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Journal of Educational Science and Technology

Volume 5 Number 2 August 2019 page 159-165

p-ISSN:2460-1497 and e-ISSN: 2477-3840
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/est.v5i2.9274

The Effect of Social Skill on Children’s Independence

Rusmayadi1, Herman2
Early Childhood Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Early Childhood Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

(Received: June-2019; Reviewed: June-2019; Accepted: August-2019; Published: August-2019)

This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
CC-BY-NC-4.0 ©2019 by an author (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ ).

The aim of this study is to identify the effect of social skills on children's independence.
The method employed in this study was a survey that explained the path analysis causal
relationship through a quantitative approach. In this study, it was found a significant
relationship between social skills and independence. The closeness of the relationship
between interpersonal skills and independence was enlightened by the testing conducted
on hypothesis showing that there was direct effect of social skills on kindergarten
children’s independence. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is significant direct
relationship of social skills on the independence of kindergarten students

Keywords: Social Skills; Independence; Early Age Children, Intelligence, Interpersonal.

INTRODUCTION 2006). Early age is the most fundamental stage

of growth and development of individual (Sylva,
Children as the future generations of a 2010. Vandell, 2010). This is the most important
nation are the very important human resource as period as it is the time when individual develops
they determine the success of a country’s critically.
development. To achieve better qualities of
humans, they need to be provided with This period is referred to as the golden
education as early as possible as this will be the age. In this step, most of kids’ potentials are
initial formation of their basic personalities. experiencing very fast and remarkable growth
Early childhood education is a program and development (Sauriana, 2016) including
that is very fundamental to provide the basic personality formation (Rasalingam, Muniandy,
framework of the formation and development of & Rasalingam, 2014). Experiences acquired in
basic knowledge, attitude, and skill of children. this stage tend to last longer and affect children
The first 3-4 years of life are very important for during their lifetime. Therefore, the roles of
kids to study and develop. Their brain educators including parents, teachers, and other
experiences rapid development since they were adults are very necessary for the development of
born and healthy brain development is the all potentials possessed by kids at an early age.
foundation to learn and to make a positive social Education is a shared responsibility among
connection (Melhuish, 2011). Mental and families, societies, and governments. Among all
attitude are two the most important component educational environments, school environment
to get intensive supervision as they will be is the most important sector to provide education
difficult to be reformed once children enter the to children because it highly affects their life
school." (Heckman & Wax, 2004, Heckman, development and even may threaten their life. A

160 | Vol 5 No 2, August 2019

study shows that negative effect of the retardation (Komala, 2015). It is because
environment where early age children live can positive independence can support them to deal
harm their life forever after (Knudsen et al., with various things including physical activities
2006). Then, it is clear that effect of like managing themselves and psychological
environment is very influential in the activities like decision making, problem-solving,
development of children like the environment of self-confident, social skill, and interpersonal
school, which in this case is the Kindergarten as intelligence.
that is the place where they will know and The children's independence is highly
understand their environment’s demands for the related to their status as individuals with self-
first time. This then becomes indicators of confidence, social skill and interpersonal
attitude and behavior expected shown by intelligence that has affected their ability to
teachers in a more structural situation. understand the environmental demands and they
Attitudes and behaviors introduced in the adapt their behavior to them (manifested
school environment are the disciplines. Teachers through discipline attitudes). Developing
as educators hold the very big roles in children's social skills at an earlier age can
integrating disciplines to students at school support them to think rationally, decide their
because they directly involve in activities future, and understand themselves and others
aiming at raising good attitudes and habits to (Suud, 2017).
lead students becoming a discipline and The development of children’s emotional
independent through daily tasks or activities. and social function is highly affected by systems
The independence of early age children existing in their schools (Roeser, Wolf, &
refers to their ability to perform daily activities Strobel, 2001) which means that school and all
or tasks by themselves or with very little of its components especially teachers are factors
assistance based on their developmental stage or determining the development of children’s
capacities (Rusmayadi, 2017), and must be social skills (Setiawati et al, 2016). Similarly,
introduced at their early age. Independence Kupperminc, Leadbeater & Blatt (2001) stated
taught to students earlier in their life will allow that school effects are not only on academical
them to be able to arrange their activities skills and achievements but also on their
schedules and accustomed to helping and psychosocial development.
appreciate others (Sidharto et al, 2007), (Bokko, Social skills are the most important
2014). Furthermore, children are possible to aspects to develop as early as possible to prepare
fulfill their intrinsic and physical needs by individuals facing various problems in the world
themselves fully responsibly without depending related to their status as social creatures who
on other people. In general, children’s will continuously do interaction. Children with
independence can be measured by observing better social skills will run their life more
how they act physically, emotionally and effectively too because they can select and
socially. People learn how to face various perform appropriate attitudes based on
situations in their social environment until they environmental demands. Children will be able to
can think and take the right decision in dealing adapt with standards expected by societies,
with every single situation. Shared activities can select the appropriate ways of communication,
help children to develop their thinking skills and having relationship with others, and appreciating
attitude to be implemented in the societies and them (Bakhtiar, 2015). This shows that children
making it their personal attribute ( (Sa'diyah, with good social skills can communicate well
2017), and mentally, they are ready to think by with other children in a group based on the
themselves (Covey, 1997). Various problems applicable rules (etiquette). The development of
will occur when independence is not trained at social skills is affected by children's dependence
the early age of children. Some parents project on doing interaction with their environment.
their future goals to their kids (Idrus, 2003) This then will bring positive impact on the
causing limitation of effort to pursuing dreams integration of disciplinary behavior. Therefore,
by their own method. Also, dependency will this skill will also bring a very big effect on
negatively affect children's personalities developing dependence thus the self-discipline
(Sidharto et al, 2007) leading them to be not can be achieved.
confident, chiming in others, unable to develop Based on the discussion above, it is
their potency, and finally resulting in mental important to carry out study about relationship
Rusmayadi, Herman. The effect of Social... | 161

