Project Report Guidelines: S B M I M S R
Project Report Guidelines: S B M I M S R
Project Report Guidelines: S B M I M S R
1.1 Ge neral Framework of the Dissertation
The following outline is indicati ve o f th e overall stru cture of a
dissertation . Clearly it will have to b e ad apted to the particular stud y yo u
have carri ed out.
Title Page
Certificates (if any)
Table of Conten ts
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Literature Re view
CHAPTER 3 Methodologies
CHAPTER 4 Findings and Analysis of Data
CHAPTER 5 Conclus ions, Implicatio ns and Recommendations
Appen dices
1. 2 Word Length
The total l ength o f the dissertation is 15,000 -25,000 words (70-100
A-4 size pages). This length is exclusive of title and contents page,
figures, tables, appendi ces and references.
1.3 Plagiaris m
Plagiarism, th at is, the willful represen tatio n o f ano ther person’s
work, withou t the ac kno wledgement or the deliberate an d
unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s wo rk of mat erial derived
from the work (published or otherwise) o f another, is UNACC EPTABLE an d
will incur the penalty of outright failure.
second term of your course are useful in help ing you to plan background
material and to choose yo ur methodology.
You sh ould see your sup ervisor on a regular b asis – at least onc e
every week in the beginning. It is also advisable to sta rt working a s soon
as possible. Do not worry i f you feel that your material is not good
enough, almost all early material is weak at the beginning. Starting to
work at an earl y stage wi ll enable your sup ervi sor to see wh at d irection
you are taking, where yo ur weakn esses are and give you constructive
advice and yo u will gain confidence fro m this feedback.
2.1 Introduction
Although there is no single way of structuring a project or
dissertation proposal the following structure identifies the areas which
should be addressed within the p rop osal. If all of th ese areas are
consid ered as pa rt of the p rop osal then the actual research project
should b e more coherent and your research should be more productive.
Title Page
Proposed Title
Name of Student
Su pervi sor’ s Nam e
to assess the impact of something
3. 3 Introduc tion
In th e introducti on yo u should in trodu ce the reader to the
backgro und of the study and the natu re of the problem being considered.
It should therefore set the study in context explaining why this study is
i mp orta nt, highligh tin g significant issues, problems and id eas. Th e basi c
purpose this section is to provide the read er a basic id ea of what the
subject area of the dissertation its conten ts.
The literature revi ew sh ould be:
Relevant: Literatu re u sed should suppo rt you r arguments relating
to your research qu estio n and aim an d o bjectives of the study. It
shou ld uphold methodology. In some cases you may need to discuss
literatu re review and its relationship to methodo logy in a separat e
ch ap ter.
Up-to-D ate: Recent literature (not older than five years) i s
recommended u nless you are referring to classical works in your
field o f stu dy. Sources used have to be in th eir majority primary
sourc es, secondary referencing may be used.
Co mpreh ensive: Demonstrate that you have read ext en sively
without being over-inclu sive. Develop your ab ility to emp loy
summary stat ements and to synthesiz e.
3. 5 Method ology
The purpose of this chapter is to indicate what you actually did in your
research so that your reader ma y eval uate the d esi gn procedure and
fin dings of your study. Th e methodolo gy section should b e well-
structured, written in concise, matt er-of-fact man ner and should provide
answers to the following questions:
What actu ally happened?
To whom?
With what result?
Ho w were problems deal t with?
Approach to dat a?
Review of Data Collection Methods
Why were the d ata co llection methods you chose th e b est sui ted
to fit your research qu estion ?
From which geo graphic data was co llected?
What was the period of d ata co llectio n?
Ho w Primary Data was collect ed? A detailed desc ri ption of
research conducted, design o f the to ol, description o f fieldwo rk,
you also need to mention any specific p rocedu res used.
What secon dary data wa s u sed ? How does it feed in to the
curr ent resea rch?
Methods of Analysis-
Briefly explain how you p rop ose to anal yze the data,
If computer software is going to be used, a description of the
type of software has to be included.
What wer e th e limitations o f this st udy and how did you
overcome these limitations?
until particular issu es or them es present themsel ves. These can b e
suggestive of a structure for presenting th e descriptive data.
