Pathway Book 1 Entered Apprentice
Pathway Book 1 Entered Apprentice
Pathway Book 1 Entered Apprentice
Provincial Grand
Lodge of Lincolnshire
Pathway to Mentoring:
First Degree Ceremony
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This Mentoring Booklet was presented to
by Worshipful Brother
Lodge No
Personal Mentor
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2 Introduction
2 What is Freemasonry?
3 History of Freemasonry in England
4 The History of Freemasonry in Lincolnshire
4 The Lodge Mentor
5 The Ceremony of your Initiation into Freemasonry
6 The Charge after your Initiation
7 Explanation of the first degree Tracing Board
8 Masonic Ritual - ‘a series of playlets’
10 The Order of the Holy Royal Arch
10 Basic Masonic Etiquette
12 Subjects Not Proper for Discussion in Lodge
12 What is the Festive Board?
13 The Lodge Room
14 A Daily advancement in Masonic knowledge
14 What next?
15 Second Degree Questions and Answers (Abbreviated)
16 Mentoring Check List
17 Sources of Information
18 Personal Notes
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Dave Wheeler
Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire
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This booklet is the first of three and is It is one of the world’s oldest and largest
intended to offer guidance in the ceremony non-religious, non-political, fraternal and
that you have just experienced. It is hoped charitable organisations. It teaches self-
that these booklets will support you in knowledge through participation in a
making a daily advancement in Masonic progression of ceremonies (playlets).
knowledge and answer any questions you Whilst Freemasons are not expected to be
may have. We would like you to enjoy your perfect in all they do, members are
Craft Masonry, including the Holy Royal expected to be of high moral standing and
Arch, that will complete your journey in are encouraged to speak openly about
Pure and Antient Freemasonry. Freemasonry.
Please discuss this booklet and any
additional questions you may have with The Three Great Principles
your Mentor, Proposer or Seconder. They of Freemasonry are:
all have a shared responsibility to guide
you in your development and journey in Brotherly Love - tolerance and respect
Freemasonry. There may be some questions for others and their opinions, kindness
which are unanswerable until you have and understanding towards other
taken a higher degree. Be patient if they people.
defer from answering.
People join Freemasonry for a variety of Relief – caring for each other and also
reasons: fellowship, social aspects, the wider community through
friendships, intellectual and moral self- charitable giving and voluntary work
improvement or even spiritual reasons.
Some because they are simply intrigued Truth – truth and honesty, exhibiting
and inquisitive to learn more OR believe high moral standards in our lives and
that Freemasonry will offer them an encouraging them in others.
opportunity to learn and develop as citizens
and individuals. Whatever the reason for The Values of Freemasonry are as relevant
joining Freemasonry, it is hoped that you today as they have been at any time over
will experience more and different benefits the last three hundred years. Freemasons
than you anticipated; benefits that are encompass and embrace the fundamental
gained from being a member of our principles of good citizenship in all walks
wonderful fraternity. of life:
• Kindness: Freemasons have always been
deeply involved in charity and make a
major contribution to society through their
own charities, as well as through donations
to UK charities and worldwide disaster
funds, with members playing an active role
in their communities
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• Honesty: Freemasonry prides itself on its oldest document that refers to Masons is
transparency. Not only are Freemasons the Regius Poem, printed about 1390,
completely free to acknowledge their which is known to be a copy of an earlier
membership, they are encouraged to do so. work. In 1646 Elias Ashmole recorded his
• Tolerance: Freemasons are expected to initiation in Warrington in his diary and this
show respect for the opinions of others and remains the first firm evidence of a
behave with understanding towards other speculative initiation taking place in
people. England. Continuing throughout the 1600s
• Fairness: Freemasons treat all as equal. evidence of non-operative Lodges
For many, the organisation’s biggest draw increases.
is the fact that members come from all On 24th June 1717, four Lodges met in the
walks of life and meet as equals whatever Goose and Gridiron Tavern in St Paul’s
their race, religion or socio-economic Churchyard in London and formed the first
position Grand Lodge of England - and the first in
• Integrity: Freemasons are asked to be the the world. Antony Sayer was elected the
best people they can be, which comes hand first Grand Master, and records from that
in hand with following the above principles point in time are more detailed.
