Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 9
Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 9
Br2e Pre-Int Reading Notes 9
Learning objectives in this lesson 1 scramble (verb)
Reading for gist, scanning for specific information, 2 cautionary tale (noun phrase)
focusing on vocabulary from the text, using vocabulary 3 tailored (past participle)
from the text, reading for detailed comprehension, and 4 a ready supply (noun phrase, followed by of)
giving opinions about the topic of the text. 5 announced (past participle)
6 withdrawing (present participle)
7 appeal (noun)
1 Ask students to work in pairs and discuss the questions, 8 overwhelmed (past participle)
then take feedback from the whole class. If the students 9 advice (noun)
want to find out more about the company, ask them to 10 follow in the footsteps (phrase, followed by of)
look at the company website for homework, or during the
lesson if possible:
5 Ask students to work in pairs and create their own
sentences using the words and phrases in 4. Check the
2 Give out the text and ask students to read it quickly so sentences with whole class.
that they understand the general message of the text.
Give them a time limit if you wish. They should then
6 Students should read the text again. Allow more time for
them to read carefully. Be prepared to answer questions
decide which of the three titles is most suitable. Students
about vocabulary and refer students to the glossary to
can compare answers in pairs before feeding back to the
help them. Students should then answer the questions in
rest of the class. During class feedback, encourage the
their own words. Students can compare answers in pairs
students to justify their answers.
before feeding back to the rest of the class.
Title 1 is probably the best title, because it reflects the
1 Because the population of China is large and people
entire content of the text. Title 2 would not work because
are becoming richer. It is also believed that the retail
there is no evidence in the text that this is true and
market will continue to grow and grow.
‘western retailers’ are only mentioned in a small section of
2 Because there are 1,000 M&S products available and
the text. Title 3 is possible, although it might suggest that
this makes them feel like they are back in the UK.
Marks & Spencer is moving its Head Office to China as
3 It can sell the same range of food as in the UK, but it
well, and this is not true.
needs to change the clothing it sells so that the products
fit Chinese people and appeal more to their tastes.
3 Ask students to read the text again quickly and to find 4 Not very – they closed after a year and a half.
out what each number represents. Give them a time
limit if you wish. Students can compare answers in pairs
before feeding back to the rest of the class.
7 Ask students to look at the text again and find three
words that could be useful in their jobs. When they have
chosen the words, ask students to compare their choices
1 the number of additional shops M&S wants to open in
in pairs and encourage them to explain why the words
China (making 50 in total)
will be useful. Make sure that students can pronounce
2 the population of China
these words and that they know how to use them
3 the growth per year of the Chinese middle class
correctly in a sentence.
4 the growth per year of the Chinese retail market 8 Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs or small
5 the number of people employed in the Nanjing West groups. Take feedback from the whole class.
Road store (over 100)
6 the number of M&S branded goods on sale Answers
7 the population of Shanghai Answers will vary, but students may discuss the fact
8 the number of M&S stores in Hong Kong that M&S might have problems with its clothing range in
China due to differing tastes in fashion. Students might
4 Ask students to look at the text again and match the also discuss the need for companies to research new
words and phrases to the definitions. They can then markets thoroughly, looking into consumer tastes, price
check their answers in pairs, before feeding back to expectations, cultural differences, etc.
the rest of the class. During feedback, ask students
to identify the type of word / phrase (e.g. noun, past
participle). Ask them which prepositions follow 4 and 10.