WPS - Aluminium V Copper - White Paper - 2021
WPS - Aluminium V Copper - White Paper - 2021
WPS - Aluminium V Copper - White Paper - 2021
The electrical equipment industry is
witnessing first-hand how a customer’s
purchase decision is being heavily
influenced, by the finest of margins,
when it comes to the two very similar
performing metals of aluminium and
Over the years, there has been plenty documented
about the performance of these two metals, especially
when it comes to their suitability, reliability and
performance as conductors.
Areas of Discussion
there are lots of arguments to consider for both the
manufacturers and consumers.
Due to the fact that AI and Cu are the two most
commonly used materials for conductors in
transformers, (amongst other electrical equipment),
there has always been comparisons made.
The competition between these two metals really began to heat up during
World War II. Copper became scarce because it was being used for shells
and bullet casing. This meant that, due to their similarities, several industries
opted for aluminium as the nearest alternative.
Aluminium, at the time, was in good supply and mostly cheaper than
copper. Therefore, it quickly became the preferred metal for high-
power transmission power lines. Today, almost all major manufacturers’
transmission lines are made with aluminium.
Traditionally, Cu has been the preferred metal, when
it comes to windings in distribution transformers.
There are a lot of scientific and practical reasons for
this, below.
As aluminium is the most abundantly
available of the two metals, (and because
of its soft, lightweight, non-magnetic,
corrosion resistant ductility), its uses go
far beyond electrical equipment alone.
Aluminium is both practical and reliable,
in an abundance of situations and scenarios,
mainly for the following reasons:
Strength Joining
Aluminium has low density. This means that it is light- Aluminium is a reliable metal and extremely easy to
weight, but it does not impact its strength. Even at work with when joining it to other materials or metals.
low temperatures, it does not become brittle, unlike Popular for welding, bonding and taping, it’s a facilitator
some other metals. Although at higher temperatures of most mechanical engineering joints.
(continuously above 100°c, aluminium does falter, and
must be taken into consideration.
Aluminium is a natural reflector of both visible light and
Machining radiated heat, making it a practical solution, or material,
In the modern era, it’s important for a metal to be for many manufacturing processes and products.
easily worked. Be it milling, punching, cutting or
drilling, aluminium doesn’t require much energy input
to manipulate it. This makes it very adaptable which is Radiation Screening
quick and easy to work with.
Secured aluminium boxes have the ability to exclude
electromagnetic radiation, largely due to aluminium’s
superior conductive ability. The more conductive a
Formability material, the better it performs, or acts, as a shield.
Similar to the above, due to aluminium’s superior
malleability, it can be exploited into a variety of sizes
and shapes. From strips to rolls, foils and sheets - the Anti-Corrosive
bending and forming of this metal is simply done,
Because aluminium reacts with oxygen in the air, it
whether it’s hot or cold.
forms its own protective layer of oxide. Despite it being
one thousandth of a millimeter thick, it is dense and
proves to be an ingenious method of protecting against
Conductivity corrosion.
Unsurprisingly, aluminium makes a fantastic conductor
for both electricity and heat. Aluminium weighs 30
percent lighter than copper and is 61 percent less
conductive. Which means aluminium with half the By being non-magnetic, aluminium avoids interference
weight of copper has he same conductivity and with any magnetic fields, which could prove
electrical resistance. problematic for some technologies, in some industries.
Aluminium V Copper Environmental Impact
As with anything in the modern era, its impact upon our environment
must be considered and taken seriously. Even the most minute of
differences can potentially save energy, reduce emissions and
prolong the future of our planet, so it’s always important to identify
potential issues.
Copper represents one of the most expensive materials
used in transformers. Copper is a finite resource, Again, both copper and aluminium are highly
making its cost unstable. Yet, due to an increase in recyclable. In fact, recycling these metals is a more
demand, it is becoming costlier. eco-friendly method than mining them. Recycling
scrap aluminium requires only 5% of the energy used
In comparison, the cost of aluminium is lower than that to make new aluminium, for example. Moreover, due
of copper and it doesn’t fluctuate as much either. to the increasing value of copper, it has become more
recyclable, and, in turn, more susceptible to theft.
