Human: An Organizational Theoretic Review of Green Supply Chain Management Literature
Human: An Organizational Theoretic Review of Green Supply Chain Management Literature
Human: An Organizational Theoretic Review of Green Supply Chain Management Literature
By Joseph Sarkis, Qinghua Zhu, Kee-hung Lai
An Organizational Theoretic
Review of Green Supply Chain
Management Literature
Graduate School of Management, Clark University; 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 016101477, USA
School of Management, Dalian University of Technology Dalian, Liaoning Province 116024,
Corresponding Author: Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies; The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong; 852.27667920 tel; 852.23302704
1. Introduction
The cross-disciplinary field of green supply chain management (GSCM) has been growing
in recent years with interest from both academia and industry. A preponderance of special issues
devoted to this topic in leading operations and supply chain management (SCM) journals attests
to this trend. The continued academic growth of this inchoate field and its further development
requires that new knowledge and insights be generated. Utilizing extant and emergent theory at
the organizational level of analysis, organizational theory, provides ample opportunity for the
advancement of this field. Alternatively, insights from GSCM literature will contribute to the
growth and understanding of these and other organizational theories.
Organizational theory is in the early phases of broad introduction and applications into
operations management and SCM literature (Ketchen and Hult, 2007). In addition, sustainability
and environmentally-focused research in management disciplines (Etzion, 2007), and business
disciplines traditionally outside organizational management, e.g., marketing (Connelly et al.,
2010), have also investigated organizational theory applications (Connelly et al., 2010). To the
best of our knowledge, there is a void of literature that has sought to review and integrate
organizational theory with GSCM research. It is our goal in this paper to review the applications
of organizational theories in GSCM studies and identify opportunities for this research trend.
We provide an overview of a number of organizational theories that have seen applications
in the nascent GSCM literature. Our review focuses on GSCM studies that have utilized an
organizational theoretic lens to underpin their studies. The literature presented here has explicitly
tested and expanded upon the organizational theories or utilized the theories for explanatory
purposes. We also contribute by identifying particular GSCM phenomena or characteristics that
can be tied to various organizational theories. Overall, we find that a substantial opportunity
exists for an extension of GSCM research utilizing the myriad organizational theories. This paper
can also serve as a useful reference for researchers in GSCM or other operations fields to
advance organizational theory building and applications.
To help achieve these objectives, this paper begins with a brief overview defining
organizational theory. We then provide some background and a brief historical academic
perspective on the topic of GSCM. The major portion of this paper is anchored on the use of a
number of organizational theories which the literature has linked to GSCM. Within the
introduction of these organizational theories, we briefly introduce basic elements of the
individual theories, exemplary GSCM literature and the questions they investigated, and some
possibilities for extending the investigation using these theories. The final section before the
conclusions will provide directions for integrating other organizational theories that have seen
relatively less application in GSCM studies.
2. Background
2.1. Organizational Theory
Organizational theory is not easily definable. Organizational theory within business and
management research has been influenced from a variety of other fields and disciplines including
psychology, sociology, political science, engineering, and economics (Hatch, 2006; Pfeffer,
1997). We define organizational theory as a management insight that can help explain or
describe organizational behaviors, designs, or structures. Our primary focus with organizational
theory is at the inter-organizational level since we are considering the supply chain relationships
amongst enterprises.
Organizational theory has introduced broad applications to a number of disciplines within
management studies. The application of organizational theory to organizations and the natural
environment (Etzion, 2007; Hoffman and Ventresca, 2002) as well as supply chain management
(Ketchen and Hult, 2007) separately is becoming more established. However, organizational
theorys influence and relationship to environmental management or GSCM has only seen initial
investigations, with no established review of its potential for advancing the emergent GSCM
research field. To help further develop this field, we present a review of literature in GSCM
within the context of various organizational theories. We also provide directions for future
GSCM studies to integrate scarcely utilized organizational theories for the advancement of this
research stream.
2.2. A brief history of GSCM
Historically, the study and management of industrial pollution has been a critical issue for
society since the early days of the industrial revolution. Part of the industrial revolution was
sparked by Adam Smiths policies of the specialization of labor and also corporations. Out of
this specialization grew the need to develop specific supplier and distribution channels. Thus, the
implications of marketing and distribution channels, and subsequently SCM, appear in early
economics literature.
Managing supply chains gained notoriety in practice as evidenced by management and
engineering literature in the early 20th century (Svensson, 2001). Some of the initial best
practices of modern supply chains, such as lean and just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing can be
traced to Henry Fords efforts to vertically integrate the automotive supply chain and
organizational practices. The concept of JIT and SCM at that time focused on enhancing
operational efficiency and minimizing waste (Bornholt, 1913; Faurote, 1928). The purpose of the
minimization of waste was not for environmental, but economic reasons. Waste means greater
economic loss (Lai and Cheng, 2009).
During these early periods, industrial pollution was not a major topic of investigation for
management or economics scholars. In economics the use of taxes for managing externalities
such as industrial pollution was proposed (Pigou, 1920). However, the debate of taxing for
environmental pollution caused by industrial activities was essentially the limit of the discussion
at the time. Philosophical developments during this period were occurring with discussion on
whether the natural environment deserved its own rights and had its own intrinsic value
(Leopold, 1933). The significance of environmental issues became evident to the public with
Rachel Carsons Silent Spring. Thus, both economics and environmentalism had started to
mature on the role of industry, its outputs, and implications on the environment.
