Children's Beliefs About Intelligence and School Performance

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Journal of Educational Psychology Copyright 1996 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1996, Vol. 88, No. 3, 397-407 0022-0663/96/S3.00

Children's Beliefs About Intelligence and School Performance

Deborah Stipek J. Heidi Gralinski
University of California, Los Angeles Harvard University

The study was designed, first, to explore associations among children's beliefs about
intelligence and effort, goal orientations, self-reported learning strategies, and academic
achievement. Assessments of all variables were conducted twice over 1 school year on 319
children in Grades 3-6. Results indicated that the belief that intelligence is relatively fixed
was associated with the beliefs that performance is relatively stable and that intelligence is
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

global in its effects on performance. This set of beliefs was differentiated from the belief that
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

effort has positive effects on intelligence and performance. Children's beliefs in intelligence
as fixed and affecting performance were negatively associated with academic achievement,
but a path analysis provided only modest support for the hypothesis that the effect of such
beliefs would be mediated by a performance goal orientation and accompanying superficial
learning strategies.

Perceptions of the causes of academic performance figure to different domains of activity), and that it underlies (af-
prominently in theories of achievement motivation and have fects) learning and performance. Whether the belief that
important implications for how individuals behave in aca- ability is fixed is empirically connected to these other be-
demic contexts (Stipek, 1993; Weiner, 1992). The implica- liefs about ability and performance has not been examined.
tions for behavior of various causal factors, such as ability We developed a set of questions, therefore, that included
and effort, are likely to vary, however, depending on their items related to all of these beliefs and assessed associations
meaning to individuals. In this study, we explored associa- among them.
tions among various beliefs about school performance and Although Dweck (1986) referred to an entity theory of
its causes. We also examined associations between beliefs general intelligence, it seemed possible that children think
about ability, effort, and performance, on the one hand, and more in terms of specific domains of performance, at least
goal orientations, self-reported learning strategies, and aca- for understanding their own and classmates' performance in
demic achievement, on the other. school contexts in which intellectual work is divided into
Dweck (1986) and her colleagues (Cain & Dweck, 1989; subject areas. To examine this possibility, the present study
Dweck & Bempechat, 1983; Dweck & Leggett, 1988) were considered students' beliefs about, and orientations toward,
among the first to study individual differences in concep- two subjects that all children encounter in elementary
tualizations of intelligence. They proposed that individuals school: mathematics and social studies. We expected par-
differ in the degree to which they see intelligence as a ticipants to see mathematics ability and performance to be
capacity or fixed entity, affected only modestly by effort, more stable and less affected by effort compared with social
versus a set of knowledge and skills that increase incremen- studies.
tally with practice and effort. They referred to the former as
an entity theory and the latter as an incremental theory. This hypothesis is suggested by findings reported by
Parsons et al. (1983) indicating that children tend to view
This study extends Dweck's (1986) analysis to explore
science and mathematics as difficult subjects that require
more broadly associations among various beliefs about in-
telligence and effort and their effects on academic perfor- higher levels of ability than other subjects. In addition,
mance. Other theorists have linked the view that intelligence Dweck (1986) observed that new units in mathematics tend
is relatively fixed (Dweck's entity theory) to other beliefs to involve new skills and concepts that are progressively
about intelligence and performance. Rosenholtz and Simp- more difficult. In contrast, increases in difficulty level may
son (1984) proposed the following constellation of beliefs: be less salient in domains that require primarily verbal
that intelligence is stable over time, that it is global (related skills. The experience of confusion or difficulty in math
might give rise to a belief that effort does not pay off as
much in mathematics as in a subject requiring verbal abil-
Deborah Stipek, Graduate School of Education, University of ities, like social studies (see also Licht & Dweck, 1984).
California, Los Angeles; J. Heidi Gralinski, Department of Psy- Consistent with this perspective, Stodolsky, Salk, and
chiatry, Harvard University. Glaessner (1991) found that, compared with social studies,
This study was completed as part of a longitudinal study of the students were more likely to explain why they liked or did
Galef Institute's "Different Ways of Knowing" Program.
not like math by referring to its difficulty level, suggesting
Correspondence concerning mis article should be addressed to
Deborah Stipek, Graduate School of Education, University of that difficulty is a salient dimension for mathematics.
California, Los Angeles, California 90024. Gottfried (1990) also found a stronger pattern of relation-


