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Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

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State-of-Art review on deployable scissor structure in construction

Jian Jun Moy, Cher Siang Tan *, Shahrin Mohammad, Ahmad Razin Zainal Abidin
School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor 81310, Malaysia


Keywords: Deployable structures are flexible structures that can transform themselves from a stowed state to a deployed
Deployable structures state with a predetermined configuration upon actuation. Based on existing studies, there are various types of
Scissor structures deployable structures that can generally be classified based on their applications and structural components.
Structural mechanisms
Amongst the varieties, scissor structure stands out as one of the most well-known deployable structures with
Bistable and non-bistable
great structural strength and flexibility. Drew on existing studies, it was observed that the research on structure
Form-finding has advanced in terms of mechanisms, practical applications, design, and analysis methodology. In this state-of-
art review, the development of various types of scissor structure based on 61 papers over the past two decades
was explored extensively and critically discussed based on a significant categorisation. Generally, it was found
that new scissor structures were developed to improve their structural stiffness, flexibility, and practicality by
modifying their existing element configuration, joint type, and actuation method. Furthermore, this review
presented the development of the design and analysis method for scissor structures. Based on existing studies, it
was found that various configurations of scissor structure were developed to suit various applications. However,
the scissor structure is still not widely implemented in the industry due to insufficient research that had focussed
on its structural analysis. In this paper, research gaps and the future prospect of scissor structure were presented.

1. Introduction differentiate them. The research findings revealed that, the basic
element geometry of the deployable structure is the most important
Deployable structures are flexible structures that can transform feature to classify them. This concept permits the deployable structure
themselves from a compact stowed state to a predetermined operational to be divided into four main groups: bar, plate, spatial and combined
configuration upon actuation. However, in a different context, deploy­ elements. The definition and subcategory for each categorisation were
able structures can also be addressed as expandable, erectable, recon­ indicated in Table 1. This classification allows the possibility to include
figurable, developable or transformable structures. The ability of the more deployable structure variants that may be developed in the future.
deployable structure to reconfigure its shape makes it useful in many The scissor structure is one of the well-known deployable structures
fields, including aerospace (deployable masts [1,2], expandable an­ with great stiffness and flexibility. This structure is made of bars con­
tennas [3–5], scalable solar array panels [6,7]), construction (retract­ nected by hinges, where the structural mechanism or movement type is
able domes [8,9], foldable staircases [10], deployable bridges [11–13]) defined by hinge position. Scissor structures may be classified into three
and machines (robotic contraptions [14]). Various forms of deployable basic units: translational [30,31], polar [5,32] and angulated [33,34]
structures exist, with scissor [15], cable-and-strut [16], tensegrity units. Scissor structures have also been categorised by their bistable and
[17,18], origami [19] and deformable membrane structure [20] being non-bistable behaviour [35,36]. Several studies have demonstrated
the most common. Many studies have been conducted to categorise the the stiffness of the scissor structure: Bhivraj Suthar et al. demonstrated a
wide variety of deployable structures into a general category based on twisted scissor structure that was improved from the conventional par­
different classification methods, which is chronologically summarised in allel scissor structure [37]; Evangelia Vlachaki et al. proposed a scissor-
Fig. 1 [21–29]. In 2021, a new classification of deployable structures origami composite structure to enhance the overall stiffness of the
was proposed by Šljivić et al. [28], in which existing deployment scissor structure [38] and Juan Pérez-Valcárcel et al. suggested recip­
structure classifications were examined and analysed. These classifica­ rocal linkage connection to improve bending stiffness of joints in the
tions did not assign proper definitions or criteria that significantly scissor structure [39,40]. Some studies have highlighted the flexibility of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.S. Tan).

Received 30 March 2022; Received in revised form 21 May 2022; Accepted 25 May 2022
Available online 12 June 2022
2352-0124/© 2022 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

the scissor structure: Akgün et al. developed a modified spatial scissor- Table 1
like element that allows the scissor structure to reconfigure itself even Latest classification of deployable structures by A. Šljivić et al. [28].
in a deployed state [41]; Tao Yang et al. proposed the non-crossing Main Sub-categories Definition
angulated element (NCAE) and established a novel mechanism for the Classification
scissor structure that allowed it to reconfigure between two pre­ Bar element NASA type cubic, structure Basic unit consisting two bar
determined polygonal shapes [42]; Kim et al. developed a flat-fold based on Bennett mechanism, elements connected by a special
scissor truss structure that folds itself into an element-size thickness coiled bars, cable-strut system, hinge that allows the unit to
while preserving structural integrity during load-bearing [43]. Scissor scissor structure. rotate around it.
Plate element Flexible shells, plate connected Basic unit of a plate element,
structures have been evolved in terms of their structural stiffness and by hinges, origami inspired connected by line hinges
flexibility by modifying their element configuration, joint type and structures. (crease) that allow the unit to
actuation method used. rotate around it.
Several kinematic and structural design methodologies have been Spatial Pneumatic structures. Structure that consists of
element elements in which their
proposed to develop scissor structure configurations. Kinematic analysis
functions and application are
is necessary for designing a scissor structure to identify and prevent given after they have achieved
collisions between its components [44] and the bifurcation point of the their spatial geometrical form.
structure [45–47], which is unfavourable for the structure. The kine­ Combined Tension truss antenna, Combination of two or more
matic design formulation can also determine the shape configuration of membrane, umbrella basic elements from the
structures. mentioned classification.
the scissor structure from stowed to deployed state. Over time, existing
kinematic design formulations were improved from earlier ones to
design bistable and non-bistable scissor structures with a range of shape 2. Research trend categorisation
configurations [35]. Félix Escrig [48] introduced the concept for
developing kinematic formulations, namely the foldability constraint. This state-of-the-art review discusses the findings of previous studies
Then, several kinematic formulations, such as the foldability equations based on key categorisations. This section discusses and presents the
[49], surface design approach [5,50,51] and convergence surface development of these categorisations based on existing studies.
method [35,52,53], were developed based on this concept. By contrast,
structural and dynamic analyses were performed analytically and
2.1. Research collection
numerically on various structures by using the concept of equilibrium
[37], stiffness method [2,3,54], finite element method (FEM) [55], non-
This state-of-the-art review was done by reviewing journal articles
linear analysis [56] and absolute node coordinate formulation (ANCF)
on scissor structures from the Web of Science database core collection
[57–59] to determine the structural and dynamic behaviour of scissor
and Scopus. These two databases were selected because they contain
structures. With advancements in technology, the numerical modelling
peer-reviewed publications. The methodology for collecting documents
software, which is accessible to most researchers, can perform extensive
for this review paper is summarised in Fig. 2.
analysis such as non-linear structural analysis, numerical model anal­
ysis, modal analysis, and dynamic analysis on various scissor structures
with complex geometry. 2.2. Research analysis
This review aims to discuss the scissor structure studies in the past
two decades based on significant categorisation. The development of The VOSviewer software was used to analyse documents collected in
their element configurations, joint types, actuation systems and appli­ the previous section [60]. The correlation map of keywords is shown in
cations are presented to identify the development trend of scissor Fig. 3. Circle size on the map represents the number of occurrences of the
structures. Furthermore, methods for the design and analysis of the keyword, line represents linkage between keywords for a document, and
scissor structure is presented. Then, a critical discussion is presented to colours represent clusters determined by the algorithm.
reveal the gaps and future prospects in this field, followed by a After ignoring the main keyword “SLES”, the keywords are divided
conclusion of the findings. into five distinct clusters, which indicate three types of analyses,
including kinematic, dynamic and nonlinear, and two scissor structure
fields of application (see Fig. 3). Because the scissor structure is one of

Fig. 1. Chronological summary of publications and the classification methods proposed [29].

