Introduction To Electricity and Magnetism: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Introduction To Electricity and Magnetism: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Introduction To Electricity and Magnetism: Project PHYSNET Physics Bldg. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
z Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
A. The Vector Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ID Sheet: MISN-0-121
1. “Coulomb’s Law” (MISN-0-114).
Andrew Schnepp Webmaster
Eugene Kales Graphics
Peter Signell Project Director
Views expressed in a module are those of the module author(s) and are
not necessarily those of other project participants.
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MISN-0-121 1 MISN-0-121 2
INTRODUCTION TO some valence electrons have left the object, leaving it with a net positive
ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM charge;3 or (2) some valence electrons from another object have attached
themselves to the object at hand, giving it a net negative charge; or (3)
by some valence electrons have moved to one side of the object, making that
Peter Signell side electrically negative and leaving the other side electrically positive.
1d. The Equations Governing E & M. There are five equations
that one must learn how to use in electricity and magnetism, a set of
1. Introduction four called “Maxwell’s Equations” plus one called “the Lorentz Force.”
1a. Electricity and Magnetism in General. The study of general Maxwell’s equations can be stated in either differential or integral form:
electricity and magnetism involves the interaction of charged particles we shall use the integral form since it is simpler mathematically and it is
with each other through their electric and magnetic fields. “Charged par- the form more often used for applications. The Lorentz Force equation is
ticles” here means particles that are electrically charged, which means algebraic. Once you have calculated the fields from Maxwell’s Equations,
particles that can exert forces on each other which obey the equations and then the forces those fields exert on charged particles, you still need
governing electric and magnetic interactions. For two objects, both of to use Newton’s laws to determine the resulting motion of the charged
which are less than the size of mountains, the electric force between the particles.
objects, if non-zero, is generally much larger than the gravitational force
between the objects. In fact, the gravitational force between two ordi-
nary objects is usually too small to be detectable, while the electric and 2. Fields
magnetic forces between the two objects can be devastatingly strong, as 2a. Fields vs. Particles. The primary quantities in electricity and
in lightning and in other electrical discharges. magnetism are particles and fields, and these are very different concepts.
1b. Seeing Whether an Electric Force is Present. Suppose you A particle has a specific location at any particular time. For example,
have two objects that are obviously exerting a force on each other and we may write ~rA (t) as the location of particle A. This means the position
you want to know whether the force is gravitational or electric. These of particle A, at some particular time t, can be found by substituting that
are competing choices because electric and gravitational forces both have value of t into the expression ~rA (t). The result is the radius vector from
the same function of radius, 1/r 2 , where r is the distance between the ob- the origin to the particle’s position at that instant. Thus at any instant
jects. That means they cannot be distinguished from each other by their there are three space numbers giving the particle’s location (these might
dependence on r.1 The way to identify the force involved is simple: (1) be the particle’s three Cartesian coordinates, its x, y, and z values, or it
measure each object’s mass by weighing it or by measuring each object’s might be a radius and two angles).
acceleration under a known external force; (2) use the Law of Universal
Gravitation2 to calculate the gravitational force that does exist between A field has a value at every point in space at every instant of time, in
the two objects; and (3) compare that gravitational force to the total contrast to a particle which has only a single position in space at any one
1/r2 force that actually exists between the two objects. If the total 1/r 2 time. An example of a field is temperature, which has a value at each point
force doesn’t equal the gravitational force, then an electric force must be in space at any one time. We write this functional dependence as T (~r, t).
present and the two objects must be charged electrically. Two other ways If we replace the general symbols ~r and t by a particular point in space
of saying it are that they must have electric charge or must be charges. and a particular time t, and we get a number that is the temperature at
that point at that time. Another example of a field is air pressure, where
1c. The Nature of Electric Charge. When an object is electrically at any one time points in space have values for that physical quantity.
charged, it usually means that one of these things have happened: (1) 3 Recall that electrons have negative charge and that, if all valence electrons (and
1 The magnetic force has other unique properties by which it can be identified. no others) are present, an object will be electrically neutral.