ships between achievement and intrinsic interest in math they interpret outcomes, and ultimately what they learn
than in other subject areas. (Ames & Archer, 1988; Duda & Nicholls, 1992; Elliott &
Another question addressed by this study concerned age Dweck, 1988; Graham & Golan, 1991; Nicholls, Cobb,
differences in children's concepts of intelligence and their Wood, Yackel, & Patashnick, 1990). The evidence suggests
perceptions of the effects of intelligence and effort on that a performance goal orientation fosters a failure-avoid-
performance. Past research has suggested that children's use ing pattern of motivation characterized by an avoidance of
of underlying psychological traits to explain behavior and challenging tasks (Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988;
performance develops slowly over the elementary school Elliott & Dweck, 1988), marked negative self-evaluations
years (e.g., Livesley & Bromley, 1973). Nicholls and his and affect following failure, positive affect following suc-
colleagues have found that by the age of 8 or 9 years cess with little effort (Jagacinski & Nicholls, 1984, 1987),
children have begun to develop a concept of ability as and use of ineffectual problem-solving strategies (Elliott &
capacity, but a concept of ability that constrains the effect of Dweck, 1988). In contrast, mastery goals have been asso-
effort is not fully developed until about the age of 11 years ciated with positive achievement-related activities, includ-
(Nicholls, 1978; Nicholls & Miller, 1984). If a concept of ing persistence in the face of difficulty and use of strategies
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ability as stable requires the development of a notion of likely to lead to problem solution (Elliott & Dweck, 1988).
psychological traits, an age-related increase over the upper In the present study, we also examined the cognitive
elementary years might be expected in the degree to which strategies students use to complete tasks and their relation to
children see ability and performance as stable. student learning (as reflected in their grades and achieve-
The final set of questions concerned associations between ment test scores). Cognitive strategies refer to the methods
children's beliefs about intelligence, effort, and perfor- students use to comprehend course material. Weinstein and
mance, on the one hand, and their goals, behavior, and Mayer (1986) suggested that active strategies—such as
achievement, on the other. Dweck and her colleagues elaboration, paraphrasing, summarizing, note-taking, and
claimed that theories about the nature of intelligence orient question-asking—help learners integrate and connect new
people toward particular achievement-related goals (Cain & information with prior knowledge and thus master new
Dweck, 1989; Dweck, 1986; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Ni- material. Active approaches to mastering new material
cholls, 1983). An entity theory is believed to heighten would be expected of students whose primary purpose is to
evaluative concerns about performance because perfor- develop skills and understanding. In contrast, students who
mance is considered diagnostic of intellectual capacity are more concerned about demonstrating their ability (as
when capacity is fixed. Thus, individuals holding an entity opposed to actually acquiring ability) or who are more
theory (or focusing on the capacity component) of intelli- interested in gaining social approval would be concerned
gence should be primarily concerned about demonstrating with how others evaluate them (Ames, 1984). This self-
how much they have or avoiding revealing their lack of "it." focus, in turn, would be expected to be associated with
In addition, they should be more concerned about "looking superficial strategies (e.g., guessing, copying, or focusing
smart" than about acquiring new competencies. Entity the- only on material that has to be remembered) that enable
orists are, therefore, likely to have a performance or ego students to complete work but that do not necessarily con-
orientation toward learning. tribute to their understanding.
Incremental theorists, in contrast, should seek opportuni- Several studies have demonstrated that students' goal
ties to challenge their current skill levels because this will orientations are, in fact, associated with their use of prob-
enable them to develop their skills or increase their knowl- lem-solving strategies. Meece, Blumenfeld, and Hoyle
edge. When individuals have these learning goals, they are (1988), for example, found that students scoring high on a
concerned about developing skills and understanding or measure of task orientation in science reported relatively
achieving a sense of mastery. By focusing on intelligence as greater use of active metacognitive strategies (e.g., review-
acquirable, incremental theorists are likely to have a learn- ing material not understood, asking questions as they
ing or mastery orientation (see Ames, 1992; Blumenfeld, worked, and making connections between current problems
1992; Maehr, 1984; Meece, 1991; Nicholls, 1983, 1992). and past problems) and less use of "superficial engagement"
This proposed link between theories of intelligence and (e.g., copying, guessing, and skipping questions). Children
goal orientations has been demonstrated empirically. For who were relatively more ego-oriented claimed to use rel-
example, Bempechat, London, and Dweck (1991) found atively more of both active and superficial strategies (see
that elementary school children in an experimentally in- also Ames & Archer, 1988; Nolen, 1988).
duced incremental condition were more likely than children Although this research suggests that entity theorists are
who were in the entity condition to select a learning goal; likely to use superficial strategies, in part, because they are
they preferred "problems that I'll learn something from, oriented toward performance goals, studies have not sam-
even if they're so hard that I do worse than the other kids" pled the same students across time or across subject areas,
over "problems that are fairly easy, so I'll do well" (Bem- and they have usually not examined the entire process by
pechat et al., 1991, p. 27; see also Dweck & Bempechat, which theories of intelligence are believed to affect student
1983; Dweck & Leggett, 1988). learning in the context of regular classroom settings. In
Previous research has demonstrated further that perfor- addition, previous research has focused primarily on chil-
mance and learning goals have implications for the kind of dren from middle-class families with European American
tasks students prefer, how students approach tasks, how backgrounds. As a result, it is not known whether previ-
ously found patterns of associations generalize to non- administrator, and data were collected in three sessions, each
White children from poor or working-class families. lasting about 20 min. In the spring, students read silently and
In the present study, we addressed some of these limita- answered all questions in one session. The administrator was
tions by recruiting such a sample and using a longitudinal available to help if students found a question difficult or confusing.
design. Our study departs from research conducted by
Dweck and her colleagues (Dweck & Bempechat, 1983; Motivation Measures
Dweck & Leggett, 1988) in that it examines the role of an
empirically derived set of coherent beliefs about intelli- A primary purpose of this study was to explore associations
gence, effort, and performance, rather than the more nar- among beliefs about intelligence, effort, and performance. The
rowly and theoretically derived entity theory. The study was measure originally included 12 items that assessed the beliefs that
(a) ability is stable and unaffected by effort (similar to Dweck's,
designed to examine the entire process by which theories of
1986, entity theory; e.g., "Some kids will never be smart, no matter
intelligence and performance have been proposed to affect how hard they try"); (b) performance is stable and only modestly
student learning. At the beginning and the end of an aca- affected by effort (e.g., "Some kids can never do well in math,
demic year, elementary school-age children (third through
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