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Fig. 2. Systematic review methodology.

the kinetic buildings [25], kinematic and dynamic analyses should be methodology to design the geometry and introducing practical appli­
performed to identify the foldability and motion of the scissor structure cations of the scissor structure. The analysis outcomes in this part will
to obtain the desired deployment. During the structural analysis of the allow for a more structured categorisation of the study for the subse­
scissor structure, it is important to consider geometrical nonlinearity as quent discussion in this review.
the structure is said to exhibit highly nonlinear behaviour due to
structural flexibility [56,61]. Two well-known applications of the scissor
structure include applications in aerospace and emergency structures 2.3. Research categorisation
(see Fig. 3). The scissor structure is suited for these applications due to
its ability to retract itself into a small compact volume state, allowing In this study, detailed categorisation was developed to systematically
low-cost transportation and saving storage space. analyse and examine the collected documents. Based on the collections,
Analysis in VOSviewer focussed on the documents and the number of 61 scissor structure-related research articles were categorised (see
citations (see Fig. 4). Each circle represents one document, and its size is Table 4). The focus of research on deployable scissor structure was
proportional to the number of times a document is cited. Lines represent divided into a few categories: formulation, analysis, design, mechanism
citation links, and colours indicate document clusters. Based on the and synthesis. Subcategories were used to further divide the documents
correlation map, Zhao (2009) [62], Sun (2014) [54] and Chen (2017) for better comprehension. Each subcategory had its unique definition to
[47] were the most cited document in each cluster. The summary of key categorise the studies (see Table 3). Furthermore, studies that conducted
focus areas of the documents is summarised in Table 2. experimental and numerical studies are included in Table 4 to identify
The key focus of the three highly cited publications is that the the availability of experiment results and numerical results for future
fundamental formulations and design methodologies for scissor struc­ reference.
tures are essential in the field of deployable scissor structures. Other Based on Table 4, more than one-half of studies collected focussed on
studies that have cited these three important publications have devel­ developing the design methodology for scissor structures. By contrast,
oped and improved the research findings based on the label of the only a few studies focussed on the actual use of scissor structures, as
cluster, namely applications, kinematics and dynamics. shown by the synthesis category. Thus, the practical implementation of
Based on the analysis performed in this section, the study trend of the scissor structures in the industry would require a significant amount of
deployable scissor structure in the engineering field revolved around theoretical study to ensure the safety and cost-effectiveness of the
determining non-linear dynamic behaviour, developing a systematic structures. Furthermore, more numerical studies were conducted
compared with experimental studies maybe because numerical

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Fig. 3. Correlation map of keywords based on scissor structure studies.

simulation could help evaluate model scales and produce high-accuracy classified scissor structures as bistable and non-bistable scissor struc­
results. In some studies, the numerical results were verified experi­ tures, based on their stability [53]. In the non-bistable scissor structure,
mentally using sub-assemblage or scaled-down models. However, the the structure can be considered “stress-free” in all states without
disadvantages of making experimental models include cost, size and considering self-weight, and an additional locking device is required to
material and apparatus used. lock the structure in the fully deployed state [30]. By contrast, a bistable
Studies found in the mechanism category tend to focus on element scissor structure can balance itself in both stowed and fully deployed
configuration instead of the joint and actuation system of the scissor states [53]. To achieve bistable properties, geometric incompatibility
structure. According to Maden, Akgün [15], various forms of scissor can be applied in the structure with deformable elements, which will
structure were developed by many studies. Generally, with few modi­ also result in “snap-through” during deployment [70,92,95].
fications done in the scissor structure element, a new mechanism with Emilio Pérez Piñero, a Spanish architect, discovered and constructed
unique motion and geometry can be developed. However, the joint type the three-dimensional (3D) scissor structure in 1961 [96]. He built a
and actuation method of a scissor structure does not significantly alter mobile theatre (see Fig. 5) that could accommodate up to 500 people
the mechanism of the scissor structure. Furthermore, in the formulation and be moved by employing the translational unit of the scissor struc­
and analysis category, more studies focussed on the kinematics than ture. To stabilise the structure, tension wires were added as an addi­
structural analysis of the scissor structure. As previously stated, studies tional locking component in both fully deployed and stowed states [87].
have reported various scissor structure variants. To determine the ki­ Theodore R. Zeigler improved Piñero’s work by introducing geometrical
netic behaviour of these scissor structures, several kinematics formula­ imperfections into the scissor structure, achieving bistability. In 1976,
tions and analyses have been performed by these studies. However, Zeigler patented his model and named it the “Collapsible Self-
because practical application has been under less focus, the structural Supporting Structure” (see Fig. 5) [97], which was a breakthrough in
behaviour of the scissor structure was less focussed in the study field. the scissor structure. Felix Escrig used Zeigler’s concept to execute
extensive research on the scissor structure, including configurations of
3. Deployable scissor structure in engineering the scissor grid structure, connection patterns and application of linear
structural analysis [48]. In 1996, Escrig used the scissor structure to
Scissor structure is one of a well-known deployable structure, also construct a swimming pool cover at the San Pablo Sports Centre in
known as a pantograph [24,30,43] or the lazy tong system [93,94]. A Seville (see Fig. 5) [8]. Each dome has a coverage area of 30 m × 30 m2
single module of the scissor structure is defined as a structure that and is the largest scissor structure cover developed to date. Charles
comprises two bar elements connected by a pivot joint that allows free Hoberman patented an invention called the “Radial Expansion/Retrac­
rotations. The popularity of the scissor structure arises out of its excel­ tion Truss Structure” [34]. Unlike the others, this type of scissor struc­
lent structural stiffness, which includes high stiffness and strength ture was constructed by using angulated units. This invention widens the
[43,67], space-saving capabilities [37] and offers a significant amount range of application of the scissor structure for further research. The Iris
of linear expansion [30,37]. The kinematic motion of the scissor struc­ Pavilion (see Fig. 5) [9], illustrates the practical application of Hober­
ture may be adjusted by changing the length and position of the joint on man’s invention in Hanover, Germany.
the element. The three basic units of a scissor structure include trans­ Historically, the scissor structure has evolved considerably. Howev­
lational, polar and angulated units (see Table 5). Some studies have er, the topic of scissor structure is broad as some modification in

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Fig. 4. Correlation map of documents based on scissor structure studies.