Many of Earth’s materials and products are under threat.
Environmental Impact
The same can be said for the world copper reserves. To summarise, the environmental impact of each,
They are limited and are expected to be depleted at comes down to the ‘Eco-indicator’ method which
some point. This being the reason why prices are high quantifies environmental impact in terms of ‘points’.
and volatile. Its future is uncertain. 1000 points roughly corresponds to the annual impact
of an average European. Millipoints (mpt) are often the
On the other hand, aluminium is in plentiful supply. appropriate units for evaluating practical decisions in
There are copious amounts in the Earth’s core and we design work.
now produce almost twice as much AI, compared to
The values given for primary costs of Cu and Al are
Cu, annually. Therefore, aluminium has a more stable
1400 mpt/kg and 780 mpt/kg respectively. AI is clearly
platform, when it comes to supply and demand.
cheaper, but costs based on volume may be more
helpful: per volume, the values can be expressed as
12.5 mpt/cm3 for Cu and 2.1 mpt/cm3 for Al.
Both copper and aluminium require complex Even when considering the 62% additional Al needed
operations to mine and extract the metals from the for equal resistivity, Al has much less environmental
earth. Huge mining operations are present in both impact than Cu needed for the same winding by this
camps. Each operation has been developed over the measure.
years to become more environmentally friendly. For
instance, many of the byproducts are reclaimed. Sulfur
dioxide, produced when extracting copper, is captured
and turned into sulfuric acid which is then used in
fertiliser. Aluminium requires a lot of electricity in its
extraction process.
The informed choice of Al and Cu windings and
conductors used in power and distribution transformers
will be based on technical, commercial, economic and
environmental reasons such as discussed above.
However, a more detailed look at some of the metals properties, and a
closer assessment of their performance, may influence a decision further.
Material properties of pure Copper and Aluminium
This table gives some of the material properties for both Aluminium and Copper.
Please note that the material properties in this table refer to the pure elements and can differ per alloy.
Conductors Connections
Good conductors consist of materials which conduct The type of connections can vary from AI to AI, AI
electric current or allow the flow of electrons; these are to Cu and CU to CU. Be aware that when it comes
often non-magnetic like AI and Cu. to connections, if standard nut and bolt connection
materials are used, the thermal expansion between the
metals can lead to problems.
Copper Conductors
One solution is using a plated AI. Plating the AI
Copper has a rich history. Used by experimental
conductors guarantees there is no direct, physical
inventors, it eventually became the conductor for
contact between the two metals, especially if Cu is
inventions like the telegraph and telephone.
used for the bus bar.
Cu is the most common conductive metal, and
To prevent maintenance, whether or not the bus bar is
over time, it became the international standard.
AI or Cu based, the use of disk spring washers (Belleville
Commercially pure annealed Cu has a conductivity of
washers) for all combination of connections, is
recommended. When installing, the bolted connections
are set a specific amount of torque to compress the
washer. When it’s compressed, the washer acts a s a
Aluminium Conductors spring, compensating expansion and contraction whilst
Although Cu has been the material of choice for maintaining the correct contact pressure. Additionally,
conducting electricity, for many years, AI has its by using spring washers it eliminates any temperature
advantages, making it an attractive alternative. expansion effects. Therefore, thermal cycling will not
occur. This form of fatigue only occurs when plastics
Carrying 61% of the conductivity of Cu at 30% the deforms, as a result of the ratio of thermal expansion of
weight, AI weighs half as much but has the same the conductor material and the connector material.
electrical resistance. Nowadays, AI is often made up of
different alloys to recreate similar levels of creep and
elongation properties, similar to Cu.
Like most technologies and inventions, the
construction of them is constantly monitored and
revised, to improve its performance and success.
Aluminium V Copper Costs
Like most commodities, it has come to light that the deciphering factor
when a customer is choosing their products and equipment is cost.
