2015 Desmarchelier KIBS DynamicsIndustrialClusters
2015 Desmarchelier KIBS DynamicsIndustrialClusters
2015 Desmarchelier KIBS DynamicsIndustrialClusters
We show in this paper that properly taking KIBS into account requires
considering an alternative and integrative approach that conciliates these two
theories. In particular, we argue that complex adaptive systems (CAS)
constitute a promising basis for such a synthesis. We then operationalize the
CAS approach by studying an existing industrial cluster - Skywin (aeronautics in
Wallonia region, Belgium) - within this framework. For this purpose, we use an
exhaustive list of the innovation projects undertaken within this cluster between
2006 and 2014 and we build temporal innovation networks linking the agents of
the cluster. It appears that Skywin’s innovation networks exhibit a small-world
effect. This implies that any agent who takes part into an innovation project of
this cluster can easily benefit from knowledge and information generated within
another ongoing project. We argue that this effect is an interesting proxy of a
cluster’s attractiveness and an appropriate aggregate variable for studying
clusters’ dynamics as it shows cluster’s potential for further growth. We also
demonstrate that KIBS are the main responsible for the emergence of this
small-world effect in Skywin’s innovation networks.
This paper aims at intertwining – in a theoretical and operational way – three strands
of literature: (i) innovation through knowledge intensive business services (KIBS
thereafter), (ii) industrial clusters‟ dynamics, and (iii) complex adaptive systems.
KIBS are services which are processing, generating, and diffusing knowledge within
the economy, and as such they are largely regarded as important (co-)producers of
innovations (Miles et al., 1995; Gadrey and Gallouj, 1998; Den Hertog, 2000; 2002;
Gallouj, 2002), as well as a promising engine for economic growth (Desmarchelier et
al., 2013a) and a key component of regional and national innovation systems (Muller
and Zenker, 2001) and of technological and sectoral systems of innovation alike.
Typical activities are training services, R&D, engineering services and consultancy in
its various forms (technical or not). KIBS include both traditional professional services
(such as legal services, audit and accountancy, market research, personnel services,
management consultancy, etc.) and new technology based services. According to
Miles et al. (1995), regarding “their relation to new technology”, compared to the latter,
the former are “users rather than agents in development and diffusion” (p. 27) of new
technologies. Universities are often not included into the broad category of KIBS (ex.
Muller and Zenker, 2001; Miles et al., 1995). They have indeed many functions (e.g.
teaching and fundamental/academic research), which are not directly oriented
towards businesses‟ technological (and non-technological) needs. However, some of
their functions clearly fit into KIBS purposes, especially but not exclusively new
technology based KIBS (ex. technical training, technical consultancy, business
funded R-D, establishment of research centers in partnership with businesses) and
industrial clusters‟ studies very often highlight their central role in explaining clusters
emergence (Saxenian, 1994; Audretsch and Feldman, 1996a; 1996b). The present
study itself also underlines universities‟ role in favoring the emergence of new
technologies within an industrial cluster. In this paper we therefore include
universities and research bodies within the KIBS category and the empirical part is
mainly focused on such types of KIBS.
More generally, KIBS‟ central role within successful industrial clusters has been
emphasized since the birth of this latter concept. Indeed, in Porter‟s words “clusters
are geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers,
service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions (e.g.
universities, standard agencies, trade associations) in a particular field that compete
but also cooperate” (Porter, 2000, p.15). In this definition, KIBS enter mainly into the
“associated institutions” category, as it includes “universities, think-tanks, vocational
training providers” (p.17).
A notable exception is to be found in Martin and Sunley (2011), whose contribution will be discussed
in this paper.
This means that the age of the cluster is proxied by just one (or a limited number of) variable(s),
which can be for example the number of employees or the number of firms, etc.
