BS en 14986-2017
BS en 14986-2017
BS en 14986-2017
National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 14986:2017.
It supersedes BS EN 14986:2007 which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee EXL/23, Explosion and fire precautions in industrial and
chemical plant.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be
obtained on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
© The British Standards Institution 2017.
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2017
ISBN 978 0 580 85162 9
ICS 23.120; 29.260.20
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2017.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
Date Text affected
BS EN 14986:2017
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.
© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14986:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 7
4 Requirements for all fans ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 Ignition hazard assessment ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1.2 Normal operating conditions ...................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.3 Expected malfunction .................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.4 Rare malfunction ............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Assignment of categories ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Temperatures ................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
4.3.2 Maximum surface temperature ................................................................................................................. 9
4.3.3 Temperature of the conveyed atmosphere (flammable or not) ................................................. 10
4.4 Mechanical design criteria ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.4.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.4.2 Clearance between rotating elements and the fan casing ............................................................. 10
4.5 Casing ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.5.2 Gas tightness .................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.6 Impellers ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
4.7 Materials for rotating and stationary parts of fans.......................................................................... 11
4.7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.7.2 Permissible material pairings ................................................................................................................. 12
4.8 Linings and tip extensions ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.9 Vibration ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.10 Earthing conducting parts ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.11 Electrostatic charges ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.12 Electrical equipment ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.13 Prevention of deposits inside the fan ................................................................................................... 23
4.14 Shaft seals ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.15 Bearings ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.16 Power transmission systems ................................................................................................................... 24
4.17 Clutches and couplings............................................................................................................................... 24
4.18 Brakes and braking systems .................................................................................................................... 24
4.19 Impeller-shaft attachment ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.20 Corrosion of fan components ................................................................................................................... 28
4.21 Fire resistance ............................................................................................................................................... 28
4.22 Protection against foreign particles ...................................................................................................... 28
5 Additional requirements for category 2 .............................................................................................. 28
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Impeller-shaft attachment ........................................................................................................................ 28
5.3 Vibration ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN 14986:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 305 “Potentially
explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2017, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by July 2017.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive 2014/34/EU.
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
1 Scope
1.1 This European Standard specifies the constructional requirements for fans constructed to
Group II G (of explosion groups IIA, IIB and hydrogen) categories 1, 2 and 3, and Group II D categories 2
and 3, intended for use in explosive atmospheres.
NOTE 1 Operation conditions for the different categories of fans used in this European Standard are defined in
Clause 4.
NOTE 2 Technical requirements for category 1 D fans are not given in this document. Where explosive dust
atmospheres are regularly conveyed, explosion protection measures as described in EN 1127–1 are required if
this specific us is needed.
1.2 This European Standard does not apply to group I fans (fans for mining), cooling fans or impellers
on rotating electrical machines, cooling fans or impellers on internal combustion engines.
NOTE 2 The requirements for electrical parts are covered by references to electrical equipment standards.
1.3 This European Standard specifies requirements for design, construction, testing and marking of
complete fan units intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in air containing gas, vapour,
mist and/or dusts. Such atmospheres may exist inside (the conveyed atmosphere (flammable or not)),
outside, or inside and outside of the fan.
1.4 This European Standard is applicable to fans working in ambient atmospheres and with normal
atmospheric conditions at the inlet, having
This European Standard may also be helpful for the design, construction, testing and marking of fans
intended for use in atmospheres outside the validity range stated above or in cases where other
material pairings need to be used. In this case, the ignition risk assessment, ignition protection
provided, additional testing (if necessary), manufacturer's marking, technical documentation and
instructions to the user, should clearly demonstrate and indicate the equipment's suitability for the
conditions the fan may encounter.
This European Standard should not apply to integral fans as a part of Diesel engines, vehicles or electric
NOTE 2 Where undated references are used in the body of the standard the latest edition applies.
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1127-1:2011, Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 1: Basic concepts
and methodology
EN ISO 80079-36:2016, Explosive atmospheres - Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres - Basic method and requirements (ISO 80079-36:2016)
EN ISO 80079-37:2016, Explosive atmospheres - Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for explosive
atmospheres - Non-electrical type of protection constructional safety ''c'', control of ignition sources ''b'',
liquid immersion ''k'' (ISO 80079-37:2016)
EN ISO 5801, Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways (ISO 5801)
EN ISO 11925-2, Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of products subjected to direct impingement of flame -
Part 2: Single-flame source test (ISO 11925-2)
EN ISO 12100, Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction
(ISO 12100)
EN ISO 16852:2010, Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO
16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009)
ISO 14694:2003, Industrial fans — Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels
ISO 14694:2003/AMD1, Industrial fans — Specifications for balance quality and vibration levels
integrated flame arrester
flame arrester consisting of a flame arrester housing and flame arrester elements where the flame
arrester housing is part of the fan housing
contact diameter
diameter of a rotating part at the point where it can contact a stationary part
BS EN 14986:2017
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A list of hazards considered is given in Annex D. These include hazards inside and outside the fan.
Where additional hazards could occur an ignition hazard assessment according to EN ISO 80079-36
shall be carried out.
For the purposes of fans made according to this European Standard the following operational
conditions shall be used as a basis for the ignition hazard assessment and for the assignment of a fan to
a particular category.
Release of flammable material shall be considered in the ignition hazard assessment for the outside of
the fan, see 4.3.
4.1.2 Normal operating conditions
Normal operating conditions shall be considered to occur in situations where the fan performs its
intended use within its design parameters. This includes conditions during start up and shut down. (See
also EN ISO 12100.)
For the purposes of fans made according to this European Standard failures (such as a breakdown of
seals, flange gaskets or releases of substances caused by accidents) which involve repair or shut-down
are not considered to be part of normal operation.
4.1.3 Expected malfunction
An expected malfunction shall be considered to be a failure or fault in a fan which normally occurs in
practice. In addition an expected malfunction shall be considered to occur when a fan or its components
do not perform their intended functions.
