Master Vasco Miranda Galego
Master Vasco Miranda Galego
Master Vasco Miranda Galego
Prof. Teresa Grilo, Assistant Professor at ISCTE Business School, Department of
Marketing, Operations and General Management
October, 2022
Prof. Teresa Grilo, Assistant Professor at ISCTE Business School, Department of
Marketing, Operations and General Management
October, 2022
First of all I want to express how happy and fulfilled I am to have finished this stage in my life. But
this thesis, for me, means much more than the end of a cycle. With this thesis I was able to show myself
that I am capable of anything, all I have to do is want it badly and work for it. It was probably the most
difficult year of my life, but I am sure that after all this I am much stronger than I was.
I want to thank first of all to my supervisor, Professor Teresa Sofia Grilo, who always accompanied
and motivated me, never doubting that I would be capable, throughout this difficult journey. A thank
you as big as this world. I will never forget you.
Finally, I would like to give a very special thanks to my girlfriend and my family who have always
been by my side, especially in the darkest and most difficult moments when everything seemed
Hoje em dia o mundo é cada vez mais competitivo e, por isso, as empresas têm que se adaptar o mais
rápido e o mais eficientemente possível às alterações do meio que as envolve.
Nesse sentido, é importante entender qual é a opinião dos clientes em relação à qualidade do
serviço que lhes é prestado e dai retirar possibilidades de melhoria para que seja possível à empresa
diferenciar-se dos demais competidores.
Assim, esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade percebida pelos clientes do serviço
que é prestado por uma empresa de renome portuguesa que vende suplementos desportivos através
duma plataforma online. Para isso foi utilizado um modelo proposto por Blut et al. (2016). Esta
dissertação tem ainda objetivo entender o impacto que a Overall E-Service Quality tem na Customer
E-Loyalty e que por sua vez esta tem na Customer Repurchase Intention. Adicionalmente, tem como
objetivo entender se nesta industria em específico o clientes se tornam mais exigentes no que diz
respeito à Overall E-Service Quality à que medida o tempo de utilização e a frequência de compra
aumentam. Esta pesquisa tem ainda como objetivo entender se os níveis de lealdade diferem no
género e na idade.
Para isso, foram desenvolvidos dois tipos de estudos: Estudo Qualitativo e Estudo Quantitativo.
No Estudo Qualitativo pode concluir-se, através da amostra recolhida, que fazia sentido analisar
se os utilizadores se tornavam mais exigentes em relação à Overall E-Service Quality à que medida o
tempo de utilização e a frequência de compra aumentam e ainda adicionar uma questão ao
questionário que tinha como objetivo avaliar se no website se perdia informação de pagina para pagina
enquanto se navegava.
No estudo Qualitativo foram realizados testes e análises estatísticas que permitiram tirar
conclusões em relação aos objetivos desta dissertação. Os resultados sugeriram que os construtos
Website Design, Customer Service, Privacy/Security e Fulfilment têm uma influencia positiva na Overall
E-Service Quality, que a Overall E-Service Quality também tem uma influencia positiva na Customer E-
Loyalty e ainda que a Customer E-Loyalty tem uma influencia positiva na Customer Repurchase
Intention. Foi ainda possível concluir o nível de Customer E-Loyalty é igual entre homens e mulheres e
também igual em todos os grupos etários. Outra das conclusões deste estudo foi que mesmo com o
passar do tempo de utilização do serviço ou com o aumento da frequência de compras a perceção da
Overall E-Service Quality mantém-se a mesma.
Today's world is increasingly competitive, and so companies have to adapt as quickly and as
efficiently as possible to changes in their environment.
In this sense, it is important to understand what the customers' opinion is regarding the quality of
the service provided to them, and from there, to draw possibilities for improvement so that it is
possible for the company to differentiate itself from other competitors.
Thus, this dissertation aims to evaluate the quality perceived by customers of the service that is
provided by a renowned Portuguese company that sells sports supplements through an online
platform. To this end, a model proposed by Blut et al. (2016) was used. This dissertation also aims to
understand the impact that Overall E-Service Quality has on Customer E-Loyalty and that this in turn
has on Customer Repurchase Intention. Additionally, it aims to understand if in this specific industry
customers become more demanding with regard to Overall E-Service Quality as the time of use and
frequency of purchase increase. This research also aims to understand whether loyalty levels differ
across gender and age.
For this purpose, two types of studies were developed: Qualitative Study and Quantitative Study.
In the Qualitative Study it was concluded, through the sample collected, that it made sense to
analyze whether users became more demanding in relation to Overall E-Service Quality to what extent
the time of use and the frequency of purchase increase, and also add a question to the questionnaire
that aimed to evaluate whether the website lost information from page to page while browsing.
In the Qualitative study, statistical tests and analyses were performed, allowing conclusions to be
drawn in relation to the objectives of this dissertation. The results suggested that Website Design,
Customer Service, Privacy/Security and Fulfilment have a positive influence on Overall E-Service
Quality, that Overall E-Service Quality also has a positive influence on Customer E-Loyalty and that
Customer E-Loyalty has a positive influence on Customer Repurchase Intention. It was also possible to
conclude that the level of Customer E-Loyalty is the same between men and women and also the same
across all age groups. Another conclusion of this study was that even with the passage of time of service
use or with an increase in the frequency of purchases, the perception of Overall E-Service Quality
remains the same.
JEL Classification:
L81 – Industry Studies: Services (Retail and Wholesale Trade • e-Commerce)
Y40 – Dissertations
Keywords: E-Service Quality; Customer E-Loyalty; Repurchase Intention; E-Service quality Dimensions;
Sports Supplements Online Retail
Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................................... 3
Resumo ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1
2.7. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 14
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 17
• Sample ................................................................................................................................ 19
Correlation Coefficient.................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.2. Results ................................................................................................................................ 31
Security/Privacy .............................................................................................................................. 38
Fulfilment ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Repurchase Intention...................................................................................................................... 41
Correlation between Security & Privacy and Overall E-Service Quality perception
.............................................................................................................................................. 45
4.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 47
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 50
References .......................................................................................................................................... 54
Annex .................................................................................................................................................. 58
This Master Thesis will be a dissertation regarding the theme of the Perceived Service Quality of
a Portuguese Company which sells Sports Supplements Online. In this chapter will be presented
Problem Contextualization, as well as the general and specific objectivesof this dissertation that
are expected to be accomplished with this study. Then, the Research Questions and Methodology
that will be followed will be also addressed. Next,it will be explained the scope of this study and
will be presented the Global Structure of this Master Thesis.
1.1. Contextualization
Nowadays, a great part of the people use internet to buy any kind of products. E- commerce has
been growing at a great speed and according to (E-Commerce Worldwide, 2021), from 2014 to 2019
ecommerce sales increased 151%, from $1 336 billion to $3 354 billion. The fact People are adopting
mobile devices at a very high rate and is one ofthe reasons why people are increasingly buying
online, because all these new technologies make it very easy for them to shop from wherever they
In Portugal, in 2018 49% of the Portuguese did one or more online purchase, and this
percentage increased in 2019 to 51%. Portugal is still far from the European average of 72%, but
it was expected to reach 57% by 2020, which means that the Portuguese peopleare adopting this
purchase habits (Economia Digital Em Portugal, 2020). E-commerceis becoming increasingly
competitive, so it is crucial for the companies to provide the best service possible to their
customers in order to maintaining them satisfied, which canprobably lead to a higher customer
repurchase intention and increase customer loyalty (Spiros Gounaris et al., 2010).
Over the last decades, people also have increasingly recognized the importance of health
education and now the population is more aware of the importance of havinga healthy lifestyle
due to the number of campaigns done regarding this theme. They already know that leading a
healthy lifestyle means a way of living that decreases the riskof dying early or getting serious
illnesses, by adopting some strategies and routines such as consuming healthy food in a balanced way,
exercising the body regularly and resting well. Carrying out a healthy lifestyle can prevent people from
getting some diseases, such as hearth diseases, diabetes and cancer, which can, obviously, reduce
life expectancy. Thus, today, more than ever, people are aware of the positive impact that sports
and nutritioncan have in their quality of life but also on their life expectancy.
As we all know, the Covid-19 has appeared in our lives and the truth is that it has hada giant
impact in the way that we carry them. During the first months of Covid-19 pan- demic, due the
restrictions and the closure of borders, were not easy for e-commerce, since there were severe
disruptions on supply chains, disabling companies to ship and deliver goods to their customers. But,
during the course of the year, since lockdowns becamethe “new normal”, people started to
change and to adapt their habits and went moredigital. According to a report, Chile share of
sales done through e-commerce increased from 5% to 16%, which can confirm a shift in
consumption patterns from traditional toonline channels (United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development, 2021).
