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BS EN 13284-1:2017

BSI Standards Publication

Stationary source emissions – Determination

of low range mass concentration of dust

Part 1: Manual gravimetric method


National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 13284-1:2017.
It supersedes BS EN 13284-1:2002, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee EH/2/1, Stationary source emission.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2017
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 978 0 580 90169 0
ICS 13.040.40
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 30 November 2017.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected
BS EN 13284-1:2017



ICS 13.040.40 Supersedes EN 13284-1:2001

English Version

Stationary source emissions - Determination of low range

mass concentration of dust - Part 1: Manual gravimetric
Émissions de sources fixes - Détermination de faibles Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Ermittlung der
concentrations en masse de poussières - Partie 1 : Staubmassenkonzentration bei geringen
Méthode gravimétrique manuelle Staubkonzentrationen - Teil 1: Manuelles
gravimetrisches Verfahren

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 11 September 2017.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels

© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13284-1:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Symbols and abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................ 10
5 Principle .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
6 Measurement planning and sampling strategy ................................................................................. 11
6.1 Measurement planning .............................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Sampling strategy......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2.2 Measurement section and measurement plane ................................................................................ 12
6.2.3 Minimum number and location of measurement points ............................................................... 12
6.2.4 Measurement ports and working platform ........................................................................................ 12
7 Equipment and materials .......................................................................................................................... 12
7.1 Gas velocity, temperature, pressure and composition measurement devices ...................... 12
7.2 Sampling equipment ................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2.1 Sampling system ........................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2.2 Filtration device............................................................................................................................................ 13
7.2.3 Entry nozzle.................................................................................................................................................... 17
7.2.4 Suction tube for out-stack filtration devices ...................................................................................... 18
7.2.5 Suction unit .................................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2.6 Gas metering devices .................................................................................................................................. 18
7.3 Dust deposit recovery accessories......................................................................................................... 20
7.4 Equipment for conditioning and weighing ......................................................................................... 20
8 Weighing procedure.................................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
8.2 Pre-sampling conditioning ....................................................................................................................... 20
8.3 Weighing.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
8.4 Post-sampling treatment of weighed parts ........................................................................................ 21
8.5 Post-sampling treatment of the rinsing solutions............................................................................ 22
8.6 Improvement of the weighing procedure ........................................................................................... 22
9 Sampling procedure .................................................................................................................................... 22
9.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................................................... 22
9.2 Filter handling ............................................................................................................................................... 23
9.3 Pre-measurements ...................................................................................................................................... 23
9.4 Leak test........................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.5 Sampling .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
9.6 Recovery of deposits upstream of the filter ....................................................................................... 26
9.6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
9.6.2 Rinsing procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 26
9.7 Field blank ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
10 Calculation ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
10.1 Sampling volumetric flow rate ................................................................................................................ 27

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

10.2 Dust concentration ....................................................................................................................................... 27

11 Measurement report ................................................................................................................................... 28
Annex A (informative) Performance characteristics of the method obtained in the method
validation ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
A.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
A.2 Experimental data ........................................................................................................................................ 31
A.3 Comments ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Annex B (informative) Influence of the isokinetic rate on the representativeness of the
collected particles ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Annex C (informative) Proven design of the entry nozzles .......................................................................... 37
Annex D (informative) Summary of the requirements .................................................................................. 40
Annex E (normative) Sampling volume, flow rate and duration ................................................................ 42
E.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
E.2 Weighing uncertainties .............................................................................................................................. 42
E.3 Sampling volume........................................................................................................................................... 42
E.4 Sampling flow rate and duration ............................................................................................................ 42
Annex F (informative) Examples of weighing bias.......................................................................................... 43
F.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 43
F.2 Effect of insufficient temperature equilibrium.................................................................................. 43
F.3 Effect of temperature variations ............................................................................................................. 43
F.4 Effect of barometric pressure variations ............................................................................................. 43
F.5 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Annex G (informative) Determination of the measurement uncertainty............................................... 45
G.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
G.2 Principle of the determination of the uncertainty contributions of measurands................. 45
G.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
G.2.2 Uncertainty contribution of calibration ............................................................................................... 45
G.2.3 Uncertainty contribution of the drift..................................................................................................... 46
G.2.4 Uncertainty contribution of the display resolution ......................................................................... 46
G.3 Combination of the uncertainty contributions of the individual measurands....................... 47
G.3.1 Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
G.3.2 Specification of the method model equation ...................................................................................... 48
G.3.3 Stepwise calculation of the individual uncertainty contributions ............................................. 49
G.4 Effective number of the degrees of freedom .................................................................................... 58
Annex H (informative) Thermal behaviour of dusts ....................................................................................... 60
Annex I (informative) Significant technical changes ...................................................................................... 61
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 63

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 13284-1:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 264 “Air quality”,
the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by May 2018, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by May 2018.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN 13284-1:2001.

This document is Part 1 of the EN 13284 series:

— EN 13284-1, Stationary source emissions — Determination of low range mass concentration of dust —
Part 1: Manual gravimetric method;

— EN 13284-2, Stationary source emissions — Determination of low range mass concentration of dust —
Part 2: Quality assurance of automated measuring systems.

Annex I provides details of significant technical changes between this European Standard and the
previous edition.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
the United Kingdom.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the standard reference method (SRM) for the measurement of low dust
concentration in ducted gaseous streams in the concentrations below 50 mg/m3 at standard conditions.
This European Standard is primarily developed and validated for gaseous streams emitted by waste
incinerators. More generally, it can be applied to gases emitted from other stationary sources, and to
higher concentrations.
If the gases contain unstable, reactive or semi-volatile substances, the measurement depends on the
sampling and filter treatment conditions.
This method has been validated in field tests with special emphasis to dust concentrations around
5 mg/m3. The results of the field tests are presented in Annex A.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 15259:2007, Air quality — Measurement of stationary source emissions — Requirements for
measurement sections and sites and for the measurement objective, plan and report

EN ISO 16911-1, Stationary source emissions — Manual and automatic determination of velocity and
volume flow rate in ducts — Part 1: Manual reference method (ISO 16911-1)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
particles, of any shape, structure or density, dispersed in the gas phase at the sampling point conditions
which may be collected by filtration under specified conditions after representative sampling of the gas
to be analysed, and which remain upstream of the filter and on the filter after drying under specified

filtration temperature
temperature of the sampled gas immediately downstream of the filter

in-stack filtration
filtration in the duct with the filter in its filter housing placed immediately downstream of the sampling

out-stack filtration
filtration outside of the duct with the filter in its heated filter housing placed downstream of the sampling
nozzle and the suction tube

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

isokinetic sampling
sampling at a flow rate such that the velocity vn and direction of the gas entering the sampling nozzle are
the same as the velocity vd and direction of the gas in the duct at the measurement point

Note 1 to entry: Figure 1 gives an illustration of isokinetic sampling.

Note 2 to entry: Annex B shows the influence of the isokinetic rate on the representativeness of the collected

1 duct
2 radius of the bend (minimum 1,5 dp)
3 internal diameter of the suction tube dp

Figure 1 — Isokinetic sampling

isokinetic rate
velocity ratio vn/vd expressed in percentage as a characteristic of the deviation from isokinetic sampling

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

hydraulic diameter
quotient of four times the area A and the perimeter P of the measurement plane

4× A
dh = (1)

[SOURCE: EN 15259:2007]

measurement plane
plane normal to the centreline of the duct at the sampling position

[SOURCE: EN 15259:2007]

Note 1 to entry: Measurement plane is also known as sampling plane.

measurement line
line in the sampling plane along which the sampling points are located, bounded by the inner duct wall

[SOURCE: EN 15259:2007]

Note 1 to entry: Measurement line is also known as sampling line.

Note 2 to entry: Figure 2 gives an illustration of definitions in relation to a circular duct.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

1 measurement line
2 measurement plane
3 measurement port
4 flow direction

Figure 2 — Illustration of definitions in relation to a circular duct

measurement point
position in the measurement plane at which the sample stream is extracted or the measurement data are
obtained directly

[SOURCE: EN 15259:2007]

Note 1 to entry: Measurement point is also known as sampling point.

measurement port
opening in the waste gas duct along the measurement line, through which access to the waste gas is

[SOURCE: EN 15259:2007]

Note 1 to entry: Measurement port is also known as sampling port or access port.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

standard conditions
reference values for a dry gas at a pressure of 101,3 kPa and a temperature of 273,15 K

field blank
sample obtained according to the field blank procedure

field blank procedure
procedure used to ensure that no significant contamination has occurred during all the steps of the

Note 1 to entry: This includes for instance the equipment preparation in laboratory, its transport and installation
in the field as well as the subsequent analytical work in the laboratory.

field blank value
result of a measurement performed according to the field blank procedure at the plant site and in the

weighing control
procedure for the detection/correction of apparent weight variations due to possible changes between
pre and post sampling weighing conditions

measurement series
successive measurements carried out at the same measurement plane and at the same operating
conditions of the industrial process

emission limit value
limit value given in regulations such as EU Directives, ordinances, administrative regulations, permits,
licences, authorizations or consents

Note 1 to entry: ELV can be stated as concentration limits expressed as half-hourly, hourly and daily averaged
values, or mass flow limits expressed as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annually aggregated values.

Note 2 to entry: For purposes other than regulatory uses the measurement value is compared to a stated
reference value.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

For the purposes of this document, the following symbols apply.

A area of the measurement plane
c dust concentration
d diameter of the duct
dh hydraulic diameter

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

dn internal diameter of the sampling nozzle

dp internal diameter of the suction tube
fc correction factor
ha humidity of the gas in actual conditions, in percentage volume
hm humidity of the gas in measurement conditions, in percentage volume
m total mass of dust collected upstream of the filter (rinsing) and on the filter
om oxygen concentration in percentage volume of dry gas measured in the duct
oref oxygen reference concentration in percentage volume of dry gas
P perimeter of the measurement plane
pa absolute pressure of gases in actual conditions in the duct
pm absolute pressure of the gas in measurement conditions at the volume meter
Qa sampling volumetric flow rate, expressed in the actual conditions in the duct
Qm measured sampling volumetric flow rate at gas meter conditions
Ta temperature of the gas in actual conditions in the duct, in Kelvin
Tm temperature of the gas in measurement conditions at the volume meter, in Kelvin
V sample volume
vd velocity of the gas in the duct at the measurement point
vn velocity of the gas entering the sampling nozzle
4.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply.

ELV emission limit value
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene

5 Principle
A sample stream of the gas is extracted from the main gas stream at representative measurement points
for a measured period of time, with an isokinetically controlled flow rate and a measured volume. The
dust entrained in the gas sample is separated by a pre-weighed plane filter, which is then dried and re-
weighed. Deposits upstream of the filter in the sampling system are also recovered and weighed. The
increase of mass of the filter and the deposited mass upstream the filter are attributed to dust collected
from the sampled gas, which allows the dust concentration to be calculated.
Two different configurations of the sampling system may be used depending on the characteristics of
gases to be sampled (see 7.2.2).
Valid measurements can be achieved only when:
a) the gas stream in the duct at the measurement site (sampling location) has a sufficiently steady
velocity profile (see EN 15259);

b) sampling is carried out without disturbance of the gas stream with a sharp edged nozzle facing into
the stream under isokinetic conditions;

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EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

c) samples are taken at a pre-selected number of stated positions in the measurement plane, to allow
for a non-uniform distribution of dust in the duct;

d) the sampling system is designed and operated to avoid condensation, chemical reactions and to
minimize dust deposits upstream of the filter and to be leak free;

e) sampling is carried out at an appropriate filtration temperature, e.g. stack temperature or at least the
recommended temperature of 160 °C (see Annex H);

f) dust deposits upstream of the filter are taken into account;

g) the field blank value does not exceed 10 % of the lowest emission limit value set for the process or
0,5 mg/m3, whichever is greater;

h) the sampling and weighing procedures are adapted to the expected dust quantities;

i) the expanded uncertainty calculated by means of an uncertainty budget does not exceed the
corresponding specification in the measurement objective. For regulatory purposes the expanded
uncertainty shall not exceed 20 % of the emission limit value specified by the authorities unless
specified otherwise by the competent authorities.