Some of the earliest work that can be tied to todays greening of the supply chain, occurring
even before the formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, can be traced to Ayres
and Kneese (1969). This work presented some of the earliest issues related to reconciling
industrial metabolism and material balancing as well as the roles of production and consumption
in the supply chain. Although their work focused on a linear relationship from extraction to
disposal, some loops were incorporated into the evaluation and there were concerns about the
possibility of integrating residuals back into the system. Interestingly, not only were solid and
water pollution waste included in the discussion, but warnings of global climate change due to
carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions was also prevalent in the argumentation on
evaluating the roles of inter-organizational relationships. Further refinement of the industrial
metabolism and material flow balance ideas occurred throughout the 1970s (Ayres, 1978).
Discussion on how to utilize the mass balance for organizational and governmental decision
making was also introduced in the early 1970s through a process-chain evaluation model
estimates the cumulative costs (direct and hidden) of various processes or steps that form
chains leading from a set of raw material inputs to a marketable output such as semi-finished or
consumer products. (Stern et al., 1973). This work incorporated inventories of pollutants and
their impacts in the decision modeling software, not unlike most of todays life cycle analytical
Some initial technical advancements in this arena around various industrial ecology
principles occurred during the 1980s (Erkman, 1997) with concepts like life cycle assessment. A
watershed was opened with the incorporation of gaining competitive advantages and economic
benefits from environmental practices amongst organizations later in the decade (Frosch and
Gallopoulos, 1989). Also, concurrently, the further refinement of the industrial eco-systems
philosophy (Jelinski et al., 1992) and further acknowledgement of the supply chain concept as a
strategic competitive weapon (Bhote, 1989) was occurring.
A more managerial, less technical, coverage of GSCM began with an emphasis on specific,
deconstructive, aspects of SCM such as logistics (Murphy et al., 1994; Szymankiewicz, 1993),
purchasing (Drumwright, 1994), and reverse logistics (Barnes, 1982; Pohlen and Farris, 1992).
Eventually, some early efforts conceptually and systemically integrated the purchasing,
operations, marketing, logistics, and reverse logistics within an environmental focus (Sarkis,
1995a, 1995b).
These early developments were primarily anecdotal and conceptual developments
introducing various concepts and practices related to GSCM. As the field matured, anecdotal
case studies evolved into theoretical development investigations, and eventually theory testing
empirical studies along with more advanced formal modeling tools for evaluating GSCM
(Seuring and Mller, 2008b). We do not review many articles that appeared during these earlier
periods due to the difficulty of tying them in with various organizational theoretic perspectives.
We will touch upon some of them where a theory is mentioned or evaluated explicitly. Some
reviews of the GSCM literature have provided useful non-theoretical (e.g., practice, systems,
prescriptive) frameworks. These GSCM literature reviews typically begin at or around 1990
(e.g., Seuring and Mller, 2008b; Srivastava, 2007). At this point we shall now present a general
definition of GSCM to set the stage of our review and linkage to organizational theories.
system. It is necessary for firms to be sensitive and responsive to their environments with coevolution and interdependencies in adapting to the system (Crozier and Thoenig, 1976).
The implementation of GSCM involves numerous individual parties operating in the
system. This situation is particularly evident for external GSCM practices on activities such as
providing design specification to suppliers involving environmental requirements, auditing
suppliers environmental management systems, cooperating with customers for eco-design, and
handling product returns from customers. GSCM implementation difficulties can be intensified
by the complexities associated with broader organizational complexities such as size and
relationships (Vachon and Klassen, 2006b), or specific activities such as product return,
recycling, remanufacturing, inspection, and quality checking. These complexities inherent in
closing the loop for a supply chain have been recognized in previous studies (Guide and
Wassenhove, 2009; Matos and Hall, 2007). Due to the bounded rationality of individual parties,
the performance outcome of a GSCM activity cannot be accurately predicted without knowing
the actual contributions by other involved parties in the system. There will be exacerbated
complexities for implementing GSCM if the broader environmental, economic, regulatory,
social, and political factors are considered with a larger number of parties interacting with others.
When a complex system expands with an increasing number of interacting parties, or
systems, it becomes difficult to infer the behaviors and estimate the interaction outcomes of the
system. For managing a supplier system, Choi and Krause (2006) identified supply base
complexity as a key area of managerial consideration which is conceptualized in three
dimensions: 1) the number of suppliers in the supply base, 2) the degree of differentiation among
these suppliers, and 3) the level of inter-relationships among the suppliers. They refer to
complexity as how the members of a system (e.g., suppliers in a base) are varied and interact
with one another. Through understanding the complexity of a system, matters relating to the
transaction costs, supply risk, supplier responsiveness, and supplier innovation in a supply base
can be better managed (Choi and Krause, 2006). This idea has also been linked to social network
theory (SNT) and its implications to GSCM (Miao and Xi, 2007). Complex adaptive systems
have been used to also explain the emergence and management of eco-industrial parks (Shi et al.,
One implication of complexity theory for GSCM is that some activities, e.g., customer
cooperation for product returns, involve a dynamic network of relationships in the system.
Supplier integration in product development (e.g., for eco-design in GSCM) will also determine
performance in product innovation and quality in a system (Koufteros et al., 2007; Vachon and
Klassen, 2006b). It is the interaction among the involved parties that allows for the sharing of
knowledge and creation of meaning. In doing so, it will help reduce the uncertainty that arises
from implementing the GSCM activities and guide the functioning of the system. The adaptation
aspect of complex systems may also relate to interorganizational learning theory.
