Grasslands Notes
Grasslands Notes
Grasslands Notes
steppes - grasslands that have short grasses that grow in clumps with bare soil between them
prairies - flat, but sometimes hilly, land that is covered with mid-to-tall grasses
savannahs - grasslands made up of tall and stiff grasses along with trees and brush
parfleche - a decorated pouch made of rawhide to carry small items, dried food, and
The Sioux followed the buffalo herds.
A family was wealthy, if it had many ponies.
Most tribes on the plains stole horses from their enemies.
Horses were used for hunting, to fight in wars, and to
move camps.
Camps were set up near water and wooded areas.
During most of the year, the Sioux camped in the river valleys of the Black Hills.
Camps were in the shape of a circle.
The tepees were put up and taken down by the women. They were
made from buffalo hides and poles.
Before the Sioux had horses, they hunted the buffalo on foot.
Almost everything the Sioux needed for living came from the buffalo.
Every part of the animal was used, nothing was wasted.
Examples of things made from buffalo:
1. food 6. weapons
2. clothing 7. tools
3. tepees 8. soap
4. toys 9. glue
5. cooking items 10. fuel
The Sioux said special prayers before hunting and killing the buffalo
because they believed the buffalo was sacred.
steppes prairies
savannahs powwow
rawhide pemmican
tepees parfleche