NOTE The IED e.g. specifies a maximum permissible uncertainty of 30 % of the daily emission limit value (ELV)
for automated dust measuring systems. This requires that the expanded uncertainty of the SRM is lower for
calibration purposes.

Annex D provides a summary of the requirements for the application of this measurement method.

6 Measurement planning and sampling strategy

6.1 Measurement planning

Emission measurements at a plant shall be carried out such that the results are representative of the
emissions from this plant for operating conditions specified in the measurement objective and
comparable with results obtained for other comparable plants. Therefore, dust measurements shall be
planned in accordance with EN 15259.
Before carrying out any measurements, the purpose of the sampling and the sampling procedures shall
be discussed with the plant personnel concerned. The nature of the plant process, e.g. steady-state or
cyclic, can affect the sampling programme. If the process can be performed in a steady-state, it is
important that this is maintained during sampling.
Dates, starting times, duration of survey and sampling periods as well as plant operating conditions
during these periods shall be agreed with the plant management.
Preliminary calculations shall be made on the basis of expected dust concentration in order to verify that
expected sampled dust quantities are consistent with attainable field blank values, and that no
overloading of the filter occurs (see Annex E).
For sampling duration limited to 30 min, required for certain trial or regulatory purposes, the uncertainty
of measurement can increase due to the limited sample volume. Furthermore, completion of sampling
along two diameters within 30 min, even for medium size ducts, can require simultaneous sampling with
two or more sampling systems.
Where possible, the sampling duration can be extended, which decreases the quantification limit and
improves the measurement uncertainty (see Annex E). The sampling duration should be selected, to
minimize the effect of non-steady-state conditions of the stationary source.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

Taking into account the objective of the measurements and the conditions of waste gases to be sampled,
the user shall choose between an in-stack or an out-stack filtration device. If gas in the duct contains
droplets out-stack filtration devices shall be used.
A field blank shall be taken (see 9.7).
If no suitable sampling location exists in the plant, and/or that measurements have been carried out
during non-steady-state conditions of the plant, which leads to an increase of the uncertainty of the
measurements, it shall be stated in the report.
6.2 Sampling strategy
6.2.1 General

Sampling requires a suitable measurement section and measurement plane.

The measurement plane shall be easily reached from convenient measurement ports and a safe working
platform (see EN 15259).
Sampling shall be carried out at a sufficient number of measurement points located on the measurement
plane as specified by EN 15259.
6.2.2 Measurement section and measurement plane

The measurement section and measurement plane shall meet the requirements of EN 15259.
6.2.3 Minimum number and location of measurement points

The measurements shall be performed as grid measurements.

The dimensions of the measurement plane dictate the minimum number of measurement points. This
number increases as the duct dimensions increase.
EN 15259 specifies the minimum number of measurement points to be used and the location in the
measurement plane for circular and rectangular ducts. The number of measurement points and the
location in the measurement plane shall be selected in accordance with EN 15259.
6.2.4 Measurement ports and working platform

Measurement ports shall be provided for access to the measurement points selected in accordance with
EN 15259.
Examples of suitable measurement ports are given in EN 15259.
For safety and practical reasons, the working platform shall comply with the requirements of EN 15259.

7 Equipment and materials

7.1 Gas velocity, temperature, pressure and composition measurement devices

The equipment used for the point-related velocity measurements to establish isokinetic conditions shall
meet the requirements of EN ISO 16911-1.
When expressing dust concentrations at standard conditions on a dry basis, and/or where the
concentrations shall be expressed in relation to a reference oxygen concentration, the necessary
measuring equipment shall meet the requirements of the applicable standards.
7.2 Sampling equipment
7.2.1 Sampling system

The sampling system principally consists of:

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

a) filtration device consisting of the filter housing and filter;

b) entry nozzle;

c) suction tube for out-stack filtration devices;

d) gas pump;

e) gas metering device including cooling and drying system and system for controlling isokinetic
sampling conditions.

All parts of the sampling system which come in contact with the sampled gas shall be made of corrosion
resistant and, if necessary, heat resistant material, e.g. stainless steel, titanium, quartz or glass.
If further analysis of collected dust is to be performed, materials in contact with the sample gas and the
filter should be fit for purpose to avoid contamination.
The surfaces of parts upstream the filter shall be smooth and the number of joints shall be kept to a
Any changes in bore diameter shall be smoothly tapered and not stepped.
The sampling equipment shall also be designed in order to facilitate the cleaning of internal parts
upstream the filter.
All parts of the sampling system which come in contact with the sample gas shall be protected from
contamination e.g. during handling and transportation.
7.2.2 Filtration device General

The filtration device consists of the filter housing and the filter.
The filtration device is either located in the duct (in-stack filtration) or placed outside the duct (out-stack
a) in-stack filtration devices (see Figure 3):

The part of the tubing between nozzle and filter should be very short, thereby minimizing dust
deposits upstream of the filter. Due to available access port dimensions on ducts, the filter diameter
is then typically limited to 50 mm, with a sample flow rate of approximately 1 m3/h to 3 m3/h. Since
the filtration temperature is generally identical to that of the gas in the duct, filter clogging can occur
if the stack gas contains water droplets.

To allow access to all measurement points in the duct, a leak free rigid tube of sufficient length
(support tube) is used downstream of the filter housing for mechanical support of the filtration

b) out-stack filtration devices (see Figure 4):

The part of tubing between the nozzle and the filter (suction tube) shall be of sufficient length to
allow access to all measurement points in the duct. The suction tube and the filter housing shall be
temperature controlled, which provides evaporation of possible water droplets or avoids filtration
difficulties related to high acid dew point gases. Filter diameters between 50 mm and 150 mm are
generally used, with associate flow rate of 1 m3/h to 10 m3/h.

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EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

1 entry nozzle 7 dynamic pressure measurement
2 filter housing 8 support tube (in-stack device)
3 pitot tube 9 cooling and drying system
4 temperature sensor 10 suction unit and gas metering device
5 temperature indicator 11 pressure gauge
6 static pressure measurement

Figure 3 — Example of a sampling system for in-stack filtration

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EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

1 entry nozzle 7 dynamic pressure measurement
2 filter housing 8 suction tube (out-stack device)
3 pitot tube 9 cooling and drying system
4 temperature sensor 10 suction unit and gas metering device (see Figure 5)
5 temperature indicator 11 pressure gauge
6 static pressure measurement

Figure 4 — Example of a sampling system for out-stack filtration Filter housing

The filter housing is a casing in which the filter is mounted directly or by use of a filter holder. When the
filter housing is placed out-stack, it shall be temperature controlled to maintain filtration conditions and
to avoid condensation.
The parts to be weighed before and after sampling shall be either:
a) the filter, or the filter with the filter holder

In this case the dust deposits at the inlet of the filter housing shall be recovered and weighed
(see 9.6). The use of a filter housing with a conical inlet of an angle less than 30° helps to minimize
dust deposits.

b) the filter, inlet part of the filter housing and the upstream parts (e.g. nozzle)

In this case dust deposits upstream of the filter are taken directly into account. It is necessary to
check whether the parts to be weighed are compatible with the range of the balance (see 8.3).

The filter housing and the filter holder shall be designed in such a way that no gas turbulence occurs near
the joints.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E) Filters

The filters to be used shall comply with the following minimum requirements:
— plane filter efficiency better than 99,5 % on a test aerosol with a mean particle diameter of 0,3 µm, at
the maximum flow rate anticipated, or better than 99,9 % on a test aerosol of 0,6 µm mean particle
diameter. This efficiency shall be certified by the filter supplier;

— the filter material shall not react with or adsorb gaseous compounds contained in the gas to be
sampled, and shall be thermally stable, taking into account maximum temperature anticipated (e.g.
for conditioning and sampling).

The choice of the filter should also take into account the following considerations:
— the pressure drop of the filter, and increase due to the collection of the dust while sampling. This
depends on the kind of filter. As an example the pressure drop can be between from 3 kPa to 10 kPa
for a filtration velocity in the range of 0,5 m/s;

— when using filters with organic binders, care shall be taken of possible weight variations due to
binder losses by evaporation when heating;

— glass fibre filters can react with acidic compounds such as SO3, which leads to an increase in weight;
their use is not recommended;

— despite their weak mechanical properties quartz fibre filters are proven to be efficient in most cases;

— PTFE filters are also proven to be efficient, however the maximum allowable temperature of the gas
passing through the filter is limited (see Table 1).

If it is anticipated to determine the composition of the dust collected, the choice of the filter material
should take into account the filter blank value for the relevant compounds.
Table 1 gives an overview on filter material and their strengths and limitations.

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EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

Table 1 — Filter material and their strengths and limitations

Material Strengths Limitations

Cellulose — cannot be exposed to
nitrate temperatures above 125 °C

— low filter capacity for dust

— proven efficiency — cannot be exposed to

temperatures above 230 °C
— not prone to fibre loss
— mechanically weak

— prone to curling during

conditioning in oven

— electrostatic charges can affect


Fibreglass — strong mechanical properties — reacts with acidic compounds,

such as SO3

— cannot be exposed to
temperatures above 200 °C

Quartz fibre — thermally stable — fibre loss may occur

— resistant to chemical reactions — weak mechanical properties

with waste gases, such as HF, HCl,
SO2, SO3, H2SO4, NO and NO2 — cannot be exposed to
temperatures above 700 °C

a PTFE can be exposed to temperatures of up to 230 °C. However, some manufacturers have lower
temperature limits, with some stating a limit of 120 °C.

Laser cut filters have a raised edge, due to the effect of the laser heating the filter material. For this reason
laser cut filters can lose material, due to mechanical damage to the fused edge when the filter is clamped
in a filter holder and removed from the holder for weighing.
7.2.3 Entry nozzle

The sample gas stream to be measured enters the sampling system via the nozzle. The nozzle is connected
either to the suction tube or to the filter housing.
In order to allow isokinetic sampling of gases flowing at a wide range of velocities (e.g. 3 m/s to 50 m/s)
without major change of the sample gas flow rate, the sampling equipment shall be supplied with a set of
nozzles of different diameters.
The entry nozzle shall be sharp in order not to disturb the main gas flow. Annex C details four proven
designs. Other designs are allowed, provided they are validated to give equivalent results.
The uncertainty of the area at the nozzle entry shall be less than 5 % in order to fulfil isokinetic sampling
criteria. For this reason, it is recommended to use nozzles with an inside diameter exceeding 8 mm.
In order to minimize disturbance of the gas flow near the nozzle tip, the following requirements shall also

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EN 13284-1:2017 (E)

a) constant internal diameter of the nozzle for a minimum length of one internal diameter, or at least
10 mm from the nozzle tip whichever is the greater;

b) any change in bore diameter shall be tapered and of conical angle shall not exceed 30°;

c) bends are allowed only after a minimum straight length of 30 mm; their radius shall be at least 1,5
time the internal diameter;

d) any change in the external diameter of the sampling system parts located at less than 50 mm from
the nozzle tip shall be tapered and of conical angle shall not exceed 30°;

e) obstacles related to the sampling system are:

1) prohibited upstream the nozzle tip;

2) allowed besides and downstream of the nozzle tip, when situated at a distance of at least 50 mm
or one times the size of the obstacle, whichever is the greater.