of kindness, honesty, fairness, tolerance Over the course of the following century
A Freemason is always considered a Ireland and Scotland also formed their own
Brother to every other Freemason in the Grand Lodges in 1725 and 1736
world. The wearing of regalia is historic respectively. Lodges opened across
and symbolic and indicates the rank of the England and abroad as the British Empire
wearer in the organisation. When you are expanded. A rival Grand Lodge was
ready, we would like you to take part in our formed in England though happily, after 4
ceremonies and progress in the Lodge. years of negotiations, these Masonic bodies
merged and formed the United Grand
hISTOry OF FrEEMaSONry Lodge of England, or UGLE, on 27th
IN ENGlaNd December 1813.
By 1814, 647 Lodges existed across
No-one can say England and overseas. Expansion
with absolute continued at home and abroad to such an
certainty how or extent that at the turn of the century, 2800
when the Lodges were operating under the aegis of
Masonic the United Grand Lodge of England
fraternity as we (UGLE). At the same time other Grand
recognise it today Lodges were being formed throughout
was formed. A other countries.
widely-accepted theory among Masonic In 2017 UGLE, the oldest Grand Lodge in
scholars is that it arose from stonemasons' the World, celebrated its tercentenary
guilds during the Middle Ages. amongst its 6000+ Lodges spread
Some of the language and symbols used in throughout the world. Celebrations
the rituals certainly come from this era. The culminated with an event at the Royal
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You will find this approach especially first enter Freemasonry, we are without the
beneficial during your early years of hidden knowledge of the Craft and rely on
membership, when you will no doubt have the help and guidance of others, such as our
many questions regarding our organisation Sponsors, Mentors and indeed any other
and its ceremonies. Please never be too Brother. It is hoped that you as a brother
reserved to ask for information, or will develop in the Craft and you in turn
assistance ……. All the Brethren in your can extend help to others.
Lodge are also your Mentors and will be
pleased to assist in any way they can. The h...w...k you wore, represented the
darkness associated with the lack of
Your Personal Mentor will refer to this knowledge and Masonic Education and
document and those that follow, to assist in also enables the Candidate to be led into
explaining those various aspects of our the Lodge Room without seeing the
organisation that make it so enjoyable, arrangement of the Lodge. At the
interesting and spiritually uplifting. appropriate part of the ceremony, the
Lodge is revealed to you. This
The approach taken by your Mentor will symbolically represents the beginning of
depend upon your personal relationship your Masonic knowledge and journey.
with him and your own particular wishes
and needs. He will have a ‘check list’ of The c... t... is an old emblem of a servant
information but feel free to ask your own being bonded to his Master. In a
questions. Freemason’s Lodge, it symbolises our
bondage to ignorance until we are brought
Whatever the style taken, he (they) will be to the light of knowledge of the Volume of
seeking to ensure that you receive these The Sacred Law. (In our Lodges this is
key elements: Belonging, Understanding, usually the Bible but could be the sacred
Involvement and Enjoyment. Book of another Religion as held by the
Candidate, such as the Koran etc.).
Mentoring is a two-way process, so please
do be open and honest with your Mentor(s) The l… b... is made b... so that the points
and make him (them) aware of your wishes of both the p... and the c... can be felt next
and needs. He (they) is there to see that you to the heart. Also, some believe, to prove
get the most, in every way, from your that the Candidate is not female.
membership in the Craft. He (they) may
even assist you to learn your words for You were d…v...d of all m…t objects, so
your Second and Third Degree ceremonies. that you could not bring any offensive
weapons into the Lodge to disturb its
ThE CErEMONy OF yOur harmony. Equally to represent the fact that
INITIaTION INTO FrEEMaSONry without money and riches we are all equal.