3.2. Ecological Modernization
Ecological modernization theory (EMT) has its underpinnings in sociological theory and
has been further developed into policy and organizational theories (Spaargaren and Mol, 1992).
implication is that an effective mechanism to encourage green cooperation along the supply
chains still needs to be developed.
EMTs win-win theoretical foundation needs to be further evaluated and investigated.
Governments urge companies to undertake environmental practices voluntarily based on the
assumption that it is beneficial for business performance. However, environmental innovation
such as GSCM may not bring financial benefits for all organizations (Revell, 2007). This
observation leads to the question of what EMT and GSCM aspects cause win-win to occur. The
motivation of core large companies in a supply chain is key to green its suppliers and customers
(Hall, 2001). However, it is still unclear what kind of diffusion mechanism (political, social,
economic) should be developed to motivate core large companies and then diffuse environmental
modernity innovations to smaller suppliers and customers. EMT is an inchoate theory with
significant research potential to help further refine its relationship with and explanatory power
for GSCM.
3.3. Information Theory (information asymmetry and signaling theory)
Companies may seek to communicate their environmental performance to outside
stakeholders, but may not always find this easy to do since they may lack full knowledge of the
products, processes and materials flowing through their supply chains. Typically, suppliers may
hold more information about their environmental performance and the performance impact is to
be experienced by the customers. This situation is defined as information asymmetry. A major
advantage of greening supply chains is derived from the capability to market and sell green
products. Such capability potentially develops new products and hence builds competitive
advantages for enterprises. Yet, companies may not be able to reap this image benefit due to the
information asymmetry arising from consumers inability to discern how green the products or
materials from the supply chain are (Delmas and Montiel, 2009). Greater interaction reduces
information asymmetry (Simpson, 2010). Yet, closer relationships may not necessarily reduce
information asymmetry when issues of asset specificity are considered (Delmas and Montiel,
2009). Another antecedent to increased information asymmetry is the distance, be it physical,
social or cultural, among supply chain partners (Simpson et al., 2007). This situation is more
likely to occur as supply chains become more globally oriented. These proximal, social, and
cultural dissociations create problems of firms communicating one anothers environmentallyfocused supply requirements, and thus the conditions for high information asymmetry and
possible opportunism exist.
The role of information sharing is critical for coordinating a supply chain (Wong et al.,
2009). The control and sharing of information is important not only for issues related to image,
but also for international regulatory requirements. For example, RoHS regulation bans certain
materials from import into Europe. Enterprises are thus heavily dependent on suppliers to
disclose environmental information about raw materials, semi-manufactured products, and other
resources needed, e.g., energy and water. One of the current issues is that information from the
upper echelon in the supply chain is required. If the environmental influences from further
upstream in a supply chain occur, it becomes more important to collect information from
suppliers (Erlandsson and Tillman, 2009). Overall, it is easier for firms with greater power and
closer relationships to acquire this information. Thus, with more power, greater trust, or
coordination, the likelihood of high information asymmetry is lessened (Lai, 2009). Sometimes
enterprises seek to maintain information asymmetry to develop power within the supply chain,
but whether this benefits environmental supply chain performance is still in need of
investigation. Whether or not coordination, closeness, congruence, and collaboration result in
reduced information asymmetry and improved environmental performance and image are also
critical and open questions with respect to the information theory.
Another relationship to information theory that mitigates information asymmetry is
signaling theory. Signaling theory suggests mechanisms for the transfer of information to another
party with the target to resolve information asymmetries (Spence, 1973). An example of
signaling that a supply chain is environmentally sound is to have the ISO 14001 certification
standard implemented among supply chain partners (Gonzlez et al., 2008). Research has shown
that enterprises are more likely to certify their practices when information asymmetries with their
stakeholders (e.g., customers and suppliers) are high (Jiang and Bansal, 2003). This certification
is a signal to the market that firms within the supply chain operate with recognized
environmental management practices. However, it has been found that a significant portion of
ISO 14001 certification are not awarded to the best environmentally performing enterprises.
Thus, the idea of satisficing signaling has been proposed where poorly performing multi-plant
enterprises adopt ISO 14001 to signal to the market that they are improving operations, but this
is usually confined to well-performing units (Terlaak, 2007). Recently, some work on how
signaling from the adoption of environmental management systems has changed because green
practices become more prevalent as revealed by recent investigation (Etzion, 2009). There is
significant opportunity to study satisficing and dynamic signaling theory applications to GSCM
practices and the performance implications.
3.4. Institutional Theory
Institutional theory examines how external pressures influence a company (Hirsch, 1975).
Within institutional theory, there are three forms of isomorphic drivers namely, coercive,
normative, and mimetic (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). Coercive isomorphic drivers occur from
influences exerted by those in power. Institutional theory can be used to study how a company
addresses green issues due to external pressures (Jennings and Zandbergen, 1995), and thus
institutional theory has become a major research direction to explain environmental related
practices (Lounsbury, 1997). Government agencies are an example of powerful institutions that
may coercively influence the actions of an organization through, for example, fines and trade
barriers (Rivera, 2004). Normative isomorphic drivers cause enterprises to conform in order to
be perceived as having legitimate organizational activities. Social normative pressures can
explain environmental management practices among enterprises (Ball and Craig, 2010). Mimetic
isomorphic drivers occur when enterprises imitate the actions of successful competitors in the
industry, in an attempt to replicate the path of their success (Aerts et al., 2006).
