Programming Guidance Overweight Prevention
Programming Guidance Overweight Prevention
Programming Guidance Overweight Prevention
Prevention of Overweight
and Obesity in Children
and Adolescents
This publication was prepared by the Nutrition Section at UNICEF Programme Division
in New York.
UNICEF recognizes the support by the Government of the Netherlands for the
development of this programme guidance.
August 2019
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page36: © UNICEF/UNI136079/Friedman-Rudovsky.
Prevention of
Overweight and
Obesity in Children
and Adolescents
Definitions 4
Executive summary 5
About this programme guidance 6
Children Human beings under the age of 18 (Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Body Mass Index Calculated as weight in kg/(height in metres)2. In adults, a Body Mass Index
(BMI) <18.5 kg/m2 is in the underweight range, >18.5 and <25 kg/m2 is in the
normal range, >25 and <30 kg/m2 is in the pre-obese range, >30kg/m2 is in the
obese range.
Food systems A food system gathers all the elements (environment, people, inputs, processes,
infrastructures, institutions, etc.) and activities that relate to the production,
processing, distribution, preparation and consumption of food, and the output of
these activities including socioeconomic, and environmental outcomes.
Obesogenic An environment that promotes high energy intake and sedentary behaviour. This
environment includes the foods that are available, affordable, accessible and promoted; physical
activity opportunities; and the social norms in relation to food and physical activity.
For this age group, a prevalence of overweight below 2.5 per cent is considered
‘very low’, between 2.5 and 5 per cent ‘low’, between 5 and 10 per cent ‘medium’,
between 10 and 15 per cent ‘high’ and over 15 per cent ‘very high’.4
The prevalence of overweight among all children interventions, in coordination with the government
and adolescents, from infancy to the age of 19, and other partners.
is on the increase almost everywhere. Around
40 million under-fives around the world have The recommended actions for implementation by
overweight, almost 6 per cent of this age group. UNICEF programmes are:
Among children aged 5 to 19 years, it is estimated 1. Improve the enabling environment, including
that more than 340 million have overweight, almost policies, regulatory frameworks and strategies
18 per cent. and accompanying monitoring and enforcement
Overweight, including its severe form (obesity) measures.
in children and adolescents is the result of the 2. Implement interventions across the life
interaction between: 1) individual factors that cycle, specifically during pregnancy, the early
regulate physiological processes, food preferences, childhood period (under age 5), school age (5-9
and physical activity patterns over the life course; years of age), and adolescents (10-19 years of
and 2) an obesogenic environment that promotes age). The prevention of overweight in children
high energy intake and sedentary behaviour. is a multisectoral undertaking and collaboration
Overweight impacts children’s immediate physical between the Nutrition sector and other UNICEF
and emotional well-being. It also increases the risk programme sectors and areas is crucial. It is also
of overweight later in life, a condition associated important to use a systems approach, engaging
with non-communicable diseases and considerable the food, health, wash, education, and social
health and economic disadvantage for individuals, protection systems, as well as communities
families and society. and having an appropriate involvement of the
Overweight is a form of malnutrition. It does not private sector.
happen in isolation and nor does it occur only in 3. Knowledge generation and use on the
certain people or certain countries. Different forms prevention of overweight in childhood by country
of malnutrition (stunting, wasting, micronutrient offices as well as HQ and regional offices.
deficiencies, overweight and diet-related non- In addition, data collection and surveillance
communicable diseases) can coexist in the same systems need to be established for documenting
country, the same community and even in the overweight in children over 5 years of age, at the
same family or individual. In 2017, to address this national and global level.
‘double burden’ of malnutrition, the prevention
of overweight in children and adolescents was 4. Monitoring and reporting of interventions and
integrated into the UNICEF Strategic Plan (2018- progress is crucial. For internal monitoring
2021) as part of Goal Area 1: Every child survives purposes, questions on interventions for
and thrives. The aim is to reduce malnutrition in all the prevention of overweight in children are
its forms. incorporated in the Strategic Monitoring
Questions (SMQs) and in Nutridash.
This document offers a step-by-step framework
intended to guide country level interventions.
