Yang Manlun
Yang Manlun
Yang Manlun
Yang Manlun
September, 2003
Suitability Analysis of Urban Green Space System
Based on GIS
Yang Manlun
Thesis submitted to the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-information Science
and Earth Observation with specialisation in Urban Planning and Management
This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the International
Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation. All views and opinions expressed
therein remain the sole responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of
the institute.
After six months study, it is the time of harvest. Looking back on the study life in the Netherlands, it
is composed of challenge, excitement and happiness. Not only the technical knowledge we learnt here
but also the different cultures and the friendly people. It is really a precious experience that will be
remembered forever in my life.
Firstly, I owe special thanks to my first supervisor, Drs. Paul Hofstee for his important guidance and
helpful comments from the beginning to the end of this research. I am also very grateful to my second
supervisor, Ir. Mark Brussel. He helped me with the analysis and writing in the final stage.
I would like to thank Mrs. Xiao Yinghui for her guidance to process the data and Mrs. Du Ningrui for
her comments to improve the thesis. I owe many thanks to my Chinese supervisors, Prof. Xu
Zhaozhong and Mr. Zhang Jun of Wuhan University, for their guidance and ideas to write the pro-
posal. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet some Chinese PhDs, Zhan Qingming, Huang
Zhengdong, Cheng Jianquan, Zheng Ding, Tang Xingming, and Zhu Sicai. They provided many in-
spirits for my study.
Special thanks go to Chen Wenbo and Liu Kang, who have been always helpful with their rich experi-
ence and knowledge. Every time’s discussion with them made my thesis improve. I also want to thank
them for their patience of teaching me the GIS technology and correcting my English writing.
Sincere thanks go to one of my best friends, Feng Qiaobing. She greatly helped me do the fieldwork,
collect the data and process the data. Her sincere supports and inspirits made me study here at ease.
Many thanks go to the UPLA2 2003 group of my Chinese MSc classmates, particularly to Wang Yu-
jian for his help with my living. It was a pleasure to study and share the joys with them. I also won’t
forget the kindly help from my Chinese classmates, Cao Chunxia and Zhou Qinghua of Wuhan Uni-
versity, for helping me to do the literature review.
Last but not least, I feel deeply grateful to my parents and brothers, for their sincere love, understand-
ing and support to me. And I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all people who ever helped me.
Suitability analysis of green space system is designed to identify and measure the suitability of poten-
tial sites for green space system development. Such analysis can be regarded as a relatively difficult
task partially due to large number of factors and large volume of data that may be required for the de-
termination. The purpose of this research is to develop an approach of GIS-based suitability analysis
to identify suitable sites for urban green space system development. This approach identifies seven
major steps involved in the suitability analysis, which include selecting, scoring, weighting suitability
factors, generating suitability scenarios using GIS, ranking suitability scenarios, making sensitivity
analysis, and output evaluation.
Selecting suitability factors is mainly based on stakeholder analysis and desirable environmental quality.
Four groups including urban planners, environmentalists, local residents and local government officials are
involved in the stakeholder analysis. The desirable environmental quality is proposed from two aspects:
existing situation and greening indices. As such, seven suitability factors including air quality, landscape
quality, surface water quality, historic culture value, water system influence, noise influence, and existing
land use, will be selected to carry out the GIS-based suitability analysis. These seven factors are set as ‘high
suitability’, ‘moderate suitability’, and ‘no suitability’. Ratio values are applied in scoring these three
classes within the suitability factors, and the establishment of certainty factor is introduced to improve the
traditional GIS-based suitability analysis model. After that, three weighting methods including statistic in-
tegration, hierarchic analysis of nine-degree and hierarchic analysis of three-degree are used to define three
sets of weighting systems.
All the above data are integrated into a raster-based GIS software and spatial analysis is performed
using an overlay technique to generate six suitability scenarios. Then weighted summation and electre
method are used to make a ranking among these six suitability scenarios. Sensitivity analysis is car-
ried out to test the validity of scores, weights used and the ranking of the scenarios. As such, the best
suitability scenario comes out and it needs to be evaluated by comparing it with the urban master plan,
with the aim of finding the commons and differences between them and then to validate the proposed
Suitability analysis is a powerful tool for green space system planning. Continued development and
refinement of suitability analysis, particularly with GIS technology, can enable urban planners to help
local government officials and local residents to create a suitable green space system in the urban en-
vironment. In order to advance the art of the suitability analysis, it is important that not only the suit-
ability output is replicable within a study area, but also the approach is transferable, or at least adapt-
able in other places. This research provides an example of such transferability. In general, GIS is a
toolbox capable of providing support for spatial problem-solving and decision-making, and it should
be integrated with the decision support system (DSS) to make the suitability analysis in a more sys-
tematic way.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Maps
List of Formulas
1. Introduction..................................................................................................1
1.1. Background ................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Problem statement ......................................................................................................................2
1.3. Research objective .....................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. Main objective...................................................................................................................3
1.3.2. Specific objectives ............................................................................................................3
1.4. Research questions .....................................................................................................................3
1.5. Workflow ...................................................................................................................................5
1.6. Structure of the thesis.................................................................................................................6
2. Definition and conceptions of urban green space system ........................7
2.1. Definition of urban green space system .....................................................................................7
2.2. Classification of urban green space system ...............................................................................8
2.2.1 Classification in foreign countries .....................................................................................8
2.2.2. Classification in China .....................................................................................................10
2.3. Comprehensive benefits of urban green spaces .......................................................................13
2.3.1. Ecological benefits ...........................................................................................................13
1. Clean air ..............................................................................................................................13
2. Adjust and improve urban climate ......................................................................................14
3. Prevent and reduce hazard...................................................................................................15
4. Eliminate noise....................................................................................................................15
2.3.2. Social benefits ..................................................................................................................15
1. Recreation ...........................................................................................................................15
2. Landscape aesthetics ...........................................................................................................16
3. Adjust psychology...............................................................................................................17
4. Education.............................................................................................................................18
2.3.3. Economic benefits ...........................................................................................................19
3. Methodology ...............................................................................................21
3.1. Definition of suitability analysis ..............................................................................................21
3.2. Suitability analysis methods.....................................................................................................21
3.2.1. Direct overlay..................................................................................................................21
3.2.2. Weighted score................................................................................................................22
3.2.3. Ecological factors combination.......................................................................................23
3.3. GIS application in suitability analysis .....................................................................................23
3.4. GIS-based traditional suitability analysis model (TSAM) and its improvement ....................24
3.4.1. Traditional suitability analysis model (TSAM) ...............................................................24
1. TSAM procedure......................................................................................................................24
2. Example....................................................................................................................................25
3.4.2. Improved traditional suitability analysis model (ITSAM)..............................................26
3.4.3. Summary .........................................................................................................................29
3.5. Weighting methods ..................................................................................................................29
3.5.1. Statistic integration .........................................................................................................29
3.5.2. Hierarchic analysis of nine-degree..................................................................................31
3.5.3. Hierarchic analysis of three-degree.................................................................................32
3.6. Evaluation methods for ranking ...............................................................................................34
3.6.1. Weighted summation.......................................................................................................36
3.6.2. Electre method.................................................................................................................36
3.6.3. Summary .........................................................................................................................37
3.7. Sensitivity analysis...................................................................................................................37
3.7.1. Uncertainty on scores......................................................................................................38
1. Overall uncertainty of the scores..............................................................................................38
2. Uncertainty of one score ..........................................................................................................38
3.7.2. Sensitivity on weights .....................................................................................................38
1. Changes in all weights..............................................................................................................39
2. Different sets of weights ..........................................................................................................39
3.7.3. Summary .........................................................................................................................39
3.8. Methodology flow chart ...........................................................................................................40
4. Case study in Dongguan ............................................................................42
4.1. Study area: Dongguan municipality.........................................................................................42
4.1.1. Location...........................................................................................................................42
4.1.2. Physical characteristics ...................................................................................................43
4.1.3. Social-economic characteristics ......................................................................................43
4.2. Current green space system analysis in Dongguan ..................................................................44
4.2.1. Existing situation of the green space system...................................................................44
4.2.2. Problems existing in the green space system ..................................................................44
1. Public green space and suburban forestry................................................................................44
2. Residential green space and departmental (work unit) affiliated green space.........................45
3. Road green space......................................................................................................................45
4. Productive and defensive green space......................................................................................46
5. Landscape forestry land ...........................................................................................................46
4.2.3. Greening indices..............................................................................................................46
1. Definitions of three greening indices .......................................................................................46
2. Functions of three greening indices .........................................................................................47
4.2.4. Desirable environmental quality in Dongguan................................................................48
4.3. Suitability analysis of green space system based on GIS.........................................................48
4.3.1. Stakeholder analysis for suitability .................................................................................48
1. Urban planners .........................................................................................................................48
2. Environmentalists.....................................................................................................................49
3. Local residents .........................................................................................................................49
4. Local government officials.......................................................................................................49
4.3.2. Selecting suitability factors.............................................................................................50
1. Available data...........................................................................................................................50
2. Data pre-processing..................................................................................................................51
4.3.3. Scoring ............................................................................................................................52
1. Scores of suitability factors......................................................................................................52
2. Certainty factor.........................................................................................................................55
4.3.4. Weighting ........................................................................................................................58
1. Calculating weights by statistic integration .............................................................................58
2. Calculating weights by hierarchic analysis of nine-degree......................................................59
3. Calculating weights by hierarchic analysis of three-degree.....................................................60
4. Weighting results for suitability scenarios...............................................................................61
4.3.5. Suitability scenario..........................................................................................................62
4.4. Multi-criteria analysis for ranking ...........................................................................................65
4.4.1. Effects table.....................................................................................................................65
4.4.2. Standardization................................................................................................................66
1. Goal standardization for ‘high suitability’ ...............................................................................66
2. Interval standardization for ‘moderate suitability’...................................................................67
3. Maximum standardization for ‘no suitability’ .........................................................................67
4.4.3. Weight .............................................................................................................................68
4.4.4. Ranking ...........................................................................................................................69
1. Weighted summation................................................................................................................69
2. Electre method..........................................................................................................................71
4.5. Sensitivity analysis...................................................................................................................75
4.5.1. Uncertainty of one score .................................................................................................76
4.5.2. Overall uncertainty of the weights ..................................................................................76
4.5.3. Changes in all weights (rank reversal of two alternatives) .............................................77
4.6. Comparison ..............................................................................................................................78
4.6.1. Commons.........................................................................................................................80
4.6.2. Differences ......................................................................................................................81
5. Conclusion and recommendation ...............................................................83
5.1. Conclusion................................................................................................................................83
5.2. Recommendation......................................................................................................................84
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Definitions of green open space.............................................................................................8
Table 2.2 Classification of parks in America.........................................................................................9
Table 2.3 Classification of urban green space system in Japan .............................................................9
Table 2.4 Classification of urban green space system in China...........................................................11
Table 3.1 Factors and weights in the traditional suitability analysis ...................................................25
Table 3.2 Investigating table of importance order ...............................................................................30
Table 3.3 Information table of statistic induction (%).........................................................................30
Table 3.4 Factors weights by statistic integration................................................................................31
Table 3.5 Importance comparison of nine-degree................................................................................31
Table 3.6 Structural judgment matrix of nine-degree ..........................................................................31
Table 3.7 Factors weights by hierarchic analysis of nine-degree ........................................................32
Table 3.8 Comparison matrix of three-degree .....................................................................................33
Table 3.9 Structural judgment matrix of three-degree .........................................................................33
Table 3.10 Factors weights by hierarchic analysis of three-degree .....................................................34
Table 3.11 Overview of evaluation methods for ranking.....................................................................35
Table 4.1 Suitability classes and scores...............................................................................................53
Table 4.2 Investigating information by statistic induction ..................................................................58
Table 4.3 Structural judgment matrix of suitability factors by nine-degree ........................................59
Table 4.4 Comparison matrix of suitability factors by three-degree ...................................................61
Table 4.5 Structural judgment matrix of suitability factors by three-degree .......................................61
Table 4.6 Weighting results for suitability scenarios...........................................................................62
Table 4.7 Standardized effects table ....................................................................................................72
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Research workflow ...............................................................................................................5
Figure 2.1 Developmental skeleton of green space system ...................................................................7
Figure 2.2 Hierarchical requirement theory (Abraham H. Maslow)....................................................18
Figure 2.3 Circular ring for education function of green spaces .........................................................19
Figure 3.1 TSAM .................................................................................................................................26
Figure 3.2 ITSAM ................................................................................................................................28
Figure 3.3 Methodology flow chart .....................................................................................................41
Figure 4.1 Data pre-processing ............................................................................................................51
Figure 4.2 Effects table ........................................................................................................................65
Figure 4.3 Standardization for ‘high suitability’..................................................................................66
Figure 4.4 Standardization for ‘moderate suitability’..........................................................................67
Figure 4.5 Standardization for ‘no suitability’.....................................................................................68
Figure 4.6 Standardizations and weights .............................................................................................69
Figure 4.7 Ranking results I by weighted summation..........................................................................69
Figure 4.8 Ranking results II by weighted summation.........................................................................70
Figure 4.9 Ranking results III by weighted summation (Scatter diagram) ..........................................71
Figure 4.10 Concordance table ............................................................................................................72
Figure 4.11 Discordance table..............................................................................................................73
Figure 4.12 Strong graph (0: no ranking, 1: a ranking)........................................................................74
Figure 4.13 Weak graph (0: no ranking, 1: a ranking).........................................................................74
Figure 4.14 Ranking results by electre method....................................................................................75
Figure 4.15 Sensitivity of the ranking for changes in one score..........................................................76
Figure 4.16 Uncertainty analysis on the weights (50%) ......................................................................77
Figure 4.17 Weight combination by rank reversal between ‘scenario 1’ and ‘scenario 2’..................78
List of Maps
Map 4.1 The location of Dongguan municipality (study area)…………………………………..……42
Map 4.2 Air (air quality)………………………………………………………………………..……..54
Map 4.3 Lscape (landscape quality)…………………………………………………….……………..54
Map 4.4 Swater (surface water quality)……………………………………………………………….54
Map 4.5 History (historic culture value)………………………………………………………………54
Map 4.6 Noise (noise influence)………………………………………………………………………55
Map 4.7 Luse (existing land use)……………………………………………………………………...55
Map 4.8 Wsystem (water system influence)…………………………………………………………..55
Map 4.9 Cerlscape (certainty factors for landscape quality)………………………………………….56
Map 4.10 Cerhistory (certainty factors for historic culture value)……………………………………56
Map 4.11 Cerluse (certainty factors for existing land use)……………………………………………56
Map 4.12 Cerwsystem (certainty factors for water system influence)………………………………...56
Map 4.13 Clscape (composite certainty factors for landscape quality)……………………………….57
Map 4.14 Chistory (composite certainty factors for historic culture value)…………………………..57
Map 4.15 Cluse (composite certainty factors for existing land use)…………………………………..57
Map 4.16 Cwsystem (composite certainty factors for water system influence)………………………57
Map 4.17 Draft suitability scenario 1………………………………………………………………….63
Map 4.18 Final suitability scenario 1………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.19 Final suitability scenario 2………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.20 Final suitability scenario 3………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.21 Final suitability scenario 4………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.22 Final suitability scenario 5………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.23 Final suitability scenario 6………………………………………………………………….64
Map 4.24 Master plan of Dongguan municipality (2000-2015)………………………………………79
Map 4.25 Comparison map……………………………………………………………………………79
List of Formulas
Formula 3.1 Equal-weight summation .................................................................................................22
Formula 3.2 Weighted score ................................................................................................................22
Formula 3.3 Certainty factor function..................................................................................................27
Formula 3.4 Composite certainty factor...............................................................................................28
Formula 3.5 Statistic integration ..........................................................................................................30
Formula 3.6 Quantitative comparison of three-degree.........................................................................33
Formula 3.7 Hierarchic analysis of three-degree .................................................................................33
Formula 3.8 Weighted summation .......................................................................................................36
Formula 3.9 Concordance index ..........................................................................................................37
Formula 3.10 Discordance index .........................................................................................................37
Formula 4.1 Goal standardization……………………………………………………………………..66
Formula 4.2 Interval standardization………………………………………………………………….67
Formula 4.3 Maximum standardization……………………………………………………………….68
Formula 4.4 Expected value method…………………………………………………………………..68
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Land suitability analysis is the process of determining the fitness of a given tract of land for a defined
use (Steiner, McSherry et al. 2000). In other words, it is the process to determine whether the land
resource is suitable for some specific uses and to determine the suitability level. In order to determine
the most desirable direction for future development, the suitability for various land uses should be
carefully studied with the aim of directing growth to the most appropriate sites. Establishing appropri-
ate suitability factors is the construction of suitability analysis.