3.1. Mechanism development

Table 2
Summary of key focus for the most cited publication in each cluster.
Studies to develop the scissor structure based on modification in
Ref Author Year Title Key Focus element configuration, joint type and actuation system have been con­
[62] Zhao J. 2009 Mechanism theory and Present a review of the ducted to improve structural stiffness, flexibility and practicality. This
S. application of deployable mobility analysis based section will focus on the breakthroughs in scissor structure development
structures based on on screw theory and its
in the last two decades.
scissor-like elements. application in designing
flat, cylindrical and
spherical spatial scissor 3.1.1. Scissor structure with twisted elements
structures. Structural rigidity is vital for the structural aspect, and a structure
[54] Sun Y. 2014 Kinematic and dynamics Development of can be stable only if it is rigid enough to support loadings, such as self-
formulations of kinematic and dynamic
weight and external loading combinations. From the studies, it was
deployable structures formulations of scissor
with scissor-like elements structures based on the found that when the scissor structure was used as a cantilever element,
based on the screw screw theory and its rigidity due to bending was weak. Previous research has used a
theory. principle of virtual work, method of combining a series of scissor structure linkages in a parallel
arrangement to improve the bending stiffness of the structure [98,99].
[47] Chen 2017 Kinematic of symmetric Proposal of the integral
Y. deployable scissor-hinge mechanism mode to However, this method increased the self-weight of the structure and
structures with integral simplify the nonlinear required a larger amount of actuator, which can be quite costly.
mechanism mode. kinematic analysis Furthermore, the installed actuator should be operated in a synchroni­
solution for symmetrical sed manner to ensure that the structure is not damaged. Inspired by the
deployable structures.
twisted rope structure, Bhivraj Suthar proposed a novel scissor structure
with twisted elements [37]. As stated in the study, the tiny individual
element, joint and actuation system of the scissor structure may result in strands of the rope were weak and easily bent. However, the rope would
novel mechanisms for various applications. In the next section, devel­ be strong if the strands were twisted together. Suthar used this strand
opment of the scissor structure in the mechanism is presented in detail twisting concept on the scissor structure and found that it was possible to
based on existing studies. improve the bending stiffness of the structure. This scissor structure
deformed three times less than the parallel scissor structure in the
cantilever condition prior to this study. Furthermore, this scissor

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Table 3 scissor dome structure. The developed scissor structure was worse than
Table of definitions for the categories. the typical scissor structure. By constrast, the developed scissor structure
Main Sub Definition had a greater natural frequency than the typical scissor structure, indi­
Categories Categories cating that the developed scissor structure has greater rigidity. There­
Formulation Kinematic Research on scissor structure focusses on fore, to build a scissor structure with identical elements, additional
developing a novel formulation to design or locking mechanisms and high vertical displacement should be consid­
analyse the kinematics of scissor structure. ered in the design.
Structural Research on scissor structure focusses on
developing a novel formulation to design or
analyse the structural behaviour of scissor
3.1.3. Scissor truss structure
structure Another popular use of the scissor structure is the scissor truss
Analysis Linear- Research on scissor structure focusses on structure. This has application in the aerospace industry, where struc­
Elastic conducting linear-elastic analysis on the scissor tural design is constrained due to the launcher’s capabilities [2,101]. K.
structure to determine its structural behaviour.
Kwan proposed a variety of scissor mast structures in 1993, with
The result obtained generally included static
deformation, internal force, and structural different base shapes, by combining a 3D scissor truss structure, with
stresses of member in the structure. active and passive cables as actuators [1]. In 2014, Ruirui Zhang used
Non-Linear Research on scissor structure focusses on carbon fibre reinforced epoxy-shape memory polymer as a material for
conducting non-linear analysis on the scissor the scissor truss structure element, which can deploy and retract based
structure to determine its non-linear structural
behaviour. The result obtained generally includes
on its surrounding temperature [90]. However, a few years later, re­
second-order deformation and critical buckling searchers became more concerned about the packaging ratio of this
load of member in the structure. scissor truss structure. In 2018, a new scissor truss structure was
Dynamic Research on scissor structure focusses on designed by Jong-Eun Suh. The structure was constructed as a planar
conducting dynamic analysis on the scissor
dimension and achieved bistability with the use of elastic (shape
structure to determine its structural dynamic
behaviour. The result obtained generally includes memory alloy) and spring components [69]. Following this study, in
the determination of the structure’s mode shapes 2018, Longhai Zhao proposed a scissor truss structure that improved the
(modal analysis) and identifying the structure’s packaging ratio and called it the ADAM mast [2]. The structure can
natural frequency. perform bricard or translational motion if the joint of the structure is
Kinematic Research on scissor structure focusses on
modified with the reconfigurable extended joint (H-joint). This modifi­
conducting kinematic analysis on scissor
structure to determine its geometrical motion. cation could preserve shear and torsional stiffness of the ADAM mast and
Methodology Design/ Research on scissor structure focusses on allow it to be self-locked by folding any unit in the array structure. In
Analysis developing a systematic methodology to conduct 2021, Tae-Hyun Kim [43] evaluated packaging-ratio improvement of
design or analysis on the deployable structure.
the scissor truss structure from the existing research model. The pro­
Mechanism Element Research on scissor structure that focusses on
developing a novel mechanism by proposing a posed scissor structure is known as scissor truss structure with flat-form
novel element configuration. storability, to achieve which, Kim introduced a tapered configuration by
Joint Research on scissor structure that focusses on adjusting the position of pin joints as well as the member length of the
developing a novel mechanism by proposing a scissor truss structure. Moreover, Kim conducted modal and static
novel joint configuration.
structural analyses on the structure and proved that the structure fulfils
Actuation Research on scissor structure that focusses on
developing a novel mechanism by proposing a the stiffness requirement based on Matthew J. Santer’s [102] CubeSat
novel actuation method. structure. The result indicated that the fundamental frequency of the
Synthesis Civil Research on scissor structure that focusses on its structure was 5 Hz at an approximate length of 0.7 m [43]. Thus, in the
practical application in civil engineering.
last two decades, the scissor truss structure has evolved to not only be
Mechanical Research on scissor structure that focusses on its
practical application in mechanical engineering.
robust but also flexible.
Space Research on scissor structure that focusses on its
practical application in aerospace engineering. 3.1.4. Scissor structure with shape configurability
Others Research on scissor structure that focusses on its One of the key advantages of using the scissor structure is its flexi­
practical application in an unknown field.
bility, which allows it to be stored in a compact configuration. Another
feature of the scissor structure that illustrates its flexibility is its ability to
structure was lightweight and inexpensive due to less material used and reconfigure and achieve different deployed states. This feature was
the use of only a single actuator, which greatly improved its efficiency investigated by Yenal Akgun, who proposed a scissor structure that
and sustainability. could be reconfigured during the deployed state without altering the size
of the coverage area by replacing one of the scissor structure modules
3.1.2. Scissor structure with identical elements with the modified scissor-like element (M− SLE) [41]. The purpose of
In constructions, the scissor structure can provide ease of trans­ inserting the M− SLE is to divide the structure into two distinct sections,
portation, because it can be prefabricated in the factory and shipped in which allows them to move freely and individually, thereby enabling the
large batches from factory to site [100]. However, some scissor struc­ structure to reconfigure itself in the deployed state. This structure can be
tures are too complex to be prefabricated due to their unique member used in various applications, including adaptable solar panels, adaptable
size, limiting the effectiveness of mass production. Carlos José García- roof for sports halls and complex robotic structures. However, due to its
Mora evaluated the limitation of the scissor structure in terms of design high structural flexibility, the load-bearing performance of this structure
and structural performance, whereby all elements in the scissor struc­ is relatively low. To improve structural performance and rigidity, the
ture were of the same length, and referred to it as a scissor structure with number of actuators in the structure can be increased. This approach is
identical elements [53]. Based on the study, many types of scissor much more efficient than increasing the cross-sections of element.
structures could be designed by utilizing elements of the same length, However, the construction of this type of structure will be costly.
such as flat, cylindrical and spherical scissor structures. However, the Another novel scissor structure module called NCAE, was developed
drawback was that these structures can only be designed as non-bistable from the conventional angulated element by Tao Yang [42]. The origin
scissor structures. Furthermore, the study compared the developed of the NCAE structure was first established in 1878 by K. Wohlhart, who
scissor dome structure model with identical elements with the typical called it the double-chain mechanism [103]. The mathematical model
was first derived in 1877 by A. B. Kempe [104] and then re-examined

