from any of the same
description but of different category.
It is not necessary that all articles should be checked at the same time; but every item should be
verified at least once in a year. A certificate by the authority in executive charge of works that such
verification has been carried out should, together with a note as to whether or not the materials
were found to be unduly depreciated, be furnished on the materials at site return for the month of
March, or on the last return on which a balance is shown, submitted in the year. The stock
verification prescribed in this paragraph is in addition to the periodical stock verification of
engineering stores arranged for by the Accounts Officer.
1452. Daily Record: A daily numerical record in respect of materials-at-site works in this category
for which a separate account is not maintained by sub-heads in the Register of Works shall be kept
in Form E. 1441.
1453. Monthly Return: At the end of every month, an Excess Materials Return in Form E. 1453
given below should be prepared in respect of all completed works in this category. These Returns
should show separately for materials obtained and materials released, the numerical balance only
of materials-at-site i. e., those that have neither been consumed on the work nor returned to the
stores, transferred or otherwise disposed off and the date of completion of the works to which they
Division…………………………… Section……………………………
Station/office……………………………… Signature…………………………..
Date………………………………………… Designation……………………….
1454. Check of Excess Materials Returns: The Excess Materials Returns should be checked in
the Divisional Office as regards the correctness and reasonableness of the balances shown therein
against the various receipt vouchers and the sanctioned estimates and put up to the Executive
Engineer for his orders as to the disposal of the balances. If the ' Excess Materials' cannot be
utilized on some other works, they should either be returned to the Stores Depot or taken to
Engineering Stores Surplus—(i) Permanent Way, (ii) other than Permanent Way ; (iii) Awaiting
1455. Accountal in the Register of works: Materials obtained specifically for particular works in
this category should be charged off finally in accordance with their allocation.
Receipt Issues
Challan or
Ledger From Ledger
Description Receipt For what Description Challan No. To whom For what
Date Quantity reference whom Date Quantity reference
of material Note No. work of material and date issued work
and Page received and Page
and date
Returned Stores
1601. All Stores which have been previously issued for the services of the Railway and are no
longer required on a work should, in the absence of special instructions to the contrary, be returned
to the Stores Depots. If there is more than one Stores Depot on a Railway, the PCMM may
nominate the depot or depots to which particular classes of Stores may be returned and advise the
various Railway departments accordingly.
1602. Advice Notes.—The Officer Returning Stores to Stores Depots should prepare Advice
Notes in Form (S. 1539) in six foils by carbon process. Separate Advice Notes should be prepared
for each class and for new, second hand and scrap stores.
1604. Disposal of the Foils of Advice Notes.—One foil of the Advice Note should be retained by
the subordinate returning the Stores to the Stores Depot as his office copy, three foils (the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th) should be sent to the depot direct along with the Railway Receipt. Of the remaining two
copies, one copy (the 5th) should be sent to the Accounts Officer, Stores, and the other (the 6th) to
the Divisional or District Officer through the immediate superior of the subordinate returning the
1605. Departmental Register of Advice Notes.—The Advice Notes (6th foil) should be carefully
examined in the division or district office to see that they have been correctly prepared. They
should then be listed in a Register of Advice Notes for Returned Stores maintained in the form
shown below :—
Form No. S.1605
Departmental Register of Advice Notes for Returned Stores
Serial credit
foil of the Descripti
Num- Date of received from
Advice on of Quantity
ber Description acknowledge the Stores
1606. A separate page of this register should be allotted to each returning officer or subordinate as
may be found convenient. If the particulars furnished by the subordinates returning the stores
regarding nomenclature, rates, etc., are found to be incomplete, the Advice Notes (S. 1539) (6th
foil) should be completed in the divisional or district office in these respects. The Advice Notes (6th
foil) should then be forwarded to the depot to which the stores have been returned.
1620. Posting Numerical Ledgers.—The Depot Officer, after having the necessary entries made
in the numerial ledgers as well as in in the Depot Register of Advice Notes (S. 1608) should retain
one copy of the Advice Note (2nd foil) as his office record and send the two copies (3rd and 4th
foil) duly completed in all respects to the Accounts Officer, Stores.
1621. Disposal of Receipt (6th) Foil.—The sixth foil of the Advice Note should also be sent by the
Depot officer duly receipted to the divisional or district officer concerned to be retained as the
latter's office record after making the entries in columns 7 to 9 of the Departmental Register of
Advice Notes (S. 1605). He should take up with the depot and returning officers any discrepancies
in quantities (vide columns 5 and 9 of the Register) if the reasons given on the Advice Notes are
not satisfactory.
1626. Advice of Credits.—From the 3rd foil will be prepared the Advice of Credits (S. 2705)
according to the departments from which the stores have been received. The number and date of
the Advice of Credit should be noted in the Accounts Register of Advice Notes (S. 1622) against
the entries of the Advice Notes included in the Advice of Credits . The Advice of Credits with the
3rd foils as supporting vouchers and the corresponding 5th foils should then be to sent to the
divisional or district officer concerned.
1628. Procedure in the District or Divisional Office.—On receipt of the copies of the Advice
Notes along with the Advice of Credit from the Stores Accounts Officer in the division or district
office, the 5th foil should be transmitted to the subordinate concerned after noting on it the fact of
credit having been received. The Advice of Credit supported by the 3rd foil should then be carefully
checked with and noted in the Departmental Register of Advice Notes (S. 1605).
1607. The Register of Returned Stores (S.1605) should be inspected frequently to see that there is
little avoidable delay on the part of the stores depots in acknowledging the stores. Any cases of
omission to acknowledge the stores and/or to afford credit for the same within one month of the
Advice Notes should be taken up with the Depot and Accounts Officers.
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
………………..RAILWAY BILL 5
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
Qty. Demanded in figures P.L. No. Category Unit code Quantity Issued in
R.R.No. Date
(1) All materials shall be kept clean and free from dust. Materials liable to get rusted shall be kept
free from rust by oiling/greasing whenever required.
(2) Stores enclosures shall be provided with weather proof protections where necessary.
(3) Materials shall be kept properly sorted and neatly stacked. Racks or other suitable
arrangements shall be provided for storing any tools and petty consumable stores.
(4) Parts and small items of materials shall be kept in properly labelled bins or on shelves.
(5) Clutch Resetting Handles/Crank Handles/Electric key Transmitter keys, master keys and spare
keys shall be kept locked up with the key in the custody of the JE/SSE.
(6) Bags of cement shall not be stored in too large a quantity nor for too long a period. Bags shall
be issued strictly in rotation, the first bags is being the first to be issued out. Bags of cement
damaged by rain or moist air shall not be issued.
(8) Inflammable materials such as oils, spirits, petrol, etc., shall be stored separately and away
from cotton waste, stationery and furniture. Naked lights and smoking shall not be allowed inside
such godowns. Adequate arrangements shall be made for fire protection, i. e., fire extinguishers
shall be kept handy at easily accessible spots and fire buckets shall be kept full of water/or sand
where inflammable materials are stocked.
(9) Cables should be stored properly without damage to the cable drum as far as practicable.
Cable shall not be removed from drums until ready to install. When a length of cable is cut off, the
exposed end shall be effectively sealed.
(10) Signalling relays shall be kept separately at a place where environment is not likely to be
damp and free from chemical pollution due to acid fumes, etc. Relays shall be transported from
one place to another carefully in box with "thermocole" packing to avoid damage during
transportation. Similar care should be taken for upkeep of tokenless block instruments and other
sophisticated materials like Electronic Interlocking Cards, IPS cards. Axle Counters Relay Groups,
(11) Paints shall be stored in a cool dry place away from flame or naked light. All containers shall
be kept tightly closed to avoid loss of material due to skinning and contamination caused by open
atmosphere. The signals shall be free from the possibility of phantom indication.
(a) display the best possible view of their aspects to Loco Pilot/Motor man of
approaching trains.
(b) avoid, as far as possible the possibility of the aspect of one signal being
mistaken for the aspect of another, and
(c) avoid confusion between the lights of running signals and the lights of
subsidiary signals or any other lights. Signals shall normally be on the left of, or above the line to which they apply,
unless authorized by special instructions to the contrary. Size of Lenses/LED Signals - The size of lenses/LED Signals CLS of
subsidiary signals shall be of smaller diameter than those of running signals.
Subsidiary signals shall not be brighter than running signals. Number of Signals and height - The number of signals and their height shall
be limited to what is necessary for Safety and operational requirements. Outside interference - All apparatus shall be so designed, located and
secured as to obviate, as far as possible, outside interference. Signals controlled through slots - Where a signal is controlled through slots,
it shall not be possible to take 'off' a signal unless all the controls have been
exercised by the controlling agencies. It shall be possible for any one of the
controlling agencies to replace the signal to ' ON ' position by withdrawal of the
control. Standard and type of Signalling on a section - It is desirable that the
signalling at all block stations and interlocked level crossings in the same
section conform to the same type & standard Visibility of signals - The minimum visibility distance of various signals shall
be as under;
(e) It is required to provide track circuits at a suitable distance and a time delay
circuit to ensure that the Calling-on Signal is taken 'OFF' only after the train
has been brought to a stop.
Note: (i) For reception signals, 5 rail length Calling-on track circuit and 60 seconds
time delay shall be provided
(ii) For Despatch signals, no such time delay is required. However, Operating staffs
have to ensure that the train has stopped before taking Off Calling-on signal, through a
provision in Station Working Rules. Shunt Signal:-
Shunt Signals shall be of the Position Light type. The lights of a Position Light
Signal shall be white. Two lights of a Position Light signal shall be horizontal in
the 'ON' position and 45° above the horizontal in the 'OFF' position
(c) Catch and Slip Sidings and Sidings provided for isolation purposes only. Arrangements of Sidings:- Sidings shall be so arranged that shunting
operations upon them involve the least possible use of, or obstruction, to running
Siding Points on Passenger running lines outside station limits
(b) After the signal has been taken 'OFF' it shall not be possible to move any
points or lock on the route, including overlap and isolation, nor to release any
interlocked gates until the signal is replaced to the 'ON' position.
(c) It shall not be possible to take 'OF' at the same time, any two fixed signals
which can, lead to any conflicting movements.
(d) Where feasible, points shall be so interlocked, as to avoid any conflicting
movement. Holding of Route :- (a) For holding the route, it is essential to provide continuous track circuit/Axle
Counters from the signal upto the end of the route (including overlap where
required) at all class of stations. The route shall be released normally on
passage of train
(b) The Stop signals shall be provided with Approach locking Or Dead approach
locking. At a station where trains run through at speeds more than 50 kilometres per
hour, such arrangements to hold the route are also required in case of trailing
points situated more than 180 meters from the signal controlling them.
However, such arrangements are not required if the Points are locked in either
position by the signal in advance. Route holding arrangements for facing or trailing points are, however, not
necessary, if due to pre-defined system of control, it is impossible under normal
working conditions, for the Points to be operated before the train has passed. Overlap shall be released with either the passage of Train or Time delay or
Emergency Route Release. Locking trailing points by Signals in advance :—
Stop Signals which are next in advance of trailing points operated from the same
(a) The Last Stop Signal shall not be capable of being taken off until Line Clear
has been obtained from the block station in advance;
(b) It shall not be possible to close the line and grant or receive ' Line Clear
unless the 'ON' aspect of the relevant approach signals are proved. Automatic replacement of Signals: On Double Line Sections where Double Line Block Instruments have been
provided and on Single Line sections where token less block instruments have
been provided, the Advanced Starter Signal as well as the Starter Signal shall be
automatically replaced to 'ON' position by the entry of a train into the block
Note :- (i) At way side stations having motor operated points , where crank
handles are located in SM’s office, an emergency crank handle which is
universal to all the points Or emergency crank handles equal in number and
having same ward as normal crank handles , may be kept free in EKT(s) but
proved , without lock coil/Pawl in a glass fronted box (duly sealed by signal staff
and padlocked with keys in the possession of on-duty SM). Such usage shall be
recorded in TSR with reasons there of and monitored through Datalogger.
(ii) the interlocking shall be such that Emergency crank handle(s) EKT key ‘IN
‘contact is proved in concerned crank handle circuit. The crank handle of the
concerned group can be taken out only when emergency crank handle is ‘IN
Note : This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for Further Study
Rules of Isolation
There are three rules of isolation as given in Rules for Opening Railways. These rules
ensure the protection of important lines. The rules are –
(i) The line on which speed is higher than 50 kmph should be isolated from all
other running lines.
(ii) All passenger lines irrespective of the speed should be isolated from goods
* It is not necessary to isolate one goods reception line from another or one passenger
line from another when dealing with speed of 50 KMPH and less.
Isolation may be accomplished by – (a) Connection to another line or ling siding; (b) The
provision of short dead end siding ; or (c) the provision of trap. All plans shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions issued by the
Principal (or Coordinating) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. The names of the junction or terminal stations should be noted on plans on both
sides, that on the left hand side being the one from which the kilometre
progressively increases. The names of the adjacent block stations and mid-
section sidings/interlocked level crossing gates with gradients, IBSs should also
be indicated on the plans as also their respective distances from the centre line of
the station for which the plan is prepared. Communication to mid-section Manned
LC gates shall be shown on the plan of the station to which such communication
is established. Standard drawings/Typical drawings shall not be issued without the specific
permission of the Principal (or Coordinating) Chief Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer. The Signal and Telecommunication Engineer in charge should ensure that
drawings submitted with an estimate for a work are complete and include all
information necessary -
(a) For the proper understanding of the scheme, relevant notes are being written
on the drawings; and include all necessary information
(b) For proper check of the design and estimate. When a part of the work has to
be done to a standard plan or to an existing drawing, the fact should be stated.