2 The Law: F = Gm m /r 2 .
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¤ Write down two other quantities that obey the physics definition of a 3. Producing the Fields
3a. The Electric Field. An electric field is produced by: (1) one or
2b. The Electric Field. There is a non-zero value for the electric more charged particles; and/or (2) a time-changing magnetic field. Ex-
~ at a point in space at a particular time if a charged particle, being
field E amples of the production by charged particles: (i) the electric field in a
at that point at that time, would feel a force that is linearly proportional capacitor due to charged particles on its plates; and (ii) the electric field of
to the particle’s charge in this way: the earth due to charged particles on its surface. An example of produc-
tion by a time-changing magnetic field: the electric field in an inductor
F~ = q E
~, (1) due to an alternating current that produces an alternating magnetic field.
where q is the charge on the particle. The charge itself can be measured 3b. The Magnetic Field. A magnetic field is produced by: (1) an
by letting it interact with a standard charge,4 using the law for the inter- electric current (a stream of charged particles); and/or (2) a time-changing
action of two charged particles: electric field. Examples of magnetic fields produced by electric currents:
(i) magnets; (ii) the magnetic field of the earth (from internal currents
q1 q2
|F~ | = ke , (2) inside the earth); and (iii) the magnetic field in a transformer. An ex-
r2 ample of a magnetic field produced by a time-changing electric field is an
where ke is a universal constant with the value 9 × 109 N m2 /C2 . The electromagnetic wave, such as a radio or TV wave, or an X-ray, or light.
symbol “C” denotes the unit of charge, the coulomb. Thus we might say Here the electric field is oscillating sinusoidally and that produces a sinu-
that a particular particle has an electrical charge of 2.54 × 10−9 C. soidally oscillating magnetic wave in step with the electric wave. In fact,
the sinusoidally-varying magnetic wave also produces the electric wave
2c. The Magnetic Field. There is a non-zero value for the magnetic so the two feed on each other. The result is that the wave can escape
~ at a point in space at a particular time if a charged particle, being
field B its charged-particle source and travel through space as an independent
at that point at that time, would feel a force that is linearly proportional quantity.7
to the particle’s charge and velocity in this way:5
3c. The Equations Summarized. Here is what each of the four
F~ = q~v × B
~. (3) Maxwell’s Equations implies:
Here q is the electric charge on the particle. Note that the force is at right • electric charges produce electric fields;
angles to both the velocity vector v and the magnetic field vector, and
• there is no magnetic charge to produce magnetic fields, no magnetic
that the magnetic field force is zero if the velocity is along the direction
analog to electric charge;
of the magnetic field B. Thus to test for the presence of a magnetic field
B we must try several orientations for the charged particle’s velocity. • time-changing magnetic fields produce electric fields; and
A common way of testing for the presence of a significant magnetic • electric currents and time-changing electric fields produce magnetic
field in some region of space is to bring a compass there and see if it fields.
deflects. A compass has internal electric charge moving in circles.6 The
force that makes the compass turn is just the force the external magnetic The Lorentz Force on a particle with charge q and velocity ~v , moving in
field force exerts on that internal circulating charge. both an electric field E and a magnetic field B, is:
4 As with all units, a more-or-less-arbitrary object is set up as the standard and all
F~ = q E
~ + q~v × B
~. (4)
other objects are compared to this standard in order to determine their values.
5 The “×” symbol in this equation indicates a vector product, also called a “cross
product.” See the Appendix. 7 Of course that is precisely what radio and TV waves, X-rays, and light waves
6 This circulating charge is internal to the electron and is called its “spin.”
actually do.
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MISN-0-121 7 MISN-0-121 ME-1
2. Rotate the index finger and hand until the index finger aligns with
the second vector (B~ in the above example). That is, the first of
the two vectors denoted in the cross product is rotated toward the
second through the smaller angle between them (A ~ rotated toward
~ such that θ in Fig. 5 decreases) and the curled fingers of the right
B 1. See Output Skills K1-K5 in this module’s ID Sheet.
hand follow this rotation.
3. The direction of the extended thumb gives you the direction of C
(see Fig. 5). Brief Answers:
~ and B
1. Imagine placing vectors A ~ tail-to-tail, as in Fig. 5.
2. Imagine a screw with right hand threads placed where the tails of the
two vectors come together, with the axis of the screw perpendicular
to the plane formed by the two vectors (see Fig. 1).
3. Imagine a screwdriver placed in the screw with the axis of the screw-
driver being along the axis of the screw.
4. Imagine a spot on the screw, next to vector A.
5. Turn the screwdriver through the shortest angle so the spot is now
~ The direction the screw went (in or out) is the
next to vector B.
~ (see Fig. 1).
direction of the product vector C
¤ Show that the vector product of two vectors is zero if the two are
¤ Show that the vector product of a vector with itself is zero.
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