Also throughout the first months of Covid-19 lockdown, the majority of the peoplewere not
able to leave their homes and had to perform their jobs home. Thus, with this limitations many people
ended up “taking refuge” in sports. During the lockdown about45% of the people who were
physically inactive before the pandemic started to practiceany kind of physical activity (Samuel
Silva, 2020), shifting their ways of living.
Corroborating the idea stated before, in the recent years, people started to recognizemore
and more the importance of having healthy habits, such as doing any kind of sport or having a
well-balanced diet. The following recognition of the importance of adopting these type of habits,
made that, dietary supplements use increased significantly, according to (Li et al., 2020). About 42%
of sports practitioners use these supplements (Hurst et al., 2020). People usually supplement
their diet to suppress any kind of inefficiencyin their diet, according to (Farmácias Portuguesas,
n.d.), which means that people use supplements to have all macro and micronutrients the body
needs to improve or maintainits condition.
Sport Supplements can be generally divided into 3 groups: sports foods (foods/drinks
containing macronutrients), medical supplements (vitamins/minerals used to treat deficiencies),
and ergogenic supplements (used to benefit performance). (Alonso &Fernández- García, 2020). This
type of substances are used by both athletes and general people, in the context of sport, being
that the use of this type of substances is based in three aspects:
• Scientific Evidence: Some scientist have accepted and normalized the use of SportS in
order to optimize the performance of the athletes.
• Optimization of Nutritional Strategies: Nowadays, more and more people are
accompanied by a nutrition professional, who, individually, applies a nutritional protocol. This
protocol is made in order to enhance people’s training effects by accomplishing individual
nutritional goals.
• Health Maintenance and Longevity: There are evidences that a healthy life- style
complemented with some specific supplements can delay or prevent some chronic diseases.
(Alonso & Fernández-Garcı́a, 2020).
The evaluation of customer perceived quality applied to any service has been widely studied over
the years. It is possible to find plenty of studies evaluating the quality perceived by customers in
different areas of online retail, but there is no study that evaluatesit applied to the sale of sports
supplements online. Thus, combining the growing use of sports supplements today and the lack of
studies on the quality perceived by customersin this specific area, was find a gap that allows the
development of a research with great interest, which may come to help both companies in this
industry and customers, bringing them closer together, so companies can improve the service
delivered to their customersand also results, and customers can be more satisfied with service
1.4. Research Questions
The following research questions are proposed based on the objectives addressed be- fore:
Q1: What is the customers’ perception about the service quality of company XPTO?
Q2: What is the degree of Customer E-Loyalty in this specific online retail area?
Q3: Is there any association between the Overall E-Service Quality and the Customer E-Loyalty?
Q4: What is the degree of Customer Repurchase Intention?
Q5: Is there an association between Customer E-Loyalty and Customer Repurchase Intention?
Q6: Which recommendations can be provided to improve the company’s relationship with the
customers and also its results?
1.6. Scope
As previously stated, the main objective of this research is to Evaluate how the Customers Perceive
the Service Quality of a Portuguese Company which sells Sports Supplements Online. Considering this,
the most appropriate and interesting way to collect the necessary data is, since it is about the
valuation of a service that is provided online, asking the customers of this brand to answer an
online questionnaire that will be made availableonline on the Google Forms platform. This
research focuses only on the Evaluation of the Perceived Service Quality of this Portuguese
Company, since it is the most known andsignificant brand of this industry in Portugal.
This research will comprise five main chapters, in order to achieve the main goals of this
research that is answer all research questions posed:
Introduction: In this first chapter was defined the theme of this dissertation, as well as a
contextualization, which allows understanding the importance and relevance of thisresearch. The
general and specific objectives were also defined, as well as the research questions that must be
answered in the conclusion. The methodology to be used was also defined, as well as the
boundaries of this research.
Literature Review: In this second chapter the objective is to approach the theoretical
knowledge adjacent to the themes that will be addressed during this research. The Literature
Review chapter includes an introduction where the issues to be addressed laterin the chapter are
defined. It is followed by an explanation of what a Service is, and what the Online Shopping is
according to some authors. Then, Overall E-Service Quality is ad- dressed, as well as the different
authors perspectives to approach it, such as SERVQUAL,SERVPERF and the Hierarchical Model.
Further on, the Customer E-Loyalty, as well asthe Customer Repurchase Intention issues are
Methodology: In the third chapter, firstly, there will be a brief description of the specific case
under study. Then, the research hypotheses that will be pointed out, whichwill be tested further
on, as well as a presentation of the instruments and tools that willbe used to collect data, in
order to process this research. Further on, will be indicatedthe independent variables that are
significant for the research. Last but not least, therewill be a description of the sample analyzed,
as well as the statistical techniques used todo it.
Results: In the fourth chapter, there will be a presentation of the results obtained with this
research and also a discussion related to the different statistical instruments used for this propose.
Such as the Cronbach’s Alpha to assess the validity of the constructs, Hypothesis Testing and also
Statistical Correlation.
Conclusion: In the last chapter, finally, the conclusions that can be drawn from thestudy
will be presented. The research questions posed on the Introduction chapter willbe answered,
through the evaluation of the results obtained and the literature review, present in the second
chapter. Further on, there will indicated research’s limitations and some recommendation for future
related studies
Specific Objectives Research Questions Analysis
Correlation Coefficient
Evaluate Customer Overall E-Service
What is the customers’ perceptionabout +
Quality of the service provided by
O1: Q1: the service quality of company XPTO? Hypotheses Testing
(H1, H2, H3, H4)
Customers become more demanding in Descriptive Analysis
Evaluate the Seniority in Use (Time
terms of Overall E-Service Quality over +
O2: Using and Buying Frequency) impact Q2:
Time Using and as they make more Hypotheses Testing
on Overall E-Service Quality
purchases? (H7, H7a, H7b)
Descriptive Analysis
What is the degree of Customer E-Loyalty +
O3: Evaluate Customer E-Loyalty Q3:
in this specific Online Retail area? Hypotheses Testing
(H6, H6a, H6b)
Evaluate the strength of the Correlation Coefficient
Is there any association between the
association between the Overall E- +
O4: Q4: Overall E-Service Quality and the
Service Quality and the Hypothesis Testing
Customer E-Loyalty?
Customer E-Loyalty (H5)
Evaluate the strength of the Correlation Coefficient
Is there an association between Customer
association between the CustomerE- +
E-Loyalty and Customer Repurchase
O5: Loyalty and the Customer Q5: Hypothesis Testing
Repurchase Intention (H8)
Propose some recommendations to Which recommendations can be
the company to improve their provided to improve the company’s
O6: relationship with their customers Q6: relationship with the customers and Qualitative Approach
and so improving their results also its results?
Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
This first chapter will address and explained all the theoretical topics that are consideredessential
to provide the adjacent background knowledge that was necessary to develop this research.
The first themes to be address in this chapter will be the Service and Online Shop-ping,
which are considered quite important issues to understand this research. After, some more
technical concepts related with Services itself will be also address, such as the Overall E-Service Quality,
Customer E-Loyalty and, last but not least, Customer Repurchase Intention. At the end of this
chapter there will be a Conclusion subchapter, wherea correlation will be made between the
various themes addressed above.
2.2. Service
Nowadays, great part of the world population purchase, use or provides any kind of service. It is
something that we are in contact with every day of our lives, either when we havesome a health
problem, or when we left some shirts at the laundry, or even when we order food, using Food Delivery
Apps, for our homes.
General people often confuse ”Services” with “Service”, but the reality is that this words have
different definitions. While “services” are characterized by being actions or activities performed
by an entity on behalf of another, according to (Piccinelli & Mokrushin, 2001), having inherent value
that is transferred from the provider to the recipient. On the other hand, “Service” can have different
meanings, according to thearea or type of service, so it is difficult to provide a single and concrete
definition of it.
According to (Johnston et al., 2012), there are many different types of services, provided by
numerous types of organizations, from Business-to-Business (B2B) services, to Business-to-
Consumer (B2C), to voluntary services, among other types. B2B services are services that are
provided by one company to another, B2C services are provided by companies to individual, while
voluntary services are services usually provided by NGO’sto improve the living conditions of those
who need it most.
It is also important to understand that when a service is provided, there are alwaystwo
perspectives of it, the customer’s perspective and the operation’s perspective. For those who
provide the service (operation’s perspective), is a process which transforms its inputs (materials, staff,
technology, facilities, customers) and the outputs resulting fromthat process. On the other hand,
in customer’s perspective a service is an experiencewhich results in outputs (benefits, emotions,
intentions, ‘products’).
But there are many others authors who have a different perspective and definition about
what is a service. As (Kotler & Lane Keller, 2007) stated, there are four characteristics of a
service: Intangibility, Inseparability, Variability and Perishability.