The First Degree Ceremony represents You were s…p…s…d to emphasise your
birth, in the sense of emergence, of a poverty and your k... was made b... so
Candidate’s Masonic knowledge. When we that there was nothing between it and the
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Earth when the Obligation was taken. received without anything of value,
emblematically to show that you entered
Inside the Lodge Room you confirmed that Freemasonry as a man without worldly
your entry was of your own volition, possessions and therefore in need.
confirmed your belief in God, and that you
were of mature age and you agreed to go The Working Tools of an Entered
through the Ceremony of your Initiation. Apprentice were presented to you, they
teach us the basis of a good life and how
You were paraded before the members as a we become fit members of society, which is
good man and true. also explained in more detail in the Charge.
This is outlined below.
You recited an Obligation and agreed to
obey the rules of the Organisation and You were then given copies of the Book of
promised to preserve the “Secrets of Constitutions and the Lodge Bye-Laws.
Recognition” (‘Sign, Token and Word’) In some Lincolnshire Lodges the Candidate
which were explained and entrusted to you leaves the room at this point to restore
in detail; the symbolism of certain objects himself to his personal comforts; in others
was also explained to you. The ‘Secrets of this happens after the charge we describe
Recognition’ are the means by which we next.
can recognise one another ‘by night as well
as by day’. This originates back to our ThE CharGE aFTEr
operative past to gain entry to a Lodge in yOur INITIaTION
the degree of work that would follow. In
the past Masons were not literate and so When you were ready, you re-entered the
were not given certificates of qualification Lodge Room where the “Ancient Charge”
as to his level of skill or expertise. was recited to you: recommending how
you should behave in your life and actions.
You were examined twice in reciting the
‘Secrets of the Degree’, first at the Junior This part of our ritual, the “First Degree
Warden’s pedestal and later at the Senior Charge”, is both beautiful and meaningful,
Warden’s pedestal. being designed to encourage the newly
admitted mason to contemplate and think
You were invested with an Apron of plain deeply about the deeper implications of
white Lambskin which is a symbol of being a Freemason. It encompasses a daily
purity and is derived from the Aprons worn striving to make a good man better.
by the Medieval Operative Masons. It is
the Badge of the Order and all other Below are a few points to remind you to
Masonic aprons, however ornate, are look again at the full piece, with your
derived from this Badge. Mentor, and to appreciate the message it
As a test, at the North East Corner of the
Lodge, you were asked to give to Charity. As you have passed through the ceremony
You will recall the result and that you were of your initiation let me congratulate you
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‘a SErIES OF PlaylETS’
Historically, by learning the Ritual, all were the ceremony of Exaltation in the Holy
enabled to take part and progress. Royal Arch.
Additionally, not committing the Ritual to
print emphasised its secrecy which was The Entered Apprentice Degree (or
insisted upon at that time. It cannot be initiation) represents youth because it
denied that the ceremony has far more teaches the most basic lessons of belief in
impact on the Candidate when delivered Great Architect of the Universe, the
from memory. necessity of charity to mankind, the
importance of truth, and the value of
Specially written playlets convey different keeping one’s word. This leads to;
aspects of the ancient mystery traditions.
Each stage is another part of the whole, one The Second Degree which is the Fellow
leading to the next. There are three distinct Craft, (or Passing) this degree represents
playlets in Craft Masonry; The Entered manhood, the middle period of life. During
Apprentice, the Fellowcraft and the Master this playlet, the importance of education
Mason and this is then complemented by and work, and the awesome power of the
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Great Architect of the Universe, are taught done, so that the ceremony can be given as
to the Mason. This leads finally to; flawlessly as possible. For this reason,
attendance at rehearsals is vital, speak to
The Master Mason Degree (or Raising) is your Mentor who will advise you. A well
the third playlet or ritual of the Lodge. In conducted ceremony not only impresses on
the course of this ceremony, the new the mind of the Candidate, but also
Master Mason is taught the importance of demonstrates to him his importance, shown
living a life true to the principles of by the fact that so many of his new-found
morality and virtue.In many Lodges, a Brethren have gone to such lengths for his
newly-initiated member does not have benefit and to ensure his welcome amongst
access to the printed ritual until he is them. It does of course also provide them
presented with, or allowed to purchase, a with huge satisfaction in a job well done
ritual book following the completion of his with skill and co-operation.