We show in this paper that taking KIBS into account requires considering an
alternative and integrative approach that conciliates these two theories. In particular,
we argue that complex adaptive systems – or CAS - (Martin and Sunley, 2011;
Holland, 2012) constitute a promising candidate for such a synthesis. Since these
systems are mainly encountered into the theoretical literature (Dilaver et al., 2014;
Albino et al., 2003; Squazzoni and Boero, 2002; Boero et al., 2004), we choose to
justify our theoretical stance by studying KIBS‟ leading role within an existing
industrial cluster, conceived as a CAS: Skywin (aeronautics in Wallonia region,
The remaining of the paper is organized in two parts: we begin by discussing about
the competing theories of clusters dynamics and we advocate for the CAS approach,
then we conduct our empirical analysis in order to illustrate the usefulness of this
theoretical stance.
Pioneers of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) theory, Utterback and Abernathy (1975)
portray product evolution in three successive steps: (i) the “uncoordinated process”,
within which firms undertake mainly product innovations aiming at improving their
technical performance, (ii) the “segmental process”, where firms modify minor
characteristics for increasing product variety and earning market shares, then (iii) the
„systemic process” where innovation efforts focus on reducing production costs.
These three phases are also and more often labeled: “fluid”, “transition” and “specific”
phases (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978). Even though authors claim that “there is
reason to believe that in any cases the progression may stop for long periods, or
even reverse” (Utterback, and Abernathy, p. 645), they insist on the high degree of
predictability/determinism in the way products evolve through time. Klepper (1996,
1997) systematizes this PLC into a model of Industry Life Cycle within which firms‟
entries, exit, growth and innovations in “technologically progressive industries” (p.
564) are the driving forces behind the PLC.
The general character of this theory has been challenged by the advent of service
economies. In particular, Barras (1986) points out the existence of a “reverse product
cycle” (RPC) within service sectors. In this view, service firms acquire innovations
(mainly information technologies) coming from manufacturing sectors firstly for
improving the efficiency of service operations. Then comes the stage of service
quality improvement, and eventually the production of totally new services. The PLC
is supposed to be reversed as far as process innovations precede product innovation
in the cycle. Likewise, this life cycle theory of the innovation dynamics in services
proved to be incomplete. Gallouj (1998) argues that it reflects a “technological bias”
(p. 128): indeed in Barras model (1986), services cannot innovate by themselves as
their innovations mainly come from the use of the so-called “enabling technologies”,
i.e. information technologies. Non-technological forms of innovation which are
important in services and which concern not only the organization and the process
but also the product are not taken into account by the RPC theory. In contrast,
Gallouj (1998) finds that many KIBS perform several types of non-technological
innovation including “ad hoc” innovations, i.e. custom made innovations adapted to
their clients‟ needs.
Gallouj and Weinstein (1997) proposed a more complete view of firms‟ innovations
(whether they originate from industry or services). Adopting a characteristics-based
approach of the product – good or service – conceived as a set of technical and
service characteristics 3 , they identify six different modes of innovation: radical,
improvement, incremental, ad hoc, recombinative and formalization (see Gallouj and
Weinstein, 1997 for details). These six modes are not exclusive to each other nor a
priori ordered in a pre-determined sequence. Another important point as regards the
life cycle theory is that, according to the authors, the PLC encompasses only “one
point of entry” for innovations: the technical characteristics of the product. It follows
that the Life Cycle conception offers a limited and deterministic view of innovation
dynamics. Nevertheless, it is a popular metaphor for reporting industrial clusters‟
A first exploration of the Life Cycle theory applied to industrial clusters is undertaken
by Audretsch and Feldman (1996a; 1996b). According to them, the main driver of
firms‟ agglomeration is the low transferability of tacit knowledge through long
distances. Following Klepper‟s Industry Life cycle, they postulate that tacit/ localized
knowledge is important in early developments of a given industry, fostering a certain
degree of firms‟ agglomeration. However, as the industry becomes mature, a
dominant design emerges and the product becomes standardized. Firms thus mainly
rely on codified knowledge and information, which are easy to share in long distances.
The initial clustering is thus replaced by a movement of firms‟ dispersion when the
industry reaches maturity.
