Italian Bombs and Fuzes

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Royal Engineers


Do^ H. K


This publication is issued under Crown Copyright

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I Issued by the Chief Scientist

Ministry of Supply, Shell Mex House, Strand, London W.C.2. JUNE, 1948



No. 17-805


Royal Engineers


Officer Responsible:
Controller of Physical Research & Signals Development

Printed at I.E.M.E

Part I Page

Introduction 3

1 Chemical Warf'_ re Bomb* 4

2 ^arurhute Flares 5
3 Smoke Bombs 5
4 Incendi a»y Bombs 6
5 High Explosive Bombs 6
Anti-aircraft Bombs 8
Anti-submarine Bombs 8
Anti-tunk Bombs 8
Demolition Btr-bs 8
Bombs *T,rpedme* 7
Bombs ’Large Calibre* 9
Bombs ’Mina’ 7
6 Tail Construction 10
7 Suspension of Bombs 11
8 Bomb rcl ise G< r 17
9 Gaines 19
. 10 High Explosives 23
11 Bomb Fuses , 34
12 Safety devices in Fuzes 26
13 Classification of Fuzes 2d
14 Handling >f Italian Unexplodtd Bombs 31

Part 11

Dot on Italian Bombs 39


Details of Italian Bombs and Fuzes

Chemical Warfare Bombs in'd their fuzes 49
Parachute Flares 81
Smrke bombs and their fuzes 99
Incendiary Booibs and their fuzes 113
High Explosive Bombs nnd their fuzes 164


The infutnation contained in this handbook presents all available infomstion

up to date of publication on all the known bombs and fuzes in the Italian Service.

The work is divided into three parts. In the first part a general des­
cription of the various types of missiles dropped from the air is given and the
classification is based ultimately upon methods to be adopted in handling un­
exploded >ombs, which in turn depends upon the types of fuzes and the method of

The second part consists of a S'inmary of bombs and fuzes intended tor easy
reference, while the third part contains detailed information of all known bombs
and their fuzes with illustrations produced, in most cases, after an examination
of the missiles tnemselves. All measurements re given in the English and in the
me trie sys terns.



1 Chemical Warfare Bombs

2 Parachute flares
3 Stroke Bombs
4 Incendiary Bombs
5 High Explosive Bombs
Anti-aircraft Bombs
Anti-submarine Bomb.
Anti-tank Bombs
Demolition Bon bs
Bombs ‘Torpedine’
Bombs ‘Lar^e Calibre’
Bombs ‘K'ina’
6 Tail Construction
7 Suspension of Bombs
8 Bomb release Gear

q Gaines
10 High Explosives
111 Bomb Fuzes
12 Safety devices in fuzes
13 Classification of Fuzes
14 Handling of Italian Unexploded Bombs

Part II

Data on Italian Bombs

Part ill

Details of Italian Bombs and Fuzes

Chemical Warfare Bombs and their fuzes
Parachute Flares
Smoke bombs and their fuzes
Incendiary Bombs and their fuzes
High Explosiv" Bombs and tnei r fuzes .


In order to unify the classification of bombs used in the Italian Service,

the Italians now indicate the various bombs by using an identification mark con­
sisting.of a number, which gives the approximate weight of the bomb, and one or
more letters which indicate its special characteristics. The exception to this is
the 500 C bomb, in which the figure 500 is said to indicate the calibre of the
bomb, whereas its effective weight is 280 Kg. The following table gives a list of
the abbreviations and terms in common use:-

Abbreviation Signi fication English Equivalent

A. Armamento Arming
A.E. Alto Explosivo High Explosive
- Bomba Explosive H .E. bomb
- Bomba Incendiaria Incendiary bomb
• Bombetta spezzone Small A-per bomb
c Chimica Chemical
cN contra Navi Anti-surface
era f t
cS contro Sommergibili Anti-submarine
eV contro Velivoli Anti-aircraft
- Doppio Doubl e
E. Eserci tazione Practice
F. A Frattura prestabilita Fragnentation
f. fosgene Phosgene
fu. fumogene Smoke
g.c. grosso calibro Large size
I. Incendiaria Incendia ry
lUa luminoze Flare
M. Mina. Mine
m. C. medio calibro Medium size
- Miccia Fuse
- Miccia a combustione rapida Qiickmatch
Mtr. a Mitraglia A-per (Shrapnel)
0 ad Orologeria Time (clockwork)
P Perforante Piercin g
p.c. piccolo calibro Small size
R. Ri tarda to a. Delayed action
sp. tpezzoniera Anti-personnel
(container for
Small A-per bombs'
- spoletta Fuse (of bomb)
- spoletta di fondello Tail fuze
- spoletta d'ogiva Nose fuze
T Torpedine Aerial torpedo
- Tormillo elvador Vane (of fuze)
YD Yperite Distillata Mjstard Gas

A captured document states that the practice of galvanising aircraft bombs has
ceased, and that a protective coat of paint is now used instead. These colourings
are said to have the following signi ficance: -
Red Nose Service (War}
Blue Body Fragmentation
Black Body Anti-Personnel
Reddi sh Brown Body Incendiary
Bright Yellow Body Chemical Warfare
Specimens in accordance with the first three colourings have been obtained, but
it is thought that the Italians are still in possession of large stock* of galvanised



No. C.W. bombs have yet been employed in tht present war, -ilthough the follow­
ing types have been described in Italian literature: -

Bomb Type of Fuse Type o f fi lling

500 C. Air Burst • Vesie nt Filling

100 C.\
40 C. /
15 C. ? Import Fuse Sternutatory Filling
4C. )
2 c.y
Domoa Riretto Impact Fuze lachrymatory Filling

It is thought that in addition to these, the 100 sp. I, bomb might be converted
into C.W. a ti-personnd bomb, by replacing the 2 Kg hombs with sixteen 4.C. bombs
or thirty two 2.C. bombs.

Two more bombs have been descriried vis;- the 4" Kg Bomba Dispersoide
employing u vesicant, and the SS Kg Bom, Evuporoidc employing a lung irritant. It
is, however, thought that these re not obsolete.

The yellow colouring of the bomb body is intended to be 1 genera] indication

of C.W. filling, and the pnrtlculrr type of filling is said to be indicated bj a
superimposed Geneva Cross. The colour code for these crosses is given in the follow
ing taule.

Type of filling Marking Nature of filling

(1) Poisonous (Hydrocyanic Acid)

(2) Suffocating Wnite Geneva Phosgene. Di-phos^ene

(3) Suffocating fr Rec end White Chloropicrin
Le 'hrymatory Geneva Crosses

(4) Lachrymatory Red Geneva Cross CjA^ Bromacetone.

Benzyl Iqdide. (Benzyl Bromide)
(Benzyl Chloride). (Xylyl

(5) Sternutatory ft Black Geneva Biphenyl chlorarsine D.A.

Lung Irritant Cross Diphenyl cyanoarsine D.C.

(6) Vesi< ant Green Geneva Cross Mustard Gas. (Phenyl Dichlor­
arsine- M.A . )
Mustard and M.A.« Y. D. (FDAF-"’)

‘Important gases are underlined.

Improbable jaseu «re enclosed in brackets’.
In addition to the Geneva Crosses, certain markings giving information con­
cerning the bomb and its filling were, in tne Ider models, stencilled on the bomb
body, e. g.

Geneva Cross, indicating the chemical filling.

S.C.M 1 - 37 Directorate of Chemical Warfare

(Servizio Chimica Militare) nd date.

C.500 T Chemical filling, of 500 Kg nomin 1 weight, fitted

with a time fuze.

258 - 298 Tntal weight in Kgs.

C 10O P Chemical filling, >f 100 Kg; nominal weight, fitted

with a percussion fuze

14.300 - 47.000 Weight of C.W. filling - Total weight

2 8-700 Weight of H.E. burster charge

NOlk: The abbreviations T .-nd P used in connection with ciiemK .1 bombs have the
spec il meanings 'time' (aTenpo) and ‘percussion’ (a percussiorie) and ure used in
the older designations.

It is consiaered likely that the impact fuzes employed in Chemicril bombs

will be, in most cases, tne same as those empl-yed in the H.E. tombs if the same
calibre. The fuze employed in the Bomba Furetto is the same as that in Botnba 2.C,
but that empl jyed in the 500 C is a variable short del y time fuze which is described
on page 55.

Wi tn tne exception >f the Furetto, all these bomos incorporate an H.E.
burster charge, and in handling them the same precautions as recommended fjr German
C.W. bombs should be bserved.

Bomb j 500.C. Page 51

Bomv>a 100. C. Page 57
Bomba 40.C. Page 61
dombii 15.C. Page 65
iir> 4.C. Page 69
Jtmba 2.C. Page 73
Bomba Fnrett Page 77



A complete specimen of only one type of Pai ichute Flnre the E XV1 has so
far been obtained. The existence of two other types is known and damaged specimens
of these have been recovered and examined.

TIP) E XVI Page 83

TIPO E 40 Page 89


Large smoke bombs for defensive purposes have not been met with, but two
types >f small smoke bomb have Deen described in It lian literature, and both are
used in conjunction witn the 500 C bcmb, the effectiveness of which is dependent
upon: -

(a) the height of the burst above target, and

(b) the direction and force of the wind at ground level.

The height of the aircraft above its target, upon which (a) is dependent, is
determined by use of the ’<>io:a’ bomb. The direction of the wind is obtained by
the use of a special small stroke oomb designated Bomba Vento.





There are* eight types of incendiary bomb used in the Italian Service and they
may be divided into three classes: -

(a) Bombs with combustible bodies and incendiary fillings, e. g.

Electron bodies and thermite filling.

Bomba 1.1. Page 135

Bomba 20.1. Page 123
Borneo 70 I.P. , Electron Page 115
body fitted with steel
nose cap.

(b) Bombs with non-combustible bodies and incendiary fill ings

Bomba 0.5FI - sheet steel body with Page 139

phosphorus filling
Borno* 0.5 Ip - Tniq sheet steel body. Page 143
Filling consists of cotton soaked in
Bomba 0. 5 It - Thin sheet steel body Page 146
with thermit filling

(c) Composite tombs

Bomba 2.1 - Electron thermite filled Page i3i

bomb attached to sheet metal cylinder
containing >il
Bomba 100 sp.I - This is a composite Page isi
bomb acting as a container for small
incendiary Bombs, and ha*, a central
core thich is an H.E. anti-personnel bomb.



In the Italian Service bombs ray be referred ti> as small, medium or large
calibre bombs. x

Small calibre bombs - (p.c.) - all bombs less than 25 Kg.

Medium calibre bombs - (m.c.) - bombs from 25 Kg to 100 Kg exclusive
Large calibre bombs - (g.c.) - bombs of greater weight than 100 Kg.
It has long Deen held by the Italia’-.s tnat it is more effective to use a
number ef smrll calibr< bombs than an equal weight of large calibre bombs, which
accounts for the comparatively large number of bombs in the small calibre class.

The elder classification for H.E. oom-, included the following:-

(i) Bomba Torpedine. This was designed for use igninst light resistance targets.
The fuse employed was of the instantaneous action type so as to give a burst
above ground, and produce a 1 rge number of splinters.

(ii) Bor.ii n Mina. This was designed for use gainst more resistant targets such
as factories and buildings genor lly. The fuse employed had short de .ay
to all»w the penetration and thus produce a greater destructive effect thai
(i) It was in effect a blast iiomb.

(iii) Bomba Mina P< rfaranti. This was designed especially fo< greater penetration
than (i) and (ii). It was t» be used igainst rmur, reinfirced structures
and capital ships.

(iv) Bomna Subacquee. This was designed tor use against ships. It was fitted
with a special fuse wnich would function below tne surface of the water.
The r.aximum depth at which the detonation would be effective .'gainst the
underwater portion >f i ship was given is 25 metres. Such a bomb was prooably
intended to be dropped as ‘near miss*.

Prior to, and during the present war new types of bombs have been introduced
into the Italian service, some of which I re to replace older types. They fall under
the foil twing hiadinps:-

(i) Anti-personnel bombs. - These are all of small ci ibre md vury from 2 to 12
Kt with a ci arge/wei ght ratic. of from 13 t> 20%.

(ii) S.iall ai.d riediun calibre tombs for use against targets of small resistance.
These include bombs of weight 15, 50 and 100 Kg with a charge/weight ratio of
from 35 - 50%. They are intended to replace the JI and 104 Kg bombs.

(11 i) Bombs for iise against specially protected targets, such as jrienals, t'.rts,
etc., j id also against surface craft and submarines. These vary in weight
from 250 to 800 Kg with ch»rge/weight ratio of 44 • 48%. Als< in this
class ire included the rS and cN types.


There are twenty eight different bombs known in the H.E. class and for the
present purpose may be conveniently sub-divided as folliws;-


These differ from demolition bombs mainly in the construction of the outer

(i) In Mtr. Limbs the explosive charge is held in an inner thin sheet metal con­
tainer. Between this itter and the outer container is an innular space fill­
ed with concrete in which steel pellets are embedded,

(ii) In *F* bombs the explosive chargi is enclosed in a thin sheet steel container,
round the outside of which strip steel is wound spirally, or in some ca^es tne
spiral strip is placed within the thin steel container.

(iii) Anti-personnel bombs are known in which the thick steel wall is deeply grooved
to assist freynentation.

(iv) Tne 4 A.R. (Thermos) Bomb differs from other types of anti-personnel bombs
in having a steel wall 1'8-in. thick, with no extra loading or grooving,
and in having a sensitive anti-handling fuze, which is sometimes fitted with
a self detonating mechanism.

(v) The 100 sp. bomb, the central core of which, like that of the 100 sp. I.
bomb, is itself an anti-personnel bomb of the ‘Mtr’. type weighing about
25 Kg, is loaded with either 2.F. or 2.Mtr. bombs.

BOMBA. 100 sp. Page 155

BOMBA 12 F. Page 169
BOMBA da Kg. 12 Page 179
BOMBA 12 Mtr.e Page 185
BOMBA 4 A.R. Page 191
BOMBA 3 Mtr. Page 197
BOMBA 2 F. Page 205
BOMBA da Kg. 2 Page 209
BOMBA 2 Mtr. Page 215


These are bombs of small calibre, and up to the present only two types have
been encountered. In construction the bomb resembles the anti-personnel bomb de­
scribed under Section 5 (a) (i).

The fuze employed is a fixed short delay time fuze designed to give an air­
burst, Four different stampings are known to be used on the vanes of the fuze, viz:-

2 - 700, 4 - 600, 5 - 550, and 5 - 500.

The exact significance is not clear, but it has been observed that the pitch
of the vanes varies slightly in the four cases.

These bombs are intended for use by aircraft against aircraft. Few of these
bombs have been recovered and Intelligence reports state that the Italians have
ceased to employ this type of bombing.

BOMBA 20 eV Page 227

BOMBA 3 eV Page 235


One sample only of this class of bomb has been encountered. Its nominal
weight is 160 Kg. but its actual weight as given in Italian literature is 180 Kg.

BOMBA 160 cS Page 245


A single exanple of this type of bomb is found in the 3.5 Kg Anti-Tank bomb.
The peculiar features of this bomb include the hollow charge filling,the hollow
charge filling, the hollow dome shaped head and the sensitive impact fuze,both
of which latter are associated with the functioning of the hollow charge to produce
penetration effects against steel armour.

3.5 Kg. Hollow Charge A. tk.Bomb Page 261


(i) Long Delay Time Bomb

There is only one bomb of this type in the Italian Service, and that is the
500 R.O. It is fitted with four imp-ct fuzes in the nose and nose and tail
long delay clockwork fuzes. The shape of the nose of the bomb would indicate that
this bomb is not primarily intended tor penetration though the impact fuzes, wnich
are offset from the longitudinal axis are if the shear-washer type and function only
on impact -dth resis’.ant targets.

If the bomb hits a highly resistant target, such as a dock, a breakwater, a

ci >ital ship nr °ven a substantial building, the bomt will detonate on the operation
of one or more of the impact fuzes. Only if the bomb hit, a target whose resist-
r«ce is insufficient to operate the impact fuzes, e.g. water, will it function as a
long delay bomb.

BOMBA 500 R.O. Page 271

The remainder of the demolition bombs ‘ill naturally into three gr;ups
according to their charge/weight ratios.

(ii) Designation letter - T Charge height rati; ca 48%

Included here are the following:*

BOMBA 100 T Page 289

BOMBA 50.T Page 295
BOMBA 40.T Page 305
BOMBA 24 T Page 313

These bombs have an everage charge/weight ratio of 48r;, and it is interesting

to note that seme of the old.r Italian documents refer to the 24 K bomb . s tne 24.T.
The word Tirpcdinv as applied to bombs has be mi translated 'Aerial Torpedoes*. It is
interesting to note that the word ‘torpedine* when used in connection with shells
indiettes ‘streamline*. There is, however, no Streamlining on the T-bombs them­

(iii) BOMBn di GROSSO CALIBRO Charge/weight ratio ca 43%

These heavy calibre* bombs arc of the G.P. type, and have no designation
letter. They include the fol lowing: -

BOMBA 800 Page 319

BOMBA 500 Page 327
BOMBA 250 Page 333

The average charge/weight atio is 43%. These three bombs re unique in th t

they are all fuzed nose and tail with the samr fuze, the only difference being that
in the nose it is armed by a simple vane, and tne fuze is known as type A, whilst
in the tail it is armed by a vant situated at the outer extremity of the tail and
connected to the fuze by means of an articulated extension piece. The length >f
this latter varies 's the length of the bomb tail, and the entire uembly is
designated fuze type 01, 02 or 03 in decreasing order of size.

Len ,ths >f articulated portion of the extension piece:

BOMBA 800 n »t known

BOMBA 500 700 mm.
BOMBA 250 500 mm.

(iv) DESIGNATION LETTER - M Charge/weight ratio ca 31%

These include the fol lowing:-

BOMBA 104 M Page 339

BOMBA 100 M Page 347
BOMBA 31 Page 353
BOMBA 15.M. Page 359
In >lder Italian documents the 31 Kg bomb is referred to as the 31.M.(MINA)
end bombs in this class are regarded as S.A.P. bombs. The bodies are hardened
steel, and the average charge/we ight ratio is 31%.


Bomba Sferica da Kg. 70 Page 365

This bomb, the only one of its type which is known, has not been recovered
neither has the fuze, with which it is n *rmally fitted, teen encountered elsewhere.

The details which exist are from.documents and-are included for the sake of
completeness only, as both bomb and fuze are believed obsolete.

(vi) The following bombs have been recovered, but there is insufficient inform­
ation concerning them to enable their classification t> be decided. They are there­
fore included under the title 'Miscellaneous'. Also included in this section is a
Marker Bomb and the Nose fuze V, for which no particular use is at present estab­

BOMBA da Kg 150 Page 371

BOMBA da Kg 140 Page 375
12.6 Kg. Marker Bomb (Sea) Page 383
Nose Fuze V Page 387



Except in the cases of the 70.IP end the small type bombs, 12 Kg and below, the
tails of Italian bombs arc transported separately. For the larger bombs (greater than
100 Kg) the ‘ails are made of sheet steel or cast alloy. The general form is that of
a cone on which four vanes are mounted, with a strengthening band at the outer end of
the tail. In cast tails the vanes do not extend the whole length of the cone and the
band is plain, but with sheet metal tails the vanes extend the wnole length »f the
cone and the band may be either plain or corrugated. Usually the maximum diameter
is the same as the diameter of the bomb body. A notable exception, associated
directly with its special use, is the tail of the 160.cS bomb where the vanes are
practically restricted to tne length of the strengthening band and the maximum
diameter is approximately 5.5 cm. greater than the diameter of the bomb body.

Alternative tails - probably representing old and new types - are found with
the medium size bombs.

Where the medium and heavy bombs are fitted to take tail fuzes (as is usually
tne case) the bomb tail has a central tube at the outer end of the tail cone to
acconinodate the fuze. In all cases the fuze screws into the base of the bomt and the
vanes of the fuze are supported within or beyond the strengthening band. Only in the
70.IP and in bombs 160 Kg and over is the fuze screwed into the outer end of the tail.
The need for this extra jupport f jr the fuze arises from the special type of fuze used
in the 70 IP and 160.cS bombs, and from the use of the extension piece D (see page
287) in bombs larger than 160 Kg.

In tne medium and small calibre bombs- the portion of the tail attached with
bomb is either conical sr dome-shaped, and to this the four vanes are welded.
Strengthening of the tails by means of a strengthening band i usual, but the design
and enployment of the band does not fo2'ow any obvious plan. Thus the tail of the
12.F is unstrengthened, while that of the 12.Mtr. has a plain band 3 cm. wide and the
3 Mtr. a pl?in band 1 cm. wide.

With bombs using the N type fuzes the tail-vanes are sometimes welded direct­
ly to the steel tube of the fuze while bombs employing 0 type fuzes have openings
in the tail for the withdrawal jf the safety pin.

The bomb 20.1., on account o f i ts special method of suspension, hr.s a recess

cut in the tail, about half way along its length, to accommodate the vanes of the

Small Lovbs 4 Kg and smaller, which are dropped from cont liners, nave no
tails or stabilising fins, but are fitted with a fuze having an 11-w lys action.



Italian bombs may be fitted for horizontal suspension or for vertical sus­
pension or for both methods. Fran bomb aimer's *ablcs captured from the enemy, it
appears tnat the following bombs are fitted for horizontal suspension -

♦ 500., 500.C., 500.R.O.

♦ 250.
160, cS.
♦ lOO.Ma, » 100.T., 100. sp., 100. so.I.
70. IP.
♦ 50. T.
12.F., 12.Mtr.
Ven to

From the same source of information it appears that those bombs marked vitn
an asterisk may be fittec alternatively for vertical suspension.

It is known that in addition to these, the following bombs may tlsobe

fitted for alternative horizontal or vertical suspension;-

500 R.O.
70 IP,
20.1 .
12. F.

From illustrations in ci ptured documents It is known that the following

bombs may be suspended vertically;-

40. C., 40. T.

while the following are dropped from containers:-

2.C., 2.F., 2.Mtr., 2.1. .
Horizontal Suspension

Bombs carried horizontally in the aircraft may be suspended*-

(a) by means of a lug screwed into the sidt of the bomb.

(b) by means of a band encircling tne bomb body. Such a band is normally
in the form of an open ring. After fitting ver the body of tne bomb,
the free ends are bolted together. A suspension lug is situated on the band
diametrically opposite to the tiolt.

Vertical suspension (see Page 13)

Bombs may be suspended in the vertical position in one or more of the follow­
ing ways:-

(a) In the bombs 100,M. and 15jM. the nose of the bomb is cut as shown in fig. (1)
to accommodate the nose lug. In the case of the latter bomb this lug takes the
form of a loop as shown in fig. (2). Bomba 100.T. and 50. T are screw-threaded
at tne nose to take the suspension fitment shown at fig.(3). The loop is
usually of the siape illustrated.

Though Vento bomb can be suspended horizontally by means of the lug in the side
it .nay also be suspended vertically by means of an eyebolt incorporated in the
type S fuze whicn screws into the nose.

(b) An alternative method of suspending Bomba 100.M. nose upwards consists in using
wh it has been referred to as a steel rod ‘basket*. This consists of a length
of steel rod of about 3/8-in. in diameter twisted at its centre to form a
loop. The rod is then bent to conform with the shape of the bomb and its free
ends re flattened and looped to takt the screws which secure the basket to
. the bomb body. Tne attachment is made t the side of the xxnb utilising twoof
tne sciews wnich secure the base plate. Near to the nose of the bomb the rod
is welded to a ring which is intended to strengthen the ‘basket’ and maintain
its shape. The suspension link passes through the loop at the nose of the
bomb ( fig.4).

(c) Vertical suspension of the tomb nose downwards is accomplished in the case of
small bombs (e. g. 12 Kg.), by means of a wire loop. The wire is passed through
two holes near the juter edge of two opposite fins of the tail (fig. 5). The
24 Kg bomb can be suspended nose downwards in a basket arrangement similar to
that described in para, (b) above except that the eppa** itus is made to
include both tomb body and tail and is strengthened witn t*vo circular bands of
the same material, the forward one of which is of smaller diameter than the
diameter of the bomb body and the otner end is shaped in the form of a loop,
(fig. 9).

(d) An alternative method is found in the case of the 2D.I. bomb where the sus­
pension link is attached tc the centre of the >uter end of the tail (fig.6).

(e) For heavier bombs (e.g. 50.T. or 100.T.) where neither of .the methods (c)
and (d) re applicable a special tail fitting is employed (fig.7) or some­
times a more intricately shaped b.ticket as is seen in the Bomb Container
(Page 19).

In Fig. 8 another method of suspending a bomb nose downwards is illustrated.

This is used in the case of the Bomba 104.M.

mg. a.

MG. 5.

MG. 5. MG. G.
MG. 4>.

MG. G.

MG. 9.


This section is included in order to make clear how Certain bombs, wnich show-
no method of suspension, are released from the aircraft. The bomb containers in
such cases are of two types - one which is retained in the aircraft and the other
which is jettisonned and releases the contained bombs after falling a cert tin dis­
tance below tne aircraft. Page 19 shows this latter type. Reference should also
be made to the bomblOO.sp. (page 1551 and to bomb 100.Sp.I. (page 151) which are
really A. per. bombs containing small uombr, which are released after the container
iias fallen a pre-determined distance below the aircraft.

The release gear, illustrated on Page 16 takes the form of a cylindrical con­
tainer. It was recovered from a Savoia R8 aircraft and is designed to carry : —

42 bombs of types 2.F/. ; 2.Mtr. , 2.C. or 1,1. , or

21 bombs of types 4.C. , or 2.1.

The container is 39.5 ins (1003 mm.) long and 10.5 ins (267 an..) diameter and
contains seven tubes, each 3 inches (76 im) in diameter, t rranged as shown.

E^>ch tube has a spring loaded pl ata (1) at the top. This is designed to eject
the bombs when the hinged flap (2), which closes the base of the tubes, is releared.
The opening of the flaps is contiolled by the slotted plate (3). This pla*e is
connected by a centra] spindle to the manual i tchet lever (4) at the top of the

When the tubes are loaded, the plate (3) is rotated to allow the projections
(5) on the flaps to fall into the slot (6). Rotation‘of the plate then secures
each flap in turn.

Tie container is stowed vertically in tne aircraft and suspended by the swivel­
ling lug (7) attached to the sling (8) which is run ■'ver pulleys on the container.

The projecton (9) serves as a locking device for the lever (41. By raising
the hinged portion of the lever, the latter < an be made to engage in the sht (10).

To release the bombs the lever < 4) is rotated -so that each of the flaps is
opened in turn. The contents of one or more tubes can thus be released as desired.

A container designed on similar lines to the above is known. It is 56.4 inches

(1433 m. ) long and 11.75 inches (298 mm.) diameter. Each of the seven tubes may
contain eight 2-Kg bombs and the whole contents may be released at once. Tne re­
lease plnte shown at (3) (Page 1 5) is attached to a central rod, which can be moved
longitudinally downwards in the container, 50 all wing all the hinged fli os to >pen
at once.

A development of the single container is shown on page 15. Three cylindrical

containers of the type described and illustrated on page 16, are bound together in
a simple frame. Tne seven hinged flaps on each coni iner are held in position by
seven ‘fingers* each attached to the central release plate. This latter is Con­
nected to the central rod running longitudinally in the container so trat downward
coven-ent of this rod releases all the botrbs in the contiiner. The movement of this
rod is effected by means of compressed air contained in a cylinder and by manipu.
ution of the v live it can be arranged to reliase the contents of one ot more
containers simultaneously.

■ An older form of release gear consists of a rectangular container having 30
tubes each capable of bolding eight 2 Kg bombs. The release is operated by a handle
near tne bomb aimer, each turn of the handie releasing the contents if jne tube.

A smaller container of rectangular section is shown on page 14 ihc overall

dimensions are 24.5 inches (622 nm) by 14.1 incnes (358 njn) square, while the main
structure is 12.25 inches (311 mm) square. The material is mild steel perforated
for lightness ao that the total weight of the empty "Cassette porta bombetta da Kg 2'
is >nly about 4 K".

The container has eight tubes of square section each capable of holding four
2 Kg bombs. Four flaps, hinged along the outer edges of the container are special­
ly shaped to cli se two tubes .each. A central plate (1) has a 90° sector cut away
so that on r, ~ation of the handle (2) each flap may open in turn and release eif^it
bombs at a time - viz: the contents of two tubes.

Another container modelled on this pattern holds only twelve 2 Kg bombs

Recently ar. apparatus for releasing small bombs has been recovered in the form
of a bomb container of slightly larger dimensions than a 10(1 Kg HE bomb which could

40 bomls o f types 2.F., 2.Mtr., 2.C. or 1.1

20 bombs. of types 4.A.R.
20 bombs of type s 4.C. or 2.1.

Tnis container is describee below and illustrated on Page 19. 11 is made of

sheet steel and is 66 inches (1676 mm) in overall length and 11 inches (279 nan)in
diameter. It contains 8 steel tubes each approx 2.9 ins (74 mm) diameter to
accommodate the bombs. The tail consists of a metal cone having four fins and
a strengthening band (1) at the >uter extremity. The suspension lo'p (2)is
attached to a pair af opposite fins.

Between each pair of fins and lying below the strengthening band is a steel
drogue (3). Each dr.gue is connected to its neighbour by a fabric web (4). An
elastic strip (5) connects the edge of the drogue »o the strengthening oand and
tends to pull OJt the dro'^ue into, a position at right angles t the axis of the
container, while a steel cable (6) attached to under side of drogue limits the
movement of the drogue to the horizontal oosition when the "tail* opens in the air.

Secured to one of the drogues is the clockwork mechanism (7) by the operation
f which the container functions.

Dhen the container functions in the air, the nose of the container is released
thereby freeing the bomus contained in the 8 steel tubes. At the same time the
drogues open-and retard the movement of the container relative to the bombs. The
latter are thus rapidly ejected.

NOTE; Witn the drogues open as shown on Page 19, the nose of the container
would normally have been released.

A fyirther type f container (Pa[?e 2') consists of e long metal trough therides
of which are perforated for lightness. Thi> trough holds 16 cells, each provided
with a hinged lid; They are locked in the container by the movement of the handle
(1). Each cell (3) is approximately 13.25 inches (336 mm) long and 3 ins (76mm),
wide ai d can hild four bombs of iny of the following types - 4.A.R., 4.C.; 3.Mtr.
r 2.1. - though it is believed that this carrier is usually employed for the release
if thermos bombs. A plate st one end of the cell, hinged just below the lid and
lightly spring loaded takes up the Small differences in length of the various types
of bomb. The container is carried in the aircraft with the open side downwards.
By rotating a Handle attached to the release lever (2) tne hinged lids of a
line of cells are unlocked and the weight of the contamed >x>mbs forces them open
and so discharges 16 bombs at a time.

The cells can be removed from the container for charging.



rfith the exception >f those empl yed in the smaller bombs (4 Kg and less),
all fuzes for Italic! H.E. bombs are fitted to take a gaine.

There are twi sizes of >aine in coim-on use ’nd since these bear no markings
they have been designated Types 1 and 2 (Page 21). Type 1 is 7.7 ins (194 mm)
long by 1.3 ins (340 mm) external dit ifter.

The- wall thickness is 0.1 ins (2 mr>. ) and. the filling consists of three blocks
of T.N.T. Type 2 is 4.9 ins (12+ mm.) long with the same external diameter and
w 11 thictcness but containing only two bl icks of T.N.T.

In the upper T.N.T. block is a cavity to take a large detonator with a brass
casing measuring 2.2 ins (56 mm) in length and 0.4 ins (10 mm.) in diameter. This
detonator contains lead ,zide and penthrite and is threaded externally a* the open
end to screw into 4n adaptor which screws partly intr the gaine and partly into
the base of the fuze, the latter, itself, screwing directly into the base of tne
bomb. Six types of auap*oi have been recovered and since they carry no identi-
ficntion marks they are referred to herein by letters of the Alphabet.

Type A, fitted with a cavity for ■ powder pellet, was jsed in early fuze models
when the fuze itself emoloved detonating caps and an additional detonator wa ■ r.ot

Types B to E inclusive are normally employed with ^aines Type 1 and 2. Of

these types B and C re sixply holders for the detonator and differ only slightly
in detail. Type D has a relay of loose powder -ind Type E is fitted with a delay

For use in the Bomba 50h.R.O. with the Cljck'vork Long Delay Time Fuzes, the
Long game Type 1 has been modified slightly to f< rm types 3 ind 4 both if which
employ the adapto Type F which is also merely a holder f< r the detonator.

When f*xed in position the detonator protects into the gaine to different
extents in the different adaptors, e.g.: in type B fr D the projection is 1.2 ins.
(34 mm.); in Type C, 1.8 ins (47 trm. ); in Type E, 2.0 ins (50 trm. ); and in Type
F,1.0 ins (26 mr. ).

Generally speaking the long line Type 1 is used rith large bombs; the uhort
Gaine Type 2 with medium bombs and the detonator ■ lone, screwing directly into the
bnseof the fuze, in small calibre bombs.

The bombs 104.M, 40.T, 31. and 24. are exceptions in th t the -gaine screws
into the bomb and the faze screws into the gaine. Two of these gaines are known.
Type 6, employed in Bombn 104.M, has - bra-.s holder which screws into the gaine
be!>w the fuze, lhi holder is fitted with a perforated pellet below which is *
small booster charge. Above the perforated pellet is a cavity in which ay be
inserted i solid del■y pellet if so desired. Type 5, employed in Bomba 40.T,
also has a brass holder which screws in below the fuze, but the content!, of this
holder have not been recovered.










The dimensions of Type 6 *re not known. The details given above wire obtained
from j captured document. Type 5 is 14.4-ins (366 mm.T in length und 14-ins i 36 mm. )
in diameter over the main length of tne gaine.



T.N.T. is commonly used as a filling for bombs, end the word ’Tritolo’ is often
stencilled in white on the outside of the bomb so filled. There are in addition
many high explosive mixtures in common use in the Italian service. Nearly ull of
these contain ammonium nitrate ■ « a constituent.

The connoncst is amatol, - either 60/40 or 80/20 and bombs so filled are often
stencilled in white with the word ‘Amatolo*

In bombs 250 Kg and over, the filling is often put into thin sheet steel con-
tainers. These are of three chape*
■ a) ’
a nose container ' ‘ sriaord‘
(b) a tail container suitable shaped, and
(c) a cylindrical container.
In tne 250 Kg. bomb there ire only the nose and tail container but in the
500 Kg.bor..b there are .3 cylindrical containers, and in the 800 Kg.7 cylindrical
cont liners in addition.
The following table gives i list of high explosive main fillings known to be
in use, although not all of these have yet been encountered. No case of chlorate
or perchlorate fillings have so fr been recorded, but penthrite filling 1 «s been
found in 40 ng tir.d 1 50 Kg bombs end an RBX. TNT mixture in the 3.5 Kg Anti-tank bomb

The D.N.B. mixture, whose composition is shown r»t the fojt of the table, has
been recovered as the filling of paper wrapped cartridges which are inserted in the
central cavity in bomb fillings below the gaine.

I'xplosi ve Ammo i TNT TNN TNN Al Calcium Sodium Other
Ni t ra te Si licide Nitri te constit­

Tri tolo 100

Ama tolo 60 40
Ama tolo 80 20
N.T. 70 30
Ammonal 47 30 20 Carbon .3
Schneideri te 87.4 12.6
M.S.T. 40 44 7
Sipcrite 72.8 16.7 10.5
Sabulite S. 65 10 25
Sabulite 0. 60 8 14 18
Sabuli te R. 42 18 40
Dynaror 88 8 ioo.imei 1 4
• 88 5 DNB 5
TNS - Trinit ronaphtnal ene DNN - Din11 ronapii tha 1 ene
DNB - 1‘ir.i trouenzene Al - Aluminium powder


Italian bomb fuzes bear no distinctive marxings by wnicn they can be designated,
and are known in the Italian Service by the designation of the bomb in which they
are employed €.g. fuze R is referred to as Spoletta per bomba 12 Mtr. As far as
cn i be ascerr ined, Italian bombs with few exceptions employ fuses which are peculiar
to eaih type of bomb, and details of fuzes will be found in this Summary coupled
with the bombs which employ them.

With one exception-all the fuzes operate mechanically. This exception is

the nose fuze used in the 100.sp.bombs, which depends for its ction upon the current
supplied by a small electric Lenerator incorporated in the fuze. The majority of
the Italian fuzes are designed to function on impact. Of the forty-one bomb fuzes
known, thirty-two are impact frizes, and their internal mechanisms divide them readily
into five distinct types.

I. Impact Fuzes
In which there is a movable striker forced by impact on to a
fixed cap.


In which the striker is fixed and cap hc’der can mov tie irds
it when inertia overcomes the resistance of a light creep spring
holding them apart.
In which both the striker and the cap holder can move re' itive
to each other,
(i) In which a movable striker can move towrrds a fixed cap
holder when the resistance >f a light creep spring holding
them apart is overcome.
(ii) In which a heavy b’ass collar lets down and frees a
spring loaded striker.
In which b< th striker and cap holder can move relative to each
ether The interior of the fuze body is so shaped that the
striker and cap holde • can move radially and in so doing are
forced to approach one another and since such movement would
result from impact other then axial, the meet, smsra is all-« -ys
ac ting.
The special characteristics of the reminder are set out below :

II. Long Delay Fuzes.

(a) Time delay clockwirk nose fuze.
(b) Time delay clockwork tail fuze.
These two fuzes each incorporate an eight day clockwork mechanism
and are enp’oyed in the 500.R.J. bomb
IM, Short Delay Fuzes.
(a) Njse fuzi . I and 1.1. employed in the 3.eV. and 20. eV. bombs
respectively. These are fixed time fuzes.
(b) Nose fuze T employed in the 500.C. bomb. This is a variable
short delay time fuze. The delay can be varied by altering
the pitch of the vanes.
(c) Nose fuze X employed in 100.sp. bombs. This also is a
variable ihort delay time fuze. The delay can be controlled
by manipulating the meter reading on the fuze.
IV. Fuze operating on the opening of a pjj^achute^.

Nose fuze L. This operates when its downward motion is suddenly checked,
by the opening of a parachute. It is employed in the parachute flare Tipo
E.XVI. (Type E.XVI).

