Leverrier Faddeev
Leverrier Faddeev
Leverrier Faddeev
1. Introduction
mr ür = Fr + θr+1 − θr , r = 1, 2, . . . , N − 1,
mN üN = FN − θN .
74 J. Hernández and F. Marcellán
(1.3) Aü + Cu = F,
In order to solve the problem, we need to find the inverse of the polyno-
mial matrix s2 A + C (see [1]). This question was analyzed in a more general
context by several authors. In particular, in [4] an algorithm has been given
to find the determinant of a general matrix polynomial as well as its adjoint
matrix. The connection with the Leverrier’s algorithm to find the determi-
nant of sIN − A is shown. The aim of our contribution is twofold. First,
we use an extension of the Leverrier’s algorithm stated in [6], [7] for polyno-
mial bases that is a more efficient computational method than the preceding
one taking into account the use of the canonical basis in the linear space
P of polynomials with complex coefficients. Second, we give an alternative
An Extension of Leverrier-Faddeev Algorithm . . . 75
approach to the results of [4], [10] assuming the leading coefficient of the
polynomial matrix is any matrix, not necessary the unit matrix as there.
Notice that the inverse of the polynomial matrix in (1.4) is the transfer
function of the linear system (1.1)–(1.2).
The structure of the paper is the following. In Section 2, we give the basic
background about scalar orthogonal polynomials with a special emphasis
in the so called classical orthogonal polynomials. Then, we describe the
Leverrier’s algorithm taking into account a polynomial basis constituted by
classical orthogonal polynomials.
In Section 3 we introduce polynomial matrices as well as some special ex-
amples (orthogonal matrix polynomials), which are generated recursively. In
Section 4 we give an algorithm to find the determinant of a polynomial ma-
trix as well as the adjoint matrix. Furthermore, in Section 5, some examples
are presented.
– deg Pn = n,
76 J. Hernández and F. Marcellán
– φ(Pn , Pm ) = 0 if n 6= m,
Proposition 2.2. ([8]) (i) There exist polynomials φ and ψ with deg φ 6 2
and deg ψ = 1 such that the distributional equation
(ii) The sequence of monic polynomials (Pn ) orthogonal with respect to u
satisfies a second order linear differential equation
where αkn,m = hu, fm Pn Pk i/hu, Pk2 i and fm (x) = xm . Notice that αn+m
hu, fm−1 Pn f1 Pk i
αkn,m =
hu, Pk2 i
hu, fm−1 Pn (Pk+1 + βk Pk + γk Pk−1 )i
hu, Pk2 i
hu, fm−1 Pn Pk+1 i hu, fm−1 Pn Pk i hu, fm−1 Pn Pk−1 i
= 2 + βk 2 + γk
hu, Pk i hu, Pk i hu, Pk2 i
2 i
hu, Pk+1 2 i
hu, Pk−1
n,m−1 n,m−1
= α + β α
k k + γ k αn,m−1 .
hu, Pk2 i k+1 hu, Pk2 i k−1
and αk−1 = γk , αkk,1 = βk , αk+1
= 1, for k = 1, 2, . . . .
3. Polynomial Matrices
Definition 3.3. Let (Pn )+∞ n=0 be a family of orthogonal matrix polynomials
with respect to µ, the matrix polynomial sequence of the second kind is the
family (Qn )n=0 , defined by
Pn (t) − Pn (x)
(3.4) Qn (t) = dµ(x), n > 0.
The sequence (Qn )+∞n=0 satisfies the three-term recurrence relation (3.3),
with initial conditions Q0 (t) = 0 and Q1 (t) = A−1
1 .
is said to be the N -Jacobi matrix associated with the family (Pn )+∞
n=0 . The
N -Jacobi matrix plays an important role in the study of the zeros and
quadrature formula for the matrix polynomials (Pn )+∞
n=0 .
Lemma 3.1. ([3]) For n ∈ N, the zeros of the matrix polynomials Pn (s)
are the same as those of the polynomial det (sInN − JnN ) with the same
multiplicity, where InN is the identity matrix of dimension nN and JnN is
the N -Jacobi matrix truncated of size nN :
B0 A1
A∗ B1 A2
. .. . .. . ..
