Research Article: Investigation of Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Chalcogen-Doped ZRS: A DFT Analysis
Research Article: Investigation of Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Chalcogen-Doped ZRS: A DFT Analysis
Research Article: Investigation of Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Chalcogen-Doped ZRS: A DFT Analysis
Research Article
Investigation of Structural, Electronic, and Optical Properties of
Chalcogen-Doped ZrS2: A DFT Analysis
Received 2 December 2022; Revised 7 February 2023; Accepted 9 February 2023; Published 23 February 2023
Copyright © 2023 Sayedul Hasan et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Te electrical and optical characteristics of a ZrS2 monolayer doped with chalcogen atoms (O, Se, or Te), where dopants are
introduced by substituting the S atom, are examined on the basis of the density functional theory. Te semiconductors pristine
ZrS2 and O, Se, and Te-doped ZrS2 monolayers possessed indirect band gaps of 1.187 eV, 1.227 eV, 1.146 eV, and 0.922 eV,
respectively. According to the formation energy, the O-doped ZrS2 monolayer is more stable compared to Se-doped and Te-doped
ZrS2 monolayers. Te optical properties are very similar for both the undoped and doped ZrS2 monolayers. Te absorption
coefcient and optical conductivity are the highest in the ultraviolet energy region. Te designed materials are potentially suitable
for UV photodetection and UV fltering applications.
devices [27, 28]. Recently, an experimentally manufac- revealed that the calculated lattice constant a is 3.68 Å and
tured novel 2D TMD called the ZrS 2 monolayer was the calculated Zr-S bond length is 2.57 Å, which satisfes
created [29, 30]. In order to investigate its electrical previous studies [38, 39]. Additionally, one sulfur atom in
transport capabilities, high and fast-responsive hexag- the pristine monolayer of ZrS2 is replaced by other chalcogen
onal ZrS 2monolayer-based FET devices have been syn- atoms such as O, Se, and Te. Te bond length varies and the
thesized [31]. According to Ahmad et al., ZrS 2 lattice constant changes very little as a result of chalcogen
nanostructures are potential candidates for high short- atom doping concentration. Te bond length for O-doped
circuit current, large-area solar cell applications [32]. ZrS2 ranges from 2.557 Å to 2.598 Å. Similar to this, for Se-
However, the lack of thorough study work on doped 2D doped ZrS2 and Te-doped ZrS2, the bond length varies from
ZrS 2 hinders future improvements and applications. 2.531 Å to 2.593 Å and from 2.559 Å to 2.579 Å, respectively.
Tere are still many unknown doped ZrS 2 parameters Te lattice constant decreases due to O doping whereas
that are crucial for material design, including in-plane increases after Se and Te doping. Tis variation occurred due to
stifness, optical reaction, adsorption coefcients, Pois- the variation of the dopant diameter. O ion has a lesser diameter
son’s ratio, and geometrical efect on the band structure. compared to S, Se, and Te, i.e., O occupies a lesser volume
Terefore, there is an urgent need for a theoretical compared to other chalcogen ions, which can cause the decrease
analysis of these features. Moreover, we feel that the in the cell volume as well as lattice constants. Hence, the lattice
doped ZrS2 monolayer merits special consideration given constants can vary with the variation of dopant concentration.
the intricate and adaptable electrical architectures of 2D Due to 3.7% doping, a slight change in lattice constants is
TMD monolayers. observed. Similarly, the lattice constant increases due to Se and
In this study, we focus on the chalcogen-doped ZrS2 Te doping due to their larger ionic diameter.
monolayer’s structural, electrical, and optical characteristics Table 1 lists the specifc characteristics, including the
via the density functional theory (DFT) analysis. Our in- computed lattice constants (a), average bond lengths be-
terest in studying the consequences of dopants on various tween Zr and the closest S and X atoms (DZr-S and DZr-X,
properties of ZrS2 was inspired by the fact that, to our best respectively), and the formation energy (EForm). Table 1
knowledge, there has not yet been a thorough exploration of demonstrates that the link length rises as atomic radius
ZrS2 monolayers doped with chalcogen atoms. rises. For O-doped ZrS2, Se-doped ZrS2, and Te-doped ZrS2,
the bond length between the nearest Zr and the X-doped
2. Computational Details atom (DZr-X) is 2.12 Å, 2.69 Å, and 2.93 Å, respectively. Te
formation energy EForm can be obtained from the following
Te DFT analysis is performed via the Cambridge Serial Total equation [40–43]:
Energy Package (CASTEP) code [33–35], and for the exchange-
EForm � Edoped − Epristine + n μS − μX . (1)
correlation correction, the generalized gradient approximation
of the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof method was utilized [36]. Te Here, Edoped is the total ground state energy of X (X � O,
Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) minimization al- Se, and Te)-doped ZrS2, Epristine is the total ground state
gorithm was used to analyze the geometrical parameters by energy of the pristine ZrS2, μX andμS represent the chemical
optimizing the pristine ZrS2 and X-doped ZrS2 (X = O, Se, and potentials of the X (O, Se, and Te) and S atoms, and n is the
Te) structures [37]. Te plane wave cutof energy of 600 eV is number of S atoms replaced by O, Se, and Te atoms. From
chosen for the plane wave expansion and the 3 × 3 × 1k-points Table 1, we can see that O-doped ZrS2 has the most stable
grid is maintained by the Monkhorst–Pack scheme [37]. Te structure and Te-doped ZrS2 has the least stable structure.