For the purposes of fans made according to this European Standard this can happen for a variety of
reasons, including:
a) variation in the properties or dimensions of the fan assembly (e.g. warping of the casing);
c) unnoticed long time operation with defective bearing and leading to contact between impeller and
A rare malfunction is a type of malfunction which is known to happen but only in rare instances. Two
independent expected malfunctions which, separately, would not create an ignition hazard but which, in
combination, do create an ignition hazard, are regarded as a single rare malfunction.
4.2 Assignment of categories
A fan may have a different category for the inside and outside. Fans which may be used both to convey
an explosive gas, vapour, mist or dust atmosphere and/or are located in an explosive gas, vapour, mist
or dust atmosphere are assigned categories internally and externally depending on the likelihood of
them acting as an effective ignition source.
BS EN 14986:2017
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Category 3 fans shall not create an effective ignition source in normal operation, see 4.1.2. Category 2
fans shall meet Category 3 fans requirements, and in addition not create an effective ignition source
with expected malfunctions, see 4.1.3. Category 1 fans shall meet Category 2 fans requirements, and in
addition not create an effective ignition source with rare malfunctions, see 4.1.4.
Fans, especially their shaft seals and flexible connections at the inlet and outlet, may not be absolutely
gas tight, and connected ducts may not be leak proof. The hazardous atmosphere may leak either from
the inside of the fan into the adjacent environment, or from a hazardous environment around a fan, and
into the fan casing through a leakage path e.g. a shaft seal when this is below atmospheric pressure.
Therefore the manufacturer shall consider these aspects in the ignition hazard assessment. The
manufacturer shall give information about the possible leakage rates of the fan in the information for
Where the leakage rates are not known the manufacturer shall construct the fan so that there is no
more than one category difference between the inside and the outside.
Where the fan has an open inlet and/or outlet (installation modes A, B, C according to EN ISO 13349)
the inside and the outside of the fan shall have the same category.
4.3 Temperatures
4.3.1 General
Both the temperature of potentially hot surfaces and the temperature of the conveyed atmosphere
(flammable or not) and/or of the atmosphere surrounding the fan shall be considered.
4.3.2 Maximum surface temperature
The maximum surface temperature of the fan characterizes the hottest part of the equipment that can
come in contact with the explosive atmosphere or the maximum temperature of the conveyed
atmosphere (flammable or not) which can act as an ignition source.
The maximum surface temperatures of both the inside and outside parts of the fan that can come in
contact with the explosive atmosphere shall be determined in accordance with EN ISO 80079-36.
In addition to that, the maximum surface temperature marked for the inside of the fan shall be the
greater of either:
— the maximum surface temperature determined in accordance with EN ISO 80079-36 including the
appropriate safety margins for the different categories, or
— the maximum temperature of the conveyed atmosphere (flammable or not) at the outlet with a
safety margin of 20 % (with temperatures measured in °C).
These temperatures are determined considering the highest inlet temperature specified in 4.3.3.
NOTE This safety margin of 20 % has been chosen because of the enhanced ignition risk at higher gas
The maximum surface temperature of the equipment is used – after the application of the above safety
margins – for marking of the equipment with a defined temperature, a temperature class of the
equipment or an appropriate explosive atmosphere.
EXAMPLE A fan with the following parameters: The maximum surface temperature of the inside, measured
according to EN ISO 80079-36 with the appropriate safety margin is 90 °C, the temperature of the conveyed
atmosphere (flammable or not) measured at the outlet is 80 °C for an inlet temperature of 60 °C. With a 20 %
safety margin the maximum outlet temperature is 96 °C. Therefore the maximum temperature marked for the
inside of the fan is 96 °C.
BS EN 14986:2017
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While it is only the ambient and the inlet temperature which is generally known by the user, it is the
normally higher outlet temperature which determines the suitability of the fan for the intended use.
As well as temperature increases during normal service, extraordinary temperature increases shall be
In the absence of detailed information from the end user on expected fault conditions and maximum
and minimum flow, pressure rise and density, the fan manufacturer shall ensure that the appropriate
temperature limits are maintained between - 10 % or + 20 % of nominal gas flow, and at maximum and
minimum expected densities. Generally maximum temperature rise will occur at minimum flow and
maximum density. For variable speed fans the calculation shall be carried out at maximum fan speed
and/or the speed which gives maximum fluid outlet temperature.
For fans with motor mounted in conveyed atmosphere (flammable or not) consideration shall be given
to the heating effect from the motor.
The manufacturer's instructions shall include the minimum and maximum air flow rates which are
required to maintain the temperature rating.
The manufacturer shall measure or calculate the maximum gas temperature for an inlet gas
temperature of 60 °C within the gas flow limits or - 10 % to 20 % of nominal gas flow.
Where the maximum inlet temperature is below 60 °C, the above calculation shall be made with this
lower maximum temperature and the manufacturer shall mark the fan appropriately.
Electric motors and other temperature sensitive components shall receive special attention as they
generally are designed for a maximum ambient temperature of +40 °C.
4.4 Mechanical design criteria
4.4.1 General
Fans for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres shall be of rigid design. This requirement is
considered as fulfilled for casings, supporting structures, guards, protective devices and other external
parts if the deformation resulting from an impact test at the most vulnerable point is so small that the
moving parts do not come into contact with the casing. The test shall be carried out in accordance with
EN ISO 80079-36.
NOTE Foreseeable causes of reducing the clearances between the casing and the moving parts include
distortion of the casing caused by connection to ductwork with no flexible joints, or by damage to the casing
during installation. Reduction of the clearance is also possible if the fan is installed with inlet ductwork and the
pressure drops below atmospheric when the inlet is closed.
All impellers, bearings, pulleys, cooling disks etc. shall be securely fixed in position.
This requirement shall not apply to the bearings incorporated within electric motors which shall be
subject to the requirements specified in EN 60079-0.