Initially, suitability analysis was developed as a method for planners to connect spatially independent
factors within the environment and, consequently to provide a more unitary view of their interactions.
Suitability analysis techniques integrate three factors of an area: location, development activities, and
biophysical/environmental processes (Miller, Collins et al. 1998). These techniques can make plan-
ners, landscape architects and local decision-makers analyse factors interactions in various ways.
Moreover, such suitability analysis enables elected officials and land managers to make decisions and
establish policies in terms of the specific landuses.
Even though suitability analysis is a well-known tool among planners, landscape architects and local
decision-makers, there are relatively few examples where a process used in one place has been trans-
ferred or adapted in another place (the few examples include the work of McHarg, 1969 and Lyle,
1985). Applications of suitability analysis can be found in many fields, such as site selection for crop-
land (natural resource management field), flooding control, sustainable development (environment
management field), etc. This method covers broad topics and develops continuously. However, spe-
cific applications on the green space system cannot be found very often. This research provides such
an example that uses seven factors to carry out the suitability analysis of urban green space system, as
will be critically explained in Chapter 4.
Since suitability analysis came into being, there have been many analytic methods that primarily in-
clude the method of sieve mapping, landscape unit method, grey tone method (map overlay) and com-
puter method (GIS). The method of sieve mapping is to use a series of ‘sieves’ (factors) to exclude
those areas that are not suitable for the specific landuse. Once passing all the ‘sieves’, it is easy to
eliminate all the assumed unsuitable areas, and what is left is suitable for some specific uses. The
landscape unit method is absolutely different from sieve mapping. First it needs to classify landscape
units according to a set of geographic characteristics, the land’s potentials and limitations are then
identified in each landscape unit. Finally the suitability analysis is finished after all the landscape
units are identified. Grey tone, also named map overlay, is created by professor McHarg (1996). This
American landscape architect has systematically expatiated on such method in his book Design With
Nature. Grey tone wants to make use of gradual colours to represent the suitability levels in the same
scale, and overlay all the single factor maps in a certain order. As such those supposed useful areas
would be displayed after the above process.
Grey tone method has made some excellent effects in North America, even all over the world. But it
also has some disadvantages: (1) It neglects the relative influence among the factors; namely, it as-
sumes that each factor is independent. (2) If large number of factors must be involved, it is a time-
consuming task to do the analysis by manual operations. (3) Worse is that grey tone method cannot
carry out arithmetic operations. However, computer methods were developed to solve these problems,
particularly the analytic method depending on GIS. The GIS technique can transfer the suitability
level into numerical value, and assign the weight to each factor according to their relative importance.
So finally we can achieve the composite suitability levels by summing up the multiplication.
The limitation of GIS-based computer method is that it needs a complicate expert system, which can
precisely select, assess the suitability factors and set up a weighting system. This is the most impor-
tant and difficult step in the suitability analysis. In general, GIS-based computer method can overcome
those difficulties that other methods can’t. It enables landscape architects and urban planners to use
and to process more information, to plan more complicate landuses, and then to push the suitability
analysis method to a new stage.
A number of studies proved that increasing population and enhancing urbanization processes are con-
verting more and more soft green spaces into impermeable hard concrete surface. Particularly in a de-
veloping country, this trend is more serious (Shi 2002). China is a large country with almost 1.3 bil-
lion population in East Asia. With the fast economy growth in the past two decades, China is facing a
rapid urbanization, especially due to the rural-urban migration. The growing urban population wishes
a better living environment, and puts an enormous pressure on the demand for green spaces. At the
same time, rapid economy growth has resulted in the loss of valuable land resources. This does not
only destroy sustainable economy and human settlement, but also lead to environmental degradation
and reduction of green spaces.
In Dongguan municipality, some green spaces are being converted to other land uses every year. This
has caused some serious environmental consequences: increased soil temperature, local climate
change, instability in hydrological regime, and the loss of important species, all of which ultimately
have negative effects on the ecological environment and human settlement. In order to reduce such
harm, the Dongguan government has taken some activities to increase green spaces in the urban areas
such as ‘Greening Dongguan’, ‘Horticultural city with water and mountains’, ‘Sustainable Dong-
guan’, with the aim of improving the environmental conditions. It is generally believed that such ac-
tivities can bring more green spaces and make the integration of trees, parks, lawns, etc., as an ele-
ment of urban landscape. However, they are affected by many factors including natural conditions,
social-economic conditions, technical factors and so on. The result is that these activities cannot play
a good ecological function to the urban environment.
In this research, an approach that integrates suitability analysis with geographic information system
(GIS) technology will be developed and implemented to identify suitable sites for the urban green
space system development, in order to play a good ecological role and create an elegant landscape in
the study area of Gongguan municipality. Now the GIS-based traditional suitability analysis model is
not very precise for some specific factors analyses. It can’t meet the needs of new ecological planning.
Therefore, an approach to establish certainty factors is introduced to improve this GIS-based tradi-
tional suitability analysis model. After that, some suitability scenarios are generated and a ranking is
made among them. Sensitivity analysis is used to test the validity of this ranking to find the best suit-
ability scenario. Finally, the research compares this best suitability scenario with the urban master
plan and analyses their commons and differences.
1. Understand the definition and conceptions of the urban green space system.
• What is the urban green space system?
• What are the classifications of the urban green space system and what are the com-
prehensive benefits of the urban green spaces?
4. Generate suitability scenarios of the urban green space system by integrating suitability
analysis with geographic information system (GIS) technology.
• How to select factors for the suitability analysis and how to determine their weights
and certainty factors in the study area?
• How to overlay all single factor maps to generate the suitability scenarios of the urban
green space system based on GIS?
5. Carry out the ranking and sensitivity analysis to find the best suitability scenario.
• What are the evaluation methods for ranking of the suitability scenarios?
• What is the sensitivity analysis and how to use it to test the validity of the ranking?
6. Compare the best suitability scenario with the urban master plan.
• What are the commons and differences between the best suitability scenario and the
urban master plan? What are the reasons?
1.5. Workflow
The workflow above summarizes the main idea of this research. First, the literature review will focus
on the urban green space system and suitability analysis, such as their definitions, study methods, de-
velopment processes, etc. Then after a combination of the stakeholder analysis, published literature,
and fieldwork, this research will select seven factors for the suitability analysis, including air quality,
landscape quality, surface water quality, historic culture value, water system influence, noise
influence and existing land use (see section 4.3.2). Nowadays there are many methods used to calcu-
late weights for the suitability factors. This research wants to use three typical and efficient methods
to define three sets of weighting systems. These three weighting methods are statistic integration,
hierarchic analysis of nine-degree and hierarchic analysis of three-degree (see section 3.5). Af-
terwards, ILWIS, a GIS software is used to carry out the suitability analysis. And then six suitability
scenarios will be generated according to different sets of scores, weights and certainty factors (see
section 3.4.2). Each suitability scenario can be regarded as an alternative, so a ranking will be carried
out among these six alternatives (scenarios), and sensitivity analysis is carried out by Definite (a mul-
tiobjective decision support system software) to test the validity of scores, weights used and the rank-
ing of alternatives (see section 4.5). Finally, a best suitability scenario will come out and we can com-
pare this best scenario with the urban master plan, in order to find the differences and commons be-
tween them.
Chapter 1 states the research background, problem, objectives and questions as well as a workflow.
Chapter 2 presents a literature review about the definition, classifications of the urban green space
system and comprehensive benefits of the urban green spaces.
Chapter 3 states the research methodology including the definition, methods of suitability analysis,
GIS-based traditional suitability analysis model and its improvement. In addition, weighting methods,
evaluation methods for ranking, and sensitivity analysis are involved in this chapter. Based on the
above analysis, a methodology flow chart will come out to direct the case study in Dongguan munici-
Chapter 4 describes the case study in Dongguan municipality, which includes the introduction in the
study area, data collection, and data processing as well as data analysis. Afterwards, six suitability
scenarios will be generated by using some GIS techniques; a ranking and sensitivity analysis is used
to get the best suitability scenario and test its validity.
Chapter 5 gives a conclusion about the suitability analysis. Some recommendations are provided as
well in this chapter.
Greenland Horticultural
Green Landscape
Open Planning and Spatial
Space Urban Design
Echoing the opinions of A.R Beer (1997), green spaces are: ‘Places where contact with animals and
birds and the more attractive insects like butterflies’, ‘Places with visual variety’, ‘Places are children
can learn about nature and social life through contact with animals’, ‘Places to loiter in and watch the
world go by’, ‘Places to chat while children play’ (Mugenyi 2002). Referring to some definitions from
other countries such as Britain, America, Japan (Table 2.1), some scholars have proposed the defini-
tion of Green Open Space from the angle of landscape planning and urban design. Lingzhang (2001)
defines green open space as all the areas within the city and its surrounding regions, enabling people
to contact the nature. Thus green space system is endowed with spatial meaning.
This study wants to propose its own definition of green space system by referring to some published
literatures, with the aim of integrating horticultural meaning, ecological meaning with spatial mean-
ing. The detailed definition of urban green space system in this study is that, in the urban spatial
environment, there are some good green areas (green space per capita must be over 9.0 square me-
ters), which are mainly covered with natural or man-made vegetation and can function as ecological
balance, playing an active role to urban environment, landscape, and residents recreation. They also
include those water areas enabling people to contact the nature and those greenways that can connect
parks, productive and defensive green spaces, residential green spaces, landscape areas and suburban
Japan has carried out the Establishment Of Green Comprehensive Planning since April 1977, in order
to apply a green comprehensive planning in the urban planning areas, construct and protect urban
parks, green lands and public spaces. This planning was modified every five years. In addition, with
the help of those subsidiary laws such as Natural Parks Law, Metropolitan Parks law, Children Parks
law, etc, an integrated urban green space system was formed. (Table 2.3)
In the past few years, some scholars have proposed different practical classifications of green space
system to meet the new needs of urban constructions. Meanwhile, the government has also established
the Classification Standard Of Urban Green Space System as a national standard since 1993. (Table
Park G1 Comprehensive park G11, specific park G12, park belt G13,
street side pleasance G14.
Productive green
space G2
Defensive green
Draft space G3
national Residential green
standard space G4
(1999) Public facility green space G51, industrial green space G52,
Affiliated green warehouse green space G53, external traffic green space G54,
space G5 roadside green space G55, municipal facility green space G56,
specific green space G57.
Ecological landscape
green space G6
Table 2.4 has presented three typical classifications of urban green space system in China. It can be
showed that there are two obvious tendencies in this table:
(1) These three classifications use the name of Park (green space) instead of the name of Public green
space that has been used in urban planning and green space system planning for a long time, in order
to combine it with international terminology. Meanwhile, this name can be better to embody the green
space functions rather than only represent its affiliated relation and serving object. As such, the green-
ing index of “Public green space per capita” used in the past ten years will also be replaced by “Park
area per capita”.
(2) These three classifications regard the urban green space system from the regional perspective.
They concern more on those suburban green spaces that can play a good ecological role to the city
(e.g. Suburban ecological green space proposed by Jia Jianzhong, Ecological landscape green space in
the Draft national standard). Wu Renwei classifies these suburban green spaces into Suburban eco-
logical landscape conservation, Suburban ecological forestry land and Suburban defensive forestry.
The common is to elicit such a conception to integrate suburban green spaces into planning system,
but they don’t be counted in urban landuse balance and urban greening indices.
There are some differences in the detailed classes because these three classifications are based on dif-
ferent perspectives. It is obvious that the classification of Jia Jianzhong (2001) has a good link with
the traditional landscape horticultural classification, but it has no detailed classes and indices for ex-
planation. The classification of Wu Renwei (1999) and draft national standard pay more emphasises
on the practice, and separately has detailed functions and indices for explanation. From the view of
authority, it is more practical to take the draft national standard into application. However, it is feasi-
ble to adopt other two classifications for the second class. For example, it can adopt the classification
of Wu Renwei for the second class of Productive green space G2 and Defensive green space G3. As to
the Residential green space G4, it can use the classification of Jia Jianzhong (2001) and explain it with
corresponding indices. Ecological landscape green space G6 can also be replaced by B1, B2, and B3
from the classification of Wu Renwei. In addition, Allowing for the function of green space system, it
is feasible to change Square green space belonging to the second class of Street side pleasance G14
into a new second class of G15. Likewise, it can cite the foreign conception of Greenway to convert
the External traffic green space G54 and Roadside green space G55 into a new class of G17.
1. Clean air
(1) Balance carbon and oxygen: Vegetation can release O2 and absorb CO2 in the photosynthesis,
which play an important role in balancing carbon and oxygen. In the urban environment, such balance
needs to be maintained much more by green spaces because of the more oxygen consumptions. It has
been measured that 1 hectare broadleaves can consume 1 ton CO2 and release 0.75 ton O2 everyday in
the growing season. If an adult resident absorbs 0.75 kilogram O2 and releases 0.90 kilogram CO2
every day, the balance between carbon and oxygen for one person will need 10 square metres forestry
or more than 25 square metres lawns to maintain (Lingzhang 2001). Some German experts have
proved that, as to people’s breath plus fuel’s burning, only 30~40 square metres green spaces for
every resident can keep the balance between O2 and CO2 within the city. Based on this theory, some
countries determined that green space per capita should be 40 square metres when planning the urban
green space system.
(2) Absorb toxic gas: There are more and more toxic gases existing in the air with the improvement
of industrial level, which mainly include SO2, NOx, Cl2, HF, NH3, Hg, etc. Under some concentra-
tions, however, many kinds of vegetation can absorb toxic gases into their bodies through the laminas’
pores and tresses’ lenticels, and use redox to transfer them into non-toxic gases, or exclude those toxic
gases out of their bodies by the root system or get them together in some organs. As such, vegetation
can play a cleaning function to air pollutions. Some researches have showed that 1-hectare Japan ce-
dars can absorb 720 kilogram SO2 every year. The concentration of HF will be reduced to 47.9%
when going through a green belt of 40-metre width.