• Intangibility: Service’s nature is intangible, since you cannot see or touch it. In 1995, Harker
described services as something that we cannot drop on our feet (P. Harker,1995);
• Inseparability: It is what differentiate a product from a service. A service is produced and
consumed simultaneously;
• Variability: The same service can have changes and vary in terms of quality or standards
according to who, where and when the service is provided;
• Perishability: A service cannot be stored, since the service is produced and consumed
simultaneously. According to (Smith, 1776), a service will perish in the moment of its
consumption and rarely will leave trace behind.
The vast majority of the services, if not all, are co-produced between the company and the
customer (Johnston et al., 2012). The customer is perceived as co-producer whenthe interaction
between both parties generate more value than a traditional transaction process, in which the
seller and the customer just meet briefly, exchanging finished goodand service and then go their
separate ways (Wikström, 1996). On the other hand, according to (Lusch & Vargo, 2006), “the
customer is always co-creator of value”. Lusch and Vargo, argued that in Goods-Dominant Logic
(G-D logic), the customers are perceivedas co-producers since co-production implies that there is
value added activities on the production process, while in the Services-Dominant logic (S-D logic)
the value is created and determined by the customer at the time of the service consumption
access to internet (Karunakaran & Jacob, 2020). People in general lead increasingly busy and full
lives these days (Khan et al., 2020), and this is an alternative which offers many advantages for its
users, such as, convenience, time saving, flexibility, and the consumers are able to shop anytime
and anywhere (Moetiet al., 2021), without even leaving their homes (Sudha & Sheena, 2017), so
this is a very worthwhile alternative for many families.
E-Shopping has had a huge impact on general people’s lives and many advantages have
emerged and individuals started to adopt it. With it people can buy productsthat are not
available on their geographical regions, give them access to higher quality products (Fernández-
Ferrin et al., 2017), 24-hour shopping, decreased dependence on store outings, saving of travel
costs, decreased overhead expenditure and choice of a wide variety of products (Rodrigues et al.,
2016), and can also make their purchases to be private (Swinyard & Smith, 2003). But there are
other factors that can influence the adoption and use of E-Shopping. According to (Chang et al.,
2005), lower prices of products sold online, convenience, website accessibility, store-loyalty,
customer knowledge on the internet, money-back guarantee have been shown to be factors that
may have a positive influence on customers use of online shopping.
According to SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al., 1985), customers basically used the same criteria
to evaluate service quality, so using focus groups interviews it was possibleto identify 10 “service
quality determinants”, which are:
Reliability (Consistency of service performance); Responsiveness (Service timeliness);
Competence (Skills and Knowledge required to provide the service); Access (Service
Accessibility); Courtesy (Consideration and Respect in Contact with Customers); Communication
(Keep customers informed and adapt language to different type of customers); Credibility
(Service Believability); Security (No doubt about the service); Understanding (Knowing the
customers’ needs); Tangibles (Service Physical Evidence).
Three years later, the same authors refined the previously developed model, presenting 5
dimensions, composed by 22 items to evaluate the Quality of Service (SERVQUAL (Parasuraman
et al., 1988)). The 5 dimensions (three original and two combined dimensions) suggested by this
model are:
• Tangible (Physical facilities, equipment and appearance of employees);
• Reliability (Capacity to provide the promised service and accurately);
• Responsiveness (Willingness to help the customers);
• Assurance (Ability of employees to be kind, inspire confidence and know the customers);
• Empathy (Firm individualized attention to each client).
Both SERVQUAL models evaluate the perceived service quality by measuring and summing
the gaps on service items between the customer perception and the customer expectation. In
order to obtain the evaluation, customers are asked to respond, on a 7-point Linkert scale,
according to their expectations and perceptions. The higher the gap (perception minus
expectation score), the higher is the customer perceived service quality, according to
(Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988).
Other model to be addressed is SERVPERF developed and studied by (Cronin & Taylor,
1992). According to the authors, SERVPERF is a performance-based scale to measure service
quality perceived by the customers of the service provider’s performance and this model is more
efficient when compared with SERQUAL (Parasuraman et al., 1988), presenting empirical
evidences in four different industries (banks, pest control, dry cleaning and fast food industries)
that SERVPERF is superior when compared withSERVQUAL. This superiority is shown by the
fact that SERPERF scale has only 22 items,
also divided into the same 5 dimensions, which means that has half of the SERVQUALitems
(Parasuraman et al., 1985), and because, over the years, it has been also shown thatSERVPERF
provides a better explanation of larger variations in overall service quality by measuring one
single-item scale (Jain & Gupta, 2004). This model also addresses that items measure the service
quality may change from one industry to another.
The last model to be addressed is the Hierarchical Model (Blut, 2016) which was developed
using meta-analysis. The chosen model addresses that e-services have 16 attributes, divided into
4 different dimensions, such as Web-Site Design, Customer Service,Security and Fulfillment. This
model, in addition to better understanding the characteristics of online services, also presents a
better ability to predict the consumer behavior than other models , such as E-S Qual and ETailQ
that cannot explain why the consumers are dissatisfied and why they switch from one online store
to another (Rita et al., 2019).
The Hierarchical Model explains that 4 dimensions of this model have a positive effecton the
Overall E-Service Quality, which will also have a positive effect on the Customer E-Loyalty and so
this aspect mentioned before will have a positive effect on the Repurchase Intention of the
According to (Bauer et al., 2006), the online shopping process comprises four differentstages:
Information Phase, Agreement Phase; Fulfillment and After-Sales Phase. In this research, the
authors affirm that factors such as the website design are more important for the customers in
the first stages of the shopping process, such as the Information Phase, where the customer is
examining and comparing market offerings. Corroborating this idea, (Holloway & Beatty, 2008)
said that in the early stages of the shopping processcustomers are interested on the products’
information and on its easy access. The easieris the access to the products’ information the more
the customers feel the website as the best website to continue their shopping process. According
to (Blut, 2016), at this stage customers are more focused on dimensions such as: the Quality of
the Information present at the website, the Website Aesthetics, the Purchase Process, the
Convenience while browsing on the Website, the Selection of Products at the website, the
Availabilityof the products, the Price Offerings, Website Personalization and System Availability.
At the end, customers use these dimensions to assess their past experience and formulate an Overall
E-Service Quality assessment. Hence:
H1: Perceptions of the Website Design by (Blut, 2016) ) is positively correlated with Overall E-
Service Quality
On the other, Fulfilment dimension is related with the capacity of the online storesto deliver
to their customers what they ordered at the right price, at the right time, in the right conditions
(Blut, 2016). According with (Bauer et al., 2006) this dimension is more important in the later
stages of the shopping process, since it more connect with theAccomplishment of the Transaction.
Regarding the (Holloway & Beatty, 2008) research,
64% of the customers reported problems with the fulfillment of their orders, being thisone of
the dissatisfaction factors. Therefore:
H2: Perception of the Fulfilment by (Blut, 2016) ) is positively correlated with Overall E-Service
According to (Bauer et al., 2006), Customer Service dimension regards the support that the
customer may receive before, during or after placing their order on the website. (Blut, 2016) argues
that this dimension may be evaluated based on Service Level, which evaluates the online stores’
capacity to provide assistance via telephone or online to their customers, and also by evaluating the
capacity of the online stores of solving problemsby returning products via online. Regarding the
(Holloway & Beatty, 2008) study, it showed that a good customer support, well defined and fair
returning policies have a positive influence on how the customers perceive the customer service of
the Online Shop. Therefore, the following hypothesis is posed:
H3: Perception of the Customer Service by (Blut, 2016) ) is positively correlated with Overall
E-Service Quality
Touching the last dimension addressed by (Blut, 2016), Security/Privacy refers to the
customers’ feeling about their personal and credit cards data security or privacy. Customers avoid
shopping online when they perceive the online store to be insecure, i.e.when they feel that their
personal data or their credit card details may be misused or shared (Holloway & Beatty, 2008).
(Blut, 2016) addressed that people expect, from the online stores, protection against frauds,
thefts and “junk” emails right after an online purchasing. Therefore:
H4: Perception of the Security/Privacy by (Blut, 2016) is positively correlated with Overall E-
Service Quality
Some investigators tried to find evidences of the users characteristics have influence on the
customer loyalty. Although, in those studies were not found any evidence arguingthat gender may
have influence customers’ loyalty behavior. On the other hand, (Patterson, 2007) research
evidences that age is associated with customers’ Loyalty behavior. According with the same
research, the older age groups (35-54 and 55+ years) have a more loyal behavior than the younger
(18-24 and 25-34 years). Hence:
H6: Users Characteristics can influence the Customer Loyalty perception
H6a: Gender has no influence Customer Loyalty perception
H6b: Age has influence on Customer Loyalty perception
Online Repurchase Intention (Zhang et al., 2011).
