Pricilla Quezada - Abc Final Project
Pricilla Quezada - Abc Final Project
Pricilla Quezada - Abc Final Project
Affection is an important part
of a healthy and mutual
relationship. Affection helps
both the people in a
relationship experience the
mutual love and
understanding. Without
affection the lack of
emotional connection between
two people can cause people
like there is no need to
communicate potential issues
in a relationship, platonic or
romantic relationship
Boundaries before and also when
you are in a relationship are
crucial. Setting boundaries with
yourself before your in a
relationship and emotionally
attached to someone can help
you understand what you are
willing to accept in a
relationship. Discussing your
boundaries with other also
helps them understand what you
expect and what you don't
tolerate, however in order for
boundaries to be effective you
must follow through with them.
Communication is a vital part of
a healthy relationship. You
should be able to openly
express your feelings with your
partner and vise versa.
Communication should help you
and your partner identify
issues or problems and then
discuss an effective solution
that benefits both parties or in
other words a comprimes. You
should never though feel
obligated to always put your
sentiments aside for your
partners sake, both peoples
feeling should be considered
when making decisions.
Distance can be controversial topic.
Of course it’s hard to maintain long
distance relationships but there is
also a thing as not enough distance.
It's always good to have a balance
between the two you should never
be so emotionally attached to
someone you don't give them some
space to live out their own life
outside of your relationship. But
remember there is a difference
between giving someone space to
grow and live a life, and someone
being emotionally distant weather
that applies to you or your
Emotional Stability
It's important in a relationship to be
emotionally and mentally stable. That
does not mean you have to be perfect or not
have internal problem, it means you are
aware of what triggers you as an
individual so you don't react in a way you
might regret later while in an altercation.
It also means that you are attempting to be
open and express yourself and your
feelings with your partner and discussing
the things that also tigger your partner
so that they can be avoided mutually.
Because not knowing your triggers can
lead to more arguments and less
understanding its possible that the
relationship might not flourish at its full
For a Relationship to flourish it
has to be functional. Both people
should be working in order to
grow in a relationship, not only
that but expectations have to be
realistic and both partners have
to be willing to fulfill the others
emotional and physical needs,
while still respecting each other
boundaries. There has to be an
understanding of what is and
what is not allowed for each
Love should be
unconditional..right? Wrong! Of
course you should accept your
partner with all their flaws
and imperfections. However
when it begins to affect your
mental, emotional or physical
state negatively then you need
to unconditionally love
yourself and step away from
that situation. Staying with
someone who doesn't love you as
unconditionally as you love
them can hurt you and the
people you love.
When in a relationship it's
difficult sometimes to be open
with your partner. That is
when vulnerability comes
into play, one cannot always
know if being vulnerable
with the person you are with
will backfire. However to
achieve a truly healthy
relationship you need to be
able to discuss hard topics
with your partner.
Wrong doings
People sometimes do things that
are wrong. Sometimes things
that are done to us or that we
do can affect our
relationships. It's important to
be kind because you never know
what someone is going through.
Be respectful and understand
that people deal with their own
problems. But it's also
important to remember that
just because one person
wronged you doesn’t mean
everyone will. It's important
we don't close off from people
X- Factor
Definition:a variable in a given situation
that could have the most significant
impact on the outcome.