Such drawings need not be reproduced. If a part of the information necessary has
to be supplied by another department, the officer-in-charge should obtain and
incorporate the details on the drawing. All drawings should be quoted by number in their proper place in the estimate and
in the covering letter accompanying the estimate. Tentative signalling plans prepared for estimating purposes should bear the
legend: "Tentative - or estimating purposes only". Tentative signalling plans
issued for tender purposes should bear the legend: "Tentative - For Tender
purposes only". Draft signalling plan sent to Divisions for comments should be ar
the legend: "Draft Signalling Plan For comments". All tentative/draft plans should
be signed by at least a Senior Scale Officer. Divisional/Sr.Divisional Siganl & Telelcom Engineer/Dy. Chief Signal & Tele com Sr.Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer/Dy. Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer
shall obtain complete details from officers of other Departments when preparing
plans that affect those departments and embody their requirements on the plans,
if considered necessary. He should arrange for the plans, to be signed by the
representative of the department concerned in token of approval. The code of Practice for General Engineering drawings and the standard sizes of
drawings - IS. 696 shall be followed as far as practicable. In preparing plans or making ferro prints, wastage of drawing paper, tracing cloth
and ferro paper should be avoided. Multiple ferro copying should be avoided by
use of scanning from tracing. All field units should be issued soft copies only in
pdf or tif or jpg from scanned drawings. Field units to take colour prints from
ferro scanned soft copies for application to CRS’s/PCSTE’s sanction
Type of Drawing Border
Size including Border
Cable Termination
A-3 297 mm. x 420 mm. 10 mm.
Diagram Drawings for a large project should be bound together, each such drawing should
be marked as sheet 1, 2 and so on as also the total number of sheets (e.g., 1/3,
2/3, 3/3) and bear in the proper place, the separate numbers by which each is
identified. These numbers should be entered in the Office Register of Drawings
and should also be marked on the outside bindings. The title and number may be placed at the bottom right hand corner of the plan,
sufficient space being left for "Notes" to be entered as necessary. (a) Drawings pertaining to any station, viz., Signalling plans, Locking
Tables/Selection Tables/Route Control Charts, Locking diagrams, wiring
diagrams etc. shall bear the same number e.g. SIP.SCR.GTL.VPL.Ø1.
Document or Drawing type to have standard abbreviations such as
SIP/RSP/PD/ST/LT/RCC/WD etc and for Electronic Interlocking Configuration
Diagram (EIC), Relay Disposition Chart (RDC), Inter-Rack Cable Schematic
(IRC), Earthing Arrangements (EAR), Equipment Rack Layout (ERL), Signal
Equipment Room Layout (SER), Station Master Room Layout (ASM), Power
Supply Room Layout (PSR) , Interlocking Logic Circuit Diagrams(ILC), Interface
Circuits (IFC), Visual Display Units (VDU) etc. All plans/drawings shall be version
controlled & updated in the following manner:-
(ii) Version number shall indicate document type, zone, division, station and its
revision number
(iii) Unique codes are to be assigned for zone, division and station and
document type.
(iv) Revision number may take two digit number XX which can cater for 99
(v) Electronic record copies shall have the file names same as Version number.
(vii) When drawings are having multiple sheets such as Interlocking Logic
Circuits, Interface Circuits etc., shall have an index sheet, as deliberated at
para titled Indexing
(viii) Structure of the Version code where multiple drawing sheets are involved -
Index Sheet - DocType. ZoneCode. DivCode. StationCode. Version Sheet -
Sheet#nnn. Version For example, Internal Circuit diagrams of Venkatampalli
(VPL) Station may have a version number ILC. SCR.GTL..VPL.Ø1
Sheet#ØØ1. Ø1
(ix) Version number for Part drawing or document Sometimes, only part of the
drawing may be required for illustration or planning purpose. In such cases,
drawing may have suffix ‘.Part’. SIP. SCR. GTL.. VPL. Ø1.Part
(i) Whenever changes have been made in the drawing, versioning needs to
be revised upwards. If drawing contains more than one sheet, all sheets
are required to be updated to the latest version.
(ii) For example, if changes are made in some of the sheets in signal
interlocking circuit drawings, rest of the sheets are not required to be
versioned upwards. However, version of modified sheets and associated
index sheet will versioned upwards
(iv) A registry shall be maintained to keep track of versions for all document
types for a signalling installation.
(v) Each version of production copies viz., copies of drawings and documents
when printed for issue, shall be given a change number; starting at “01” for
the original version. Subsequent numbers shall be allocated to modified or
amended versions.
(vi) Each source record shall bear the current version in the bottom right hand
corner. It may be coloured on production copies. If more than one sheet is used for a particular work, each must be distinguished
by the sheet number as indicated in Para immediately following the
drawing number. The title may be placed below the number. If the drawing
cancels the previous one, a note to this effect and the number of the cancelled
drawing should be recorded at the right hand top corner of the drawing. Every plan/drawing/circuits should bear in small letters at the lower left hand
corner, the name and initials with designation of the JE/SSE(D&D) who prepared
and officials who checked& approved the plan/drawings/circuits. If
plan/drawing/circuits are prepared by contractor then Contractor's designer
name/designation/license number with their initials shall be ensured All signatures in tracings should be in indelible ink. All signature should be dated
with date month and year. If feasible, plans/drawings/circuits may be digitally
signed. All dimensions and distances shall be written carefully upon that part of the
drawing to which they refer. The distance to be embraced by the figures shall be
indicated by arrow heads. Figuring and descriptive matter should be so printed
that without moving the plan, it can be read with ease.
(b) Holding capacity of all running lines and sidings without fouling adjacent lines,
taken from Fouling Mark/Point SRJ to Fouling Mark/Point SRJ duly considering
the length required for Glued joints & placing Signals.
(e) All gradients within the station limits and upto 2.5 kilometres in rear of first
stop signal.
(f) Kilometrage and class of level crossings within the station limits, whether
interlocked or not. Kilometrage & class of Mid section interlocked level crossings
with gradients upto 2.5 kilometres in rear of gate stop signals. Working in brief of
Lifting barrier & Sliding boom if level crossings interlocked.
(g) Type of Block Working with adjacent station and location of block Instruments,
(h) Up and Down directions and names of important junctions on either side.
(j) Reference to approved Engineering plan based on which the signalling plan is
(n) Details of Detection Table etc., which are not apparent in the plan. List of all
Main/Calling-On & Shunt Routes should be included in the Signalling Plan with all
(o) Details of Track Circuits/Axle Counter along with Dual detection (if any)
(p) Intersignal distances and distance between Warning Boards and Signals.
(u) Date of all previous references of commissioning the installation with their
sanction numbers and deviations (if any) and date of commissioning. A sample
copy of Signalling plan & Control table are at Annexures Signalling Plans and Locking Tables/Selection Tables shall be checked in full at
two levels which can be AESTE/AESTE or AESTE/ESTE or ESTE/ESTE before
they are approved and signed by an officer in Junior Administrative grade or
above, authorised by the Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. In case
of work done by Railway PSUs then 1st level check should be carried out by
PSU’s officer equivalent to rank of Executive Engineer or above in railways and
2nd level check should be done by railways AESTE or ESTE as per availability
and approved & signed by an officer in JAG or above, authorised by the Principal
(or Coordinating) Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. . Locking Diagram for lever frames having more than 50 levers shall be checked
and approved as required in Para….. Locking Diagram for lever frames
having upto 50 levers, cable plans and power supply distribution diagrams shall
be checked in full by Assistant Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer
before they are approved and signed by Sr.DSTE/Dy.CSTE. In case of work done
by Railway PSUs, these diagrams should be checked by PSU’s officer equivalent
to rank of Executive Engineer or above in railways and approved & signed by
Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer. Detailed Wiring diagram shall
be approved by an officer in JAG Typical circuit diagrams for inter cabin control and automatic signalling shall be
checked in full at two levels which can be AESTE/AESTE or AESTE/ESTE or
ESTE/ESTE before they are approved and signed by Deputy Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer and to be approved by PCSTE. Detailed wiring
diagrams for individual stations prepared on the basis of these typical circuit
diagrams should be checked in full by Assistant Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer and approved & signed not below Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer. Detailed Wiring diagram not based on typical
circuits to be approved by an officer in JAG. In case of work is done by Railway
PSUs for circuit diagrams based on railways approved typical circuit diagram, 1st
level check should be carried out by PSU’s officer equivalent to rank of Executive
Engineer or above in railways and approved & signed by executive signal and
telecommunication engineer. On receipt of these drawings, the original tracings will be amended in the Office of
Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer and marked "Completion
Drawing". Scanned completion drawings will be sent to division and Requested
number of copies of the completion drawing can be printed by Sr. Divisional
Signal and Telecommunication Engineer.
(a) Engineering Plan and Signalling Plan for each interlocked station including
interlocked level crossings situated outside station limits and interlocked mid-
section sidings.
(b) Station Working Rule diagram where issued for each station including
interlocked level crossings situated outside station limits.
(c) Locking Table and Locking diagrams of each interlocking frame, Station
Master's slide control frame, interlocking key box, power frame with mechanical
(e) Panel Diagram /VDU Diagram. VDU diagram shall be submitted to actual size
or in proportionate reduced size of the VDU for approval. Track Layout as per
approved signalling plan with symbol for direction of traffic for each line of the
layout; nomenclature of each line/siding; boards for BSLB/GWB/STOP; SM's key
In/Out indications; SI cancellation Key-In indication; provision of all un- blocking;
List of all emergency counters; relevant signalling details such as track section
nos with route set-clear/set-occupied or occupied lit indications in different colour;
main/calling-on/shunt signal nos with timer, locked indication & each aspects
indications; points nos. with 'Normal' & 'Reverse' indication slits, locking
indications, sub route cancellation symbol in blue colour with white dot; each
signal route initiation & signal overlap set/release timer indications; block
instruments status LCPR/SR/Block release indications; Crank handle Key-In/Key-
Out indications for each crossover; status of active/standby VDU; Link status,
health status, OC/CIU status, CRC/Checksum; Date/Time, colour scroll for
Chapter 8: Drawings & Specifications
Page 155 of 273
flashing indication etc. are the least but not limited, to be shown . Annexure 8/8
for VDU layout may be referred.
(f) Bonding diagrams of track circuits for each yard showing complete layout and
diagrams of individual track circuit showing location of insulation joints, jumpers,
relay and feed ends, polarity, length, traction bonds etc.
(g) Diagrams of connections at track, line and other relays, as necessary for each
track circuited yard.
(h) Diagram of Relay Interlocking, Electronic Interlocking circuits for each yard.
(k) Arrangement of relays in relay racks and contact analysis sheet, fuse &
terminal analysis sheets for Relay Interlocked/Electronic Interlocked stations
(l) Diagrams showing connections of power supply panels for each power supply
installation with perimetric/ring earthing diagram ;
(o) Disposition charts of underground cables for circuits such as key transmitters
and other signalling circuits under the charge of each SSE/JE.. Senior Section Engineers (in charge) and Senior Section Engineers/Junior
Engineer (Section) SSE/JE shall be supplied with copies of the above mentioned
Drawings and charts. At stations provided with centralised operation of points and signals, a set of
signalling plans, locking/selection tables/route control chart, locking diagrams and
wiring diagram, cable route plan etc. may be kept at the station for reference by
the maintenance staff. While signalling plans, Locking table/Section table/Route control chart and wiring
diagrams shall be supplied by Headquarters Office, other plans mentioned in
Para shall be prepared by Deputy Signal & Telecommunication Engineer
(Construction) or Senior Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (maintenance) as
the case may be. Signalling plans for non-interlocked stations shall be prepared
by Deputy Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction) or Senior Signal
& Telecommunication Engineer (maintenance) as the case may be. Tracings shall not be used for reference as they are likely to get lost or damaged.
Required number of prints taken from scanned tracing prints should be supplied
to Officers and JE/SSEs. Each particular file should contain a print taken from
scanned tracing print of the works relating to it. Should it be necessary to send a tracing from one office to another, it shall be
rolled and inserted in a cardboard cylinder. Print from scanned tracing should be folded in concertina fashion and shall when
folded measure approximately 210 mm x 300 mm. The folding should be
arranged so as to make visible the title of the plan without unfolding the plan.
When prints are rolled for despatch, they should be rolled with the working side
outwards. The Records section of each Drawing Branch may file every tracing and original
drawing on the basis of the subject classification and the index card filing system.
Each drawer of the index card cabinet should be distinguished by a classification
number: each card should be complete as regards title of the drawing, other
connected drawings, file reference and the drawer number in which the original is
stored. The storage-drawers should have placards on the outside indicating the contents
in each. The plans should be stored flat in shallow drawers of convenient
dimensions. Probability of damage by moths or white ants or fire should be
guarded against. Indian Railway Standard Drawings, designated by the code word I.R.S. have been issued
by the Director-General, Research Designs and Standards Organisation, Ministry of
Railways, Lucknow. The signal drawings are marked IRS (S) -"S" stands for "Signal".