(3) Trap dust: Dust is one of the main air pollutions besides toxic gases. Vegetation, particularly
trees, can effectively hold up, filtrate and absorb dusts. This is because trees have strong crowns and
their leaves are covered by hairs and excretive greases, which enable trees to play an active role in
trapping dusts. For example, it can slow down the wind through the trees shielding function. The pol-
luting dusts particles will be eliminated after they fall down to the ground. It was reported that in
Hamburger (1966), the annual average value of dusts was over 850 milligram per square metres in the
urban areas almost with no trees. While in the suburban areas, this average value around the parks
with flourishing trees was lower than 100 milligram per square metres. It has been measured in Bei-
jing, when the greening coverage rate (see section 4.2.3) was 10%, the total number of suspending
dusts particles was reduced 15.7%. While the greening coverage rate was 40%, this number was re-
duced 62.9%.
(2) Improve urban climate suitability: According to W.Miller (1996), there were four elements in-
fluencing urban climate: sun radiation, air temperature, humidity, and airflow. The frontal two ele-
ments have been mentioned before. Here it primarily concerns about the latter two elements. Vegeta-
tion leaf surface can play a transpiration function that can not only drop down the temperature but
also increase the humidity. Some researches have proved that 1-hectare forestry can transpire 8000-
ton water and absorb 4 billion calorie heat every year. So green spaces can improve 4%~30% air hu-
midity. Generally the range where massive green spaces can adjust the humidity, is equal to the dis-
tance around the green spaces that is 10~20 times than the tree height, even enlarging to the
neighbouring districts of 500-metre service radius. Moreover, green spaces can hold back, lead, rotate,
and filtrate airflow (Li 1999). In order to prevent the wind hazard, it can use green belts that are verti-
cal to the main wind direction to form a barrier. The density, highness of green belts and the distance
of conserved areas are the most important to influence on the wind speed. Those green spaces in riv-
erside and lakeside can be used to lead the natural airflow from suburbs to the inner city. As such, the
air convection is improved.
4. Eliminate noise
As one kind of the environmental pollution, noise will have a bad effect on residents’ health when it is
over 70-decibel. The most effective method to eliminate noise is to make a suitable green space sys-
tem. The surface of tree’s stem and leaf is very rough. Its numerous tiny pores and dense hairs can
prevent the sound wave from transmitting, all of which can function as eliminating the noise. It has
been proved that a 4.4-meter width green belt can eliminate 6-decibel noise. 40-meter width multiple
hierarchical green spaces combined by arbors, shrubs and grasses can eliminate 10~15 decibel noise.
Noise will be eliminated much better if green spaces are closer to the noise source. Likewise, the more
flourishing the green spaces, the better the effect of eliminating noise. A denser and wider green belt
of 19~30 meter integrated with a soft soil surface can eliminate 50% of the total noise. Actually it is
impossible to construct very wide green belts in the city because of the limited spaces. If it is ration-
ally designed, however, even a 6-meter width green belt can have some good effects on eliminating
the noise. Furthermore, the barrier function of green spaces can give people a kind of psychological
relief that they can eliminate noise.
1. Recreation
Recreation is one of the four urban basic functions in the Athens Charter. Active life itself is recrea-
tion and recreation is the essence of life (Wu 1998). Arousal-seeking theory says recreation is a kind
of behaviour that can improve the individual arousal level. It is created by the interactive requirements
between the individuality and environment, or between the individuality and society. The task of rec-
reation is to provide people with opportunities to optimise the arousal level. When the urban planners
and landscape designers regard green spaces as an important designing element and take it into appli-
cation, they will virtually create the active open spaces where people can have a rest and play. With
the improvement of material and culture, urban residents put their more emphasis on pursuing outdoor
recreations. They are fond of carrying out all kinds of recreations in the green space system just be-
cause of its diverse representations, multiple functions and intimate characteristics. For example, the
green space system in Guangzhou is an important resource and base for tour. Its greening rate (see
section 4.2.3) in some sense determines the attractiveness for tourists, and this attractiveness is able to
effectively promote the sale and production of urban tour products.
In order to make the residents have a good recreation in the green space system, it needs to ensure
every one can have some suitable areas of green spaces. Thus a standard was made that green space
per capita should be over 60 square metres. If 10% of the total urban residents spend the holiday in
the green space system at the same time, then every one should have at least 6 square metres public
green spaces. According to the research that Chinese Urban Planning and Designing Institute has
made on the requirements for recreation green spaces, public green space per capita F=P*f/e. Where,
P is the residents travelling rate (%) in the holiday. This rate was 8% in 1988 and it will increase 1%
every four years. f represents the area that every traveller should have. It is 60 square metres per cap-
ita in the large park while 30 square metres per capita in the residential park. e is the turnover coeffi-
cient representing the percentage that current travellers divide by total travellers in the rush hour. The
calculated result is public green space for planning is 7~11 square metres per capita applied from
2000 to 2010.
For the majority of the middle and low-income class people, a public green space serves as an
essential meeting place, a place where they can go and spend their time while relaxing. It is true that
green spaces are centres of recreation. This is more prevalent if the green space is within 10-minute
walking distance. In many developing countries, not many amenities are offered by green spaces.
Thus a proportion of people occupy themselves by playing games, others go walking and the rest
simply take view of the green space surroundings from a distance. The urban poor generally have few
affordable options for recreation, and thus place a high value on green areas (Mugenyi 2002).
2. Landscape aesthetics
From the view of architects, green space is the “soft component” that composes an integrated urban
space with ‘hard space’ enclosed by entities. The landscape function of green spaces mainly reflects
on space, time and location these three elements (Hesheng 1999). Green vegetation can enrich the ur-
ban architecture complex skyline and intenerate the hard space through their different forms, colours
and styles. So green spaces can not only beautify the urban feature and set off architectures, but also
improve aesthetic effects, which makes the urban environment more uniform and more diverse.
Meanwhile, in order to embody the landscape value of symbolic aesthetics, it can combine different
kinds of green spaces to enclose, plot out spaces and then to create a good urban space image.
In his bookmaking The Image of City, Lynch (1961) has proposed five kinds of image elements from
the perspective of landscape sense: path, edges, district, nodes and landmarks. He pointed out that im-
age is resulted from the interaction between environment and observer. Urban green space is the criti-
cal element for people to recognize and grasp the landscape structure. And it has a strong imageability
because of its tuneful colours, integrated shape, intimate scale and obvious greenness. On the other
hand, green space has become an important element to embody the urban culture and reconstruct the
urban feature. This is because more and more people have felt city has its own characteristics, also
called ‘Local Spirit’ (Shi 2002). It means that thinking and emotion, which are based on the local
natural characteristics, can create a specific cultural landscape with those natural landscapes such as
local terrain, soil, vegetation, water body, etc. as the urban green landscape line, green spaces gener-
ally occupy 25%~30% of the urban landuse, which will be the main element influencing on the urban
feature. In addition, every green space has its specific form, colour and style. All of these characteris-
tics will have a good expression of the ‘Local Spirit’. A good example is Lincoln Park, Grand Park
and Jackson Park connected by the green belts, have their own playground, botanic garden, gallery,
museum and other facilities, which has endowed the city with more cultural meanings and creates a
large-scale, impressive green space system in the world.
3. Adjust psychology
Green space can play a psychological role to people. M.J.Cohen (1993) has summarized the psycho-
logical effects on the nature. He concluded there are 97 kinds of human activities related to the nature,
which can produce 49 kinds of satisfactions. From the view of chromatics, lakes’ blueness and vegeta-
tion’ greenness belong to impassive colours that can make people calm down. If there are not enough
blueness and greenness but full of exciting redness in the city, there will be no peaceful environment
for the residents (Shi 2002). Thus it can be showed that people must live together with the nature. In
general, social benefits of green spaces originate from the potential influence that green spaces act on
people’s psychological behaviour model. This research tries to explicate it from the perspective of
environmental behaviour.
People, as a single entity, have a mutual relationship with the existing environment. Kurt Lewin, a
German psychologist, described such relationship as the following formula, which constitutes his ba-
sic frame of “Field Theory” (Shi 2002) :
B=f (P, E)
B—behaviour P—personality E—environment
The above three parameters can transfer with each other. It means that people’s behaviour is the
mutual result of realistic nature and social environment. Based on the essential grasp to people’s
behaviour, here it adopts the explanation about the basic requirement and inner motivity in the
hierarchic requirement theory (Figure 2.2), to analyse people’s behaviour within the city. In contrast
to the functions of green space system, it can be found that green spaces with a beautiful environment
help to eliminate physical tiredness and mental oppression, and satisfy people’s physiological re-
quirements. Also, green spaces in a good layout condition can create some relatively private and pri-
vate spaces, not only making people feel homelike and relaxed, but also satisfying people’s safety re-
quirement. Moreover, green spaces can maintain a beautiful, clean, comfortable environment for
working and study, and provide spaces for rest and outdoor communication, which can satisfy peo-
ple’s requirement for going back to the nature and the need of ownership and love. In addition, recrea-
tion can satisfy the upper two requirements (in Figure 2.2).
Requirements for ownership and love: recreation, ownership, friends’ love, etc.
4. Education
Generally it is easy to ignore the education function in the social benefit of green spaces. Actually just
because of the functions of recreation, landscape aesthetics and creating urban feature, green space
has been a powerful media to potentially transmit all kinds of information and emotion in the city,
which will influence on the residents’ personality. Here it adopts the model of individual behaviour
(Shi 2002) to explain the above process. The model is:
B—Behaviour, H—Heritage, E—Environment, L—Learning, P—Pursuit
Where, the element of H cannot be changed but other elements can be adjusted gradually. It is neces-
sary to emphasize the active effects of green spaces exerting on E (environment), L (learning), and P
(pursuit). As an external environment, green space itself is a nature museum and outdoor classroom. It
is also a good place for disseminating and spreading the science. As such, people can have chances to
directly approach the green spaces, learn more about them and consciously cherish them. In a fresh
and quiet living environment, people’s life style and behaviour will be potentially affected. A suitable
green space system can arouse residents’ environmental consciousness, make them produce pursuit,
and desire for learning the green spaces environment. After the step-by-step learning and conscious
observation about the nature’s vicissitude, people will have more profound comprehensions on their
own surroundings. Thus a good circular ring is formed (Figure 2.3).
stimulating understanding
Pursuit Learning
In order to stimulate the working of the above circular ring, it is critical to create an elegant environ-
ment and make a suitable green space system, which can provide people with more chances to ap-
proach the nature, particularly for the youth. It is impossible; otherwise, to appeal that people should
care about their surrounding ecological environment and control their improper daily behaviours.
Nowadays there are many foreign schools locating in the good green space system. They entitle stu-
dents to manage the vegetative districts in parcels. This helps to improve the children’s commonweal
conception and make up for those disadvantages in the classroom. It is beneficial for children to learn
more about the nature, and it can improve their consciousness, creativity, imagination, the spirit of
loving life and go-ahead. Therefore, it is necessary to attach more importance to the social benefits of
green spaces, and the more important is to stimulate the working of the above education circular ring.
Market price is composed of three parts. One is some tangible products can directly generate the mar-
ket price, such as the productions of lumbers, drugs, nurseries, fruit gardens, etc. The production value
of flowers is 13 billion dollars every year in the Netherlands, German and many other countries. An-
other part is some intangible products can also generate the market price, such as the increase of sur-
rounding land price, the increment of service, etc. In the new district of Pao Ya in Dalian city, the
housing price rises from original 800~1000 RMB per square meters to 2000 RMB per square meters
after the green spaces are suitably distributed. The last part of market price is also attached to some
intangible products, which can generate the market price but are not realized by substance exchange.
For example, the ticket prices in some landscape areas and the prices of travelling service, construct-
ing urban feature for improving the investing environment belong to this part. So it is very important
to create an elegant environment to attract more investors, and then it will have good effects on the
urban economy. In Dalian, China, the newly increased public green spaces are 6580 thousand square
metres from 1994 to 1999, and the greening coverage rate reaches 40%. Meanwhile, the number of the
joint, cooperative and single-foreign-invested enterprises has been developed from 1400 to 7000. This
is the economic benefits resulted from the environmental benefits.
There are two conceptions of broad-sense and narrow-sense to calculate the economic benefits of ur-
ban green spaces. Broad-sense means it only calculates the substantial outputs represented by value
and the benefits attained through management. Narrow-sense tries to convert the ecological, social
and market value into currency unit, with the aim of reflecting the real value within the green spaces.
At present, it is feasible to calculate the economic benefits but difficult to calculate the social benefits.
Some scholars have used ecological benefits to reflect the social benefits, namely ecological benefits
contain social meanings. In general, it is an arduous task for us to calculate the total benefits in the
urban green spaces. How to calculate and which is the best method? It is a burning issue.
3. Methodology
Map overlay is a kind of visual and intuitionistic method. It can integrate environmental factors with
social-economic factors to make the suitability analysis. The disadvantage of this method is that it is
essentially a kind of equal-weight additive method. Actually each factor’s function is different and
sometimes the same factor may be considered repeatedly. Another advantage is that while the factors
increase, it is rather complicate to use the gradual colours to represent different suitability classes and
to make the overlay. Moreover, it is difficult to identify the little difference from the gradual colours
in the composite map. Anyway, map overlay plays an important historical role in the development of
ecological suitability analysis. Afterwards, many new methods are developed primarily based on this
The method of equal-weight summation is first to quantify the factor’s class, then to make a direct
addition and finally to get a composite evaluation value. This method takes advantage of different
numerical values (map overlay uses gradual colours) to represent the suitability class, which can over-
come the inconvenient map overlay and the difficulty to identify the gradual colours. The formula of
equal-weight summation is presented below (the premise of such direct overlay method is that each
factor’s influence on the specific land use is similar and independent):
Vij = Bkij
k =1
Where, i represents the parcel number or gird number; j represents the land use number; k repre-
sents the number of the ecological factor influencing the j th land use; n represents the total of the
ecological factors; Bkij represents the suitability evaluation value of the k th ecological factor in the
in the i th parcel of the j th land use ( single factor evaluation value); Vij represents the composite
evaluation value in the i th parcel of the j th land use (composite ecological suitability of the j th land
Vij = BkijWk
k =1
The method of weighted score overcomes those disadvantages in the method of equal-weight summa-
tion. Another important advantage of this method is able to make a girding, classification and
quantification in the map, which is suitable for the computer application. This is why this method is
so widely applied in the past few years. Whether the method of direct overlay or the method of
weighted score, however, the mathematics theory requires that each factor should be independent. Ac-
tually many factors have mutual relationships and mutual influences with each other. In order to over-
come this disadvantage, ecological planning experts create a new method of ‘ecological factors com-
This method can be classified into hierarchical combination and non-hierarchical combination. The
method of hierarchical combination is first to use a set of dependent factors to identify the suitability
level, then to regard these dependent factors as a new factor and to combine it with other dependent
factors to identify the final suitability level. The method of non-hierarchical combination is to com-
bine all the dependent factors to identify the suitability level at the same time. Obviously, this method
is suitable for the analysis with a few factors. And it is useful to apply the hierarchical combination in
the analysis with large number of factors. Whether the method of hierarchical combination or non-
hierarchical combination, first it is necessary for experts to establish a set of complicate and inte-
grated dependent factors and an evaluation standard. This is the most critical and difficult step to ap-
ply the method of ecological factors combination in the suitability analysis. Allowing for the data
available and the limited time for the fieldwork, the method of weighted score was selected to carry
out the GIS-based suitability analysis in this research (see section 4.3.5).
One of the burning issues in the GIS application is to establish the application and analysis models
according to different requirements, such as land suitability evaluation, ecological sensitive areas
analysis, ecological benefits analysis, and so on. In the suitability analysis, GIS offers spatial overlay
capabilities and grid-cell processing methods that enable us to analyse spatial factors (Shuaib 1998).