The manufacturer shall specify the maximum forces and torques in each direction that may be imposed
on the casing from connecting ductwork.
The fan shall be capable of withstanding the lowest inlet pressure that can be generated by the fan itself
when the inlet is closed, without causing contact between the casing and the moving parts.
4.4.2 Clearance between rotating elements and the fan casing
The clearance between rotating elements and the fan casing is the most important safety feature of
ignition minimizing fans. The minimum clearances between rotating parts such as the impeller and
fixed parts e.g. the fan casing shall be at least 0,5 % of the relevant contact diameters (diameter of a
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
rotating part at the point where it can contact a stationary part) of the finished component, but shall not
be less than 2 mm in the axial or radial directions nor need be more than 13 mm. The design and
construction shall ensure that the clearances are maintained under all conditions covered by the
intended use. Non-contact seals and seal housings shall comply with these criteria. For other seals see
4.14. The manufacturer's instructions shall include where necessary the appropriate maintenance
instructions to maintain the clearance.
NOTE 1 Minimum clearance is defined as taking into account all possible tolerances due to manufacture and
NOTE 2 The clearance may change with rotation, temperature, and due to vibrations and belt drive tension.
4.5 Casing
4.5.1 General
The fan casing shall be of a substantially rigid design, to satisfy the mechanical design requirements
specified in 4.4.
Inspection doors and other openings are permitted, but shall be designed to have a similar level of leak
tightness as the rest of the casing.
4.5.2 Gas tightness
The manufacturer shall consider the possibility of leakage in the selection of components and
If the fan is intended to convey fluid above UEL (upper explosion limit) the manufacturer shall state the
leakage rate to provide the information in the instruction for use.
Gas leakage may come from the shaft seal, or joints in the casing. The shaft seal leakage rate may
increase over time. The manufacturer shall provide information about maintenance requirements for
the seals.
4.6 Impellers
Impellers shall be of a rigid design and shall be able to withstand a test run at a minimum of 1,15 times
the maximum operational rotating speed for at least 60 s without causing an ignition risk, i.e. the
impeller shall not contact the casing.
An impeller design that enables a primary stress calculation based on 2/3 of the yield stress shall be
deemed to satisfy the requirements for a rigid design without testing.
4.7 Materials for rotating and stationary parts of fans
4.7.1 General
In view of possible friction, due to malfunctions or even rare malfunction, potential areas of contact
between the rotating elements and fixed components shall be manufactured from materials in which
the risk of ignition through friction and friction-impact sparks, hot spots or hot surfaces is minimized.
Consideration should be given to the fact that layers of combustible or non-combustible materials may
cause increased ignition risks. See Annex C.
Where the gap between fixed and moving parts can be checked, as part of routine maintenance, on a fan
once it is installed and any ducting fitted to inlet and outlet, the manufacturer shall include in the
instructions for use how this should be done, and the acceptable minimum gap. Recommendations for
the frequency of checking this gap shall also be included.
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
For category 3 fans there are no requirements for material pairings as outlined in 4.7.2 if one of the
following requirements is fulfilled:
1) the power input is less than 5,5 kW; and/or
3) the conditions for verifying the critical gap as described above can be met during service.
All alloys except aluminium alloys (sheet or cast) shall contain not more than a mass fraction of
15 % aluminium and shall have a homogenous structure. Paints and coatings shall contain not more
than a mass fraction of 10 % aluminium.
4.7.2 Permissible material pairings
One of the material pairings given in Table 1 for gas explosion groups IIA and IIB, dust applications or in
Table 2 for hydrogen for the different categories shall be used in the construction of ignition protected
The pairings shown are for the stationary rubbing part and the rotating rubbing part. Either
material (1) or material (2) may be chosen for the rotation part subject to satisfactory mechanical
stress performance over the design life of the fan.
For category 1 fans this European Standard requires additional protective measures, thus rotating and
stationary parts of fans acceptable for category 2 fans are also suitable for category 1.
NOTE Many of the material pairings given in Table 1 can cause ignition of sensitive explosive atmospheres if
there is a high degree of friction for a long enough time. These pairings have been chosen as a represent a
gradation of the ignition risk for different applications. The other constructional measures detailed in this
European Standard are essential to ensure the appropriate level of safety of the fan.
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EN 14986:2017 (E)
Table 1 — Permissible material pairings for gas explosion groups IIA and IIB and dust
BS EN 14986:2017
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occurs additional
measures are
required to
control the
clearance (e.g.
vibration control,
see 5.3).
BS EN 14986:2017
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contact specified
in 4.5.2 are
ensured by design
or checks during
service. Where
greater motor
powers or relative
rubbing speeds
occurs additional
measures are
required to control
the clearance (e.g.
vibration control,
see 5.3).
- In this material
pairing austenitic
steel shall have a
mass fraction of at
least 16,5 %
chrome (see [1],
[2]), to minimize
the probability of
generated sparks
in case of friction.
- Even if this alloy
generates no
sparks it can in
case of friction
easily generate hot
surfaces because
of the low thermal
8 Stainless steel Stainless
9 Any other steel Any other - Paint containing
alloy or cast iron steel alloy or aluminium shall
cast iron not be used
because of the risk
of thermite sparks
(EN 1127–1).
10 Any steel alloy Brass Only category 3
CuZn37 allowed
- Paint containing
aluminium shall
not be used
because of the risk
of thermite sparks
BS EN 14986:2017
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(EN 1127–1).
- Paint containing
iron oxides shall
not be used
because of the risk
of thermite sparks
(EN 1127–1).
- This combination
shall only be used
when the Brass
CuZn37 is
employed as the
stationary part.
4 Aluminium alloy Aluminium - Steps shall be c
components shall
17 Plastic Any steel d
fulfil the
alloy or cast
requirements of
EN ISO 80079-36.