(3.6) J = .
An−2 Bn−2 An−1
A∗n−1 Bn−1
4◦ If a is both a zero of Pn and Pn+1 , then Pn (a) and Pn+1 (a) do not
have a common eigenvector associated to zero.
5◦ If xn,k is a zero of Pn with multiplicity N , then Pn (xn,k ) = 0. Fur-
thermore every complex value of xn,k is a zero of the N consecutive scalar
polynomials pnN +j (t) = det (PnN +j (t)) j = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. In this case the
real number xn,k can not be a zero of the matrix polynomial Pn+1 .
6◦ Quadrature formula. Associated with every zero xn,k of the matrix
polynomial Pn (k = 1, . . . , nN ) there exists a N × N positive semidefinite
matrix Bn,k of rank one such that
hP, Qi(Pn ) = P (xn,k )Bn,k Q∗ (xn,k ),
4. The Algorithm
(4.2) Ã(λ) = Pn−1 (λ)In + Pk (λ)B̂n−k−1 .
FOR k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1
1h ³ ´i
(4.3) âk = (βn−k − rn−k )trB̂k−1 + (γn−k+1 − sn−k+1 )trB̂k−2 − tr AB̂k−1 ,
(4.4) B̂k = AB̂k−1 + âk I − γn−k+1 B̂k−2 − βn−k B̂k−1 .
1h ³ ´i
ân = (β0 − r0 )trB̂n−1 + (γ1 − s1 )trB̂n−2 − tr AB̂n−1 .
as well as
(4.6) B̃(λ, s) := Adj (λIn − A(s)) = Pn−1 (λ)In + Pk (λ)B̂n−k−1 (s).
as well as
(4.8) B̂k (s) = âk (s)In − γn−k+1 B̂k−2 (s) − βn−k B̂k−1 (s) + A(s)B̂k−1 (s),
for k = 1, . . . , n − 1.
Thus, if λ = 0 in (4.5) and (4.6) then we get
(4.9) a(s) = ã(0, s) = Pn (0) + ân−k (s)Pk (0),
(4.10) B(s) = B̃(0, s) = Pn−1 (0)In + Pk (0)B̂n−k−1 (s).
84 J. Hernández and F. Marcellán
Taking into account deg (Pk (s)) = k for all k > 0, from (4.7) and (4.8)
we can assure that the degrees of the polynomial âk (s), k = 1, 2, . . . , n and
the polynomial matrix B̂k (s), k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 are at most equal to kp.
Thus for âk (s) and B̂k (s) we get the expansions
âk (s) = ak,j Pj (s), ak,j ∈ C,
(4.11) kp
B̂k (s) = Pj (s)Bk,j , Bk,j ∈ Cn×n .
à p
+ αjj,p−i tr (Ap−i Bk−1,j ) + (βn−k − rn−k )trBk−1,j Pj (s)
j=0 i=0
Ãp−1 !
+ αjj+1,p−i tr (Ap−i Bk−1,j+1 ) Pj (s)
j=0 i=0
à 1 !
+ αjj+p−1,p−i tr (Ap−i Bk−1,j+p−1 ) Pj (s)
j=0 i=0
(k−2)p ³ ´
+ αjj+p,p tr (Ap Bk−1,j+p ) + (γn−k+1 − sn−k+1 )trBk−2,j Pj (s).