tuning of cell parameters as well as atomic positions are per-
formed until the doping of the residual force is below 0.01 eV/Å
and till the convergence energy of 2 × 10−5 eV between two 3.2. Mulliken and Hirshfeld Charge Analysis. Te Mulliken
stages is reached. Two ZrS2 layers and X-doped ZrS2layers are charge analysis not only ofers an objective standard for atom-
separated by a distance of 29 Å vacuum region to avoid in- to-atom bonding but also aids in determining if a bond is
terlayer interactions. In order to explore X doping in the covalent or ionic. A covalent bond is indicated by a higher bond
monolayer of ZrS2, it is designed with a supercell consisting of population, whereas a lower bond population indicates an ionic
3 × 3 × 1two-dimensional (2D) unit cells containing 18 sulfur bond formation. Other facets of the ionic character can be
atoms and 9 zirconium atoms where 1 sulfur atom is replaced by measured using the efective ionic valance, that is, the gap
X atom, as shown in Figure 1. Te valance electrons for Zr, S, O, between the conventional ionic charge as well as the Mulliken
Se, and Te are 4p6 5s2, 3s2 3p4, 2s2 2p4, 4s2 4p4, and 5s2 5p4, charge here on anion species. Greater values above zero show an
respectively. For each system of doping, S atom is substituted by increase in covalency, whereas a value of zero represents the ideal
a dopant atom maintaining the percentage of doping to 3.7%. ionic bonding [44, 45]. Mulliken charge analysis has been carried
out to observe the charge distribution of the pure and chalcogen-
3. Results and Discussion doped ZrS2, and the average Mulliken charge of every element is
displayed in Table 2.
3.1. Optimized Structures. Figures 1(a)–1(e) show the top Mulliken charge illustrates the partial atomic charges
and side views of the ZrS2 monolayer and X-doped ZrS2. that result from diferences in electronegativity inside
After total energy relaxation, the results of the optimization molecules. When two atoms with diferent electronegativ-
of the pristine ZrS2 unit cell of the space group p63/mnc ities combine, the atom with a higher electronegativity
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Zr S O Se Te
Figure 1: Optimised structures of the top and side view of the (a) pristine ZrS2 and (b)–(d) O, Se- and Te-doped ZrS2 monolayer,
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 1: Structural parameters (lattice constants (a), the average bond length between Zr and the nearest S atoms (DZr-S), the bond length
between nearest Zr and the X atom (DZr-X), and the formation energy (EForm)) of the pristine and single-doped ZrS2 structure.
X-doped ZrS2 a (Å) DZr-S(Å) DZr-X(Å) EForm in eV
Pristine 11.10 2.57 0 −37.87
X�O 11.03 2.58 (2.557 to 2.598) 2.12 −1.45
X � Se 11.12 2.57 (2.559 to 2.579) 2.69 0.82
X � Te 11.15 2.56 (2.531 to 2.593) 2.93 1.35
attracts the bound electrons, turning it partially negative is located at the Γ point, although the CBM lies at the Q
while turning the other partially positive. Te S atom is more point, which shows the X-doped ZrS2 (X � O, Se, and Te)
electronegative in pure ZrS2, which means it will be partially monolayers with a band gap of 1.227 eV, 1.146 eV, and
negative while the Zr atom is partially positive. Chalcogen 0.922 eV, respectively. Te band gap is increased for X � O-
atoms are more electronegative than the transition metal doped ZrS2 than pristine ZrS2, but the other two X � Se and
atom Zr in chalcogen-doped ZrS2. As a result, the Zr atoms Te-doped ZrS2 are decreased which means the VB and CB
are partially positive and the chalcogen atoms are partially are moved towards Fermi levels (EF), which is described by
negative. Using the Mulliken analysis scheme, these partially a reduction of the band gap as the confnement of electrons
positive and negative values are listed in Table 2. After and holes increases and the size of the doped element
doping X � O, Se, and Te, it is observed that the partially decreases [49].
