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Registered No.


No.572 AMARAVATI, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 G.230


Energr Department- 4230 MW Integrated Renewable Energr Project (IREP

Project) in the villages of Kurnool & Nandyal Districts, Andhra Pradesh -
Reconfiguration of PSP capacity & Enhancement of Solar capacity,
permission to develop individual components of Pinnapuram IREP Project
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G.O.Ms.No.2L Dated: 15.o9.2o22

Read the Following:

1 . G.O. Ms.N o. 24, Energr, I&l(Power-ll)Department, dated: lg.O7 .2O 18.

2. G.O.Ms.No. 16, Energr (Power-ll)Department, dated :13.06.2O2O.
3. Representation of Greenko AP01 IREP Private Limited,
dated: 17 .O8.2022.
4. From the vice chairman & Managing Director, New and Renewable
Energr Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (NREDCAP), vide
letter No. NREDCAP/WE/ /AMGEPL I 2022 I 1535, dated:22.O8.2022.
5. From the Chairman & Managing Director, AilRANSCO, letter
No.CMD/ CGM / Commercial&Legal/ RAC / F.05 / D.No. I 22,
dt:27 .O8.2O22.
6. From the Member-Convenor, APPCC, Vijayawada, letter No.CGM(PP)/
DGM/F.Greenko(IREP Project) D.No. I 22, dated:26.O8.2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No.87, Revenue(ASSN.V) Department, dated:05.O2 .2019.
8, G.O.Ms.No.64, Water Resources (Reforms) Department,
dated:02 .12.2O2O.


In the G.Olst read above, Government had approved the proposal of

M/s Greenko Energies Private Limited for establishment of India's largest
Integrated Renewable Energr Project (IREP) at Pinnapuram Village, Panyam
Mandal, Kurnool District and also approved the following:

1. Approved for establishment of 1000 MW of Solar Energr.

ii. Approved for establishment of 550 MW of Wind Energr.

iii. Approved for establishment of 1200 MW of standalone pumped

storagc capacities.

iv. Approved for allocation of 1 TMC of water on a non-consumptive

basis from the Gorakallu Reservoir as per the Industrial Water

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Supply poiicy/guidelines and subject to guidelines issued by the
Irrigation Department.

v Approved the overall IREP Scheme and recognition as a "Mega

Industrial Project" thereby facilitating Single Window clearance
and facilitation.
V1 Approved for allotment and alienation of land to an extent of
4766.28 acres to the M/s.Greenko Energies Private Limited on
outright sale basis as per the latest market value to be fixed by
the Revenue DePartment.

vl1. The project should be completed within a period of 4 years (48

-orrirr"i failing which the entire land will be resumed
back to

2. In the G.O.2"a read above, Government have issued further following

orders on the aforesaid Project: -

1 A 'Green Energz Development Charge' shall be levied at the

following rates.

Reverse Pumping, Rs 1 lakh/ MW installed capacity/year for

Hydro Project(s) first 25 years, and Rs 2 lakhs/MW instalied
capacity/year thereafter
Solar/Wind Rs 1 iakh/MW installed capacity/year for 28

ii. The land rate fixed for alienation in reference 2 shall be enhanced
from Rs.2.5 lakhs per acre to Rs.5 lakhs per acre'

iii. To change the name to "Greenko APO 1 IREP Private Limited" with
CIN U4-0200TG2O2OWC139744 and Registered Office at Plot
No.1366, Road No.45, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500033,
Telangana, India.

iv. For advance possession of the required lands in the Project Area for
the preliminary and enabling infrastructure development.

3. In the reference 3.dread above, M/s. Greenko

AP01 IREP Private
Limited, Hyderabad has requesteci the Government lor orders on the

i. Reconfiguration of Pumped Storage Project (PSP) capacity from

1200 MW with 9 Hours storage to 1680 MW with 6 hours storage
without any additional allotment of water & enhancement of Solar
Energr project capacity to 23OO MW from 1000 MW and reduction
of Wind Power capacity from 550 MW to 250 MW.

Page 2 of 8
11 Permission to develop PSP, Solar and Wind components of the
IREP under separate multiple SPVs as below and issue separate
G.Os enabling the same.

Component Name of the SPV Comments

New SPV to develop solar
15OO MW AC Greenko APO1 IREP
project required for SECI
Solar Energr Solar 2 Pvt. Ltd.
New SPV for balance solar
capacity out of requested
Solar Energz Solar 1 Pvt. Ltd.
2300 MW.
250 MW Wind Greenko APO1 IREP New SPV for sanctioned
Energy Wind Pvt. Ltd. wind capacity.
1680 MW
Pumped Greenko APO1 IREP Same SPV with
Storage Pvt. Ltd. reconfigured capacity

Alienation of allotted lands to new proposed SPVs of M/s. Greenko

and allotment of additional available Government Lands for the
development of the enhanced Solar capacity on lease basis as per
AP Renewable Energr Export Policy 2O2O to new proposed SPVs of