18 Plastic Stainless The manufacturer d
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Table 2 — Permissible material pairings for gas mixtures containing hydrogen for category 1G
and 2G
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If linings or tip extensions are used, then the material combination shall correspond to one of the
pairings specified in 4.7.2.
For linings the minimum thickness is given in Table 3.
Table 3 — Minimum thickness of linings
Tip extensions shall have a length of at least 3 % of the relevant contact diameter, but shall not be
smaller than 5 mm in axial or radial direction and need not to be greater than 40 mm.
For category 2 and 1 fans, using rubber or plastic as a tip extension on one/or both of the possible
contact surfaces, the distance between any metallic rotating and metallic stationary parts shall never be
less than 20 mm.
Linings shall be securely attached to the base material e.g. welded, riveted or vulcanised using
compatible materials. Care shall be taken that no galvanic reactions occur between the lining and the
base material.
Care shall also be taken in the use of plastics, as these have low heat conductivity, leading relatively
easily to hot surfaces. Mechanical or electrostatic sparks may depend on the filler used. Where plastic
materials are used they shall comply with the requirements in 4.11.
NOTE 1 See 7.2, Item f) for how these requirements can be met.
NOTE 2 The use of linings may only give protection for a limited time.
Any coating shall consider the nature of fluid handled and/or externally present able to reduce the
original characteristics of the material.
The application of coating shall be detailed as a part of the design and quality requirements.
4.9 Vibration
The rotating assembly shall have a balance quality grade according to ISO 14694.
The completed fan shall meet the vibration levels recommended in ISO 14694 as appropriate for its size
and application (see ISO 14694:2003, 8.3 and 8.4).
The manufacturer shall inform the user of those parts of the fan characteristic curve and the fan's
rotational speed which shall not be used. Characteristics can be measured using EN ISO 5801.
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Where special methods of installation e.g. specific inlet and outlet ducting connections can effect the
degree of vibration, the manufacturer shall include information on acceptable methods of installation in
the information for use.
For fans with variable speed drives, any known speeds which may induce resonance shall be identified
in the instructions for use.
NOTE 1 Stable operation can be achieved by ensuring that there is a pressure margin between the operating
point and the stall point or by means of suitable monitoring methods.
NOTE 2 Manufacturers' performance figures are based on tests to a recognized standard such as EN ISO 5801
and EN ISO 5802. These standards specify ducting, which ensures a uniform velocity profile at the fan inlet.
The requirements of CLC/TR 60079-32-1 should apply, including equipotential bonding and an
assessment of the hazard due to the conveyed atmosphere.
NOTE It is normally sufficient to ground the static parts of the fan. If there is a voltage build-up in the rotating
parts, this is sufficiently grounded through metallic antifriction bearings to prevent ignition by electric sparks, but
this may lead to premature bearing failure (see Annex B).
The fans shall be designed to eliminate the risk of ignitions due to electrostatic discharges.
The relevant requirements of CLC/TR 60079-32-1 should apply, including equipotential bonding and an
assessment of the hazard due to the conveyed atmosphere.
4.12 Electrical equipment
All electrical equipment, (i.e. drive motors and any monitoring equipment supplied as part of the fan
assembly by the fan manufacturer) shall comply with an equipment category according to EN 60079-0
that is appropriate for the fan it is driving/monitoring and is appropriate for the specific environmental
conditions (pressure and temperature) at the place of installation.
Drive motors, or if not supplied by the fan manufacturer, their mounting arrangement, shall be
positioned to ensure adequate cooling air is available, that ventilation openings cannot be blocked and
the motor’s declared maximum surface temperature cannot be exceeded. If the motor depends on
thermal protective devices to prevent its maximum surface temperature being exceeded the
instructions for use shall include instructions as to how they shall be connected into the control circuit.
Selection of the fan and electrical equipment associated with it shall take account of the requirements in
EN 60079–14:2014, 5.6.
4.13 Prevention of deposits inside the fan
Many types of dust, mist and droplets may be in suspension in the air stream. Even small quantities of
impurities may in time form layers of combustible or non-combustible material within the fan and
adhere to rotating parts. Even normal ambient air may contain sufficient airborne particles to form
layers, which may increase the risk of ignition.
Casings shall allow for easy inspection and cleaning as appropriate (see also EN 1127-1).
The impeller and housing shall be of a design that will minimize dust from attaching or settling under
normal conditions. In this sense the selection of an appropriate shape of blade is particularly important.
Suitable facilities (e.g. easily accessible inspection doors) shall be provided so that inspection and
cleaning operations can be easily carried out.
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4.15 Bearings
Power transmission systems shall comply with the requirements of EN ISO 80079-37.
4.17 Clutches and couplings
Clutches and couplings shall comply with the requirements of EN ISO 80079-37.
4.18 Brakes and braking systems
Brakes and braking systems shall comply with the requirements of EN ISO 80079-37.
NOTE It is normal practise that fans working in explosive atmospheres do not have mechanical brakes as
they create an unnecessary risk.
Attachment of the impeller to shaft, if not a single component, shall give a means of both positive
location and drive.
The following examples show how this requirement can be fulfilled.
EXAMPLE 1 A simple bush fixed in correct position by means of a lockable or self-locking screw or nut at the
shaft end in combination with a parallel key and a shaft with a shoulder. The impeller bush shall locate against the
shoulder and be fixed axially by the screw/ nut at the shaft end. Washers may be included to compensate for
different shaft end length and to allow clearance adjustment axially.
NOTE 1 This fixing method is considered applicable for heavy duty applications i.e. with large particles in the
airflow and/or frequent operation with unbalance. Exchange of the impeller is often difficult. Accurate clearance
adjustment is difficult resulting in reduced efficiency / increased power consumption. Change to another motor
with a different power output, on direct driven fans, is often not possible with fixed bush types as the motor shaft
size often changes with motor power. Furthermore, this type of impeller is not suited for production to stock as
motor shaft diameter range is very large and the same impeller will fit several motor sizes.