Its development and capability to overlay digital maps has made suitability mapping easier and
quicker. Its potential for being linked with the planning process through the development and
application of relevant models, can be realised by its functionality. Since suitability analysis deals
with the analysis of several data sets, GIS can effectively be used in looking at the characteristics of
land from a number of layers for each location to solve a problem. GIS-based models can be used to
create simplified representations of phenomena. This is done in GIS by combining different sets of
map layers to analyse the relationships between them.
GIS-based suitability analysis models generally take advantage of the method of weighted score and
the method of ecological factors combination (see section 3.2). IGIS (Intelligent Geographic Informa-
tion System) is the latest development of GIS technology. It can integrate the expert knowledge with
the immense functions in the computer system, which will have great potentials later on. Just because
GIS can process enormous data and have the powerful functions of displaying and outputting maps, it
will be the main tendency to apply GIS in the suitability analysis.
1. TSAM procedure
Land suitability analysis is to determine the suitability for some specific landuses by scoring the land.
In other words, the higher the score, the more suitable the land for some specific landuses. The tradi-
tional suitability analysis includes the following three steps:
(1) Selecting suitability factor. Each factor is represented by a thematic map in GIS. (2) Single factor
analysis. Namely according to the single-factor evaluation standard, score is given to the map unit of
each factor and then the single factor suitability map is generated. The score is normally grouped into
‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ (ratio value) these three classes, which respectively represents ‘no suitability’, ‘moderate
suitability’ and ‘high suitability’. Sometimes the score can be grouped into five or six classes based on
different requirements. (3) Multiple factors overlay. First weights are assigned to the suitability fac-
tors according to their relative importance. The weights are determined by statistic integration and
hierarchic analysis in this research (see section 3.5). Then it takes advantage of Formula 3.2 to calcu-
late the composite score (final score).
It should be noted that in the vector-based TSAM, the map unit after overlay is the most basic unit
produced by multiple factors overlay. While in the raster-based TSAM, the map unit after overlay is
the same as the original map unit in the single-factor map, which is composed of regular-arranged
grids. Actually the principle of the vector-based TSAM is the same as that of the raster-based TSAM.
The difference between them is the map processing. In this research, raster-based structure is used to
carry out the GIS-based suitability analysis.
2. Example
The following is a simple example to select a suitable site for new green spaces. In order to explain
the TSAM more clearly, here we only select two factors: existing land use, slope. We assume there
are only two kinds of land uses in the single factor map of existing land use: existing green space,
built up area. The existing green space includes an old park and a new park, and only residential land
is in the built up area. Their codes are ‘26’, ‘25’, ‘24’. The single factor map of slope is grouped into
three classes: 0% ≤ slope<1%, 1% ≤ slope<10%, 10% ≤ slope<20%. Here the slope is ‘0.1%’, ‘9.99%’,
‘10%’, and their codes are ‘16’, ‘15’, ‘14’. Scores given to these two single factors are presented in
Table 3.1. For simpleness we assume these two factors have the same weights, namely W1=W2=0.5.
According to the single factor analysis and the multiple factors overlay, this TSAM procedure can be
realized in Figure 3.1. The final overlay results show that, the higher the composite score, the more
suitable the land use for the new green spaces.
16 (0.1%)
26 25 24 15 (9.99%)
14 (10%)
3 3 1 2
× W1 × W2
It means that if A holds then B holds. For example, if the land use belongs to the existing green space,
then it gets a score of ‘3’. As mentioned above, the old park and the new park belong to this class of
‘existing green space’, but they are obviously different. In order to exactly identify the difference be-
tween them, the user has to give a certainty factor (CF) to this rule:
IF A THEN B (CF=0.8)
It means the certainty that the user is certain of the rule ‘if A holds then B holds’ is 80%. For example,
we can give a certainty factor of ‘0.8’ to the old park, which means the certainty of the rule ‘if the
land use is an old park then it gets the score of 3’ is 80%. Likewise, we can give the new park a cer-
tainty factor of ‘0.3’, to reflect the certainty that the new park gets the score of ‘3’ is 30%. We also
can give the certainty factor of ‘0.2’, ‘0.4’, or other values less than ‘0.8’ to the new park. The value
of the certainty factor should be based on the current situation and the practical requirements. Thus it
can be showed that the certainty factor arranges from ‘0’ to ‘1’. There are two methods to determine
the certainty factor:
(1) The certainty factor is determined by the user. This method is suitable for the qualitative evalua-
tion. For example, the suitability of the old park and the new park are difficult to be described by a
mathematical formula. So it has to be determined by the user based on the real condition. As men-
tioned above, the certainty factor of the old park to get the score of ‘3’ is ‘0.8’, while that of the new
park to get the score of ‘3’ is ‘0.3’. As such, the suitability difference between the subclass of the old
park and the new park is identified.
(2) The certainty factor is determined by establishing a certainty factor function. This method is suit-
able for the quantitative evaluation (e.g. the continuous variable). For example, the suitability class of
‘0% ≤ slope<1%’ gets the score of ‘3’ in the slope map. We assume the slope between ‘0%’ and ‘1%’
is linear. Thus a certainty factor function can be established to identify the difference between the
slope of ‘0%’ and ‘1%’. The other two certainty factor functions for the class of ‘1% ≤ slope<10%’
and the class of ‘10% ≤ slope<20%’ are established in the same way (Formula 3.3):
x−0 x−0
CF ( x ) = 1 − = 1− (0% ≤ x% < 1%)
1− 0 1
x −1 x −1
CF ( x ) = 1 − = 1− (1% ≤ x% < 10%)
10 − 1 9
x − 10 x − 10
CF ( x ) = 1 − = 1− (10% ≤ x% < 20%)
20 − 10 10
Formula 3.3 Certainty factor function
0. 1 − 0
Where, x represents the slope value. If x% = 0.1% , its CF = 1 − = 0.9 , which means the
certainty that the slope of ‘0.1%’ can get the score of ‘3’ is 90%. If x% = 9.99% , its
9.99 − 1
CF = 1 − = 0.001 , which means the certainty that the slope of ‘9.99%’ can get the score of
10 − 10
‘2’ is 0.1%. Likewise, if x% = 10% , its CF = 1 − = 1 . The original score and the certainty
factors for each single factor have been determined, now we can use Formula 3.4 to calculate the
composite certainty factor CF '( x) (composite single factor score).
CF '( x) = S ( x) − 1 + CF ( x)
Where, S ( x) represents the original single factor score, namely S ( x) = ‘1’, ‘2’, or ‘3’. According to
the above principles and the multiple factors overly theory, the procedure of the improved traditional
suitability analysis model (ITSAM) is realized in Figure 3.2. It is showed that this ITSAM encom-
passes more enriched and precise information than the TSAM (Figure 3.1). In other words, the differ-
ence among the different subclasses within the same suitability class is identified (e.g. the difference
between the old park and the new park), and the difference between the two different suitability
classes around the division of scores is not exaggerated but reduced (e.g. the difference between the
slope of ‘9.99%’ and ‘10%’). Therefore, the ITSAM can provide more options for the decision mak-
16 (0.1%)
26 25 24 15 (9.99%)
14 (10%)
3 0.9
3 3 1 0.8 0.3 1 2 0.001
1 1
2.8 2.3 1.0 1.001
× W1 × W2
3.4.3. Summary
This research has proposed two land suitability analysis models including TSAM and ITSAM. They
are all designed based on the multiple factors evaluation theory and the GIS technology. According to
the different practical requirements, users can change the weights and the single factor score, and
quickly get the final evaluation results. ITSAM, which takes advantage of the certainty factor, can
greatly simplify the operation in GIS, and has a more powerful application than the membership de-
gree in the fuzzy set theory. Determining the membership degree needs to consider the certainty that
the evaluation object belongs to each suitability class. If the land suitability analysis involves multiple
hierarchies, the evaluation procedure will be made rather complicate. The determination of the cer-
tainty factor, however, only needs to consider the certainty that the evaluation object belongs to one
suitability class, and it doesn’t need to assign the uncertainty to the other suitability classes. There-
fore, the certainty factor is easier integrated with GIS than the membership degree. The major disad-
vantage of using the certainty factor is that it has some subjectivity to determine the certainty factor in
the qualitative evaluation (e.g. the certainty factor ranges from ‘0’ to ‘1’, but it is somewhat subjective
to give the certainty factor of ‘0.8’ and ‘0.3’ to the old park and the new park). And if the values in the
single factor map are not linear, the certainty factor function is not very suitable for this quantitative
Table 3.2 is an example for one expert to compare the importance the importance among the evalua-
tion factors. The table shows that in this expert’s opinion, air pollution is the most important for
evaluating the environmental quality, followed by noise pollution, surface water pollution and
groundwater pollution. Other experts will also be asked to show their opinions by filling in the same
kind of investigating table. All the experts’ opinions about the factors importance order have been
showed in Table 3.3 by statistic induction. For example, as to the factor of air pollution, 71% of the
experts acknowledge it is the most important, second importance with 22%, third importance with
7%, and none of the experts think air pollution is the least important.
Table 3.3 is a statistic induction matrix and is represented by matrix D . Then we can create a weight-
ing order vector. This vector is represented by natural number order, namely C = ( 4,3,2,1) . Actually
it uses numerical number to identify the difference among the first importance, second importance,
third importance and last importance. Finally matrix D and vector C are integrated and each factor
weight is calculated according to Formula 3.5:
0.71 0.22 0.07 0 4
0.03 0.78 0.19 0 3
W = [ D • C T ]T = • = (3.64,2.84,1.98,2.13)
0.13 0.20 0.19 0.48 2
0.02 0.31 0.45 0.22 1
After the normalization, the original weighting vector, W = (3.64,2.84,1.98,2.13) , is converted into
the final weighting vector, W = (0.344,0.268,0.187,0.201) . As such, each factor weight is showed
in Table 3.4.
There are some advantages in applying the method of statistic integration. First this method is based
on inquiring many experts with different contexts. Each weight is calculated by statistic induction and
integration, and the calculated values are relatively precise. It is suitable for the evaluation that needs
to allow for large number of factors. The most disadvantage of statistic integration is that it has some
subjectivity to create the weighting order vector (vector C ). This weighting order vector has an im-
portant effect on the relationship among the final values, namely different weighting order vectors
will generate different weights according to Formula 3.5, and the ratio among the weights will be dif-
ferent. To some extent, the final weights calculated by the method of statistic integration are relatively
precise and scientific, but it can’t completely get away from the man-made interference after all.
Here it also uses the example of environmental quality evaluation to explain the method of hierarchic
analysis of nine-degree. The example includes four factors: air pollution, surface water pollution,
groundwater pollution, and noise pollution. First it needs to make the pairwise comparison based on
the stakeholder analysis. For example, when air pollution (factor i) is compared with surface water
pollution (factor j), if four experts acknowledge that factor i is moderately more important than factor
j in the urban environment (the value should be ‘3’ according to the nine-degree scale), while three
experts accept that factor i is strongly more important than factor j (the value should be ‘5’). So the
final numerical value will be ‘3’ in the structural judgment matrix. As such, the structural judgment
matrix (Table 3.6) will be generated by the numerical values based on Table 3.5 and the stakeholder
It should be noted that in Table 3.6, all the values are ‘1’ in the main diagonal of the structural judge-
ment matrix (self comparison). The corresponding values between the upper triangle and the lower
triangle are reciprocals (the upper triangle represents comparing factor i with factor j while the lower
triangle represents comparing factor j with factor i). After the normalization, the eigenvector of the
largest eigenvalue is W = (0.56,0.24,0.05,0.15) , and those four factors weights are determined by
this eigenvector (Table 3.7).
The method of hierarchic analysis of nine-degree can be potentially useful for determining factors
weighs in many ways. The powerful mathematics is the main reason why this method is so prevalent.
It helps to elicit the complex judgements of different experts in a common platform. It also ensures
accuracy in the sense that it has an inbuilt method to check the inconsistency of judgements (see:
Saaty and Vargas, 1984). This ensures that the judgements are provided only with sufficient care and
the error due to negligence is thus minimised. However, due to the fast growing number of pairwise
comparisons, it is not sensible to use the method of hierarchic analysis of nine-degree for a large set of
factors. In other words, it is difficult to determine the numerical value from the nine-degree scale
when too many factors need to be considered. For example, air pollution is more important than sur-
face water pollution for evaluating the environmental quality. But it is not easy to determine the value
of ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5’ to identify the importance scale. Hence, the final eigenvector of the largest eigen-
value derived from the structural judgement matrix also has some subjectivity.
(1) Comparing all the factors with each other and quantitating by Formula 3.6, and using the quantita-
tive values to generate the comparison matrix (Table 3.8).
In the above formula, K ij is the comparing quantitative value between factor i and factor j . It is the
corresponding element in the comparison matrix. If i = j , namely K 11 , K 22 , K 33 , K 44 , it means fac-
tors are compared with themselves, the value will be ‘1’ in the main diagonal of the comparison ma-
trix (Table 3.8). Just like the structural judgment matrix of nine-degree (Table 3.6), the values in this
comparison matrix of three-degree are determined based on Formula 3.6 and the stakeholder analysis.
Factor K1 K2 K3 K4
i =1
Air pollution K1 1 2 2 2 7
Surface water pollution K2 0 1 2 2 5
Groundwater pollution K3 0 0 1 0 1
Noise pollution K4 0 0 2 1 3
(2) Using the cumulant ( K i ) from the comparison matrix to make the structural judgment matrix
i =1
by Formula 3.7.
Ki − K j
• (bm − 1) + 1( K i ≥ K j )
K max − K min
rij =
Ki − K j
1 /[ • (1 − bm ) + 1]( K i < K j )
K max − K min
In the above formula, rij represents the elements in the structural judgment matrix. K i , K j respec-
tively represents the rows cumulant ( K i ) of the corresponding factor in the comparison matrix.
i =1
For example, K 1 = 7, K 2 = 5, K 3 = 1, K 4 = 3 in Table 3.8. K max , K min are the maximum value and
minimum value in K i . bm is equal to K max + K min , which is the sum of the corresponding values
i =1
between the most important factor and the lest important factor. Here bm = 8 . Thus the structural
judgment matrix (Table 3.9) is made.
(3) Just like the hierarchic analysis of nine-degree, after the normalization the eigenvector of the larg-
est eigenvalue derived from the structural judgment matrix is W = (0.588,0.256,0.048,0.108) . Note
that the eigenvector is showed as a vector, and the values in this vector represent the corresponding
factors weights. Unlike the integration matrix in the method of statistic integration, hierarchic analysis
of three-degree needn’t create a weighting order vector to generate the structural judgement matrix.
These two different matrixes contain two different kinds of information. The factors weights are
showed in Table 3.10.
Comparing with hierarchic analysis of nine-degree, the method of hierarchic analysis of three-degree
is easier for decision makers to understand and take into application. It is more explicit and has better
certainty. Particularly when a large number of evaluation factors need to be considered, it is easier to
make the pairwise comparison and transform the comparison judgements into numerical values, only
allowing for the three-degree scale. Xu (1999) has proved that this advantage will be showed com-
pletely when it needs to evaluate more than ten factors. Here the example only allow for four factors,
so this advantage cannot be showed obviously. However, the discernment in hierarchic analysis of
three-degree is not very good. For example, one expert acknowledges that air pollution is very
strongly more important than groundwater pollution and it gets the value of ‘2’ in the three-degree
scale. Another expert thinks air pollution is weakly more important than groundwater pollution, but it
also gets the same value of ‘2’ according the three-degree scale. As such, two different opinions will
generate the same weighting system, which can be showed that the discernment in hierarchic analysis
of three-degree is not very powerful.