The particulars of the drawings and their reference numbers are detailed in an "Index of
Indian Railway Standard Signalling and Interlocking Drawings - IRS (S)". This index
shows all the IRS (S) drawings arranged alphabetically, as well as serially, in the order of
their numbers. Each drawing number is either prefixed with letters 'SA' or letter ‘S’. 'SA '
stands for a signal assembly and ' S ' stands for a part of a signal assembly New designs and drawings which are accepted for a doption as standards have the word
"Advance" suffixed to their number e.g. S-8716 (Advance), pending their final adoption as
Indian Railway Standard Drawings. For such drawings the manufacturers shall have a
sample approved by the purchaser before undertaking the bulk manufacture. A set of all I.R.S. (S) drawings shall be supplied to the office of SrDSTE/DyCSTEs,
Assistant Signal and Telecommunication Engineer and to each JE/SSE as required. Indian Railway Standard Specifications- Specifications for materials used for signalling
purpose have been drawn out by the Director, Research General, Designs and Standard
Organisation, Ministry of Railways, Lucknow and are titled as "Indian Railways Standards
Specifications". These specifications are issued under a fixed serial number e. g. S-12-
54, the letter "S" denoting "Signals" the number "12" representing the serial number of
the specifications and the final number "54" indicating the year of original adoption as
standard, or in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A list of I.R.S. Signal
specification is at Annexure "8/1". Other Specifications:-Specifications issued by the British Standards Institution, the Indian
Standards Institution and the British Railway Board have also been adopted for items of
equipment used for signalling purposes for which no I.R.S. specification exis ts. Some of
these specifications pertaining to items in common use are detailed in Annexure ''8/2" Indian Railway Standard Specifications are obtainable from the Manager of Publications,
Civil Lines/Delhi-6. Indian Standard Specifications are obtainable from the Indian Standards Institution,
Manak Bhavan, Bhadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, or its branch offices at
Mumbai,Kolkata, Chennai Benguluru, Hyderabad, and Kanpur British Standard Specifications may be purchased from Indian Standard Institution
Offices at New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai Books of reference should be supplied to Officers, JE/SSEs and Technicians for their
personal use, as well as for use in their offices. A statement showing the various books
and their distribution is at Annexure "8/3" Reports of Signal Standards Committee, Technical papers and Journals:- Each Sr
Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer should arrange to have the under
mentioned technical literature in the Divisional Library-
(b) Proceedings and Technical papers issued by the Institution of Railway Signal and
Telecommunication Engineers, New Delhi.
(d) Quarterly Technical Bulletin and other technical papers on Signalling and
Telecommunication matters published by the Research, Designs and Standards
(g) Latest Approved vendor lists for Signalling & Telecommunication items issued by
(h) Above documents (latest) shall be made available in RDSO website for guidance of
(v) IEC 62305 - PER (Perimeter Ring Earth) for S&T buildings
(b) Where Soft Copies are maintained, they shall be securely stored Division Wise,
Section wise, Sub section wise, Stn wise, with Version number. A secured Computer British Standard Specifications - British Standard Year Book is published by the
British Standards Institution, Victoria Street, London S. W. I. It contains a list of up-to-
date British Standards in numerical order and also gives a brief description of each. Indian Standards Specifications - The I.S.I. Hand Book of Publications contains up to-
date list of Indian Standards and is available from the Indian Standards Institution,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, or any of its branch offices at Mumbai, Kolkata ,
Chennai, Hyderabad, Kanpur and Benguluru. Standard Drawings and Plans of working Installations - Railway should publish lists
of standard drawing as also lists of plans of working installations for the information of the
staff. Addenda and Corrigenda slips should be issued to these lists regularly once in six
months incorporating particulars of drawings and plans issued, modified or cancelled. Books of reference - Addenda and Corrigenda slips to the books of reference are
issued from time to time by the Railway Board and the Railways, as the case may be. Accountal - All Indian Railway Standard drawings and Specifications, British Standard
and Indian Standard Specifications as well as books of reference must be accounted for
in the same way as tools and plant items. Responsibility All officials to whom books of reference have been supplied shall be responsible for -
(b) pasting of all addenda and corrigenda slips promptly and seeing that these are up-to-
date to the last slip as modified from time-to-time.
(c) returning of all books issued to them for personal use prior to retirement.
(a) The standard drawings and plans of working installations are properly maintained and
kept up-to-date in respect of new drawings issued and old ones cancelled;
(b) The staff working under him understand and carry out work in accordance with
standard drawings and plans of working installations. Any mistake in drawings and plans
that may come to his notice should be promptly intimated to the Divisional Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer for arranging correction; and
(c) The staff under them maintain their books of reference up-to-date and in good order. Each Senior Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer shall be responsible to see that -
(b) All JE/SSEs keep their standard drawings and plans up-to-date.
(c) the staff properly understand and carry out work in accordance with the standard
drawings and plans.
(d) any mistake in the standard drawings, working plans and specifications, which comes
to his notice, is promptly intimated to the Principal (or Coordinating) Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer for arranging necessary correction.
(e) Each Sr Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer shall make periodical
check to see that JE/SSEs maintain their books of reference up-to- date and in good
order. He should encourage his JE/SSEs and other staff to study reports, proceedings,
papers and journals mentioned in Para So as to enhance their knowledge and
to keep themselves informed about the up-to-date developments, methods and technique
in Railway Signalling and Telecommunications.
(a) Where Indian Railway Standard designs exist, they should invariably be followed for
all new works and no modification of such designs should be introduced without the
previous approval of the Railway Board.
(b) If any defect in Standard designs is noticed under service conditions or if certain
modifications to the design are considered desirable, the matter should be brought to the
notice of the Director General, Research, Designs and Standard Organisation Signal and
Telecommunications for examination in consolation with the Signalling Standard
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
Description Specification No
1 Galvanized solid steel wire for signalling purpose S1
2 Galvanized steel wire stranded for signaling purpose S2
3 Galvanized steel wire rope for signaling purpose S3
4 Galvanized Short link chain for signaling purpose S4
5 Point Rodding S5
6 Tubular Steel Signal Poles S6
7 Mechanical Signalling and interlocking Equipment S10
8 Channel Pins S17
9 I.R. S. Post type Electric Signal Reverser S19
10 Single line token less Block Instrument S20
11 Electric key transmitter S21
12 Electrical Signalling and Interlocking Equipment S23
13 Non trailable Electric Point Machine with plunger type S24
14 Electric Signal Machine S25
15 Colour light signal multiunit type S26
16 Key lock ‘ E’ type S30
17 D.C polarized relay 3 position S31
18 Push button type single line tokenless block instrument S32
19 Testing of Railway Signalling Relays General S34
20 PVC insulated aluminum screened cables for Railway S35
21 Relay interlocking system S36
22 Motors/Electric Point Machine S37
23 Automatic warning systems S38
24 Nylon insulated joints and nylon components S40
25 Electric Lifting Barriers S41
26 Axle counting equipment S42
27 Automatic Block Signalling for unidirectional traffic S43
28 Insertion and testing of slot indicators S44
29 Earth leakage detector S45
30 D. C. Neutral line relay (proved) S46
31 Instruction and testing of Station Master’s control frames S48
32 Electric Point Detector S49
33 Twilight switches S51
34 Surge discharger S52
35 Rubber packing used in point cylinder and retarder cylinder S55
36 Inverter for Railway Signalling S58
37 Colour light signal transformer S59
38 A.C. immunization characteristics of D. C. neutral tractive S60
armature miniature plug in type line relays
39 Electrically operated automatic half barriers S61
40 P.V.C insulated cables(unscreened) S63
Sr. Specification
No No
1 Rubber insulated cables-Part-I with copper conductor. Part II-with
aluminum conductor
2 Leclanche type dry battery for telecommunication, Signalling and
General purpose.
3 P.V.C insulated cables (for voltages upto 1100V Part-I) with copper
4 P.V.C insulated (heavy duty) electric cables Part-I for working
voltages upto and including 1100 volts.
5 Stationary cells and batteries load and type (with tubular positive
6 Stationary cells and batteries lead and type (with planted positive
7 Galvanized steel wire strand for signaling purpose IS-2265
List of Important British Standard /British Railway Standard Specifications used for
Signalling purpose
Sr. Specification
No No
1 Railway Signalling Symbols-
Part-I- Schematic symbols BS-376
Part-II-Wiring symbols and written circuit
2 Alternating current line relays, double element 3 position for
Railways Signalling
3 Glossary of terms used in Railway Signalling BS-719
4 Alternating current relays for Railway Signalling
(i) Track Relays (double element. 2 position) BS-1745
(ii) Line relays (single element. 2 position)
5 Miniature tractive armature D. C Neutral Line Relay. Plug-in type, for
Railway Signalling purpose
6 Miniature tractive armature A. C immune D.C Neutral Relay , plug-in
type, for Signalling purpose
7 Miniature tractive armature A. C immune D. C. biased Neutral line
relay, plug-in type for Railway signaling purposes
8 Miniature tractive armature A.C. immune, D. C slow pick-up neutral
line relay, plug-in type, for Railway signaling purposes.
9 Miniature tractive armature. A. C immune D.C. slow release neutral
line relay, plug-in type for Railway signaling purpose.
10 Miniature tractive armature D. C. magnetically latched neutral line
relay plug-in type for Railway signaling purposes. The safety of the travelling public is ensured by the Rules laid down in -
(c) The Rules for Opening of a Railway or section of a Railway for the public
carriage of passengers. The rules provide for the legal authorization that shall be obtained for any work
which affects the running line, before the work is started or brought into use and
before a new section of a line is opened for public traffic. Approved plans, Drawings and Specifications. - All works shall be carried out
strictly in accordance with the approved plans, standard drawings and
specifications and should conform to the provisions of this manual where such are
applicable. Deviations, if any, shall have the prior approval of the Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer. All deviations shall be marked on the completion
drawings and forwarded to the Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer for
correction of the tracings and issue of revised prints. The Signal Engineer-in-Charge shall ensure that no work is commenced without
(a) Proper men and materials being available for its execution.
(b) Approved signalling plans, locking tables and diagrams, selection tables and
circuits/Application Logic, standard drawings and specifications.
(e) Sanction to the detailed estimate for the work with necessary allotment of
Funds. (This does not apply to works started on urgency Certificates).
(b) Make frequent inspections and issue detailed instructions to the JE/SSE's
(c) See that the progress of work is satisfactory and submits progress reports to
the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer.
(d) Be responsible for correct booking and control over expenditure within the
funds allotted.
(e) Assist the Operating Department in preparation of the Station working Rules.
(g) Fix a date for opening jointly with other concerned officials and notify the same
to all concerned.
(h) Arrange to issue safety certificate and joint message to the Commissioner of
Railway Safety Responsibilities of the SSE In charge - The SSE in charge of the work shall,
besides ensuring the conditions stipulated in Para, be responsible for
ensuring that -
(b) all necessary steps are taken for the safety of trains movements during the
execution of the work;
(c) there is no avoidable detentions to trains and if any detentions do take place
particulars are advised promptly to the Engineer-in-Charge ;
(d) the station staff have received the necessary notice and Station working
(e) the work is tested and found correct by him before requesting the Engineer-in-
Charge to test and commission the work ;
(f) all precautions are taken to prevent accidents to staff or damage to equipment ;
and (a) Joint inspection by Divisional open line and construction/Work Executing
(b) The non interlocking of the station / commissioning of any signalling work shall
be undertaken after the items considered essential for safety of train operation are
completed. (Annexure-9/7)
(b) Category B - Petty items (like painting, labling etc.) which may be complied
after handing over as per MOU to be entered between open line and construction
organization/Work Executing Agency All the new signalling equipments and associated gadgets shall be handed
over/taken over within 2 months period after commissioning of the signalling
works. After expiry of 2 months period, however the responsibility of maintenance
shall devolve on divisional open line organization after commissioning, subject to
rectification of category "A" defects. In order to ensure that handing over/ taking over of signalling assets is
accomplished in a smooth manner, a specific handing over/ taking over procedure
as detailed in Annexure-`9/7` shall be followed.
Under Section 20 of the Indian Railways Act and Chapter VI of the "Rules for
the Opening of a Railway or Section of a Railway for public Carriage of
Passengers" the approval of Commissioner of Railway Safety is required for the
execution of any work on the open line which will affect running of passenger
trains and any temporary arrangement necessary, for carrying it out except in
cases of emergency. The following signal and interlocking works , when they are
connected with or form part of a Railway already opened for carriage of
passengers requires the sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety before they
are commenced or opened:- The following works shall, which enhance level of safety, however, do not require
the sanction of the Commissioner of Railway Safety:-
(d) Provision of all categories of track circuits, axle counters including dual
(e) Replacement /Modification of signalling assets without any change in the yard
layout or signal interlocking scheme either in station or at mid section Level
Crossing Gates .
(g) The replacement of block instrument without any change in the system of
block working. NOTE:-
(a) The personal approval of the PCSTE will be required for sanction of the works
mentioned at para This will not be re-delegated to lower level. PCSTE of
Railway will submit Safety certificates & quarterly statement of all such sanctions
accorded by him to the concerned CRS.
(b) CSTE's sanction are not given in a routine manner but following laid down
procedure. It is therefore, suggested that while giving sanctions by PCSTEs,
following must be ensured:-
(i) All relevant documents that are prepared by field units (for submission to CRS
for his sanction) for commissioning of the works would be submitted to PCSTE
for his sanction. This includes Engineering scale/Signalling Plans, SWR
diagrams and SWR.
(ii) Format as per Annexure '9/8' shall be submitted duly filled up by JA grade
(iv) Personal approval of PCSTEs would be required and it shall not be delegated
to any lower level.
(vi) The validity of the PCSTE's sanction shall be for a period of six months only.
Re-valuation of the sanction after six months may be considered based on
unavoidable reasons.
(a) When the work is executed by the Divisional organization , the application
shall be made by the Sr.Divisional Signal & Telecom Engineer for Signalling
works. For joint works or work by Railway's PSU the application shall be
made by Divisional Railway Manager.
(c) Station Working Rules obtained from the Operating Department shall
accompany the application.