V. Underwater Fuze.

The tail fuze fitted to the 160.cS. bomb. This fuze operates after
penetrating a predetermined depth of water.

VI. Delayed Arming Fuze.

The Manzolinl fuze fitted to the 4.A.R. (Thermos) bomb. This is a tail­
less bomb with a sensitive fuze designed for delayed arming and anti-handling,
and sometimes arranged to operate automatically after a delay.

Of the impact fuzes K, Q and U, were designed for use in the tail-less
2 Kg bombs. Up to the present only fuze K, has been encountered, and that
in all the types of bombs employing these fuzes, viz 2.F., ■ 2.Mtr., and 2,1.
The fuze K is also normally employed in the 1.1. bomb, and captured enemy
Documents show it fitted to the Bomba furetto, the 4.C. and‘2.C. bombs, and
it is believed to be used in the small incendiary bombs Ip, FI, and It.

All other bombs, except the Bomba Sferica da Kg.70, are fitted with either
a nose or a tail fuze or both a nose and a tail fuze. This latter fuzing is
typical of the larger calibre bombs. The arming of these fuzes takes place
during the fall of the bomb and depends upon

(a) The rota tion of a two or a three bladed airscrew


(b) The ro ta tion o f a two or a four bladed cap.

The action of the airscrew is to cause the withdrawal of an arming rod-

which projects into the striker. The striker is immobilised by steel balls
which either :-

(i) Lock the striker to the body of the fuze


(ii) Lock the striker and the cap holder to one another.

In either case the withdrawal of the rod frees the steel balls and so
arms the fuze. In the case of fuzes which function as at (i) which are of the Nose-
direct category the striker is then free, and on impact moves against a creep spring
to penetrate the percussion caps, but in the case of those which function as at (ii)
the striker and the cap holder are tnen free to approach one another on impact by
compressing a light creep spring.

This latter mechanism, seen in fuzes E, F, Fl, K, P, W and Z, is more

sensitive than the former, for the interior of the fuze body is specially shaped
so that impact at any angle will cause the striker and the cap holder to approach
one another by riding up the conical or inverted dome-shaped surfaces. These
fuzes are therefore ALLWAYS category.
(If the fuzes provided with bladed caps, fuzes 2, Bl, J, L, V and the nose fuze
for the 140 Kg Bomb become fully armed only when the cap nas unscrewed and fallen
away. In the fuzes B and V the vaned cap unscrews from the striker spindle itself
and in addition frees a set of steel balls which lock the striker to the body of
the fuze. In the fuze Bl the steel balls have been considered redundant and
and omitted, the safety arming time being provided by the unscrewing of the cap from
tne striker spindle. In the fuze L, the striker being fixed to the head of the fuze
it is tne cap holder whicn is rele ;ed when the steel balls are freed, but in the
fuze J the unscrewing of the cap withdraws an arming rod which in turn allows steel
locking Lails to move inwards and free the striker. The fuze for tne 140 Kg bomb
is a departure from normal Italian practice. When the cao unscrews and falls away,
four pressure operated strikers situated in the head of the fuze are uncovered ready
for subsequent operation and a spring loaded safety bolt, masking the flash channel
to the main detonator, is released.

The caps of tile time fuzes I and II do not tend to unscrew and so do not provide
any visual indication of rming, and the same is true of fuze T.

As their designation implies impact fuze*, are designed to function when tne
nose of the bomb strikes a target. Tne action of nose impact fuze varies with the
different types.
(il Fuzes B, Bl, J, and V are fuzes intended for the heavier type of bomb and
function by the Shearing of a mild steel or copper washer.

(ii1 The fuze employed in 140 Kg bomb operates by any or all of the four small
strikers housed in the head of tne fuze being forcVd on to tneir caps by the
penetration of a target.

(iiil In fuzes M, R, and S tne spindle, on which are the vanes, does not become
detached but acts as a ’ramrod’ forcing the striker on to the caps.

(ivl The fuzes F, Fl and W have ’allwavs’ action and may function, however the bomb
may strike the ground.

(vl The remainder of the nose impact fuzes function by inertia of the striker.

Italian Tail Impact Fuzes, with the exception of E, Z, and the tail fuze for
tne 3/5 Kg bomb, operate by the setting down of a heavy striker on to the percussion
cap or ceps when the motion of the bomb is suddenly arrested on impact. Fuzes E
and Z are ’allways* and function in the same way as the nose fuzes F, Fl and W.
The tail fuze for the 3.5 Kg bomb is especially sensitive and functions instant­
aneously when a spring loaded striker is released by the set-down of a heavy brass
coll ar .



The safety devices employed fall into two main categories; those which are
intended to safeguard the fuze from premature operation during transport and those
whiqh safeguard the fuze against prematute operation wr.ich might endanger the air­
craft during the flight of the bomb. These have been here designated the Primary
and Secondary Safety devices
Method of Primary Safety Device Secondary Safety
Ca rr yin g Fuze Device
Bo mbs in type During transport on During transport During Flight
Ai rcra f t the Ground in the aircraft o f Bomb

& rigid pin passes Either a metal Steel balIs, held

through the neck of clip which locks in position by an
the fuze and locks the vane boss to arming rod,prevent
the arming rod. the neck of the relative movement
Indepen­ Fu ze s [n some fuzes there fuze or a metal between the stri­
dent fitted i s in addi t ion a fork which ker and the cap
Su s pen­ with rigid pin which pre­ passes over one holder. The
sion. air vents movement of of the vanes of exceptions are
screw the striker itself. air screw and is the fuze S in
The fuze S has a secured to the which the outward
safety clip which bomb tail . movement of the
embraces the stri­ vanes on the
ker spindle and striker spindle
prevents outward frees the striker
movement of the air i t sei f and the
screw. fuze X in which
This latter device a' sped al clutch
is a] so used in mechanism en­
the aircraft witn sures that the
this fuze. fuze cannot op­
erate until the
bomb has fallen a
certain distance
from the aircraft

Independ. Fuzes A rigid pin passes A flexible wire The vaned cap either
dent fitted through the cap replaces the (i) Unscrews from
Suspen­ wi th and prevents it rigid pin. striker shaik
sion. vaned rotating. . ( ii) Withdraws arm.
cap ing rod.
whi ch ( iii) Allows steel
unscrews locking bal1s
and to fa]1 away .
fal 1 s (id Discovers 4
away. pressure oper­
ated strikers
and releases
spring loaded
safetv bolt

Indepen-. Fuzes A rigid pin locks A Flexible wire Steel balls, held in
dent fi tted the withdrawal replaces the position by an arm­
Suspen­ wi th mechanism. rigid pin. The ing rod, prevent
sion. vaned A metal clip clip is removed. relative movement
caps prevents de­ between the striker
which pression of the and the cap holder.
do not operating plate.

I ndepen- Fuze A rigid pin secures A flexible wire A shear pin retains
dent fitted the safety plate. replaces the the safety plate
Suspen­ wi th a rigid pin. until the bomb
sion. water penetrates the water.


Method of Primary Safety Device Secondary Safety

carrying Fuze Device.
Bombs in Type
During transport on Hiring transport During flight of
Ai rcraf t
tne Ground in the airen f t Bomb.

Manzo- A rigid pin passing Mechanism held lock­

lini through one vane ed by means ot alu­
and locking it to minium cup which is
the Aluminium cup released by r tation
of vanes.

Fuze Holes through the Steel balls, held in

M two vanes enaole position by an aim­
the latter to be ing rod, prevent
wired either to Unnecessary in relative movement
the fuze body or these fuzes between the stri­
F rom to a metal stop ker and cap holder.
since bombs
Con­ which engages in are houst-d in
tainers a groove in the a container.
fuze body
lhe arming rod passes
A rigid pin holds
Fuze through the striker
the rotating disc
K and prevents relative
attached to the
movement between the
arming rod.
s triker and cap

•FUzt. Steel balls, held in

A rigid pin secures
U position by an arm­
the vaned disc to
ing rod, prevent
the head of the
relative movement
between the striker
and cap holder.-

Fuze U-shnped pin passes Safety bolts project

Q through head of between the head of
fuze and retains the striker and the
the cap holding cap holder.
the safety bolts



Since one of the main problems in the handling and disposal of unexploded
Italian bombs is to decide in the first place whether or not the fuze is armed. the
following classification is based upon the methods of arming and upon the indica­
tions available to decide whether or not arming has occurred.


1. *Fuzes showing visual indication of definite arming.

This group may be sub-divided into :-

(a) Fuzes with a vaned cap which falls away and which are fitted with:-
(i) a fixed percussion cap holder and snear washer.

Fuze B Pa fee 2 SO
Fuze Bl Page 249
Fuze J Page 277
Fuze V Pcge 389

(ii) a heavy movablt percussion cap nolder.

Fuze L ... Page 87

(iii) four pressure operated strikers in the nose >f the fuze.

Fuze for 140 Kg Bomb ... Page 381

2. Fuzes snowing a visual indication of arming either complete or partial.

This group may be sub-divided into :-

fa) Fuzes in which the vanes rise beyond the collar and which employs *

(i^ a fixed percussion cap holder.

Fuze S ... Page 111

(ii> amovable percussion cap holder.

Fuze F Page 173

fuze Fl Page 177
Fuze M Page 203
Fuze W Page 183

(bl Fuzes in which the screw-threaded spindle protrudes through the vares,
and which employ a movable cao holder.

Fuze A ... Page 323

Fuze R ... Page 189

.3. Tim' De.ay Fuzes.

(•1 Short time delay fuzes - No visual indication of partial arming, but de­
pression of a pressure plate indicates that the fuze has become armed,
and that the striker needles have moved towards the percussion cap. and-
have pierced without firing them.

Fuze I ... Page 241

Fuze II ... Page 233
FUze T ... Page 55

(b) Long time delay - no visual indication of -rming :-

Long delay clockwork Nose Fuze ... Page 278

( c) Fuzes in which the irming is indicated by a reading on a delay setting,

(height meter^.

Fuze X Page 163


Usually the vanes of tail fuzes are situated at the outer end of the bomb tail
while the fuze mechanism is located at the inner end of the tail and screwed into
the base of the bomb. The exceptions to this are :-

(a) Fuze G where the fuze mechanism and the vanes are both situated
the outer end of the tail.

(b) Fuze E, where the vanes are located in a recess cut in the tail
about half *ay along it.

(c) Fuze Z, wr ere the fuze and vanes .re loci ted at the inner end
of the tail to ensure delayed arming.

The tail fuzes are divided into the following groups :-

1. Fuzes which show a visual indication of arming, either partial or complete:-

(a) Fuzes in ahich the vanes rise beyond the collar and which employ :-

(i) a fixed percussion cap nolder.

Fuze N Page 363

Fuze N1 Page 317
Fuze N2 Page 357
Fuze N3 Pa^e 311
Fbze N4 Page 345
Fuze Y Page 299
Fjze Y1 Page 351

(ii) a movable percussion cap holder.

Fuze E ... Page 129

Fuze Z ... Page 167

(iii) i heavy rperating sleeve

Fuze in 3.5 Kg
Hollow Charge tk bomb ... Page 267

(b) Fuzes in which the screw-threaded spindle protrudes through

the vanes and wtiich employ a movable cap holder.

Fuze G ... Psge 121

(c) Fuzes in which the arming is indicated by the reacting on a

delay setting (water penetration meter)

Fuze for 160 cS ... Page 253

2. Fuzes which do not show any visuaRindication of arming :-

(a) Fuzes in which the arming rod is withdrawn by means of an

internally threaded cylinder.

Fbze C ... Page 303

Fuze Cl ... Page 293

(b) Fuses in which the arming rod is withdra.n by means of an

extension piece :-
(i) Impact Fuze

Fuze 01 Page 324

Fu ze 02 Page 331
Fuze 03 . .. Page 337

(ii) Long Del ay Fuze.

Fuze,, tail clockwork •• ’ Page


1. (fa) Fuze for spherical bomb 70 Kg.

Fuze P ... Page 369

( b) Manzolini, anti-hand 1ing fuze Page 195

(c) Fuzes for small (2 Kg") bombs.

Allways type, arming mechanism falls away : -

Fuze K ... Page 213

Fuze Q .. •. Page 219
Fuze U ... Page 220


Handling of Italian Unexploded Bombs.

The normal method of disposing of unexploded bombs is by demolition in situ

whenever permissible. Before deciding upon tni s course, due regard must be paid to
the amount of damage tne detonation will produce and to the amount of damage which
can be accepted. If it is decided that a bomb must be removed then the risks
incurred should be balanced igainst the urgency of such a course.

If the bomb is to be removed, it should first be uncovered and the fuze inspect­
ed. In digging down for the bomb, great care should be taken not to disturb the
bomb or the fuze. If the latter is found to be of a type not previously described ,
it should be at once reported, and whenever possible left until further instructions
are received.

Bombs should normally be defuzed before removing them. If by, reason of dis­
tortion or damage a fuze cannot be removed, then the bomb should be laid horizon­
tally and transported in this position without jarring or jolting.

Methods of defuzing Italian Bombs.

1. General.

(a") Care must be taken during excavation neither to jar the bomb
nor disturb the fuze.

(b'j When the fuze is uncovered, secure the vane spindle to prevent
rotational and longitudinal movement.

(cj When the bomb is completely uncovered bring it to the horizontal

position without disturbing the fuzes or allowing them to pass
through the vertical.

(d) Never attempt to replace or screw in the arming rod as this may
result in forcing the striker on to the percussion caps and thus
detonating the bomb.
(e) If, when extracting tail fuzes, the bomb tail is so damaged that
it can only be removed by cutting it away, care must be taken,
while so doing, to avoid unnecessary jarring of the bomb.

(f) When a fuze has been removed and the gaine unscrewed, the former
must still be treated with due care since it still contains the
c aps.

2. Fuzes in small bombs. (2 Kg or less)

e.g. , 2.F., 2,Mtr., 2.1., I.I., etc.

'(a) Fuze K.

Indication that the fuze is armed perforated disc and

attached screw-threaded spindle are missing.

( b) Fu^^_Q^an^U^

Indication of arming safety pin and caps missing.

To defuze these bombs.

Lay the bombs carefully on their sides. Unscrew the fuzes without jolting the
bomb, and remove fuze and detonator complete. Unscrew the latter (where present),
from the fuze and pack separately.

In the case of fuze K, never attempt to insert a pin through the hole in the
head of the fuze, as this may cause the striker to approach the cap.

3. The Manzolini Fuze in the 4.A.R. (Thermos) Bomb.

Indication that the fuze is armed Aluminium cap is missing.

This fuze is very sensitive to a jerk or jolt and may incorporate a seif-des-
troying mechanism. There is no external indication of this latter and all bombs
must therefore be suspect, Time delays have been recorded varying from one to four
days. UXB’s should, wherever possible, be detonated in situ, This can be done
by placing a 1-oz. guncotton primer, or a stick of gelignite, close to the base and
on the longitudinal axis of the bomb. In this way the fuze will be given the
necessary longitudinal jolt to cause it to operate and detonate the bomb. Alter-
natively, a loop placed loosely over the coils of the spring can be used to give
the bomb a sufficient jerk to detonate it. A few sandbags built up close to the
bomb will give protection to the operator, who should use a coil of rope not less
than 200 ft. in length, and be in the prone position when he gives the necessary jerk.

The lethal area in the open, with the bomb on the surface is 100 ft. Complete
immunity from fragments is obtained at 300 yds. When circumstances demand that the
bomb should be moved it must be remembered that the most dangerous position for the
fuze is the vertical position with the nose pointing upwards. Hence when moving
the bomb (which will only be done in most exceptional circumstances) it should be
carried horizontally and in bringing it to this position the operator should avoid
passing the fuze through the vertical. Great care must be exercised in lifting,
carrying and laying down the bomb,to ensure that there shall be no jolting or jerking
All movements must be slow and deliberate and excessive acceleration of the bomb
must be avoided.

4. Tail fuze for 3.5 Kg Hollow Charge A tk Bomb.

If the vanes are in place and have not risen above the fuze, the latter is
unarmed and the bomb may be handled with safety.
If the vanes have risen 0.5 inch or more above the fuse, the litter is fully
rmed and is in a very sensitive condition. It should be demolished in situ by
detonating 1 lb Wet Guncotton adjacent to the conical portion of the bomb.

If NO other course is 'pen, an attempt to move the bomb might be male by care­
fully lifting tne bomb until it is nose upwards and carrying it way in that position,
witnout any jerking or jolting.;

5. Ihort delay fuses I, I 1, and T for txxnba 3.cV., 2O.cV. aiu. SOQ.C. respectively

There is no visual indication of arming.; Since both the striker and the < p
holder move within the armed fuse and there is no creep spring holding them ap rt,
the fuse must be ref;araed as being in a most dangerous condition and the burnt should
be de tor tec in situ whenever possible.

If the bomb must be moved, first secure the pressure plate so that it cannot move
If the pressure plate h s not been depressed, wedge it in position by meals of a
snail piece of wood. If the pressure plate has been depressed, do not attempt to
move it as the needles may hi ve pierced the caps without firing them and withdrawal
may cause the bomb to function.

After securing the pressure p. ate, move the bomb slowly and carefully into the
horizontal position taking care not to pass the bomb, and hence the fuze, through
the vertical in so doing. The bomb may now bi moved horizontally f r subsequent
demolition if all jolting be avoided. No attempt should be made to defuze the bomb .

6. Fuses in the Bomb 500.R.O.

long delay (clockwork) 1 im« fuses

There is no visual indication of arming in either the nose or the tail fuze.-
No experience has been gained up t the present on the usefulness of the electric
stethescope but it is considered probable* that the ticking of the clock would be
audible with the present apparatus. It is considered, however, tiiat the present
designs of clockstopper would be unlikely to be effective in stopping tne clocks

As the clock may be set for delay up to 8 days, it is recommended that iden­
tified and suspected long delay bombs be left for 9 days before commencing the usual
excavations prior to removal. All the usual precautions ibserved In dealing with
German Bombs containing a 17 fuze should be applied in tne cas.i of bombu containing
a long delay clock. Ar emergency method of disposal is described under the descrip­
tion of the fuzes.


If the vane cap is mistin' tne fuze is armed. If the black steel cylinder
projects more than 1.5 inches beyond th> brass fuze body the fuze is safe to hoodie
provided due precautions are taken to avoid rough tre tnent.

If, however, the steel cylinder has been moved in« ras, secure tht cylinder
firmly to prevent any further movement. The fdze may then be unscrewed ar d with
drawn complete with detonator and gaine. Both these latter should be unscrewed
from the fuze and packed separately.

The nose fuze X is a variable short delay.time fuze, which is used to eject the
n>se of the bomb if ter a pre-determined fall from the aircraft The fuz functions
by the completion of a-1 eltctric circuit and the degree of armi.ngis indicated on
the drum type height meter incorporated in the fuze. At the zer > reading the elec­
trical cortacts have just not closed, and a few furtner rotations of the vanes change
the meter reading to 9990 and complete the circuit.- Since the movaole contact is
attached to the ’thousand metre’ drum, it is still possible for the other two drums-

to rotate until they are again about to operate the ’thousand metre' drum, and produce
a reading of ■'990.- This reading is, in fact never indicated fur the contacts
‘jam’ and hold up the r-tation >f the ’thousand metre’ drum. In actual tests it
has beer, shown that the contacts are closed at all readings between 9990 and 9000.
Tnus, if any readin> between these limits is indicated on the- heit<ht meter, the
contacts haze closed and are still cl >sed, but' the mechanism has failed t fire the
detnnat .r. For >ther readings it is probable that the circuit has not been made.

In no case, however, should the vanes be allowed to roiute. They should be

secured by means of a pin r nail inserted in the hole trnougn the vane spindlx. or
by tying down the vanes with string or wire.


A Bomb found complete with Nose in position.

1. Secure the vanes >f fuze X as above.

2. Unscrew the fuze very carefully and remove it from the nose of the bomb.

The’bomb is now safe for transport provided it is not subjected to undue

j> lting. Since tne nose is still in position the fuzes of the smdl brmbs and tail
fuze Z will not have become armed.

B. Me f und complete but detached from bouib.

1. Sever the length of safety fuze attached to the detonator,

taking care not to interfere with the fuze X.

2. Secure the vanes of fuze X as above.

3. Unscrew the fuze very carefully arid remove it from the nose.

4. Unscrew the retaining collrr and remove the detonator from the nose.

C. Bomb body found without the nose, but with the central bomb still in position
and unexploded.

1. Since the tail fuze Z will not be visible, it must be considered armed
and care must Le taken nut to jolt the bomb.

2. With the tnmb on its side, remove the tail by unscrewing or drilling
out the retaining screws.

3. Taking great care that the vanes are not rotated and that no
longitudinal bl >w is given to the fuze, unscrew the fuze from
the central tomb and withdraw it complete with detonator and

4. Unscrew the gaine and the detonator from the fuze and pack separately.

8. Fuses fat tne Bomt 16A.cS

It is not anticipated that this bomb will .ften be found on land. It is poss­
ible however, that it may be washed up on the foreshore. It is fuzed .n the nose
witn heavy duty impact fuzes B or Bl and in tne tail with a special underwater fuze
It is this latter fuze which should receive the first attention.

Handling the Tail Fuze.

If the fuze is encountered with tne pressure plate in position,arming can not
have commenced and the fuze can be removed with safety. .
If tne pressure plate is absent the relative withdrawal of the arming: shaft
will be indicated on the setting disc. The inertia bolt may or may not have com­
pressed the striker spring, but it must be assumed tnat the worst conditions prevail
and, if the setting disc is at or approaching zero reading, the bomb should be de­
molished in situ without further delay. If this latter condition does not obtain :

(i) Secufe the vanes from rotation by securing them to the fuze body.

(ii) Uiscrew the fuze from the bomb tail and withdraw it from the bomb
complete with detonator and gaine.

(iii) Unscrew the gaine and the detonator from the fuze and pack them separately.

Handling the Nose Fuze.

If the vaned cap' has fallen away, the fuze is armed. If the whole of the screw-
threaded portion of the striker shank in the fuze B, or more than 2.25 inches in fuze
Bl, is visible above the collar, the fuze is safe to handle provided due precautions
are taken to avoid rough treatment.

If, however, the striker hts moved inwards, secure the striker shank firmly
to prevent any further movement.: The fuze may then be unscrewed and withdrawn
complete with detonator and gaine.: Both the latter should be unscrewed from the
fuze and packed separately.

9. Nose Fuza V.

It is not known in which bomb this fuze is employed al thougi the screw-thread
on the body is identical with that on Fuze A and that on the nose iuze for the 140.
Kg bomb. The fuze should be handled in the same way as described for fuze B in
Sec. 7above.

10, Nose fuze for 140 Kg bomb.

If the vaned cap is missing the four pressure operated strikers housed in the
nose of the fuze are unmasked and the fuze is armed.
( i) Insert into the safety bolt hole a 4.1/2 nail (about gauge 5) and
bind it in position to prevent it falling away.
(ii) Unscrew, the fuze and withdraw it from the bomb complete with
detonator and gaine.
(iii) Unscrew both the gaine and the detonator from the fuze and pack
them separately.

11, Nose fuze L for Parachute Flare E.XVI.

If the vaned cap has become unscrewed and the steel balls are missing the fuze
is armed. Providing due care is taken to avoid jerking the flare may be carried
horizontally. If necessary the fuze may be unscrewed and removed from the flare.

12, Tail fuze G for the bomb 70.I.P.

The bomb 70.1.P. contains no HE charge. The fuze may be removed as follows
(i) Avoid any longitudinal jolting of the bomb and secure the vanes
to prevent rotation.

(ii) Unscrew the aluminium retaining collar from the outer end nf tne
tail and remove the fuze mechanism.

(iii) Remove the piece cf quickmatch and plug the end of the ignition tube.
13. Nose Fuzes (other than those treated above)

Fuzes A, F, Fl, M, R, S, and W.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid ny longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on the bomb.

In the case of fuzes M, R and S, the spindle should be bound
to prevent longitudinal movement.

■ (c) Ensure that tne vanes are not rotated.-

(d) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove complete with detonator
and gaine Unscrew both the latter and pi ck them separately.

NOTE: There is no gaine with fuzes M and S but the former does employ
detonri* r.

14. Tail Fuzes (other that, tlioae treated above). .

Fuzes C, Cl, E, N, N1, N2, M3, N4, 01, 02, 03, Y and Y1.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on th<* fuze or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(d) Carefully remove the split pin or set screw securing the vanes,
and remove the vanes.-
This procedure should be omitted In tne c le of the long extension
piece used in tomb® Q00, SOO', 500.R.O. and 250 Kg. .

(e) Rtmove the securing screws and take off the tall, drawing it
. c -refully over the fuze.

(f) Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with detonator nd gaine.
Urscrew the g*ilne from the fuse and pad separately. .

NOTE; If the tail is distorted or damaged su that it will not conveniently

withdraw over the fuze it may be cut m necessrry so as to expose the
toai>e of the bomb to allow the fuze to ba unsciewed.

15. Fuze for__tne_Sgherlcal Bomb 70 Kg.

This fuze Is separated from the main c'assi flcation merely because It cannot
properly tie died a nose or tail fuze. The internal mechanism does however closely
resemble that seen in the fuzes F, W, etc., ind s would be expected from its use in
a spherical bomb can be re ;ardrd as ALLWAYS action.

(a) If the stfety pin hole in the fuze ®pindle i: visible 2 cm above
the herd of the fuze, the latter is fully irrned.

(b- In the ; med condition the botrb should be destroyed in situ

whenever possible

(,c) If the bomb must be moved it should be carefully turned till the
fuze Is horizontal ind then carried without jerking or jolting
to a suitable site for demolition.;

(d) If the fuze is not armed, it can be unscrewed from the bomb.
Unscrew the >,aine from the fuze and then •■emove the detonator
and Dock sepe itely.

Details of Italian Bombs,

\ Illi /

40 T. 5/ 24.



500 AC.
21. 20i


/OO.M. /OG.T. /OOsp.isp.l. JO.lP. 50 T.

Method of Nature 8r Wei ght Charge- Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Di a. Length Length O/A O/A Notes
New Old Engl ish Colour­
Equiva­ fuzing with wei ght of com­ wei ght ness pen­ of of of of length J ength See
De si g- Desi g- ing.
our refer­ of fill­ plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb complete complete End o f
nation nation lent.
ence letter ing. bomb. bomb body tai 1 body tail bomb bomb Tabl e.
less fuze
or lug.

% ins mm. mm. mm. mm. mm,

ins ins ins ins ins ins

(vii) (viii) (ix) (X) (Xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (XV) (xvi) (xvii)
(i) (ii\ (Hi) (iv) (v) (vi)

800 44.6 Wai 154 H 458 458 1910 1300 3142 3247 (a)
800 da kg G.P. Body Nose A TNT
800 niii Tail 01 357 Point 18.0 18.0 75.2 51.2 123.7 127.8
Mod Blue Ai
1928 Nose 4“

508 43.3 Wai 154 H 458 458 1320 1100 2366 2454
SOO da kg G.P. Body Nose A TNT
Point or 18.0 18.0 52.0 43.3 93.1 96.6
500 Dull Tail 02 220
Mod Blue
1928 No se4”

500 Nose H 460 460 1288 1089 2216 2380

500 5.S.1 Delay Body 4impact TNT
254 or 18.1 18.1 50.7 42.8 87.4 93.7
R.O. Action Hill Type J
(Time Blue 1 Clock­ Wall V
Fuze) Nose 2" work X 54
Red long
Band delay.
T 1 Clock­
a work
i long
1 'delay.

New Old Engl ish Colour­ Method of Nature ut Weight Charge­ Thick­ ’ Sus- ' Dia. Dia. Length Length ' O/A ■ O/A No ties
Desi g- Desig­ Equiva- ing fuzing with weight of com­ weight ness pen­ of of of of length length See
nation nation lent^ our refer­ of plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb complete Complete End of
ence letter ing.: bomb.; bomb body tail body tail bomb bomb Table
less fuze
or lug.

BCMBA BCMBA BCMB kg kg % fns. mm, m nu mm, mm, mm, MO,

ins ins ins ins ins ins

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (V) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) («) (xi) (xii) (Xiii) (Xiv) (XV) (xvi) ( xvi i )
--------- r-
500 C C. 500 C.W. Nose T H.E.10: 280 Nose H 458 448 1403 1040 2320 2454 (d)
T. wi th Variabl e Y.D.210 2tf
Air Short Wall
18.0 17.7 55.3 39.9 91.4 96.6
Burst Delay 1/8

250 da kg G.P. Body Nose A TNT 286 Nose 146 446 835 1000 1780 1877
42.0 H
250 run Tail 03 120 1* 17.6 17.6 32.9 39.4 70.1 73.8
Tipo 31 ue Wall V
III Nose3" 3/8
Red Point
Band 2

160cS da kg An ti- Body Nose B or TNT 180 No s e H 337 390 920 690 1540 1772 Tail
Sub- pale Bl. Tail 13.3 15.3 36. 2 27.2 60.7 69.8 wi th or
Grey Wall • wi thou t
&• s• marine Under
Nose2** Water 5/16 strength
Apple ening
Gr een band

New Old Englith Colour­ Method of Nature Ik Weight Charge­ Thick­ Sus­ Die. Di a. Length Length O/ATengtt O/A Notes
Desig- Desig­ Equiva­ ing fuzing with weight of com­ weight ness pen­ of of of of bomplete length See
nation. nation lent. our refer­ of fill­ plete' ratio of sion. bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb less complete End o f
ence letter ing bomb bomb body tail body tail fuse or bomb Table

BOMBA BOMBA BOMB kg kg % ins mm. inn. mm. nm. nn.

ins ins ins ins ins ins

(i) (ID (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)

150 A.P. Body Tail See note 151.1 13.0 Nose H 250 250 802 548 1275 1275 (t)
Slate t.; 4.0 50. 2 50.2
9.8 9.8 31.6 21.6
Grey. 21.3 Wall
Nose 1.0
3* Dark Point

140 Grey Nose 138.5 256 250 700 550 1170 1256
Tail 10.1 9.8 27.6 21.7 46.1 49.4

104 M da kg S.A.P Tail TNT or 104 28.8 V 254 711 1092 1092 (a)
N4 Amatol 10= .0 28.0= 43.0 A3.0 (b)
104 M

100 M da kg S.A.P Body Tail Cl TNT or 109 25.2 Nose H 252 252 788 540 . 1260 1283
100 M Dull or Y1 Amatol or 9.9 9.9 31.0 21.3 49.6 50.5
Blue 27.5 Wall V
Nose 3“ u
Red Point
2K 3


Method of Nature & Wei ght Char ge- Thick­ I Sus- Di a. Dia. Lengtli Length O/A O/A Notes
New Bld Engl Esh Colour­
Desi g- Jesig- Equi va- ing fusing we igpt on com- weight ness I Pen- of of of of 1 ength length See
1 en t. Mi th ou r of fill­ pl ete ratio of I si on bomb bomb bomb bomb complete complete End of
nation ia tion
reference ing bomb bomb body tail body tai 1 bomb less bomb Ta bl e
let tei fuse or

BCMBA BOMB kg kg % ins mm. mm. inn. tun. nm. mm.

ins ins ins ins ins ins

(vi) (vii) (viii) fix) 1 (*) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)
(i) (il) (iii) Civ) (v)

Tail Cl TNT or 100 50.6 Nose 2* H 272 272 825 560 1305 1345
100 T da kg L.C. Body Hill
or Y1 Aaaatol Wall W or 10.7 10.7 32.5 22.0 51.4 53.0
100 T Blue
Nose 2- 50.6 Point V
Red 3" '
Tai 1 H.E. 101.9 V 272 272 825 527 1275 1275 (c)
100 c C. 100 C.W.
P. 10.7 10.7 32. 5 20.8 50.2 50.2 (d)

Comb­ 113 Outer 1 H 272 272 650 530 1234 1300 (f)
100s p Body Nose X
case 10.7 10.7 25.6 20.8' 48.6 51.2
ined Black T ail Z
A pers Red 1 /8
bomb & Band
A pers at
bomb Nose

-A2 -
Weight Charge­ Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Di a. length Length O/A O/A Notes
New Old English Colour­ Method of Nature A
weight ness pen­ of of of of length length See
’De si gw Desig­ Equiva­ ing fusing wi th of com­ weight
ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb complete complete End of
nation nation le nt. our refer­ of fill­ plete
bomb bomb body tail body tail bomb bomb Table
ence letter ing
fuze or

- % ins HMD- nan. cm. nm« mm«

ins ins ins ins ins ins

(xiii) (Xiv) (XV) (xvi) (xiii)

(D (H) (iin (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (lx) (») (xi) (xii)

Outer H 272 272 650 530 1234 1300 (•)

100 Comb­ Body 89.1
Nose X
sp. I ined black Case
Tail Z
A pera Red 1/8 51.2
10.7 10.7 25.6 20.8 48.6
bomb A band
incend. at
bomb Nose

70 Ohpain- Thermi t
Tail G 679 1200 1200 (D(q)
ted 24. S 62 Elec H 252 252 600
Elect­ Wall 1
9.9 9.9 23.6 26.7 47.2 47.2
ron A i
TNT or 62.9 406 (•)
Sferics Spher­ Tail P
da kg ical Anatol

New Old English Colour Method of Nature * Weight Charge­ Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Di a, Length Length O/A O/A Notes
Desig­ Desig­ Eqpiva- ing fuzing with wei ght of com­ weight ness pen­ of of of of length 1 ength See
nation nation 1 ent our refer­ of fill­ plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb complete complete End o f
ence letter ing bomb bomb body tail body tai 1 bomb 1 ess bomb Table
fuze or

BCMBA BOMBA BOMB kg kg % ins am. mu. mm. mm. mm. mm.
ins ins ins ins ins - ins

(i) (ii) (Hi) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (X) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvi i)

50 T da kg L.C. Body Dull Tail C or TNT or 58 43.1 Nose H 252 252 550 468 965 1029
50 T Blue.Nose Y Amatol or 9.9 9.9 21.7 18.4 38.0 40.5
2-red 25 Wall V
Band M

40 T Tail N3 V 250 250 500- 370 800 810

9.8 9.8 19.7 14.6 31.5 31.9

40 C C 40 C.W. Tall NS HE. 13.0 47 - V 250'- 250 500: 370 800 810 (c)
P D.A 9.8 9.8 19<7 14.6 31.5 31.9 (d)
6. 5

31 da kg S.A.P Tail N2 TNT or 33.9 162 184 570 318 805 805
31 Amatol 6.4 7.2 22.5 12.5 31.7 31.7 (b)

24 da kg L.C Tail N1 TNT or 50.0 162 162 505 375 775 775 (•)
24 Amatol 6.4 6.4 19.9 14.8 30.5 30. 5 (b)

20c.V da kg Antirair Nose 1.1. Wall 139 143 393 457 688 788 (g)
20c. a craft Total 5.5 5.6 15.5 18.0 27.1 30.7 (k)(q)

(Air Burst) 1.1/8
Colour­ Method of Nature Ik Weight Charge* Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Dia. Length Length O/A Length O/A Notes
New Old English
» weight ness pen­ of of of of complete length See
Desig­ Deal g- Equiva­ ing fuzing wi tl weight of com­
plete ratio of sion- bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb less compl ete End of
nation nation lent our refer­ of fill­
bomb bomb body tail body tail fuze or bomb Tabl e
ence lettei ing.

kg % ins mm- mm. mm- ram. cm. mm,

ins ins ins ins ins ins.
(viii) (x) (Xi) (xii) (xili) (Xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)
(i) (H) (ill) (iv) (v) (vi) ( vii) (lx)

Thermi t 19.4 Electron H 160 160 520 400 864 864 (■»)
20.1 da kg Incen­ Unpainted Tail E
20.J diary El ec t ron body X or
steel V
nose plug 6.3 6.3 20.5 15.8 34.0 34.0
7/8 at

36.1 Nose H .120 160 525 346 760 788

15.M da kg S.A.P. Body Dull Tail N TNT or 15. 5
1.1/8 4.7 6.3 20.7 13.8 29.9 31.0
15 M Blue Amatol or
Nose 3** 5.6 Wall V
red Band

H 120 160 525 346 760 788 (c)

15.C C.15. C.W. Tail H. E. 16.0 ' •
4.7 6.3 20.7 13.8 29.9 31.0 (d)
P 3.65
I. 7

838 432 1143 1193 (u)i

Grey Snoke 12.6 - - i H 135 178
12.6 Kg Marker
5.3 7;0 33.0 17.0 45.9 47.0
Marker Brub (Purple)
Brub ZSea)
Method of Nature 8c Weight Charge­ Thick­ Sus- Dia. Dia. Length Length O/A Length O/A Notes
New Old Engli sh Colour­
wei^it of com­ weight ness pen* of of of of. complete length See
Desig­ Desig­ Equiva­ ing Fuzing with
of fill­ plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb less complete End of
nation nation lent. our refer­
ing bomb bomb body tail body tail fuze or bomb Table
ence letter

kg % ins nm. mm. nn. mm« nnu mm.

ins ins ins ins ins in*

(viii) (i«) (X) (*1) (xii) (Miii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)
(i) *(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)

12.2 Strip H 90 90 440 368 787 827 (h) -

12.F da kg Fragmen­ Body and Nose F
0.2 or 3.5 3.5 17.3 14.5 31.0 32.6
12 tation Tail, Sky
Bluej 1.8 wound V
on con­

90 90 433 360 791 831 (b)

da kg Fragmen­ Nose W
3.5 3.5 17.0 14.2 31. 1 32.7 (j)
12 tation

H 90 90 400 420 788 820 ( g)

l»tr A p4rs Black Nose R Amatol 11.6
3.5 3.5 15.7 16.5 31.0 32.3

132 132 224 450

10.E Proi etto Practice Smoke 11.0
5.2 5.2 8.8 17.7
da Esen- 0.430
ne da Kg
82 132 249 400
S.E Proietto Practice Smoke 4.5
.3.2 S.2 9.8 15.8
da Esen 0.400
ci tazio-
ne da
kg 5
New Old Engl ish Colour Method of Nature (k Wei ght Charge- Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Dia. Length Length 0/A length O/A Notes
’Desi g- Desig. Equiva­ ing fuzing wi th weight of com­ we ight ness pen­ of of of of complete length See
nation nation lent. our refer­ of fill­ plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb less comp]ete End of
ence letter ing bomb bomb body tail body tail fuze or bomb Tabl e

BOMBA BOMBA BOMB kg kg % ins am. mm. mm. mtn. mm. nro.
ins ins ins ins ins ins.
(i) (il) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) ( vi i i ) fix') (x) (xlj (xii) (xiin (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)

4.A.R. Thermos Body Green Manzo! ini TNT 3.9 Wall 70 185 185 312 (•)
Anti-Hanc or Buff. with or 0;6 1/8 2.7 7.3 7.3 12.3
•ling. Cap Bright wi thout

Delayed Meta] self
Arming destroying

4.C Dipp io C.W K H.E 2.8 - 70 * 270 - 270 310 (d)

Spez- 0.67 2.1 10.6 12.2
10.6 (»)
zone D.A
C (Chem)

A. tk AppleGreen Tail RIX TNT 3.5 1 mm. H 152 212 200 384 384

Hollow Red Spot Fuze 2.15 6.0 8.4 7.9 15.1 15.1
Charge Nose

3.cV da kg Anti. Body & Nose I Amatol 82 82 277 344 (g)(k)

3 c.a TailApple 0.40 ✓ 3.2 3.2 10.9 13.5 (q)
craft. Green. Red
(Air band at
Burst) Nose
New Old Engl i sh Col our- Method of Nature & Weight Charge­ Thick­ Sus­ Di a. Dia. Length Length O/A lengtt1 0/A Notes
Desig- Desig* Equiva- ing fuzing wi th wei ght of com­ weight ness pen­ of of of of complete 1ength See
natior nation 1 ent our refer­ of fill­ plete ratio of sion bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb less complete End of
ence letter ing bomb bomb body tail body tail fuze or Lonb Tabl e

BOMBA BCMBh BCMB kg kg % ins mm. mm. nrn, mml mm. mm.
ins ins ins ins ins ins

(iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) fix) (x) (Xi) (xii (>iii) ( xiv) (xv) (xvi ) (xvii)
(i) (ii)

3 Mtr A pers Bl ack Nose M TNT - 70 70 208 112 274 307 (g)
0.17 2.7 2.7 8.2 4.4 10.8 12.1

2.F K TNT 1.8 70 115 115 115 (h)

Spezz- Fragmen­ Bi ack
2.7 - 4.5 4.5 6.1 (s)
one da tation. 0.36
kg 2 a
pres ta-

Fra ynen- Bl ack K TNT 1.61 - Wall 70 - 115 T 115 115 (j)
da kg
2 0.36 0.25 2.7 4.5 4. 5 6.1 (s)

Black K TNT 1.75 70 115 115 155 (g)

2 Mtr Spez- A pers
0.35 2.7 4.5 4.5 6. 1 (s)
zone da
kg 2 a

. K H.E. 0.29 1.55 70 115 115 155 (d)

2.C Spez- C.W.
D.A. 2.7 4.5 4.5 6.1 (s)
C (Chem)
10. 14
L,.-T ia*-------
Englisn Colour­ Mctnod of Weight Qiarge- Thick­ Sus­ Dia. - Dia. Length Length O/A length O'A Notes
New Old , Nature &
Equiva­ ing fuzing with weight o f com­ weignt ness pen­ of of of of complete length See
De si g- Desig­
our refer­ of fill­ plete mtio of sion bomb bomb bomo bomb borrb less complete End of
nation nation lent
ence letter ing bomb bomb body tail body ’.al 1 fuae or bomb Table

. UML. BOMB kg kg % ins nm, • nTOa nw. mm, mm.