positive and negative charge values of Zr and S atoms have
altered, but the charge distribution of the doped ZrS2 sheet
3.4. Density of States (DOS) Analysis. By examining the
has remained almost the same. Te interaction of the doped electron energy states close to the Fermi level (EF), DOS
atom causes the electron density in ZrS2 to deform, causing
analysis is the most fundamental way of determining
this change.
whether a material is an insulator or a metal. If there is
Te Hirshfeld population analysis (HPA) scheme divides the
a continuous number of states present in EF, which shows
deformation density among the atoms of a molecule to express
that there is no band gap, then the material will behave in
atomic charges [44]. According to the Hirshfeld charge distri-
a metallic pattern. On the other hand, the absence of energy
bution study shown in Table 2, the charge state of Zr is positive,
levels in EF suggests the existence of a band gap, which
but the charge states of the chalcogen atoms (S, O, Se, and Te) are suggests that the material in question is either a semi-
negative. Te partially positive and negative charge values difer conductor or an insulator.
between the HPA scheme and the Mulliken scheme because
Figure 3 shows the results of our analysis of the pristine ZrS2
these two analysis schemes are distinct from one another. HPA is
sheet’s total density of states (T-DOSs) and partial density of
less dependent on the basis set than Mulliken charge
states (PDOSs) before and after doping. While the S-3p orbitals
analysis [46].
have the largest presence in the valance band (VB), the Zr-3d
orbitals have the highest contribution to the conduction band
3.3. Band Structure Analysis. In Figure 2, we exhibit the (CB) (Figure 3(a)). A situation is very similar to the one shown in
pristine ZrS2 monolayer’s energy band structures and doped Figure 3(b), in which one of the S atoms is replaced by an O
ZrS2 monolayer calculated by the PBE method. Figure 2(a) atom. However, when the S atom is replaced by Se or Te, the VB
demonstrates that the pure ZrS2 single layer is indeed a semi- is dominated by the S-3p and Zr-4p electrons, while the CB is
conducting material with a band gap of 1.187 eV, which is contributed by the Zr-3d electrons. Tere is a signifcant hy-
slightly greater than previous theoretical studies [47, 48]. Te bridization going on between the Zr-4p states and the S-3p states
valance band maximum (VBM) is located at the Γ point, in both the VB and the CB (Figures 3(c) and 3(d)). According to
whereas the conduction band minimum (CBM) is located at the the results of the T-DOSs, the CBM is further of from the Fermi
Q point of the Brillouin zone. level in O-doped ZrS2 than in pristine ZrS2. On the other hand,
Figures 2(b)–2(d) show the band structures of the X- the CBM is closer to the Fermi level in Se- and Te-doped ZrS2
doped ZrS2 sheet where we substitute one S atom with the than in pristine ZrS2, and the CBM is furthest near the Fermi
same chalcogen group atoms (X � O, Se, and Te). Te VBM level in Te-doped ZrS2.
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5
3 3
2 2
1 Eg=1.187 eV 1 Eg=1.277 eV
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
0 EF 0 EF
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
K Points K Points
(a) (b)
3 3
2 2
1 Eg =1.146 eV 1
CBM Eg=0.922 eV CBM
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
0 EF 0 EF
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
K Points K Points
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Band structures of pristine and single-doped ZrS2. (a) ZrS2. (b) O-doped ZrS2. (c) Se-doped ZrS2. (d) Te-doped ZrS2.
3.5. Optical Properties. Te dielectric function can be used to 6.15 eV, which correspond to 0.123 μm, 0.125 μm, and
calculate frequency-dependent optical properties, such as 0.13 μm, respectively. A very slight red shit (blue shift) is
optical absorption, refectivity, loss function, and conduc- observed in the absorption edge at the low energy region for
tivity, where the Kramer–Kronig dispersion relation is used Se-doped ZrS2 and Te-doped ZrS2 (O-doped ZrS2), which
to calculate the dielectric function [50]. Te optical prop- satisfes the decrease (increase) of the band gap after doping.
erties of ZrS2 and X-doped ZrS2 materials are demonstrated Te absence of absorption in the 0 eV–1.16 eV range signifes
in Figure 4 for energy ranging up to 18 eV. According to annihilation [52]. Tese fndings indicate that such struc-
Figure 4(a), the absorption (α) explains the absorption of tures could be used in UV flters and UV photodetectors.
photons per unit distance in the medium [51]. Maximum Figure 4(b) shows the dielectric function (real) ε1 (ω)
absorption is found in the ultraviolet energy region. How- which represents the polarization of light in a material. It is
ever, all the structures showed a wide and fne absorption in maximum from near-infrared (0.29 eV) to visible photon
the range of 3–14 eV. Te maximum absorption coefcient (2.31 eV), particularly for green photons at about 2.31 eV.
