Rubric Info From Class
Rubric Info From Class
Rubric Info From Class
Marked) Band 8
Task Response • sufficiently addresses all parts Do Don’t:
of the task Make sure your ideas are directly related to the question Ignore parts of the question
• presents a well-developed Use ideas and examples that you are familiar with, and that relate directly to the Assume that your opinion is clear, use the
response to the question with topic first person to ensure the examiner knows it’s
relevant, extended and Extend your answer to include a number of ideas that will support the question. your opinion ‘I think’
supported ideas Tell the examiner what you are going to say
Do: and what you have said
Read the question carefully and decide how many parts are in it Produce a short essay.
Present your opinion and support it throughout the whole essay
If asked to present both views, make sure each view is presented equally (similar Don't:
paragraph length) Include irrelevant information
Watch for plurals. If you are asked to give ‘advantages’, you must present a Over-generalize
minimum of 2 Produce a memorized essay
Watch for ‘and’. You may need to comment on more than one element Present ‘recent’ research or statistics related
Write more than 250 words. to the topic “At least 41% of all men…”
Coherence and • sequences information and Do: Don't:
Cohesion ideas logically Use a range of linking words and phrases, but don’t overuse them Overuse basic linking words
• manages all aspects of Use adverbial phrases, rather than single basic linkers like firstly (instead, try using ‘The first reason
cohesion well Use referencing and substitution to avoid repetition (this/them/the issue/the for/ The primary reason for this’)
• uses paragraphing sufficiently problem) Start every sentence with a linker
and appropriately Use punctuation to make your writing coherent Use numbers, symbols or abbreviations (1,
Make sure your ideas are sequenced correctly 2, etc., &, +)
Make sure your ideas are logical and easy to follow Use headings or subheadings
Use a separate paragraph for the introduction and the conclusion Underline words or phrases
Use one paragraph for each idea or topic area. Use one-sentence paragraphs
Start every sentence with a linking device.
Use paragraphs
Use linkers between and within your paragraphs Don't
Leave a space between each paragraph (a line) Use single-sentence paragraphs
Use a paragraph for each topic Use very long paragraphs that cover a whole
Use an introduction and a conclusion. page (paper-based test)
Rubric Category (Individually Marked) Band Necessary Requirements What to do to achieve this goal? What not to do?
Lexical Resource • uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently Do: Don't
and flexibly to convey precise meanings Use precise word choices Make spelling mistakes
• skillfully uses uncommon lexical Use language that we use in everyday Make typos
items but there may be occasional speech Mix up American and British spelling (You
inaccuracies in word choice and Use words that you understand should use one or the other)
collocation Use words and phrases that are related to the Use a word if you don’t understand it or
• produces rare errors in spelling and/or topic cannot spell it.
word formation Use collocation and phrasal verbs (words that Use imprecise words like ‘stuff/thing’
go together naturally – environmental Use slang like ‘gonna’
pollution | major issue | promising future) Use old-fashioned language [the masses|
denizens | myopic view | Hitherto]
Overuse synonyms, one is enough
Use idioms/clichés
Use contractions (can’t, doesn’t)