Dens Invaginatus: Aetiology, Classification, Prevalence, Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations
Dens Invaginatus: Aetiology, Classification, Prevalence, Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations
Dens Invaginatus: Aetiology, Classification, Prevalence, Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 31, No. 1 (June 2011) 191
Dens invaginatus: Aetiology, classification, prevalence
the formation of an enamel-lined channel ending at TYPE III B: A form which penetrates through the root
the cingulum or occasionally at the incisal tip.17 and perforating at the apical area through a pseudo-
foramen. The invagination may be completely lined by
• The ‘twin-theorie’ suggested a fusion of two tooth-
enamel, but frequently cementum will be found lining
the invagination. 1, 2 ( Fig 1D)
• Infection was considered to be responsible for the
malformation.19 In 1958, Oehlers also described the radicular form
of invagination.27 This type is rare and is thought to
• Gustafson and Sundbergdiscussed trauma as a arise secondary to a proliferation of Hertwig’s root
causative factor.20 sheath and radiographically, the affected tooth demon-
• Genetic factor cannot be excluded.21,22 strates an enlargement of the root.28
• It may result from a deep infolding of foramen In 1972, Schulze & Brand proposed a more detailed
caecum during tooth development which in some classification, including invaginations starting at the
cases may result in a second apical foramen.23 incisal edge or the top of the crown and also describing
dysmorphic root configuration.29 (Figure 2)
• Ectomesenchymal signaling system between den-
tal papilla and the internal enamel epithelium can Prevalence of dens invaginatus
affect tooth morphogenesis.24 These signals have The prevalence of dens invaginatus ranges from
specific roles such as tooth morphogenesis and the 0.04%-10%.4, 6 The prevalence studies are given in table
folding of enamel organ.25 1. The teeth most affected are permanent maxillary
Classification of dens invaginatus lateral incisors and bilateral occurrence is not uncom-
mon and occurs in 43% of all cases.3, 7
The first classification of invaginated teeth was
published by ‘Hallet’ in 1953.1, 26 Most commonly used Cakici et al. reported that DI was detected in only
classification was proposed by Oehlers in1957 is shownin maxillary lateral incisors with no gender difference
Figure 1.17 He described the anomaly occurring in and the most commonly observed was type I dens
three forms (coronal invaginations); invaginatus (81.25%).47In another study, most common
type was also type I.48
Type I: An enamel-lined minor form occurring within
the confines of the crown not extending beyond the The permanent maxillary lateral incisor appears to
cemento-enamel junction.1, 2 (Fig 1A) be the most frequently affected tooth with posterior
teeth less likely to be affected.49Evidenc of DI in man-
Type II: An enamel-lined form which invades the root
dibular teeth have also been reported.6,50Swanson &
but remains confined as a blind sac. It may or may not
McCarthy explained about bilateral invagination.51 Pri-
communicate with the dental pulp. 1, 2 (Fig 1B)
mary dentition involvement have also been reported in
Type III A: A form which penetrates through the root in different studies.52,53,54
and communicates laterally with the periodontal liga-
Histological findings
ment space through a pseudo-foramen. There is usu-
ally no communication with the pulp, which lies com- The dentin below the invagination may be intact
pressed within the root. 1, 2 (Fig1C) without irregularities.55, 56It may also contains strains
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 31, No. 1 (June 2011) 192
Dens invaginatus: Aetiology, classification, prevalence
of vital connective tissue or even fine canals with layer of enamel and dentine and presents a predisposi-
communication to the dental pulp.14, 57,58 tion for thedevelopment of dental caries. In some
cases, the enamel-lining is incomplete and channels
The enamel was described as irregularly struc-
may also exist between the invagination and the pulp.57,58
tured.14, 59 Beynon reported hypomineralized enamel at
Therefore, pulp necrosis often occurs rather early,
the base of the invagination whereas Morfis, in a
within a few years of eruption, sometimes even before
chemical analysis, detected up to eight times more
root end closure.53,60
phosphate and calcium compared with the outer