Coercive pressures are key to drive environmental management (Kilbourne et al., 2002).
Previous studies show that governments are key groups to promote voluntary environmental
management practices (Rivera, 2004). In developed countries such as the U.S.A., coercive
pressures through laws and regulations were demonstrated to improve environmental awareness,
and thus drive environmental management practices. Coercive pressures by governments were
shown to drive enterprises to adopt voluntary green initiatives while such pressures become
weaker for those rich in organizational resources for environmental strategies (Clemens and
Douglas, 2006). Regulations in developed countries have also caused an increase in institutional
pressures for improved environmental management by enterprises in developing countries, many
typically surpassing local requirements. For example, the European Community Directive on
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) now requires all manufacturers in
developing countries to take back used products or pay premiums when these manufacturers
export electrical and electronic equipment to Europe (Yu et al., 2006). At the same time,
developing countries such as China have enacted increasingly strict environmental regulations
which drive manufacturers to implement GSCM practices (Zhu and Sarkis, 2007).
Socially related requirements such as those from the customer and market and their
increasing environmental expectation form the core normative pressure for manufacturers to
implement GSCM. In developed countries, consumers have increasing environmental awareness.
For example, it is estimated that 75% of U.S. consumers made their purchasing decisions with
the enterprises environmental reputation in mind and 80% of consumers were willing to pay
more for environmentally-friendly products (Carter et al., 2000). Thus, normative social
pressures in developed countries such as England and Canada are found to be mainly originated
from consumers ethical values and ecological thinking (Ball and Craig, 2010). Previous studies
show that consumers in developing countries have increasingly heightened environmental
awareness and are starting to opt for green products (Harris, 2006). In addition to normative
pressures from consumers, exports and sales to foreign customers are two more important drivers
that prompt manufacturers to adopt GSCM practices for developing countries such as China
(Christmann and Taylor, 2001).
Enterprises may follow or mimic competitors merely because of their success, where such
behavior in operations and manufacturing is typically defined as competitive benchmarking. The
rationale is simply to follow the actions of successful competitors to replicate their successful
paths. Imitation plays a significant role for enterprises in developed countries such as Canada,
France, and Germany to implement GSCM related practices (Aerts et al., 2006). Globalization
has created opportunities for manufacturers in developing countries such as China to learn from
their foreign competitors to implement environmental management practices (Christmann and
Taylor, 2001). Joint ventures in a developing country may implement GSCM practices such as
eco-design by imitating their parent companies, and then diffuse their experiences to other
enterprises in the developing country (Zhu and Liu, 2010).
Institutional theory may explain how external drivers promote GSCM practices. However,
there are still some remaining questions. First, it was shown that both external drivers and
internal resources drive environmental management practices (Clemens and Douglas, 2006), but
it is unclear how external and internal factors interactively promote GSCM practices. Second, it
is demonstrated that the motivation of a core company in a supply chain is key to green its
suppliers and customers (Hall, 2001). Governmental regulations can be key drivers for
enterprises to implement environmental management practices (Rivera, 2004). However, what
kinds of enterprises can be considered to be core companies in supply chains, and what kinds of
mechanisms should be established to motivate such core companies still need further studies.
Third, a previous study on developed countries such as Canada and England shows that
normative pressures drive enterprises to be more environmentally aware, but the study also
argues that new institutional theory, integrating new perspectives such as ethical values and
ecological thinking, is needed to understand organizational response to environmental issues
(Ball and Craig, 2010). With the development of global supply chains, mimetism provides
opportunities for encouraging cooperation among enterprises from different countries operating
under the same supply chain (Daniels and Perez, 2007), but the diffusion mechanism for such
cooperation need further research. Finally, there are issues related to the linkage of external
pressures from institutional theory to internal capabilities such as those proposed by the resource
based-view that need to be further investigated in GSCM (Sarkis et al., 2010).
One interesting relationship to institutional theory is whether the logic and rules of
GSCM can themselves become institutional rules, similar to that proposed for life cycle thinking
and life cycle analysis (Heiskanen, 2002). Already through the supply chain, the expectations of
normative forces is beginning to play this role (Zhu et al., 2008).
3.5. Resource Based View
The resource-based model of competitive advantage suggests that competitive advantage
may be sustained by harnessing resources that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and nonsubstitutable (Barney, 1991). A firms resources have been defined as all assets, capabilities,
organizational processes, firm attributes, information, and knowledge controlled by an enterprise
that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies with the goal to improve its
efficiency and effectiveness (competitiveness) (Barney, 1991; Daft, 1983). The extension of the
resource based view has included the integration of dynamic capabilities (Helfat and Peteraf,
2003) and natural resources (Hart, 1995).
The development of resources and capabilities may be exemplified through improvements
in various organizational performance metrics. As an example, green project partnership with
customers was positively linked to quality, flexibility, and environmental performance while
partnership with suppliers was associated with better delivery performance (Vachon and Klassen,
2006b). Building these operational capabilities through greening of supply chains further
supports the value, rarity, inimitability, and non-substitutability aspects of the RBV (Carter and
Carter, 1998; Frstl et al., 2010). Studies and conceptualizations have found and argued for the
improvement of reputation and image, which is considered a significant resource overall
(Barney, 1991), and is evident in the business value of GSCM (Frstl et al., 2010; Sarkis, 2009).