J.J. Moy et al.
Table 4
List of reference and their categorisation.
Ref. Experiment Numerical Formulation Analysis Methodology Mechanism Synthesis

Kinematic Structural Linear Non-Linear Dynamic Kinematic Design Element Joint Actuation Civil Mechanical Space

[1] • • • • • •
[2] • • • • • • •
[3] • • • •
[4] • • • •
[5] • • • • •
[8] • • •
[11] • • •
[30] • • • • •
[33] • • • • •
[37] • • • • • •
[38] • • •
[40] • • • • •
[41] • • •
[42] • • • • •
[43] • • • • • • •
[45] • • • •
[46] • • • •
[47] • • • •
[35] • • • • •
[49] •
[50] • • • •
[51] • • • •
[52] • • •

• • • • • •
[55] • • • •
[56] • • •
[57] • • • •
[58] • • • •
[59] • • • •
[63] • • • • •
[64] • • • •
[65] • • • •
[66] • • •
[67] • • • • •
[68] •
[61] • •
[69] • • • •
[70] • • •
[71] • • •
[72] • • • •
[73] • • • •
[74] • • • • • •
[75] • • •
[36] • • • •
[76] • • • • •

Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

[77] • • • •
[78] • • • • •
[79] • • • •
[80] • •
[81] • • • •
[82] • • •
[83] • • • •
(continued on next page)
J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

and generalised by Baker and Yu [105]. NCAE is a type of angulated

scissor structure in which the elements do not cross each other [42].
Thus, this scissor structure module can link together to form a circular


ring structure with the ability to reconfigure itself between two pre­
determined polygons. Therefore, simple changes to the scissor structure

element can improve its flexibility while preserving its stiffness, and
thus, broaden the range of applications of scissor structures.


3.1.5. Scissor grid structure with Lockable joints


To obtain bistable properties in a scissor structure, researchers

introduced geometrical imperfections in its element, which would

eventually cause development of unfavourable stresses in the scissor

structure [70]. As an alternative, a scissor structure with a locked joint

was proposed and evaluated. Unlike the typical scissor structure, this
structure can achieve high stiffness and lock itself towards the end of its
deployment, allowing it to withstand heavy loads in the fully deployed
state [67]. Juan Pérez-Valcárcel conducted prototype testing and nu­

merical analysis on this type of scissor structure and showed that find­

ings of the physical experiment were comparable with theoretical


calculations. Their findings revealed that with a load simulation of 345


N/m2, the def/span ratio for a 2 × 2 module without bracing was 1/597

and for a 3 × 2 module with bracing was 1/729. The structural integrity

was acceptable based on the National Annex for Eurocode 3 Part 1–1
(def/span ratio of 1/250) [106].


3.1.6. Composite scissor and origami structure


In addition to scissor structures, origami structures are popular in the

field of deployable structures. The advantages of using an origami

structure include its rigidity, aesthetic appearance, shock absorption

capabilities and high packaging ratio [107]. However, on the con­

struction scale, this type of structure must be constrained to be stiff

enough to handle structural loadings. According to a study by Evangelia

Vlachaki, certain origami patterns can be coupled with their corre­

sponding planar scissor structures to work as kinematic pairs [38]. This

study proposed various coupling configurations based on coupling cases

and the three basic scissor units. In some of coupling examples, the
scissor structure may effectively limit the degree of freedom of the fol­

ded surface and vice versa, thereby improving the overall stiffness of the
The coupling of origami and scissor structures can increase the

structural flexibility of the scissor structure, as shown in a study con­

ducted by E. Rivas-Adrover in 2018 [86]. This structure is called the


origami-scissor-hinged structure. It has more degrees of freedom than


the conventional scissor structure, as it can be folded along the

deployment path of the scissor and origami structure. This structure has

a great degree of flexibility, which broadens its range of applications in

Based on the above studies, the scissor structure can be combined

with another classification of deployable structures to develop a new


structure, with high rigidity and flexibility. However, further research


on its structural behaviour should be performed before the concept can

be put into practise.

3.1.7. Scissor structure with reciprocal linkage


Joint is an important aspect of the structural element because it

ensures rigidity and stability of a structure and allows safe load-transfer

in the structural frame. A scissor structure module can be formed by

connecting the bar element with a revolute pin joint. When scissor
structure modules are joined in 3D, a linkage is required to connect

scissor structure modules from different directions. In Piñero’s design of

Table 4 (continued )

the mobile theatre, multiple scissor structure modules were connected


using articulated and reciprocal linkage [108]. An articulated linkage is

typically used to connect members of spatial scissor structures from
Total No.
of Paper

different directions. This type of connection behaves like a pin connec­

tion, where no additional bending resistance is provided at the

connection. By contrast, a reciprocal joint linkage is a connection of

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Table 5
Types of scissor units and their characteristics and applications.
Type of Scissor Structure Element Type Unit Line Deployment Motion Practical Application

Translational Unit Straight Unit line remains parallel upon Linear translational Mobile Theatre by Perez Pinero [96]
Element deployment. [30] motion.

Polar Unit Straight Angle α varies strongly under upon Curvilinear motion. Deployable scissor cover structure in
Element deployment. [93] Seville [8]

Angulated Unit Angulated Angle α remain constant upon Radial expansion- Iris Pavilion, Hanover, Germany [9]
Element deployment. [50,51] motion. [42]

Fig. 5. Development of the scissor structure based on the most well-known researchers.

J.J. Moy et al.
Table 6
Summary of the scissor structure with its development.
Mechanism Types Stiffness Flexibility Practicality

Scissor Structure
with Twisted Element [37]

Scissor Structure with Identical Element [53]



Scissor Truss Structure

Scissor Masts Structure [1] Scissor SMP Structure [90] Planar Scissor Truss Structure [69]

• •

(continued on next page)

Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Sequentially Assembled Scissor Truss Structure [2] Flat-Form Storability Scissor Truss Structure [43]
J.J. Moy et al.
Table 6 (continued )
Mechanism Types Stiffness Flexibility Practicality

Scissor Structure with Shape Reconfigurability

Modified Scissor Like Element Structure [41] Non-Crossing Angulated Element Scissor Structure [42]


Scissor Structure with Lockable Joint [67]

Composite Scissor and Origami Structure

Composite Scissor Structure and Origami Structure [38] Scissor Structure with Origami Like Foldability [86]

• •

(continued on next page)

Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

J.J. Moy et al.
Table 6 (continued )
Mechanism Types Stiffness Flexibility Practicality

Scissor Structure Linkages

Articulated Linkage Reciprocal Linkage [39]