(d) The application shall be made on the prescribed form 1606/1 "Application for
Sanction" (Annexure '9/1') and shall be complete in respect of all documents
mentioned therein.
(e) The application for sanction shall ordinarily be made at least fourteen days in
advance of expected commencement of the work. When a sanctioned work is
not taken on hand within twelve months of the date of sanction, a fresh
sanction shall be obtained. If any material deviation from the plan approved by the Commissioner of Railway
Safety which affects the yard layout or signalling and interlocking arrangements or
system of train working is found necessary his prior approval to such deviations If the Commissioner of Railway Safety/PCSTE decides to inspect the work prior to
opening, he will, after inspection in the company of the officers concerned,
communicate in writing his sanction to open the work. (a) If the Commissioner of Railway Safety decides not to inspect the work prior to
the opening, the Engineer-in-Charge shall submit the Safety Certificate on the
prescribed form (Annexure ’9/2') signed by him prior to the opening of works and
in case of joint works, signed also by Engineering-in-Charge of Civil/Electrical
Engineering portion of the work. In case of work by Rly PSU, the Safety
Certificate shall also be signed by officials not below the equivalent rank of JAG in
(b) Part Safety certificate can be issued for partially completed works with clear
mention of incomplete work. Final Safety certificate shall be issued separately for
whole work on completion of left out work. In case of work by Rly PSU, the Safety
Certificate shall also be signed by officials not below the equivalent rank of JAG in
Rlys. Safety Certificate should be signed by executing officers.
(a) Test the new works and see that the installation has been carried out correctly.
(b) Fully satisfy himself, that the work can be opened for the public carriage of
passengers without endangering the safety of the traveling public or of the
employees of the Railway.
In case of joint works, Safety certificate shall also be signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge of the concerned Departments.
In case of work by Rly PSU, the Safety Certificate shall also be signed by officials
not below the equivalent rank of JAG in Rlys. (a) After fully satisfying himself he shall bring the installation into use by issuing a
message in the form given on the sanction Application (Annexure '9/1') to the
Commissioner of Railway Safety with copy to all concerned.
(b) In case of joint works the message shall also be signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge of the concerned Departments for their portion of the work. The Safety Certificate shall be countersigned by the Officers who applied for the
sanction of Commissioner of Railway Safety/PCSTE. A certificate from Operating
Department, stating that the necessary Station Working Rules have been issued
and giving reference to sanction of deviations (if any) from General and
Subsidiary Rules, shall also be attached. Copies of the Safety Certificates shall be sent to the Divisional Railway Manager
and the Principal Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer and also to the
Principal Chief Engineer/Principal Chief Electrical Engineer if the In the case of new lines or electrification, prior sanction of the Commissioner of
Railway Safety for commencement of the work is not necessary but when it is
proposed to open the line for passenger traffic or to initiate electric traction on a
line already opened, the following documents are to be furnished by the General
Manager of Railway to the Commissioner of Railway Safety at least one month
before the date by which the line is expected to be ready for opening. These
documents collectively are termed the Opening Documents ;—
(e) Certificates. Of the above only the following items concern signalling and interlocking ;—
(a) Tabulated details Form No. VIII of Rules for Opening of a Railway. (An
example at Annexure '9/3').
(b) Drawings of works, plans of station yard showing gradients, the layout of
tracks and signals and interlocking including Locking and Selection tables/Route
Control chart.
(d) Station working Rules (assisting the Operating Branch in their preparation). The new line shall be opened for passenger traffic or electric traction shall be
initiated only after the Commissioner of Railway Safety authorises the Railway to
do so after his inspection.
Note: If any part of the work relating to a new line or electrification affects any
existing signalling or interlocking installation, prior sanction of the Commissioner
of Railway Safety shall be obtained for that part of the work and the work
executed on the basis of instructions contained in Section '1' of this Chapter.
(d) Certificate of test runs (if required by the Commissioner of Railway Safety)
obtained from Operating Department.
(e) Certificate on Form Annexure '9/6' signed jointly by the Principal Chief
Mechanical Engineer, Principal Chief Engineer, Principal Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer, Principal Chief Electrical Engineer and Principal
Chief Operating Manager.
Note :- Joint Safety Certificate shall mention maximum traction current permitted
in the section.
(f) A statement (in Form XI of the" Rules for Opening of a Railway or section of a
Railway for the Public carriage of passengers") detailing any "infringement of
maximum and minimum dimensions" involved in running of the locomotive or
rolling stock.
(g) Certificate of Emergency Braking Distance of the locomotive or rolling stock for
the ruling gradient in the section
(h) Joint Safety Certificate should certify that maximum traction current permitted
in the section is suitable to signalling installations.
…………………………RAILWAY Office………………….
Department…………………… Dated:……………………
The Commissioner of Railway Safety,
I hereby apply for your sanction to
being commenced and opened for the public carriage of passengers when ready.
2. With reference to Chapter VI of the Rules for the Opening of a Railway, I have to enquire
whether you wish to inspect the work prior to its opening for the public carriage of
passengers in which case intimation will be given of the date of completion.
3. In the event of your deciding not to inspect the work prior to opening, the Engineer-in-
charge will, on completion of the work, submit the Safety Certificate, duly signed by him,
prior to the opening of the work for public carriage of passengers and when required, also
dispatch a telegram ** to your address intimating that the work has been opened and the
Safety Certificate has been signed by him.
4. The application for the use of Locomotives and Rolling-stock to be drawn or propelled
thereby on the proposed line, in accordance with Section 16 (1) of the Indian Railway Act,
1890 (IX of 1890), is sent herewith/not required.
5. The following documents @ are enclosed:-
(I) Temporary works:-
(a) Description of proposed works.
(b) Drawing of Temporary work.
(c) List of infringements to Schedule of dimensions.
(d) List of deviations from the Signal Engineering Manual.
(e) List of deviations from General and Subsidiary Rules.
(f) Restrictions
(g) Rules for Traffic Working.
(h) Documents for Bridges as per Chapter-VII of the Rules for the Opening of Railways.
6. Certified that a detailed examination of the strength and arrangement of the materials to
be used in the temporary/permanent works in above connection, have been made and that
the design and the materials to be used are upto the loads, which they will be required to
carry and that their opening for public carriage of passengers will not be attended with any
(Delete permanent/temporary work, as the case may be).
Yours faithfully
The Commissioner of Railway Safety.
Your No……………………
Sanction is accorded to the above work being carried out. % I do not propose to inspect the
work prior to its opening for the carriage of passengers. When ready, it may be opened on a
safety Certificate (vide paragraph 3 of your letter) which should be submitted to me direct
without any delay.
% I propose to inspect the work prior to its opening for public carriage of passengers. Advice
of the date, when the work will be ready for inspection should be intimated at least 14 days
before it is proposed to open it.
*Here enter the name of work and mention whether permanent or temporary.
Form of telegram “Reference Sanction No. ______________ dated ___________ work open
for public traffic on ________________ First train to pass _____________ No Danger to
public. Certificate signed.
@If any of the document are not sent, then “NIL” to be written against such items. Working
rules for extensive remodelling scheme may be sent in not later than one month before the
date on which the work is to be brought into use, and in such cases “will follow” should be
written instead in “NIL”.
Safety Certificate
When the Commissioner of Railway Safety does not inspect the work prior to opening, this
certificate must be signed before opening temporary or new works.
Description of work……………………………………………………………………………………
(i) The schedule of dimensions has not been infringed * except in regard to the items
sanctioned under letter * No……………………………..dated……………….…………..
(ii) Engineering work has been carried out in accordance with Plan
in regard to the alterations sanctioned under letter
(iii) The weight of rails, strength of bridges and general structural character of the works
are such as have been prescribed under the rules.
(iv) The *Signalling and *Interlocking and *Block Signalling has been carried out in
accordance with Signalling Plan No…………………….. and the requirements and
instructions laid down in the Signal Engineering Manual have been completed * except
in regard to the items sanctioned under letter
The work has been carried out in accordance with the documents already supplied.
3. I/We hereby certify that on …………20…………. I/We have carefully inspected and tested
the above work and that I/We have satisfied myself/ourselves that it has been properly
completed and is in good working ‘order’ *and that the work can be opened for Public
carriage of passengers without endangering the safety of the travelling public, or of the
employees of the Railway, subject to the following speed restrictions:-
Countersigned by:-
Assistant Engineer ……………………………………
Dated……………… Dated………………..
Countersigned by:-
Assistant Signal & Telecommunication Engineer ……………………………………
Dated……………… Dated………………..
Countersigned by:-
(5’- 6’ Gauge)
(62.464 Kilometers )
Station Machinery
Interlocking Types/
Warner/ Advance
Outer Home Starter block
Name of Station Inter- Semi- Non- Distant Starter
inter- inter- Isolated signal Signal Signal Signal working
locked Signal
locked locked in use
Station Equipment
Form IX
(i) Are the clocks provided at all block station? 36
(ii) Have the requirements and recommendation for signaling and 37
interlocking installations vide Chapter VIII of Rules for Opening of the
Railway and the Appendix thereto, been fully complied with, according
to the class if signaling and interlocking installed?
(iii) (a) have the requirements for single line token instrument and for their 38
installation vide Chapter IX of Rules for Opening of the Railway been
fully complied with?
(b) Have the requirements for double line block instruments and for
their installation vide Chapter IX of Rules for Opening of the Railway
been fully complied with?
If not, in what respect do the arrangements provided fall short of them?
(c) Have the requirements for tokenless block instrument and for their
installation been fully complied with?
If not, in what respect do the arrangements provided fall short of them?
(iv) Are these stations situated on a sleeper grade than 1 in 400 43
If so, what special safety devices are adopted and/or special rules
enforced at those stations?
(v) What safety sidings are providing? 44
Are they suitable?
Are any other necessary?
It is hereby certified that the Signalling and Telecommunication works to be executed for the
purpose of introduction of 25KV single phase, 50 cycles A.C. traction
between……………..and …………………on …………… Railway have been carried out
properly and that electric traction can be introduced for public carriage of passengers without
endangering the safety of the travelling public or of the employees of the Railway, subject to
the maximum value of traction current not exceeding……………….Amps.
P.C.M.E. P.C.E.
Note: (i) When the speed of a loco/rolling stock is to be increased the P.C.O.M. and
P.C.S.T.E. should be associated when the increase in speed is contemplated over
the maximum sanctioned speed for that category of train (Passenger or Goods)
over a particular section.
1. Dy. CSTE/C or Rly PSUs in-charge of the work in field shall submit the
programme of commissioning the works during the year to Sr.DSTE of the
division in the beginning of the financial year.
2. The works shall be carried out as per the standard drawing, extant instructions
and the quality manual/guidelines. Any deviation from the extant instructions will
require the approval of PCSTE.
3 The Station Working Rules (SWR) shall be prepared by the concerned
Construction Officer or Rly PSUs Officer and signed by the Divisional S&T and
Operating Officers.
4 All the works to the extent possible should be completed during pre non-
interlocking period ((Pre NI). Outdoor works such as preparation of ground
connections and fixing of point machines on points and its testing, re-allocation
and termination of cables, re-allocation of outdoor signaling gears etc. shall
invariably be completed by the construction wing or Rly PSUs after taking
disconnection/block. The reconnection of the existing gears shall be given only
after the gears have been fully tested by the concerned maintenance staff of
open line so as to ensure that the gears are in proper safe working condition.
5 CSTE/C or Rly PSUs in-charge of the work shall discuss the modalities with
PCSTE/OL before non- interlocking of major station yards for signalling works,
similarly for medium and wayside stations the Dy.CSTE/C or Rly PSUs in-charge
of the work shall discuss the modalities of the works to be done during NI period
with Sr. DSTE in-charge of the concerned division.
Joint inspection by Divisional open line and construction or Rly PSUs both at
SSE-In-Charge & officer level shall be undertaken before taking up Non-
interlocking of a station in connection with yard re-modelling / interlocking
changes for commissioning of Signalling works.
6 No major work shall be undertaken by the S&T construction organization or Rly
PSUs in-charge of the work inside the relay room/cabin/cabin basement at any
station unless the maintenance of signaling equipment at the station is taken
over by construction organization. The maintenance in such cases shall
extend to all signaling gears in the yard. However, minor alterations inside the
relay room/cabin/cabin basement etc. can be undertaken in presence of the
maintenance staff of the Open Line without taking over the maintenance of the
7 When maintenance is taken over by the construction organization all the
maintenance staff for that station shall be put under the administrative control of
the construction organization for the period during which the maintenance is
taken over.
8 During the period the maintenance of the station is with the construction
organization, it shall be responsible for safe working of gears. All safety
instructions issued from time to time shall be scrupulously followed by the
construction staff. Dy.CSTE/C shall analyses all the signal failures at the stations
under his maintenance and keep the Sr.DSTE of the division informed about the
causes of failures and corrective action taken.
One laminated copy of the documents mentioned at i, ii, iii, vi, vii, ix, x, xi, xii,
xiii, xvi, xvii above shall be kept at the station for reference of the maintenance
21 The safety certificate shall be made over to the Division at the time of handing
over of the maintenance of the station. In addition, technical documents of the
new equipment, if installed, shall also be handed over.
No………………………………………… Office……………………
From, Dated…………………..
The …………………..
The Principal Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer,
I hereby apply for your sanction to____________________________________
________________________________________________________ being commissioned
and opened for public carriage of passengers when ready as CRS sanction is not required
as per para 9.2.1.(b) of SEM Pt-I.
Modus Operandi
Yours faithfully
PCSTE Sanction
No………………………………………… Dated…………………..
The ………………………..