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1 fan inlet 2 impeller blade 3 fan shaft
4 key (rotational fixation) 5 locking screw shaft end 6 washer shaft end
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EXAMPLE 2 An impeller fixed in correct position by means of a taper bush in combination with a parallel key.
The impeller bush part of the taper bush shall contain a flange of appropriate diameter for mounting of the
impeller to ensure uniform strength of the complete impeller. The manual shall include information on correct
torque for screw tightening.
NOTE 2 This fixing method is considered applicable for normal applications. Exchange of the impeller is easy.
Accurate clearance adjustment is possible resulting in optimal efficiency / minimized power consumption. Change
to another motor power, on direct driven fans, is possible with taper bush types as the inner part of the taper bush
can be changed. Further this type of impeller is suited for production to stock as the inner part of the taper bush is
selected later when fan shaft diameter is known. The taper lock bush is a clamped joint of two conical parts. By
tightening of the screws in the joint area the parts are moved against each other and pretensioned. Forces and
torques are transmitted by friction.
BS EN 14986:2017
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1 fan inlet 6 taper bush locking screws (2 in this example and an un-locking hole)
2 impeller blade 7 screw for mounting taper bush to impeller (6 in this example)
3 fan shaft 8 outer part of taper bush
4 key (rotational fixation) 9 inner part of taper bush
5 taper bush
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The materials used for the impeller and fan casing shall withstand short-term exposure to flames.
This requirement is met if the components or material samples are only partly destroyed without
burning through and without the onset of a self-sustaining combustion when exposed to a (propane)
Bunsen burner flame approximately 150 mm long for 30 s without additional air supply. Alternatively
the samples or components can be tested according to EN ISO 11925-2 for a period of 30 s
The full procedure of EN ISO 11925-2 is not applicable, because that standard describes a test more
appropriate to essentially flat products. Detailed requirements from that test should be followed where
4.22 Protection against foreign particles
Where a fan is intended to be installed with an open inlet or outlet protection shall be provided to
prevent ingress of unintended particles or objects which can cause an ignition.
Where a fan is intended to be fitted with inlet ducting as part of a larger system, instructions for use
shall make clear that the ingress of particles or objects which can cause ignition shall be prevented in
other ways. Normally this would be the responsibility of the installer and/or end user.
All the requirements of Clause 4 for category 3 shall be met by category 2 fans (inside and/or outside)
with the additions and/or alterations detailed below.
These requirements apply to fans that may be category 2 on the inside, outside or both. The marking
and the instructions for use shall specify if the fan is category 2 on the inside, outside or both.
In addition the requirements specified in 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 shall be applied.
5.2 Impeller-shaft attachment
Impeller-shaft attachments shall be designed in a way so that even in the event of expected malfunction
no drift can occur and that the joint is secured against loosening.
This can be achieved as shown in the following example:
EXAMPLE For category 2 fans with motor powers in excess of 5,5 kW positive locking is recommended,
where the impeller is fixed between a shoulder on the shaft and a locking device or a tapped shaft with locking
screw and washer. In this case a parallel key between the impeller hub and shaft should also be fitted. A taper-
bushed connection of an impeller to a shaft of a double inlet fan should be located axially by circlips or similar
means for motor powers in excess of 5,5 kW.
NOTE A self-locking nut at the shaft end in combination with a parallel shaft and bore is also acceptable
provided that the shaft incorporates a shoulder against which the impeller will locate.
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5.3 Vibration
The requirements in 4.9 shall apply. In addition for Category 2G fans inside, vibration which could lead
to contact between the impeller and housing caused by expected malfunctions including those listed in
4.1.3 shall be avoided.
NOTE This can be achieved by vibration monitoring.
In addition for Category 2D fans inside, as the presence of dust can cause imbalance in the impeller,
vibration monitoring is mandatory. The alarm and shutdown levels shall meet the requirements of
ISO 14694. The manufacturer shall inform the user of those parts of the fan characteristic curve which
shall not be used. See also EN ISO 80079-37 for specification of requirements for the control of ignition
5.4 Material pairings
4.7.2 also applies to category 2 fans where the gap can be checked.
The requirements of this section apply to category 1 G fans (category 1 G with respect to their inlet and
outlet connections coming into contact with the conveyed atmosphere). Such fans shall have casings
which are explosion-pressure-resistant and the inlet and outlet shall be protected by flame arresters.
Where they come into contact with the conveyed atmosphere, such fans shall meet all the requirements
for category 2 G fans with the additions and/or alterations detailed below.
The requirements for other parts of the fan depend on the category chosen for these parts.
6.2 Flame arresters
6.2.1 General
Fans shall be fitted with either integrated or externally mounted flame arresters.
For construction and materials of flame arresters the requirements of EN ISO 16852:2010, 6.1 to 6.4
shall apply.
Both the integrated and externally mounted flame arresters shall be tested for flame transmission
according to Annex A.
6.2.2 Stabilized burning
A risk of stabilized burning exists on the flame arrester located on fan inlet.
The inlet flame arrester shall be tested for short time burning according to EN ISO 16852:2010, 7.3.4
with connected pipe.
Temperature sensors shall be installed to indicate a flame on the flame arrester element and shall
comply with EN ISO 16852:2010, 7.3.4.
The integrated temperature sensor shall produce a signal that may be used to activate counter
measures within a burning time of 50 % of the manufacturer's specified burning time:
a) switch off the driving motor of the fan and
b) stop the flow of the flammable atmosphere (e.g. by closing a valve upstream of the fan, by-passing,
sufficient diluting or inerting are measures equivalent to stop the flow).
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6.3 Casings
6.3.1 General
The casing shall be explosion-pressure-resistant. This requirement is fulfilled if the casing shows no
permanent deformation after the flame transmission test according to Annex A.
In addition all fans shall be routinely tested by the manufacturer in accordance with A.3.
