Unit One
Unit One
Unit One
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
We can also say software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage
of the computer for some purposes.
In other words software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation.
Computer software has facilitated the interaction between human beings and computers.
What are the different kinds of software?
Software refers to the computer programs, procedures and documentation that perform certain
tasks on a computer system.
Following is an extensive list of examples of the different kinds of software.
a. Application Software: Application software is that, which is designed for the
end-users and hence known as end-user programs. It employs the capabilities of
a computer to execute the tasks that the user wishes to perform on a computer
system. Look at the various examples of application software.
b. Educational Software: They are used to deliver tests and track progress. They
are used for educational purposes. Training management and classroom
management software are some examples of educational software. The software
used for purposes of educainment, a form of entertainment that aims at educating
the masses, is also a form of educational software.
What is application software? What are the different types of application software? Know
it all along with some interesting examples of application software.
Application software utilizes the capacities of a computer directly to a dedicated task.
Application software is able to manipulate text, numbers and graphics. It can be in the
form of software focused on a certain single task like word processing, spreadsheet or
playing of audio and video files.
To be used efficiently, all computer software needs certain hardware components or other
software resources to be present on a computer. These per-requisites are known as system
requirements and are often used as a guideline as opposed to an absolute rule. Most software
defines two sets of system requirements: minimum and recommended.
Hardware Requirements
The most common set of requirements defined by any operating system or software application
is the physical computer resources, also known as hardware. A hardware requirements list is
often accompanied by a Hardware Compatibility List (HCL), especially in case of operating
systems. A hardware compatibility list is a database of hardware models and their compatibility
with a certain operating system. An HCL lists tested, compatible, and sometimes incompatible
hardware devices for a particular operating system or application.
The following sub-sections discuss the various aspects of hardware requirements.
All computer operating systems are designed for particular computer architecture. Most
software applications are limited to particular operating systems running on particular
architectures. Although architecture-independent operating systems and applications exist, most
need to be recompiled to run on a new architecture.
I. Processing Power
The power of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a fundamental system
requirement for any software. Most software running on x86 architecture define
processing power as the model and the clock speed of the CPU. Many other
features of a CPU that influence its speed and power, like bus speed, cache, and
MIPS are often ignored. This definition of power is often erroneous, as AMD
Athlon and Intel Pentium CPUs at similar clock speed often have different
throughput speeds.
II. Memory
All software, when run, resides in the Random Access Memory (RAM) of a
computer. Memory requirements are defined after considering demands of the
application, operating system, supporting software and files, and other running
processes. Optimal performance of other unrelated software running on a multi-
tasking computer system is also considered when defining this requirement.
Software Requirements
Software requirements deal with defining software resource requirements and per-
requisites that need to be installed on a computer to provide optimal functioning of an
application. These requirements or per-requisites are generally not included in the
software installation package and need to be installed separately before the software is
a. Platform
In computing, a platform describes some sort of framework, either in hardware
or software, which allows software to run. Typical platforms include a
computer's architecture, operating system, or programming languages and their
runtime libraries.
Operating system is one of the first requirements mentioned when defining
system requirements (software). Software may not be compatible with different
versions of same line of operating systems, although some measure of backward
compatibility is often maintained. For example, most software designed for
c. Web Browser
Most web applications and software depending heavily on Internet technologies
make use of the default browser installed on system. Microsoft Internet Explorer
is a frequent choice of software running on Microsoft Windows, which makes
use of ActiveX controls, despite their vulnerabilities.
1.2. Determining Client Requirements
The installation of new software or a software upgrade involves a number of carefully planned
activities and people who specialize in the installation of computer applications. These activities
begin with the initial request from the client for new software or a software upgrade. Once the
client's request has been evaluated, the computer supports person first analyses:
The system components including the capabilities of the client's computer
The processes that manipulate the data
The current system deficiencies
The system constraints
The specific objectives and the performance requirements of the new system
The corporate desktop software used by the organization.
The next step is to determine and recommend hardware and software components that will
satisfy the client's information needs and comply with the stated constraints. There are two
questions that you must answer before any recommendations can be made.
Is it possible to solve the problem?
Can the organization afford to solve the problem?
Other things that need to be considered include time frame, cost, technical, legal,
environmental, hardware, software, human, organizational and operational implications.
