Neurobiologia de La Conciencia
Neurobiologia de La Conciencia
Neurobiologia de La Conciencia
N e u ro b i o l o g y a n d
the Major Classes
of Impairment
a,b, a
Andrew M. Goldfine, MD *, Nicholas D. Schiff, MD
Consciousness Vegetative state Minimally conscious state
Traumatic brain injury Arousal
This work was supported by NIH-NICHD 51912, the James S McDonnell Foundation. AMG is
supported by grant KL2RR024997 of the Clinical & Translational Science Center at Weill Cornell
Medical College.
Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medical College, LC 803, 1300
York Avenue, New York, NY 10065, USA
Burke Medical Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, 785 Mamaroneck Avenue,
White Plains, NY 10605, USA
* Corresponding author. Burke Medical Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, 785
Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605.
E-mail address: [email protected]
The disorders of consciousness discussed in this article are syndromes that are behav-
iorally defined, and each is thought to reflect a specific pathophysiologic model
(Table 1). However, the models are imprecise and do not apply in every case. As
such, we will begin with an overview of the behavioral assessment of levels of conscious-
ness, followed by more detailed descriptions for each syndrome. Pathology and imaging
data are used to support mechanistic models underlying each behavioral syndrome.
Fig. 1. A network that drives goal-directed behavior together with targets for specific inter-
ventions. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; GPi, globus pallidus pars interna; ILN, intralaminar
nuclei of the thalamus; MSN, medium spiny neurons; PFC, prefrontal cortex. Blue arrows repre-
sent glutamatergic synapses and red represents GABAergic synapses unless otherwise noted.
726 Goldfine & Schiff
Table 1
Summary of behavioral features and pathophysiologies of disorders of consciousness
syndromes from permanent brain injury
auditory) and cognitive domains (eg, language and learned movements). The lowest
level of behavior to be documented is whether eye opening is spontaneous or requires
stimulation (eg, loud sounds or noxious touch). Higher-level behaviors include
responses that are contingent on sensory stimuli. These range from eyes tracking
a mirror and withdrawal from painful touch, to accurately following commands and
the use of objects (eg, a comb or toothbrush).21 The level of effort required to alert
the patient and the speed of their response should also be noted, because these
observations guide subjective and objective assessments of arousal. Inaccuracy in
specific cognitive domains (eg, aphasia and apraxia) reflects focal impairments in
awareness, rather than global disorders of consciousness.
One caveat to behavioral testing of arousal is that all of the patient responses require
a capacity for motor output and adequate arousal. Patients with functional or struc-
tural interruption of motor systems at any level may not be able to follow the
commands, despite full comprehension and intention. Patients with a minimal residual
ability to communicate (eg, eye blinks) but who have generally intact consciousness,
Neurobiology of Consciousness 727
are deemed to be in the locked-in state (LIS).1 There are also patients with both
impaired motor output and arousal from diffuse brain injury, which contribute to
a high misdiagnosis rate in disorders of consciousness.22,23 To ensure accurate diag-
nosis in patients with diffuse brain injury, it is essential to examine patients at maximal
levels of arousal using techniques such as deep tendon massage or postural reposi-
tioning.24 Patients should also be examined at multiple time points or videotaped by
family to capture periods of high alertness.
In vivo imaging studies further support the model of VS that represents diffuse cortico-
thalamic dysfunction. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET)
is a measure of energy consumption, and in the brain it primarily represents the neuronal
firing rate at the synapse.34 Patients in PVS have been shown to have global metabolic
rates reduced by 50% or more compared to healthy controls.35 In general, metabolic
rates exhibit less reduction in the brainstem and more reduction in the cortex and
subcortical nuclei, with the most consistent reduction occurring in the medial parietal
and frontal areas.36 Comparable reductions in cerebral metabolic rate have been iden-
tified during generalized anesthesia37,38 and slow-wave sleep in healthy controls.39,40
To examine corticothalamic functioning more directly, investigators have used
H215O-PET, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and event-related poten-
tial analysis to measure brain responses to sensory inputs.41 Studies using simple and
complex auditory stimuli42–44 and noxious stimuli45 have demonstrated a pattern of
activation of brainstem and primary sensory cortical regions in some patients with
VS without the activation of higher-order sensory or association areas. These results
suggest that patients with VS may have some residual thalamocortical activity, but do
not possess enough to produce the global integrative function that is required for
conscious awareness.
These imaging tools have also been used to provide insight into an ambiguous area
between VS and consciousness. Schiff and colleagues46 described 3 patients who
demonstrated complex motor behaviors but were still considered to be in VS. All were
found to have an overall low resting metabolism (20–50% of normal by FDG-PET), yet
had residual islands of cortical and subcortical higher metabolism in areas consistent
with their behaviors. In all patients, these brain structures showed marked abnormalities
at the level of response to simple sensory stimuli as measured by magnetoencephalog-
raphy, which demonstrated a loss of the integrity of even early cortical processing. These
patients, similar to those studied by Laureys and colleagues,44,47 revealed that some
preservation of basic corticothalamic processing may coexist with behavioral uncon-
sciousness and this does not contravene a clinical diagnosis of VS.
that across the continuum of VS to MCS to full consciousness, patients were less likely
to have severe DAI and more likely to have focal brain injuries, such as hematomas
and contusions.53 Notably, these investigators reported overlap in pathologic find-
ings across all levels of consciousness, which demonstrated that current anatomic
methods cannot completely account for the variances in behavior.