BOMBA ins Ins ins
ins ins ins
(xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (XV) (xvi) (xvii)
<n (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (yii) (viii) (ix) (*)

0.56 70 270 270 310 (n)

XI Bombetta Incend­ Dull K
Tiermite 2.7 10.6 10.6 12.2 (»)
Incendi — iary Grey
riaMis ta Oil
da kg 2

Thf rmite - 70 - 115 - 155 (»)

1.1 Incend­ Unpaint­ K 1.1
0.56 2.7 4.5 6.1
iary ed Elec­

Petrol 8f 0.5 - 70 115 115 155 (»)

Kg 0. S Incend­ Lignt K
Cotton 2.7 4.5 4.5 6.1
i’p iary Grey-
Green Wicks

Thenri te 64 - 84 - 84 124
Kg 0.S Incend­ Dark K 0.5
0.412 2.5 3.3 3.3 1.9 .
It iary Green

64 85 • 85 127
Kg 0.5 Incend­ Light K Fhodpno- 0.5
2.5 3.4 3.4 5.0
Fl iary Grey rus

102 165 510 362 891 955 (o'!

Tioo E Parachute Body Blue Nose L
‘.0 6.5 2 0.1 14.2 35.1 37.6
xvi Flare Nose
Yell »
New Old Englisn Colour­ Method of Nature & Vei ght Charge Thi ot- Sus-. Di a. Dia. Length Length 0/A Length 0/A Notes
Desi g- Desi gj Equiva- ing fuzing with weight of com­ wei ght ness pen­ of of of of complete length See
nation nation 1 ent.; our refer- of fill­ plete ratio of sion DomL bomb bomb bomb bomb 'ess complete End of
ince letter ing bomb bomb □ody tail body tail fuze or bomb TaDl e

BOMBA BOMBA ■ BOMB kg kg % ins mm. mm* inn. mm. mm. mm.
ins ins ins ins ins ins

(i) (ii) (Hi) (iv) (v) (vi) vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii)

Tipo Parachute Royal Nose Magne­ H 140 236 437

E 40 Fl are Blue sium 5.5 9.3 17.2
Parachute Black Noxe X H 122 236 1036 1036 1LDO:
Flare 4.8 9.3 40.8 40.8 43.3

Fur- C.W. K Lachry- V 160 790 790 830 (d)

etto Generator mator 6.3 30. 1 30.1 32.7 (s)
Percus­ 10
sion Fuze

Ven to Smoke %ii te Nose S 5.2 H 132 178 225 234 386 441 (P)
5.2 7.0 8.9 9.2 15.2 17.3 (*)

Quo ta Smoke (P)


-AhJB -

All dimensions are given to the nearest millimetre and nearest

tenth of an inch. The exception is the wall thickness which
is given to the nearest sixteenth of an inch.

a. The figure given in colunn (viii) h. s been calculated l. Steelnose cap over electron nose. Wall of cap % in. thick
from the Nominal and not the Actual Total Weight of Point of cap 1.7/8 ins. 0/A thickness at point 5% ins.
the bomb and is therefore only an indication of the
Charge^weight ratio., m. Tail Electron or Sheet Iron.

b. It is thought possible that this bomb is now obsolete. n. Oil container screwed to base of 1 kg Incendiary bomb.

c. The fuzing of this bomb is probably the same as that o. Diameter of Parachute. 1981 nin/78. 0 ins.
for the HE bomb of the same calibre.
p. Employed in conjunction with Bomba 500 C.
d. Italian documents state that this bomb is painted
yellow with a Geneva Cross (denoting the nature of q. Body and tail not distinct and separate units.
the filling^ stencilled on it.
r. Four stabilising fins rivetted to brackets which are
e. Contains thirty-two 2 kg or sixteen 1 kg Incendiary bombs. welded to the bomb.

f. Contains thirty-two 2 kg A pers bombs. s. No tail or stabilising fins.

g. Loading, Steel pellets embedded in concrete. t. Compressed cylindrical pellets of penthrite/Wax coloured
blue in a matrix of P. E.T. N/Pentaceythri tol - tetracetate
h. Loading, Strip metal wound spirally on sheet metalcontainer.; coloured brown.

j. Thick walled body grooved to assist fragmentation. u. Simple striker mechanism in nose of bomb.

k. Short delay fixed time fuze.


Bomba 500 C Page 51

Bomba inn C Page 57

Bomba 40 C Page 51

Bomba 15 c Page 55

Bomba 4 c Page 60

Bomba 2 c Page 73

Bomba Furetto Page 77

tUMBA 500 C.

The bomb has the same general appe■<rance and dimensions as tne 500 Kg.H.E
bomb, but the actuel weight is approximately 280 Kg. The filling is ■ vesicant
and the bomb is desisted to burst in the air.

The optimum effect of the spray of liquid is obtained when the bomb bursts at
25n - 350 metres above tne target. The explosion of the T.N.T. chi rge produces ■
fine spray of liquid, wnich may ffect an area of 50,000 to 8G,000:sq. metres.
Due to the forward motian of the bomb, the affected area approximates tn an ellipse,
the majoa axis of which is 500 to 800 metres, and the minor axis 100 to 200 metres^
The effectiveness of the oomb depends upon
(a) The height of burst above the target
(b) The direction • nd force of the wind at ground level.

To determine these, two small bombs are used. The height >f the aitei ift
is determined by the use of the "(Xiota* bomb, (Page 101). This bomb has the sans
ballistics as the C SOO T bomb, so that it is necessary only tc> observe the time
of dropping of this smoke bomb. It is usually dropped by hand. The direction
of the wind is obtained by the use of a special smi'il bon > type ’Vento' (1 ige 105> .

Ar I tall ar, Dociaunt dated 1936 states ;

‘‘The effects of the liquid on personnel h. ra of 6-12 hours. lhe vapour
danger from the contaminated ground is not graat because the degree of contamina*ion
given by the oomb is si all. The persistency of contamination on the ground depends
on the temperature and wind. Oh sundy soil and witn high temper tures it ooes not
exceed 2* hours, bit increases if there is 1veget tion and low temperature

jr^ce_o£ TarWet<

Tne bomb is an anti-personnel weapon and can be used directly on troops >r
indirectly on ground which troops will cross shortly; the latter use is less
effective and should not lit attempted in bare sandy soil or in high tixnoer, tures,
nr if the contaminated arer can be avoided by troops*.

fcxtfacts from report on 500 C bombs captured in store at MOGADISCIO

"There wjs no coloured cross on the body which was. pa r t> uni firm grey

’Wooden packing cases were marked in pencil.'

“The walls were about 1/8 ‘ thick and there was a baffle pl rte in the middle
presumably to prevent surging of the liquid in flight. The exploder chamoer was
welded into the nose of the bomb. The inside of the bomb wis unvirnisned*.

'•There was no sign of cement on tne threads f the filler plug, reliance for
i gas tight fit apparently being placed entirely on the metal v ishe.r with which this
plug is providcc and on the plug cover. There was surprisingly little pressure
inside the born!


OLP Bomba C. 500 T C.W. Bomb wi th Air-Burst

NEW 3omoa 500 C

1. O/A Length of Vuzed bomb. 96 6 ins / 2454 mm.

2. Q/A L. Less Fuze nr Lug. 91.4 ins / 2320 mm.

3-: Length of Body. 55.3 ins / 1403 ran.-

4. Lia. of 3ody. 18.0 ins / 458 mm.

5. Wall thickness. 1/8 ins / 3 mm.


Material and construction Burster charge in metal container

7. of bomb body. welded to case in nose of bon.b

8. Details of C. W.Container.

9. Suspension System. Horizontal:- Suspension band.

10. Col 3 iring of Lorrb.

Old Marking
11. Markings on bomb.
S.C.M. 1-37
Geneva Cross C 500 T
coloured GREEN 258-298


13. Length of tail.: 39.9 ins/1040 mm.

14. Dia. of tail. 17.7 ins / 448 mm.

15.: Material of tail.

16. Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail,


20. Nature % Wt of C.W. filling. Vesicant 212 Kg

21.; Nature 8r Wt ofH.E Burster 1.5 Kg.

22. Total Weight. 280 Kg

23. Weight if Bomb Body.

24, ’ Eurster Charge / CW Charge

« 0.7%
Ratio. ,

2 5. Fuze - Our Designation. Nose - Type 5

(Page 55. >

26. •
Z o
O o
(Q in

r-UZEr T.
ITA1 .IAN Designation of fuxe Our Designation Type T

Classification. Variable Short Time

Sisoletta "T* per Bomba 500 C Delay.;

Markings. Nil.;

Bomb in whi ch empl oyed. 500' C

1. Colour

2. O/A length less gaine.

3. Max.; spread over vanes

4.; Dia. over threads where

screwed into bomb.-

5. Material.;

6. Type of Gaine.;


Description of Fuxe.

This time fuxe is used in the 500 C bomb. The figures 0 to 6 on the head
of the fuxe at (1') indicate in thousands of metres, the fall of the bomb before
the fuxe functions. The setting of the fuse is made before the bomb is loaded
into the aircraft by manipulating the knob (2). Turning this knob alters the
pitch of the vanes and thus their rate of rotation. In this way the fuse may
become armed after falling a known distance below the aircraft.

There are two safety devices - the safety pin at (3) and the safety clip at
(4).; The former is removed before loading the bomb into the aircraft and the
latter as the bomb is launched. At the end of the predetermined fall of the bomb,
the fuxe becomes armed and then the pressure plate (5) is free to move under the
action of the air pressure and operate the fuxe. This arrangement is somewhat
similar to that found in fuxe I. The latter fuxe, however, is a fixed time fuxe

Handling of fused bomb.

Up to the present little is known of this fuxe as CW bombs have not been dropped
by the enemy.. There is no visible indication of arming. Since both the striker
and the cap holder move within the armed fuxe and there is no creep spring holding
them apart, the fuxe must be regarded as being in a most dangerous condition and
the bomb should be detonated in situ whenever possible.
If the bomb must be moved, first secure the pressure plate so that it cannot
move. If the pressure plate has not been depressed, wedge it in position by means
of a small piece of wood. If the pressure plate has been depressed, do not attempt
to move it as the needles may have pierced the caps without firing them and with­
drawal may cause the bomb to function.

After securing the pressure plate, move the bomb slowly and carefully into the
horixontal position taking care not to pass thfe bomb, and hence the fuxe., through the
vertical in so doing. The bomb may now be moved horizontally for subsequent demo­
lition if all jolting be avoided. No attempt should be made to def.uxe the bomb.
The bomb has the same general appearance, dimensions and weight as the bomb
1 ' T. The filling is a mixture of HE and a particulate gas in the weight ratio
of two to one. .The CW filling is a lung irritant and is disseminated in the form
of a smoke by means of a fuze operating on impact.

Italian documents state that CW 3ombs are to be coloured yellow but no speci­
mens have been recovered and this cannot be confirmed.

Designatior Type

Old Bomba C JOO P C.W. Bomb

JJJew Bomba 100 C Impact Burst.

i. Q/A Length of Fuzed bomb. 50'. 2 ins'1275 wm.

2. O/A L. Leas Fuze or Lug. 50 2 ins/1275 am.;

3< Length of Body. >32. 5 ins '825 rrm

4. Die.; of body. 10.7 ins/272 mm.

5. Will thickness.* ♦


7. Material nd construction '

f bomb body. ■

8.: Details of C. W. ’ Container.

9. Suspension System Horizontal • Suspension band.

Vertical : Tail suspension.

10.: Colouring of bomb.

11. Markings on bomb. Old markings S.C.M. 1-37

Geneva Cross C 100 p
Coloured BL <K 14 300
------------ 101.890


13. Length >f tail . 26. 8 lns/$27 mm.

14. Di a. of Tail 10.7 ins/272 mm.

15. Material of tail.

16. Cblouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail.


20:. Nature & weight o’f C.W.Filling. D.A.: 14. 3 kg.

21. Nature 4 Wt. of HE. Burster charge TNT 28.7 kg.

22. To tai wai ph t. 101.9 kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Body.

24-: Burster Charge/CW Charge Ratio,; 200%

.25. Fuze - Our Designation. Tail -


.. . .. -- - -

40 C

The bomb het the same general appearance, ditreneijna ano weight aa tne bomb
40 T. The filling io a mixture of Hl and a particulate gaa in the weight ratio
of two to one.. The O filling ia a Lung irritant arid ia diate ineted in the form
»f a amoxe by meana of a fuse operating on impact.

Italian doc. ent* atate that CW bomba*are to be coloured yellow but no apeci*
mens hove been recovered and thia cannot be cofir eo (See H.E. Be ' 40,1}.(Page
303). .
Designation. Type

Old Bomba C 40 P CW Bomb

New Bombd 40 C Impact Burst.

1. Q'A Length of Fuzed bomb. 31.9 ins /810; ntn.

2. O/A L. ■ Less Fuze or Lug. ■ 31. 5 ins/800 mm.

3. Length of Body 19.7 ins/500 mm.

4. Di .. of body ' 9.8 insz250 mm.

5. Wall thickness.


Material and construction Steel. One piece.

7. of Bomb body. Rounded both ends.
4 lugs near one end for

8. Details of C. W Container,

9. Suspension System Vertical : Nose lug.

10. Colouring of bomb.

11. Markings on bomb Old marking S.C.M.1-37 with red

Geneva cross C. 40 P.
Coloured BLACK 6.500


13. Length o f tai 1. 14.6 ins/370 mm.

14. Di a. of Tail 9.8 ins/250 mm.

15. Material of tail.

16 Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail.


20. Nature *• Weight of C.W. Filling. D.A. 6.5 kg

Nature * Weight of H.E.Burster

21. TNT 13.0 kg
22. Total weight 47.0 kg

23. Weight of Bomb Body

24. Burster Charge/CW Charge Ratio 200%

25. Fuze - Our Designation. Tail

_______________________________ 610 mZm -

d O K !>

n o’
Tie bomb has the same general appearance, dimensions and weignt as the Bomb
15 M. The filling is a mixture of dE and a particulate gas in the weignt rati)
of two to one. The CW filling is a lung irritant and is disseminated in the form
of a smoke by means >f a fuze operating on impact.

Italian documents state tnat CW bombs arc to be coloured yellow but no speci­
mens have been recovered and this cannot be confirmed.
De si gr ation Type
Old_ C. 15 P CW Bomb
Impact Burst
New Bomba 15 C

1. O/A Length ->f Fuzed Ixjir.b 31. 0-ins/788 m.

2. 0/A L. Less Fuze or Lug. 29.9-ins^760-mm.

3. Length of Body 20.7-ins/525-mm.

4. Di a. of body 4. 7-ins/120-mm.
5. Wall Thickness


Material anc
7. construction of
bomb body

8. Details of C. W. Container

9. Suspension System Horizontal - Suspension Band

10. Colouring of bomb

Old Markings S.C.M. 1-37

Geneva Cross C. 15 P
11. Markings on bomb Coloured BLACK 1J£Q 16 000


13. Length of tail 13.8-ins/346-mm.

14.. Di a. of Teil 6.3-ins/160-tnm.

15. Material of tail

16. Colouring of tail

17. . Markings on tail

18. Construction of Tail


20. Nature and weight of C.W. -Filling D.A.1.7 kg

21. Nature & Wt of H.F Burster Charge TNT 3.65 kg

22. Total weight 16.0 kg

23. Weight of Bomb Body

24. Burster Charge/CW Charge Ratio 215%

25. Fuze - Our Designation Tail

26. •


SOMb. - C

The homo has tne same general appearance, dimension* and weignt as tne bo'nb
21. The filling is a fixture of HE and a particulate gas in the weight ratio f
two to one. The CV filling it a lung irritant and it disseminated in the form of
• stroke by «ans of n fuse operating on impact.

Italian docisnants state that Cl 001 os are to be coloured yellow but no spec!*
'•■ens nave beer eeccvered md this can not be confirmed.
De si gi.ation < Typ*


Iti4>act Burst

Ne w Be iba 4 C

1. O/A Length of Fuzed bomb 12.2-ins/310-mm.

2. O/A L. Less Fuze or Lug 10.6-ins/270-mm.

3. Length.of Body 10.6-ins/270-mm.

4. Dia. of body 2.7-ins/70-mm.

5. Wall thickness


Material and
7. construction of
bomb body

8. Details of C. W, Container

9. Suspension System ■ Carried in Container

10. Colouring of Loirb

Old marking S.C.M.1-37

Geneva Cross 1 0.330
11. Markings on bomb Coloured ELACK “^0.670 2'SrY1

12. NOTE: This bomb has no' tail

13. Length of tail

14. Dia. f Tail

IS. Material of tail - ■

16. Colouring of tail

17. Ma 'kings on tail

18. Construction of Tail


20. Nature and weight of C.W. Filling D.A. 0.33 kg.

21. Nature & Wt of H.E. Burster charge TNT 0.67 kg.

22. Total weight 2.8 kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Body

24. Burster Charge'CW Charge Ratio 200%

25. Fuze - Our Designation Type K (Page 213)




The bomb has the same general appearance, dimensions and weight as the bomb
II. Hie filling is a mixture of HE and a particulate gas in the weight ratio of two
to one. Tne CW filling is a lung irritant and is disseminated in the form of a wx>ke
by means of a fuze operating on impact.

Italian documents state that CW bombs are to be coloured yellow but no speci­
mens have been recovered and this can not be confirmed.

Desi gnation Im
Old Bomba SPEZZCht C CW Bomb
Impact Burst
New Bomba 2 C

1. O/A Length of Fuzed bomb 6. l-ins/155-mm.

2. O/A L. Less Fuze or Lug 4. 5-ins/115-nm.

3. Length of Body 4. 5-ins/115-nm.

4. Dia. of body 2.7-ins/7O-mr.

5. Wall thickness

Material and
7. construction of
bomb body

8. Details of *- W. Container

9. Suspension System Carried in Container

10. Colouring of bomb

Old Markings S.C.M. 1-37

Geneva Cross C 140 t een
11. Markings on bomb*
Coloured Biisck 0.290'

12. NOTE This bomb has no tail

13. Length of tail

14. Dia. of Tail

15. Material of tail

16. Colouring of tail

17. Markings on tail

18. Construction of Toil


20. Nature and weight of C.W.Filling D.A. 0.14 kg

21. Nature i Wt of H.E.Burster Char® TNT 0.28 kg

22. Total weight 1.55 kg

23. Weight of Bomb Body

24. Burster Charge/CW Charge Ratio 200%

25. Fuze - Our Designation Type K (Page 213).




Definite information about thia bomb is scanty. It is not similar to any

HE counterpart. There is reason for believing that it is a lachrymatory generat­
or designed to operate on impact.

Designation Type



1. O/A Length of Fused bomb 32,7-ins/830-mm.

2. 0 A L. Less Fuse or Lug 30. l-ins/790-nm.

3. Length of Body 30.l-insZ790.Em.

4. Di a. of body 6.3-ins/160-tnn.

5. Wall thickness


Material and
7. construction of
bomb body

8. Details of C.W.; Container

9. Suspension System
.1 ... . !
10. Colouring of bomb

Old Marking Furetto

Genevj Cross S.C.M. 1-37
11. Markings on bomb
Coloured Red 10-20


13. Ler jth of tail

14. Dia< of Tail

15. Material o* tail

16. Colouring of toil

17. Markings on tail

18. Construction of Tail


20. Nature and weight of C.W.; Filling Lachrymavor 10.0 kg

21. Nature & Wt of H.F.; Burster charge

22. Total weight 25.0 kg

23. Weight of Bomb Body

24., Burster Charge/CW Charge Ratio

25. Fuze - Our Designation Type K (PageZ/3)





Tipo E XVI

(Type E XVI) Page 83

Tipo E 40

(Type E 40) Page 89

Unde si gnated Page 93


This flare comprises single candle (1) housed in i compressed cardboard

cyliuder (2>. The candle consists of 'white' flare composition of a Magnesium
Powder Mixture topped by a layer of ignition powder (3).

At the ignition end of the cylinder is rivetted a dome-shaped sheet metal

nose (4) which carried a percussion fuze (5). The other tnd of the cylinder is
closed by a sheet metal cap (6) which is held in place by four rivets. Attached
to this by four screws is a sheet metal tail which consists of a hollow cylinder
(7) on which are mounted four fins (8) extending the whole of its length.

Housed in this cylinder is the | arachute which comprises ten sections if

white silk sewn together. When open in th< ilr the parachute is hemispherical
in f-rm and 6-ft. - 6-ins./1981 m/m in diameter. At the top of the pa1 ichute
is a rubber ring, 10-in./254 m/m in diameter, to which are attached ten suspension
cords These are plaited and are of a cotton-hemp material.; They ire sewn into
the seams of the parachute, from the bottom of which they continue for a length
of 10-ft./3048 m/m, where they are bound ’•jgether on the eye-ring at the top of
tne parachute anchorage.; The letters S.C.A.M.O.8. are stencilled in black around
the periphery of the parachute.-

The parachute is withdrawn after a predetermined fall by the action of a

release mechanism. This mechanism is secured to the top of the fin member by
two movable rids (9), which >e withdrawn, after a fi 11 of 300 to 1000 metres
(dependent on the setting), by a ra<k and pinion device actuated through gearing by
the rotation of a wind vane (10). When the movable rods have withdrawn,the apparatus
is pulled off by the air pressure, and pulls with it the parachute to wnich it is
att ched. The parachute then opens suddenly, rnd arrests the rapid downward fligt
of the flare with a sharp jerk, which functions the ignition fuze situated in the
nose of the container.;

Designation Type
Old Parachute Flare
----- ripo f xvi single candle

1. 0/A Length of Fuzed Bomb 37.6-insz950-mm.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug 35. l-ins/891-mm.

3. Length of Body 20. l-ins/510-mm.

4. bia. of Body 4.0-ins/102-tnm.

5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness


Compressed Cardboard cylinder

8. Material and construction of bomb holding flare mixture
. body Nose sheet metal

9. Suspension System Horizontal. Metal band with suspension


10. Colouring of bomb Body. Royal Blue--Nose.; Yel low

11. Markings on bomb. Tipo E XVI and MARTELLON* INDUSTRIE


13. Length of Tail Unit 14.2- ins '362-rrm.

14. Di a. - of tail uni t 6.5-ins/165~mn.

15. Material if tail unit Sheet Metal

16. Colouring of tail unit Royal Blue
17. Markings on tail unit NIL

Four sheet metal fins 1. 1/8-in./29-mm.

wide extending the length of sheet
18. Construction of Tail Unit me:al cylinder and equi-spaced
around its periphery

Parachute: Housed in cylindrical tail.; 10 sections white silk,

10 plaited cotton hemp suspension cords sewn in are 10-ft.
long.; Diameter of pa rachute 6-ft.6-ins/1981-mm. Marking
S.C. A.M.O. 8 stencil e d in blsck.

19. Parachute release mechanism: Attach ed to outer end of tail, graduated *o

operate at 300-1000 m etres fall.

20. Nature of filling Magnesium Mixture & Black Powder igniter.

21. Weight of filling
22. Total Weight
23. Weight of Bomb Case
24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratio
25. Fuze - our designation. Nose - Type L (Page 87 >

------ c -s- wa.


Tipo E XVI



Our Designation Type I,
I FaLIAN Designation of fuze.

Classification. Nose Meeh Impact

Markings. Nil

Bomb in which Parachute Fli re

employed. Tipo E XVI

Vanes (ip Royal Blue

1. Colour
Body. Unpainted Aluminium

2. 0/A length less gaine. 4 3-ins/UO-nro.

3. Max. spread over vares. 4 3-ins/109-mm.

4. Di. over threads where

screwed into t»mb. • 1.1- ins/27-tnn.

Vaned Cap Aluminium

Fuze Cap Aluninium
Striker *1 minium
5. Material Striker Needles Haraened Steel
Creep Spring Spring Steel
Locking Balls Steel
Cap lolder Bras'.
Cap Holder retaining rinR AlumiibAim.
6. Type of Gaine. No gaine.

7 .

Description of Fuze

The hole (1) in the striker (2) takes the safety pin which, when in position,
passes through the vanes and nolds them from rotating. On withdrawa of this pin tne
vaned cap can rotate and eventually fall away.- The steel safety balls fS) are
thus released and fall out, so freeing the cap holder (3) which is ther held from
the striker only by the light spring-(7).

The upper portion of the striker (2) has a rectangular section and the
washer (6) at the top of the cap holder has a hole of similar shape.; The holder
(3) is thus .prevented from rotating and the location of the needles with respect
to the caps (4) is assured.

When the flare is dropped, vanes in the tail of the bomb rotate to cause
the release of the parachute. The fuze having become armed before the parachute
is free, the opening of the 1 >tter provides the 'jerk’ required to cause the cap
holder to set forward, carrying the caps >n to the needles.

Handling of unignited flare

If the vaned cap has become unscrewed and the steel balls are missing the
fuze is >>rmed. Providing due Cara is taken to avoid jerking the flare may be
carried horizontally. If necessary the fuze may be unscrewed and removed from
the flare.;

IPO E 40

A damaged specimen, only, of thia flare tut been examined. It resembles

very closely the TlPO E XVI but t as sligntly larger dimensions Tne pat ichute
release meet sni m bad functioned nd ms sligntly damaged but the parachute itself
had been removed. The nose fuze had also functioned and although it had been blown
clear of the flare togetner witn the nose pi etion, the fl re mixture had failed to
ignite. It has been possible to reconstruct the general appe t .vice of the fli 'e
although much of the detail is missing.-

De si gtiatlon Typt
TITO F-.40
N< w

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb

2. )ZA Length less Fuze or Lug

3. Length >f Body Less nose 18.3-ins/464-mm.

4 Bia. of Body 5. 5-ins/140-mm.

5. Max.- thickne s at (P°*nt

6. Wall thideness


Compressed cardboard
8. Materi 11 and construction cylinder holding flare
of bomb body. • mixture.

9. Suspension System Horizontal. Suspension band.-

10. Colouring of bomb. 3ody Royal Blue.

11. Markings on bomb.; TITO E. 40


13. Length of Toll Unit.- 17.2-ins/437-mm.

14. Dia. of tail unit 9.3-ins/236-mm.

15. Material of tail unit Sheet metal '

16. Colouring >f tail unit.- Royal Blue.;

17. Markings on tall unit. Nil.;

Four sheet metal fins 1 9-ins. wide

extending the length of sheet metal
18. Construction of Tail unit.; cylinder and equi-spaced around
its periphery.;


20. Nature of filling Magnesium Mixture and Blade

Powder Igniter.
21. Weight of filling

22. Totnl We^ght^

23. Weight of Botnt Case.
24. Cnarge/Total Wt.Ratio
25. Fuze - our designation





This differs from the two preceding flares in that the flare candle is t
separate entity attached to the parachute and ejected from the flare conti iner in
the functioning f a dhort delay time fuse in the n >se of the container. Since
oily the jettisonea Container was recovered nothing is known of the fl i re candle
or the parachute, nor if the actual method of ignition >f the flare candle or
expulsion of the unit from tne container.

The fuse Xis employed in this flure and screws into the steel easting (1)
which closes the forward end if the cylindrical body (2^. A sheet metal nose piece
(3) is perforated to receive the nose fuse and is the casting (2) by four
screw*. The forward end of the body is reinforced by a sheet steel sleeve (4)
extending from the suspension bund (5) to the casting (2>, both the sleeve (4> and
the body C2) being secured fn tne letter-by eight screws

At the sear end of the body four sheet steel fins (6) are welded to the Dody
as stabilisers. A corrugated strengthening bs d (7) is welded to the fins and
connected to the body (2) by a truncated sheet steel cone fkl wnich forms i wind
br ike, the purpose of which is not known

Four J-shaped pressings (9) at the outer end of the body (2) are ssuired to
be part of a bayonet joint securing a closing cap which can be easily ejected by
the firing of the expulsion charge.
Deal jjiatlon Tfpe



1. OZA Length of Fused Bomb.' (Less Tail Cbver) 43.3.1ns/1100.nw.

2. O/A Length leas Fuse or lug. (Less Tail Cover) 40.Mns/iOdOum.

3. Length of Body. 46.8-lns/1035.nt>i.

4. Bia. of Body. 4.t*lns/!22-mm,

5. Max, thickness at ,

6. Wall thickness


Sheet steel cylinder closed at forward

8. Mu ter lei and construction of bomb end by casting to accommodate the fuse.
body. False nose of sheet steel fitted
over casting.

9. Suspension System. HorisontHl,’- Suspension Bund,

10. Colouring of bomb. Bl ack

11. Markings on bomb. Nil.


13. length of Tall Fins. 17.0-lns/,.

14. DI a of tail Fins. 9.3- ins/236 ■stn,
15. Material of tali Fins. Sheet Steel
16. Colouring of tall Fins. Black

17. Markings on tail Fins. Mil

Four sheet steel fins

welded to rear end <f body
with strengthening band
18. Construction of Tali.- around rear end of fins.
Truncated steel cone joining
the strengthening bund to
the body forms wind brake.


20. Nature of filling.

21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight.

23. Weight »f Bomb Case

24. tharge^Totul Wt. Ratio. .

25. Fuse - nur designation. Nose - Type X (Page/63)

26. __

I TAI-IAN Designation f fuze.; Our Designation Type X<

Nose - Variable Snort

Classification Delay for Air Burst

Markings. Nil.-

Bomb in which employed FLARE UN­

1. Colour Unpainted Aluminium

2. C/A length less gnine 7.25-lns/l - 4-mm.

length of Lod» 6. 25-ins/lSO-am.
3. Max. spread over vanes.; S. 5-ins/140-rar.

4. Di*, over threads wnere screwed 2. l-ins.'52-mm.

into sxxnb. •

Vanes and Body - Aluminium

5. Muterial Spindles - Steel
Cogwheels - Brass

6. Type of Gaine. Flee trie Flash Ohly


For a description of this fuse see Anti-personnel bomb 100 sp. (Pa ;e IS5)

If the entity flare case is found in the condition described, it is perfectly

harmless since the fuze has already functioned.

If the flare be found complete then proceed as follows: -

1. Observe any indications of arming.

2. Secure the vanes from rotation by means cf a pin r nsil insert­

ed in the hole through the vane spii.dle or by tyin^ down the
vanes with string or wire.

3. Unscrew the fuze very carefully and renove it from the noae of
the flare.

The flare is no* safe for transport.




BO MP A VEN TO Page 105


This projectile nas tne >ane ballistics »s the 500.C, so that it is necessary
only to observe its time of fall to ascertain the necessary da :a in that respect
with regard to the larger bomb. It is usually dropped by hand, after the safety pin
has been removed, the cord attached to the safety hand i ound the head of the fuze
being tied round the hand or attached to the aircraft, with the result that jn
releasing the bomb, the oand is ripped off.

No details of the fuze are available, a-i no specimen has yet been recovered.
The information concerning this bomb has been obtained from • aptured documents.

-70/ *
Desi gra tion Type
Old Bomba
New Bomba Quota Smoke

OZA length of Fuzed Bomb.

0zA Length less Fuze or lug.

3. Length of Body.

4. Di a. of Body.
5. Max. thickness at ost
6. Kall thickness


8. Material and construction

o f bomb body.

9. Suspension System

10. Colouring of tomb.

11. Markings on liomb.


13, Length of Tail.

1 14,
Dia. of tail.
15. Material of tail.

■ 16. Colouring of tail.

17 Markings on tail.
| 18. Construction of Tail.

20. Nature of filling.

21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight.

23« Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge'Total Wt. Ratio.

25- . Fuze - our designation.



3 « ■ VENTO

I This is a special smoke bomb used in conjunction with tne 500C. It is

designed to function on impact and produce a column of smoke. Tne direction of
this column of smoke % the angle which it makes with the ground ire observed.; From
tne former, the direction of the wind, and from the latter an estimate of the
velocity of the wind at ground level can be obtained.

Tne bomb is tonred on a thin sheet metal cylinder (11 whose length is 6.7-
ins. jnd diameter 3.1-ins. The lower end is closed by the thin steel disc. (2)
which has a central hole 0,9-ins. diameter.; Over this hole is situated tne fuze
tube (3) pressed into .he disc (2). To the side of the cylinder are spot-welded
the four supoorts (4), for the vanes. The short tube (5) 1-inch 'ang, threaded
ait its outer end to receive the suspension lug (6), is also spot-welded to the
cylinder (1). (for vertical suspension the lug in the fuze is used). Four further
short tubes of small diameter are welded over four corresponding holes near the
ooen end of the cylinder. One pair of these short tubes which are 0.9-inches apart
lies symmetrically between two vanes and tne other pair directly opposite between
the other pair if vanes. They are intended as guides for the wire (7). Die bomb
body (R) consists of hard concrete in which steel pellets are embedded. Two sets
of helical reinforcing are provided. Three turns of wire approx. 16 S.W.G. are
wound clear of tne cylinder (1) near the open end. The wire passes through holes
(9) in the vane-supports (4) and is welded at its ends to the cylinder (1). Five
turns of heavier reinforcing (about 8 S.W.G.) re wound as shown t (10). This
wire is welded to the cylinder (1) at one end /id to the tube (3) at the other.

The vanes (11) are made of aluminium alloy and arte rivetted to the supports

The cylinder (1) contains the bomb filling, which may consist of t cardto-’d
tube (12) filled with a smoko composition (13). The cylinder is closed by a cork
plug (14) secured in position by tne wire (7). The smoke composition is labelled
'Luce e Fumy Bianco* which indicates that flash as well as white smoke is emitted
from the bomb.

An -Iterr itivs filling which has beei found consists of a 1 kg incendiary

bomb (15) (Bomb 1.1) with a black powder charge (16) placed between it and the fuze
wnen essemoled in the 'Vento* bomb. When so employed the incendiary bomb has the
usual transit plug (21) drilled to take the flash from the charge (16).

An alternative tail has been recovered in which the Cork plug (14) is not
used to cli se the bomb, but instead a wooden plug of the si ,pe shown at (16) performs
the double function of closing the bomb and supporting the vanes. These latter,
shown at (17) are 8.7-inches long and 2.6-inches wide and are made of three ply wood. •
They are inserted in slots in the plu> (16) and are strengthened by a metal binding
at (18) and by four bevel-strips (19) running the whole length of the vanes There
are four holes (20) passing throupb the plug and situated midway between each pair of
vanes. The plug (16) is attached to the bomb by four nails wnich are inserted
through the concrete body. The fuze employed in the 'Vent ' bomb is type S.

Designation Type

31 c~ Bomba

New Bomba Ven to SMOKE

1. OZA Length of Fuzed Bomb. 17. 3-ins/441-mm.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 15.2-ins '386-rrm.

3. Length of Body 8.9-ins. /225-mm.

4. Dia.- of Body (max) 5. 2- ins/132-mm.

5. Max. thickness at(noge

6. Wall thickness


Reint reed concrete with

steel pellets.
8. Materiel of Central metal cylinder.
l-omb body.

