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Favourite Food Report

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1. Arya Maulana Ibrahim
2. Gebby Nur Ariska Effendy
3. M. Fahrel Moeloek
4. M. Reihan
5. Terrano Jazil Fadiatmoko


For Ms. Yuyun, class 3
Teacher SMKN 1, Balikpapan

By Group 1,
Class 3 SMKN 1, Balikpapan

January 29th, 2024



SMKN 1 BALIKPAPAN...........................................................................................................1
TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY.............................................................................................................................6

This survey report is prepared based on data obtained from 35 12th grade students of Softwar
e Engineering Expertise Program at SMKN 1 Balikpapan through the use of Google Form. T
he main purpose of the survey is to explore in-depth information about students' appetite for t
he school canteen menu. Questions in the survey include students' food preferences, eating ha
bits, and eating patterns.

The benefits of this report can be felt by the school canteen of SMKN 1 Balikpapan in optimi
zing food offerings according to students' preferences. The data from the survey provides a m
ore accurate insight into the types of food preferred by students, so that the canteen can adapt
their menu according to students' needs and desires. In addition, this report also provides info
rmation on students' eating habits, which can help the canteen strategize promotions or specia
l offers to increase students' interest in the canteen menu. As such, this survey report is expect
ed to increase students' satisfaction with the food options in the school canteen, create a more
enjoyable dining experience, and support the overall improvement of the canteen's service qu

In the context of educational development, the school canteen plays a crucial role in meeting
nutritional needs and providing a variety of food options for students. With changing eating p
atterns and preferences, a deep understanding of student preferences is essential to enhance th
e quality of canteen services. In SMKN 1 Balikpapan, the Software Engineering Vocational P
rogram (RPL) has twelfth-grade students with diverse eating preferences and habits.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word 'appetite' can be interpreted in two ways, n
amely appetite noun (FOOD) and appetite noun (NEED). Appetite noun (FOOD) refers to a p
erson's desire to eat or consume food. It depicts the level of someone's craving or appetite for
food at a particular time. Meanwhile, appetite noun (NEED) means a psychological or emotio
nal need deeper than just physical desire.

Recognizing the importance of involving students in menu development, this survey was con
ducted using Google Forms to obtain comprehensive data. The main goal of this survey is to i
dentify the foods favored by students, detect taste preferences (sweet, spicy, salty/savory, sou
py, vegan, meat), and explore students' eating habits, including eating patterns and favorite di
ning places.

This survey report is expected to provide a clearer and more detailed picture to the SMKN 1
Balikpapan canteen about what students want in terms of the canteen menu. With a deeper un
derstanding of students' tastes and eating habits, the canteen can make necessary adjustments
to enhance customer appeal and satisfaction. Additionally, this report can serve as a strategic
foundation for the school in developing policies that support the provision of food that aligns
with students' needs and preferences, creating a more dynamic and preferred canteen environ

This survey aims to provide comprehensive information on the food preferences of 12th grade RPL st
udents at SMKN 1 Balikpapan. Involving 35 respondents, the main objective of this survey is to identi
fy from the preferred food types to the students' eating patterns and habits. This information is expecte
d to trigger further interest in the canteen.

In addition, the purpose of the survey was to provide a clearer picture of the school canteen. By knowi
ng the preferred food types, the canteen can be more efficient in designing menus, avoiding wastage, a
nd ensuring the availability of food that students want. Thus, this survey is expected to increase stude
nts' satisfaction with the food choices in the canteen, creating a dining environment that better suits th
eir tastes.

1. food availability




10 10
10 7

List menus

batagor toast salome mie ayam cimin nasi pecel others

Based on the survey result of 12th grade RPL students at SMKN 1 Balikpapan, it is known
that Batagor is the most preferred choice with 15 respondents, followed by Toast with 11
respondents, and Salome with 10 respondents. Chicken Noodle and Cimin have equal
favorability with 10 and 9 respondents respectively. Nasi Pecel received 7 respondents, while
the "Others" category which includes fried duck, stir-fried tudai, siomay, and bakso aci
received 4 respondents.