He thinks any criterion (factor) can be converted to a measurable quantity. The style is a kind of nu-
meric value that reflects the degree to which a particular objective is achieved. And “an objective is a
statement about the desired state of the system.”
Evaluation methods differ in the type of decision rule applied, the characteristics of the set of alterna-
tives they can handle and the type of rules used to value the attributes (Jankowski and Richard 1994).
As to the set of alternatives, this research is a kind of discrete decision problems comprising a finite
set of alternatives (six suitability scenarios in this research), while continuous decision problems are
characterized by an infinite number of feasible alternatives. The problem in discrete evaluation is to
identify the attractiveness of alternatives, based on two elements: 1) the consequences of the alterna-
tives in terms of the decision criteria; 2) the weights assigned to the criteria.
There are many methods to evaluate the ranking of alternatives till now. Most of them are designed to
process quantitative information on attributes (e.g. weighted summation, ideal point method). In order
to process qualitative or mixed information, some evaluation methods such as regime method, evamix
method or permutation method have been developed. According to the aggregation method, the DM-
analyst relationship and to the way of elucidation of the preferences, evaluation methods can be
grouped in three classes: compensatory approach, outranking approach and non-compensatory ap-
proach. Compensatory approach assumes that there is an absolute compensation in the evaluation,
which means high performance in one criterion of one alternative can compensate its weak perform-
ance in another criterion. Outranking approach is partially compensatory. It is based on the pairwise
comparisons of all alternatives and their outranking relations. Non-compensatory approach accepts the
hypothesis that there is no compensation among the criteria al all. (Table 3.11)
All methods mentioned in the above table will be evaluated according to their information require-
ments, the efficiency of using information and the effectiveness of the method in terms of the results.
Allowing for the quantitative information in this research, it will use two methods including weighted
summation and electre method to make the ranking of alternatives (six suitability scenarios).
S= ( xij wi ) (i = 1,......i; j = 1,...... j )
i =1
Where S represents the final score of alternatives. The higher the S, the better the ranking of alterna-
tive. xij is the score of alternative j according to criterion i. wi is the weight assigned to the evalua-
tion criterion. Thus it can be showed that the final scores and ranking depend on the standardization
method and weights assigned. Weighted summation can only be applied if the attributes are additive
(Sharifi and Herwijnen 2003). It requires quantitative information on scores and weights. Only the
relative values of this information are used in the evaluation. Weighted summation can provide a
complete ranking and information on the relative differences between alternatives.
Thus it can be showed the basic idea of this method is to measure the degree to which scores and their
associated weights confirm or contradict the dominant pairwise relationships among alternatives. This
dominance relationship for every pair of alternatives can be derived by a concordance index and a dis-
cordance index. The concordance index for the alternatives j and k, conc (j,k), which represents the
degree to which alternative j is better than alternative k, can be defined by summing the weights asso-
ciated with criteria contained in the concordance set (Formula 3.9). The discordance index, disc (j,k),
representing the degree to which alternative j is worse than alternative k, can be defined as the largest
of those differences between the scores of both alternatives from the discordance set (Formula 3.10).
This reflects that beyond a certain level, bad performance on one criterion cannot be compensated for
by good performance on the other criterion (Janssen 1994).
conc( j, k ) = wi ( wi = 1 , xij and xik are the original scores)
i: xij ≥ xik i =1
− − − −
disc ( j , k ) = max ( xik − xij ) ( xik and xij are the standardised scores)
i:xij ≥ xik
Then two concordance threshold values and two discordance threshold values have to be defined by
decision maker. These threshold values, in combination with the concordance and discordance indices
are used to establish a weak and a strong outranking relationship between each pair of alternatives.
Finally an iterative procedure of step-by-step elimination is used to convert the weak and the strong
graph representing these outranking relationships into an overall ranking of the alternatives.
3.6.3. Summary
The assumptions behind weighted summation are that weights are quantitative, the criteria scores are
determined on a ratio scale, and value is aggregated by addition. The most frequently violated
assumption is the second one. It is sometimes impossible to measure all the relevant criteria on a ratio
scale. Another potential disadvantage is that if the criteria weights are not linear, it will make the lin-
ear aggregation of value not very precise. The advantage of this method is its simplicity. However,
this simplicity not only limits the ranking of alternatives but also limits sensitivity analysis.
There are also some advantages and disadvantages in electre method. First, the pairwise comparison
between alternatives can provide a much more elegant evaluation of the relative performance of a
given alternative. Second, this method is relatively thorough because every alternative is compared
with every other alternative instead of the performance of the alternatives being stated by an average
achievement. Third, the threshold values give the user some control over what minimum standards are
to be enforced. However, this method is somewhat complex that only users familiar with this tech-
nique can understand the mechanics, which will make the control of threshold values meaningless. In
some sense, this analysis is a ‘black box’ approach that miraculously decides which alternative is the
best. Therefore, electre method makes better use of available information than the weighted summa-
tion, but it may not necessarily be better for decision support.
(1989), uncertainty arises from lack of information or knowledge of some aspects of a decision prob-
lem. Sometimes uncertainty can be avoided by collecting more information, and sometimes it must be
accepted because it is due to unforeseen occurrences. The main factors of uncertainty are the role of
chance, the ambiguity and insufficient understanding of a problem and in making an abstraction of the
actual problem.
Multicriteria evaluation (MCE) consists of four main components: criteria, criteria scores, weights
(priorities) and the choice of an evaluation method. Generally there are some ambiguities existing in
one or all of these components, so the MCE results will always be associated with some uncertainties.
Since the aim of evaluation is to provide the decision maker with the best alternative or with a ranking
of alternatives, these uncertainties are only relevant to their impacts on the ranking. In this research,
therefore, procedures are introduced to analyse the sensitivity of the ranking to criteria scores and
the weights, particularly when the weights need to be quantitatively assessed. According to Sharifi
and Herwijnen (2003), sensitivity of the ranking to the weights can be tested by: (1) looking at the
overall uncertainty of the weights; (2) looking at the influence on the ranking when changing one
criterion weight; (3) looking at changes in all weights; (4) using different sets of weights. The first
two methods can be analysed in a similar manner as the above methods concerning the sensitivity of
the ranking to the criteria scores. Here it only emphasizes on the latter two methods.
3.7.3. Summary
There are several advantages of using sensitivity analysis on the ranking of alternatives. First, sensi-
tivity analysis recognizes the uncertainty associated with the input and gives information about the
range of output variability. Second, it identifies evaluation criteria that may have the greatest potential
impact on the ranking. This can allow analyst to focus on those criteria that are most important. Third,
the process provides more information upon which to base a decision. In particular, it provides a no-
tion of where the impacts of uncertainty are important for the analysis and where they are not. This
will cause the analyst to gather additional information. Fourth, it is relatively easy to compute the
necessary information required for either approach. In fact, the analyst can assume a range of values
around the most likely case, without undertaking a great deal of work. Fifth, because the process re-
quires a careful examination of the criteria and weights most likely to influence ranking of alterna-
tives, the analyst is better informed as to what the results of the analysis truly represent. Finally sensi-
tivity analysis can be used on any measure of alternatives and can be used when there are little infor-
mation, resources, and time for more sophisticated techniques.
Several disadvantages are also prevalent. First, there is no explicit probabilistic measure of risk expo-
sure. That is, although the analyst might be sure that one of several outcomes might happen, the
analysis contains no explicit measure of their respective likelihood. So it does not reflect the effects of
diversification and does not incorporate any information about the possible magnitudes of the forecast
errors. Second, while the method fails to account for criteria interaction, the scenario approach usually
only includes a small number of potential scenarios. Finally, the lack of a systematic method for de-
termining the appropriate combination of criteria and weights used to define given scenarios limits the
reliability of sensitivity analysis.
As such, six suitability scenarios will come out according to different sets of scores and weights, and
certainty factors. Here, it uses statistic integration to calculate the weights for ‘suitability scenario 1’
and ‘suitability scenario 4’. Hierarchic analysis of nine-degree is applied in generating ‘suitability
scenario 2’ and ‘suitability scenario 5’. Weights calculated by hierarchic analysis of three-degree are
used to generate ‘suitability scenario 3’and ‘suitability scenario 6’. The first three suitability scenarios
are based on the traditional suitability analysis model (TSAM). Certainty factor is another important
element applied in generating ‘suitability scenario 4’, ‘scenario 5’ and ‘scenario 6’. These three suit-
ability scenarios are based on the improved traditional suitability analysis model (ITSAM). After-
wards, it wants to use MCA (multicriteria analysis) to carry out the ranking among the above six suit-
ability scenarios (alternatives). Sensitivity analysis is then used to test the validity of scores, weights
and the ranking of alternatives. Thus, we can make a conclusion based on all the above analyses. If the
conclusion is satisfied, we can take the final best suitability scenario into application. Otherwise, we
have to turn back to select another set of suitability factors, repeat all the above steps and try to get a
satisfied conclusion. The methodology flow chart is presented below:
4.1.1. Location
Dongguan municipality
Administrative region of Dongguan lies in the central-south of Guangdong province, and by the lower
passage of Dong River in the Pearl River Delta centre. To its north is Guangzhou and Shenzhen lies
south; to its east is Huizhou and Bolo while Panyu is parted by Pearl River on its west. It is situated in
the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hongkong economic corridor, which is renowned as a prosperous, high-
valued region.
This research only focuses on studying Dongguan municipality, which is located in the west north of
administrative region of Dongguan. Dongguan municipality is 50 kilometres far away from Guang-
zhou, 84 kilometres far away from Guangzhou and 80 kilometres far away from Guangzhou. It in-
cludes four districts: Urban centre, Huangchun district, Dongcheng district and Wanjiang district. Ac-
tually this study area is also a planning area validated from 2000 to 2015. It includes the existing ur-
ban area and some surrounding reserved areas for the urban future development. The location of this
study area (Gongguan municipality) is showed in Map 4.1.
The climate of Dongguan municipality is characterized by very hot in summer and warm in winter. It
is very sunny and rainy. The annual average temperature is 22 centigrade and the absolute highest
temperature reaches 41.2 centigrade. Particularly in July and in August, the temperature usually
ranges from 26 centigrade to 40 centigrade. The annual average rainfall is 1788.6 millimetres, the
highest rainfall reaches 367.8 millimetres, and the annual average relative humidity is 79%. Thus it
can be showed that the climate in Dongguan municipality is not very suitable for a good human set-
tlement. With the aim of making a better adjustment and improvement to the urban climate, one of the
most efficient methods is to make a suitable urban green space system.
The economy of Dongguan is mainly export-oriented, most capitals coming from abroad; meanwhile,
raw materials also coming from overseas, and the product distribution are carried out by international
market. Dongguan’s foreign capitals originated from ‘San Lai Yi Bu’ enterprises. But these enter-
prises have been developed into the joint, cooperative and single-foreign-invested enterprises. The
gross domestic product (GDP) of Dongguan was 41.284 billion RMB in 1999, which was 17.9% more
than that in 1998. The average GDP has been improved from 3961 RMB in 1989 to 27561 RMB in
1999. Using overseas capital and the total imports-exports are respectively 1.457 billion dollars and
28.463 billion dollars in 1999, which are 8.91% and 22.3% more than that in 1998. Dongguan has be-
come an international processing and manufacturing base, and the industry of electronic communica-
tion and electric machine develop very quickly. As such, much pollution has been generated with the
fast economy development, particularly the industry development. Then how to eliminate this pollu-
tion and improve the urban environment, to keep the existing economy development and attract more
investors, it is a burning issue for the economists, urban planners and local decision makers.
(2) It can’t use the predominant conditions of abundant mountains and water to construct a horticul-
tural city. Originally there were many mountains, lakes and rivers in the study area, and the natural
mountain-water skeleton was very good. But in the previous urban construction, some mountains were
destroyed and some lakes were used for other landuses. Moreover, the buildings were very close to
the rivers and lakes. Thus it can be showed that the favourable natural conditions can make Dongguan
be an elegant mountain-water horticultural city, but it cannot be well realized in the urban planning
and construction. Now the current suburban forestry can be regarded as the urban pulse, however,
only several types of trees existing in the forestry result in the bad ecological function.
(3) It cannot form a uniform-distributed park system integrated with large-scale parks, middle-scale
parks, and small-scale parks. The ecological diversity is poor and it lacks science and rationality to
distribute to the parks. The worst is that more and more parks are continuously replaced by other
commercial landuses.
2. Residential green space and departmental (work unit) affiliated green space
In Dongguan, one of the urban construction emphasises is to improve the environmental quality in the
residential areas and the work units. However, now it only focuses on the housing construction, re-
gardless of the residential green spaces. Particularly residential greening (afforestation) is the weak-
ness in the urban centre. In the residential districts, building density and floor area rate are high while
the road is narrow and there is a lack of green trees. The planning fieldwork has showed that there are
no formal parks in the residential districts except Bu Bu Gao residential quarter. So greening rate of
residential districts and work units is relatively low in the study area. Moreover, the quality and man-
agement of residential green spaces are not very good. Some high-class residential quarters can suc-
ceed in managing their green spaces, but most residential quarters are the exception, which has results
in the low environmental quality and poor ecological benefits (see section 2.3.1). The government
doesn’t attach enough importance to the balcony and roof greening. The problems existing in the
green spaces of work units are similar to that of residential districts. Namely greening rate is relatively
low and green spaces can’t play a good ecological role to the work units.
(1) Public green space per capita. It refers to the number of public green spaces that every resident
can own in the city. This index shows urban residents can directly share certain amount of green
spaces. To some extent, it also shows the condition with which green spaces can supply people’s rec-
reation. (2) Greening coverage rate. It refers to the percentage that the vertical projective areas of all
vegetation (arbour, shrub, grass, etc) share the total urban areas. (3) Greening rate. It refers to the
percentage that all kinds of green spaces share the total urban areas.
Total urban green spaces (m2) = Park areas + Public green space areas + Productive green space areas
+ Defensive green space areas + Ecological landscape green space areas + Specific green space areas
+ Road green space areas
Public green space per capita (m2/Person) = (Park areas + Public green space areas) / (Total urban
Greening coverage rate (%) = (Park areas + Coverage areas of street tree + Coverage
areas of other green spaces) / (Total urban areas) *100%
Greening rate (%) = Total urban green spaces / (Total urban areas) *100%
Greening coverage rate can reflect the coverage level within the city. It is one of the efficient stan-
dards used to assess the environmental quality. Except those massive grass lands, most greening cov-
erage rates are figured out by the stem size and by assuming different coverage areas. In China, urban
population is large and landuse per capita is relatively low. So in the urban afforestation, it should try
to develop the road greening and to plant trees in those vacant areas as much as possible. Some trees
‘occupying sky not occupying earth’ can efficiently improve the environmental quality. Thus it can be
showed that calculating greening coverage rate can accelerate the urban afforestation.
Now greening rate has been integrated with the greening coverage rate to act as the assessing index in
a district or a work unit. Thus it can be more exactly to reflect the environmental quality. But after
eliciting the greening rate, two problems should be analysed more critically. One is that it should not
use the unit of tree quantity in the planning and assessment of urban green space system, but use the
unit of green space area. The other is there should be a quantitative rule to identify to which extent
vegetation can be converted into green spaces, in order to ensure the green space system quality and
function as ecological benefits (see section 2.3.1). These two problems should be integrated with the
urban affroestation characteristics to make a further rule.