of the pristine ZrS2 structure of 81733.86 cm−1 at 6.17 eV is Te dielectric function has multiple peaks, which dissipate
observed, which signifes that a fraction of the micron with increasing photon energy. It drops to a near value of
thickness of the ZrS2 is sufcient to absorb most of the zero value (0.28, 0.35, 0.29, and 0.36) at 6.70 eV for ZrS2 and
incident waves within the given energy range. Te corre- 6.79 eV, 6.67 eV, and 6.65 eV for X-doped ZrS2 (X � O, Se,
sponding penetration depth for the 6.17 eV photons is about and Te), respectively. Te energy loss function reports the
0.12 μm. loss of energy caused by fast-moving electrons through
Similarly, the maximum value of α for the Se-doped matter. Te loss function has a wide variety of prominent
ZrS2, O-doped ZrS2, and Te-doped ZrS2 is 80898.60 cm−1 at peaks for a wide energy range (Figure 4(g)). Te plasmonic
6.17 eV, 79880.6369 cm−1 at 6.22 eV, and 77192.15 cm−1 at energy (ℏωp) is shown by the major peak of the loss function
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
40 40
Density of States (ZrS2@Te)
Density of States (ZrS2@Se)
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
Figure 3: Te density of states of the pristine and single-doped ZrS2 monolayers. (a) Pristine ZrS2. (b) O-doped ZrS2. (c) Se-doped ZrS2. (d)
Te-doped ZrS2.
diagram. Te several energy loss peaks for ZrS2 and X-doped doped structures. It measures the number of free charge
ZrS2 (X � O, Se, and Te) are observed at 1.82, 3.95, 5.90, and carriers generated as a result of bond breakage caused by the
7.48 eV, which correspond to their plasma frequency. electron-photon interaction [53]. For all the structures, it
Figure 4(c) shows the imaginary dielectric function ε2 reaches an extreme in the UV energy region. Te maximum
(ω). From our computed results, the peaks of the imaginary values are observed at 5.67 eV, 5.76 eV, 5.65 eV, and 5.61 eV
parts of the dielectric function show at visible and UV energy for ZrS2 and X-doped ZrS2 (O, Se, and Te), respectively, and
regions. Te interband transition from VB to CB is asso- the conductance vanishes for higher energies, i.e., the
ciated with 1.44 eV and 3.12 eV, but the value of the conductivity peak blue shifted after O-doping but red-
imaginary part of the dielectric constant is a small change for shifted after Se and Te-doping. Tis result signifes that
doped ZrS2 monolayers than pristine ZrS2 structures. comparatively less energy photons are required to achieve
Figure 4(d) exhibits the conductivity of the pristine and maximum conductivity for Te-doped ZrS2. Figure 4(e)
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7
6.0×104 2.5
2.0×104 1.0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
(a) (b)
Dielectric Function (ε2)
Conductivity (1/fs)
1.0 0.6
0.0 0.0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
ZrS2 ZrS2@Se ZrS2 ZrS2@Se
ZrS2@O ZrS2@Te ZrS2@O ZrS2@Te
(c) (d)
Figure 4: Continued.
8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
0.14 2.0
0.12 1.8
0.02 1.0
0.00 0.8
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
(e) (f )
Loss Function
0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Energy (eV)
ZrS2 ZrS2@Se
ZrS2@O ZrS2@Te
Figure 4: Diagrams of the optical parameters (absorption (a), dielectric function (real) (b), dielectric function (imaginary) (c), conductivity
(d), refectivity (e), refractive index (f ), and loss function (g)) of pristine ZrS2 and X (X � O, Se, and Te)-doped ZrS2.
describes the refection of the structures, which is frequency- refractive index (η) represent the lowering of light speed in
dependent. When compared to other energies, the mini- the medium, curves for η follow the analogous pattern as the
mum absorption for UV photons shows a high refectivity in dielectric function’s real part, as shown in Figure 4(f ). Te
this area. Refectivity represents the fraction of loss of the structures possess a comparatively higher refractive index in
incident energy via refection. In the visible energy range, the the visible energy region. Te fact that there is no optical
refectivity ranges between 0.04 and 0.13 with a maximum in response above 15 eV means that the electronic coupling is
the green wavelength region. In the higher energy region, up low above these energies and that photons above such en-
to 13.6% of refection is observed for the pristine ZrS2. ergies face little to no resistance as they fow through the
Meanwhile, the refectivity decreased signifcantly after material.
doping in visible and UV regions.
Te refectivity spectra also show red shifting after O- 4. Conclusion
doping and blue shifting after Se and Te-doping. All the
structures show very less refection of incident photons Te structural, optical, and electronic properties of ZrS2 and
(<14%), which can provide better performance in opto- chalcogen atoms mono-doping ZrS2 are studied using the
electronic applications. Since both the refectivity and frst-principle methods based on DFT. A slight deformation
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