between social skills and children’s Table 1. Distribution of Social Skill Scores
independence. The latter aspect is very
Interval Absolute Cumulative Relative
important to take into account by first ensuring
Class Frequency Frequency Frequency
their social interaction ability through some
social skills. Social skills are influential to 80 – 81 2 2 1.4
children's independence. The more social skills 82 – 83 12 14 8.5
performed by children, the higher their chance 84 – 85 14 28 9.9
to show independent behavior (Rusmayadi, 86 – 87 26 54 18.3
2017). Therefore, teachers should consider it in 88 – 89 26 80 18.3
conducting learning activities for early age 90 – 91 33 113 23.2
learners at school by designing a good learning 92 - 93 17 130 12.0
model and interaction among students. The aim 84 – 95 10 140 7.0
of this study is to identify the effect of social 96 – 97 2 142 1.4
skills on children’s independence at Total 142 100%
kindergartens in South Sulawesi Province.

METHOD Table 2. Distribution of Independence Scores

Interval Absolute Cumulative Relative
This study employed a survey method
Class Frequency Frequency Frequency
with quantitative approach to explain a causal
relationship or path analysis. The population of 62 – 64 3 3 2.1
this study referred to kindergarten students at B 65 – 67 6 9 4.2
group in Makassar city academic year 68 – 70 21 30 14.8
2015/2016 with the total number of 6543. 142 71 – 73 40 70 28.2
among them, who studied in 14 different
Regional Technical Implementation Units 74 – 76 33 103 23.2
(UPTD) at the district level were involved as 77 – 79 29 132 20.4
samples. The sampling technique used was 80 - 82 10 142 7.0
cluster sampling. Each kid invited as sample Total 142 100%
was observed using observation instrument with
Likert scale to identify their attitudes by putting In this study, we found a significant
checklist in each item they fulfill. Data were correlation between Social Skills (X1) and
analyzed through some techniques including Independence (X2). The closeness of the
descriptive analysis, requirements analysis, and correlation between X1 and X2 was emphasized
inferential analysis. by hypothesis testing showing that there is a
direct positive effect of Social Skills (X1) on
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Dependence (X2). Social skills refer to activities
that put emphasis on good interaction. The
success of interaction performed by a person to
others proves the social skill she/he has. This
Data proceeded in this study obtained from
will build children’s independence to do an
research samples with a total number of 142.
activity related to their surrounding environ-
Those respondents were early age students
studying at kindergarten in Makassar city, in the
The test performed to the hypothesis
second-semester, academic year of 2015/2016.
shows that social skills (X1) significantly affect
Samples were selected using multistage random
independence (X2) which is proved by statistical
cluster sampling technique. Data were
test results.
calculated and analyzed descriptively to identify
Based on the analysis result, the path
the mean, median, modus, deviation standard,
coefficient X2X1(ρ21) was 0.20, tcount = 2.16, and
variance, maximum score, minimum score,
ttable with α = 0.05, and df = 138 we got 1.960.
range, and the total of scores. The description of
Because tcount = 2.16 > ttable = 1.960; we
data of this study from all research variables is
identified that there is a direct effect of social
presented in the table 1,2 and 3.
skills (X1) on independence (X2).
162 | Vol 5 No 2, August 2019

