Business Communication BBA-3 M. Farooq
Business Communication BBA-3 M. Farooq
Business Communication BBA-3 M. Farooq
Course Specifications
Managerial Communication
Basic Information
Course Title: Business Communication
Course Code: BUS-3085
Course credits/week: Theory: 03 Lab: Nil Total: 03
Pre-requisite(s): Business Communication
Co-requisite(s): Nil
Program(s) on which the course is given: MBA and BBA
Is the course major or minor element of the program: Major: Minor:
Department offering the program: Business Administration / Textile
Department offering the course: Business Administration
Academic year/level: 2nd
Revision #:
Last revised on (date):
Course Schedule
Week Intended Learning Outcomes
Components of communication ch 1,ch2 text
Week 01- Internal and external communication
book p# 3-21,
Nonverbal communication
02 31-57
Verbal communication
The seven c’s
Favorable replies
Neutral messages Ch 9 p#211-232
Week 05-06 Bad news messages from textbook
Plans for bad news messages
Negative replies to requests
Unfavorable unsolicited messages
Short reports
Informational memorandums reports Ch 11, p# 281-
Wee 09 and Analytical memorandum reports 305 ch 13 p#
10 Proposal 354-375 from
Kinds of proposals textbook
Parts of proposals
Short proposal, long proposals
1 2 3 1 4
2 9 10 2 11
Weighting of Assessments
Quizzes 15 %
Assignments 15 %
Mid-semester examination 30 %
End-semester examination 40 %
Grading Criteria
Letter Grade Percentage Marks
A+ 90 & above
A 85 - 90
B+ 80-84.9
B 75-75.9
C+ 70-74.9
C 65-69.9
D+ 60-64.9
D 50-59.9
F Below 50