Horizontal - Link attached to screwed

9. Suspension System.,
Vertical - Lug on nose fuze.

10. Coluring of bomb.; . White

11. Markings on bomb. Nil


13. fength o f Tail. 9.2-ins/234-mm.

14. Dia. of tail. 7.0- ins/178-mn.

15. Material of tail Muminium or in sane case th«-ee ply

|wood with metal bindine
16. Colouring of tail. Grey

17. Marxings on tail.- NIL.

No separate tail.
18. Construction of Tail. Four fins rivetted to brackets welded
on body or supported in the closing plug,

Smoke composition labelled 'Luce e

20.: Nature of filling
Fumo Bianco* or a Bomba 11
(see page 135).
21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight 5.2 kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Fat) ■>.

25. Fuze - our designation. Nos'* - Type S. (Page III )





ITALIAN Designation of fuse.; Our Designation Type S.

Classification Most Meeh Impact.

Markings Nil.-

Bomb in which employed VEN TO

1. Colour Unpainted Brass or Brignt Green

2. 0/A length less gaine. 4. 5- ins/115- m.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3.2-ins/8?-mm.

Di a.; over threads where

4. 0.8-ins/21-mm.
screwed into nomb.

5. Material. Bra . i.;

6. Type of Gaine Nil.


Descriptionof Fuze

This is a nose fuze which functions on impact. The .afety pin inserted
at (1) is withdrawn when the bomb is loaded into the aircraft.; The secondary
safety device in the form of tne clip (2) is puiled away as the bomb is dropped.
The vanes then rotate, and rise on the striker spindle (31.- This latter is prevented
from rotating by the pin (4). When the vanes have rotated eight times, the spindle
is free to move against the creep spring (51, and so fire the cap (61 in the holder
(71. Below the cap is a,black powder peilet (8) The pin (91 retains tne fap
ho'der in the barrel of the fuze.


(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(bl Avoid any longitudinal bl >w on the fuze or jerk on tne bomb.. Tne spindle
(31 should be boind to prevent longitudinal movement.
(cl Ensure tha* the vanes are not rotated.
(d) Unscrew the fuze from the bomb.


If necessary this bomb may be carried horizontally without defusing it

providing all jolting is avoided.; If the fuze is armed the spindle (31 should
be bound to prevent longitudinal movement.



bomba 70 I.P. Page 115

Bomba 20 I Page 123
do'-tia 2, I P*>. e 131
bomba 1.1 Pa st 135
F.I. Page 139
I-P Pa^e 143
I.T. Page 147
bomba ioo Sp. i Page 151
BOMBA 70 I. P.

This electron bomb is fitted with a steel nose cap (1) which is approxT
imately Iii- in.; thick at the pointed extremity and encircles the body for a length
of HK-inches. It is secured to the body by eight screws (2). A hole (3) in the
thickened nose is fitted to take the lug for vertical suspension. The body of
the bomb has a maximum thickness of l*inch. To it the tail unit is attached by
eight screws (4).

In the bomb body are 4 equally spaced holes (5) 1%-inches in diameter and
plugged with cork.; A similar set of holes (6) in the tail unit are also cork
plugged. The hollow tail cone (7) has four vent holes (8) and the fins attached
to the cone are strengthened by a plain wide band at their extremity.

The filling is thermite into which projects the incendiary tube which screws
into the adaptor (9) of the fuze.

For horizontal suspension a link attached to a lug (10) secured to the bomb
body is fitted.;

Desi gnation Type

Old Bomba
New Bomba 70 I.P.

1. OZA Length of Fused B mb 47.2- ins/1200-nn,.

2. O'A-Length less Fuse or Lug. 47.2-insz1200-mm. •

3. Length of Body. 23.6- ins /600-iim.

4. Dia. of Body. 9.9-ins/252-mm.

5. Max. thickness at {point


6. Wall thickness (Electron) 1. O-ins /25-mm.


ELECTRON. 8 Filling holes 154-in./32-

Material and construction
8. m. dia. closed by cork.
' f Ixxnb body ■

Link attached to Lug in

9. Sirspension System.:
Link attached through
VERTICAL hole in Nose.
unpaintel ELECTRON
10. Colouring of bomb, NOSE CAP- Grey
11. Markings on bomb. Nil.
Steel: Length m-insz305-mm. ■
12. Nose Cap. Wall Thickness: lz8-in./3-nm to 2‘5-in/
63-mm. at the nose.

13. Length of Tail Unit. 26.7-ins/679-mm.

14. Dia. of tail. 9. Q-ins/228-mm.

15. Material of tail.- Cast metal 54-in./6-irm. thick.

16. Colouring of tail.; Grey

17. Markings on tail.- Nil

Wt.; of Tail. 10. 2-Kg.;

Secured to body by 8 screws 4 fins
18, Construction of Tait . mounted on truncated cone.
Strengthening band around outer
end of fins.


20.- Nature of filling Thermite

21. Weight of filling 24.5 Kg.

22. Total Weight 62.0 Kg.

23. Weight of 2omb Case. 27-3 Kg.

24. ChargezTotal Wt. Ratiou

25. Fuze - our dt’si niation.; Tail Type *G’ (Page 121).

• - --------- ----------- 1-------- — r

4 7 -2


70. I. P.



70. I.P.
IT/iLIAN Our Designation Type G.
Designation of fuze

Classification. T>i] Meeh. Impact

Markings. Nil

Bomb in which employed 70 I.P.

1. Colour Unpainted Aluminium

2. O/A length less gaine 3.5-ins/90-mm.

3. Max. spre d over vanes. Die, 5.4-ins/138-mm.

Dia. over threads where

4. screwed into bomb.

Vanes, Vane hug, body and

attachment collar - ALI.UMINIUM.
5. Materi al
Vane hub bush, arming spindle
striker and capholder - BRASS

6. Type >f Gaine Nil.

7. Perforated Aluminium* tube projects into oomb

filling, and is filled with ALUMINIUM
Pbwde r.

Description of Fuze.

When the safety pin (1) is withdrawn, the vanes are free to rotate. The
screw (2) projecting inti, the cnnular groove (3") in the vane hub, prevents tne
1ingitudina] motion of the hub.

Both the arming rod (S') and the striker (4) are prevented from rotating
by the screw (17) which projects through a cut (18) at the top of the striker
into a longitudinal groove (19) in the withdrawal rod.

LUring the fall of the bomb the vanes rotate and the screw (7) protrudes
beyond the vanes. When one inch of screw thread appears above the vanes the fuae
is fully armed. The arming rod (5) is then completely withdrawn from the cavity
in the striker, and the steel balls (6) are free to move inwards.; The striker is
thus freed and on impact moves forward against the creep spring, (8) to fire the
cap (9).

Tie fuze is secured to the aluminium holdei’ (10) by the collar (11). This
holder contains the screwed ring (12) inserted from the top and also takes the stee
tube (13) which is pressed into the base, and secured by three set screws (20). The
tube is 17.5/8-in. long and terminates in the adapter (14) to which it is held by the
three set screws (21). This adapter takes the perforated incendiary tube (15), which
is about 14-ins. long and penetrates into the main thermite filling of the bomb.

Within the tube (13) is a long compressed paper tube (16) filled with a
powder ignition mixture. When the fuze is to be prepared for use the coll
it unscrewed and the fuze removed. A special match (micce) (21) having a globula'
head and a quick match stem 2.1/2-in. long is inserted stem first into the head o
the tube (16) and the fuze is then replaced. The firing of the <ap ignites the
special match which is turn fires the powder in the tube (16) and finally the in­
cendiary composition in the tube (15)* .
Handling the fuzed bomb.

This bomb contains no HE Charge and if necessary may be carried horizontally

provided it is not subjected to longitudinal j 1 ting. The fuze may be removed as
follows: -

(i) Avoid any longitudinal jolting of the bomb and secure the vanes to
prevent rotation.

(ii) Unscrew the aluminium retaining collar (11) from the outer end of the
tail and remove the fuze mechanism.

(iii) Remove the piece of quick match (21) and plug the end of the holder (10)
BOMBA 20 t

The bomb is t de of cast electron in two p rts. The dome-snaped head (1) is
fitted with a short steel pointed nose piece (2) wnich screws into it.; The body (3)
is cylindrical and slightly '■oned and shaped at the base to acconmodate the t il.
This latter can be of sheet steel or east electron. The tail cone (4) terminates
about half way felony the tail snd above it the fins (5), which are welded to the cone
in the sheet steel tail, are cut .way to provide the ‘window’ (6) in wnich the vanes
(7) of the tail fuze can rotate. The extremity of the tail is strengthened by a
snucer-shaped plate (8) to which is attacned the link (9) for vertical suspension.

The vane stop consisting of a rod (10), which passes through the two guides
(11) for horizontal suspension, or through the guide (12) and the slip (13) in tne
plate *or•vertical suspension, protrudes into the ‘window’ and holds the vanes till
the tiomb is released.

The head is secured to the body by 12 screws, and the tail is secured to tne
body by 4 screws. Ne r the tail end of the body are five equally spaced holes (14)
of 1.1-inch diameter which are filled with cork plug. The bomb filling is thermite.

A modification of this bomb has been found in wnich the nose is constructed
if concrete with steel pellets embedded* The rest of the body is made of electron

The body and tail of this latter bomb are painted white.

Des ignation

Old 3omba da Kg, 20.8 INCENDIARY

New 1 3omba 20.1.

1. O'A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 34. 0- ins/864-mm.

2. O'A Length less Fuze or Lug 34.0-ins '864-mm.

3. Length of Body. 20. 5-ins/520-mr.

4. Dia. of Body 6.3-ins/160-tnm.
5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness K-ins/19-tnm.

7. •

M-in. Electron wall made in

two orrts, nose and body pierced
Material aid construction of by row of screws. Steel plug in
• nose. 5 cork filled holes near
bomb body.

HORIZONTAL - Suspension band

9. Suspension System.
VERTICAL - link attached to tail.

10. Colouring >f bomb. Unpainted electron grey.

11. Markings on bomb. Nil.


13. Length of Tail. 15.8 in s/400-mm.

14. Dia. • of tail. 6. 3- ins/160-mm.

15. Material of tail. Electron or Sheet Steel

16.: Colouring of tail. Uhpainted electron or Grey.

17. Markings on tail. Nil.

Cast electron or four sheet steel
fins welded on truncated cone with
18. Construction of Tail. saucer-shaped steel plate welded
to outer extremity of tail fins.


20. Nature or filling.- Thermi te

21 . Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight 19.4 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case. 6 Kg.

24. Qharge'Total Wt.;Ratio .—------------------ ---------------------------------------------

Tail - Type E (Page JZ?).
25. Fuze - our designation.



8*4 1NS-
ITALIAN Designa :ion of fuze.;' Our Designation Type E. •

Classification. Tail decn. ■ Impac t

Mr ‘kings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed. - 20. I

Vanes Green
Steel TuDe Bl ack
1. Colour. Body Unpainted Brass
Adaptor Unpinnted Aluminitxn Alloy.;

2. O/A length less gaine. 8.4-ins/213-mm,

3. Max. spread over vanes.; 3. 5-ins/90-mm.

Din,, over threads where
4. screwed ipto bomb.; 1. 6-ins/41-nn.

Tube: Steel
S. Material.; Aoa itor Aluminium Al loy
Remainder: Brass

6. Type of Gaine. Nil.;

Per f<-rated Aluminiixn tube projects

into Bomb filling and is filled with
Aluminiur powder.

Description of Fuze.

On withdrawing the -safety pin (1) the vane (2) rotates and the screw (3)
withdrawn the vane and frees the steel balls (4) which can then move inwards. The
striker ( S) is then free to move, on impact, downwa.ds in tne sleeve (6) against
the creep spring (7) and fire the cap (8). The lower end of the sleeve is spherical,
and rests on the curved upper face of the plug (9).; The adaptor (10) is usually
made of zinc alloy while the rest of the fuze, except the tube (11) is of trass.

Handling of Fused bomb. ,

When the vane and screw have withdiawn 0.♦-inches the fuze is rmed and in a
dangerous condition.; On no account should the vanes be >otated -r any effort be
made to re-insert the safety rod.; The bomb may De moved either by carrying in a
horizontal position or better still with the vane pointing downwards. Care must be
taken to avoid all jolting since this fuze has . semi-allways action. To defuse
the bomb proceed is 'ollows:-

(a Observe any visual indications of a ming.

(b) Avoid any longitudine blow on the fuze or jerk on the uomb.
(c) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(d) Carefully remove the split pin securing the vanes and remove the vanes.
(e) Renwve the securing screws,and tske iff the tail, drawing it carefully
over the fuze. -
(f) Uhscrew the fuze at (12) and withdraw it from the bomb complete with
ignition tube.
(g) Unscrew the ignition tube from the fuze and pack separately.;

The 2 I. bomb consists if a 1.1 bomb (1) to tne screw-threaded base plug
(2) of which is attached a sheet metal container (3).- The method of attachment
may be by means if two screws (4) or by welding as snovn at (5). The container
is filled with an in fl arrmaul e liquid and is closed at the base by the screw-thri aded
brass plug (6).

Near the top of the liquid container are two sm 11 holes (7) in the container
wall. These are sealed wi th a small quantity of s Ider which melts due to the
generated by the burning electrcn bomb. Vapour pressure within the container then
f»rces two small jets of liquid through the h'le s and these jets are igiited as they
1 eave tne ho.nb.

Desig nation Type


MISTA da Kg. 2.

Neu. Bomia 2.1

1. O/A Length of Fused Bomb.- 12.2-ins/310-mm.

2. • 0 A Length less Fuse- or Lug. 10.6-ins/270-nrn.

3. Length of Body.; 10.6-ins '270-mrn.

4. Dia. if Body. 2.8-ins/70~nm.

S. Max.*• thickness at (nose ’ -

6. Wall thickness


Bomb body as for 1.1 with sheet

metal fuel container attached
to the screwed-in base of the
8. Material and construction >f
1.1. .
bornL body.-

9. Suspension System. Carried in container.

10. Colouring of bcmb. Bomb unpainted electron

attached fuel container grey.

11. Markings cn bomb.; Nil.

12. NOTE; This bomb has no tail.

13. . Length of Tail.

14. Dia. of tail.;

IS. Material of tail.

16. Colouring of tail.

17. Ma'Kings on tail.;

18. Construction of Tail.


20; Nature >f filling.- Thermite and liquid fuel.-

21. Weight of filling. 0.56 Kg Thermite

22. T-'tal Weight.

<3. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge'Total Wt. Ratio.

25. Fuse - our designation.- Type K (PageilJ)



2. I.
BOMBA 1. I .

The bomb is a tail-less cylinder 4.6-inches long and 2.7-inches diameter.

The body ( 1) is made of electron metal. On the curved surface are three sn>all holes
(2) plugged with cork, These act as vent holes when the thermite filling (3) is
ignited. The thermite is in tne form of a lightly pressed filling, pressed in two
halves, with a central cylindrical cavity. This la tter cavity is filled with
magnesiizr powder (4).

Below the fuze is the powder pellet (5) separated from the theimite by the
paper disc (6). This latter is glued to the cardboard ring (7). Through the paper
disc is looped a piece if quick-match (8) which extends into the magnesijm.

Tne bomb body shows a slight internal taper of about 1 in 30. The closing
disc (9) is also of electron.

Another type, made of the same materials and having the sane dimensions has
been encountered. The main difference concerns the internal ariangement for igniting
the thermite. In place of the quick-match a thin aluminium tube (10) is inserted
in the magnesium filling. This tube contains a number of holes on its surface
covered by thin paper and is filled with magnesium p.wder. • It is sealed at its lower
end by a cork plug (12). The adaptor (13) holds this igniter tube in place as shosn.

Incendiary bombs of the 1.1 type have also been found in the Bomba Vento (see
page 105).

- /tf-
Desi ^nation Type


d Kg. 1.
New Bomt>a 1. i

1. 0/A length of luted Bomb 6. l-ins/155-mm.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 4. 5- ins/115-irm.

3.: Length of Body. 4. 5-ins/115-mm. ,

4. Dia. >f Body. 2.7- ins/70-mtn.

5. Max. thickness at •’ ’

6. Wall thickness


8. Material & construction of bomb tody ELECTRON

9. Suspension System. Carried in Container.

10. ■ Colouring of bomb. Unpainted Electron.

11. Markings on comb. Nil.

12 NOTE This bomb has no tail.

13. Length of Tail.

14. Dia.; of Tail.

15. Material of tail.

16. Colouring o f tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of tail.


Thermite with mrgnesium powder core.

20. Nature of filling.
Magnesium .084 Kg.
21. Weight of filling. Thermite .473 Kg.

22. Total Weight. 1-1 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge,'Totai Wt.- Ratio

25. Fuze - our designation. Type K. (Page Z/D.



Inis consists of a mild steel container, seaml:css and apparently pressed out.

The comb is filled with an inflammable mixture containing Phosphorus and a

small burster charge is situated in the centra,! pocket below the fuze.

Des ignation Type

Old Bomba


1. 0 A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 5 0-ins./127-im.

2. O'A Length less Fuze or Lug. 3. 35- ins/85-nrn.

3. Length of Body, 3.35' ins/85-mm.

4. Di a. of 3ody. 2. 5-ins(64-mm.
. (point
5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness.


Mild steel, pressed out seamless

8. Materiel and construction of bomb con tainer.

9. Sus pension System. Nil. '

10. Colouring of bomb. Light Grey.

11. Markings on bonb. Stencilling in black on body F.I.

12. NOTE This bomb has no tail.

13. Length of Tail.

14. Dia. of tail.

15. Material of tail.

16. Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail.


20. Nature of filling. Phosphorus Mixture.

21. Weight of filling.

22.- Total Weignt. O‘5-Kg.

23. Weight of Bort> Case.

24. Cnarge 'Tbtal Ut. *latio.

is. Fuze - our designation. Type K (Page 2/S




This consists of a thin mild steel container of cylindrical shape, filled

with cotton wicks soaked in petrol and fitted with a small burster charge in the
pocket below the fuze.

Des ignation Type

Old _Bomba Incendiary

Ne» Bomba I. p.

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 6.l-ins/155-mm.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug.- 4. 5-ins/115-mm.

3. Length of Body. 4. 5-ins/ns-mn.

4. Dia. • o f Body. 2 7-ins/70-mm.

5. Max.; thickness at
6. Wa’l thickness.


8. Material and construction of bomb Thin mild steel cylinder.

9. Suspension System. Nil.

10.: Col<uring of bomb. Light Grey-Green.

11. Markings on bomo.;

•Stencilling in‘black on bodyjl.p.

12. NOTE This bomb has no tail.

13, Length of Tail.

14. Dia. of tail.-

15. Material of tail.

16.: Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.-

18. Construction of Tail.-


Cotton wicks soaked in

20. Nature of filling. petrol.

21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight. 0.5 Kg. .

23. Weight of Bomb Case.;

24. Charge'Total Wt.; Ratio.

25. Fuzi - our designation. Type K (Page Z/3).



This conslsta >f i. tnin sheet steel conit iner of cylindrical shaoe filled
with thermite initiated by xn iKnition mixture of black powder situated in the
si all -w pocket oelow the fuze. .

I Designation Type

1 Ol^Bo nl a Incendiary

New Bomba I T

1 11 1 4.9-ins. /124-nrn. •
O''A Length of Fused Bomb.
2< 1 3.3-ins.y84-mm.
O/A Length less Fuse or Lug.;

1 3- 1 3. 3-ins./84-nn.
Length of Body.
1 41 1 2.5- ins./64-mm.
Dia of Body.

1 5* 1 (point
Max. tnickness at (nose
1 6* 1
Wall thickness.

1 7. |

Material and construction of bomb Thin mild steel cylinder.


9< Suspension System. Nil.

1 10. Colouring of bomu. Dark Green. .

Markings on bomu Stencilling in black on body - I.T.


1 12' Tills bomb has no tail.


Length of Tail.;
|14. [Dia.; of Tail.

ks. 1‘iaterial of Tail.-

I Colouring of Tail.
[Markings on Tail.- -

118. [Construction of Tail.

119. 1 '

Thermite initiated by
20. I Nature of filling.
Black Powder.;
I21- 1 Weight of filling.

J 22 | Total Weight. 0.5 Kg.

1 • *
23. | Weight of Bo ib Case.
I 24. 1 Charge'Total Wt.; Ratio.;

|25. | Fuxe - our designation. Type K (Page 2J3*



I .T.
BOMBA 100 sp.l.

The 100 sp* I bomb is i composite bcrrb, consisting of . centrtl core surrounded
by an aiinular space, in which are noused sixteen 2. bombs. There seems to be no
reason why thirty two 1.1 jcmbs should not be used an i ‘ternative to these. The
central core is itself a separately fuzed anti-personnel bomb loaded with concrete
and steel pellets Tne incendiary bombs are rel<.sed in mid-air by means ofa
variable short delay nose fuze. ftnen they have been ejected, a current of ir
passes through the annular space and anr.s the tail fuze for the anti-personnel tomb,
which functions on imptet. .

A full description of the Lomu and its fuzes appear on Page /Ji* et.seq.
Desi gnation Type
Combined anti-personnel bomb
01 d Bomba
and Incendiary bomb Carrier.
New Bomba 100 sp. I.- .

1. 0/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 51.2-ins/1300-mm.

2. DM Length less Fuze or Lug. 48. 6-ins/1234-mm.

3. Length of Body. 25.6-ins/p50-nrn.;

4. Dia. of Body. 10.7-ins/272-mm.

S. Max.- thickness at (nose

6. fall thickness. . 03-ins/l-tim.


Welded sheet steel container

with central concentric
cylinders the annular space
8 Material and construction of of the latter being filled
bomo body. - with concrete and steel pellets.

9. Suspension System Horizontal - Suspension Band

10. Colouring of cxsmb. • Blade

11. Markings on bomb.

Length of central A.pers bomb 21.5- ins/547-mm.

12. Dia. of central A.pers bomb. 4.5- ins/115-mm. .

13. Lentth of Tail. 20.8- ins/530-nm.

14. Dia. of tail.- 10.7-ins/272-mm.

15. Material of tail. Sheet steel.

16. Colouring of tail. 31 ack.■

-.17, Markings on tail.

Cone of l-mm. sheet steel to which

18. Construction of Tail. is welded four stabilising fins with
a corrugated strengthening band,


20. Nature of filling.; See overleaf

. 21. Weight of filling

22 . Total weight. 89.1 Kgs.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratio.

Nose - Type X (Page
25. Fuze - our Hesitation.
Tail - Type 7 (Page ,67)

butti® 5


Anti-Personnel Bombs Page 154

(b) Anti-Aircraft Bombs Page 225

(C) An ti'Suansr ine Bombs Page 243

fd) Anti-Tank Bombs Page 259

(•) Demolition Bombs Page 269



Bomba 100 Sp. Page 155

Bomba 12F Page 169
Bomba da Kg. 12 Pt^ge 179
Bomba 12 Mtr. Page 185
Bomba 4.A. R. Pge 191
Bon ba 3 Mtr. Page 197
Bo- gba 2 F Page 205
Bomba da Kg. 2 Page 209
Bomba 2 Mtr. Page 215

BOMBA 100 Sp.

This tomb is essentially an inti-p«r sonnel DomL which Carries smaller bombs.
#hen tnese smaller bombs i re either 2. F or 2.Mtr.; the assembly is designated Bomba
10'0.sp and when tnoy are either 2.1 or 1.1 it is designated Bouoa 100 sp. I (See
Page 1511.

The bomb body consists of a cylinder (11 of welded sheet steel 1-mm. in
thickness o.i which are moan ted four strips (21 >f sheet steel of the gauge.
These strips, which are set radially, are equispaced around the periphery of the
cyli-ider (11 and serve to locate the cylinder (31 co-axially with it. The latter
is Tf welded sheet steel 2-mm. in thickness i id is attached to each f the strips
(21 by nine l-nrn. diameter steel rivets (41. A flanged circular end plate (51 fits
inside the rear end if tne cylinder (31 and has a centr 1 hole to accommodate the
the cylinder (11 to which it is welded.

The central bomb is of the Mtr. type with steel pellets embedded in concrete
in the annular spa'e (61 between the two cylinders (71 and (81 which are mounted
concentric. 11 y between the c sting (01 and the bi ->pl ite (101, the outer cylinder
(*1 being welded to tach. The casting (91 it screwtnrt adea tt take tne impact
fuze Z which employs a long Eaine (111 projecting inti the main filling (121. The
shaped disc (131 is welded to the cylinder (11 and forms seating for the central
bomb which is retained in this cylinder by four locating screws (141. Tirese la ter
are fitted with locking nuts (151, *nd mounted on four brackets (161 which at
rivetted to the end plate (51 in the same planes as the four strips (21. One of
these 1 ;cating screws projects into < longitudinal groove cut in the casting (91
jnd thus prevents rotation of the bomb about its longitudinal axis.

Two truncated nolliw cones (17) and (1*1, welded together as shown, form
the nucleus f the tail. Four stabilising fins (191, which < re rolled at the cuter
edges for greater robustness, are equally spaced around these cones and ere welded
in place on the inner truncated cone (171 whilst tali' protruding through slots in
the outer truncated cone (181 * re bent over to secure them ta the latter. The
c krrugaf-ed strengthening band (201, spot welded to. the stabilising fins (191,
completes the Assembly end is positioned wi tn a slight gap between itself nd the
outer truncated cone (181 in order to f .rm a wind brake. The tail is constructed of
1-nm. sheet steel throughout aid the cylindrical portion at the base of the truncated
coni (181 fits inside the flange on the end plate (5). It is secured in this posi­
tion by fr-ur screw* (211, wqich protrude through the outer cylinder (31 of the oody,
the flange of tne endplate (51 and the cylindrical portion of the truncated cone (181
nd then screw into ti >ped holes in the 4-mn'„ thick steel band (221.

The nose of ths bomb carries ar exp] sive charge (231 which is contained in
the inner container (24'. This latter, which takes the form of a truncated cone with
a centre] no e to accommodate the fuze X, is constructed -if sheet steel and is mount­
ed inside the nose casing (251 as shown. Surrounding the container (241 is a layer
(261 of steel pellets embedded in concrete and protruding through this are three
short tubes giving access to the filling (231. Two of these act as filling holes
and are closed by the plugs (261 whilst tne third receives the detonator assembly.
The nose closing pl te (281, which is spot, welded to the casing (251, has, in
i'Jdition to the three holes corresponding to these fitmmts, two further holes
which are closed by two discs (291 spot welded in position. Secured to the cl>sing
pl te (28) by means if four rivets (301 is the steel cast'ing (311., This latter
is screw-threaded internally t< take the fuze X, at the base of which is an electric
flash. Below the fuze is an explosive charge (321, and a metal cylinder (331 retain­
ed by a tinned disc (34) and the screwed ring (35). A length of wire-bound s fety
fuze (361, secured in position py two spiked washe-s and a bras* bush (371, connects
the explosive charge (321 with the detonating mixture in the i ‘uminium tube (381.

- 155-
This tube, which is crimped onto fuze and abuts the detonator (39), is
retained in the aluminium alloy bush (40) by the screw-threaded collar (41). The
metal Cylinder (33) extrudes two steel balls (42) through holes in the wall of the
casting (31) into a semi-circula a- groove in the collar (43). The casting and the
collar are thus 1ocked together, rotational movement being prevented by two set
screws (44) in the former (see view o f inside of nose) locating in two longitudinal
grooves in the latter. Screwed onto the collar (43) is the heavy casting (45)
which forms an end cap below the fuze.

The nose is attached to the bomb by screwing the collar (43) into the bush
(46) which is spot-welded to the cylinder (1). The nose casting (25) forms a close
fitting joint with the cylinder (3) when the collar has been screwed fully home.

Between the nose and the end plate (5) in each of the four compartments
formed by the four strips (2) are housed either eight bombs of the types 2F, 2 Mtr.
or 1.1 or four bombs of the type 2.1 each with the safety pins removed from their
fuzes. I
The eight conical springs (47) are secured to the inner side of the end
plate (5) by means of metal strips spot-welded to the.plate in such a position
that their apices fit over the head of the fuze of the leading bomb in each coluim.
One of these latter also causes a spring loaded plunger (48) to project from its
housing (49) and serve as a stpp for the vanes of the fuze Z. The aluminium housing
(49) screws onto a steel boss (50) which is welded to the end-plate (5). Seven
circular holes (51) above the remaining columns of small bombs allow for the passage
of a current of air to arm the tail fuze Z when the small bcxnbs have been released.
Suspension of this bomb is effected by means of a steel band (52) 35-nn>. wide welded
to the bomb and fitted with a suspension lug (53).


When the bomb is released from the aircraft, the safety pin is withdrawn from
the nose fuze X and the latter functions after a pre-determined delay thus initiating
the explosive charge (32), This simul taneosuly ignites the length of safety fuze
(36) and drives the metal cylinder (33) through the tinned disc (34) thus releasing
the steel ball locking mechanism. The pressure exerted by the eight conical springs
(47) then forces off the n^se, which itself explodes when the safety fuze initiates
the detonator (39). At the same time these springs eject the small bombs whose
fuzes arm themselves during the remainder of their downward flight and function on
impact. The egress of the small bombs releases the spring loaded plunger (48) and
the airflow through the evacuated annular space between the cylinders (1) and (3)
and thence through the holes (51) and out through the open ended tail causes the
fuze Z to become armed and capable of functioning on impact.-


A. Bomb found complete with nose in position.

1. Take the necessary safety precautions described for fuze X,

2. Unscrew the fuze very carefully and remove it from the nose of the


e>OM6A IOO sp. e sp I.

156 [31



IOO sp. e sp. I.
Trie bomb is now safe for transport provided it is not subjected to undue
jolting. Since tne nose is still in position, the fuzes of the small bombs and the
tail fuze Z will not have become armed.

B. Nose found complete but detached from bomb.

1. Sever the length of safety fuze (36) attacned to the detonator (391
taking care not to interfere with the fuze X.

2. Tcke the necessary safety precautions described for fuze a

3. Unscrew the fuze very carefully ind remove it fron the nose.

4. Unscrew the retaining col lor (411 and remove the detonator (391 from
the nose.

C. Bomb body found without tiie nose out wi tn the central bomb still in po* itio '
and unexploded.

1. Since the tail fuze Z will not be visible, it must be considered armed,
and care must be taken not to jolt the bomb.

2. With the tomb on its side, remove the tail by unscrewing or drilling
out the retaining screws (21).

3. Taking great care that the vanes are npt rotated and that no longi­
tudinal blow is given to the fuze, unscrew thr fuze from the central
bomb and withdraw it complete witn detonator and gaine.

t. Unscrew the gaine and detonator from the fuze and pack separately.

- 159-
j Desi gnation Type
01 J Bomba
Combined Anti-Personnel
I New Bomba 100. sp.
Bomb and Anti-Personnel
Bomb Carrier

! X* l O/A Length of Fuzed Bcx.ib. 51.2- ins/1300-mm.

' 2‘ 1 O/A Length less Fuze or lug. 48 6-ins/1234-mm.

1 3‘ 1 Length of Body less Nose. 25.6- ins/650-nm.

4> 1 Dia. of Body 10.7-ins/272-mm.

5‘ 1 Max. thickness at (nose

1 6- I Wall -thickness . 03-ins/l-mm.

7. |

Welded sheet steel container

with central concentric cylinders
the annular space jf latter
being filled with concrete
and steel pellets.
8. Material and construction of bomb

1 9a 1 Suspension System. Horizontal

1 10-. Colouring of bomb. Field Grey.

1 lla Markings on bomb.

Length of central A per banb 21.5-ins/547-mm.

12a Dia. of central A per bomb. 4. 5-ins/115-nm.

13. 1 Leng th of Tai 1. 20.8- ins/530-tnn.

1 14a 10.7- ins/272-mm.
Dia. of tai 1.

| 15. [Material of tail. Sheet Steel.

[Colouring of tail. Field Grey.

1 17a [Mergings on tail.

Cine of 1-nin. sheet steel to which are

welded four stabilising fins with a
18. [Construction of Tail.
corrugated strengthening Land.


1 20.
[Nature of filling.
1 21 a [Weight of filling.

J 22. [Total Weight. 113 Kgs.

1 23a [Weight of 3omb Case.

24. I Char ge/To tai Wt. Ratio.

Nose - Type X (Page 163)
25. [Fuze - oUr designation. Tail - Type Z (Page 167)

■ 1 ------------------------:---------------- -T60
Our Designation Type X
I TA]LIAN Designation >f fuze.
Classification NOSE- VARIABLE SHORT’

Markings Nil.
100 sp.
Bomu in which employed. 100 sq. I.
Parachute Flare (Undesignated).

1. Co 1 oil r. Unoainted Aluminium.

2. O/A length less gaine. 7.25-ins/184-trjn.

Length o1 body. 6.25/ins/'159-nrn.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 5. 5 -ins/14f’-nrn.

I'ia. over threads where

4. 2. 1- ins/52-mm.
screwed into uomb.

Vanes and Body - Aluminium

5. Ma ten al. Spindles - Steel
Cogwheels - Brass

Deto.s»Jtor (Electric) Chly.

6. Type of Gaine.


L'escription or Tjze.

Pour vanes fl) are shaped so as to give clearance for the head of th» setting
spindle (2). This latter operates the height meter, the object of which is to cause
the fuze to function at a predetermined distance below tne point at which the bomb is
released. The setting of this meter is visible through the inspection hole (3). The
clutch inspection window is situated at (4). In the base of tne fuze insulated
leads connect with a small electric flash.

The freight meter ma tne generator armature are shown removed from the fuze
casing. When tne safety pin is withdrawn from the hole (5) the vanes can rotate
and drive the main spindle (6 ) • Geared to this spindle through a worm di’.ve are
the hJeignt meter (7),and the spindie(8),the lower portion of which is screw threaded.

As the vanes rotate, two operations are per formed:-

( i )' The reading cn the height meter gradually decreases to the zero
setting. At zero the contacts (0) begin to close and the circuit
containing the electric detonator is actual1y<cmpleted after 3 or 4
further rotations of tne vane.

(ii) The spindle (8) rotates and operates the clutch mechanism for the
generator drive.

The clutch mechanism is snown in part section and part elevation.

When the fuze is assembled, the retaining sleeve for the spring lorded pawl
‘(10) is in tne (unarmed) position, shorn at (11), and the pawl is in th< disengaged
position. As the spindle (8) rotates, the piece (12) rises and is prevented from
rotating by the projection (13) which also serves to raise the pawl-letairing sleeve.

When trie pawl* retaining sleeve has moved into the (armed) position ( 14' , the
pawl is released and moves outwards to engage in the projection (15) in the clutch

(16) (See view at D). The armature (17) can then rotate directly with tne main
spindle (6). The lower projection (18) of the piece (12) moves in the vertical
slot (19) in the clutch (16) and thus prevents rotation of the armature until.the
pawl - retaining sleeve has moved into the (armed) position (14).

The delay in the operation of the clutch mechanism therefore provides a

definite safety period nfter the bomb has been released, ar d at the same time ensures
that tne vanes have had time to develop sufficient rotatioral speed before assuming
the load required to operate the generator. The release of the ptwl (10) actually
occurs after a minimum fall of 30 metres. ■

The El ec tri cal Circuit.-

Che.side of the generator armature is earthed to the fuze body via the armature
spindie (20). The other side is connected to the cap (21) which is insulated trom
the armature spindle but rotates with it. A bearing contact is made with this cap
and an insulated lead connects the former with the electric flash. The other in­
sulated lead from the electric flash is connected to the insulated discharge rod
(22) which protrudes through the hole (23) in the generator housing. The rod is
connected tc one of the contacts (9) while the other contact which is attached to
the ‘thousand-metre* drum of the neight meter completes the circuit t. earth.

Handl in g.

At the zero teading the contacts have just not closed, and a few further
rot tions of the vanes change the meter reading to 9990 and complete the circuit.;
But since the moveable contact is attached to the ‘thousand-metre* drum,- it is
possible for tne other two drums to rotate until they are about to operate the
‘thousand-metre* drum, which would then produce a reading of 8990. This reading,
is in fact, never indicated, since the contacts ‘jam* and hold up the rotation of
the ‘thousand-metre’ drum. In actual tests it has-beer, shown tnat the contacts are
closed at all readings between 9990 and 9000'. Thus; if any reading between these
limits is indicated on the meter, the circuit has closed, but the mechanism has
failed to function the detonator. For other readings it is probabl that the
circuit has not been made.

In no case, however, should the vanes be allowed to rotate.- They should be

secured by means of a pin or nail inserted at (5) or by tying down the vanes with

For handling this fuze in an U.X.B. see details under bomb concerned.

Parachute Flare - Undesignated Page 93

Bomua 100 sp.I. Page 151

Bomba 100 sp. Page 156'

Our Designation Type Z
ITALIAN Designation >f fuze.
Classification Tail Meeh. Impact.

Markings NIL.

Jomb in which eiployed 100 Sp,

100 Sp.I.

1. Colour Unpointed aluminium.;

2. Q A Length less gaine. 3.85- ins/9,*-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 8.4 ■ins/213-mm;

Dia. over threads where

4. screwed into bomb. 1.7- ins/43-urn.

Striker body)
Cap holder
5. Material. • Arming rod ) - Brass
Bush '

Main body )
„ ) - Aluminium

6. Type of Gaine. Long Gaine Type I


Description of Fuxe.

The vanes fl) are secured to the top if the screw-threaded portion (2) if tne
brass withdrawal rod (3) Dy means of two set screws (4). Tie remainder of (2)
screws into the brass bush (5) which is pressed into the aluminium holder (6).
This latter screws into the fuxe body (7) and is retained by the set screw (8).

