Approach To Computer 5

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Execute Time
A 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c)
5. (a)
B 1. (c) 2. (e) 3. (b) 4. (a)
5. (d)
C 1. Generations
2. Vacuum tubes, magnetic drum, machine languages
3. Two
4. American Intel corporation in 1971
5 Robot
D 1. First Generation Computer:
The period of first generation computer was 1942-
1959. In the first generation computer, vacuum tubes,
magnetic drum for data storage and machine
languages were used for giving instructions. The
computers of this generation were very large in size
called room-sized computer. The examples of first
generation computer are ENIAC, UNIVAC, EDVAC
2. Second Generation Computer:
The period of second generation computer was 1959-
1965. Second generation computers replaced
machine languages with assembly language. The
transistor was developed in this generation. A
transistor electric signals across a resistor. A transistor
was highly reliable compared to tubes.
Examples of second generation computer include:
IBM 1920, IBM 1401, PDP - and CDC 1604
3. Third Generation Computer:
The period of third generation computer was 1965 -
1975. The transistors were an improved version over

the vacuum tube, but they still generated great heat,
which damaged computers sensitive parts. The quartz
eliminated this problem. The examples of third
generation computer are IBM-360 series, ICL-900
series and Honey well 200 series.
4. Fourth Generation Computer:
The period of fourth generation computer was 1975-
1988. The invention of microprocessor chip marked
the beginning of the fourth generation computers. The
invention of microprocessors led to the development
of microcomputer or the personal computer. The first
microprocessor called Intel 4004 was developed by
American Intel corporation in 1971.
In this generation, the concepts of computer networks
and CD-ROMs came into existence. The examples of
fourth generation computer are IBM-PC, HP laptops,
MaC notebook etc.
5. Fifth Generation Computer:
The period of fifth generation computer was 1988-
present. Fifth generation computer is based on
Artificial Intelligence and is still developing process
but not yet a reality. The scientists are still working on
it. Robot is the example of fifth generation computer.
Do yourself.
Execute Time
A 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b)
5. (a)
B 1. 7 2. 7 3. 7 4. 3
C 1. (e) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d)
5. (b)
D 1. algorithm 2. flow chart 3. terminal

4. flow lines 5. Loop
E 1. Making fresh lime soda
Step : 1 Start
Step : 2 Take a lemon and soda.
Step : 3 Squeeze the lemon and pour soda on it.
Put some salt in it
Step : 4 Mix well
Step : 5 Serve it
Step : 6 Stop
Flow Chart:
Take a lemon, soda, and some salt
Mix well and serve
2. Algorithm:
Step : 1 Start
Step : 2 Take two numbers 10 and 6
Step : 3 Multiply them
Step : 4 Print the result
Step : 5 Stop
Flow Chart:
Take two numbers 10 and 6
Multiply them
Display the result
3. Packing your bag for vacation
Step : 1 Start

Step : 2 Take a bag
Step : 3 Pack the bag for vacation
Step : 4 Bag is ready
Step : 5 Stop
Flow Chart:
Take a bag
Pack the bag
Bag is ready for vacation
4. Do yourself.
F 1. The set of instructions given to a computer to
complete a task is called a program.
2. Algorithm is written in easy language and the
instructions are given in a proper sequence.
3. Characteristics of an Algorithm:
1. An algorithm is a precise set of instructions.
2. The instructions of algorithm are in proper order.
3. It is easily computable.
4. A flowchart is a pictoral representation of the
sequence of steps, to solve a problem in the form of
diagrams and symbols.
5. Symbols of flowchart are: Terminal, Process Box,
Input/Output Box, Decision box, flow line and
6. Limitations of a flow chart:
Reproduction of flowcharts is difficult as symbols
cannot be typed.
Alterations cannot be made in a flowchart. A new flow
chart is created to include the changes.
Knowledge of symbols is mandatory for drawing a

Do yourself.