Public green space per capita is mainly to reflect the exoteric quality, namely it is an index to assess
the green space system for supplying people with recreation. From the view of ecological horticulture,
those public green spaces for recreation is one part of the urban green space system, and the function
of supplying people with recreation is only one aspect in the diverse social benefits (see section
2.3.2). According to Min (1999), recreation is the most important in the social benefits and it is feasi-
ble to regard public green space per capita as the most important index. However, only reflecting the
function of recreation is not enough. It should also reflect the total of all kinds of green spaces. The
index of greening rate that has been used since 1991 can make up this disadvantage. In summary,
greening rate integrated with public green space per capita and greening coverage rate can be used to
reflect the urban afforestation level and to assess the environmental quality in the round.
Based on the urban planning context, the existing situation of green space system and the national
greening indices, Dongguan planning bureau has proposed the desirable environmental quality:
Greening coverage rate in the planning area should be more than ‘50%’ until 2015, greening rate
should range from ‘30%~40%’, and public green space per capita in the built up area should be ‘10’
square metres (not including the Qingfeng mountain reservation and other landscape green belts). As
such, the government wants to import the forestry into the city and make the city approach the nature.
It will carry out the overall afforestation in the planning areas to reduce the loss of water and soil.
Taking advantage of the favourable climate condition and the good soil condition, Dongguan govern-
ment tries to construct an ecological city, realize sustainable development and create an optimal hu-
man settlement.
1. Urban planners
Six urban planners were invited to the group discussion. This group provided the most vivid discus-
sion, mostly about the potential for the development of tourism and the problems existing in the green
space system. Four urban planners acknowledged that a suitable green space system could not only
play an ecological role, but also attract more tourists just because of its rational layout and high land-
scape quality. But two planners only concerned about the ecological benefits of urban green spaces.
They felt the most important was that green spaces can effectively clean air, improve urban climate
and eliminate noise, and social benefits such as improving landscape quality, historic culture value
and economic benefits were not very important. Overall, the group accepted the comment that the
problems existing in the green space system were because it was not systematically planned and the
number of green spaces was not enough. So the urban planners had responsibility to solve these prob-
lems by planning a suitable green space system. They later acknowledged that in previous years they
had seen those land uses unsuitable for building because high water levels may threaten the buildings,
but now beginning to see the potential of those lands for attracting tourists, as they can be converted
into recreation green spaces.
2. Environmentalists
The group of environmentalists comprised five individuals. They were mostly concerned about the
pollution being generated by development and degrading the urban environment, and the existing
green spaces were not enough with the fast increase of urban population. Hence, a new suitable green
space system should be able to effectively deal with the pollution (e.g. toxic gas, dust, polluted water,
noise). On the other hand, the suitable sites for green spaces development should approach the water
source, and be located with appropriate slope and good surface water quality. If possible green spaces
can be expanded at the expense of other land uses, as long as they can play an ecological role to the
urban environment. Concern was expressed about the conflicts between ‘eco-tourism’ and mass tour-
ists activities. The group was against the building of large hotels and favoured the development of
small units, and a mixture of activities for tourists, such as building of a landscape corridor. Some en-
vironmentalists thought it was a good idea to build a new big park in the centre of built up area, as
tourists would arrive in greater numbers and gain easier assess to the area. However, other environ-
mentalists pointed out this new park could degrade the landscape quality and historic culture value,
and occupy many important land uses, having negative consequences for tourism in the longer term.
Thus it can be showed that the group was in favour of further development. They were concerned that
both economic benefits and ecological benefits should be considered in future plans, and there were
trade-offs to be made between the two.
3. Local residents
The group of local residents was composed of ten families, five with children and five with no chil-
dren. They felt that green space system played an important role to the human settlement but the exist-
ing green spaces were not enough with the development of living standard, and there was a responsi-
bility to preserve the existing green spaces rather than to destroy them. They were mostly concerned
about the problem of pollution resulted from the industry and traffic. The local residents acknowl-
edged that the fast growing industry and traffic had led to the degradation of air quality and the in-
crease of noise. However, they felt it was not their responsibility to talk to the industry employers, but
that of local government officials. So the government should pass laws to make the environment sus-
tainable. In addition, some families with children stated that there should be more green spaces for
their children’s recreation near their residential areas, while other families with no children hoped
there would be more parking grounds for them instead of the recreation green spaces.
should be restricted to certain areas such as those vacant areas and government reserved areas instead
of built up areas. Green spaces could be enjoyed but not interfere with future building developments.
Hence, the green spaces were perceived as one of a number of important land uses, which should have
defined boundaries, and should certainly not be expanded at the expense of other important land uses.
However, one official only focused on the local function that green space system can play. He stated
that as long as green spaces can play an active role in improving air quality, preventing flood and
eliminating noise, it was possible to convert some existing land uses of built up area into green spaces.
Overall, the group favoured the development of green space system to move some urban population
out of the built up area. They all regarded green spaces as an important local resource and accepted
that they had a responsibility for preserving the green spaces as a natural asset, and framed this in
terms of future ecological development.
In this case study, several sources of information are used to identify the ecological benefits of green
space system, factors and suitability classes are needed to perform the suitability analysis. The pri-
mary source for the identification of ecological benefits is the desirable environmental quality (see
section 4.2.4) set forth in the Dongguan Master Plan. The desirable environmental quality and its as-
sociated elements have been further supplemented by advice from community officials and the gen-
eral public. Factors within the ecological benefits are selected by using the stakeholder analysis for
suitability in the above section and the literature review (section 2.3.1). Information on the attributes
associated with each factor is derived from a combination of published literatures, expert opinions and
fieldwork. Here the attribute is defined as the categories, or classes, used to describe a factor, such as
air quality classes, landscape quality classes, etc. In this case study, the following seven factors in se-
lecting suitable sites for green space system development are considered: air quality, landscape
quality, surface water quality, historic culture value, water system influence, noise influence and
existing land use.
1. Available data
Suitability analysis of green space system requires many different types of data. Generally it should
allow for ecological, social and economic these three types of data. Due to the limited time for the
fieldwork and the difficulty to collect the spatial data, this research primarily emphasizes on the eco-
logical benefits. The nature of the spatial data is collected to represent this type of ecological benefits.
Factor and suitability are dependent on the nature of the component. Based on the above opinions,
what it should be first to do is to set up a GIS to deal with the site selection problem of green space
system. The following data set become available for analysis:
Air a CAD map of air quality distribution, derived from the air evaluation map.
Lscape a CAD map of landscape quality distribution, derived from the landscape planning
map and fieldwork.
Swater a CAD map of surface water quality, derived from the water evaluation map.
History a CAD map of historic culture value, derived from the planning map of historic
culture protection and fieldwork.
Wsystem a CAD map containing the major rivers, reservoirs and lakes in the study area,
derived from the water system distribution map.
Noise a CAD map of noise pollution distribution, derived from the noise evaluation map.
Luse a CAD map of urban land uses in 1999, derived from the existing land use map
and fieldwork.
2. Data pre-processing
As it has been mentioned above that, all the available data are AutoCAD maps (Dwgfiles). Some of
the data are in a format compatible for importing to the GIS. However, others have to need additional
processing before they can be incorporated. Since suitability analysis involves determination of the
suitability of an area, and the identification of those areas meeting specific factors, the primary entity-
type for this analysis (especially in the overlay operation) is polygon data. Where the spatial data are
not represented by polygons (vector or line data), they have to be converted into polygons by using a
buffering technique. Buffer widths should be assigned according to the suitability identifications (e.g.
distance to water system at 250m and 750m intervals). The basic procedure of data pre-processing has
been shown in Figure 4.1. First, it needs to create a new personal geodatabase by ArcCatalog in the
ArcGIS software. Secondly, it imports the original CAD map to geodatabase to generate polygons.
After that, the shapefile is coming out by exporting the geodatabase to shapfile. This study wants to
take advantage of ILWIS software to carry out the suitability. So the next step is to import the shape-
file to generate the polygon format compatible for the ILWIS analysis. Finally all the polygon maps
should be transferred into the raster maps through the operation of polygon to raster. As such, the data
pre-processing has been finished before it can use the slicing, distance calculation, overlay and other
GIS techniques.
4.3.3. Scoring
Ordinal values, as the name suggests, implies an order or ranking among factors. The order may be
either ascending or descending according to the application. And a ranking implies on an ordering
among factors but nothing more. Ordinal value is a kind of qualitative measurement scales that are
often used, especially in environmental decision problems. However, it should be noted that ordinal
values couldn’t be added or multiplied. Errors often arise from the addition of ordinal values. Interval
values have ordinal properties and they have the meaning about the intervals between objects. Corre-
sponding intervals on different parts of an interval scale have the same meaning (Sharifi and Herwi-
jnen 2003). For example, the interval between two objects with values of ‘20’ and ‘10’ (an interval of
10) is equal to the interval between two objects with values of ‘40’ and ‘30’. Interval values can also
be used in arithmetic operations such as addition and multiplication. But after adding or multiplying
interval values, it cannot be identified that a total of ‘60’ is twice as good as a total of ‘30’.
Ratio values are the highest level, which have ordinal and interval properties, as well as the property
of ratios. Just like the interval values, corresponding ratios on different parts of a ratio scale have the
same meaning. For example, the ratio between two objects with values of ‘10’ and ‘5’ is equivalent to
the ratio between two objects with values of ‘200’ and ‘100’. In this research, first it wants to give
scores and weights to the suitability factors, and then it will use multiplication and addition to get the
composite scores. Finally the composite suitability can be classified by mathematical rules based on
the composite scores. From the above opinions it can be showed that ratio values are more compatible
for scoring suitability factors in this suitability analysis. The description of suitability classes within
factors and corresponding scores are listed in Table 4.1. The scores of ‘3, 2,1’ are used to identify the
differences among high suitability, moderate suitability and no suitability. The maps of suitability
classes and scores in every factor (single factor map) are presented from Map 4.2 to Map 4.8. They
have been converted into raster format compatible for the operation in ILWIS.
From the above table we can see that this suitability analysis of green space system is primarily based
on the point of ecological benefits, because the goal of this green space system is to improve the air
quality and surface water quality, prevent flood (water system influence), and eliminate noise (noise
influence). As such, green spaces should be best located in the areas with low air quality, low surface
water quality and with much noise pollution, and the distance to water system should be best within
250 metres to prevent the flood. This analysis also considers social factors including landscape qual-
ity, historic culture value and existing land use. In order to improve the urban landscape quality, green
spaces can be used to plan some areas of high landscape quality in the urban environment, such as
Landscape area, garden scene area or reservoir scene area. Likewise, tour area, reservoir conservation,
old city relic, cultural relic and historic site conservation will be planned to improve the historic cul-
ture value by using the green spaces. Note that green spaces cannot be expanded at the expense of
other important land uses (e.g. commercial areas, municipal utilities areas, or public facilities areas).
Besides the existing green spaces, the new green spaces should be best located in those vacant areas
and government reserved areas.
3 3
2 2
1 1
Map 4.2 Air (air quality) Map 4.3 Lscape (landscape quality)
3 3
2 2
1 1
Map 4.4 Swater (surface water quality) Map 4.5 History (historic culture value)
3 3
2 2
1 1
Map 4.6 Noise (noise influence) Map 4.7 Luse (existing land use)
2. Certainty factor
As mentioned in section 3.4.2, certainty factor is used to improve the GIS-based traditional suitability
analysis model. In order to make the following explanation more clear, here we want to give a name to
each single factor map: Air (air quality), Lscape (landscape quality), Swater (surface water quality),
History (historic culture value), Wsystem (water system influence), Noise (noise influence), Luse (ex-
isting land use). Air, Swater and Noise these three factors are raw data (measured in practice), which
won’t be changed with any man-made elements. So it is not necessary to give them the certainty fac-
tors. Lscape, History and Luse are qualitative data, which can get the certainty factor arranging from
‘0.2’ to ‘0.8’. For example, as to the landscape quality, cuneal ecological green space and urban
square belong to moderate suitability class and get the same score of ‘2’. But the cuneal ecological
green space is more suitable for the green space development than the urban square, then we can give
a certainty factor of ‘0.8’ to the cuneal ecological green space and ‘0.6’ to the urban square, in order
to identify the difference between them. Thus the certainty factors for Lscape are coming out (Map
4.9). The certainty factors for History and Luse are determined in the same way (Map 4.10 and Map
4.11). Wsystem is quantitative data and its certainty factors (Map 4.12) can be determined by the fol-
lowing certainty factor function (like Formula 3.3):
CF ( x) = 1 − (0m ≤ x < 250m)
x − 250
CF ( x) = 1 − (250m ≤ x < 750m)
x − 750
CF ( x) = 1 − (750m < x ≤ 6110m)
( x is the distance to main rivers, reservoirs, or lakes)
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
Now we can get the composite certainty factors (Map 4.13 to Map 4.16) for the above four factors
according to Formula 3.4. The detailed formulas used are presented below:
2.8 2.8
2.3 2.3
1.8 1.8
1.2 1.2
0.7 0.7
0.2 0.2
Map 4.13 Clscape (composite certainty Map 4.14 Chistory (composite certainty
factors for Landscape quality) factors for historic culture value)
2.8 0.82
2.3 0.28
Map 4.15 Cluse (composite certainty Map 4.16 Cwsystem (composite certainty
factors for existing land use factors for water system influence)
As such, Lscape, History, Luse and Wsystem have got their respective certainty factors and have been
transferred into Clscape, Chistory, Cluse and Cwsystem. Integrated with other three suitability factors
including Air, Swater and Noise, the above four factors will be used to generate ‘final suitability sce-
nario 4’, ‘final suitability scenario 5’ and ‘final suitability scenario 6’ (see section 4.3.5), based on the
improved traditional suitability analysis model (ITSAM) (see section 3.4.2).
4.3.4. Weighting
Weighting in suitability analysis refers to assigning a weight to each factor in order to recognize its
relative importance (Pease, Coughlin et al. 1996). Just like the scores, weights also have a major im-
pact effect on the final results (composite scores). As it has mentioned in section 3.8, this research
wants to make use of three methods to calculate the weights for suitability analysis. Weights for gen-
erating ‘suitability scenario 1’ and ‘suitability scenario 2’ are calculated by the method of statistic in-
tegration (see section 3.5.1). Hierarchic analysis of nine-degree (see section 3.5.2) is used to calculate
the weights for ‘suitability scenario 2’and ‘suitability scenario 5’. And the weights for ‘suitability
scenario 3’ and ‘suitability scenario 6’ are calculated by hierarchic analysis of three-degree (see sec-
tion 3.5.3).
From Table 4.2 we can see that, as to the factor of air quality, six stakeholders acknowledged that it
was the first importance for the suitability analysis of the urban green space system, namely 25% of
the twenty-four stakeholders showed this opinion. Second importance with 25%, fourth importance
with 8.3%, fifth importance with 16.7%, sixth importance also with 16.7%, last importance with
8.3%, while none of the stakeholders thought air quality was the third importance for this suitability
analysis. Likewise, other factors importance has been aggregated in Table 4.2 in the same way.