enamel.59, 60 Bloch-Zupanet al. described that internal Other reported sequelae of undiagnosed and un-
enamel exhibited atypical and more complex rod shapes treated coronal invaginations are abscess formation,
and its surface presented the typical honeycomb pat- retention of neighboring teeth, displacement of teeth,
tern but no perikymata,which, however, were ob- cysts, internal resorption and facial cellulitis recently
served on the outer surface of the tooth.61 diagnosed.65-73
Diagnosis Clinical identification of the invagination entrance
can be difficult as entrances can be unremarkable and
In most cases a DI is detected by chance on the
be similar to normal fissures To aid in the identification
radiograph.3 Clinically, unusual crown morphology (‘di-
process, the use of methylene blue dye can be utilized.74
lated’, ‘peg-shaped’, ‘barrel-shaped’) or a deep foramen
(Fig 3)
caecum may be important hints. Maxillary lateral
incisors are the teeth most susceptible to coronal General features of teeth with DI include peg-
invaginations so these teeth should be investigated shaped formation, incisal notching, increased labio-
thoroughly clinically and radiographically, at least, in lingual and mesio-distal diameter, conical morphology
all cases with a deep pit at the foramen caecum at the and the presence of an enlarged palatal cingulum or
lingual aspect of incisor teeth. However, in cases with cusp.3, 74 (Fig 4(a,b)& 5)
peg shaped lateral incisors usually exhibit pit at the tip
The dental literature on dens invaginatus malfor-
of the conical crown.3, 4, 62
mations contains several case reports presenting in-
Normal conventional radiograph can not provide vaginated teeth coincident with other dental anoma-
detailed structural information about this malforma- lies, malformations and even dental or medical syn-
tion. A latest radiographic technology, spiral computed dromes. (Table 2)
tomography, have been introduced by Robinson et al
Radiographic features
and Sponchiado et al which is not only helpful in
diagnosis of dens invaginatus but also provide3-dimen- General radiographic features are;
sional image of variations in root canal anatomy.4,63
Type I and Type II
Clinical features
In general both Types I and II DI begin coronally
The invagination allows entry of irritants into an with a narrow undilated fissure. This then dilates into
area which is separated from pulpaltissue by only a thin a uniglobular mass that either ends within the coronal
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 31, No. 1 (June 2011) 193
Dens invaginatus: Aetiology, classification, prevalence
portion (Type I) or invades the radicular portion (Type tion is generally well defined with an opaque layer of
II). As the invagination invades the coronal and radicu- enamel.1-3, 38, 74 (Figures 7 & 8)
lar portion, the outline of the pulp space can change
Type III
resulting in ‘blunting’ of the pulp horns. The defect may
vary in size and shape from a loop like, pear-shaped or Type IIIa presents as a deep fissuring of the tooth
slightly radiolucent structure to a severe form resem- that exits on the lateral surface of the root. The root
bling tooth within a tooth. The outline of the invagina- canal adjacent to the invagination may be undulating
and abnormal. Bacterial ingress down the invagination
Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal Vol 31, No. 1 (June 2011) 194
Dens invaginatus: Aetiology, classification, prevalence
Fig 5: Maxillary lateral incisor having DI with en- Fig 8 & 9: Type IIIbDens invaginatus. Enamel lined
larged cingulum fissure opening up into the apical portion,
which has blunder-buss morphology.
can result in a peri-invagination periodontitis. The
nature of the peri-invagination is wide and present in
a blunder-buss formation.1, 3,74As a result of intricate
communications between the invagination and the
root canal; the latter will almost definitely lose vitality
if the invagination is infected.74, 88
In contrast, Type IIIb DI is more difficult to identify
and fully locate, as it is superimposed on the root canal
system exiting apically from within the root canal. This
apical formation can present with an immature apex
and in most cases presents with a well-established
periapical lesion (Figure 8 & 9).74
Management of dens invaginatus Fig 10 A Fig 10 B
Fig 10 C Fig 10 D
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Dens invaginatus: Aetiology, classification, prevalence
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