In percentage terms, Batagor is still the top favorite with 42.9%, followed by Toast with
31.4%, and Salome with 28.6%. Mie Ayam and Cimin have equal favorability with
percentages of 28.6% and 25.7% respectively. Nasi Pecel received a percentage of 20%,
while the "Others" category food reached 11.6%.
This analysis shows that there are very diverse preferences for food variations among
students, and the "Others" category with fried duck, stir-fried tudai, siomay, and bakso aci
became quite a desirable alternative by 4 respondents. Therefore, the results of this survey
provide insight for the school to consider adding variations to the food menu, in order to
better fulfill students' culinary wants and needs.

2.Type of Food




15 11

List menus

salty/savory foods spicy foods sweet foods

meaty foods soupy foods veggie foods

Based on the results of a survey of 35 students of grade 12 RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan with
a question regarding the preferred type of food, the data shows diverse preferences among the
respondents. The most preferred type of food is salty/savory foods, with 25 respondents or
about 71.43% of the total respondents. Meanwhile, spicy foods received support from 18
respondents or around 51.43%, and sweet foods were the choice for 13 respondents or around

Furthermore, meaty foods gained 11 respondents or around 31.43%, showing significant

interest in meat-based dishes. Soupy foods and veggie foods each had lower favorability,
with 9 respondents or about 25.71% for soupy foods, and 5 respondents or about 14.29% for
veggie foods.

This percentage analysis highlights that salty/savory foods dominate as the most preferred
food type among students. The results of this survey can provide valuable guidance for
school authorities in designing canteen menus that are more in line with the tastes of RPL
grade 12 students at SMKN 1 Balikpapan, by considering the proportion and variety of the
most preferred food types.
3. Service Category


dine in
take away


Based on the survey result of 35 students of grade 12 RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan with a
question about eating preferences in the canteen, it is found that the majority of respondents,
as many as 32 people or about 91.43%, prefer to dine in when they are in the canteen.
Meanwhile, only 3 respondents or around 8.57% preferred to take away.

This analysis shows that more students choose the dine-in experience than the takeaway
experience when in the school’s canteen. The high percentage of on-site dining options may
imply that factors such as canteen ambience, social interaction and convenience of on-site
dining have a significant influence on students' decisions. The results of this survey can
provide valuable insights for canteens or schools in managing canteen services, ensuring that
canteen facilities and ambience support the preferences of the majority of students.

4. Time Selection

first break time

second break time


The results of a survey of 35 students of grade 12 RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan regarding the
preference of eating time in the canteen during break time show that the majority of responde
nts, namely 26 people or about 74.29% prefer to eat in the canteen during the first break time.
Meanwhile, only 9 respondents or about 25.71% prefer to eat at the canteen during the secon
d break.

This analysis shows that there are more students who choose to eat at the canteen during the f
irst break than during the second break. Factors such as earlier timing, time constraints, or soc
ial habits may influence this preference. Nonetheless, the fact that some respondents chose th
e second break suggests that there are variations in students' habits in utilizing break times. T
he results of this survey can be an important clue for the school or canteen to manage food ser
vices and ensure adequate food availability at certain hours according to students' needs.
adequate food according to the needs of the students.

5. Meal Portions

heavy meals


The results of a survey of 35 students of grade 12 RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan regarding eati
ng preferences in the canteen show that the majority of respondents, namely 29 people or abo
ut 82.9% prefer to buy heavy food when shopping in the canteen. Meanwhile, only 6 respond
ents or about 17.1% prefer to buy snacks.

This analysis shows that students who choose heavy foods are more than students who choos
e snacks when eating at the canteen. The possibility of greater nutritional needs during study
hours, or perhaps a personal preference for heavy food, could be a factor influencing this deci
sion. Nonetheless, the presence of a small proportion of students who opted for snacks sugges
ts that variations in food preferences remain among the respondents. The results of this surve
y can serve as a guide for schools or canteens to develop a balanced menu, taking into accoun
t the nutritional needs and preferred snack options of students.