even if they try hard"); (c) intelligence is a specific and global

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

sixth grade) completed a questionnaire assessing their be- cause of academic performance (e.g., "You have to be smart to do
liefs about intelligence, effort, and performance, the well in math" and "Kids who are not smart don't do well in any
strength of their performance and mastery goals, and their subject"); (d) effort is a cause of academic performance (e.g.,
use of active and superficial cognitive learning strategies in "Everyone could do well in math if they worked hard"); and (e)
the classroom. Grades and achievement test scores served as effort increases intelligence (similar to Dweck's incremental the-
an index of their actual learning. It was expected that ory; e.g., "You can get smarter by working hard in school").
children who believed that intelligence was relatively fixed Factor analyses of all 12 items, using maximum likelihood as
and global in its effects on performance would be more the method of estimation and oblique rotations using promax, were
performance oriented. As a result, they would use more done separately for the fall and spring data. The squared multiple
correlation of each variable to all other variables was used as the
superficial and less active problem-solving strategies and
communality estimate. Two interpretable factors emerged with
ultimately achieve at a lower level than children who did not eigenvalues above l.O.1
endorse such a view of intelligence and performance. The first factor included all of the items that referred to beliefs
about ability and performance, and the second included items that
referred to the positive effects of effort on performance and intel-
Method ligence (see Table 1 for factor loadings). The correlation between
the two factors was .07 in the fall and - .02 in the spring. Thus,
Participants two scales were created and used in further analyses—one referred
to henceforth as the Ability-Performance Beliefs scale and the
The study included 319 children (165 boys and 154 girls); 66 other referred to as Effort-Related Beliefs scale. Although both
third graders, 119 fourth graders, 75 fifth graders, and 59 sixth scales include items that go beyond Dweck's (1986) two theories
graders. These children were enrolled in 32 schools serving pre- of intelligence, the first contains items similar to her entity theory
dominantly poor and working-class, ethnically diverse families in and the second contains items that are similar to her incremental
three different school districts—two in a large, urban area in theory.
southern California and a third in a large, urban area in the The items referring to math and social studies loaded on the
Northeast. Students provided demographic information indicating same factors, suggesting that children in this sample did not
that 45% were self-identified as Latino, 15% as European Amer- differentiate between these two subject areas. In addition, results
ican, 15% as African American, 9% as Asian American, 17% as of of analyses examining differences in scores for math and social
Portuguese descent (all in Grades 3 and 4), and 0.6% were from a studies showed no significant differences for ability-performance
variety of other ethnic backgrounds. All participants who agreed to beliefs in the fall, F(l, 301) = 1.61, or spring, F{\, 300) = 1.02,
participate were included in the study. or for effort-related beliefs in the fall, F(\, 291) = 3.58, or spring,
Report card grades were taken directiy from school files. Pretest F(l, 285) = 1.28. Math and social studies items were, therefore,
grades were from the end of the previous year; posttest grades both included on the Ability-Performance Beliefs and Effort-
were from the end of the study year. Related Beliefs scales.
California Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) scores or Metropolitan To ensure that the two scales were reliable for all grade levels,
Achievement Tests (MAT) scores were taken from student records we computed alphas separately by grade for each scale and for
from the spring of the previous year and again in the spring of the each testing period. Alphas for the Ability-Performance Beliefs
year the study was conducted. scale ranged from .77 (fifth and sixth graders, fall) to .86 (third
graders, spring), with a mean of .82. Alphas for the Effort-Related
Testing Beliefs scale were somewhat lower, ranging from .50 (fifth grad-
ers, fall) to .77 (fourth graders, spring), with a mean of .63. There
Participants were asked to complete a battery of written ques- was no trend for reliability to become either higher or lower with
tionnaires within the first 4 months of the school year and again grade.
during the months of May and June. The administrator, who was Average scores on the Effort-Related Beliefs scale were much
not known by the children, explained that she was interested in higher than scores on the Ability-Performance Beliefs scale (M =
children's thoughts and feelings about school and some school
subjects. She reassured children that their answers would not be 1
A factor analysis using a varimax rotation and another using
shown to their teachers, and she encouraged them to respond to the principal axis factoring produced the same two factors, although
questions honestly. In the fall, all questions were read aloud by the loadings varied somewhat across methods.

Table 1
Factor Loadings for Entity-Related Beliefs and Effort Scale Items
Fall Spring
Factor 1 2 1 2
Entity-Related Beliefs"
1. Some kids can never do well in math,
even if they try hard. .66 .70
2. Some kids can never do well in social
studies, even if they try hard. .67 .64
3. Some kids will never be smart, no
matter how hard they try. .69 .53
4. There isn't much you can do to make
yourself smarter. .54 .68
5. Some kids can't do well in any kind
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

of school work. .51 .56

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6. You have to be smart to do well in

math. .51 .56
7. You have to be smart to do well in
social studies. .55 .59
8. Kids who are not smart don't do well
in any subject. .58 .60
9. Anyone who works hard could be one
of the smartest in the class. .48 .53
10. Everyone could do well in math if
they worked hard. .67 .74
11. Everyone could do well in social
studies if they worked hard. .67 .71
12. You can get smarter by working hard
in school. .47 .70
Eigenvalues 4.61 2.27 5.03 3 .82
% variance 66 33 57 43
Note. Loadings under .45 not included.
Some items were taken from Stipek and Gralinski (1991).