Interestingly, when considering the values associated with greening the supply chain, the
competitive advantages are not necessarily in the upstream (supplier management) stages of the
supply chain as they could even be larger in the downstream (customer) stages with green
marketing capabilities and resources (Shang et al., 2010).
Extension of RBV to competitive advantages across the supply chain, e.g., supply chain
versus supply chain rather than organization versus organization, has also been a research
direction within the greening of supply chains (Gold et al., 2010). Thus, having the knowledge
and capabilities for a whole supply chain to be green is a resource that falls well within the RBV
dimensions (Lai et al., 2010). Dynamic capabilities also relate to organizational learning, which
is meant to build knowledge resources within the organization. These capabilities can be
developed through internal systems. Supply chain mechanisms can aid environmentally-oriented
learning by sharing resources (Carter and Rogers, 2008; Gonzlez et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2008).
Inter-organizational learning is meant to greatly enhance the resources of organizations
throughout the supply chain. Yet, investigation of green supplier development programs
theoretically and empirically is still limited (Bai and Sarkis, 2010).
Environmentally-oriented reverse logistics dimensions of greening supply chains have also
seen investigation of how internal organizational resources mediate the relationship to external
forces (institutional forces) (Sarkis et al., 2010). For example, it is difficult to substitute and
imitate training which is an important investment in internal capabilities that allow organizations
to respond to various supply chain pressures. Alternatively, a lack of capabilities and resources
make the implementation of environmentally-oriented reverse logistics practices difficult
(Gonzlez-Torre et al., 2009). This research further supports the suggestion that these resources
are difficult to come by and thus may be strategically advantageous to firms that have
implemented these GSCM practices.
Possible directions for this theoretical perspective are to incorporate additional knowledge
management and learning theoretical perspectives that focus on inter-organizational learning and
knowledge sharing. The development of scales that are capable of measuring the various
competitive dimensions of value, rarity, inimitability, and non-substitutability are still in need of
development for GSCM. Some linkages to other organizational theories has been completed,
additional possibilities, with many of the other theories proposed here may also be investigated.
3.6. Resource Dependence Theory
Resource dependence theory (RDT) suggests that, in the supply chain, member firms should
be dependent and collaborate to seek higher performance gains in the long-run instead of
pursuing short-term benefits at the expense of others. In RDT, firms are dependent on resources
provided by others in order to sustain growth, as well as other organizations who may be
dependent on them (Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). One important assumption of the RDT is that
firms cannot be fully self-sufficient with regards to strategically critical resources for survival.
They need to depend on resources from outside parties to compete (Heide, 1994) and carefully
manage this dependency with other firms to strive for sustainable development (Ulrich and
Barney, 1984). The relationships to institutional theory and stakeholder theory have also been
characterized in the literature (Paloviita and Luoma-aho, 2010) .
In GSCM, eco-design of products and materials recovery are exemplary organizational
resources requiring supply chain partnership to effectuate performance benefits (Shang et al.,
2010; Zhu and Sarkis, 2004; Zhu et al., 2005). These resources can also be converted to
relationship-specific assets, similar to those identified in transaction cost economics, on which
partner firms depend to generate sources of advantages. On the other hand, firms need to control
or access critical resources, e.g., standards, procedures, enabling technologies, materials sources,
and distribution channels, to implement GSCM practices and fully realize the potential gains.
The interdependency of supply chain partners as well as the quality and effectiveness of their
collaboration that determine the success of implementing GSCM should not be ignored. One
important insight from RDT is that firms lacking the required resources to attain their goals are
likely to develop relationships with others for acquisition of the resources. This perspective
considers customer and supplier relationships as important linkages for firms to reduce the
uncertainty surrounding their operating environment (Carter and Rogers, 2008). In many
instances, inter-organizational relationship is essential for managing the internal and external
coordination for GSCM to gain the performance outcomes (Zhu et al., 2010b), where partner
coordination and resources sharing are beneficial for environmental and productivity
improvements. The power development aspect of resource dependence argues for the diffusion
of environmental practices through the supply chain. For example, it has been found that larger
firms, given their power over smaller firms, will require environmentally sound practices to be
adopted by small supplier firms (Gonzlez et al., 2008).
There is also empirical evidence showing a positive relationship between resources
dependency and supply chain performance (Yang et al., 2008). Though there is a void of studies
relating RDT to GSCM, this theory is valuable for extending this line of research in
understanding inter-organizational behaviors in GSCM implementation. For instance, it helps to
predict organizational responses for implementing GSCM with respect to the level and nature of
dependence of partner firms and their relative power in the supply chain. In adopting GSCM
practices, e.g., green purchasing and customer cooperation, this theory provides insights on how
to facilitate and improve the resources acquisition process considering the dependency of
upstream and downstream supply chain partners.
3.7. Social Network Theory
Social network theory (SNT) has been suggested as a suitable theory to help understand
general sustainability developments (Connelly et al., 2010). SNT considers organizational
outcomes as a function of the social relationships between organizations or individuals in an
organization (Jones et al., 1997). Organizations make decisions according to information and
influence from their social network (Wuyts et al., 2004). SNT further examines the network
structures and its role in the diffusion of management practices. An organization can gain
benefits by bridging structural holes in a social network (Ahuja, 2000). SNT has been described
as having two major elements, density and centrality (Rowley, 1997). Density measures the
relative number of ties in the network that link actors together. Network centrality refers to the
position of an individual organization in the social network and its ability to control the flow of
information (Wasserman and Galaskiewicz, 1994). There are two issues related to managing
external pressures that arise from these characteristics. As density increases, the ability to resist
external pressures from network members decreases. As network centrality increases, the ability
to resist external pressures increases.