The Repurchase Intention can be defined as the will of the Customer to continue buying
products or services from the same company (Razak et al., 2014). According with several studies,
Customer Retention, which also means the Customers’ Loyalty rep resents a competitive
advantage for any company, since the recurrent purchases lead to an increasing profit for the
vendors. (Shafiee & Bazargan, 2018) study stated that the E-Loyalty has influence on the
Repurchase Intention, and that it will lead to long-term profits. Therefore, the following
hypothesis is postulated.
H7: Customer E-Loyalty is positively correlated with Repurchase Intention
2.7. Conclusion
The table presented below has the main objective of summarizing all the contents
presented above, in order to show the existing theoretical gap and thus explain the
importance that this research has, in that it responds to the existing gap by merging
different models and also assesses the role that Seniority in Use can have on the Overall
Quality of E-Service.
Table 1. Literature Review Summary
Influence of Positive Effectof E-
Positive Effect of
Customer’s Loyalty on
Overall E- Overall E-Service
Characteristicson Repurchase
Study Service Quality Quality on E-Loyalty
E-Loyalty Intention
Parasuraman et al.,
Parasuraman et al.
Cronin & Taylor
Blut et al.
Nagaraj & Singh,
Shafiee & Bazargan,
✓ ✓
Patterson et al.,
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Thus, following the proposed hypotheses the model to be studied will be this one:
3.1. Introduction
According with (Yin, 2009), a research should begin with a literature review and carefuland
meticulous definition of research questions or objectives of the research. The author also argues that
the way the research is carried out and methodology is followed is equally important.
This methodology chapter aims to present the set of procedures and methods that willbe used
to carry our this research, answering the posed research questions and meetingthe proposed
Firstly, the application of the Case Study method will be explained for this specific case.
Afterwards, the investigation hypothesis and their support will be introduced as well as the
Conceptual Model. Next, the context in which the data was collected, the process and tools used
to analyze the data will be presented and explained.
most suitable model to pursue this research. Firstly, in the case of this researchis possible to notice
that the posed research questions are main “how” and/or “why” questions, as (Yin, 2009) argues.
Secondly, the investigator does not have any control or the possibility to manipulate the actual
behavior events, since the researcher’s role is limited to observing events and interviewing
people, by using an online questionnaire.Last but not least, this is a research is regarding a set of
contemporary events, meeting the last mentioned condition. So, according with (Yin, 2009), this
research may be proceeded by using the Case Study method.
The Customer Perceived Service Quality study and its implications on various factorshas been
widely explored, since it allows the companies to understand what customers value most, and thus
adapt, improving their results. But this kind of study has never been applied to this specific industry
(Sports Supplements Online Retail), thus, this research becomes an exploratory in this specific area
and, according to (Yin, 2009), it is supportedby the use of the Case Study. On the other hand, this
research is also an explanatory research, since it will use quantitative findings to answer the posed
research question. In following sub-chapters, an explanation regarding the design of this research
and how itwill be conducted will be given.
included 5 questions in order to understand if the time of use of the service and frequency of buy made
them more demanding users regarding the OverallE-Service Quality.
The questions asked were the following:
Table 2. Semi-structured Interviews Script
How long have you been using this website ?
How frequently you have been shopping in this website ?
Do you feel that your demand on Overall E-Service
Quality related issues has been increasing over time you
have been using this service?
Do you feel that your demand on Overall E-Service
Quality related issues has been increasing from purchase
to purchase ?
Do you think that browsing in the website without losing
information from one page/menu to another is important
for the Overall E-Service Quality ?
• Sample
The selection criteria used to choose the participants were:
- Being 18 years old or older;
- Having visited and purchased Sports Supplements via Online more than 5 timeson this
Portuguese Brand of Sports Supplements website.
These interviews were done in order to obtain more insights regarding this specific sector
which was not widely explored in the previous researches.
• Data Collection
The interviews were carried out during the month of January and were done online, since this is
a study regarding a Retail Sector whose activity is done online. The data collection was done
anonymously so that the interviewees could feel as comfortable as possible in answering the
questions they were asked.
• Investigation Hypotheses
Across the Literature Review Chapter, several hypotheses were developed in order to be tested on the
specific scenario of this research, but based on the Qualitative Study, which will be described later in
the Chapter IV (Analysis of Results), some additional items were identified that make sense to be
analyzed in this specific sector, thus adapting the conceptual model previously presented. Two
hypotheses were therefore added to the model, those that are in grey, one that aims to study whether
as consumers become more demanding with increasing purchase frequency and, further, whether
consumers become more demanding as they use the service over time.
Thus the new and final conceptual model is the following:
The posed hypotheses are presented in the following table. Hypotheses H7a and H7b are the
new ones added based on the conclusions obtained on the qualitative study, while all the other are
already detailed in the Chapter 2.
Table 3. Hypotheses Table
H1: Perceptions of the Website Design as defined by Blut et al. (2016) positively influences
Overall E-Service Quality
H2: Perception of the Customer Service as defined by Blut et al. (2016) positively influences
Overall E-Service Quality
H3: Perception of the Security/Privacy as defined by Blut et al. (2016) positively influences
Overall E-Service Quality
H4: Perception of the Fulfilment as defined by Blut et al. (2016) positively influences Overall E-
Service Quality
H5: Overall E-Service Quality positively influences the Customer E-Loyalty
H6: Users Characteristics can influence the Customer Loyalty
H6a: Gender has no influence on Customer E - Loyalty
H6b: Age has influence on Customer E - Loyalty
H7: Seniority in Use negatively influences Overall E-Service Quality
H7a: Time Using the Service negatively influences Overall E-Service Quality
H7b: Buying Frequency negatively influences Overall E-Service Quality
H8: Customer E-Loyalty has a positive effect on the Repurchase Intention
This research has also other objectives, besides assessing the Overall E-Service Quality on this
specific case, such as evaluating the impact that Overall E-Service Quality has on Customer E-Loyalty,
to understand if the Customer Characteristics have any effect on the Customer E-Loyalty, as well as to
evaluate the effect of Customer E-Loyalty on Customer Repurchase Intention.
So, in order to proceed with this research all of these constructs must be assessed. Thus,
the respondents of the questionnaire will be asked to answer 54 questions regarding the constructs
mentioned before, on a on a 7-point Linkert scale (where 1 is “Totally Disagree” and 7 is “Totally
Agree”). Further, the survey respondents will be askedto answer 4 more questions regarding
Personal Data (Gender, Age, Time Using, Buying Frequency).
It is expected that the collection of data will take place between the last week of March and the
second week of May in order to have enough time to collect a valid sample forthe research. The
target population to answer to this surveys are all males and femalesover 18 years old, who have
purchased Sports Supplements via online on this Portuguese Brand website, in the last 6 months.
The collection of data will be conducted by making the survey available online, sharing it on the
social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
After the data collection, it will be analyzed in order to find correlations between the
attributes and variables that allows to confirm the hypothesis posed before in thisdocument. It
is also important to confirm the heterogeneity of the sample, to avoid errors and mistaken
Following the data analysis some conclusions will show up and it will be possible to have
a greater knowledge about how the customers perceive the quality of this Portuguese Brand which
sells Sports Supplements and provide some recommendations that may improve the company’s
The table below presents and summarizes all the questions asked to the respondents,as well
as the sources of each construct used on this research.
Table 5. Constructs Measuring Questions
Constructs Items Source
The information on the website is pretty much what I
Blut et al. (2016) ;
Information need to carry out my tasks
Holloway &
Quality The website adequately meets my information needs
Beatty (2008)
Website Design The information on the website is effective
The website is visually pleasing Blut et al. (2016) ;
The website displays a visually pleasing design Holloway &
The website is visually appealing Beatty (2008)
The website has no difficulties with making a payment
Blut et al. (2016) ;
The purchasing process was not difficult
Purchase Process Holloway &
It is easier to use the website to complete my business
Beatty (2008)
with the company than it is to use a telephone or fax or
mail a representative (R)
The displays pages within the website are easy to read Blut et al. (2016) ;
The text on the website is easy to read Holloway &
Website The website labels are easy to understand Beatty (2008)
Convenience Browsing in the website is easy (e.g., users can easily
browse from one page/menu to the other without Qualitative Study
losing information)
All my business with the company can be completed via
the website Blut et al. (2016) ;
Product Selection This website has a good selection Holloway &
The website has a wide variety of products that interest Beatty (2008)
The website has the items the company claims to have
Blut et al. (2016) ;
Merchandise in stock
Holloway &
Availability All the products on the website are available
Beatty (2008)
Items listed at website were out of stock *
The website offers discount or free shipping Blut et al. (2016) ;
Price Offerings The website has low prices Holloway &
The website has lower prices than the offline stores Beatty (2008)
The website allows me to interact with it to receive
tailored information
Blut et al. (2016) ;
Website The website has interactive features, which help me
Holloway &
Personalization accomplish my task
Beatty (2008)
I can interact with the website in order to get
information tailored to my specific needs
When I use the website, there is very little waiting time
Blut et al. (2016) ;
between my actions and the website's response
System Availability Holloway &
The website loads quickly
Beatty (2008)
The website takes a long time to load *
The online shop provides a telephone number to reach
the company.
