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This chapter presents the result of an extensive literature review drawing

the thesis topic. Consist of three parts, namely the novel as a literary work, the

characterizations, regret and previous study.

A. Novel

According to (Abrams 1999) the novel comes from Italy, the novel itself

showed up in the 18th century namely is novella (a slightly new thing), a medium-

length prose fiction, the novel is now applied to various kinds of writings that have

the same attribute only as fiction written in prose. Novel is a prose fiction that

contains the character’s life from the beginning to the end (Hasby 2019). The

story is supposed to entertain the reader. However the experiences and life

problems are usually the important points in the story, fictions must remain as an

interesting story, remains as a coherent structure building, and still have an

aesthetic purpose.

Novels have two elements. They are intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The

intrinsic elements of the novel are theme, setting, plot, character and

characterizations, point of view, style and tone. The extrinsic elements include

history, biography, society, psychology, ideas and arts. In this study focused on

characterization which is in the intrinsic element.

Element of Novel (Hanna 2016):


1. Character

To clarify and strengthen the aim and purpose of a literary works

such as drama is inseparable from the figures which support that literature.

The character or characterization of each character is determined by the

author of the literary works. The author also can set the character to bring

the story looks real and interesting, so that the reader can enjoy the role.

To know more about the definition of characters, the writer cites the

opinion of an expert such as (Abrams 1999) said in the following as:

Character is the person in a dramatic of narrative work, endowed with

moral and dispositional qualities that expressed in what they say the

dialogue what they do the action.

2. Plot

Plot is a structure of a series of events in a story arranged

chronologically, or the definition of a plot, which is a series of stories from

beginning to the ending. The plot regulates how the actions contained in

the story must relate to one another. Plot as the organization in the novel

or determines the structure of the novel. The plot consists of the

introduction of the story, the beginning of the conflict, towards the

conflict, the climax and the last ending.

3. Theme

Theme is main idea of the story. Theme makes story more focused,

united, conical and impact, the beginning and the end of the story will fit,

matching and satisfying because of the existence of the theme. The most

effective way to recognize the theme of a work is to examine carefully any

conflicts that exist within it.

4. Setting

The setting not only shows the place or time of the sequence of

events, but it also expresses the character in a story. For example: the

setting described in a house, and then the house will express the character

of the owner. In this case, we can see from the interior of the house, if the

owner is a rich man then his house is big and filled in the expensive things.

5. Point of View

Point of view refers to who is telling or narrating a story. A story

can be told from the first person, second person or third person point of

view. Authors use point of view to express the personal emotions of either

themselves or their characters. The point of view of a story is how the

author wants to convey the experience to the reader. Reviewing point of

view examples for each type is a great way to understand the different


6. Style and Tone

The author uses a certain style and tone to craft the story. Such as

simple words or long sentences with more complex diction, also can use

the daily language, that’s depend on what the story will be written.

B. Characterizations

According to (Reams 2015) Characterization can be defined as any action

by the author or taking place within a work that is used to give description of a

character. In general, it is divided into direct characterization (expressed meaning)


and indirect characterization (implied meaning). Taking it one step further,

characterization can be conveniently separated into five primary categories:

Appearance, Speech, Dialog, Action, and Reaction.

Characterizations are describing the physical and behaviors of the

characters (Djasi, 2000). In the novel, it was the author who described the

characteristics (physical and behaviors) of the characters. Nowadays

characterization is done indirectly through dialogues or conversations. In other

words, the characters’ characterization is known through the dialogues among

them. Characterization is a figure or people's character that is put forward in

narrative work which is interpreted by the readers having a moral quality and

certain tendency through dialogues and their behavior.

There are two kinds of characterization; there is direct characterization and

indirect characterization. Direct characterization tells the readers what the

personality of the character is whereas Indirect characterization is how he author

reveal about the character or personality through dialogues, thoughts, or actions

from the character itself and the responses of other character (Latifah 2019). Of

course that direct characterization is easier to understand than indirect

characterization. It is simply because indirect characterization needs more

understanding before knowing the characterization than direct characterization

that is clearly known in the story. And these are the detail (Wulansari 2016):

- Characterization through appearance. Although in real life most of us are

aware that appearances are often deceiving, in the world of fiction details

of appearance (what a character wears and how he looks) often provides


essential clues to character. It can give information if the character has a

good or bad appearance it’s mean he/she is rich or poor

- Characterization through speech. In the most customary form of telling the

author interrupts the narrative and reveals directly, through a series of

editorial comments, the nature and personality of the characters, including

the thoughts and feelings that enter and pass through the character’s


- Characterization through dialogue. Real life is quite literally filled with

talk. People are forever talking about themselves and between themselves,

communicating bits and pieces of information. And the character can talk

about him or the characterization from dialogue.