Even though KIBS are not explicitly mentioned by Audretsch and Feldman (1996a;
1996b), universities are seen by these authors as an important source of tacit
knowledge and are thus a key focal point for early clusters‟ developments. Moreover,
knowledge codification process appears to be the driving force of the life cycle.
Arguably, services and KIBS in particular are major actors in knowledge processing
(Gallouj, 2002) and transmission (Miles et al., 1995; Lau and Lo, 2015) and should
In the Lancasterian tradition (Lancaster, 1966, Saviotti and Metcalfe, 1984)
Menzel and Fornahl (2010) for their part also propose a knowledge-driven clusters‟
life cycle theory, summarized in Figure 1. Two dimensions of the cluster are
considered: the number of employees and the heterogeneity of “accessible
knowledge”. The main driver of the cluster life cycle, addressed in terms of number of
employees, is a gradual process of knowledge homogenization among the members
of the cluster. Although similar to Audretsch and Feldman‟s approach (1996a; 1996b)
by the role it attributes to the nature of knowledge in the dynamics of the cluster, this
theory has the advantage to avoid too deterministic evolutions from emergence to
death, since clusters can always enter into loops of self-sustainment, successive
cycles of growth and decline, or even re-orient themselves through a process of
“transformation”. This adaptability is determined by the degree of knowledge
heterogeneity and by the openness to new comers of incumbent firms‟ networks.
Figure 1: Knowledge-based cluster life cycle (from Menzel and Fornahl, 2010 p. 218)
Interestingly, cluster life cycle theory has moved away from the original product and
industry life cycles, as it becomes less deterministic and more influenced by local
drivers, notably clusters‟ ability to maintain a healthy degree of knowledge
heterogeneity (especially through new intrant firms or new “imported” technologies).
At the opposite of Audretsch and Feldman (1996a; 1996b), for whom clusters‟ life
cycles are “shaped” by the industries that they belong to, Menzel and Fornahl (2010)
consider clusters as more independent entities. However, we argue that this
approach remains too restrictive and deterministic since, at least for incumbent
cluster agents, it considers only one kind of innovation trajectory, i.e. only one kind of
knowledge processing mode, namely: formalization (Gallouj, 2002). Actually,
“renewal”, “adaptation” and “transformation”, i.e. the reverse innovation trajectory or
More generally (and beyond Menzel and Fornahl‟s contribution) another point of
criticism towards the life cycle theory is that it gives too few importance to cluster‟s
actors in explaining aggregate dynamics. Indeed, this approach generally considers
the cluster – i.e. an aggregation of heterogeneous actors – as a relevant decision
maker. Following Martin and Sunley (2011), one can wonder whether “products,
technologies, industries and clusters [can] be treated as if they are the economic
equivalent of biological organisms” (p. 1301). Besides, even though universities are
sometimes cited in early clusters‟ dynamics (Audretsch and Feldman, 1996a; 1996b),
the main actors mentioned are very often the “firms”, but we neither know which
primary sector of activity they belong to (or whether they all belong to the same
sector) nor the nature of the interactions they entertain between each other. Klepper
(2010) “spinoff process” is clearer on this point, since spinoffs generally belong to the
same sector as the original company – or as the research team in the case of
university spin-offs - and are, at first, of smaller size. The exclusive focus on firms is
not satisfactory for addressing the clusters dynamics. Indeed, according to Porter
(2000), firms are also supported by a number of “associated institutions” within
clusters, mainly “universities, think-tanks, vocational training providers” (p. 17).
Regarding the account for the diversity of the actors involved, the network-based
approaches are obviously more appropriate.
firms-based” Route 128. Saxenian argues that this is the prevalence of horizontal
networks between firms and research institutions (e.g. Stanford) in Silicon Valley that
allowed this cluster to successfully switch from semiconductors to microcomputers
during the 1980s, whereas independent firms in Route 128 failed to adapt to the new
technological conditions of that time. An horizontal network is in Saxenian‟s words a
set of actors who “deepen their own capabilities by specializing” (p. 4), thus whose
links are different from just input-output flows.