2.88 and 2.71 for the fall and spring Ability-Performance Beliefs CTBS and MAT) and total language (CTBS) scales were used in
scale scores, respectively, and M = 4.44 and 4.11 for the fall and the analyses. Language scores were not available for participants
spring Effort-Related Beliefs scores, respectively); the variance for who took the MAT.
the two scales was also somewhat different (SD = 1.07 and 1.04
for the fall and spring for Ability-Performance Beliefs scale scores,
respectively, and SD = 0.62 and 0.85 for the fall and spring for Results
Effort-Related Beliefs scale scores, respectively).
Most of the items used to measure mastery and performance Grade Differences in Ability-Performance and
goal orientations and superficial and active learning strategies
were taken from measures used in previous research. The Appen-
Effort-Related Beliefs
dix gives the items and the alphas for each measure. The questions
The second question the study was designed to address
related to mastery and performance goal orientation were given
twice—once specifying math and once specifying social studies. concerned age-related changes in children's beliefs about
Responses for all questions were given on a scale of 1-5 with intelligence, effort, and performance. Scores on the Ability-
anchors as indicated in the Appendix. Scores used in analyses were Performance Beliefs and Effort-Related Beliefs scales were
created by computing the mean of the individual items on the submitted to Gender X Grade (2 X 4) analyses of variance
scales. (ANOVAs) for the fall and spring separately.
A significant grade main effect was found for the fall
Ability-Performance Beliefs scale scores, F(3, 311) =
20.16, p < .001, but not the spring Ability-Performance
Math and social studies grades were coded as follows: A = 4, Beliefs scale scores, F(3, 311) = 2.44, p < .06, or the fall,
B = 3, C = 2, D = l . a n d F = 0. F(3, 311) = 2.28, p < .08 and spring, F(3, 311) = 0.92, p
< .43 Effort-Related Beliefs scale scores. As can be seen
from the means in Table 2, scores on the Ability-Perfor-
Achievement Test Scores
mance Beliefs scale decreased from third to fifth grade.
Because participants had taken one of two different standardized A significant gender main effect, F(l, 311) = 6.92, p <
achievement tests, national percentile scores for total math (either .01, was found for spring Ability-Performance Beliefs scale

Table 2
Correlations Among Motivation Variables (N = 319)
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Entity .46*** .10 .08 .03 .41*** .40*** .17** .54***
2. Effort .06 .22*** .29*** .32*** .13* .22*** .24*** .10
3. Mastery - M .11* .38*** .47*** .62*** .26*** .21*** 42*** .14*
4. Mastery - S .12* .45*** .69*** _4j*** .22*** .36*** .56*** .18**
5. Perform - M .42*** .24*** .35*** 29*** .48*** .69*** .28*** .32***
6. Perform - S 44*** .28*** .31*** 39*** .79*** .47*** .41*** 44***
7. Active Engage .08 .45*** .54*** .58*** .25*** .35*** .26*** .41***
8. Superficial Engage .43*** .13* 20*** 24*** .43*** 40*** .33*** .40***
Note. Fall data are above the diagonal; spring data are below the diagonal. The correlations in bold type on the diagonal are between
fall and spring scores. M = math; S = social studies.
*/><.05. **/><.01. ***p<.001.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

scores only. Boys (M = 3.05) had higher scores than girls ability-performance beliefs and a performance orientation
(M = 2.81), on average. and between a performance orientation and superficial
learning strategies were found for both the fall and spring
Associations Among Measures and testing. Students who believed that intelligence and aca-
demic performance are relatively stable and that intelligence
Stability Over Time is important for school performance and increases only to a
As can be seen from the Pearson correlation coefficients degree by effort (i.e., who scored relatively high on the
in the diagonal of Table 2, scores on the motivation mea- Ability-Performance Belief scale) claimed to be relatively
sures were fairly stable over time. Grades from spring to performance oriented; they also reported engaging in super-
spring were also somewhat stable (rs = .34 and .38 for math ficial learning strategies. Consistent with hypotheses, the
and social studies, respectively), as were achievement test correlations between mastery orientation and active strate-
percentile rankings from the previous spring to the spring of gies were nearly twice as large as the correlations between
the year the motivation data were collected (rs = .65 and mastery orientation and superficial strategies. The differ-
.67 for math and language percentile scores, respectively). ences in the correlations between mastery orientation and
Correlation coefficients were also computed to assess active strategies and between mastery orientation and su-
associations among the motivation variables. The correla- perficial strategies were significant, Stieger's t test (Cohen
tion coefficients in Table 3 reveal that the motivation mea- & Cohen, 1983) for fall social studies, ?(316) = 7.43, p <
sures tended to be strongly associated with each other, .001; fall math, r(316) = 5.02, p < .001; spring social
although at varying levels. The hypothesized links between studies, f(316) = 6.26, p < .001; and spring math, f(316) =

Table 3
Correlations Between Motivation Variables, and Grades and Achievement Test Percentile Scores
Motivation variable
Measure Entity Effort Mastery" Performb Active0 Superficial0
Grades (N = 319)
Math -.12* .02 -.05 -.13*
Social studies -.10 -.03 -.12* -.12* -.12* -.09
Math _ 20*** .09 .02 -.13*
Social studies -23*** .05 -.09 -.21*** -.08 -.15**
Achievement test percentile
scores (N = 191)
Math -.17* .01 -.05 -.09*
Language -.25*** .04 -.12 -.15* -.06 -.31 s 1
Math -.14* .07 .02 -.08
Language/reading -23*** .02 -.16* -.22** -.04 — 34***
Note. Motivation variables are from the pretest for pretest grades and achievement percentile scores and from the posttest for posttest
grades and achievement percentiles. Dashes indicate variables not measured.
For math grades/tests, math mastery goals scores are used; for social studies grades and language/reading tests, social studies mastery
goals scores are used. b For math grades/tests, math performance goals scores are used; for social studies grades or language/reading
tests, social studies performance goals scores are used. c Assessed for social studies only.
*/?<.O5. **p<m. ***p<.001.