7.2.4 Suction tube for out-stack filtration devices

The suction tube shall have a smooth internal surface, and shall be designed to facilitate inspection and
mechanical cleaning. The tube shall be temperature controlled to maintain the planned conditions for the
filtration of the gases.
7.2.5 Suction unit

The suction unit (gas pump) shall be tight, corrosion-proof and shall be capable of extracting the
maximum rated flow rate in the sampling conditions (vacuum at the suction side down to e.g. 40 kPa).
Wide adjustments of sampled flow rate shall be controlled by a regulating valve and/or by-pass. A shut
off valve shall also be available to shut-off the gas flow through the sampling train.
7.2.6 Gas metering devices

The following two kinds of gas metering systems may be used:

a) flow rate measurements on a dry basis (see Figure 5):

1) condenser and/or gas drying tower;

2) gas-tight pump;

3) flow meter, in order to facilitate the flow rate adjustment, calibrated against the dry gas volume

4) dry gas volume meter (maximum expanded uncertainty of 5,0 % at the anticipated flow rate)
with associated absolute pressure and temperature measurement (maximum expanded
uncertainty of 2,0 % each);

b) flow rate measurements on a wet basis (see Figure 5):

1) heated tubing, in order to prevent upstream condensation of the sample gas;

2) orifice plate or equivalent device (flow meter), maximum expanded uncertainty of 10,0 % of the
anticipated flow rate; the expanded uncertainty of the measured values of temperature and
pressure (absolute and differential) measurement shall not exceed 2,0 % each;

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3) compressed air ejector acting as suction device;

4) atmospheric pressure measuring device.

Other types of systems are allowed, provided that the component parts meet the requirements specified
in this section.

10a shut off valve 10g bypass control valve
10b adjustment valve 10h heated orifice plate
10c pump 10i compressed air ejector
10d flow meter 11 pressure gauge
10e dry gas volume meter 12a dry gas
10f temperature indicator for 12a 12b dry gas
10f temperature and pressure indicator for 12b and 13 13 wet gas

Figure 5 — Examples of suction unit and gas metering devices

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7.3 Dust deposit recovery accessories

The following accessories may be used for the dust deposit recovery:
a) purified water (de-ionized and filtered having a dry residue of 1,0 mg/l or less)

b) acetone (pA grade having a dry residue of 1,0 mg/l or less);

c) containers of appropriate size (e.g. 250 ml) for storage and transportation of the rinsing solution;

d) plugs (acetone resistant) to close the suction tube.

7.4 Equipment for conditioning and weighing

The following equipment may be used for conditioning and weighing:

a) weighing containers for the drying procedure of the rinsing solutions. The mass shall be in
accordance with the balance to be used. Glass and ceramic have proven to be suitable materials.
Plastic materials are not recommended;

b) desiccators: located in the weighing room, with a desiccating agent (silica gel, calcium chloride);

c) drying oven: laboratory drying oven, thermally controlled within ± 5 °C;

d) balance: resolution from 0,01 mg to 0,1 mg, the range shall be compatible with the mass of parts to
be weighed (see Depending on the balance room location, specific care shall be taken to
avoid reading instability related to vibrations, air draughts and temperature variations;

NOTE The weighing uncertainty is not only related to the balance characteristics but to the whole procedure
(see Annex E).

e) thermometer and humidity meter near the balance;

f) pressure gauge;

g) depending on the evaporation procedure, an extraction hood and heating plate for the evaporation
of rinsing solution shall be provided.

8 Weighing procedure
8.1 General

Depending on the kind of sampling system to be used, the parts to be weighed can be the filter with or
without its filter holder, or can also include all upstream parts from the filter.
Depending on the procedure to be used the rinsing solutions can be evaporated and weighed in the same
container or transferred to a smaller container for weighing.
8.2 Pre-sampling conditioning

If the filter housing is part of weighing parts the outside surfaces shall be cleaned prior to weighing.
Weighed parts shall be dried in a drying oven for at least 1 h before sampling at a temperature of at least
20 °C above the maximum temperature reached during sampling and post-sampling treatment
(see Annex H).
The temperature used while conditioning before weighing shall be indicated in the measurement report.

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The filters and/or the weighing containers are cooled down to ambient temperature in a desiccator
located in the weighing room for at least 4 h. For larger parts, e.g. weighing containers, a duration of up
to 12 h can be necessary.
8.3 Weighing

Since dust concentration is determined by difference between weights, special care is required in order
to avoid weighing errors related to balance drift, to insufficient temperature equilibrium of parts to be
weighed, and to climatic changes (see examples in Annex F). Therefore, before performing any
measurement, the user shall validate their weighing procedure (see 8.6). It is strongly recommended to
use the same balance for both pre-weighing and past weighing.
Before each weighing series:
a) the balance shall be checked against standard weights;

b) additional check shall be carried out by weighing control parts, identical to the parts to be used in
the measurement, pre-treated in the same temperature and humidity control conditions and kept
free from contamination;

c) the climatic conditions in the room shall be recorded.

When weighing large volume parts (e.g. beakers), the temperature and barometric pressure can influence
the apparent weight, this can be detected using the reference weight of the control parts. In these
conditions, weighing corrections shall be applied, based on the apparent weight modification of the
control part of each type (filter with filter holder, container etc.) or by calculating the influence of the
change of barometric pressure on the basis of performance characteristics previously determined by each
test laboratory.
Attention has also to be drawn on an increase or decrease in weighing due to:
— electrostatic charges, which give erratic readings and which may have to be discharged/neutralized
(metallic plate, ion gun);

— hygroscopic characteristics of the filter material and/or dust;

— small differences in temperature between the part to be weighed and the environment which can
disturb the balance.

Weighing shall be carried out within 3 min after removal from the desiccator. Three readings shall be
taken at 1 min, 2 min and 3 min. If a significant increase is detected, the sample shall be put back into the
desiccator for at least 4 h and then the weighing procedure shall be repeated. The dry reference weight
shall then be calculated by extrapolation to zero time.
8.4 Post-sampling treatment of weighed parts

If the filter housing is part of weighing parts the outside surfaces shall be cleaned prior to weighing.
Weighed parts shall be dried after sampling in a drying oven for at least 1 h at 160 °C. Afterwards they
shall be equilibrated to ambient temperature as described in 8.2. For specific reasons to be presented in
the measurement report an alternative conventional temperature for post-sampling treatment may be
selected (see Annex H).
The temperature used while conditioning shall be indicated in the measurement report.

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8.5 Post-sampling treatment of the rinsing solutions

All the rinsing solutions (water and acetone) from all parts upstream of the filter as described in 9.6 shall
be taken to the laboratory for the further treatment. Care shall be taken that no contamination occurs.
The solutions shall be transferred carefully to the dried and pre-weighed containers (see 8.1). During the
evaporation the solvent mixture shall not be boiled. As the volume of solution is reduced through the
evaporation process, small vessels may be used before the final weighing container.
NOTE Proven methods for evaporation of rinsing solutions are:

1) evaporate in an oven at 120 °C at ambient pressure;

2) evaporate in a closed system (desiccator). The initial temperature is set to 90 °C and the pressure is reduced
to 40 kPa (absolute). From time to time the temperature is increased and the pressure is decreased. For the
last period they are kept at 140 °C and 20 kPa (absolute).

After evaporation the weighing containers shall be placed in the drying oven for at least 1 h at 160 °C,
then cooled down to ambient temperature as described in 8.2. For specific reasons to be presented in the
measurement report an alternative conventional temperature for post-sampling treatment may be
selected (see Annex H).
From the solvents used at least one blank value from the same batch shall be determined, for possible
8.6 Improvement of the weighing procedure

Experience has shown that weighing uncertainties are not only related to the balance performance but
to the whole procedure applied. Therefore, before performing any measurement, the user shall establish
and validate its own procedure, taking into account the sampling equipment and filters to be used.
Repeated weighing of the same parts, spread over several weeks in various conditions, i.e. ambient
temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity, provide through the standard deviation an estimation
of the actual precision of weighing, including the uncertainties related to i.e. the manipulation of the filters
and equilibrium time.
The results are used as a first estimate of the field blank value and provide a means of calculation of the
gas volume to be sampled, in order to get significant data, taking into account the anticipated range of
dust concentrations (see Annex E).
If the actual precision of weighing is not sufficient, weighing can be improved by controlling the influence
parameters e.g. in climate controlled environment.

9 Sampling procedure
9.1 Preparation

The equipment shall be cleaned, prepared and checked before moving to site. Care shall be taken not to
reuse any part of a sampling system previously used for high dust concentration sampling without
dismantling and thorough cleaning.
Depending on the measurement programme, filters and associated parts to be weighed shall be prepared
for each measurement series.
Perform weighing of the parts in accordance with Clause 8.
All the weighed parts, the suction tube and the other parts of the equipment which will come in contact
with the sample and will be rinsed later shall be protected from contamination during transportation and

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9.2 Filter handling

Filter handling can be a major source of uncertainty in the dust measurement, often leading to structural
damage to the filters and the potential for loss of material from the filters. Therefore, handling of filters
shall be reduced to a minimum.
Whenever possible, filters shall be installed into individual filter holders at the permanent premises of
the test laboratory, prior to going to the measurement site. Each filter with its filter holder shall be placed
in an individual storage box for transportation purposes.
At the measurement site, the filter in its filter holder is removed from the storage box and placed into the
filter housing. After sampling the filter with its filter holder is removed from filter housing and placed
back into the storage box for the transportation to the laboratory.
NOTE 1 The unit of a filter in its filter holder protects the filter from structural damage that can be caused by
handling and from influences by surrounding conditions.

In case of in-stack filtration, the filter in its filter holder may be combined with the filter housing and the
entry nozzle providing one filtration unit.
If one filter holder is used on site for several filters, measures shall be taken to prevent damage of the
filters caused by handling and to prevent influences on the collected dust on the filters by surrounding
conditions such as strong wind and rain.
NOTE 2 Filter holders that clamp the filter using a clamping ring can cause mechanical damage, which can lead
to structural damage of the filter that can cause filter losses during sampling.

NOTE 3 Different approaches are used for handling and weighing filters after sampling. Filters in filter holders
can be removed from the filter holder and weighed, taking care to ensure that any loose filter material attached to
the filter holder is also removed and weighed. Alternatively, the filter holder and filter can be weighed as a combined
unit. Filters in combined filtration units are weighed together.

NOTE 4 Experience has shown that filters can contain loose material. Filters can be preconditioned by pulling
clean ambient air through the filter for a specified length of time and flow rate to ensure that no further loss of filter
material occurs after conditioning. If pre-blowing of filters is carried out, the filters are then installed into filter
holders in the same direction for sampling, as they were when they were pre-blown.