6. Food Serving

by order
ready to eat


The results of a survey of 35 students of grade 12 RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan regarding the
preference between ready-to-eat food and food made to order (by order) show a clear trend. T
he majority of respondents, 31 people or about 88.6%, prefer by order food, which means the
food is made when someone orders it. Meanwhile, only 4 respondents or around 11.4% chose
ready-to-eat food.

This analysis shows that more students prefer by-order food than ready-to-eat food, perhaps b
ecause they value freshness and personalization in their food more. Although only a small pro
portion of students choose prepared food, this preference is still an important consideration fo
r schools or canteens in organizing and providing food services that suit the wants and needs
of students.

7. Price Suitability



The results of a survey of 35 students of class XII RPL at SMKN 1 Balikpapan regarding the
perception of price in the canteen show that the majority of respondents, 33 people or around
94.29%, feel that the price in the canteen is in accordance with the quality provided. Only 2 r
espondents or about 5.71% stated that the price in the canteen is not in accordance with the q
uality they receive.

This analysis shows that students who are satisfied with the price set are more than students
who are not satisfied, so the price set is considered commensurate with the quality of the food
or service provided. Although a minority of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the pri
ces, this could raise the potential for improving transparency or providing menu options that
better suit various budgets. The results of this survey can serve as a guide for schools or cante
ens to evaluate and improve pricing policies that reflect students' needs and expectations.

Overall, the results of a survey of 35 12th grade RPL students at SMKN 1 Balikpapan
regarding food preferences, meal times, food choices, type of service, number of servings,
and perceived prices at the canteen provide a comprehensive picture. The majority of students
tend to prefer heavy meals made to order and favor foods such as Batagor, Toast, and
Salome. They also eat on the spot more often than wrapped, especially during the first break.
Preferences for food types leaned more towards salty and savory foods, with the majority
liking foods like Batagor. While most students chose to eat on the spot during the first break,
there were variations in the habits of students who chose the second break. The majority of
students preferred to buy heavy meals when shopping at the canteen, but there were still a
number of students who opted for snacks. In addition, the majority of students felt that the
prices at the canteen were appropriate for the quality provided.
In conclusion, the results of this survey provide important insights for schools and canteens in
developing menu, service and pricing policies that better suit the needs and preferences of
students. By better understanding students' eating patterns and desires, it is hoped that the
canteen can increase students' satisfaction with food choices in the canteen and create a
dining environment that better suits their tastes.
There are several suggestions related to the objectives of the survey that have been carried ou
t to improve service quality and student satisfaction. First, the school or canteen should consi
der increasing the variety of menus with a focus on customizable heavy meals, such as Batag
or, Roti Bakar, and Salome which are favored by the majority of students. Secondly, to cater t
o students' eating habits, it is necessary to accommodate on-site dining options, especially dur
ing the first break. In addition, efforts to diversify the menu by considering the preference of
salty and savory foods, especially Batagor, can increase the attractiveness of food choices. Al
though the majority of students choose to eat in, special attention should also be paid to the p
acking service for students who choose the second break. Furthermore, the canteen could con
sider promotional strategies or discounts for heavy meals that are more popular among studen
ts. Finally, maintaining prices that are perceived as appropriate for the quality can support stu
dent satisfaction with the canteen service. By implementing these suggestions, it is hoped that
the canteen can become a more attractive place to eat and match students' preferences, increas
ing satisfaction and convenience in choosing food in the school canteen.
Survey Data. (2024). "Food Preferences in the Canteen: A Survey of Grade 12 RPL Students
at SMKN 1 Balikpapan.” SMKN 1 Balikpapan, Balikpapan, Indonesia.

Cambridge Dictionary.. (n.d.) Diperoleh February 04, 2024, dari https://dictionary.cambridge.