6.18, p < .001. A performance orientation was associated fourth graders, and then for fifth and sixth graders, to
with use of both types of learning strategies about equally. determine whether similar patterns would be found for
Goal orientations assessed separately for math and social younger and older children. Although some of the correla-
studies were also highly correlated (for mastery goals, rs = tions were no longer significant when the smaller sub-
.62 and .69 for fall and spring, respectively; for performance samples were used, there were only a few that yielded
goals, rs = .69 and .79 for fall and spring, respectively, all different findings for younger and older children. Pretest
ps < .001). Thus, goal orientations appeared to transcend social studies grades were significantly correlated with per-
subject areas. formance orientation and active and superficial engagement
We computed separate sets of correlations for third and only for the older children. Posttest social studies grades
fourth graders and fifth and sixth graders to determine were significantly correlated with performance orientation
whether the same picture emerged for younger and older for younger but not older children and with superficial
children. The few correlations that were significant for one engagement for older but not younger children. Language
but not the other age group are indicated below. achievement posttest scores were significantly correlated
with ability-performance beliefs, mastery, and performance
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Ability-performance beliefs were significantly correlated

orientations only for the older children.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with effort for the younger but not the older children for
both the fall and spring assessments. When this analysis was We used structural equation modeling to test the proposed
done separately for third and fourth graders, ability-perfor- chain of links—that a belief that performance is relatively
mance beliefs were significantly associated with effort- stable and caused by stable ability (similar to entity beliefs
related beliefs only for the third graders (r = .41, fall; r = studied in previous research) lead to strong performance
.36, spring, both ps < .001). Ability-performance beliefs concerns, which, in turn, lead to superficial strategies for
were also significantly associated with active cognitive en- completing work, and ultimately to less learning. The model
gagement for the younger but not the older children. Only was created by first including the a priori paths of theoret-
for the younger children were effort-related beliefs signifi- ical interest, with all unknown parameters specified accord-
cantly correlated with math performance orientation (r = ing to maximum likelihood criteria. Then conceptually rel-
.20, p < .01, fall; r = .30, p < .001, spring), social studies evant and statistically significant paths were added, as
performance orientation (r = .26 for fall, r = .38 for spring, suggested by the Lagrange Multiplier Test (Bentler, 1989);
ps < .001), and active engagement (r = .31, p < .001). statistically insignificant (p > .05) paths were deleted. Be-
Mastery orientation for math was significantly correlated cause measurement error would be expected to be similar
with superficial learning strategies for the older but not the for Time 1 and Time 2, the error term of each indicator
younger children in the fall (r = .18, p < .05). variable was allowed to covary between the two time
Associations Between Motivation Variables and Goodness of fit was evaluated using three methods: (a)
chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis, (b)
Academic Performance normed fit index (NFI), and (c) comparative fit index (CFI).
One purpose of this study was to examine relationships In the chi-square distribution, small test statistics relative to
between motivation variables and academic performance. the number of degrees of freedom are desirable. Statistical
As mentioned earlier, the hypothesized links between abil- power in large data sets increases the chance of rejecting the
ity-performance beliefs and performance orientation and null hypothesis because of trivial differences alone. There-
between performance orientation and superficial learning fore, this method was not expected to show a good fitting
strategies were found in zero-order correlations. Ability- model. The NFI (Bentler & Bonett, 1980) and the recently
performance beliefs, performance orientation, and superfi- developed CFI (Bentler, 1990), in contrast, have been de-
cial engagement were also negatively associated with aca- veloped to circumvent this shortcoming of the chi-square
demic performance (Table 4). statistic. The NFI reflects the proportion of the null model
chi-square eliminated by the constraints of the hypothesized
We recomputed the entire set of correlations for third and model. It ranges from zero to one with larger values indic-
ative of better fitting models (e.g., values of .90 or greater
are viewed as adequately fitting the data). The CFI is similar
Table 4 to the NFI and avoids underestimation of fit that is some-
Mean Entity-Related Beliefs and Effort Scores by Grade times characteristic of the NFI (Bentler, 1989).
Belief Because there were some differences in the pattern of
correlations for older and younger children, we conducted
Entity Effort separate analyses for third and fourth graders and for fifth
Grade Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest and sixth graders. The achievement measure was based on
a math and social studies grades. (The use of achievement test
Third 3.63 2.97 4.54 4.27
Fourth 2.91" 2.64 4.38 4.09 scores would have resulted in the loss of too many partic-
Fifth 2.58C
2.84 4.34 3.98 ipants to be able to do separate analyses for younger and
Sixth 2.39° 2.55 4.57 4.16 older participants.)
Note. Different subscripts on the vertical indicate that the means The resulting models are presented in Figures 1 and 2. As
are significantly different from each other. expected, neither model fit the data according to the chi-