Blut et al. (2016) ;
The online shop has customer service representatives
Customer Service Service Level Holloway &
available online
Beatty (2008)
The online shop offers the ability to speak to a live
person if there is a problem
The online shop provides me with convenient options
Blut et al. (2016) ;
Return Handling/ for returning items
Holloway &
Policies The online shop handles product returns well
Beatty (2008)
The online shop offers a meaningful guarantee
I feel safe in my transactions with the online shop Blut et al. (2016) ;
Security The online shop has adequate security features Holloway &
This site protects information about my credit card Beatty (2008)
I trust the online shop to keep my personal information
Security/Privacy safe.
Blut et al. (2016) ;
I trust the website administrators will not misuse my
Privacy Holloway &
personal information
Beatty (2008)
It protects information about my web-shopping
The product is delivered by the time promised by the
company Blut et al. (2016) ;
Timeliness of
This online shop website makes items available for Holloway &
delivery within a suitable time frame Beatty (2008)
It quickly delivers what I order
Fulfilment You get what you ordered from this website Blut et al. (2016) ;
Order Accuracy The website sends out the items ordered (R) Holloway &
The website is truthful about its offerings Beatty (2008)
The product was damaged during delivery Blut et al. (2016) ;
Delivery Condition The ordered products arrived in a good condition Holloway &
The products arrived with a major damage Beatty (2008)
Overall. my purchase experience with this online shop
is excellent
The overall quality of the service provided by this online
Overall E-Service Quality Blut et al. (2016)
shop is excellent
My overall feelings toward this online shop are very
Encourage friends and others to do business with this
Parasuraman et
Customer E-Loyalty Do more business with this website in the coming
al. (2005)
Say positive things about this website to other people
I will do more purchases through this online shop in the
future Zeithaml et al.
Repurchase Intention
I will increase purchases through this online shop (1996)
I will intensify purchases through this online shop
Users Female
Gender Patterson (2007)
Characteristics Male
<6 months
6-12 months
Time Using
1-2 years
2+ years
Seniority in Use 1-3 times per year Qualitative Study
4-6 times per year
Buying Frequency 7-9 times per year
10-12 times per year
12+ times per year
(R) – Eliminated Questions due to Redundancy or lack of sense; * - Questions Eliminated by Blut et al.
(2016) due to low Validity
Intention, understand the if people that use (Time Using) and purchase more frequently (Buying
Frequency) on this website are more demanding regarding the Overall E-Service Quality, and also
if both genders and the different age groups have the same level of E-Loyalty.
The criteria for selecting the questionnaire respondents have been defined in advance. Therefore,
anyone over 18 years of age who have visited and made at least one purchaseon the website of
this Portuguese brand that sells Sports Supplements Online is eligible to answer to this
Hypotheses’ Testing
Hypotheses’ Testing is a procedure that has as its main objective to test assumptions regarding a
certain population, using a collected sample (Laureano, 2013). Thus, all the hypotheses
developed earlier in this paper will be tested, so that they can be confirmedor not.
According to Morôco (2018), hypotheses’ tests can be classified in two ways: as parametric or non-
parametric. To ensure that the tests to be used can be parametric, two assumptions have to be
• Normality - this means that the variable distribution must follow a normal distribution.
To evaluate this factor, two methods can be used. On the one hand, it is possible to
evaluate the normality of the distribution using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test if the sample
is composed of 30 or more elements (n ≥ 30), on the other hand if the sample is
composed of less than 30 elements (n < 30) , Shapiro-Wilk test must be used. Still on
normality tests, according to (Laureano, 2013), in case the number of elements of a
sample is less than 30, to ensure the normal distribution of the variable is necessary to
reject the null hypothesis (H0) – to reject it, in a test with a significance level of 0.05, is
necessary a Sig. > 0.05.
• Homoscedasticity - this means that variables have a homogeneous variance. In this case, to
test the homogeneity, Levine test is the more reliable one, so it must be used.
If the two previous assumptions are fulfilled, it is proved that the sample is parametric. Thus,
there are 2 types of tests that can be followed. These tests are:
• Bonferroni Test , if the sample is composed of less than 30 elements (n < 30).
Correlation Coefficient
The correlation coefficient will be an important tool, since it is necessary to test some of the
hypothesis posed in this research. This method aims to evaluate the relationship robustness
between two different variables. The most used tool between the specialist is the Pearson’s
correlation coefficient, when both variables are quantitative, and has as its main objective to
measure how strong is the linear relationship between two quantitative variables (Laureano,
It is mandatory to define the reliability of the results by choosing the confidence level. According
to Morôco (2018), to ensure the reliability of the correlation it is necessary to define a confidence
level of at least 95%. Thus, the coefficient is reliable when ρ ≥ 0.05 and ρ ≤ -0.05. The correlation
coefficient has a scale from -1 to 1 (-1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1), when the value is closer to -1, it means that the variables
are negatively correlated – variables have opposite behaviors. On the other hand, if the correlation
coefficient value is close to 1, it means that the variables are positively correlated – variables have
the same behavior. In order to provide a better assessment of the relationship between variables, a
scale was chose. According to Liu & Li (2022), the Pearson Correlation Coefficient scale that should be
used is shown in Table 6.
3.4. Conclusions
Table 7 summarizes the research development process, so that all objectives were met and all
research questions were answered.
Table 6. Pearson Correlation Coefficient Scale
Evaluate the Seniority in Use (Time Customers become more demanding in terms
O2: Using and Buying Frequency) impact Q2: of Overall E-Service Quality over Time Using
on Overall E-Service Quality and as they make more purchases?
(H7, H7a, H7b)
Is there any difference in the customer E-
O3: Evaluate Customer E-Loyalty Q3: Loyalty levels of men and women? And are the
different age groups equally loyal to the brand?
(H6, H6a, H6b)
Evaluate the strength of the
Is there a positive association betweenthe
association between the Overall E- Correlation
O4: Q4: Overall E-Service Quality and the Customer E-
Service Quality and the Coefficient
Customer E-Loyalty
Evaluate the strength of the
Is there a positive association between
association between the CustomerE- Correlation
Customer E-Loyalty and Customer Repurchase
O5: Loyalty and the Customer Q5: Coefficient
Repurchase Intention
Propose some recommendations to Which recommendations can be
the company to improve their provided to improve the company’s Qualitative
O6: relationship with their customers Q6: relationship with the customers and Approach
and so improving their results also its results?
Analysis of Results
This chapter has as its main objective to present the obtained results from the data analysis. The
chapter of Analysis of Results will start by briefly describing the specific case that was under study.
Next, a descriptive analysis of the sample collected will be carried out, as well as an analysis of the
reliability of the constructs that were studied. Tests will also be developed to answer the posed
hypotheses. Finally, the results will be discussed in order to better understand the customer
behavior on this specific retail sector and also to draw some conclusions that allow the
improvement of the service provided, bringing better results to the Sport Supplements Online
It is expected to statistically confirm every posed hypothesis and, obviously, understand
better the customer behavior on this particular retail sector. At the end of this research is also
expected to provide good inputs to improve even more the Customer Perceived Quality on this
specific sector, and, consequently, bring better results for Sports Supplements retailers.
(50%). Regarding to the age groups of the participants, it was distributed as follows: 2 (25%) - 18
to 30 years old; 2 (25%) - 31 to 50 years old; 2 (25%) - 50 to 65 years old; 2 (25%) - more than 65
years old.
Table 8. Qualitative Study Sample Characterization
AF RF (%)
Female 4 50
Gender Male 4 50
Total 8 100
18-30 2 25
31-50 2 25
Age 51-65 2 25
65+ 2 25
Total 8 100
4.2.2. Results
The results obtained in the semi-structured interviews were the following:
Table 9. Results Qualitative Study
Do you feel
that your
demand on
Overall E-
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
related issues
has been
over the time
you have
been using
this service?
Do you feel
that your
demand on
Overall E-
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
related issues
has been
purchase to
purchase ?
Do you think
that browsing
in the
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
to another is
important for
the Overall E-
Quality ?
Interviews Notes:
Male (18-30) – “Yes, I guess that I don’t have the same “vision” of quality of this specific
service since the first time I used it. Regarding losing information from a page to another, is one
of the things that annoys me the most that makes me want to stop using a website.”
Female (18-30) – “I think I have always been a very demanding person in terms of the quality
that a service or a product has to have in order for me to use it, but yes, I think I have always
increased this demand. In relation to losing information from one page to another, I think this is
a point that demonstrates a lot of the quality of the website.”