kak,(k−2)p+1 = δk trBk−1,(k−2)p+1
p X
X l
(k−3)p+l+1,p−i ¡ ¢
+ α(k−2)p+1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−3)p+l+1
l=0 i=0
p−1 X
X l
(k−1)p−l+1,p−i ¡ ¢
+ α(k−2)p+1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−1)p−l+1 ,
l=1 i=0
kak,(k−1)p−1 = δk trBk−1,(k−1)p−1
p X
X l
(k−2)p+l−1,p−i ¡ ¢
+ α(k−1)p−1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−2)p+l−1
l=0 i=0
X (k−1)p,p−i ¡ ¢
+ α(k−1)p−1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−1)p ,
p X
X l
(k−2)p+l,p−i ¡ ¢
kak,(k−1)p = δk trBk−1,(k−1)p + α(k−1)p tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−2)p+l ,
l=0 i=0
p X
X l
(k−2)p+l+1,p−i ¡ ¢
kak,(k−1)p+1 = α(k−1)p+1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−2)p+l+1 ,
l=0 i=0
1 X
X l
(k−1)p+l−1,p−i ¡ ¢
kak,kp−1 = αkp−1 tr Ap−i Bk−1,(k−1)p+l−1 ,
l=0 i=0
(k−1)p,p ¡ ¢
kak,kp = αkp tr Ap Bk−1,(k−1)p ,
Initial Condition: â0 (s) = 1, B̂−1 (s) = 0, B̂0 (s) = In , and Bi,j = 0 if i, j < 0 or
i < pj.
An Extension of Leverrier-Faddeev Algorithm . . . 89
FOR k = 1, . . . , n − 1
• From B̂k−2 (s) and B̂k−1 (s) and taking into account (4.12) we get âk (s).
• From (4.13) we get B̂k (s).
From B̂n−2 (s) and B̂n−1 (s) taking into account (4.12) we get ân (s).
5. Examples
so that p = 2, n = 3 and
1 −1 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 0
A2 = 0 0 1 , A1 = 0 0 2 , A0 = 0 3 0 .
1 −1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0
For k = 2 :
a2,0 = 4, a2,1 = , a2,2 = 7, a2,3 = 2, a2,4 = 2;
19 3 1 18 4 −11
1 1
B2,0 = −1 3 5 , B2,1 = −2 0 −3 ,
8 4
12 8 16 0 −4 −12
4 1 0 2 0 −1 1 1 −1
B2,2 = 0 0 1 , B2,3 = 2 0 −1 , B2,4 = 1 1 −1 .
−3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
For k = 3 :
9 5
a3,0 = , a3,1 = , a3,2 = 0, a3,3 = −1, a3,4 = 3, a3,5 = 0 = a3,6 .
8 4
Hence, from (4.9) we get
5 7
det A(s) = 3T4 (s) − T3 (s) − T2 (s) + T1 (s) − T0 (s),
4 8
and, from (4.10) we obtain
1 1 −1 2 0 −1 4 1 0
Adj A(s) = T4 (s) 1 1 −1 + T3 (s) 2 0 −1 + T2 (s) 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 −3 0 3
18 4 −11 15 3 1
1 1
+T1 (s) −2 0 −3 + T0 (s) −1 −1 5 .
4 8
0 −4 −12 12 8 12
We apply the algorithm of the previous section, using the Chebyshev basis
(Chebyshev polynomials of second kind), (Un )+∞
n=0 . The corresponding data
are βn = rn = 0, n > 0 and γn = 1/4, n > 1 and s1 = 0, sn = −1/4, n > 2.
From (4.12) and (4.13) we get:
For k = 1 :
221 489
a1,0 = , a1,1 = −78, a1,2 = , a1,3 = −116, a1,4 = 47,
8 4
" # " # " #
1 160 −99 −56 34 1 354 −219
B1,0 = , B1,1 = , B1,2 = ,
8 −99 61 34 −22 4 −219 135
" # " #
−84 52 34 −21
B1,3 = , B1,4 = .
52 −32 −21 13
For k = 2 :
2265 209 225 177
a2,0 = , a2,1 = − , a2,2 = 93, a2,3 = − , a2,4 = ,
128 4 2 2
a2,5 = −20, a2,6 = − , a2,7 = 4, a2,8 = 1.
X 1
â2 (t) = a2,j Uj (t) = t8 + 4t7 − 19t6 − 26t5 + 111t4 − 90t3 + 20t2 + .
Notice that is not necessary to compute â1 (t) because U1 (0) = 0. Then
from (4.9), the determinant of U4A,B (t) is
det U4A,B (t) = U2 (0)+U0 (0)â2 (t) = t8 +4t7 −19t6 −26t5 +111t4 −90t3 +20t2 .
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Avenida de la Universidad 30
28911, Leganés, Spain
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