Few studies within the GSCM research stream have explicitly utilized SNT. However,
GSCM studies on buyer-supplier relationships for performance improvement can be explained or
constructed around using an SNT lens. For example, at least three types of environmentally
related dimensions between customer and supplier relationships have been studied. One is the
environmental requirements in industrial buyer-supplier relationships such as purchasing
requirements, employee training, and certification under the ISO 14000 series requirements
(Green et al., 1996). Consumers requirements are also SNT-related such as requirements for
organic foods which can green the whole supply chain (Seyfang, 2006). A second dimension for
potential investigation concerns environmental information sharing for organizational practices
such as new product development (Zhu and Liu, 2010). A third possible dimension is more
cooperatively focused, such as environmental collaboration for co-developing recyclable
products and cleaner processes (Walton et al., 1998). Social networks are multidimensional since
organizations who cooperate with customers tend to cooperate with suppliers, showing greater
potential for achieving environmental success (Theyel, 2001).
Using the notion of density from SNT, it is observed that organizations with a greater
number of locations, customers, suppliers, and general awareness in the public are likely to be
under greater pressures to adopt GSCM practices and have less control on whether to adopt or
not to adopt (Maignan and Mcalister, 2003). Using the notion of centrality, it is observed that
organizations can control pressures to adopt GSCM practices much more effectively, leaving the
choices of adoption more in the control of the organization. These two issues should receive
greater attention for research investigation.
Overall, relatively few studies investigating GSCM on the theoretical basis of SNT exist.
First, SNT posits that relationship extent is important for an organization to gain benefits (Wuyts
et al., 2004). Thus, ample opportunity exists for green supplier development, which has been
rarely investigated, within the scope of SNT (Seuring and Mller, 2008a). Another opportunity
for investigating the role of SNT is on the diffusion of GSCM from proactive companies to
lagging companies. One such dimension, even within the same organization, was investigated on
how eco-design experiences can be diffused from a parent company in a developed country to a
subsidiary company in a developing country (Zhu and Liu, 2010). Third, another level of
analysis for SNT is the individual. Individual level research on GSCM research is also rare.
Whether employees in an organization accept, understand, and implement GSCM, across
organizational boundaries, is important. Whether personal philosophies and linkages across a
social network play a role can be fertile ground for investigation.
3.8. Stakeholder Theory
A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement
of an organizations objectives (Freeman, 1984). Stakeholder theory suggests that companies
produce externalities that affect many parties (stakeholders) which are both internal and external
to the firm. Externalities often cause stakeholders to increase pressures on companies to reduce
negative impacts and increase positive ones. Various categorizations have been used to group
stakeholders and include direct or indirect, primary and secondary, or based on multiple
dimensions of legitimacy, urgency, and power (Mitchell et al., 1997). Thus, many developments
and directions for stakeholder theory do exist, but the basic premise is that internal and external
groups will influence organizational practices. Environmental externalities may be internalized
through these stakeholder pressures within and between supply chain members. Stakeholders are
usually closely aligned with social institutions, and thus confounding relationships with
institutional theory may also exist, especially if there are norms and legitimacy aspects of
stakeholder theory that overlap institutional theory. Yet there are some differences, such as
internal to the supply chain (i.e., supply chain partners) or organizational stakeholders may exist.
The supply chain as an entity also has a variety of stakeholders, even more so than
individual enterprises with an expansion of these stakeholder groups particularly when
environmental issues are introduced (de Brito et al., 2008). Stakeholder analysis for GSCM is
especially pertinent as there are views that not all GSCM practices are conducive for generating
competitive advantages for enterprises and are absolutely necessary due to pressures from
stakeholders. Stakeholder theory is usually introduced as an explanatory theory related to
antecedents or contingencies for adoption of various GSCM practices. Specific stakeholder
influences on green purchasing (Bjrklund, 2010; Maignan and Mcalister, 2003); life cycle
analysis in the supply chain (Matos and Hall, 2007); environmentally-oriented reverse logistics
(Sarkis et al., 2010); closing the loop for greening supply chains (Zhu et al., 2008), and general
GSCM or green logistics practices have received research attention (Chien and Shih, 2007;
Gonzlez-Benito and Gonzlez-Benito, 2006). Identifying and investigating the roles of various
stakeholders within GSCM practices has also been an application approach by researchers
utilizing stakeholder theory (de Brito et al., 2008; Gunther and Scheibe, 2005).
Much of the GSCM research have investigated stakeholder theory from a multi-theoretic
(Sarkis et al., 2010) or general explanatory theory perspective to explain specific phenomenon
(Sarkis et al., 2010; Tate et al., 2010). Yet, the advancement of stakeholder theory through
GSCM research has not occurred. Even though unique perspectives have been implemented
through other theories such as sphere of influence theory, where the organizations sphere of
influence may impact supply chain partner environmental initiatives and innovations (Hall,
Significant investigational opportunities still exist with respect to the roles of stakeholder
theory and pressures on GSCM technology and innovation diffusion (Vachon, 2007) as well as
the various management practices mentioned above. Internationally-focused stakeholder theory
may also be more relevant as the globalization of supply chains have caused the stakeholder
sphere to continue expanding.