Joint •

Scissor Structure Actuation Systems [68]

Mechanical Hydraulics

Internal Actuator Pancake servo motor Linear actuator


Actuation •
External Actuator Motor movement in focal direction Multiple stage piston

Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

many linear or inclined elements that support each other in a closed- 4. Kinematic, structural and dynamic evaluation of scissor
loop arrangement [109]. Unlike the articulated linkage, reciprocal structures
linkage provides structural strength as well as high bending resistance at
the connection. According to Juan Pérez-Valcárcel, Piñero’s model is This section presents studies on the kinematic, structural and dy­
flawed where the upper and lower layers of the model are linked by namic evaluation of scissor structures.
using simple articulated joints that offer less bending resistance to the
structure. Pérez-Valcárcel revised Piñero’s model and included recip­ 4.1. Kinematic design of the scissor structure
rocal support at the end linkage of the bars, which was results lower
maximum displacement than a typical model, with simple supports at The geometric design methodology of scissor structures is studied to
the linkage end. If the number of effective reciprocal linkages was evaluate its foldability during deployment. Studies have proposed many
increased, the improvement in results is much more visible. geometrical designs and analysis methods. Each method has combi­
Moreover, Pérez-Valcárcel implemented the reciprocal linking idea ned various concepts and fundamentals to propose formulations in
to design a deployable cylindrical vault, which can also be beneficial in determining the foldability of scissor structures. Over the years, the
the application of emergency buildings [40]. This model was designed to formulation has been advancing in terms of computing effort, greater
be lightweight, with minimal connection, and involves easy installation resolution, simplicity and broader applicability.
steps for erecting its structure and foundation. The construction of this
structure demonstrates that the benefit offered by reciprocal linkage in 4.1.1. Design and form-finding for straight scissor elements
terms of structural stiffness and resistance can allow the scissor structure The kinematic design of the scissor structure was extensively inves­
to be constructed with a lighter section. tigated by Charis J. Gantes [111,112] and Félix Escrig [48] many years
ago. The kinematic design approach of the scissor structure employs the
3.1.8. Scissor structures with various actuation systems concept of geometry to evaluate the deployability of the structure. The
Under some building circumstances, when the structure is huge or deployability constraint [48] was employed as the fundamental concept
access to erect the structure is limited, the actuation system of the scissor across various studies [35,47,49,52,74] to develop the geometrical de­
structure is important to deal with the challenge. An actuator system can sign formulation for various scissor structures, with lengths of a, b, c and
initiate or generate movement on the scissor structure from a fully d (see Fig. 6).
deployed state to a stowed state or vice versa. Based on the literature, The disadvantage of using this equation is that it can only evaluate
scissor structures require various actuators based on their requirements scissor structures with straight bars (translational, polar units) and
and constraints. In 1961, Piñero constructed the movable theatre by cannot be applied to angulated units [49]. Travis Langbecker discovered
pulling a rope to deploy the structure [108]. Kwan developed a scissor this problem and developed a general foldability equation by using the
mast structure in 1993 and a pantographic antenna in 1995 by vector concept to evaluate and design scissor structure foldability. The
combining a scissor structure with active and passive cables, allowing study significance is the proposed deployment index Ψ, which repre­
the structure to be deployed remotely [1,3]. In 1996, Felix Escrig con­ sents whether the scissor structure is in the deployed (Ψ = 1) or stowed
structed a scissor structure to cover a swimming pool at the San Pablo (Ψ = 0) state. By using the developed general formulation, the study
Sports Centre. The gravity deployment method was used to deploy his could determine the length of the member needed for scissor units
scissor structure on-site, which utilised the self-weight of the structure, a (translational, polar and angulated) and treating them as a planar
crane and some cables [8]. According to existing studies, the variety of model. However, the more scissor structure modules there are in a
scissor structures introduced many forms of actuation methods that structure, the more complicated is the calculation. Pengyuan Zhao [5]
were too particular for specific uses. To facilitate the practical con­ improved the original formulation by introducing new constraints into
struction of scissor structures in the future, the actuation method should the equation, such as the rod method (RM) and vector method (VM) [5].
be generalised to allow for a wide application and quick selection. Carlos RM allows for an intuitively simple formulation, whereas VM is neces­
J. García-Mora has recently begun an investigation on the actuation of sary to use when designing a specific analytical shape in a spatial scissor
scissor structures [68]. In the study, four general actuator types on a structure. Furthermore, the study fabricated a prototype to evaluate the
deployable cylindrical vault were proposed and physical experiments feasibility of the design method experimentally and found that the
were performed to determine the effectiveness of each actuation system. design method was feasible.
Recently, Carlos J. García-Mora has proposed a novel design meth­
3.1.9. Summary odology to design the scissor structure [35,52,53]. The difference be­
Based on the discussion, the development of the scissor structure was tween this formulation and others is that García-Mora adopted the
found to be generally aimed to improve stiffness, flexibility and the fundamental property of an ellipse (see Fig. 7) to represent the fold­
practicality of the scissor structure. To comprehensively illustrate this, ability constraint of a scissor structure. This concept has previously been
Table 6 summarises the key focus of scissor structure development. In reported by a few studies [30,32,113,114]. However, a recent study by
the tabulation, stiffness referred to the development of the scissor García-Mora [35] introduced a new parameter so that design that used
structure aiming to improve its structural strength; flexibility referred to an ellipsoid can be applied to a scissor structure with a curved surface,
the development of the scissor structure to improve its foldability and and a new design methodology known as the convergence surface
configurability and practicality referred to the development of the method emerged. A year later, García-Mora published another article to
scissor structure aiming to improve its efficiency to be used in the improve the efficiency of the design methodology by proposing exact
industry. and approximation formulas for determining the convergence surface
when designing scissor structures [52]. The formula developed was
difficult to operate but produced high-resolution results, whereas the
3.2. Application of deployable scissor structures in construction approximate formula was simpler to use but produces results of lower
resolution. According to García-Mora, this convergence surface method
Scissor structures have improved in terms of their rigidity, flexibility, can be practised to design bistable and non-bistable translational and
and sustainability. Scissor structures are used in certain applications in polar units of scissor structure. In García-Mora’s subsequent studies, this
fields, such as civil, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. Scissor method was used for the kinematic design of scissor structures with
structures can be used to construct deployable bridges structures, identical elements [53].
deployable domes and emergency structures. The proposed applications
are summarised in Table 7.

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Table 7
Summary of scissor structures application in construction.
Ref. Applications Remarks
The Rolling Bridge in London Basic Unit: Scissor origami composite [38]
Deployment: Hydraulic ram actuator
Function: Pedestrian bridge.

Deployable Emergency Bridge Structures Basic Unit: Scissor origami composite [38]
Actuation: Mechanical actuator
Functionality: Emergency bridge replacement for collapsed bridges. To connect the disaster zone
through a water gap during rescue operations.

Deployable Cylindrical Vault Basic Unit: Polar and translational unit

Actuation: Human Force and Crane
Functionality: Fast deployable emergency shelter for disasters.

