1. Part of Speech 1-65
a. Noun 1
b. Pronoun 15
c. Adjective 25
d. Verb 33
e. Adverb 45
f. Preposition 53
g. Conjunction 60
2.Tense 66
3.Articles 76
4.Voice 82
5.Narration 89
6.Conditional Sentences 93
7.Subject Verb Agreement 97
1.Synonym & Antonym 106
2.Phrasal Verb 129
3.Idiom & Phrases 143
4.One Word Substitutions 185
1.Reading Comprehension 193
2.Close Test 201
3.Rearrangement of Sentence 206
4. Fillers 213
5. Error Detection 219
6. Sentence Improvement 221
A noun is the name of place, person, thing, idea action and quality.
Proper Noun – Denotes a particular person, place thing.
Ex. – (Akshay, Pooja, Ankita)
Common Noun – Is the name given its common in every person or thing of the same class on
kind. (Ex. – Boy, girl, company etc.)
Abstract Noun – Is usually the home of a quality, action or state considered apart
from the object to which it belongs.
(Ex. – Virtue, darkness, kindness, happiness etc.)
Countable Noun – Are the name of objects, people etc. that we can count
(Ex. – Book, Dr. Horse, Apple)
Noun Number
Singular Noun Plural Noun Singular Plural
Ending Ending
1. -s, ss, ch, x, zz - es Man Men
Ex- Focus Focusses Woman Women
Princess Princess Mouse Mice
Church Churches Fish Fishor fishes
Box Boxes A sheep Ten sheep
Buzz Buzzes Child Children
Ox Oxen
2 -O -Sores A woman Several
Doctor Women / doctors
Ex. Hero Heroes .a book case Two bookcases
Piano Pianos .An Indian Two Indian
Potato Potatoes Take Away Take – Aways
3. Consonantly -ies A passer by several
Baby babies Passers by
Hobby Hobbies Glassful Glassfuls
4. Vowelty Spoonful Spoonfuls
-Key -Keys
-Ray Rays
5 -F -sor-ves
Ex. Hoof Hoofs or hooves
Dwarf Drarfs or drarves
Theig Theeves
Roof Roofs
6 -fe -ves
Knife Knives
Life Lifes
7. On A
Phenomenon -phenomenon Ex- Since I had never seen a falling stor,
Criterion -criteria seeing, one on my honey moon was
real phenomenon.
The widow who lives near his house is passing through money crisis x Crisis Crises
(Sing.) (Plural)
Ans. Correct Crises
US – I:-
Cactus – cacti
Focus – foci
Fungus – fungi
Nucleolus –nuclei
Syllabus –syllabi / syllabuses
Radius – radii
Ex – (1) We need to improve or textbooks and syllabus in such a way that students do
not need to rey on the cheap hotels.
Ans. – Syllabus – Syllabi correct: Syllabi
(2) All the cactus were in flower, so that the desert was riot of colour.
Cactus xyr gS A D;ksafd All Plural rks Noun Hkh Plural gksxk A
Cacti (correct) gS A
Um – a
Singular Plural
Datum Data
Medium Media
Memorandum Memoranda
Ex – We can solve these problems by using method of floating datum DMO suparaisition (√)
Datum (√) D;ksafd ;g¡k ,d specific method (floating Method) dh ckr gks jgh gS D;ksafd special method
(singular) gS rks (Datum (S + ing) Noun Hkh sign gksxk A
Ans. data (√) – dke dk data collect fd;k eryc cgqr lkjk data collect fd;k gksxk A
Important Rules:
Rule –
We always use singular verb with uncountable nouns.
Plural of these words does not exist.
Note – These nouns will not take A, An, many, fear number of (plural verb) they take singular
Unconsent noun Plural/verb
Ans. The scenery of Kashmir has Enchate us. (√)
(2) She gave two jewelries (correct – Jewelry or a piece of jewelry)
(3) His hairs are black – His hair is black (√)
(4) I ate three breads today – (cored – Bread or three slices of Bread)
Rule 2
Certain nouns exist in plural forms only.
Thus “S” cannot be removed from such nouns
They take plural verb form
Scissors Jeans Pincers Shorts
Spectacles Remains Congratulation Pilers
Binoculars Pajamas Pants Tweezers
Tongs Earnings Skates Savings
Pincers Trousers Tights
Thanks Socks Wages
Rule 3
There are some nouns that indicate – length, measure, money, weight or number, when they
are preceded by a numeral, they remain unchanged in form.
Foot, Meter, pair, score, dozen, head, year, hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion.
Thousands of people died of cholera last year.
I have seven dozens of shoes (correct – dozen)
He has five thousands rupees (correct - thousand)
It is four years degree course (correct – year)
Rule 5:
Some nouns are singular in meaning but are used as plural nouns and always to plural verb –
[Cattle] gentry, vermin, peasantry, artillery, people, clergy, company, police].
(1) The cattle is grazing in the ground.
Cattle – Are (√)
(Plural) (plural)
(1) People vkSj People of difference:
- People – of some race (leku tkfr /keZ)
- Peoples of different race (fofHkUu tkfr /keZ)
(3) Envy – A wish to passes that the other person has complete.
Jealousy – A feeling that arises out of fear of losing that yours.
Rule 6:
Some nouns like Mathematics, Physics, dynamics, Ethics, linguistic, metal physics, optics,
Economics, News, politics, mumps, measies, Rickets, Athetics, Mechanics etc. are in plural forms
but used as a singular noun.
(1) Mathematic is the science of quantity.