3.9. Transaction Cost Economics
Transaction cost economics focuses on how much effort and cost is required for two
entities, buyer and seller, to complete an activity (economic exchange or transaction)
(Williamson, 1981). Suppliers and buyers seek to minimize the cost of their transaction.
Transaction costs are the costs of activities beyond the cost of a product or service that are
required to exchange a product or service between two entities. Transaction cost economists say
entities are rationally bounded and use an analysis of exchange hazards to explain why buyers
and suppliers choose particular governance structures for assets and practices (Rosen et al.,
2000). An example exchange hazard includes the lack of information access such that the full
understanding of the transaction is not available to either side giving rise to self-interest seeking
behavior or opportunism. Transactions, in general, include dimensions of uncertainty, transaction
frequency, and asset specificity. Asset specificity includes site specificity, physical asset
specificity, and human resource specificity (Zsidisin and Siferd, 2001). Characteristics of a
transaction will determine the responses to various activities by both sides of the transaction.
Ample opportunity exists for investigation of the various dimensions of transaction cost
economics in GSCM studies. A direct example is evaluating actual costs of decisions and
practices on different types of transactions within a GSCM environment. Formal modeling study
utilizing transaction costs and dynamics within mathematical programming and optimization
model frameworks occurs in a number of environmental supply chain studies (Cruz, 2008, 2009;
Cruz and Matsypura, 2009; Cruz and Wakolbinger, 2008; Sheu et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2009).
In addition, modeling transaction costs with game theoretic approaches for GSCM is one avenue
that researchers view as fertile ground for investigation (Carter and Jennings, 2002).
Another direct transaction cost evaluation may occur on whether voluntary environmental
initiatives standards are more likely to diffuse across a supply chain if it improves the transaction
costs of a relationship (Rosen et al., 2002). One of the more traditional topics within SCM is the
make or buy decision. Essentially, if the internal transaction costs are greater than relationship
transaction costs, it would make economic sense to outsource functions and activities (Zsidisin
and Siferd, 2001). For example, firms may find that some processes are environmentally
damaging where outsourcing may reduce liability, cleanup and image costs, but the monitoring
and control costs for this type of outsourcing may increase. Whether or not certain environmental
expertise exists within an enterprise may also play a role (where developing this expertise
internally rather than outsourcing involves a transaction cost). These types of decisions can be
modeled and evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The use of the asset specificity and organizational actions related to GSCM is another
explanatory dimension of transaction cost economics. For example, one such investigation
argues that firms engaged in transactions involving highly asset-specific investments, and
therefore greater dependency on their current customers than firms with lower asset specificity,
are more likely to adopt ISO 14001 (Delmas and Montiel, 2009). The integration of
environmental technology across the supply chain may also be explained by the role of asset
specificity and inter-organizational relationships (Vachon and Klassen, 2006a). The asset
specificity issue can also be investigated from one of the three types of asset specificity. In
addition to the direct relationships of GSCM implementation with the level of asset specificity,
relationship-specific investments and their potential moderations and mediations are also
promising research topics. One such approach found a moderating effect of asset specificity
between a suppliers environmental commitment and a customers environmental performance
requirements (Simpson et al., 2007).
Exchange hazards investigation with GSCM may also be fertile ground for future studies.
There are at least five forms of exchange hazard: expropriation, appropriability, measurement
related, intertemporal, and institutional weakness hazards (Williamson, 1996). As an example,
some of these hazards have been investigated using the case study approach to understand supply
chain relationships that required suppliers to invest in design for environment and environmental
management system practices (Rosen et al., 2000). Whether or not these types of hazards are
prevalent with respect to other GSCM practices would be an interesting investigation. How to
manage GSCM relationships with their existence and whether they are barriers to GSCM
diffusion are also concerns that should warrant research attention. The existence of power and
trust in GSCM relationships may also fit within the exchange hazards discussion (Zhu, et al.,
Ample opportunity exists for the application, testing, and development of transaction cost
economics. The GSCM research with this theory has spanned qualitative case study to analytical
formal modeling. Many dimensions of this theory will help to investigate relationships,
investments, and organizational structure decisions in GSCM.
4. Promising organizational theories for GSCM research
Even though numerous additional organizational theories exist, we identify a few that show
some promise for helping to further understand and explain GSCM. Further investigation of
these theories is clearly necessary due to the paucity of GSCM-based research that has sought to
investigate their applicability. The four organizational theories we introduce here include: (1)
Diffusion of Innovation; (2) Path Dependency; (3) Social Embeddedness; and (4) Structuration
theories. We provide just a brief description of potential research questions that may be
investigated in GSCM with each of these theories.
4.1. Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Diffusion of innovation suggests that innovation is communicated through particular
channels, over time, among the members of a social system (Rogers, 2003). Innovations arise to
address organizational or technological challenges and the adoption of innovations is most likely
for those firms encountering pressures to address those challenges (Kraatz and Zajac, 1996). One
important note is that even where adoption of the innovation yields limited results among early
adopters, rapid increases may still be observed among other firms facing similar pressures. In
GSCM implementation, these pressures can arise from customer requests, regulatory
requirements, and the need for performance improvement on eco-efficiency (Zhu et al., 2007).