Half Scissor-Like Element Structure Basic Unit: Half-scissor unit [110]

Actuation: Human Force
Functionality: Supporting structure for outdoor water tanks. Able to undeploy and improve logistical

(continued on next page)

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Table 7 (continued )
Ref. Applications Remarks
Deployable Tension Struct Structure Basic Unit: Pyramid-in-pyramid module [16]
Actuation: Human Force and Crane
Functionality: Flat cover for roof structure to replace conventional truss structures.

4.1.2. Design and form-finding for angulated scissor elements 4.1.3. Design and form-finding for straight scissor element considering joint
Angulated scissor units are one of the most unique scissor units hub size
because they have elements that bend at a specific angle at the pivot Based on the discussion and examples above, it is apparent that joint
point. As a result, the kinematic design of this unit is significantly more clearance was not considered in the design methodologies of the studies.
unique than others. Langbecker [49] generalised the equation for The absence of joint clearance allowed the formulation to be very sim­
straight scissor and angulated elements by introducing the vector ple. However, the design may be faulty, causing members to collide in
concept into the kinematic equation. However, as stated previously, this the stowed state or achieve an undesirable deployment state. A few
general equation was tedious to operate if many scissor structur­ studies [30,32,74] have reported this issue and included joint hub size in
e modules were to be designed. their scissor structure design methodology.
Sudarshan Krishnan published two articles [50,51] focussing on the L.I.W Arnouts [74] evaluated the kinematic design of scissor struc­
kinematic design of scissor dome structures with angulated units that tures by considering joint hub size. In the study, two approaches for each
apply the geometrical concept. Krishnan’s first publication [50] pro­ scissor unit (translational and polar) were proposed to consider the
posed three kinematic design methodologies, including two analytical spacing between the hubs when the structure was in a stowed state,
and one graphical method, for designing the scissor dome structure with namely the adapting beam length (ABL) and adapting hub size (AHS)
a planar angulated unit. The graphical (trapezoid) method was found to method for translational and parallel unit line (PUL) and concurrent unit
be the simplest and most versatile of the proposed methods. In Krishn­ line (CUL) method for polar unit. These approaches were established for
an’s second publication [51], another methodology was presented for deriving the constraint formulation geometrically, which can aid in
designing a scissor dome structure with a 3D angulated unit. According developing the formulation to design the scissor structure while
to the study findings, the geometrical formulations developed in this considering joint hub size. However, the design methodology proposed
study can be used to design hemispherical scissor grid structures with by Arnouts [74] is only practically applicable to regular polygonal
any axisymmetric form having a regular polygonal plan. scissor structures. A graphical design method by Kelvin Roovers [10]
By contrast, Najmeh Faghih Dinevari suggested a geometrical
method and an analytical method for designing a scissor structure with
an angulated unit [33]. Dinevari’s study was unique for its geometrical
methods, which relied solely on the concept of drawings. This method
could be used to determine the fully-deployed, deployment and stowed
states of a planar scissor structure. According to the findings, this
method could be used to design planar scissor structures with mono­
centric curve (with equal and unequal segments), polycentric curve, and
straight-line (vertical and horizontal) paths. Although the geometrical
method described in this study took a few steps to determine the size of
the element in the scissor structure, it was intuitively simple to under­
stand and be acquainted with by other researchers in this field.

Fig. 7. Fundamental properties of an ellipse where f1 + f2 = f3 + f4 [52].

Fig. 6. Illustration of interconnected scissor structure modules where a + b = c + d.

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

was recommended for designing scissor structures with arbitrary shapes. leaving a 12 × 12 matrix four-noded duplet model. The result revealed
that the use of the duplet stiffness matrix reduces the number of nodes by
4.1.4. Bifurcation of the scissor structure one-third that of the uniplet stiffness matrix in the structural analysis of
A bifurcation point, known as the singularity point, is a motion path the scissor structure with the same results, proving that the stiffness
of the scissor structure that can develop new mechanisms or modes with matrix of the duplet element has high computational efficiency. The
different symmetries [46]. This bifurcation point is unfavourable application of the stiffness matrix can be found in the study of Felix
because it is a nonlinear kinematic behaviour that may cause the scissor Escrig. In 1996, Felix Escrig [8] used the stiffness method to conduct an
structure to deploy into an undesired configuration and cause structural analysis on the deployable swimming pool cover. In addition, Longhai
failure [46]. Several studies [71,73,77] have in attempted identifying Zhao [2] used the concept of screw theory to compute the shear and
this point in the deployable structure to understand the phenomenon. T. torsion stiffness of his modified ADAM masts, which considered the
Yoda [45] identified the bifurcation point in a Bennett linkage by using number of units of structure. This methodology can sig­
the concepts of Jacobian’s matrix and Hessian’s matrix. Although the nificantly simplify the computation effort if many units are to be ana­
methods successfully detect the bifurcation point in the Bennett linkage, lyused. A few studies have used the screw theory to conduct kinematic
it is uncertain how to apply it to a scissor structure. analysis of scissor structures [54,89].
Yao Chen attempted to locate the bifurcation point by using a nu­ Finite element methods are numerical methods that can be used to
merical approach. This approach used a numerical concept whereby the perform analysis on structures that can be divided by parts, typically
bifurcation point can be found iteratively [46], which may help in called a mesh. I. Ario [55] reported the derivation of a global stiffness
programming. Yao Chen further research developed a novel design matrix formulation of n scissor units that can be programmed in the
approach known as the integral mechanism mode that allowed the finite element analysis software. Ario’s study [55] compared results of
identification of complete scissor structure motion without being the developed method with ABAQUS modelling, and found that the
disturbed by the bifurcation point [47]. In this proposed method, the proposed method was accurate with less than 5% deviation between
group theory approach was used to evaluate the mobility of a symmetric values of displacement, maximum bending moment, and maximum
scissor structure under an external load [115]. The group theory axial force of the scissor structure. In addition to ABAQUS [84], other
approach has the advantage of being computationally efficient [116] softwares have been used to conduct structural analysis on scissor
and effective in resolving submatrices [117]. structures, including Ansys [43], SOLIDWORKS [11], ADINA [41], Artic
[67] and Despleg [39]. The key focus of the study on the software-based
4.2. Structural analysis of the scissor structure structural analysis results include the deflection, nodal displacement,
internal force, member stress, and natural frequency of the scissor
Because the application of the scissor structure is tending towards a structure. These results may aid researchers in determining the optimum
lightweight solution, it is vital to evaluate the structural integrity of the configuration option for their scissor structure.
scissor structure before practising it in construction. Several structural During deployment, the scissor structure is likely to exhibit high
analyses were conducted on the scissor structure with various ap­ geometrical non-linearity due to its high flexibility [70]. Studies by
proaches to optimise the design of the scissor structure in construction. Charis Gantes [56,61] have considered this non-linearity in the struc­
The concept of equilibrium [37,76] and the stiffness method tural analysis of deploying the scissor structure. Gantes used a large
[2,3,8,39,118] were used to derive the analytical formulation for displacement-small strain Langragian formulation to trace the non-
structural analysis in the scissor structure. By contrast, most studies used linear load–displacement curve, finding the maximum internal force at
computer software to model and analyse the scissor structure to conduct the member of structure during deployment [61], and determine the
numerical structural analysis [11,39,41,43,67,84]. Bhivraj Suthar [37] scissor-structure dismantling load [56]. According to Gantes, this anal­
used the concept of equilibrium to derive the equation of deformation ysis required a large amount of computational power. Therefore, Gantes
for his twisted scissor structure due to the applied load at the end of the proposed and verified a generalised formula for predicting the disman­
model. Zhanwei Zhao’s study [76] used the work-energy concept to tling load of his proposed scissor structure. In 2006, A. Kaveh employed
derive the approximation formula for evaluating the self-locking capa­ the displacement control method to solve the singularity of the non-
bility of the scissor structure module, which simplified the selection of linear problem of the scissor structure [120]. In their study, results be­
the initial design parameter of the scissor structure. tween linear and non-linear analyses of the proposed scissor structure
The stiffness method was used in a few studies to perform structural were compared under fully-deployed conditions. The results revealed
analysis on scissor structures. Unlike conventional structures, the scissor that the difference between the results was insignificant. Furthermore,
structure has a pivotal joint, allowing it to have large rotation between after determining the buckling load of the scissor structure, the safety
its connecting members. Furthermore, the geometrical configuration of factor was found to be 1.3. Hence, the results prove that linear analysis is
the scissor structure model could be complex in 3D and 2D [22]. Hence, sufficient for the scissor structure in a fully-deployed state. With tech­
the conventional stiffness matrix cannot be applied to perform structural nological advancements, many numerical analysis softwares can now
analysis on the scissor structure without modification. According to account for geometrical non-linearity in the analysis of the scissor
Shan [119] and Kaveh [118], the two bar elements connected by the structure. These softwares included ABAQUS, Despleg 19.1, and Ansys,
pivot joint in the scissor structure are known as a uniplet, whereas the which are used to plot the load–displacement curve [70], buckling load
overall structure is known as a duplet. The stiffness matrix of the uniplet [71,72], identify displacement, and stress [40] of a scissor structure
element was developed by Shan [119] in 1992. In the study, the uniplet during deployment.
element was modelled as a three-noded beam element without moment Engineers can employ the structural analysis method to improve the
and torsion applied on the joint. Based on the model, the stiffness matrix design of the scissor structure through optimisation. One of the chal­
of a uniplet was derived by condensing the rotational degrees of freedom lenges to optimise the design of a scissor structure is to improve its
of a three-noded beam. To show the flexibility of the proposed stiffness stiffness while maintaining its flexibility and minimising structural
matrix, W. Shan provided two examples of scissor structure that weight [84]. During optimisation, linear structural analysis is often used
included 2D and 3D scissor structures. In 1996, A. Kaveh developed a to design the scissor structure in the deployed state, whereas non-linear
stiffness matrix of a duplet that was an improvement of the uniplet structural analysis is used to design the scissor structure in the deploy­
stiffness matrix [118]. To develop a stiffness matrix of a duplet element, ment state [22]. Various optimisation techniques have been proposed,
the stiffness matrix of the connected uniplet were first assembled to form including the Genetic Algorithm (GA) [87,121–123], Nondominated
a 15 × 15 matrix. However, the pivot nodes of the duplet were rarely Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) [36,77,124,125], Simulated
being loaded. Thus, the matrix related to the pivot node was condensed, Annealing (SA) [123,126], Steepest Descent Algorithm (SD) [123],