6.3.2 Gas tightness
A pressure test to verify air tightness shall be carried out according with EN ISO 13349:2010 category E,
with the inlet, outlet and shaft seals blanked off. No measurable leaks are allowed.
In addition to the information required by EN ISO 80079-36 the following additional information shall
be supplied:
a) information on how to connect any monitoring devices into the motor control circuit;
Further to the general requirements specified above, the supplier shall furnish his customer with the
following documents:
a) Shipping instructions. In some cases this shall include recommendations on special lifting
arrangements designed to minimize equipment distortion.
c) Fan erection and commissioning manual. This shall be comprehensive and detail all the stages
involved in installing the fan correctly. The manual shall at least cover the following topics/rubrics
where appropriate:
3) information on the maximum loads that should be transmitted from connecting ductwork to
the fan, to avoid distortion of the fan casing, and if flexible couplings are required;
5) commissioning checks;
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8) minimum and maximum air flow rates which are required to maintain the maximum surface
temperature rating;
9) specific information to ensure the required clearance for material pairings according to 4.7.2.
A description of the procedure to ensure the required clearance is maintained where the user
should do this during the commissioning and the service life of the fan.
The manual shall contain a series of forms specifically designed to focus the installer/end user
attention towards key items. These forms should form the basis of a check sheet quality system
and should insist that the erection-team measure and record key dimensions to allow a direct
comparison with the design requirements.
d) Operation and maintenance manual. This shall be comprehensive and detail all the stages
involved in operating and maintaining the fan. The manual shall at least cover the following
categories where appropriate:
1) performance data, including the recommended replacement interval of the bearings and seals;
2) detail description;
7) sub-suppliers information;
8) fan application category (BV-1 to BV-5) according to ISO 14694, considering the vibration level
(see 4.9);
10) specific information to ensure the required clearance for material pairings according to 4.7.2.
e) Particle limitations. The fan manufacturer shall inform the user of any limitations with regard to
the ingress of foreign particles.
f) Routine inspections, service and cleaning. The operation and maintenance manual shall inform
the user that the ignition minimizing properties of fans and fan accessories can only be retained if
routine inspections, services and cleaning are carried out. The manual shall at least address the
1) it shall request that the intervals between routine inspections shall be chosen to take the
specific operating conditions into account. For example, the time between inspection may need
to be reduced if the fan is exposed to dust and corrosive atmospheres. Unexpected noise,
temperatures and vibrations should especially be taken into account. Due to the appearance of
noticeable problems the fan shall be taken out of service and inspected;
2) it shall contain a list of recommended spare parts together with the necessary service
information and recommended intervals of (visual) inspection;
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3) it shall inform that special care shall be devoted to wear and tear of components such as
bearings, belts in belt drives and flexible joints. Correct tension in a belt drive shall be checked,
to avoid slippage, or excessive forces on the driven parts;
4) it shall request that fan blades shall be inspected for damage which could cause the moving
parts to become unbalanced;
5) it shall request that, where the fan has different categories inside and out, seals forming part of
the casing shall be inspected for damage, and replaced if necessary;
6) it shall request that installed monitoring devices (such as temperature, vibration and bearing
temperature monitoring systems or similar devices) shall be checked regularly, thereby
allowing to do this in accordance with a user's plan if this has shown the need for more
frequent checks. The required maintenance checks may depend on local operating conditions;
7) it shall request regular cleaning operations at appropriate intervals in all applications, where
non combustable or conbustable dust may be expected to form layers on surfaces of the fan
proper and its components.
7.3 Markings
b) maximum inlet temperature taking into account temperature of conveyed atmosphere (flammable
or not);
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Annex A
A.1 General
In addition to meeting the requirements for category 2 G fans, category 1 G fans shall meet the
requirements in this annex.
The flame transmission test according to A.2 is a type test. The pressure test according to A.3 is a
routine test (to be carried out on all samples manufactured).
A.2 Flame transmission test
The fan with externally mounted or integrated flame arrester shall be tested in accordance with the
following test procedure. The test apparatus is shown in Figure A.1.
1 mixture inlet
2 mixture outlet
3 throttling valve
4 ignition positions
5 inlet flame arrester
6 outlet flame arrester
7 flame detector (RI)
8a pressure transducer – operational pressure (PR)
8b pressure transducer – explosion pressure (PR)
9 equipment to be tested
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Ignition devices shall be provided at the inlet and the outlet of the fan as near as possible to the moving
The test shall be carried out with gas/air test mixtures as specified in EN ISO 16852:2010, 6.8.2.
The following twelve tests shall be carried out at maximum rotational speed of the fan, allowing the
mixture to circulate by opening the throttle valve.
The test apparatus shall be filled with the gas/air mixture until the maximum permissible pressure is
achieved in the fan's suction socket.
Then the mixture supply shall be disconnected and it shall be ignited.
The following tests shall be carried out, with every test being done for each case with ignition in the
suction socket and ignition in the outlet socket:
— Three tests with throttle valve fully opened, mixture temperature and fan being warmed up that the
temperature profile in the fan is steady (steady-state condition with 60 °C or the maximum allowed
temperature given by the manufacturer at the inlet as a general rule), maximum gas temperature
measured in the outlet socket;
— Three tests with throttle valve closed so far (ca. 80 %) so that the maximum permissible pressure
rise is achieved in the fan, but a sufficient air flow is remaining to avoid overheating of the fan,
mixture temperature and fan being warmed up that the temperature profile in the fan is steady
(steady-state condition with 60 °C at the inlet as a general rule), maximum gas temperature
measured in the outlet socket.
Additional the following six tests shall be carried out on a stationary fan.
The test apparatus shall be filled with the gas/air mixture until the maximum permissible pressure is
achieved in the fan's suction socket. The fan and the gas mixture shall have the actual ambient
Then the mixture supply shall be disconnected and it shall be ignited.