I do not propose to inspect the work prior to its opening for the carriage of
passengers. When ready, it may be opened on a Safety Certificate which should be
submitted to me direct without any dely.
I propose to inspect the work prior to its opening for the public carriage of
passengers. Advice of the date, when work will be ready for inspection should be intimated
at least 14 days before it is proposed to open it.
No…………………………………………… Dated………………………….
Check List
Yours faithfully
(a) For works to be executed under Open line conditions affecting safety
of running trains :-
(b) For works to be executed under Open Line conditions not involving
safety of running train or on new lines or in areas away from track opened
for traffic.
Note:- Items (a) to (h) above shall be comprehensive and explicit so that
there is the least possibility of conflicting, even differing, interpretations
being placed on the intentions of the contract. Notice for inviting tenders (NIT) shall be to the Form prescribed by the
Administration and shall embody the stipulations contained in para 1239. When limited tenders are invited, tender notices shall be issued to
Contractors on the list of approved contractors. When open tenders are invited, Tender Notices shall be available for
participation for all subject to eligibility criteria mentioned. In addition, if so
prescribed by the Administration, tender notices shall be published in the
newspapers on the approved list of the Government of India, and/or on
official web portal for on line tendering, it being left to the authority inviting
enders to select the newspapers and the number of insertions for this
purpose. Tender forms :- Tender forms shall embody the contents of the contract
document either directly or by reference. Documents pertaining to
Technical & financial eligibility criteria if any and special conditions should
also be available. Tender forms shall be down loaded from the official
web portal by paying prescribed fees on line by the tenderers. Tenderers
shall be required to submit evidence regarding their financial status, The tenderer shall be required to deposit online with the tender, earnest
money at the rates prescribed by the Administration as initial security. In
case of acceptance of the tender, the earnest money will be retained by
the Railway as a part of the security for the due and faithful fulfilment of
the contract and the balance to make up the security deposit at the rates
stipulated by the Administration or will be recovered by percentage
deductions from the Contractor "on account" bills. Tenders opened and duly initialed at the Tender Committee Meeting shall
be valued and will be adjudged by the Tender Committee and
recommendations made to the authority empowered to accept the tender. Ordinarily the lowest eligible tender may be accepted by the Railway
unless such acceptances would not be in the public interest. The
acceptance or rejection of any tender is left entirely to the discretion of
the authority empowered to deal with the matter and no explanation can
be demanded by any tenderer as to the cause of rejection of his tender. The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to appear at the
office of the General Manager, Principal Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer, Divisional Railway Manager or Sr
Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/Dy. Chief Signal and
Telecommunication Engineer (Con) as the case may be, in person or if a
firm or corporation, a duly authorised representative shall so appear, and
execute the contract within stipulated time mentioned in LOA after notice
that the contract has been awarded to him. Failure to do so shall
constitute a breach of the agreement effected by the acceptance of the
tender in which case the earnest money accompanying the tender may
be forfeited. The executive Officers and in-charge supervisor shall thoroughly study
the contract documents for works to be carried out and shall adhere to
the provisions contained therein Officer in-charge & supervisor in-charge of the work shall ensure that no
item of work that is not included in the contract is carried out without the
sanction of the competent authority. Measurement books shall be sent from one Office to another in the
personal custody of a responsible person. Completed measurement books and those not in use although not
completely written up, shall if they are no longer required, be sent to the
Sr.Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer to be filed in his
Office. Entries of the measurements shall be made direct into the measurement
book at the site of the work in the presence of the contractor or his agent.
The copying of entries from a rough note book or other record is
forbidden. The Contractor or his authorised agent shall be present at the time of all
on account and 'final' measurements and should sign the measurements
recorded in the measurement book as acknowledgement of his
acceptance of the accuracy of the measurements and the classification of
materials. The contractor shall be given due notice of the time and date
on which the measurements are to be taken. Failing his attendance, the
work may be measured up in his absence and such measurements shall
notwithstanding such absence, be binding upon him whether or not be
shall have signed the measurement book provided hat any objection to
any measurement that is made by him in writing within seven days of the
date of such measurements shall be duly investigated and considered. After the contractor's dated signature has been obtained, the official
recording the measurements shall attest his full signature and designation
at the end of the measurements. RTGS/NEFT – mandate Form must be
collected. For measurements against which on account bills are prepared and
which are subject to adjustment in final bills, the official in charge may
use percentage measurements for the part the work completed. Quantities for payment' on account' shall never exceed the estimated
quantities of actual work done upto the time of payment. In order to
ensure this, the following certificate shall be recorded by the official in
charge in the measurement book for all' on account' measurements.
"I hereby certify that not less than the quantity of work paid for has
actually been done and that the measurements are from
plans/approximately estimated ". After the quantities are computed, an abstract shall be prepared in the
measurement book in the Sr.Divisional Signal and Telecommunication
Engineer's Office. The abstract shall be headed thus "Abstract of
The abstract shall show the correct description of the item, total quantity
done up-to-date, rate and the total value for each item
measured/checked, in connection with the work. The total of the values of
all the items will be the total value of the work done up-to-date. In the case of a first and final bill this amount will not be subject to any
deduction and will be paid in full to the contractor. Except Security
Deposit and other taxes.
In the case of an 'on account' bill, the prescribed percentage of the value
of the work done since the last certificate shall be deducted as security
deposit towards the due fulfilment of the contract. The balance will be the
amount payable to the Contractor and this amount must be written clearly
in words as well as in figures. The abstract shall be signed and dated by the Assistant/ Divisional Signal
and Telecommunication Engineer. Each paragraph of the measurement book to which the abstract pertains
shall be crossed in Red Ink diagonally thus.
See Abstract pages ………………… At the foot of each abstract the relevant bill number and date of
preparation of the bill shall be entered.
(e) the quantities recorded in the bill agree with those shown in the
measurement book and rates higher than those sanctioned are not
allowed. The Railway Administration may lay down a time schedule for preparation
and checking of bills. On the completion of every work, 'No claims certificate' shall be obtained
from the Contractor according to the relevant clause or clauses in the
condition of contract. Every month or when 'on account' bills are made
out, the contractor shall be instructed to submit a list of outstanding
claims, if any. Disputes arising out of the contract for a work, between the contractor on
the one hand and the Railway Administration on the other, shall be
referred for arbitration in accordance with the relevant clause in the
General Conditions of Contract. Works shall be deleted from list of the works and same shall be intimated
Note :- This Chapter has under mentioned Annexures for further study
S.no Annexure no Description
1 10/1 Instructions For Securing Measurements
1. The measurement book is the basis of all accounts of quantities of work done by contract and
shall be so kept that the transactions may be readily traceable into the accounts by the entry of the
number and date of bill in this book when the bill has been prepared and the entry of the number
and page if the measurements affected shall then be crossed red ink diagonally thus
2. All measurements are to be taken down in ink in this book and in no others. The description of
work must be lucid so as to admit of easy identification and check .The measurements shall show
the quantities of work done as par last measurement and the total to date. A reference to the
pages of the measurement book, where the previous measurements are to be found, also be
3. No erasures arc allowed. If a mistake is made, the wrong wordings or figures shall be neatly
scored out and correct entries made. Every such correction shall be initialled.
4. For large works, a separate measurement book may be specially set apart, or if found
convenient, even two or more books may be set apart for different classes of works.
5. The measurements book must be looked upon as important records; they shall be carefully
checked by the Engineer-in-charge to set that they are kept up as complete records of each kind of
work done for which certificates have been granted. The eventual return of all books to the Sr
Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer's Office or Dy. Chief signal and Telecom
Engineer’s office for record shall be insisted upon.
7. Whenever progress on a work is reported in lump sum quantities under sub-heads of works, the
number and page of the measurement books shall invariably be quoted.
8. It will be found convenient to keep the measurement relating to one work together and to effect
this, the number of pages likely to be wanted for a work for sub-head shall be estimated and set
apart for the purpose of recording the measurements consecutively.
9. Before detailing the measurements relating to a work the following information shall invariably be
given at the top of the first page of such measurements, each item being underlined in red ink : The key objective of a railway system is to achieve a defined level of rail
traffic in a given time safely. The objective can be fulfilled by
implementing RAMS principle and process as suggested by EN50126 /
128 / 129. Failure Rate: Limit of the ratio of the conditional probability that the
instant of time T, of a failure of a product falls within a given time interval
(t, t+ Δt) and the duration of this interval Δt, when Δt tends towards zero,
given that the items is in an up state at the start of the interval. Functional Safety: Part of overall safety that depends on functional and
physical units operating correctively in response to their inputs. Life Cycle: Series of identified stages through which all items go, from its
conception to disposal. RAM Plan: Documented set of time scheduled activities, resources and
events serving to implement the organisational structure, responsibilities,
procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together ensure that
an item will satisfy RAM requirements relevant to a given contract or
project. Reliability: Ability to perform as required, without failure for a given time
interval, under given conditions. Safety Case: Documented demonstration that the product (eg. a system,
subsystem or equipment) complies with the specified safety requirements. Safety Integrity: Ability of a safety related system to achieve its required
safety functions under all the stated conditions within a stated operational
environment and within a stated duration. Safety Integrity Level: One of a number of defined discrete levels for
specifying the Safety Integrity requirements for safety related functions to
be allocated to the safety related systems. Safety Related Systems: A system is safety related if its failure can
cause harm to life and property eg. Interlocking System, ATP or carries
responsibility for safety. Safety Plan: Documented set of time scheduled activities, resources and
events serving to implement the organisations, responsibilities,
procedures, activities, capabilities and resources that together ensure that
an item will satisfy given safety requirements relevant to a given contract
or project.
Reliability R(t)
Availability A
Inherent Ai
Operational Ao
T = [ t1+t2+t3…...+t𝑘+(N-k) t ]
Where, t1 is the occurrence of first failure, etc. Failed items are not
The only difference between MTBF & MTTF is that the value of T will be
calculated as indicated above.
A system is safety related if its failure can cause harm to life and property.
(b) Safety integrity requirements i.e., what is the likelihood of the correct
operation of the safety function Safety Integrity: The ability of a safety related system is to achieve its
required safety function under all stated conditions within stated
operational environment and within a stated period of time (EN 50129).
(d) Signal
a) SIL is used to give an interval for the rate of safety critical failures.
Applies to random faults mostly due to intrinsic physical processes such
as aging.
b) SIL defines measures to be applied in the design and during the
manufacturing process to keep systematic failures low.
Section 1- Installation Lever Frame Standards, quadrants, quadrant supports, levers shoes, locking boxes and
covers, shafts and intermediate supports shall be marked with identifying
letters or figures painted on them. Plungers, interlocking bars, mechanical interlocking locks and other parts
constituting the 'Locking’ shall be stamped as under:
(a) Plungers shall be marked with their relevant lever numbers and
number of the ‘locking' box;
(b) Interlocking bars shall bear the number beginning from the first left
hand side lock to last right hand side lock, the number of the channel
of the locking box, and its position in the channel; and All pin joints shall be made a proper fit with no slackness. This is of
particular importance in catch handle type of locking where a number of
pin joints are provided to work the locking through the catch handle. For
newly fitted locking frames there shall be practically no lost motion in
connections or locking. Levers shall be straightened where required to
maintain proper alignment. It shall be ensured that all parts of the lever
frames including spare levers and their tappets are intact. (a) Notches shall be marked off in accordance with the locking diagrams.
Marking shall be done with the help of templates and the outline punch
(b) In the case of catch handle locking, it is most important that the catch
rod and links are in correct position before marking. Notches shall be cut to proper sizes and shapes as marked. Normal and
reverse notches for point levers and those signal levers which have back
tails or long leads may be cut with a small clearance up to 1 mm. Notches
of straight edge locks may have a clearance up to 3 mm for the straight
edge of the lock. All locks and driving pieces shall be securely fixed square to the
interlocking bar. Locks (dogs) shall have free movement in the channels of
the locking box. Unsupported and long interlocking bars spanning more than 10 levers in
SA1101 Lever Frame and 7 levers in SA 530 Lever Frame shall be
provided with a carrier lock or dummy pieces. Any top piece fixed in the plunger shall be ordinarily rivetted except when it
is accessible from outside, it shall be welded on to the plunger. Each assembled interlocking bar shall be checked and tested to see that -
(b) the locking provided through each bar is in accordance with approved
interlocking table.
(c) the lost motion of a lever, which is locked, shall be such that the lever
block cannot be moved more than 12 mm over the lever quadrant in the
case of locking operated directly by the lever. In the case of catch handle
operated locking, it shall not be possible to raise the catch handle block
more than 10 mm.
(d) The locking shall be strong, durable and accurate. It shall not be
possible for any mechanical lock to enter a notch other than that for which
it is intended or to force the locking.
(e) The locking in the lever frame shall be effected just at the
commencement of the movement of the lever or the catch handle as the
case may be.
(f) The release locking shall not be effected before the completion of the
movement of the lever.