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

Table 8
Chronological summary of optimisation approaches.
Ref. Optimisation (Analysis Model) Remarks
Shape and Size Topology Actuation Force
(Linear) (Linear) (Non-Linear)

[121] GA Employed linear analysis to obtain maximum stress at the deployed configuration, and non-linear analysis to
obtain maximum stress in the deployment state during optimisation.
[128] RQP Member size and structural shape optimisation were done for the double layer grid, barrel vault and antenna
type of scissor structure employing RQP from the NISA II program.
[122] ACO, GA Comparison between ACO and GA revealed that ACO achieved greater convergence results in fewer iteration
[127] SQP A novel sensitivity analysis is employed to linearise the non-linear optimisation problem (involves member
[123] SA, GA, SD, DLS SA, GA and SD were used as algorithms to perform shape optimisation of the scissor structure, whereas DLS
was used to perform sizing optimisation of the scissor structure.
[126] DLS SA An optimisation was performed on a novel scissor structure component, the universal scissor component
(USC) to improve reusability of the scissor structure.
[124] NSGA-II A novel validation by Generational Distance (GD) was developed to determine the convergence of the
[87] GA GA The study points out that reducing weight by optimisation may not always be economical as the lightweight
material may be expensive.
[125] NSGA-II, MOCBO The study found that the search space is wider for MOCBO than GA, allowing engineers to have wide-design
[77] NSGA-II Optimisation of the bistable scissor structure was presented in this study where non-linear structural analysis
was included to determine the structural behaviour of scissor structures during deployment.
[36] NSGA-II NSGA-II NSGA-II The study found that optimising topology before optimising shape and size of the scissor structure can lead to
better refinement of results.

Descent Local Search (DLS) [123,126], Sequential Quadratic Program­ structure.

ming (SQP) [127], Recursive Quadratic Programming (RQP) [128], Ant Absolute Node Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) is another formula­
Colony Optimisation (ACO) [122] and Multi-Objective of Colliding tion approach that is used extensively in various studies to assess the
Bodies Optimisation (MOCBO) [125]. Thus, the main optimisation for dynamic response of scissor structures during deployment [59,63] and
the scissor structure can be summarised into three categories: shape and due to temperature [57,58]. Bo Li combined the node separation method
size, topology and actuation force optimisation. Techniques used to with ANCF to perform dynamic analysis on an array scissor structure.
perform these optimisations are summarised in Table 8. This methodology could separate the stiffness matrix and mass matrix
Based on Table 8, it was found that GA and NSGA-II were highly depending on the array direction and allowed the removal of redundant
employed by studies to optimise the shape and size of the scissor degrees of freedom in the scissor structure, thereby increasing its
structure they were more robust and efficient in solving multi-objective computation efficiency [59]. According to Bo Li, this methodology can
optimisation problems. However, by applying other optimisation be used to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of a planar scissor structure
methods, such as MOCBO, a wide range of design alternatives can be with N × N array characteristics. By contrast, temperature due to solar
generated allowing flexibility in the design of scissor structures for radiation significantly affected some scissor structures with aerospace
certain application. Thus, optimisation of scissor structures is open for applications, generating vibrations and leading the structure to mal­
further research and discussion. function in space [6]. To account for this phenomenon, Qi’an Peng
combined the new temperature field with the ANCF to develop a
4.3. Dynamic analysis in scissor structure coupled thermo-flexible deployment dynamics equation [58]. This
novel formulation could identify the displacement, straightness, driving
Other than designing the scissor structure geometrically and struc­ force, amplitude and period of the temperature-induced scissor structure
turally, the dynamic motion of the scissor structure is also crucial in [58].
evaluating the motions (displacement, velocity, and acceleration over Studies have considered joint clearance when evaluating the dy­
time) [43,59,73,78,83], vibration [57,58,63], contact force, impact namic behaviour of scissor structures [64–66]. The study focussed on the
force, and the driving force of the scissor structure [65,66]. Several re­ results of contact force between members, impact force produced in the
searchers [73,78] derived the dynamic motion formulation for scissor mechanical joint and driving force of scissor structure. Contact forces
structure by utilizing Eq (1) as the fundamental concept. are caused by friction and wear, bar deformation and manufacturing
errors in scissor structures, resulting in a significant reaction force of the
[M]{ü} + [C]{u̇} + [K]{u} = {f} (1)
kinematic pair [64]. Impact forces develop in the mechanical joint when
where, [M], [C] and [K] are matrices of structural mass, damping and joint clearance is considered; impact force will cause the movement in
stiffness, respectively, {u}, {u̇} and {ü} are nodal displacement, velocity the scissor unit to be out-of-sync, resulting in substantial bending and
and acceleration vectors; {f} = external dynamic load vector. torsional deformation [64]. Bo Li used the Gonthier contact force model
This formulation can determine the displacement, velocity, and ac­ [129], improved elastic foundation model [130] and Flores contact
celeration of the scissor structure over time. Moreover, William Bettini force model [131] to compute the contact force in the revolute joint. The
obtained the natural frequency of the scissor structure at each deploy­ study also used the LuGre friction model [132] to describe friction in the
ment step [78]. Bin Sun [83] used and modified the finite element scissor structure. After identifying the impact of the contact and impact
method for plate analysis by superimposing an ultra-soft grid with the forces on a scissor structure due to joint clearance consideration, it was
element of the scissor structure. Comparing results of the numerical concluded that the influence of joint clearance on the dynamic behav­
formulation with the theoretical prediction revealed that this method iour of the system should not be neglected [64].
could determine the motion of the scissor structure accurately. In
addition, the formulation could compute the axial strain of the scissor