After the fuxe has been screwed into the bomb, the safety pin (9) is withdraw,
from the hole (10) end the vanes are prevented from rotating by a spring loaded
stop situated in tne base of the bomb. When the nose fuze has functioned, the 2 Kg
bombs are ejected and the spring loaded stop is released. The vanes then rotate and
and rise atove the fuze nead. When 0.6 inches of screw thread are visible the fuze
is fully armed and the arming rod (3) has been withdrawn sufficiently to allow the
two steel licking balls (11) to move inwards. The striker (12) is then no longer
locked with respect to the cap holder (13) and on impact is free t compress the
light creep spring (14) and fire the cap (IS). The interior of the body ofthe
fuze is so snapsd that the cap holder and striker may ride up the coned surfaces
and aoproach jne another, whatever may be the angle at vhich the bomb strikes its


See details under di scription of bomb (Page 156).


This anti-personnel bomb consists of a thin steel cylinder (1) 13. 2-inches
long, on the outside of which is wound strip steel <21 which breaks up into short
lengtns on detonation. Ohe end of this cylinder is screwed to take the heavy nose
piece (3) into which the fuze (4) is fitted. The other end of the cylinder takes
the screwed base cap (5) and to this latter the thin sheet iron tail (6) is attached
by pressing into a groove in the cap. In two opposite fins of the tail at the
outer end is a small hole (7) through which a loop of wire passes for vertical
suspension in the aircraft.

The banb is filled pressed T.N.T. 1.9 Kg.

- 169-
Desi nation Type v

Old Bomba da kg 12 Anti-pt rsonnel

Frapnentation Bomb
New Bomba 12 F

1. O/A Length >f Fuzed Bomb. 32.6-ins/827 -nm.

2. 0zA Length 1 s Fuze or Lug 31.0- in s/7 87 -nm.

3. Length o f Bai y. ■ 17.3-ins/440-mm.

4. Dia. of Body. 3. 5-ins/90-mm.

( point
5. Max. - thickness a,t nose

Wall thickness. 0.35-ins/9-mm.



25- turns steel strip 0.2

8. Material and construction ins'5-nm. thick woand on steel
of bomb body. container 0.15-ins/4-mm. thick.

9. Suspension System. Vertical from tail Horizontal.

Nose - Bright red.;

10. Colouring of bomb.
Body - Sky blue.

11. Markings on uomb. Nil.


13. Length of Tail. 14. 5-ins/368-mm.

3. 5-insz90-rrm.
14. Dia. of tail. ..
Material of tail Sheet Iron.

16. Colouring of tail. Sky blue.

Markings on tail. Ni 1.;


18. Construction of Tail. 4 fins welded to nollow sheet metal

dome. •


20. Nature of filling. T.N. I.

21. Weight of fil ling. 1.8-Kg.

22. Total Weight. 12.2 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge^Total Wt.; Ratio.

Nose - F (Page 173)
25 Fuze - our designation.
Fl (Page 177)



SNI fill
--------------- -——----------------------------------------- -
Our Designation Fuze F
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.
Classification Nose - Meeh impact.
Spoletta per Bomba 12 .F
Markings. Manufacturers stamp SRCM

Bomb in which employed 12 F

1. Colour Unpainted Brass

2. O/A length less gaine. 5. S-ins/140-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3.2-ins/81-mm.

4. Dia. over threads where

screwed into bomb. 1.6-ins/ 41-rim.

5. Material. Brass. -

6. Type of Gaine. Short gaine Type 2.


Description of Fuze.

On withdrawing the safety pin (1) the vane is free to rotate. The rotation
of the vane (2), and the screw < 3~) to which it i's pinned, withdraws the safety
rod (4). After the screw has withdrawn 0.4-ins. the fuze is armed. The steel
balls (5) move inwards and the striker (6) on impact can move down the sleeve (7)
against the creep spring (8) and ignite the cap (9). This fuze is sensitive, as
the lower end of the sleeve is spherical and rests on the curved upper face of the
plug (10). The clip (12) which immobilises the vanes fits over the head of the
fuze and the base if the vane hub as shown at (13).

Handling the fuzed bomb.

Tnis fuze is very sensitive to shock, as the curved surfaces of sleevesand

striker may ride on the curved faces of the fuze body and the plug.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid ary longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(d) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove it complete with detonator
and gaine.
(e) Unscrew both the detonator and gaine from the fuze and pack them


iLl .
=> dJ

ITAI IAN Designation of Fuze. Our Designation Fl

Classification Nose - Mechanical Impact


Bomb in which empi >yed 12. F

1. Colour. Unpainted brass

2. 0zA leneth less gaine. 5. 5-ins/14h-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3.2-ins/81rnn‘.

Di , »ver threads where

4. screwed into bomb. 1.6-ins, 41-nm.

5. Materials. Brass.

6. Tyoe of gaine. Short gaine Type 2


Urjs^r^pt-oriotFuz. .

Tnis fuze differs from fuze F only in the following detail. The fuze body (1)
consists of an open cylinder closed at the outer end by a screwed plug (2). In
tne fuze F tnis assembly is cast in one piece.

Handling the fuzed Bomb

This fuze is very sensitive to shock, as the curved surfaces of sleeves and
striker may ride on the curved faces of the fuze body and the plug.

(a) Observe any visual indications ot arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk >n the bowb.
(c) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(<B Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove it complete with detonator
and gaine.
(e) Unscrew both the detonat.r and gaine from the fuze and pick them

BOMBA da Kg. 12

Ulis anti-personnel bomb, the title of which contains no designation letter,

is thought to be an older type than the 12 F and 12 Mtr. All three bombs have
approximately the same dimensions.

The 12 Kg bomb has a thick steel wall which is deeply grooved spirally to
assist fragnentation.

Tie TNT filling is cast in a sheet zinc container which has a central cavity
to accomodate a short gaine and a paper wrapped cartridge of a Mitrobenzene explosive
mixture (See page 182').

- 179-
De si ^nation. Type

Old Bomba Anti-personnel

New £ bmba da Kg. 12 Fragmentation Bomb.

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. • 32. 7-ins ^Sl-mm.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 31-1-ins./791-trm.

3. Length of Body. 17. 0-ins/433-mm.

4. Di a. of j£^Zl—. 3 5-ins/90-mm.
5. Mux. thickness at (nose
6. Wall thickness 0. 4-ins/10-mm.


8. Material and construction Thick steel lx»dy with a deep

of l<omb body; spiral groove.

9. Suspension System Vertical from tail.

10. Colouring of bomb.

11. Markings or bomb. Nil.


Length of Tail. 14. 2- ins/320-mm.


Di a. of tail. 3. 5-ins/90-mm.

Material of tail. Sheet iron.


16. Colouring of tall.

Markings on tail. Nil.


4-fins welded to hollow sheet

18. Construction of Tail.
sheet metal dome.

TNT plug Nitro-benzene
20. Nature of filling. Mixture.

21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Weight.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt.Ratio.

Nose - Type W (Page 183)
25. Fuze - our designation.


zr^i «p vqho<9


ITALIAN Designation of Fuze. Our Designation Type W

Classification Nose - Meeh.Impact,

Spoletta Per Bomba da Kg. 12. Markings. Nil

Bomb in which employed Bomba da Kg. 12

1. Colou r Unpainted Brass

2. 0,'A length less gaine. 5. 7-ins/144-rr.Ti.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3 5-ins/89-rrm.

Dia. over threads where screwed into 1.55- ins /41-mm.
4. -- bomb.
5. Materials-. Brass.

6. •Type of "aine. Short Gaine Type 2.

1 1

Descrip tion r> f Fuze.

Except for the variation in the shape of the vanes, the largef diameter of the
flange (12) and the slightly linger length of body, this fuze resembles fuze type F.
It is used in the 12 Kg. anti-personnel bomb in which the thick steel wall is deeply
cut in spiral grooves to assist fragnentation. This bomb is a variation of the 12 F

The vanes (1) are secured to the spindle (2) by the pin (3). The safety pin
is inserted at (4), and when in position, prevents the screwed portion of tne spindle
from rising. The secondary safety device is shown at (5). It is a clip which fits
partly over the vane hub and partly over the top of the fuze body, both of which
are cut to receive it. The clip is removed before the safety pin is withdrawn.

When the vanes rotate during tne fall of the bomb, the spindle (2) unscrews
and withdraws the arming rod (6). At the same time the vanes rise beyond the head
of the fuze. Arter the arming rod has witndrawn approximately half an inch, the
fuze is armed because tne steel balls (7) can then move inwaras and free the striker.
Both the striker and the cap holder thus become free to move but are kept ap<rt until
impact by tne creep spring (9). The dome-shrped surfaces at the ends of the striker
cavity ensure that however the bomb may fall, the cap holder (11) carrying the cap
(10) and the striker (8) shall approach one another and so initiate the detonation
of the bomb.

Handling the fuzed oomb.

This fuze is very sensntive to shock, as the curves surfaces of sleeves and
striker ray ride on the curved faces of the fuze body and the plug.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the are not otated.
(d) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove it complete with detonator ^nd
(a) Unscrew both the detonator and gaine from tne fuze and pack them

BOMBA 12 Mtr.

This anti-personnel bomb is made up of two concentric cylinders. The inner

one containe the H.E. charge. In the annular space between the two cylinders are
found steel pellets embedded in concrete. The tail is similar to that of the 12 I;
the four fins being apot welded on to the short central dome. It differs from the
12 F bomb in having a strengthening band round the extremity of the tail.

- 185-
Designation Type
01d Bomoa
New Bomba 12 Mtr.

1. O/A Length a f Fuzed Bomb. 32.3-ins/820-nm.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 31. 0-ins/788-nKi.

3. Length of Body.. 15.7- ins /400-mm.

4. Dia, of Body. 3. ‘Lins/90-mn’.

( point
5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness


Cylinders dram steel;

8. Material and construction of
steel pellets in concrete.
bomb body.
9. Suspension System. . Horizontal.

10.) Colouring of bomb. Body: Bl ack.

11. Marking on bomb. Asia tolo


13. Length of Tail. 16.5- i n s/420- mm.

14. Dia. jf tail. 3. 5-ins/90-trm.

15. Material of tail. Sheet iron.

16. Colouring of tail. Black

17. Markings on Tail. Nil. '

4 Fins welded to hollow

sheet me tai dome with
strengthening band welded in
Construction of Tail. position around outer
extremities of fins.


20. Nature of fiMin^^ Amatol.

21. Weight of filling.

C2. Total Weitfit. 11.6 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt.; Ratio.

25. Fuze - our designation. Nose - R fPage 189)



12 Mir.

ITALIAN Designation of Fuze. Our Designation R

Classification. Nose - Meeh. Impact.

opoletta Per bomba lx Mtr.
Markings. Nil

Bomb in which employed. - 12 Mtr.

1. Co lour. Unpainted aluminium.

2. O'A length less gaine. 5 85-ins/14t.’-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3. 5-ins/89-mm.

4. Dia. over threads where

screwed into tomb.

5. Material s. Striker Mechanism - Brass.

Body and Vanes - Aluminium Alloy.

6. Type of gaine. Snort piine Type 2.


Dt st ript*r>i >f tM Fuze.

The set screws (1) pass through the vane hub (2) into a groov< in the heat-
of the fuze body (3) and the varies are thus free to rotate without rising, when
the safety pin (4) is withdrawn. Situated between the top of the striker (S') and
the vane hub (2) is a screw-threaded collar (6). Two projections (7) on this collar
engage loosely in slots in the vane hub (2) and when the 1 t ter rotates during the
fall of the bomb the collar rotates with it, thus causing the withdrawal rod (8) to
rise. Rotation of ttie withdrawal rod is prevented by the two set screws (9) which
project into 1 ongitudinal‘gro. ves (IO-) in tne upper portion of the striker (5).
This latter is in turn prevented from rotating in the fuze body by means of the set
screw (111 which also projects inti one of the grooves (10).

The withdrawal rod (8) rises in the '-ollai (6) until tne unthreaded portion
(12) lies within the collar but it cannot fall away because of the flange (13). When
0.9-ins of screw-thread are visible between the cap (14) and the vane hub (2), the
fuze is fully armed and the steel balls (15) can then move inwards and thus free the
striker (5) and the caobolder (16). The striker needles (l7) are located with
respect to the caps (18) by the two set screws (19) moving in the slots (20). On
impact the withdrawal rod (8) serves as a ‘ramrod’ to force the collar (6) against
the striker (5) and so cause the latter to compress the creep spring (21) and fire
the caps (18) ,

Note: - Two sections of tne fuze, taken at right angles to one another, are given in
order to show the relative positions of the various locating screws.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

If about one inch of screw-thread is visible between the cap (14) and the vane
hub (2), the fuze is fully armed but has not functioned. The screw should be oound
to pievent longitudinal movement and tne lomb should only be moved in the horizontal
posi tion.

If less than 14-inch thread is showing the fuze may have ssumed a dangerous
condition in which the fully armed striker has been depressed to pierce the caps
witnout firing them. In this condition the striker should be bound to prevent
any movement before the 'nomb is defuzed.

Tr De fuze the bomb.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(bl Avoid any longitudinal blow an the fuze >r jerk on the bomb.
(c) Bind the spindle to prevent longitudinal movement.
(d) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(e) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove it from the bomb complete with
detonator and gaine. '
(f) Remove both the detonator and the gaine from the fuze and pack separ­
ate! y.


This: bomb is essentially an anti-handling and anti-vibration device designed

by virtue if its delayed arming and comparative sensitivity to impose delay, wnen
used, against airfields, landing grounds, communications or otherwise where vehicles
are lively to frequent. •

The ljomb consists of a steel cylinder screwed intr one end of which is a
heavy brass or aluminium fuze which is covered prior to arming by an aluminium cap,
giving the complete assembly an appearance wnich has resulted in its familiar name
of ‘Thermos’ bomb.

Release is effected from a container and there is no tail.

The safety pin fl) passes through one of the vanes on the vaned cap (2) and
inti 1 slot (S') in the aluminium cup (4). This pin is removed oefire the bomb is
dropped, thus allowing the vanes to rotate. Ihe cup (4) has three project! ins (51
formed by cutting the metal and bending the tab outwards These assist the removal
of the cup during the fall of the bomb.

' The tomb body is made of steel 1/8-in.- thick and is painted buff (or green) to
make it inconspicuous on the ground.

The sensitive Manxolini fuze screws into the bomb at (6). It is protected
by the aluminium cup (4) which is retained by the vaned cap (2). This latter screws
into the brass adaptor (7) in the fuze cover (8). The two projections (0) on the
outer face of (81 project through corresponding noles in the cup (4) and prevent tne
latter from rotating as the vaned cap unscrews during the fall of the bomb.

When the vaned cap has become unscrewed and has fallen away, the cup is
released and is forced off the fuze mainly by the rush of air acting on the project -
ions (5) but also assisted oy the light helical spring and by the pressure if the
strips (10) ana (11) within the cup. Each of the three strips (10) h_s a brass
claw (12) which passes through one of the three equally spacedholes (13) in the
body (14) mo nolds the collar (15) in the position shown. Over the strips (10)
clip the smaller strios (11), the lower ends of which rest in the groove (161. The
strong spring (17) in depressing the collar (18) presses out the brass claws (12)
sj that the strips (10) would bear Hard against the cup, producing a pressure
normal to the surface of the latter. Die shorter strips (11) with their fulcruns in
the groove (16) alter the angle at which the pressure is applied to the surface of
the cup, jnd transfer the pressure nearer to the head of the cup and hence reduce
it After the cup has been forced off the piessure of the strong spring (171 on
the steel collar (18) icting on the curved surfaces of the claws (12) ejects them
completely and the stripe (10) and (11) fall away. Ihe steel cellar (18) then
sets down and is pressed hard against the rubber rings (19) and (20) completely
masking the holes (13) and thus pijtecting the interior of tne fuze against the
entry of water -r grit which might interfere with its sensitiveness and this is
tne usual appearance of the bomu when found lying on the ground.

Certain of these bombs are fitted with a modification to the fuze which
results in self-detonation after a period in the region of 80 hours,

(Continuation under Fuze details Page 195)

Desi gnation Type

Old Bomba An ti - handl in g and

Anti-vibration 1
New Bomba 4 A. R.

1 1-
O'A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 12.. 3- ins/320-tnm.

* 2. OZA Length less Fuze or Lug. 7.3-ins/185-mm.

1 3- 7.3-ins/185-mm. 1
Length of Body.

4. Di a. of Body. 2.7-ins/67-mm.

5.; Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness. .12-ins/3.2-mm.

1 7‘
Steel cylinder. 1
8" Material and construction of bomb
1 9< Suspension System. Nil - dropped from containers.

1 10,
Colour in ■ of bomb. Green or Buff.
1 U* Nil. 1
Markings on bomb.
1 12, Note. This bomb has no tail.;

I 13.
Length of Tail.

1 14‘
Dia. of tail.

15. Material of tail.

16. Colouring of tail.

1 171 Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail.

1 19‘

• 20. Nature of filling. T.N.T. "|

1 2b 0.6 Kg.
Weight of filling.

Total Weight. 3.9 Kg.

1 23. Weight of Bomb Case.

Charge/Total Wt. Ratio. 15. 2%

' 24,
1 25. Manzolini
Fuze - our designation.
| 26.

12 3 IMS


•■7 ms. L 2 7 IMS

ITALIAN Desigi 'tion of fuze. Our Designation Thermos.

Clsysi Meeh - Delayed
J Arming.

3omb in which employed 4 A.R.

1. Colour. Uhpainted 3rass nr Aluminium.

2. O/A length less gaine. 7.21-ins/lh4-nm.

3. Max. spread over vares. 2 .7-ins/70-mn.

Iia. 'ver threads where
4. screwed into bomb. 2.58- ins/65-onm.

Body made of brass or aluminium

5. Material.
Arming coll er und spring - Steel.
Internal mechanism - Brass
External Cap and Vares - Aluminium.

6. Type of Caine. Nil - Detnna’xr screws into base.


Mier the tomb strike? the gr yiau the brass cup-khaptri piece (21') and the inertia
collar (15) set unsn. The former is cusnionud by the spring (22) while the latter
is slit in six places round the upper ed^e to allow it to move over the slight ridge
on the cylinder (23). The three steel balls (24) which are equally spaced circum­
ferential1 , can then move outwards and free the piston (25). lhe downward movement
of the-collar (15) is limited by the shoulder (26). Under the action of tne strong,
striker spring (27) the piston rises into the chamber (28) which is filled with
light oil. This latter si wly escapes between the walls f the cylinder and the
piston head, and so regulates the time of .rming of the fuze The arming delay tnus
obtained enables the bomb to come t > rest before the fuze becomes completely armed.
Rifle nil gives > deity period of 10 seconds. Until .the piston (25) has irovtd
outwards, the three eqi'tdly soared steel balls (29) prevent relative motion >f the
two cylinders (23) and (30). When, however, the piston bas moved its full travel
c Trying with it tne skirt (31), the steel balls are free to move inwards and the
cylinders (23) and (30) ci.n then move relative to one another. The fuze is then
fully a med as shewn.

The fuze mechanism is supported within the fuze body by two steel collars
(32) und (33).; These allow i lateral movement »f the mechanism within the body,
which results in the cylinders (23) and (30) approaching one mother. Thus jrnjr
jerk or jar that will overcome the weak soring (34) will cause the cylinders to
approach me another longitudinally. The three pairs of small steel bills (35)
which are equally spaced circumferentially and hold the striker head (36) ran then
escape into the annular groove (37) and the fuze will function by the firing of the
cap <38). This latter will initiate the de ton at r (39> which projects into the main
filling (40) >f the uemb. In order to facilitate did rasembly of the fuze mechanism,
the spring (34) is prevented from ejecting the cylinder (23) from the cylinder (30)
and thus ilowln. the steel balls (29) to move outwards and fall away, by means uf
the set screw (41) which protrudes into the annular grrove (42).- The hole (13)
which connects with tire annular groove (37) facilitates the insertion of tne three
pairs of steel bnil* (35). The cup (38) is not inse"ted in the cap holder (44)
Until the fuze has been completely assembled.- In order to prevent rotati»n of the
cylinder (30) during the operation of unscrewing and screwing back the cap holder,
- spike is introduced through the hole (45) into the recess (46).

A modified model »f this fuze has been recovered incorporating a device which
will cause detonation to occur after the lapse of a certain period if the bomb has
not . (ready be • n detonated due to vibration >r interference.-

In this model,

(a) The piston (1) is 0.6 cm. snorter than in tne >lder design.
( b) The piston travel in the oil chamber is 0.6 cm. shorter.
(c) Tne striker spring (2) is 2.0 cm. shorter
(d) The inertia collar (.3) is slit in ten places instead of six.

The old and tne newer design of the head of the fuze are reproduced side Dy
side in the box.

The cylinder (4),. which contains the oil, retains the same overall dimensions
but the closing plug (5) has been modified in shape and screws down inside this
cylinder. Above this is the helical spring (61 retained by a brass split ring (7)
pressed into position.

The actual self destroying device consist* -> f the steel holder (8) in which
slides the holl>w cylinder (9). The closed end of tnis cylinder'carries a short
projection (10) which passes through and locates the aluminium shear strip (11).
This:latter is 0 35 cm. wide and 0.08 cm. thick and lies in a diametrical slit in
the base of (8). Above the holder sits the steel cover (12) having eight slits
in tne vertical rim and enclosing the strong steel spring (13). In the unarmed
position the cover rests with its]ection in a recess in the closing plug

On impact the cover (12) sets down and the projection on the rim engages in
the annular groove and so locks itself to the holder (8). The spring (13) within
this enclosure then exerts a pressure on the shear strip through the movable cylinder
(9) . At the end of a certain period, the strip (11) sh< ts and, since the projection
(10) bears on the plug (5), an appreciable jerk is conrunicsted to the cylinder (4).
This jerk is sufficient to operate the fuse.

A number of trials have been made to discover the time of the delay. Except
in >ne case where the strip sheared after about 35 amirs, all >ther timings have
show* a variation of from fiO to 80 hours. There is no external indication that the
fuse is so modified and all Thermos bombs must therefore be suspect.


Since this fuze is very sensitive to a jerk or a jolt.UXB's snould, wherever

possible, be detonated in situ.- This can be done by placing a 1-oz. gun-cotton
primer or a stick of gelignite close to the base tnd on the longitudinal axle of the
bomb. In this way the fuze will be given the necessary longitudinal jolt to cause it
to operate ana aetonate the bomb. Alternatively, a loop placed loosely over the coils
of the spring (17) can be used to give the fuze a sufficient jerk to detonate the
bomb. A few sandbags carefully built up close to the bomb will give protection to the
operator, who should use a cord or rope not less thin 200' ft. long and be in the
prone position when he gives the necessary jerk. The lethal area in the open, with
bomb on the surface is: 100-ft. Complete inmunity from fragments is obtained at
300 yards.
W-.en ci rcunstances demand that the bomb should oe moved, it must be remembered
that the most dangerous position for the fuze is the vertical position with the
nose pointing upwards. Hence, when moving the bomb, which will only be done in
most exceptional circumstancet} 11 should be carried horizontally and in bringing
it to this position the operator should avoid passing the fuze through the vertical.
Great care must be' exercised in lifting, carrying and laying dost the bomb in order
t<J ensure that there shall be no jolting or jerking. All movements must be slow and
and deliberate and excessive acceleration of the bomb must be avoided.

This aHti-perso.mel bomb consists of in outer steel casing (1) which shaped
as a cylinder with one end coned. The oper end 1* fitted with an adapter (2) into a
groove in which the top of the banb C“ie is pressed at intervals.

On to this adapter screws the steel head of the bomb (3 • The inner sheet
steel cylinder (41 which is bemispnerical at the closed end contains 6 oxs. T.N.T.
as a block filling, the upper block being shaped to take the lower part of the
fuse body ind the detonator.

The annular space (5) between the inner and outer steel cylinder (11 and
(4> is filled with concrete in which are embedded steel pellets.

The tail consists of the hollow cone (6) spot welded to the bomb body and the
four fins are spot welded to this cone. At the outer end the fins are strengthened
by the steel ring (7) which is wide and 0.1-ini thick. The ring is spot
welded to the fins.
Designation Type

01 d Bomba Anti-personnel

hew Bc-nta 3 Mtr.

1. 0,'A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 12.1-ins/307-mm.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 10.8- in s/274-nrn.

3. Length of Body. 8. 2-ins/208-mm.

4. Dia. of Body. 2. 7-ins/70'-mm.

5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness (total) 0. 75-ins/ld-nm.


Two concentric sheet steel

8. Material and construction of bomb containers. Annular space between
body. loaded with steed pellets
embedded in concrete.

9.- Suspension System. Loaded in container.

Body - Bl ark
10. Colouring of bomb. Nose - Black

11. Markings on bomu. Tritolo S.A.V. XlX


13. Length o f Tai 1, 4.4-ins/112-mm.

14. Dia. of tail. 2.7-ins/70-mm.

15. Material of tail.- Sheet Iron.;

16. Colouring of tail; Black

17. Markings on tail.; Nil.

Four fins mounted on

18. Construction of T il. cone, with strengthening band
around outer extremities.


20. Nature of Filling T.N.T.

21.: Weight of filling.;. 0.17 Kg.

’22. Total Weight. 3.01 Kg. .

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge 'Total Wt. Ratio.

Fuze - our designation. Nose - M (Page 203)



32- iNSc
BOMBA 3. Mtr. 200
io-a ins 2-7 INS.

2’7 INS

Our Designation. M
ITALIAN Lesigr.ation of fuze
Classification. Nose - Meeh Impact
Spoletca For Bomba 3 Mtr.-
Markings. Nil.

Bomb in wnich employed.-.3 Mtr.

1. Colour. Unpainted Alirainun

2. O/A Length less gaine. 4.l-ins/104-mm.

3. Max.; spread over vanes.; 2.4- ins /60-mm.

Dia. over threads whera

4. screwed into t»mb. 1.3-ins/34-mm.

5. Material. Striker Mfcnanism - Brass.

Body and Vanes - Aluminium

6. Type of Caine. Detorator only.;


inscription of Fuze.

The vanes (1) are attached to the spindle (2) by a pin (3). ^tiring transport
on the ground, the vanes are prevented from rotating by means of a metal c lip (13)
which is attached to the vane by means of i split pin (14) throujji one of the holes
(4). This clip engages in one of the four slots (5) in the fuze body, this slot
having been cut deeper than the others in order to receive it. An alternative
method of preventing rotation of the vanes is to secure them to the body of the
fuze by a wire passing through the holes (4).

When the bombs are loaded into their container these safety devices are
removed. Daring the fall of the bonb, after release from the container, the vanes
rotate and the spindle (2) rises in tne fuzeheari (6). lhen 0.6-ins. of the spindle
are visible below the vane.-, the fuze is fully armed. The lower part of the spindle,
when withdrawn from the striker (7), allows the steel baljs (R) to fall inwards ind
so release the striker. This latter is then kept away from the cep (9A only by the
creep spring (10). Thr vines are not detached from the .fuze when the latter is
fully arn.ed, so that the spindle (2) acts is a hammer and on impact forces the
striker onto the cap. Pitation of the striker is prevented by the two projections
(11) moving in tne slots (12).

Handling of fuzed bomb.

If the visible portion of the spindle De bound with tape to prevent movement
the bomb can be carried horizontally providing all jolting be avoided.

ro ik fuze the Bomb.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.;

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze oi jerk on the bomb.
(c) Bind the spindle to prevent longitudinal movement.
(d) Ensure that the vanes are not rotnttd.
(•) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove Complerte with detonator.
(f) Unscrew the detonator from the fuze and pack separately.


Tne anti-personnel bomb 2 F Is a tall-less bomb. In the shape of a fight

cylinder. The Inner then sheet steel cylindtr (1) contains tne explosive charge
consisting of T.N. T. On the outside of this cylinder 1* wound a continuous band of
strip metal (2). This is located between the cup-shaped ends (3) and (4) which are
pressed on to tne inner cylinder. The end (4) is cut and threaded to take the
fuze K.

A variation of this bcmb Is shown in which the steel strip is placed Inside
the outer '.teel cylinder (5), This latter is 0.1-lnches thick and has a loose
base (7). The T.N.T, in the form of a block charge (6) lies wltnln the coiled
strip (R) and Is shaped to take the detonator. The disc (9) which is recessed and
screwed to take the fuze K screws Into the cylinder (6).

The coiled strip metal In Loth cases Is 0.2-lncheS by 0.18-lhches and has the
same tot 1 length. In the former case the coll Is woUhd on a diameter of 2.2-indies
with the smaller dimen-ion set longitudinally, tn the letter case the coil 1* wouhd
on the same diameter but with tne longer dimension longitudinally. On detonation
It breaks up into short lengths 1 to 2*lnehes long.

-20 5-
Designation Type
Old SPBZZONE da Kg 2
Fragrentstion Bomb
New Tomba 2F

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 6.l-ins/155-mm.

2 OZA Length less Fuze or Lug. 4.5-ins/115- mm.

3. Length of Body. 4. 5-ins/115-nm.

4. Dia. of Body. 2. 7-insz7O-nm.

5< Max. thickness at

6. Wall tnickness 0. 28-ins/6.5-mm.


8. Materia’ and construction See page 205

of bomb body.; •

9. Suspension System. Carried in container >r in UCMBA 100 sp.

io; Colouring of bomb. Bl ack

11. Markings ’■n bomb. Nil. ‘

12. Note This bomb has no tail.

13. Length of Tail,

14. Dia. f tail.

15. Material of tail.

16. Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction of Tail.


20. Nature of filling. T.N.T.

21. Weight of filling. 0.36 Kg.

22. Total Weight. 1.8 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Tntal Wt. Rati. .

Fuze - our designation.- Type K (Page 213).:



2 7ims

BOMBA da Kg 2

This bomb is the early model of the 2 Kg anti-personnel bomb hrving been
subsequently developed into the 2 F. and 2 Mtr. described on Pages 205 and 215

It consists of a steel cylinder with one end closed and the other screw
threaded to receive a closing cap into the centre of which the fuze screws. Both
the body and the ends of the bomb are deeply grooved sprially to assist fragment­

Designation Typ ’

Old Bomb a Anti-personnel 1

New Bomba ka Kg.2

1. Q/A Length of Fused Bomb. 6.l-ins/155-mm.

2.. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 4. S-ins/llS-nrr.

3.. Length of Body 4. 5-ins/115-nr».

4. Dia. of Body. 2. 7-insz70-nm.

5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness . 25-ins/6-nm.


Steel cylinder deeply grooved.

Material and construction of bomb End md top which latter screws
on to the main cylinder are also ■
grooved to assist frementation.;

9. Suspension System. Carried in container or in Bomba 100.Sp. 1

10. Colouring of lomb. Blade

11. Markings on bomb. Nil.

12. Note* This bomb has no tail.

13. Length of Tail.

14. Dia. of tail. -

15. Msterial of tail.;

16. Colouring of tail.-

17. Markings on tail.

18.; Construction of Tail.';



20.: Nature of filling. T.N.T.

21. Weight of filling.- 0.36 Kg.

1.61 Kg. I
22.; Total height.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.;

24. Qi 'ge/Total Wt. Xatio.

Type K (Page 213} 1

25; Fuse - our designation.



® © Q


® ©

Our Desi gpati in. K
ITA’ IAN. Designation of Fuze.
Classification. Meeh Impact

Markings. Nil
Spoletta per Bomba da Kg 2
Bomb in which employed. See Below

Unpainted Brass
1. Colour.
Unpainted Zinc Alloy

2. O/A length less gaine. 1. l^lna/47-mm.

3. Max. spread 'ver vanesb

4. Dia. over threads where 0. •)-ins ''24-mm.

screwed into bomb.;

Fuze Head, cap; holder ai d striker

- Brass;
5. Materials. Fuze body - Zinc al Jjy:
Vane - Aluminium.
N.B. Fuze head sometimes fitted wi th a
sneet iron cover painted black.

6. Type of gaine. be ton Oar only.


Description of Fuze

This fuze is the -ype eiployed in 2 Kg anti-persmnel bombs 2.F and 2-Mtr.
and in the incendiary bombs 2.1 and 1. I. It may also be used in the chemical bombs
4.C. 2.C and Furetto.

The fuze screws into the end of the bomb, and carries a lirge deton.tor
screwed into the base. In the unarmed position, the vane fl) lies over the head
of the fuze, and is held by a split pin (2).

To arm the fuze this pin is withdrawn, and the vane freed. If the fuze should
be found witn this pin in position,it should not be assumed that the fuze is safe,
as the pin has no other function thar. to hold the vane to prevent prenature arming.

When the bomb falls the vane rotates, and unscrews the safety rod (3) which
eventually falls away. The striker (4) is then held uway from the cap only by tne
light creep spring (5) Both the striker (4) and the cap holder (6) are then free
to move. On impact, they ride up the dome sniped surfaces within the fuze, and
the needle and cap approach one another. This ensures that tne fuz. will function
however the bomb may fall. •

.tendling of the Fuzed_Bomb.

N< attenpt should be made to insert a wire in the open end of (7) as this
may force the striker on to the cap. The bomb may l>e carried on its side, but all
jerking mist be carefully avoided.

To Defuzc the .ton-.

(a) Lay tne bomb carefully on its side.

(b) Unscrew the fuze without jolting the bomb and remove the fuze complete
with detonator.

(c) Unscrew the detonator from the fuze and pack separately.

BOMBA 2 Mtr.

The bomb 2 Mtr. resembles in external appearance and dimensions the variation
of the 2 F bomb described on Page 205. Within the outer cylinder (1) and concentric
with it is a smaller cylinder (2). The annular space (3) between the two cylinders
is filled with concrete in which steel pellets are embedded. The concrete is covered
with a perforated disc (4) and the screwed disc (5), which seals the bomb, is thread­
ed to take the fuze K.

- 215-
Desigrt tion Type

Old Spezzone da kg 2
A Mi traglia

New Bomba 2 Mtr.

O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb 6.1-ins/155- rrm.

O/A Length less Fuze' or Lug. 4. 5-ins^ll5-Tm.
Length -> f Body. 4. 5-ins/115-mtr.

Di a. »f Body. 2.7-ins/7O-mm.
Max.; thickness at (nose

?all thickness. 0. 5- ins/12-mm.

Loading of steel pellets embedded in

Material and construction of bomb concrete between two thin walled
body. cylinders.
Suspension System. Carried in container or in BOMBV
100 sp.

Colouring of bomb. Bl ack

Markings on ix>mb. TRITXO - S.A.V.


Note, This bomb has no tail.

Length of Tail.

Di a. of tail.
Material of tail.

Colouring of tail.

Markings on tail.

Construction ^f Tail.

Nature of filling. T.N.T.

Weight of filling. 0.36 Kg.

To til Weight.; 1.75 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratio.

Fuzi - our designation. Type K (Page 213)

4 -5

2’7 INS

Our Designation. Q
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.
Classification. Meeh Impact.

Markings. Nil

3on>b in which er ployed. See below.

1. Colour.

2. 0/A length less gaine.

3. Max.-spread over vanes.

Dii. over threads where screwed

into lomb. ,

5. Mate rial s.

6. Type of gaine. De tor a tor onl y.


Description of Fuie.- (Page 218>

This is described in documents as the universal type and cm be employed in

Dombs of 2 Kg•

The safety pin (1) is U-shaped. Wien it is withdrawn, the cep (2) is free
to f 11 awoy, releasing the safety bolts (3). The striker is then freed, and on
impact compresses the creep spring (4) and fires the cap (5) which in turn i es
the detonator (6).

The striker assembly here resembles that used in the fuze K.

Handling of fuzed Bombs.

As this fuze is sensitive to shock, it snould only be carried on its side.

and ill jerking carefully avoided.

To De fuze the Bomb.

(a) Lav the bomb carefully on its side.

(b) Unscrew the fuze without jolting the bomb and remove the fuze complete
wi th deton- tor.

(c) Uhscrew the aetoi tor fr m the fuze -nd pack separately.

Otr Designation. U
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.
Classification. Mach. Impact
Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed. See Sc-low. •

1. Colour.
2. O/A length less gaine.
3. Max. spread over vanes.
Dia. over where
screwed into bemb.

5. Material.

6. Type of Gaine. Detonator only.-


E'« scription ot Fuze (Page 218)

This small detonating fuse appears to be equally suitable for employment in

smuil bombs, e.g. 2 Kg, as the fuse Type Q. No specimens have yet been recovered.

When the ring (1) is pulled to withdr-* the safety pin (2), the cap (3) can
rotate by air pressure on the vanes (4). Tnis causes the arming i id (5) to be
withdraw, from the slot in the striker (6). The vanes and cap rise above the head
of tne fuze, so that when the rod (5) has risen sufficiently with the cap, the
steel balls (7) can move inwards- and free the striker (6). On impact, the striker
compresses the creep spring (8) and fires the cap (9).


The fuze is sensitive to jerking, and bombs cont lining it should only be
carried with the. fuze horizontal.

To Det ize the B> ib

(a) Lay the DomD carefully on its side.

(b) Unscrew the fuze without j kiting the bomb and remove the fuze complete
with detonitir.

(c) Unscrew the detonator from the fuze and pack separately.


Fuze. H.
ITALIAN. Designation of fuze. Oir Designation. Type H.
Classification. Deliberate Firing.

Markings. Nil.
Bomb In wnich employed. See below.

1. Cblour. Green.

2. O'A length less gaine. 5. 5- ms/141-mm.

Die. of fate. 2;2-ins/57 tmu

4. Dia. over threads where

screwed into homb. 0.9-irs/

5. Material. See be ioi

6. Type of Gaine. Sie below.


Inscription of Fuse,

This fuse Is designed to permit the crew, of Italian aircraft, forced to

lund in enemy territory, to destroy their aircraft by using the 1 Kg or 2 Kg Incend-
iery bombs or the 2 Kg Anti-Personnel bombs.

The fuse consists of a cylindrical sheet iron container which is divined

into two nal vei, by a diapnragm, and is fitted with a close fitting sheet iron cover
and brass adaptor for screwing into the standard fuze socket in tnese types of
bombs. The cover is held in position by a safety pin which also prevents the r>
tat ion of the striker. When the safety pin has been removed from the hole (1) the
cover 2 can be pulled away. To the Inside of this cover it> attachedone end of a
piece of cord (3) which is 6 metre-. ( 19' ft. 4-ins) in total length. The other end
of tne cord is attached by a wire loop (4) to the striker (5). Wnen the cord is
pulled taut the striker moves over with the old of the spring (6) and fires the cap
(7). Ibis ignites i 3-ft. length of safety fuze (8) v*iich burns for i bout 90 secs.,
and fires through the hole (9). The striker mechanl rm in mounted on the bakelite
mounting (10) which is positioned in the container Dy means of four strips (11)
spot weidea to the letter.