The first step is to undertake a situation analysis
of overweight in children of all age groups, after
which UNICEF needs to select a relevant set of
This document complements the UNICEF • Section 5 describes the recommended actions
programme guidance for early life prevention for UNICEF programmes that seek to prevent
of non-communicable diseases.6 At the time of overweight and obesity in children
writing, UNICEF is developing detailed programme • Section 6 details the priority interventions for
guidance on the nutrition of school-age children UNICEF programmes
and adolescents with reference to overweight
prevention. In addition, UNICEF and partners are
A final section provides concluding remarks and
developing tools to support government institutions,
offers a list of resources for reference and further
officials, regulators, policymakers and civil society
to understand, develop and implement regulatory
and fiscal measures that address childhood
overweight. These tools will be accompanied
by detailed guidance on their use in UNICEF
Overweight in children
and adolescents
Prevalence, causes, consequences,
goals and guidance
15 14.9
15 14.9
10 11.2
10 8.9 8.8
8.9 8.8 7.5
8.2 6.7 6.6 7.5 6.3
8.2 6.7 6.6 6.3 5.9
5 5.2 4.6 4.2 4.95.9
5 5.2 4.6 4.2 4.2 4.9
4.2 3.1
2.5 3.1 2.8 2.8
2000 20182000
2018 2000 20182018
20002000 2018 2018
2000 2000 2018 2018
2000 2000 2018 20002018 2000
2018 2000 2018 2000
2018 2000 2018 2018
2000 2000 2018 2000
2018 2018
Figure 1.1: Percentage of overweight in children under five by UNICEF region (2000-2018)
Source: UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group Joint Malnutrition Estimates, May 2019 edition. 8
Note: The shaded areas represent the 95 per cent confidence intervals.
14 2000 2018
2000 2018
9 million 40.1
89 million
6 30.1
4 million
5 30.1
3 2000 million
3 2000
2 7.8 9.7 3.4 5.4 4.4 5.2 1.6 4.5 3.8 4.0 2.8 3.6 2.4 2.5 1.4 1.9
1 East Asia and Middle East and South Asia Eastern Europe Latin America and East and West and North America
9.7 North
5.4 4.4 5.2 and Central
1.6Asia 4.5the Caribbean Southern Africa
3.8 4.0 Central Africa 2.4 2.5
2.8 3.6 1.4 1.9
East Asia and Middle East and South Asia Eastern Europe Latin America and East and West and North America
Figure 1.2: Number
the Pacific (millions)
North Africa of childrenand under
Central Asiafivethewith overweight;
Caribbean Southern Africa2000 and
Central 2018
Source: UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group Joint Malnutrition Estimates, May 2018 edition
Note: The bars represent the 95 per cent confidence interval
20 23.7 21.0
10 10.4 8.7
4.8 2.6
2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016
Figure 1.3: Percentage of school age children (5–9 years) who are overweight, by UNICEF regions,
30 29.0 29.1
20 20.4 17.5
7.6 7.0
4.7 2.2
2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016 2000 2016
Figure 1.4: Percentage of adolescents (10–19 years) who are overweight, by UNICEF regions, 2000–2016
Source: NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC), based on Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight and obesity from
1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults. The Lancet
2017, 390 (10113): 2627–2642
Figure 3.1: Action framework for the prevention of overweight and obesity in children
1. Do no harm with existing actions: Existing policies and programmes that aim to
reduce one type of malnutrition should not inadvertently increase the risk of other
types of malnutrition. For example, cash transfer programmes to reduce poverty and
undernutrition could contribute to increased overweight if targeting of vulnerable
groups is not done adequately, supplementary foods are not designed carefully, and
supplementation is not accompanied by guidance on healthy diets.