Then according to the following formula (like formula 3.5), the preliminary weights of the above
seven suitability factors are presented below:
0.250 0250 0 0.083 0.167 0.167 0.083 7
0.333 0.083 0.250 0.083 0.083 0.167 0 6
0.083 0.250 0.250 0.167 0.083 0.167 0 5
W = [ D • CT ]T = 0 0 0.083 0.167 0.167 0.250 0.333 • 4 = (4.500,4.994,4.582,2.417,2.830,2.584,4.664)
0.083 0.083 0.333 0.167 0.167 0.083 0.083 3
0 0.167 0 0 0.333 0.083 0.417 2
0.250 0.083 0.167 0.333 0 0.083 0.083 1
The values in the above matrix were determined by using the rule of ‘the minority should obey the
majority’. For example, there were three different opinions when comparing the factor of historic cul-
ture value with the factor of air quality in this suitability analysis. Six urban planners stated that his-
toric culture value was moderately more important than air quality (the value should be ‘3’ in the
judgment matrix according to the nine-degree scale), one environmentalist and three local government
officials acknowledged that historic culture value was strongly more important than air quality (the
value should be ‘5’), and four environmentalists accepted that air quality was moderately more impor-
tant historic culture value (the value should be ‘1/3’). Therefore, the value comparing historic culture
value with air quality was ‘3’ in the judgment matrix according to the above rule, because most of the
stakeholders (six urban planners) supported the first opinion. Likewise, other values in the judgment
matrix were determined in the same way.
Based on this judgment matrix, we can use MATLAB (a mathematical software) to calculate its ei-
genvector (W ) of the largest eigenvalue. Here, the original eigenvector
W = (0.094,0.333,0.1420,0.2177,0.0655,0.5041,0.7444) . After the normalization, this original
eigenvector is converted to the final vector, W = (0.045,0.159,0.068,0.104,0.031,0.240,0.354) .
The values in this final vector represent the weights of those seven suitability factors, which will be
presented in Table 4.6.
Hierarchic analysis of three-degree is also a kind of analytic hierarchy process (AHP). But in this
method, it involves no more than three degrees when making a pairwise comparison: less important,
same important and more important (see Formula 3.6). Thus it can be showed that three-degree is eas-
ier for the user to make a judgement than nine-degree. In order to determine the final values in the
comparison matrix (Table 4.4) based on the three-degree scale, only the original six urban planners
were invited to make the pairwise comparisons among the seven suitability factors, from their profes-
sion perspective of urban planning. Just like hierarchic analysis of nine-degree, this method also
adopts the rule of ‘the minority should obey the majority’. As such, when comparing the factor of air
quality with the factor of landscape quality, four urban planners stated that air quality is less important
than landscape quality for this suitability analysis (the value should be ‘0’ in the comparison matrix).
While other two planners thought it was the other way around (the value should be ‘2’). According to
the above rule, the value between air quality and landscape quality was ‘0’ in the comparison matrix.
Likewise, other comparisons’ values were determined in the same way (Table 4.4).
Factor K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7
i =1
Air quality K1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 4
Landscape quality K2 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 9
Surface water quality K3 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 4
Historic culture value K4 2 0 2 1 2 0 0 7
Water system influence K5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Noise influence K6 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 11
Existing land use K7 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 13
Based on the above comparison matrix, the structural judgment matrix is generated below according
to Formula 3.7 (see section 3.5.3).
According to the above structural judgment matrix, this method also uses MATLAB to calculate its
eigenvector (W ) of the largest eigenvalue. Here,
W = (0.0480,0.2429,0.0532,0.1340,0.0248,0.4393,0.8511) . After the normalization, this eigen-
vector can represent the weights of the corresponding suitability factors, namely
W = (0.027,0.135,0.030,0.075,0.014,0.245,0.474) , which will be presented in Table 4.6.
much less important factors. But that is not the case according to the other two weighting methods:
hierarchic analysis of nine-degree and three-degree. Therefore, weight is a very important element in
the suitability analysis. Different scores and different weights will generate different suitability sce-
Scenario 2,
Weight Scenario 5 0.045 0.159 0.068 0.104 0.031 0.240 0.354
Scenario 3,
Scenario 6 0.027 0.135 0.030 0.075 0.014 0.245 0.474
As mentioned in section 3.8, six suitability scenarios will be generated according to different scores,
weights and certainty factors. Here we give the names of ‘Scenario 1’, ‘Scenario 2’, ‘Scenario 3’,
‘Scenario 4’, ‘Scenario 5’ and ‘Scenario 6’ to these six suitability scenarios. The frontal three scenar-
ios are generated based on the traditional suitability analysis model (TSAM), while the latter three
scenarios are based on the improved traditional suitability analysis model (ITSAM) that they need to
take advantage of the certainty factors from section 4.3.3. The detailed calculation formulas are pre-
sented below (Wai represents the weight calculated by statistic integration; Wbi represents the weight
calculated by hierarchic analysis of nine-degree; Wci represents the weight calculated by hierarchic
analysis of three- degree):
Scenario 1=Air*Wa1+Lsapce*Wa2+History*Wa3+Swater*Wa4+Wsystem*Wa5+Noise*Wa6+Luse*Wa7
As such, the composite suitability score for each scenario can be derived based on the above formulas.
Ideally, this composite suitability score ranges from ‘1’ to ‘3’. But that is not the case in these six suit-
ability scenarios (e.g. the composite suitability score of ‘Draft suitability scenario 1’ ranges from
‘1.169’ to ‘2.818’). The distribution of these composite scores seems not very regular in the draft suit-
ability scenarios (e.g. Map 4.17). It is recommended the composite suitability score should be grouped
in classes to help clarify the data and to make the resulting scenarios more decipherable and easier to
interpret. Thus the final suitability scenarios (Map 4.18 to Map 4.23) can be grouped in three levels
according to the following suitability intervals (Vs represents the composite suitability score), by us-
ing the histogram of the composite suitability score in ILWIS:
no suitability no suitability
moderate suitability moderate suitability
high suitability high suitability
Map 4.18 Final suitability scenario 1 Map 4.19 Final suitability scenario 2
no suitability no suitability
moderate suitability moderate suitability
high suitability high suitability
Map 4.20 Final suitability scenario 3 Map 4.21 Final suitability scenario 4
no suitability no suitability
moderate suitability moderate suitability
high suitability high suitability
Map 4.22 Final suitability scenario 5 Map 4.23 Final suitability scenario 6
In this research, DEFINITE, a decision support system (DSS) software, will be used to make a ranking
of the above six suitability scenarios and sensitivity analysis. DEFINITE is designed to support deci-
sion making on a finite set of alternatives. Actually it is a whole toolbox of methods that can be used
on a wide variety of problems. If you have a problem to solve, and you can identify alternative solu-
tions, then DEFINITE can weigh up the alternatives for you and assess the most reasonable. The pro-
gram contains a number of methods for supporting problem definition as well as graphical methods to
support representation. To be able to deal with all types of information, DEFINITE includes multicri-
teria methods, cost-benefit analysis and graphical evaluation methods. Related procedures such as
weight assessment, standardization, discounting and a large variety of methods for sensitivity analysis
are also available. A unique feature of DEFINITE is a procedure that systematically leads an expert
through a number of rounds of an interactive assessment session and uses an optimisation approach to
integrate all information provided by the experts to a full set of value functions (Janssen, Herwijnen et
al. 2001).
The effects table above includes six alternatives (from ‘suitability scenario 1’ to ‘suitability scenario
6’), three effects (‘high suitability’, ‘moderate suitability’, ‘no suitability’) and the effects scores
(suitability areas). These three effects are measured by the same unit, ‘hectare’. The areas of ‘high
suitability’ and ‘moderate suitability’ are what we need in the green space system, which mean the
larger the areas, the higher the suitability. So the effects of ‘high suitability’ and ‘moderate suitability’
belong to the benefit effect. The areas of ‘no suitability’ are the least important in the green space sys-
tem, so it is a cost effect that means the larger the areas, the lower the suitability.
4.4.2. Standardization
Making the criteria scores comparable is often called standardization or normalization. Through a
standardization procedure the measurement units can be made uniform, and the scores lose their di-
mension along with their measurement units (Sharifi and Herwijnen 2003). There are many methods
available to standardize the criteria scores till now. The method to use should depend on the problem
character and the attributes character. In this research, three methods are used to standardize the three
suitability criteria (effects).
0.8 − xij − v min
xij =
v g − v min
Formula 4.1 Goal standardization
0.4 (Where xij is the standardized score, xij is
the original score, v min is the minimal value,
v g is the goal value.)
0.1 scenario
6 352 scenario
4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
high suitability [hectare]
scenario 3
0.9 scenario 2
scenario 6 Formula 4.2 Interval standardization
0.4 scenario 5 (Where xij is the standardized score, xij is
0.3 scenario 1 the original score, min xij is the lowest
score, max xij is the highest score.)
0.1scenario 4 j
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000
moderate suitability [hectare]
− xij
0.7 xij = 1 −
max xij
0.5 Formula 4.3 Maximum standardization
(Where xij is the standardized score, xij is
0.3 scenario 3
scenario 12 the original score, max xij is the highest
0.2 scenario 4 j
4.4.3. Weight
Assigning weights to effects (criteria) is often a complicate task (Janssen, Herwijnen et al. 2001).
DEFINITE includes various methods to support this task: Direct assessment, Pairwise comparison,
Expected value method, Random weights, Extreme weights. From the effects table (Figure 4.2) we
can easily rank the effects according to their relative importance: ‘high suitability’ > ‘moderate suit-
ability’ > ‘no suitability’. So Expected value method is used to determine the ranking of the effects.
Expected value method assumes each set of weights that fits the ranking order of effects has equal
probability. The weight vector is calculated as the expected value of the feasible set. Therefore, it can
simulate the average idea of a group (Sharifi and Herwijnen 2003). Expected value method calculates
the weight, wi , for effect i according to Formula 4.4. Where n is the number of effects. The weights
fit the ranking order of effects, meaning that w1 ≥ w2 ≥ ≥ wn ≥ 0 .
n +1− i 1
wi = k =1
n(n + 1 − k )
Formula 4.4 Expected value method
The final weights for those three effects including ‘high suitability’, ‘moderate suitability’ and ‘no
suitability’ are presented in Figure 4.6.
4.4.4. Ranking
1. Weighted summation
The standardized scores and weights have been determined, now we can use weighted summation to
make a ranking of alternatives (from scenarios 1 to scenario 6) according to Formula 3.8.
Above we can see the ranking results represented graphically. Note that ‘scenario 3’ is the best alter-
native, followed by ‘scenario 2’, ‘scenario 6’, ‘scenario 5’, ‘scenario 1’, and ‘scenario 4’. In order to
explain the results with more details, we can display the weight as a pie graph next to this bar graph.
And a stacked bar graph can be used to view the contributions of the effects scores to the total scores.
The stacked bar divides the bar of every alternative into the relative contributions of the effects. Those
contributions depend on the size of the effect and its weight (Figure 4.8).
The stacked bar above clearly shows that the effect of ‘moderate suitability’ is the main cause for
‘scenario 3’ to be the best alternative. Over half of the final score of ‘scenario 3’ derives from the con-
tribution of ‘moderate suitability’. The next contribution originates from the effect of ‘no suitability’,
while the effect of ‘high suitability’ only makes a few contributions. Furthermore, the pie graph shows
that the influence of ‘moderate suitability’ on the ranking of alternatives is limited because of the low
weight assigned to this effect. After that, a scatter diagram can be used to have a closer look at the two
effects that contribute most to the total scores (Figure 4.9).
The diagram above shows the standardized scores of the alternatives for the effects ‘no suitability’
and ‘moderate suitability’. The best ideal alternative would have a score of ‘1’ for both effects and
would be found in the top right corner of the diagram. The alternative located closest to this ideal is
the best. And we can find the best alternative by moving the green line from the upper right corner to
the lower left. The first alternative crossing this line is the best. Thus it can be showed that ‘scenario
3’ is the best alternative, followed by ‘scenario 2’ and ‘scenario 6’. The assumption made here is that
the ranking of the alternative with equal weights for ‘no suitability’ and ‘moderate suitability’. Chang-
ing the weights of the two effects may move a different alternative to the first or other positions. For
example, if the weight of ‘no suitability’ is increased to ‘0.8’, ‘scenario3’ and ‘scenario 2’ are also the
two better alternatives, but they are followed by ‘scenario 1’ instead of ‘scenario 6’. This proves that
‘scenario 3’ is still the best one although the weights of effects have been changed.
2. Electre method
Based on the effects table (Figure 4.2) and the standardized effects table (Table 4.7), electre method
can generate a ranking of alternatives through a large number of intermediate results, which include
concordance table, discordance table, the strong and the weak results.
Based on the above concordance table, the decision maker has to determine a strong threshold Ps and
a weak threshold Pw for this table. Here the strong concordance threshold value is specified as
‘0.886’ and the weak concordance threshold value is specified as ‘0.725’.
Based on the above discordance table, the decision maker also has to specify a strong threshold Qs
and a weak threshold Qw for this discordance table. Here the strong discordance threshold value is set
at ‘0.225’ and the weak discordance threshold value is set at ‘0.275’.
Strong graph:
j is strongly preferred to k ⇔ (con( j , k ) > Ps ) and (disc( j , k ) < Qs )
Weak graph:
j is weakly preferred to k ⇔ (con( j , k ) > Pw ) and (disc( j , k ) < Qw )
Here the strong threshold Ps for the concordance index is specified as ‘0.886’ and the strong thresh-
old Qs for the discordance index is specified as ‘0.225’. This means the alternative ‘scenario 1’ is
better than ‘scenario 4’, due to the value of ‘1.00’ comparing ‘scenario 1’ with ‘scenario 4’ in concor-
dance table is higher than the strong threshold Ps of ‘0.886’, and the value of ‘0.00’ in discordance
table is lower than the strong threshold Qs of ‘0.225’. This is shown with a ‘1’ in the strong graph
(Figure 4.12). The strong graph is generated composed of the value of ‘1’ (representing a ranking) and
‘0’ (representing no ranking). The weak graph showed in Figure 4.13 can be made in the same way
according to the above weak rule. Here the weak threshold values for the concordance index and dis-
cordance index ( Pw and Q w ) are respectively set at ‘0.725’ and ‘0.275’.
The ranking results by electre method above show the same order of alternatives as that by weighted
summation (Figure 4.7). This means ‘scenario 3’ is the best alternative, followed by ‘scenario 2’,
‘scenario 6’, ‘scenario 5’, ‘scenario 1’, and ‘scenario 4’. Thus the alternatives have been ranked. Of
course not all information is completely certain. The sensitivity of the ranking for uncertainties in
scores and weights can be analysed in the next section ‘Sensitivity analysis’.
than the assigned weights and that this deviation is normally distributed. The figure shows that the
alternatives ‘scenario 3’, ‘scenario 2’ and ‘scenario 6’ are always ranked on the first three positions,
while ‘scenario 5’, ‘scenario 1’ and ‘scenario 4’ almost rank the last three positions. Numbers associ-
ated with this figure can also be derived. For example, ‘scenario 3’ and ‘scenario 2’ are found ‘100%’
on first and second positions, while ‘scenario 4’ ‘100%’ on last position. It can be seen that ‘scenario
6’ has the highest probability of being ranked third, but that ‘scenario 5’ even ‘scenario 1’ can rank
third. The large-sized circles on the main diagonal indicate that the ranking of the alternatives under
‘50%’ weight uncertainty is relatively stable. Therefore it is quite certain that ‘scenario 3’ is the best
alternative, followed by ‘scenario 2’ and other scenarios.