This test shall be carried out three times with every test being done for each case with ignition in the
suction socket and ignition in the outlet socket.
No flame transmission shall occur in the inlet or exhaust sections in any of the eighteen tests to be
carried out.
A.3 Pressure test
Fans with integrated flame arresters shall be tested as a complete unit with connected flame arrester
Fans with externally mounted flame arresters shall be tested as a complete unit with connected flame
arrester, or without the flame arrester. If the fan is tested without the flame arrester then the flame
arrester which is intended to be mounted on the fan shall be tested in accordance with EN ISO 16852.
The test shall be done on the casing which may or may not contain the impeller/shaft components.
The inlet and outlet and all other joints and gaps of the fan enclosure shall be closed by blanking plates
or in another way. Pressure testing of fan enclosures shall be carried out with water or other suitable
liquid for not less than 3 min. The maximum test pressure shall be 1,25 times of the maximum explosion
pressure measured during type tests but not less than 10 times of the maximum operation pressure at
the outlet (the pressure which is in total the maximum absolute pressure in the inlet of 1,1 bar plus the
nominal pressure rise up).
NOTE See EN 14460 for this information.
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Annex B
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Annex C
C.1 General
The following checklists (see C.2 to C.4) are provided to help manufacturers check that they have
complied with all relevant parts of this European Standard.
b) Impact test (moving parts contact with casing), see EN ISO 80079-36.
g) Prevention of deposits or layers inside fan casings and on the surface of motors, see 4.13, and easy
inspection and cleaning of casing, see also EN 1127-1.
k) Power transmissions, clutches, brakes and couplings, see 4.16, 4.17 and 4.18.
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r) Motors and other electrical equipment, including adequate cooling air for the motor and suitable
ventilation openings, see 4.12, for the relevant category.
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Annex D
1 blade tips
2 hub to internal circular motor support housing running clearance. Potential rubbing (spark-generating) zone
3 blade operating clearance to fan internal motor support struts. Potential spark-generating zone
4 internal anti-sparking impeller housing liner shown wider than the blade axial tip dimension (category 2 only)
5 motor spigot located on mounting flange plus fasteners adequately torqued and mechanically locked
6 impeller housing should be securely fastened to the upstream and downstream casings with fasteners
adequately torqued. In addition dowels are provided to prevent movement and to ensure repeatability of
its positional datum
7 clearance between impellor and casing
Figure D.1 — Axial fan with fixed pitch blades and ducted inlet for categories 2 and 3
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1 impeller hub to casing axial running clearance (inlet side)
2 impeller hub to casing axial running clearance (discharge side)
3 anti-spark liner fitted internally to the impeller blade housing
4 rubbing (hot-spot) potential at the rotating union on the impeller hub
5 rubbing (spark generating) potential between the blades and the downstream guide vanes. Adequate
clearance should be provided
6 rubbing (hot-spot) potential between the shaft seal and the main fan rotor shaft
7 rubbing (hot-spot) potential between the impeller hub and the rotor-bearing unit
8 bearing unit fasteners adequately torqued and mechanically locked. Bearing housing bracket to casing
support plinth should also be fitted with dowels
9 precautions to be taken at the rotor guide or thrust bearing to ensure that the axial position of the rotor is
adequately controlled
10 rubbing potential between the upstream bearing support struts and or inlet guide vanes. Adequate clearance
should be provided
11 down stream guide vanes
12 impeller housing should be securely fastened to the upstream and downstream casings with fasteners
adequately torqued. In addition dowels are provided to prevent movement and to ensure repeatability of its
positional datum
13 any upstream cross-duct stiffeners should be adequately stiff to prevent damaging vibrations resulting from
fluid flow. In addition particular attention should be paid to how they are connected at the duct wall to
ensure a high integrity connection is achieved
Figure D.2 — Axial fan with variable pitch in-motion ducted inlet-box arrangement
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1 impeller positively locked on the fan shaft
2 rubbing potential between the inlet flow-guide and the impeller. Shown here with an ignition minimizing
brass tip on the flow-guide
3 rubbing potential between the impeller and the central down-stream flow guide. Shown here with an ignition
minimizing strip mounted on the static component
4 rotor bearings secured with adequately torqued fasteners. Fasteners to be mechanically locked and where
possible dowels used to prevent rotor misalignment. Where it is impractical to fit dowels due to space
restrictions then attention needs to be given to the bolt clearance in the bearing housings and support
5 belt cover to be manufactured from ignition minimizing material such as brass or lined with anti-sparking
6 the belt guard to be manufactured or lined with ignition minimizing material
7 the motor feet should be secured with fasteners adequately torqued together with a mechanical locking
feature. If possible the motor is to doweled in position to restrict potential movement
8 attention to be given to spark minimizing features at the bearing shaft seals
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1 rubbing (spark-generating) potential between the 2 impeller connection
inlet flow-guide and the impeller
3 shaft to casing seal zone 4 bearing shaft zone
5 coupling guard anti-sparking feature 6 motor shaft zone
7a impeller upstream inlet flow guide 7b clearance between impeller and stationary housing
8 tip extension – anti-sparking feature on the inlet 9 impeller inlet ring
flow guide; e.g. copper insert
10 impeller side plate or shroud 11 impeller hub keyed to the shaft
12 impeller shaft connection hub 13 shoulder on shaft to positively locate the impeller hub
14 impeller locking device 15 fan discharge casing
16 shaft seal plates manufactured from anti-sparking 17 seal retaining fasteners
material, for example copper
18 shaft to casing sealing elements manufactured from 19 ample running clearance provided between the casing
non-sparking material for example thin pressure sidewall and the shaft
vessel fibrous gasket material, carbon etc.