Male (31-50) – “I have been using this type of service for a few years now and I think that
my requirements have increased a lot since the first time I used it, because until then I had no
knowledge of this type of product and had never come into contact with such a service. In relation
to the subject of losing information while navigating the website, yes, it is something that
frustrates me a little and has an impact on the way I perceive the quality of the website itself. “
Female (31-50) – “Yes, at first when I started using this service, I didn't understand anything
about it. Anything would be good. But now, after 2 years, I understand that I no longer see things
the same way. I would say that I am more demanding now, yes. Regarding the loss of information,
yes of course, I think it's something elementary in a website nowadays. If you lose information it
is because the site is not well developed.”
Male (51 – 65) – “I haven't used this type of service for a long time, but I think I'm more
picky since the first time. I think it's something common to all people in any kind of service. You
always expect the service provided to improve every time you use it. Regarding the loss of
information from page to page, yes clearly it has an impact on the way I see the quality of the
Female (51-65) – “The truth is that I am not very "experienced" with this type of service
either, but I would say that nowadays I have a "more trained eye" and am more demanding. It is
a key point if the website is to have good quality, that no information is lost from one page to
Male (+65) – “I've never been very picky about the service I get, as long as it meets the
minimum requirements it's fine by me. But obviously as I started to use this service I also started
to expect more from it. In relation to the loss of information while browsing to make my
purchases, as I said I am not itchy, but it is also something that has an impact on the way I
understand the quality of a website.”
Female (+65) – “"Yes, I am more demanding compared to the first day I used this type of
service. For me it is essential that if I have added something to the cart, that information is not
lost when I go back down the page.”
The Qualitative Study results proved to be positive, since all interviewees answered
positively to questions related to the increase of their demands over time and also as they shop
on this website, and also the fact that they consider important not to lose information from one
page/menu to another while browsing on the website. Thus, the study findings allowed to
propose two more hypotheses and also to add one more question to the Website Convenience
10 or more times per year 12 11.32
Total 106 100
Note: AF – Absolute Frequency; RF (%) – Relative Frequency
Website Design
Regarding the Website Design construct, the respondents were asked to answer to 24 questions
according to a 7-point Linkert like Scale. The construct Website Design has an overall classification
of 5.89. Analyzing the construct more in detail, the Information Quality has an average value of
6.05, Website Aesthetics average value is 6.07, the average value of Purchase Process is 6.21, the
Website Convenience has an average value of 6.07, the Product Selection average value is 6.24,
the average value of Merchandise Availability is 5.94, the Price Offerings has an average value of
5.29, the Website Personalization average value is 5.23 and the average value of System
Availability is 5.97 (see Table. 11).
The data shown on Table. 10 allows to take several conclusions. It shows that consumers
have the feeling that the prices charged by this Portuguese Brand that sells Sports Supplements
Online are above those charged by other brands. This statement is corroborated by the average
ratings of questions PO2, that has an average value of 4.93, and PO3 that has an average value of
5.05, both values are significantly lower than that observed in the average value of the construct.
Regarding the Website Personalization, it also has an average value significantly lower than
Website Design, which means that the consumers may perceive that they can have little
interaction with the website itself. On the other hand, the respondents perceive that this
Portuguese Brand that sells Sports Supplements Online provide them a proper product selection
and that the purchase process is quite simple, since their average values are significantly higher
that the Website Design average value. It is also possible to conclude that Website Design is the
construct that presents the highest level of agreement among respondents, since it presents de
lowest Standard Deviation, 0.63.
Table 11. Website Design Results
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Website Design 5.89 0.63
Information Quality 6.05 0.83
The information on the website is pretty much what
IQ1 6.05 0.96 3 7
I need to carry out my tasks
The website adequately meets my information
IQ2 6.00 0.94 3 7
IQ3 The information on the website is effective 6.11 0.94 3 7
Website Aesthetics 6.07 0.87
WA1 The website is visually pleasing 6.19 0.97 2 7
WA2 The website displays a visually pleasing design 6.05 1.00 3 7
WA3 The website is visually appealing 5.97 1.06 3 7
Purchase Process 6.21 0.94
The website has no difficulties with making a
PP1 6.13 1.14 2 7
payment online
PP2 The purchasing process was not difficult 6.28 0.94 3 7
Website Convenience 6.07 0.82
The displays pages within the website are easy to
WC1 6.24 0.89 3 7
WC2 The text on the website is easy to read 6.07 1.00 3 7
WC3 The website labels are easy to understand 6.03 0.96 3 7
Browsing in the website is easy (e.g., users can easily
WC4Q browse from one page/menu to the other without 5.96 1.13 2 7
losing information)
Product Selection 6.24 0.72
All my business with the company can be completed
PS1 6.27 1.05 1 7
via the website
PS2 This website has a good selection 6.17 0.93 3 7
The website has a wide variety of products that
PS3 6.28 0.79 4 7
interest me
Merchandise Availability 5.94 0.89
The website has the items the company claims to
MA1 6.31 0.92 3 7
have in stock
MA2 All the products on the website are available 5.57 1.29 2 7
PO3 The website has lower prices than the offline stores 5.05 1.60 1 7
Customer Service
Regarding the Customer Service construct, the respondents were asked to answer to 6 questions,
also according to a 7-point Linkert like Scale. The Customer Service has an overall classification of
5.37, which means that it is one of the lowest values among constructs. Analyzing the construct
more in detail, within it we can find two constructs, Service Level with an average value of 5.30
and Return Handling/Policies with an average value of 5.44 (see Table. 12).
The data shown on Table. 12 allows to take some conclusions. It shows that customers
may feel that there is no opportunity to communicate with a live person in case there is a problem
and this statement is corroborated by the fact that the average value of SL3 is 4.85, which is a low
value when compared with other items.
Table 12. Customer Service Results
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Customer Service 5.37 0.96
Service Level 5.30 1.15
The online shop provides a telephone number to
SL1 5.46 1.46 1 7
reach the company.
The online shop has customer service
SL2 5.58 1.32 2 7
representatives available online
The online shop offers the ability to speak to a live
SL3 4.85 1.41 1 7
person if there is a problem
Return Handling/Policies 5.44 1.04
The online shop provides me with convenient
RP1 5.57 1.18 3 7
options for returning items
RP2 The online shop handles product returns well 5.28 1.26 2 7
RP3 The online shop offers a meaningful guarantee 5.47 1.21 3 7
Regarding the Security/Privacy construct, it is composed of 6 items, that were answered according
to a 7-point Linkert like Scale. The Security/Privacy construct has an average value of 6.00, which
means that it is one of the highest values among all constructs. Analyzing the construct more in
detail, it is possible to observe that there are two constructs within the Security/Privacy construct,
Security with a 6.18 average value and Privacy which has an average value of 5.81 (see Table. 13).
With the data shown on Table. 13 it is possible to draw some conclusions. It shows that
the consumers fell quite comfortable while doing their purchases on the website of this
Portuguese Brand that sells Sports Supplements Online, since the overall classification of this
construct is 6.00. It is also possible to conclude that customers feel quite safe while purchasing
and paying at this website, since the average value of Security construct is 6.18. On the other
hand, although Privacy construct has a high average value, 5.81, there is a question that stands
out from the rest, the question P3. This question stands out from the rest since it has a quite lower
average value, 5.58, which can indicate that the customers may feel that their shopping behavior
may be shared with other parties.
Table 13. Security/Privacy Results
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Security/Privacy 6.00 0.90
Security 6.18 0.84
S1 I feel safe in my transactions with the online shop 6.35 0.83 3 7
S2 The online shop has adequate security features 6.21 1.00 3 7
S3 This site protects information about my credit card 5.98 1.20 3 7
Privacy 5.81 1.14
I trust the online shop to keep my personal
P1 5.93 1.18 3 7
information safe.
I trust the website administrators will not misuse my
P2 5.92 1.16 3 7
personal information
It protects information about my web-shopping
P3 5.58 1.44 1 7
Regarding the Fulfilment construct, it was composed of 7 questions, that were also answered
according to a 7-point Linkert like Scale. The overall classification of Fulfilment construct is 5.73.
Analyzing the constructs more in detail, the average value of Timeliness of Delivery is 6.07, Order
Accuracy has an average value of 6.14 and the average value of Delivery Condition is 4.80 (see
Table. 14).
Some conclusions can be drawn from the data presented in the Table. 14. It shows that
customers perceive that the products are delivered very fast and within the time promised by the
company, this statement is corroborated by the average values of TD1 and TD2. Regarding the
Order Accuracy, in this topic the customers also seem to perceive that their orders are delivered
very accurately, and it is confirmed by the average value of Order Accuracy construct. On the
other hand, the customers perceive that their orders are not delivered in good conditions and
sometimes their orders arrived damaged, this is reaffirmed by the average value of both question,
DC1 and DC3. Also regarding this topic, the Delivery Condition construct, it seems to present very
different customers’ opinions since the Standard Deviation is 2.26.