2. Retro-fit or design new actions to be double duty: These are actions that are re-
examined or pro-actively designed to deal with the double burden of maternal and child
malnutrition. For example, the promotion of adequate infant and young child feeding is
traditionally aimed at reducing child undernutrition but the messaging needs to adapt
to make sure the reduction of overweight in children is also seen as an integral part
of adequate nutrition. There are various ways in which this shift in messaging can be
supported through actions: the enforcing of the International Code of Marketing of
Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent WHA resolutions (the Code);71 ensuring that
maternity facilities practice the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding of the Baby-
friendly Hospital Initiative;72 supporting maternity protection regulations;73 providing
nutrition education, skills, guidance and support to caregivers around healthy diets for
children and the benefits of an active lifestyle; and growth assessments combined with
nutrition counselling.74
UNICEF programming
for the prevention of
overweight in children
and adolescents
Table 4.1: Outcome and output statements and indicators related to the prevention of overweight in
children in the results framework of the Strategic Plan 2018-2021
Outcome Statement 1: Girls and boys, especially those that are marginalized and those living in
humanitarian conditions, have access to high-impact health, nutrition, HIV and ECD interventions.
Output statement 1.d: Countries have accelerated Output statement 1.i: Countries have developed
the delivery of programmes for the prevention of programmes to deliver gender-responsive
stunting and other forms of malnutrition. adolescent health and nutrition services.
Output indicator 1.d.4: Number of countries that Output indicator 1.i.1: Number of adolescent girls
are implementing policy actions or programmes and boys provided with services to prevent anaemia
for the prevention of overweight and obesity in and other forms of malnutrition through UNICEF
children. programmes.
Note: This table sets out the outcomes and outputs on overweight prevention mentioned in the results framework of the Strategic Plan.
3. Establish partnerships with key actors for joint a. Equity analysis: prevalence of overweight
advocacy and coordination of activities. and obesity and other forms of malnutrition
(stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies)
4. Engage in dialogue with the government to
disaggregated by age or age group: under-fives,
design and prioritize interventions in three
5-9 years old, young adolescents (10-14 years
key areas (for further details of the priority
old) and old adolescents (15-19 years old), men
interventions, see Section 6):
and women of reproductive age; and by sex,
a. improvement of the enabling environment – geography, socioeconomic group, ethnic group,
policies, regulatory frameworks and strategies etc. If possible, analyse trends over time. Some
and their implementation; data sources that country offices may use are
the Global School-Based Health Surveys, Health
b. support for the design and delivery of
Behaviour Surveys, Demographic and Health
interventions across the life cycle (pregnancy,
Surveys and MICS Surveys. When resources
under 5 years, 5-9 years, 10-19 years); and
are available, country offices can consider
c. leading of knowledge generation, conducting a survey that combines multiple
dissemination and use. indicators.
5. Establish monitoring and reporting systems and b. Review existing laws, policies, current
track progress, including advances towards the circumstances and strategic planning
2025 and 2030 Nutrition targets. documents that are relevant for the prevention
of overweight, to understand:
6. Document progress and lessons learned (that is,
support a learning culture). • the food system in the country and its role in
contributing to, or preventing overweight in
In all UNICEF’s actions, interventions need to be
children and adolescents;
reviewed for a potential unintended increase in
risk of overweight and obesity (‘do no harm’; see • any policy, strategy, and/or programme/action
Section 3.2). Further guidance for specific situations plan already in place for the prevention of
can be provided when needed. overweight in children;
Detailed descriptions of these actions and the • strategies or policies on food and nutrition
suggested interventions follow. standards for school meals, sale of foods and
beverages in and around schools, nutrition in
school curricula and physical activity/physical
education in schools;
• whether the Code and enforcement
measures are implemented;
d. Review the existing capacity for the Additional factors should be taken into account
prevention of overweight in children among when prioritizing interventions.
UNICEF staff, government policymakers, health
professionals, teachers and other relevant service Balance in interventions across the life course.
providers, including other implementing partners. Actions in the first years of life will have the most
impact on the rest of a child’s life. (see Figure 5.1).
e. Understand local social norms and/or
knowledge, attitudes and practices related to
healthy and unhealthy dietary patterns, physical
activity and overweight in children.
produces substantial
risk reduction Chronic
Fixed genetic risk
to risk is small
Source: Hanson M and Gluckman P. Developmental origins of noncommunicable disease: population and public health implications. Am J Cl
Nut, 2011; 94(suppl): 1754S-8S." 91
Note: In the authors’ words: ‘The maximum effect will be gained from timely interventions in early life when plasticity permits a sustained
reduction in the trajectory of risk to be attained’.