Execute Time
A 1. requirement 2. settings app 3. Increasing
B Steps to open the settings App:
1. Click on the start button and open the setting app.
2. Click on settings. The settings window will appear.
3. Click on any icon that you want to open.
4. The settings window will open on the desktop.
C If you don't like the way your tiles are arranged on the start
menu, you can rearrange them. To move a tile, simply
click and drag it to the desired location.
D Following are the steps to lock the computer:
1. Lock computer via the user icon in start Menu.
Open start Menu, click the user icon and choose Lock
in the list.
2. Lock computer through Ctrl + Alt + Del options.
Press Ctrl, Alt and Del at the same time and then select
Lock from the options.
3. Lock computer in Screen Saver settings.
Type lock computer in the search box on taskbar and
choose lock the computer when you leave it alone for
a period of time.
Do yourself.

Execute Time
A 1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c)

C 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c)
D Scratch allows young people to integrate creativity in
story telling, games and animations.
Scratch allows students to develop 21st century skills
through the use of technology.
Scratch can be used by people of all ages.
Scratch is used across over 150 countries and available in
over 40 languages. This is great for teachers that are
working with bilingual or ESL students.
Stratch can be used across curriculum and students and
teachers can create and share resources via stratch.
A major advantage of scratch is that it is a free program so
people can access and utilise scratch for both personal and
academic use.
E 1. Scratch is a free graphical programming language
developed by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology) Media Lab. Scratch is used by students,
teachers and parents to easily create animations,
games, stories etc. It provides a stepping stone to the
more advanced world of computer programming.
2. Following are the steps to create a new project:
1. Click on the file menu.
2. Choose the new option.
3. Select the Motion Block.
4. Drag and drop to move block into the script area.
Click on the number area and change 10 into 100.
5. Drag and drop the turn clockwise block into the
Script Area. Change the angle 15° into 90°.
6. Double click on the block to run the project.
3. Following are the steps to save a project:
1. Click on the file menu.

2. Choose the save option.
The save project dialog box will appear.
3. Select the folder in which the project is to be
saved. Specify the name of the project in the file
name box. (e.g. deal)
4. Click save button.
4. To exit from the scratch click on the file menu and the
quit option.
Do yourself.
Execute Time
A 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (a)
B 1. 3 2. 3 3. 3 4. 3
5. 3
C Following are the steps to wrap text around an image:
1. Select the image you want to wrap text around.
The format tab will appear on the right side of the
2. On the format tab, click the wrap text command in the
Arrange group. Then select the desired text wrapping
option. The text will wrap around the image.
D 1. Click on the area where you want to insert a picture.
2. Click on the Insert tab.
3. Click on pictures. The Insert picture dialog box will
4. Click on the pictures you want to add from pictures
5. Click on Insert to add picture to your document.
E Do yourself.
Do yourself.

Execute Time
A 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c)
5. (c)
B Following are the steps to insert a new slide:
1. From the Home tab, click the bottom half of the new
slide command
2. Choose the desired slide layout from the menu that
The New slide will appear.
3. Click any placeholder and begin typing to add text.
You can also click an icon to add other type of content,
such as a picture or a chart.
C Following are the steps to cut and paste the text.
1. Select the text you want to move.
2. Click the cut command.
3. Place the insertion point where you want the text to
appear, then click the paste command.
The text will appear in the new location.
D Font style: Use the font style commands to apply bold,
italic, underline, shadow or strike through to the selected
Align Text: You can use these commands to align your
text at the top, middle or bottom of a placeholder or text
Horizontal Text Alignment:
You can use these commands to align your text to the left,
right or centre of a place holder or text box.
Text Direction: This command allows you to change the
direction of your text.
E 1. 3 2. 3 3. 3 4. 7
5. 3

F Do yourself.
A Do yourself.
B Title Slide
Title and content
Section Header
Two content
Title only
Execute Time
A 1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c)
B 1. 3 2. 7 3. 7 4. 3
5. 8
C Following are the steps to add border to the image.
1. Click the picture.
The format tab will appear.
2. Click on a picture Border.
3. Click on a border color.
4. Click on weight.
4. Click on thickness to set a lines thickness for the
D. Do yourself.
Do yourself.
Execute Time
A 1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c)
5. (a)
B Save: When you create or edit a workbook, you'll use the