The costs of copper and aluminium does fluctuate, in Again, referring to components which possess the
the commodities market. Therefore, a truly accurate metals in the overall build like panelboards, can see
representation is not always feasible. Regardless of huge variations in costs. The same can be said for
that, the references made in this report are based switchboards which can often see a 25-30% premium
on the components used surrounding distribution added for Cu over AI.
transformers and electrical equipment.
It’s within the transformers themselves where we
As previously mentioned, the percentage of each see the greatest variations. To have a copper version
metal used in the construction and containment of of a dry type transformer, you can expect to pay
distribution transformers will have a direct impact upon an additional 45-100% more than for an aluminium
the costs. For instance, a 1200A distribution panel with version.
zero breakers installed would be some 25-50% less than
one loaded with breakers, so an instant saving could Liquid filled transformers again show price differences
be made here. However, the percentage of the price of of around 10-15% for Cu-Cu v AL-AL. However, this
the bus bars is somewhat lower than the overall price percentage drops again when comparing a Cu-Cu to a
of the panels. Add to that the cost difference between Cu-AI wound transformer.
AI and Cu bussed panels and even greater savings of
around 7-8% can be seen. As is stands, all electrical equipment with aluminium
conductors (designed and tested to perform to the
In contrast to this, if the conductor is a large same level of copper), prove to be a more cost-
percentage of the overall assembly with a busway, effective option to the end user.
the greater the amperage of the busway, the larger
the base conductor is to the percentage of the overall
Price (£)
Price (£)
Date Date
Advantages & Disadvantages
of ALuminium & Copper
There are plenty of positives about the usefulness
of aluminium and copper, but here are a few when
it comes to our industry, when considering the
components as windings:
WILSON POWER SOLUTIONS Distribution Transformer
After over 70 years’ experience in When considering distribution transformer windings in
particular, historically speaking, most were made from
the industry, Wilson Power Solutions copper, for commercial reasons, as copper prices were
have seen a lot of advancements and low, and the conductivity of the material made it a
changes. This is what has spearheaded logical choice.
the company’s product innovation, However, around 10 years ago, copper prices rose
engineering excellence and dedicated significantly on the back of China buying most of
customer service today. the world’s copper supply for their own internal
consumption, meaning that transformer manufacturers
were forced to look at alternatives for winding
The transitions have embedded a strong sense of social materials.
and environmental responsibility within the business,
and perhaps have made the company a valued and From the mid 1970’s manufacturers had experimented
trusted power solutions partner for some of the UK’s with aluminium as a winding material, but, at that
biggest companies. time, there wasn’t a significant price difference
between that and copper. Additionally, in this era,
welding technology made it difficult to weld a busbar
onto the end of the winding for the LV connection.
Since that time, there have been significant advances
in welding technology, such that with robot welding
the performance is much more consistent and
therefore the connection between the busbar and the
winding itself is as robust as with a copper winding.
Having analysed many aspects surrounding the AI v Cu debate, the final
thoughts have to be surrounding personal experience, preference and
understanding. Whilst the majority of people grasp the concept of costs,
and are heavily influenced by it, there are other aspects to consider.
Tradition is often hard to interrupt. In certain parts of the Asides form design and costs decisions, the prominent
UK, manufacturers may not have had the experience factor has to be environmental. Each metal is sourced,
of working with aluminium before, and therefore stick recycled and dependent on numerous factors.
to what they know. Hesitancy to change habits of a Selecting the right one, at the right time, for the
lifetime could be a reason as to why copper remains right product can be crucial to the impact upon our
a popular choice, despite the similar advantages of environment.
All of the points in this paper need to be considered by
On the other hand, the equipment manufacturers will all parties, when making a decision between the use
make what they customer requests. If said customer of AI or Cu in distribution transformer windings. Both
has limited knowledge of the benefits of aluminium materials will meet customer expectations, if designed
versus copper, they too will side with what they’re to industry standards and installed correctly.
used to. Perhaps this is because many consultant, and
end user, specifications state the use of copper only
conductors throughout their projects. The chances are
that these specifications have not been updated for
decades, so people are not being educated or informed
about other possibilities and solutions.