UNICEF staff capacity and/or the possibility alleviation of stunting, wasting and micronutrient
of attracting qualified or experienced staff. In deficiencies. However, it will still be important
countries where UNICEF has strong capacity for to make sure that policies and regulations
nutrition policy, social policy and social protection cover the prevention of malnutrition in all its
and/or where positions in these areas can easily forms, and to initiate nutrition awareness and
be filled, UNICEF has a clear added value. Where literacy interventions for school-age children and
a country programme has a stronger emphasis on adolescents. The aim will be to put a regulatory
systems-strengthening for service delivery, policy and knowledge infrastructure in place that can
advocacy will still be an important facet of any deal with all aspects of nutrition as food and
supported intervention even if the emphasis is more activity patterns transition. This will place a broader
on service delivery and ‘double-duty’ actions. package of interventions to hand when prevalence
of overweight and obesity begins to increase (most
Emphasis on a government’s nutrition-related
likely starting with adults).
investment and programmes, including
UNICEF-supported programmes. In countries
where IYCF (infant and young child feeding) 5.3 Promote multisec toral and
programmes have been considered as relevant multi-stakeholder coordination and
only for child survival, and investment in such collaboration
programmes has decreased, it is important to Collaboration with UNICEF sections
advocate for re-investing or investing more in
As mentioned earlier, the prevention of overweight
IYCF through the lens of preventing childhood
in children is a multisectoral undertaking. The
overweight. These activities need to be placed in
Nutrition Section will lead on the technical
a life cycle context and accompanied by relevant
engagement and policy dialogue with governments,
policies and interventions for other age groups.
and will provide overall guidance as to what
A country’s specific priority nutrition needs to happen. However, collaboration with the
challenges. For countries where undernutrition following UNICEF programme sectors and areas is
and child mortality are the main challenge, service crucial.
delivery efforts may still be focused on the
How can UNICEF engage with and support governments on overweight and obesity
Overweight and obesity is an issue In some contexts, the ministry of • Coordinate and commission
that is multifactorial and requires health coordinates activities on evidence review to identify
a multi-sectoral response by behalf of the government, in others effective policy actions
government. Governments choose a whole-of-government approach is
• Facilitate policy dialogue with
to organize their work on childhood in place with a decision-making body
different sectors
overweight and obesity prevention chaired by the head of government.
in different ways, depending on UNICEF country programmes should • Organize national or international
traditions and context. The ministry consider and respond to the domestic meetings to position UNICEF
of health is often a key partner, but political structures. Ways in which as a thought leader and support
collaborations are equally important UNICEF can collaborate with different government with relevant expertise
with ministries with responsibility for government actors include:
education, planning, transportation, • Perform evaluations of key
• Lead research on determinants of policies and programmes, with
agriculture and food, social protection
overweight, such as obesogenic recommendations to government
and finance, as well as national
environments, breastfeeding
technical agencies or institutes.
practices or social norms
The main relevant policies, regulatory frameworks • adoption of health-related food taxes, such as
and strategies for the prevention of overweight in increased taxes on sugary and sweet beverages
childhood include the following: and ‘junk food’ and subsidies for healthy
• reformulation of processed foods including
• A national or sub-national strategy on the portion sizes;
prevention of NCDs and/or overweight, including
specific actions for children and adolescents. • adoption of front-of-pack nutrition labelling
This may be a stand-alone document or requirements that identify foods that are high in
embedded in a larger strategy on child health or salt, sugar and fats103,104; and
nutrition. The strategy should be fully costed. • use of urban planning regulations to promote
• Capacity-building of policymakers in the causes, healthy food and built environments for
consequences (including economic) and overweight prevention.105
prevention of childhood overweight. Capacity- All regulatory frameworks need to be accompanied
building should detail relevant actions policy- by monitoring and enforcement measures that are
makers can take for its prevention. free from commercial influences and conflicts of
• Advocacy and dialogue with policymakers interest.
and regulatory bodies on the adoption and
implementation of regulatory frameworks for the Government action in these areas
prevention of overweight in childhood. is needed to create supportive
environments for children to learn
• Develop business case and investment and aspire to healthy diets. Public
framework for childhood overweight to support policies are important to level the
advocacy efforts and policy dialogue playing field, positively influence
the availability, affordability and
Specific regulatory frameworks appeal of healthy food, and safeguard
These include: children from unhealthy foods and
beverages early in life.