- Characterization through action. Character and actions, of course we

automatically know what the characterizations are.

- Characterization through reaction. Reaction serves to develop the story

and the characters at the same time (Suhendra 2019).

C. Regret

According to (Zeelenberg 2007) Regret is a comparison-based emotion of

self-blame, experienced when people realize or imagine that their present situation

would have been better had they decided differently in the past. This theory

relates to the regret of the main character, Amir. That he had made mistake in the

past and imagined that if he hadn't made those mistake or decided to help Hassan,

maybe he would be better. Not haunted by the guilt that he kept to himself.

A big regret in this story experienced by Amir happened when he let

Hassan, Amir’s beloved Hazara servant and friend, raped by Assef to save his the

last kite from kite fighting tournament he just won in order to get Baba’s respect

and recognition. This kind of guilt later causes many conflicts. Further ambition

and change of Amir’s personality became bad person toward Hassan. We feel

guilty when we feel responsible for an action that we regret (Ahmat 2017). In the

story, Amir’s ambition appears when Amir knew that Hassan was his half-brother,

so he accepted Rahim Khan’s requested to take Sohrab, Hassan’s son out from

Kabul to redeem his guilt toward Hassan. Because of every guilty feeling needed

redemption. (Saraswat 2014) states that redemption “is the act of saving or being

saved from sin, error or evil. It is the salvation of a soul that is lost, usually from

human error, such as greed or lust, but also from the guilt there is some case that

makes doer did that regret (Al Sabbagh 2020). Therefore, Amir’s life changed his

personality from a coward to be an optimistic, brave, even to be a caring person.

From that incident Amir felt so regretful and wanted to redeem his guilt (Lambe’


D. Previous Study

Studies on this topic has been conducted in various contexts, in English

Foreign Language (EFL) (Matondang, 2020), in (EFL) (Patmarenanta and

Ernawati, 2016) and last also (EFL) (Lughu, Maryam. 2019).

(Matondang, 2020) the title of this study is “An analysis of the major

themes in Khaled Hosseini’s novel “The Kite Runner”. This research is same as

my research using novels and also discusses the main character. This research

aims to identify and describe the analysis process of the main themes in the novel,

as well as in the novel This is a story of redemption in which a boy takes the easy

path, and pays for it, until he can finally become a man and correct his mistakes.

This study uses a qualitative method with data collection using documentation.

The result of the study is in line with the research problem in which it further

explores the major theme of the novel. All stories have been embedded with

themes. Themes can embrace death, redemption, challenging gender roles,

overcoming fears, prejudice, hatred or the shortcomings of language.

(Patmarenanta, 2016) The title for this research is “A Study on

Characterization of the Main Character in “The Fault in Our Stars”” this study

also using novel and characterization. This research focuses on the personalities of

Hazel and August, the main characters of the novel. In this study the writer wants

to limit the problem on the main character characterization of this novel. Through

this novel, we can learn about life, love, and human spirit. The design of this

study was a descriptive qualitative study. The finding as the main character of the

novel, Hazel and August possesses some characteristics. Hazel Grace personalities

are depressed, books lover, fighter, and stubborn. Her personality is dynamic. It

means that her personalities change. Her personalities change into a tough girl and

cheerful person since she knew August. Augustus Waters had opposite

characteristic of Hazel. In this novel he is described as chivalrous, kind, and a

loyal person. August character has a positive effect for Hazel character growth.

(Lughu, 2019) the title is “The Conflict Of The Main Character In

Shakespeare Novel Hamlet”. this research is going to give a contribution in

analysis about character conflict, especially on the subject of Shakespeare’s novel

Hamlet and Practically, this research is expected to help the readers to know more

about what is character’s conflict and gain more knowledge about how the main

character dealt with the conflict. It is qualitative and it uses library research as the

method of the research. Based on the result of the research, there are 3 types of the

conflict found at the main character Hamlet, there are: Men vs Self, Men vs Men

and Men vs Social life out.

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