Every client has different needs and therefore there will be considerable variation in the factors
which go towards installing new software or software upgrade. Among these variations are
software, licensing and organizational considerations.
A. Software
Variables for new software and upgrade requirements includes software versions,
commercial software applications, organization-specific software, operating systems,
network operating systems, stand-alone PC systems, word processing, spreadsheets,
database, graphics, communication packages, software installation instructions and
manuals and the range of suppliers. The relationship between you and the client, and
ease of access to them, will vary; often it will be easier to work with another department
within an organization than with a client.
B. Licensing
C. Organizational Requirements
Variables include contracting arrangements relating to information technology,
purchasing procedures, licensing requirements and supplier options, storage and
retrieval of product licenses, storage of information technology equipment and
documentation and retrieval of product licenses. In addition:
Development methods and tools will vary from very simple procedures to very advanced
computer-assisted software engineering (CASE) tools
Hardware variables common to personal computers and networks include disk space,
RAM, CPU and the operating system.
Occupational health and safety standards will vary according to company, government
and vendor requirements. Ergonomic and environmental factors must be considered.
Organizational standards may be based upon formal, well-documented methodologies
Budget constraints will limit the options available for new software.
Before you can determine new software or software upgrade requirements for a client,
you need to examine their current software and hardware environment.
I. Management Levels
Clients from different levels of management have different interests in software applications.
Strong client support and involvement and wise user decisions are essential to successful
installation and use of software applications. Users should be involved to different degrees and
in different ways depending on the managerial hierarchy.
Top-level management is involved with:
Providing initiative and support for the installation of new software
Approving the purchase of software licenses and indicating the account from which the
money will come
Ensuring the smooth integration of manual and automated procedures
Ensuring adequate training and documentation for hands-on users.
III. Lower-level management is involved with:
Providing relevant information during the data-gathering phases concerned with the
functions that the software application will perform
Reviewing various user interface designs such as screen forms and reports
Assisting system testing and conducting acceptance testing when requested to do so
Receiving training when required and reading all appropriate user manuals
Ensuring that the supplied documentation is available and kept up-to-date
Reporting all problems once the system is operational
Making valid suggestions for enhancements and modifications to the new system.
a) Software Requirements
Software requirements and some issues surrounding them, a software requirement is,
including the different types of requirements. And deal with changing requirements and
control project scope, as well as how requirements affect design. These lessons will give
you the knowledge you need to move on to eliciting and creating good quality
requirements in the next modules.
Explore the many ways in which software requirements can be represented. the most
popular means of expressing requirements in the industry today: the user story. You will
learn how acceptance tests help to verify the stories which they accompany, and how to
create a robust product backlog. At the end of the module, you will learn how story
maps are used to organize user stories, so that you’re always putting your effort into the
tasks which makes the most impact. Analyzing creates clear, actionable, requirements
which result in high quality software with fewer errors.
1.3. Verify the client requirement
Before the any installation began the following supposed to be considered and verified if the
need of a client are going to be meet
This is a basic outline and yours may contain more (or fewer) items. Now that you have an
outline, let’s fill in the blanks
Define who in your organization will have access the software and how they should use it. .
It could also include stakeholders in other departments, including leadership teams, sales,
and marketing.
Defining this now will lead to less work in the future.
b) Product Scope
What are the benefits, objectives, and goals we intend to have for this product? This should
relate to overall purpose and goal.
Describe What You Will Build?
Your next step is to give a description of what you’re going to build. Is it a new product? Is
it an add-on to a product you’ve already created? Is this going to integrate with another
Why is this needed? Who is it for?
Understanding these questions on the front end makes creating the product much easier for
all involved.
c) User Needs
Describe who will use the product and how. Understanding the user of the product and their
needs is a critical part of the process.
Who will be using the product? Are they a primary or secondary user? Do you need to know
about the purchaser of the product as well as the end user? In medical devices, you will also
need to know the needs of the patient.
In order for your development team to meet the requirements properly, we MUST include as
much detail as possible. This can feel overwhelming but becomes easier as you break down
your requirements into categories. Some common categories are:
f) Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are essential to your product because, as they state, they provide
some sort of functionality.
You may also have requirements that outline how your software will interact with other
tools, which brings us to external interface requirements.
External interface requirements are specific types of functional requirements. These are
especially important when working with embedded systems. They outline how your product
will interface with other components.