Food you want but don't available

Name Mie Nasi Baso Tumis Fried
Batagor Salome Cimin Toast Siomay
Ayam Pecel Aci Tudai Duck
Arya P
Calvin Maestro Augusta Herm
Muhammad Royyan P P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P P P
Rizky ilham asyrof P P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P P P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P P
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P P
Chelsea P
Terrano Jazil F. P P P P P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
Nanda Rizma P
Naraya Alexandra aafana P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P
Dhea P P P P P
Maulana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P P
M. Fahrel P P P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
Almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
Reikinawa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P P P P
Fatika P P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan P P
Muhammad Reihan P P P
Rezantika P P

What kind of food

Spicy Salty/Savory Meaty Suopy Sweaty Veggie
Arya Maulana P
Calvin Maestro August
a Hermanto
Muhammad Royyan P P P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Ais
Rizky ilham asyrof P P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sa
Muhammad Rifqi Ashid
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P
Chelsea P P
Terrano Jazil F P P P P P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efen
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
Nanda Rizma P P
Naraya Alexandra S. P
Dendia Aliza P P
Devitaa P
Dhea P P P P P
Maulana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P P
M. Fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto P. P P P P P P
Almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P P
Rangga P P
Zulfa P P P
Reikinawa P P P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P P P P
Fatika P P P
Muhammad Rajwa Al
Fathan K
Muhammad Reihan P P
Rezantika P P
Dine-in or Take-away
Dine-in Take-away
Arya Maulana P
Calvin Maestro Augusta Hermanto P
Muhammad Royyan P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P
Rizky ilham asyrof P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P
Chelsea P
Terrano Jazil F. P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
Nanda Rizma P
Naraya Alexandra S. P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P P
Dhea P
Lana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P
Fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
Almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
Reikinawa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P
Fatika P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan K P
Muhammad Reihan P
Rezantika P
First of second break time
First break time Second break time
Arya P
Calvin Maestro Augusta H. P
Muhammad Royyan P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P
Rizky ilham asyrof P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P
Chelsea P
Terrano Jazil F. P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
Rizma P
Naraya Alexandra S. P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P
Dhea P
Lana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P
Fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
Almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
Reikinawa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P
Fatika P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan K P
Muhammad Reihan P
Rezantika P
Heavy meals or snack
Heavy meals Snacks
Arya P
Calvin Maestro Augusta Hermanto P
Muhammad Royyan P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P
Rizky ilham asyrof P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P
Chelsea P
Terra P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
rizma P
naraya alexandra safana P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P
Dhea P
lana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P
fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
reykinowa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P
fatika P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan K P
Muhammad Reihan P
rejazantika P
By order or Instan Food
By order Instan Food
Arya P
Calvin Maestro Augusta Hermanto P
Muhammad Royyan P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P
Rizky ilham asyrof P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P
Gusti Ayu P
Maulidya P
Chelsea P
Terra P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
rizma P
naraya alexandra safana P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P
Dhea P
lana P
Amara Putri Dwnti P
fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
reykinowa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P
fatika P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan K P
Muhammad Reihan P
rezantika P
Price suitability
Name Reason if Incongruous
Suitable Incongruous
Arya P
Calvin Maestro Augusta Hermanto P
Muhammad Royyan P
Khairul Ilham P
Nana kartika P
Khalilah Rohadatul Aisy P Food given too little
Rizky ilham asyrof P
Kevin Pierre Rafael Sabran P
Muhammad Rifqi Ashidiq P
Gusti Ayu P Food given too little
Maulidya P
Chelsea P
Terra P
Gebby Ariska Nur Efendi P
Syaharani Putri Azhari P
rizma P
naraya alexandra safana P
Dendia Aliza P
Devitaa P
Dhea P
lana P
Amara Putri Dwnti
fahrel P
Gheofandi Dilianto Pertama P
almas P
Alif Rizki K P
Dean Prayoga P
Rangga P
Zulfa P
reykinowa P
Fasya Laras Pramisya P
fatika P
Muhammad Rajwa Al Fathan K P
Muhammad Reihan P
rezantika P

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