save command to save your changes. You'll used this
command most of the time. When you save a file, you'll
only need to choose a file name and location the first time.
After that, you can just click the save command to save it
with the same name and location.
Save As: You'll use this command to create to copy of a
workbook while keeping the original. When you use save
As, you'll need a choose a different name and/or location
for the copied version.
C 1. Open the start menu by clicking the start button.
A list of many applications will appear in the start menu.
2. Select the Excel 2016 from the list and click on it.
The Excel 2016 window will appear with a start
3. Click on the blank workbook. The blank workbook of
Excel 2016 will appear in front of you.
Now, you can use this area for data entry, calculations
D A spreadsheet is a computer application or a program that
enables the user to tabulate and collect data. This data can
then be used to make calculations, show graphical
representations or analysis.
E 1. Quick Access Toolbar 2. Ribbon
3. Name box 4. Tell me
5. Vertical and Horizontal scroll bars
F Steps to create a new workbook from a template:
1. Click the file tab to access Back-stage view.
2. Select View. Several templates will appear below the
Blank workbook option.
3. Select a template to review it. A preview of the
template will appear, along with additional
information on how the template can be used.
4. Click create to use the selected template. A new
workbook will appear with the selected template.

Do yourself.
Execute Time
A A means of connecting a computer to any other computer
anywhere in the world is called internet.
When two computers are connected over the Internet,
they can send and receive all kinds of information such as
text, graphics, voice, video and computer programs.
The main aim of internet is to facilitate sharing of
information and fast communication. So, it can easily be
said that internet connects people.
B Some of the uses of internet are:
1. Internet is very fast and has information on almost
everything. We can use the internet to access all this
2. Internet helps us to communicate with a person sitting
miles away. Using the internet, we can send e-mails,
pictures, messages, videos, audios etc. very quickly.
3. Internet is a great platform to buy or sell different
things online.
4. We can avail online services like ticket booking,
paying bills, hotel bookings, etc.
5. Internet is used to download data, we can download
movies, songs, videos games pictures and files from
the internet.
6. We can search books on internet.
7. We can do live chats on the internet.
8. Internet helps us to connect to our friends and family
through various media websites like, etc.
C 1. 3 2. 7 3. 3 4. 3
5. 7

D 1. WWW: World Wide Web is a collection of related
websites. These websites are connected in a manner
of a web that has all the information accessible to
anyone in the world.
2. Web Page: Similar to a book which has all the
information written on different pages, internet also
has different pages that store all information. These
pages are called web pages. They are in digital form.
The information on these pages can be in the form of
text, video, audio in the form of text, video, audio,
images etc. These pages are created in HTML (Hyper
Text Markup Language)
3. Website: It is a collection of related web pages. Each
website has a unique website address.
4. Hyperlink: A hyperlink can be a text or a picture
which connects the user to other parts of the same web
page or related web pages. Hyperlink makes
navigation easier.
Do yourself.
Worksheet 1

A 1st Generation 2nd Generation

1. The period of first 1. The period of second
generation computer was generation computer was
1942-1959. 1959-1965.
2. The programming of 2. S e c o n d g e n e r a t i o n
first generation computers replaced
computers were done in machine language with
machine languages. (Os assembly language.
and 1s) 3. Example of second
3. E x a m p l e o f f i r s t generation computers
generation computer are include: IBM 1920, IBM
E N I A C , U N I VA C , 1401, PDP-8 and CDC
EDVAC and EDSAC. 1604.

B Algorithm:
Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Take six numbers
Step 3 : Add the six numbers
Step 4 : Print the result
Step 5 : Stop
Take 6 numbers
A, B, C, D, E and F
Add the 6 numbers
Display the result
Worksheet 2
A Do yourself.
B Menu bar
Blocks Menu
Blocks Palette
Scripts Area
Current Sprite Info
Tool bar
Green Flag
Stop Button
New Sprite Button
Sprites Lists
C Word 2016 is a word processing tool for creating different
types of documents that are used at work and school

D Do yourself.
Worksheet 3
Do yourself.
Worksheet 4
A Following are benefits of using e-mail:
Emails are delivered extremely fast when compared to
traditional post.
Emails can be sent 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Webmail means emails can be sent and received from any
computer, anywhere in the world, that has an internet
When we use broadband, each email sent is effectively
B Do yourself.

C Workbook Worksheet
Excel files are called A worksheet is a collection
workbooks. of cells
Each workbook holds one where you keep and
or more worksheets. mainpulate the data.


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