Figures of Speech 2 1
Figures of Speech 2 1
Figures of Speech 2 1
Identify Simile, Metaphor and Personification with mastery.
Construct sentences using Simile, Metaphor and Personification correctly.
Show the importance of Figures of Speech in one’s life.
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Checking of Attendance
3. Motivation
Group 1
Group 2
B. Developmental Activities
1.Presentation of the lesson
What you have noticed or what can you say
about the given pictures and sentences in that
All right! Do you have other ideas?
What about your observation in each
Very good! It compares two different objects.
Based on each picture, sentence and answer
given by your classmates, do you have any Ma’am, pictures are beautiful.
idea about our topic for today?
That’s right!
What do you call this creative use of Ma’am, it is very difficult.
language? Ma’am, I think it compares two things.
That’s right!
2. Discussion of the lesson I think our lesson is all about sentences that compare
Class, that will be our lesson for today. things.
Figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a
meaning other than the literal meaning. We
have lots of figure of speech but for now we Figures of Speech, Ma’am.
will discuss three of them. Do you have any
idea what are those?
Okay, those are Simile, Metaphor and
Did you understand now what is simile? Do Our lawn is like a green carpet.
you have questions so far?
Let us now proceed to the next one which is
Metaphor. Our maid is slow as a snail.
Will you please read the meaning of metaphor?
Nice comparison, but how about yourself? The empty room was a cave of silence.
C. Generalization
Class, have you ever tried comparing Simile is a comparison between two different objects
yourself to other people? using like and as while the metaphor, it is a comparison
without the use of like and as. Personification is when
But why? What is the reason why you we give human characteristics to inanimate things.
compared yourself from the other person?
Yes Ma’am
If you were to compare yourself to an object, what would it be and why? Draw it in one whole
sheet of paper and write three (3) sentences about it using simile, metaphor, and personification.
Scale Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2)
Neatness The drawing is very The drawing is neat, The drawing is good. The drawing is
appealing, and all and all items are Did not color in all sloppy and
items are colored in colored in correctly. items. incomplete. The
perfectly, including picture does not
all details and match.
Usage of Simile, The students The students The students The students did not
Metaphor, and correctly used simile, correctly used only 2 correctly used only 1 correctly used figure
Personification in metaphor, and figures of speech figure of speech of speech writing
writing sentences personification in among simile, among simile, sentences.
writing sentences. metaphor, and metaphor, and
personification in personification in
writing sentences. writing sentences.
Using the Tiktok app, make a two-minute vlog introducing your family members. Manage to use
simile, metaphor, and personification in your sentences. Be ready to present it in front of the class.
Video Quality Student followed Student did very Student did an Student makes
all instructions well in adequate job just a little effort
and was able to introducing their introducing their to introduce their
make a very nice family members family members family members.
introduction however there
video with their were a few
family. major issue
Content All required Some details are Video addresses Video does not
Does the details are covered with all required present all the
presentation covered excellent clarity details required details.
cover required thoroughly. and but lacks
elements thoroughness thoroughness
thoroughly? while others and
could clarity
be improved.
Recite a two-minute introduction of your family members through a poem, Manage to use simile,
metaphor, and personification in each stanza. Be ready to present it in front of the class.
Quality of the Student followed Student did very Students did an Student makes
Material used all instructions well in adequate job just a little effort
and was able to introducing their introducing their to introduce their
make a very nice family members family members family members
introduction through a poem. through a poem. through a poem.
with their family However, there
through a poem. were a few
major issue
Content All required Some details are Poem addresses Poem does not
details are covered with all required present all the
covered excellent clarity details required details.
thoroughly. and but lacks
thoroughness thoroughness
while others and
could clarity
be improved.
Prepared by:
Teacher Intern
Checked by:
Cooperating Teachers
School Principal III