(g) The locked lever shall not be free before the releasing lever has
completed its travel proving thereby that there are no conflicting notches. Locking box covers shall be securely fixed so that it is not possible to force
the locking by displacing the locks or bars. The covers shall be padlocked
and sealed. After assembling locking, it shall be carefully checked and compared with
the approved Locking Diagram. Checking of Components: The JE/SSE (Signal) shall carefully check the
components of a new interlocking frame on receipt against plans and take
necessary action. Any additions and alterations to interlocking frames shall be carried out
only in accordance with the approved revised plans and interlocking
tables. After carrying out additions and alterations, locking shall be checked
completely as detailed in para 12.26.144 Alignment: Point rodding shall be straight before being laid. Runs of
rodding shall normally be in a straight alignment. Branching Off: Where practicable, rods in a main run shall be arranged
so that they branch off on the track side in regular order. Adjustment of Point Switches : Point switches and switch and lock
movements shall be so adjusted that the lever operating them is sprung
equally in the normal and reverse positions. This springing shall normally
be 12 mm on the lever quadrant. Facing Point layouts shall be installed in accordance with approved plans. Facing Point lock shall be fitted on the gauge tie plate where steel
sleepers are not provided. The FPL may be fitted nearer to the closed switch rail leading to higher
speed movement. Notches: Notches in stretcher blades shall be cut clean and square and to
correct size Facing Point lock plunger shall be square ended and installed 12 to 20 mm
clear of the stretcher blades when the points are unlocked. Switch and lock layouts are not permitted in new installations. Spring point
levers self-reversing shall be installed in accordance with approved plan. Signals shall be so located that they do not infringe the Schedule of
Dimensions. Deviations shall be sanctioned by the competent authority. Signal posts shall normally be on the left side and adjacent to the line to
which they refer, and signals shall be located so that they are normally on
the left of, or above the line to which they apply, unless authorised by
special instructions. Fixed Green Light of Warner Signal :- The fixed green light above a
Warner Signal on a post by itself shall be provided and shall be repeated. on a post by itself with a fixed green light by night 1.5 metres to 2 metres
above it at an adequate distance (not less than 1200 metres unless
otherwise permitted by approved special instructions) outside the First
Stop Signal or Gate Stop Signal ; or on the same post, but 1.5 metres to 2 metres below the arm of the outer
Signal ; and on the same post as, but 1.5 metres to 2 metres below the Last Stop
Signal of a station in rear. Warner Signal below a Stop Signal :- When the Warner Signal is placed
below a Stop Signal, the variable light of the Stop Signal shall take the
place of the fixed green light of the Warner Signal and the arrangements
shall be such that the Warner Signal cannot be taken ' OFF' while the Stop
signal above it is ' ON '. Semaphore arm: The Semaphore arm of a Stop Signal shall be square
ended. The front of the arm shall be red with a white bar. The back of the
arm shall be white with a black band. The bars shall be parallel to the end
of the arm. Day and night indications: By day the arm of a Stop Signal shall be
horizontal in the ' ON ' position and 45° to 60° below the horizontal in the '
OFF ' position. By night, the signal shall display a red light in the ' ON '
position and a green light in the ' OFF ' position. Outer Signals: The outer signal where provided or the Home Signal,
where an outer Signal is not provided, shall be placed not less than 400
metres in rear of the Points up to which the line may be obstructed after
Line Clear has been given to the Station in rear. Home Signals: .The Home Signal shall be placed in rear of all
connections, if any, on the line to which it refers. Routing Signal: A Routing Signal shall be placed in the rear of the Points,
which it protects.
(a) A starter Signal shall be placed at not less than 400 metres in advance
of the Home Signal.
(b) Where a Starter Signal is provided for each converging line, it shall be
(c) Where one starter Signal only is provided for two or more converging
lines, it shall be placed outside the connections on the line to which it
(a) visibility of the portion between fouling marks to block section limit is
obscured from the place of operation; or
(c) Advanced Starter is placed at a distance of full train length beyond the
trailing points. Where Signals are carried on gantries, left hand signal in each case shall
refer to the left hand line, the second signal from the left shall refer to the
next line from the left and so on. The Signal for the main line shill be
placed at a higher level than the signal or signals referring to the other
running line or lines. Semaphore arm: The Semaphore arm of a Calling-on Signal shall be a
short square ended arm. The front of the arm shall be white with a red bar.
The back of the arm shall be white with a black bar. The bars shall be
parallel to the end of the arm.
(b) 45° to 60° below the horizontal in the ' OFF ' position. Calling-on Signal shall be placed below a Stop Signal governing the
approach of a train. Under approved special instructions, a Calling-on
Signal may be provided below any other Stop Signal except the last Stop
Signal. Miniature Semaphore Signal: (a) The Semaphore arm of a shunt Signal
shall be square ended. The front of the arm shall be red with a white bar.
The back of the arm shall be white with a black bar. The bars shall be
(b) By day the arm of a Stop Signal shall be horizontal in the ' ON ' position
and 45° to 60° below the horizontal in the ' OFF ' position. By night, the
signal shall display a red light in the ' ON ' position and a green light in the '
OFF ' position. Diverging routes :- More than one shunt signal may be placed on the
same post and when so placed, the top most Shunt Signal shall apply to
the extreme left-hand line and the second shunt signal from the top shall
apply to the next line from the left and so on. One shunt Signal with or
without a route indicator may also be provided for a number of diverging
routes. A repeating signal is a signal placed in rear of a fixed signal for the
purpose of repeating to the driver of an approaching train aspects of the
fixed signal in advance. It shall be provided with a marker consisting of a
white-enameled disc with letter ' R ' in black. (a) The arm of a semaphore repeating signal shall be square ended. The
front of the arm shall be yellow with a black bar. The back of the arm shall
be white with a black bar. The bars shall be parallel to the end of the arm.
(b) By day, the arm shall be horizontal in the ' ON ' position and 45° to 60°
below the horizontal in the ' OFF ' position. By night the signal shall exhibit
a yellow light in the ' ON ' position and a green Light in the ' OFF ' position. Co-acting Signals:- Co-acting signals are duplicate signals fixed below
Stop Signals and are provided where, in consequence of the height of the
signal post or of there being an over-bridge or other obstacle, the main
arm or light is not in view of the Driver during the whole time that he is
approaching it. Location:- On both double and single line sections, the Distant Signal
shall be placed at an adequate distance in rear of the First Stop Signal, the
adequate distance being not less than 1 kilometre. Semaphore arm: The Semaphore arm of a Distant Signal shall be fish-
tailed. The front of the arm shall be yellow with a fish-tailed black bar. The
back of the arm shall be white with a fish-tailed black bar. Day and night indications: (a) By day, the arm of a Distant Signal shall
be horizontal in the ' ON ' position displaying the ' caution ' aspect. It shall
(b) By night, the signal shall display one yellow light for the ' Caution'
aspect, two yellow lights in a vertical line 1.5 metres apart for the '
Attention ' aspect and one green light for the ' Proceed ' aspect. The Semaphore arm of a Stop Signal shall be square ended. The front of
the arm shall be red with a white bar. The back of the arm shall be white
with a black band. The bars shall be parallel to the end of the arm. Day and night indications: (a) By day, the arm of a Stop Signal shall be
horizontal in the ' ON ' position displaying the ' STOP ' aspect. It shall be
40° to 45° above the horizontal in the ' OFF ' position displaying the '
Caution' aspect. It shall be 85° to 90° above the horizontal in the ' OFF '
position displaying the ' Proceed ' aspect. Home Signal: The Home Signal shall be placed in rear of all connections,
if any, on the line to which it refers. The Home Signal shall be placed not
less than 180 metres in rear of the points upto which the line may be
obstructed after line clear has been granted to the station in rear. Starter Signals: When one Starter Signal is provided for each converging
line, it shall be so placed as to protect the adjacent running line or lines.
(a) visibility of the portion between fouling mark to block section limit is
obscured from the place of operation; or
(b) 40° to 45° above the horizontal in the ' OFF ' position. At a station where trains run through at speeds more than 50 kilometres
per hour, such arrangements to hold the route are also required in case of
trailing points situated more than 180 meters from the signal controlling
them. However, such arrangements are not required if the Points are
locked in either position by the signal in advance. Route holding arrangements for facing or trailing points are however not
necessary, if due to the manipulations required in the system of control, it
is impossible under normal working conditions for the Points to be
operated before the train has passed. Coils of wire shall be run out from a creel. Twists, kinks and nicks shall be
avoided. Galvanized wire rope : Galvanized steel wire rope for signalling purposes
ordinarily used for single wire runs shall be to IRS Specification No. S-3. Wire rope round wheels : Wire rope when used for making turns on
wheels shall not be less than 2 metre in length. Wire rope on cabin wire adjusters : Wire rope when used on cabin wire
adjusters and draft wheels shall be in a continuous length. Ground and miscellaneous gear, such as rodding, guide roller assembly,
cranks, compensators, turnout wheels; Interval of Painting : The general principles for fixing intervals shall be
the following : Signal posts which are to be kept conspicuous and cabin levers which are
to be distinguished by colours, shall be painted once in three years; Rodding, guide roller assembly, etc., which only need a protective
covering, shall be painted once in six years. Note : The intervals mentioned above may be reduced in areas where, on
account of weather or other local conditions painting at shorter intervals is
necessary Each JE/SSE (Signal) shall maintain a Painting Register, one page or
more being allotted to each station or cabin on his section. Record of the
painting work done with dates of commencing and completing the work
shall be regularly entered in this register. Each JE/SSE (Signal) shall also record the date of painting with particulars
of the programme carried out in the Signal Incidences Book maintained at
each station. This should be done on the very first inspection by him after
painting work has been completed. Stores Paint shall be stored in a cool dry place away from flame or naked light.
All containers shall be kept securely closed when not in use, to avoid loss
of material due to skinning and contamination. Paints, especially quick
drying paints, shall not be left open to the atmosphere. Paints from pigments and pastes shall be prepared in accordance with
standard specifications Linseed oil or turpentine shall not be added to ready mixed paints. Mixing
of kerosene with paints is forbidden. The surface of metal shall be clean and free from dirt, scale, deteriorated
old paint and rust and shall be perfectly dry before application of paint.
Painting shall be done preferably during dry weather. For a new steel work, three coats of paints shall be applied. First coat shall
be 'Red Lead', the second 'Red Oxide' and the third of the specific paint
recommended for the structure. When repainting a structure, if the old
paint does not show any signs of blistering, scaling or cracking, it need
not be scraped off. It may be used as foundation for the new coat. When there are patches of blistering, scaling or cracking, these patches
shall be cleaned down to the steel and treated in a manner as
recommended for a new structure. Paint shall be applied with brushes and spread evenly, smoothly and as
thin as possible. Rags or waste cotton shall not be used for the application
of paint. Enamel signal arms shall be scrubbed with soap to clean them. If corroded
in places, these shall be touched up with enamel paints. Signal arms which are not enamelled, shall be painted with enamel paints. The cabin lever number of points and facing point Lockbars shall be
painted in 50 mm letters on the web and close to the toe of the switch rail. The number of the cabin lever operating the signal shall be painted in 50
mm letters at the back of the signal arm blade Numbers of interlocking frame levers shall also be painted on the front and
back side of the main girder supporting the frame opposite each lever in
50 mm white letters Dates of Painting : The year and the month of painting work shall be
clearly and neatly shown on all interlocking frames, signal posts, block
instruments, Station master's slide control frames and instruments.
Suitable entries shall also be made in the Register maintained for this
purpose. A Cabin Diagram showing the location and normal position of all points.
Facing point locks, Signals and Level Crossings, with their respective
cabin lever numbers;
Note:- The lever pull chart, referred in (2) above, need not be provided in
Cabins where the number of release lever concerned are indicated on the
lever name plates to guide the Cabin man in following the correct
sequence for pulling the levers. Cabins including battery room and repair room shall be kept in good
condition and periodically painted/distempered. The roof shall be so
maintained as to prevent leakage. "Ghara" stands shall be kept properly
drained off. Wash basins, where provided, shall be kept in perfect repair.
Any repair required shall be promptly notified to the JE/SSE (Woks). JE/SSE (Signal) shall bring to the notice of his Sr.DSTE or DSTE or
ADSTE incharge of the section when repairs to cabin are delayed. Windows of cabins shall be kept clean. This is the duty of the operating
staff. Each JE/SSE (Signal) shall see that the cabin diagram, pull chart, Cabin
man's instructions and Maintained programme provided in the Cabin are
up-to-date and their glazed frames are in proper repair. All split pins shall be checked to ensure that they are intact and properly
open. Also all nuts and bolts shall be checked and tightened wherever
necessary. Handles of levers of interlocking frames shall be kept clean and bright by
the Transportation Staff. The JE/SSE (Signal) shall ensure that the interlocking frames are kept
clean and lubricated During the testing of interlocking frames, careful note shall be taken of
slack locking and if the slack locking exceeds the limits laid down in Para
no's., overhauling shall be taken up forthwith Locking of all interlocking frames shall be overhauled at least once every
three years or earlier, if necessary, as per instructions laid down in para All connections, especially the down rods, shall be examined to detect
cracks and worn out threads. The whole of the apparatus shall be kept
rigidly and solidly connected. All runs of rodding shall be regularly examined to see that all joints make
good and solid connections. All couplings, adjusting screws and adjustable joints shall be examined for
looseness, worn out threads or slack nuts. Rodding shall be examined for detecting weak places due to rust,
corrosion or other causes. Alignment: The rods shall be kept in true alignment and free from all
obstructions. Rollers: Rollers shall fit properly in the standards and move freely. Broken
roller standards, missing rollers and pins shall be replaced. In all new installations, Points, Locks and Bars shall not be operated by
wire but by rodding or by electrical means. Operation of Facing Point lock :- The operation of the facing point lock
shall depend on the correct operation of the Lockbar. This Lockbar shall
form a part of the transmission and be in series with it. All cranks and compensators shall be examined regularly and working
parts well oiled. The position of the compensators shall be carefully checked when a point
or Lockbar does not work properly or where the stroke at the adjusting
crank has to be unduly increased. Screws, bolts and nuts : All screws, bolts and nuts shall be in place and
shall be kept tight. Pins All pins of cranks, wheels, etc., shall be in place and kept oiled regularly.