square statistic, / ( 1 1 8 , N = 169) = 166.17, p < .01, for the levels of intelligence and performance are stable over time
younger children; ^(117, N = 128) = 154.92,/? < .01, for and that intelligence facilitates or limits success in all aca-
the older children. However, they fit the data well according demic subjects. Moreover, their beliefs about intelligence
to the fit indices (NFI = .90 and .85; CFI = .97 and .96, for and performance were themselves relatively stable over the
younger and older children, respectively). Standardized fac- course of an academic year, and they were associated in
tor loadings of manifest variables from corresponding latent theoretically meaningful and practically important ways
constructs ranged from .71 to .90 (for younger children) and with other motivation variables and achievement.
.55 to .95 (for older children), and those estimated were Contrary to our hypothesis, items referring to two differ-
statistically significant at p < .001. ent subject areas—social studies and math—loaded on the
The significant paths indicated in the figures support same factors, and the means for the four items that were
claims for the importance of ability-performance beliefs but repeated for both math and social studies were not signifi-
are not entirely consistent with the chain of relationships cantly different from each other. Thus, for example, chil-
among variables described above. Ability-performance be- dren who believed that some kids can never do well in math,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

liefs in the fall predicted achievement at the end of the year, even with effort, and that one has to be smart to do well in
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

but, aside from the path from superficial strategies to math, held the same set of beliefs for social studies. There
achievement at the end of the year for the older children, the was, therefore, no support for the hypothesis that elemen-
results suggest that the effect of ability-performance beliefs tary school age children have subject-specific beliefs about
was not mediated by students' goal orientation or their ability and performance or think differently about the effect
learning strategies. Mastery goals did not figure into any of intelligence or effort on performance in math and social
significant paths. studies.
The results for the younger and older children were re- These findings do not, however, preclude the possibility
markably similar, with only a few deviations. For the that children believed that math was more difficult than
younger but not the older children, performance goals pre- social studies. Rather, they suggest that even if the elemen-
dicted superficial strategies in the fall. (This path was sig- tary school-age children in this study perceived math as
nificant for both younger and older children in the spring.) more difficult, they did not believe that intelligence was any
The path from ability-performance beliefs in the fall to more predictive of performance in math than it was in social
performance goals in the spring was also significant for the studies, nor did they see performance in math as any less
younger but not the older children. For older but not responsive to effort. It is possible that, as children enter
younger children, the path from ability-performance beliefs adolescence and begin to engage in higher level mathemat-
in the fall to achievement and the path from performance ics, their beliefs about ability related to performance in math
goals in the fall to performance goals in the spring were and other subjects become more differentiated.
significant. Motivation orientations in the different subject areas were
also relatively consistent. The high correlations between a
Discussion mastery orientation in math and social studies and between
a performance orientation in math and social studies are
Concepts of Intelligence and Performance consistent with Duda and Nicholls's (1992) findings for
sport and schoolwork. In their study, students' orientations
The results revealed a coherent set of beliefs about intel- across the two domains were of the same magnitude, and
ligence and academic performance. Specifically, children analyses of their data did not show separate sport or school
who claimed that one cannot do much about intelligence factors. Together, the studies suggest that although chil-
(similar to Dweck's, 1986, entity theory) also believed that dren's motivational orientations vary somewhat, individual


.61 .45"




Figure 1. Results of structural equation model for Grades 3 and 4; normed fit index = .90;
comparative fit index = .97; x2 (118, N = 169) = \(sb.\l,p < .01. *p = .05. **p = .01. ***p =




-.40' GOALS 2



Figure 2. Results of structural equation model for Grades 5 and 6; normed fit index = .85;
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

comparative fit index = .96; / ( i n , N = 128) = 154.92, p < .01. *p = .05. **/? = .01. ***p =
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


styles may develop that transcend domains and subject hard in school") lend themselves to the personal improve-
areas. This may mean that interventions designed to focus ment interpretation. In contrast, the items referring to
children's attention on learning and mastery in one subject change that loaded on the Ability-Performance Beliefs
or activity will have some effect on their focus in other Scale may be more likely to evoke a social ranking notion
subjects. of change (e.g., "Some kids will never be smart, no matter
The view that intelligence is relatively stable and affects how hard they try"). It would be useful in future research to
performance in a variety of subject areas apparently did not specify whether questions refer to change in personal level
preclude children from believing that effort still has positive of competencies or in social standing.
effects on intelligence and performance. The positive effort The absence of a significant correlation between the Abil-
items loaded on a separate factor, and for children in fourth ity-Performance Beliefs and Effort-Related Beliefs sub-
through sixth grade, the Ability-Performance Beliefs scale scales for fourth through sixth graders suggests that there is
and the Effort-Related Beliefs scale were unrelated to each value in differentiating between beliefs about ability and
other. The finding of a positive correlation between the two beliefs in the positive value of effort. Also, ability-perfor-
scales for third graders is discussed below. mance beliefs but not effort-related beliefs were consis-
Cain and Dweck (1989) proposed that individuals scoring tently associated with grades and achievement test perfor-
high on measures of entity beliefs may not define intelli- mance. Second, the patterns of associations between these
gence differently from individuals scoring low. Rather, they two sets of beliefs about intelligence and students' reports
suggested that all individuals include both a stable capacity of their task behavior were different. The Ability-Perfor-
and an acquirable knowledge component in their definition mance Beliefs scale was consistently and strongly associ-
of ability, but entity theorists focused their attention more ated with participants' scores on the Performance-Orienta-
on, or weight more highly, the capacity than the knowledge tion scale (rs = .41, .40, .42, .44, for math and social studies
component. The same analysis may apply to our Ability- in the fall and spring, respectively) but not with scores on
Performance Beliefs scale. Perhaps when children who the Mastery Orientation scale (rs = .08, .03, .11, .12). The
claimed that ability and performance were relatively stable reverse was seen for the Effort-Related Beliefs scale, which
encountered questions about the positive effects of effort in although positively correlated with performance orientation
the present study, they shifted their focus from the stable (rs = .13, .22, .24, .28), tended to be more strongly asso-
capacity component to the knowledge component of intel- ciated with a mastery orientation (rs = .29, .32, .38, .45).
ligence, which is part of their definition of intelligence but Thus, as predicted, the view that intelligence and school
is less salient when the children are answering questions performance are relatively stable and that intelligence un-
about stability. Our analysis is supported by evidence that derlies performance appeared to engender in students con-
individuals' attention can be focused, experimentally, on cerns about demonstrating their intelligence, although it did
one or the other component (e.g., Bempechat et al., 1991). not detract from their desire to achieve mastery. A strong
The findings are also consistent with Nicholls's (1990) belief in the value of effort seemed to orient children's
claim that change in intelligence can be construed in at least attention more toward improving their skills and under-
two different ways: personal improvement or social rank. standing than toward demonstrating their competencies.
He likened the difference to the distinction between mental The pattern of associations between these two sets of
age and IQ. All children improve their intelligence in the beliefs and self-reported problem-solving strategies also
sense of mental age, but IQ, or relative standing, might stay differed systematically. Ability-performance beliefs were
the same or even decrease. Three out of four of the effort strongly associated with superficial (.54 and .42 for fall and
items (e.g., "Everyone could do well in social studies/math spring, respectively) but not with active problem-solving
if they worked hard" and "You can get smarter by working strategies (.17 and .07 for fall and spring, respectively);