Table 14. Fulfilment Results
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Fulfilment 5.73 0.97
Timeliness of Delivery 6.07 0.99
The product is delivered by the time promised by the
TD1 6.19 1.043 3 7
This online shop website makes items available for
TD2 5.90 1.211 3 7
delivery within a suitable time frame
TD3 It quickly delivers what I order 6.13 1.130 2 7
Order Accuracy 6.14 1.01
OA1 You get what you ordered from this website 6.32 0.97 3 7
OA2 The website is truthful about its offerings 5.96 1.32 1 7
Delivery Condition 4.80 2.26
DC1 The product was damaged during delivery 4.67 2.36 1 7
DC3 The products arrived with a major damage 4.92 2.37 1 7
Customer E-Loyalty
Regarding the Customer E-Loyalty construct, it was composed of 3 questions evaluated according
to a 7-point Linkert like Scale and the overall classification of this construct is 6.10 (see Table. 16).
Analyzing in more detail this construct in the Table. 16 it is possible to conclude that
customers are quite loyal to this Portuguese Brand that sells Sport Supplements Online. The
previous statement is corroborated both by the average value of the construct itself and by the
average value of each of the questions.
Table 16. Customer E-Loyalty Construct Analysis
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Customer E-Loyalty 6.10 0.96
Encourage friends and others to do business with
CL1 6.08 1.02 1 7
this website
Do more business with this website in the coming
CL2 6.05 1.13 1 7
Say positive things about this website to other
CL3 6.17 1.01 2 7
Repurchase Intention
Regarding the Customer E-Loyalty construct, it was also composed of 2 questions evaluated
according to a 7-point Linkert like Scale and the overall classification of this construct is 5.14 (see
Table. 17).
Analyzing in more detail this construct in the Table. 17 it is possible to conclude that this
construct has a lower average value comparing to the Overall E-Service Quality and Customer E-
Loyalty, which means that although the customers are quite satisfied with service and are loyal to
the brand, they do not have a so strong Repurchase Intention. This statement is corroborated by
the average value of the Repurchase Intention construct. This is a construct that generates some
disagreement, presenting a Standard Deviation value of 1.38, which may indicate that there are
disparate opinions, some people have no intention of make purchases on this website again, while
other people will do it and also intensify their purchases.
Table 17. Repurchase Intention Results
Average Std. Dev Min Max
Repurchase Intention 5.14 1.38
RI2 I will increase purchases through this online shop 5.09 1.46 1 7
RI3 I will intensify purchases through this online shop 5.18 1.42 1 7
Test Statistics a
Mann-Whitney U 1109.50
Wilcoxon W 2487.50
Z -1.910
Asymp. Sig. (2-
a. Grouping Variable: GENDER
The results suggest that the independent variable “Gender” does not influence the Customer
E-Loyalty perception and, thus, H6a cannot be rejected.
The results purpose the Age does not influence the Customer E-Loyalty, thus H6b is rejected.
Hypothesis H7a: Time Using has no influence on Overall E-Service Quality
Regarding the Time Using independent variable, here the objective is to verify whether,
effectively, customers become more demanding on Overall E-Service Quality over the time they
use the Online Sport Supplements retail service. The normality of the groups was tested and it
was possible to conclude that only one of the four groups analyzed followed a normal distribution
(see Annex – Table 32), thus the non-parametric tests were conducted. This time, since there were
4 independent samples, the test used was the Kruskal Wallis (Laureano, 2013).
As it is possible to verify on Table. 20, Kruskal Wallis Sig. value is greater than 0.05, thus it
is assumed that are no statistically differences between each of the groups of Time Using
independent variable (H(3)=7.102; p=0.069).
Table 20. Kruskal Wallis Test for independent variable "Time Using" for the Overall E-Service Quality construct
Thus, the Time Using does not influence the Overall E-Service Quality and the H7a is rejected.
Test Statistics a,b
Kruskal-Wallis H 2.054
df 3
Asymp. Sig. 0.561
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: TU1
Thus, the Buying Frequency does not influence the Overall E-Service Quality and the H7b is
1.000 .624**
WD Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
.624** 1.000
OESQ Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
values on Table 23, it is possible to notice that both variables, Customer Service and Overall E-Service
Quality, are positively correlated (Pearson Correlation Coefficient = 0.317, p<0.001), having a Weak
relationship between both variables.
Table 23. Pearson Correlation Matrix between Customer Service and Overall E-Service Quality
1.000 .317**
CS Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
.317** 1.000
OESQ Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
1.000 .552**
SnP Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
.552** 1.000
OESQ Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
Correlation between Fulfilment and Overall E-Service Quality perception
The research hypothesis H4 has as its main goal to realize if the Fulfilment Dimension defined by Blut
et al. (2016) is positively correlated with Overall E-Service Quality perception by the customers of this
Portuguese Brand that Sells Sports Supplements Online. As it is possible to see on Table 25, both
variables have a strong positive correlation between each other (Pearson Correlation Coefficient =
0.653, p<0.001).
Table 25. Pearson Correlation Matrix between Fulfilment and Overall E-Service Quality
1.000 .653**
F Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
.653** 1.000
OESQ Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
Table 26. Pearson Correlation Matrix between Overall E-Service Quality and Customer E-Loyalty
1.000 .794**
Sig. (2-
.794** 1.000
Sig. (2-
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
1.000 .369**
Sig. (2-
.369** 1.000
Sig. (2-
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
4.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, two types of studies were developed, a Qualitative Study and a Quantitative Study,
thus adopting a mixed methodology to carry out this research.
With regard to the Qualitative study, after analyzing the 8 valid responses it was possible to
conclude that the interviewees felt that over the years using the service and with the increase in the
frequency of purchase they became more and more demanding with regard to the perception of
Overall E-Service Quality. They also agreed that browsing in the website without losing information
from page/menu to another is important for the Overall E-Service Quality, thus this questions was
added to the questionary, and was inserted in the Website Convenience construct.
Regarding the Quantitative study, 106 responses were statistically analyzed. Firstly evaluating
the all the questions and constructs reliability by using the Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted and the
Cronbach’s Alpha, respectively, and two of the questions (DC2 and RI1) were eliminated from the
research since their construct reliability would improve significantly. Then, a Global Analysis of the
Questionnaire responses was made, where the Average Value, Standard Deviation, Maximum and
Minimum of each question and construct was analyzed in order to draw some conclusions specifically
regarding this Portuguese Brand that Sells Sports Supplements Online, such as:
• Consumers have the feeling that the prices charged by this Portuguese Brand that sells
Sports Supplements Online are above those charged by other brands;
• Consumers perceive that they have little interaction with the website itself, so they cannot
receive personalized information;
• The Brand has a quite good selection and also a wide variety of products ;
• Customers feel quite safe while purchasing in this website. On the other hand, they feel less
protected in relation to the privacy of their personal information;
• Customers feel that the company should better handle the return and that in case of problems
the contact with the company is not very easy
• Customers perceive that their order are delivered by the time, but in some cases damaged;
• In general the users fell that the service delivered is quite good and they feel very attached to
the company, but they have a not so strong intention to increase the number and the intensity
of purchases.
Still on this chapter, a Hypothesis Testing was conducted. First, were conducted test to assess
the hypothesis posed before regarding the independent variables. It was possible to conclude that all
the hypothesis posed based on Blut et al. (2016) cannot be rejected. Thus, according to this this study
there a positive relation between Website Design, Customer Service, Security/Privacy and Fulfilment
constructs individually, and Overall E-Service Quality (see Table 22, 23, 24 and 25), since the Pearson
Correlation Coefficients are positive. In this research was also possible to find that the Overall E-Service
Quality has a positive effect on Customer E-Loyalty as Nagaraj & Singh (2017) defended (see Table 26).
This research also had the objective of assessing if User Characteristics, such as Gender and
Age, have influence on the Customer E-Loyalty. According to the results of this study it is possible to
reject both hypotheses, neither Gender nor Age has any type of influence on Customer E-Loyalty,
which means that statistically all Age groups have the same level of Customer E-Loyalty and also that
there is no statistical difference between men and women Customer E-Loyalty levels.
Regarding the Time Using and Buying Frequency independent variables, it was also possible to
conclude that users do not become more demanding in relation to Overall E-Service Quality with the
time they use the service and also with the increase in buying frequency, and that therefore there is
no statistical difference between the Overall E-Service Quality levels between the various Time Using
and Buying Frequency groups (see Table 20 and 21). Thus, both posed hypotheses were rejected.
Last but not least, with this research it was possible to draw the conclusion that the Customer
E-Loyalty has a positive effect on the Customer Repurchase Intention, since Pearson Correlation
Coefficient is positive (see Table 27).