All pins shall be raised slightly where possible, and oil applied underneath
so as to ensure proper distribution. Tight pins can often be loosened with kerosene; if this is not possible, pins
shall be driven out and thoroughly cleaned. Pin holes shall never be filed. Keys and Cotters: All keys and cotters shall be examined regularly. Keys
and cotters shall be in place and properly spread, split ends shall be
spread not less than 10 mm. Keys and cotters shall be of proper size and
in good condition, old nails or pieces of wire shall not be used. Maintenance of switches, gauge tie plates and bolts and cotters for pad
locks is the responsibility of the JE/SSE (P-Way). In addition, all non-
interlocked switches, leading and following stretcher bars connecting rods,
self reversing levers, hand points, spring loaded points are also
maintained by him. Connections to switches other than those specified
above such as facing point locks and bars, detectors, point and trap
indicators are maintained by the JE/SSE (Signal). S&T Staff shall not take on themselves the responsibility of disconnecting
the permanent way fittings or making adjustments thereof. The primarily responsibility of points layout and its allied equipments
binding with the concerned departments who own the equipment/gears. Sleepers under interlocked points and cross overs shall be kept well
packed. Advice of loose packing shall be given promptly to the JE/SSE (P- All switches shall be frequently tested to see if they are in correct
adjustment. For testing, the switches shall be moved slowly and it shall be
ensured that-
(a) the switches are set properly against the stock rail, and
(b) the lever operating the points springs a little, equally in the normal and
the reverse positions before being latched. When two or more switches are operated by a single lever, all switches
shall be adjusted correctly. The switches get out of adjustment on account of wear in fittings and pins,
creep of track and poor track maintenance. When the slackness in fittings
becomes excessive, slack fittings shall be replaced. Where creep and
maintenance of track is affecting the adjustment of signalling gear at the
points, it shall be promptly reported to the JE/SSE (P-Way). All sliding parts of switch and lock movements shall be thoroughly
lubricated. Switch and lock movements shall be kept adjusted so that the Lockbar
shall rise to two-thirds of its full height before the switch points start to
open. Loose or cracked parts: Switch and lock movements and facing point
locks and bars shall be examined closely to detect loose or cracked parts.
Loose or cracked parts shall be replaced at the earliest. Cross Slides : In the case of facing point bolt locks provided with cross
slides or plunger detection, there shall be no undue play between the
cross slide and the facing point detector connections. Testing Switch and Lock movements and facing point locks: Switch
and lock movements and facing point locks shall be given an obstruction
test by inserting a test piece of 5mm between the switch and stock rails at
150 mm from the toe of the switch. The obstruction shall In the case of facing point lock, key type, prevent the extraction of the key
and In the case of switch and lock movement, prevent the signal governing the
movement over the switch and lock movement from being cleared. Spring Points if used in the facing direction must be fitted with facing point
locks. They may be operated from a Cabin or from a ground lever. In the
later case, the ground lever shall be of such a type that it will not move
when the Points are being trailed through. Lockbars shall not be less than 12800 mm long for Broad Gauge and
12200 mm for Metre Gauge and Narrow Gauge lines. Adjustment Lockbars shall be so installed that with the operating lever normal
(a) An outside Lockbar lies practically level with the top of the rail.
(NOTE : In new installations, outside Lockbars shall not be used);
(b) An inside Lockbar lies 38 mm below the top of the rail and the bar does
not lean away from the rail.
(c) Whenever practicable, the end of the Lockbar shall not be more than
25 mm clear of the toe of the switch, when the points are bolted. Each Lockbar shall be provided with not less than twelve clips and three
stops located in such a manner that the maximum inter clip distance is
1220 mm. A Lockbar clip shall be fixed as near the end of the bar as
possible but not more than 225 mm. Lockbar shall not be installed over a check rail portion as a matter of
course. Under special circumstances and only if other electrical means
cannot be provided, Lockbars can be installed over check rail portion when
they are fitted with a special type of check rail joint Lockbars shall preferably be installed on the rail associated with straight
track. Lockbars shall be kept straight and true both vertically and horizontally,
driving pieces shall be examined to see if there is any lost motion. All Lockbars, clips, stops and guides shall be overhauled and thoroughly
cleaned at least once a year. Renewals shall be made where necessary. If rail creep is affecting the working of Lockbars, Technician shall make a
report in writing to the JE/SSE (P-Way), giving copy to the JE/SSE
(Signal). Testing Lockbars : Lockbars shall be tested to see that with the operating
lever normal or reverse- Outside Lockbars lie practically level with the top of the rail; Inside Lockbars lie 38 mm below the top of the rail. They shall lie flush with
the top of the rail when the lever is in the mid-stroke. Detector notches : Detector notches shall be kept square and not eased
beyond the standard size. Notches in point slides shall be kept properly
adjusted. Cleaning of detector shoes and angle slides : Detector shoes and their
angle slides should be regularly cleaned and graphited to permit free
movement of the detector shoe. Alignment : All wire runs shall be maintained in proper level and
alignment. Damaged wire or wire rope showing signs of corrosion or rusting shall be
renewed. Kinked wire shall be straightened and bad joints removed. Wires under track : Wires running under the track shall neither drag on
the ground nor rub against ballast, base of rails or side of sleepers. Brackets of pulley wheels shall be examined to see that they are securely
fixed and that the wheels revolve freely. All damaged, broken and missing pulley wheels or brackets shall be
renewed promptly. Bent pulley stakes shall be straightened and worn-out ones replaced. All Signals (oil lit and electrically lit) and Point and Trap Indicator lamps
shall be examined regularly and any lamps or founts found defective shall
be replaced promptly. Cases of excessive damage to lamps or neglect in
cleaning shall be reported to the Sr.DSTE or DSTE or ADSTE incharge of
the section. Cleaning of signal lamps is the responsibility of the operating
staff. Overhauling and Repairs : All lamps shall be overhauled once a year
and the date of overhaul marked on each lamp. Only petty repairs to Signal lamps are to be carried out by JE/SSE
(Signal). Lamps requiring heavy repairs shall be carefully packed and sent
to the Signal Workshops. All transmissions shall work freely and loss of stroke at the end of
transmission shall be avoided. There shall be no binding in any part of transmissions and all wires and
ropes shall lie properly in the grooves of pulleys and wheels respectively.
All pulleys shall be parallel to the wire run. Care shall be taken to see that wires and ropes do not scrape against
platform and other objects as rails, chairs, covers and lids. All wheels and mechanisms shall be thoroughly lubricated with a grease
gun and made to work easily. All cam paths shall be kept well lubricated
with grease. All moving parts shall be lubricated every fortnight with axle oil medium to
IS:1628 and where nipples are provided Grease to IS:507 shall be used
with a grease gun. The compensator wheels grooves and the wire rope
lengths working in them shall be lubricated with graphited grease grade I
to IS:508. It shall be checked that all bolts are properly tightened and all split pins
and nuts are in proper positions. It shall be checked that both the weight levers move independently.
Weight levers shall not be bound together either by wire or by chain. It shall be maintained that locking pawl is in a position normally free from
the ratchet rod but during lever operation they shall be engaged properly
with the ratchet rod teeth. In case of hard working of Double Wire transmission during cold weather,
it shall be checked by night that weight levers are not binding against stop
pin at the bottom of the ratchet rod and adjustments made where required. Testing Point, Lock, Detector and Signal Levers : The SSE (Signal)
incharge of Double Wire transmission shall test each point, lock, detector
and signal lever by means of dynamometer as shown in Diagram once
every 6 months. It shall be ascertained that- Point, lock or detector lever clutch does not trip after completion of lever
movement. Should it do so, it indicates that the coupling spring adjustment
is not correct or that somewhere in the transmission, usually at point or
lock mechanism or detector, tight working or an obstruction exists. The
cause shall always be carefully traced and rectified. Broken wire locks: Broken wire locks on Point and Lock mechanisms
shall be inspected to see that they are properly adjusted and are working
correctly. After each test, or after wire breakage, compensator weights shall first be
lifted by means of a pulley block to enable reconnection or repairs to be
made. The drum of a trailable or clutch lever shall be reset by an auxiliary lever Necessary steps shall be taken to shorten the wire wherever necessary in
a newly laid Double Wire transmission for the wire stretch occuring in the
course of time. Signal arms on a straight track shall be at right angles to the track
concerned when sufficient approach is on the straight. On curves, signal
arms shall be at right angles to an imaginary line drawn from the signal to
the point where the best view is to be provided to the Loco Pilot. Signal arms shall be kept securely fastened to the spectacles casting and
maintained at the correct level when in the 'ON' position. It shall be ensured that spectacles are securely fixed on their spindles or
studs, bearing brackets are firmly attached to the post and back light
blinders are in their correct position. Arm spindles or studs and counterweight lever connections shall be oiled
regularly and kept working freely. It shall be ensured that counterweights
are in their correct position and firmly secured and that the lock nuts on Slotting Where signals are slotted, any of the controlling agencies shall be
independently capable of returning the signal to 'ON'. When a Warner arm is placed below a Stop arm, the slot lever shall be
installed so that the Warner cannot be taken 'OFF' unless the Stop Signal
above is at 'OFF'. When the Stop Signal is returned to 'ON', the Warner
shall return to 'ON'. Shunt Signals: Where a Shunt Signal is placed on the same post as a
main line signal, it shall be placed not less than 2.5 metres below the main
arm. Balance Levers : Where practicable, balance levers shall be placed out of
reach from the ground and parallel to the line. Counterweights shall be
securely fastened to the levers and safety bolts provided at the end of the
levers. Indications : Except when the front light can be seen from the Cabin or
interlocking frame location, back lights of mechanical signals shall show a
white light when the arm is in the 'ON' position and no light in any other
position. Warner Signal Fixed green light: The fixed green light of a Warner
Signal shall also show a back light. Distant Signals : Distant Signals in multiple aspect area shall show two
back lights in the 'ON' position and no light in any other position. However,
where electric lighting of Distant Signals is provided, the Distant Signals in
Multiple aspect area may show atleast one back light in the 'ON' position if
the arrangement is such that the bottom light is lit only when the arm is
displaying the 'attention' aspect Trimming of Trees Obstructing Visibility: Where trees interfere with the
Loco Pilot's or cabin man's sighting of signals, the JE/SSE (Signal) shall
arrange with the JE/SSE (Works) for Trimming of tree branches or cutting
of trees within the Railway boundary. If the trees are in private land, the
Sr.DSTE or DSTE or ADSTE incharge of the section shall be informed so
that he may arrange through Sr.DEN or DEN or ADEN for the removal or
cutting of the trees. Arms provided with an artificial background shall project 150 mm beyond
or be provided with a tell tale arm so that it can be seen by the Station
Master. Posts : Signal posts shall be kept plumb. Signal post guys, where
provided shall be kept tight and in good repair. Deck Boards : Deck boards on bracket posts and gantries shall be
inspected to detect decayed or loose boards. Missing or defective boards
shall be replaced. Cleaning of Signal Glasses and Lamp Lenses : The Traffic staff are
responsible for wiping and cleaning of signal glasses, roundels, and lenses
of kerosene lit signals. Roundels of electrically lit signals shall be cleaned
by signal staff. Type, Provision, Placing and Indication of these indicators are covered in
detail in Chapter All interlocking frames, interlocking key boxes and Station Master's Slide
Control frames shall be overhauled once in three years and tested
periodically once in a year. The records of the same shall be maintained. All interlocking frames, interlocking key boxes and Station Master's Slide
Control frames shall be overhauled once in every three years or earlier if
necessary. The Supervisory JE/SSE (Signal) incharge shall check before undertaking
the work that the material needed for overhauling of interlocking frames,
interlocking key boxes and Station Master's slide control frames is
available. If not, he shall requisition the same sufficiently in advance so
that it is available for the work in time. Instructions for working of Traffic during overhauling When a lever frame,
Station Master's control frame or interlocked key box or any other
interlocking frame is being overhauled, the station shall be worked in
accordance with special instructions issued by each Railway to ensure full
compliance with G.R.3.38 and 3.39 and the Station Master shall be A notification showing the date and time when the overhauling work would
be taken in hand, its probable duration and instructions f or the station
Master to issue Caution Order to Loco pilots and for Loco Inspector to
advise Loco pilots to observe the temporary speed restriction shall be
issued jointly by the Sr.DSTE / DSTE and the DSO. For the portion of the yard, which is controlled by the Cabin to be
(b) The Loco pilots shall be issued a Caution order at the last stopping
station instructing him/her of the speed restriction of 30 Km/h at the
station where overhauling of interlocking frame is in progress.