Figure 4.17 Weight combination by rank reversal between ‘scenario 1’ and ‘scenario 2’
4.6. Comparison
The best suitability scenario has come out through the ranking and sensitivity analysis, now we can
compare it with the urban master plan to find the commons and differences between them, and to find
the reasons behind them. Map 4.24 is a master plan of Dongguan municipality (2000-2015) made by
Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dongguan Institute of Urban Planning and Design. Map 4.25 is the
comparison between the best suitability scenario and the master plan. In order to make a better expla-
nation for the comparison, here we give a name of ‘proposed plan’ to the best suitability scenario.
Map 4.24
Residential land
Industrial land
Public facilities
Municipal utilities
Green space
Forestry land and farmland
Rural land
Water area
Roads and squares
Planning boundary
The best suitability scenario (proposed plan) Master plan of Dongguan municipality (2000-2015)
Green space
no suitability Water area
moderate suitability Roads and squares
high suitability Other landuses
Planning boundary
Tongsha reservoir area
Baima area
Rivers intersection area
Industrial area
4.6.1. Commons
(1) Seen from the holistic distribution of the green space system, green spaces are mainly located in
the east and the south in both plans (Map 4.25). There are some famous historic relics existing in
these areas, but so little importance was attached to them that they were not protected well in the past.
The government wants to plan a cultural relic and a historic site conservation to improve the historic
culture value. Moreover, the landscape quality and surface water quality are rather low in the south,
which needs to use green spaces to improve these two kinds of quality. The most important is that the
built up area is primarily situated in the middle part, while most of the vacant areas and government
reserved areas lie in the east and the south. Hence, the green spaces won’t interfere with the future
buildings development and certainly not be expanded at the expense of other important landuses.
(2) Idea of applying large-scale and small-scale green spaces in the green space system is the same in
both plans. The proposed plan and the master plan consider the suitable sites for green space system
should be not only in the built up area but also in the rural area. Large-scale green spaces in the rural
area are the main parts of the green space system. They can play a good ecological role in cleaning air,
preventing and reducing hazard. Also, both plans create more places with high landscape quality and
supply better places for the residents’ recreation to move the large number of urban population out of
the built up area, with the aim of solving this kind of over-urbanization problem. Some small-scale
green spaces decentralize in the built up are, which to some extent can adjust and improve urban cli-
mate, adjust the residents’ psychology, and eliminate the noise caused by the fast growing industry
and traffic. The green space system composed of large-scale and small-scale green spaces is consistent
with the existing urban structure. Many buildings are located in the built up area that make the urban
landuses be less potential. Thus the urban structure of Dongguan municipality has developed into a
radiated style, and the direction for urban development is primarily showed on the development se-
(3) The green space system in both plans is developed centring around the mountains and water areas.
In the built up area, Wanjiang River, Dongguan Channel and Dongguan Canal are the centres for the
green spaces development, while Qifeng Mountain is the development centre of green spaces in the
east and the three reservoirs are the other centres in the south (Map 4.25). The location of Qifeng
Mountain area (see in Map 4.25) is almost the same. In the proposed plan, this area is almost equal
to the existing green space area. Master plan states that Qifeng Mountain area is not enough for the
fast increasing population any more. It should be expanded at the expense of its surrounding forestry
lands and farmlands. Both plans acknowledge that the slide in this area is potentially dangerous and
the soil is very sensitive to the neighbouring residents’ activities. Some natural resources and historic
relics exist in the Qifeng Mountain area but have been partially destroyed. All of which need to be
improved by planning a suitable green space system. On the other hand, green spaces can play a good
education function (see section 2.3.2) to the residents that they can enjoy in this area but have a re-
sponsibility for preserving the local resources. In summary, the green space system in both plans is
characterised by that urban landuses are tightly integrated with the elegant mountains and water area,
which will finally play an ecological role to the urban environment. The whole city seems to be en-
closed by the green spaces, mountains and water areas, and the urban structure has a development
tendency of cross-axis.
4.6.2. Differences
(1) In the proposed plan, the green space system is planned primarily allowing for the ecological fac-
tor (air quality, surface water quality, water system influence, noise influence), while the master plan
mainly takes the social factor into account, particularly the factor of existing land use and historic cul-
ture value. As the research has mentioned the definition of urban green space system in section 2.1, in
the proposed plan, those water areas enabling people to contact the nature and those greenways that
can play a good ecological function are included in this urban green space system. For example, in
Tongsha reservoir area (see in Map 4.25), Tongsha reservoir showing good ecological benefits is
one of the important green spaces in the south. In the east south, Baima area (see in Map 4.25) is
the other ecological green space including some forestry lands and water areas. This is very different
from the opinions in the master plan, which states that the existing water areas, forestry lands and
other important natural resources should be strictly preserved. They cannot be occupied by other lan-
duses but green spaces can be planned around them to play the ecological function. These opinions
are obviously showed in Tongsha reservoir area and Baima area in both plans. As such, the green
space system in the proposed plan is more systematic and decentralized than that in the master plan.
(2) In the rivers intersection area (see in Map 4.25), green spaces in the master plan are mainly
close to Wanjiang River, Dongguan Channel and Dongguan canal, with the aim of improving the sur-
face water quality and acting as a green buffer to prevent the flood. In the proposed plan, only some
small-scale green spaces decentralise around the rivers. The factor of surface water quality and the
factor of water system influence for identifying the suitability are less important than other ecological
and social factors (see the weighting results in Table 4.6). The proposed plan accepts that in the past
few years, many industries of electronic communication and electric machine near the rivers before
have been moved to the areas surrounding the built up area. Thus the water quality in Wanjiang River,
Dongguan Channel anf Dongguan canal has been relatively improved. In addition, the water line of
these three rivers is much lower than the 10-year flood line, so more green spaces should be planned
in other areas that have higher flood potential, show more indications of advance erosion and high
level of human activities (e.g. the three reservoir areas in the south). In summary, both plans acknowl-
edge that the flood should be prevented by green buffers in the future. In the proposed plan, this can
be showed from the areas around the rivers in the north of the built up area not with ‘high suitability’,
but with ‘moderate suitability’.
(3) In the south of the built up area, green spaces in the master plan are mainly on the margin of the
industrial area (see in Map 4.25), as a green belt of absorbing toxic gas, trapping dust and eliminat-
ing noise. In the proposed plan, some green spaces are on the margin of the industrial area, others are
planned at the expense of some industrial areas, in order to play a better ecological role, improve the
landscape quality and adjust the workers psychology. Residents working in the industrial area not
only need to eliminate the industrial pollution as much as possible, but also need an elegant environ-
ment with high landscape quality to adjust their oppressive psychology. This can be realized by plan-
ning the green spaces situated in the industrial area and on its margin. However, the master plan states
that industry is the base of the urban economy. The existing industrial lands are so important that they
cannot be occupied by other landuses. As long as the green spaces are suitably located on the margin
of the industrial area, they can also play a good role in improving the working environment. In addi-
tion, with the fast growing of the urban traffic, noise has become a serious pollution that has a bad
effect on the residents’ health. The proposed plan accepts that planning a suitable green space system
is the most effective method to eliminate the noise. This can be showed from the areas with ‘moderate
suitability’ beside the main roads in the proposed plan, while it is neglected in the master plan.
5.1. Conclusion
This research involves two themes, which are urban green space system and suitability analysis. Ur-
ban green space system in this research means that there are some good green areas in the urban spa-
tial environment, which are mainly covered with natural or man-made vegetation and can function as
ecological balance, playing an active role to urban environment, landscape, and residents recreation.
Suitability analysis is the process to determine whether the land resource is suitable for some specific
uses and to determine the suitability level. Combing these two themes to one is the research purpose
to develop an approach of GIS-based suitability analysis to identify suitable sites for urban green
space system development. The conclusions can be addressed as follow:
Suitability analysis can be regarded as a relatively difficult task partially due to large number of fac-
tors and large volume of data that may be required for the determination. Seven suitability factors are
selected in this research, but they are not the optimal ecological factors combination and not enough
to carry out the GIS-based suitability analysis. The research approach for such suitability analysis de-
pends heavily on the data available. Comprehensive information needs to be available for each of the
suitability factors applied in the analysis. This information includes accurate suitability mapping, de-
lineated city boundary, urban planning context, existing situation assessments, greening indices and
future development restrictions. Stakeholder analysis becomes important as a means of selecting the
suitability factors and evaluating the relative importance among them. Qualitative and quantitative
factors information for the certainty factor is also necessary.
Integrating the certainty factor with GIS is an efficient method to improve the traditional suitability
analysis model (TSAM). The improved traditional suitability analysis model (ITSAM) using the cer-
tainty factor can efficiently identify the difference among the different subclasses within the same
suitability class, and can easily reduce the difference between the two different suitability classes
around the division of scores. So ITSAM encompasses more enriched and precise information than
TSAM. Six suitability scenarios based on TSAM and ITSAM are generated in this research. ‘Final
suitability scenario 3’ (Map 4.20) based on TSAM is found to be the best alternative after the ranking.
This is because only four suitability factors (landscape quality, historic culture value, water system
influence, existing land use) can take advantage of the certainty factor. The certainty factor is not suit-
able for the other three factors (air quality, surface water quality, noise influence) due to their defi-
cient numerical values (observation data). Also, it has some subjectivity to determine the certainty
factor when making the subclasses in the suitability class. Further, it is somewhat subjective to deter-
mine the final suitability levels (‘no suitability’, ‘moderate suitability’, ‘high suitability’) by using the
histogram of the composite suitability score in ILWIS.
Suitability analysis can be used to help direct the future growth of the green spaces and protect the
other important landuses at the same time. The result of implementing the proposed approach is a map
that categorises and illustrates the different levels of green space suitability throughout the study area.
As can be seen on Map 4.25 of the best suitability scenario (proposed plan), large portions of the
study area are found not to be suitable for the green space system development. This is a direct result
of the growing conflict between the ecological environment and development restriction. Areas that
receive high and moderate suitability levels are revealed to be the predominant areas of the existing
green spaces, vacant areas and government reserved areas. This is suitable for the future growth of the
green spaces. After comparing the proposed plan with the urban master plan (2000-2015), it can be
showed that their ideas and part of the results are similar. The result in the proposed plan is reason-
able and consistent with the local master plan, but it still needs to improve.
In order to advance the art of land suitability analysis, it is important that not only the result is replic-
able within a study area, but also the approach is transferable, or at least adaptable in other places. By
applying the proposed approach in Dongguan municipality, this research provides an example of such
transferability. The suitability results of the urban green space system are mathematically achieved, so
they can be applied as valid factors into the generation of other approaches to achieve alternative lan-
duse or design strategies. Revaluation of initial conceptions or updated information also can easily
regenerate landuse or design strategies. The evaluation process is so explicit that alternative scenarios
can be modelled without reconstructing the entire procedure. From the view of the technical level, this
GIS-based suitability analysis approach is quite able to integrate ecological and social geographic data
with human knowledge in an objective and manageable nature. It allows for all kinds of information
from experts and general public to be used in the weighting process. From the view of the organiza-
tional level, the use of GIS technology brings people together, including the urban planners, environ-
mentalists, local residents and local government officials. The high level of cooperation and involve-
ment generates a broad-based approach to multiobjective suitability analysis for the green space sys-
tem. From this work we are able to suggest that, the approach applied in this study area can be
adapted in other areas of Guangdong province.
In summary, the suitability results can provide helpful knowledge on the factors interactions and their
relation to the urban environment within the study area. It can be used to help people make better,
more informed decisions, thus providing a more healthy quality of life for the community and the sur-
rounding ecological environment. Suitability analysis is a powerful tool for green space system plan-
ning. Continued development and refinement of suitability analysis, particularly with GIS technology,
can enable urban planners to help local government officials and local residents to create a suitable
green space system in the urban environment.
5.2. Recommendation
Nowadays many methods can be used to make the suitability analysis, such as sieve mapping, land-
scape unit method, grey tone method (map overlay) and computer method (GIS). In this research, GIS
is used to carry out the suitability analysis just because it can handle large number of data, powerfully
visualize current and old information, produce new maps, etc. By applying GIS in the suitability
analysis, what we should do first is to establish a set of suitability factors and weighting system. This
is the most important and difficult step in the suitability analysis.
This search selects seven factors to make the suitability analysis, including air quality, landscape qual-
ity, surface water quality, historic culture value, water system influence, noise influence and existing
land use. It is a relatively new attempt to select these factors to analyse the suitability in the urban
planning. In some sense these factors may be not enough for showing the influence on the urban envi-
ronment by the green space system. However, there are no many useful data (maps) available for this
case study. As to the green space system, we should also consider the other ecological factors such as
soil fertility, groundwater recharge, vegetation cover, erosion control, potential damage and some
other social-economic factors (e.g. development pressure, extending public parcels), which are only
presented in the books rather than in the maps. Hence, it is difficult to integrate these data with GIS,
which will finally result in the relative shortage of urban foundational data. It shows that the scientists
can’ t have a good cooperation with the urban planners. So it is recommended that the scientists and
the planners should keep in more touch with each other, work together to carry out some researches of
the relevant speciality and make up the urban foundational data.
This research is a preliminary attempt applying GIS-based suitability analysis in the urban green space
system development. The GIS software (ILWIS) used in the case study is of a raster-based design.
The major advantages of raster-based design are their capability of individual pixel analysis and map
algebra inherent in the raster systems, which make this suitability analysis much easier. However, de-
pending on the scale of the individual cell values, the analysis may have been less precise than the
vector-based design. Allowing for the limited time and the deficient data, the pixel precision may be
not very appropriate for this suitability analysis. Further, the original maps’ scales are different that
sometimes there are some errors in transforming the data. But this suitability result is enough for the
regional control, which can be showed from comparing the proposed plan with the master plan (Map
4.25). Therefore, if a detailed planning needs to be made in a region, it is better to use vector-based
and raster-based GIS software (e.g. ArcView, MapGIS) to carry out the suitability analysis, not only
making the suitability analysis free from the manual way, but also making the suitability results more
precise and suitable for the planning.
It is widely accepted that GIS is a toolbox capable of providing support for spatial problem-solving
and decision-making. However, current GIS analysis is based on simple spatial geometric processing
operations such as overlay comparison, slicing, and distance calculation. It does not provide optimisa-
tion, iterative equation solving, and simulation capabilities necessary in the suitability analysis. Also,
GIS does not integrate nonspatial data or decision makers’ preference into the decision analysis.
Given the current set of suitability factors, GIS land suitability mapping generates a set of suitability
scenarios, rather than presenting the decision maker with an optimum scenario. Six suitability scenar-
ios are generated in this research by using GIS software (ILWIS). After that, a decision support sys-
tem (DSS) software (DEFINITE) is used to make the ranking and sensitivity analysis to find the best
suitability scenario. These two softwares cannot easily exchange the data and only can allow for one
set of weighting system at one time. Therefore, GIS should be integrated with the DSS software to
make the suitability analysis in a systematic way, taking into account spatial and nonspatial informa-
tion and allowing the decision maker to analyse the information based on one or more sets of weight-
ing systems.
GIS-DSS is an advancement in decision-making for the suitability analysis, but there is still a clear
need for further research in this field. One is about the extension of links between GIS and DSS soft-
ware, in order to increase the exchange of data in the reverse direction from DSS software to GIS.
Another topic for further research is the development of new approaches of generating alternatives
within the GIS. Development of such approaches should be able to increase the usefulness of GIS-
DSS, because a major disadvantage of any decision analysis is the generation of a feasible, complete
set of alternatives.
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