Name of the Extent of Land Status Remarks

SPV under Process
241.4O Acres Allotted & Alienated No changes in
Under process of SPV. Request
Greenko alienation vide to complete
APO l IREP 1235.29 Acres NREDCAP IWE lGreenko- allotment of
Pvt. Ltd. IREP/2O2O dt. 19th June land on
2O2O and others. alienation
basis in favour
of Greenko
Total 1476.69 Acres APO 1 IREP Pvt.
Alienation GO available Permission for
for 2225.88 Acres vide implementing
G.O.Ms.No.8'/, Dt. and alienating
05,O2.2019 Revenue lands in favour
Greenko (Assn.V) Department in of the Greenko
APO l IREP 2815.88 Acres lavour of Greenko AP01 APO 1 IREP
Solar 2 Wt IREP Pvt. Ltd.& Solar 2 Pvt.
Ltd. additional 590 Acres Ltd. (neu SPY
under process vide deueloping
NREDCAP IWE I Greenko Solar
-IREP/ 2022 dr. 27th&, component)
28th June 2022

Page 3 of 8
Available lands in Request for
Orvakal Mandal as per allotment of
Rc.F/ 1060l2022 Dt. available lands
23.07.2022 of RDO, on Lease basis
Kurnool. in favour of the
Greenko AP01
3384.87 Acres IREP Solar 2
Pvt. Ltd. as per
provisions of
AP Renewable
Energr Export
Policy 2O2O.
Total 62o,0.7S Acres

4. The proposal of M/s.Greenko AP01 IREP Pvt. Ltd. has been placed
before State Investment Promotion Board (SIPB) meeting held on
05.09.2022. The SIPB have taken the following decisions:

Enhancement / amendment of IREP project capacities as follows:

Sanctioned Capacity
Capacity as per enhanced/
Component G.O Ms No. 24 amended now (MWf
Dt: 19.O7.2O1a
Pumped Storage
Hydro Power
t200 1680
(9 Hours Storage) (6 Hours Storage)
Solar Energr
1000 2300
Wind Energr
550 250
Total 27SO 4230

Transfer of capacities of various components of IREP in the name

of SPVs of M/s. Greenko as follows:

Component Name of the SPV

1500 MW Solar Energr Greenko AP01 IREP Solar 2
Pvt. Ltd.
800 MW Solar Energr Greenko APO1 IREP Solar 1
Pvt. Ltd.
Greenko AP01 IREP Wind Pvt
250 MW Wind Energr
1680 MW Pumped Storage
Greenko APO 1 IREP I\t. Ltd

Page 4 of 8
Expediting the process of alienation of already allotted 4,766.28
Acres on outright sale basis at Panyam(Mandal), Kurnool and
Nandyal District.
lv. Allocation of additional lands in Kurnool/ Nandyal Districts on
lease basis as per the provision of AP RE Export Policy 2O2O for
establishing allotted Wind and Solar power components based on
the requisition received from M/s. Greenko. The land allocation
shall not exceed 3.00 acres per MW in case of Solar Power and 2.50
acres per MW in case of wind power projects at Panyam Mandal in
Nadyal District and Orvakal Mandal in Kurnool District.
V Alienation / Lease of lands on different SPVs of M/s. Greenko as
Name of the Extent of Land under Process

sPv I

241.4O Ac (Already allotted and alienated)

Greenko APO1 1,235.29 Ac (Allotted as per
IREP Pvt. Ltd. G.O.Ms.No.24, Dt: 1 9.O7 .2ol8l
Total : L,476.69 Acres
2,815.88 Ac (Allotted as per G.O.Ms.No.
Greenko APO1 24, Dt:lg.OT .2018)
3,384.87 Ac (To be allotted on lease basis
IREP Solar 2 as per AP RE Export Policy 2O2O)
Pvt. Ltd.
Total: 6,2o,0.75 Acres

V1 Payment of Statutory fee and charges to NREDCAP for Wind and

Solar Power capacities as per Wind and Solar Power policies 2018.
v11. Extension of project duration for a period of 4 years from the date
of handing over of total land required for the project.

5. Government after detailed examination of the proposal of

M/s.Greenko APO1 IREP Pvt. Ltd., in consultation with various stakeholders
i.e, Revenue Dept., EFS&T Dept./ WRD Departments, etc. in the light of the
decisions taken in the State Investment Promotion Board, have decided for
Reconliguration of Pumped Storage Project (PSP) capacity and enhancement
of Solar Power capacity under IREP Project allotted to M/s. Greenko and
also for allotment of different components of IREP on different SPVs of
Greenko group including allotment of lands on alienation and long term
lease basis.