• policies and standards on food, nutrition and
physical activity in preschools, primary and
secondary schools and for the sale of foods and
beverages in and around schools; 6. 2 Implement inter ventions across
the life cycle
• legislation and policies on parental leave and
maternity protection (including maternity leave Possible strategies and interventions for inclusion in
and breastfeeding breaks for women working UNICEF country programmes include the following
outside the home); (also see Tables 6.1 and 6.2 for a schematic
• implementation of the Code;
• implementation of the Guidance on Ending the
Inappropriate Promotion of Foods for Infants and It is suggested that UNICEF focuses its work in this
Young Children;96 area on the nutrition of adolescent girls (outlined in
Section 4) and on the following aspects of care for
nutrition during pregnancy.
• Capacity-building and support for health • support for IYCF or complementary feeding
facilities to provide counselling and relevant counselling in facilities;
screenings (including for hyperglycaemia and
hypertension) and monitor weight gain. • support for IYCF or complementary feeding
counselling in communities; and
• Counselling about healthy eating to stay healthy
and prevent excessive weight gain. • social and behaviour change communication for
appropriate complementary feeding.
• In undernourished populations, nutrition
education on increasing daily energy and protein For children attending preschools and other ECD
intake with balanced energy and protein dietary programmes:
supplementation. • advocacy and technical support for adoption
• Preparatory breastfeeding counselling. and implementation of policies to support
interventions for the prevention of overweight,
• Iron and folic acid supplementation. and the creation of a healthy, non-obesogenic
environment in preschools, including through
• Counselling about adequate levels of physical advocacy for public procurements of healthy
activity. foods;
Early childhood (children under five) • advocacy for inclusion of nutrition education into
Protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding ECD curriculum;
through implementation of comprehensive
• capacity-building of preschool caregivers and
breastfeeding programmes based on formative
teachers on the prevention of overweight; and
research, including:
• support for interventions for the prevention of
• support for the implementation of maternity
overweight in preschools including nutrition
protection legislation and breastfeeding breaks
literacy classes, (increased) physical activity and
in the private and public sector;
others as relevant.
• capacity-building of health care providers on
In health facilities and other settings where infants
the protection, promotion and support for
and young children seek care:
breastfeeding, including counselling;
• weight and length or height measurements
• support for early initiation of breastfeeding in
in all infants and children under five and
maternity facilities (the Ten Steps of the Baby-
their nutritional status classified according
friendly Hospital Initiative);
to the WHO child growth standards (growth
• promotion and support for early, exclusive and monitoring);
continued breastfeeding in communities;
• infant and young child nutrition counselling for
• social and behaviour change communication for caregivers and families of infants and children
breastfeeding; and under five (promotion of healthy growth); and
• monitoring compliance with the Code. • referral for counselling of families of children
with overweight (promotion of healthy growth).
Support for appropriate complementary feeding
(healthy foods, responsive feeding) based on
formative research, including:
• Advocacy and technical support for adoption • Advocacy and technical support for adoption
and implementation of policies to support and implementation of policies to support
interventions for the prevention of overweight interventions for the prevention of overweight in
in children and the creation of a healthy, non- adolescents and the creation of a healthy, non-
obesogenic environment in primary schools. obesogenic environment in secondary schools
and communities.
• Advocacy for inclusion of nutrition education into
the primary school curriculum. • Advocacy for inclusion of nutrition education into
secondary school curricula.