The typology of meta-models of CAS includes the following meta-models (types of complex
systems): life cycle, random walk, replacement, limitation, succession, adaptive cycle, evolutionary.
The “adaptive cycle model of the evolution of a complex system” (Martin and Sunley, 2011 p.1307) is
similar to the “modified adaptive cycle” represented in Figure 2, minus the alternative trajectories of
“failure”, “constant cluster mutation”, “cluster disappearance”, “cluster stabilization” and “cluster re-
cluster dynamics. The resulting “modified cluster adaptive cycle” that they propose is
reproduced in Figure 2. Arguably, this “meta-model” is very similar to the knowledge-
based life cycle proposed by Menzel and Fornahl (2010), as we can easily draw a
parallel between their respective alternative trajectories: “constant cluster mutation” in
Martin and Sunley (2011) stands for “adaptation” in Menzel and Fornahl (2010),
similarly “cluster stabilization” stands for “renewal”, and “cluster re-orientation” stands
for “transformation”. However, the two cycles are not equivalent: in Menzel and
Fornahl (2010), knowledge heterogeneity between firms and other actors explains
the emergence of a cluster, and the process of knowledge homogenization drives
cluster‟s evolution. In Martin and Sunley (2011), there is no general mechanism of
evolution, since there is no general principle explaining why a cluster shifts from one
phase to another. Instead, these authors propose a descriptive list of potential drivers.
For instance, cluster re-emergence is possible thanks to “sufficient resources,
inherited capabilities and competencies” (p. 1313) left after a phase of decline, or a
constant mutation comes from “high rates of spin-offs” (p. 1313). Apart from a chance
factor, there is no explanation of why the rate of spin-offs is high or why the
remaining capabilities are enough and up-to-date. Another weakness of their model
is that, despite their definition of a CAS, they do not precisely ground clusters‟
dynamics in a network-based view of the actors, and the actors are not considered as
heterogeneous entities.
Figure 2: Martin and Sunley (2011) "modified cluster adaptive cycle" (p. 1312)
Although we point out limitations of Martin and Sunley‟s (2011) adaptive cycle, we
find very relevant their proposition to rely on CAS for conceptualizing clusters‟
functioning and dynamics. Rather than trying to classify such systems, we consider
that a general definition and a list of properties can justify this point of view.
Clusters‟ network structure has already been documented by many authors, including
Porter (1998; 2000) and Saxenian (1994). All of them focus on the diversities of the
“agents” involved: firms, universities, think-tanks, etc. It might thus be argued that, as
structures, clusters are examples of CAS. But do they share CAS properties?
Applied to clusters, the first characteristic mentioned above implies (i) that networks
of agents can be found in many technological or market niches, and (ii) that
cooperation between specialized agents can always allow for improvements. The
remark about niches is particularly relevant for clusters, since the clustering
phenomenon reflects a tendency towards regional specializations in very distinctive
activities including vine production, sportswear, semiconductors, etc.
Regarding the second characteristic, evidence shows that, within clusters, agents are
specialized and that they cooperate in order to be more innovative (Porter, 1998;
2000; Saxenian, 1994). Innovations can take various forms, without following any
pre-determined sequence (Gallouj and Weinstein, 1997).
Finally with regards to the third characteristics, it can be underlined that within a
cluster, every agent can anticipate/forecast new technological or market opportunities,
although their anticipation is imperfect because of bounded rationality (Frenken, 2006;
Desmarchelier et al., 2013b). This characteristic is important, because it contradicts
the very conception of a from birth to death pre-determined cluster cycle. In addition,
unlike Menzel and Fornahl (2010), who introduce exogenous factors as the main
drivers likely to change the course of a system, in a CAS approach, clusters adapt
because of their agents‟ individual anticipations.