This theory also suggests that the diffusion of GSCM as an innovation can be viewed as a
process of initiation, persuasion, planning, adoption, and confirmation. Researchers can extend
this theory by studying the diffusion of GSCM in different stages and if the proactive, early
adopters can garner larger performance gains as posited by aspects of this theory.
4.2. Path Dependency Theory
The focus of path dependency is based on the idea that the initial choices made by decision
makers result in increasing return (Pierson, 2000). As there are larger rather than smaller benefits
to reinforce activity, other choices are prohibitive and thus restricting the decision makers future
choice options to the choice previously made (David, 1985). Even though original applications
were for technology, social programs may also be explained by path dependency. Even though at
the organizational level path dependency has been well articulated for organizational change, the
expansion to inter-organizational change has also occurred. For example, previous experiences
with partner firms are more likely to lead to strategic alliances by these firms (Gulati and
Gargiulo, 1999). Firms implementing a management initiative, e.g., GSCM, in a particular way
will yield an effect leading them to do something next time in a similar manner. The implication
is that once partner firms in the supply chain have chosen to adopt GSCM, they become locked
in to its implementation due to many potential reasons such as the initial large set-up costs
involved, learning effects, coordination effects, or adaptive expectation that result from its
implementation. Path dependency would argue that implementing GSCM can be self-reinforcing
and improve as there are more adopters to gain experience that guides further development. This
link is a positive-feedback loop: the more people that adopt a technology or a management
approach such as GSCM, the more it improves and the more attractive it is for further adoption.
Following the insights by North (1990) with his introduction of the institutional matrix, further
research can extend this path dependency perspective by examining the implementation of
GSCM as a self-reinforcing mechanism contingent on initial conditions, supply chain
relationships, commitment of partner firms, and the sequence of implementing different GSCM
4.3. Social embeddedness theory
Firms are embedded in ongoing networks of social relationships (Granovetter, 1985). This
social embeddedness perspective enables us to understand the embeddedness of partner firms in
a supply chain on implementing GSCM. Embeddedness is a process of becoming part of the
structure such as GSCM. Such embeddedness can be characterized by the strength of the social
ties of a firm with its immediate social context, which is useful for enterprises to identify social
resources. In the embedding process, firms need to understand the nature of the structure, e.g.,
the different dimensions of GSCM. Then, they will enact and reenact this structure which forges
new ties and subsequently maintains both the link and the structure. A highly embedded supply
chain allows access to support for environmental management initiative and increases partner
cooperation in pursuit of GSCM. Alternatively, the embeddedness can also be a liability
constraining organizational actions (Uzzi, 1997). For instance, the unforeseeable exit of a core
partner, e.g., a major supplier, can disrupt the efforts on the eco-design of products to serve the
supply chain. The relationships of social embeddedness to social network theory may also be
4.4. Structuration Theory
Structuration theory (Giddens, 1984) can be a useful framework to better understand the
nexus of implementing GSCM and the driving forces as it theorizes the interdependence of the
actor (agent) and the context (structure). Structuration theory specifies a reciprocal relationship
between agency and structure with the view on duality, where they co-evolve to shape
environmental management approaches such as GSCM to strive for environmental and
productivity gains. This structuration view is useful for explaining complex social interactions,
and specifically in GSCM, the interaction of the different actors (agent) including customers and
suppliers in GSCM implementation (structure) should be understood collectively. Within a
structuration framework, the involved actors are conceptualized as agents acting with social and
economic systems that engender potentially rewarding opportunities through GSCM. Insights
can be obtained on how these actors apply rules, knowledge, and resources in interaction, and as
such guide the actions of enterprises on GSCM implementation in adapting to their requirements.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we review the literature on GSCM with a focus on identifying applicable and
explanatory organizational theories that have been utilized to expand understanding and
knowledge of this research field. We find that researchers in GSCM have started to apply a
number of organizational theories in explicit ways. Some of the research has also helped to
further understand and strengthen some of these theories. We also expound on future possibilities
for organizational theory development and linkages.
We can make a number of observations of this initial review and integration of the
literature. First, organizational theory provides a very valuable source of theoretical
underpinnings for investigating and furthering research in GSCM. Second, there are ample
opportunities for future research and investigation with theories that have already been applied.
Significant questions still exist that require investigation. Third, there is also ample room for new
theories examining GSCM management, introduction, and diffusion that have not seen
significant investigations. Fourth, much of the literature on the applications and uses of theory in
GSCM research has been relatively recent. This observation means that we are at the growth
stages of GSCM and organizational theory linkage. Fifth, additional and emergent organizational
theories may exist that can help address unforeseen and nascent GSCM issues. Finally, even
though we identify some additional theories, researchers in GSCM could be able to develop
theories that may explain other organizational phenomena.
We believe that this paper can serve as a good foundation for those seeking to develop
theories and broaden research in GSCM. We did not discuss various methodologies and tools
that could be used to investigate the linkage of GSCM and organizational theory. Methodological
developments and application for supply chain and GSCM research are also promising areas for
future studies. We believe that significant growth and opportunities to understand our world exist
at the nexus of these important environmental-based organizational research fields.
This study is substantially funded by a grant from the Research Grants Council of The Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region, China (GRF PolyU 5449/10H). Zhu is supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China Project (70772085), the Program for New
Century Excellent Talents in University in China (NCET-09-0082), and NSFC-JSPS
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General conceptualization
asymmetry and
signaling theory)
Resource Based
View (RBV)
Social Network
Theory (SNT)
Transaction Cost