• Social marketing and awareness-building in
schools and communities on the consequences • Social marketing and awareness-building in
and causes of overweight and underweight. schools and communities on the consequences
and causes of obesity and underweight.
• Sensitization and capacity-building for
primary school teachers on the prevention of • Sensitization and capacity-building for
overweight. secondary school teachers on the prevention of
• Support for interventions for the prevention of
overweight in primary schools including nutrition • Support for interventions for the prevention of
literacy classes, encouraging healthy eating and overweight and obesity in secondary schools
counselling through school food and nutrition including nutrition literacy classes, (increased)
programmes, (increased) physical activity and physical activity and others as relevant, as part
others as relevant. of a package of life skills interventions where
• Screening and referral for management of
overweight and obesity in schools, health • Screening and referral for management of
centres or another relevant platform. overweight and obesity in schools, health
centres or other appropriate services.
• Support for infrastructural adaptations, where
relevant, to create healthy (non-obesogenic) • Support for infrastructural adaptations, where
environments in schools and communities and relevant, to create healthy (non-obesogenic)
a safe and supportive environment for physical environments in schools and communities.
• Promotion and support for physical activity in
• Promote and support physical activity in communities through channels such as social
communities, among others via social and media and behaviour change communication.
behaviour change communication.
• Use of social networks, peer groups and
• Involve and inform parents on healthy food influential media persons.
choices and physical activity.
It is important to use a systems approach that
engages with all relevant areas of influence –
policies, financing, management, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation – rather than focussing
on only one aspect of a delivery system. The aim
should be to improve the prevention of overweight
by strengthening promotion, implementation and
delivery across all processes.
A) Advocacy and technical support for the introduction or strengthening of relevant policies,
regulatory frameworks and strategies, and their implementation
1. A national or sub-national strategy on the prevention of NCDs and/or overweight and obesity, including in children
and adolescents (this can be a standalone document or embedded in a larger (sub-)national strategy)
2. Capacity building of policymakers on the causes and consequences, including economic factors, of childhood
overweight and obesity and relevant actions for its prevention
3. Advocacy and dialogue with policymakers and regulatory bodies on the adoption and implementation of
regulatory frameworks, and for the prevention of childhood obesity and incorporation of overweight prevention in
urban planning
B) Interventions over the life course for the prevention of overweight in children
Preconception Early childhood School age Adolescents
and pregnancy (under five years) (5-9 years of age) (10-19 years of age)
• Promote eight antenatal • Protection, promotion & • Creation of a healthy, • Creation of a healthy, non-
care (ANC) contacts support of breastfeeding non-obesogenic obesogenic environment
• Nutrition counselling • Support for appropriate environment in primary in secondary schools
(including capacity complementary schools (including policies (including policies and
building of staff) feeding (healthy foods, and capacity building of capacity building of staff)
responsive feeding) staff) • Nutrition literacy and
• Nutrition literacy and • Nutrition literacy and physical education in
physical education in physical education in secondary schools
preschools (including primary schools • Promote and support
policies and capacity • Promote and support physical and nutrition
building of staff) physical activity in literacy activity in
• Weight and length or communities communities
height measurements • School food and nutrition • Promote messages
in primary health-care programmes to promote through peer group
facilities healthy eating approach, social networks,
• Infant and young child • School health sports clubs, youth
nutrition counselling for programmes for networks etc.
caregivers/ families screening and referral for • Screening and referral for
management of obesity management of obesity
Tax on sugar-sweetened beverage (SSBs) reductions were largest for households of lower
in Mexico socioeconomic status.2
1 Aburto TC, Pedraza LS, Sanchez-Pimienta advertising: exploring knowledge,
TG, Batis C, Rivera JA. Discretionary perceptions and behaviors of mothers government/uploads/system/uploads/
foods have a high contribution and fruit, of young children.” International Journal attachment_data/file/604336/Sugar_
vegetables, and legumes have a low of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical reduction_achieving_the_20_.pdf
contribution to the total energy intake Activity 16.1 (2019): 21. 8 Government Response to the House
of the Mexican population. J Nutr 2016; 5 Massri, C., Sutherland, S., Källestål, of Commons Health and Social Care
146(9): 1881s-7s. C. and Peña, S., 2019. Impact of Select Committee report on Childhood
2 Colchero MA, Rivera-Dommarco J, the Food-Labeling and Advertising obesity: Time for action, Eighth Report of
Popkin BM, Ng SW. In Mexico, evidence Law Banning Competitive Food and Session 2017–19, UK Government, 2019.