In conclusion, and as we will try to confirm it in the empirical part of this work, these
characteristics seem to fit well with what is known about clusters functioning. Then,
how does the conception of clusters as CAS change the way we understand their
Our literature review identified the very reason of clusters‟ existence: the knowledge-
seeking behavior of the firms. They seek knowledge from other firms or from other
types of agents – notably KIBS, including universities. But we also identified an
important difference between Life Cycle theory and network-based theory, regarding
the way they address the knowledge dynamics within clusters: the life cycle theory
postulates a knowledge homogenization process, whereas the network-based
approach postulates a specialization process. The first CAS property (i.e. no global
optimum) fits well with the idea of specialized agents, but the “anticipation” and
“innovation” properties are not imposing any type of pre-determined process. Agents
are heterogeneous, and KIBS may allow for both homogenization and specialization
trajectories, admitting that a general/cluster-level trajectory can be found. The two
other CAS properties (i.e. innovation and anticipation) indicate that the alternative
routes in Menzel and Fornahl (2011) (i.e. adaptation, renewal and transformation) are
the rule rather than the exception in CAS dynamics. It follows that a proper
deterministic life cycle is likely to be the reflect of a degenerative cluster (ex. Route
128 in Saxenian, 1994).
Applied to economics, agent-based modelling is “a computational approach that aims to explain
economic systems by modeling them as societies of intelligent software agents. The individual agents
make autonomous decisions, but their actual behaviors are constrained by available resources, other
individuals‟ behaviors, and institutions” (Osinga et al., 2011).
The “non-universal competitor” principle (Holland, 2012) advocates for the study of
sectors with complex technology landscapes7, because they are the most likely to
offer many niches and thus many opportunities for clusters to emerge. According to
Arthur (2009), all products display a tree-like recursiveness: “the technology is the
trunk, the main assemblies the main branches, their subassemblies the sub-branches,
and so on, with the elemental parts the furthest twigs … The depth of this hierarchy is
the number of branches from trunk to some representative twigs” (p. 38). The more
complex a product is, the more it relies on a complex technology – i.e. a technology
with a high depth. Arthur (2009), among others (Frenken, 2006; Niosi and Zhegu,
2005), argues that the aircraft industry relies on very complex technologies,
composed of many subparts.
Figure 3: Aircraft producers' pyramid (from Niosi and Zhegu, 2005 p.8)
Kauffman et al (2000) define a technology landscape as a set of values attributed to all the various possible
“production recipes” (p. 8), which are represented as vertices of a “directed graph”. A production recipe
“encompasses all the deliberate organizational and technical practices which, when performed together, result
in the production of a specific good” (p. 4).
Technology landscape is a metaphor originated from biology (Kauffman, 1993) for representing the choice of
economic agents when they have to decide what to produce and how to produce it. It states that agents’ initial
choice has long term incidence on their adaptability since it constraints their innovation capabilities, this is the
reason why production recipes are embedded into a directed graph: it is not possible to switch easily from a
recipe to another.
Figure 4: Number of employees in the aerospace industry in Europe (left) and in Belgium (right) in 2011
http://www.skywin.be/?q=en (last access: 10 Feb. 2015)
www.clusterobservatory.eu (last access: 10 Feb. 2015, the numbers are for 2011)
These six themes reflect the niche position of Skywin within the aircraft producers‟
pyramid (Figure 3), as they mainly fit into some of the third tier activities: fuselage
and structure for the first two axes and the electronic systems for the third axe.
Interestingly, the fourth one - airport services - is not part of the aircraft production
process and it responds to a potential market in developing countries. 12 This
exemplifies clusters ability to re-orient their activity through time. The sixth axe –
“modeling and simulation” – arguably applies in every parts of the pyramid (Figure 3)
since simulation is generally involved in the conception phase of any airplane
components. Finally, the fifth axe on “space applications and systems” reveals a
specialization relevant for the space industry (not considered in the present work).
http://www.skywin.be/?q=en/mission_and_strategy (last access: 10 Feb. 2015)
http://www.skywin.be/?q=en/mission_and_strategy (last access: 10 Feb. 2015)
As an example, it has been reported that 25.2% of flights in Mainland China have been delayed in
2012, 14.9% of them for an “unidentified reason”.