There are several types of interfaces you may have requirements for, including:
h) System Features
System features are types of functional requirements. These are features that are required in
order for a system to function.
Self-Check –1 Test
Instruction:2Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to
ask your teacher.
1. What is computer software? (1 point)
2. What is the use of database software? (1 point)
3. What are the different types of software? (2points)
Once your supervisor has checked and approved the client's software requirements you will
need to obtain the software.
1.1Investigating and selecting application program
Information available on software products can be accessed from many sources. These
sources have varying degrees of objectivity ranging from the authoritative to the informal.
Some of common sources of information for searching a product are:
Computer magazines
The Internet
IT consultants
IT department
Computer suppliers
Other sources of information may include industry colleagues, contacts and organization
similar to your own.
Depending on the size and the type of your organization, you will choose one of several
different ways of collecting the software. For example, large organizations usually have a
section or a department which controls purchases and deals only with a selected number of
suppliers. In such cases, you will be provided with a catalogue of available products from
which to choose.
Such organizations also use a Purchase Requisition document (usually called a PR book)
provided by the administrative department. You will need to fill in and submit a Purchase
Order which also needs to be signed by your supervisor.
Free and open source software (FOSS) licenses are often referred to as open source. FOSS
source code is available to the customer along with the software product. The customer is
usually allowed to use the source code to change the software.
Proprietary licenses are often referred to as closed source. They provide customers with
operational code. Users cannot freely alter this software. These licenses also usually restrict
reverse engineering the software's code to obtain the source code.
An open source contributor license agreement is different from a software license agreement.
See how. A more detailed list includes five types of software licenses. It makes finer distinctions
among various types of open source licenses and proprietary licenses. This list includes the
A. Public domain. This software is freely available. Anyone can use and change it or
incorporate code from this software into an application. However, businesses should use
caution as altered code may not meet enterprise quality and security standards.
Companies should be wary of ambiguous licenses that appear to be public domain but
do not explicitly say so.
B. Lesser general public license. Developers can link to open source libraries within their
software and use any licensing type for the code.
C. Permissive. This type of license will establish some requirements for distribution or
modification of the software. It also has requirements for preserving license notices,
Different software licenses enforce different levels of restrictions on users' ability to copy,
modify and distribute code. See the five most common types.
The cost of a software license depends on the type of license, the type of software and the
pricing model. There may be a one-time fee that gives the user ownership rights to the software
program. This approach is considered the traditional way of owning software -- buying the
license up front and gaining the rights to use the software indefinitely. This type of purchase
agreement is known as a perpetual license.
Alternatively, the user may pay an initial fee followed by a subscription plan where payment is
made at regular intervals.
License costs are often based on the number of users and devices that use the software. They
may also depend on the software deployment method. Costs can increase with add-ons,
upgrades, maintenance fees and other fees. Depending on these factors, software license costs
can vary from free or nearly so, to many thousands of dollars.
Tracking software licenses and costs can be particularly difficult across virtualized servers,
mobile devices and the cloud operations.
End-user license agreements typically include basic information about the parties entering the
agreement, such as full names of the parties’ involved, contact information and address of the
parties. It also likely includes information on the following:
When the conditions of the agreement go into effect (i.e., the moment the user accepts the terms
and conditions); charges owed per user; the duration of the agreement;terms of cancellation and
terms for recovery of charges if cancelled during the period covered by the original agreement.
Self-Check –2 Test
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Silent Installation
Installation that does not display messages or windows during its progress. "Silent
installation" is not the same as "unattended installation", though it is often improperly
used as such
Unattended Installation
Installation that is performed without user interaction during its progress or, in a stricter
sense, with no user present at all, except eventually for the initial launch of the process.
An installation process usually requires a user who "attends" it to make choices at
request: accepting an EULA, specifying preferences and passwords, etc.
Some unattended installations can be driven by a script providing answers to the
various choices such as the answer file which can be used when installing Microsoft
Windows on a large number of machines.
Unattended installation, without the need of initial launch of the process (i.e. Vodafone
Mobile Connect USB Modem or Huawei E220's Mobile Partner software that self-
installs from the USB port).