9.3 Pre-measurements

Dust measurements can be performed using simple probes without velocity device or with combined
probes (waste gas sampling and velocity measurement simultaneous at each measurement point). The
preferred method is to use combined probes with the isokinetic sampling flow calculated from the actual
velocity measurement. For steady processes a simple probe may be used. The isokinetic sampling flow is
then calculated from the velocity profile established previously. The selection of the nozzle diameter
depends upon the capacity of the pump as well as the waste gas conditions (e.g. velocity, temperature
and moisture).
Therefore, extra information about the duct cross section, the waste gas and steadiness of the plant
operation is needed for appropriate dust measurements.
The following steps shall be executed:
a) determine the waste gas composition, especially the concentration of oxygen, CO2 and water-vapour;

b) calculate the density of the waste gas from the waste gas composition;

c) select the number and location of measurement points in accordance with EN 15259;

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d) if the dust measurement is not performed using a combined probe a velocity measurement device
shall be installed at a relevant fixed point in the measurement plane. The velocity data from this fixed
point is used to prove steadiness of the process;

e) measure the temperatures and velocities of the gas at the selected measurement points in the duct,
check also for possible deviations of gas flow with regard to duct axis; verify that the requirements
of EN 15259:2007, 5.2 are fulfilled, otherwise, see 6.1;

f) taking into account the preliminary calculations (see Annex F) and the measured velocities, select a
suitable entry nozzle diameter which meets the isokinetic conditions for all the measurement points;

g) unless steadiness of the stationary source is proved the actual data of the velocity during sampling is
used for isokinetic sampling at each measurement point;

h) if a simple probe is used and if the variation in velocity measured with the fixed Pitot probe during
the measurements under e) is less than 10 %, the process is assumed to be steady. In those cases the
isokinetic flow during sampling can be calculated from the velocity profile of the pre measurements
at every measurement point in the duct.

9.4 Leak test

Perform a leak test on the sampling system before each measurement. Check the sample gas line for
leakage according to the following procedure or any other relevant procedure:
a) assemble the complete sampling system;

b) seal the nozzle inlet;

c) switch on the pump;

d) read the flow rate after reaching minimum pressure;

e) measure the leak flow rate, e.g. by a rotameter, which shall not exceed 2,0 % of the expected sample
gas flow rate.

NOTE Good laboratory practice includes regular checks of the pump and of the equipment between the pump
and the gas meter for leaks.

Perform the leak test at the operating temperature unless this conflicts with safety requirements.
Integrity of the sampling system can be also tested during sampling by continuously measuring the
concentration of a suitable stack gas component (e.g. oxygen) directly in the stack and downstream the
sample gas line. Any systematic difference between those concentrations indicates a leak in the system.
Leaks shall be investigated and rectified.
9.5 Sampling

Sampling shall be carried out according to the following procedure:

a) Preheat the relevant parts of the sampling train to the selected filtration temperature, e.g. stack
temperature or at least the conventional temperature (see Annex H). The temperature used while
sampling shall be indicated in the measurement report.

NOTE 1 For in-stack devices, the relevant parts of the sampling train can be preheated in the stack before
sampling with the nozzle directed downstream.

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Insert the sampling train into the duct with the nozzle, if possible, facing downstream avoiding
contact with any parts of the duct; at very low pressures in the waste gas duct the pump shall run at
low power before the probe is inserted to avoid that filter material is sucked back.

Seal up the opening of the measurement port in order to minimize air ingress in the duct or exposure
of operators to harmful substances;

b) Turn the suction tube until the entry nozzle is facing upstream within ± 10°, open the shut off valve,
start the suction device and adjust the flow rate in order to obtain isokinetic sampling within
–5 % and +15 % (see Annex B). Use the same sampling duration of at least 3 min at each selected
measurement point.

c) Use a total sampling duration of at least 30 min.

d) Record at the beginning of sampling the barometric pressure, temperature and volume of gas meter.

e) At each measurement point and at least every 5 min, record the parameters used for determining the
stack gas velocity. Based on this value adjust the flow rate for isokinetic sampling within –5 % and
+15 %.

NOTE 2 Good laboratory practice when using dry gas meter is to record at least every 5 min gas meter
temperature and pressure and to use the results for calculating the final sampled volume.

f) Do not stop sampling when moving the sampling train to the following measurement point, and
immediately adjust the flow rate for isokinetic conditions.

g) On completion of sampling at all the selected measurement points of the measurement line, close the
shut off valve and suction device, remove the sampling train from the duct and reposition it on the
next measurement line.

NOTE 3 For low dust concentration measurement, it is better to use only one filter for a complete measurement
(cumulative sampling).

The filter load and the maximum gas velocity should not exceed the filter manufacturer's

h) On completion of sampling at all measurement points:

1) Record at the end of sampling the temperature and volume of gas meter.

2) Remove the sampling system after closing the shut-off valve and suction device. At very low
pressures in the waste gas duct the pump shall run at low power after the probe is removed to
avoid that filter material is sucked back.

3) Dismantle the sampling system and check visually the filter and the filter housing for signs of
breakage or condensation (sampling equipment operated below or too close the dew point). In
such cases, the measurement is not valid.

i) Put the parts to be weighed in a closed electrostatic free container for transport to laboratory for
weighing (see Clause 8).

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9.6 Recovery of deposits upstream of the filter

9.6.1 General

Experimental work carried out when preparing this European Standard proved that dust deposits
upstream of the filter are often in the range of 10 % to 30 % of the total dust when sampling gases from
waste incinerators at concentration around 5 mg/m3.
These deposits depend probably on the design of the sampling equipment, and on the kind of dust to be
sampled, but no efficient means was found to keep them at a negligible level. For this reason all non-
weighed parts of the sampling equipment upstream of the filter shall be rinsed. The mass of dust on non-
weighed parts upstream of the filter shall be indicated in the measurement report, besides the mass on
the filters used during the same measurement series.
When sampling with in-stack filtration devices with no bends between the nozzle and filter housing
(see Annex C) on non-saturated gases, with a temperature well above the stack gas dew point, the
upstream deposits do not have to be recovered provided that validation has been carried out at similar
conditions as the process to prove that the deposits, expressed in the same units as the measurement
results (e.g. in milligrams per cubic metre) do not exceed 10 % of the emission limit value set for the
NOTE The influence of deposits not recovered on the measurement uncertainty can be evaluated on the basis
of the results of the validation.

9.6.2 Rinsing procedure

All the non-weighed parts upstream of the filter which are in contact with the gas sample shall be rinsed
to recover the deposits unless the recovery of possible deposits is not required (see 9.6.1).
Special care shall be taken to avoid contamination if the rinsing is done on site. Rinsing shall be done in
accordance with the following procedure:
a) Rinse the nozzle, elbow and the other parts upstream of the filter carefully with water into a storage
container, taking care that nothing from the outside of the rinsed parts falls into the container.
Depending on the properties of the dust the procedure shall be repeated with acetone into the same

b) To rinse the suction tube, seal one end and fill enough water to wet and clean the inner surface and
then seal the other end. The tube shall be cleaned by rotating and tilting several times. Transfer the
solution to the transport storage container. Depending on the properties of the dust the procedure
shall be repeated with acetone into the same container.

No mechanical cleaning shall be applied to recover dust deposits upstream of the filter.
The upstream parts shall be rinsed at least after each measurement series on the same sampling plane
and at least once a day. The recovered mass shall be attributed to individual tests in proportion to the
mass collected on each filter.
9.7 Field blank

A field blank shall be taken at each measurement site either before or after each measurement series and
at least once a day, by the following procedure as described in 9.4 and 9.6:
a) assemble the equipment;

b) disassemble the equipment;

c) rinse, if required.

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This leads to an estimation of the dispersion of results for a near zero dust concentration i.e.
contamination of filters and of rinsing solutions before and during handling on site, transport, storage,
handling in the laboratory and weighing procedures.
The field blank value shall be calculated using the field blank mass divided by the average sample volume
of the measurement series.
All field blank values shall be reported individually.
The field blank value shall not exceed 10 % of the emission limit value set for the process or 0,5 mg/m3,
whichever is greater.

10 Calculation
10.1 Sampling volumetric flow rate

In order to perform isokinetic sampling, calculate the required sampling volumetric flow rate, taking into
account the velocity of the gas in the duct at the measurement point and the effective diameter of the
sampling nozzle.
Because sampling flow rate is measured in conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity) which generally
differ from the actual conditions of the gas in the duct. It shall be corrected as follows:
100 % − ha Tm pa
Q m =Qa × × × (2)
100 % − hm Ta pm

Qm is the measured volumetric sampling flow rate at gas meter conditions;
Qa is the sampling volumetric flow rate, expressed in the actual conditions in the duct;
hm is the humidity of the gas in measurement conditions, in percentage volume;
ha is the humidity of the gas in actual conditions, in percentage volume;
Tm is the temperature of the gas in measurement conditions at the volume meter, in Kelvin;
Ta is the temperature of the gas in actual conditions in the duct, in Kelvin;
pm is the absolute pressure of the gas in measurement conditions at the volume meter;
pa is the absolute pressure of the gas in actual conditions in the duct.

Compare the Qa target value to the Qa performed during measurement, in order to check for isokinetic
sampling compliance.
10.2 Dust concentration

For each test, calculate:

a) the sample volume V, specifying whether on a dry or wet basis and at standard conditions;

b) the total mass m of dust collected upstream of the filter (rinsing) and on the filter;

c) the dust concentration c:

c= (3)

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It is sometimes necessary to express dust concentrations to a reference oxygen concentration to correct

for dilution effect. Then the measured dust concentration on a dry basis and at standard conditions shall
be multiplied by the correction factor fc:

21 % − oref
fc = (4)
21 % − om

oref is the oxygen reference concentration in percentage volume of dry gas;
om is the oxygen concentration in percentage volume of dry gas, measured in the duct.

11 Measurement report
The measurement report shall provide a comprehensive account of the measurements, a description of
the measurement objective and the measurement plan. It shall provide sufficient detail to enable the
results to be traced back through the calculations to the collected basic data and process operating
The measurement report shall include the items specified in EN 15259 and at least the information on
the following items:
a) Identification of the sampling location and gas parameters in the duct:

1) duct dimensions, number and position of measurement lines and measurement points;

2) velocity and temperature at each measurement point;

3) O2, CO2, water-vapour content;

4) compliance with the requirements on the gas stream specified in EN 15259.

b) Measurement procedures:

1) dust measurement:

i) reference to this European standard;

ii) any modification of the measurement method and corresponding validation data;

2) characteristics of sampling equipment:

i) type of filtration device;

ii) nozzle diameter;

iii) characteristics of the filter (material, sizes, etc.);

iv) filter conditioning and filtration temperature;

c) Test results:

1) number of tests;

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2) for each test:

i) date, time and duration;

ii) sampled volume;

iii) dust mass on the filter and dust mass recovered from the rinse solutions;

iv) dust concentration at the conditions specified in the measurement objective.

d) Quality assurance:

1) leak test results;

2) field blank value;

3) compliance with the isokinetic criterion.

Results below the field blank value shall be reported as less than the field blank value.

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Annex A

Performance characteristics of the method obtained in the method


A.1 General
Because waste gas composition varies in time, it is not possible to determine the repeatability and
reproducibility of the method in accordance with ISO 5725-2.
However, if one team performs successive parallel sampling tests with two identical sampling systems,
such a procedure allows statistical comparison between paired values xi,1 and xi,2 to be calculated.
The standard deviations s of the paired values are:

∑ i = 1 ( x i ,1 − x i , 2 )
n 2

s= (A.1)

n is the number of the paired values
The standard deviation can be used for the calculation of:
— the internal uncertainty u (or internal confidence interval) linked to an individual measurement
carried out by that team:
u = t 0,95;n −1 s (A.2)


t0,95 ; n–1 is the student factor for a 95 % confidence and the degrees of freedom n - 1.