Beijing News, 23 May 2013:
vincent.marchal%40skywin.be/files/Fiches%20projets%20Skywin%20Calls%201-9.pdf (last access:
10 Feb. 2015)
(“industries” and “research bodies” 14) – as well as the total budget (in millions of
Euros) and the duration of the project (start and end years).
These informations allow for the building of a bi-partite relational database linking two
sets of nodes (cf. the definition of a network): the agents and the projects in which
they are involved. This database makes it possible to draw Figure 5. In this figure,
red ellipses represent the projects and the blue ones represent the agents, whether
they are “industries” or “research bodies”. Links represent somehow the involvement
within a project or more exactly the level of expected involvement, as it may be
expressed by the budget allocated to the project15. The thicker and darker they are,
the higher the project‟s financial value (and the expected involvement) is. This Figure
does not distinguish between time periods: it summarizes all the interactions that took
part within Skywin from 2006 to 2014.
Figure 5: Skywin bi-partite innovation network (blue vertices = Agents; red vertices = projects)
These “research bodies” include universities, training centers and private research institutions. We
thus assimilate them to KIBS.
It should be noted that as far as there is no information on how the budget is allocated between the
different partners of a given project, the whole budget is associated with each of them.
However, several elements contradict this pessimistic and deterministic conclusion. (i)
The configurations of the network displayed in Annex 1 are particularly dynamic
throughout the considered time span. From year to year actors are leaving and
others are entering into the network, following projects life cycles. Active actors are
thus changing: looking at the network‟s configurations, we count in total 92 different
active agents from 2006 to 2014, although no more than 67 were operating at the
same time. This suggests a positive rate of turnover among these agents. (ii) There
remain plenty of opportunities for partnerships, as innovation networks‟ densities
The average degree of a network gives the average number of links per agent within the network.
For instance, the agents taking part to innovation projects in 2008 were, on average, linked to 13.57
Network density is the ratio between the actual number of links and the maximum possible in a
hypothetical situation where each agent is connected to all the others. For instance, a density equal to
0.52 means that 52 % of the connection possibilities are exploited by the agents.
The path length between two agents i and j is the shortest distance between them (i.e. the shortest
sequence of vertices). The average path length of a network is obtained by averaging all the path
length between all the reachable agents of this network. Isolated agents are thus not taken into
We omit the density of the network configuration in 2006 (date of the creation of the cluster) because its
relatively high value is explained by the fact that the cluster included only one project with several actors.
These results give interesting insights about the drivers of clusters‟ attractiveness –
measured in our case by a small-world effect within clusters‟ innovation networks. We
show that this attractiveness relies on the presence of a stable core of highly
connected knowledge intensive business services (universities or research bodies in
general). Arguably, what determines if a cluster is declining is not the age of the
cluster as a whole, nor the number of the (active) agents it includes, but the quality
and connectivity of the knowledge intensive business services in its core part. When
looking at the number of innovation-active agents, we could say that Skywin is
entering into a phase of decline, but a closer look to its innovation networks‟
properties reveals an attractive cluster and thus show potential for new phases of
Clusters‟ dynamics are generally understood as the evolution of an aggregate
indicator, like the number of firms operating in a given geographical area. Two
competing theories aim at explaining the dynamics of this indicator: the life cycle
theory and the network-based approach. Both consider knowledge processing as the
main driver but in an opposite way. For the tenants of the life cycle, clusters evolve
through a process of knowledge homogenization among their members, whereas the
network-based approach considers that knowledge becomes more and more
specialized. We argue that KIBS play a major role in both of these directions, and we
thus advocate for an alternative/ synthesizing approach.
Such synthesis should combine the aggregate point of view of the life cycle theory
with the actor-centered network-based approach, while avoiding their deterministic
predictions. Complex adaptive systems are a promising candidate for such a purpose.
In order to consider their implications for clusters‟ dynamics, we conducted within this
framework an empirical analysis on a given industrial cluster (the aeronautics cluster
in Belgium).
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These networks have been obtained by formulating the hypothesis that agents‟
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i. Figure 6 : 2006