Handling o f Fuzed Bomb.

The bomb which is being used for Oils purpose will be found securely attached
to the aircraft near the petrol tanks or other vulnerable point. When Italian
aircraft are being examined serrch should be made for the bomb which, when found
should be removed complete with Fuze. The fuze should then be removed from the
comb, and if present the detonator from the fuze. These should then be packed


(b) anti-aircraft BOMBS

Bomba 20 eV Page 227

Bomba 3 eV Page 235


This bomb consists of a cylindrical body (1) together with two snaped pieces
of slightly larger diameter, forming the nose (2) and the base (3). Mounted on the
latter are four sheet meta] fins (4) which are rolled along their outer edges tor
greater strength.- A strengthening band (5) is welded round tne rear end of these

The bomb is constructed of concentric sheet metal pressings, the annular

space between which is filled with steel pellets embedded in concrete. The nose . f
the bomb is tnre ided to receive the brass adaptor (6) for fitting the fuze.

This bomb is used for air-to-air bombing.

Designation T^pe
01 d Bomba da Kg 20 c.a. ANTI-Al RCRAFT
New Bomba 20 eV.

O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 30.7-ins/778-mm.

1 2* 1 O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 27.1-ins/688-mm.

3‘ 1 Length of Body. 15. 5-ins/393-mm.

1 4* 1 Di a. of Body. 5. 5- ins/139-mm.

5. Max..thickness at (point
1 6- 1' 1. 1-ins/ 2ft-am.
tall thickness.


Loading steel pellets embedded in

concrete in annular space between
8* Material and construction of bomb body two drawn steel containers.

1 9* 1 Suspension System. Hori

1 10* 1 Colouring of bomb.

1 lk 1 Markings on bomb. Nil.

Ii3-1 Length of Tai 1. 18.0- ins/457-nxn.

Di a. of tai 1. 5.6- ir^s/143-ir.n.

15. Material of tail. Sheet iron.
Colouring of tail.

I17, Markings on tail.- Nil.

Four fins mounted on conical

18. Construction of Tail. end cap of bonb, with strengthening
band round outer extremities.

I19' -

I 20.
[Nature of filling.

1 21* 1 Weight of filling.

122. 1 Total Weight. Nominal 20. 0 Kg.

I Weight of Bomb Case.

|24. 1 Charge/Total Wt. Ratio

125. 1 Fuze - our designation. Nose - Type I. 1 (Page 233).




20 eV.

FUZE: 1.1.

F'UZE I. 1.
IT)iLIAN Designation of feze. Our Designation 1.1

Nose - Fixed Time

Classification short Delay

Markings. See below. .

Bomb in *hich employed. 20 eV. 1

1. Colour. Vanes - Gr< en

Fuze - Unpaintcd Brass

2. O/A length less gaine. 7. 5-ins/100-mm.

3. Max. spread over vane s. 4. 25-ins/108-trm.
' Via. over threads w^ere”— 1.4-ins/35-n«n.
screwed into bomb.
5. Material. Brass.

6. Type of Gaine. Snort Gaine Type 2


Descriptior of Fuze.

This fuze is essentially the 'ami as fuze I “"nd differs from it inly in the
following respects.

1. Ihe marking denoting the fall required to operate the fuze is stanped
on tne circular plate (1) and not on the vane (2). The marking on the
specimen recovered is


2. The base plug (3) is screw-threided internally to receive a gaine


Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

There is no visual indication of arming. Since both the striker and the cap
holder move within the armed fuze and there is no creep spring holding them apart,
the fuze must be regarded as being in a most dangerous condition and the bomb should
be detonated in situ whenever possible.

If the homo must be moved, first secure the pressure plate so tnat it cannot
move If the pressure plate has not been depressed, wedge it in position by means
of a small piece of wood.- If the pressure plate has been depressed, do not attempt
to move it as the needles may have pierced the caps without firing them and with­
drawal may cause tne bomb to function.-

After securing the pressure plate, move the bomb slowly and carefully into
the horizontal position taking care not to pass the bomb, and hence the fuze,
through the vertical in so doing. The bomb may now be moved horizontally for
subsequent demolition if all jolting be avoided. No attempt should be made to
defyze the bomb.


The bomb consists of two containers (1) nd (2', of mild sheet steel. The
space between theta is filled with steel pellets embedded in concrete (3).

In the body a collar (4) is inserted, the upoer part being threaded externally.
This screws on to a collar (5) which is rivetted to the head c f the Ixxnb (61. The
head and the body of the bomh are leaded scpa-t.tely with their ch rge of concrete
md steel. The brown substance (71 ’fhich tops the heud filling firms a cushion and
a sei jing when the head is screwed on to the bony. It is a resinous wateroroof
compound. .

The outer casing of the bomh forms the tail cone on to which the vanes are
spot welded.

The bomb is usually transported plugged and the HF filling is fNT with a
pressed hollow ’[NT pellet (81 surrounding the detonator.

The bomb as its design' ion (contro Velivolil indicates is used by aircraft
avainst enjmy aircraft.

Designation. Type

Old Bomba da Kg 3 c. a. ANTI-AIRCRAFT

New Bomba 3 eV

1. O/A Length of Fused Bomb. 13. 5-ins/344-ntn.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 10. 9- ins/277 -mm.

3. Length o f Body. • 8.7 -ins/220-mm.

4. . Dia. of Body. 3.2-ins/82-im.

5. Max. thickness at^^®^4

(no se

6. Wall thickness (total) 0. 55-ins/14-mm. •


Loading steel pellets

8. Material and construction of embedded in concrete in annular
bomb body. space between two thin walled
9. Suspension System.

10. Colouring of bcmb. 1-in. red band round nose.;

Body apple green.
11. Markings on bomb.- AMATOLO


13. Length of Tail Fins. 7.5-ins/90-nm.

14. Dia. of tail Fins. 3. 2- ins/81-nm.

15. Material of tail. Shee t iron.

Colouring of tail. AppI e""SreenT—

17. Markings on tail.


18. Construction of Tail. Four fins spot welded to



20. Nature of filling. AMATOL

Weight of filling.- 0.40 Kg.


Total Weight. Nominal 3.0 Kg.


23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Qiarge/Total Wt. Ratio.

25. Fuse - our designation. NOSE - TYPE 1 (Page 241)



F-UZ& I.

Our Designation. Tyoe I.
haliain resignation or ruze. ”fixed Time
Classification. ax>rt 1>Jdy

Markings. See below.

Bomb in wnich erployed. 3cV

Vanes - Green
1. Colour.
Fuze - Unpainted Brass.

2. 0/A length less gaine. 5.9-ins 175-mm.

3. Max. spread »ver vanes. 4.25-ins 'lbS-rrai.

Dia. over threads where 1 4-ins/35-mn.
screwed into bomb.

5. Material s. Brass

Detonator only.
6. Type of game.


Description of Fuze.

There are several features about this fuze, both internal and external, which
distinguish it from the types already described. Externally the fuze is readily
identified by the vanes (141 attached to the small cap, and by the pressure plate
(7). This latter is made of brass and is 2X-ins. in dia. .The cap and tne vanes are
painted preen a.d stamped on one vane are certain figures Tne fact tnat most
Italian fuzes are without identification markings makes these f igures mo st interesting
They are believed to indicate the fall in metres required to operate the fuze
Specimens stamped as follows have been recovered:

2 700,
4 500,
5 550 and
5 500

After withdrawal of the safety pin from the hole ( 10"), rotation c the vanes
causes tne rotation of the internally threaded tube (4). The arming rod (1 is
prevented from -otating by the guide pin (5) which projects into a vertical si <t in
tne striker unit (6). The cap holder (0) nas a sliding fit in the Lody of the fuze
(11). Tne positioning of the caps below tne two striker needles is ensured by two
fine screws in the holder (9) which project into the two vertical slots in the body
(11). A thin brass sleeve (12) covers this part of tne fuze and is retained by tne
plug (13). Into the base of the latter screws the detonator. There is no creep spring
in this fuze and in the safe condition the cap holder is held away from tne striker
needles by tne projection (14) from the base of the arming rod ( 1). Die screw
(15) is provided to allow for small adjustments.

Wien the arming lod (1) has been withdrawn sufficiently to allow the steel
balls (21 to move inwards the fuze is armed. Air pressure on the head of the fuze
then causes the plate (7) together with its supports (8), which are screwed into
the striker unit, to move towards the cap holder (9). The firing of the caps
initiates the detonati>n of the bomb.

* In the safe condition, tne extension of the lower end of the arming rod(l)
holds the cap holder in place. This latter is free to move on the withdrawal of
tne arming rod. After some 400 revolutions of the vares, the gearing (3) has caused
the arming rod to withdraw 2 5- cm.: and the fuze is then fully armed. There is
however no external evidence of the condition of the fuze since the vanes do not
fall away or rise on a central screw.


Since bo tn the striker and the cap holder move witnin the armed fuze and
there is no creep spring holding then apart, the fuze must be regarded as being in
a rost dangerous condition and the bomb should be detonated in situ whenever possible.

If the bomb must be moved, first secure the pressure plate so that it cannot
move. If tile pressure plate has not oeen depressed, sedge it in position by means
of a small piece of wood. If the pressure plate has be»n depress-d, do not attempt
to move it as the needles may have pierced the caps without firing them and with­
drawal may cause the bomb to function.

After securing the pressure plate, move tne uomb slowly and carefully into
the horizontal position taxing care not to pass the uomb, and henc- tht fuze, through
tne ve-tic31 in so doing. The bomb .nay now be moved horizontally for subsequent
demolition if.all jolting be avoided. No attempt snould be made to defuze tne bomb.




Bomba 160 cS Page 245

BOMBA 160 c.S.

This anti-submarine bomb tneri ts particular remark on account of its special

construction. The head which is almost hemispherical in shape resembles in this
respect the 500 RO bomb except that it is threaded to take only one fuze. It is
welded to the cylindrical body at (1). The tail unit has a central cone to take
the stem of tne tail fuze, but there are only elementary fins, set well back and
the corrugated strengthening band which surrounds the tail fuze has a larger diameter
than the bonb itself. This latter detail is unusual in Italian bombs as bomb bodies
and tails usually have the same diameter. Several specimens have been recovered
in which no strengthening band has been fitted.

The bomb is intended primarily for use against submarines. In the event of
a direct hit, either on the surface or up to a certain shallow depth the nose fuze
will function detonating the bomb instantaneously. If no direct hit is obtained,
or the bomb travels beyond the depth referred to, the tail fuze will function when
it has travelled through the water the distance indicated by the reading to which
it hid been pre-set, the bomb then operating as a depth charge.

Handling the UXB

It is not anticipated that this bomb will often be found on land. It is

possible however that it may be washed up on the foreshore. It is fuzed in the
nose with heavy duty impact fuzes B or Bl and in the tail with h special underw: ter
fuze. It is this latter fuze which should receive the first attention.

Handling the Tail Fuze.

If the fuze is encountered with the pressure plate in position, arming cannot
have commenced and the fuze can be removed with safety.

If the pressure plate is absent the relative withdrawal of the arming shaft
will be indicated on the setting disc. The inertia bolt may or may not have com­
pressed the striker spring, but it must be assumed that the worst conditions prevail
and, if the setting disc is at or approaching zero reading, the bomb should be
demolished in situ without further delay. If this latter condition does not obtain.

(i) Secure the vanes from rotation by securing them to the fuze body.

fiil Unscrew the fuze from the bomb tail and withdraw it from the bomb
complete with detonator and gaine.

(iii) Unscrew the gaine and the detonator from the fuze and pack them
separately. the Nose Fuze,

If the vaned cap has fallen away, the fuze is armed. If the whole of the
screw threaded portion of the striker shank in the fuze B, or more than 2.25-inches
in fuze Bl, is visible above the collar, the fuze is safe to handle provided due
precautions are taken to avoid rough treatment.

If, however, the striker has moved inwards secure the striker shank firmly to
prevent any further movement. The fuze may then be unscrewed and withdrawn complete
with detonator and gaine. Both the latter should be unscrewed from the fuze and pa de
ed separately.

Desi gnation. Type
Old. bomba di Kg. 160 a. s. HIGH EXPLOSIVE
New. Bomba 160 c.S.

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 69.8-ins/1772-mm.

2. OZA Length less fuze or Lug. 6 0.7 - ins/1540-urn.

3. Length of Body.- • 36. 2- lns/920-mm.

4. Bia. o f Body. 13.3-ins/337-mm,

5. Max. thickness at (no’se

6. Wall thickness. 0. 3-ins. /8-mm.


Sheet metal bomb with rounded nose.

Rear end of bomb coned, ending in
8. Material and construction of bomb
short cylindrical portion to receive
the tail fuze.
9. Suspension System. Horizontal - Suspension Band.

10. Grey body with 2-in. apple-green

Colouring of bomb.
band at nose.
11. Markings on bomb Nil.

13. Length of Tail. 27.2-ins/690-t>n>.

14. Di a. of tail. 15.3-ins/39G 'mm.

15. Material of tail. Sheet metal.

16. Colouring of tail. Grey. ■

17. Markings on tail.- Nil.

Four small fins mounted on

cylindrical portion at rear end of
body. These may or may net be
18. Construction of Tail. fitted with a corrugated strengthening


20. Nature of filling. t.n.t.

21. Weight of filling. •

22. Total Weight. 180 Kg

23. Wei kht of Bomb Case (tail. 76 Kg.

24. Char^e/Totai Wt. Ratio*

NOSE - Type B, or Bl (Pp.248, 250)
25. Fuze - our designation. TATT. - Under >ater Fuze (Page 253).


■ 246-
-------------- ' rw ----------------------- -

69 247

BOMBA 160 c5.


Our Designation Bl
IT) lT X -A KJ
T IfM'f sTWae3 sX IM z>«-»1
Q LIU! nf
U 1 1 U g. Ca
Classification. Nose - Meeh Impact.

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in ahich employed.

1. Colour Vanes - painted light green.

2. O/A length less gaine. 7.3-ins/185-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 7.0- ins/178-mn.

Dia. over threads atiere
4. screwed in to bomb.

Vanes • aluminium
Bush in vane cap, '
cap holder and gaine . brass
5. Material*. adaptor )
Shear Washers • copper
Remainder • steel.

6. Type of Gaine. Long gaine type 1


Description of Fuze.

This fuze is a modification of type 0 fuze described on Page 250. The steel
shearing collar is replaced by two copper discs (1) and the cap and vanes are fitted
internally with a brass screw threaded collar (2) which in the unarmed position
screws down on the central screw against the body of the fuze and is held in that
position by the safety pin (3). The ball locking device incorporated in the type B
fuze has been dispensed with.

Handling if Fuzed Bomb.

See instructions under description of bomb (Page 245V

Our Designation.- Type B.
ITALIAN Designation of Fuze.
Classification. N »se - -Meeh Impact.
Spoletta pe> bomba 160 cS
Markings. Nil.-

Bomb in which employed. 160 cS.

1. Colour Vaned Cap - Apple Green

Body - Unpainted Steel.

2. OZA length less gaine. 8.5-ins/217-mn'. •

3. Max.- spread over vanes. 7. 5-ins/192-tnn. .

Dia,-- over threads where 3. 5-insz88-mm.
screwed int oomb.

Vaned Cap - Alurinium.

Body - Steel
5. Materiel s.
Cap holder - Brass

6. Type of gaine. Long gaine type 1


Description of Hitt,.

In the unarmed condition, the vaned cap(l) is prevented from lotating by

i safety pin passing through the hole (2) in the striker (3). There are two pairs
of noles in the cap either of irhich, as convenient, '■an be used for the insertion of
the pin.

The fuze is fully armed when the cap (1), having become unscrewed fron the
striker, has fallen awav and released the four steel balls (4) which also fall
away thus freeing the striker, Rotation of the cap is made easier by the provision
of lubrication grooves (5).

Into the base of the striker, through the shear washer (6), is screwed the
needle holder (7) fitted with two needles. Rotation of the striker, wten the vaned
cap unscrews, is prevented by the long screw (8) wnicn projects into ■ longitudinal
groove in the striker. The needle holder has two lugs (9) which project irto the
vertical slots (10) in the brass cap holder (11). This locates the caps > . with
respect to the striker needles. The cap holder is retained in the fuze by the
screw-threaded ring (13)

Handling of the Fuzec Bo^b.

See instructions under description of bomb (Pate 245).

- 2,50-

Our Designation Tail Fuze for 160 cS
IT ALIAN Designation of fuze.

Classification. Meeh Tail - Underwater.

Bomb in which employed 160 cS

Main body painted light grey

1. Colour. Pressure plate light grey and red
Remainder unpainted.

2. O/A length less gaine.; 33.6-ins/855-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 6.8-ins/175-mm.

4. Dia, over threads where screwed

1.7 5- ins/44-mm.
into bomb.

Pressure plate - Alloy

Adjusting gear )
Main body \
Striker needles ) -Steel
5. Material.
Cocking wedges
a Various ball races )
Remainder - Brass

6. Type of Gaine. Long gaine type I


Thin fuze is designed to function after falling to a pre-selected depth in

water and for the purpose of description may be divided into five main parts, vis:
The main body; the arming mechani sm; the striker cocking assembly; the fuse setting
mechanism; and the pressure plate.

The main Body.

This consists of a brass casting (1), to the top of which is secured by means
of a steel collar (2) a second brass casting (3), which is capable of rotational
movement. Ihe steel collar (2) is locked in position by means of the set screw (4).
Screwed to the base of the casting (1) and retained by three set screws Is a steel
tube (5) within, which are three guides (61, (7) and (8) for the steel arming rod
(9). Each of these guides is located by three set screws, two guides being in the
form of brass rings and the third a hollow brass cylinder.

The brass collar (10) is provided for locating the fuse correctly in the tail
end o f the Ixxnb.

The Arming Mechanise.

The arming mechanism consists of a heavy three bladed-steel water-screw (11),

which is mounted on a brass casting (12) and secured by three set screws. The
casting (12'i screws onto the projecting end of the casting (3) and has mounted with­
in it a brass cylinder (13) which is retained by the brass collar (14). This cylin­
der is capable of independent rotation and is scrrw-threaded internally to receive
the outer er.d of the arming rod (9).

The inner end of the arming rod projects through the striker body (15) which
it locks in position by extruding two steel balls (16) into a groove in the wall of
the striker housing (17). This latter screws into the open end of the steel tube
(5))and is retained by three set screws, thus forming a continuation of the hollow
cylinder (8).

The Striker Cocking Assembly.

Surrounding the arming rod wi.thin the hollow cylinder (8) is a heavy brass
inertia bolt (18)which is recessed conedat its lower part to receive two specially
shaped retaining wedges (19). The striker spring (20) is located over a projection
on the inertia bolt at one end and within the hollow end of the striker body (15)
a t the o ther.

Die Fuze Setting Mechanism.

The cylinder (13) is shaped externally to form a concave worm wheel (21)
whicn engages wi tn the steel worm drive (22). This latter is mounted on a steel
spindle (23) which projects through the wall jf the casting (12) and is fitted with
with a square sectioned recess to receive the Fuze Setting Key (24).

Screwed into the top of the casting (12) and secured by a set screw is the
brass casting (25). A small screw (26) projects through the wall of this latter
casting into a groove in the wall of the steel cylinder (27) which screws by means
of a left hand thread onto the upper end of the brass cylinder (13).

FourU-pins, projecting internally from the brass bush (28) in the outer end
of the arming rod (9), engage in the spiral grooves in the spindle (29) which latter
projects through tne casting (25) and keys with a graduated disc (30). This disc
is enclosed by the end cap (31) which screws onto the casting (25) and is provided
wi tn a shaped slot (32) for viewing the graduations.

The Pressure Plate.

Mounted on a projection (33) from tne end cap (31) is a light metal pressure
plate (34) retained by a steel collar (35) through which passes a light copper shear
pin (36). This plate is provided with a shaped slot which coincides with the slot
(32) for viewing the fuze setting. Attached to the underside of the pressure plate
are three ecgii-spaced steel legs (37) each of which rests at the foot of an inclined
plane (38) inset in the surface of tne steel collar (2). A heavy split pin (39),
passing through the projection (33) and the boss on the pressure plate (34), serves
as a safety device during transport on the ground. The pin is wired in position and
and the ends of the wire are held within a lead seal.

To Set The Fuze.

The disc (30) is graduated from 0 to 90 to indicate true depth of water in

metres providing the ‘setting mark’ (40) on the upper surface of the steel collar
(2) is in alignment with the ‘setting mark* (41) engraved longitudinally on the
brass Casting (3). Hiring transport the fuze is normally set at its maximum-setting
of 90 metres. The relative positions of the moving parts are then as shown in
section A3.

If it is desired to reduce the depth setting, the setting key (24) is inserted
in the spindle (23) and rotated in the direction of the arrow engraved on the head
of the key. This imparts rotary motion to the cylinder (13) through the worm drive
and, since the arming rod (9) cannot rotate because of the spline (42) engaging in
a groove in the wall of the casting (1), this rod is slowly withdrawn from the
striker body. At the same time the rotation of the cylinder (13) relative to the
casting (12), and hence also relative to the casting (25), causes the steel cylinder
(275, which is keyed , to the casting (25^, to move inwards along the threaded portion
of the cylinder (13). When the cylinder (27) has reached the limit of its travel in
this direction, i.e.; when the set-screw (26) abuts the end of the groove as shown
in Section EF, the setting key (24) can be rotated no further and the reading in­
dicated on the graduated disc (30) is 10 metres. The cylinder (27) thus acts as a
safety device to prevent the complete withdrawal of the arming rod when setting the
fuze and it is still necessary for the bomb to fall through 10 metres of water in
order to conplete the withdrawal and operate the fuze.



(•)(£ )

BOMBA 160 cS.




fuse Armed.
FU»» atMto. min.o«pth iiTfiNq.
secti6n g.h.
Operation of the Fuze.

Wien the bomb is loaded into the Aircraft, the lead seal on tne wire securing
the transport safety pin is broken and the pin is replaced by a flexible wire attach­
ed to the bomb rack. This flexible wire is withdrawn automaticallv when the bomb is
rel eased.

On inpact of the bomb with the surface of the water the heavy brass inertia
bolt (18 l sets forward compressing the striker spring (20). When the inertia bolt
attempts to return to its former position, the two shaped wedges (19) riding on the
coned surface of the bolt are forced outwards and engage wi tli the groove (43) in
the wall of the striker housing (17) thus maintaining the compression of the striker

When the fuze enters the water, water pressure, tending to rotate the water­
screw (11) and force the legs (37) of the pressure plate (34) up the inclined planes
(38), combines with water pressure on the underside of the pressure plate itself to
shear the copper pin (36) and force the plate clear of the fuze, thus releasing the

Rotation of the water-screw causes rotation of the brass cylinder (13) and
consequent withdrawal of the arming rod (9). No interference in this withdrawal is
caused by the steel cylinder (27), since there is no relative motion between the
cylinder (13) and the casting (25).

When the arming rod is completely withdrawn, the steel balls (16) move
inwards apd the compressed spring (20) forces the striker needles (44) into the
percussion caps (45), thus initiating the detonation of the main filling of the bomb.

The percussion caps are located in the brass cap holder C46), which is a
push-fit in the striker housing (17) and secured to it by the set-screw (47). The
striker needles (44) are located with respect to the caps by means of the set-screw
(48) riding in the groove (49) in the striker body (15).

Two screws (50) close two holes in the wall of the striker housing (17),
These holes provide access to the groove (43) and may be used for the introduction
of lubricating fluid or, if it be necessary, for effecting the release of the
striker cocking mechanism. Two lubricating grooves (51) extend along the full
length of tne inertia bolt (18).

Handlin g o f the Fuzed 3omb.

See instructions under description of bomb (Page 245).



Page 261


Tne bomb body 11 in two purt which screw together at (1). They are made
of aluminium alloy approximately 1-mm. thick. The forward and (2) of tne body is
dome shaped, 4.5-ins. deep and 6.0 ins. in diameter. It is fluted in six places (3)
to give faded strengtn aiainst crushing. This increased resistance t> the collapse
of tie dome on impact is important since the unlined ho'lov: charge will then be
held off the target and also preven ted from breaking up until the sensitive fuze
has had 'time to function.- Below the threaded portion on the inside of the dome is
an L-section flange (4), 0.7-ins. wide. On tnis, in the assembled bomb, rests the
main charge (5). To the rear portion (6) of the egg-shaped bomo body the four
stabilisers of the tail unit are rivetted. Each stabiliser consists of a flat fin
(7), ribbed diagonally aa shorn t (8), and a portion (fc) which is pressed to form
one quarter of the tail cone. Each of these four sections is rivetted to the
adjacent section in five places >« indicated at (10). The tail is made of tne same
alloy the body.

On one tail fin is rivetted the ribbed disc (11) which tikes the snaped pin
(12) ai shewn This pin, being held in position by reason of its special shape,
acts as a stop to the vanes of the fuze. The ring (13) is used solely as a loop for
withdrawing the pin when the bomb Is launched.

The fuze screws into the rear end of the bomb at (14) ind is supported in
the outer end of the tail cone. It is assembled in the bomb oy first removing the
spill- pin (15) and withdrawing the vanes (16)?’ The brass sleeve (17) is tnen
unscrewed and the fuze is screwed into the base of the bomb from the inside. The
fuze is then re-assembled by screwing in the sleeve from the <uter end of the tail
and replacing the vanes. This bomb is usually transported and stored filled and
fuzed but without the detonate? (18) and tne detoi ator retaining collar (19) both
of which are packed septf-^tely. -

The bomb is suspended by the lug at (20).

The main filling (5) consists of i pink substance and the exploder pellet
(21) (weignt 3.6-ozs) is pinkish white in colour. These two substances have been
subjected to analysis, and have the following compos!tions: -

Main Filling.

R.D.X. 60%
T.N.T. . 38.’
Wax 2%

Exploder Pellet.

R.D.X. 95%
Wax 5%

In the baee of the charge is a holl w approximating in lection to i parabola.

This follow lias a depth of 2.0-ins. and is 2 8-ins. icross the open end.

Type I
Old Bomba
N ew Bnmta

1. O/A Length of Fused Bonn. 15. l-ins/384-mm.

2. O'A Length less Fuse or Lug. 15. l-ins/384-nt.. 1
3. Length of Body.

4. Dia. of Body. 6.0-ins/152-nn. 1

5. Max. thickness at

6. Wall thickness.; 0.04-ins/l-nm. 1

7. 1
Material and construction
8. of bomb body. See overleaf. 1

Suspension Sy tim. HORIZONTAL - Lu>: '


Body apple green with

10. Co lot ring of bomb.
red spot at nose. .
Nil. 1
11. Markings on botrb..

12.; J
13. length of Tail. 7. 9-ins/200-mm.
14. Dia.-of tail. 8.4-ins>/212-mn’.

15. Material >f tail.- Sheet Aluminium alloy.- 1

16. Colourinf of tail. Apple green. 1

17. Markings on tail. Nil.

18. Construction of Tail. See overleaf. 1


20. Nature of filling. See overleaf.-

21. Weight of' filling. 2.15 Kg.

22. Total Weight. 3. 5 Kg. 1

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge^Total Wt.-Ratio.

25.. Fuse - our designation. Tall (Page 267).




A tk BOMB.



A t-k BOMB.

FUZE FOR 5-5 Ke.


FUZE­ FOR 5-5 Kg.

Our Designation. Tail Fuze for 3 5 Kg.
ITALIAN Df Li gnat ion of fuze.
Hollow Charge A tk
Classification Tail - Meeh Impact.

Markings.- Nil.
3.5 Ka Hollow
Bomb in which ei.iployed. Charge A tk.

Vanes - unpainted sine slloy.

i; Cfll .ur. Fuze - ut.painted brass

2. 0 A length less gaine. 5. 4*ins/138*mm.

3. Mux. spread over vunes. 4.3-ins llb-mn.

Din. over threads where screwed 1.4-ins '36-nsn.

into bomb.

5. Material.' See below

Special detonator with exploder

6. Type of Gaine.


Dr'-vfiption of Fuze,

The bod/ of the fuco is made in three parte, "lhe lowest portion fl) it made
of line alloy and screws into the rear end of the bomb from the inside. Int the
hate of fl) screws the cep holder f2) containing the cup (3). An aluminium collar
holding a flanged detonator screws >n to the holder at (4).

The control portion (5) of the fuse is >f Drass ind screws into the pu t (1).
It hones the two steel safety balls (6) which in the unarmed condition of the fuze
protest through the portion fl) into ■ groove in the heavy arming sleeve f7). In
thia way the arming sleeve is locked to the part f 5).

The steel balls are held in the safe position by the projection fft) of the
arming spindle (9). Thin latter is supported in the brass guide (10).

The three vanes of the fuze mounted n a conical hub are trade of zinc alloy.
The vine assembly is attached to the spindle by a biass split pin f 11).

Action > f the fuze.

- On release of the bomb a shooed pin attached to one of the tail fins of the
bomb Is withdrawn; so allowing the vanes to rotate. The vanes rise with the spindle
as they rotate and when 0.5* in ch of spindle is visible the fuze is fully »rmed.

The withdrawal of the extension f8) all ws the steel balls (6) to move inwards
thus frei'.ng the heavy erming sleeve f7). This latter is prevented from moving
outwards by the split ring f 17) wulch is located in a groove in fB). On impact the
sleeve sets d>w. into the recess f12) in the base of the fuze and s* frees the two
steel balls (13). These are pressed outwards into the groove fl4) in the arming
sleeve and the striker is thus released.

The striker (15) consists of a hollow tube into which fits a tightly coiled
spring (16). On release of the striker head the needle is forced down on to the
cap (3). Tests have been performed which indicate that the armed fuze will function
with a drop of only 2-inches and it should therefore be regarded as a very sensitive

Handling of fuzed bomb.

If the vanes are in place and have not risen above the fuze the latter is
unarmed and the bomb may be handled with safety.

If the vanes have risen 0, 5-inch or more above the fuze the latter is fully
armed and is in a very sensitive condition. It should be demolished in situ by
detonating 1-lb Wet Guncotton adjacent to tne conical portion of the bomb.

If N( other course is open an attempt to move the bomb might be made by care­
fully lifting the bomb until it is nose upwards and carrying it awry in that
position without any jerking or jolting.



(D Long Delay Time Bomb

Bomba 500 R. 0. Page 271

(ID Bomba 100T Page 289

Bomba SOT Page 295
Bomba 40T Page 305
Bomba 24 Page 313

<iin Bomb*. 800 Page 319

Bomba 500 Page 327
Bomba 250 Page 333

(iv) Bomba 104 M Page 339

Bomba 100 M Page 347
Bomba 31 Page 353
Bomba 15 M Page 359

(V) Bomba Sferica da Kg.70 Page 365

(vi) Miscellaneous

Bomba da Kg. 150 Page 371

Bomba da Kg.140 Page 375

13.6 Kg.Marker Bomb (Sea) Page 383

Nose Rise V. Page 387

9 3 -7


___ is-1" —

BOMBA 500. P.O.


BOMBA 500. R.O.


The bomb is built up from a cylindrical steel tube (1) M-in. thick and
18.K/8-in. external diameter. To the ends of this are welded the dome*shaped head
(2) and the base (3). The former contains the central threaded hole (4)'to receive
the. clockwork fuze. Equally spaced round the socket for the time fuze are the
threaded sockets (5) for the four impact fuzes.

The base of the bomb has a central threaded socket (6) to take the tail long
delay fuze.' Arranged round this are four eye-bolts (7).

The tail whicn lias four fins and a wide strengthening band (8) is cast in
light alloy and is secured to the base of the bomb by the screws (91. The tail is
built up on = hollow cone (10) through which pzsses the extension piece to operate
the tail fuze. Tne space between the rear end of the strengthening band (8) and the
projection of the tail cone (10) is partially closed by the cast web (11). Within
the tail cone are four brackets (12) to each of which is attached by means of a
shackle a 700-mm. length of 7-trtn. diameter S.W.R. The other end of the S.W.R. is
attached by means of another shackle to one of the eye-bolts (7).

Four holes giving access to the inside of the tail cone are closed by four
plates (13) which are retained by screws.

If the bomb hits a highly resistant target, such as a dock, a breakwater, a

capital ship or even a substantial building, the bomb will detonate on the operation
of one or more of the impact fuzes. Only if the bomb nits a target wnose resistance
is insufficient to operate the impact fuzes, e. g. water, will it function as a long
delay bomb.

Designation. Tyoe.

Old Bomba 5 S 1
New Bomba 5 00 R.O.

1. O/A Length of Fused Bomb. 93.7-ins/2389-mm.

2. O'A Length less Fuze or Lug. 87.4-ins-'2216 -mm.

3. Length of Body. 50.7-ins/1288-mm.

4. Dia. of Body. 18. 1-ins '460-mm.

(poin t
5. Max. thickness at (nose 2.8-ins '71-mm.

Wall thickness 0. 25-ins '6-mm.



8. Material and construction

See overleaf
• f bomb body.

9. Suspension System. Horizontal - Suspension Band.

10. Colouring of bomb. Body dull blue with 2-ins.

Red Band at the nose.

11. Markings on bomb.


13. Length of Tail. 42.8- ins/1089-mm.

14. Dia. of tail. 18. 1-ins/460-n-m.

15. Material of tail. Cast Light Alloy.

16. Colouring of tail. Kill blue.

17. Markings on tail. Nil.

1? Construction of Tail. Cast al 1 >y.


20. Nature of fill ing.

21. Weight of fil ling.

22 Total Weight.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. QiargeTotal Wt. Ratio. ■

25. Fuze - our designation. J-
’ e t seq. 1.



ruzt j.


------------------ -a- . -------- -|

Ckir Designation Type J.

I'lALIAN Designation of Fuze.

Classification Nose - Meeh Impact.

Markings. Nil.

Borib in which employed. 500 R.O.

1. Coir ur Fleck •

2. O/A Length less gaine. 7-9 ins 2Q0-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 5.6- ins '142-mm.

4. Dit. over threads wnere screwed 2. 2-insy 55-tmt.

into bomb.

5. Material s. Brass ind Steel.

Type of gaine Long Gaine Type 1.



Is s riptio 1 of Fuze.

This is a heavy nose fuze employed in the 500 R.O. bomb Four such fuzes
may be used in a bomb. When armed these fuzes lose their caps and vanes and the
ret airving portions protruding from the bomb have been referred to in certain reports
as ‘horns*.

This fuze is male partly of steel and partly of brass. The steel portion
consists of the 1>wer part (11 of the body, thr striker unit (21 and the shear
washer (31. •

When the i- ifety pin is withdraw from the hole (41 the cap (51 and tne vanes
re free to rotate. Curing rotation the expand the threaded rod (61 attached to
it, rise above the striker (21. The rod (61 keys with the withdrawal rod (71, the
upper part of which is threaded. When this withdrawal rod has risen to tne top of
the striker, the cap and vanes fall away. At the same time the steel br.lls (81,
which immobilise the striker, become free ti move inwi ds. dn imp ct the striker
shirrs the wasner (31. The cap holder (91 is r tight fit into the body of the
fuze, and three lugs (111 fit into grooves in tne body to locate the caps with
respect to the needles..


When the cap and the vanes are missing the fuze is fully armed. fare snould
be t Icen in hardlin> the bomb containing this fuze in view of the possibility of a
partially sheared v asher. If the bomb must be moved it snould be cairied horizontal­
ly rnd the striker protected against accidental jarring.

If less than 1.5-inches of the black steel cylinder (21 projects beyond the
brass fuze body, the washer nas sheared and the cylinder should be firmly secured
to prev-nt further movement. The fuze may then be unscrewed and withdr. *n complete
with detonatjr and gaine. doth these 1 ittcr should be unserrwed from the fuze and
packed t.e farati.1 y.


Our Designation. Long Delay Nose.
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.
Classification. Lung Delay Clockwork.

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed. 500 R. 0..

1. Colour. Unpainted Steel.

2. 0/A length less gaine. 16.25-ins/408-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes.

Dia. over threads where

4. screwed into bomb.

5. Material. See below.

6. Type of Gaine. Long gaine^Types 5 or 6


Description of Fuze.-

The fuze is a nose fuze. The body is made of steel, and its greatest length,
not including the gaine, is 16.1/4-ins.

To facilitate assembly, the fuze body consists of the following parts:-

A. This is the nose piece which carries the vanes (1) and houses the withdrawal
rod (2).

B. The ignition mechanism, which functions on impact, is housed in the4part B. This

part is covered at its inner end by the copper disc (3). The rim of this
plate-is compressed between the parts B and C to produce a gas tight joint.

C. Into C, which is the main nousing for the clock mechanism, is screwed the part
B. It also contains the heavy steel washer (4) which is coned to allow the
movement of the copper disc.

D. The clock housing is completed by the part D, which also contains the arming
mechanism of the fuze.

E. This is tne base piece which screws into the end of D. • Secured to it by the
locking ring (5) is the gaine (6) with its detonator and adaptor.

The whole of the mechanism within the fuze can be most conveniently considered
as consisting of three units-.

The Ignition Unit.

This is in the nose of the fuze.- During the fall of the bomb, the vanes (I)
rotate, and the withdrawal rod (2) moves outwards into the hollow hub of the vanes.
The screws (7) retain the vanes in the nose of the fuze, and prevent any longitudinal
motion. Thus the vanes do not show any visible sign whether or not the ignition
mechanism is aimed.



Italian Lonc^ Delay (Clockwork Nose Fuze

When the withdrawal rod (2), which is prevented from rotating by the lugs
(8) moving in a longitudinal groove, has moved forward 0.55-ins. tne steel safety
balls (h) ca.i move inwards, and so free the sleeve (10). The strixer (7) is also
free to move, ana is located by means of a screw moving in tne slot (7) in the
sleeve (10). On impact, this sleeve sets forward, carrying the tnree caps (11)
on ti the three striker needles (12) against the pressure of a light creep spring
(13). Tne sleeve (10) is located with respect to 3, by the screw (14), which moves
in a longitudinal groove. The firing of the caps ignites the powder pellets (15)
situated in the plug (6).