Functional imaging (fMRI and H215O-PET) and neurophysiologic methods have
proved to be more sensitive than anatomic methods in distinguishing patients in VS
from those in MCS, because they measure corticothalamic function. For example,
when presented with sensory stimuli, MCS patients activate higher-order association
cortices, similar to healthy controls, whereas VS patients, at best, activate primary
sensory cortices.55,56 However, compared to healthy controls, MCS patients require
a higher level of arousal (ie, more alerting stimuli) to produce similar patterns of acti-
vation.42 This requirement for a higher level of arousal is consistent with behavioral
data, which show that these patients fluctuate in their level of responsiveness57 and
suggest an underlying inability to maintain cerebral integrative functioning.
Fig. 2. Noninvasive imaging evidence of command following in a patient with severe brain
injury who was behaviorally locked in. (A) fMRI demonstrating increased activity (orange) in
supplementary motor and other cortical areas when the patient was asked to imagine swim-
ming versus a resting baseline. (B) Spectral analysis of EEG in the same patient performing
the imagination of the swimming task at a different time. Example power spectra for 2 channels
are on the right; the image on the left summarizes significant spectral changes across all chan-
nels and frequencies tested. Head maps below summarize amplitude of power change across all
channels at the frequencies listed directly above. (Adapted from Bardin JC, Fins JJ, Katz DI, et al.
Dissociations between behavioural and functional magnetic resonance imaging-based evalu-
ations of cognitive function after brain injury. Brain 2011;134(Pt 3):769–82; Goldfine AM,
Victor JD, Conte MM, et al. Determination of awareness in patients with severe brain injury
using EEG power spectral analysis. Clin Neurophysiol 2011. Available at: http://www.ncbi. Accessed July 17, 2011; with permission.)
732 Goldfine & Schiff
Akinetic mutism offers a model for approaches that improve the level of conscious-
ness (see Fig. 1). In akinetic mutism, the injury to the cortico-striatopallidal-
thalamocortical circuit involving the medial frontal lobe can produce dysfunction as
severe as in patients with much more widespread injury.58,61 Increasing the function
of this circuit through medication or brain electrical stimulation can drive activity widely
through the cerebrum.80 For example, dopaminergic agents (eg, amantadine, levo-
dopa, bromocriptine, or apomorphine) that enhance striatal background activity,
have been shown to raise the level of consciousness and improve recovery rates in
patients with various severe brain injuries (reviewed by Hirschberg and Giacino else-
where in this issue). Zolpidem, an agonist of a subset of g-aminobutyric acid(A)
(GABAA) receptors, has also been demonstrated to dramatically improve conscious-
ness in patients with diffuse brain injury.81,82 The mechanism of action of zolpidem
is thought to occur through cortical activation, both directly83 and indirectly, by inhib-
iting the globus pallidus interna from inhibiting thalamocortical firing.84 Another
successful approach through the same network, although only reported in a single
patient, is direct activation central thalamic outflow via deep brain stimulation
There are no clear guidelines for medical management to attempt to speed recovery
of consciousness, as almost all data are from case series. Accordingly, we offer some
approaches that have been proved to be successful in our experience. For a medically
stable patient with a disorder of consciousness, the first goal is to rule out potential
inhibitors of recovery. This includes undiagnosed seizure disorders, particularly
because they can be difficult to detect behaviorally in patients with impaired motor
output. Medications can also be culprits in worsening arousal, especially those with
anticholinergic, antihistaminergic, barbiturate, and benzodiazepine properties as
well as some antiepileptic and antispasticity agents.87
To promote recovery of consciousness, we recommend amantadine 200–400 mg,
split between early morning and early afternoon doses. Amantadine has a relatively
benign safety profile and is the only medication tested to date in patients in VS and
MCS in a well-powered, randomized, double-blind, clinical trial,88 although the
results have not yet been published. A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor may
also be added, based on animal model89 and clinical trial90 evidence for enhancing
plasticity, although there is no strong evidence in patients with disorders of
consciousness. Zolpidem can be given as 5 or 10 mg doses with a response
expected within 1 hour, though only rarely.91 Zolpidem is apparently safe, though
there are no long-term data and the potential for habituation exists. Medications
should be trialed individually, with a gradual titration of doses. Patients should
have well-documented formal examinations using the CRS-R before and after initi-
ation and dose changes, and any side effects should be noted. In addition, physical,
occupational, and speech therapy should be used when appropriate, including daily
joint stretching to avoid contractures, which can severely limit movement when the
motor system recovers.
Neurobiology of Consciousness 733
Fins92 has argued against a nihilistic approach to patients with chronic disorders of
consciousness, as if the loss of function is invariably permanent and there is nothing
more to be gained from diagnostic testing and treatment. We agree that these patients
deserve a more systematic approach to assessment, prognosis, and treatment. The
evidence described in this review shows that these conditions include a wide range
of pathologies, causes, prognoses, and proven treatments. Diagnostic testing can
be used to determine the degree of injury and suggest residual capacity for cognitive
function. Future work will allow the use of imaging modalities to predict recovery and
development of tools to communicate with those who have lost all motor function.
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