effort-related beliefs were strongly associated with active when grades and social comparison become more salient
(.24 and .45) but not with superficial (.10 and .13) strategies. and when children begin to be tracked (Eccles, Midgley, &
Although we cannot assume causation from correlational Adler, 1984), the trajectory found here in beliefs about
data, this pattern suggests that if our goal is to decrease intelligence and performance may reverse itself.
students' concerns about performance, we may need to
focus our efforts on changing their general beliefs about
intelligence (i.e., the degree to which it is fixed and stable Beliefs About Intelligence and Performance
and affects performance). If our goal is to increase their and Learning
mastery goals, we may need to convince them of the value
of effort. The results of the structural equation model suggest that
beliefs about intelligence and performance play an impor-
tant role in children's achievement outcomes, although not
Age-Related Differences in Beliefs About necessarily as predicted. Students who believed that ability
and performance are relatively stable and that intelligence
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Intelligence and Performance

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

affects performance were, as mentioned earlier, relatively

Two findings from this study suggest a rather abrupt more concerned about performance, and students who were
change between third and fourth grade in the meaning of concerned about performance claimed to use more superfi-
children's scores on the Ability-Performance Beliefs and cial strategies for completing classroom tasks. All three of
Effort-Related Beliefs scales. First, scores on these scales these variables—ability-performance beliefs, performance
were positively correlated for third graders but not for any orientation, and superficial engagement—were associated
other grade. Second, third graders had significantly higher with either grades or performance on achievement tests.
scores on the ability-performance beliefs measure than the The model, however, showed ability-performance beliefs
older children in the sample. at the beginning of the year to be directly associated with
The reliability of the scales was just as high for these academic performance at the end of the year. There was
younger children, and their scores on the Ability-Perfor- support for the prediction that the effects of ability-perfor-
mance Beliefs scales showed the same pattern of associa- mance beliefs on academic performance would be mediated
tions with other motivation variables that were found for the by students' goals and type of engagement in school tasks
older children. But these findings do not necessarily indi- for older but not for younger children. For older children,
cate that the items mean the same thing to the younger and the model is consistent with the notion that students who
older children. believe that ability and performance are stable and that
An examination of the items suggests some illogic to the ability affects performance are more performance oriented,
positive correlations found for third graders between ability- and therefore use superficial learning strategies that under-
performance and effort-related beliefs. Indeed, several of mine their achievement. For the younger children, and to
the items on the two subscales appear to contradict each some degree for the older children, the model suggests a
other (e.g., "Some kids will never be smart, no matter how more direct link between ability and performance beliefs
hard they try," on the Ability-Performance Beliefs scale, and achievement.
and "Anyone who works hard could be one of the smartest We are left then with the task of finding an explanation
kids in the class," on the Effort-Related Beliefs scale). The for how a fixed, stable conceptualization of intelligence and
age-related decline on the Ability-Performance Beliefs scale performance undermines learning. We speculate that the
is also difficult to reconcile with evidence indicating that negative effects of such beliefs on learning and achievement
children's use of underlying abstract traits to explain behav- might be explained in part by children's maladaptive reac-
ior increases rather than decreases over the elementary tions when they encounter difficulty. This interpretation is
school years (e.g., Livesley & Bromley, 1973). supported by Dweck (1986) and colleagues' (Dweck &
We can only speculate about an explanation for these two Bempechat, 1983; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Licht & Dweck,
surprising findings. One hypothesis we think deserves test- 1984) work on learned helplessness. Typically, tasks in
ing is that the youngest children did not differentiate be- elementary school are somewhat adapted to the skill levels
tween intelligence and performance, and they based their of students. The positive correlations between ability-per-
judgments for the ability-performance beliefs items more on formance beliefs and active problem-solving strategies sug-
their observations of consistency in who performed well in gest that when children were reporting their problem-solv-
school than on an abstract concept of ability as capacity. ing strategies they may have been reflecting on the day-to-
Thus, those who claimed that "you have to be smart to do day, not-too-difficult tasks. Perhaps as long as children who
well in math" were more or less embracing a tautology: focus on the stability of intelligence and performance do not
"you have to do well to do well in math." encounter difficulty, their performance orientation leads
Perhaps by fourth grade, children had developed cogni- them to use all the strategies they know. This interpretation
tive capacities that enabled them to attend to and process is consistent with previous findings that indicate that al-
information that is inconsistent with their theories and with though a mastery orientation appears to promote active
their typical experiences in school. Children may have strategies better than a performance orientation, a perfor-
noted variability and inconsistencies in classmates' as well mance orientation is also sometimes positively associated
as their own performance. In middle school or junior high, with active engagement (Meece et al., 1988). It would be