— the repeatability r (in accordance with ISO 5725-2), i.e. the maximum difference between i.e. two
measurements by the same team, for a 95 % confidence level:

r = 2 t 0,95;n −1 s (A.3)

These data can be used by the test laboratories as tools in the framework of quality assurance.
When data are provided by several independent teams operating together, similar calculations can be
achieved and provide an estimation of:
— the expanded uncertainty linked to an individual measurement carried out by any team fulfilling the
requirements of this standard. This uncertainty shall be taken into account when comparing the
measured values to the emission limit value;
— the reproducibility R (in accordance with ISO 5725-2), i.e. the maximum difference R, which can be
expected at a 95 % confidence, between two measurements by different teams working in
accordance with this standard, at the process conditions.

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When doing measurements at low level concentrations, the detection limit can be estimated:
— by parallel measurements and calculation of the uncertainty;
— by successive measurements at near zero concentration. The detection limit is assumed to be three
times the standard deviation.

A.2 Experimental data

Validation tests were performed in two municipal waste incinerators equipped with different kinds of
gas treatment:
— Plant A: semi dry process with a fabric filter, stack gas temperature: 140 °C;

— Plant B: electrostatic precipitator, with a scrubber, stack gas temperature: 60 °C, water saturated.

Sampling duration was limited to 30 min.

The results are given in Table A.1.
Table A.1 — Results of validation test

Number of teams in parallel 4 3
Number of out-stack/in-stack 1/3 3/0
Number of successive tests 32 16
Dust on filter only Total dust Total dust
including rinsing
mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3
Dust concentration
mean: 4,7 6,4 2,5
range covered: 2 to 17 3 to 19 0,3 to 6,8
Repeatability 1,7 2,1 1,9
Expanded uncertainty 2,4 4,0 1,8
Reproducibility 3,4 5,7 2,6

The detection limit was estimated from results by one team, to be:
— for dry gases: approximately 0,3 mg/m3 (dust on filter only);

— for water saturated gases: approximately 2 mg/m3 (total dust).

A.3 Comments

During the above tests, some high field blank values were reported (±1 mg/m3 or higher) due to weighing
uncertainties of rinses dry extracts (e.g. use of vessels of improper material).
Further investigation showed that these uncertainties can be reduced to less than 0,5 mg/m3, leading to
an improvement of repeatability and reproducibility.

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Increased sampling time to 60 min or to 90 min would improve significantly the reproducibility of

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Annex B

Influence of the isokinetic rate on the representativeness of the collected


Figure B.1 shows the influence of the isokinetic rate vn/vd on the representativeness of the collected
particles for the following cases:
a) If the isokinetic rate is equal to one, then the gas flow in the nozzle and the gas flow in the duct are
identical as shown in the left part of Figure B.1. In this case fine and coarse particles can evenly follow
the gas flow and the dust concentration can be correctly measured.

b) If the isokinetic rate is smaller than one, then the gas flow in the nozzle is smaller than the gas flow
in the duct, which leads to a disturbed gas flow as shown in the middle of Figure B.1 and a lower
sample gas volume. Fine particles can follow the gas flow, whereas coarse particles follow the original
flow direction due to the mass inertia. This leads to a higher dust mass on the filter, which is primarily
caused by the coarse particles in front the nozzle plane, which do not follow the gas flow out of the
nozzle plane. In this case the measured dust concentration is too high.

c) If the isokinetic rate is greater than one, then the gas flow in the nozzle is greater than the gas flow
in the duct, which leads to a disturbed gas flow as shown in the right part of Figure B.1 and a higher
sample gas volume. As in the previous case, the fine particles can follow the gas flow, whereas the
coarse particles follow the original flow direction due to the mass inertia. This leads to a lower dust
mass on the filter, which is primarily caused by the coarse particles outside the nozzle plane, which
do not follow the gas flow into the nozzle plane. In this case the measured dust concentration is too

Figure B.1 — Schematic showing the effect of the isokinetic rate vn/vd on the representativeness
of the collected particles

The collection efficiency of a sampling system for particles can be calculated from the isokinetic rate
(see [1], [2], [3]). Figure B.2 to Figure B.6 show examples of collection efficiencies as a function of the
ratio of the gas velocity in the entry nozzle to the gas velocity in the duct for varying the particle diameter
(Figure B.2), the waste gas flow (Figure B.3), the nozzle diameter (Figure B.4), the particle density
(Figure B.5) and the waste gas temperature (Figure B.6).

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NOTE The collection efficiency is the ratio of the sampled concentration sampled at a specific isokinetic rate to
the concentration at isokinetic sampling with an isokinetic rate of 1,0.

Figure B.2 — Theoretical dependence of the collection efficiency E on the ratio of the gas velocity
in the entry nozzle vn to the gas velocity vd in the duct for different particle diameters and a
waste gas velocity of 10 m/s, a nozzle diameter of 10 mm, a particle density of 1 000 kg/m3 and a
waste gas temperature of 0 °C

Figure B.3 — Theoretical dependence of the collection efficiency E on the ratio of the gas velocity
in the entry nozzle vn to the gas velocity vd in the duct for different waste gas velocities and a
particle diameter of 5 µm, a nozzle diameter of 10 mm, a particle density of 1 000 kg/m3 and a
waste gas temperature of 0 °C

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Figure B.4 — Theoretical dependence of the collection efficiency E on the ratio of the gas velocity
in the entry nozzle vn to the gas velocity vd in the duct for different nozzle diameters and a
particle diameter of 5 µm, a waste gas velocity of 10 m/s, a particle density of 1000 kg/m3 and a
waste gas temperature of 0 °C

Figure B.5 — Theoretical dependence of the collection efficiency E on the ratio of the gas velocity
in the entry nozzle vn to the gas velocity vd in the duct for different particle densities and a
particle diameter of 5 µm, a waste gas velocity of 10 m/s, a nozzle diameter of 10 mm and a
waste gas temperature of 0 °C

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Figure B.6 — Theoretical dependence of the collection efficiency E on the ratio of the gas velocity
in the entry nozzle vn to the gas velocity vd in the duct for different waste gas temperatures and a
particle diameter of 5 µm, a waste gas velocity of 10 m/s, a nozzle diameter of 10 mm and a
particle density of 1 000 kg/m3

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Annex C

Proven design of the entry nozzles

Figures C.1, C.2 and C.3 show three designs of the entry nozzles, where:
e is the thickness of the side of the nozzle;
dn is the internal diameter of the entry nozzle;
R is the radius of curvature of the nozzle entry edge;
L is the length with constant internal diameter.

a) Figure C.1:

1) e < dn/12 but at least 0,8 mm;

2) L ≥ 10 mm;

3) R ≤ 0,2 mm.

Effective diameter deff = dn + 2R

Figure C.1 — Example of in-stack filter housing with proven integral nozzle

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b) Figure C.2:

e ≤ 0,2 mm.

Effective diameter deff = dn + e

Figure C.2 — Example of proven entry nozzles

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A 16 mm
B 25 mm
C 60 mm
D size to suit nozzle tube
E 15 mm radius
F 20 mm radius
G nozzle diameter
H 20°
I 35 mm

Figure C.3 — Example of proven goose neck nozzle

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Annex D

Summary of the requirements

Table D.1 — Summary of requirements

Equipment Value Specified in

– uncertainty of area at nozzle entry ≤5% 7.2.3
– length with constant internal diameter ≥ 10 mm 7.2.3
– change in diameter angle ≤ 30° 7.2.3
– radius of the bend ≥ 1,5 times internal diameter of the bend 7.2.3
– straight length before the first bend ≥ 30 mm 7.2.3
– distance to obstacles ≥ 50 mm 7.2.3
– efficiency on test aerosol of 0,3 µm > 99,5 %
– efficiency on test aerosol of 0,6 µm > 99,9 %
– material no reaction and no absorption of the
Sample gas:
– maximum expanded uncertainty of gas ≤ 5,0 % of measured value 7.2.6
– maximum expanded uncertainty of ≤ 2,0 % of measured value 7.2.6
absolute pressure
– maximum expanded uncertainty of ≤ 2,0 % of measured value 7.2.6
absolute temperature
Angle of the nozzle with regard to gas flow ≤ 10° 9.5
Isokinetic rate 95 % to 115 % 9.5
Leak rate ≤ 2,0 % 9.4
Balance: resolution 0,01 mg to 0,1 mg 7.4
Pre- and post-sampling treatment of 4 h to 12 h 8.2, 8.4
weighed parts: temperature equilibrium
Field blank value ≤ 10 % of the ELV a or 0,5 mg/m3, 9.7
whichever is greatest
Expanded uncertainty ≤ 20 % of the ELV a Clause 5

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Sampling location Value Specified in

Duct gas flow:
– angle with regard to duct axis < 15° EN 15259
– negative velocity not permitted EN 15259
– differential pressure at Pitot tube > 5 Pa EN 15259
– ratio of maximum to minimum velocity < 3:1 EN 15259
Straight length before the measurement > 5 hydraulic diameters (recommended) EN 15259
Straight length after the measurement > 2 hydraulic diameters (recommended) EN 15259
Straight length before emission point > 5 hydraulic diameters (recommended) EN 15259
Number of sampling points according to EN 15259 EN 15259
Waste gas characteristics Value Specified in
Waste gas density: uncertainty ≤ 0,05 kg/m3 EN ISO 16911-1
a ELV: emission limit value set for the process

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Annex E

Sampling volume, flow rate and duration

E.1 General
The minimum gas volume to be sampled shall be derived from the uncertainties in dust weighing and the
emission limit value set for the process.

E.2 Weighing uncertainties

These uncertainties are not only related to the balance performances but to the whole weighing
procedure. In accordance with 8.6, they are determined by repeated weighing of filters and weighing

E.3 Sampling volume

For an emission limit value E the dust mass m shall be at least 10 times the expanded uncertainty Uw of
weighing (see 9.7).
The necessary minimum sampling volume Vmin is then determined by Formula (E.1):
m 10 U w
V min
= = (E.1)

E.4 Sampling flow rate and duration

When the sampling duration ts is limited (e.g. 30 min), the minimum sampling flow rate Qmin is determined
by Formula (E.2):
V min
Q min = (E.2)

The sampling flow rate Qmin is compared to the practical flow rate which can be achieved by the used
sampling equipment (e.g. filter pressure drop, pump characteristics).

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Annex F

Examples of weighing bias

Weighing bias related to insufficient temperature equilibrium, and to climatic changes between pre- and
post-sampling weighing, are illustrated in the following example.
In this example, the filter is placed in a closed glass Petri box, mass 25 g, inside air volume 40 ml. The
balance is calibrated against a standard mass 25 g (density 8 g/ml). Density of glass 2 g/ml, of air
1,2 mg/ml.

F.2Effect of insufficient temperature equilibrium

Because of too low equilibrium time after drying, the inside air of the Petri box is assumed to have a
temperature 2 K higher than that of the balance room (300 K). The difference of air temperature leads to
an apparent mass variation of:
mg 2K
40 ml × 1, 2 × =
0, 3 mg (F.1)
ml 300 K

F.3Effect of temperature variations

The balance room temperature is 15 °C when weighing before sampling, and 25 °C when weighing after
The difference between the volume of air displaced by the standard mass (25 g, volume 3,1 ml) and by
the Petri box (25 g, volume 12,5 ml) is 9,4 ml.
Due to the temperature change of (10 K) compared to the temperature of the balance room (300 K) this
air volume leads to an apparent weight modification of:
mg 10 K
9, 4 ml × 1, 2 × =
0, 4 mg (F.2)
ml 300 K

F.4Effect of barometric pressure variations

The barometric pressure is assumed to be:
a) when weighing before sampling 98,5 kPa;

b) when weighing after sampling 104 kPa .