Tn» gas pressure produced as a result of the ignition of the powder pellets
causes tne ccpper disc (3) to assume a dome snafe, as indicated at (IS). A gas
tight joint for the copper disc is designed at (34), and prevents leakage of tne
products of combust ion ' in to the clock mecnanism beyond. The plunger (19) then
moves in the sleeve (20) 1 ongitudinal1y,al 1 owing the safety balls (21) to move
inwards behind the head of the plunger Die perforated plate (22) is then free
to move forward.

Ths li »< l»;1 ay Uni *.

I The letters and the figures in brackets under A to C refer to the detailed
drawing of the clock mechanism).

The complete mechanism as shown, weighs 1-lb 11-ozs. It is stoutly built

of plated brass. A pressure of 4.1/2-lbs is required to depress the striker to the
cooked Dositicn.

A. Figure A, shows the clock with the discs, C, D, E and F removed (in that
order). The striker is held in the cocked position by the lever (1) which
is pivoted on the pin (2). This latter is retained in the slot (3) in the
plate (4) by two screws (5), the heads >f which overlap the pin.- A sho't
finger (6) is provided to enable the lever to be moved by means of a tool
inserted through the groove (7). On the lever is a small roller (8) facili­
tating the movement of the time disc E, against tne inner side of which tne
roller presses. Die toothed wheel E, engages with the uppermost of the train
of wheels (9). Oh the upper surface of E, are three spring projections (10)
wtich engage in tne ridges in the underside of the time disc b, and so urge
it round. When the slot (11) arrives opposite to the lever (1) the latter
moves outwards, releasing the striker (12). The lever in the ‘set’ position
is shown in figure B.

B. The cl ck is vound by means of an ordinary clock key inserted through the

btse at (13). The rod (14), in the position shown, holds the lever (15)
attached to which is the hair spring (15). This latter bears on the balance
wheel (17). When the rid (14), is pushed down, the lever (15) executes a rn tary movement about its pivot (18) under tne influence of tne coiled
spring (19), The nair spring (16) tnen moves clear of the balance wheel, at
at the sane time giving it the necessary urge to start the clock.

C - F, The assembly of the discs is shown in figure 3

Die timing disc at the head of the clock is graduated from 0 to 8, and each
d., vi si in is sub-divided into 6. Die clock may thus be set for a minimum period of
1/6 of a day, - that is, 4 hours up to a maximum period of eight days. The clock
is cushioned in the housing in C uy a number of rubber washers shown at (35) ana (36).
Die clock is started by the longitudinal movement of the rod (26). The head of
this rod engages in a groove in the plate (24) which is urged forward by the pressure
of the spring (25). As this latter plate is attached to tne perforated plate (22) by
the three rods (23), it can only move after the distortion of the copper disc has
freed tne plate (22).

The Anning Unit.

Thin consists of a bras* cylinder (27) with light brass projections (28)
around the circumference of one end. On impact it acts forward, end is regained
in the forward position by the projections which engage in the groove (20), By
thia means the spring (.30) la compreased -nd so provides the pressure to move the
plate (24) in order to start the clock.

AHaehfed id the plate (24) is the cylinder (31) which is hollo* to receive
the iifhif Mi) MHd which UHies at its inner end the cap (33); in the 'arrtied'
pdlitibri dHbi ii the bdp capable Of being pierced Dy the striker when the Ikitet ii
i-fei te*abd by the ddtkwutk mechanism;

Tfr whole fuse weighs approximately 45-lbs.;


The ba lune- wheel it situated appr iximately 10-inches from the nose of the
fuse so that it is unlikely tnat the present model of clock stopper would be effec-
tlva in stopping tie clock.
It is rnCurnn>ended that suspected long delay boots be left. 9 days before com­
mencing the usual excavations prirf to rentval. All the usual precautions observed
in dealing with Germa.) Bombs containing a No. 17 fuse should be applied in the c«Seof
boobs containing the clock.
An <>mi rgency method for dealing with a bomb containing this click has been
d<vised for cases when it is not possible to remove the clockwork mechanism from
the bomb. This method depends upon the ability to remove the part E from the fuse
and has never been tried operationally.

When the part B has been removed, the copper disc (3) is exposed. If tnis
disc is not f»und depressed then the fuse is safe, since the rod (26) nas not been
pushed down t > relecGe the balance wheel of the clock nor is the cap (33) in the
firing position.

If the diac is found to be depressed proceed as folloaa--

(a) Using about a 1/8-inch drill, drill through the cooper disc at two or more
places just outside the edge of the 1-lnch diwneter centre doss.

(b) Introduce the standard 20% sugar Solution by means of the S.S. Equipment,
using ,1 collet desigred to fit over the cunicul head of the part B.

Laborutory tests show tnat the clock stops a few seconds after udnittlng the
solution and will not iu-start on oscillating the fuse about its axin.

■ 282-
Our U-signation. Long Delay Tail.
11 'ALIAN Design ition of fuze.

Classification. Long Delay


M rkings Nil.

Bomb in which employed. SOO R.O.

I. Colour Uhpainted Steel.

2. O/A length less game 14. 25- ins/362-rm.

d. M ix. spread over * ines. 7 4-ins/190-mm.

Di ii over threads where

4. screwed into bomb. 3.9-ins ''99-tto.

5. Material. Br*ss ind Steel.

6. Typo of Gaine. Long faine Types 5 or 6.


Inscription of Fuze

Ute fuze proper without the taine, the extension rod und adapting sleeve is
approximately II 1/4-in. long. The body of the fuze can be conveniently described
in four sections:-

A. This part is made jf bless, ano protrudes beyond the base of the bomb. It
contains the ignition mechanism. To its outer end is screwed the ideptinx
sleeve (1 ) which takes the square section end of tne fuze extension piece D.

3. This heavy steel p rt contains the copper disc (2). Auove the disc is the
thick steel washer (3) which is screwed down on to the disc to make a gas
tight joint. Attached to the underside of the disc, is tne met. 1 cylinder
(4), into which is screwed the striker holder (5). This striker holder
forms part of the disc (6) which operates the starting device for the clock.

C. This is the main housing for the clock mechanism.

D. Tne rain clock housing is closed by the plug D. Tnis plug holds the gaine
(7) with its detonator (8). These latter form the exploder system, and ire
secured in the base of the fuze by the locking ring (9). .

The ingitioi Un, t

This unit consists of the part A together with the si eev» (1) and the extension
piece (10). The saf» ty pin fnr tne fuse mechanism is withdrawn from the h-le (28)
befo-c the nomb is launcned. Luring the fall of the bomb, the vanes of the fuse x-
tensioa piece D rotate, and so cause the,’ rotation of the sleeve (1). This latter
screws on to the collar (11) so that the sleeve and collar rotate together. Within
the Collar, is the threaded upper part 04 tne withdi^wil rod (12), This latter has
two projecting pins (13) which engage in two vertical gr oves (14) in the brass
body. The withdrawal rod is thus prevented from rotating.

- 283-
When the vanes rotate, the withdrawal rod rises within tne sleeve, and when
it has risen 1.5-in. the two steel safety balls (15) aie free to move inwards, and
so free tne striker (15). The latter is prevented from rotating, and the three
needles (17) are located with respect to the tiiree caps (18) by the screw (19) which
moves in the vertical groove (20). On impact of the bomb with the target, the
striker sets forward against the creep spring (21) and fires the caps which provide
• tne impulse necessary to distort the copper disc (2). This disc then assumes a
dome-shape, moving with it the cylinder (4). This movement produces two effects -
it brings the needle (23) into the firing position,and it moves the disc (5) towards
the clock.

Located in a groove in the disc (6) is the rod (24), and as this moves down­
wards, the clock is started as already described.

■The Time Lei ay Mechanism.

This consists of a clockwork mechanism, which is similar in all respects to

that described on page except that the needle and holder in the stiriker of the
clock are re’ooved, and in the open end is placed a cap (25) which is retained in
position by the collar (27). The clock is cushioned in its housing by a number of
perforated rubber discs (25).

When the time for which the clock is set has elapsed, the cap (25) moves
forward on to the striker (23) and the flash passes through the hollcw striker to
the detonator (8).

* The total weight of the fuze is approximately 25 lbs.


The balance wheel of the clock is located 4.3'4-in. below tne base of tne
bomb, and tne presence of the ignition unit A, prevents the effective use of tne
present design of clockstopper.

It is considered that the ticking of the clock would te aucible with the
present design of stethoscope, though it has not been possible up to the present
to confirm this.

As the clock may be set tor a delay up to 8 days, it is reconmended that

suspected long delay bombs be left for 9 days before conznencing the usual excavatio i
prior to removal. All tne precautions observed in dealing with German Bombs contain­
ing ho. 17 tuzes should be applied.

The emergency technique described for the clockwork nose fuze (Page 282) can
equally well be applied to this fuze' providing the brass igrition unit A can be
removed fran the fuze.



ITALIAN Designation f fuze. Our Designation EXTENSION PIECE D

Classi fi cat ion.


Bomb in which employed 500 R.O.

800, 500, 250.

Vanes - Green, or unpainted Brass

Extension Piece - Green or unpainted
1. Colour. • Remainder - Unpain ted Brass.

2. 0/A length less gaine. • See Below

3. Max. s pread over vanes. 7- S-ins/190-mm.

Dia. over threads where

4. 1. 2- insZ30-nm.
screwtd into bomb tail.

5. Materi al. Brass and Steel.

6. Type of Gaine.-


Description of Rize.

This extension piece is employed as an arming mechanism for Ion,} tail bombs.
The withdrawal jf the pin (1} permits the vanes to rotate and in turn rotate the
rid (2). The universal >oints (3) and (4) allow for errors in alignment. The
lower end of the rod (5) is square in section and fits the sleeve (6), whi cn is
internally threaded at its lower end to receive the fuze mechanism

In order to accommodate the various lengths of tail, different lengths of

extension link ikB are unployed. Up to the present date specimens have been recovered
with extension links measuring 50 cms., 80 ems.j and 70: nns. and these are employed
respectively with the modified fuze t to form fuzes 03 h id 02 in Bomba 250 and 500
and with the lor g delay clockwork tail fuze in Bomb- 500 R.O.

BOMBA 100. T

This is a G.P. thin walled demolition bomb. It can be fitted for either
horizontal or vertical suspension and there appear to be two types of tail which
may be used. The older type is distinguished by a plain strengthening band and the
newer possesses 7 corrugations.

Tie tail is secured to the body by a series of screws in one row around the
periphery of the bomb at the junction with the tail.

The fuze usually employed is the Cl but with the older tail fuze Y1 can be

- 289-
Designation, Tyge_
Old Bom.ja na Kg. 100. T. • G.P. DEMOLITION
New E omDa 100. T. (TORPEDINE CL4SS)

1. 0/A Length if Fused Bomb. 53.0-ins/1345-mm.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 51.4- ins/1305-mm.

3. length of Body. 32. 5- ins/825-mm.

4. Dia. of Body. 10. 7-ins/272-nin.

/point 3.0-ins/76-mm.
5.- Max. thickness at (note 2. 0-ins/51-imj.

6. Wall thickness 0. 25-ins/6- m. •


8. Material and construction of comb

HORIZONTAL. Suspension Hand.
9. Suspension System. VERTICAL. Nose Lug or by fitting
on tail in older type.

ip. Colouring cf bomb. Body dull blue with 2-ins. Red band at
11. Markings on bomb. NIL.


13. I ength of Tail. 22. 0-ins/560-mm.

14. Dia.- ->f tail. 10.7- ins/27 2-mm.

15.: Material of tail.- Sheet iron.

16. Colouring of tail. Dull Blue.

17. Markings on tail. NIL.

18. Construction of Tail. Two types (see overleaf).


20. Nature of filling.- T.N.T.

21. Weight of filling. 50,6 kg.

22. Total Weight. 100.0 kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

- . ... ..

24. (Large zTo tai Wt. Ratio. 50.6%

25. Fuze - our designation. TAIL. Type Cl or Yl (pp 293 (k 351)



ITALIC Designation of fuze.
Qir Designation Type Cl


Classification. TAIL- Meeh Impact
1D0 T. e 100 M.

Markings. ML

Bomb in which employed 100 T lhQ

1. Colour Body and Vanes - Unpainted Brass

Steel tube - Blacx.

2. 0 A length less game. 19.2 ins '488-nrn.

3 Max. spread over vanes. 6.?-ir>s 158-mm.

Di a. over threads where screwed

4. 1.65- ins '42-nzr.
into bonb.

5. Material. Brass arid Steel

6. Type of Gaine. Long Uaine Type I.


scription of Fuze.

The withdrawal of the safety pin (1 ) permits the vanes (2) to rot te. Tr.e
varies do net whthairaw the screw threaded rod (3) from the tube (4) because of tne
setscrew (5 ) engaging in tne annular slot (5). A brass sleeve (7) prevents the set­
screw (5) oecoining inadvertantly unscrewed. An alternative method of retaining the
sciew-threaded rod is the ust of a U-shaped pin as lllustr ted in fuze C. The inner
tube (8) is prevented from rotating by a pin (91 passing through tne two slots ( 19).
Tne tube (S' tiierefore rises on the screw-threaded rod (3) and tne lower end is with­
drawn from the striker (11). Whan this witndrawal nas progressed far enough to
allow the steel oal1s (12) to move inwards, the striker is free to move forw rd
.gainst the creep spring (13) and fire the caps (14) in thr nolder (15). Attached
t> the base of the striker is tne snail plate (lb) which has two projections (17)
which move in the vertical slots (18). Die cap holder (IS) has two similar projec­
tions (19) and in this way the needles are located with respect to the caps. A
screw-threaded collar (20) retains the cap nolder in the fuze.

Handling of Fuzed bomb

The e> temai appearance of this fuze gives no guide as to the extent to which
the rod has been withdrawn from the striker, but, if the top of tne inner tube (6)
is visible t irougn the nole (21) in the tube (4), then the fuze has not commenced
to arm. On 'o account should tne vanes be rotited as tne lower end of tne tube (8)
might be forced onto the striker and cause 1t to move towards the caps The bomb
is best carried with care in the norizonf‘1 position.

Io Lx-fuze The Bomb.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on tne Domb.
(c) Ensure that the vares are not rotated.

- 203-
(d) Carefully remove the split pin (22) securing the vanes, and remove
the vanes.
(e) Remove the securing screws and take off the tail, drawing it care­
fully over the fuze.
( f) Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with detonator and game.
Unscrew the gaine from the fuze and pack separately. •


If the tail is distorted or damaged so that it will no: Conveniently with­

draw over the fuze it may be cut as necessary so as to expose ttie base of the bomb
to allow the fuze to be unscrewed.

BOMBA 50. T.

This G.P. H.E. Horrba is the only example of i bomb of this weight - viz.
50kg. It has a n>se thickness of 0.5-inches and an average wall thickness of 0.25-
inches. Tne uomb i s in two parts, tne body nd the base plate. The latter is
atticbed to the former by a single row of 16 screws (e. g . Bomba Mina - S, A.P.type
wnere the attacirnent is usually by two rows of screws').

The tail of the bomb is made up of four fins, strengthened i the outer end by
a corrugated band, < and atti ched to a central cone.- It is secured to the basic plate
by row of screws and is located gainst i shoulder on it.

The tail c n be distinguished from the similarly constructed tails of 1C0.T

and 100.M by tne numoer jf corrugations in the strengthening band. The 50.T his
five and the other bomb referred to seven.

Designation Type


New Boirba SO. T

r. O/A length of Fuzed Bomb. 40. 5-ins/102o-nini

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 38. 0-ins/965-mm.

3. Length >f Body 21.7-ins/S5O-mm.

4. Dia. Body. 9 9-ins/252->nn.

S. Max. thickness at z??!?1

(nose 0.5- ins/12-nm.

6. Wall thickness 0.25-ins/6-mm.


8. Material and construction of bomb (See overleaf)

Horizontal. Suspension Band
9. Suspension System Vertical. Nose Lug or by fitting
jjn tail in olde^t^^
10. Colouring of bomb. Body Hill Blue with 2-ins.
Red Band at nose.-

11. Markings on bomb. Nil.


13. Length of Tail. 18.4-ins/468-mm.

14. Dia. - o f tail. 9.9-ins/252-nn..
IS. Material of tail. Sheet Iron.

16. Colouring of tail.- Dull Blue

17. Markings on tail.- NIL.

18. Construction of Tail. Two types (see overleaf)


20. Nature of filling AMATOL or T.N.T.

21. Weight o f filling. 25 kg.

22. Total Weight. 58. kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge'Total Wt. Ratio. 43.1%

25. Fuze - our designation. TAIL - TYFE C or Y (pp. 299 md 303)



50. T.

Our Design ition. Y

ITALIAN Designation of fuze.

SPOLETTA PER BOMBA 50. T Classification TAIL - Meeh Impact

Markings Nil

Bomb in which empl oyed 50. T.

Body and Vares - Unpainted Brsss

1. Co lour
Steel tube - Black

2. O/A Lenvth less gaine. 16.6- ins/422-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes 4«7-ins /120-mm.

4. Dia. over threads where screwed 1. 65-ins/42-rrm.

into Domb.

5. Material 3rass and Steel.

6. Type of Gaine. Long Gaine Type I


inscription if Fuze.

The mode >f operation ot this fuze is the same cs that hr the fuze type N
which is. found in the 15.M Lomb. Tnere are, however, certain differences in the
dimensions, in the safety devices; and als in detail if the cap md striker assembly.
Externally the bize resembles the fuze C altnougr it is 0.4-inch greater in length
and there is r.o inspection hole in the steel tube (17).

The vanes (1) are secured to the screw (2) by a split pin (3). When tne
safety pin (4) is withdrawn, the vanes rot ite and withdraw the rod (5) from the
strike! (5). The steel safety balls (7) can then move inwards and free tne striker.
The colliir (8), which is threaded to take the screw (2), is secured bv tne two screws
(9). On impact tne striker, provided with two needles, compresses the creep spring
and fires the caps (10), in the holder (11).- Attached to the base of the striker is
the. small plate (12) which t as two projections (13) which move in the vertical si ts
(14). The cap holder (11) has two similar projections (15), and in this way the
needles er- located with respect to the caps. A screw-th reared collar (16) retains
the cap holder in the fuze.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

The fuze is armed when app riximatel y 2W-|ncnes of screw-thread sppear between
the and the collar (8); Bombs containing these fuzes should only be moved in
the horizontal position, preferably using sling.

To Lefuze The Bomb.

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or i erk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the vares ire not rotated.
(d> Carefully remove tne split pin (3) securing the vanes, and renove
the vanes.

(e) Remove the securing screws and take off the tail, driving it care­
fully over the fuze.
(f) Unscrew the fuze and complete with detonator and gaine.
Unscrew th<. giine from the fuze and pack separately


If the tail i« dist>rted or damaged so that it will not conveniently withdraw

over the fuze it may be cut s necessary so as to expose the I aae of the bomb to
allow the fuze to be unscrewed.

ITALIAN Designation of fuze. Ou; Designation. Type C.

SPCLH7TA PER BOMBA 50.T Classification. TAIL - Much.; Impact

Markings NIL

Bomb in which aployed. 50.T

Body and Vanes. Unpa*nted Brass

1. Colour
Steel tube..; Block. .

2. Q A length less gaine. 16.2-ins/411-nin.

3.: Max. spreaa over vines. 6.2-ins./158-nm.

Dia. over threads where screwed 1.6 5-i ns/42-mm.

4. into bomb. -

5. Material Brass Lid Steel

6. Type >f Gaine. Long Gaine Type I


I escription of fuze.

The withdrawal of the safety pin (1) permits the vanaa (2) t rotate. They
do not withdraw the screw threaded rod (3) from tne tube (4) because of the U-shapec
pin which engages in the annular slot (5). Ar alternative method o f retaining the
screw-threaded rod is the use of a set screw illustrated in Fuse C.4. The inner
tii>e (6) is prevented from rotating by a pin (7) pissing through the two slots (81
The tuiie (6) therefore rises on the screw-threaded rod (3) und the lower end is
withdrawn from the striker (9). When this withdrawal hai progressed far enough to
How the steel balls (10) to move inwards, tne striker is free to move forward
t,ainst the creep spring (11) and fire the caps (12) in -tne holder (13). Attached
to the base of the striker is the stull plate (14) which h»<i two projections (15)
which move in the vertical slots (16). The cap holder (13) hat two similar pro­
jections (17) nnd in this way the needles are 1»eaten with respect to the caps. A
screw-threaded collar (18) retains the cap holder in the fuze.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

The external appearance of this fuze gives no guide as to the extent to which
the rod has been withdrawn from the striker, but, if the top f thi inner tube (6)
is visible th rough the nole (191 in the tube (4), then the fuze has not "ormenced to
arm. On no account should the vents be rotated as the lower end of the tuoe (6) may
be forced on to the striker md cause it to move towards the raps. The bomb is bast
carried with care in the horizontal position.

T Dei ze Iht jo.. \

(i) Observe iny visual indications f arcing.

(is) Avoid any longitudinal bJi >w on the fuze or jerk on the bomD.
(<:) E,sure that the vanes are not rotated.
(<i) Carefully remove the split pin (19) securing the vanes, and remove the
(«) Remove the securing screws and taut off the tail, drawing it carefully
over the fuze.
( i'l Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with aetonator end gaine.
Unscrew the gaine frac the fuze and pack separately.

Ii the tail is distorted or a.imuged so that it will not conveniently withdraw
oveT the fuze it may be cut as necessary so . s t> expose the base of the bomb to
allo* Lie fuze to be unscrewed.

Specimens of a bomb, agreeing with the pictures and dimensions >f the 40 Kg.
oomb given in I tai ian documents, have been recovered from tnemy Bomb bumps.

The banb body was painted bright yellow and there was a 2.ins. red bard
round the nose. Tests have been made for a C. R. filling on account of the bomb
cnloiring but analysis of tie filling gives the f-llowing conposi ti on:

P.E.T.N. 20%

Arrmonium Ni trate. 80%

Desi gnation Type

Olc Bomba


Bomba 40. T

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb 31. 9-lns/810-nm.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 31. 5-ins/800-mm.

3. Length >f Body. 19.7-ins/5OO-rm.

4.- Di; of Body. 9.8-ins''250-rrm.

5< Max. thickness at £p°*nt


6. Wall thickness


8. Material and construction of Steel - Cast in one piece, with

bomb body. brackets for tail attachment.

9. Suspension System. VERTICAL - Nose lug.

10. Colouring of bomb. See oyerleaf
11. Markings on bomb. Stencilled weight detajjy.

13. Length o f Tail. 14. 6-ins/37 O-rn-n. .. . . .. -

14. Dia. of tail. 9.0-ins/250-tnn.
15. Material of tail. Sheet iron
14. Colouring of tail. Dark Green
17. Markings on tail. Nil.

18.- Construction of Tail. Skeleton structure consisting of four

fins mounted on short cylinder with
strengthening bend around rear end.


20. Nature of filling. See overleaf

21. Weight of filling.

22. Total Wei gilt. 37.0 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case. 18.8 Kg.

24. Q\arge/Totel Wt. Ratio „

25. Fuze - our designution. Tail - Type N3. (Page 311).


O 3
-------------------------- 610 'Vm
I AL I AN Designation of fuze. (Air Desigr‘tion N. 3

Classification. Tail - Meeh .Impact.



• Bomb in wnich employed 40. T.

Body and Vanes - Unpainted Brass

1. Coljur
Steel tube - Black
0 A length less gr.ine. 12.7-ins/324-«m.

3.- Max. s (read aver vanes. 4.9-ins/124-mn.

Din. over threads where sersaed

4. 1.3- in s/3 5-mm.
into bomb.-

5. Ma terial Brass ana Steel

6. Type of Gaine Long gaine Type 7


Description of Fuze.

This fure is generally similrr to the type N described on Page 363 as also are
the N.2,andN.4-

The empf -yment of these fuzes is:-

ni ;Bomoa 24 (Page 317)

N2 i Bomua 31 (Page .357)
N 3 ( doubl e Bomba 40.T (Page 311)
N4 (double Bom oa 104M (Page 345)

The lengths of the fuzes vary slightly. In comparing these,tne dimensions

from the flange (1) of the fuze to the under side (2) of the vane has beer taken.

N 22.7 cm.
>1 22.9 cm,
N2 22.9 cm. •
N3 28.0 cm.-

These fuzes are characterised by the presence of a safety pin which passes
through the body of the fuze and holds the striker. In the ca e of fuzes N, N2,
N3 and N4 there is a second safety pin massing through the steel tube (5) .nd also
through the arming spindle thus holding the vanas from rotating.

The presence of two safety devices is thought to be connected with the fact
th■ in the case of two types i f tail tne fuze has been welded to the tail. In
these cases there has been no central tube. Two sheet metal pieces suitably shaped
and bent at right angles have been welded to the steel tube of the fuze to form the
four fins. In such cases it is thought that the fuze being less well protected than
wnen carried in the usual manner in wood boxes, the extra safety precaution has
therefore been introduced. The lower safety pin would be withdrawn by hand before
the boirb was loaded into the aircraft, and the upper safety pin would be replaced
Dy ■" flexible wire which would be withdrawn as the comb was la inched.

In the case of bomLu 24 which takes fuse N1 it has been observed tnat the
tail was -t imped S on each of the 4 fins, but as the specimen* was duaged it wa s
impossible to decide how tne vanes were held as the hole for the upper safety pin
was not present. This is the exceptional case. -

Handl ing.

The method given under fuze N should be aaopted. If, however, the tail
and fuze are welded together the foil'wing procedure may be adopt?i after taking
the neces itry safety precautions, should the removal of the fuze be desired.

(i ) In the case of Bomba 24 with fuze N1 - Unscrew the tail and fuze
together. - -

(b) In the case of Bombi 31 with fuzes N2 - Loosen the tightening screws
on the band at the base of the tail .'id unscrew fuze and tail together.


This LX>mb which is believed obsolescent has n >t been encountered ojerution-
illy tut specimens were recovered in IRITR1A from wnich the details overleaf have
been obtained.

-313- 4
Designation Type

Old Bomba da Kg 24 T G.P. DIMOLITION

New Bemba 24

1. O/A Length of Fused Bomb.; 30. 5- i ns/77 5-nim.

2.. O/A Length less Fuse or Lug. 30. 5-ins/775-nrn.

3. Length of Body. 19.9-ins ^50 5-mm.

4 lia. of Body. 6.4-ins/162-irm.

5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. 'all thickness


8. Material and construction of

bomb body.

9. Suspension System. HORIZONTAL - Suspension Band.

10. Colouring of bomb. Dull Blue

11. Marking', on bomb.- Nil.


13. Length of Tail.- 14.8 -ins/375-mm.

14. Di a.-of tail.- 6.A - ins /16 2-mm.

15. Material of tail.- Sheet iron

16. Colouring of tail. Dull blue

17. Markings on tail. Nil

18. Construction >f Tail. See jnder fuse N3 for Bomba 40:.T.


20. Nature of filling. TNT or Amatol

21. Weight of filling.- 12.0 Kg.

22. Total Weight. 24 Kg - NOMINAL

23. Weight of Bomb Case. 13 Kg.

24. Charge.-Totai Wt.; Ratio. 50:.0%

25. Fuse - out designation. Tail - Type N1 (Page 317)





Our Designation N.I
II 'LIAN Designation of fuze
Classification Tail - Meeh. Impact
Markings. Nil

3omb in which employee! 24

1. Col our Body and Vanes - L’npainted Brass

Steel tube. - Black.

2. O'A length less gaine. 10.6-ins/27O-mm.

3.- Max. spread over vanes 4. l-ins/104-mtr.

4. Dia. over threads where screwed

into bomb. 1.15-ins/30-mm.

5. Material Brass and steel.

6. Type of Gaine.

A description of this fuze appears -n Page 311.


This is the largest of the G.P. heavy calibre demolition bombs. The body is
cast steel parallel sided with wall thickness increasing towards the nose which is
threaded to receive an A Fuze. The other end of the body is closed by a shaped and
flanged disc which is provided with a central threaded boss to receive the tail
fuze. This base plate serves to effect a junction between the bomb body and the
tail the former being attached by two rows and the latter by one row of screws.

The tail unit is cast in one piece of light alloy and is in tne form of a
cone with four fins strengthened by a circular band at their extremities. The
end of the tail is provided with a threaded bush to receive the vane unit to which
is the articulated extension rod wni ch operates the tail fuze.

The explosive filling is made up in eight cast pieces shaped one for nose, and
one for the tail with six intervening cylindrical portions between then.
Desi gnation
Type I

Old Bomba da Kg. 800 mod. 1928

New Bomba 800 G.P. DEMOLITION I

1. 0'A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 127.8-ins 3247-nm.

2. 123. 7-ins'3142-trm 1
O'A Length less Fuze or Lug.

3. Length of Body. 75. 2-ins/1910-mm. 1

4. Dia. of Body. 18. 0-ins'458-mm. 1

(point 0.75-ins OO-nrn. 1

5. Max. thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness. 0. 5-ins/12-mm. 1

L7* 1

Steel Parallel-sided
8. Material and Construction of bomb Base plate attached by 60 screws in 1
2 rows.
1 9' Suspension System. Horizontal - Suspension 3and. 1

Body: LXj 11 31 ue 1
I10, Colouring of bomb. Nose: 4-in. Red band. 1

Ixi, 1
Markings on bomb. Nil.
113. Length of Tail. 51.2- ins ' 1300-nro.
I14- 1 Dia. of tai 1 . 18.0-ins '458-mm.
I15* 1 Material of tail. Cast alloy.
116. Colouring of tail. Dull Blue.

I17, Nil |
Markings on tail.

Four narrow vanes with circular 1

band 200-mn. width. 1
118. Construction of Tail. Fixed to body by 28 screws. 1

TNT in eight shaped cast blocks 1
I 20. I Nature of filling. for nose, centra] portion and tail.

1 21* 357 Kg. 1

1 Weight of fill ing.

1 22. I Total Weight.

|23. 1 Weight of Bomb Case.

|24." 1 Charge'To tai Wt. Ratio. 44.6

Nose - Type A (Page 3231

125. 1 Fuze - our designation.
Tail - Type O 1 ( "’age 324) 1

126. I


ITALIAN Designation of fuse. Our Designation. Type A.

di g. c. Classification. Nose - Mechanical

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed. 800, SOO,


1 Colour. Unpainted Brass.

2. O/A length less gaine. 8.2-ins ^208-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 6.3- ins/160-mm.

4. Dia. over threads where serrwed into

bomb. 2 3-ins/58-inn.

5. Material Brass.

6. Type of Gaine. Long Gaine Type I.


Description of Fuze.

On withdrawing the safety pin from the hole (1) and removing the steel clip
(2), the vane (3) is free to rotate. The vane is secured to the collar (4) by Means
of wo screws (5). Through this collar passes a screw (6) which projects into the
annular soace (7). The rotation of the vane causes the screw-threaded portion of the
arming rod (8) to withdraw, the arming rod being prevented frcm rotating by two
screws (0) which travel in guide slots (10) in the fuze body • 11 .

After the arming rod (8) has withdrawn 1’4-inches the two steel balls (12)
move towards the centre and the striker block (13) and tne cap holder (14s are tree
on impact, to move together against the creep spring (15) and fire the caps (lb>. Tne
striker needles are located with respect to the caps by means of screws in tne
striker body which travel in guide slots (17).

Handl ing.

(a) Observe any visual indication of arming.

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(d) Carefully unscrew the fuze and remove it complete with detonator and
(a) Unscrew lnth tne detonator and the gaine trom the fuze and pack them

ITALIAN Designation of fuze. Our Designation. Type 0.1


Classification Tail - Mn:chan.Lcal Impact
DI g.c.

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed. 800

Fxtension piece green or unpainted

1. Colour.
Steel. Vanes green or unpainted Brass­
Fuze. Unpainted brass.

2. 0/A length less gaine 49. l-ins''1248-mm.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 7.5- ins/190-mm.

Dia. over threads where

4. screwed into bomb. 2. 3-ins '58-nrn.

5. Material. Brass and Steel.

5. Type of Gaine. Long Gaine Type I.

7. Length >f portion A3

Description of Fu z e.

B.e fuze 0 consists of the fuze A (Page 323), which has been modified for use
with the Extension Piece D (Page 287) by removing the vane and screwing in its place
the brass adaptor (1). Removal of the safety pins (2) end (3) and the steel clip
(4) allows the va.ies to rotate and arm the fuze. It will not be possible to detect
from external observation whether this fuze is armed or not.

This fuze has been adapted for use with the varying lengths of tai] in the
bombs 800, 500 and 250 by fitting different lengths of articulated extension AB and
the fuzes are then designated 01, 02 end 03 respectively.

Handling the Fuzed Bomb.

(a) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on the bomb.,
( b) Ensure that the vanes are not rotated.
(c) Remove the securing screws and take off the tail, drawing it carefully
over the fuze.
(d) Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with detonator and gaine.
Unscrew the gaine from the fuze and pack separately.


If the tail is distorted or danaged so that it will not conveniently withdraw

over the fuze, it may be cut as necessary so as to expose the base of the bomb to
allow tne fuze to be unscrewed.


The design and construction of this bomb and its tail are identical with Bomba
8C0 (Page 319), on a smaller scale.

It is fitted with the same nosed tail fuzes the only difference being in the
length of the articulated extension rod.

The explosive filling is made up in five cast pieces shaped one for the nose
ard one for the tail with three intervening cylindrical portions between them.

- 327-
Desi gnat ion Type
G.P. Demolition.
Old Bomba da Kg 500 mod. 1928

New Bomba 500

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bo.rib. 96.6- ins/2454-n.n.

2. O/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 93. l-ins^2366-mn>.

3. Length of Body. 52.0-ins/1320-rrm.

4. Bia. of Body. 18.0-ins/458-mm.

5. Max. thickness at (nose 0. 7 5-ins/19-nrn.

6. Wall thickness 0. 5- ins/12-mm.


8. Material and construction of bomb body Ihin walled, parallel sided with base
plate attached by 60 screws in 2 rows

9. Suspension System. Horizontal - Suspension Band


10. Body Bull Blue with 4-ins

Colouring of bomb.
red iiand at nose. •

11. Markings on bomb. Nil.


13. Lengtn of Tail. 43.3-ins/1100-n»n.

14. Bia. of tail. 18.0-ins /458-rnn.

15. Material of tai'. Cast Alloy.

16. Colourung of tail. Dull Blue

17. Markings on tail.

Four narrow vanes with circular
18. Construction »f Tail. band 200-mm. width fixed to body by
28 screws.

20. Nature of filling. TNT in five shapjea blocks tor nose,

central portion and tail.

21. Weight of filling. 220 Kg.

22. Tot il Weight. 508 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratic. 43.3%

Nase - Type A (Page 323)

25. Fuze - our designation. Tail - Type 0.2 (Page 331)



ITALIAN Designation of fuse. Our Designation. 0 2

Spulctta di fonde 11 o per txxnbt di ;.c.

Classification. Tail - Mechanical

Markings. NIL.

Bomb in which employed. 500

Fxtension piece: Green or unpainted

Vanes: Green or unpointed brass.
1. Colour. .
Hire: Unpainted brAss.

2. Q'A length less gaine. 45. 2- ins/1148-mn>.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 7.5-lns/190-mm

Din. over threads where

•crewed int' bomb 2. S-ins^SA-mm.

5. Material Brass and Steel

6. Type of Gaine.- Long Gaine Type I.

7. Leirgth of portion D. 31,5-ins^800-™i.

Thin is the fuse A modified as described on Page 324.


This bomb is the smallest of the class *di grosso calibro* and is similar in
construction to Bomba 800 and Bomba 500, but in some models the bomb body is made
up of two parts.

This consists of a parallel sided cylindrical portion attached to the base

plate in the same manner as in the largest bombs and a separate cast nose, of greater
★all thickness attached to the other end of the central cylinder by one row of screws.
Thin nose portion is recessed at the junction so that the overlapping cylinder may
make a flush fit.

The same fuzes as in the larger bcmbs are used, the length of the articulated
extension rod being modified accordingly.

The explosive filling is made up-in two cast pieces shaped for nose and tail.

- 333-
Type '

01c Bomba da Kg 250 Tipo III G.P. Demolition.

Net Bomlra 250

1. O/A Lei-gth of Filled Bomb. 73.8-ins/1877-tnr>.

2. O/A Length less Mrse or Lug. 70.1-ins z1780-mm.

3. Length of Body. 32.9 - i n s/835- m.

4. Dia.• of Body. 17.6-ins/446-mm.

• • . (point 2.0-ins/51 tns.

5. Max. thickness at ****
1.75- ins/44-Tin

6. Wall thickness. 0.4-ins/10-mm.


8. Material and construction of bomb Thin welled parallel sided with base
body. plate attached by 60 screws in tw
rows. In some models the body is made
in twe parts held together by a
circumferential row of screws.

9. Suspension System. Horizontal - Suspension Band


10. Colouring of bomb. Body Hill Blue with 3-lns red band at
11. Markings on bomb, Nil.

13. Length of Tail. 39.4-ins/lOOO-m.

14. Di a. of tai 1. 17.6 -ins/446-rm.

IS: Material of tail. Sheet iron or light aljloy.

16. Colouring of tail. Rill Blue

17. Markings on tail. • Nil.

18. Construction of Tail. Four vanes kith circular bard 205-.nn.

width fixed with 14 screws.


20. Nature of filling. TNT in two shaped Cait pieces.

21. Weight of filling. 12Q Kg.

22. Total Weight. 286 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge^Totil Wt. .^tio. 42%

25. Fuse - our designation. Nose - Type A (page 323>

Tail - Type O.3 (pace.337)



BOMBA 250.
ITALIAN Designation of Fuze. Our Designation. 0 3

Spoletta di fondello pe t ucmoa Classifits'ion. Tail - Mechanic.! Impact

di g.c,

Markings. NIL.

Bomb in which employed. 250.

Fxtension piece; Green or tjnpainted steel

Vanes: Green or unpeinted br "is
Rize; Unpainted brass.
1. Colot r.

2. O'A length less gain*. 37.3- ins/948-u-n.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 7. 5-ins/190-ni).

Dia. ever threads where

4. 2. 3-ins/58-mm.
screwed into bomb.