3. Evidence is usually in form of quo tatio ns from th e subject s being
studied, di scussions of people involved, illustrations, p hotograph s
– the variations are unlimited.
4. You may find that there i s eviden ce of differen ce of op inion.
Includ e variations in opinion and descri be poles of b elief. Th es e
add richness to qu alitative research.
3.6.2 Pre sen tatio n and Analysis of Quan titati ve Rese arch
1. As a preliminary to working out results, any test given must be
scored, data inputted into the appropriate comp uter program and
additional material gained from the sample mu st b e sorted out.
This is often p urely m echanical wo rk, and it takes time but must be
done accurat ely.
2. The data present ed must not be in their raw fo rm. Only
summariz ed d ata should be present ed. The only time yo u would
ever d escribe data on individual subjects is wh en you have d one a
case study.
3. In th is sectio n, th e task i s to summariz e data meaningfully, thro ugh
the use of descriptive stati stics. These include mean scores,
medians, ranges, standard deviations, correlation co efficients and
so on.
4. Visual presentation is very important in quantitative research.
Grap hs, tables, histograms, ba r graphs are simple ways in which to
present condensed data but they are also very effecti ve.
3.8 Reference s
Full details of all the books and journal articles cited or referenced
throughout the d issertation sho uld be included in this chapter. A reader
should b e ab le to identi fy the exact source an d refer to it directly.
References should be complete in all respect s and arran ged in
alp habetical order.
Text r ef er enc es sh oul d a ppea r a s fol lo ws:
“Recen t wo rks from (Alba et al., 2005, Keller and Kotler, 2006)
show th at...”
Journal references should be listed as follows:
Prof TV R amRaj (2006),"Blog Marketing”, Ind ian Journal of
Marketing, Vol 36 (9), pp. 3-7.
Books should be referred as follows:
V Venkata Raman, G Somayajulu (2005),"Custo mer Relationship”,
New D elhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited.
3.9 Appendices
The Appendices should include selective, supplementary material
which is distracting when placed in the main bod y of text. On ly material
which is n ecessary for a fu ll understanding of your study sh ould be
included . These in clude important forms, questionnaires or interview
schedules, description of equipment or settings, tables and lists of data
supportive of the study.
Times New Roman, size 12, Justified (both left and ri ght) alignment
0.5” First line indentatio n
Do uble lin e spacing with 12point space after p aragrap h
Page Ma rgin s:
Top: 1”; Bottom: 1”; Inside: 1.5 ”; Outside: 1” (Mirrored layo ut)
Page numbers:
Cen tered at the bottom of th e page
Roman numerals (i, ii,…) should b e u sed from the pages
prec eding Tab le of Conten ts (excludi ng the title page)
The main body of the t ext (wh ere th e Introd uction) commence s
on Page 1
The pages in cluded in Appendices/Annexure a re to b e numbered
in Ro man numeral s (I, ii,…)
4.1.2 He adings:
Chapter Headings size 16 in bold typeface
Sub-Headings size 1 4 in bo ld typeface
Main Ch apter headings in b lock capitals
Chapter headings left justified at the top of a new page
All other headings justified and followed by a single line space
Use sub -h eadin gs togeth er with a numbering syst em used in th is
document thus giving stru cture to you r work.
4. 1.3 Quot ations :
Sin gle lin e-sp acin g
Indented left and right
Justified left and right
Must includ e author name, date and p age n umber r eferri ng to the
parent text
Only the Tab le in dex number should be in bold. Rest of the titl e
should b e in plain text (as illustrated above)
4. 3 Bindi ng
Three copies of the dissertation are to be submitted . Out of th ese
three two copies sho uld be hardbound and one shou ld be in paperb ack.
The hardbound cop ies shoul d have the con tents of title page
inscribed/past ed on them. It is the stu dents' responsibility to organize
the bindin g and make sure that the cop ies are ready before th e
submission date. The copies will be sign ed by the supervi sing auth ori ty
only in the binded format.
Annex ure I Title Page
Project Report
Annex ure II
Signatu re of th e candidate
<Student Name>