Therefore, a relative pressure variation of 5,5 % is observed.

Due to this relative pressure variation, the 9,4 ml air volume leads to an apparent weight modification of:
9, 4 ml × 1, 2 × 0, 055 =
0, 6 mg (F.3)

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When weighing parts with large internal volume, it is mandatory, that the temperature equilibrium has
been reached before weighing.
There is no need for correction of temperature effects if the room where the balance is situated is
thermally controlled. But it remains necessary that the effect of barometric pressure variations will be
taken into account, especially if the density of parts to be weighed is very different from those of standard
masses used for calibration. The required correction may be done by weighing the “control parts”, as
indicated in 8.3.

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Annex G

Determination of the measurement uncertainty

G.1 General
This annex provides an example on how to determine the measurement uncertainty of dust emission
measurements by analysis of the individual steps of the measurement method, consisting of three parts:
— principle of the determination of the uncertainty contributions of the individual measurands
(see G.2);

— combination of the uncertainty contributions of the individual measurands (see G.3);

— calculation of the effective number of degrees of freedom (see G.4);

G.2 Principle of the determination of the uncertainty contributions of

G.2.1 General

In the following, the principle of the calculation of the uncertainties of individual measurands is
explained. Uncertainty contributions of measuring devices, as caused by e.g. calibration, signal drift or
resolution, and uncertainty contributions to be determined by experiments are taken into account. In
G.2.2 the mass m is considered to be the measurand.
G.2.2 Uncertainty contribution of calibration

Calibration means the comparison of a measured value obtained by measuring a certified reference with
the nominal value of this reference. During weighing, for example, the value measured when putting a
reference weight on the balance is compared with the nominal value according to its gauging certificate.
If a sufficient number of individual results of repeated calibration measurements are available, the
uncertainty of a measurement (e.g. mass determination) due to the calibration is calculated according to
Formula (G.1):
∑ i =1 ( mi − mref )
 1
ucal m ( ) =
( ) ( ) (
+ u 2 mref= s 2 m ⋅  1 −  + u b2 + u 2 mref
) (G.1)

ucal(m) is the experimentally determined uncertainty of the measurand m due to calibration, e.g. by
weighing a reference weight;
mi is the ith measured value with i = 1 to n;
mref is the nominal value of the reference weight;
s(m) is the repeatability standard deviation of the measured values mi;
ub is the bias (deviation between the mean value of the measurement series and the nominal
value of the reference, e.g. determined during weighing on the basis of the readings of the

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balance for repeated placing of the reference weight and the nominal value of the reference
weight) ;
u(mref) is the uncertainty of the nominal value of the reference, e.g. uncertainty of the reference weight
according to the gauging certificate;
n is the number of repeated measurements, e.g. weighings;
∑ i = 1 ( mi − m )

( )
s2 m =


m is the mean value of the measured values mi

The repeatability standard deviation can be estimated by repeating the measurement sufficiently often
(n > 5).
NOTE 1 Formula (G.1), for example, allows for the bias between the experimentally obtained value for the mass
of the reference weight and the value obtained during gauging, as well as for the uncertainty of the reference weight.

If the individual measured values mi are not available to the user, but only information on the
measurement uncertainty Ucal of the calibrated measuring system, this information may be considered as
expanded uncertainty on the basis of a confidence interval of 95 %. In this case, the uncertainty ucal(m)
shall be estimated approximately as follows:
U cal
( )
ucal m =

NOTE 2 This relates to a conservative estimation. Assuming a confidence interval of 99 % instead of 95 % would
result in smaller variance and uncertainty.

G.2.3 Uncertainty contribution of the drift

In general, measurement signals are not long term stable, but slightly change with time. This systematic
deviation is also called drift. It can be assumed to be uniformly distributed and thus be estimated on the
basis of a rectangular distribution according to Formula (G.4):
( )
udrift m = drift (G.4)

Parameter adrift is the drift specified for the measuring device or the determined maximum drift between
two adjustments.
G.2.4 Uncertainty contribution of the display resolution

Analogue and digital displays contribute to measurement uncertainty. The resolution of analogue
displays is limited by the graduation. Digital displays are rounded or truncated from a certain digit. If the
space between two graduation lines of an analogue display or the smallest possible step of a digital
display is designated as ares, the true value is evenly distributed in the interval ± ares/2 around the
displayed value. Thus, according to Formula (G.5), the uncertainty contribution due to the resolution is:
( )
u res m = res (G.5)
2 3

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If the measured value is the difference between an initial value and a final value, or the difference between
a zero value and a final value, the uncertainty contribution of the resolution is considered twice in the

G.3 Combination of the uncertainty contributions of the individual measurands

G.3.1 Procedure

In the following, the application of the indirect approach to determine the uncertainty of the results of a
dust measurement method is explained. This approach makes it necessary to include each single step that
affects the measurement result in the evaluation of uncertainty, i.e. the measurement and analysis
procedure shall be thoroughly analysed.
The calculation of the measurement uncertainties is based on variances. In the simplest case, the variance
of a result is calculated by adding the variances of the different influence quantities taking into account
the sensitivity coefficients of these influence quantities. They can be derived from the method model
equation which describes the dependence of the measurement result on the input quantities (e.g. mass,
pressure, volume, temperature).
The relevance of the sensitivity coefficients becomes clear when expressing e.g. the gas volume of a
sample, measured at a higher temperature, at the standard temperature of 0 °C. This is common for the
results of emission measurements and can be expressed by Formula (G.6):
0 Vm ⋅ (G.6)
273K + t m

V0 is the sample volume at 0 °C;
Vm is the sample volume measured at temperature tm
tm is the temperature at the gas meter in °C
The measurement uncertainty of volume Vm has a much greater effect on the normalized volume V0 than
the measurement uncertainty of temperature tm. As can be seen in Formula (G.6) the absolute
temperature with the constant additional factor 273 K, the measurement uncertainty of which may be
neglected in this context and which is high compared to the measured temperature tm including its
measurement uncertainty, is used for the calculation of the normalized volume V0. For a volume
VM = 100 ℓ and a temperature tm = 30 °C, the calculation shows that the variance of V0 is affected by VM
with a factor of about 0,8. The factor of the temperature effect is only about 0,09. This example illustrates
the necessity for determining and considering sensitivity coefficients.
The sensitivity coefficients are calculated by partial differentiation of the model equation. Thus, factors
are obtained, either directly or by inserting the numerical measurement results into the mathematical
terms, which result from the partial differentiation. These are considered quadratically in the calculation
of the variance of the measurement result. The variance equation for model Formula (G.6) is given by
Formula (G.7):

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
var V0 = e 2 V m ⋅ var V m + e 2 t m ⋅ var t m (G.7)

The following example of the determination of the uncertainty of the measurement of low dust contents
at stationary sources involves different steps in accordance with the previous explanations. At first, the
variances of the individual influence quantities are calculated. These are:
— dust mass;

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— gas volume;

— temperature at the gas meter;

— pressure at the gas meter;

— atmospheric pressure;

— oxygen content of the exhaust gas for conversion with respect to the reference oxygen content.

The tolerances are assumed to originate from different sources, e.g. from calibration, from the
experimentally determined drift, or from the manufacturer’s specifications. To calculate the standard
deviations and variances from these tolerances, Type B evaluations are also used here. A rectangular
distribution of the values is assumed which serves as basis for the calculation of the respective variances.
In the example, the uncertainties of the following influence quantities are taken into account:
— calibration;

— drift;

— display resolution.

From the variances of these influence quantities, the total variance of the individual parameters is
calculated by addition, such as the variance of the measured sample volume, the temperature and the
pressure at the gas meter, and of the atmospheric pressure.
The calculation of the dust concentration in dependence on the measurands sample volume at the gas
meter, temperature at the gas meter, pressure at the gas meter, atmospheric pressure, weighted dust
mass and reference oxygen content for normalization can be described with one equation and can
therefore also be mathematically treated in one step. In order to elucidate the calculation process, the
following single steps are dealt with separately in this example:
— calculation of the standard volume;

— calculation of the dust mass difference of pre- and post-weighing;

— calculation of the dust concentration;

— calculation of the dust concentration for oxygen reference conditions.

Each of these calculations follows the same scheme. In the first step, the model equation is set up. In the
second step, the partial differentials are formed for all measurands contained in this model equation and
the sensitivity coefficients are determined.
Using the so obtained sensitivity coefficients and the variances of the individual measurands, the variance
of the measurement result is calculated in the third step.
G.3.2 Specification of the method model equation

Measurand of the dust measurement is the mass concentration c s,O of the dust at standard conditions
and for the reference oxygen content. The method model equation considers K = 7 input quantities:

c s,O = f m1 , m2 , V m , patm , ∆ p, t m , om
) (G.8)


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m1 is the mass of the empty filter (before sampling);

m2 is the mass of the dust loaded filter (after sampling);
patm is the atmospheric pressure (ambient pressure);
Δp is the relative pressure (usually low pressure), measured at the gas meter;
Vm is the sample volume;
tm is the temperature at the gas meter in °C;
om is the oxygen content by volume.
The method equation for the measurement result as a function of the identified input quantities is:

c s,O = ⋅
1013 hPa 273K + t m

) (
21 % − oref

) (
m2 − m1 ) (G.9)
2 273K (
patm + ∆ p ) (
21 % − om ) Vm

oref is the reference oxygen content by volume.
In Formula (G.9), the reference values for pressure (1013 hPa) and temperature (273 K) are rounded as
The temperature tm obtained at the gas meter can be converted into the absolute temperature
Tm = 273 K + tm. The measurement uncertainty of the constant 273 K is considered negligible in this
example. The measurement uncertainty of the measured temperature tm is then equal to the
measurement uncertainty of the absolute temperature Tm.
G.3.3 Stepwise calculation of the individual uncertainty contributions

G.3.3.1 Determination of variances for the individual measurands

In the following, the variances of the individual measurands (sample volume, temperature at the gas
meter, pressure at the gas meter, atmospheric pressure) are estimated. Mainly instrument specifications
are used that are known or determined as tolerances or measured values for the different uncertainty
contributions. The following uncertainty contributions are concerned:
— calibration;

— drift;

— display resolution.

Variances can also be calculated if it is only known that the measured value lies within a known range
about the true value (desired value). This is e.g. the case when gauged systems with given gauging error
limits are used. The variance is then calculated on the assumption of an equal distribution (rectangular
distribution). The assumption of such a rectangular distribution means a conservative uncertainty
G.3.3.2 Determination of variance of weighing with a test weight as reference

For weighing, gauged mass standards are used as reference. For these, the responsible gauging authority
specifies, during gauging, the deviation from the nominal mass as well as a standard deviation as
measurement uncertainty. It is assumed that this is a standard deviation on the basis of a normal
distribution. From this data and several repeated weighings the uncertainty of the weighing operation
can be calculated according to Formula (G.10):

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 1
( )
u 2 m=
1 ( ) (
s 2 m ⋅  1 −  + u b2 + u 2 mref
) (G.10)

u(m1) is the uncertainty of the weighing operation;
s(m) is the standard deviation of the measured values mi of the comparison weighings using the
reference mass standard;
ub is the bias (deviation between the mean value of the measurement series, determined on the
basis of the readings of the balance in the case of repeated placing of the reference weight, and
the nominal value of the reference weight);
u(mref) is the uncertainty of the reference weight;
n is the number of weighings.
Since the uncertainty contributions of the bias and of the reference weight are generally small compared
to the total uncertainty u(m1), the number of degrees of freedom during weighing equals n – 1.
G.3.3.3 Determination of the variance of the dust loading

The model equation for determining the dust mass by weighing includes the two steps pre-weighing and
post-weighing. Both steps involve measurement uncertainty:
m m2 − m1
= (G.11)

m is the mass of the collected dust;
m1 is the mass of the empty filter (pre-weighing);
m2 mass of the loaded filter (post-weighing).
The variance of m is calculated according to Formula (G.12):

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
var m = e 2 m2 ⋅ var m2 + e 2 m1 ⋅ var m1 ( ) (G.12)


e m1( ) is the sensitivity coefficient of pre-weighing;

e m2( ) is the sensitivity coefficient of post-weighing;

( )
var m1 is the variance of pre-weighing;

( )
var m2 is the variance of post-weighing.