(2) Bad news travels fast.
(3) Mumps has been nearly eradicated in our country. + ing
(4) Billiards is my favorite game.
Rule 7:
Some nouns are known as common gender nouns. That can be used for either sex- Male or
These are called dual gender nouns.
When these are used in singular, we third person singular masculine (his) pronoun with them.
(a) Every candidate should write his (not her) name.
(b) Every person should perform his (not her) duty.
Each, either, every one, everybody, no one, no body, neither, anybody are also common
gender pronoun.
(c) The student forgot her. Spectacles at home (his) √
(d) Teacher was not present in her office. (his) √
(e) The doctor suggested her patient to take medicines properly. (his) √
Rule – 8:
Some noun are used for especially for feminine gender only.
Now a days nouns ‘bachelor’ and ‘virgin’ are being used for masculine and feminine gender as
Rule – 9:
If the same noun is repeated after preposition the noun will be singular.
(a) Town after town was / were devastated (was)
(N) (N)
(d) Trees after trees was / were being cut.
(√) (x)
Rule – 10:
Some nouns like:
[Deer, sheep series, fish, crew, team jury, aircraft counsel etc.] Take the same form both in
singular and plural.
(1) This cricket team is best for T-20 matches.
(2) The crew is large
(3) All the crew were saved.
(4) One sheep is grazing.
(5) Two sheep are grazing.
Rule – 11:
If the numeral adjective and a fractions are used with a noun, is used with the numeral and the
noun will be singular.
Ex. –
(a) She gives me one and a half rupees (incorrect)
Adj. Fraction noun
If the numeral adjective and the fraction refer the multiplication the noun be placed in the end
(offer the fraction) and it must be plural.
(a) Your deposits has grown two and a half times within two years.
(b) My salary has increased three and a quarter times within three years.
Rule – 12:
In case of a very young child, insect or other small creature we use neuter gender.
Ex. – The baby wants his bottle. (Its)
The child has his bottle. (its)
Rules – 13:
When a neuter gender noun is perschified we use. Masculine gender to object remarkable for
their strength.
Ex. – Sun, time, Death, winter etc.
Sometimes it is treated as feminine:
Feminine gender to objects remarkable for their beauty and gratefulness etc.
Ex. – Earth, Moon, Nature etc.
(1) The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all his night.
The sun blfy, his dk use lgh gS A vxj her dk use masculine gksrk gS rks xyr gS
Rule – 14:
Don’t say “family members / cousin brother “cousin sister” but say:
- The members of the family (√)
- He one she is my cousin. (√)
(1) The Composes workers went on stoke together.
(2) You need to clean out the house’s stalls.
(3) The two countries armies massed on the border.
Rule – 3: Making hyphenated nouns and compound nouns plural:
Ex.- My mother in law’s recipe for meatloaf is my husband’s favorite.
- The United States post office is stamps are available in rolls or packets.
We are planning to attend the party honoring sam’s and + eresa’s outstanding sales records.)
(Each of them possesses a separate, individual sales record, the records are not jointly owned)
(1) Needle’s Point
(2) Blade’s / Razor Edge
(3) Tarr’s Breadth.
Ex (1) The salesman said that “This blade’s edge is sharper than any other blade’s (No Error)
Rules – 5:
When two nouns are in opposition, the possessive sign is (‘s’) is added to the latter as,
I am going to Ram Lal’s My friend’s, village (incorrect)
I am going to Ram Lal, My friend’s village (Correct)
Rules – 6:
Possessive sign (‘s) is also used in the following structure –
With the noun indicating time weight, distance value pace etc –
- An hour’s Journey
- A Needle’s point
- At Arm’s length
- Ten pound’s weight
- Three lakh’s worth
Rule – 7:
The double possessive should not be used.
(1) Ram’s sister’s marriage is an 2nd Nov (x)
The marriage of Ram’s sister on 2nd Nov (√)
Rule – 8:
Possessive sign in also used with the following pronoun:
No one
Each other
One another
Some one
Ex.: The student should follow the suggestions of their teacher and not somebody else.
Some body, else is (√)
Rule – 9:
When the two nouns are used after one of the possession or ownership, is not shown by
possession sign (‘S’) but it is shown by proposition of as:-
One of my friend’s wives was killed in an accident (x)
The wife of one of my friends was killed in an accident (√)
Rules – 10:
Possessive case of lifeless objects is generally given by, of as:-
(1) The leaves of the tree (Not tree’s leaves)
(2) The windows of the room (Not room’s window)
(3) Ram is my friend (It means Ram is one of my several friends)
(4) I saw president’s reception in Jaipur. (x)
I saw the reception of president in Jaipur. (√)
Q. 4. A. The Economics of the Project Makes it
B. in possible to the experience
C. of great opportunities which can avoided the
D. world class performance in the reported approach.
Ans. (A) Make.
Q. 9. A. My sister
B. has read
C. a number of criterichns for the past
D. no Error
Ans. (C) Page after page
Q. 11. A. I like
B. the poetries
C. of Byron
D. and thelley
Ans. (B) Poetry (uncountable noun) Hence it is singular and it does not have any
plural form.
A pronoun is a word that is used in place of noun is order to avoid repetition of a noun in a
sentence. Make our language stylistic.
Types of a pronoun –
1) Personal pronoun: It refers two persons I, me, we, us, you, he, she, they etc.
Ex.- I am a boy
They are boys.
2) Demonstrative Pronoun: It points out object this, that, these, the etc.
Ex.: This is a cow.
That is your house.