Clean Installation
Given the complexity of a typical installation there are many factors that may interfere
with its successful completion. In particular files that are leftover from old installations
of the same program or an unstable situation of the operating system may all act to
prevent a given program from installing and working correctly. An installation
performed in absence of such interfering factors (which may vary from program to
program) is called a clean installation. In particular, a clean operating system
installation can be performed by formatting its destination partition before the actual
installation process.
Flat Installation
An installation of a program performed from a copy (called a flat copy) of its original
media contents (mostly CDs or DVDs) to a hard drive, rather than directly from the
media. This may help in some situations where the target machine isn't able to cope
with random access reads from CD/DVD at the same time as performing the CPU-
intensive tasks often required by an installation, or where the target machine does not
have an appropriate physical drive.
What needed?
A laptop or PC (obviously!) with at least 1GB of storage space.
A flash drive (1GB as a minimum, 2GB or above recommended).
DVD/USB flash drive with at least 1GB free space. This drive will be formatted, so
make sure it doesn't have any important files on it.
Technician PC - PC that you'll use to copy the USB flash drive
Destination PC - A PC that you'll install The Application software.
Write an introduction to your installation report. This should include a description of the
item being installed, its function and why it is important to install it correctly. For
example, for an oven explain how it is an appliance for the kitchen used to cook warm
meals. Explain that proper installation is necessary to avoid fires or gas leaks.
Provide a list of safety icons or images the person may encounter during the installation
process. This can include electrical dangers, possibility of gas leak or sharp edges.
Explain each danger and what picture accompanies what safety issue.
List all of the potential dangers that emerge during the installation process. This can be
electrical sparks when installing an electrical box, for example.
Create a checklist that gives the user the ability to inspect the item for installation to
ensure everything is intact prior to the installation process. Inform the reader that if
something is broken on the device, installation should not be attempted.
Starting software
Software operation
Closing software
Starting software may involve provision of instructions on how to start the software. It may also
involve creation of shortcuts to simplify access to the software.
Testing software operation will require testing data. Data selected for testing purpose should
involve use of fundamental features of the software to demonstrate their correct operations.
The impact is analyzed on Requirements, Design & Architecture, impact on Test and impact on
A. It is done to understand the possible outcome of implementing the change. Inducing too
much functionality into a product can reduce the overall performance of the product.
B. To identify all the files, documents and models that might have to be modified if a team
decides to implement the change in product
C. To estimate the effort needed behind implementing the change
D. To identify the task required to implement the change
Impact Analysis document can be used as a checklist. It is used to evaluate change request
before working on them. The Impact Analysis document should give details like
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next
_____ 1. Common APPLICATION software upgrades include changing the version of
A. Operating System B. Office Suite C. hardware D. All
_____ 2. ____________ refers to the replacement of a product with a newer version of the
same product.
A. Install B. Uninstall C. Upgrade D. None
_____ 3. For _____________, we tend to upgrade as soon as they are released since they
usually make the software more stable and reliable.
A. New software versions
B. Service releases or bug fixes
C. Old software versions
D. All
_____ 4. Which of the following is not software Upgrading Risks?
A. Upgrade will improve the product
B. The risk of incompatibility
C. The new version will contain a bug
D. All
_____ 5. Windows applications that do not require installation are often called____.
A. Portable application
B. Installable application
C. Server-based software
D. None
True or false
Operation sheet 1.2 Install or Upgrade to Microsoft office 2016 Application software
Tools and Equipment: Microsoft office 2016 and Personal Computer/Lap top
1. Connect the USB flash drive to your technician PC.
2. Copy Windows Setup to the USB flash drive
3. Use copy and paste the entire contents to the USB flash drive.
4. check the USB have the Setup of Microsoft Office 2016
1. First input the setup in (flash or DVD).
Then turn on the computer,
Quality criteria :Checking every application integrated in Microsof Office 2016 Properly
Step 1:-In your Web Browser, click the Link to the program.
Do one of the following:
Click on the searched setup (Download)
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Image titled Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Step 2
Download the Software by clicking on the Download Button.
Image titled Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Go to the directory, where your downloaded Installation file has been kept, usually Desktop.
Image titled Install Adobe Acrobat Reader
Step 4
Let the Setup File install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. Image titled Install Adobe
Acrobat Reader
Instructions: Given necessary templates, tools and materials you are required to perform the
following 1- hour.
2. You need to successfully uninstall tasks within the following application software’s.