5. Materials. Brass and Steel.

.6. Type of gaine. Long Gaine Type I.

7. Length of portion A.3. 19.8- ins/500-im>.

This i the fuze A modi tied as described on page 324.

BOMBA 104 M.

No bomb of this weight has yet been encountered. The details available have
been extracted from captured documents. The tail unit has no central cone and in
this respect differs from most other types of bomb tail. The bomb is normally
suspended vertically by means of a V-shaped rod the arms of which pass through the
tail and attached to two lugs at the base of the bomb body. The loop projects
beyond the extremity of the tail and is strengthened by a cross piece.

Desi station Type
Old Bomba da Kg.104 M
New Bomba

1. O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. 43.0-ins/1092-mra.

2. Q'A Lengtn less Fuze or Lug. 43. 0- ins/1092-mm.

Length of Body. 28.0-ins</711-nrn.

10. O-ins/254-ttra
4. Dia. of Body.

5. Max. thickness at G>°se

6. Wall thickness


8. Material and construction of bomb

9. Suspension System. Ver tical.

10. Colouring of bomb.

11. Markings on bomb.


13. Length of Tail.

14. Dia. of tail.

15. Material of tall.

16. Colouring of tail.

17. Markings on tail.

18. Construction jf Tail.


20. Nature of filling. T.N.T. or Amatol.

21. Weight of filling. 30 kg.

22. To tai Wei ght. 104 Kg. (Nominal^

23. Weight of bomb case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratio. 28.8%

25. Fuze - our designation. Tail - Type N4 (Page 345).



104. M.

IT.JLIAN Designation of fuze. Ouf Designation h4

Classification. Tail - Meeh Impact.



Bonb in wnich imployea. 104 M

1. Colour.

2. O'A length less gaine.

3, Max. spread over vanes.

Dia. over threads where

sc rewed into bomb.

S. Materi al.

6;. Type of Gaine. Long Gaine Type 6.


A description of this fuse appears on Page 311.

bQMJA 100 y<

The bomb 1* typical of the S.A.P, class of H.E. demolition bombs. It differs
frim the corresponding T type in having a greater wall thicknesi resulting in i
reduction in the dMAlter und length of the bomb.

' It cun be fitted for ooth horizontal and vertical suspension, the latter being
by u nose lug. An alternative method »f vertical suspension by means, of a ‘basket’
ha!; been found.

Tao types of tail - the older having & plfaxn and the nearer a corrugated
strengthening band ■ are known which differ in length ;y approximately l1fhnm, The
usual fuse employed with this bomb is Y1 but fuse Cl may be fitted as sn alternative.


| De1 i gnntion. Type

Old Bomba da Kg.100M S.A.P. Demolition.

1 New Bomba 100 M

I1' 1 O/A Length of Fuzed 3omb. 50. S- ins/128 4-mm.

I2* 1 49.6- ins/126(> -nm.

O/A Lengtn less Fuse or Lug.-

1 3‘ 1
Length of Body. 31.0-ins/788,m!.
1 4- 1
Dia. of Body. 9.9-ins/252-rn’>
(point 'i. i-ins/b^Si.
1 1 Max. thickness at 1O'’ 1. S-lns/38-nri.

| *>. | O.S-ms/12-nsi.
Vail thickness.
l7« 1

18. I Material and construction of bomb body Cast steel envelope with separate base'
plate attached by screws.

1 9* Horizontal. Insert lug or

&ispension System. Suspension Band.
Vertical. Nose lug or ’basket* attachment
1 10J body Dull Blue with 3-in* red band IF
Colouring of bomb.
U* Mi rkings on bomb. Nil.

121 1
p3. Length of Till. 21.3-ins/540-mm.

I14, 9.9-ina/2S2-nm.
Dia. of tail.

Materie.J^of tail. Sheet iron.

Colouring -f tail. Dull blue.
^Mb'-kinga on tail. Nil.

118. 1 Construction of Tail. Two types 1ee overleaf for description.


20. [Nature of filling. AMZIOL or T.N.T.

hi. [Wi'ight of filling. 27.5 kg. .

|22. I Total Weight. 109 kg.

'23. I Weight of Bomb Case.

1 24 I Ch rge/Totnl Wt. Ratio. 25.2%

1 25 1 1 11 - Type Y1 or Cl
Fuze - our designation. (pp.293 and 351).


Our Designation Type ifl
ITALIAN liesi cnatian of fuze.
Classification. fail - Impact Meeh.


BOMBA 100 M and 100 T.
Bomb in wnich employed. 100 M, 1O0T.

1. Col our. Vines end body unpainted brass.

Steel tube - black

2. OAA length less guine. 20.2-ins/513-nn.

3. Max. upread over vanes. 4.7-ins./120-mui.

Dia, over threads where l,65rins/42 tnn.

screwed into bomb.

5. Material Brass
Stefr 1

6. Typo of Gaine. Lo-ig Type !•


description of Fuze.

The mode of operation of this fuze is the same as that for the fuze type N
which is found in the 15 M bomb. There are, however,. cer tair. differences in the
dimensions; in the safety devices; and also in detail of the cap'ana striker assembly,
Externelly th? fuze resembles the fuze Cl although it is 1-inch greater in .1 <Tigtn arid
th?re is no inspection hole in the steel tube (17).

The vanes (1) are secured to the screw (2) by a split pin (3).When the safety pin
(4) is withdrawn the vanes rotate aid withdraw the rod (5) from the striker (6).
The steel safety balls (7) can then move inwards and free the striker. The collar
(8) which is threaded to take the screw (2) is secured by the two screws (9). Oi
impact the striker, provided with tw needles, compresses the creep spring .'nd fires
the caps (10), in the holder (11). Attached to the case of tne striker is tne small
plate (12) which has two projections (13), which move in the vertical slots (14).
The cap holder (11) har two similar projections (15). end in this way the needles are
located with respect to the caps. A screw-threaded collar (16) retains the cap
hclder in the fuse.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

The fuze is armed when approximately 2M-ir.s of screw-thread appear between

the varei and the Cell a- (8). Bombs containing these fuzes snould only be moved in
the horizontal positipn, ppefeiably using a sling.

To the Bomb. .

(a) Observe any visual indications of arming.;

(b) Avoid any longitudinal blow on the fuze or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the "anes ar* nc t retried.
(d) Carefully lenuive the split pin (3) securing the vanes and remove the
(e) R.'move tne securing screws and take off the tail, drawing it carefully
over the fuze.

(f) Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with detonatoi and gaine. Un­
screw the gaine from the fuze and pack separately.


If the tail is distorted or damaged so that it will not conveniently withdraw

over the fuze it may be cut as necessary s . as to expose the base >f the Konb to allow
the fuze to be unscrewed.


Thi» bomb specimens of which were recovered in ABBYSSJNIA has not been en­
countered operationally, although it would appear according to captured enemy
documents to be still in service.

It consists of a hardened steel body with a nose piece of greater sail thick­
ness welded into it.;

The tail fitted is similar in construction to that used for the 15.M but is
welded to the steel tube of the fuse N2.

- 353-
Desif(nation Type
Old Bonba da kg 31 S.A.P. DEMOLITION
New Bomba 31

1. 0/A Length of Rated Bomb. 31.7-ins/805-nw.

21 0/A Length leas. Rite or Lug. 31.7-ins/8 ’5-mm.

1 3* Length if Body. 22. 5-ins/570-mm.

41 Di i of Body. 6.4-ins/lb 2-rm.

51 Mix. thicknets at (noue

I6* Wall thickness

1 7*

Material and construction of

Steel body with hervier nose
18. bomb body. welded on.

9* Suspension System. Horlxontal. Suspension Band.

1 10. Dull Blue.

Colouring of bomb.

U* Markings on bomb. Nil.


13. Length of Tail. 12. 5-ina/'318-nm.

I14* Di a. of tail. 7.2-ins/184-om.

115. Material of t*ll. Sheet iron.

116. Colouring of tail. Dull Blue.

I17' Markings on tail. Nil. '

Construction of Tail. See under Fuse N3 for Bomba 40.T


|20. Nature of filling. T.N.T. or Amatol.

121. Weight of filling. 10. 5 Kg.

r2. Total Weight. 31 kg. (NOMINAL)

123. Weight of bctnb Case. 17 kg.

I24* Charge. Hota) Wt. Ratio 33.9%

Rise - our designation Tall - Type N.2 (Page 357)




Our Hesitation. N2
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.

Classification. Tail - Meeh Impact


Mark ingi. Nil

Bomb in which employed. 31

Body and Vanes - Unpainted Brass

1. Colour.
Steel tube - Black

2. O/A length l*si game. 11.0-ins '280-mr.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 3.9-ins./OT-mm.

Dia. over threids where

4. screwed into bomb. 1.6-in s/40-nrn.

5. Material Brass and Steel.

6. Type of jfiine. Long gains.


» A description of this fuze uopears on Page 311.


This S.A.P. bomb has n somewhat shell like appcp - tee.' The nose lug is fitted
for vertical su&pensi>n. Near the base of the bomb t projection on the body, in
the form of a flange is provided for the special tail attachment.

The tail has no central cone so that the fuze is visible when inserted in the
bomo. The four fins are strengthened it the outei extremity by a plain or corrugated
band nd : the enci nearest the bomo they are secured to a metal band by four bolts
This band is in four sections and is lccvted below the flange >n the bomb body.

Designation Type

01c Bomba da kg 15 M
S.A.P. Demolition.

Net Bomba 15 M

1. 0/.\ Len ,tn of Fuzed Bomb. 31. 0-ins/7R8-rnn.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or Lug. 29, 9-ins/760-mm.

3. Length of Body. 20.7- ins/525-nm.

4. Dia. of Body. 4.7-ins/120-nm.

5. Max. thickness at (point 2. 0-ins,'51-mm.

(nose 1.1-ins/29-mm.

6. Wall thickness 0. 25-ins/6-rtm.


Steel. Oe piece -no bist plate.

8. Material Jud construction if bomb Sharply pointed nose. Steel band
body. welded on 100-mm. from oase to retain
Horizontal. Suspension uand.
9. Suspension System. Vertical. Nose Lug.

Body dull blue with 3-ins red band

10. Colouring of bomb. it nose.

11. Markings on bomb. , Nil.


13. Len th of Tail. 13.8- ins/346-tr-n.

14. Dia. of tail. 6.3-ins/160-mn.

15. Material r f tail. Sheet iron.

16. Colouring of tail. Dull Blue.

17. Markings on ter 1. Nil.

Skeleton tail of four fins with

18. Construction of Tall. strengthening bands, ho tail coue.
Circular band having 4 eorrugatiom.

20. Nature of filling. T.N.T. or Amatol.

21. Weight f filling. 5.6 kg.

22. Total Weight. 15. 5 kg.

23. Wei ght of Bomb Case.

24. Charge,'To tai Wt. Ratio. 36.1%

25. Fuze - our designation. Tail - Type N. (Page 363).



— 4-7’—-

15. M

Our Designation. Type 14
ITALIAN Dnigrstion of fuze.


BOMBA 15 U. Classificstion. Tail * Mecn impact

« 1 Lll . , t ....... .
Markings, Nil.

Bornt in which employed 15.M.

1. Colour Van
** and body - unpainted brass
Steel tube - black.

». O/A length leas gaine. 10.6-inV 261 -ran.

3. Max. spread over vanes. 4.2-ins/107-rr,

. 4. Dia. >ver threats where screwed

into gJbj 1.4.ins/B6-ixi.

5. Material. Steel

6. Type f Guine. Short gaine Type 2.


Dtscrip tion o f Euze.

Ihe body of the fuxe (1) the vanes (2) end the collar (3) are of bri a, while
the tube (4) is of mild eteel. The safety pin, when withdrawn, from tne hole (5)
allows the- vanes to rotate while the bomb ia falling. The spindle (6) then rises
in the collar (3) nnd the 1<was part of the spindle is withdrawn from tne striker
(7). This allows the steel balls (8> to move inwards, and so the striker is freed.
On impact, th« striker mows against the creep spring (9) nnd fires the cap (10).
During transport an additional safety device is employed in the shape of a brass
pin pnssing through the hole (11) in the fuxe body (1). This pin passes under i
Shoulder ot the striker (7) and prevents the latter approaching the cao (10).

Handling of Fused Berib.

Lay the bomb on its side.. Except when the tail ia badly distorted the fuxe
it visible and can be dealt with. If the tail is misaing, the fuxe will probably
ba distorted but can usually be made safe by inserting a nail or a stout wire
through the hole (11).

The fuse ia ..rmed when 0.9-ins. of screw-thread’shows below the vanes. In

aroie cases tne vanes may be missing, as this spindle can completely unscrew. If the
is to be moved, it should be carried on its side, nnd all jolting completely

To Defuse, the Bomb.

(•) Obaerv ary viaual indications of arming.

(b) Avoid, any longitudinal blow 00 the fuse or jerk on the bomb.
(c) Ensure that the var-s are not rotated.
(<n Carefully renrve the split pin securing the vanes, and remove the vane
Remove the securing screws and tnk off the tail, drawing it carefully
over the fuze.

(fl Unscrew the fuze and withdraw complete with detonator and gaine
Unscrew the gaine from the fuze and pack separately


If the tail is distorted or damaged so that it will not conveniently with­

draw over the fuze it inay be cut as necessary so as to expose the base of the bomb
to allow the fuze to be unscrewed.


This bomb has not been encountered nor have specimens been recovered and
1 though much information wus ..ailable in early captured documents it is now con­
sidered obsolete.

The bomb consists of a steel sphere filled with 44 kg. of TNI and fitted with
two small suspension legs placed close together. Between the lugs a spacial fuze
screws in i'd attached to the fuze by ,i doubly articulated rod is heavy arming

By virtue «f the articulation this vane hangs dowr» between the specinl bomb
when they are secured in the bomb rack by rcens of the suspension lugs.

De ci gnat ion
Spherical Bomb Demolition.
Old Fkxnbu Sferica da kg. 70

1 Nev Bomb, j

1 *’
O/A Length of Fused Bomb.

1 2*
O/A Length less Fuse or Lug.

1 3a
Length of- Body.

4* Di*, of Body. ■ 16.0-lns/406-tnn.

1 5* Max. thickness at

6a Mali thickness

1 71
, • .

1 Material and construction .

of bomb body.
1 9*
Suspension System. .

1 10. Colouring of oomb.

1 “*
Markings on burnb.

1 12*
Note. This, bomb -has no separate tail.

1 13* Length of rail.

1 l4‘
Dia. of tail.
1 15. Material of tail.

1 16. Colouring of tail.

1 17a
Markings on tail.

I 18.
Conatructlon of Tail.
1 19a

| 20. Nature of filling. T.N.T. or Amatol.

1 21* 44 kg.
Weitfit of filling.

(Nominal) 70 kg.
22. Total Weight.

1 23*
Weltfit of Bomb Case.

1 24a 62.9%
Charge/Total Wt. Ratio

1 25. Tail - Type P. (Page .369)

Fuse • our designation.

1 26.


da K^. 70.
ITALIAN Desigration of Fuze. Our Desigpation. Type P.

Classification. Meeh. Impact.

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which ‘mployej. Sferica 70 kg.

1. Colour.

2. O/A length less guine.

3. Max. spread over vanes.

Dia. over tn read, where

screwed into bomb.

5. Material s.

6. Type o f game. Long gaine Type I


Description of Fuze.

No specimens of this fuze have been recovered. The fuze assembly is shown in
the upper part of the diagram. The fuze itself screws into the bomb at (1), the
arming rod (2) projecting above the fuze, and prevented from rotating by tne safety
pin inserted at (3). The vanes and the extension rod re attached to the arming
rod by the split pin (4).

The striker assembly within the fuze resembles tnat found in fuze F. The
sleeve (5) contains st its liwer end, the cap (6). Within the sleeve is the striker
(7) hollowed to take the arming rod (8). This latter holds the steel -ills (9)
which irmobilise the striker. Withdrawal of the arming rod takes place during the
fall jf the bomb, wnen the steel balls move inwards, and on impact allows the striker
and cap to approacn >n« another, compressing the creep spring (10), and firing th*
cap. The housing for the striker assenbly is dome shaped as shown. This is inteided
to cause the striker and the cap to approach, and so fire the latter, whatever may c
the position of the fuze on impact.

Handling jf Fuzed Bomb.

When found after falling, the tail will generally be missing. If the hole for
the split pin is visible, and is 2-cm., above the fuze head, the fuze is fully armed
If tne bomb must be moved carry it with the fuze horizontal and avoid all jerkiig.
The holder (11) containing a relay, is presumably used to extend the fuze so as to
bring the detonator and' the gaine into the centre of the explosive filling of the


This is the only Italian bomb recovered in which the charge-weight ratio has
been as low as 13%, It is considered to be Armour Piercing.

The‘steel envelope (1) is in one piece and into it screws the base-plate (2)
which is fitted with a left hand thread. A lead wasner (3) ensures a good seal
between the two. The base-plate is drilled and tapped centrally to receive a tail
fuze but as yet no fuze has been recovered.

The sheet iron tail is secured to the base plate by 8 screws.

The explosive filling of this bomb is of an unusual type and consists of

cylindrical blocks of explosive coloured bright blue embedded in a matrix of a
brom explosive.

Chemical analysis of these fillings gives the following compositions:-

Blue Explosive: P.E.T.N. 90%

Paraffin Wax 10%

Brom Explosive; P.E.T.N. 60%

Pentaerythritol -
Tetracetate 40%

- 371-
Designation Type.

A.P. 150 Kg.

Old Bomba

New Bomba

1 le O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb. SO. 2-ins/1275-mm. ‘

O/A Length less Fust >r Lug. 50.2-ins/1275-mm.

1 3‘ Length of Body. 31.6-ins /802-mm.

1 4* Dia. of body. 9.8- ins/250-mm.

6.3. ins/160- rm.
( point
1 5‘ Max. tnianess at (nose v 4. 0-ins/100-mm.

1 6- Wall thickness 1.0-tns/25-mn.

1 7- ■

1 8‘ Material and Construction >f bomb body Se>' overleaf

1 9* Suspension System. HORIZONTAL - (Suspension Band.)

1 10. Colouring of bomb.

Body si ate-grey with 3-ins.
dark blue band at no >fc.

1 11- Markings on bomb. Stencilled weight ma kings.

1 12’
1 13- Length of Tail . 21.6-ins/548-mn.

1 14 •
I 15.
Dia. of tail. 9.8-ins z250-mm.

Material of tail. Sneet iron.

| 16.
Colouring of tail. Sj ate grey.

17‘ Marki.-ivs on tai 1 . Nil.

Four fins mounted on sheet iron '

cone with corrugated strengthening
18. Construction of Tail.

1 20.
Nature of filling. See overleaf.

1 21. Wei (fit of filling. 21.3 Kg.

| 22. 151.1 Kg.

Total Weight.
1 23. 127.5 Kg.
Weight of Bomb Case.

1 24* Charge/Total Wt. Katio. 13.0%

25. Fuze - our designation. Tail.




LOR.DO KG. 1511.
TARA KG. 1298.


da K^. 150.


da K<>. 150.

This bomo was c riginally reported as the 135 Kg. H.E. Bomb since this was the
weight of the bomb body recovered. The total weight of the complete bomb is Approx­
imately 140 Kg. Little is know of this bomb since no detailed examination has been
made. The drawing has been made up from field sketches.

Secured to the bomb by a double row of screws is u base-plate which is

closed by a screwed plug. The tail which Is of normal pattern is secured to tne
base plate by screws.

The only specimen recovered was fitted with a nose.fuze only although pro-
visit for the fitting of a tall fuze has been made both in the base plate and the
tail c the bomb.

1 Designation Type

| Old Bomba /
14C Kg. H.E. Bomb.
1 New Bomba

I 1 49. 5-ins/12S8-rcm.
O/A Length of Fuzed Bomb.
1 2* 46. l-ins/H71-mn. "
O/A Length less FUz. or Lug.

1 3‘ Length of Body. 27. 5-ins/700-mm.

1 4* Di a. of Body. 10.1- ins/256-mn.
1 5* 1.4-ins/3S-mm.
Max. thickness at >se

6. Wall thickness.

1 8* Material and construction

■f bomb body.

9' Suspension System-.

I 10. Body dull blue with S4-ins.

Colouring of bomb.
red band at nose.
1 lle
Markings on bomb.
1 12‘

1 13‘
Length of Tail.
21 6-ins/55O-mm.
1 14 •
Dia. - of tail. 9 8-ins/2S0-mm.
| 15. Muter." ill of tail. Sheet iron.
| 16. Colouring of tail. Dull Blue.
1 17‘
Markings on tail. . Nil.

Cone of sheet steel to whirh

I 18. are welded four stabilising fins
Construction of Tail.
with a corrugated strengthening band.
1 19’

1 20.
Nature of filling.

1 21* Weight of filling.

I 22. Total Weight. ca. 140 Kg.

1 23. Weight of Bomb Case.

I24* Charge/Total Wt. Katio.

I 25. Nose (Page 381).

Fuze - ur designation.



BOMBA da Kg. 140.



BOMBA da 140.


BOMBA da K^. 140.
®p vgwoq
so J
iznj geoN

Our Designation. Nose fuze for
140 Kg. Bomb.
ITAIIAN Designation of fuze

Classification Nose -
Meeh Impact

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which emp’oyed. -

1. Colour. Red.

OZA length less gaine. 7.7-ins/lQ4-mm.

3. M. x spread >ver vanes. 6.4-ins/160-mn.
Dia. over threads where
4. 2,2-ins/56-nm.
screwed into bomb.

.5. Material . Aluminium Alloy, Brass and Steel.

6. Type of Gaine. LonF Gsine Tvoe 1


Description of Fuse.

The fuze body (1) is made of aluminium alloy (density about 2.5). It is
threaded at the lower end (2) to take the standard screwed detonator. The fuze
head (3), which carries the four intact mechanisms, screws on to the body and is
protected by the vaned cap (4). The cap is made wf uluminium alloy and has a brass
liner (5). This is roughened so as to make a pood press fit in the aluminium cap.
A hole, off centre, passing through the upper part of tne fuze body takes a safetv
pin to retain the cap. There are four vanes attached to the cap which are set at
approx. 17° to the lot gitudinal axis of the fuze.

The head of the fuze (3) has a longitudinal slot in which one arm (6) of the
safety bolt is accenmodated. The other arm (7), made of brass, passes through the
fuze body and blanks off the flash chamber (8) from the channel (9) leading to the
detonator. The hole in «hich this safety colt is located is plugged at the end (10)
and has a shoulder to seat the spring (11). This latter ejects the safety bolt
when the cap has unscrewed.

The four slats (12) for the striker mecnanisms are equally spaced on the
slightly domed head of the fure. The bra»s flash tube (13) rests in its slot on the
spring (14). Above the flash tube is the striker (15). This consists of a cap
closed by a pressed in cover and has the needle projecting from the underside.
Through tne needle passes a fine wire (16) which in the complete assembly restson
the upper edge >f the flash tube.

The striker itself has three cqui-spaced small projections (17) which rest
on the shoulder nt (1A).‘ The striker is covered by n thin aluminium disc and held
by e screwed brass ring (19).

After the removal nf the safety pin, the vanes can rotate as the bomb falls,
then the cap has fallen away the safety bolt (7) is ejected.

On impact one or more of the strikers will be fcreed inwards. The pro­
jections (17) usually break off and at the same time the fine wire (1 ) is also
sheared. Thus the needle is urged towards the cap by the impact, while the cap
is urged towards the needle by the oscillation of the sprint (14). Ihe whole syi tern
is reminiscent of the French R.S.A. mechanism, the three projections (17) replacing

the usual shear wire.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

If the ' Tied cap is missing tne four pressure operated strikers housed in
the nose of the fuze tire unmasked ana the fuze is . rm<d.

(i} Insert into the safety bolt hole i 4M nail (about gauge 5) and bind
i t in positijn to prevent it falling away.

(li) Unscrew the fuze and withdraw it from the bomb complete with detonator
and gaine.

(iii) Unscrew both the gaine and the detonator from the fuze and pack them


The fuze in this, bomo is unlike any of the fuzes in the Italian Service
described. It is not i seonrate mechanism which is detachable from the bomb since the
striker leedle is embedded in the ignition composition which initiates the burning of
the safety fuze. The moveable part of the fuze is a spindle carryirg a cap at its
inner end.

2he__jc_b is of light alloy all welded construction (including the tail unit)
with lcngitudind seam now the Dody.

The nose (1) of the bomb houses the fuse mechunisai the moveabl e part of which
consists of a spindle (2) fitted with * snaped pressure plate (3) and a percussion
cap (4). The nose of the bomb is sealed against the entry of water by the rubber
washer (5) end premature movement of the spindle (2) is prevented by the safety pin
(6). S’

Mounted on the inner end of the nose (1) is a‘tube (7) .on which are mounted
twenty six blocks (8) of purple ^moke producing composition. Between eanh of thes^
which is 3-ins. in diameter and 1-in. thick, is a metal sp cer .’9). A perforated
metal cylinder (10) encloses the whole smoke producing charge and four lengths (11)
of «ngle iron provide the necessary support.

A length (approximately 108-ins/274-mm. ) slow-turning fuse (12) leads from

behind the striker needle (13) along the central tube (7) down one of the length'
of angle iron (It") and back up the adjacent length, out to the tail and back into
the top block of srolte producing composition. The slow-burning fuse is supported
within the nil by the round iron bar (14) which also supports a length of quick­
burning fuse (15) running from the top block of smoke producing composition to the
celluloid diac (16) which seals the tail orifice.

Equally spe^td around the striker mechanism within the nose of the bomb « re
four K-inch diameter holes filled with black powder (17).
Operation of the Bomb.
W OR <>
The safety oin (6) is withdrawn is the boml i.- launched and the special shape
of the pressure plate (3) ensures that even for poor angles of impact with the
surface cf the water, the tpindle (2) will bt forced inwerds thus carrying the - tp
(4) onto the striker needle (13). The flash from the cap ignites the slow-burning
fuse (12) which bums for approximately 10 minutes thereby enabling the bomb to be
flontin^ steadily on the surface of the water before it is initiated. On expiry of
the delay period tne top block of smoke producing mixture und the length of quick­
burning fuse (15) are ignited simultaneously. The quick-bumin. fuue turn, out the
cellul'id disc (16) ’nd thus permits the egress of the purple snoke.

The jmoke producing composition continues to bum slowly downwards until it

in turr. ignites the black powder set f-destioying charges (17) in the nose when the
bomb sinks.

Handling tve ftizee

Providing the spindle (2) is secured against all movement, the bomb may be
lifted and carried in a horizontal position with safety.

Desi0i tion. Type

Old Boriba . /
MarkerBomb (Sea)
New “V-nha

1. O/A length of Fuzed Bomb 47.O-lns/1193-mm.

2. 0/A Length less Fuze or lug. 45.0-ins/1143-m.

3. Length of Body. 33.0-ins/838-mn.

4. Dia. of body. 5.3-ins/135- rm.

5. Mrx thickness at (nose

6. Wall thickness.


8. Material and construction of ootrb bodj See overleaf

9. Suspension System. Horizontal * Suspension band.

10. Colouring of bomb. Grey.

11. Markings on bomb.. Nil.


13. Length of Tail. Fin. 17.0-ins. z432-nm

14. Dia. of tail. 7.0-lns/178-om.

15. Material of tail. Sheet Metal.

16. Colouring of tail. Red or Grey.

17. rkings on tail. Nil.

18. Construction of Tall. See overleaf.


20. Nature of filling. Sm->ke Mixture (Purple)

21. Wei^t of filling. '

22. Total Weight. 12.6 Kg.

23. Weight of Bomb Case.

24. Charge/Total Wt. Ratio.

25. Fuze - our designation. See overleaf







F-UZt V.



Our Designation. Type V
ITALIAN Designation of fuze.

Classification Nose - Meeh. Impact.

Markings. Nil.

Bomb in which employed.

Vanes - Unpainted Aluminium

1. Colour. Body - Unpainted Stainless Steel.

2. Q/A length less gaine. 8.2-ins/210-mm.

3. Max. spread jver vanes. 7.3-ins/186-mm.

bi a. over threads where
screwed into bomb. 2. l-ins/53-mn.

5. Materi al Vanes - Aluminium

Cap holder and gaine adaptor - Steel.

6. Type of Gaine. Long gaine Type 1.


Description o f Fuze.

It is not known which bomb employs this fuze.

This fuze resembles, in certain respects, the somewhat larger fuze type 3,
The vanes (1)Jorm part o f the cap (2). In the unamed condition the cap is prevent­
ed from rotating by the safety pin (3) which passes through the hole (4) in the
striker (5). There are two pairs of diametrically opposite holes in the cap either
of which can be used as convenient for the insertion of the pin.

When the fuze is fully armed, the cap (2) having unscrewed, falls away and so
releases the three steel balls (6). These in tum fall away and the striker is thus
freed. Into the base of the striker is screwed tne needle holder with the two needles
(7). The latter are located above the two caps (8). The screw (11) projects into a
vertical groove (12) in the striker. This locates the striker by preventing its
rotation as the cap unscrews.

Tne needle holder has two lugs (13) which project into the vertical slots
(14) in the brass cap holder (10). This locates the caps with respect to the needles
The fuze functions on impact by the shearing of the washer (9). There is no
creep spring in the cap holder between the striker and the caps.

Handling of Fuzed Bomb.

When the cap is mirsing the fuze is fully armed. If only 1.1/2-in. of striker
appear abovr the shoulder (15) the washer has probably been sheared. If less than
this amount shows the needles are close up to the caps. In either case the fuze is
in a dangerous condition, and the striker shank should be secured firmly to prevent
any further movement. The fuze may then be unscrewed from the bomb and withdrawn
complete with detonator and gaine. Both the latter should be unscrewed from the
fuze and packed separately.

A bbrevis tions
Anti-aircraft, bombs 8
Anti -aircr ft, combs 20 eV 227
Anti- Jircraft, bombs 3 eV 235
Anti-prrsonnel Bombs 7
Anti-personnel Bombs 100 Sp 155
Ar ti-personnel Bombs 12 F 169
Anti-personnel Bombs Kg 12 179
Ar ti-per spnnel Bombs 12 Mtr. 185
Anti-personnel Bombs 4 AR 191
Anti personnel Bombs 3 Mtr. 197
Anti-personnel Bombs 2 F - 2ub
An ti-pel sonnet Bombs Kt 2 209
Anti-personne1 Bombs 2 Mtr. 215
Anti suunarine bombs. 8
Anti-submarine Ixrmbs 160 cS. 245
Anti-tank Bombs. 8,251
Aiti-tank Bombs 3.5 Kg. H.C. 261
Bombs Chemical 500 C 51
Bombs Chemici . 100 C &
Bombs Chemi cal 40 C 61
Bombs Chemical 15 C 65
Bombs Chemical 4 C 69
Bombs Chemical 2 C 73
Bombs Chemical Furretto 77
ifombs Chemical Warfare 4, 49
Bombs Chemical Warfare Fillings 4
Bombs Classification 39
Bombs Colourings 3
Bombs Containeis 17
Bombs befuzing 31
bombs Demolition 39,269
Bombs Dimensions 39
Bombs Fuzes 24
Bombs Hai.diinf-, • 34
Bombs High explosive G.C. 800 319
Bombs Hi gh explosive 500 327
Bombs Higr explosive 500 R.O 27 T
Bombs High explosive 250 33”
Bombs High explosive 150 371
Bonibi High explosive 140 375
Bomb? Incendiary 6, 113
uombs Incendiary 70 I.P. 115
Banbs In endinry 20 I 123
Bombs Incendiary 21 131
Bombs Incendiary 11 135
Bombs Incendiary H 139
Bombs Incendiary IP 143
Bombs Incendiary IT 147
Bombs Incendiary 100 Spl 151
Bomb*. Mini 7
Bombs Mira 104 M 339
Bombs Mina 100 M 347
Bomb. Mina 31 353
Bomba Mina 15 M 3b-
Bombs' Smoke 5, 99
Bombs Smoke «jbota 101
Bombs Smoke Ven to 105
3ombs Torpedine 7
Bombs Torpedine 100 T
Bontx. Forpedint 50 T 295
Bombs Torpedine 40 T 305
Boobs Torpedine 24 313
Chemical Warfare 4
Chemical Warfare bombs. 49
Chemical Warfare bombs fillings 4
Classification Bonus 39
Classification Fuzes 28
Containers, oomo 14 - 18
Demolition bombs. 8
Flares, Parachute 5
Fuzes allways 31
Fuzes classification 28
Fuze: clockwork, nose 278
Fuzes clockwork, tail 283
Fuzes delayed arming 195
Fuzes extension piece 287
Fuzes long delay 32
Fuzes nose 28
Fuzes safety devices 26
Fuzes Tail ' 30
Fuzes Types 24
Fuzes Type A 322
Fuzes Type B 250
Fuzes Type Bl 249
Fuzes Type C 303
Fuzes Type Cl 293
Fuzes Type E 129
Fuzes Type F 173
Fuzes Type Fl 177
Fuzes Type G 121
Fuzes Type H 223
Fuzes Type I 241
Fuzes Type II 233
Fuzes Type J . 277
Fuzes Type K 213
Fuzes Type L 87
Fuzes Type M 203
Fuzes Type N 363
Fuzes Type N1 317
Fuzes Type N2 357
Fuzes Type N3 311
Rizes Type N4 345
Rises Type 01 . 324
Rises Type 02
Fuzes Type 03 337
Fuzes Type P 369
FUzes Type Q 219
Rises Type R 189
Rises Type S 111
Rises Type T 55
Rises Type U 220
Rises Type V 389
Rises Type W 183
Rises Type X 163
Rises Type Y 299
Rises Type Y1 351
Rises Type Z 167
Rises Underwater 253
Gaines 19
High Explosives 23
Parachute flares 81, 93
Parachute flares Type E XVI 83
Parachute flares Type E 40 89
Release gear 17
Sea-marker Bomb 387

Sferica bomb 365

Smoke bombs 5
Smoke bombs Quota 101
Smoke Bombs Ven to 105
Suspension of bombs 11
Tail construction 10
Thermos bomb 191

Anti-si rcrat t, bombs
Anti-aircraft, bombs 20 eV
Anti-aircraft, bombs 3 eV
Anti-personnel Bombs
Anti-personnel Bombs 100 Sp
Anti-pei so.inel Bombs 12 F
Anti-personnel Bombs Kg 12
Anti-pei spnnel Bombs 12 Mtr.
Anti-personnel Bombs 4 AR
Anti-personnel Bombs 3 Mtr.
Anti-personnel Bomos 2 F ■
Anti-personnel Bombs Kg.2
Anti-personnel Bombs 2 Mtr.
Anti-submarine bombs.
Anti-submarine bonbs 160 cS.
Anti-tank Bombs.
Anti-tank Bombs 3.5 Kg. ;H.C.;
Bombs Chemical SOO C
Bombs Q- emical 100 C 1
Bombs Ch rmical 40 C
Bombs Chemical 15 C
Bombs Chemi c 11 4 C
Bombs Chemical 2 C
Bombs Chemical Furretto
Bombs Chemical Airfare
Bombs Chemical Warfare Fillings
Bombs Classi fication
ixxnbs Colourings
Bombs Containers
bombs Defuzing
Bombs Demoli tion
Bombs Dimensions
Homos fuzes
Bombs Hand1, ing
Bombs High explosive G. C. 800
Bombs High explosive 500
Bombs Hign 500 R.O.
Bombs High explosive 250
Bonbs High exp] olive 150
Bombs High expl >sive 140
Bombs Incendiary
Bombs Incendiary 70 I.P.
Bombs Incendiary 20 I
Bombs Incendia y 21
Bombs Incendiary 11
Botrbs Incendiary FI
Sombs Incendiary IP
nombs Incendiary IT
3ombs Incendiary 100 Spl
Bombs Mina
Bombs Mina 104 M
Bombs Mina 100 M
Bombs Mina 31
inmba Mi na 15 M
Bombs Stroke
Bombs Smoke Quota
Bombs Smoke Ven to
Bonbs Tr rpedine
Bombs Toi pedine 100 T
Bombs Torpe-iine 50 T
Bombs Torpedine 40 T
Bombs Torpedine 24
Chemical Warfare
Chemical Warfare tombs.
Chemical Warfare bombs fillings
Classification Bombs
Classification Fuzes
Containers, bomb
Demolition bombs.
Flares, Parachute
Fuzes allways
Fuzes class! fication
Fuzes clockwork, nose
Fuzes clockwork, tail
Fuz?s delayed arming
Fuzes extension piece.
Fuzes long di lay
Fuzes nose
Fuzes safety devices
Fuzes Tail
Fuzes Types
Fuzes Type A
Fuzes Type B
Fuzes Type Bl
Fuzes Type C
Fuzes Type Cl
Fuzes Type E
Fuzes Type F
Fuzes Type Fl
Fuzes Type G
Fuzes Type H
Fuzes Type I
Fuzes Type II
Fuzes Type J
Fuzes Type K
Fuzes Type L
Fuzes Type M
Fuzes Type N
Fuzes Type N1
Fuzes Type N2
Fuzes Type N4
Fuzes Type 01
Fuzes Type >2
Fuzes Type 03
Fuzes Type 04
Fuzes Type P
Fuzes Type Q
Fuzes Type. R
Fuzes 'Type S
Fuzes Type T
Rises Type U
Fuzes Type V
Fuzes Type W
Rizes Type X
Rises Type Y
Fuzes Type Y1
Fuzes Type Z
Fuzes Underwater
High Explosives
Parachute flares
Parachute flares Type E XVI
Parachute flares Type E 40
Release gear
Sea-marker Bomb .
Sferica botrb
Sr >k e bombs
Smoke bombs Quota
Snokc Bombs Ven to
Suspension of bombs
Tail construction
Thermos bomb

ds tl
Infatuation ( etxri
Knowledge Se/vuT*
[dstn I\»ton llmin.
Sl'4 ()./{)
I ,n Ol'AW-OW'l)

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)

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Date of Search: 13 February 2007

Record Summary:
Title: Italian bombs and fuzes
Covering dates 1948
Availability Open Document, Open Description, Normal Closure before FOI
Act: 30 years
Former reference (Department) 17.805
Held by The National Archives, Kew

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