The sensitivity coefficients are derived from Formula (G.13) and Formula (G.14):

∂m ∂
( )
e m2 = =
∂m2 ∂m2
m2 − m1 = 1 ) (G.13)

∂m ∂
( )
e m1 = = m2 − m1 =
∂m1 ∂m1
−1 ( ) (G.14)

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Inserting the sensitivity coefficients into Formula (G.12) provides Formula (G.15):

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
e 2 m2 ⋅ var m2 + e 2 m1 ⋅ var m1 =
var m = 1 2 ⋅ var m2 + −1 ⋅ var m1 =
var m2 + var m1

If the mass m of collected dust is small compared to the filter mass m1 (which is usually the case when
weighing the filter holder as well), the measurement uncertainties for pre- and post-weighing can be
considered to be equal:

( )
var m2 = var m1 ( ) (G.16)

The absolute measurement uncertainty u(m) and the relative measurement uncertainty w(m) of the
collected dust are calculated as follows:

( )
u m= var m=( ) ( )
2 ⋅ var m1 (G.17)

( )
u m var m( )
m ( ) =
m m

Since for pre-weighing as well as for post-weighing, the variances and the number of degrees of freedom
are equal, the number of degrees of freedom for the measurement of the dust mass is identical to the
number of degrees of freedom that is valid for the repeated weighing of a test weight.
G.3.3.4 Determination of the variance of the measured gas volume

This example illustrates the determination of uncertainty for the use of a conventional gas meter. The
following uncertainty contributions shall be taken into account:
— uncertainty of the gauged volume measuring device used for calibration:

U V ref )
W V ref ( )
= (
u V ref ) =
2 2
⋅ Vm (G.19)

u(Vref) is the uncertainty of the gauged volume measuring device used for calibration;
U(Vref) is the expanded uncertainty determined by the manufacturer or the gauging authority; a
normal distribution of the values, a confidence level of 95 %, and a sufficient number of
degrees of freedom are assumed for the determination of the expanded uncertainty (n → ∞;
k = 2);
W(Vref) is the expanded uncertainty relating to the measured volume and determined during gauging;
Vm is the measured volume.
— repeatability standard deviation obtained by repeated measurements of the same sample gas
volumes each:

∑ (Vm,i − Vm )
1 2
( )
u rep V m =
i =1


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urep(Vm) is the uncertainty caused by random variations of the instrument’s response;

V m,i is the ith measured value of the volume;

Vm is the mean value of the repeated measurements;

n is the number of repeated measurements.

The number of degrees of freedom is equal to n – 1.
The repeatability standard deviation is taken into account if the volume measuring devices themselves
are not directly gauged but calibrated by means of a gauged volume measuring device. In this case, it is
assumed that the bias is almost completely eliminated by the calibration and is thus negligibly small.
— display resolution:

( )
u res V m = res (G.21)
2 3

ures(Vm) is the uncertainty caused by the display resolution;
ares is the inaccuracy of the display (space between two graduation lines of an analogue display
or smallest possible step of a digital display).
Since such reading is done both at the beginning and at the end of the measurement, this value shall be
considered twice.
It is assumed that the inaccuracy of the display is given as a rectangular distribution. Then the number of
degrees of freedom is infinite.
The variance of the volume measurement var(Vm) is the sum of the squares of the above-mentioned

var= ( ) ( ) ( )
e 2 V ref ⋅ u 2 V ref + e rep
( ) 2
V m ⋅ u rep ( ) 2
V m + 2 ⋅ e res( ) 2
( )
V m ⋅ u res Vm (G.22)

Since in this case the individual sensitivity coefficients are all to be set to one, Formula (G.23) simplifies

var= ( ) ( 2
u 2 V ref + u rep ( ) 2
V m + 2 ⋅ u res Vm ( ) (G.23)

The relevant absolute and relative standard deviations are calculated following Formula (G.17) and
Formula (G.18).
The effective number of degrees of freedom for the volume determination is calculated using
Formula (G.54). The summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom shall be set to zero.
G.3.3.5 Determination of the variance of the temperature measured at the gas meter

In this example, it is assumed that the temperature measured at the gas meter shall be considered
because of the later conversion from operating conditions to standard conditions. Here, the following
individual uncertainties are taken into account:
— uncertainty as consequence of the fact that, during sampling, the temperature in the sampling
apparatus is only measured randomly and not continuously:

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∑ (Tm,i − Tm )
1 2
( )
u mean Tm =
n ( n − 1)
i =1

umean(Tm) is the uncertainty of the mean value of the temperature due to random temperature
Tm,i is the ith measured value of the temperature;
Tm mean value of the measured temperatures;

n number of temperature measurements.

The number of degrees of freedom is equal to n – 1.

— uncertainty of the gauged thermometer:

U cal Wcal
ucal T
=M( ) =
2 2
⋅ Tm (G.25)

ucal(Tm) is the uncertainty of the gauged thermometer used for measurement;
Ucal is the expanded uncertainty determined by the manufacturer or the gauging authority; a
normal distribution of the values, a confidence level of 95 %, and a sufficient number of
degrees of freedom are assumed for the determination of the expanded uncertainty (n → ∞;
k = 2);
Wcal is the expanded uncertainty relating to the measured temperature and determined during
Tm is the sample gas temperature measured at the gas meter.
If no gauged thermometer is used, but a thermometer that was calibrated against a gauged one, the
uncertainty shall be determined in analogy with Formula (G.1).

— display resolution:

( )
u res Tm = res (G.26)
2 3

ures(Tm) is the uncertainty due to the display resolution;
ares is the inaccuracy of the display (space between two graduation lines of an analogue display or
smallest possible step of a digital display).
It is assumed that the reading error is given as a rectangular distribution. Then the number of degrees
of freedom is infinite.

The variance of the temperature measurement var(Tm) is the sum of the squares of the above-mentioned

( ) 2
var Tm = e mean ( )2
Tm ⋅ u mean ( )
Tm + e cal 2
Tm ⋅ ucal ( ) ( )
Tm + e res ( ) 2
Tm ⋅ u res Tm( ) (G.27)

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Since, also in this case, the individual sensitivity coefficients are all set to one, Formula (G.28) simplifies

( ) 2
var Tm = u mean ( ) 2
Tm + ucal 2
( )
Tm + u res Tm ( ) (G.28)

The relevant absolute and relative standard deviations are calculated in analogy with Formula (G.17) and
Formula (G.18).
The effective number of degrees of freedom for the temperature determination is calculated using
Formula (G.54). The summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are set to zero.
G.3.3.6 Determination of the variance of the relative pressure at the gas meter

This contribution is not applicable if – as is usually the case with modern systems – the gas meter directly
emits into the ambient air. In this example, however, it is assumed that the low pressure at the gas meter
shall be taken into account for calculating the volume at standard conditions.
Moreover, it is assumed for this example that the pressure measuring instrument cannot be calibrated,
so that the uncertainty contribution for calibration is not applicable.
Thus, the following individual uncertainties are taken into account:
— uncertainty due to low-pressure variations observed and recorded during sampling:

( ) ∑ ( pi − p )
u mean p m = (G.29)
n ( n − 1)i =1

umean(pm) is the uncertainty due to low-pressure variations;
pi is the ith measured value for the low pressure;
p is the mean value of the pressure measurements;
n is the number of pressure measurements.
The number of degrees of freedom is equal to n – 1.
— display resolution:

( )
u res ∆ p = res (G.30)
2 3

ures(Δp) is the uncertainty due to display resolution;
ares is the inaccuracy of the display (space between two graduation lines).
It is assumed that the scale error is given as a rectangular distribution. Then the number of degrees of
freedom is infinite.
The variance of the low-pressure measurement var(Δp) results as the sum of the squares of the above-
mentioned uncertainties:

( ) 2
var ∆ p = e mean ( ) 2
p m ⋅ u mean ( ) 2
p m + e res ( )2
∆ p ⋅ u res( )
∆p (G.31)

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Since, also in this case, the individual sensitivity coefficients are all set to one, Formula (G.31) simplifies

( ) 2
var ∆ p = u mean 2
p m + u res ∆p ( ) ( ) (G.32)

The relevant absolute and relative standard deviations are calculated in analogy with Formula (G.17) and
Formula (G.18).
The effective number of degrees of freedom to determine the low pressure is calculated using
Formula (G.54). The summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are set to zero.
G.3.3.7 Determination of the variance of the measured atmospheric pressure

For the determination of the variance or of the uncertainty of the atmospheric pressure measurement,
the following contributions are considered:
— uncertainty of the gauged barometer:

U cal
ucal patm = ) 2

ucal(patm) is the uncertainty contribution on the basis of the expanded uncertainty according to the
calibration certificate;
Ucal is the expanded uncertainty of the barometer according to the calibration certificate; a
normal distribution of the values, a confidence level of 95 %, and a sufficient number of
degrees of freedom are assumed for the determination of the expanded uncertainty (n → ∞;
k = 2).
If no barometer with certified uncertainty is used, but a barometer that was calibrated against a certified
one, the uncertainty shall be determined in analogy with Formula (G.1).
— drift of the display of the barometer:

udrift patm = drift ) (G.34)

udrift(patm) is the uncertainty contribution of the drift of the barometer;
adrift is the drift observed in the period of measurement.
It is assumed that the drift is given as a rectangular distribution. Then the number of degrees of
freedom is infinite.

— display resolution:

u res patm = res ) (G.35)
2 3

ures(patm) is the uncertainty due to display resolution;

BS EN 13284-1:2017
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ares is the inaccuracy of the display (space between two graduation lines of an analogue display
or smallest possible step of a digital display).
It is assumed that the reading error is given as a rectangular distribution. Then the number of degrees
of freedom is infinite.