J.J. Moy et al. Structures 42 (2022) 160–180

5. Study gaps and future expectations element. A few studies [30,64–66,74] investigated the influence
of joint clearance on scissor structure elements. However, joint stress
The study gaps and future expectations are presented in this section. was not the focus of the study. Further research can be done to
Findings from the literature are presented with original ideas. investigate this issue and develop an efficient joint connection
capable of providing high stress resistance and flexibility to the
5.1. Study gaps scissor structure.
g) As discussed in Section 3.1, some studies have developed scaled-
a) Scissor structures are used in various applications, including bridges, down prototypes to evaluate the motion and structural behaviour
domesand antennas in the construction and aerospace industries. of the scissor structure to validate the results of the kinematic and
However, they are less commonly found in conventional buildings, structural formulation. However, few studies have conducted test-to-
such as warehouses. Vu Kha Kien [16] compared the structural ef­ fail experiments to determine the failure mode of a scissor structure,
ficiency of the proposed composite scissor-strut structures and the such as the study by Zirui Zhai [85]. The failure mode of a structural
traditional double-layered truss structure and found that structural element is vital in illustrating potential failure, which may enable the
efficiency of the proposed structures outperformed the conventional identification of causes and their impact. However, scissor structures
truss structure for spans ranging from 24 to 40 m. However, the exist in various configurations, and engineers may find it helpful to
amount of steel that can be saved and difference in structural identify the cause and effect of the failure mode before designing it as
integrity is unknown if a conventional truss structure is replaced by a large spatial scissor structure.
the scissor dome structure.
b) It appears that in the studies [30,33,50,51,53,75], a spatial structure 5.2. Future expectations
could be constructed by using different scissor units. Sudarshan
Krishnan’s study [56] revealed that scissor dome structures made of The sustainability and accessibility of the scissor structure have
polar units have greater packing efficiency than angulated units. improved over the years. In terms of sustainability, scissor structures are
Freire-Tellado [75] showed that scissor structures could be designed being enhanced by reconfiguring their element configuration, joint type,
based on different rectangular floor plans. Based on these studies, it and actuation system so that the structure can be stronger in the load-
would be beneficial to evaluate the efficiency of scissor structures bearing deployed state and remain flexible during deployment state.
made from the three basic units with the same coverage area, Research on developing kinematic and structural formulations of scissor
allowing future engineers to choose the optimum scissor unit for structures have improved over the years, allowing for it to be used to
their construction project. design a wide range of configurations and use a simpler design meth­
c) A code of practice in building design is that structural engineers odology. Thus, the simple design methodology for the scissor structure
should comply with to manage the design of structures effectively. encourages future engineers and researchers to access the design of
However, there is lack of studies conducted to relate the structural scissor structures. As shown in Vu Kha Kien’s [16] research, a scissor
integrity of the scissor structure to codes of practice. Most scissor structure may have higher structural efficiency than a conventional
structure designs rely on kinematics and structural analysis based on structure, such as a double-layer truss structure. Because scissor struc­
the literature. Further studies are recommended to provide design tures are more robust and light than some conventional structures, they
guidelines for scissor structure design based on the code of practice, can replace them in the future, reducing the time and cost of the con­
which may be essential for future engineers interested in using struction project, thereby encouraging sustainability.
scissor structures in their project to reduce the time and cost of the As shown in Section 4.0, studies have been developing design for­
construction project. mulations to design the geometry, check the structural integrity and
d) Bo Li [71,72] investigated the critical buckling load for planar array track the the motion of the scissor structure. Some researchers have
scissor structure due to self-weight at vertical configuration and found and resolved potential issues, such as bifurcation, in the scissor
compressive load in the horizontal configuration. However, the structure. However, scissor structures are an open topic, with their
planar array scissor structure results may not be sufficient to describe configuration evolving to obtain optimum performance. It is anticipated
the 3D array behaviour of scissor structure. When a new space is that in the future, various methodologies, formulations and algorithms
added to a structure, its degree of freedom increases, indicating that will be developed to make the design of bistable and non-bistable scissor
additional internal forces separate the behaviour of a 3D structure structures more accessible to future engineers and researchers.
from that of a planar array scissor structure. Therefore, further
research on the buckling behaviour of the 3D array scissor structure 6. Conclusion
under self-weight or compression may be advantageous.
e) In construction, some structural components in the building may We present a state-of-the-art review of deployable structures,
develop fatigue or ageing. They should be maintained over time to focussing on the scissor structure. A critical discussion was done based
preserve its structural integrity and aesthetics. However, the main­ on publications available in Scopus or Web of Science to highlight the
tenance work required for replacing a structural member may developments of scissor structures. The discussion compared previous
significantly impact the structural integrity of the entire structure. publications with the most recent publications and emphasised the trend
Although the methodology was not presented clearly, K. Kwan [1] and their significance. Based on the discussions, scissor structure
considered the member removal effect on the scissor truss structure research was found to be typically concerned with its mechanisms, ap­
due to impact with space debris. Further studies must be performed plications, design and analysis. The following are the summarised
to evaluate structural behaviour due to member removal during findings of this review:
maintenance and provide practical solution to prevent structural
failure due to member removal. a) According to the research, scissor structures can remain stiff in their
f) Joints are one of the most important structural components. Any deployed state while preserving their flexibility at the deployment
design alterations to a joint significantly impacts the structural state. Due to this unique ability, the scissor structure concept has
integrity of each structural member connected to it. However, joint been adopted in various disciplines. Furthermore, it may replace
clearance between connected elements is frequently neglected to conventional structures in common construction projects to reduc­
simplify the kinematic and structural formulations of scissor struc­ e construction cost and duration.
tures. When a scissor structure is loaded in its deployed state, the b) Scissor structures can also be used as load-bearing structures. It is
joint may experience stresses transferred from the structural vital to determine the optimum design for a scissor structure

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