useful in future research to ask children to report their Duda, J., & Nicholls, J. (1992). Dimensions of achievement mo-
problem-solving strategies separately for tasks that are rel- tivation in schoolwork and sport. Journal of Educational Psy-
atively easy and tasks that are difficult. chology, 84, 290-299.
Examined closely, our own and others' findings on goal Dweck, C. (1986). Motivational processes affecting learning.
orientations, whether or not they are a consequence of a American Psychologist, 41, 1040-1048.
Dweck, C , & Bempechat, J. (1983). Children's theories of intel-
belief that intelligence is stable and affects performance,
ligence. In S. Paris, G. Olsen, & H. Stevenson (Eds.), Learning
suggest that although a mastery orientation has advantages,
and motivation in the classroom (pp. 239-256). Hillsdale, NJ:
a performance orientation may be better than no academic Erlbaum.
goals at all. We are not promoting instructional environ- Dweck, C , & Leggett, E. (1988). A social-cognitive approach to
ments that focus students' attention on external evaluations motivation and personality. Psychological Review, 95, 256-273.
and their performance in relation to their classmates. It is Eccles, J., Midgley, C , & Adler, T. (1984). Grade-related changes
worth noting, however, that evidence indicating that a mas- in the school environment: Effects on achievement motivation.
tery orientation is better cannot be automatically interpreted In J. Nicholls (Ed.), Advances in motivation and achievement:
as evidence that a performance orientation is bad, at least Vol. 3. The development of achievement motivation (pp. 283-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

331). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

with regard to the use of active problem solving. Perfor-

mance orientations may, however, have particularly nega- Elliott, E., & Dweck, C. (1988). Goals: An approach to motivation
tive effects for children low in self-confidence, as Dweck and achievement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
(1986) suggested. In future research, it would be useful to 54, 5-12.
assess the associations between goals and study strategies Gottfried, A. (1990). Academic intrinsic motivation in young
for low and high self-confident children separately, to assess elementary school children. Journal of Educational Psychology,
82, 525-538.
directly the proposition that performance goals have differ-
Graham, S., & Golan, S. (1991). Motivational influences on cog-
ential effects as a function of students' perceptions of
nition: Task involvement, ego involvement, and depth of infor-
competence. mation processing. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, 187-
What is clear from this study is that children's beliefs 194.
about intelligence and performance was a powerful predic- Jagacinski, C. M., & Nicholls, J. (1984). Conceptions of ability
tor of achievement outcomes over and above their effect on and related affects in task involvement and ego involvement.
goal orientation and problem-solving strategies. The results Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, 909-919.
suggest the importance of further investigation related to Jagacinski, C. M., & Nicholls, J. (1987). Competence and affect in
this motivational construct. task involvement and ego involvement: The impact of social
comparison information. Journal of Educational Psychology,
79, 107-114.
Licht, B., & Dweck, C. (1984). Determinants of academic achieve-
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.


Items Used to Measure Mastery and Performance Goal Orientations and Superficial and
Active Learning Strategies

Some items were taken from Meece, Blumenfeld, and Hoyle these things in social studies" (1 = not at all true to 5 = very true;
(1988). as = .76 and .79):
1. I usually try to figure out how the work fits with other things
Mastery Goal Orientation I have already learned in social studies.
2. I usually ask myself some questions as I go along to make
Stem: "Kids have different reasons for why they do their math/ sure the work makes sense to me.
social studies work. We want to know how true each of these 3. I usually write some things down.
reasons is for you: I do my math/social studies work . . . " (1 = not 4. I usually explain or write down some things in my own
at all true to 5 = very true; as = .74 and .83 for math, .85 and .86 words.
for social studies, fall and spring, respectively): 5. I usually check my book or use other materials like charts
1. because I want to learn as much as possible when I'm not sure about things.
2. because it is important to me that I understand the ideas 6. I usually go back over things I don't understand.
3. because I like finding out about new ways to do the work 7. I usually try to figure out the hard parts on my own.
4. because I like figuring things out
5. because I like learning new things

Superficial Cognitive Engagement

Performance Goal Orientation
Stem and anchors: same as for active cognitive engagement
Stem: "I do my math/social studies work . . . " (1 = not at all
true to 5 = very true; as = .74 and .76 for math, .83 and .84 for (as = .72 and .65):
social studies): 1. I usually guess a lot so I can finish quickly.
1. because it is important to me that the teacher thinks I do a 2. I usually check to see what other kids are doing and then I do
good job it too.
2. because it is important for me to do better than the other 3. I usually do my work without thinking too hard.
students 4. I usually pay attention to the things I am supposed to re-
3. because I don't want others to think I'm dumb member.
4. because I don't want to do worse than the other kids in the 5. I usually skip the hard parts.
class 6. I usually copy down someone else's answers.
5. because I want others to think I am smart 7. I usually just do my work and hope it is right.

Active Cognitive Engagement Received August 25, 1994

Revision received January 25, 1996
Stem: "There are many different ways students do their social
studies work. We want to know how much you usually do each of Accepted January 30, 1996

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