(d) Distant/warner signal and main home signal proceed aspect shall be
made inoperative. Distant/warner signal shall be kept at 'ON' position and
first auto signal in automatic block sections to be kept inoperative for
‘Attention’ and ‘Proceed’ aspects. Only after the Station Master on duty has assured himself that the line
has been correctly set and facing points locked for the required movement,
he may permit the signals to be taken 'OFF' for the reception or dispatch
of a train. The issue of caution orders and the imposition of speed restriction of 30
KMPH shall remain in force until interlocking frame has been tested by the
authorised official and normal working is restored. All interlocking frames shall be overhauled under the personal supervision
of the JE/SSE (Signal) In charge. Before taking up the overhauling of a lever frame, the JE/SSE (Signal) in
charge shall examine the lever frame and collect the necessary materials
to carry out repairs/rectify deficiencies noticed. All notches in tappets, locks and the lock rivets shall be examined to
ensure that they have not become unduly worn or slack. False (spare)
notches in tappets shall be filled up or the tappets replaced. All interlocking bars shall be examined to ensure that they are rigid, truly
straight and not twisted or buckled. Spare holes in interlocking bars shall
be filled up. All tappets and connecting link pins shall be examined to see that they are
not unduly worn out and do not permit excessive lost motion. The inside of the locking box as also the bars, the tappets and the locks
shall be thoroughly cleaned with a stiff brush and kerosene. Afterwards,
they shall be polished with graphite mixed with thin oil and finally dusted
with graphite. Each interlocking bar shall be tested before refitting to ensure that the
locking provided through it is correct and the lost motion of the locked
levers or their catch handles is within the permissible limit, i.e. the lever
block cannot be moved more than 12mm over the lever quadrant in the
case of locking operated directly by the lever. In case of catch handle
operated locking, it shall not be possible to raise the catch handle block
more than 10mm. Defects, if any, shall be rectified. Locking shall be refitted carefully. Before replacing the covers, the locking
0 shall be again powdered with graphite. Thin mineral oil shall be used for
lubrication when graphite is found unsuitable owing to climatic conditions. It shall be ensured that waste cotton pieces or any other foreign materials
1 are not left inside the locking boxes. Before replacing the covers, the locking shall be carefully checked with the
approved locking diagram. When the lever frame to be overhauled is more than 20 working levers, as
soon as the overhauling work has been completed, it will be the personal
responsibility of the JE/SSE (Signal) in charge to intimate the Signal
Officer concerned that the interlocking frame is ready for his test. In regard to interlocking frames with more than 30 working levers, it will be
the personal responsibility of the Signal Officer concerned to test all such
interlocking frames after completion of overhauling and to introduce
normal working. The testing referred to in para 12.26.141 shall be carried out as per
approved locking table. The Sr.DSTE/DSTE/ADSTE must keep in close touch with the progress of
the overhauling work and see that the duration of the work is reduced to
what is actually necessary to avoid undue continuance of the restrictions
imposed on the traffic working. The responsibility for the safe custody of the interlocking keys released
from the interlocking key box as long as the locking is disconnected shall
rest with the JE/SSE (Signal) in-charge. Station Master's Slide Control Frames shall be overhauled under the
personal supervision of the JE/SSE (Signal) incharge. Instructions for working of Traffic during overhauling as laid down in para shall be applicable during overhauling of Station Master's
Slide Control Frames.
(a) The Cabin man on duty should be instructed to see that no signals are
taken 'OFF' by him/her unless permitted by the Station Master on duty. Locking of interlocking frames, interlocking key boxes and Station Master's
slide control frames shall be tested once in a year or earlier if required. Locking shall also be tested before opening a new installation, after every
addition and alteration and immediately after overhauling. The testing of interlocking frames, interlocking key boxes and Station
Master's slide control frames shall be done in a programmed basis on the
same lines as laid down in Section '25' for overhauling. The testing
programme shall be arranged as follows:- First at the time of overhauling, second a year later and third 2 years after
overhauling. At the end of the third year, a test should be carried out
separately only if overhauling is not proposed to be done within two
months of the date on which periodical testing is due. It is essential that the interlocking of all signals with the points is so
effected as to ensure the following conditions :-
(a) It shall not be possible to take 'OFF' a running signal until all points on
the running line are correctly set and the facing points locked, all points
giving access to the running lines from interlocked siding and goods lines
are set against the running lines and interlocked level crossing gates on
the routes including overlap are closed and locked across the road way. A
signal lever when pulled shall lock or back lock as necessary the levers
(b) It shall not be possible to take 'OFF' conflicting signals at the same
(c) When signals are at 'ON', all points, which would be locked by the
taking 'OFF' of such signals, shall be free.
(d)It shall not be possible to take 'OFF' a Warner Signal until all the relative
Stop Signals in advance have first been taken 'OFF' and when 'OFF' it
must back lock such signals.
(e)It shall not be possible to take 'OFF' main home signal to proceed
aspect unless all advance signals like advanced starter, intermediate
starter and mainline starter are taken 'OFF'. The locking in the frame shall correspond with that shown in the approved
Interlocking Table. The Locking shall be strong, durable and accurate and it should not be
possible –
(a) for any mechanical lock to enter a notch other than that for which it is
intended; The locking in the lever frame shall act on the commencement of the
movement of the lever in the case of a direct type lever frame. In the case
of a catch handle type of lever frame, the locking shall act on the
commencement of the movement of the catch handle. The release locking shall not be effected before the completion of the
movement of lever and releasing the catch handle in the case of catch
handle type lever frame. Lever collars and slide collars shall be tested so that it is not possible to
operate a lever or slide with a collar placed on it. All levers shall be placed in their normal position before testing is started.
When testing against the interlocking table, levers shall ordinarily be tested
consecutively beginning from lever number-1.
(ii) Pull over the relative Loop Homes and Outer Levers and also
Loop starters if worked from the same cabin. Try the Warner lever
again, it should be locked.
(iii) Pull over the relative Main Home and Outer levers and try the
Warner lever again. It should be locked.
(iv) Pull over the Main line Starter lever and once more try the
Warner lever. It should be free if there is no other running signal in
advance of the Starter signal.
(v) After pulling the Warner lever, see if the Outer, the Home and the
Starter signal levers are back locked. If Advanced starter exist then
should be back locked.
(vi) Replace the Warner, the Outer and the Home signal levers, but
leave the starter lever pulled over. Try again to pull the Warner lever.
The Warner lever should be locked.
(i) Set up each route separately, and if the stop signal is released by
another signal (e.g., the Outer by the Home), prove that the releasing
and back locking is correct as in the case of Warner signal levers.
(ii) See that all conflicting point and signal levers, both in advance
and in rear of the signal under test, are locked.
(iii) Replace the signal lever under test and pull over each conflicting
point lever or combination of conflicting point levers in the route
separately and see if the signal lever is locked.
(iv) Try each conflicting signal with the signal lever under test in the
normal position, pulling such levers as required releasing each
(v) Points in rear of the signal under test should be tried both in the
normal and reverse positions with the signal lever reversed to see if
the both ways locking is correct.
(vi) The extent of this both ways locking in rear of each signal varies
according to local condition.
(d) In Figure 1, when lever No.2 is tested, it is not sufficient to pull 3 and
try if 4 is locked normal because 3 locks 4 both ways. The methods of
testing where the facing points stand normally unlocked, should be as
follows :-
(ii) Pull 3 and try 1, 2 and 4,2 and 4 should be locked and 1 free.
(iv) Replace all levers and pull 4 and 3,1 should be locked, 4 locked
in reverse and 2 free.
(i) The locking between point levers is tested on the same principles
as the locking between signal levers, care being taken that each
point lever is free to be tested by pulling the releasing levers, if any,
and also that points are not being held by facing point locks.
(iv) Replace all levers. Pull 3 and try 1,1 should be free, Test Charts showing the manipulation of various levers to check each
locking as detailed in para 12.26.144 should preferably be prepared to When a lever or catch handle which should be locked can be moved more
than the allowance stipulated in para it should be considered
as having too much lost motion, which must be removed.
(c) With the Sr.DSTE / DSTE and the PCSTE on cards. One card shall be
used for each interlocking frame, interlocking key box and Station Master's
slide control frame. These cards shall be suitably filled to indicate -
(d) A site verified copy of approved locking table and locking diagram,
which was basis for testing on completion of overhauling shall each be
maintained with the JE/SSE (signal) and the Divisional Office. Date of last overhauling and testing shall be painted on the lever frames, The mechanical locking of interlocking frames shall be tested for lost
motion, as per para and lost motion, when in excess of the
prescribed limits, shall be removed. Diagram of electrical circuits for each such gears shall be prepared and
shall show all the necessary controls which shall be required to release a
particular lever. Where lever locks have been provided in the mechanical lever frames for
controlling operation of Electric Point Machine, Electric Signal Machine or
for route holding etc the functioning of the same shall be tested.
(a) Points Lever: - In points lever ABDE locks are provided for Track &
Indication locking. Lever shall be tested to ensure that the lever lock is
energised and the lever is free to be operated in A/E position only when
the controlling tracks are clear. The lever shall again be locked in D
position when the point is being operated from normal to reverse and lever
shall be free only when the points has operated fully and locked and
detected in reverse position. Similarly, while operating the lever from
reverse to normal the lever shall be first locked in E position to ensure
track locking and subsequently will be held at B position for point
operation. The lever lock shall not energise at B position unless the points
have operated, set, locked and detected in normal position.
(b) Signal Lever: - While pulling the signal lever from normal to reverse
the lever shall be locked in A position and will be free only when route for
the reception of the train has been correctly set, all facing points locked
and all the controlling tracks are clear i.e. all conditions are fulfilled for
taking 'OFF' the signal. While putting back the lever from reverse to normal
position the lever shall be locked at B position and will be free only when
the intended movement is completed and it is free from back locking as
well as approach locking where provided. Normal indication locking must
also be effective in B position in case of semaphore signal. The testing of electrical locking shall be carried out in accordance with the
approved release circuit of each lever as shown on the approved diagram
of electrical circuits. For testing the electrical locking provided on a lever, the other levers
required to release that lever shall be pulled and it must be ensured that
the lever is free to be pulled mechanically. All the conditions for the release of the electrical lock of the lever under
test shall be set up. The lever shall now be pulled from normal to reverse
for testing of A&D locks and reverse to normal for E&B locks and proper
functioning of the lever locks checked. A test lamp/voltmeter shall now be connected on the electrical lock of the
lever under test. The lever shall now be pulled from normal to reverse and
vice versa. The test lamp should lit up at lock positions. The lever shall be
held at these positions one after the other and all the lock release
conditions shall be broken one by one. It shall be ensured that feed to the
lever lock is disconnected each time. While doing this test, care shall be
taken to test each circuit individually one after the other duly isolating other
parallel circuits. All electrical equipments such as electric lever locks, circuit controllers
etc., as well as wiring shall be examined and tested for insulation. The
insulation must not be less than 10 Mega Ohm. Defective equipments
shall be replaced. Date of last overhauling and testing should be painted on the interlocking
Before the interlocking work at points is undertaken, it must be ensured that the JE/SSE( P-Way)
has :-
ii) eased off rail joints on either side of points to be interlocked and closed the stock rail joints
associated with lock bars.
iii) fully ballasted and packed all points which are to be interlocked and taken adequate measures
to prevent lateral and longitudinal movement of points.
v) arranged the sleepers on adjacent tracks in alignment, where rods and wires have to cross.
x) made the stretchers of such a length so that the throw of switches is as per approved drawings.
a) they can be thrown both ways with ease and can be housed against the stock rail by hand and
remain there when the pressure is removed.
b) the planed surface of the switch rail fully houses against the stock rail as per approved
a) they normally lie in the mid-position and flex equally in the normal and reverse positions.
b) the planed surface of the switch rails fully houses against the stock rails as per approved
xiii) fitted flexible stretchers so that they flex equally in the normal and reverse positions,
xiv) provided a stop for the open position of a single switch layout.
1 Signal arms, point indicators, boards & markers As per shape &colour as shown in
2 Signal post & signal fitting
a) Signal Post
Sheet no 6
Maintenance work to be done SSE
S.No. Gears Technician/ JE/SSE
Signal Signal
In charge
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 CABIN : General
1.1 Cleaning the ground floor & locking. F M Q
1.2 Checking Cabin diagram, pull chart, station working instructions, M Q
maintainer’s programme up to date and warning board (DW Cabin)
1.3 Test locking against interlocking table and yard diagram and Random Check Y
broken wire test (if D.W)
1.4 Check the sealing and locking of interlocking tray, resetting handle M M Q
box, etc.
1.5 Check the lever frame is due for overhauling. M Q
1.6 Check the installation as per current plan. M Q
1.7 Check the inter changeability of keys of padlocks where available. F M Q
1.8 Check from the operator any defect or discrepancy of the gears. F M Q
7.6 Check the ends of plunger of the lock and notches are F M Q
7.7 Check the lock plunger is 12 mm clear from the F M Q
strecher blades when unlocked. In case of EFP
locks,check locking Dog protrudes 3 mm (at
least)after locking both the strecher.
7.8 Check for tightness of Bolts & Nuts and arrange for F M Q
tightening / replacing missing bolts and nuts of Flexible
7.9 Check lock bars are straight and examine the driving F M Q
pieces for looseness.
7.10 Check the lock bar clips and stops for tightness and F M Q
lubricate the bearing of clips.
7.11 Badly wornout clips to be replaced and check if creep is F M Q
affecting the working of lock bar.
7.12 Check that lock bars lie 38mm below the top of the rail. F M Q
7.13 Check the broken wire locks & test for easy movement & F M Q
also check the point mechanism butting against its stop
in normal & reverse.
7.14 Check that no two similar wards exist for conflicting train - M Q
movements for hand plunger lock, lever lock.
This is to certify that I have personally supervised the overhauling of the interlocking frames/
Interlocking key boxes/Station Master's slide control frames at the station/cabins on my section
shown below, and that they have been thoroughly examined and cleaned, also repaired or refitted
where necessary and all parts are in good working order. The mechanical locking is in accordance
with the approved interlocking charts and interlocking tables.
Station Date of
Apparatus Date
/Cabin last Reference to plans Remarks
overhauled overhauled
name overhaul
table, Signalling
. . . . .
locking plan
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
Signature.... ............
This is to certify that I have personally tested the interlocking frames, interlocking key boxes and
Station Master's slide control frames at the stations on my section shown below and that they are
in good working order and that the mechanical locking/electrical locking is in accordance with the
approved interlocking tables.
Signature.... ...........