Third Degree.
However long or short the piece of ritual,
There are several versions of Masonic you should always endeavour to deliver it
ritual. However, all Masonic ritual has the with clarity and sincerity. If mumbled or
same purpose – to inculcate a heightened garbled, the message will be lost and with
sense of morality and awareness of eternal it the purpose, not to mention the
truths within which human existence is recipient’s attention and interest. Having
lived. said that, it is acknowledged that very few
of us are professional actors, so all that is
The Ritual is a book to be studied, since it expected is that members try their hardest
carefully provides not only the words and and do their very best.
an idea of the movements to be used in the
ceremonies, but also an insight into the
thinking and intentions that inspired
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demonstrate it for you. He will then give a If you make a proposition, or address the
report, by knocking on the door of the Lodge, it must be made to the Worshipful
Lodge and let them know that you are Master, giving the salute in the degree in
outside. When the Inner Guard comes to which the Lodge is working.
the door to enquire who seeks admission
the Tyler will announce your name. When When addressing Officers or Brethren in
you are admitted to the Lodge, the Director the Lodge, remember that we are all
of Ceremonies or his Assistant will Brothers. Rank applies to the individual not
normally greet you. You should give the to the office he holds. Correct terminology
relevant sign for the degree and, holding is to ‘Brother Secretary’ or ‘Worshipful
that sign, briefly apologise to the Brother Smith’, not ‘Worshipful Brother
Worshipful Master for your late arrival (a Secretary’. Normally forenames should not
single sentence is more than adequate). The be used, except to differentiate between
Director of Ceremonies or his Assistant two Brethren who happen to have the same
will then take you to your seat. Masonic surname.
acknowledgement in the Lodge is by
means of a ‘court bow’, i.e. a brief forward Never turn your back on the Master to
inclination of the head only, not a bow address the Lodge without first receiving
from the waist. Before being seated you permission from the Master to speak.
give a court bow (nod of the head) to the No man sits whilst speaking in the Lodge
escorting Officer. room, no matter if he addresses an Officer
or another brother.
Never take a seat in the East without You must always obey the gavel and pay
invitation, even if all other seats are taken. attention to the Worshipful Master.
When perambulating (walking formally, It is bad form to talk to your neighbour in
not marching) in the Lodge, remember to Lodge during the ceremony, or when
always start off with the left foot and avoid anyone is speaking. If you do need to talk
swinging your arms, or clenching your during a break in proceedings, ensure you
fists. Always exhibit a good posture. do so discreetly.
Brethren will salute the Master when All mobile phones are to be turned off
they leave the Lodge and again when they when in the Lodge Room.
re-enter the Lodge Room. Masonic etiquette is important in
Freemasonry and customs may vary from
When addressing, or responding to the Lodge to Lodge. As a general rule, it is
Worshipful Master, you should salute first sensible (and polite) to follow the custom
(with step) in the current degree, followed and practice adopted by any Lodge you
by the words “Worshipful Master”. If what may be visiting.
you are saying is to be lengthy (except as
part of the ritual), cut the sign after the
address, say your piece and finish with the
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The Lodge Room is laid out very You will also notice that there are certain
specifically and the seating arrangements other items of Lodge furniture that are
may vary slightly in different Craft Lodges. placed in specific positions in the Lodge
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Personal Mentor:
Lodge Mentor:
Date completed
Brief History
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Initiates’ Guide
A comprehensive booklet published by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge.
Available from the Provincial Grand Mentor
Please do not attempt to gain the secrets of the next degree or to look at your next
ceremony it will only spoil it for you... Keep the mystery
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The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire wishes to acknowledge
and thank all those Brethren who have assisted the Provincial
Grand Mentor in producing this and the other mentoring booklets
for the Provincial Mentoring Scheme. We also acknowledge and
thank the work of other Provinces that have produced mentoring
materials for their kind assistance, and in particular the Province
of Derbyshire for their cooperation.