From this data the variance of the measured atmospheric pressure var(patm) is calculated as follows:

( 2
var patm =ucal ) ( 2
patm + udrift ( 2
patm + u res patm ) ( ) (G.36)

Also in this case, the sensitivity coefficients are one. Therefore, they are not considered in Formula (G.36).
The effective number of degrees of freedom to determine the atmospheric pressure is calculated using
Formula (G.54). The summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are set to zero.
G.3.3.8 Determination of the variance of the standard volume

The first step covers the determination of the variance of the standard volume, which is based on the
following model equation (see Formula (G.37)):

V m,s =
Vm ⋅

patm + ∆ p ) (G.37)
1013 hPa 273K + t
m )
Here, Vm,s is the sample volume at standard conditions (1013 hPa and 273 K).
The variance of the standard volume is calculated using the following formula:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
var V m,s = e 2 V m ⋅ var V m + e 2 patm ⋅ var patm + e 2 ∆ p ⋅ var ∆ p + e 2 t m ⋅ var t m( ) (G.38)

For the influence quantities volume at the gas meter, temperature at the gas meter, pressure at the gas
meter, and atmospheric pressure the variances already calculated above and the associated sensitivity
coefficients are required.
G.3.3.9 Calculation of the sensitivity coefficients

The sensitivity coefficients are calculated by partial differentiation of Formula (G.37) with respect to Vm,
tm, patm and Δp. With the constant factor F = 273 K/1013 hPa the coefficients are given by:
— sensitivity coefficient of the volume:

∂V m,s ∂  p + ∆p  p + ∆p
( )
e V m = =  F ⋅ atm
∂V m ∂V m  273K + t m 
F ⋅ atm
⋅ Vm  =
273K + t m
 

— sensitivity coefficient of the atmospheric pressure:

∂V m,s ∂  p + ∆p  Vm
( )
e patm = =  F ⋅ atm
∂patm ∂patm  273K + t m
⋅ Vm  =

273K + t m
 

— sensitivity coefficient of the low pressure:

∂V m,s ∂  p + ∆p  Vm
( )
e ∆ p = =  F ⋅ atm
∂∆ p ∂∆ p  273K + t m
⋅ Vm  =

273K + t m
 

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— sensitivity coefficient of the temperature:

∂V m,s ∂  p + ∆p  patm + ∆ p
( )
e tm = =  F ⋅ atm
 273K + t m
⋅ V m  =− F ⋅

⋅ Vm (G.42)
∂t m ∂t m
( )
  273K + t m

By substituting the sensitivity coefficients into Formula (G.38), the following is obtained for the variance
of the standard volume:
2 2
 p + ∆p   Vm 
var V m,s = )
 F ⋅ atm
 273K + t m 
( )
 ⋅ var V +  F ⋅
m  273K + t m 
 ⋅ var p
atm ( )
   
2 (G.43)
2  
 Vm   patm + ∆ p 
+ F ⋅
 273K + t m

( )
⋅ var ∆ p +  F ⋅ ⋅ V m  ⋅ var t m ( )
( )
 2 
  273K + t m
 

The effective number of degrees of freedom for the standard volume is calculated using Formula (G.54),
taking into account the sensitivity coefficients, the variances, and the effective numbers of degrees of
freedom for the individual measurands. Summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are set
to zero.
G.3.3.10 Calculation of the variance of the normalized dust concentration

The dust concentration cs for the standard conditions of the exhaust gas is calculated as follows:
cs = (G.44)
V m,s

The measurement uncertainty for this dust concentration, expressed as variance, is given by the following
Formula (G.45):

( ) ( ) ( )
var c s =e 2 m ⋅ var m + e 2 V m,s ⋅ var V m,s ( ) ( ) (G.45)

The sensitivity coefficients are obtained as partial derivatives:

∂c s ∂  m  1
m( ) = 
∂m ∂m  V m,s
 =

  V m,s

∂c s  m  m
e =
V m,s ) =
∂V m,s

∂V m,s

 V m,s
 = −
 2
V m,s
 

By substituting this into Formula (G.45), the following Formula (G.48) is obtained for the variance of the
normalized dust concentration:
2 2
   
 ⋅ var m +  − m  ⋅ var V
var cs  1
( )
 ( ) 
V2 
 m,s ( ) (G.48)
 m,s   m,s 

The effective number of the degrees of freedom of the normalized dust concentration is calculated using
Formula (G.54), taking into account the sensitivity coefficients, the variances, and the effective numbers

BS EN 13284-1:2017
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of degrees of freedom for the individual measurands. Summands with an infinite number of degrees of
freedom are set to zero.
G.3.3.11 Calculation of the variance of the normalized dust concentration for reference oxygen

The normalized dust concentration for a defined reference oxygen content is calculated according to the
following Formula (G.49):
21 % − oref
c s,O= c s ⋅ (G.49)
2 21 % − om

The measurement uncertainty for this dust concentration, expressed as variance, is given by the following
Formula (G.50):

( ) ( ) ( )
var c s,O =e 2 c s ⋅ var  c s  + e 2 om ⋅ var om
2  
( ) (G.50)

The sensitivity coefficients are obtained as partial derivatives:

∂c s,O ∂  21 % − oref  21 % − o
( )
e cs =
∂c s
∂c s 
cs ⋅
21 % − om
 = ref
 21 % − om
 

∂c s,O ∂  21 % − oref  21 % − oref

( )
e om = 2
= c s ⋅
∂O m 
 =

cs ⋅ (G.52)
∂O m 21 % − om
( )
  21 % − om

By substituting this into Formula (G.50), Formula (G.53) is obtained:

2  
 21 % − oref 
( )
 21 % − oref 
var c s,O = 
 21 % − om

( )
⋅ var c s +  c s ⋅ ( )
 ⋅ var om (G.53)
( )
2  2 
  21 % − om
 

The measurement uncertainty determined according to Formula (G.53) and expressed as variance
applies to the dust concentration for standard conditions, dry gas and reference oxygen content.
The effective number of the degrees of freedom of the dust concentration for standard conditions, dry gas
and reference oxygen content is calculated using Formula (G.54), taking into account the sensitivity
coefficients, the variances, and the effective numbers of degrees of freedom for the individual
measurands. Summands with an infinite number of degrees of freedom are set to zero.
Instead of the stepwise calculation, which illustrates the principle of the indirect approach in detail, the
variance of the dust concentration for standard conditions, dry gas, and for the reference oxygen content
can also be calculated in one step, by using model Formula (G.9) and calculating the sensitivity
coefficients of this Formula.

G.4 Effective number of the degrees of freedom

The statistical validity of an estimate var(Y) is characterized by the effective number of the degrees of
freedom νeff. Provided that effects not described by input data can be neglected, νeff can be obtained by
the simplified Welch-Satterthwaite Formula (G.54) (see EN ISO 20988):

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ν eff =
var 2 Y( ) (G.54)
K ( )
e i4 ⋅ var 2 x i
∑ i =1 νi

νeff is the effective number of the degrees of freedom assigned to the estimate of variance var(Y);
νi is the (effective) number of degrees of freedom assigned to the estimate of variance var(xi);
ei is the sensitivity coefficient with respect to variations of the input quantity xi.
Non-integer values obtained for νeff shall be rounded down to the next integer value.
Table G.1 — Coverage factor k obtained from Student’s t -distribution as a function of the
number of degrees of freedom νeff for a confidence level P = 95 % (two-sided) [4]

Number of degrees of
Coverage factor
νeff k
5 2,571
6 2,447
7 2,365
8 2,306
9 2,262
10 2,228
12 2,179
14 2,145
16 2,120
18 2,101
20 2,086
22 2,074
24 2,064
26 2,056
28 2,048
30 2,042

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Annex H

Thermal behaviour of dusts

Emitted dusts are generally thermally stable. However, on some processes the gases to be sampled
contain unstable or semi-volatile compounds (i.e. in particulate form at low temperature, in gaseous form
at higher temperature). In such a case the measured concentration depends on the filtration temperature
and/or on the drying temperature before final weighing.
Such phenomena have been reported in various industries:
a) power plant equipped with desulphurisation processes, because of the occurrence of hydrates;

b) heavy fuel oil power plants or diesel engines, because SO3 and/or organic compounds;

c) glass furnaces, because of the occurrence of semi volatile boron compounds;

d) waste incinerators with wet and semi-dry gas treatment processes.

Differences in the measured dust concentrations (up to factor 10) have been experienced and therefore
in such cases the measured results shall be associated with a stated temperature (i.e. the highest
temperature sustained by the sampled dust before weighing).
Because of the extreme variety of the situations, which may be encountered, it is not possible to find a
conventional temperature which can be relevant in all the cases.
However, since the complete trapping of volatile compounds would necessitate a very low filtration
temperature and special care during sampling, more reproducible results can be achieved if these
compounds are not trapped or are further evaporated when drying. It is the reason why a conventional
temperature of 160 °C, which leads to avoid trapping of most volatile compounds and to decompose most
of hydrates, is generally convenient.
Depending on eventual regulatory requirements and plant authorization, or on special kind of effluent or
on specific measurement objective, other conventional temperature can be adopted: e.g. the temperature
can be reduced during post-sampling treatment if aerosols or condensable compounds are to be taken
into account.
The influence of volatile compounds on the calibration of automated dust measuring systems and the
selection of an appropriate conventional temperature for the SRM measurement is described in
EN 13284-2.

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Annex I

Significant technical changes

Clause Technical change

Clause 3 Terms and definition have been adapted to EN 15259.
Clause on symbols and abbreviations has been added. Subsequent clauses have been
Clause 4
Requirement on the expanded uncertainty of the results of measurement has been
Clause 5
Content has been adapted to EN 15259. Sections covered by EN 15259 have been
Clause 6
deleted and replaced by references to EN 15259.
Specific requirements on planning of dust measurements have been moved from the
original 8.1.
Requirements have been added that equipment used for the point-related velocity
measurements to establish isokinetic conditions shall meet the requirements of
EN ISO 16911-1.
7.1 When expressing dust concentrations at standard conditions on a dry basis, and/or
where the concentrations shall be expressed in relation to a reference oxygen
concentration, the necessary water-vapour and/or oxygen measuring equipment
shall meet the requirements of the applicable standards. Overview on filter material and their strengths and limitations has been added.
7.2.6 Requirements on gas metering devices have been added.
7.3 Requirements on the quality of purified water and acetone have been increased.
Normative requirements from the original Clause 9 on the pre-sampling
conditioning have been moved to this section.
Normative requirements from the original Clause 9 on the post-sampling treatment
8.4 of weighed parts have been moved to this section. Post-sampling treatment at an
alternative conventional temperature has been added.
Post-sampling treatment of the rinsing solutions at an alternative conventional
temperature has been added.
9.2 Filter handling is specified in more detail.
9.3 Necessary pre-measurements are described in more detail.
Performance of the leak test is described in more detail. The leak test is now
9.4 required before each individual measurement instead of at least once a day at the
beginning of the measurement series.
Description of the sampling has been improved based on the experience gained
since the publication of the first edition.
Procedure for the determination of the field blank value and specification of a
maximum allowable value have been added.

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Clause Technical change

The general elements of a measurement report have been deleted and replaced by
Clause 11
a reference to EN 15259.
Original Annexes A, B, C and D have been deleted since they are covered by
EN 15259.
The performance characteristics of the method determined in field tests have been
Annex A
moved from the main section to this annex.
New annex on the influence of the isokinetic rate on the representativeness of the
Annex B
collected particles has been added.
Annex C Example of proven goose neck nozzle has been added.
An example for the determination of the uncertainty of results of measurements
Annex G
obtained by the measurement method has been added.
Informative text from the original Clause 9 has been moved to this new informative
Annex H
Annex I Informative annex on significant technical changes has been added.

BS EN 13284-1:2017
EN 13284-1:2017 (E)


[1] BELYAEV. S.P., and LEVIN, L.M. Investigation of aerosol aspiration by photographing particle
tracks under flash illumination. J. Aerosol Sci. 1972, 3 (2) pp. 127–140

[2] BELYAEV. S.P., and LEVIN, L.M. Techniques for collection of representative aerosol samples. J.
Aerosol Sci. 1974, 5 (4) pp. 325–338

[3] BARON. P.A. Description of an aerosol calculator. Proceedings of the Seventh International
Aerosol Conference, September 10–15, 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Mount Laurel, NJ:
American Association for Aerosol Research, 2006, p. 555

[4] EN ISO 20988, Air quality — Guidelines for estimating measurement uncertainty (ISO 20988)

[5] ISO 5725-2, Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 2:
Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement

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