of sustained consumer response two Beverages in Chilean Public Schools, Available at: <https://www.parliament.
years after implementing a sugar- 2014–2016. American journal of public uk/documents/commons-committees/
sweetened beverage tax. Health Aff health, (0), pp.e1-e6. Health/Correspondence/2017-19/
(Millwood) 2017; 36(3): 564-71. 6 HM Government, Childhood obesity: a Childhood-obesity-Government-
3 Corvalán C, Reyes M, Garmendia ML, plan for action. Chapter 2, June 2018. Response-to-eighth-report-17-19.pdf>.
Uauy R. Structural responses to the Available at: <https://assets.publishing. 9
obesity and non-communicable diseases press-releases/sugary-drinks-tax-
epidemic: update on the Chilean Law of system/uploads/attachment_data/ important-first-step-obesity-malaysia-
Food Labelling and Advertising. Obes file/718903/childhood-obesity-a-plan- demands-further-action
Rev. 2019; 20( 3): 367- 374. for-action-chapter-2.pdf
4 Correa, Teresa, et al. “Responses to 7 Public Health England, Sugar Reduction:
the Chilean law of food labeling and Achieving the 20%. Available at: https://
Food system Promote adequate availability of and access to healthy foods including through public
Health system Optimal ANC including: nutrition counselling, nutrition education, energy and protein
supplementation in undernourished populations, iron and folic acid supplementation,
weight monitoring, iron and folic acid supplementation, and counselling on adequate
levels of physical activity
Protection, promotion and support for breastfeeding during ANC and in maternity
Water and sanitation Promotion and support for increased availability of free and safe drinking water in
system communities, schools and health facilities, as a key component of a healthy diet.
Education system School food and nutrition programmes including nutrition literacy in preschools, primary
and secondary schools, for both children and parents, and implementation of policies for
the prevention of overweight and obesity
Improving the school food environments through the promotion of fruit, vegetables
and water, and reducing access to sweetened beverages and large portions of high-fat
Social protection In social protection programmes, ensure the promotion and support of a healthy diet
system (including ‘do no harm’). Discourage subsidy of unhealthy foods; consider subsidy of
healthy foods where relevant.
IYCF counselling
Social mobilization and social and behaviour change. Communication for families and
adolescents on healthy diet and physical activity through a range of channels such as
social networks, peer groups and social media
Private sector Comply with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Children's
Rights and Business Principles and national regulations, including for all actors to
prioritize the protection of children's rights and act in best interests of children. UNICEF,
government and civil society holding the private sector to account
Identify appropriate opportunities to engage with private sector actors, such as ICT and
finance sectors, to explore novel ways to promote healthier diets and incentivize better
business behaviour so that healthier foods are more available, affordable and accessible.
The World Health Organization Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of
Noncommunicable Diseases (GCM/NCD) hosts a Knowledge Action Portal for information and engagement
of actors in this area.111
UNICEF is a member of the UN Interagency Task Force on NCDs, which has its own web page.112
1 UNICEF. The State of the World’s Children 2011; Adolescence 13 Benedict, RK, Schmale A, Namaste S. Adolescent nutrition
an age of opportunity. New York: UNICEF, 2011. 2000-2017: DHS data on adolescents aged 15-19. DHS
2 Bundy, DAP, de Silva N, Horton S, Jamison DT and Patton Comparativ
GC, editors. Child health and development. Disease Control 14 Akseer, N, Al Gashm S, Mehta S, Mokdad A, Bhutta ZA.
Priorities (third edition). Volume 8. Washington, D.C.: World Global and regional trends in the nutritional status of young
Bank, 2017. people: a critical and neglected age group. Ann. N.Y. Acad.
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August 2019
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