6. Accordingly, Government hereby issue the following orders for

implementing the projects:

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Reconfiguration of Pumped Storage Project (PSP) capacity from
12OO MW with 9 Hours storage to 1680 MW with 6 hours
storage without any additional allotment of water.

ii. Enhancement of Solar Energr Project capacity to 2300 MW from

1000 Mw.

iii. Allocation of PSP, Solar and Wind components of the IREP

under separate multiple SPVs as below:

Name of the SPV Component

Greenko APO1 IREP Solar 2
1500 MW Solar Power
Pvt. Ltd.
Greenko APO1 IREP Solar 1
800 MW Solar Power
Pvt. Ltd.
Greenko APOl IREP Wind Pvt
250 MW Wind Power
1680 MW Pumped Storage
Greenko APO1 IREP Pvt. Ltd.
Total 4230 MW

7. Further government hereby issue the following orders

I Expediting the process of alienation of already allotted 4,766.28

Acres on outright sale basis in the villages of Kurnool and
Nandyal Districts on payment of Rs.5 lakhs per acre as per the
G.O. issued in 2"d read above.
ii. Allocation of additional lands in the villages of Kurnool/
Nandyal Districts on lease basis as per the provision of AP RE
Export Policy 2O2O for establishing allotted Wind and Solar
power components based on the requisition received from M/s.
Greenko. The land allocation shall not exceed 3.00 acres per
MW in case of Solar Power and 2.50 acres per Mega Watt in
case of wind power projects in the villages of Nandyal and
Kurnool Districts.
iii. Alienation / Lease of lands in favour of different SPVs of M/s.
Greenko as follows:
Name of the Extent of Land under Process
241.4O Acres (Already allotted and
Greenko APO1
1,235.29 Acres (Allotted as per G.O.Ms.
IREP Pvt. Ltd.
No.24, Dt: 19.O7 .2O 18/G.O.Ms.No.16,
dated. l3-06-2020.l
Total 1,476.69 Acres

Page 6 of 8
2,815.88 Acres (Allotted as per G.O.Ms.
No.24, Dt: 19.O7 .20181 G.O.Ms.No.16,
Greenko APO1 dated.13-06-2020.
IREP Solar 2 3,384.87 Acres (To be allotted on lease
Pvt. Ltd. basis as per AP RE Export Policy 2O2O)
Total 6,2o,0.75 Acres

iv. Alienation / Lease of additional lands on Greenko APO1 IREP

Solar 1 Pvt. Ltd and Greenko AP01 IREP Wind Pvt Ltd will be
considered subsequently on request/identification of the lands in
the villages of Kurnool and Nandyal districts.
v. For the total capacities Green Energr Development Charge shall be
levied &S, "Reverse pumping, hydro project(s) - Rs.l lakh/ MW
installed capacity/year for first 25 years, and Rs.2 Lakhs/ MW
installed capacity/year thereafter and in respect of Solar/Wind
project(s) - Rs.1 lakh/MW installed capacity lyear for a period of 28

vi. Statutory fee and charges to NREDCAP for Wind and Solar Power
capacities shall be paid as per AP Wind and Solar Power policies
2Ol8 within two (2) months from the date of this order'

vii.The project duration is extended for a period of four (4) years from
the date of handing over of total land.

8. The Revenue Department/EFS&T/lndustries & Commerce/Water

Resource Departments, AffRANSCO, APSPDCL, Collector and District
Magistrate of Nandyal and Kurnool Districts shall take necessary action
accordingly with respect to the issues concerning to them.
g. The Vice Chairman & Managing Director, New and Renewable Energr
Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh, Tadepalli shall take further
necessary action accordinglY.



M/s. Greenko IREP Private Limited, Hyderabad'
M/s. Greenko IREP Solar I Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
M/s. Greenko IREP Solar 2 Pvl. Ltd', Hyderabad
M/s. Greenko IREP Wind Pvt. Ltd., Hy'derabad.
The VC& Managing Director, NREDCAP, Tadepalli'
The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration & Special Chief Secretary to
Page 7 of 8
The Special Chief Secretary to Government, Finance Department.
The Special Chief Secretary to Government, Industries & Commerce
The Special Chief Secretary to Government, Revenue Department.
The Special Chief Secretary to Government, EFS&T Department.
The Principal Secretary to Government, Water Resources (lrrigation)
The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, GoAP, Guntur
The Collector & District Magistrate, Kurnool District.
The Collector & District Magistrate, Nandyala District.
The Chairman & Managing Director, APTRANSCO, Vidyuth Soudha,

CoPv to
The Commissioner of Industries Department, Vijayawada.
The Managing Director, APGENCO, Gunadala, Vijayawada.
The Chairman & Managing Director, APSPDCL, Tirupathi.
The Chairman & Managing Director, APCPDCL, Vijayawada.
The Chairman & Managing Director, APEPDCL, Visakhapatnam
The P.S to Special Chief Secretary to Chief Minister.
The P.S. to Secretary to Chief Minister.
The P.S., to Minister (Energr), FES&T & Mines and Geologr
The P.S. to Special Chief Secretary to Govt., Energr dept.


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