20 impeller hub
21 internal anti spark strip positioned to align with the 22 anti spark copper end plates to be fitted to provide a
outside diameter of the drive coupling flange (two minimum of 3 mm extension from the carbon steel
required with spacer type couplings)
Figure D.4 — Centrifugal fan - ducted arrangement
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1 shaft penetration at fan
2 shaft penetration at motor
3 cover plate fitted to outside of fan drive belt guard
4 internal surfaces, in way of drive pulleys, fitted with an anti-sparking material such as copper
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Annex E
This clause contains most of the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, as far as they are
dealt with in this European Standard, identified by risk assessment as significant for this type of
machinery and which require action to eliminate or reduce the risk. When carrying out the risk
assessment the designer, manufacturer or supplier, will have to check whether the list of hazards is
complete and applicable with respect to the particular fan.
In accordance with EN ISO 12100 and EN 1127-1 the following points shall be considered:
a) that the equipment shall be appropriate to the intended mechanical and thermal stresses and
capable of withstanding attack by existing or foreseeable aggressive substances;
b) that any misuse, which can reasonably be expected, is taken into account;
d) that foreseeable conditions of overload or deviations from the intended operation shall not give
rise to dangerous situations;
e) that the ignition hazard may be considerably increased if the temperature of the fluid is higher than
+ 60 °C, if the oxygen content is higher than a volume fraction of 21 % or if the absolute pressure is
higher than 1,1 bar (under such conditions the list of hazards shall be checked and/or revised, as
the measures listed below may be insufficient);
f) that fans may be of very different design, as axial fans, mixed flow fans, centrifugal fans, roof fans or
window fans. They may come in a large variety of sizes, cast or made of plate of different thickness,
with different impeller speeds, absorbed power, pressure difference to the surroundings,
construction material, direct or indirect drives, different prime movers, manufacturing methods. It
shall be checked if all hazards are listed here or if additional hazards may require additional
protective methods for the specific fan concerned.
Hazards, which will exist for most fans within the scope of this European Standard, are listed in
Table E.1.
NOTE For other hazards see also prEN 14461.
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Measures applied to prevent the source
No. Potential ignition source or
becoming effective
1 All categories
Category 3 G and 3 D
(Hazards and measures in order to reach a normal level of protection)
Contact between static and 4.4 Rigid housing design and separation of
2.4 moving components caused by
4.5 ductwork by flexible joints
housing deformation
2.6 Contact between static and 4.19 Select acceptable impeller-shaft attachment
moving components caused by
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Measures applied to prevent the source
No. Potential ignition source or
becoming effective
loosening impellers
Electrostatic discharges in
2.12 4.11 Belt drive requirements
connection with belts
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Measures applied to prevent the source
No. Potential ignition source or
becoming effective
4.12 Electric equipment
Category 1 G
4 (Hazards and measures in order to reach a very high level of protection. In addition to the
hazards and methods referred to for all categories and categories 3 G, 3 D, 2 G, 2D [Items 1, 2
and 3]
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request
M/BC/CEN/92/46 to provide one voluntary means of conforming to essential requirements of Directive
2014/34/EU "Directive 2014/34/EU Of The European Parliament And Of The Council of 26 February
2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective
systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (recast)".
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive compliance
with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of
this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements of that
Directive, and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 2014/34/EU
WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European
WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of
this standard.
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
[1] EN ISO 13857, Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by
upper and lower limbs (ISO 13857)
[2] EN 1710, Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in
underground mines
[3] EN 1755, Industrial Trucks - Safety requirements and verification - Supplementary requirements
for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres
[4] EN 1652, Copper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet, strip and circles for general purposes
[5] EN 13237, Potentially explosive atmospheres - Terms and definitions for equipment and protective
systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
[6] EN 13463-2, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 2:
Protection by flow restricting enclosure 'fr'
[7] EN 13463-3, Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Part 3:
Protection by flameproof enclosure 'd'
[11] EN 60079-1, Explosive atmospheres — Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures 'd'
[12] EN 60079-2, Explosive atmospheres — Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure 'p'
[13] EN 60079-5, Explosive atmospheres — Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling 'q'
[14] EN 60079-6, Explosive atmospheres — Part 6: Equipment protection by liquid immersion 'o'
[15] EN 60079-7, Explosive atmospheres — Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety 'e'
[16] EN 60079-11, Explosive atmospheres — Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety 'i'
[17] EN 60079-14, Explosive atmospheres — Part 14: Electrical installations design, selection and
[18] EN 60079-15, Explosive atmospheres - Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection 'n'
[19] EN 60079-18, Explosive atmospheres — Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation 'm'
[20] EN 60335-2-80, +6Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular
requirements for fans
[21] EN ISO 2409, Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test (ISO 2409)
BS EN 14986:2017
EN 14986:2017 (E)
[23] IEC 60167, Methods of test for the determination of the insulation resistance of solid insulating
[24] ISO 281, Rolling bearings — Dynamic load ratings and rating life
[25] ISO 1813, Belt drives — V-ribbed belts, joined V-belts and V-belts including wide section belts and
hexagonal belts — Electrical conductivity of antistatic belts: Characteristics and methods of test
[27] ISO 1940-1, Mechanical vibration — Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid)
state — Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances
[28] EN ISO 5802, Industrial fans - Performance testing in situ (ISO 5802)
[29] ISO 9563, Belt drives — Electrical conductivity of antistatic endless synchronous belts —
Characteristics and test method
[31] CLC/TR 60079-32-1, Explosive atmospheres - Part 32-1: Electrostatic Hazards - Guidance (IEC/TS
[31] EUROVENT 1/5, Prescriptions for spark resistant fan construction (1999)
[36] Westphalian Mine Owners Association Fund – Examination to the ignition risk by grinding by fans
[37] Voigtsberger, Zündfähigkeit von Schleiffunken gegenüber explosiblen Gas- und Dampf-Luft-
Gemischen, Arbeitsschutz, Bundesarbeitsblatt Nr. 6/1955
[38] Grunewald, Die Zündquelle mechanisch erzeugter Funken, Technische Überwachung, Springer
VDI Verlag, 3/2001
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