Table 3. Path Coefficient of Social Skills toward environment. Independence is the ability of a
Independence person not to rely or continuously seek help to
others in maintaining their physical needs
Between Path t t table Test indicated by the ability of the early age children
Variables Coefficinet count (α=0.05,137) Result
to perform various skills in daily basis without
X 2X 1 0.20 2.16 1.96
assistance from others like feeding themselves,
Based on the table 3, it is clear that there put on the shocks and clothes by their own, and
was direct effect of Social Skills (X1) on go the toilet alone (Suardani, 2016). The higher
kindergarten students’ Independence (X2). the social skills children have, the easier they
Based on the analysis result, the path coefficient socialize and interact with people around them.
X2X1(ρ21) was 0.20, tcount = 2.16 and ttable with α = This interaction is a form of social
0.05 and df = 138 we got 1.960. Because tcount = independence. This can be trained by inviting
2.16 > ttable = 1.960; it can be regarded that there kids to play together in the break time, teach
was direct correlation of social skills (X1) on them how to work together with other friends
independence (X2). Statistically, independence through playing in a group, ask them to help
is indicated with the score of (ρy2 x ρy2) = 0.20 x others who are in trouble, ask them to share their
0.20 = 0.04 or 4%. This value shows that around food or drinks when there is a student forgetting
4% of changes variation in kindergarten bringing their meals, suggest them to share the
learners’ independence can be directly toys when playing together, and ask them to
represented by their social skills. The finding share the stationery (pencils, erasers, sharpeners)
interprets that social skills directly positively and crayon with friends who forgot to bring
affect independence. In other words, social skills theirs (Khairunnisa, Mering, & Fadillah., 2019).
can lead the improvement of kindergarten Absolutely, teachers have a very big role in
students’ independence. improving children’s independence by
integrating it into the learning activities.
Discussion Teachers must be able to integrate independence
values into their learning activities both inside
Research findings show that social skills and outside classroom so that they can be
help children to start or to manage social stimulated to work together (Yamin & Sanan,
interaction with other people according to the 2013).
applicable rules. With good social skills, Guidance that can be provided by the
children’s social interaction can be better teacher include giving student understanding,
managed. This will influence the activities they information, and advice, and let them be
performed so that their independence will be accustomed to activities showing their
built. Children grow with activities performed independence (Suryameng, 2019). Teachers
together with others leading them to get insight have to facilitate children to experience fun
into how to think and behave in societies and environment (Hidayatulloh, 2014). They should
making it their personal ways to act (Sa'diyah, always integrate each learning activity with
2017), and mentally, they can think by independence training and create interesting
themselves (Covey, 1997). Findings of current learning conditions (Yamin & Sanan, 2013).
study are in line with research found that the Some supporting factors to train children's
social skills of early age children in independence are academic curriculum applied
Kindergarten ABA IV Mangli Jember, allow in that kindergarten, teachers’ motivation and
them to mingle, socialize, and communicate awareness, and adequate infrastructure to train
well with their friends and teachers, to work independence. Teachers’ efforts to deal with
together, to be patient waiting for a turn, to have difficulties which might hamper them can be by
the empathy to help friends facing difficulties engaging children with problem-solving training
dealing with task in the classroom, to share their and maintaining harmonious relationship with
food and toys, to succumb to their friends, and kids. Through togetherness, children will build
to show responsibility (Musyarofah, 2017). their ability to share ideas and do activities
Social skills refer to activities that focus on based on what they perceive they should do
good interaction. Successful interaction with which are in accordance with their ability. In
other people proves the quality of social skills a other words, social skills enable them to
human has. This will build independence in exchange opinions to produce new thoughts
children to do an activity related to their
Rusmayadi, Herman. The effect of Social... | 163

based on their ability leading them to be independence in kindergarten. Testing on

independent. hypothesis shows that the hypothesis is
An independent person will show their accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that
initiatives, do hard work to get achievement, there is significant direct effect of social skills
have high self-confidence, hardly ever seek on kindergarten students’ independence.
protection to other people and have high After analyzing the findings,
curiosity (Susan, Fiske, Lindzey, et al, 2010). conclusion, and implication of this study, some
Independence is a condition when an individual suggestions are as follows: (1) teachers and
can manage their own life and not be a burden other educational practitioners should provide
of others. It is not egoism or living alone yet more attention and develop the social skills and
they are ready and able to build their own life independence of children. This is highly crucial
with togetherness basis. Then, Gordon and considering that training children to be
Browne (2008) mentioned that social skills are discipline is an effort which aims to develop
strategies that can be utilized by children to attitudes, habits, self-confidence, social skills,
learn and allow them to act appropriately in their independence, or to develop those humans with
environment. Social skills assist them to start or particular characteristics especially to improve
manage social interaction with other people their mental quality and moral, and their
based on the applicable rules. With good social interpersonal intelligence; (2) Parents should
skills, social interaction performed by kids will monitor children’s discipline as it is very
be well controlled and influence every activity important for their development. By
they perform based on their ability leading them understanding applicable rules in their societies,
to independently behave. children will feel safer because they know
Independence cannot be achieved activities that should and should not be
without any effort, yet it must be trained through performed; (3) Researchers in the educational
a long process. One of the strategies to achieve sector are suggested to research and
it is by creating conducive environment that can reinvestigate and develop the result of this study
allow children to develop their independence. to improve the discipline of early age children.
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