H1 Non-rejection
H2 Non-rejection
H3 Non-rejection
H4 Non-rejection
H5 Non-rejection
H6 Partial Rejection
H6a Non-rejection
H6b Rejection
H7 Rejection
H7a Rejection
H7b Rejection
H8 Non-rejection
Q2: Customers become more demanding in terms of Overall E-Service Quality over Time Using and
as they make more purchases?
As presented earlier in this document, the perception of the Overall E-Service Quality does not
change with the time of use of the service nor with the increase in the frequency of purchase,
since the values of the Kruskal-Wallis tests were shown to have significance values greater than
0.05 (see Table. 20 and 21). Thus, it is possible to conclude that people remain demanding the
same levels of E-Service Quality as they increase their frequency of buying or over the time they
use the service.
Thus, H7, H7a and H7b are reject and the Q2 is answered.
Q3: Is there any difference in the Customer E-Loyalty levels of men and women? And are the
different age groups equally loyal to the brand?
According to what the results of the analysis showed, it is possible to say that both men and
women have the same level of Customer E-Loyalty, since the results of the Mann-Whitney test
showed significance values higher than 0.05 (see Table. 18). Regarding the Age, it is also possible
to say that the level of Customer E-Loyalty is the same for every age group (see Table. 19).
This points towards to the rejection of H6, H6a and H6b and the Q3 is answered.
Q4: Is there a positive association between the Overall E-Service Quality and the Customer E-
As mentioned before in this research, there is a strong positive association between the Overall
E-Service Quality and the Customer E-Loyalty (Correlation Coefficient (OESQ:CL) = 0,794) (see
Table. 26). Which means that if one variable increases, the other will also increase in almost the
same proportion, translating almost perfectly.
Thus, the H5 cannot be rejected and Q4 is answered.
Q5: Is there a positive association between Customer E-Loyalty and Customer Repurchase
As is possible to observed earlier in this thesis, there is a weak positive association between the
Customer E-Loyalty and the Repurchase Intention (Correlation Coefficient (CL:RI) = 0,369) (see
Table. 27). With these two variables it is the same, in the sense that if one increases the other also
increases, but in a much smaller proportion.
So, H8 cannot be reject and Q5 is also answered.
Q6: Which recommendations can be provided to improve the company’s relationship with the
customers and also its results?
Looking at the collected data it is possible to draw several opportunities for improvement. This
Portuguese brand that sells sports supplements online is a brand that is characterized by having high
quality products, so although the customers think that the prices are high, they can hardly be reduced
- so this ends up not being an opportunity for improvement.
Secondly, users of this service do not seem to be very satisfied with issues related to
communication between brand and customers. Thus, it is proposed that the brand bets on
strengthening and improving its communication channels and problem solving, otherwise the
customer may feel little "supported" by the brand and prefer another that solves the problems in case
they actually happen.
Other of the points where the company can improve is the way it ships products to customers and
how it handles returns. In the case of shipping products to customers, they pointed out that sometimes
the products arrive in bad conditions and they end up not being able to use them, returning them. It
is therefore proposed that the company develop ways to ensure that products are delivered in suitable
conditions, such as introducing penalties for delivery companies that deliver products in poor
condition. Another of the recommendations would be to make a new study and selection of the
transporters, making sure that they have excellent indicators in terms of the conditions in which the
products are delivered and also the speed and punctuality of the delivery. Another way to improve this
point would be for the company itself to manage the deliveries, but this would cause the company to
incur a large risk due to the large investment it would have to make. Even so, this option would initially
solve the problem and in the long term could bring great economic benefits to the company.
5.2. Limitations
One of the limitations, and the one that may jump out the most in this research, is the fact that the
conclusions drawn from this study are based on a sample that can be considered small, since the
sample only consists of a universe of 106 respondents.
Another limitation is the fact that although the data was collected randomly through an online
questionnaire, it is not representative of the general population and therefore the conclusions drawn
in this study may not be able to generalize. Another limitation that arises from this study is the fact
that it only applies to one brand of the many that are found in the online retail market of sports
Regarding the robustness of the tests used, sometimes the sample obtained did not allow the
use of parametric tests, so what the literature indicated was followed, and therefore in those cases
non-parametric tests were used, which are less robust and present less reliable conclusions.
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Table 29. Cronbach’s Alpha and Cronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted Table
Cronbach's Alpha if
Item Deleted Cronbach’s Alpha
Website Design 0.910
Information Quality 0.857
The information on the website is pretty much what I need to
IQ1 0.819
carry out my tasks
IQ2 The website adequately meets my information needs 0.747
IQ3 The information on the website is effective 0.830
Website Aesthetics 0.826
WA1 The website is visually pleasing 0.711
WA2 The website displays a visually pleasing design 0.832
WA3 The website is visually appealing 0.728
Purchase Process 0.771
PP1 The website has no difficulties with making a payment online
PP2 The purchasing process was not difficult
Website Convenience 0.834
WC1 The displays pages within the website are easy to read 0.789
WC2 The text on the website is easy to read 0.789
WC3 The website labels are easy to understand 0.777
Browsing in the website is easy (e.g., users can easily browse from
WC4Q 0.809
one page/menu to the other without losing information)
Product Selection 0.664
All my business with the company can be completed via the
PS1 0.629
PS2 This website has a good selection 0.484
PS3 The website has a wide variety of products that interest me 0.590
Merchandise Availability 0.414
MA1 The website has the items the company claims to have in stock
MA2 All the products on the website are available
Price Offerings 0.634
PO1 The website offers discount or free shipping 0.642
PO2 The website has low prices 0.414
PO3 The website has lower prices than the offline stores 0.502
Website Personalization 0.804
The website allows me to interact with it to receive tailored
WP1 0.786
The website has interactive features, which help me accomplish
WP2 0.669
my task
I can interact with the website in order to get information tailored
WP3 0.726
to my specific needs
System Availability 0.816
When I use the website, there is very little waiting time between
my actions and the website's response
SA2 The website loads quickly
Customer Service 0.827
Service Level 0.756
The online shop provides a telephone number to reach the
SL1 0.605
The online shop has customer service representatives available
SL2 0.686
The online shop offers the ability to speak to a live person if there
SL3 0.722
is a problem
Return Handling/ Policies 0.821
The online shop provides me with convenient options for returning
RP1 0.796
RP2 The online shop handles product returns well 0.652
RP3 The online shop offers a meaningful guarantee 0.796
Security/Privacy 0.871
Security 0.752
S1 I feel safe in my transactions with the online shop 0.707
S2 The online shop has adequate security features 0.588
S3 This site protects information about my credit card 0.705
Privacy 0.885
P1 I trust the online shop to keep my personal information safe. 0.864
I trust the website administrators will not misuse my personal
P2 0.818
P3 It protects information about my web-shopping behavior 0.827
Fulfilment 0.756
Timeliness of Delivery 0.841
TD1 The product is delivered by the time promised by the company 0.728
This online shop website makes items available for delivery within
TD2 0.869
a suitable time frame
TD3 It quickly delivers what I order 0.742
Order Accuracy 0.679
OA1 You get what you ordered from this website
OA2 The website is truthful about its offerings
Delivery Condition 0.723
DC1 The product was damaged during delivery 0.270
DC2 The ordered products arrived in a good condition 0.903
DC3 The products arrived with a major damage 0.279
Overall E-Service Quality 0.921
OSQ1 Overall. my purchase experience with this online shop is excellent 0.878
The overall quality of the service provided by this online shop is
OSQ2 0.881
OSQ3 My overall feelings toward this online shop are very satisfied 0.898
Customer E-Loyalty 0.894
CL1 Encourage friends and others to do business with this website 0.809
CL2 Do more business with this website in the coming months 0.856
CL3 Say positive things about this website to other people 0.881
Repurchase Intention 0.801
RI1 I will do more purchases through this online shop in the future 0.923
RI2 I will increase purchases through this online shop 0.567
RI3 I will intensify purchases through this online shop 0.546
Figure 3. Sample Characterization - Gender
Figure 5. Sample Characterization - Time Using
Figure 6. Sample Characterization - Buying Frequency
Table 30. Pearson Correlation Coefficients Matrix
1.000 .674** .636** .408** .624** .598** .400**
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.674** 1 .526** 0.075 .317** .321** .387**
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 0.000 0.443 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.636** .526** 1 .396** .552** .495** .373**
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.408** 0.075 .396** 1 .653** .645** -0.020
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 0.443 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.839
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.624** .317** .552** .653** 1 .794** .325**
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.598** .321** .495** .645** .794** 1 .369**
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
.400** .387** .373** -0.020 .325** .369** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.839 <0.001 <0.001
N 106 106 106 106 106 106 106
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 31. Normality Tests - "Age"